Graphics and Multimedia Software

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Graphics and Multimedia Software

- in addition to productive applications, many people work with software design specifically
for their field of work
- our users such as engineers, architects, desktop publishers, and graphic artists often
use sophisticated software that allows them to work with graphics and media
- many of these applications, incorporate user-friendly interfaces or scale down versions
making it possible for home and small businesses or business users, also to create
projects using this types of programs


1. Computer Aided Design (CAD Software)
- type of application that assists professionals and designers in creating projects
required for their field
- examples, engineers create design plans for vehicle or security systems;
architects design building structures and floor plans; scientists design drawings
of molecular structures
- three dimensional CAD programs allow designers to rotate designs of 3D objects
to view them from any angle
- some CAD software even can generate materials list for building designs. Home
and business users work with less sophisticated design and modeling software
- this application usually contain thousands of free drawn plans that users can
customize to meet their needs. one example of this is a home design
landscaping software that assists users with the design, premodeling, or
improvement of a home deck or landscape

2. Desktop Publishing (DTP) Software

- this software is an application that enables designers to create a sophisticated
publications that contain text, graphics, and many colors.
- professional DTP software is ideal for the production of high quality color projects
such as textbooks, corporate news letters, marketing literature, product catalogs,
annual reports, and a lot more
- designers and graphic artists can print finished publication on a color printer, take
them to a professional printer or post them on the web in a format that can be
viewed by those without DTP software
- home and small business users create news letters, brochures, flyers,
advertisements, post cards, reading cards, business cards, webpages using
personal desktop publishing software
- although many word processing programs has DTP features, home and business
users often prefer to create projects using DTP software because of its enhanced
- many desktop publishing programs also include paint, image editing software
and photo editing, and photo management software so that users can add
images to their publications
3. Paint/Image Editing Software
- graphic artists, multimedia professionals, technical illustrators, and desktop
publishers use paint software and image editing software to create and modified
graphics such as those use in DTP projects and websites
- paint software also called illustration software, is an application that allows users
to draw pictures, shapes and other graphics with various on scree tools such as
a pen, brush,eye dropper and paint bucket
- image editing software, on the other hand, is an application that provides the
capabilities of paint software and also includes the capability to enhance and
modify existing photos and images
- modification can includes adjusting image colors, adding special effects such as
shadows and glows, creating animations, and image stitching.
- image stitching is combining multiple images into a larger image
- paint and image editing software for their home or small business users provides
an easy to use interface. It includes various simplified tools that allow you to draw
pictures, shape, and other images as well as modifying existing graphics and
- this products also include many templates to assist you in adding images to
projects such as greeting cards, banners, calendars, signs, labels, business
cards, and letter head

4. Photo Editing and Photo Management Software

- photo editing software is a type of image editing software that allows users to edit
and customize digital photos
- the software allows users to retouch photos, crop images, remove red eye, erase
blemishes, restore age photos, add special effects, enhanced image quality,
change image shapes, and a lot more
- many applicationa also provide a means for creating digital photo albums. When
you purchase a digital camera, it usually includes photo editing software. Many
digital cameras also include photo editing software so that you can edit the image
directly on the camera
- photo management software, on the other hand, is use to view, organize, sort
catalogs, print and share digital photos.
- Some photo editing software include photo management functionality. Many
online photos storage services enable to create scrapbooks wherein you can
select photos, add captions, select backgrounds, and more

5. Audio Video Editing Software

- video editing software is an application that allows professionals to modify a
segment of a video called a clip. For example, users can reduce the length of a
video clip, re-order a series of clips, or add special effects such as words that
move across the screen
- video editing software typically includes audio editing capabilities
- audio editing software, on the other hand, is an application that enables users to
modify audio clips, produce studio quality soundtracks, and add audio to video
- most television shows and movies are created or enhanced using video and
audio editing software. Many home users work with easy to use video and audio
editing software for small scale movie making projects
- with this programs, home users can edit home movies, add music of add sounds
to the video and share their movies on the web
- some operating systems include video editing and audio editing applications

