Basci Competency Module Final

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Competency-Based Learning Material


Qualification Title : CARPENTRY NC II

Unit of Competency : BASIC COMPETENCY


St. Isidore ‘the farmer’ Learning Center, Inc.

Welcome to the module of Basic Competency of Carpentry NC II This module
contains training materials and activities for you to complete.
The basic competency of CARPENTRY NCII is consist of four unit; Participate in the
workplace communication, work in a team, practicing career professionalism, and
Occupational health and safety practices, which contains the knowledge, skills and
attitude required for all the programs offered by all TYESDA-Institutes.
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each
learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome are Information Sheets,
Resource Sheet and Reference Materials for further reading to help you better
understanding the required activities. Follow these activities on your own and answer
the self-check at the end of each learning outcomes. Get the answer key from your
trainer and check your work honestly. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask your
facilitator for assistance.
This module was prepared to help you achieve the required competency Carpentry NC
II This will be the source of information for you to acquire the knowledge and skills in
this particular module with minimum supervision or help from your trainer. With the aid
of this material, you will acquire the competency independently and at your own pace.
Talk to your trainer and agree on how you will both organize the training of this unit.
Read through the module carefully. It is divided into sections which covers all the skills
and knowledge you need to successfully complete in this module.

Work through all the information sheets and complete the activities in each section. Do
what is asked in the INSTRUCTIONAL SHEETS and complete the SELF-CHECK.
Suggested references are included to supplement the materials provided in this module.
Most probably, your trainer will also be your supervisor or manager. He/she is there to
support you and show you the correct way to do things. Ask for help.
Your trainer will tell you about the important things you need to consider when you are
completing activities and it is important that you listen and take notes.

Talk to more experienced workmates and ask for their guidance.

Use the self-check questions at the end of each section to test your own progress.
When you are ready, ask your trainer to watch you perform the activities outlined in the
As you work through the activities, ask for written feedback on your progress. Your
trainer gives feedback/pre-assessment reports for this reason. When you have
successfully completed each element or learning outcome, ask your trainer to mark on
the reports that you are ready for assessment.
When you have completed this module and feel confident that you have had sufficient
practice, your trainer will schedule you for the institutional assessment. The result of
your assessment/evaluation will be recorded in your COMPETENCY ACHIEVEMENT

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Participate in the workplace Communication
MODULE TITLE : Participate in the workplace Communication
MODULE DESCRITOR : This module covers knowledge, skills and
attitudes required to obtain, interpret and
convey information in response to workplace


At the end of the module, the trainee/students must be able to:
LO 1. Obtain and convey workplace communication
LO 2. Complete relevant work related documents
LO 3. Participate in workplace meeting and discussion
Learning Objectives: After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:
1. Define the part of Speech
2. Identify the eight part of speech
3. Define each of the eight part of speech
4. Learn and apply each part of speech in constructing a sentence


In traditional grammar, a part of speech or part-of-speech is a category of
words (or, more generally, of lexical items) that have similar grammatical properties.
Words that are assigned to the same part of speech generally display
similar syntactic behavior they play similar roles within the grammatical structure of
sentences and sometimes similar morphology in that they undergo inflection for similar
properties. Commonly part of
speechare noun, verb, adjective, adverb, pronoun, preposition, conjunction, interjection, 
numeral, article, or determiner. Other Indo-European languages also have essentially all
these word classes;[1] one exception to this generalization is that Latin, Sanskrit and
most Slavic languages do not have articles. Beyond the Indo-European family, such
other European languages as Hungarian and Finnish, both of which belong to the Uralic
family, completely lack prepositions or have only very few of them; rather, they
have postpositions.


Part of speech are the basic types of words that English has. Most grammar
books say that there are eight part of speech: nouns, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns,
conjunction, preposition and interjection.
The noun
A noun is a word that refers to a thing, a person, an animal, a place, a quality,
an idea, or an action. Nouns are usually the first words which small children learn.
Late last year our neighbor’s brought a goat
Portia white was an opera singer
The bus inspector looked at all the passengers’ passer

The Verb
A verb is a word which describe an action (doing something) or a state (being
In each of the following sentences, the verb or compound verb is highlightened:
Dracula bites his victims on the neck.
The farmer searches the woods for his cow.
The Pronoun
Pronouns stand in for nouns in a sentence. They are more generic versions of
nouns that refer only to people. Examples: I, you, he, she, it, ours, them, who, which,
anybody, ourselves.

In the following sentences, each of the highlighted words are subjective personal
pronoun and acts as the subject of the sentence:
I was glad to find the bus pass in the bottom of the green knapsack.
You are surely the strangest child i have ever met.
He stoke the selkie;s skin and forced her to live with him.
When she was a young woman, she earned her living as a coal miner

The Adjectives
Adjectives describe nouns and pronouns. They specify which one, how much,
what kind, and more. Adjectives allow readers and listeners to use their senses to
imagine something more clearly. Examples: hot, lazy, funny, unique, bright, beautiful,
poor, smooth.
In the following sentences, each of the highlighted words are Adjectives:
The truck-shaped balloon floated over the treetops.
Mrs. Morrison papered her kitchen walls with hideous wall paper.
The small boat foundered on the wine dark sea.

The Adverb
Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and even other adverbs. They specify when,
where, how, and why something happened and to what extent or how often.
Examples: softly, lazily, often, only, hopefully, softly, sometimes.
When some adverb can be identified by their characteristics “ly” suffix, most of
them must be identified by untangling grammatical relationship with in the sentence or
clause as a whole. Unlike an adjectives, an adverb can be found in a various places
with in the sentence.
In the following sentences, each of the highlighted words are Adverb:
The seamstress quickly made the mourning clothes.
The midwives waited patiently through a long labour.
The Conjunction
Conjunctions join words, phrases, and clauses in a sentence. There are
coordinating, subordinating, and correlative conjunctions. Examples: and, but, or, so,
yet, with.
I ate the pizza and the pasta
Call the movers when you are ready.

The Preposition
A Prepositions show spacial, temporal, and role relations between a noun or
pronoun and the other words in a sentence. They come at the start of a prepositional
phrase, which contains a preposition and its object. Examples: up, over, against, by, for,
into, close to, out of, apart from.
A preposition usually indicates the spatial or logical relationship of its object to
the rest of the sentence as in the following examples:
The book is on the table.
The book I beneath the table.
The book is leaning against table.

The Interjection
Interjections are expressions that can stand on their own or be contained within
sentences. These words and phrases often carry strong emotions and convey
reactions. Examples: ah, whoops, ouch, yabba dabba do!
The highlighted words in the following sentences are interjection:
Oh no, I found that the exam was today
Hey! Put that down
I heard one guy to another guy, “He has a new car, eh”
I don’t know about you but, good Lord, I think taxes are too high.
Multiple choice: choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.
1. Which of the following is a noun?
a. The c. Long
b. Dog d. Walk

2. Which of the following is not a verb?

a. Carrot c. Grab
b. Make d. Run

3. It is a word used in a place of a noun

a. Noun c. Conjunction
b. Verb d. Pronoun

4. A part of speech that links nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other world in a
a. Speech c. Preposition
b. Interjection d. Verb

5. It usually indicates the temporal, spatial, or logical relationship of its object to the
rest of the sentence.
a. Adjectives c. Adverb
b. Pronoun d. Verb

6. It usually indicates the temporal, spatial or logical relationship of its object to the
rest of the sentence.
a. Preposition c. interjection
b. Adverb d. noun

7. It is a word which describe an action or a state of being.

a. Adverb c. Noun
b. Adjective d. Pronoun

8. It is a word used in a place of a noun.

a. Noun c. Pronoun
b. Verb d. Conjunction

9. It links words, phrases, and clause.

a. Adjectives c. Interjection
b. Preposition d. Conjunction

10. It is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea.
a. Noun c. Pronoun
b. Verb d. Conjunction



Learning Objectives:

1. Differentiate what is a sentence.

2. Determine the parts of a sentence.
3. Identify what is a subject and a predicate.
4. Determine what are the sentence fragment is.
5. Identify what a run-on sentence is.

A sentence is the largest unit of any language. In English, it begins with a capital
letter and ends with a full-stop, or a question mark, or an exclamation mark.
The sentence is generally defined as a word or a group of words that expresses
a thorough idea by giving a statement/order, or asking a question, or exclaiming.
In order to express a complete thought, every sentence must have two parts, the
Subject and the Predicate

The Subject
The subject is sometimes called the “naming part” of a sentence or clause. It
shows what the sentence is about, or who or what is performing an action in
the sentence. The subject is most often a noun, pronoun, or noun phrase.
 Lee ate the pie.
(Lee is the subject of the sentence. Lee is doing the action.)
 Lee is chubby.
(Lee is the subject of the sentence. Lee is being described.

The Predicate

The predicate is the part of a sentence (or clause) that tells us what

the subject does or is. To put it another way, the predicate is everything that is not
the subject.

In each example below, the predicate is shaded. 

 Elvis lives.

 Adam lives in Bangor.

 The telegram contained exciting news.

 The girls in our office are experienced instructors.


A sentence fragment is a group of words that looks like a sentence, but

actually isn't a complete sentence. Sentence fragments are usually missing a
subject or verb, or they do not express a complete thought. While it may be
punctuated to look like a complete sentence, a fragment cannot stand on its own.

When you read a sentence fragment, you are left wondering whom or what
the sentence is about or what happened in the sentence.

You can change a sentence fragment into a complete sentence by adding

the missing information


in the butter My glasses fell in the butter

early this morning I awoke early this morning

running across the field I saw running across the field

Run-on sentences, also known as fused sentences, occur when two
complete sentences are squashed together without using a coordinating conjunction or
proper punctuation, such as a period or a semicolon. Run-on sentences can be short
or long. A long sentence isn't necessarily a run-on sentence.
The Comma splice
Joh is a musician, he plays the guitar for a living - Incorrect example
The sentence above is incorrect joined by a comma, thus “splicing” two complete
sentences together onto run-on sentence. To correct these run-on’s, the comma should
be replaced by a period thus creating two separate sentences, as shown below.
John is a musician. He plays the guitar for a living – Correct example
- Lack of Punctuation
Incorrect Example
1. There is a problem with the television however no one is available to fix it.
2. Nobody knows what really happened the policeman said there was a fight.
In each of the examples above, some type of punctuation is needed to separate
the two parts of the sentence: either a semi-colon or a period
Correct Example
1. There is a problem with the television, however no one is available to fix it.
There is a problem with television. However no one is available to fix it.
2. Nobody knows what really happened, the policeman said there was a fight.
Nobody knows what really happened. The policeman said there was a fight.


In English, subject-verb agreement is important. What this means is that the

characteristics of the subject should be reflected in the verb. For example, if a subject is
singular, the verb form must also be singular.

- Singular and Plural Number – when a word refers to one person, place, thing or
idea. It is Singular in number. When it refers to more than one, it is plural in

woman women
hand hands
fireman firemen
lesson lessons

- The verb agrees with its subject in number. If the subject is singular, the verb is
singular. If the subject is plural, the verb is plural.

She bakes They bake
It whistles They whistle
Everyone sees All see
He is They are

The number of a subject is not changed by a prepositional phrase following the subject.
The subject is never in a prepositional phrase. Be certain to make the verb agree with
the subject itself, not with the word in the phrase.
Wrong The lamp near the windows are broken. Since lamp is the subject,
the verb must agree with it. Not with the windows, which is part of
the prepositional phrase,.
Right The lamp near the windows is broken.

 The following common pronouns are singular and take a singular verb: Anybody,
Anyone, each, either, everybody, neither, nobody, no one, somebody, some one.
1. Each of the pens costs a dollar
2. Everyone of the two families likes to play ping-pong
3. Neither of these paths is the trial
 The following common pronouns are plural and take plural verbs: both, many,
1. Both of his trucks are disabled.
2. Many of the sailboats are out today
3. Several of the players rush to the mound
Test 1. Multiple choice: choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.

1. It has two parts – the subjects and predicate

a. Sentence
b. Run-on sentence
c. Fragment
2. A part of a sentence which something is said about.
a. Run-on sentence
b. Subject
c. Predicate
3. A part of a sentence which says something about the subject.
a. Run-on sentence
b. Subject
c. Predicate
4. It is a sentence which is not complete, and therefore not grammatically correct.
a. Run-on sentence\
b. Subject
c. Fragment
5. A sentence which actually contains two (or more) complete sentences without the
proper punctuation to create separate sentence.
a. Subject
b. Run-on sentence
c. Fragment
Test 2. Identification: choose the correct verb that agrees with the subject in each
following sentence.
1. The keys to the car ( are, is ) on the table.
2. Nobody in this house (have, Has) shoveled the sidewalks.
3. Anyone in the two clubs (are, is) ready to help.
4. (was, were) those visitors from batangas?
5. Neither the radio nor the television (seems, seem) to work.


Learning Objectives: after reading this information sheet, the students/trainee should be
able to:

1. Explain the importance of communication.

2. Identify the various elements of communication.
3. Determine the modes pf communication.
4. Differentiate the various methods/skills of communication.
5. Identify the three main mode of communication
6. Determine the barriers to communication. And,
7. Identify the benefits of communication and the consequences in failimng to
communicate effectively.
Communication is simply the act of transferring information from one place,
person or group to another. Every communication involves (at least) one sender, a
message and a recipient. This may sound simple, but communication is actually a very
complex subject. The transmission of the message from sender to recipient can be
affected by a huge range of things. These include our emotions, the cultural situation,
the medium used to communicate, and even our location. The complexity is why good
communication skills are considered so desirable by employers around the world:
accurate, effective and unambiguous communication is actually extremely hard.
Basic Elements of Communication:
The process of communication is composed of three elements:
1. The source (Sender, Speaker, Transmitter, or Instructor)
2. The symbols used in composing and transmitting the message (words or
signs), and:
3. The Receiver (Listeners, Reader, or Students)
The three elements are dynamically interrelated since each elements is
dependent on the others for effective communication to take place.

Effective communication helps workers to:

 Complete a schedule of tasks
 Follow a set if instruction
 Learn correct procedure and improve work practice
 Solve problems
 Works as part of a team.
 Follow enterprise occupational health and sfety and environmental procedure.
There are three main modes of communication:
1. Verbal Communication
2. Non-Verbal Communication
3. Written Communication.
Verbal communication is facilitated by the use of voice and words. Generally, the
key elements of verbal communication include words, sound, languages, and the
physical act of speaking. The majority of verbal communication accounts for casual
exchanges with other people. In verbal communication, there is a clear and personal
communication link between senders and receivers. Challenges associated with verbal
communication include a poor choice of wording, physical disabilities, ineffective
utilization of communication techniques, and subjective opinions.
Importance of Verbal Communication in the Workplace:

1. Correcting wrong:
Just guess there was a file to be saved and you made a small error. By saying “I am
sorry for the error” will save you. It’s the power of word “Sorry” that is effective as it is
part of verbal communication.

2. Persuade someone:
You need to persuade your co-worker to join up a project, then tricks of persuasion
come to help. Here your verbal communication skill is there to pull him/her on board.

3. Create a relationship:
You are new to a workplace and by speaking to counterpart you create a new
relationship. Only by making efforts to converse with others do you make new
relationships which cannot be done without verbal communication.

4. Bringing clarity:
There is a small issue that is to be made understood by the other members and here
you could make them understand by using proper syntaxes and semantics. Even writing
with proper words will help to make the reader understood especially in emails,
memorandums etc.

5. Increases productivity:
Without proper communication or getting the message through with the team members,
it would be impossible to get the maximum output. The team that works with good
lateral communication and group discussion brings out better results.

6. Increase job satisfaction:

Empowerment of employees through upward and downward communications is a sign
of increased job satisfaction. Through the flow of information upwards in the form of
feedback and if the bosses are responding by listening to them, means the employees
are empowered.

7. Sharing of ideas:
Communicating within the team or within a company needs to a two-way flow of ideas. If
there is a platform to share ideas then it is sure to bring more success to the company.

8. Removes barriers:
Effective communications help to remove the hurdles that are between the management
and the employees working. Words properly toned and deciphered to the employees
will serve as a tool to bridge the gap. Clear and transparent communication is the key to

9. Gives motivation:
Words of support and appreciation provided by management at the right time boost the
confidence level of the employees and in turn helps in productivity. As motivation has a
direct impact on productivity, verbal communications play a crucial role in providing
feedback and recognizing individuals in the form of emails, memorandums,
announcements, newsletter


Nonverbal communication is the method of communicating with others using actions

rather than words. This can include communication using hand gestures, eye contact,
body language, appearance, touch and tone of voice. Nonverbal communication can be
one of the strongest forms of communication between employees and supervisors. It
can take place in many workplace situations including during meetings, interviews or
casual conversations.  

Nonverbal communication is a way for people to express their thoughts or emotions

without words. With nonverbal communication, people can express happiness,
engagement, concern, gratitude and confidence throughout their workday.

Why is nonverbal communication important?

By interpreting the nonverbal cues of other coworkers, you can gain a better
understanding of their feelings, emotions and attitudes toward certain situations. Once
you gain this understanding, you can develop strong relationships with employees and
supervisors. These stronger relationships can help increase collaboration with team
members which may boost productivity, enhance engagement and increase company

Being aware of your own nonverbal communication skills can also help you convey your
feelings on various subject matters or situations. It can also help you exude confidence
when talking with supervisors or express sympathy when trying to show your sympathy
and understanding to a coworker. 
Nonverbal communication examples in the workplace

To help you better understand when nonverbal communication is happening in the

workplace, here are a few nonverbal communication cues you may notice throughout
the day.

1. Maintaining regular eye contact

Coworkers will often feel valued and appreciated if they know they’re being heard. You
can help them feel this way by showing eye contact while they’re speaking. For
example, if a coworker approaches you with an idea to increase collaboration in your
department, show you’re listening by displaying eye contact and nodding. You can also
respond and contribute your own ideas while still maintaining eye contact. 

Keeping your eyes on the person you’re speaking with rather than on your computer,
paperwork or cell phone lets them you’re listening to their input. Maintaining eye contact
while you’re replying to them also keeps the conversation engaging and builds more of
a relationship between coworkers.

2. Positive vocal tone

Though the act of speaking is a part of verbal communication, the way you’re speaking
can be considered nonverbal communication. Maintaining a positive tone while talking
with a coworker or supervisor can affect the energy of your whole conversation. 

For example, if an employee is giving a presentation to leadership proposing a new

employee engagement plan, an energetic and positive tone can communicate their
excitement for the project. This may increase the chances of leadership approving this
proposal as they notice the employee express excitement and passion for the project.  

3. Strong presentation and appearance

The way you present yourself can often express more than words. Proper grooming and
professional attire such as business suits or blazers can express your seriousness or
professionalism you bring to the company. For example, if you’re hoping to speak with a
supervisor to request a raise or promotion, you may choose to dress in business
professional attire to showcase your dedication to both the position and professionalism
in the workplace.

4. Keeping an upright posture

The way you stand or sit in a workplace can often display your attitude toward certain
situations. Sitting or standing upright can show you’re engaged in the current matter
while also portraying a confident appearance. For example, if you’re explaining a new
idea to your supervisor and want to express confidence in your plan, you can sit or
stand straight to portray how confident you are about your idea and why you believe it
will benefit the company.

5. Expressing kindness or professionalism through touch 

Communicating through touch happens if you’re trying to express friendliness or
sympathy for a coworker. A slight touch on the arm or pat on the back can be a way to
show your support or encouragement without vocally expressing it. Handshakes can
also be a common form of communication. For example, shaking a person’s hand firmly
without aggression is a way to show respect or that you’re pleased to meet them. 

6. Displaying engaging facial expressions

As people communicate with you, they will often be looking directly at your face. Your
face can communicate what you’re feeling or thinking without using any words. Smiling,
nodding along and using your eyebrows as expression can help you best showcase a
positive reaction when having a conversation. For example, if a coworker is telling you
about their recent vacation, you can smile and nod along while you listen to the story to
show you’re having a pleasant time listening to them.

7. Providing enough space to maintain a conversation

During conversations, you may stand closer to a person rather than far apart. This
shows the other person you want to hear clearly and is engaged in what they are

For example, if you’re sitting down before a meeting with a large group of people and
notice a coworker interested in talking, you can get up and sit next to them. This proves
you’re interested in having a conversation and want to hear them clearly. Try to make
sure you’re allowing enough space between you two to maintain a comfortable

8. Using hand gestures to express feeling 

Where you place your hands throughout situations or conversations can convey to
others how you’re feeling. If you move your hands to build expression throughout
stories, people can become more engaged in what you’re saying. 

Hand gestures can also express friendliness or appreciation, like waving to someone
from across the room to greet them or giving them a thumbs up to express a job well
done after a presentation. 

9. Showing feeling through body movement

Your overall body movement can showcase your feelings throughout a meeting or
professional conversation. Standing with your hands at your sides while talking
expresses openness and a willingness to listen. You can also express politeness and
undistracted attention by holding still and refraining from fidgeting or distraction.

Your body language can also express how engaged you are throughout a conversation.
For example, if you’re watching a coworker give a presentation and are sitting with your
arms on the table or down at your side, rather than crossed on your chest, this can
show you’re engaged in their presentation.

Written communication is the act of writing, typing or printing symbols like letters
and numbers to convey information. It is helpful because it provides a record of
information for reference. Writing is commonly used to share information through books,
pamphlets, blogs, letters, memos and more. Emails and chats are a common form of
written communication in the workplace.

Here are a few steps you can take to develop your written communication skills:

 Strive for simplicity. Written communications should be as simple and clear as

possible. While it might be helpful to include lots of detail in instructional
communications, for example, you should look for areas where you can write as
clearly as possible for your audience to understand.
 Don’t rely on tone. Because you do not have the nuance of verbal and nonverbal
communications, be careful when you are trying to communicate a certain tone
when writing. For example, attempting to communicate a joke, sarcasm or
excitement might be translated differently depending on the audience. Instead, try
to keep your writing as simple and plain as possible and follow up with verbal
communications where you can add more personality.
 Take time to review your written communications. Setting time aside to re-
read your emails, letters or memos can help you identify mistakes or opportunities
to say something differently. For important communications or those that will be
sent to a large number of people, it might be helpful to have a trusted colleague
review it as well.
 Keep a file of writing you find effective or enjoyable. If you receive a certain
pamphlet, email or memo that you find particularly helpful or interesting, save it for
reference when writing your own communications. Incorporating methods or
styles you like can help you to improve over time.

