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ISSUE 3 | JUN 2021


L I V I N G F O R J E S U S | P. 7



F R O M T H E C H U R C H E S | P. 8

Reports and testimonies

H I S TO R Y I N A D VA N C E | P. 10




“And the light of a candle shall shine pharmakon) just as the English words M I N I S T R Y & E VA N G E L I S M | P. 19
no more at all in thee; and the voice mentioned above are related. THE GOSPEL IN PRACTICE
of the bridegroom and of the bride
shall be heard no more at all in thee: The same word also conveys the
for thy merchants were the great modern day understanding of the TO T H E F LO C K | P. 2 0
men of the earth; for by thy sorceries meaning of sorcery (communica- GOD'S METER STICK
(pharmakeia) were all nations de- tion or involvement with evil angels
ceived” (Revelation 18:23). often under the guise of the dead),
apparently because anciently, the I N TO T H E G A R D E N | P. 21
Pharmakeia represents the English ones that would mix up poisons and
pronunciation of a Greek word from TIPS TO GARDEN NATURALLY
drugs were the religious leaders as
which we get our English words well, leading out in the worship of
pharmacology, pharmaceutical, phar- idols or direct worship of the dead TO T H E YO U N G | P. 2 2
macy, pharmacist, etc. from. It pri- or evil spirits. One reason drugs
marily means the use or the adminis- REJOICE IN THE DAYS OF
are especially suited to prepare one
tration of drugs or poison. According THY YOUTH
for involvement with evil spirits is
to Strongs, it is connected to the because they often numb the sensi-
word for the one who makes drugs bilities, impair the judgment, becloud H E A LT H Y O P T I O N S | P. 23
(φαρμακεύς pharmakeus) and the the reason, or dim the distinction
word which means drugs (φαρμακov between reality and illusion, etc. This A RICH BREAKFAST
is what the devil wants, for unless we Examples of Satan’s Methods him of his adversaries: and the
have thus handicapped our will, Sa- sword shall devour, and it shall be
tan will not be able to control us for “And Asa [king of Judah] in the thir- satiate and made drunk with their
God prevents him from controlling ty and ninth year of his reign was blood: for the Lord God of hosts
us against our wills. diseased in his feet, until his disease hath a sacrifice in the north country
[was] exceeding [great]: yet in his by the river Euphrates. Go up into
Drugs are a very subtle disguise for disease he sought not to the LORD, Gilead, and take balm, O virgin, the
Satan to exercise his power upon us but to the physicians” (2 Chronicles daughter of Egypt: in vain shalt thou
instead of the great boon for health 16:12). use many medicines; [for] thou shalt
that they are depicted to be. There not be cured” (Jeremiah 46:10, 11).
is something even more sinister The thoughtful reader will realize
about “pharmakeia” than most of us from this verse that God is not Ahaziah, a king of Israel, also turned
are aware of, but in this article, we condemning people who minister from the Lifegiver and sought help
will only consider it from the health to others in their sicknesses. The from agencies of Satan. Remember
standpoint. God does take an inter- disciple Luke who wrote the Gospel that the worship of an idol or false
est in our health. “Beloved, I wish called by his name and recorded the god, since that god does not really
above all things that thou mayest book of Acts was a physician and exist, constitutes a worship of Satan.
prosper and be in health, even as thy ministered to the apostle Paul. Rath- “And Ahaziah fell down through
soul prospereth” (3 John 1:2). er the implication is that the physi- a lattice in his upper chamber that
cians’ healing methods during King was in Samaria, and was sick: and
It may come as a surprise for some Asa’s time must not have been in he sent messengers, and said unto
to learn that the Bible demonstrates accordance with the Lord’s methods, them, Go, enquire of Baal–zebub the
two opposite healing methods. One and thus to depend on them was to god of Ekron whether I shall recover
method is condemned as sorcery reject the Lord. of this disease” (II Kings 1:2).
and as proceeding from Satan, and
the other is condoned by inspiration For centuries or possibly for mil- “But [I say], that the things which
as the Lord’s method and is exem- lenniums, conventional healing the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice
plified in the lives of prophets and professions have used drugs. Since to devils, and not to God: and I
of Jesus Himself. Consider some the cause of sickness is not the lack would not that ye should have fel-
examples of the Lord’s method. of a particular drug, using a particu- lowship with devils” (1 Corinthians
lar drug is not addressing the cause 10:20).
God, through Isaiah, directed that but merely attempting to mitigate
a poultice of figs be used to heal the
near fatal boil. “For Isaiah had said,
Let them take a lump of figs, and lay Whenever we knowingly turn from God’s methods and use other
it for a plaister upon the boil, and he
methods that God does not approve of, we are, in reality, using
shall recover” (Isaiah 38:21).
methods of the devil, and thus are in fact entering into a relation-
Jesus also made use of the healing ship or communication with Satan.
properties of a poultice of clay to
heal a blind man. “When he had
thus spoken, he spat on the ground, some of its symptoms. This system Whenever we knowingly turn from
and made clay of the spittle, and he is pleasing to the unregenerate heart God’s methods and use other meth-
anointed the eyes of the blind man because it keeps the patient coming ods that God does not approve of,
with the clay, 7And said unto him, back, paying for services and pur- we are, in reality, using methods of
‘Go, wash in the pool of Siloam,’ chasing the products for some relief the devil, and thus are in fact enter-
(which is by interpretation, Sent.) of the symptoms. Even till the time ing into a relationship or communi-
He went his way therefore, and of the 7th plague (for that is the time cation with Satan.
washed, and came seeing” (John 9:6, referred to in the passage below), the
7). heathen will be depending on med- “If the presence of God is not in
icines for healing. “For this [is] the the sickroom, Satan will be there to
Now lets take a look at some exam- suggest perilous experiments and
ples of Satan’s methods. day of the Lord God of hosts, a day
of vengeance, that he may avenge will seek to unbalance the nerves,

2 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
so that life will be destroyed rather these mind-altering drugs can be just like a virus would and cause it
than saved”1 such that the person taking it may to produce alien proteins.
completely lose his reason and judg-
Satan uses amulets, crystals, drugs, ment and in consequence, do things The history of vaccine injury is a
electricity, energy frequencies, that would not even enter his mind horrifying story, but we will con-
magnetism, hypnotism, acupunc- had he been without the influence of fine our comments here just to the
ture, reflexology, etc. to disguise the such drugs. COVID vaccines and cite a few
fact that he is behind the apparent statistics:
healing or miracle until the person’s There are birth control pills, abor-
guard is let down, and Satan can tion pills, sexual enhancement pills, “As of June 11, 2021, the U.S.
have more direct access to the mind. sleep medication, stimulants, such Vaccine Adverse Events Report-
as those containing caffeine, etc. and ing System (VAERS) had posted
Consider some of the different class- the list goes on. 358,379 adverse events, including
es of drugs. 5,993 deaths and 29,871 serious
There are antibiotics which can kill injuries.”3 “In the European Union’s
There are mind-altering, so called bacterial infections but in the pro- database of adverse drug reactions
recreational drugs, and there are cess, introduce the far worse fungal from COVID shots, called Eudra-
painkillers which may themselves infections, damage the liver, etc. Vigilance, there were 1,509,266
be made of the same thing as some (hence their name “anti”—against, reported injuries, including 15,472
recreational drugs—such as Oxy- “biotic”—life). deaths as of June 19, 2021. EudraV-
Contin, derived from Opium. igilance only accepts reports from
And there is that class of extremely EU members, so it covers only 27
There is the class of anti-depression controversial drugs which is at pres-
medications actually designed to countries. Remarkably, about HALF
ent receiving such intense and emo- of all reported injuries—753,657—
be mind-altering. While they may tional responses from around the
mitigate some symptoms, in the are listed as ‘serious.’”4 “The British
world, vaccinations. The industry’s Yellow Card system had, as of June
process, they often impair judgment, official story is that they are the only
reason, and spiritual perception and 9, 2021, received 276,867 adverse
thing that can save the world. How- event reports following COVID
conviction. Furthermore, they very ever, many other doctors and scien-
often cause the very thing they are ‘vaccination,’ including 1,332
tists, even the inventor of the mRNA deaths.”5 “Israeli data show boys
meant to remedy and have such an vaccine himself, are declaring dire
effect that when you go off of them and men between the ages of 16 and
warnings.2 They are cocktails better 24 who have been vaccinated have
or decrease the dosage, your state of fitting of a witch’s den than a mod-
mind is altered even more. One ter- 25 times the rate of myocarditis
rible example of this, is the case of a (heart inflammation) than nor-
mother in Houston, Texas that me- mal.”6 “Already, we’re seeing signs of
thodically drowned her 5 children, reproductive toxicity. Data suggest
one after the other, in the bathtub. the miscarriage rate among women
Her husband reported that she had who get the COVID 'vaccine' within
taken 3 anti-depressant medications the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is a
for two years, and when another whopping 82%. The normal rate is
episode of depression occurred, she 10%, so this is no minor increase.
was placed on one of the previous Infertility will be far more difficult
medications and a new one, both to ascertain, and could take de-
ern medical establishment, often cades.”7
of which she was taking when she containing fragments of animal
committed the crime. Just a few parts, human fetal parts (including The real numbers, we will never
days prior to the tragic episode, her tongues, organs, etc), dead or live know because it is extremely diffi-
dose was suddenly reduced to half viruses, and very toxic preservatives cult to get a doctor to report your
after she had been receiving double (see letter to editor in issue 1 of this injuries or in anyway link any harm
the normal dose of one of them for newsletter). Lately, they have been to the COVID vaccine, because
some time. The mind may already using genetically modified cells, and many have lost their jobs for simply
have inherited a weakness, but it now more recently even introducing reporting adverse reactions.8 9
cannot be denied that the effect of mRNA meant to hijack the host cells

