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(Formerly City College of Manila)
A.J. Villegas St. Mehan Gardens, Manila


Submitted by:
RLE- Group 4
Lucas, Moises Brian T.
Marca, John Patrick N.
Pangilinan, Gaudine Ma. Lyn M.
Pepito, Paul Jhennisis B.

Submitted to:
Mrs. Jessica M. Dela Cruz RN
Clinical Instructor

I. Introduction
II. Rationale
III. General Objectives / Specific Objectives
IV. Family Initial Database
a. Family Stucture, Characteristics, & Diagnosis
b. Socio economic & Cultural Characteristics
c. Ethical Background
d. Home and Housing Environment
e. Health Status of each Member of the family
f. Values, Health Habits and Practice in health Promotion and Disease
V. Nursing History
VI. Physical Assessment
VII. Prioritization of the Problems Identified
VIII. Family Nursing Care Plan
IX. Summary of Finding, Conclusion, Recommendation
X. References
XI. Appendices
a. Spot Map
b. Plan of Visit
c. Nurse Patient Interaction’
d. Genogram
e. Photo Documentation

We, the second year nursing students of Universidad De Manila, batch 2013-2014, conducted a
family nursing care plan on Amancio Family at Barangay 104, zone 8 245 Lallana St. Tondo
Manila. We would like to extend our deepest and warmest gratitude to all the people who
contributed for the success of this study.

First, to all the staffs of Velasquez Health Center, and all barangay officials, and to Amancio
Family thank you for welcoming us to your home and trusting us to build a client-health worker
relationship to the family.

Second, to Universidad De Manila, where we go to finish the course of Nursing; for giving us an
unforgettable experience, that is, conducting a family nursing care plan.

Third, to our parents, who give us support all the time and understand our heavy schedule
especially when we go home late at night because we have to finish matters which have
something to do with our family nursing care plan and the financial support that help us to make
this research.

Fourth, to our clinical instructor Mrs. Jessica Dela Cruz who teach us some activities we are
needed in our research, who are there to support and guided us while we are in the community.
And for her kindness and patients, for teaching us the right thing to do and for checking our
mistakes in the middle of the night. And for all the support that she gave to us.

Lastly, to our Almighty God, who guides and gives protection to us every time we visit the
community; for giving us the courage to surpass all the difficulties we encountered; for providing
a good weather and place for our presentation; and for all the blessings that we receive.

Community Health and Nursing Services has long been in the forefront in educating the

Filipino on basic health care and in providing access to health services for vulnerable groups and

communities. The beneficiaries of the program include children, the elderly, pregnant and

breastfeeding mothers and persons with disabilities.

The main purpose of Family Nursing Care Plan is the improvement and sustainability of the

health situation of the most vulnerable individuals and family eventually making them self-

sufficient in health care through cooperation with LGUs and community members themselves.

A Family is the small unit of a community wherein we find transactions as a common life

among individual. It is a group of people sharing common geographic boundaries and common

values and interest.

The purpose of the researchers is to alleviate the family health problems. This can be done

by determining the current health status of the family in order for them to achieve optimum

health. With the use of survey tools, the researchers were able to collect both qualitative and

quantitative data of the family which serve as the guide of the researchers in conducting a

situational analysis of the locality and its people.

The researchers were very optimistic that through this study they will be able to assist the

family in determining and developing measures that will enable the individual to overcome the

various impediments to their achievement of good health and general well-being in the


The findings of the study will be of great significance to each member of the family,
because the data to be gathered in this study will help to establish baseline data of the health
status of the same family. The information derived from the family nursing care plan includes the
interpretations, analysis, and presentations of the corresponding health implications of all the
relevant data gathered and information about the interacting elements existing in the family
which can either directly or indirectly affect their health. Thus, this study will elevate the
individual’s awareness to their current health conditions and ultimately further enhance their
knowledge about their health, for them to adapt necessary adjustments in solving and coping up
with their health problems for their attainment of a generally desirable health and well-being as a
This study will also serve as a significant source of information for others. The present
and future barangay officials and health workers will greatly benefit from the findings of the
study regarding the health status, health-related problems, and health resources of the family in
order that they too can effectively address similar problems in their own respective communities.
As a basis, they would be able to determine what problems, programs and campaigns that are
essential in achieving a healthy community that will also lead to the development, not only to the
family itself, but also contribute establishment of healthy communities all over the nation.

General Objective

After conducting a Family Nursing Care Plan on Amancio Family, the researchers will be
able to identify and inform the family about the existing health problems in their self, and
proposed health programs so that the local residents will become responsible for their own health
well-being and attain an optimum health--which every individual rightfully deserves, as well as
the nature and causes of the diagnosed problems.

Specific Objectives

The study was conducted with the following specific objectives:

➢ To be able to help the people use their potential resources to alleviate their health


➢ To be able to edify the people about the importance of clean environment and healthy


➢ To be able to identify health problems that need to be prioritized.

➢ To be able to teach each family member about the value and importance of self care.

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