 1. Which of these do not deal with precise information?

a) Engineer c) Technician
b) Scientist d) Fiction writer

2. In an office, an employee communicates horizontally with his _______

a) superiors c) colleagues
b) subordinates d) assistant

3. Talking comes under which type of communication?

a) Verbal c) Written
b) Non- verbal d) Dramatic

4. Which of these has maximum reach?

a) Writing c) Speaking
b) Listening d) Talking

5. How is good technical writing achieved?

a) Naturally c) Listening
b) By practice d) Speaking

6. Which of these parameters are not required to define style?

a) Moral truth c) Gender
b) Compassion d) Information

7. Any style must convey moral truth.

a) True
b) False

8. Any writer must convey truth with warmth.

a) True
b) False

9. A writer must not convey information with _____

a) precision c) randomness
b) clarity d) truth

10. Which of these are to be avoided in any style of writing?

a) Truth c) Compassion
b) Clarity d) Dishonesty


Learning objectives: after reading this information sheet, the student/trainee should be
able to:
1. Determine what is technical writing is.
2. Identify the various types of technical report.
3. Identify the characteristics of technical reports.
4. Determine the note-taking process.
5. Identify the rules for number.
The Society for Technical Communication defines technical communicators as
those who “research and create information about technical processes or products
directed to a targeted audience through various forms of media.” Even in industries
where the final product or service is not very technical in nature, technical
communications activities make up a surprisingly large portion of the effort required to
design, produce, sell and support products.
Thus technical communications is an increasingly collaborative profession, as
specialists from these disciplines work together with designers, engineers, analysts,
project management, quality control, sales, logistics, and customer support to ensure
that accurate and relevant information is communicated at each stage of the product
lifecycle. Media used to deliver technical communications include websites, web apps,
books, brochures and other printed materials, social media, meetings and live
presentations, e-books, video, and audio.
Because technical communications activities are key throughout many strategic
and operational areas of an organization, planning and executing an integrated
technical communications (ITC) strategy becomes increasingly important. ITC can be
defined as the coordination and integration of all technical communication processes,
tools, functions, and sources within an organization to convey information and
knowledge relevant to optimizing the users’ product experience.
Technical writing is an audience-centered means of communication that provides
a reader with clear and easy access to information. In the business world, time equates
to profit, and profit is the force behind all business interaction. The technical writer and
reader have a vis-à-vis relationship. The writer recognizes, respects, and addresses the
importance of time in effective and efficient communication by providing documents
written in specific formats, using unambiguous language to send clearly assessable
information. The reader in turn thoroughly understands the information in order to give a
thoughtful response.
Technical Background Report. The background report is the hardest to define
but the most commonly written. This type of technical report provides background on a
topic--for example, solar energy, global warming, CD-ROM technology, a medical
problem, or U.S. recycling activity However, the information on the topic is not just for
anybody who might be interested in the topic, but for some individual or group that has
specific needs for it and is even willing to pay for that information.
Instruction. These are probably the most familiar of all the types of reports.
Students often write backup procedures for the jobs they do at their work. Others write
short user manuals for an appliance, equipment, or program. If there is too much to
write about, they write about some smaller segment--for example, instead of instructions
on using all of WordPerfect, just a guide on writing macros in WordPerfect.
Feasibility, recommendation, and evaluation reports. Another useful type of
report is one that studies a problem or opportunity and then makes a recommendation.
A feasibility report tells whether a project is "feasible"--that is, whether it is practical and
technologically possible. A recommendation report compares two or more alternatives
and recommends one (or, if necessary, none). An evaluation or assessment report
studies something in terms of its worth or value.
Primary research report, Primary research refers to the actual work someone
does in a laboratory or in the field--in other words, experiments and surveys. You may
have written a "lab report," as they are commonly called, for one of your previous
courses. This is a perfectly good possibility for the technical report as well. In this type
of report, you not only present your data and draw conclusions about it, but also explain
your methodology, describe the equipment and facilities you used, and give some
background on the problem. You can modify this type by summarizing other primary
research reports.
Technical specification, In this report type, you discuss some new product
design in terms of its construction, materials, functions, features, operation, and market
potential. True specifications are not much on writing--the text is dense, fragmented;
tables, lists, and graphics replace regular sentences and paragraphs whenever
possible. Thus, specifications are not a good exercise of your writing abilities. However,
you can write a more high-level version--one that might be read by marketing and
planning executives.
Report length proposal. As you may be aware, proposals can be monster
documents of hundreds or even thousands of pages. (Please, not this semester.) Most
of the elements are the same, just bigger. Plus elements from other kinds of reports get
imported--such as feasibility discussion, review of literature, and qualifications; these
become much more elaborate.
Business plans. If you are ambitious to run your own business, you can write a
business prospectus, which is a plan or proposal to start a new business or to expand
an existing one. It is aimed primarily at potential investors. Therefore, it describes the
proposed business, explores the marketplace and the competition, projects revenues,
and describes the operation and output of the proposed business.


Here is a brief review some of the chief characteristics of the technical report:
Graphics: the report should be have graphics. Graphics include all kinds of
possibilities. If you can’t think of any graphics for your report project, you may not have
a good topic.
Factual detail: the report should be very detailed ant factual. The point of the
report is to go into details, the kind of details your specific audience needs.
Information sources: your report should make use of information sources.
These may include not only books and articles that can be found in libraries but also
technical brochures, interviews or correspondence with experts, as well as first-hands
inspection. If you don’t believe any information sources are necessary for your reports
project, contact your instructor.
Documentation; when you use barrowed information in your technical report, be
sure to cite your sources. One style commonly used in science and engineering is
called the number system.
Realistic audience and situation: The report must be defined for a real or
realistic group of readers who exist in a real or realistic situation. Most students invent
an audience and situation. And the audience can't merely be something like "anybody
who might be interested in global warming." Instead, it has to be real, realistic, and
Headings and lists: The report should use the format for headings that is
required for the course, as well as various kinds of lists as appropriate.
Special format: The technical report uses a rather involved format including
covers, binding, title page, table of contents, list of figures, transmittal letter, and
Production: The technical report should be typed or printed out neatly. If
graphics are taped in, the whole report must be photocopied, and the photocopy
handed in (not the original with the taped-in graphics). The report must be bound in
some way.
Length: The report should be at least 8 doublespaced typed or printed pages
(using 1-inch margins), counting from introduction to conclusion. This is a minimum; a
report of this length is rather skimpy. There is no real maximum length, other than what
your time, energy, and stamina can handle. But remember that sheer weight does not
equal quality (or better grade). If you get into a bind with a report project that would take
too many pages, contact your instructor--there are numerous tricks we can use to cut it
down to size.
Technical content: You must design your report project in such a way that your
poor technical-writing instructor has a chance to understand it--in other words, you must
write for the non-specialist. Also, at some point, you may get concerned about the
technical accuracy of your information.
Traditional note-taking process
In the traditional system of taking note for a long report you:
1. Develop a rough routine
2. Do any preliminary reading necessary to construct a rough routine
3. Locate your information source and make bibliography cards for each source
4. Take actual notes on index cards
5. Label each notecard according to its place in the outline
6. Provide bibliographic information on each notecard
7. Change or add extra details to the outline as the note-taking process continues.
8. Check off the areas of the outline for which sufficient notes have been taken.

When you have taken sufficient notes to cover all parts of an outline, you transcribe the
information from the notecards into a rough drafts, filling in details, adding transition,
and providing your own acquired understanding of the subject as you write. Naturally,
you may discover gaps in your notes and have to go back.
Self-check 1.2.1
Test 1. Multiple Choice: choose the letter of the answer from the given choices.
1. It is the type of report which is the hardest to define but the most commonly
a. Technical-background report
b. Instruction
c. Technical specification
2. In this type of report, you discuss some new product design in terms of its
construction, materials, functions, features, operation, and market potential.
a) Report-length proposal
b) Primary research report
c) Technical specification
3. It is refers to the actual someone does in a laboratory on in the filed in other
words, experiments and survey.
a. Technical specification
b. Primary research report
c. Report-length proposal
4. A way of taking notes that suits for a person, who is more comfortable knowing,
and recording, every single details.
a. Comprehensive notes
b. Nothing on the agenda
c. Technology helpers
5. This graphical approach is an excellent option for people who do not want, or
who don’t feel able, to accumulate such detailed information.
a. Comprehensive notes
b. Nothing on the agenda
c. Mind mapping
6. A rule in technical writing numbers nine and under are usually written out as
words, while numbers greater than that are written in numeric form.
a. Sentence structure
b. Spelling out numbers
c. Measurements or calculation
7. A rule in technical writing state that measurements or calculations should be
used to express.
a. Spelling out numbers
b. Measurements or calculation
c. Plural numbers.
8. A characteristics of a technical report in which it should be very detailed and
a. Graphics
b. Documentation
c. Factual detail

9. A characteristics of a technical report which it should be typed or printed out

a. Production
b. Technical contact
c. Length
10. A characteristics of a technical report which a report must be defined for a real or
realistic group of leaders who exist in a real or realistic situation.
a. Headings and lists.
b. Special format
c. Realistic audience and situation
Learning Objectives: After reading this information sheet, the students/trainees should be
able to:
1. Determine the importance of recording information
2. Identify the technology used in communication systems
3. Identify the various code of behavior that all participants should adhere to in meeting.
All businesses have a need for effective communication, both between personnel
within the workplace and with individuals and other businesses outside the workplace. Each
workplace will have a communication system designed to meet its particular needs. Some of
these needs include:
 Obtaining, recording and reporting information
 Enhancing effective training
 Providing a safe workplace
 Improving the efficiency and effectiveness of work practices
Communication system used in technology such as:
 Telephones, including landlines, mobile and satellite phones
 Answering machine
 Facsimiles fax machine
 Computer with email and internet access
 Two-way radio
 Paging system
Most workplace have procedure and protocols in place for the use of each type of
technology. Workers should familiarize themselves with the systems features and control
functions and operate each device according to the manufacturer’s instruction. If not sure of
the operating procedure for a particular communication device, a worker should ask for
Some systems, such as telephones, answering machine and two=way radios rely
solely on speech. Effective communication is more difficult as the parties communicating are
not able to see each other and gauge the progress of the conversation from the body
language. It is important to speak clearly, concisely and courteously of the business and the
individual should be used.
Private conversation and text messaging on mobile phones should be minimized
during work hours. Only essential calls should be made or received.

Informal meeting, discussion and briefings are less rigid in their structure. However, it is still
important to provide opportunities for discussion and take notes of decisions.
Whatever the style of the meeting there is a protocol or code of behavior that all participants
should adhere to:
1. Attend the meeting on time
2. Listen efficiency
3. Don’t interrupt other speakers.
4. Contribute to be meeting by expressing opinion an appropriate manner.
5. Behave courteously towards other participants in the meeting
6. Don’t discuss issues that are outside the purpose of the meeting.
7. Ask questions to clarify misunderstanding.
8. Take note where appropriate of decisions agreed to in the meeting and retain these for
future reference
9. Act on the instruction or decision of the meeting within the agreed time
10. Keep sensitive issues raised at the meeting confidential.

SELF CHECK # 1.2-2

TEST 1. Matching type: Match the choices of column A to the choices in column B.

1. Computers with email and internet a) Code of behaviors in the workplace

2. Improving the efficiency and b) Items used in formal meetings
effectiveness of work practices.

3. Discuss and solve problems and c). Efficient operation of all workplace
make decisions.

4. Date, time and place of the next d) Need that a communication systems
meeting and the close of the designed must meet.
current meeting

5. Act on the instructions or decisions e) Technology used in communication

of the meeting within the greed system.


Learning objectives:
1. Define what mathematics is.
2. Identify the different arithmetic operation
3. Perform basic mathematics


Basic math skills are those that involve making calculations of amounts, sizes or other
measurements. These skills consist of core concepts like addition and subtraction, along with
slightly more advanced concepts that build on top of those. Having strong proficiency in basic
math skills will help you not only in the workplace but in your daily life.

(from the Greek ἀριθμός arithmos, 'number' and τική [τέχνη], tiké [téchne], 'art' or 'craft')
is a branch of mathematics that consists of the study of numbers, especially the properties of
the traditional operations on them—addition, subtraction, multiplication, division,
exponentiation and extraction of roots. Arithmetic is an elementary part of number theory, and
number theory is considered to be one of the top-level divisions of modern mathematics, along
with algebra, geometry, and analysis. The terms arithmetic and higher arithmetic were used
until the beginning of the 20th century as synonyms for number theory, and are sometimes still
used to refer to a wider part of number theory.
Arithmetic operations is a branch of mathematics that involves the study of numbers,
operation of numbers that are useful in all the other branches of mathematics. It basically
comprises operations such as Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division.
Addition ( + )

Addition is the most basic operation of arithmetic. In its simplest form, addition
combines two quantities into a single quantity, or sum. For example, say you have a group
of 2 boxes and another group of 3 boxes. If you combine both groups together, you now
have one group of 5 boxes. To represent this idea in mathematical terms:



Subtraction is the opposite of addition. Instead of adding quantities together, we

are removing one quantity from another to find the difference between the two. Continuing
the previous example, say you start with a group of 5 boxes. If you then remove 3 boxes
from that group, you are left with 2 boxes. In mathematical terms:



Multiplication also combines multiple quantities into a single quantity, called

the product. In fact, multiplication can be thought of as a consolidation of many additions.
Specifically, the product of xx and yy is the result of xx added together yy times. For
example, one way of counting four groups of two boxes is to add the groups together:


However, another way to count the boxes is to multiply the quantities:


Note that both methods give you the same result—8—but in many cases, particularly
when you have large quantities or many groups, multiplying can be much faster.


Division is the inverse of multiplication. Rather than multiplying quantities

together to result in a larger value, you are splitting a quantity into a smaller value, called
the quotient. Again, to return to the box example, splitting up a group of 8 boxes into 4
equal groups results in 4 groups of 2 boxes:


The Basic Arithmetic Properties

Commutative Property

The commutative property describes equations in which the order of the numbers

involved does not affect the result. Addition and multiplication are commutative

 2+3=3+2=52+3=3+2=5
 5⋅2=2⋅5=105⋅2=2⋅5=10

Subtraction and division, however, are not commutative.

Associative Property

The associative property describes equations in which the grouping of the numbers

involved does not affect the result. As with the commutative property, addition and
multiplication are associative operations:

 (2+3)+6=2+(3+6)=11(2+3)+6=2+(3+6)=11
 (4⋅1)⋅2=4⋅(1⋅2)=8(4⋅1)⋅2=4⋅(1⋅2)=8

Once again, subtraction and division are not associative.

Distributive Property

The distributive property can be used when the sum of two quantities is then multiplied
by a third quantity.

 (2+4)⋅3=2⋅3+4⋅3=18(2+4)⋅3=2⋅3+4⋅3=18

Negative Numbers

Arithmetic operations can be performed on negative numbers according to specific



The addition of two negative numbers is very similar to the addition of two positive
numbers. For example:
(−3)+(−5)=−8(−3)+(−5) = −8

The underlying principle is that two debts—negative numbers— can be combined into a
single debt of greater magnitude.

When adding together a mixture of positive and negative numbers, another way to write
the negative numbers is as positive quantities being subtracted. For example:

8+(−3)=8−3=58+(−3) = 8−3 = 5

Here, a credit of 8 is combined with a debt of 3, which yields a total credit of 5.

However, if the negative number has greater magnitude, then the result is negative:

(−8)+3=3−8=−5(−8)+3 = 3−8 = −5


(−2)+7=7−2=5(−2)+7 = 7−2 = 5

Here, a debt of 2 is combined with a credit of 7. The credit has greater magnitude than
the debt, so the result is positive. But if the credit is less than the debt, the result is

2+(−7)=2−7=−52+(−7) = 2−7 = −5


Subtracting positive numbers from each other can yield a negative answer. For
example, subtracting 8 from 5:

5−8=−35−8 = −3

Subtracting a positive number is generally the same as adding the negative of that
number. That is to say:

5−8=5+(−8)=−35−8 = 5+(−8) = −3


(−3)−5=(−3)+(−5)=−8(−3)−5 = (−3)+(−5) = −8

Similarly, subtracting a negative number yields the same result as adding the positive of

that number. The idea here  is that losing a debt is the same thing as gaining a credit.

3−(−5)=3+5=83−(−5) = 3+5 = 8

(−5)−(−8)=(−5)+8=3(−5)−(−8) = (−5)+8 = 3


When multiplying positive and negative numbers, the sign of the product is determined
by the following rules:

 The product of two positive numbers is positive.The product of one positive

number and one negative number is negative.
 The product of two negative numbers is positive.

For example:

(−2)×3=−6(−2)×3 = −6

This is simply because adding −2 together three times yields −6:

(−2)×3=(−2)+(−2)+(−2)=−6(−2)×3 = (−2)+(−2)+(−2) = −6


(−2)×(−3)=6(−2)×(−3) = 6

The idea again here is that losing a debt is the same thing as gaining a credit. In this
case, losing two debts of three each is the same as gaining a credit of six:

(−2 debts )×(−3 each)=+6 credit(−2 debts )×(−3 each) = +6 credit


The sign rules for division are the same as for multiplication.

 Dividing two positive numbers yields a positive number.

 Dividing one positive number and one negative number yields a negative number.
 Dividing two negative numbers yields a positive number.

If the dividend and the divisor have the same sign, that is to say, the result is always
positive. For example:

8÷(−2)=−48÷(−2) = −4


(−8)÷2=−4(−8)÷2 = −4

(−8)÷(−2)=4(−8)÷(−2) = 4.

Additional Considerations

The basic properties of addition (commutative, associative, and distributive) also apply
to negative numbers. For example, the following equation demonstrates the distributive



A fraction represents a part of a whole and consists of an integer numerator and a non-
zero integer denominator.

A fraction represents a part of a whole. A common fraction, such as 1212, 8585,

or 3434, consists of an integer numerator (the top number) and a non-zero integer
denominator (the bottom number). The numerator represents a certain number of equal
parts of the whole, and the denominator indicates how many of those parts are needed
to make up one whole. An example can be seen in the following figure, in which a cake
is divided into quarters:


Adding Like Quantities

The first rule of adding fractions is to start by adding fractions that contain like
denominators—for example, multiple fourths, or quarters. A quarter is represented by
the fraction 1414, where the numerator, 1, represents the single quarter and the
denominator, 4, represents the number of quarters it takes to make a whole, or one

Imagine one pocket containing two quarters, and another pocket containing three
quarters. In total, there are five quarters. Since four quarters is equivalent to one
(dollar), this can be represented as follows:


Adding Unlike Quantities

To add fractions that contain unlike denominators (e.g. quarters and thirds), it is

necessary to first convert all amounts to like quantities, which means all the fractions
must have a common denominator. One easy way to to find a denominator that will give
you like quantities is simply to multiply together the two denominators of the fractions. (It
is important to remember that each numerator must also be multiplied by the same
value its denominator is being multiplied by in order for the fraction to represent
the same ratio.)
For example, to add quarters to thirds, both types of fractions are converted to twelfths:


This method can be expressed algebraically as follows:

This method always works. However, sometimes there is a faster way—a smaller
denominator, or a least common denominator—that can be used. For example, to
add 3434 to 512512, the denominator 48 (the product of 4 and 12, the two
denominators) can be used—but the smaller denominator 12 (the least common
multiple of 4 and 12) may also be used.

Adding Fractions to Whole Numbers

What if a fraction is being added to a whole number? Simply start by writing the whole
number as a fraction (recall that a whole number has a denominator of 11), and then
continue with the above process for adding fractions.


The process for subtracting fractions is, in essence, the same as that for adding them.
Find a common denominator, and change each fraction to an equivalent fraction using
that common denominator. Then, subtract the numerators. For instance:


To subtract a fraction from a whole number or to subtract a whole number from a

fraction, rewrite the whole number as a fraction and then follow the above process for
subtracting fractions.


Unlike with addition and subtraction, with multiplication the denominators are not
required to be the same. To multiply fractions, simply multiply the numerators by each
other and the denominators by each other. For example:

If any numerator and denominator shares a common factor, the fractions can be
reduced to lowest terms before or after multiplying. For example, the resulting fraction
from above can be reduced to 1212 because the numerator and denominator share a
factor of  6. Alternatively, the fractions in the initial equation could have been reduced,
as shown below, because 2 and 4 share a common factor of 2 and 3 and 3 share a
common factor of 3:

To multiply a fraction by a whole number, simply multiply that number by the numerator
of the fraction:
A common situation where multiplying fractions comes in handy is during cooking. What
if someone wanted to “half” a cookie recipe that called for 1212 of a cup of chocolate
chips? To find the proper amount of chocolate chips to use, multiply 12⋅1212⋅12. The
result is 1414, so the proper amount of chocolate chips is 1414 of a cup.


The process for dividing a number by a fraction entails multiplying the number by the
fraction’s reciprocal. The reciprocal is simply the fraction turned upside down such that
the numerator and denominator switch places. For example:


To divide a fraction by a whole number, either divide the fraction’s numerator by the
whole number (if it divides simply):


or multiply the fraction’s denominator by the whole number:


Complex Fractions

A complex fraction is one in which the numerator, denominator, or both are fractions,
which can contain variables, constants, or both.

A complex fraction, also called a complex rational expression, is one in which the
numerator, denominator, or both are fractions. For example, (815)(23)(815)
(23) and 31−2531−25 are complex fractions. When dealing with equations that involve
complex fractions, it is useful to simplify the complex fraction before solving the

The process of simplifying complex fractions, known as the “combine-divide method,” is

as follows:

1. Combine the terms in the numerator.

2. Combine the terms in the denominator.
3. Divide the numerator by the denominator.

Example 1

Let’s apply this method to the first complex fraction presented above:

Since there are no terms that can be combined or simplified in either the numerator or
denominator, we’ll skip to Step 3, dividing the numerator by the denominator:


From previous sections, we know that dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying
by the reciprocal of that fraction. Therefore, we use the cancellation method to simplify
the numbers as much as possible, and then we multiply by the simplified reciprocal of
the divisor, or denominator, fraction:


Therefore, the complex fraction (815)(23)(815)(23) simplifies to 4545.

Example 2

Let’s try another example:


Start with Step 1 of the combine-divide method above: combine the terms in the
numerator. You’ll find that the common denominator of the two fractions in the
numerator is 6, and then you can add those two terms together to get a single fraction
term in the larger fraction’s numerator:


Let’s move on to Step 2: combine the terms in the denominator. To do so, we multiply
the fractions in the denominator together and simplify the result by reducing it to lowest


Let’s turn to Step 3: divide the numerator by the denominator. Recall, again, that
dividing by a fraction is the same as multiplying by the reciprocal of that fraction:


Finally, simplify the resultant fraction:


Therefore, ultimately:


Introduction to Exponents
Exponential form, written bnbn, represents multiplying the base bb times itself nn times.

Exponentiation is a mathematical operation that represents repeated multiplication. The

exponent nn in the expression bnbn represents the number of times the base bb is
multiplied by itself.

For example, the expression b3b3 represents b⋅b⋅bb⋅b⋅b. Here, the exponent is 3, and

the expression can be read in any of the following ways:

 bb raised to the 3rd power

 bb raised to the power of 33
 bb raised by the exponent of 33

Some exponents have their own unique pronunciations. For example, b2b2 is usually
read as “bb squared” and b3b3 as “bb cubed.”

Exponentiation is used frequently in many fields, including economics, biology,

chemistry, physics, and computer science, with applications such as compound interest,
population growth, chemical reaction kinetics, wave behavior, and public key

Positive Integer Exponents

Now that we understand the basic idea, let’s practice simplifying some exponential

Example 1

Let’s look at an exponential expression with 2 as the base and 3 as the exponent:


This means that the base 2 gets multiplied by itself 3 times:


Example 2

Let’s look at another exponential expression, this time with 3 as the base and 5 as the


This means that the base 3 gets multiplied by itself 5 times:

Exponents of 0 and 1

Any number raised by the exponent 11 is the number itself. That is to say, b1=bb1=b.

Any nonzero number raised by the exponent 0 is 1. That is to say, b0=1b0=1. For

example, 40=140=1.

The Order of Operations

The order of operations is an approach to evaluating expressions that involve multiple

arithmetic operations.

he order of operations is a way of evaluating expressions that involve more than one
arithmetic operation. These rules tell you how you should simplify or solve an
expression or equation in the way that yields the correct output.

For example, when faced with the expression 4+2⋅34+2⋅3, how do you proceed?

One option is:


The other option is:


Which one is the correct order of operations?

In order to be able to communicate using mathematical expressions, we must have an

agreed-upon order of operations so that each expression is unambiguous. For the
above expression, for example, all mathematicians would agree that the correct answer
is 10.

The order of operations used throughout mathematics, science, technology, and many
computer programming languages is as follows:

1. Simplify terms inside parentheses or brackets

2. Simplify exponents and roots
3. Perform multiplication and division
4. Perform addition and subtraction

These rules means that within a mathematical expression, the operation ranking highest
on the list should be performed first. Multiplication and division are of equal precedence
(tier 3), as are addition and subtraction (tier 4). This means that multiplication and
division operations (and similarly addition and subtraction operations) can be performed
in the order in which they appear in the expression.
Let’s evaluate a few expressions using the order of operations.