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 3
Contrary to the claims by manufac- though this has yet to be thoroughly “Just three main vaccine makers,
turers, many health professionals verified.”15 Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson and
claim that these vaccines (both the AstraZeneca, have been ordered
mRNA and the vector-based DNA “Prion diseases are a collection of by state and federal courts to pay a
vaccines—AstraZeneca and Johnson neurodegenerative diseases that are combined more than $8.6 billion in
& Johnson) can alter our DNA for induced through the misfolding of fines to resolve dozens of allegations
good, causing us a flood of disas- important bodily proteins, which of criminal and civil misconduct.”21
trous consequences. form toxic oligomers that eventual-
ly precipitate out as febrils causing “Pfizer alone was fined $2.3 billion—
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., a senior re- widespread damage to neurons...”16 the largest such settlement in his-
search scientist at MIT for over five tory, according to the Department
decades, discusses the COVID-19 “So syncytin is the gammaretrovi- of Justice—for willfully defrauding
vaccines with Dr. Mercola. rus; it cross-reacts with the mouse and misbranding its drugs that had
and monkey gammaretroviruses. already been yanked from shelves
“The really worrisome thing is Monkeys, mice all have syncytin. for their documented dangers.”22
there’s potential for it to become Endogenous viruses express, es-
part of the DNA and then it will pecially during hormonal cycles.
last forever.”10 “...we actually have When it’s expressed in the wrong
plenty of reverse transcriptase in our place, like in the brain or the spinal
own cells. We have plenty of it. And cord, it’s long been associated with
it’s these long interspersed nuclear the inflammatory disease and the
elements (LINEs) and short inter- destruction of the myelin sheet in
spersed nuclear elements (SINEs) multiple sclerosis (MS).”17
that are able to take our RNA back
to DNA and to put that DNA back “So, syncytin expressed in the The following passage in Isaiah also
into the genome.”11 wrong place gives you the paralytics warns us about the relationship with
diseases. We know Parkinson’s is evil spirits that the apocalyptic Bab-
“But these adenovirus vector pro- associated with Type I interferon ylon will be involved with, and that
tein-producing vaccines (Astra- responses...”18 this will be one of the reasons for its
Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson) destruction.
are grown in an aborted fetal tissue “...So, I think this is a complete setup
cell line,12 so now you’ve got human for Parkinson’s disease...”19 “1
Come down, and sit in the dust, O
syncytin [in there]. You’ve got 8% The Spirit of Prophecy has warned virgin daughter of Babylon, sit on
of the human genome of another us that “experimenting in drugs is the ground: there is no throne, O
human.”13 a very expensive business. Paraly- daughter of the Chaldeans: for thou
sis of the brain and tongue is often shalt no more be called tender and
“Neurological symptoms associated delicate 9But these two things shall
with COVID-19, such as headache, the result, and the victims die an
unnatural death, when, if they had come to thee in a moment in one
nausea and dizziness, encephalitis day, the loss of children, and wid-
and fatal brain blood clots are all in- been treated perseveringly, with
unwearied, unrelaxed diligence with owhood: they shall come upon thee
dicators of damaging viral effects on in their perfection for the multitude
the brain. Buzhdygan et al. (2020).”14 hot and cold water, hot compress-
es, packs, and dripping sheet, they of thy sorceries, and for the great
“Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CKD), would be alive today.”20 abundance of thine enchantments...
the human version of mad cow
Therefore shall evil come upon
disease, is a prion disease. Other hu- These companies have a history of thee; thou shalt not know from
man forms of prion disease include complete disregard for human life whence it riseth: and mischief shall
Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Lou and allowing their greed for profits fall upon thee; thou shalt not be
Gehrig’s disease (ALS). ‘You have or some far more sinister motive able to put it off: and desolation
all these horrible neurodegenera- such as a Utopian dream of depopu- shall come upon thee suddenly,
tive diseases and each one is tied to lating the earth to control their prac- which thou shalt not know. 12Stand
specific prion proteins,’ Seneff says. tices. Shall we trust these companies now with thine enchantments, and
The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein also with our health, our usefulness, and with the multitude of thy sorceries,
appears to be a prion protein, al- our very lives? wherein thou hast laboured from

4 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
thy youth; if so be thou shalt be able about Satan’s agenda to track, trace not cured. It will manifest itself in
to profit, if so be thou mayest pre- and control everything we do and some other form….The disease
vail” (Isaiah 47:1, 9, 11, 12). everywhere we go, to destroy the which the drug was given to cure
economy and control buying and may disappear, but only to reappear
In the Septuagint (the Greek transla- selling, and causing natural law and in a new form, such as skin diseases,
tion) of the passage above, the word our inherent freedoms to be ignored ulcers, painful, diseased joints, and
“sorcery” is translated as pharmakeia (such as freedom to assemble or to sometimes in a more dangerous
as well. Let us remember that many be in control of our own medical and deadly form….Nature keeps
involved in the occult attribute decisions), we are led to conclude struggling, and the patient suffers
supernatural power or miracles that “pharmakeia” in these passages with different ailments, until there
to mere energy, crystals, pendu- dealing with its use by “Babylon,” is a sudden breaking down in her
lums, drugs, magnetism, electricity, especially include and refer to the efforts, and death follows.”25
“ether,” frequencies, etc. and would modality of drugs.
not admit interaction with demons. “Our Saviour is the restorer of the
For the benefit of those who may moral image of God in man. He
not know the position on the use of has supplied in the natural world
But Satan is the one that uses the
drugs that was given to the Sev- remedies for the ills of man, that
modality of drugs, not God, and enth-day Adventist people through His followers may have life, and that
we thus open the door to him to the messenger of the Lord, Ellen they may have it more abundant-
exercise his power and influence White, I have included a number of ly. We can with safety discard the
examples of the numerous messag- concoctions which man has used
upon us when we use his methods. es from the Lord through her, that in the past. The Lord has provided
drugs are not to be used, that they antidotes for disease in simple plants,
If the passages previously quoted are not the Lord’s method. and these can be used by faith, with
speaking of sorcery were all the no denial of faith; for by using the
evidence we had, we would not “...It is the Lord’s purpose that His blessings provided by God for our
have sufficient evidence that it was method of healing without drugs benefit we are cooperating with Him.
speaking especially of drugs and shall be brought into prominence in We can use water and sunshine and
chemicals. But in the context that: 1. every large city through our medical the herbs which He has caused to
God refers specifically to medicines institutions.”23 grow for healing maladies brought
in the last days, (in Jeremiah previ- “Shall physicians continue to re- on by indiscretion or accident.”26
ously quoted), 2. that He condemns sort to drugs, which leave a deadly
the modalities used by physicians “It would have
evil in the system, destroying that been better if from
in Asa’s time (drugs), and 3. that He life which Christ came to restore?
condemns the use of drugs in gener- the first all drugs
Christ’s remedies cleanse the sys- had been kept out
al as a modality through His servant tem. But Satan has tempted man to
Ellen White, (as quoted below), of our sanitariums,
introduce into the system that which and use had been
4. that we can see the corruption, weakens the human machinery,
greed, and criminal misconduct of made of such sim-
clogging and destroying the fine, ple remedies as are
the pharmaceutical industry in the beautiful arrangements of God. The
fact that they are promoting their found in pure water, pure air, sun-
drugs administered to the sick do light, and some of the simple herbs
products even with the clear evi- not restore, but destroy. Drugs never
dence that they are causing untold growing in the field. These would
cure. Instead, they place in the sys- be just as efficacious as the drugs
harm, 5. and with the logical evi- tem seeds which bear a very bitter
dence that even at best, the drugs used under mysterious names, and
harvest.”24 concocted by human science, and
do not address the cause of the
problem but only mitigate symp- “Drugs never cure disease; they only they would leave no injurious effects
toms, and thus do not cure; given all change its form and location…. in the system.
of this contextual evidence, 6. plus When drugs are introduced into “Thousands who are afflicted might
the fact that, in fulfillment of these the system, for a time they seem to recover their health if, instead of
prophecies, we see that the phar- have a beneficial effect. A change depending upon the drug store for
maceutical companies are bringing may take place, but the disease is their life, they would discard all