6. Multimedia and Website Authoring

- multimedia software allows users to combine texts, graphics, video, audio, and
animation in an interactive application
- with this software, users control the placements of texts and images and the
duration of sounds, video and animation
- once created, multimedia presentation often take the form of interactive
computer-based presentations or web-based presentations design to facilitate
learning, demonstrate product functionality and illicit direct user participation
- this application may be distributed on an optical disk over a local network or via
the internet as web apps
- website authoring software, this software help users of all scale levels to create
related webpages that includes graphics, video, audio, animations, special
effects with interactive content and blog post
- in addition, many website authoring programs allows users to organize, manage,
and maintain websites
- website authoring software often has capabilities of multimedia authoring

7. Media player
- allows you to view images,and animations, listen to audio, and watch video files
on your computer or mobile device
- may enable you to organize media files by genre, artist, or other category, create
playlist, convert files to different formats, connect to and purchase media from an
online media store or marketplace, stream radio stations broadcasting over the
internet, download podcasts, burn audio CD's and transfer media to portable
media players

8. Burning Software
- writes texts, graphics, audio, and video files on a recordable or rewrittable disk
- enables home users easily to back up contents of their hard-drive on an optical
disk, either a CD or a DVD, and make duplicates of music of movies without
copyright restrictions
- also includes photo editing, audio editing, and video editing capabilities
(most programs in this category are relatively inexpensive, many are free)
1. Lifestyle Applications
- access the latest news or sports course, check the weather forecast, compose
music, find recipes or locate nearby restaurants, gas stations or points of interest
2. Medical Applications
- research symptoms, established fitness or health programs, track exercise
activities, refill prescriptions, count calories or monitor sleep patters
3. Entertainment Applications
- use to listen to music or the radio, view photos, watch videos or shows,read a
book or other publication, organize and track fantasies sports teams, and play
games individually or with others
4. Convenience Applications
- use to obtain driving directions or your current location, remote to start your
vehicle or unlock or lock doors, set am alarm or timer, check the time, use your
phone as a flashlight or use a personal assistant that acts on your voice
5. Education Application
- use to access how-to guides, learn or find tune a particular skill, follow a tutorial,
run a simulation, assist children with reading elementary skips and/or support

1. Blogs
2. Video Conferencing
3. Chat
4. Browsing
5. Online Discussion
6. Internet Messaging
7. Web Feeds
8. Mobile Messaging
9. Email

(to protect your computers and mobile devices, you can use one or more security tools)
1. Firewall
- security tool that detects and protects a personal computer and its data from
unauthorized intrusions
- consently monitors all transmissions to and from a compute or mobile device and
may inform a user of attempted intrusions
- when connected to the internet, your computer or mobile device is vulnerable to
- attackers can include hackers try to access computer or network ilegally
- this attacks may destroy your data, steal informaton, damage your computer, of
carry out some other malicious actions
2. Antivirus
- protects computers against virus by identifying and removing any computer virus
found in memory, on storage media or on incoming files
- to protect computers from various attacks, users can install an antivirus program
and keep it updated by purchasing revisions or upgrades to software
- Computer Virus is a damaging program that affects a computer or device
negatively by altering the way it works.
- virus is a program
- virus do not generate by chance, it is intentionally develop to harm hardware,
data, of software
- virus program is written by skilled programmer called virus author. they took the
course of computer programming simply because they want to create virus
- virus can replicate itself. when you run an antivirus, observe the number of virus
being cleaned are numerous
- virus has the capability to conceal itself
- some virus are event driven. example is friday the 13th virus that is activated
when the computer calendar date is 13 and the day is friday
- payload. it is the term used to indicate the delivery or execution of the
destruction brought about by virus. once a virus is in a computer or device, it can
spread and may damage your files, programs and apps and operating system


1. When you hear unusual sound played randomly on your device or there are image or
messages that suddenly appear on computer screen then, there is a probability that
there is virus or you are infected, your unit or your file is infected by a virus
2. If the available memory is below the expected. Example, you have a 15 gig USB flash
drive with only short Microsoft word file, when you check the available space is 5 gig,
how come the 11 gig is consumed by just one file?
3. When a file is previously saved is missing or when a girl you did not make suddenly
appears on your device or when the size of the file change without you doing anything,
the probability is the device is infected.
4. When a program file stops working or a file is corrupted, definitely, you have a virus.
5. When the system property changed and the computer becomes slower than usual.