Example 1


In this expression, the following operations are taking place: exponentiation, subtraction,
multiplication, and addition. Following the order of operations, we simplify the exponent
first and then perform the multiplication; next, we perform the subtraction, and then the


Example 2


Here we have an expression that involves subtraction, parentheses, multiplication,

addition, and exponentiation. Following the order of operations, we simplify the
expression within the parentheses first and then simplify the exponent; next, we perform
the subtraction and addition operations in the order in which they appear in the


A Note on Equal Precedence

Since multiplication and division are of equal precedence, it may be helpful to think of
dividing by a number as multiplying by the reciprocal of that number.
Thus 3÷4=3⋅143÷4=3⋅14. In other words, the quotient of 3 and 4 equals the product of 3
and 1414.

Similarly, as addition and subtraction are of equal precedence, we can think of

subtracting a number as the same as adding the negative of that number. Thus 3−4=3+
(−4)3−4=3+(−4). In other words, the difference of 3 and 4 equals the sum of positive
three and negative four.

With this understanding, think of 1−3+71−3+7 as the sum of 1, negative 3, and 7, and
then add these terms together. Now that you’ve reframed the operations, any order will

 (1−3)+7=−2+7=5(1−3)+7=−2+7=5
  (7−3)+1=4+1=5(7−3)+1=4+1=5

The important thing is to keep the negative sign with any negative number (here, the 3).

In the United States, the acronym PEMDAS is a common mnemonic for remembering
the order of operations. It stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division,
Addition, and Subtraction. PEMDAS is often expanded to “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt

This mnemonic can be misleading, however, because the “MD” implies that
multiplication must be performed before division and the “AS” that addition must be
performed before subtraction, rather than acknowledging their equal precedence. To
illustrate why this is a problem, consider the following:


This expression correctly simplifies to 9. However, if you were to add together 2 and 3
first, to give 5, and then performed the subtraction, you would get 5 as your final
answer, which is incorrect. To avoid this mistake, is best to think of this problem as the
sum of positive ten, negative three, and positive two.


To avoid this confusion altogether, an alternative way to write the mnemonic is:



Or, simply as PEMA, where it is taught that multiplication and division inherently share
the same precedence and that addition and subtraction inherently share the same
precedence. This mnemonic makes the equivalence of multiplication and division and of

Test 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices:
________1. It is the systematic study of magnitude, quantities and their relationship
as expressed symbolically in the form of number and forms.
a. Arithmetic
b. Mathematics
c. Subtraction

________2. It is the oldest and the most elementary branch of mathematics used by almost
everyone, for task ranging from simple day-to-day counting to advanced science and
business calculation.
a. Arithmetic
b. Mathematics
c. Subtraction

________3. It is a fraction with denominator of 100?

a. Arithmetic
b. Mathematics
c. Percentage

________4. It is essentially the opposite of multiplication. It finds the quotation of two numbers,
the dividend divided by the divisor.
a. Addition
b. Division
c. Subtraction

________5. It is the second basic operation of arithmetics. It also combines two number into a
single number, which is called the product.
a. Multiplication
b. Division
c. Subtraction

________6. It is the opposite of addition, it finds the difference between two numbers, the
minuend minus the subtrahend.
a. Multiplication
b. Division
c. subtraction

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Work in a Team Environment

MODULE TITLE : Working in a Team Environment

INTRODUCTION : this module covers the skill, knowledge and attitude identify role and
responsibilities as a member of the team.
Objectives of team building, the role and responsibilities of every team leader members.
This includes the secrets of having an efficient and effective team.

Students taking this are expected to learn and acquire the values and skills in
organizing and effective team. This also helps to improve oneself not only as a team
leader or a team member but as well as a community leader and follower.


LO # 1. Scope and Objective of a Team
LO # 2. Identification of Individual Role and Responsibilities
LO # 3. Communication and Secrets of an Effective Team


Learning Objectives:
1. define tem environment
2. identify the skills needed for teamwork

Youth Organization is a collection of teams comprising of young people. It’s

success on the ability of the team within it to work together to attain commonly held

Team development is based on the assumption that any team is able to work
more effective if its members are familiar with the following:


Goal must be an over-all understanding of the role of the team in the total


The team must use effectively all the resources at its disposal . This
means establishing an environment that allows individual resources to be
used. Maximum use of team members requires full participation and self-


The ability to openly recognize conflict and to seek to resolve it through

discussion is critical to the team’s success.


Individual will not function as a team if they are bought together simply to “
rubber stamp” decision made by team’s formal leader or others not in the
team . The development and cohesion of a team occurs only if there is a
feeling of shared leadership among all team members.


The management of the organization means proper coordination to

enable people to reach their own goals, transform their situation and take
their destiny into their own hands.

It takes additional effort to work in a team, so it’s important to know what might
be gained from a team effort. Among them are:

1. Distributing the work load

Sometimes a task is too big for a single individual to handle in the time
allotted particularly if the task is divisible, it can be divided out to team
members who can work on each part.

2. Reinforcing Individual Capabilities

Different team members contribute different knowledge and skills. The
team can do things that single individual cannot.

3. Creating participation and involvement

Sometimes the work assigned to team can be done by a single individual
but it is important to allow a number of different people to have a voice or
part on what is to be accomplished.


1. Problem - solving team

These were typically composed by 10-20 trainees from the same course
meet for few hours a week . They should discuss ways of improving
quality, efficiency in the work environment. Members usually share ideas
or suggestions on how to work on processes and methods which can be
improved rarely; however these teams are given authority to unilaterally
implement any of their suggested actions.

2. Self- manage work team

It is group of trainees who take the responsibility of an acting supervisor or
group leader. Typically, this includes planning and scheduling of work,
collective control over the pace of work, making operating decisions and
taking actions on problem. Fully manage work teams even select their
own members and manage their own performance.

3. Cross functional team

These are teams made up of acting employees from the same level but
from different work areas, who come together to accomplish the task.
These teams are effective means for allowing people from the diverse
within the organization to exchange information, develop new ideas and
solve problem and coordinate complex projects.

4. Virtual Team
Virtual teams use computer technology to tie together physically dispersed
members in order to achieve a common goal.


Activity: ( Organizing a team )

1. Come up with a team of ten ( 10 ) members and choose your team leader .
Submit your team’s list to your leader.

Check your mastery:

This short quiz will test how you have understood the lecture. In part I, write T if

the statement below refer to a team group. In part II, write whether the statement refers
to a self-manage work team, problem solving team, cross functional team or virtual

Part I.
_______1. Members may or may not participate in decision affecting the team.
_______2. Members are uncommitted towards excellence and personal pride,
_______3. Members are encouraged to continually develop skills and apply what they

learn on the job.

_______4. Members think that they grouped together for administrative purposed only.
_______5. Members fell a sense of ownership for their jobs.

Part II.
_______1. Members from about the same level , but from different work areas come

together to accomplish the task.

_______2. Members use computer technology to tie together.
_______3. Group of 10 t0 20 trainees who take the responsibility as an acting

_______4. Members from the same course who meet for few hours each week to

discuss ways in improving quality efficiency and the work environment.

_______5. Team that allows people from diverse areas within the organization to

exchange information develop and new ideas and solve problems and
coordinate complex projects.

III. True or False.

_______1. It is important to know what might be gained from a team effort.
_______2. Distributing the work load is one reason for assigning tasks to learn.
_______3. team does not have to work in coordinated manners.
_______4. Different team members contribute different knowledge and skills.
_______5. It is important for every member a team to have a voice in every


Learning Objectives:
1. identify the individual role and responsibilities in teamwork
2. identify the skills needed for teamwork

2.1 Support the team leader.

2.2 Help the team leader to succeed
2.3 Ensure that all viewpoints are explored
2.4 Express options, both for and against
2.5 Compliment the team leader on team efforts
2.6 Provide open, honest and accurate information
2.7 Support, protect and defend both the team and the team leader
2.8 Act in positive and constructive manner
2.9 Provide appropriate feedback
2.10 Understand personal and team roles
2.11 Bring problems to the team (upward feedback)
2.12 Accept ownership for team decision.
2.13 Recognize that they each serve as a team member
2.14 Balance appropriate levels of participation
2.15 Participate voluntarily
2.16 Maintain confidentiality
2.17 Show loyalty to the team
2.18 View criticism as an opportunity to learn
2.19 State problems along with alternatives solutions/ options
2.20 Give praise and recognization when warranted
2.21 Operate with in the parameters of team rules
2.22 Confront the team leader when his/ her behavior is not helping the
2.23 Share ideas freely and enthusiastically
2.24 Encourage others to express their ideas fully
2.25 Ask are another for opinions and listen to them
2.26 Criticize ideas, not people
2.27 Avoid disruptive behavior such as side conversations and inside


1. What makes you an effective team leader? Select at least ten ( 10 )
characteristics that are inherently found in you. Justify ( by team )
2. As a team member, which of the enumerated characteristics will describe you?
Explain on your team.
3. Role play ( each team is given 15 minutes to prepare ). Paint me a picture
1. A busy shop
a. Food lab
b. Automotive shop
c. Guest house


Communication between than members, the team will fall apart and will not work as an
effective team unit.
Poor communication will:
- lead to conflict among team members
- lead to mix or wrong information which being passed on
- lead to lack of direction for the team
- lead to the team not giving feedback to each other
- lead to poor listening skills being developed by each

Elements to Effective Team Members Communication

1. Willingness to talk and share information and effective presenting your point of

2. Active listening.
Guidelines for active listening:
a. Ask other’s opinion about the subject before you present yours.
b. Be prepared. Think things out before speaking.
c. Address one issue at a time.
d. Use a positive or neutral tone of voice
e. Focus on the issue not the person
f. Keep cool and do not lose person.
g. Show an interest in the other person’s view and feelings.
h. Don’t hide your feelings. But keep your emotions under control.
i. Portray what seems like an individual problem as mutual concern.
j. Find the areas of agreement as the basis of collaboration.

3. Understanding
Because the receiver thought he/ she heard the message, it does not
ensure that the message was correctly received often. It is important to
check that the message was properly received in order to :

a. Verify its accuracy

b. Confirm to the speaker that you in fact received and understand the


Value of Effective Communication in a Team

1. Greater Collaboration on work teams.
2. Improved efficiency , speed and team productivity
3. Reduction in errors, mistakes and miscommunications
4. Effective and productive team communications.


1. Purpose ( Are we committed to the same person? )

A healthy team has a well articulated corporate and team purpose,

normally phrased as a vision statement, mission statement on values statement. The

team members have a common understanding of this purpose. They willingly
commit their energies to achieve the purpose and frequently take time to recall,
review and relieve it.

2. Role ( How will we contribute to fulfilling own purpose?)

In a healthy team , members continually asks themselves whether the

team is enacting the specifies role needed to achieve its purpose. The members
seek to enact the optional role for the moment with the understanding that its role
may change overtime.

3. Strategy ( What will we do to achieve our purpose?)

In a healthy team, the members understand the team’s strategy and use it
to guide day – to – day activities. The members ask what new things they
should do and what things should they stop doing in order to achieve the
teams purpose.

4. Processes ( How will we work together? )

The members are aware of what process or systems of operations are
used to produce results. They know which process need attention and
improvement. They take conscious effort to frequently improve and update
these processes.

4. People ( How will we care for one another ? )

A healthy team has members who have the required expertise and
knowledge to implement the team’s strategy and achieve its purpose.
Each team member understand his/ her individual contribution to the team
and empower themselves to act for the team hen that is necessary.

6. Feedback(How will we obtain and use information about our performance?)

Healthy teams solicit feedback on their behavior and performance

from key stakeholders… who might include customers suppliers,

managers and other teams. This feedback is used to improve the quality
of work of the team.

Each team member can also exchange feedback with other members
in order to correct or improve each other’s performance and behavior.

7. Interfaces ( How will we manage the team’s relationship?)

Healthy teams intentionally manage their critical relationship with
external people or environment in order to build needed relationship and
enhance existing ones.


Objective: Be able to interpret a picture.
1. Realize the value of a proper way of communicating.
2. Materials: picture , instruction sheet

The facilitator will have a picture for each team to be viewed and analyzed. The

team leader will be instructed to come forward to see the picture in a way the other
members will not see after viewing the picture. The leader will run back to the first
member of his row. Whisper to him the description of the picture so that he may
communicate the correct description to the next one behind him in the row, using only
one way communication. No writing. Thus, on a one on one basis the description is
passed on to the last member. The last member will reveal the description that he
received to the leader. If the description is wrong, the leader will determine if there has
been a break in communication between some of the group members.

UNIT OF COMPETENCY : Practice Career Professionalism
MODULE TITLE : Practicing Career Professionalism
INTRODUCTION : this module covers the skill, knowledge and attitude in
promoting career growth and advancement, specifically to integrate personal objectives
with organizational goals set and meet priorities and maintain professional growth and
Upon completing this module you must be able to:
LO # 1. Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals
LO # 2 Set meet priorities
LO # 3. Maintain professional Growth and D


Learning Objectives: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be
able to:
1. Define personality and identify the determinants of personality.
2. Identify the stages of personal growth and development
3. Learn and apply ways by which they could project themselves better and create a
more positive self image particularly in social graces and manners and observance or
work ethics.
4. Define Interpersonal relationship
5. Describe the different types of Interpersonal relationships

What is personality
Personality is the sum total of the biological, psychological, socio cultural and other
traits of a person, manifested in the way he thinks, feels, acts and relates with others
Gordon Allport defined personality as collection of traits that determine a person’s
unique adjustment to his environment. Each person is made up of determining
tendencies that play an active role in his behavior. Personality is what lies behind the
Determinants of Personality
Behavioral experts agree that personality is a product of nature and nurture, an
integration of his biological and social heritage. What a person thinks does and feels as
a child, adolescent or adult results from the inter relationship that exist between
biologically inherited factors and environmental influences.
Genes transmitted by parents determine a person physical and biological
characteristic such as physical stature, color of the skin and hair .Some individuals
excel in physical qualities, others are physically handicapped like the dumb, blind, deaf
and austistic persons. However, it does not follow that a person with biological or
physical deficiency is also handicapped from developing a good or pleasing personality.
The Social Environment
The social environment consists of individuals, groups and institutions with whom the
person interacts with from childhood to adulthood. Socialization is a process where a
person acquires, learns and internalizes a set of beliefs, ideas, values, attitudes and
other socio-cultural characteristic.
Socialization starts with the child’s first contact, his family. From the parents, siblings
and relatives, the person learns his first lessons of love, honesty and other fundamental
virtues as well as other qualities. Much of our behavioral tendencies appear to be a
replica of our parents.
In the later years of life, the individual comes into contact with his peers, school
mates, teachers and other groups from whom he acquires new set of ideas, beliefs,
values and attitudes.
As the individual moves through life, he comes across to more groups, and
institutions, from them he discovers and learns another set of socio cultural
How is Personality Developed?
Studies in Psychology reveal that a person passes through various stages of
development. It starts with infancy, childhood, puberty, adolescence and adulthood. The
last stage is the state wherein the individual becomes fully mature in all aspects-
physically, mentally, psychologically and emotionally.
During infancy, the need for attention and acceptance is most dominant. As the child
grows, his needs are centered on recognition, affirmation and appreciation. Then upon
reaching puberty and adolescence, he will experience a strong need for autonomy-
freedom to make decisions and to act for oneself, without being manipulated by parents
and people in authority. Unsatisfied need in each level of growth leads to what is termed
as fixation, a situation which often results to obsession. This means an insatiable
craving for unsatisfied needs like love, attention, recognition and autonomy. This
obsession is carried over to the adult life.
Maslow contends that man starts to crave for the satisfaction of his lower needs-
physiological/biological, progressing to the next level- need for safety and acceptance.
Once these lower needs are satisfied man will pursue for esteem needs and the aim for
the highest needs- self actualization – a psychic feeling of fulfillment for having achieved
a goal or having maximized the use of one’s potentials and capacities.
Personal growth and Stages of Development:
The process of development takes place in four stages:
Stage 1 – Understanding an Ideal
At this stage, the person is exposed to learning situations where he discovers an
ideal- the ideal personality, qualities of a winning personality, the elements and
conditions for growth and development . He is also able to differentiate functional vs.
dysfunctional behavior and their damage consequences. These knowledge provide the
framework for understanding his behavior and personality.
Stage 2 – Self awareness
After discovering the ideal, the person goes into self mirroring. He looks into his
personal qualities, behavior and compares this against the ideal. He discovers his
dysfunctional behavior and how it has affected his success, happiness and relationships
with others.
Stage 3 - Self Realization
As the individual becomes aware of his behavior, he is guided on how to understand
himself by bringing into his consciousness the things in the past and other realities that
have directly or indirectly conditioned his present behavior or maladjustment. Among
these are the distorted beliefs and values that he may have internalized. He is also
made to realize how his behavior has hampered his growth and development as well as
his happiness.
Stage 4 – Decision to change
With self realization the individual makes a decision to change. If one is determined
to grow as a person, he has to decide to change.
Stage 5- Actualizing the change
In his decision to grow and develop, the individual now puts into action the
necessary changes in his life including a change in attitude, re- alignment of his value
system and behavioral change.

An interpersonal relationship is an association between two or more people that

may range from fleeting to enduring. This association may be based on love and liking,
regular business interactions, or some other type of social commitment. Interpersonal
relationships take place in a great variety of contexts, such as family, friends, marriage,
associates, work, clubs, neighborhoods, and churches. They may be regulated by law,
custom, or mutual agreement, and are the basis of social groups and society as a
whole. Although humans are fundamentally social creatures, interpersonal relationships
are not always healthy. Examples of unhealthy relationships include abusive
relationships and codependence.

A relationship is normally viewed as a connection between two individuals, such as

a romantic or intimate relationship, or a parent-child relationship. Individuals can also
have relationships with groups of people, such as the relation between a pastor and his
congregation, an uncle and a family, or a mayor and a town.
Types of Interpersonal Relationships

Close relationships are important for emotional wellbeing throughout the lifespan.
Interpersonal relationships include kinship and family relations in which people
become associated by genetics or consanguinity. These include such roles as father,
mother, son, or daughter. Relationships can also be established by marriage, such as
husband, wife, father-in-law, mother-in-law, uncle by marriage, or aunt by marriage.
They may be formal long-term relationships recognized by law and formalized
through public ceremony, such as marriage or civil union. They may also be informal
long-term relationships such as loving relationships or romantic relationships with or
without living together. In these cases the "other person" is often called lover, boyfriend,
or girlfriend, as distinct from just a male or female friend, or "significant other"..
Communication is a very important component to a successful relationship
Friendships consist of mutual liking, trust, respect, and often even love and
unconditional acceptance. Internet friendships and pen-pals may take place at a
considerable physical distance. Brotherhood and sisterhood can refer to individuals
united in a common cause or having a common interest, which may involve formal
membership in a club, organization, association, society, lodge, fraternity, or sorority.
Soulmates are individuals intimately drawn to one another through a favorable meeting
of minds and who find mutual acceptance and understanding with one another Casual
relationships are sexual relationships extending beyond one-night stands that
exclusively consist of sexual behavior..
The natural development of a relationship follows five stages:
Acquaintance - Becoming acquainted depends on previous relationships, physical
proximity, first impressions, and a variety of other factors. If two people begin to like
each other, continued interactions may lead to the next stage, but acquaintance can
continue indefinitely.
Buildup - During this stage, people begin to trust and care about each other. The need
for compatibility and such filtering agents as common background and goals will
influence whether or not interaction continues.
Continuation - This stage follows a mutual commitment to a long term friendship,
romantic relationship, or marriage. It is generally a long, relative stable period.
Nevertheless, continued growth and development will occur during this time. Mutual
trust is important for sustaining the relationship.
Deterioration - Not all relationships deteriorate, but those that do, tend to show signs of
trouble. Boredom, resentment, and dissatisfaction may occur, and individuals may
communicate less and avoid self-disclosure. Loss of trust and betrayals may take place
as the downward spiral continues.
Termination - The final stage marks the end of the relationship, either by death in the
case of a healthy relationship, or by separation.

Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given choices.
1. Determines a person’s physical and biological characteristic such as physical stature,
color of the skin and hair.
a. heredity
b. experience
c. socialization
d. social environment
2. Consists of individuals, groups and institutions with whom the person interacts with
from childhood to adulthood.
a. experience
b. heredity
c. social environment
d. socialization
3.A process where a person acquires, learns and internalizes a set of beliefs, ideas,
values, attitudes and other socio-cultural characteristics.
a. social environment
b. socialization
d. heredity
4. During this stage, the need for attention and acceptance is most dominant.
a. infancy
b. childhood
d.old age

5. The sum total of the biological, psychological, socio cultural and other traits of a
person, manifested in the way he thinks, feels, acts and relates with others.
b. personality
c. summary
6. Freedom to make decisions and to act for oneself without being manipulated by
parents and people in authority.
a. self-esteem
b. autonomy
c. fixation
d. reality
7. Unsatisfied needs in each level of growth.
a. autonomy
b. reality
c. self-esteem
d. fixation
8. The mirroring stage.
a. self-esteem
b. self motivation
c. self-awareness
9. At this stage, the person is exposed to learning situations where he discovers an
ideal personality.
a. self realization
b.self awareness
c.understanding an ideal
d.decision to change

10. Maslow’s lower needs

a. self esteem
b. acceptance
c. attention


Learning Objectives: After reading this information sheet, the student/ trainee should
be able to;
1. Discuss organizational goal.
2. Identify the types of goal.
3. Demonstrate commitment to the organization and its goals in the performance
of duties

 A goal or objective consists of a projected state of affairs which a or a plans or

intends to achieve or bring about — a personal or organizational desired end-
point in some sort of assumed development. Many people endeavor to reach
goals within a finite time by setting.

The flow diagram represents how various inputs and actions towards focused
organizational goals lead to results. Knowledge management contributes towards
streamlining the ideas, problems, projects and deployment in light of organizational
goals driving towards productivity.

Part of the reason why goal setting fails is that people don’t understand the different
types of goals and how to treat them. Goals may involve:
 Developing a new skill or improving current skills.
 Beating old habits, or developing better ones.
 Producing an outcome, achieving a dream.

The way each of these types of goals are treated is different – some are short term,
others are medium to long term, some have a clear direction to achieve them, others
may have a more torturous path, and some are naturally easier than others to achieve.

Goals can also be:

 Big-picture goals – your end destination as defined by the ‘Big-Picture'

Statements for your various life aspects. These goals are typically not achievable
in one simple step – there is a journey to be taken to get there.
 Milestone Goals – these are the series of goals that will take you to your
 Mini Goals – milestone goals may need to be broken down into bite-size chunks
to make them more manageable.

This is shown diagrammatically as follows, where you can see that your ‘Big-Picture’ is
achieved through a few long-term milestone goals, which are achieved through several
medium-term goals, which are achieved through many short-term mini goals.

Like climbing a mountain, you need to start at the bottom with the mini-goals before you
can get to the top. This is just recognizing that it takes time and effort to achieve your
goals, but achieving the mini-goals along the way keeps you inspired to continue –
they’re like stepping stones down the river of life or the traffic lights along your road to
success! You need all types of goals.

Too many Big-Picture goals can be daunting and it is difficult to measure progress
against. Too many mini-goals can make you lose sight of the big picture, but they keep
you heading towards your big picture if done right.
So you need the right mixture of each, and this will depend on your specific goal.

As an example, you’re Big Picture might include to become fit and healthy. A milestone
goal might therefore be to lose 10kg or to jog 5km in under 30 minutes.

Mini-goals might then be along the lines of “lose 2kg” or “walk 5km without stopping” –
these goals are steps in the right direction towards both the milestone goals and
ultimate big-picture.

Once the mini-goals have been achieved you’ll get a great sense of satisfaction as you
have leaped onto the first stepping stone towards your big-picture, so use this
motivation to set the next set of mini-goals to put into action!

Goal-setters may make goals/objectives more explicit by following the guidelines

associated with the acronym:
 Specific: one should precisely define objectives or goals rather than tolerating
diffuseness or nebulousness
 Measurable: one should define a method of measuring the objectives/goals
 Agreed-To/Achievable: all parties need to agree to the objectives/goals, and to
their achievability
 Realistic/Rewarding/Relevant: one must define realistic objectives/goals, the
accomplishment of which must make sense
 Time-bound: completion must occur within an agreed time-scale.

