Laporan Oprasional Maret

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Nama Fany Himawan, ST Kendaraan Motor From 12-Feb-22
NIP/NIK - No. Pol A 3269 NY To 19-Apr-22
Jabatan Technical Support Kendaraan Mobil
Departement No. Pol B 1596 EBF

Petrol TOTAL
No Date Description Destination Parkir Toll Description
Km From Km To Total Km Total Petrol Amount IDR
1 12-Feb-22 PM. DC no.6 PT. SRI - - - 24 15.600 15.600 Motor Pribadi
2 31-Mar-22 Visit Rotary Valve PT.etex building - 72.000 - - 162 170.100 242.100 Mobil kantor
performance kerawang
3 bertemu vendor scada pulang ke The levande PT. bogasari - 32.000 - - 64 67.200 99.200 Mobil kantor
4 The lavende Ke Tol Pasar Kemis PT. Paragon jatake 1 28.000 43 45.150 73.150 Mobil kantor
5 4-Apr-22 Paragon (Tol pasar kemis) ke kantor PT. Paragon jatake 1 - 28.000 65 68.250 96.250 Mobil kantor
6 4-Apr-22 Cuci Mobil - 35.000 Mobil kantor
Kantor Ke The Lavande Jalur Ganjil The Lavande 5.000 7.000 31
49 + 60= 32.550 44.550 Mobil kantor
7 7-Apr-22
Pengiriman barang Ke royal Board dan meating PT. Djabesmen 69000 109 114.450 183.450 Mobil kantor
8 10-Apr-22 Djabesmes
Instalasi Ducting minggu ke 2 PT. Paragon jatake 1 - - 136 88400 88400 Motor Pribadi
9 16-Apr-22 Instalasi Ducting minggu ke 3 PT. Paragon jatake 1 - - 136 88400 88400 Motor Pribadi
10 19/04/2022 Commisioning & BAST PT. Paragon jatake 1 53.000 122 128100 181.100 Mobil kantor
Sub Total 1.147.200
Cash advance
Grand Total 1.147.200
claim per km untuk kendaraan ops : Prepared By: Aprroved By: RECEIVED
1. Mobil Pribadi : Rp 1200,- ....................... Teller
2. Mobil Kantor : Rp 1050,-
3. Motor Pribadi : Rp 650,-
4. Motor Kantor : Rp 550,- ........................ ........................

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