My Little One

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Mommy’s Little Boy

This is a story about how my little baby changed my life. I found out that I was
pregnant during the first semester of Grade 12, I was 17 years old at the time. At first I
was really scared on what people will say, especially my parents, but they accepted it
with joy. I was studying in Baguio City during those times, I would even take stairs from
ground floor to9th floor and then go down from 9th floor to the basement of the building.
It was really hard but thankfully I have a really strong support system, my family and
friends, my partner, and my inspiration the little baby inside me. I still remember the
first time he moved inside my tummy I was feeling really tired at that time but when I
felt him moved it reminded me that this is why I should keep on doing things that I need
to do for our future.
On April 12, 2019, my little boy was brought out to the world, I thought I was
dreaming when I first laid my eyes on him, I’m not sure if it’s because of the anesthesia
or because I could not believe that the baby that I carried for 9 months is finally out.
During the his first months it was easy, he has a normal sleeping pattern and only
cries when he’s hungry and when I’m not beside him, not until he started walking and
exploring different things, especially dangerous things, I would always have a mini heart
attack when that happens. What they say is true, taking care of a toddler is more difficult
than taking care of a newborn.
Looking back, I’m really happy that it happened this way, because of my little boy
I experienced to become a mom, and know what real love really is. I’ve also understood
why my parents does the things they do in order to protect us and give the things we
need and even the things we want, I’ve experienced what they experienced when they
first had me. Up until now my little boy cries when I’m not around him, he’ll even look
for me in every part of the house and he’ll only stop crying when he sees me, it is really a
pleasure to experience to be loved by my little boy, right now I know that I’m his moon,
sun, and everything, as much as I want it to stay the same I know that someday he will
grow up and find his own universe and I want him to know that even though I’m no
longer his moon, sun, and everything, he’ll always be Mommy’s little boy.

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