Personal goals
Managing goals can give returns in all areas of . Knowing
precisely what one wants to achieve makes clear what to
concentrate and improve on.
Individuals can have personal goals. A student may set a
goal of a high mark in an exam. An athlete might walk five
miles a day. A traveler might try to reach a destination-city
within three hours.
and planning ("goal work") promotes long-term and
short-term . It focuses acquisition of knowledge and helps
organize resources.
 Achieving personal goal
Achieving complex and difficult goals, requires , long-term diligence and effort.
Success in any field will require foregoing, excuses and justifications for poor
performance or lack of adequate planning; in short, success requires .
 Goal-management
Goal management consists of the process of recognizing or inferring goals of
individual or team-members, abandoning no longer relevant goals, identifying
and resolving conflicts among goals, and prioritizing goals consistently for
optimal team-collaboration and effective operations.
 assessment and dissolution of non-rational blocks to success

 frequent reconsideration (consistency checks)
 checks
 adjusting and main-goal targets


 Planning – the simplest way to plan your work is to write a list of things you need
to accomplish during the day. It also helps you check your progress in the kind of
occupation you have.
 Organizing – number the tasks on the list in the order of the importance, then do
the most important first. Also have a place for everything so that you waste as
little time as possible looking for things you will be using to perform certain tasks.
 Implementing – Use “Dovetailing “to save time and meet your schedules. This
means that while your hands are involved in other activities, your mind can be
sorting out problems and mentally planning related tasks that shall follow.
 Controlling – to evaluate whether your time for doing your work is properly
manage or not, compare them with your “ Work to do List “. Examine your list for
possible refinement or streamlining.

 Linking individual & team performance to

organizational goals
 Strategic performance coaching packages.

Self Check 3.1-2

Test 1. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given

1. Evaluate whether your time for doing your work is properly manage or
not and compare them with your “ Work to do List “.
a. Controlling
b. Implementing
c. Organizing
d. Planning
2. An effective time management that uses “Dovetailing “to save time and meet
your schedules.
a. Controlling
b. Implementing
c. Organizing
d. Planning
3. It is the simplest way to plan your work by writing a list of things you need to
accomplish during the day.
a. Controlling
b. Implementing
c. Organizing
d. Planning
4. Consists of the process of recognizing or inferring goals of individual or team-
members, consistently for optimal team-collaboration and effective operations.
b. Goal-management
c. Organizational goals
d. Personal goal
5.Promotes long-term and short-term and it focuses acquisition of knowledge and
helps to organize resources.
b. Goal-management
c. Organizational goals
d. Personal goal
Learning Objectives: After reading this information sheet, the student/ trainee should
be able to;
1. Observe / practice the grooming routines.


 Wash your hair every other day using soap or mild shampoo. Avoid shampoos
with borax or alkalis. Rinse well.
 Ladies hair should be clipped on both sides or breaded (if it is long).
 Length of men’s hair should not go beyond collar and the side hair must not
cover the ear.
 Dry your hair after a wash.
 Oil the scalp, once a week, preferably an hour before hair wash.
 Bangs should be avoided.

 Soap and water are essential for keeping the skin clean.
 A good bath once or twice a day is recommended.
 Those who are involved in active sports or work out to a sweat would do well to
take a bath after the activity.
 Germicidal or antiseptic soaps are not essential for the daily bath. You can use a
bath sponge for scrubbing


 Brush your teeth twice a day and rinse well after every meal. Brushing before
going to bed is important. (This is especially recommended for people with a
sweet tooth).

 While brushing, pay attention to the fact that you are getting rid of the food
particles stuck in between the teeth and in the crevices of the flatter teeth at the
back, the molars and pre molars.
 Brush down on the upper teeth and brush up on the lower teeth. Use a circular
motion. Pay attention to the tongue and the inner surface of teeth as well.
 No tooth decay to avoid bad breath.


 Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after every meal and
after visiting the toilet.
 Soaping and rinsing should cover the areas between fingers, nails and back of
the hand. Hands should be dried with a clean towel after wash.
 The towel at the wash stand has to be washed and changed every day.
 While cooking, especially when packing lunches, you can prevent food from
spoilage and minimize contamination by keeping your hands clean.
 While handling food avoid scratching, or touching the ears, nose, mouth or other
body orifices.
 If you need to use a handkerchief or tissue, wash your hands after that.


 Keep your nails short.

 Do not keep your nails painted continuously. It causes the keratin, of which nails
are made, to split.
 Pamper your hands and nails once every three weeks with a manicure. This
requires soaking your hands in warm water for ten minutes, massaging of hands,
thorough cleaning and shaping of nails.
 Choose your manicure kit with care. In some kits, the instruments are crudely
made and they will do more harm than good.


 Give your feet a good scrub with a sponge, pumice stone or foot scrubber that is
not made of very abrasive material when having a bath.
 Dry after bath between toes. Keep toenails clipped.

Shoes and socks

 Those who use shoes constantly need to slip them off now and then. This airs
the socks a bit and makes them less smelly.
 Wear cotton socks. Wear a clean pair every day.
 Powder your feet before wearing socks. Many people have sweaty feet, and
socks and shoes can get quite smelly.
 Go for a pedicure once in three weeks.
 Shoes should be clean and well polished, heels in good condition.
 Black socks for men should changed daily with fresh ones
 Ladies should wear stockings but must ensure it has no “run” or damage

Menstrual Hygiene

 Technology offers sanitary pads, tampons or menstrual cups or caps to deal with
the flow.
 Absorbent pads may be noticeable in form fitting clothes. They cause some
soreness on the inner thighs.
 Some women prefer tampon to external pads. A plug of absorbent cotton or
gauze is inserted inside. But these should not be left unchanged beyond six
hours. The cleaned and re used.

 Must be comfortably fit, no sagging hemline
 Properly buttoned, sleeves should never be folded nor rolled
 Clean and well pressed, free from stains nor wrinkle
 Clean and free from visible dirt inside and outside
 Earrings are never appropriate for men; ladies in uniform should never wear
dangling earrings

The most important way to reduce the spread of infections is hand washing -
always wash regularly with soap and warm water. Also important is to get a vaccine for
those infections and viruses that have one, when available.

Ways to can reduce or slow the spread of infections include;

 get the appropriate vaccine
 wash your hands frequently
 stay home if you are sick (so you do not spread it to other people)
 cover your nose and mouth when sneezing and coughing (or cough into your
 use single-use tissues for wiping your nose
 wash your hands after coughing, sneezing or using tissues
 if working with children, have them play with hard surface toys that can be easily
 do not touch your eyes, nose or mouth (viruses can transfer from your hands and
into the body)
 do not share cups, glasses, dishes or cutlery.

Workplaces can help reduce the spread of infectious disease by:

 having an infection control plan

 providing clean hand washing facilities
 offering waterless alcohol-based hand sanitizers when regular facilities are not
available (or to people on the road)
 reminding staff to not share cups, glasses, dishes and cutlery. Be sure dishes are
washed in soap and water after use.
 removing magazines and papers from waiting areas or common rooms (such as
tea rooms and kitchens)
 considering cleaning a person's workstation or other areas where they have been
if a person has suspected or identified influenza making sure ventilation systems
are working properly

Social distancing is a strategy where you try to avoid crowded places, large gatherings
of people or close contact with a group of people. In these situations, viruses can easily
spread from person to person. In general, a distance of one meter (3 feet) will slow the
spread of a disease, but more distance is more effective.

SELF CHECK # 3.1-3

Learn your mastery in Information Sheet 1 by solving the problems below.

Test 1. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is

________1. Length of men’s hair should not go beyond collar and the side hair
must not cover the ear.
________2. While cooking, especially when packing lunches, you can prevent food
from spoilage and minimize contamination by keeping your hands clean.
________3. Wash your hair using shampoos with borax or alkalis.
________4. Earrings are never appropriate for men; ladies in uniform should never
wear dangling earrings.
________5. Keep your nails painted continuously.

________6.Workplaces can help reduce the spread of infectious disease by

having an infection control plan.

________7. Germicidal or antiseptic soaps are essential for the daily bath. You can
use a bath sponge for scrubbing.
________8. While handling food avoid scratching, or touching the ears, nose,
mouth or other body orifices.
________9.Uniform should be clean and well pressed, free from stains nor

________10.You can also avoid the spread of infectious disease by staying at

home if you are sick.



Learning Objectives: After reading this information sheet, the student/ trainee should
be able to;
1. Discuss the ethical standard and behaviors.
2. Determine the duties and responsibilities of each member.
3. Perform duties and responsibilities in a positive manner to promote
cooperation and good relationship.
 Pursuant to the provisions of Section 12 of RA No. 6713, otherwise known as the
"Code of Conduct and Ethical Standard for Public Officials and Employees", it
shall be the policy of the NEA to promote a high standard of ethics in public
 Officials and employees shall at all times be accountable to the people and shall
discharge their duties with utmost responsibility, integrity, competence and
loyalty, act with patriotism and justice, lead modest lives, and uphold public
interest over personal interest.

The Code is issued to enable the organization to:

 Maintain high ethical standards in the performance of its employees' respective
duties and responsibilities;
 Promote and increase level of confidence among its primary clients (electric
cooperatives) and other stakeholders with regard to their delivery of the agency's
 Have a guide or benchmark for decision-making particularly on human resource
 Inspire management to mutually uphold its commitment to employees and vice-
versa; and
1. Highlight and showcase NEA's corporate culture and values.

Value development - the process of cultivating the

growth of an employee through progressive changes
that would unfold concern for the commitment to
public service over personal interest.
Service guide - provides information to guide the
transacting public in understanding the functions of
every department/office.
Code - set of rules for accepted behavior set up by
an agency with punitive powers against non
conforming members.

At all times, the Agency and the human resource shall exemplify and operate on the
core values of absolute honesty, maximum efficiency and total solidarity. As such, they
are expected to conduct themselves in a manner reflective of the following behaviors:

 Commitment to Public Interest - To uphold the public interest over personal

interest. All government resources and powers must be employed and used
efficiently, effectively, honestly and economically, particularly to avoid wastage in
public funds and revenues.
 Professionalism - To perform and discharge their duties with the highest degree
of excellence, professionalism, intelligence and skill. They shall serve with utmost
devotion and dedication to duty.

 Justness and Sincerity - To remain true to the people at all times. They must
act with justness and sincerity and shall not discriminate against anyone,
especially the poor and underprivileged.

 Political Neutrality - To provide service to everyone without unfair discrimination

regardless of party affiliation or preference.

 Responsiveness to the Public - To extend prompt, courteous and adequate

service to the public.
 Nationalism and Patriotism - To be loyal to the Republic and the Filipino
people, promote the use of locally produced goods, resources and technology
and encourage appreciation and pride of country and people.
 Commitment to Democracy - To commit themselves to the democratic way of
life and values, maintain the principles of public accountability and manifest by
deeds the supremacy of civilian authority over the military. They shall at all times
uphold the Constitution and put loyalty to country above loyalty to persons and
 Simple Living - means maintaining a standard of living within the public official
or employee's visible means of income as correctly disclosed in his income tax
returns, annual statement of assets, liabilities and net worth, and other
documents relating to financial and business interests and connections.

Rights and Duties of a Worker

When starting a new job, it is always important to ask about the terms and
conditions of employment. These normally vary from one company to another, however
there are some basic conditions that apply universally. This page seeks to outline the
basic rights and duties, however it is recommended that one checks the conditions with
his company and the local labor office before accepting a new job.

Worker Rights
Every worker has a right to:

 Work in a safe environment that does not threaten his health.

 Know about any potential hazards at the workplace.
 Take sick/medical leave when it is required and produce certification for it.
 Take the number of leave days (after consultations with the employer) as set by the
 Get paid at least the minimum wage as set by each state.
 Be treated with the respect and dignity of a human being.
 Be free to join any Union of his choice.

Worker Duties

Every worker has the duty to:

 Give his employer a good days work.

 Help and respect his colleagues.
 Inform his employer when he is ill and unable to go to work.
 Makes good use of company resources without wasting.
 Use any equipment, protective devices or clothing required by the employer; and
doesn't remove or make ineffective any protective device.
 Inform the employer about any known missing or defective equipment or protective
device that may be dangerous.
In transacting with the public, the following actions shall be observed:
 As a general rule, when a request or petition, whether written or verbal, can be disposed
of promptly and expeditiously, the official or employee in charge to whom the same is
presented shall do so immediately, without discrimination, and in no case beyond 15
working days from receipt of the request or petition.
 In case of written requests, petitions or motions sent by means of letters, telegrams or
the like, the official or employee in charge shall act on the same within 15 working
days from his receipt thereof, provided that:
a. If the communication is within the jurisdiction of the agency, the official or employee
 Write a note or letter of acknowledgement where the matter is merely routinely or the
action desired may be acted upon in the ordinary course of business of the agency,
specifying the date when the matter will be disposed of and the name of the official or
employee in charge thereof.
 Where the matter is non-routinely or the issues involved are not simple or ordinary, write
a note of letter of acknowledgment, informing the interested party, petitioner or
correspondent of the action to be taken or when such requests, petitions or motions
can be acted upon.

b. If communication is outside its jurisdiction, the official or employee must:

 Refer the letter, petition or verbal request to the proper department, office or agency.
 Acknowledge the communication by means of a note or letter, informing the interested
party, petitioner or correspondent of the action taken and attaching a copy of the letter
of referral to the proper department, office or agency.
 The period of 15 working days herein provided shall be counted from date of receipt
of the written or verbal communication by the department, office or agency concerned.

Guided by Civil Service Laws and pertinent rules and regulations, officers and
employees should be aware of the following measures:
 No officer or employee shall be removed or suspended except for cause as
provided by law and after due process.
 The disciplining authority may impose the penalty of removal/dismissal from the
service, with or without prejudice to benefits, demotion in rank, suspension of not
more than one year without pay, fine in an amount not exceeding six months'
salary, transfer or reprimand.
 The penalty of dismissal shall carry with it cancellation of eligibility forfeiture of
leave credits and retirement benefits, and the disqualification for reemployment in
the government service.
 The penalty of forced resignation shall carry with it disqualification for
employment in the government service for at least one year.
 The penalty of transfer shall carry with it disqualification for promotion for a
period or six months from the date respondent reports to the new position.
 The penalty of suspension shall carry with it disqualification for promotion
corresponding to the period of suspension.
 The penalty of demotion shall carry with it disqualification for promotion for a
period of six months.
 The penalty of fine shall carry with it disqualification for promotion for a period
twice the number of days he was fined.
 A reprimand shall be considered a penalty. However, a warning or an admonition
shall not be considered a penalty.

 Responsibility to the workplace/ work area
 Strictly observe the rules and regulations of the school as a training
 Be regular and punctual in your attendance.
 Observe orderliness and cleanliness in the workplace.
 Observe proper use of tools and equipment.

 Responsibility to your instructor

 Always treat your instructor with respect and courtesy.
 Listen attentively to your instructor.
 Finish/ submit assigned projects on time.
 Learn to accept constructive criticisms.
 Be willing to do extra assignments.
 Cultivate the spirit of volunteerism and cooperate with others when given

 Responsibility to your fellow trainee/student

 Take care of your fellow trainees’/students’ belongings as if they were
your own
 Cooperate and participate in group activities.
 Show interest and concern for others.
 Offering suggestions that could be of help to your co- trainees/ students
 Respecting your fellow trainees’ feelings, mood and the like.

 Responsibility to yourself
 Be honest with yourself. You can be honest with others only if you are
honest with yourself.
 Always be neat and clean in your appearance and keep your things
 Be interested in and devoted to whatever you do.
 Strive to do your best in undertakings.

A human relation is the art of knowing people, relating with them, and maintaining and
keeping their friendship. Developing effectiveness in human relations requires
understanding of human behavior. The following are ways to achieve good human
 When there is nothing to say, better silent
 Keep promises
 Always say kind words to others
 Be interested to others
 Be cheerful
 Be open minded
 Let your virtues speak for themselves
 Don’t hurt others feeling
 Keep your disposition sweet
 Have humors

Adjusting to different work situations

Proper training enables to cope with different work situations. It is the training ground
that allows one to enjoy various working conditions that gives the batter. It gives you the
opportunity to simulate work situations.

 Set a good working mood. Starting with a very light heart makes work pleasant
and enjoyable.
 When assigned in a different work environment, remember that this is an
opportunity that training gives. You have to be flexible to enjoy work.
 Study carefully how you can fit into the work environment.
 Try to prove to others that you can do the work.
 Remember that in training, the more practices you get, the better prepared for
employment you become.
 Listen carefully
 Don’t monopolize. Try to listen to the ideas of other people around you. Keep an
open mind to the suggestion and comment of others.
 Adapt your thought speed.
Cultivating Patience and Self Discipline

Training and employment require that you cultivate patience and self discipline with
other people and while working in a certain task. In calculation of these virtues is
however, easier said done. Certain guidelines may then be important in the task of
building up patience and self discipline.

 Condition your mind that any difficult situation needs to be studied thoroughly
and therefore may need more time to produce results.
 Learn how to wait. Positive results are commensurate to the amount of effort you
put in.
 Try to soften the pain and troubles you encounter. Great difficulties should teach
you to redouble you efforts.
 If you expect to be attended to at once but others get it instead, consider the
situation that others may badly need attention more than you do. Priority has to
 When angered by as troublesome situation, count ten and if still angry count as
m any as you can until your anger subsides. By then you shall have fully
controlled your anger and may be capable of deciding wisely.
 When things wrong and it doesn’t seem to be your day, don’t despair. Tomorrow
is another day.
Self – Discipline
 Always have control of one’s thinking; well- thought actions control your other

 Start with a strong and persistent drive to gain self- confidence;
 Have a strong and firm faith and respect in yourself;
 Assess your capabilities and limitations; Know thoroughly what you are going to
 Set your mind on what you want to accomplish;
 Act and work confidently;
 Practice!!!;
 Never be discouraged by defeat or failure;
 Always have a positive conviction that you can do what any other has done;
The great Greek philosopher saw values as guide to excellence in thinking and
action. In this context, values are standards which we strive to achieve. Values are
practical habits that enable us to achieve our mission and corporate purpose.
The 10 Primary Values at BB&T
 Reality (Fact-based)
What if we want to be better, we must act within the context of reality (the
facts). Business and individuals often make serious mistakes by making
decisions based on what they “wish was so ‘” or based on theories which are
disconnected from reality. The foundation for quality decision making is a careful
understanding of the facts.
 Reason (Objectivity)
Mankind has a specific means of survival, which is his ability to think, i.e.,
his capacity to reason logically from the facts of reality as presented to his five
senses. A lion has claws to hunt. A deer has swiftness to avoid the hunter. Man
has his ability to think. There is only one “natural resources “the human kind.”
Clear thinking is not automatic. It requires intellectual discipline and begins
with sound premises based on observed facts (induction) and able to apply
general principles to the solution of specific problems (deduction). You must be
able to think in an integrated way, thereby avoiding logical contradictions.

 Independent Thinking
We learn a great deal from each other. However, each of us thinks alone.
Our minds are not physically connected. In this regard, each of us must be willing
to make an independent judgment of the facts based on our capacity to think
logically. Just because the “crowd” says it so, does not make it so.
In this context, each of us is responsible for our own actions. Each of us is
responsible for our own actions. Each of us is responsible for our personal
success or failure, i.e., it is not the bank’s fault if someone does not achieve his

 Productivity
WE are committed to being producers of wealth and well-being by taking
the action necessary to accomplish our mission. The tangible evidence of our
productivity is that we have rationally allocated capital through our lending and
investment process, and that we have provided needed services to our clients in
an efficient manner resulting in superior profitability.
Profitability is a measure of the difference in the economic value of the
products/ services we produce and the cost of producing these products/
services. In a long- term context and in a free market, the bigger the profit, the
batter. This is true not only from our stakeholders’ perspective (which would be
enough justification), but also in term of the impact of our work on society as a
Healthy profits represent productive work.
 Honesty
Being honest is simply being consistent with reality, which is therefore
self- defeating. A primary reason that individuals fail is because they become
disconnected from reality, pretending that facts are other than they are.
To be honest does not require that we know everything. Knowledge is
always contextual and man is not omniscient. However, we must be responsible
for saying what we mean and meaning what we say.
 Justice( Fairness)
Individuals should be evaluated and rewarded objectively (for better or for
worse) based on their contributions toward accomplishing our mission and
adherence to our values. Those who contribute the most should receive the
The single most significant way in which employees evaluate their
manager is just. Employees become extremely unhappy (and rightly so) when
they perceive that a person who is not contributing is over- rewarded or a strong
contributor is under-rewarded.
If we do not reward those who contribute the most, they will leave and our
organization will be less successful. Even more important, if there is no reward
for superior performance, the average person will not be motivated to maximize
his productivity.
 Pride
Pride is the psychological reward we earn from living by our values, i.e.,
from being just, honest, having integrity, being an independent thinker, being
productive and rational. Aristotle believed that “earned “pride (not arrogance” was
the higher of virtues, because it presupposed all the others. Striving for earned
pride simply reinforces the importance of having high moral values.
Each of us must perform our work in a manner as to be able to be justly
proud of what we have accomplished.

 Teamwork/Mutual (Supportiveness)
While independent thought and strong personal goals are critically
important, our work is accomplished within teams, with respect for our fellow
employees, while acting in a mutually supportive manner.
Our work at BB&T is so complex that it requires an integrated effort
among many people to accomplish important tasks. While we are looking for self-
motivated and independent thinking individuals, these individuals must recognize
that almost nothing at BB&T can be accomplished without the help of their team
members. One of the responsibilities of leadership in our organization is to
ensure that each individual is rewarded based on their contribution to the
success of the total team. We need outstanding individuals working together to
create an outstanding team.

 Self reliance
A worker should learn to accomplish the job assigned to her/
him and should not depend on others for tasks that she/ he can do.
 Perfection
A good worker does not stop until she/he gets excellent results. She / he
is happy when she/ he sees what he has produced meets the standard set
by her/his supervisor.
 Responsibility
Every company has its own rules and regulations. It is the responsibility of
each and every worker to follow them.
 Perseverance
Be patient in handling task. Try to finish your work assignment on time, no
matter how boring it is.
 Ability to follow instruction
Make everything clear before your start on your task. Read and
understand the instruction. If something is vague, don’t be afraid to ask.
 Attitude towards supervisor
You cannot attain success all by yourself. You need to bring other people
into your lives. You cannot afford to get along without them. Try to develop
a smooth relationship with your co- workers. Be ready to lend a helping
hand. Surely, when the time comes when you need their help they would
be more than willing to give it to you.
 Dependability
You must be relied upon to perform other tasks. Make your supervisors
feel you are there when you are needed, producing the right outputs.
 Personality
Personal qualities and characteristics are important. At all timed, make
sure you conduct yourself properly to gain respect. Do away with bad
behaviors that will offend others. Pay attention to your appearance. Be
neat and clean every time you report to work.
 Don’t create false impressions
Be yourself. Don’t try to impress your supervisors nor your co-workers by
pretending to be what you are not. Exert effort rather than impress.
 Don’t steal credit
If most of the work is done by your co-workers give his/her credit for it.
Don’t “steal” the credit or acknowledge the work as yours because of the
desire to advance in position.
 Don’t slander others
Making up stories to put down others is foolish. This will never pay-off.
Never gossip about the misdeeds or misfortune others.
 Don’t be a blind follower
The company/ industry has set policies and guidelines of employees/
workers to follow. If your supervisor gives you orders that you very well
know are against company/ industry rules, don’t accept the order.
 Don’t openly criticize company/ industry policies/ directives
If you feel the need to challenge certain industry policies, be tactful.
Choose the right place and the right time.
 Don’t carry your problems to work
Life is not problem free. All of us experience domestic problems., If these
problems crop up, leave them at home when you face your work.
 Don’t be Ms. “ Scatterbrain”
Prioritize your task from the most important to the least important.
Accomplish the more important ones first. Don’t spent more time on
unimportant job than it’s warrants.

