Direct Pdea Representative Final

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Court : Please administer the oath to the witness.

Court Interpreter : Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth on these
Witness : Yes, I do.

Court Interpreter : State your name, address and other personal circumstances.

Witness : I am PO1 Beki Belo, 30 years of age, married, presently and member of and
assigned in the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency, Mabalacat, Pampanga Station, and
a resident of (state witness’ real address).

Prosecutor : Your honor, we are offering the testimony of P01 Beki Belo as a member of the
team of police officers and confidential informant who coordinated and conducted
a buy-bust operation against the accused; that she was designated as the person
who made a physical inventory of the items that were delivered/sold and
confiscated/and seized; that she was delivered the items subject matter of this
case to the PNP, City Anti-Illegal Drug Specials Operation Task Group, Angeles
City Crime Lab; and in the course of her testimony, she will identify the accused in
this case, Paolo D. Thirdy; she will also identify all the items delivered and seized
in connection with this case; and she will generally testify as to relevant facts and
circumstances which will prove the material allegations of the information.

(May we proceed?)

Court : Your comment please? (to defense)

Defense : Subject to cross, Your Honor.

Court : Please proceed.


Prosecutor : Ms. Witness, what is your profession?

BEKI : I am a member of the Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency.

Q: How long have you been in this profession?

A: For 8 years, since August 2009.

Q: Until when?
A: Up to present.

Q: What do you do as part of the PDEA?

A: I assist the police during buy-bust operations involving illegal drugs. We also take charge and have
custody of all dangerous drugs, plant sources of dangerous drugs, and other paraphernarlia confiscated
during buy-bust operations.

Q: Ms. Witness, do you remember where you were on January 10, 2017?
A: Yes, I was on duty at our office in Mabalacat City.

Q: What was your time of duty on that day?

A: From 8 am to 5 pm, and then on call after office hours.

Q: Do you recall what you were doing on the morning of January 10?
A: Yes. I was at my desk, in front of my laptop, finishing the reports due for that day.

Q: Do you remember anything striking that happened during that period, if any?
A: Yes, at around 11 am, P01 Dela Rosa called our office, which I answered, and he told me that a buy-
bust operation will be conducted on that day against a certain Paolo Thirdy for selling drugs at 7/11 St.,
Brgy. Concepcion, Magnapeak Village, Mabalacat City. He also asked me to go to their office for
coordination and to assist in the buy-bust operations.

Q: What did you do, if any?

A: I told my superior about the situation and asked for his directives.

Q: What did he say?
A: He told me to go and assist in any way I can.

Q: Ms. Witness, was this buy-bust operation the first time that you have participated in?
A: No, I had participated in a quite a number of them, at least 10 I would say.

Q: So, would you say that you are well-versed with the proceedings and protocols that must be
observed in cases like this?
A: Yes.

Q: After you obtained the approval of your superior, what did you do next, if any?
A: I told P01 Dela Rosa, whose call I held for a few minutes when I talked to my superior, that I have
obtained the approval from my superior and that I am already on my way to their office.

Q: What happened next?

A: I then proceeded to the police station of P01 Dela Rosa.

Q: Were you able to arrive at the police station?

A: Yes.

Q: How long did it take you?

A: About 5 minutes.

Q: Why only that short span of time?

A: Because our office is just across the police station.

Q: At what time did you arrive at the station?

A: At about 11:10 a.m.

Q: What did you notice upon arriving at the station?

A: I saw 5 people there undergoing a briefing.

Q: Were you able to identify them?

A: Yes, they were P01 Burgos, P02 Macaspac, P01 Sengson, and P03 Dindo, and another person in
civilian clothes.

Q: How did you know that it was a briefing?

A: Because I had seen them do this several times.

Q: What happened next, if any?

A: I was welcomed by P01 Dela Rosa. I was included in the briefing and was told that the team is
scheduled to leave at 11:15 a.m. He told me that I would be riding in the car with them.

Q: Mr. Witness, after the discussion and the coordination, what happened next?
A: The team finished the briefing at just before 11:15. And as promised, the team left at around 11:15,
and proceeded to the target place.

Q: Where was this place?

A: At 7/11 Brgy. Concepcion, Magnapeak Village, Mabalacat City.

Q: What was your mode of transportation?

A: Two private cars.

Q: Which of these cars did you ride in?

A: The one that carried P01 Burgos, the informant, and P01 Dela Rosa.

