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A)Introduce the presidency
B) Summary of history of presidency
C) Introduce thesis: The presidency is the most important role in the United States government
that leads our military, enforces laws written by congress, and appoints the heads of our
Federal Agency.

II. Presidential Leadership

A) What does the president do?
B) Elaborate details on presidency (sign bills, enforce laws, command armed forces, etc.)
C) Supporting details (like qualifications to be the president)
D) Transition – evolution of presidency

III. Evolution of Presidency

A) Early presidency in 1800s (include that it was mainly ran by congress)
B) Supporting detail
C)How did the Presidency change in the 20th century? Executive branch now has more power
than the legislative branch.
D) “Presidents played second fiddle to Congress for many years. However, those exceptions —
Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Theodore Roosevelt, and Woodrow Wilson — provided the
basis for the turning point that came with the presidency of Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s.”
Elaborate how these presidents contributed to the turning point in the evolution of presidency.
E) Supporting details on presidency in 21st century
F) Transition into presidential election

IV. Presidential Elections

A) What was presidential election like back in 1789 when the vote was first cast? Include that
only 1.3% cast a vote which was all white males who own property.
B) Which states allowed people of color to vote? PA, MD, NH, MA, VT.
C) Explain voting rights in 21st century
D) Democratic and republican parties' explanation
E) Campaigning details and how it plays a part in elections
F) How do we vote for president?
E) Transition into electoral college explanation

V. Electoral College
A) Explain the electoral college ( this site gives the
breakdown of it.
B) Supporting details
C) Talk about amending the electoral college
D)Supporting details
E) Transition into impeachment

A) What does the constitution say about impeachment?
B) Practice of impeachment. Where did it originate? (
C) Supporting details
D)What presidents have been impeached? (
E) Give some examples
F) Transition into Best/worst US Presidents

A) How are presidents rated? What information is their rating based on?
B) Explain worst presidents Hoover/Trump (use information from both references for each)
Hoover: · ·
history-c-span-2021-6 ·
C) Explain best rated presidents Roosevelt/Lincoln (use information from both references for
***If you need to make into 2 paragraphs you can, it's a lot of information***
Roosevelt: ·
Lincoln: · ·
D) Transition to conclusion

VIII. Conclusion
A) Restate thesis
B) Reiterate the vast changes that happened during the presidency and how it evolved into what
it is today
C)Importance of voting process
D) Conclude paper

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