 Don’t be braggart
As you start to taste the sweetness of success, don’t forget that what goes
up can go down. So remain humble.
 Improve yourself
Don’t allow yourself to stagnate. Read books and attend seminars/
trainings that are job-related even at your own expense.
 When there are no chances to grow
Look for other possibilities. Capitalize on your experience. If you find
yourself in a dead-end job meaning there are no promotions and no
opportunities to move up, you can explore other job opportunities. You are
now more equipped to venture on this exploration.
 Hobbies
Having outside interest can make you more interesting person which in
turn will help you become a more effective worker.
 Have a sense of humor
 Smile
Do your job with a smile. It takes less facial muscles to smile than to
frown. Service with a smile guarantees more business. Nothing else
carries much weight than a smile. The more you smile, the more you
impress others favorably
 Be friendly and quietly confident
When your personality exudes these qualities everyone soften up to you.

SELF CHECK # 3.1-4

Learn your mastery in Information Sheet 1 by solving the problems below.

Test 1. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given

1. 1.To provide service to everyone without unfair discrimination regardless of

party affiliation or preference.
a. Commitment to Democracy
b. Justness and Sincerity
c. Nationalism and Patriotism
d. Political Neutrality
2. To commit themselves to the democratic way of life and values, maintain the
principles of public accountability and manifest by deeds the supremacy of
civilian authority over the military.
a. Commitment to Democracy
b. Justness and Sincerity
c. Nationalism and Patriotism
d. Political Neutrality
3. To remain true to the people at all times
a. Commitment to Democracy
b. Justness and Sincerity
c. Nationalism and Patriotism
d. Political Neutrality
4. Be patient in handling task, try to finish your work assignment on time, no
matter how boring it is.
a. Perfection
b. Perseverance
c. Self reliance
d. Responsibility
5. A good worker does not stop until she/he gets excellent results.
a. Perfection
b. Perseverance
c. Self reliance
d. Responsibility
The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory

Feedback to trainee:

Trainee Signature : Date:

Trainer Signature : Date:


Learning Objectives: After reading this information sheet, the student/ trainee should
be able to;
1. Know the importance of key result areas in the world of work
“Clearly defined Key Results Areas means taking career ownership”

KRA’s is an acronym for ‘Key Results Area’. Having clearly defined Key Results
Areas enables you to take ownership of your job and to accept responsibility for those
areas in which achieving results are your responsibility.

Key Results Areas enable you to:

 Have clearly defined and achievable goals.

 Measure your progress during the year in terms of identified targets.
 Manage your skills development.
 Identify areas for development (skills gaps which exist).
 Contribute to the company’s wealth creation.
 Obtain timely feedback that will allow you to change direction when needed.
 Promote an environment of self-management.

(KRA's - Key Results Areas), for instance:

 Managing your team and their performance;

 Applying selling skills to meet targets;
 Providing technical skills training for other team members; etc.

Your tasks are the activities that you have to perform in order to carry out your roles, for

 Product presentations and demonstrations;

 Sales calls;
 Proposals and quotations; etc.

Your function is defined by the key roles you play in terms of agreed success factors.
Your roles tend to remain constant while your tasks may change in line with changing
circumstances and targets.

 Product presentations and demonstrations;

 Sales calls;

Writing your Key Results Areas:

Write down your Key Results Areas using the SMARTM process
What? Value Add?

S – Specific What must be done?

M – Measurable When is it done?

A – Achievable Why can I do it?

R – Results What's in it for me?

T – Timing When must it be done?

M – Monitor Monitoring

Having your goals clearly defined makes it easier to change something along the way if
this should become necessary.
Managing your performance will be no headache if you make the steps below a
personal ritual that you follow conscientiously at regular intervals.

Managing for performance

 Review regularly - Keep a copy in your diary.

Has your job focus changed?
Has the company changed focus?
 Drop unfocused Key Results Areas and add new ones.
 Regularly check progress.
Are you on target to reach your goals?
Who can help?
What can be done to assist you?
 Obtain your manager's feedback.
 Manage your relationship with your mentor

SELF CHECK # 3.2-1


Write True if the statement is correct, Write False if the statement is wrong. Write your
answers on a separate sheet.

1.Roles are different areas of responsibility.

2. Always mange your relationship with your mentor.

3. Roles do not remain constant.

4. Key Results Areas enables you to take ownership of your job and to accept
responsibility for those areas in which achieving results are your responsibility.

5. Tasks are the activities that you have to perform in order to carry out your roles.

Learning objectives:
1. Know the values that an employer’s look for in employees.
2. Learn the ethical standards of behavior.
Good personal values are what make the foundation for a good employee.
Internships are an excellent time to show employers that you have the personal traits
that they value in their employees. Do not make the mistake of missing the opportunity
to show your supervisors at your internship that you have what it takes to be successful
on the job as well as possessing the personal characteristics they value. An internship
is an opportunity to learn the skills and behaviors along with the work values that are
required for success in the workplace.
Top 10 Values that an Employers Look for in Employees.
 Strong Work Ethics employers value employees who understand and possess
a willingness to work hard. In addition to working hard it is also important to work
smart. This means learning the most efficient way to complete tasks and finding
ways to save time while completing daily assignments.
 Dependable and Responsible employers value employees who come to work
on time, are there when they are suppose to be, and are responsible for their
actions and behavior.
 Possessing a Positive Attitude employers seek employees who take the
initiative and have the motivation to get the job done in a reasonable period of
time. A positive attitude gets the work done and motivates others to do the same
without dwelling on the challenges that inevitably come up in any job.
 Adaptability employers seek employees who are adaptable and maintain
flexibility in completing tasks in an ever changing workplace.
 Honesty and Integrity employers value employees who maintain a sense of
honesty and integrity above all else. Good relationships are built on trust.
 Self – Motivated employers look for employees who require little supervision
and direction to get the work done in a timely and professional manner.
 Motivated to Grow & Learn in an ever-changing workplace, employers seek
employees who are interested in keeping up with new developments and
knowledge in the field.
 Strong Self – Confidence self-confidence has been recognized as the key
ingredient between someone who is successful and someone who is not. A self –
confident person is someone who inspires others.
 Professionalism employers value employees who exhibit professional behavior
at all times.
Professional behavior includes ;

 She/he learn every aspect of a job and doing it to the best of one’s ability.
 look, speak, and dress accordingly to maintain an image of someone who
takes pride in their behavior and appearance.
 complete projects as soon as possible and avoid letting uncompleted
projects pile up.
 complete high quality work and are detail oriented.
 enthusiastic about their work and optimistic about the organization and its
 Loyalty employers value employees they can trust and who exhibit their loyalty
to the company. Companies offering employee growth and opportunity will
ultimately gain a sense of loyalty from their employees


 Find meaning or purpose in what you are doing.
 Review your plan for possible flaws which you may encounter in the initial stage
of your work, look out for something which may affect your spirit.
 Consult others who had already experienced the same job. From them you will
get enough encouragement and you would know what to expect if something
goes wrong along the way.
 Connect yourself as a beginner. As one, you’ll be surprised that you are capable
of doing right things.
 Think positively, always feel like a winner. No obstacle will hinder your desire to
start right when you have set the right mood for job.


The success of any undertaking depends upon the attitude of the involved in it,
how effective they are individually and as a team. An effective work team must possess
the following characteristic;
 A team work should be free from emotional tension.
 Members should be genuinely involved and interested in the teams effort.
 Every member should practice.
 Each one should show no signs of boredom.
 There should be free discussion of issues but strictly to the subject matter.
 When action is taken and work assignment are made, members should accept
their responsibilities.
 No one should be allowed to dominate the group. Leadership should shift time to


 Attendance employees are more inclined to hire a prospective employee who is

never absent from work unless it's absolutely necessary
 Communication If you're going to be absent from work, you should make
every effort to call or email your supervisor and let them know that you're not
going to be there. In addition, if a problem arises on the job then you should
make every effort to let your supervisor know, so that the problem may be
resolved in the most timely and effective manner.
 Attitude is also a very important work ethic. When you are at work, you should
project an attitude that shows you care about doing your job, and doing your job
well. You should also be willing to take on those occasional additional projects or
help out a colleague that may be having a difficult time.
 Productivity is managing your work priorities. You should work on the more
difficult tasks first, and save the less difficult tasks for those days when you don't
have a lot to accomplish, or for when you don't feel mentally up to the challenges
that more difficult tasks can sometimes create.
 Respect. On the job, there is a great chance that you will encounter a wide
variety of customers and co-workers from a wide variety of backgrounds and life
circumstances. While it is most certainly your right to agree or disagree with
everything your co-workers and customers represent, or how they present
themselves as people, at the very least, you should respect them, because
they're human beings, working towards man of the same company goals as you.

 Uniforms
You are expected to wear uniforms and ID you should not keep soiled
uniform in your locker. Instead, it should be taken home for washing. This
will enable you to wear fresh uniforms daily.

 Cleanliness/ orderliness
 Shop Area
 Stock materials orderly and safety
 Classify materials according to their uses and stock them properly.
 Make sure your tool room is clean. Free from flammable substances
or chemicals.
 Arrange your tools well, make sure broken ones are kept safely to
avoid accident.
 Always dust shelves and cupboard tops; this will prevent you catching
 Use your locker properly, never deposit soiled or damp clothes inside
to prevent foul smell.
 Keep your locker always locked when you are not around and clean it
properly regularly.

 Comfort Rooms clean toilet be speaks of the kind of occupant who use
it. You have an to keep it clean by observing the following rules:
 Use the toilet properly; flash it every after use. If toilet is provided make
sure you dispose it properly.
 Don’t squat on the toilet bowl it is unsanitary.
 Report to the authorities if the toilet is clogged.
 Never put into the toilet bowl hard or thick paper which will not
dissolved easily.
 Lavatory and Shower
 Use the lavatory properly; clean off food particles before washing
 Scrape off sticky soil before washing the garden tools. Report
immediately to the maintenance authority when clogging occurs.
 Grounds/ lawns
 Never litter scrap papers or plastic wrappers in the ground. Throw
them in the trash can and cover them properly.
 Never throw food particles in the lawn so as not to attract flies and
other harmful insects.
 Prevention of properly losses
 Checking out of properties
 Certificate of clearance
 Inter – trainee relations
 You are expected to maintain friendly relationship among co-workers,
which means you are expected to treat with due consideration and
 Safety and first aid
 The correct way of doing any activity must be coupled with safe
 Learn to work without hurting yourself or endangering fellow trainees.
You must do your share of keeping the area/ place safe.

 Safety Habits
Obeying safety signs such as:

 no smoking zone
 danger
 high voltage
 out of order
 for inspections
 keep out
 restricted area

 Getting proper instruction for the operation of instruments, machinery and

 Requesting assistance from the trainer when not sure of how a machinery
or equipment works.
 Fixing your hair properly or removing all accessories such as hairclips
and jewelries so that they do not destruct you while working.
 Familiarizing one with authority warning calls.
 Knowing the nearest exit and fire extinguishers. Using the fire
extinguishers when needed and report it immediately to your trainer after
 Keep away from sharp/pointed objects that may hurt you.
 Return tools and material in their proper places while on a particular job to
give others a chance to use them.
 Wearing of proper working uniform
 Wearing gloves, goggles, lab oratory gowns, boots and other safety
gadgets, apron as prescribed
SELF CHECK # 3.2-2

Test 1. Multiple Choice: Choose the letter of the correct answer from the given

1. Learning the most efficient way to complete tasks and finding ways to save
time while completing daily assignments
a. Adaptability
b. Honesty
c. Positive attitude
d. Strong work ethics

2. The enthusiastic employee who creates an environment of good will and who
provides a positive role model for others.
a. Adaptability
b. Honesty
c. Integrity
d. Positive attitude

3. maintain flexibility in completing tasks in an ever changing workplace.

a. Adaptability
b. Honesty
c. Integrity
d. Positive attitude

4. It has been recognized as the key ingredient between someone who is

successful and someone who is not.
a. self - awareness
b. Self- confidence
c. Self – motivated
d. self – respect

5. One who requires little supervision and direction to get the work done in a
timely and professional manner.
a. self - awareness
b. Self - confidence
c. Self – motivated
d. self – respect

6. A set of common character traits looked in a potential employee.

a) Doctoral degree
b) Filipino values (Utang na Loob)
c) Physical features
d) Work ethics

7. An important work ethics that should not be made as routine habit.

a. Attendance
b. Communication
c. Productivity
d. Respect

8. A work ethics done if one is to be absent from work

a. Attendance
b. Communication
c. Productivity
d. Respect

9. Working, setting priorities, working on the more difficult task first saving the
less difficult task for the days when one cannot have a lot to accomplish

a. Attendance
b. Communication
c. Productivity
d. Respect
10. Showing care about doing your job and doing your job well.
a. Attitude
b. Character traits
c. Set priorities
d. dedication

The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Feedback to trainee:
Trainee Signature : Date:
Trainer Signature : Date:

Learning objectives:
1. Know the importance of company policies.
2. Identify job description to job performance.


A policies and procedures manual is a book that describes in detail policies, or

rules, and procedures that identify the course of action to be taken to address a policy
An example of a policy would be company rules that address smoking tobacco products
in the workplace. Specifically the policy could state that smoking is not allowed within 25
feet of the building. There must also be a procedure to follow in case the policy is

 Job Descriptions

o Job descriptions are a very important part of any policies and procedures
manual. Each employee should have a job description contained within the
policies and procedures manual that outlines exactly what is expected on a daily
basis. A job description for a receptionist may state that the receptionist must be
seated at his desk to greet clients and answer the phone except while on
authorized breaks.
o The procedure involving the job description may require the receptionist to
contact his immediate supervisor if it becomes necessary for him to leave his
desk for any reason other than an authorized break.

 Job Performance
o An employee who is not performing according to the specifications
identified in her job description is a liability. The policy toward such an
employee could be that any employee that fails to perform her duties as
outlined in her job description will be issued three warnings.

The procedure to be followed in this instance could be that any supervisor

who identifies that said employee is not performing the job as identified in
her job description must be given a verbal warning first. If the problems
persist, a written warning would be issued. Finally, if the nonperformance
were to continue the policy could call for a termination notice.

 Tardiness

o Business ventures face tremendous challenges. Making sure employees

arrive to work on time promotes continuity.

An example of a policy that addresses employee attendance would be

issuing a written warning to any employee that is more than five minutes
late three times in a 30-day period. The procedure to address continued
tardiness would be to provide counseling to any employee who is more
than five minutes late three times in a 30-day period. It could also call for
penalties that might accelerate on a case-by-case basis.

 Job Abandonment

o Policies and procedures manuals must provide for every contingency. An

employee that abandons his job has a direct effect on his employer's
profitability and productivity. A policy that provides a method to address
job abandonment may state that any employee that does not report to
work for three consecutive days, and does not call his immediate
supervisor, will be terminated.

The procedure identified in the policies and procedures manual might

state that if an employee does not call in advance to report her absence,
thereby having the absence reclassified as excused, for three consecutive
days will be terminated due to job abandonment.

 Customers

o Customers are the lifeblood of any business. There must be policies and
procedures documented in detail that deal with issues like refunds and
exchanges. A return policy for a retail store could state that any customer
returning an item must have a receipt. The procedure concerning returns
may state that a supervisor must be notified if a customer comes to return
an item without a receipt.

Multiple Choice: Read and understand the questions below. Write the word of the
correct answer in a separate answer sheet.

1.It is a book that describes the rules of the company.

a. companion
b. company policies
c. company
d. job description
2. It is the lifeblood of any business
a. customers
b. sales
c. jobs
d. manuals
3. Arriving at the workplace after the required entry time.

a. moodiness
b. happiness
c. tardiness
d. laziness
4.Refers to whether a person is performing their job well.
a. job description
b. job induction
c. job training
d. job performance

5. Neglecting one’s work

a. job description
b. job induction
c. job abandonment
d. job performance


After reading this information sheet, the student/trainee should be able to:
1. Know the qualification standards of a worker.
2. Learn professionalism in the work area.
Qualification standards are intended to identify applicants who are likely to be
able to perform successfully on the job, and to screen out those who are unlikely to
do so.

Some qualities that an individual meet to earn respect

 Upgrade the image and appreciation of professional technicians in the eyes of

the public,
 Upgrade the skill level of technicians (particularly the skill of dealing with
customers), and
 Recognize outstanding individuals who live up to the "ideal" standards with prizes
and awards.

If we would like to become a professional we need to observe the following :

1. Work ethic this was described as being honest, dependable and resourceful.
Other important aspects of the work ethic include loyalty and being a "team
2. Job knowledge the working professionals who responded to the survey said you
cannot be a top notch professional if you do not know your job. Experience is
what counts, and the more you have of it the better.
3. Communication skills the ability to explain things (and with proper grammar,
too) why a is necessary or why it is being recommended is an essential skill
today for dealing with the public.
4. Technical skills & training Though it might be argued that this item should have
been ranked number one, apparently most professionals consider the previous
three criteria to be more important today. Even so, technical knowledge
(including an understanding of basic mechanics, electricity, electronics,
diagnostics, etc.) is a "must."
5. Career path how you came to be a technician is also an important criterion. This
includes the formal training and experience you have had, ASE certification, etc.
6. Coping skills the ability to handle stress is absolutely essential to survive in
today's fast paced, high pressure work environment. But so too is the ability to
deal with customer complaints and other frustrations that are part of the job. Also
the ability to exercise flexibility, initiative, good judgment and discretion.
7. Appearance though ranked last on the list, appearance is by no means less
important than any of the previous criteria for success. Included here are such
things as wearing a clean uniform to work, neat appearance, etc. And if you are a
service writer or advisor, you had better wear a tie.

Samples Of Qualifications Which May Be Added To “ Summary Of

Standards Qualification

 Cultural and ethnic diversity

 Ability to relate to individuals from diverse ethnic, cultural and
socioeconomic backgrounds and to work with them in a fair, supportive and
cooperative manner.
 Possess understanding or willingness to learn issues affecting the retention,
advancement and matriculation of underrepresented students.
 Experience working with students from diverse backgrounds and a
demonstrated commitment to improving access to higher education for
disadvantages students
 Candidate should describe previous activities mentoring women, minorities,
students with disabilities or other under- represented groups.
 Education, licenses, certificates
 OR “ such as attained through upper division coursework “OR” equivalent
combination of education and experience.
 Equipment, Instrumentation, Machinery
Ability to use hand tools, small power tools and test equipment.

Note: for more specific equipment qualifications, contact your personnel/ payroll
 Financial
 Experience with or knowledge of budget, travel, accounting and
purchasing procedures.
 Math skills sufficient to calculate and monitor payments accurately.
 Knowledge of basic accounting principles and procedures sufficiently to
oversee, manage and project budgets.
 Ability to make judgments regarding alternative means of procuring
materials or services based on cost and serviceable.
 Interpersonal and Communication Skills (Written’ Verbal)
 Ability to develop and give oral presentation to both large and small
 Ability to recall, retrieve and communicate detailed or technical information
clearly, accurately and concisely and to non-technical audience/
 Leadership
 Excellent leadership skills with demonstrated abilities to resolve diverse
problems, to understand the importance of structure, organization,
resource management and to complete critical tasks in a timely manner.
 Management
 Leadership, planning and problem- solving skills.
 Excellent analytical skills
 Ability to manage a unit including developing procedures, participate in
program planning and analysis or qualitative review to determine
appropriate actions.
 Political acumen sufficient to establish and maintain effective working
relationships with diverse constituents
 Ability to set priorities in a complex environment in a changing
organization and environment.
 Organizational Skills, Priorities, Deadlines
 Demonstrated flexibility and excellent organizational skills with ability to
prioritize work and function independently completing a high volume of
forms and variety of tasks accurately and with close attention to detail
under pressure of deadlines with frequent interruption or destructions.
 Organizational and time management skills sufficient to independently
establish priorities and coordinate and complete competing assignments
within established timeframes.
 Ability to prioritize work and work accurately under pressure of deadlines
with frequent interruptions.
 Ability to maintain organized records.
 Ability to work quickly, accurately and independently in a fast- paced
 Ability to plan activities and programs such as meetings , orientation and

 Policy Interpretation
 Ability to ensure compliance to applicable laws, guidelines, policies.
Procedures and practices.
 Ability to learn and apply a variety of policies and procedures.
 Ability to assimilate from oral or written sources, a broad knowledge of
campus ( and external agencies, if applicable ) policies and procedures
and apply them with consistency to individual situations.

 Supervisory
 Experience or ability to supervise staff (e.g. hire, train, assign work,
motivate and manage performance).
 Ability to supervise trainees/ students.

 Team work
 Demonstrate ability to work efficiently as a part of a team.
 Ability to work efficiently as a member of team and establish and maintain
cooperative working relationships with diverse groups of faculty, staff and
the public

Test 1. MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the letter of the correct answer from the
given choices:
_______1. Ability to manage a unit including developing procedures, participate
in program planning and analysis or qualitative review to determine appropriate
a. Management
b. Supervisory
c. Leadership
d. Policy interpretation
_______2. Experience or ability to supervise staff, trainees/ students.
a. Management
b. Supervisory
c. Leadership
d. Policy interpretation
_______3. The ability to resolve diverse problems, to understand the importance
of structure, organization, resource management and to complete critical tasks in
a timely manner.
a. Management
b. Supervisory
c. Leadership
d. Policy interpretation
_______4. Ability to ensure compliance to applicable laws, guidelines, policies,
procedures and practices.
a. Management
b. Supervisory
c. Leadership
d. Policy interpretation
_______5.The ability to handle stress is absolutely essential to survive in today's
fast paced, high pressure work environment.
A .Communication skill
b. Coping skill
c. Organizational skill
d. Technical skill



Learning Objectives : After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be able
1. Define professionalism
2. Identify Career choices
Projecting a Professional Image
If you are employed in a company or you represent a professional group or an
organization, the clients and customers whom you encounter on the job will perceive
you as the company or the organization you represent. You are the hotel, or the travel
agency, etc. Clients are not particular as to who you are or what your name is. All that
they see is you as the living image of the company. Thus, the way you look, talk and act
will reflect the corporate image. For instance, bellboys who escort hotel guests in casual
T-shirts and rubber shoes, create an impression that the hotel is of “low class”.

One lady shared with me her experience in one of the de luxe hotel where she was
told by a lady attendant “ “Madam, we have a dress code here”. You are not in proper
attire”. This was said in front of her associates and she was certainly very much
embarrassed. So she told me “ I hate that hotel. Never again will I go there”. With this
isolated experience, the lady customer has made a general impression of impolite hotel
service even though only one attendant is guilty of the offense.

Since service personnel make or unmake the image of their company, it is important
that they carry themselves in a professional manner. Customers expect to meet
professional sales clerks, tour guides, counter attendants, waiters, desk clerks,
receptionists or sales representatives.
Being a professional does not only require mastery of knowledge and skills with
respect to a certain profession, or of passing a professional or career exams or earning
degree. It is a character that demonstrates certain qualities and attitudes and a
commitment to professional ethics. One must be a professional in all respects- in one’s
appearance or physical projection, language and communications as well as in attitudes
and manners. We can find career practitioners who have earned various degrees,
possessing professional license yet their ways are far from being a real professional.