Q: How far would you say is Barangay Concepcion from the police station?
A: About 12 to 15 minutes by car.

Q: During your travel, did anything peculiar happen?

A: Nothing really.

Q: Do you remember what were the other passengers doing during this time?
A: I remember having seen P01 Dela Rosa writing with a marker on the P1,000 bill. It appeared to me
that that would be the money that will be used for the transaction.

Q: How did you know that?

A: Because I asked him if that would be the marked money.

Q: What did he reply?
A: “Opo, ma’am.”

Q: Did you see what he wrote?

A: Yes. It was JDR.

Q: Why do you seem so sure?

A: Because he showed the money to me after he wrote those markings, and told me, “JDR. Jopat Dela

Q: What did you see when he showed it to you?

A: I saw the initials JDR written on the forehead of Jose Abad Santos on the P1,000 bill.

Q: What else happened?

A: After about 15 minutes of travel, we were able to arrive at 7/11 St., Barangay Concepcion,
Magnapeak, Mabalacat.

Q: After you arrived at the target place, what happened, if any?

A: We parked in front of 7/11. After just a few minutes, P01 Dela Rosa stepped out of the car and
positioned himself in front of a telephone booth at the corner of 7/11.

Q: What happened next, if any?

A: We waited for about 15 minutes inside the car and then the accused, Paolo D. Thirdy, arrived in his car
black Nissan Patrol Car approach. He parked behind from where we were parked.

Q: At what time?
A: At about 11:55 a.m.

Q: How did you see the car?

A: We were looking from inside our car through the rear glass.

Q: Were you able to see clearly from there?

A: Yes, it was very clear because it was almost 12 noon, the sun was high up.

Q: You mentioned that you saw a black Nissan Patrol car approach and that you knew that was
the accused’s car. How did you know that that was the accused’s car?
A: Because the informant told me, “Ayan na siya” when the car approached. He knew his car. He was
familiar with it.

Q: How did the accused, Paolo D. Thirdy, look like?

A: He was fair-skinned. He was wearing a white shirt, khaki shorts, and a rubber shoes.

Q: If you will be asked to identify if Paolo Thirdy is present in this court, as the same person who
alighted from the black Nissan patrol car and was recognized by the informant as Paolo Thirdy,
will you be able to do so?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: Will you step out from the gallery and tap the shoulder of the person who you will be
identifying as Paolo Thirdy?
A: *** witness steps out from the gallery and taps the shoulder of the accused ***

Q: What did he do next, if any?

A: He positioned himself on the sidewalk in front of the abandoned building. I saw him light a cigarette
afterwards. After a few seconds, the informant uttered, “Baba na ako.” And then, he alighted from the car.

Q: And then?
A: As soon as the accused was able to enter the alley, P01 Burgos, the P01 Burgos, simultaneously went
out from the car and proceeded to enter into the same alley where the accused and the informant had

Q: When the accused and the informant entered the alley, what transpired, thereafter?
A: I waited for a few minutes, and then I also alighted from the car and rushed to the scene.

Q: How did you discern that it was already time to step out from the car?
A: Because I saw P01 Dela Rosa leave his post and run fast towards the alley. I immediately knew that
he was going to effect the arrest. So, after waiting for a few seconds, I also got out from the car.

Q: In which direction did you go to?
A: To where PO1 Dela Rosa, P01 Burgos, the accused and the confidential informant were, to the alley.

Q: Were you able to reach them?

A: Yes, I was able to reach them while PO1 Dela Rosa was telling the accused of his right to remain silent
and to competent and independent counsel.

Q: After that, did anything else happen afterwards?

A: Yes, P01 Burgos proceeded to mark the transparent plastic sachet that the accused handed him
during the buy-bust.

Q: I am showing to you a plastic sachet with the markings “01-10-17”, a signature, then the letter
“X,” previously marked as Exhibit “J.” What relation does this have, if any, to the sachet you
marked that you were talking about?
A: This is the same sachet that the P01 BURGOS marked, and that is my handwriting.

Q: There appears to be a signature between the date and the letter “X,” previously marked as
Exhibit “J-1.” Do you recognize this signature?
A: Yes, that is his signature.

Q: How do you know that these are his handwritings?

A: I saw him write those markings.

Q: Are they the same markings that you saw the P01 BURGOS write during that time?
A: Yes, they are.

Q: How do you know that this is the P01 BURGOS’s signature?

A: I was there when he signed it.

