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Verification No: ci VERIFICATION OF COMPLIANCE Applicant: Weifang Ensign Industry Co,, Ltd. No. 1567, Changsheng Street, Changle County, Weifang City, Shandong Province, P.R. China Audit Scope: Production of citric acid, sodium citrate, potassium citrate and calcium citrate used as food additives Production of edible alcohol ‘The business operator has been aucited and found to be in conformity with: ‘GMP CODEX ALIMENTARIUS GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF FOOD HYGIENE CAC/RCP-1-1969, REV, (2008) ‘This venizaton of Compance es been granted othe apa based onthe ess ofthe auc, pertormed by SGS-CSTC Standards Tecnical Seriots Co, Lid on he above-menoned scope in accordance wih th provisions of he reteverspecic Drecives| Ts certeat is valid or 28 June 202 o 28 June 2024 Remain vad sujet to satisfactory suvelince audits Recertficaton ait ue before 28 May 2024 Issue Ceri since 28 June 2015.

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