- Anti-virus scan for programs that attempt to modify a computer start up files, the
operating system and other read only programs
- In addition, many antivirus programs automatically scam files downloaded from the web,
email attachment, open files, and all files of removable media inserted in the computer or
mobiles device
- If an antivirus program identifies am infected file, it attempts to remove the malware. If
there antivirus program, cannot remove the infection, it often quarantine the infected file.
A quarantine is a separate area of a hard drive that holds the infected file until the
infection can be removed. This step ensures other files will not become infected.
Quarantine files remain in your computer or mobile device until you delete them or
restore them.
- Most antivirus programs include protection against other malware such a s worms,trojan
horses, and spyware.
- When you purchase a computer, it may include a trial version of antivirus software.
- Many email servers also have antivirus programs installed to check incoming and
outgoing email massages for viruses and other malware.


1. Spyware
- type of program that secretly collects information on about the user without
his/her knowledge
- the collected information is then sent to some outside source while the user is
still online
- some vendors or employers use spyware to collect information about program
usage or employees. Internet advertising firms often collect information about
users' web browsing habits
- Have you notice that when you search for a product on the Berthe next time you
go online, you will receive messages suggesting similar products? that's the work
of spyware, it collects information on what product you always search on the net
- spyware can enter your computer when you install a new program through a
graphic on a web page or in an email message or through malware
2. Adware
- displays an online advertisement in a banner or pop up or pop under a window
on web pages, email messages or other internet messages
- sometimes, internet advertising firms hide spyware in adware
- spyware remover is a the of programs that types and delete spyware and similar
- an adware remover is a program that detects and deletes adware.
- malware removers detects and deletes spyware and adware and other malware

(filters are programs that removes or blocks certain items from being displayed; four widely used
internet filters are anti spam programs, web filters, phishing filters, and pop up and under
1. Anti-spam Programs
- spam is an unsolicited email message sent to many recipients at once
- spam is considered as internet junk mail
- the content of spam ranges from selling a product or service to promoting
business opportunity, to advertisng offensive materials, and many more
- spam may also contains links or attachments that contain malware
- anti-spam program is filtering program that attempts to remove spam before it
reaches your inbox or forum. If your email program does not filter spam, many
anti spam programs are available at no cost on the web
- Internet Service Providers (ISP) often filters spam as a service for their

2. Web Filters
- program that restricts access to certain material on the web, some restrict access
from specific website, other filter websites that use certain words or phrases
- many businesses use web filtering software to limit employees web access
especially during office hours. There are companies that restricts the use of
social media in the office. Some schools, libraries, and parents use this software
to restrict access to websites that are not educational.
3. Phishing Filters
- phishing is a scam in which a perpetrator sends an official looking email
message that attempts to obtain your personal and/or financial information
- some phishing messages ask you to reply with your information. Others direct
you to a phony website or pop up or pop under window that looks like a
legitimate website which then collects your information
- phishing filter is a program that warns or blocks you from potentially fraudulent or
suspicious websites
- some browsers include phishing filters
4. Pop Up and Pop Under Blockers
- pop up ad is an internet advertisement that suddenly appears in a new window
on top of a webpage.
- Similarly, a pop under ad is an internet advertisement that is hidden under the
window so that it will be viewed when users close their browser windows
- pop up or pop under blocker is a filtering program that stops a pop up or pop
under ad from displaying only web pages. many browsers include this blockers
- you also can download pop up and pop under blockers from the web at no cost


- to perform maintenance task type related to managing a computer, its device or
programs, you can use one or more file, disk, and system management tools
- functions provided by these tools include managing files, searching, viewing images,
uninstalling software, compressing files, backing up files, and more.
- although some of these tools are included in the operating system, you also can
purchase stand alone programs that offer improvements or added functionality


