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TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: As a CONSTITUTIONALIST I consider that the Commonwealth has the responsibility and liability to care for invalids (including therefore disabled persons) and it should be therefore provide for the needed assistance. As Author of books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series on certain constitutional and other legal issues I have for many years highlighted the plight of the disabled. We cannot leave this fractured system where State and Federal government each do something while no one considers the overall responsibilities. The matter is a federal issue and States should bill the Commonwealth for its contribution. As I recently wrote also why do we have taxis using special bus lanes so they can move quicker in peak hour traffic (such as is in Melbourne) where a fee paying passenger, wheelchair bound or not, can get through heavy traffic but not a Yooralla registered vehicle for a disabled wheelchair bound person? Why indeed are disabled parking facilities not divided in two types? Type 1 being for wheelchair transport vehicles only and Type 2 for any disabled person. By this Type 1 disabled parking facilities to be fitted with overhead shelters so that when the driver loads/unload a wheelchair from a vehicle both the driver and the passenger do not get soaking wet in the rain. Likewise it is absurd that parents have to relinquish their custody & guardianship to the Department of Human Services so their child can be placed with a carer to attract special funding and the child remains to be with the carer even so the parents regain later guardianship. Likewise the nonsense that a driver transporting a wheelchair bound child to the Royal Children Hospital has to pay for parking fees. And while some concession may be provided this is tied up to a maximum 15 minutes to load the vehicle, after payment of parking fees, and where then the loading of the wheelchair takes more then 15 minutes the driver is still slugged the full parking fees. Indeed, why should a special wheelchair carrying vehicle be forced to pay tollway fees where this is for the transport of a wheelchair bound person who has no alternative to travel otherwise? When a parent/carer has to travel day after day to the royal Children Hospital then the cost can be horrendous, even so the attendance of the parents/carer can be essential for the recovery of the child concerned. (Consider that where I refer to a child I do not exclude disabled adults as many have the physical/mental development of a child.) In my view a national insurance scheme should be one without any fees, like Medicare. As a former insurance agent I am well aware of the existence of disability insurance which has a different purpose in that it is designed to provide for a certain income in case the breadwinner becomes disabled. At least that was in the time I was an insurance agent. As such this is a different kind of scheme as it was income protection rather then to address the disabled persons issues such as cost associated with parking, travelling, etc. In my view all Yooralla registered vehicles to be used for wheelchair bound persons should be free of parking restrictions or for that any parking fees and any tollways.

16-6-2011 Page 1 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, by fax 001161-3-94577209 or E-mail See also Free download of documents from blog

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We as a community must carry the financial burden of those who are less fortunate then we are. Mr Howe, a delegate to the convention, that resulted in the provision of pension and invalid provisions in the constitution, spoke up time and time again for the need of a federal system, yet even more then 110 years after federation a comprehensive system is not in place. The very title Commonwealth of Australia was considered then to be for the common wealth of Australians. Again we still are faced with a horrific shattered system where parents/carers have a maze of departments and others to deal with because no proper federal overarching system exist. . We have that municipal/shire councils also are using ratepayers monies to prop up the failing federal system and clearly this is an intolerable system which should be addressed. Again, fancy an able bodied person who can afford to pay for a taxi can travel quicker then ordinary motor vehicles can in heavy traffic by using bus lanes and even an empty cab (meaning no passenger) can use the bus lane but a vehicle transporting a very sick child that is wheelchair bound must sit in the parking lot designed freeway as to slowly get to the destination even so it might be life threatening. Well for me those in government has to wake up and realise this kind of absurdity should not be permitted to continue and if the constitution has any worth for them to use it as a justification to be in the parliament/Government then likewise they must adhere to the constitution and provide for the disabled appropriately and if they are unwilling or incompetent to do so they should vacate their places so more competent persons can do so. . Mr G. H. Schorel-Hlavka . 16-6-2011 . Email: Website; Http:// Blog;

16-6-2011 Page 2 INSPECTOR-RIKATI about the BLACK HOLE in the CONSTITUTION-DVD A 1st edition limited special numbered book on Data DVD ISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0 PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI series by making a reservation, by fax 001161-3-94577209 or E-mail See also Free download of documents from blog

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