Speech Community Activity

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Name: GRACE D.


Year and Course: BSED 1 ENGLISH

1. In your own understanding. What is speech community?

* In my own understanding, speech community is a community of people who use their language in a
certain group or region and on how people use their languages and dialects in their own community. It is
also about talking about how they consider the fact about their language in their life and how they
connect language in the community od the people. Speech community is not only about the people who
is talking or communicating with their own dialect or language but it is also about the community who
are sharing their language as a group. For example, a Teachers who are using linguistic norms who are
actually sharing the same language. Example for the speech community of the teachers is the word
“lesson plan” where only the teachers can only understand and others don’t understand what “lesson
plan” is. The other example of the speech community in terms of regional community, is the traditional
language in some area in our region. Only the people who live in our region can only understand the
language or the dialect that we have. Therefor, the language or the regional dialects are not easy to
widespread because every region or community has their own dialects that is actually don’t spread and
only stay in a particular region.

2. In a classroom setting, how important knowing the Speech community of your students.

*It is very important to know the speech community of every student in a classroom because it is the
way to have social interaction which helps us form relationship like friendship and encourages
understanding among people to build confidence, in short speech community is the way that makes us
to be part of the lives of our classmates. And same as a teacher, you will understand on how you are
going to teach them with courage if you understand the speech community of every students in the

3. which one do you prefer, coersive or collaborative?

* I prefer the coersive power because the coersive power has the ability to punish a follower just for
example I’m one of the leader. And if the follower does not comply with an influence attempt, in other
words, I have ask the follower to do something and he or she has not done it and so I give then
punishment that they do not want like a written warning file that might not want people to know that
they haven’t performed well or I can get the extra work as a punishment like I could put them on a
project that they don’t want to do. I prefer coersive power because through this power, they will going
have their self confidence that they can do better and it will make them strong to push their ability to
become a good follower.

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