A. Physical projection – this includes:

 Proper Grooming clean cut, no body odor, clean fingernails, well pressed
uniform etc.
 Good posture straight body, no hands on pocket, relaxed
 Natural smile
 Eye contact but not an sneering look
 Absence of unpleasant mannerism like scratching hair, biting nails, etc.
 Pleasant disposition
 Oral hygiene, no bad breadth
 Appropriate make up for women
B. Verbal projection

Being careful with tone, pitch and body language tone must be warm
Well-modulated voice
Speaking with authority- ability to explain and justify ideas, readiness
To answer questions. This gives an impression that one knows what
He is talking about.
Tactfulness- saying the right things on the right time and in the right
Assertiveness in expressing oneself- sensitivity to the feelings of others

C. Behavior and Performance

Adherence to professional/industry standards of service

Compliance to standard operating procedure
Assertive behavior

Adherence to work ethics and respect for protocol

Being discreet with confidential matters
Practice of social graces, proper table manners, telephone courtesy
Appropriate behavior in public

Professionalism means avoiding bad habits at work like:

 Yawning
 Grouping together with other staff for a chat while on duty
 Shouting, giggling, loud conversation
 Daydreaming, eavesdropping
 Indulging in customer’s private conversations
 Putting hands on pocket and playing with pocket coin
 Leaning on walls, tables and chairs
 Sneering or staring look
 Chewing gum while on duty or while talking to customers
 Suggesting or demanding for a tip
 Counting tips in view of customers
 Too much familiarity with the customers
 Bluffing customers
 Reading newspapers/ magazines while on duty
 Use of rude and insulting language
 Pointing at something or someone with a finger
 Interrupting customers conversation unless for valid reasons
 Leaving one’s station longer than necessary

Unhygienic practices to be avoided

 Smoking in non- smoking area
 Coughing/sneezing in public without covering the mouth
 Scratching body parts
 Splitting on walls, floor, sink, grounds etc.

For food handlers:

 Tasting food in view of customers

 Handling food with bare hands
 Putting food in dirty tables
 Cooling warm/ hot food by blowing air out of the mouth
 Wiping perspiration with wiping cloth used for service
 Combing hair inside the dining room
 Using strong perfume

Identifying Career Opportunities

You need to consider several different factors when identifying career choices.
Before you decide a particular type of job is right for you, it's important to give serious
thought to what working in that field is really going to be like. It's certainly important to
think about the tasks associated with performing a particular job. However, thinking
about the duties you'll carry out on a daily basis is not the only consideration.

Geographic Considerations

It's important to think about where you'll need to live in order to work in the field that you
select. With some occupations, employment opportunities are plentiful in cities and
towns of all sizes. Doctors, lawyers, accountants, and teachers are in demand in all
locations. There are also opportunities for restaurant and retail managers just about
Many career fields are specific to particular regions, however. For example, if you
want to be a ski instructor, you need to be prepared to live in an area known for its ski
resorts. If you want to work in television or in the movies, you'll likely need to relocate to
California or New York. If your career plans include working as a television news
reporter or anchor, you'll need to be prepared to start your career in a small market, with
the expectation that relocation to larger markets will be necessary if you want to
advance you your career.

Compensation Considerations

Before settling on a particular career, it's important to think about how much money you
are likely to earn in that occupation. You certainly want to select an occupation in which
you'll be able to live the type of lifestyle you desire. It's also important to keep in mind
that many of the highest paying occupations require a significant amount of formal

Make sure that you understand exactly how much you'll spend getting the training you
need to enter these types of occupations so you can make an educated decision about
whether or not doing so is in your best interest.

Work Schedule

When you're identifying career choices, it's important to think about the type of hours
you're likely to work when you go to work in the particular fields that interest you. In
some occupations, you can expect to work standard "banker's hours", but many jobs
require shift work, evening or weekend hours, or almost constant on-call availability.
Some fields are ideal for those who need flexibility, such as freelance writing and direct
sales opportunities. Other occupations, such as teaching and working as a bank teller,
require structured work schedules.

If it's important to you that you be able to be home for dinner with your family every
evening, you won't want to select a field that requires extensive travel or evening work.
Hospitals, for example, must be staffed 24 hours per day. Entry level hospital
employees typically get the least desirable work schedules, as day shifts are typically
made available to tenured employees before new hires.

Benefit Availability
You should also consider the types of benefits you'll be able to get when identifying
career choices. Many universities, for example, offer free or discounted tuition to
employees and their family members. If you want to continue your education, or make
certain that your kids don't have to incur significant student loan debt, it may be in your
best interest to seek employment in a school environment.

Many individuals select state or federal government employment opportunities primarily

to take advantage of the outstanding retirement benefits associated with these types of
occupations. Even though public school teachers typically do not earn the highest
salaries, their retirement benefits are far superior to those offered by most private

Making Career Decisions

Identifying career choices is not something that anyone should do lightly. Before you
make a final decision about pursuing a particular line of work, be sure to consider all the
relevant factors.

How to Decide on a Career Field

Deciding on a career may seem daunting but it is easier when you give yourself a lot
of options and time to consider it. Although the idea of a "job for life" is fast becoming a
thing of the past, the field of work which you choose is important because it will
determine where you will spend a good deal of your working life and will also define how
many opportunities you will have to branch out using your basic skills set. So, choose
wisely and select a field that encompasses as many of your talents as possible, to allow
you to the greatest freedom and leeway for shifting around a field doing different jobs
with a good set of basic skills, along with a good dose of solid confidence in your worth
and abilities.

Begin by determining what you like to do. A lot of people look to others to determine
their career paths: teachers, parents, neighbors and peers. Think about people you
respect and what they do for work. Take time to map out your wants and to match your
skills with skills that are actively sought within certain field of work. This will involve a fair
bit of research work but it is well worth it.
Step 2
Identify the skills you use when you're doing the thing(s) you enjoy. Look at the
things you are good at doing already. These will give you a very good indication of what
you are likely to enjoy doing by way of a career. For instance, perhaps you like being
with animals. Already this simple but important enjoyment opens up a very broad field of
work for you that encompasses such possible jobs as caring for animals, veterinary
work, racing animal industry, transporting animals, calming animals (e.g., horse
whispering), making animal clothing and feed items and running a pet store etc. Once
you have identified a potential field, you are then ready to match your skills.
Step 3
Think of fields broadly. A field of work is far more than a single job. It is an area in
which many jobs or trades are possible and you should be able to consider your training
and interests in terms of looking for a career path that will give you a shot at least five
related types of jobs that are available within that field. For instance, if you learn
engineering, you might consider being an engineer out in the field (such as oil
production), a manager of a site, an office manager, a trainer of engineering skills and a
consultant in engineering. Or, if you study law, you may want to be a lawyer in a large
law firm, a lawyer in non-profit organization, a team leader in an office of any type (even
non-law), a manager of a company or a writer of corporate compliance manuals.
Realize that the breadth of the field will be determined in part by the training you receive
and also by your own personal, up-to-date "skills set", as well as your willingness to try
new things and to be retrained.
Step 4
Consider cross-field work. When working out what you would like to be and what you
will need to study to get to this point, give consideration to the possibilities involved in
crossing fields; for instance, many teachers are good with word skills and hence make
excellent editors and publishers. Think outside the square your title bestows (or will
bestow) upon you.
Step 5
Learn as much as possible about the qualifications required for fields that
interest you. Library, internet and direct contact research will be required here. It is
also helpful to ask your school, local community services, university etc. for assistance
in career choices and development. Your thorough research will help you to determine
quickly which areas you want to study in, as well as the depth of study required. Dig
deep and look at third and fourth year subject/skills training requirements as well, so
that you don't find any nasty surprises awaiting you, such as additional time or harder
skills that do not match your interests or abilities.
Step 6
Find people who work in the field and learn from them. Once you have worked out
which specific jobs interest you, speak to those already working in these areas. This will
enable you to hear their suggestions and to ask them what they like and dislike about
the field in which they work. Sometimes you may even have an opportunity to do some
work experience with a place that interests you, to help you to "get a feel" for the work
Step 7
Evaluate your choice of field according to your own perceptions and the
information you have gathered. Assess the comments you've received, weigh these
up with your research work and add in your own feelings about your potential career
path. This is now the time to decide whether this career continues to appeal to you. Do
not forget to include the type of lifestyle you would like in the balancing equation. If you
make enormous compromises as to the type of lifestyle that you ultimately want, you
may be unhappy and live to regret this. As such, it is wise to try and combine your
career choice with a lifestyle balance, with minor or short-term compromises rather than
major, long-term ones.
Step 8
Sign up for an educational or training program in the career of your choice. While
studying, do not neglect to take advantage of networking opportunities and chances to
work in your career field either as a volunteer or in short-term paid positions. These
opportunities will give you the best possible feel for the work and the types of people in
the field that you will be working with. It will help you to filter out any unneeded areas of
study or to take on additional subjects and skills training that may be of possible use
and could help to extend your horizons.
Step 9
Keep positive. When you are finally trained and ready to find that dream career, the
most important thing is to maintain a positive outlook about your life and to be ready for
change, difference and shifts in your comfort zones. This is the real world and it moves
rapidly; it is important to keep up with changes and to take a positive approach by
making opportunities out of challenges. However, always keep what is unique about you
because at the end of the day, that is the special something many employers are
looking for while they choose from many skilled and educated workers available to
It's sometimes difficult to identify the true meaning of "professionalism." Many
individuals use professionalism as a facade to cover their lack ability to perform their job
effectively. Others use it to for intimidation to gain power. Still others use it as a way to
impress the unknowing. However, it seems that very few individuals use it for its original
intent---to provide a foundation for effective communications and efficient performance.

At a recent career enhancement group discussion I had with a few individuals, one of
the many concerns that kept surfacing was that of "fitting into the professional
environment." But, the question I posed in response was, "What is professionalism?"
The answers varied, but it became evident that the challenges that these individuals
faced in their career was not in their ability to handle their job, but in their lack of a
definitive understanding of professionalism in their workplace.


Directions: Here are some questions you can ask yourself to check how far you are
from being a professional
3 2 1 0
alway almost rarely never
s always
1.Do I wear a uniform that is clean and wrinkle free?
2.Do I ensure proper matching of colors in my attire?
3.Is my hair neatly combed, clean and worn in style
that is becoming to me?
4.Do I use simple jewelries appropriate to my job?
5.Do I always feel and look clean and tidy?
6.Are my shoes well shined and their heels in good
7.Do I change my stockings and underwear
8.Are my nails clean, well shaped, with moderate
9.Do I make a habit to use deodorants, especially
when I perspire heavily?
10.Do I wear light cologne during my duty?
11.Do I brush my teeth after meal or refresh my
breath with oral antiseptic/mouthwash?
12.Am I free of body odor?
13.Am I free of any bad breadth?
14.Do I wear simple make-up (ladies)
15. Do I retouch my make up from time to time?
(ladies only)
16. Do I fix my hair from time to time?
17.Am I relax and not rattled by irritating or
uncomfortable situations on the job?
18.Do I maintain a good posture while on the
job(straight body, not leaning on walls and chairs)
1.Do I speak with a friendly tone and modulated
2.Do I use a simple language in my conversation
with people?
3.Do I maintain eye contact while conversing with
4.Do I pay full attention when talking to them?
5.Do I express self interest in what people say by
active listening, nodding head, asking questions?
6.Am I more of the listener rather than a talker?
7.Do I allow others to finish their statement before I
8.Am I cautious of the words I speak to avoid hurting
or antagonizing others?
9.Do I know how to keep confidential matters?
10.Do I avoid spreading gossip nor indulging in
11.Do I generously use magic expressions like
please, kindly, may I, do you mind, I’m sorry etc.?
12.Can I maintain my composure when talking to
unreasonable or irritating person?
13.Am I honest and sincere in my communications
and avoid bluffing anyone?
14.Do I avoid unpleasant non-verbal signals like
sour face, inattentiveness, sneering or staring look
when dealing with people?
1.Do I know and practice my table manners?
2.Do I avoid by passing people in the organization?
3.Do I know how to respond when introduced to
4.Do I keep my appointments and come on time?
5.Do I give way to ladies (if man) or to elderly?
6.Do I keep my work area organized and tidy?
7.Do I practice basic courtesies in the use of
8.Do I respect the privacy of others or their personal
space ( not opening their letters, not too close, no
eavesdropping, not meddling in their conversation)?
9.Do I have the habit of greeting people I meet like
company, officers, customers, etc.?
10.Do I avoid gossiping about my boss and my
company to other people?
11.Do I refrain from unhygienic practices like spitting
in public areas sneezing without covering my mouth

SELF CHECK # 3.3-2

Add your score per category. The average score is calculated as total score divided by
the number of items

Total Score Average Score Remarks

A. Physical Projection

B. Verbal Projection

C. Ethics/ Social Graces

Average score of:
2.8 - 3.00 – is high score
2.5 – 2.90 – is moderate or acceptable
Below 2.5 – is not acceptable

From the results of the test, identify your weak points as a professional
Physical Projection Verbal Projection Manners and Ethics



Learning Objectives: After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, you MUST be

able to:
1. Become more aware of the relevance of licenses and certificates to career
Career Development
Career development is a buzz phrase in all professional arenas. Employees and
employers alike are seeking opportunities to develop their career skills to keep up with
current trends. Specifics for career development may vary, but the basic implications
are the same across the board. Regardless of your career path, it is always beneficial to
seek out career development opportunities for your area of professional knowledge.
Enhanced Job Performance is the Main Goal
The primary purpose of career development activities is to enhance job performance.
Some professionals might opt for a career development exercise that introduces new
and innovative skills, and others might chose to participate in an information session.
Either way, the point of activities is to improve job performance.
Professional certification
Professional certification, trade certification, or professional designation, often called
simply certification or qualification, is a designation earned by a person to assure
qualification to perform a job or task. Many certifications are used as post-nominal
letters indicating an earned privilege from an oversight professional body acting to
safeguard the public interest.
Certifications are earned from a professional society. In general, it must be renewed
periodically, or may be valid for a specific period of time (e.g., the lifetime of the product
upon which the individual is certified). As a part of a complete renewal of an individual's
certification, it is common for the individual to show evidence of continued learning —
often termed continuing education — or earning continuing education units (CEU).
Most certification programs are created, sponsored, or affiliated with professional
associations, trade organizations, or IT vendors interested in raising standards. Even
those programs completely independent from membership organizations enjoy
association support and endorsement.
The growth of certification programs is also a reaction to the changing employment
market. Certifications are portable, since they do not depend on one company's
definition of a certain job. Certification stands about the resume and the professional
reference by being an impartial, third-party endorsement of an individual's professional
knowledge and experience. Certification provides an impartial, third-party endorsement
of an individual's professional knowledge and experience.
It is important to note that certifications are usually earned from a professional society or
educational institute, not the government. If a demonstration of ability or knowledge is
required by law before being allowed to perform a task or job, this is referred to as
licensure. In the United States, professional licenses are usually issued by state
agencies. The certification assessment process, for some organizations, is very similar
or even the same as licensure and may differ only in terms of legal status, while in other
organizations, can be quite different and more comprehensive than that of licensure.
certification and licensure differ only in terms of legal status.
Deliver an assessment based on industry knowledge, independent from training
courses or course providers.
Grant a time-limited credential to anyone who meets the assessment standards.
Certifications are very common in aviation, construction, technology, environment, and
other industrial sectors, as well as health care, business and finance.
Types of certifications
There are three general types of certification. Listed in order of development level
and portability, they are: corporate (internal), product-specific, and profession-
Corporate, or internal certifications, are made by a corporation or low-stakes
organization for internal purposes. For example, a corporation might require a one-day
training course for all sales personnel, after which they receive a certificate. While this
certificate has limited portability - to other corporations, for example - it is the most
simple to develop.
Product-specific certifications are more involved, and are intended to be referenced
to a product across all applications. This approach is very prevalent in the information
technology (IT) industry, where personnel are certified on a version of software or
hardware. This type of certification is portable across locations (for example, different
corporations that use that software), but not across other products.
The most general type of certification is profession-wide. Certification in the medical
profession is often offered by particular specialties. In order to apply professional
standards, increase the level of practice, and possibly protect the public (though this is
also the domain of licensure), a professional organization might establish a certification.
This is intended to be portable to all places a certified professional might work. Of
course, this generalization increases the cost of such a program; the process to
establish a legally defensible assessment of an entire profession is very extensive. An
example of this is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA), which would not be certified for
just one corporation or one piece of accountancy software but for general work in the




This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required to comply with
the regulatory and organizational requirements for occupational health and safety such
as identifying, evaluating and maintaining occupational health and safety (OHS)



At the end of the module, the trainee must be able to:

1. Identify hazards and risks.

2. Evaluate hazards and risks

3. Control Hazards and Risks

4. Maintain Occupational Health and Safety Procedure


Hazards and Risks Identification and Control

Learning Objective:
After reading the information sheet, you should be able to:
1. Identify safety regulations in the workplace.
2. Define hazard.
3. Differentiate the different types and methods of hazards.
Hazard Identification

The first step in reducing the likelihood of an accident is hazard identification. Hazard
identification is identifying all situations or events that could cause injury or illness.
Eliminating or minimizing workplace hazards needs a systematic approach. It is
essential to try and anticipate all possible hazards at the workplace - known as the
`what if?' approach.

Hazards Defined

A hazard is a source or potential source of human injury, ill health or disease. Anything
which might cause injury or ill health to anyone at or near a workplace is a hazard.
While some hazards are fairly obvious and easy to identify, others are not - for example
exposure to noise, chemicals or radiation.

Types of Hazards

Hazards are classified into five different types:

• physical - includes floors, stairs, work platforms, steps, ladders, fire, falling objects,
slippery surfaces, manual handling (lifting, pushing, pulling), excessively loud and
prolonged noise, vibration, heat and cold, radiation, poor lighting, ventilation, air
 mechanical and/or electrical - includes electricity, machinery, equipment, pressure
vessels, dangerous goods, fork lifts, cranes, hoists
• chemical - includes chemical substances such as acids or poisons and those that
could lead to fire or explosion, cleaning agents, dusts and fumes from various
processes such as welding
• biological - includes bacteria, viruses, mould, mildew, insects, vermin, animals
• psychosocial environment - includes workplace stressors arising from a variety of

Note that some physical and chemical hazards can lead to fire, explosion and other
safety hazards.

Methods for Identifying Hazards

 injury and illness records - review your workers' compensation data and check
the incidence, mechanism and agency of injury, and the cost to the organization.
These statistics can be analyzed to alert the organization to the presence of
 staying informed on trends and developments in workplace health and safety, for
example via the internet or OHS publications
 reviewing the potential impact of new work practices or equipment introduced
into the workplace in line with legislative requirements
 doing walk-through surveys, inspections or safety audits in the workplace to
evaluate the organization’s health and safety system
 considering OHS implications when analyzing work processes
 investigating workplace incidents and `near hits' reports - in some cases there
may be more than one hazard contributing to an incident
 getting feedback from employees can often provide valuable information about
hazards, because they have hands-on experience in their work area
 consulting with employees, health and safety representatives and OHS
Committee members
 benchmarking against or liaising with similar workplaces.

SELF – CHECK # 4.1-1

Direction: Choose the correct answer from the choices given.

_______ 1. Anything which may cause injury or ill.

a. hazard b. risk c. chemical d. illness

________2. This hazard includes floors, stairs, work platforms, steps, ladders, fire,
falling objects, slippery surfaces, manual handling (lifting, pushing,
pulling), excessively loud and prolonged noise, vibration, heat and cold,
radiation, poor lighting, ventilation, air quality

. a.. Physical b. Mechanical/Electrical

c. Chemical d. Biological

_______3. This hazard includes electricity, machinery, equipment, pressure vessels,

dangerous goods, fork lifts, cranes, hoists

a. Physical b. Mechanical/Electrical

c. Chemical d. Biological

______4. This hazard includes chemical substances such as acids or poisons and
those that could lead to fire or explosion, cleaning agents, dusts, fibers,
mists, gases, vapors and fumes from various processes such as welding

a.. Physical .b. Mechanical/Electrical

.c. Chemical d. Biological

________5. This hazard includes bacteria, viruses, mold, mildew, insects, vermin,
animals, plants, parasites, mites and fungi.

a. Physical b. Mechanical/Electrical

c. Chemical . d. Biological


Organizational Safety and Health Protocol

Learning Objectives: After reading this information sheet, the student/ trainee should
be able to;
1. Discuss safety protocols.
2. Demonstrate their commitment to ensure health and safety measures
In their workplace.

Organizational safety and Health Protocols

Internal Factors Impacting Workplace Health & Safety

Companies must ensure that employees are protected from safety and health hazards.

The administration of an organization can pose health and safety risks if the internal
environment is not maintained and monitored appropriately by a company. Business
executives must adopt safety behaviors into their leadership practices, since companies
are charged with the task of ensuring the health and safety of their staff. As such,
organizations should examine what steps they can take in order to protect employees
from risks and dangers.

1. Internal Factors
o The attitude a business has towards maintaining the health and safety of its
employees is an internal factor that employees rely on to be protected from
dangers and threats in the workplace. According to the U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employees have the
right to feel safe while on the job, and employers have the obligation to ensure
their safety. There are many ways that businesses can effectively manage the
health and safety of their employees.

Safety Councils

o Businesses can demonstrate their commitment to ensuring health and safety

measures by creating safety management councils. These committees may be in
charge of evaluating workplace conditions and employee health risks, and then
taking the proper measures to make sure the office is well-equipped to deal with
any threats. Safety councils are often responsible for creating safety protocols
and performing safety drills.

Safety Protocols

o . Developing safety protocols allows companies to keep written policies and

procedures about how to prevent hazards from occurring in the workplace, as
well as provide instructions on how to respond if employees' health or safety are
threatened. Safety protocols should be easily accessible for anyone in the
company to review.


o Education is an effective way for businesses to maintain their commitment to

safety. By providing training modules to employees, employers can educate staff
on things like how to stay healthy during flu season, how to prevent physical
injuries on the job, how to keep work areas sanitized and how to use protective
equipment in the case of emergencies.

Conducting Safety Drills

o Disaster drills are valuable because they teach people how to respond in a time
of urgency. Such exercises prepare people to coordinate efforts and put their
safety skills to work. Many businesses conduct safety drills, such as fire or
disaster drills, to keep employees on their toes about how to respond in the case
that their safety is in danger. These sorts of exercises are important, so
employers may gather statistics, such as how long evacuations take, which can
then be used to determine more effective and efficient ways to keep employees

Learn your mastery in Information Sheet 2 by answering the questions below.

Test 1. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is

________1. Establishing safety protocols for the workplace is another way that
companies can positively impact employee health and safety
________2. safety protocols allows companies to keep written policies and
procedures about how to prevent hazards from occurring in the workplace, as well
as provide instructions on how to respond if employees' health or safety are
________3. The administration of an organization cannot pose health and safety
risks if the internal environment is not maintained and monitored appropriately by a
________4 Companies must ensure that employees are protected from safety and
health hazards.
________5. Education is an effective way for businesses to maintain their
commitment to safety

The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory



Learning Objectives: After reading this information sheet, the student/ trainee should
be able to;

1. Prevent exposure to substances which could be hazardous to their health.

2. Distinguish appropriate types of measurement that can affect the health.

The key to preventing exposure to substances, which could be hazardous to health,

depends on the first two steps mentioned – recognition of the hazard or potential

hazard, and, evaluation of the extent of the hazard. People in the workplace may

encounter hazards from several sources. An important means of evaluation is

measurement to determine the extent of the threat.