Q: Is it the same markings that you saw the P01 BURGOS sign during that time?
A: Yes, it is.

Q: After you marked the plastic sachet that the accused gave you, did anything else happen?
A: Yes, PO1 Dela Rosa frisked the accused and found the marked money, and FOUR other transparent
plastic sachets that appear to contain shabu. The contents of the four sachets look the same as the
contents of the plastic sachet that the P01 Burgos marked.

Q: What happened when PO1 DELA ROSA found those four plastic sachets?
A: PO1 Dela Rosa marked the four sachets in my presence, the accused’s and the confidential
informant’s presence.

Q: I am showing to you a four plastic sachets previously marked as Exhibits “B,” “C,” “D” and
“E.” What relation do they have, if any, to the sachets that PO1 Dela Rosa seized that you were
talking about?
A: These are the same sachets that he marked, and that is his handwriting.

Q: How do you know that these are his handwritings?

A: I saw him write those markings.

Q: There appears to be a signature in the sachets, marked as Exhibit “B-1,” “C-1,” “D-1” and “E-
1.” Do you recognize this signature?
A: Yes, that is PO1 Dela Rosa’s signature.

Q: How do you know that this is his signature?

A: I was there when he signed those sachets.

Q: You also made mention that a marked money was found in the accused’s pocket when he was
frisked. Is that correct?
A: Yes, ma’am.

Q: I am showing to you a photocopy of the 1,000-peso bill with Serial No. WZ338206, previously
marked as Exhibit “A” (original compared and admitted by the defense counsel). What relation
does this have, if any, to the marked money you were talking about?
A: This is the same marked money.

Q: After PO1 Dela Rosa marked these four sachets, did anything else happen?

A: Yes, PO1 Dela Rosa took out a medium-sized zip-lock bag and placed the four sachets he confiscated
and the marked money from the accused inside. P01 Burgos also gave to him the sachet that he
previously marked and placed it inside the zip-lock bag. After placing the five sachets and the marked
money inside, PO1 Dela Rosa closed and sealed the zip-lock bag. Thereafter, he led the accused to our

Q: After PO1 Dela Rosa led the accused to your car, what else happened?
A: He made the accused sit behind the passenger’s seat, then the P01 Burgos gave him the zip-lock bag.

Q: What did PO1 Dela Rosa do when the P01 Burgos gave him the zip-lock bag?
A: He sat beside the accused and held the zip-lock bag in front of him using his right hand.

Q: After you saw him do that, what did you do?

A: I went to the other side of the car and sat beside the accused behind the passenger’s seat.

Q: Were anyone else with you inside that car?

A: Yes, aside from PO1 Dela Rosa, and the accused, the confidential informant was also there.

Q: Where did you go after that?

A: The P01 Burgos drove back to their police station, because it was also the nearest police station from
the place of arrest.

Q: How long did the drive take from the place of arrest to the police station?
A: About fifteen minutes.

Q: Were you able to arrive at the police station?

A: Yes, Ma’am.

Q: When you arrived at your police station, what happened afterwards, if any?
A: We went inside the police station and PO1 Dela Rosa and the P01 Burgos brought the accused in the
information desk.

Q: Were there other people around the area where you brought the accused in the police station
when you arrived?
A: Yes, two police officers were there, with our Chief. I also saw Brgy. Captain Porki Beans and CLTV
reporter Gash Abelgash, and DOJ representative Kelsi Villanueva Castro.

Q: You made mention that you brought the accused to the information desk. What happened after
A: I saw PO1 Dela Rosa place the zip-lock bag that he was holding on top of the information desk.

Q: While PO1 Dela Rosa was doing that, did anything else happen?
A: Yes, during the same time, the accused, while I was still holding him, talked to his attorney. PO1 Dela
Rosa and the PO1 Burgos started preparing the documents regarding the arrest. I also started the
physical inventory of the items that were confiscated and seized from, and the item delivered by, the

Q: What happened during the time that you were making the inventory?
A: In the presence of the accused, Paolo Thirdy; his counsel, Atty. Pineda; Gash Abelgash, the media
representative; Kelsi Villanueva Castro, the DOJ representative; Beki Belo, the PDEA representative; and
Porki Beans, the barangay captain, we made a physical inventory and Gash Abelgash took photographs
of the items confiscated.

Q: How did you make a physical inventory of the items that were confiscated and seized from, and
the item delivered by, the accused?
A: I opened the zip-lock bag and placed the contents on top of the table.