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 5
drugs, and live simply, without using conditions in the system.
tea, coffee, liquor, or spices, which 1. White, E. G. Counsels on Health, p. 340, par. 3

irritate the stomach, and leave it “Pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, 2.
weak, unable to digest even simple rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of M916194&rid=1188926643&p1=1d4cb-
food without stimulation. water, trust in divine power,—these d91ca0ec081635b7d89893c9f6802d004f-
are the true remedies.”29 78f1a04c39cb7f0c6b2606a1e&p2=&p4=2009-
“We have been instructed that in 3. COVID Vaccine Deaths and Injuries Are
our treatment of the sick we should “There are many ways of practising Secretly Buried – Dr. Joseph Mercola
discard the use of drugs. the healing art; but there is only one -
way that Heaven approves. God’s archive/2021/07/01/covid-vaccine-deaths-
“There are simple herbs that can remedies are the simple agencies of c081635b7d89893c9f6802d004f78f1a04c-
be used for the recovery of the sick, nature, that will not tax or debilitate 39cb7f0c6b2606a1e&sd=20090922&cid_
whose effect upon the system is very the system through their powerful tent=art1HL&cid=20210701_HL2&mid=D-
different from that of those drugs properties. Pure air and water, clean- M924431&rid=1197176794
that poison the blood and endanger liness, a proper diet, purity of life, 4. Ibid
5. Ibid
life.”27 and a firm trust in God, are reme- 6. Ibid
dies for the want of which thousands 7. Ibid
“Special instruction should be are dying. . . . Fresh air, exercise, 8. Ibid
given in the art of treating the sick, pure water, and clean sweet premis- 9.
without the use of poisonous drugs, es, are within the reach of all.”30
and in harmony with the light that
10. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D. quoted in COVID
God has given. Students should “I write these things that you may Vaccines May Bring Avalanche of Neurological
come forth from the school without know that the Lord has not left us Disease by Dr. Joseph Mercola
11. Ibid
having sacrificed the principles of without the use of simple remedies
12. See also Fact Sheet: COVID Vaccines & Fetal
health reform. which when used will not leave the Cell Lines - by Charlotte Lozier Institute
system in the weakened condition in 13. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D – quoted in The Many
“We should make decided efforts which the use of drugs so often leave Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm
to heed the directions the Lord has it. We need well trained nurses who
Your Health by Dr. Joseph Mercola
14. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D - quoted in COVID
given in regard to the care of the can understand how to use the sim- Vaccines May Bring Avalanche of Neurological
sick. They should be given every ad- ple remedies that nature provides Disease 11/06/2021 - by Dr. Joseph Mercola
vantage possible. All the restorative for restoration to health, and who
15. Ibid
16. Ibid
agencies that the Lord has provided can teach those who are ignorant of 17. Judy Mikovits, Ph.D – quoted in The Many
should be made use of in our sani- the laws of health how to use these Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm
tarium work. simple but effective cures.”31
Your Health by Dr. Joseph Mercola
18. Ibid
“When the Lord told Hezekiah that “Soon there will be no work done
19. Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D quoted in The Many
Ways in Which COVID Vaccines May Harm
He would spare his life for fifteen in ministerial lines except medical Your Health by Dr. Joseph Mercola
years, and as a sign that He would missionary work.”32 20. White, E. G. Medical Ministry, p. 228, par. 2
fulfill His promise, caused the sun 21.
to go back ten degrees, why did He We have cited: 1. from inspiration sion-from-the-govts-stingy-vaccine-inju-
not put His direct, restoring power (the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy), ry-compensation-program
upon the King? He told him to apply 2. from reason and logic, 3. from 22. Ibid
23. White, E. G. Testimonies [Vol. 9], p. 168, par. 4
a bunch of figs to his sore, and that science, 4. from experiences of
24. White, E. G. Pamphlets 144, p. 14, par. 1
natural remedy, blessed by God, life (actual happenings before our 25. White, E. G. Healthful Living, p. 243, par. 3
healed him. The God of nature di- eyes and in the news), and 5. from 26. White, E. G. Pamphlets 144, p. 14, par. 2
rects the human agent to use natural history. (Please read also the letter to 27. White, E. G. Pamphlets 144, p. 15
remedies now.”28 the editor about vaccinations in the 28. White, E. G. Pamphlets 144, p.16, par. 4-5
29. White, E. G. Ministry of Healing, p. 127
first issue of this newsletter.) I pray
“In case of sickness, the cause the reader is able to discern in the
30. White, E. G. Testimonies [Vol. 5], p. 443
31. White, E. G. Selected Messages Book 2, p. 296,
should be ascertained, unhealth- evidences given why 1889 Histor- par. 1
ful conditions should be changed, ic Seventh Day Adventists do not 32. White, E. G. Counsels on Health, p. 533
wrong habits corrected. Then nature believe in the use of drugs, and espe-
is to be assisted in her effort to expel cially the COVID-19 vaccinations.
impurities and to reestablish right W R I T T E N BY David Sims

6 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
Living for Jesus

When Trials Overflow the Soul

"But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their
strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall
walk, and not faint" (Isaiah 40:31).
In this chaotic and troublous world, when we are bat-
tered by spontaneous uncertainties that imperil our very
existence, we may entertain some queries beclouding
our finite minds. Why does God allow suffering which
is almost unbearable? When will our burdens end? Does
God really answer our prayers? These are questions often
raised by Christians, and these were my thoughts at one
time when my life was not fully in harmony with the
Holy Spirit (the Comforter). remains for a very short period of time, and in an instant,
If we will just take the liberty and time to assess our situ- the tide changes its course, and the water subsides to the
ation in life—physically, socially, as well as spiritually, we alternative low tide. When we feel the piercing pain as
would realize that life is what we make it. The sufferings if we cannot endure and move further, that is the time,
we currently carry are often the outcome of what we have brothers and sisters, that we have to hold on, and stand
done. Our accumulated sins and wrongdoings, when left firm, fastening our grip on the mighty solid Rock that
unchecked and not repented of, even the small things— can withstand the test of time. Our battle has already
from unhealthful foods we consume daily to our carnal been won at the Saviour’s cross. The agony He suffered is
thoughts and wayward works—can heap up insurmount- the shining crown of victory of the redeemed saints.
able woes crippling our spiritual senses that will lead us If we repent and cast our burdens on the Divine Sustain-
to perdition, for eventually “the wages of sin is death” er, we are wondrously promised a transformation of the
(Romans 6:23). whole being, as in the vibrant words of Isaiah 40:31, “But
they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength;
“Don’t make a mountain out of a molehill,” so the saying they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run,
goes, but the molehill of sins amassed together commit- and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.”
ted out of mere human pleasure and desire may soon
turn into a mountain of abomination unsightly in the Let us keep our faith with lamps burning as bright as the
eyes of God our Father. Praise God that there may still be five virgins’ in the Biblical parable, for we are now on
the threshold of the end of time. We
may not realize how soon probation
Our battle has already been won at the Saviour’s cross. The agony will be closed, for it might come at
lightning speed. We may not see
He suffered is the shining crown of victory of the redeemed saints.
each other in this world, but in that
heavenly home and the earth made
hope through the intercessory work of our Saviour who new prepared for us, it will be a joy-
acts as our High Priest advocating for us in the heavenly ous and eventful meeting. It is my fervent prayer that our
courts above.  names will be written in the Book of Life.

When the earthly path that we are treading seems cum- Hold fast till Jesus comes. Ω
bered with thorny obstacles along the way, remember
that it is like the current of the sea. When the tide rises, it
W R I T T E N BY Romeo Saligumba

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 7
From the Churches

All Things Work Together

REPORT FROM Roned Batasin

“And we know that all things work

together for good to them that love
God, to them who are called ac-
cording to his purpose” (Romans
When the pandemic continued,
even after the introduction of vac- of them are now regularly attending were surprised to see a community
cines, the government once again the Sabbath services. of probably a hundred houses there.
placed some regions, including ours, We brought with us 19 packs of
For a month now, since the ECQ goods and tracts, each carrying a
under Enhanced Community Quar-
was lifted, we have been back to pack or two, and visited 19 houses,
antine (ECQ), and public gatherings
meeting at our church building in offering songs and prayers as well.
were once more prohibited, and
town. We had had to leave the young There is one Protestant church there,
so our church activities were again
people and the other brethren there but not an Adventist church. Actual-
stopped. As one of the leaders of
when we had to spend the worship ly, this was not the place we origi-
our church, I felt sad about this, but
services in the mountains during nally planned to go to (Gisgis), but
this circumstance still resulted in a
the ECQ. On our first Sabbath in Bro. Gideon and I lost our way when
blessing not only for our church but
town, one father and his son went we surveyed the place a week before,
for those around us also.
down from Km. 9 to join us. We and this was where our feet brought
Most of the brethren here respond- were all happy to see them. And at us. Gisgis is another small commu-
ed to the call for country living and our recent monthly church meeting, nity in the middle of the mountains,
even relatives who had backslid- we decided to spend one Sabbath a but there is already an SDA church
den for quite a while joined and month at Km. 9 to cater to the needs there according to Sis. Sam who was
built their country homes up in of the children and the brethren able to visit the place a decade and
the mountains when God opened there, especially to those who are a half ago. We realize that there is a
the way for all of us to have a place unable to go to town because they large field around us, that “the har-
to live in the country (in Km. 8, are old and one is blind. vest truly is great, but the labourers
Km.9, and Km. 3). For the past few are few” (Luke 10:2).
In our recent church activity last
months, since the ECQ commenced,
week, we walked farther into the God surely has a thousand ways
we have done our prayer meetings
mountains (to Km. 11) to visit the to reach and bless each of us for
and vesper worship services online
dwellers there. A dozen young He doesn’t want that even one soul
and via phone patch. And for our
people (interests of our church) be lost but to have eternal life. We
worship visitations every Tuesday,
joined us. We had to walk for an praise God for using us as channels
we have been visiting the families in
hour to reach the place, and yet we of His grace. Ω
their country homes. On Sabbath,
we mostly meet at Km. 9 where
most dwellers are. It has been a
while since some of them went to
church, but God used these circum-
stances to reach these hungry and
thirsty souls through the services
of the church. They were reminded
of their first love, their duty to God,
and the nearness of the time. Some