The health effects of exposure to toxic substances can be acute or chronic. It will
therefore be necessary to distinguish appropriate types of measurement:
1. Long term measurements which access the average exposures of a person over an
extended time period.
2. Continuous measurements capable of detecting short-term exposures to high
concentrations of short-term exposure to high concentrations of contaminants, which
cause an acute exposure.
3. Spot readings can be used to measure acute hazards if the exact point of time of
exposure is known and the measurement is taken at that time, chronic hazards may
be assessed if a significant number of measurements are made.
For chronic hazards - continuous personal dose measurements, continuous
measurement of average background levels, spot readings of contaminant levels at
selected positions and times.
For acute hazards; – continuous personal monitoring with rapid response,  continuous
background monitoring with response, spot readings of background contaminant levels
as selected positions and times.
For analysis of whether area is safe to enter: direct reading instruments. Particle
qualitative and quantitative analysis can be carried out by direct reading measurements

Learn your mastery in Information Sheet 3 by answering the questions below:

Test 1. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and write FALSE if the statement is

1. The health effects of exposure to toxic substances can always be acute.

2. People in the workplace may encounter hazards from several sources.
3. Spot readings can be used to measure acute hazards if the exact point of
time of exposure is known and the measurement is taken at that time,
4. Particle qualitative and quantitative analysis can be carried out by direct
reading measurements.
5. The key to prevent exposure to substances can always be hazardous to our

The trainee’s underpinning knowledge was

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory


Occupational Health and Safety Indicators

Learning objectives:

Learning Objectives: After reading this information sheet, the student/ trainee should
be able to;

1. Know what is an occupational health and its indicators

2. Identify trends and patterns of work-related injury, illness, and death
What is an occupational health and safety indicator?
An occupational health and safety indicator is a specific measure of a work-related
disease or injury, or a factor associated with occupational health, such as workplace
exposures, hazards, or interventions, in a specified population. Indicators can be
generated by states to track trends in the occupational health status of the working
population. Examples of occupational health indicators include counting the number of
work-related deaths and work-related pesticide poisonings.
Why use occupational health and safety indicators?
 Measure baseline health of worker populations
 Identify trends and patterns of work-related injury, illness, and death
 Anticipate early problem areas that deserve attention
 Reduce preventable workplace injuries
 Increase consistency and availability of occupational disease and injury surveillance
What occupational health indicators are generated?
Most state public health or labor departments calculate the 19 occupational health
indicators listed below. Depending on the type of industries and jobs in a state and the
availability of data, some states have developed additional indicators to better measure
worker health in their state. At the current time,
Table 1. The 19 occupational health and safety indicators 
Occupational Illnesses and Injuries Combined
         Indicator 1: Non-fatal injuries and illnesses reported by employers
         Indicator 2: Work-related hospitalizations
Acute and Cumulative Occupational Injuries
         Indicator 3: Fatal work-related injuries
         Indicator 4: Amputations reported by employers
         Indicator 5: Amputations identified in state workers’ compensation systems
         Indicator 6: Hospitalizations for work-related burns
         Indicator 7: Musculoskeletal disorders reported by employers
         Indicator 8: Carpal tunnel syndrome cases identified in state workers’
Occupational Illnesses
         Indicator 9: Pneumoconiosis hospitalizations
         Indicator 10: Pneumoconiosis mortality
         Indicator 11: Acute work-related pesticide poisonings reported to poison control
         Indicator 12: Incidence of malignant mesothelioma
Occupational Exposures 
         Indicator 13: Elevated blood lead levels among adults
Occupational Hazards
         Indicator 14: Workers employed in industries with high risk for occupational
         Indicator 15: Workers employed in occupations with high risk for occupational
         Indicator 16: Workers employed in industries and occupations with high risk for
occupational mortality
Intervention Resources for Occupational Health
         Indicator 17: Occupational safety and health professionals
         Indicator 18: Occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) enforcement
Socioeconomic Impact of Occupational Illnesses and Injuries
         Indicator 19: Workers’ compensation awards

Common health and safety indicators can be divided into two – frequency rates and
incidence rates. So what’s the difference?

A frequency rate is an expression of how many events happened over a given period
of time by a standardized number of hours worked. An incidence rate is the number of
events that happened over a given period time by a standardized number of employees
(usually lower than the standardized number of hours).


IDENTIFICATION : Identify the following:

1. A specific measure of a work-related disease or injury, or a factor associated with
occupational health, such as workplace exposures, hazards, or interventions, in a
specified population.
2. An expression of how many events happened over a given period of time by a
standardized number of hours worked.
3. The number of events that happened over a given period time by a standardized
number of employees (usually lower than the standardized number of hours.


Learning objective: After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:know the
main laws regarding health and safety in the workplace.

Main laws and regulations regarding health and safety in the workplace, every
employee and employer should be aware of are:

Manual handling operations in 1992

Substances Control Health Regulations 2002 (COSHH) (and Miscellaneous

The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: This law requires that: Employers must
ensure the health and safety for employees, providing them with safe investments,
handling, storage and transportation of goods, providing information, training and
support, giving them secure jobs and secure environment and facilities.

Organizations must have five or more employees of a policy statement on health and
safety Implementation of the policy update and the same when necessary and avoid the
risk of their other activities.

Operation Manual Handling Regulation 1992:

Manual handling means bringing a load of hand and physical strength, such as lifting,
putting down, pushing, etc. The employer must:
Hotel management should redesign the movement of the load by automatic procedures

Employees should be provided with the proper disposal Information about the weight of
each load and its downside.

Mechanical aids such as trolleys, left should, lifting equipment are available.

Employees from hazardous substance risk assessment must

When working in a confined space, employees must have safe systems of work.

Before any work begins, should be adequate emergency measures are made.

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002.

This law requires employers to assess risks to the health of employees work and sit on
hazardous substances. They should be provided with health surveillance and medical
records available to be stored for 40 years.

Work areas must be free from interference

Floor holes, cracks are loose mats are checked regularly.
Slippery-debris should be cleaned with cleaning equipment and procedures.
People need to warn of wet floors and alternative routes will be made available.
Processing machines must be organized and to avoid Losses.
Electric cables must be properly positioned to avoid the final cable.
Covers should be used to secure the cables on the bottom.
If soils are wet and dusty, safety shoes for employees should be made available
Changes in ground level and tends to characterize.
Mats should be placed between wet and dry environments.
Create a great sense of safety signs, postersBathroom and shower valves to maintain
pressure and temperature, providing a pre-mix of hot and cold water and automatic
adaptation to changes in the system should be chosen.
The hotel management has focused on other security measures to ensure are:
Room doors should close and lock automatically.
Emergency lighting should be tested monthly
Output port must be clearly visible

A key provision of the work If the keys are not present, it should be replaced
Landscape design should be clean, but not to provide hiding places for criminals.
Adequate lighting in parking lots, walkways and exposed areas.

Art. 165. Administration of safety and health laws.

a. The Department of Labor and Employment shall be solely responsible for the
administration and enforcement of occupational safety and health laws,
regulations and standards in all establishments and workplaces wherever they
may be located; however, chartered cities may be allowed to conduct industrial
safety inspections of establishments within their respective jurisdictions where
they have adequate facilities and competent personnel for the purpose as
determined by the Department of Labor and Employment and subject to national
standards established by the latter.
b. The Secretary of Labor and Employment may, through appropriate regulations,
collect reasonable fees for the inspection of steam boilers, pressure vessels and
pipings and electrical installations, the test and approval for safe use of materials,
equipment and other safety devices and the approval of plans for such materials,
equipment and devices. The fee so collected shall be deposited in the national
treasury to the credit of the occupational safety and health fund and shall be
expended exclusively for the administration and enforcement of safety and other
labor laws administered by the Department of Labor and Employment


TRUE OR FALSE. Write true if the statement is correct and write false if the statement
is incorrect.

1. Employees should not be provided with the proper disposal Information about the
weight of each load and its downside.
2. Room doors should not be close and lock automatically
3. Organizations must have five or more employees of a policy statement on health
and safety Implementation of the policy update and the same when necessary
and avoid the risk of their other activities.
4. When working in a confined space, employees must have safe systems of work
5. Manual handling means bringing a load of hand and physical strength, such as
lifting, putting down, pushing, etc



Learning objective: After reading this information sheet, you must be able to: know the
effects of hazards in the workplace.
Occupational hazard or occupational evil or gift/reward of an occupation etc. you
may call it by any name; the fact is that every occupation will have a positive as well as
negative effect in people.  The impact of such an effect & the extent of scarring it makes
in a person have to be ascertained as a part of solution and should not tend to follow
the philosophy of avoiding such occupational hazards as best options.  It such were the
choice, then one has to meditate till death by sitting under a tree without taking up any

We may loudly think that only employees in the factory are susceptible to such
problems.  But truth is that every employee is susceptible to such occupation related
problems.  The problems are more pronounced in people who spent long years in an

Generally perceived understanding about occupation related problems are limited to

physical deformities.  For example the people who are working in tanneries prone to
develop skin related problems while people in the quarries will tend to develop more of
upper respiratory problems.  Many such examples we can cite to show what
occupational hazards are. 

To minimize the risk due to an occupation, various regular medical check ups have
been done and made them mandatory for industry.  The unexplained or unexplored
area in occupational hazard is the non-physical deformities or damages such as
behavioural, attitudinal and psycho-dynamic aspects as a result of occupation. 

Are we sensitive about such occupational problems?  Are these problems not posing a
serious concern in the society? Do we have any methodologies to check the level of
damage different employees carries with them and how to treat those problems?  Are
we mapping people as ‘risk groups' and ‘critical' based on the mental hazard limit?
Different survival needs in people in corporate make them to be ‘the worst' or ‘the best'.
Does the organization have the responsibility to make ‘the worst' to ‘better' if not ‘the

Similar to occupational hazards in human world, plants do show certain pattern in the
accumulation of secondary metabolites that are highly locality or geography specific. 
The same species of plant show different chemical constituents and profile living in
different regions of the globe.  Similarly, the same species of animals living in different
parts of the world do behave differently.  The strange scavenging behaviour is seen in
lions in some regions while they maintain their ‘pride' as top predator in some other

For example, a mechanic speak a lot about machine while a driver love to engage in
talking more about vehicle and painter definitely about paints.  The people progressively
get addicted to a pattern of thinking and behaving is the finest sign or symptom for the
early diagnosis of occupational hazard.  A cosmetic formulator always looks at the
fineness of anything and everything by default. 

It is not the physical disability due to occupational hazard cause major problem but the
mental or behavioural disability is the major area of concern.  Diagnose the problem
early and treat it immediately.  If the employees keep changing the organization
frequently, they can limit the hazard to a great extent as the employees will constantly
learn and apply different techniques to survive than using a same stale method.

If people visit different places frequently are generally expected to get exposed to
different microbes/pathogens and may develop disease.  But it is true only to microbial
diseases and if one wants to minimize the occupational hazard, multiple exposures and
frequent change of organization is must.  

Do you want to be a diseased person by continuing in the same organization or be

healthy by changing the job and the organization frequently as far as the occupational
hazard is concerned, choice is yours.


TRUE OR FALSE. Write true if the statement is correct and write false if the statement
is incorrect.

1. Every occupation will have a positive as well as negative effect in people.

2. Different survival needs in people in corporate make them to be ‘the worst' or ‘the
3. Every employee is susceptible to such occupation related problems.
4. The problems are more pronounced in people who spent long years in an
5. Only employees in the factory are susceptible to hazards in the workplace.



Learning objectives : After reading this information sheet, you must be able to:

1.Identify ergonomics
2.Know the components of ergonomics

What is Ergonomics?

Most people have heard of ergonomics and think it is something to do with seating or
with the design of car controls and instruments. It is...but it is much more! Ergonomics is
the application of scientific information concerning humans to the design of objects,
systems and environment for human use. Ergonomics comes into everything which
involves people. Work systems, sports and leisure, health and safety should all embody
ergonomics principles if well designed.

Why was the video recorder one of the most frustrating domestic items to operate?
Why do some car seats leave you aching after a long journey? Why do some computer
workstations confer eyestrain and muscle fatigue? Such human irritations and
inconveniences are not inevitable - ergonomics is an approach which puts human
needs and capabilities at the focus of designing technological systems. The aim is to
ensure that humans and technology work in complete harmony, with the equipment and
tasks aligned to human characteristics.

Ergonomics has a wide application to everyday domestic situations, but there are even
more significant implications for efficiency, productivity, safety and health in work
settings. For example:
* Designing equipment and systems including computers, so that they are easier to use
and less likely to lead to errors in operation - particularly important in high stress and
safety-critical operations such as control rooms. Designing tasks and jobs so that they
are effective and take account of human needs such as rest breaks and sensible shift
patterns, as well as other factors such as intrinsic rewards of work itself.
* Designing equipment and work arrangements to improve working posture and ease
the load on the body, thus reducing instances of Repetitive Strain Injury/Work Related
Upper Limb Disorder.
* Information design, to make the interpretation and use of handbooks, signs, and
displays easier and less error-prone.
* Design of training arrangements to cover all significant aspects of the job concerned
and to take account of human learning requirements.
* In developing countries, the acceptability and effectiveness of even fairly basic
technology can be significantly enhanced.

The multi-disciplinary nature of ergonomics (sometimes called 'Human Factors') is

immediately obvious. The ergonomist works in teams which may involve a variety of
other professions: design engineers, production engineers, industrial designers,
computer specialists, industrial physicians, health and safety practitioners, and
specialists in human resources. The overall aim is to ensure that our knowledge of
human characteristics is brought to bear on practical problems of people at work and in
leisure. We know that, in many cases, humans can adapt to unsuitable conditions, but
such adaptation leads often to inefficiency, errors, unacceptable stress, and physical or
mental cost.

The components of ergonomics

Ergonomics deals with the interaction of technological and work situations with the
human being. The basic human sciences involved are anatomy, physiology and
psychology, these sciences are applied by the ergonomist towards two main objectives:
the most productive use of human capabilities, and the maintenance of human health
and well-being. In a phrase, the job must 'fit the person' in all respects, and the work
situation should not compromise human capabilities and limitations.

The contribution of basic anatomy lies in improving physical 'fit' between people and the
things they use, ranging from hand tools to aircraft cockpit design. Achieving good
physical fit is no mean feat when one considers the range in human body sizes across
the population. The science of anthropometrics provides data on dimensions of the
human body, in various postures. Biomechanics considers the operation of the muscles
and limbs, and ensures that working postures are beneficial, and that excessive forces
are avoided.

Our knowledge of human physiology supports two main technical areas. Work
physiology addresses the energy requirements of the body and sets standards for
acceptable physical work rate and workload, and for nutrition requirements.
Environmental physiology analyses the impact of physical working conditions - thermal,
noise and vibration, and lighting - and sets the optimum requirements for these.
Psychology is concerned with human information processing and decision-making
capabilities. In simple terms, this can be seen as aiding the cognitive 'fit' between
people and the things they use. Relevant topics are sensory processes, perception,
long- and short-term memory, decision making and action. There is also a strong thread
of organizational psychology.

The importance of psychological dimensions of ergonomics should not be

underestimated in today's 'high-tech' world - remember the video recorder example at
the beginning. The ergonomist advises on the design of interfaces between people and
computers (Human Computer Interaction or HCI), information displays for industrial
processes, the planning of training materials, and the design of human tasks and jobs.
The concept of 'information overload' is familiar in many current jobs. Paradoxically,
increasing automation, while dispensing with human involvement in routine operations,
frequently increases the mental demands in terms of monitoring, supervision and

The ergonomics approach - understanding tasks ... and the users

Underlying all ergonomics work is careful analysis of human activity. The ergonomist
must understand all of the demands being made on the person, and the likely effects of
any changes to these - the techniques which enable him to do this come under the
portmanteau label of 'job and task analysis'.

The second key ingredient is to understand the users. For example, 'consumer
ergonomics' covers applications to the wider contexts of the home and leisure. In these
non-work situations the need to allow for human variability is at its greatest - the people
involved have a very wide range of capabilities and limitations (including the disabled
and elderly), and seldom have any selection or training for the tasks which face them.

This commitment to 'human-centred design' is an essential 'humanizing' influence on

contemporary rapid developments in technology, in contexts ranging from the domestic
to all types of industry.

1. The ergonomist works in teams which may involve a variety of other professions:
design engineers, production engineers, industrial designers, computer
specialists, industrial physicians, health and safety practitioners, and specialists
in human resources.

2. 'human-centred design' is an essential 'humanizing' influence on contemporary

rapid developments in technology, in contexts ranging from the domestic to all
types of industry.

3. The ergonomist advises on the design of interfaces between people and

computers (Human Computer Interaction or HCI), information displays for
industrial processes, the planning of training materials, and the design of human
tasks and jobs.

4. Ergonomics deals with the interaction of technological and work situations with
the human being.

5. Ergonomics comes into everything which involves people. Work systems, sports
and leisure, health and safety should all embody ergonomics principles if well

Employees Compensation Commission Regulations

Learning objectives: After reading this information sheet, you must be able to know
the importance of ECC regulations.

The Employees Compensation Commission is part of the Philippines Department and

Employment Agency in the Philippines. The goal of the program is to ensure fair job

practices between employers and employees

Employees' Compensation Commission

The Employees' Compensation Commission is a government corporation created on

November 1, 1974 by virtue of Presidential Decree 442 or the Labor Code of the
Philippines. Attached to the Department of Labor and Employment, ECC provides
services and benefits to both public and private sector employees.

According to Presidential Decree 626, ECC has the following functions and powers:

1. To assess and fix a rate of contributions from all employers;

2. To determine the rate of contribution payable by an employer whose records
show a high frequency of work accidents or occupational disease due to failure
by the said employer to observe adequate measures;
3. To approve rules and regulations governing the processing of claims and the
settlement of disputes prescribed by the System;#To initiate, rationalize and
coordinate the policies of the Employees Compensation Program;
4. To initiate policies and programs toward adequate occupational health and safety
and accident prevention in the working environment, rehabilitation and other
related programs and activities, and to appropriate funds therefore;
5. To make necessary actuarial studies and calculations concerning the grant of
constant help and income benefits for permanent disability or death, and the
rationalization of the benefits for permanent disability and death with benefits
payable by the System for similar contingencies;
6. To upgrade benefits and add new ones subject to approval of the President of
the Philippines;
7. To determine and approve additional occupational diseases and work-related
illnesses with specific criteria based on peculiar hazards of employment; and
8. To review and decide appealed cases.

 Programs, Projects and Activities

The Programs, Projects and Activities (PPAs) of the ECC are classified
into five (4) Key Result Areas (KRAs).  Below are the brief description of these
KRAs and PPAs:

KRA 1: EC Appealed Claims Disposition

One of the reasons for implementing the Employees Compensation

Program (ECP) is the EC appealed claims disposition. It focuses on the need to
ensure the prompt and expeditious settlement of all EC claims whether filed at
the Systems or on appeal at the Commission. The program under this Key
Result Area is:
1.1 Speedy Disposition of EC Appealed Claims - This involves the evaluation
and adjudication of all EC claims elevated to the Commission after denial
by the System. A system of monitoring/tracking every action taken on the
case has been installed to ensure prompt disposition of appealed EC
claims. Among noteworthy projects to promptly and judiciously evaluate
EC appealed claims and to ensure that EC claimants are served
promptly, efficiently and effectively in this regard are the following:

 Evaluation of EC Appealed Claims

 Policy Development
 Legal Action on Delinquent Hospital Loans
 Legal Advisory

KRA 2: Work Contingency Prevention Services

Work Contingency Prevention is necessary if we have to spare the workers

and their families from the problems and pain that come along with any work-
connected sickness, injury or death. At the ECC, it is our wish that the workers
would rather not avail of the employees' compensation benefits, meaning they
do not get sick or injured while at wok because to do so would mean financial,
emotional and psychological costs to the workers and their families. Besides, the
EC benefits are not that substantial. The program under this Key Result Area is: 
2.1 Work Contingency Prevention Services - The WCP program is designed
to help ease the problem of increasing number of workers who either
become disabled or died due to occupational injuries or diseases. The
aim is to promote health and protection of workers in the workplaces by
raising the employers and workers awareness on the value of adopting
and observing appropriate preventive measures. The program also
assists companies in developing sectoral action plans for implementation
within a year to reduce the number of workers affected by identified
occupational diseases and injuries that are frequently claimed by
occupationally disabled workers. This is done by facilitation of linkages
with other agencies, GOs, NGOs and other specialty group involved in the
prevention and control of occupational diseases and injuries. Hence, our
focus on work contingency prevention which involves, among others, the

 ECP Advocacy Activities

 OSH Awareness Generation
 TB Prevention in the Workplace
 OSH Related Article for ECC Reporter 

KRA 3: Rehabilitation Services

The rehabilitation of the occupationally disabled workers (ODWs) gives new hope
and brings life to our ODWs. Its primary objective is to bring back the ODWs into the
economic mainstream as productive members of society through rehabilitative services.
The program that is being pursued in this regards is:
3.1 Rehabilitation of ODWs Program - The main objective is to facilitate the
integration of ODWs into the economic mainstream as productive and self-reliant
members of society. The following are the projects under this program:

 ECC-Quick Response to ODWs - This project aims to

provide immediate assistance to workers or their
families within a week in the event of major work
accidents or outbreak of occupational diseases at the
workplace. The ECC intervention includes psycho-
social counselling services, medical help and
assistance in the filing of the necessary claims with
the System.
 KAGABAY Program - "Katulong at Gabay sa
Manggagawang May Kapansanan" or KaGaBay is a
special assistance project to occupationally-disabled
workers (ODWs) aimed at facilitating their re-
integration into the economic mainstream either
through vocational skills training and placement
assistance or through entrepreneurial training and
assistance in the setting-up a micro-enterprise or
home-based business.
 Physical Restoration of ODWs - This is another
special assistance project to facilitate ECC-funded
rehabilitation services for ODWs lie physical therapy
by partner hospitals and provision of free
rehabilitation appliances.  

KRA 4: Support Services

The programs, projects and activities implemented to support the operations are
essential to achieve the ECC target performance for any given year. These are the
4.1 ECP Information Dissemination - This program is designed to increase public
awareness on the Employees Compensation Program (ECP) and Work
Contingency Prevention (WCP) and to ensure at all times that workers are
informed of their rights, benefits and privileges under the ECP. This includes
publication of press releases in broadsheets, tabloids and regional papers,
linkages with radio and TV networks for possible participation in public affairs
programs/interviews, distribution of IEC materials to ECC clients as well as
conduct of lectures on ECP and WCP. The projects under this program are: 

 Development/Production of IEC Materials - This project aims to

ensure that reader-friendly WCP/ECP materials are continually
developed. This involves three important activities, namely: (1)
Development and printing of information materials such as flyers,
posters, ads, audio visual presentation materials and other related
information; (2) Bi-monthly publication of ECC Reporter designed to
inform ECC's specific publics of the latest on employees'
compensation policies, case decisions, OSH research findings on
work contingency prevention and others; and (3) Re-printing and
distribution of existing IEC materials.
 Intensification of ECP Information Campaign - This involves the
conduct of seminars/lectures on the ECP and WCP right at the
workplaces in coordination with the employers and the employees'
unions. Target participants of WCP/ECP seminars/lectures are rank
and file workers, labor union representatives and human resource
officers. This also includes publication of press releases in
broadsheets, tabloids and regional papers, airing of infomercials on
radio, television and the cinema as well as linkages with radio and
TV networks for possible participation in public affairs
programs/interviews and distribution of IEC materials to ECC
clients notably flyers explaining the ECP, how to file EC claims at
the SSS and GSIS, on various projects of the ECC such as the
Kagabay Program, the PWCA bill, and the bi-monthly newsletter,
The ECC Reporter.
Another important project is the Public Assistance Center (PAC)
which is designed to provide personalized assistance/information to
walk-in clients on how and where to file EC claim or the follow-up of
the status of their claims pending at the SSS or GSIS or at the ECC
and other related matters. PAC is located at the ECC ground floor
for this purpose and was operationalized in 2003.
4.2 Technical Support for Policy/Program Development - The continuing review and
updating of policies, programs and projects under implementation is what makes
ECC services more meaningful to its clients. This program is designed to provide
the agency with timely, accurate and relevant services relative to the conduct of
researches/studies on ECP, statistical support, planning and monitoring of
agency's programs, projects and activities (PPAs) and management of
information system (MIS) in aid of policy formulation, program development and
decision making. The projects under this regards are the following:

 Maintenance of EC Claims Database - The objective is to maintain

an updated database on EC claims. This will provide all the
necessary data/information needed in support of policy formulation,
program development, effective planning, PPA review and
improvement, and the day-to-day decision making.
 Conduct of Research Studies as Inputs to Policy Formulation - This
involves the conduct of necessary researches or the compilation of
results of studies (local and international) presently available for
use in support of policy formulation or program
 Passage of PWCA bill in Congress - This involves a continuing
review and analysis of the implementation of the ECP given the
changing conditions over time to see whether the ECP as defined
in PD 626 is still effective and relevant or whether there are new
concerns that need to be addressed but only through legislation.
 Conduct of Agency-Wide Planning Activities - This involves the
planning and programming of all programs and activities to be
undertaken by the agency for the year through a conduct of a
corporate planning session which includes the review and
assessment of programs and project achievements serve as input
to the formulation of Agency Action Plan for the following year. The
agency performance is measure through a set of target indicators
that are regularly monitored through the monthly and quarterly
reports prepared by each Division. The conduct of a Mid-Year
Performance Assessment (MYPA) the agency enables to the
agency assess its first semester performance and reformulate
actions and targets for the rest of the year.
 Provision of IT support - The Information Systems Strategic Plan
(ISSP) serves as the framework for the computerization projects of
the ECC. For effective information management, the Plan
documents the procedures and the required budget for the
maintenance of the Local Area Network (LAN) and the upgrading of
existing IT resources and IT trainings.
 Implementation of Gender and Development Plan - This is in
support of the government's advocacy in mainstreaming of gender
and development in all government programs and projects.
4.3 Finance and Administrative Support Services - This program covers the efficient
and effective delivery of administrative support to operations as in the case
management of records, development of effective system of maintaining the
personal files/records, issuances of office orders, memorandum and other official
reports and communications, the procurement of equipment and office supplies
requirements, and other related matters. The following are the projects under this

 Finance Services - Financial management's objectives are: (1) to

improve the financial records and journals reporting system; (2)
comply with the requirements of the Commission on Audit and
other government agencies like GSIS, PAGIBIG, BIR, Bureau of
Treasury, DBM and DOLE; and (3) the processing of valid
claims/billings/vouchers within the day from receipt of document.
The budget management's objectives are: (1) the preparation of
annual ECC Corporate Operating Budget; (2) monitoring of loading
fund requests; and (3) the submission of ECC fund status report to
the DOLE.
 Administrative Services - This program covers the efficient and
effective delivery of administrative support to operations as in the
case management records, development of effective system of
maintaining the personal files/records, issuances of office orders,
memorandum and other official reports and communications, the
procurement of equipment and office supplies requirements, and
other related matters.
4.4 Secretarial Support for Executive Director/Deputy Executive Director Concerns -
This program covers the efficient and effective provision of secretarial and
clerical assistance to the Executive Director and Deputy Executive Director on
the performance of the function of the office.
4.5 Technical Support for Board Concerns - This program covers the efficient and
effective provision of secretarial and clerical assistance to the Board on the
performance of the function of the office.
4.6 Continuous Service Improvement - The aim of this program is the continuous
review and improvement of existing work processes/systems and work
procedures for the different programs and projects of the Commission for a more
effective and efficient public service delivery. The following are the projects under
this program:
 Provision of internal audit services - the aim of this project is to
ascertain the accuracy, integrity and authenticity of accounting
data, to test the compliance with accounting procedures, prescribed
applicable laws, rules and regulations, to determine that
accumulation and reporting of accounting data is in compliance with
generally accepted accounting principles, and to test the
safeguarding of assets.