Q: What were the contents of the zip-lock bag?

A: The five plastic sachets and the marked money.

Q: You said there were five plastic sachets, what were those sachets?
A: The four sachets that were confiscated from the accused after he was arrested by PO1 Dela Rosa and
the sachet that he gave to the P01 Burgos during the buy-bust.

Q: How do you know that the four sachets were the same plastic sachets that were seized and
confiscated after the arrest of the accused?
A: Because they had the same markings that PO1 Dela Rosa made during that time.

Q: What were those markings?
A: The date “01-10-17,” signature and numbers “1” to “4” appeared in the four sachets.

Q: And how do you know that fifth sachet was the same plastic sachet that the accused gave to
the P01 Burgos?
A: Because it had the same markings that the P01 Burgos made during that time.

Q: What were those markings?

A: The date “01-10-17,” signature and the letter “X” appeared in the fifth sachet.

Q: You also mentioned that one of the contents of the bag is the marked money. How do you
know it was the same marked money that the P01 Burgos used?
A: Because it had the same markings of the marked money we had during that time.

Q: What were those markings?

A: It has the same serial number and the markings made by PO1 Dela Rosa of his initials were on the
forehead of Jose Abad Santos.

Q: Did anything else transpire after you made the physical inventory?
A: Yes, Gash Abelgash, the reporter, took individual pictures of the items inside the zip-lock bag.

Q: So there were photographs taken during the physical inventory?

A: Yes, Ma’am.

Q: I am showing to you a photograph with a plastic sachet with the marking “01-10-17,” signature,
and the numbers “1,” “2,” “3,” and “4.” What relation does this have, if any, to the photographs
that you were talking about?
A: This are the first four pictures that were taken.

Q: How do you know that this was the first four photographs that were taken?
A: Because it was the first, second, third and fourth marking, and that is me holding the marked sachets in
the picture.

Atty.: May we adopt the photograph as testified to by the witness and request it to be marked as
Exhibit “K,” “L,” “M” and “N?”
COURT: Mark it.

Q: In these photographs, there is a person standing in your right side, wearing a black polo shirt.
Do you know this person?
A: Yes, Ma’am.

Q: Who is this person?

A: That is Brgy. Captain Porki Beans.

Q: How do you know that this is Brgy. Captain Porki Beans?

A: Because he is the barangay captain of this barangay, and I am assigned therein.

Q: Also in this photograph, there is a person standing in the right side of the person you identified
as Brgy. Captain Porki Beans, wearing a blue v-neck t-shirt. Do you know this person?
A: Yes, Ma’am.

Q: Who is this person?

A: That is the DOJ representative, Kelsi Villanueva-Castro.

Q: How do you know that this is the DOJ representative, Kelsi Villanueva-Castro?
A: As I had said earlier, I often meet here whenever there is a buy-bust operation in Angeles City.
Sometimes she is the representative of the DOJ, like the one we had that day.

Q: I am showing to you a photograph with a plastic sachet with the marking “01-10-17,” signature,
and the letter “X.” What relation does this have, if any, to the photographs that you were talking
A: This is the fifth picture that was taken.

Q: How do you know that this was the fifth photograph that was taken?
A: Because it was the fifth marking that I read, and that is me holding the marked sachet in the picture.

Atty.: May we adopt the photograph as testified to by the witness and request it to be marked as
Exhibit “O?”

COURT: Mark it.

Q: I am showing to you a photograph with a 1000-peso bill. What relation does this have, if any, to
the photographs that you were talking about?
A: This is the last picture that was taken.

Q: How do you know that this was the last photograph that was taken?
A: Because it was the last marking that I read, and that is me holding the marked money in the picture.

Q: I am marking this photograph to serve and form part as Exhibit “P”, do you affirm this action?
A: Yes, Ma’am.

Q: How long did it take to make a physical inventory and the taking of the photographs of the
items confiscated?
A: It took around 30 minutes, because I had to wait for PO1 Dela Rosa and the P01 Burgos to finish
preparing their documents.

Q: After thirty (30) minutes, what happened?

A: PO1 Dela Rosa and P01 Burgos finished and executed the Affidavit of Apprehension with me, as well
as the Inventory of Confiscated/Seized Items and the Inventory of Delivered/Sold Items. PO1 Dela
Rosa was also able to finish filing up the Inventories.