8 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
From the Churches

My Spiritual Journey I exposed the papal persecutions Negros Oriental. In that four-hour
TESTIMONY FROM Romeo Saligumba during the Dark Ages in a group long forum, I am thankful that
where there are several Catholics, through the Holy Spirit’s guidance, I
I belong to a scion of an Adventist and I knew that they were struck by was able to present freely the God-
family of Boholano descent. The whole the true historical facts, and I was head truth. If it were not for the
family of my grandparents on my not surprised that Facebook closed lockdowns, there could be another
mother’s side joined Adventism way my account. forum as someone else from Negros
back in 1952 after following the Voice province also seeks discussion with
The biggest event in my spiritual
of Hope radio program series based me.
journey came spontaneously in the
in Cebu. My father also became an
early part of 2018 when I became Online, there are Adventist non
Adventist at a young age after he ven-
acquainted with what some have trinitarian international group
tured and found a job in Mindanao.
termed One True God believers discussions, one of which is now
I am the sixth in a brood of seven in many Facebook groups. There I grown to 48 thousand members and
siblings. I was then very supportive found the truth in pioneer Advent- still counting, and these can be the
in church activities. My father, being ism, and my spirit really bothered venues where we can share the truth
a church elder, was president for two me about the apostasy of the trinity to others as a witness. “Cast thy
consecutive terms in the Bohol Feder- doctrine that has crept slowly into bread upon the waters: for thou shalt
ation of Adventist churches. But in the the SDA Church. I was so disheart- find it after many days” (Ecclesiastes
1990s, there were commotions inside ened for I was now certain that the 11:1).
the church as most older members church where I was born and took
refuge throughout my life was falli- I lost an ally in the faith on July 2020
did not prefer changing the original
ble in principles and vulnerable to as my father succumbed to illness
three angels logo and putting crosses
fallacious doctrines. I also received and ripe age. It was a great loss for
in church buildings and on its prem-
informative printed materials from me, but it will be a boon and bless-
ises. That was my first impression
a Facebook friend from Leyte, that ing when the resurrection comes.
that something had gone wrong with
the church. Every time I see the new made me determined and enthusi- At last I found a place which I can
Adventist logo, I hear the whisper of astic to tell the truth to my fellow call home when I joined the 1889
the still small voice within my heart church goers. My turn as speaker HSDA church. I thank God for I
and mind saying that the mainstream for the hour of worship was my found inner peace, serenity, and
church is not standing in the truth of opportunity to divulge what was comfort. Please pray for us here
the three angels messages any longer, happening in the church. Though in Bohol. My brother and I are
and I realize it was the Holy Spirit many were caught off guard by now home-churching. He wants
that prodded me to delve deeper into my somewhat surprise message his daughter to be baptized in the
spiritual matters. to them, my parents and at least non-trinitarian truth about God.
three in my family circle sided with
We have several Adventist books at me in my non-trinitarian belief of
home given by the American pen pals God. Most of the church members
of my parents, including Patriarchs were not inclined to come out from
and Prophets, Bible Readings for the corporate church for they could
the Home Circle, and the Christian not leave their positions and were
history book—Facts of Faith. It was deceived.
in 2015 that I hungered for truth, and We look forward to soon be living
I took the books that had lain idle On September 2019, I was in- in the country to be better prepared
on the shelf and began turning from vited by Richard Thompson, an for our soon coming journey to our
page to page and found them spiritu- SDA mainstream evangelist from heavenly home. I believe I have done
ally invigorating. What I acquired in Manila, in a one on one discussion my best and my all for Christ, but
my book readings, I used in several about the trinity doctrine that was how I wish I could still have done
religious group discussions. In 2017, to be held in Bais City Church in more for God’s cause. Ω

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 9
History in Advance

The Merchants of Babylon

(Please read the cover article in [Revelation 17:13, 14 quoted.]
this issue of the newsletter entitled “‘These have one mind.’ There will be
“Pharmakeia and 1889 Historic Sev- a universal bond of union, one great
enth Day Adventists” before reading harmony, a confederacy of Satan’s
this article.) forces. ‘And shall give their power
and strength unto the beast.’ Thus
The origin of literal Babylon dates is manifested the same arbitrary,
back to a time shortly after the oppressive power against religious
flood, when the descendants of liberty, freedom to worship God ac-
Noah journeyed to the plain of cording to the dictates of conscience,
Shinar and built a city and a tower as was manifested by the papacy,
and confederated together to form when in the past it persecuted those
a kingdom to oppose the authority who dared to refuse to conform with
of God. The tower reached high into the religious rites and ceremonies of
the heavens, the inhabitants hoping Romanism.”1
even to be protected from God’s
judgments in the event of another God has warned against forming sustain their institutions, then Prot-
flood. Hence, God’s use of the term such a confederacy even in Old estant America will have formed an
Babylon in prophecy. Testament times. “Say ye not, A image of the Roman hierarchy, and
confederacy, to all them to whom this the infliction of civil penalties upon
A Confederacy Against Christ people shall say, A confederacy;...” dissenters will inevitably result.”3
and His People (Isaiah 8:12). It is this same confed-
eracy that becomes the “image to the Babylon is especially character-
In various places, the Bible predicts beast.” (See Revelation 13:13, 14). ized by three things in Revela-
that a confederacy of Satan’s agen- tion 18
cies encompassing the entire world Two False Doctrines that Prepare
would again take place in the last the Minds for this Confederacy 1. Involvement in the Occult
days against the Lamb (Christ) and
His people. I would like us to con- “Through the two great errors, the “And he cried mightily with a strong
sider the agencies in this prophecy immortality of the soul and Sunday voice, saying, Babylon the great is
that will bring this unity about. sacredness, Satan will bring the peo- fallen, is fallen, and is become the
ple under his deceptions. While the habitation of devils, and the hold of
“12And the ten horns which thou former lays the foundation of spiri- every foul spirit, and a cage of every
sawest are ten kings, which have tualism, the latter creates a bond of unclean and hateful bird” (Revela-
received no kingdom as yet; but sympathy with Rome.”2 tion 18:2).
receive power as kings one hour
with the beast. 13These have one These two errors bring about the This verse reveals the corrupt state
mind, and shall give their power and bond of union between the religious of the false churches. They will be a
strength unto the beast. 14These shall elements in the world. habitation of demons. That this will
make war with the Lamb, and the happen is not hard to believe if you
Lamb shall overcome them: for he is “When the leading churches of the have ever attended a Pentecostal
Lord of lords, and King of kings: and United States, uniting upon such service, where, void of reverence
they that are with him are called, points of doctrine as are held by and order, they shout, dance, fall
and chosen, and faithful” (Revela- them in common, shall influence the on the floor, speak unintelligible
tion 17:12-14). state to enforce their decrees and to gibberish, and heal with a blow of

10 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
the hand knocking people backward merchants of Babylon. The facts Scripture places an emphasis on its
to the floor. concerning its connection with the “traffic” or trade and on the sheer
merchants of the earth and its great magnitude of its products and
2. False Doctrines wealth is not confined to Revelation profit. Their riches are so immense
18. In Ezekiel 27 and 28 under the that they are able to enrich kings.
“For all nations have drunk of the symbol of the ancient great center These are not ordinary vendors on
wine of the wrath of her fornication, of trade, Tyre and its king, is min- the streets or in the market place.
and the kings of the earth have com- gled the description of prophetic Revelation 18:23 tells us “thy mer-
mitted fornication with her,...” (Reve- Babylon and Lucifer. In Ezekiel chants were the great men of the
lation 18:3a). (We will be considering 28:16, laying the responsibility on earth.” Great men are the ultra rich
the wine of Babylon in a future article, the king of Tyre, it speaks of the and powerful. This is speaking of
but for now, for a list of some of the “multitude of thy merchandise.” In the billionaires and their companies
false doctrines that are symbolized by Ezekiel 27:24 quoted below, it says, worth trillions.
its wine, see “Three Angels of Revela- “merchants in all sorts of things.”
tion” by J.N. Andrews pp. 54-56.)

3. Wealth and Connection with the

Merchants of the Earth
“... and the merchants of the earth are
waxed rich through the abundance of
her delicacies” (Revelation 18:3b).
“And the merchants of the earth shall
weep and mourn over her; for no man
buyeth their merchandise any more:
The merchandise of gold, and silver,
and precious stones, and of pearls,
and fine linen, and purple, and silk,
and scarlet, and all thine wood, and all
manner vessels of ivory, and all man-
ner vessels of most precious wood, and
of brass, and iron, and marble, 13And “Now, thou son of man, take up God is obviously trying to show or
cinnamon, and odours, and oint- a lamentation for Tyrus” (Ezekiel warn us about these mega corpora-
ments, and frankincense, and wine, 27:2). “And say unto Tyrus, O thou tions and their owners.
and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, that art situate at the entry of the
sea, which art a merchant of the It is always difficult to interpret
and beasts, and sheep, and horses, prophecy before it happens. Some-
and chariots, and slaves, and souls people for many isles, Thus saith
the Lord GOD; O Tyrus, thou hast times there are various ways sym-
of men... 15The merchants of these bols can be understood and various
things, which were made rich by her, said, I am of perfect beauty” (Eze-
kiel 27:3). ways a text could be applied. It is
shall stand afar off for the fear of her easy to be wrong when applying a
torment, weeping and wailing,... 17For “These were thy merchants in all prophecy to the future. Interpreta-
in one hour so great riches is come to sorts of things, in blue clothes, and tion of prophecy after it happens is
nought. And every shipmaster, and all broidered work, and in chests of much easier, for then you can look
the company in ships, and sailors, and rich apparel, bound with cords, and at history and see how it fits the
as many as trade by sea, stood afar off ” made of cedar, among thy merchan- prophecy and if it is a precise fit or
(Revelation 18:11-17). dise” (Ezekiel 27:24). “When thy not. But the prophecy we are exam-
A long list of its merchandise is given wares went forth out of the seas, ining in this article is one concern-
above. In fact, such importance is thou filledst many people; thou ing which we neither need to look
placed upon this aspect of the proph- didst enrich the kings of the earth back nor forward for its fulfillment.
ecy that 13 verses are devoted in this with the multitude of thy riches and This is a prophecy which is unfold-
chapter alone to the merchandise and of thy merchandise” (Ezekiel 27:33). ing before our eyes.