1. The goal of the ECC regulations program is to ensure fair job practices between

employers and employees.

2. One of the reasons for implementing the Employees Compensation Program

(ECP) is the EC appealed claims disposition

3. Work Contingency Prevention is not necessary if we have to spare the workers

and their families from the problems and pain that come along with any work-

connected sickness, injury or death

4. The WCP program is designed to help ease the problem of increasing number of

workers who either become disabled or died due to occupational injuries or


5. The rehabilitation of the occupationally disabled workers (ODWs) gives new hope

and brings life to our ODWs. Its primary objective is to bring back the ODWs into

the economic mainstream as productive members of society through

rehabilitative services.

Learning objectives: Learning objectives: After reading this information sheet, the
learner should identify and differentiate the different safety regulations.

1.Clean Air Act

The law has been in place for twelve years now, and much as we have been able to
achieve a lot, especially in terms of the reduction of total suspended particulates (TSP)
level, or the introduction of alternative fuels in the country, we still have a lot to do.
Mobile source, in fact, remains the top most source of air pollution in the country,.

As one of the DENR’s active partners in implementing the Clean Air Act, the Partnership
for Clean Air (PCA) stressed the need to strengthen partnerships and coordinated
action toward cleaner air.

“Despite significant advances since the implementation of RA 8749, the challenges we

face remain formidable and will test our resolve. We need to forge more alliances not
just between classes and among sectors but reaching across generations, because the
struggle for clean air should represent in the end the confluence of diverse efforts that
many Filipinos today are involved in.

Principle of Clean Air Act:.

The State shall protect and advance the right of the people to a balanced and healthful
ecology in accord with the rhythm and harmony of nature.
The State shall promote and protect the global environment to attain sustainable
development while recognizing the primary responsibility of local government units to
deal with environmental problems.
The State recognizes that the responsibility of cleaning the habitat and environment is
primarily area-based.
The State also recognizes the principle that "polluters must pay".
Finally, the State recognizes that a clean and healthy environment is for the good of all
and should therefore be the concern of all.

1. Fire code

"Revised Fire Code of the Philippines of 2008".

It is the policy of the State to ensure public safety and promote economic development
through the prevention and suppression of all kinds of destructive fires and promote the
professionalization of the fire service as a profession. Towards this end, the State shall
enforce all laws, rules and regulations to ensure adherence to standard fire prevention
and safety measures, and promote accountability for fire safety in the fire protection
service and prevention service.

Fire safety

Fire safety refers to precautions that are taken to prevent or reduce the likelihood of
a fire that may result in death, injury, or property damage, alert those in a structure to
the presence of a fire in the event one occurs, better enable those threatened by a fire
to survive, or to reduce the damage caused by a fire. Fire safety measures include
those that are planned during the construction of a building or implemented in structures
that are already standing, and those that are taught to occupants of the building.

Threats to fire safety are referred to as fire hazards. A fire hazard may include a
situation that increases the likelihood a fire may start or may impede escape in the
event a fire occurs.

Fire safety is often a component of building safety. Those who inspect buildings for
violations of the Fire Code and go into schools to educate children on Fire Safety topics
are fire department members known as fire prevention officers. The Chief Fire
Prevention Officer or Chief of Fire Prevention will normally train newcomers to the Fire
Prevention Division and may also conduct inspections or make presentations.

A fire safety station at a high school. Fire hoses built into a structure can sometimes be
used by occupants to mitigate fires while the fire department is responding.
Key elements of a fire safety policy

 Building a facility in accordance with the version of the local building code
 Maintaining a facility and conducting yourself in accordance with the provisions of
the fire code. This is based on the occupants and operators of the building being
aware of the applicable regulations and advice.

Examples of these include:

 Not exceeding the maximum occupancy within any part of the building.
 Maintaining proper fire exits and proper exit signage (e.g., exit signs pointing to
them that can function in a power failure)
 Placing and maintaining fire extinguishers in easily accessible places.
 Properly storing/using, hazardous materials that may be needed inside the building
for storage or operational requirements (such as solvents in spray booths).
 Prohibiting flammable materials in certain areas of the facility.
 Periodically inspecting buildings for violations, issuing Orders To Comply and,
potentially, prosecuting or closing buildings that are not in compliance, until the
deficiencies are corrected or condemning it in extreme cases.
 Maintaining fire alarm systems for detection and warning of fire.
 Obtaining and maintaining a complete inventory of firestops.
 Ensuring that spray fireproofing remains undamaged.
 Maintaining a high level of training and awareness of occupants and users of the
building to avoid obvious mistakes, such as the propping open of fire doors.
 Conduct fire drills at regular intervals throughout the year.

Common fire hazards

Improper use and maintenance of gas stoves often create fire hazards.

Some common fire hazards are:

 Electrical systems that are overloaded, resulting in hot wiring or connections, or

failed components
 Combustible storage areas with insufficient protection
 Combustibles near equipment that generates heat, flame, or sparks
 Candles
 Smoking (Cigarettes, cigars, pipes, lighters, etc.)
 Equipment that generates heat and utilizes combustible materials
 Flammable liquids
 Fireplace chimneys not properly or regularly cleaned
 Cooking appliances - stoves, ovens
 Heating appliances - wood burning stoves, furnaces, boilers, portable heaters
 Electrical wiring in poor condition
 Batteries
 Personal ignition sources - matches, lighters
 Electronic and electrical equipment
 Exterior cooking equipment - BBQ
 Campfires
List of some typical fire and explosion issues in a fire code

 fireworks, explosives, mortars and cannons, model rockets (licenses for

manufacture, storage, transportation, sale, use)
 certification for servicing, placement, and inspecting fire extinguishing equipment
 general storage and handling of flammable liquids, solids, gases (tanks, personnel
training, markings, equipment)
 limitations on locations and quantities of flammables (e.g., 10 liters of gasoline
inside a residential dwelling)
 specific uses and specific flammables (e.g., dry cleaning, gasoline distribution,
explosive dusts, pesticides, space heaters, plastics manufacturing)
 permits and limitations in various building occupancies (assembly hall, hospital,
school, theater, elderly care, child care, prs that require a smoke detector, sprinkler
system, fire extinguisher, or other specific equipment or procedures
 removal of interior and exterior obstructions to emergency exits or firefighters and
removal of hazardous materials
 permits and limitations in special outdoor applications (tents, asphalt kettles,
bonfires, etc.)
 other hazards (flammable decorations, welding, smoking, bulk matches, tire yards)
 Electrical safety code
 Fuel gas code

Enforcement of the Fire Code of the Philippines

 Processing and review of building plans

 Fire safety inspection of buildings, establishments and other structures or facilities
covered by its implementing law
Protecting Your Life and property: Fire-proofing yourself

1. Eliminate fire hazards through good housekeeping. Regularly dispose of waste

papers, rubbish, and other flammable materials.
2. Keep matches out of children’s reach.
3. Oil, gas, lamps, and candles should be placed away from curtains. Put out the
flame before going to bed.
4. Do not keep flammable materials like gasoline, alcohol, and paint inside the
5. Regularly check electrical installations, and have all frayed wirings and electrical
fixtures changed or repaired by a licensed electrician.
6. Do not overload electrical circuits by plugging additional lights and electrical
7. Blown fuses should not be replaced with wires or any metal.
8. Never leave a lighted cigarette/ cigar/ pipe unattended that may fall on flammable
materials and start a fire.
9. Always turn off and unplug all electrical appliances.
10. Never leave the gas stove while cooking.
11. Always have a handy first-aid kit in the house.

2. Waste Management

Health Care Facilities must be committed to waste management principles. Waste

management is implemented by the establishment of a waste management committee
and the development and implementation of a Waste Management Plan. The Generic
Waste Management Plan provides supplementary detail and forms a practical tool to
implement the Guidelines.

These Guidelines will assist managers and personnel of any facility to implement
standards and comply with relevant legislation. Adoption and commitment by each
facility through the establishment of a Waste Management Committee and adoption of a
Waste Management Plan will assist the facility to manage their waste streams correctly,
efficiently and effectively.

These Guidelines continue with the concepts of waste segregation into various waste
streams, labeling and containment, handling, storage and transport, treatment /
disposal, auditing, Occupational Health and Safety, training and legal requirements.


Health-care waste includes all the waste generated by health-care establishments,

research facilities and laboratories, including health-care waste produced at home
(dialyses, insulin injections etc.)

Infectious waste (containing pathogens, excreta, etc.)

Pathological waste (body parts, blood, foetuses, etc.)

Sharps (needles, infusion sets, broken glass, etc.)

Pharmaceutical waste (old medicines, etc.)

Genotoxic waste (cytostatic drugs, etc.)

Chemical waste (laboratory material, film developer, etc.)

Heavy metal waste (batteries, thermometers, etc.)

Pressurised containers (gas cartridges, etc.)

Radioactive waste (waste from radiotherapy, etc.)


Hospitals and public health care units are supposed to safeguard the health of the
community. However, the waste produced by the medical care centers if disposed off
improperly, can pose an even greater threat than the original disease themselves. In
most of the cases there are no systematic approaches to medical waste disposal.
Hospital wastes are simply mixed with the municipal waste in collecting bins at
roadsides and disposed off similarly. Some waste is simply buried without any
appropriate measure. While all the equipment necessary to ensure the proper
management of hospital waste probably exists, the main issue lies in the staff who fails
to prepare and implement an effective disposable policy.

In general disposable syringes and needles are also not disposed off properly. Some
patients, who routinely use syringes at home, do not know how to dispose them off
properly. They just throw them in a dustbin or other similar places, because they think
that these practices are inexpensive, safe, and easy solution to dispose off a potentially
dangerous waste item.

Purpose of the Guidelines

The purpose of the Guidelines is to provide a framework of waste management

strategies to assist in the day to day and long term management of waste by
implementing the following essential strategies:

Waste management committees, plans and waste audits;

Waste minimization, avoidance, segregation, recycling and re-use;

Waste labeling and containment; C proper waste handling, storage and transport;
Correct waste treatment / disposal

Uniform application of these Guidelines to all facilities will help to reduce

uncertainty when staff moves between facilities. This assists with providing a safe
working environment.

Waste Segregation

Waste segregation should follow immediately after waste is generated. Effective

segregation will reduce costs, promote recycling and protect the hhealth and safety of

What is Segregation?

Waste segregation is the practice of classifying waste and placing it into the appropriate
waste container immediately after the waste is generated.

Importance of Waste Segregation

Facilities should accurately segregate waste to protect personnel from injury and
infection by preventing hazardous waste entering inappropriate waste streams and
divert problematic waste from incorrect waste streams. Correct segregation is
necessary to ensure that materials which are reusable or recyclable are not discarded.
Correct segregation and containment of all wastes are required in order to comply with
the provisions of the Waste Regulation. The mixing of wastes is not permitted. If mixing
occurs, wastes containing more than 200g of hazardous waste are to be classified as

Segregation Practice Achievement

Effective segregation can be best achieved through:

Providing education and training programs to all personnel who generate waste)

Identification of material composition (Material Safety Data Sheet);

Establishing identifiable color coding, and labeling;

Provide suitable containers in appropriate and suitable locations;

Incorporating quick and efficient waste disposal methods into patient care

Procedures. This may require the redesign or reorganization of procedure trolleys and
working environments; and ensuring all waste can be easily, safely and properly
segregated at the point of generation.

Importance of training in the processes of achieving continuous

improvement in waste management.

Education and Training

Management should provide education and training to waste generators, handlers,

collectors, transporters, and key managers instrumental in the implementation of the
WMP, and waste treatment facility operators. Handlers must be trained and equipped to
undertake the handling, internal transport, spill management and storage requirements
for the different types of wastes arising at the facility. The purpose of education and
training is to minimize the risk of injury associated with waste handling and facilitate
efficient waste management.

Education and training programs should include:

Approved work practices;

Regulatory requirements and methods of compliance;

The use of required personal protective equipment;

Waste minimization, segregation, labeling, containment and disposal strategies;

First aid and medical treatment for needle stick and other waste handling related

Hand washing strategies.

Education and training should be provided at the induction of new employees, on an

ongoing basis, with the introduction of new equipment, and at times of technological
change. Approved work practices should be documented and promoted. Multilingual
translations are to be provided to personnel who may not be proficient in English.

Disaster preparedness and management

3. Disaster Management Preparedness

While we don´t like to think of it, all of us live in a world where nature poses a risk for us.
No matter where we live, there is some risk that just the land and atmosphere around us
provides. If your family were involved in some serious event, would you be prepared?
Rather than sticking your head in the sand and pretending like it could never happen to
you, shouldn´t you get some information about disaster management preparedness?
Being prepared is not difficult. It just requires some pre planning, a little bit of storage
space, and the right information. We can help you with the information and planning. At
Ready2Prepare, our philosophy is that anyone can and should have a plan in place for
how to deal with these events.

Natural disaster management starts with recognizing and identifying the risks that you
face due to your location. People in different parts of the world face different risks from
nature. Someone living in the mountains is not at a high risk for tornados or flooding, but
is at risk for earthquakes and avalanches. We will help you identify these risks so that
you can prepare properly for what might happen.

1.Fire safety measures include those that are planned during the construction of a
building or implemented in structures that are already standing, and those that are
taught to occupants of the building.

2.Waste segregation is the practice of classifying waste and placing it into the
appropriate waste container immediately after the waste is generated.

3. Approved work practices should be documented and promoted.

4. Natural disaster management starts with recognizing and identifying the risks that you
face due to your location.

5. A disaster management include a situation that increases the likelihood a fire may
start or may impede escape in the event a fire occurs.

Contingency Measures and Procedures

Learning objectives: After reading this information sheet you should be able to identify
the different contingency measures needed in the event of workplace emergencies.

Effective emergency communication is vital. During a major emergency involving a

fire or explosion it may be necesary to accomplish a complete evacuation. Normal
services, such as electricity, water, and telephones, may be non-existent. Under
these conditions, it may be necessary to have an alternate area to which employees
can report or that can act as a focal point for incoming and outgoing calls. Since time
is an essential element for adequate response, the person designated as being in
charge should make this the alternate headquarters so that they can be easily
reached. The college must provide emergency alarms and ensure that employees
know how to report emergencies. An updated list of key personnel and off-duty
telephone numbers should be maintained. Emergency communications equipment
such as amateur radio systems, public address systems, or portable radio units
should be present for notifying employees of the emergency and for contacting local
authorities such as law enforcement officials, the fire department, and private sector
charitable groups.
A method of communication also is needed to alert employees to the evacuation or to
take other action as required in the plan. Alarms must be audible or able to be seen
by all personnel and have an auxiliary power supply in the event electricity is
affected. The alarm must be distinctive and recognizable as a signal to evacuate the
work area or perform actions designated under the emergency action plan. The
college must explain to each employee the means for reporting emergencies, such
as manual pull box alarms, public address systems, or telephones. Emergency
telephone numbers should be posted on or near telephones, on employees’ notice
boards, or in other conspicuous locations. The warning plan should be in writing and
management must be sure each employee knows what it means and what action is
to be taken.
A system should be established for accounting for personnel once workers have
been evacuated with a person in the control center responsible for notifying police or
emergency response team members of persons believed missing.
Effective security procedures, such as cordoned off areas, can prevent unauthorized
access and protect vital records and equipment. Duplicate records can be kept in off-
site locations for essential accounting files, legal documents and lists of employees’
relatives to be notified in case of emergency.
Every employee needs to know details of the emergency action plan, including
evacuation plans, alarm systems, reporting procedures for personnel, shutdown
procedures, and types of potential emergencies. Drills should be held at random
intervals, at least annually, and include if possible, outside police and fire authorities.
Employees exposed to accidental chemical splashes, falling objects, flying particles,
unknown atmospheres with inadequate oxygen or toxic gases, fires, live electrical
wiring, or similar emergencies need personal protective equipment, including:

 Safety glasses, goggles, or face shields for eye protection.

 Hard hats and safety shoes
 Properly selected and fitted respirators
 Whole body coverings, gloves, hoods, and boots.
 Body protection for abnormal environmental conditions such as extreme



True or False: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement is

1. Every employee needs to know details of the emergency action plan,

including evacuation plans, alarm systems, reporting procedures for
personnel, shutdown procedures, and types of potential emergencies.
2. Effective emergency communication is not vital.
3. A method of communication also is needed to alert employees to the
evacuation or to take other action as required in the plan.
4. Employees exposed to accidental chemical splashes, falling objects, flying
particles, unknown atmospheres with inadequate oxygen or toxic gases,
fires, live electrical wiring, or similar emergencies need personal protective
5. Alarms must be audible or able to be seen by all personnel and have an
auxiliary power supply in the event electricity is affected. The alarm must
be distinctive and recognizable as a signal to evacuate the work area or
perform actions designated under the emergency action plan.



Learning Objectives:

After reading this information sheet, the student/ trainee should be able to:

1. Maintain PPE in line with organization guidelines and procedures.

PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT (PPE) Personal should only be used as a

last resort. PPE is for short term solutions only. PPE protects an employee's body from
hazards. PPE must be provided free of charge and maintained by the employer.
Employers are also required to ensure that workers are trained in the proper use of

Employees have a responsibility to use PPE in accordance with their training and safe
usage requirements. For example

 wear earplugs in noisy areas

 wear eye protection when working with hazardous chemicals
 wear gloves to protect against infection.

Specific controls to reduce risks

Select controls from as high up the hierarchy table as you can. The `elimination' method
is the safest solution. In many cases you may need a combination of controls to reduce
the level of risk. For example

 workplace design changes or task modification

 substituting an extremely hazardous chemical with a less hazardous one
 using a fume cupboard when handling the chemical
 ensuring exposure time is limited
 providing PPE to employees.

Reducing risk to an acceptable minimum will ensure optimum risk reduction for all.

TRUE OF FALSE: Write True if the statement is correct and False if the statement
is incorrect.

1. Employees who believe PPE is not necessary for their work or who consider it too
uncomfortable to wear run the risk of leaving themselves unprotected and vulnerable to
occupational injuries.

2. The use of personal protective equipment (PPE) reduce employee exposure to


3. PPE should only be used as a last resort.

4. Employees have a responsibility to use PPE in accordance with their training and
safe usage requirements

5. Do wear eye protection when working with hazardous chemicals



Learning objective: After reading this information sheet you must be able to know how
to handle emergency cases in the workplace.

Emergency Drills – are you doing them?

What is an 'emergency drill'?

An emergency drill is a focused activity that allow staff and students and administrators
to practice specific functions. It is not a fully stimulated activity like a creation of hostage
situation as a simulation. It is a fire drill, a shelter and place drill, a lock down drill. We
are practicing a very specific function and getting a chance to test our plans will allow
our people to practice as life saving skills for what we call functional protocols.
Functions that need to be carried out during a variety of types of emergency situations
and an drill is a very important part of overall preparedness strategy.

Think back to when you were a kid in school. Do you remember the various hazard
drills you had to practice? Depending on where you lived there were fire drills, tornado
drills, earthquake drills, intruder drills, etc. The idea was that if such an incident were to
happen, everyone would know what to do without thinking about it. They would just act.

Why is it that once we get into the working world, it seems these drills go by the
wayside? Whether you are just in an office building where you could be threatened by
fire or tornados, or a shop where there could be industrial accidents like chemical spills,
why is it we don’t always think to conduct these same ‘worst case’ scenario drills?

It’s time to reinstate the emergency drill. But this will not be just any emergency drill.
All businesses are different, and that means you will have specific needs that have to be
met. Think about what needs to be met in your workplace in an emergency. 

Possible Threats
In addition to the fire and nature-related threats already mentioned, are there any
specific threats that may impact your workplace (i.e. radiation leaks, chemical spills,
explosions from combustibles). If there are, you need to train your personnel on how to
deal with these situations were they to arise.

Employee Safety
It is important to make sure your employees know where they need to go, and how to
get there, to be safe in an emergency situation.

Machine Shutdown
If you have a number of machines operating in your building, and some need to be
monitored or assisted while running so they don’t burn up or cause more problems, you
need a shut-down procedure that can be followed quickly while still getting your
employees to safety in an emergency situation.

Materials Safety
If your workplace has a number of chemicals or other hazardous materials in use, it is
vital that you have measures in place to attempt to secure these materials as an
evacuation or other emergency operation is underway. Many of these types of
companies have special rooms where the chemicals are kept which can be shut and
sealed off as an evacuation is happening.

You should plan regular drills with your employees to make sure they know what to do,
when to do it, and how to do it in case of an emergency. While you may not want to
regularly close down all your operations for a drill, you can go department by
department, and make the employees do a mock incident, and monitor their reactions,
noting any mistakes they make in the process. 

While it may seem like an inconvenience, the more prepared your company is for the
worst the better chance you will be able to safely shut down operations and get
everyone out alive and well if the worst were to happen.

1. It is important to make sure your employees know where they need to go,
and how to get there, to be safe in an emergency situation.
2. You should plan regular drills with your employees to make sure they
know what to do, when to do it, and how to do it in case of an emergency
3. If your workplace has a number of chemicals or other hazardous materials
in use, it is vital that you have measures in place to attempt to secure
these materials as an evacuation or other emergency operation is
4. An emergency drill is not a focused activity that allow staff and students
and administrators to practice specific functions. It is not a fully stimulated
activity like a creation of hostage situation as a simulation

5.While it may seem like an inconvenience, the more prepared your company
is for the worst the better chance you will be able to safely shut down
operations and get everyone out alive and well if the worst were to happen.

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