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Name: Garcia Grace D. Student No.

: 21-AC-0505

Instructions: Discuss some ideas by providing necessary information needed. Be guide by the rubric
below. 5 points will be given for each item.

1. Among the 10 different prose types in creative writing, which one do you consider the least type
to be used by teachers in language teaching? Explain.
 For me, all of different types of prose in creative writing are important because the main
aim of teaching prose is to develop the language ability of the learners. It is the
intensive study of a language. The language ability helps the learners to use the English
language without any problem
2. Choose a novel or short story and identify one character that you like the most. What moral or
lesson you have learned from this character and how you embody it?
 In “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant, where the main character, Mathilde, has always
dreamed of being an aristocrat but lives in poverty. Embarrassed about her lack of fine
possessions, she borrows a necklace from a wealthy friend but loses it. The story is known
for its subversive and influential twist ending. This novel is somehow a true-to-life story.
Some people experience this where they can learn a lot of moral lessons in life.

3. Choose one literary piece in prose and discuss how will you utilize it in language teaching.
 Novels. Teaching prose may vary according to the content, age group and class. Sometimes
the content is descriptive, a story, a biography, a narrative, an essay, a play etc. The specific
aims may vary everyday depending upon what is being taught and to whom

4. Explain the effectiveness of using NEWSPAPER in language teaching.

 Newspapers provide an infinite amount of information that can be used as context for
learning exercises. Discover creative ways to include the newspaper into your language arts
study with these Newspaper activities. The newspaper has something special to offer
teachers. People have called it the living textbook, and that's a good name for it. You can
use the newspaper to improve your reading, writing, listening, speaking, math, social
studies, and science skills. Using a newspaper to learn makes it natural to think critically.
When students get their textbooks, they are often out of date by a few years. The
newspaper, on the other hand, is alive with information. The newspaper adds to the
curriculum by giving lots of information that can be used as background for learning

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