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 11
The word “merchants” in this pas- AstraZeneca is the company where
sage is not symbolic. It is literal. If it most of the COVID-19 vaccinations
were symbolic then we would have for Philippines have come from. It
to find a Scriptural meaning for “the had sales of its COVID-19 vaccine
multitude” and “all sorts” of articles of 275 million dollars in the first
mentioned that the merchants are quarter of this year.
said to be trading (Revelation 18:12-
13, quoted above). Who are these Hoechst
billion and trillion-dollar merchants,
and what are they doing that we This company went through a num-
need to be concerned with? ber of different name changes and
mergers and splits, so we will just
The cobweb of financial connections call it Hoechst. It had its beginnings
in the business world is mind-bog- when Eugen Lucius bought a drug
gling. Following the trail of own- store. He partnered with others,
ership, you are led through a maze and by “1883, a Hoechst chemist
of companies and subsidiary com- working with quinine discovered
panies, partnerships, share holders, Antipyrin, one of the first analge-
companies holding stock in their sics. The company cooperated with
competition’s corporation, mergers, leading researchers Koch and Erlich
buyouts, splits, daily exchanges of to produce the Novocaine familiar
stocks, trusts, mutual funds, etc. to dental patients, and also Salvar-
This makes it a daunting task to san, the first effective treatment for
really find out who owns what and syphilis. Salvarsan was one of the
who controls what and how much chemicals (including chlorine, acids, first disease-specific medicines.
someone’s assets really are. But to and synthetic ammonia), metals, Most 19th-century drug discoveries
start, let's focus on just a couple of cellulose products, a rubberized were, like aspirin, general remedies.
companies with a brief overview of fabric known as “leathercloth,” The list of Hoechst’s achievements
their history. polyethylene, PVC, and various in pharmacology includes the 1906
plastics. Within 75 years, ICI had synthesis of adrenaline and the 1923
Babylon’s Merchants, the World’s isolation of insulin.”5 6
patented more than 33,000 inven-
Great Men tions, 150,000 patents ranging from In 1925, Hoechst merged with other
plastics to pharmaceuticals. On the large chemical companies such as
AstraZeneca plastics side, ICI developed polyes- Bayer and BASF in Germany form-
Zeneca became the name of one di- ter and its derivative terylene (the ing the largest cartel in the world at
vision of Imperial Chemical Indus- most widely used synthetic fabric the time called IG Farben. It manu-
tries (ICI), which split in 1993. It lat- in the world at the dawn of the 21st factured gunpowder, mustard gas,
er merged with the Swiss company century) as well as perspex, a recy- hundreds of synthetic substitutes
Astra and became AstraZeneca. ICI clable material used in a wide range for organic materials that were in
at various times was Britain’s largest of items, from lighting and signage short supply due to war needs or
manufacturing company and one to furniture. Pharmaceuticals devel- embargoes, inorganic chemicals,
of the largest chemical companies oped by company scientists included pharmaceuticals, explosives, pho-
in the world. It was formed from a chemotherapy drugs for cancer pa- tographic chemicals, the high-tech
merger of 3 chemical companies, an tients, beta-blocker heart drugs, and fuel used in Hitler’s war machines,
explosives company and a munitions the antimalaria drug Paludrine. synthetic rubber, Zyklon-B gas used
company in 1926. After World War II, it was convicted in the gas chambers in the concen-
of violating antitrust laws for signing tration camps in Germany, hydro-
ICI went on to invent and or pro- fluorosilicic acid (from production
duce fertilizers, other agrochem- over 800 agreements with Dupont
to regulate competition.4 It had also of phosphate fertilizer and used in
icals, lime, dyestuffs, explosives, the water given to prisoners in the
detonators, guns, mustard gas signed similar types of agreements
with IG Farben of Germany. concentration camps to weaken
(used in chemical warfare), general

12 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
seven businesses through which it This is only a brief look at two
produced pharmaceuticals, blood of these companies. Other mega
products, animal health products, corporations reveal similar infinite
veterinary supplies, chemicals, range of products, wealth, crimi-
fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, nal conduct, bribes, enriching the
hybrid and GMO seeds, etc. By leaders of countries in exchange for
1997, Hoechst was the world’s policies favorable to them, etc. Only
largest chemical company.9 It the judgment will reveal all of their
merged with Aventis in 1999, sold hidden secrets, including their con-
its crop science division to Bayer nections with the kings of the earth.
their IQ and make them passive and in 2001 (making Bayer the second Who is behind these companies?
unlikely to revolt, and which is still largest agro-chemical business in Time and space and the complexity
used in many municipal water systems the world, second only to Syngen- of ownership prevents me from go-
to fluoridate the water). They finan- ta). In 2004, it merged with Sanofi ing into much detail. But I will share
cially supported Hitler’s rise to power, becoming SanofiAventis, and in just a little more.
financed, built, and maintained a 2006, Iraqis infected with HIV
concentration camp (Auschwitz III) of sued Sanofi due to HIV-contami- BlackRock is a company that started
their own, rented and purchased (170 nated haemophilia blood products out as a subsidiary of Blackstone
marks each) human beings for test- sold by Merieux (one of Hoechst’s group (of Jacob Rothschild) and has
ing and experimentation with drugs, businesses) in the 1980s. In 2011, become the largest asset manage-
x-rays, surgeries, etc., participated SanofiAventis became simply Sano- ment firm in the world. Its largest
in genetic and reproductive testing fi, and today, it is the world’s largest amount of shares are owned by
and what amounted to torture. They producer of vaccines, besides all of Vanguard, the second largest firm in
used slave labor to build the camp its other lines of products. Its reve- the world.13 14
and their factory and to work in their nue in 2019 was 36 billion euros.10
factory. Thousands died from disease “The elite who own Vanguard appar-
11 12
and starvation. This is the first time in ently do not like being in the spot-
history that a concentration camp was We could mention similar histories light but of course they cannot hide
actually financed and built by a private with other big companies, but I from who is willing to dig. Reports
company.7 hope you get the picture. from Oxfam and Bloomberg say
that 1% of the world, together owns
more money than the other 99%.
Notice how precisely these com- Even worse, Oxfam says that 82%
panies fit the prophetic descrip- of all earned money in 2017 went to
tion. this 1%.
“Vanguard and BlackRock are the
There is almost nothing these
two top owners of Time Warner,
companies don’t produce. IG Far-
Comcast, Disney and News Corp,
ben (Hoechst, Bayer, BASF) even four of the six media companies that
bought and sold human beings control more than 90% of the U.S.
in Auschwitz. The history of their media landscape. (They also are the
connection with Hitler, “the kings two top shareholders of New York
After the war, 24 of IG Farben’s top ex- of the earth,” is undisputed.
ecutives were convicted of war crimes, Times.)
but “no director received more than a “BlackRock and Vanguard form
four-year prison sentence. A few even a secret monopoly that own just
returned to sit on the board of direc- about everything else you can think
tors at Bayer and Hoechst.”8 IG Farben of, too. In all, they have ownership
was forced to be divided up into the in 1,600 American firms, which in
three largest of the original companies 2015 had combined revenues of
that it was made up of (Hoechst AG, $9.1 trillion. When you add in the
Bayer, and BASF). Hoechst formed third-largest global owner, State