Q: I am showing to you a document denominated as Inventory of Confiscated/Seized Items dated

10 January 2017, previously marked as Exhibit “G.” Kindly go over said document and tell us what
relation this has to the inventories that you mentioned?
A: This is one of the inventories PO1 Dela Rosa prepared.

Q: At the bottom of the Inventory of Confiscated/Seized Items, there appears to be a signature

above the type-written name Beki Belo. Whose signature is this?
A: That is my signature.

Atty.: May we adopt the signature above the type-written name BEKI BELO as testified to by the
witness and request it to be marked as Exhibit “G-2?”
COURT: Mark it.

Q: I am showing to you a document denominated as Inventory of Delivered/Sold Items dated 10

January 2017, previously marked as Exhibit “H.” Kindly go over said document and tell us what
relation this has to the inventories that you mentioned?
A: This is the other one of the inventories PO1 Dela Rosa prepared.

Q: At the bottom of the Inventory of Delivered/Sold Items, there appears to be a signature above
the type-written name BEKI BELO. Whose signature is this?
A: That is my signature.

Atty.: May we adopt the signature above the type-written name BEKI BELO as testified to by the
witness and request it to be marked as Exhibit “H-2?”
COURT: Mark it.

Q: After the physical inventory of the confiscated items, what happened, if any?
A: PO1 Dela Rosa officially turned over to me the items inside the zip-lock bag. PO1 Dela Rosa also gave
me the Request for Laboratory Examination for those items.

Q: What do you mean that the confiscated items were turned over to you?
A: After the inventory, I placed the five previously marked transparent plastic sachets in the zip-lock bag
again and they gave it to me.

Q: What did you do with the zip-lock bag?

A: I placed them in a metal box and sealed it using a tape.

Q: Did anything else happen after that?

A: Yes, I signed the tape seal and asked the accused to sign it as well.

Q: Did the accused sign the tape seal?

A: No, he was advised by his attorney not to sign.

Q: What happened after that, if any?

A: I asked the attorney of the accused to sign the tape seal.

Q: Did the attorney of the accused sign the tape seal?
A: No, he did not.

Q: What did you do after the accused and his attorney refused to sign the seal?
A: I wrote “suspect refused to sign” in the tape seal, and I then asked Brgy. Captain Porki Beans, CLTV
reporter Gash Abelgash, and DOJ representative Kelsi Villanueva Castro to sign.

Q: Did the Brgy. Captain Porki Beans and CLTV reporter Gash Abelgash, and Kelsi Villanueva
Castro sign the tape seal?
A: Yes, they all did.

Q: I am showing to you now a metal box with a sealed tape. What relation does this have, if any, to
the metal case with a sealed tape that you were talking about?
A: That is the same metal box and sealed tape.

Q: There appears to be a signature in the left-most part of the tape seal. Do you recognize this
A: Yes, that is my signature.

Atty.: May we adopt the metal box and the first signature in the tape seal as testified to by the
witness and request it to be marked as Exhibit “Q” and “Q-1?”
COURT: Mark it.

Q: You made mention that you saw PO1 DELA ROSA give you a Request for Laboratory
Examination. I am showing to you a document denominated as Request for Laboratory
Examination dated 10 January 2017, previously marked as Exhibit “I.” Kindly go over said
document and tell us what relation this has to the Request for Laboratory Examination that you
A: This is the same document.

Q: After the confiscated and seized items were turned over to you, what happened?
A: PO1 Dela Rosa accompanied me to the PNP, City Anti-Illegal Drug Specials Operation Task Group,
Angeles City Crime Lab for laboratory examination and drug test.

Q: Were you able to bring the sealed metal box to the PNP, City Anti-Illegal Drug Specials
Operation Task Group, Angeles City Crime Lab for the tests you mentioned?
A: Yes, around 3 o’clock in the afternoon that day.

Q: When you brought the sealed metal box to the Angeles City Crime Lab, what happened?
A: It was received by PCI ANGEL C. TIMARIO.

Q: How you do know that he is PCI ANGEL C. TIMARIO?

A: Because I also gave him the Request for Laboratory Examination and he stamped-received the
document and wrote his name there.

Q: I am showing to you the document denominated as Request for Laboratory Examination dated
10 January 2017 that was previously marked as Exhibit “I.” At the lower right side of the document
was a stamp “RECEIVED BY: PCI ANGEL C. TIMARIO.” Kindly go over said stamp and tell us what
relation this has to the stamp that you mentioned?
A: This is the same stamp I was talking about.

No further questions, Your Honor.

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