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• Can the standards of
beauty from diverse
cultures be
compared? Are there
universal standards of
• How does the prevalence
of Western media globally,
disseminate a par-cular
standard of beauty? Do the
of the makers of art
• How could dispropor-
onality ( a group's
representa-on in a
par-cular category that
exceeds expecta-ons for
that group, or
di4ers substan-ally from
the representa-on of others
in that
category) be a factor in the
judgement of what is beau-
ful about
the human form?
• Historically, makers of art
have been principally male
culturally dominant. What
kind of impact might this
have had on
the history of aesthe-cs?
On our current percep-ons
of beauty
in the human form


Is beauty an absolute?
• Can the standards of beauty from diverse cultures be
compared? Are there universal standards of judgement?
• How does the prevalence of Western media globally,
disseminate a particular standard of beauty? Do the intentions
of the makers of art matter?
• How could disproportionality ( a group's representation in a
particular category that exceeds expectations for that group, or
differs substantially from the representation of others in that
category) be a factor in the judgement of what is beautiful about
the human form?
• Historically, makers of art have been principally male and
culturally dominant. What kind of impact might this have had on
the history of aesthetics? On our current perceptions of beauty
in the human form?

Someone once told me "princesses are not fat" that phrase I think that marked my

life, this phrase was said by one of my relatives. I have been chubby all my life,

there has not been a moment in which I have never stopped being chubby, there

have been ups and downs of weight, but I have never reached a weight where I am
considered thin. I suffered from bullying for 3 years, which created depression and

anxiety in me. However, this was not an obstacle for me to consider myself

beautiful, and consider other people with overweight beautiful, I think that the

standards of beauty are something "that have gone out of fashion" but there are

people who continue in antiquity and have decided to continue believing that the

90,60,90 is what characterizes the body of a beautiful woman, including that if this

person is not tall, is not blonde and does not have blue eyes, is considered an

unattractive person.

We have reached a point where these stereotypes have caused physical and

mental problems in people, I think the culprits of all these problems are ourselves

because we continue to believe that this categorizes a person if she is beautiful or

not. "I have a pretty face, but an ugly body" "I feel like I'm fatter" "it's true what

people say, if I lose weight I will have many suitors" "why can't my body be like

hers?" These are typical phrases that I think daily and I know that many people

think the same, and this although people do not believe it causes havoc in our
mental health.
Although we do not believe it, thin people also suffer from these stereotype

problems "you are too skinny" "why don't you put on weight?" this also affects, we

do not know what obstacles these people are trying to overcome, and the
magnitude of what our comments cause.

Planton. Planton had an idealism which said that "the true reality is constituted by

ideas and not by material things" which if we translate it to the subject we are

talking about would say something like: "beauty does not come from the physical,

but from what makes the person" which in a few words we would say the feelings.

Aesthetics or beauty, is different in all countries and cultures, since for us what is

beautiful for others is not even close to reach "perfection" and there are even

cultures in which they are stricter than in other cultures, and I will give as an

example: Asian beauty standards. I will speak specifically regarding beauty

standards that reach extremes impossible to achieve for any normal person.

The Asian beauty prototype, predominant mostly in the East Asian area (China,

South Korea, Japan, among other nations), is based on some specific

characteristics that a woman or man must meet to be considered "perfect". These

points are several, but here we will focus on three: extreme thinness, completely
white and flawless skin, and fine facial features.

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