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 13
Street, their combined ownership times in Scripture.
encompasses nearly 90% of all S&P
500 firms. “9But these two [things] shall come
to thee in a moment in one day,
“According to Simply Wall Street, in the loss of children, and widow-
February 2020, BlackRock and Van- hood: they shall come upon thee in
guard were the two largest sharehold- their perfection for the multitude
ers of GlaxoSmithKline,...(alternating of thy sorceries, [and] for the great
from time to time with Sanofi as the abundance of thine enchantments....
world’s largest vaccine maker) [and] some of whom are royalty and who 12
Stand now with thine enchant-
...Pfizer (another huge drug compa- have been very rich since before ments, and with the multitude of thy
ny).”15 the Industrial Revolution.16 sorceries, wherein thou hast la-
boured from thy youth; if so be thou
“BlackRock and Vanguard Own the shalt be able to profit, if so be thou
World These merchants are dealing in mayest prevail. 13Thou art wearied
“That assertion will become even
every conceivable commodity, in the multitude of thy counsels. Let
clearer once you realize that this duo’s just as the prophecy points out. now the astrologers, the stargaz-
influence is not limited to Big Pharma ers, the monthly prognosticators,
and the media. Importantly, Black- stand up, and save thee from [these
"The work of the people of God
Rock also works closely with central things] that shall come upon thee”
is to prepare for the events of the
banks around the world, including the (Isaiah 47:9, 12-13).
future, which will soon come upon
U.S. Federal Reserve, which is a pri- them with blinding force. In the Their inspiration comes from their
vate entity, not a federal one. It lends world gigantic monopolies will be counsellors, the astrologers, the
money to the central bank, acts as an formed. Men will bind themselves stargazers, the monthly prognostica-
adviser to it, and develops the central together in unions that will wrap
bank’s software. them in the folds of the enemy. A
few men will combine to grasp all
“BlackRock/Vanguard also own shares
the means to be obtained in certain
of long list of other companies, includ-
lines of business Trades unions will
ing Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Face-
be formed, and those who refuse
book and Alphabet Inc.”
to join these unions will be marked
“While it would take time to sift men.—Letter 26, 1903."17
through all of Vanguard’s funds to
These "events of the future" are
identify individual shareholders,
no longer in the future. Are we
and therefore owners of Vanguard,
not even now witnessing what the
a quick look-see suggests Rothschild
servant of the Lord told us these
Investment Corp. and the Edmond tors. But notice the term “multitude
gigantic monopolies would bring
De Rothschild Holding are two such of thy sorceries, [and] for the great
upon the earth with blinding force?
stakeholders. Keep the name Roth- abundance of thine enchantments.”
And remember, the Scripture
schild in your mind as you read on, as If it were singular, “sorcery,” and
warns us that these “great men” are
it will feature again later. with no other evidences, we would
not simply acting out of charitable
assume it is referring to commu-
“...the Italian Orsini family, the Amer- hearts nor from a love of money
nication with the devil. But it uses
ican Bush family, the British Royal or good business policies in their
the plural. The Septuagint translates
family, the du Pont family, the Mor- donations and investments. They
this as “pharmakeia,” the word from
gans, Vanderbilts and Rockefellers, as are Babylon’s merchants, thus they
which we get the English—“pharma-
Vanguard owners. are pursuing Babylon’s agenda.
“In other words, these two investment But ultimately our trail leads us to
“And the light of a candle shall shine
companies, Vanguard and BlackRock Satan as the source of their agenda.
no more at all in thee; and the voice
hold a monopoly in all industries in Their involvement in the occult in
of the bridegroom and of the bride
the world and they, in turn, are owned the last scenes of this earth’s history
shall be heard no more at all in thee:
by the richest families in the world, is actually mentioned a number of
14 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
for thy merchants were the great men
of the earth; for by thy sorceries were These are Babylon’s merchants and their agenda. The agenda is
all nations deceived” (Revelation
18:23). clear, and they won’t stop till they have accomplished their agen-
da—to use the agencies mentioned to help to usher in a global
A merchant is one who sells the
product, and Babylon’s merchants
confederacy to exercise complete control over the bodies and souls
are the ones selling Babylon’s prod- of men to be especially directed at waging war against Christ and
ucts. The passage quoted above indi- His people and instituting the image and mark of the beast.
cates that merchants (some of whom
we have identified in this article) are
involved in bringing about this de-
The Fear Factor new concepts about nature and the
ception, and that sorceries (pharma-
ecosystem almost deifying nature,
ceuticals) are the particular products But there is another point I would etc. The pharmaceutical indus-
that bring about the deception. like us to notice. The confedera- try has convinced virtually every
cy will be formed out of fear. “Say nation, through fear and rewards, to
This is a strong inference that the
ye not, A confederacy, to all them unite in this confederacy, ostensibly
passage is not merely speaking of
to whom this people shall say, A to end the pandemic. Do you really
communication with demons, but
confederacy; neither fear ye their think it will end there? Prophecy
that the literal meaning of the word
fear, nor be afraid” (Isaiah 8:12). The declares it won’t.
“pharmakeia”—drugs—plays a
fear factor will be capitalized on.
significant role. See also the cov-
When people are afraid of disease or These are Babylon’s merchants and
er article in this issue for further
want of food, when they are afraid their agenda. The agenda is clear,
evidence that this verse in Revela-
for their lives, you can almost make and they won’t stop till they have ac-
tion 18:23 and parallel verses are
them do anything. complished their agenda—to use the
especially referring to Satan’s agency
agencies mentioned to help to usher
of the chemical/pharmaceutical How are the events currently tak- in a global confederacy to exercise
industry that will be instrumental ing place a fulfillment of prophecy? complete control over the bodies
in deceiving the world into forming Virtually most, if not all, nations and souls of men to be especially di-
this confederacy. are following the protocol of one rected at waging war against Christ
controlling power. They are fol- and His people and instituting the
lowing the same public policy in image and mark of the beast.
every nation: censoring scientific
information and data about the Even when Satan himself imper-
virus and vaccines, influencing and sonates Christ, he will appear as a
controlling the media, issuing man- physician. “While appearing to the
dates concerning lockdowns, travel children of men as a great physician
restrictions, assembly restrictions, who can heal all their maladies, he
closing churches, schools, business- will bring disease and disaster, until
es, forcing of wearing masks, and populous cities are reduced to ruin
seeking to mandate vaccines. They and desolation....He imparts to the
If sorceries does not refer to phar-
have revamped educational systems air a deadly taint, and thousands
maceuticals in these passages, why
introducing “modules,” a math perish by the pestilence. These visita-
is so much space given to describing
course which does not deal with tions are to become more and more
Babylon’s merchants in Scripture?
addition, subtraction, multiplica- frequent and disastrous. Destruction
What role do they have in spiritual
tion, division, digits, algebra, geom- will be upon both man and beast.
things in the last days, and why do
etry, fractions, decimals, ratios, or ‘The earth mourneth and fadeth
we need to know of their connection
anything resembling math (instead away,’ ‘The haughty lan-
with sorcery? Why does it speak of
it redefines terms and tests your guish. The earth also is defiled under
their hope to “profit” by the mul-
ability to accept their definition as the inhabitants thereof; because they
titude of its sorceries in Isaiah 47
facts), a geology/sociology subject have transgressed the laws, changed
quoted above?
teaching evolution and introducing the ordinance, broken the everlast-

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 15
ing covenant’ (Isaiah 24:4, 5).”18 the cup which she hath filled, fill to such a scene of strife as no pen can
her double’ (Revelation 18:6).”20 picture.”22
“Some will be tempted to receive
these wonders as from God. The sick “And the nations were angry, and “Surely he shall deliver thee from
will be healed before us. Miracles will thy wrath is come, and the time of
be performed in our sight. Are we the dead, that they should be judged,
the snare of the fowler, and from
prepared for the trial which awaits and that thou shouldest give reward the noisome (mischievous, wick-
us when the lying wonders of Satan unto thy servants the prophets, and ed, perverse) pestilence (plague)”
shall be more fully exhibited? Will to the saints, and them that fear thy (Psalms 91:3).
not many be ensnared and taken? By name, small and great; and shoul-
departing from the plain precepts dest destroy them which destroy the _____________________________
and commandments of God and earth” (Revelation 11:18).
1. White, E. G. (1957) SDA Bible Commentary,
giving heed to fables, the minds of vol. 7 (EGW), p. 983, par. 6
many are preparing to receive these “The present is a time of over-
2. White, E. G. (1976) Maranatha, p. 187, par. 6
lying wonders. We must all now seek whelming interest to all living. 3. White, E. G. (1911) The Great Controversy, p.
to arm ourselves for the contest in Rulers and statesmen, men who 445, par. 1

which we must soon engage. Faith in occupy positions of trust and au- 4. Imperial Chemical Industries Plc | Ency- 10/217/8/2021 https://www.
God’s word, prayerfully studied and thority, thinking men and women
practically applied, will be our shield of all classes, have their attention economics-business-and-labor/business-
from Satan’s power and will bring us fixed upon the events taking place tries-plc
off conquerors through the blood of about us. They are watching the 5. Hoechst A.G.

Christ.”19 strained, restless relations that exist 6. Hoechst A.G.

among the nations. They observe the
7. Popular Pharmaceutical Company Bayer
The Judgment of Babylon intensity that is taking possession Bought Concentration Camp Victims in
of every earthly element, and they WWII Nov 28, 2016 Holly Godbey, Guest
But God promised, in the texts from recognize that something great and Author
Isaiah that we read, to break up their decisive is about to take place—that
association and to bring their coun- the world is on the verge of a stu- 9.
sel together to naught. We also read: pendous crisis.”21 Hoechst-AG-Company-History.html
“God’s anger will not cease until “Angels are now restraining the 11.
He has caused this land of light to ar19/index.html
winds of strife, that they may not 12.
drink the dregs of the cup of His blow until the world shall be warned 13. Blackstone and Jacob Rothschild, beneficiaries
fury, until He has rewarded unto of its coming doom; but a storm is of Malaysia Airlines flight disappearance? by
Babylon double. ‘Reward her even as gathering, ready to burst upon the
Alfredo Jalife-Rahme. https://www.voltairenet.
she rewarded you, double unto her earth; and when God shall bid His 14. June 6, 2007
double according to her works; in angels loose the winds, there will be cle/rothschild-family-member-to-join-black-
15. The Same Shady People Own Big Pharma and
the Media
articles/archive/2021/0... (see also https://www.
16. Ibid
17. White, E. G. (1946) Country Living, p. 10,
par. 3
18. White, E. G. (1923) Counsels on Health, p.
461, par. 1
19. White, E. G. (1855) Testimonies for the
Church, vol. 1, p. 302
20. White, E. G. (1882) Early Writings, p. 275,
par. 2
21. White, E. G. (1903) Education, p. 179, par. 5
22. White, E. G. (1903) Education, p. 179, par. 6