1. File manager
- perform functions related to file management
- some of the file management functions that a file manager performs are
displaying a list of file on a storage medium, organizing files in order,
copying,renaming, deleting, moving, sorting files.
- a folder is a specific named location know a storage medium that contains
related files. Operating systems typically include a file manager
2. Search Tool
- program that attempts to locate a file, an applications or any other items stored
on your device
- the search is based on criteria specified
- search tools can look through documents, photos, music, calendars, contacts
and other items on your computer or on the internet
- search tools typically use an index to assist with locating item quickly
- an index stores a variety of information about the file including its name, date
created, date modified, author name and so on
- when you enter search criteria instead of looking through every file and folder on
storage medium, the search tool looks through the index first to find a match
- each entry in the index contains a link to ghetto actual file on the storage media
for easy retrieval
3. Image Viewer
- allows user to display copy and print the contents of a graphic files such as a
- with an image viewer, users can see images without having to open them in a
paint or image editing program
- many image viewers include some photo editing capabilities
- most operating systems, include an image viewer
4. Uninstaller
- is a tool that removes a program as well as any associated entries in the system
- when you install a program, the operating system records the information it uses
to run the software in the system file
- the uninstaller deletes file and folders from the hard drive as well as remove the
programs, program entries from the system files
- before if you want to remove a program, you simply select the file then press
erase or delete
- today, you need to uninstall applications so that the associated files will also be
5. Disk Cleanup Tool
- searches for and removes unnecessary files. unnecessary files may include
downloaded program files, temporary internet files, deleted files, news program
- operating systems usually include a disk cleanup tool
6. Disk Defragmenter
- reorganizes the file and unuse space on the computers hardware so that the
operating system accesses data more quickly and programs run faster
- when an operating system series data on a disk, it places the data in the first
available sector
- a sector is a storage location on a disk
- the operating system attempts to place data in sectors that are contagious or dikit
dikit. meaning, next to each other. But this is not always possible. When a
contents of a file are scattered across to or more non contagious sectors, the file
is fragmented.
- fragmentation slows down file access and thus, the performance of the entire
- defragmenting the disk or reorganizing it so that the files are stored in contagious
sectors solve this problem
- operating system usually include a disk defragmenter

7. Screen Saver
- displays moving image or blank screen if no keyboard or mouse activity occurs
for a specified time
- when you press a key on the keyboard, tap the screen or move the mouse,
screen saver disappears and a screen returns to the previous state
- security is one of the purpose of screen saver. if the user is working on
something that is private or confidential and need to leave for a short while, the
screen saver will hide whatever is on the display screen
8. File Compression
- shrinks the size of the file or files
- a compressed file takes up less storage than the original file
- compressing file freeze up or roam on storage media
- you may need to compress a file so that it will fit on a smaller storage medium
such as USB flash drive
- attaching compressed file to an email message, for example, reduces the time
needed for file transmission
- uploading and downloading compress files to and from the internet reduces the
file transmission time
- compress files sometimes are called zip files. when you receive or download a
compress file, you must uncompress it. to unzip a file, you restore it to its original
- some operating system include file compression and decompression capabilities
9. PC Maintenance Tool
- identifies and fixes system problems, detects and prepares drive problems and
includes the capability of improving a computers performance
- additionally some PC maintenance utilities continously monitor a computer while
you use it to identify and repair problems before they occur
10. Back-up and Restore
- back up tools allows users to copy or back up selected file or the contents of an
entire storage medium to another storage location
- this can be from one drive to another, one harddrive to another, drive to optical
disk, USB flash drive or cloud storage
- during the back up process, the back up tool monitors progress and alerts you if
it need additional media such as another disk
- many back up program compress files during the back up process
- by compressing the files, the back up program requires less storage space for
the back up files than for the original files
- because they are compressed, you usually cannot use back up files in their back
up form. in the event, you need to use back up file a restore tool, reverse the
process and returns back up files to their original form
- back up tools work with a restore tool. You should back up files and disk regularly
in the event your originals are lost, damaged or destroyed.

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