Bls International School, Hathras: Holidays Homework Class - Ix Subject Detail of Task Mode of Submission

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(Affiliated to C.B.S.E., New Delhi, Affiliation No. 2131917, School Code 60805)
SESSION: 2022-2023


The script must be
written on A4 size
Prepare a script to be enacted on stage consisting of any social issue like poverty,
white sheets in
unemployment, child labour, gender biasness and insensitivity to animals etc. Show your
English sequence. Keep it in a
creativity in developing the dialogues for the characters. Your script must contain proper
folder mentioning your
beginning, climax and ending. It should be in at least in 600 words.
name, class/sec, theme
To learn —
प् 1. भक कवि कबीर, गुर नानक, मीराबाई, रै दास और रहीम की कोई-सी दो-दो भवक-परक रचनाएँ
याद कीविए।
प् 2. शबद ककसे कहते है? शबद और पद मे कया अंतर है? इन दोनो के बारे मे विसततत िानकारी हावसल
कीविए। कदए गये गतहकाय् की एक
To prepare/write-up — पोिेकट फाइल बनाकर
Hindi प् 1. ‘विदाया िीिन मे परीका का महति’ विषय पर एक वनबन् वलविए िो 300 शबदो से कम न हो। गमा की छु ट्यो के उपरांत
प् 2. वगललल नामक पाठ का सारांश अपने शबदो मे वलविए। विदालय मे वनद्शानुसार
प् 3. रै दास के पदो का के न्ीय-भाि अपने शबदो मे वलविए। पसतुत करे ।
प् 4. ‘दुःि का अव्कार’ पाठ के माधयम से लेिक कया संदश
े देना चाहता है? विसतार पलि्क उललेि
प् 5. ‘्लल’ पाठ के आ्ार पर पाठ मे आये हए सभी उपसग् ि प्ययो को छाँटकर वलविए और उनके
मलल शबद अलग कीविए।
To Learn — All Algebraic Identities
Maths To Prepare/Write-up — Submit the project file.
Explain All Algebraic Identities with 3-4 Examples .
Activity : Make a well labelled and creative diagram of Plant Cell or Animal Cell on a
drawing sheet by using waste materials like( thread, beads , expired capsules, tablets,
matchsticks etc)and paste on it.
Select any one of the given topics
1)Make a working model of fire Extinguisher
2)Make a working model showing the process of electrolysis of water,evolution of bubbles
of hydrogen and oxygen
3)make a working model of volcano and showing volcanic eruption by the help of baking
soda and citric acid or carbonic acid
4)Making a Gobar gas generator model.
Science 5)showing the working model of an electric generator. Submit separate files
Physics for each subject.
Q1.Deduce all the three equations of motion by graphical method.
Q2.Draw the distance time graph for uniform and non-uniform speed. What does the slope
of distance time graph indicates?
Q3.Draw the velocity time graph for:
(a)Zero acceleration
(b)Uniform and non-uniform acceleration.
How we can calculate the displacement from velocity time graph?
Q4.A motor cyclist drives from A to B with a uniform speed of 30 kmh-1 and returns back
with a speed of 20kmh-1. Find it’s average speed.
Q5.A motor cycle moving with a speed of 5m/s is subjected to an acceleration of
0.2m/s2.Calculate the speed of the motor cycle after 10 seconds, and the distance travelled in
this time.
As per CBSE guidelines, students of Class IX have to submit a handwritten project on any
one of the related topics on Disaster Management. Students are requested to utilise their
summer vacation to complete this project which will be followed by viva voce/written
1. Use A4 size sheets
2. It should be a hand written project (blue or black pen should be used)
3. You can use newspaper clippings, maps, diagrams and material from the web
4. Each illustration should be supported with a write up/relevance to the topic
5. The cover page should be written in bold letters with the topic, name and roll number
Social Submit the project
Follow the sequence of pages as given below:
Science file.
a. Acknowledgement
b. Index
c. Define disaster and its types (describe in 2 pages with illustrations)
d. Causes of drought (illustrations)
e. Extent of damage to agriculture (illustrations)
f. Who is responsible (illustrations)
g. Steps taken by the Govt. to combat drought (illustrations)
h. Organisations working to help the farmers (illustrations)
i. Lessons learnt (illustrations)
j. Dos and don’ts for next time to avoid such disasters
k. Bibliography - Maps, pictures, graphs, etc.
6. Use hard bound cover pocket file or get your project spiral bound.
To prepare/write-up
Type a page or file in MS word with the topic "Components of Computer system". Explain Send your file to
each in details. following mailI'd:
 Points to be remember: For sections A,E,F,G,H
Computer Use suitable diagram for explanation.
Explain two input and two output devices also. For sectionsB,C,D
Size of the text should be "14". vivekcomputerscience
All the headings should be in Bold, Italic and underline.
After completing task write your name along with your class and section.


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