W R I T T E N BY David Sims

16 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
Little Heavens

A Mother’s Influence

“Next to God, the mother’s power for good is the

strongest known on earth” (AH, p. 240.1).
What solemn thought the words above invoke! The
knowledge that our power for good, our influence for
righteousness, is second to none, but to that of the In-
finite One! This thought alone should be enough to drive
us to a stronger zeal in working for the salvation of the
souls committed to our care. But how few of the mothers
that profess to be under the banner of Christ are aware
that they are gifted with such a privilege and are working
with persevering energy to counteract the strong tide of
ence and example, have borne fruit in crimes that caused
evil that the enemy of souls is trying to sweep over our
the world to shudder” (SR, p. 424.2).
There are children who in their childhood have, instead
“The mother’s daily influence upon her children is
of innocence, shown unusual atrocity and at a young
preparing them for eternal life or death. She exercises a
age perpetrated crimes, the heinousness of which could
power in her home more decisive than the minister in
cause the heart of the fearless to tremble. And the root
the desk, or even the king upon his throne” (ST, Nov. 3,
cause in some of these shocking behaviours can be traced
1881 par. 8).
to the neglect of discipline and lack of guidance and love
By the same token, we can safely conclude that our ne- in the home life.
glect, our evil examples, have the same power in mould-
I remember a story told about a death-row inmate whose
ing the life and character of our children. Our words,
last letter was to his mother blaming her for condoning
our looks and deportment are to them a savor of life or a
his little sins when he was young. It was his mother’s
savor of death.
neglect to discipline him that eventually led him to a life
The world is filled with characters whose lives have of theft and crime, and finally to his death.
blackened human history with untold woe and suffering.
There are perhaps thousands, if not millions, now wast-
Of Nero, the cruelest despot of the world’s last empire,
ing their manhood behind bars or worst yet, in the grave,
inspiration has this to say.
whose life could have been a blessing to the world, had
“There was no atrocity which he would not perpetrate, they had the influence of a godly mother in their child-
no vile act to which he would not stoop. In every no- hood and youth. Only eternity can tell of the infinite pos-
ble mind he inspired only abhorrence and contempt... sibilities for good that many a child or youth have lost.
The details of the iniquity practiced in his court are too
But looking on the cheerful side of things, we should not
degrading, too horrible, for description. His abandoned
forget to mention that the world has also enjoyed the
wickedness created disgust and loathing, even in many
pleasure of witnessing the life of some great men.
who were forced to share his crimes” (AA, p. 485-486).
One of the most ingenious inventor of all time, the rea-
And the same inspired writings trace the root of this sad
son why we are not in so much darkness (literally speak-
result to parental neglect and evil influence. “His (Nero’s)
ing), the man to whom we owe the modern electric light
mother is there to witness the result of her own work; to
bulb, had this to say about his mother, Nancy Edison:
see how the evil stamp of character transmitted to her
“My mother was the making of me. She was so true, so
son, the passions encouraged and developed by her influ-

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 17
sure of me, and I felt I had someone to live for, someone I “Since the days of Joshua the government had never
must not disappoint.” been conducted with so great wisdom and success as
under Samuel’s administration. Divinely invested with
Thomas Alva Edison had a total of 2332 patents in his the threefold office of judge, prophet, and priest, he had
name, some of which had a major impact on modern labored with untiring and disinterested zeal for the wel-
history. But this success he credits to the wholehearted fare of his people, and the nation had prospered under
support and education he received from his mother whose his wise control. Order had been restored, and godliness
patience in his curiosities and confidence in his ability promoted, and the spirit of discontent was checked for
compelled him to achieve human greatness. the time” (PP, p. 604).
Turning to the Scripture, we find an example of a woman “In the character of Samuel we see reflected the likeness
of prayer whose godly influence was a blessing even in af- of Christ” (PP, p. 607.5).
ter generations. Her son was, as his name indicated, “asked
of God.” He was her only son yet she did not withhold him Notice how Hannah’s righteous influence became Sam-
from the Lord. Mark the way Hannah raised the future uel’s and how it flowed in tide to the people that were
judge and prophet of Israel. under his rule. The people’s interests in the religious
services were aroused and the sanctuary services were re-
“From the earliest dawn of intellect, she had taught her stored. There was a reformation not only in the religious
son to love and reverence God, and to regard himself as matters but also in the civil government. Samuel’s uncor-
the Lord’s. By every familiar object surrounding him, she rupted leadership brought order and prosperity to the
had sought to lead his thoughts up to the Creator. When whole nation. A whole nation restored! What a powerful
separated from her child, the faithful mother’s solicitude witness to one mother’s faithfulness!
did not cease. Every day he was the subject of her prayers.
Every year she made, with
her own hands, a robe of
service for him; and as she Notice how Hannah’s righteous influence became Samuel’s and how it
went up with her husband to
worship at Shiloh, she gave
flowed in tide to the people that were under his rule.... A whole nation re-
the child this reminder of her stored! What a powerful witness to one mother’s faithfulness!
love. Every fiber of the little
garment had been woven
with a prayer that he might be pure, noble, and true. She Mothers, it is our privilege to be co-laborers with God in
did not ask for her son worldly greatness, but she earnestly the saving of our children. Let us ever be watchful to the
pleaded that he might attain that greatness which Heaven kind of influence we exercise in our dealings with them.
values—that he might honor God and bless his fellowmen” Remember that we have in our hands the power to pre-
(PP, p. 572). pare them for the companionship of heavenly beings or
that of the evil ones, for eternal life or death. Let us work
Samuel’s life was a life of purity and faithfulness, of integri- patiently and for eternity. Time is almost over. We know
ty and devotion. His purity was a rebuke to the wicked and not how long of an opportunity we have to guide our
a stay to the faithful. To no other human being was the children that they may walk in the way of the Lord. There
Scripture testimony given as that of Jesus and John. “And is danger all around us, seen and unseen, ready to lure
the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the the unwary feet of the young to destruction. Perhaps in
LORD, and also with men” (1 Samuel 2:26). our effort to save them, we may be saving our own souls.
Recorded in the inspired writings are details of Samuel’s li- “There is a God above, and the light and glory from His
fe that witnessed to the reward of Hannah’s devoted effort. throne rests upon the faithful mother as she tries to edu-
“A great change had taken place under Samuel’s admin- cate her children to resist the influence of evil. No other
istration. When the call of God first came to him the work can equal hers in importance...It is hers, with the
services of the sanctuary were held in contempt. 'Men help of God, to develop in a human soul the likeness of the
abhorred the offering of the Lord' {1 Samuel 2:17}. But the divine” (AH, p. 237.2). Ω
worship of God was now maintained throughout the land,
and the people manifested an interest in religious services”
W R I T T E N BY Marrah Sims
(PP, p. 609.1).

18 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
Ministry & Evangelism

The Gospel in Practice

I was exposed and became part of the service of the

Lord during my teenage years. I never had any inter-
est in medical missionary, anatomy and physiology, or
anything related in the science of health and well-being.
I had a class in Anatomy and Physiology when I was in
college, but it was the one I was most uninterested in,
so I was always sleeping in this class. Being the eldest
daughter in an extended family, I had many experience to different medical institutions and health centers, com-
in taking care of siblings, nieces, and nephews when they pared and analyzed the different programs as I experi-
were sick, but I did not care to know more beyond check- enced each, and tried all that we could to at least reduce
ing the temperature with a thermometer and placing the pain I was going through. I realized I did not know
a cold towel on the forehead. I thought that it was not anything, and I badly needed and wanted to learn more.
necessary for me to know more about these things, firstly
because this is the work of a medical personnel, which I Going through all of these, I have proven by experience
did not wish to be as I did not like the thought of dealing that “pure air, sunlight, abstemiousness, rest, exercise,
with human wastes and diseases and secondly, yet inad- proper diet, the use of water, [and] trust in divine pow-
vertently, because I was physically strong and have never er…are the true remedies” (MH, p. 127.2). Not that I did
really experienced being sick. This was my mindset due not believe in this previously, but I did not know practi-
to my lack of “education” that it is a fundamental part of cally how it works and how it is to be applied.
life and service.
Through this experience, God showed me what it
The day came, however, when I was diagnosed with means to be a true missionary. Being the sick one, I
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) and Rheumatoid was the receiver of the care and ministry of others. I
Arthritis (RA) in 2016, and the rheumatologist told me felt the love of God through the loving service of bret-
that the cause is unknown, that it is a lifetime disease, hren in heart and blood. I learned that in handling the
and that there is no cure. I could not and would not ac- sick, you have to be very patient, selfless, and unders-
cept what she said. I believed in my heart that God has a tanding as a sick person is usually not in his/her nor-
purpose why I had to experience this, and He could and mal self, that a soul in pain and grief, when ministered
would get me out of this if it is His will. I was painfully unto, cannot ever forget how you made them feel
constrained to learn and understand the science of health when you helped them ease their pain. I learned that
and diseases beyond what conventional medicine could between the sick and the one ministering, the bound-
offer. I realized I did not even know where the kidney or aries of human selfishness, are mostly non-existent.
the liver is and how they function. I felt the weight of the The sick don’t care if you do not agree on anything.
words in Hosea 4:6 that says, “My people are destroyed
Your loving ministry to him/her is what matters. No
for lack of knowledge.”
wonder inspiration says,
It was a hard and painful learning experience, I thought
it would cost my life, but I learned so many essential “The medical missionary work is to be to the work
things that I could never have learned another way. I was of the church as the right arm to the body….The
in terrible physical pain day and night, and we had to try medical missionary work is the gospel in practice”
everything that was feasible to help with my condition. I
am thankful that God surrounded me with people who (8T, p. 77.2). Ω
helped me go through all of that. I read all that I could
read about the subject, asked all whom I could ask, went W R I T T E N BY Samaritana Malinay

