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Doctor of Philosophy in Biblical Theological Studies

Biblical and Theological Hermeneutics
reading report
Biblical Interpretation. Richard M. Davidson

Student: Rafael Alexis Pajaro Rojas

What new thing did I learn from this article?
To tell the truth, with this type of article you learn a lot, although I already had

notions about many aspects, there was one that really caught my attention, and that I was

able to learn was: How the Rabbis before the year 70 AD interpreted the scriptures. And I

noticed that these principles are the ones that the Adventist Church has as a budget in its

hermeneutics. I have always believed that the biblical text has only one meaning, although

we can give it many applications. Seeing that among the presuppositions that the Rabbis

had to interpret the Bible is: that there are no secondary meanings in the scriptures, he

confirmed my presupposition.

What knowledge have I gained from the material?

I identified the typology by its historical and realistic character. But in this article I

was able to expand my knowledge about the characteristics of the type, at least Davidson

pointed out 5, I had only two.

What do you think was missing from the article?

I think the principle of simplicity needed to be expanded a little more. That is, God

spoke to be understood. He only mentioned that the Bible should be understood in its

literal, plain, and obvious sense, but I felt he should have expanded on this further and

provided a couple of examples.

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