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 19
To the Flock

God’s Meter Stick “There is a way which

seemeth right unto a man, but
the end thereof [are] the ways
of death” (Proverbs 14:12).
Dear little flock, “Thy word [is] a lamp unto
my feet, and a light unto my
My son recently conveyed to me a conversation that had
path” (Psalm 119:105).
transpired between him and a neighbor who has been
attending church services. When I heard it, I was im- The word of God is to determine what is right and wrong
pressed that he needs to understand a certain principle not what we think is right or wrong. When we put our
better than he does. I believe this is a principle that most ideas and reasoning above the word of God, we are either
of us need to understand more deeply than we now do. saying we know better than God or that we have no faith
in the Bible as God’s word. It is establishing our own
The neighbor stated that swine’s flesh was ok for those
standard of righteousness instead of using God’s stan-
that are healthy as long as it is cooked well, and that that
will kill parasites and their eggs, and that smoking was
fine for those that were over 20. “For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and
going about to establish their own righteousness, have
You may smile and muse, “Where did he get the number
not submitted themselves unto the righteousness of God”
20, or what makes him think that the definition of well
(Romans 10:3).
cooked is the same for everyone and that any amount
of cooking will change filth into something healthy?” Jesus gave us the parable of the guest at the wedding feast
But many of us do the same things about various other that did not have the wedding garment on. He was cast
issues. We have a tendency to set up our own standard of out, and there was no excuse because everyone was given
right and wrong instead of using God’s measuring line. one before entering the wedding hall. Do we think that
our garments of self righteousness are good enough? He
But brethren, if we are not using the same standard of
holds out to us His own robe of righteousness. Shall we
measure as God does, we are bound to miss the mark.
not take it?
“I will greatly rejoice in the LORD, my soul shall be
If we are not using the same standard of mea- joyful in my God; for he hath clothed me with the gar-
ments of salvation, he hath covered me with the robe of
sure as God does, we are bound to miss the mark. righteousness, as a bridegroom decketh [himself] with
ornaments, and as a bride adorneth [herself] with her
jewels” (Isa 61:10).
“And there was given me a reed like unto a rod: and the God has given us His standard, His measuring reed. Shall
angel stood, saying, Rise, and measure the temple of we not use it? If we don’t, we will find ourselves outside
God, and the altar, and them that worship therein” (Rev- the gates of heaven.
elation 11:1).
“And that from a child thou hast known the holy scrip-
We need to use God’s reed and not our own. We ought to tures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation
be familiar with the story of Adam’s oldest son, Cain. He through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All scripture
thought the fruit from His garden was just as good as a [is] given by inspiration of God, and [is] profitable for
lamb or even better. After all, wasn’t God a loving God? doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in
Why would he want one of His little creatures to suffer? righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:15-16). Ω
And the fruit was the most tasty and delightful food. But
we are not to stop to reason and question. We are not to
consult our own ideas but a thus saith the Lord. W R I T T E N BY Pastor David Sims

20 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
Into the Garden

News & Announcements Tips to Garden Naturally

▶ We welcome into fellowship the
newly established church in Ma- Agriculture is the ABC of true education, and gardening with-
laybalay, Bukidnon, The Big Rock out man-made chemicals is the method the Lord would have
Church of 1889 HSDA. us choose.
Here are some tips on
▶ We also praise God for the
how to be successful,
progressive work of organization
gardening naturally by
in the church in Mutia into a more
the help and guidance
organized body at the ordination of
of our Lord through His
Bro. Jovito Manlud as the church
elder and the election of other
church officers. Most importantly, the soil
needs composted organic
matter. This makes the
soil productive, creating
a friendly environment
for microbes by increas-
ing its ability to retain
water and air and pro-
viding food for them. The
microbes in turn make
nutrients available to the

▶ We are sad to announce that Another sometimes use-

Bro. Joe Buhia has resigned from ful tip to further protect
his official duties with the church the soil from compaction
due to personal reasons, but his is to cover the soil with
mulch. We can use wood
heart remains in the work. We also
chips, grass, dry leaves, or
announce the resignation (last
other organic matter that
year) of Bro. Golly Policarpio as
can protect the soil from
minister of this church, and the re-
direct sunlight. It can be
moval of the ministerial credentials beneficial especially in
of Bro. Arnel Moñasque due to his raised beds because it suppresses weeds and retains soil moisture.
inactive status with 1889 HSDA. However, under certain circumstances, it may provide a breeding
ground for insects, so be watchful.
▶ We are thankful we can an- One more tip is to avoid large blocks of the same crop because
nounce the planned organization this offers an easy target for insects.
of 1889 HSDA in France later this
month and the ongoing efforts to These are just a few tips, but I hope this can help us enhance our
organize in other French-speak- skills in gardening. Ω
ing countries, as well as in Kenya,
Brazil, USA, etc. W R I T T E N BY Seth Sucgang

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 21
To the Young

Rejoice in the Days of Thy Youth

Dear young readers, tion, The Youth Instructor, January he had died in his infancy rather
5, 1881. It is about an “old man who than to have lived a wasted life as he
Being a youth is a part of life that is stood upon the border of the closing had done. With bitter remorse and
full of liveliness and fun. At this age, year, and looked forth from his win- blinding tears, he bowed his head
you will have temporary or long-term dow upon the blue heavens bright and cried again, ‘Oh that the days
friends that will leave beautiful and with stars, and upon the cold earth of my youth would come back! Oh
good influences or just the opposite. white with snow, and he thought for a touch from the guiding angel’s
This is the period when your respon- no heart could be so hopeless and hand that once was put forth to lead
sibilities are few, and you have much joyless as his. He saw the open grave me in the path of peace and holi-
time to spend in doing good things or before him, and behind him the sins ness.’
to lose when spent improperly; time and sorrows of a wasted life. He had
that you can spend in doing various followed the path of his own choos- “And his youth did come back; for
physical tasks because you are not ing for happiness, and he found it all that he had seen and said and felt
experiencing many body pains yet not. He was wasted in body, and his was only the prophetic dream of one
unlike the older ones. soul was filled with remorse. who was still young in years, yet had
been rapidly growing old in sin. In
Because of these privileges, you are “The days of his youth came back to an hour of sadness and weariness
in danger of going astray and for- his memory like reproachful spec- with the world, he had seen, by
getting the true purpose of life—to ters, and he saw himself again at the anticipation, the remorse and disap-
give glory to God and prepare for the point where two paths met,—the pointment to which he was hasten-
coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. And one leading to the heavenly home ing in his wanderings from God;
so God reminds you through King of peace, and the other leading to and he awoke with joy to find that
Solomon—the king to whom God darkness and despair. He saw, he there was yet time for him to choose
granted wisdom, wealth, and fame felt, the fearful mistake he had made the path of peace, of happiness, and
yet chose to do the things he wanted in choosing the dark path, and of Heaven.”
which were not according to the will following the leading of Satan, when
of God. He said in Ecclesiastes 11:9, angels of God were waiting and anx- Beloved children, stop for a while
“Rejoice, O young man, in thy youth; ious to show him the path of light. and think about the path you are
and let thy heart cheer thee in the Life to him was a failure. Distracted taking. Is it the road of giving glory
days of thy youth, and walk in the with grief and disappointment, he to God or the road of the pleasures
ways of thine heart, and in the sight of cried in agony, ‘O my Father, give of this world? Always remember to
thine eyes: but know thou, that for all me back the days of my youth! Let “fear God, and keep His command-
these things God will bring thee into me stand once more at the dividing ments: for this is the whole duty
judgment.” And in Ecclesiastes 12:1 ways, that I may choose the path of man. For God shall bring every
he said, “Remember now thy Creator of light.’ But there was no Father’s work into judgment, with every
in the days of thy youth, while the evil voice to answer, and the days of secret thing, whether it be good,
days come not, nor the years draw youth would not come back at his or whether it be evil” (Ecclesiastes
nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no call. He thought of the companions 12:13-14).” Ω
pleasure in them.” of his youth who had chosen the
I would like to share with you an ex- better path, and he wished that he
W R I T T E N BY Yeyen Batasin
perience that I read from the publica- had gone with them. He wished that

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021
Healthy Options

A Rich
Breakfast Ingredients:
3 medium sweet potatoes (boiled and mashed or
Sweet potato and saba grated)
are among the most 3 ripe saba bananas (boiled and mashed or grated)
readily available pro- 1 medium regular banana (lakatan or latundan)
duce in any part of the ½ a medium young coconut (gumaan)
Philippines. Usually, ½ cup of your choice of nuts (roasted and ground)
they are not very much
appreciated and are Instructions:
often regarded as the 1. Press the mashed sweet potato onto the bottom of a pan. You can also use ube,
food of the poor. How- gabi or purple sweet potato.
ever, considering their 2. Layer and press the mashed saba banana on top of sweet potato.
nutritional content and 3. Top the saba with a thin layer of ground nuts.
the variety of dishes
4. Make the coconut cream by blending the coconut and banana in a high speed
you can make with
blender until creamy. You may need to use the tamper to push the ingredients
them, both are indeed
near the blades.
rich food.
5. Cover with a layer of coconut cream. You can use as much or as little as you like
Here in our country, depending on your preference.
both are often served
boiled (nilagang ka- Notes:
mote at saba) for break- ▶ You can eat this right away or refrigerate for a firmer texture.
fast or fried and coated
▶ You can substitute or add more layers of different colored sweet potatoes, taro
with sugar (kamote
(gabi), or purple yam (ube) for more colors. Just take note that if you use gabi or
cue, banana cue) for
ube, the recipe will not be as sweet.
snacks (merienda). Let
me share with you an ▶ You can also exchange the layer of cream and nuts. When the cream is not very
unusual way of prepar- creamy and more solid (this will depend on the maturity of the coconut), it is better
ing both to make a rich to layer it on top of the saba, and sprinkle the nuts on top of the cream.
breakfast or a dish that ▶ I couldn't think of a name for this. Do you have a suggestion? Email or text us. :-)
can be served anytime
using the most com-
mon local ingredients W R I T T E N BY Samaritana Malinay
we have.

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David Sims Samaritana Malinay the 1889 Historic Seventh Day Adventists. EMAIL
Jessmar Engcoy Yeyen Batasin Feel free to share this with anyone. CO N TAC T N U M B E R S
Krysyll Lacap +63 915 467 0908
E D I TO R Samaritana Malinay +63 927 875 6988
A S S O C I AT E E D I TO R Yeyen Batasin +63 917 301 2857

T H E 1889 R E V I E W | I S S U E 03 | J U N E 2021 23

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