Cryptography: Shaikh Mahbub Abbas

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Shaikh Mahbub Abbas

Crypt (hidden) +
graphy (writing)
OWASP Top 10 (2021)
Technique of securing information and
communication through codes so that
intended person can only understand the
• Confidentiality
• Integrity
• Non-repudiation
• Authentication
• Symmetric Key
– Single key
• Asymmetric Key
– Private and public keys
• Hash Functions
Symmetric Key
Key Key

Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext

Encryption Decryption
Algorithm Algorithm
Asymmetric Key
Public Key Private Key

Plaintext Ciphertext Plaintext

Encryption Decryption
Algorithm Algorithm

Message Enc Message (M1)

Sender Hash Algo

M1 = M2?

Message Enc Message (M2)

Receiver Hash Algo
• Never try to design your own cryptosystem
• Never rely on security through obscurity
• Keys should always be kept at most secured
• Make sure you use industry standard best
Protecting Keys
• Store keys in filesystem protected by strong
• Encrypt DEK (Data Encryption Key) with KEK
(Key Encryption Key). KEK should be password
• Use of HSM (Hardware Security Module)
Best Practices
• Secure your development cryptography
• Use well established cryptography technique
• Use proper encryption of data during transit
and at rest
• Use key management
• Secure password storage
• Do we need to store that data?
Transport Layer Protection
• TLS (Transport Layer Security) benefits
– Confidentiality
– Integrity
– Replay prevention
– Authentication
Transport Layer Protection
• SSL V2 and V3 are having serious cryptograpic
• SSL V3.1 -> TLS V1.0
– V1.0
– V1.1
– V1.2
– V1.3
Transport Layer Protection
Server Configuration
• Support strong protocols e.g. TLS 1.3
• Support strong ciphers
– Disable the followings
• Null ciphers
• Anonymous ciphers
• EXPORT ciphers
• Use strong Diffie-Hellman parameters
– openssl dhparam 2048 -out dhparam2048.pem
• Disable compression
• Patch cryptographic libraries
• Test the server configurations
Transport Layer Protection
• Use strong keys and protect them
• Use strong hashing algorithm e.g SHA256
• Use correct domain names
– Primary FDQN (Fully Qualified Domain Name)should be in
CN (commonName)
– Full list of FDQN in SAN (subjectAlternativeName)
– Consider WWW
– Don’t include non-qualified hostnames
– Don’t include IP addresses
– Don’t include internal domain names for external facing
Transport Layer Protection
• Carefully consider the use of Wildcards Certificates
– Use only if really needed
– Never use for systems at different trust levels
– Consider the use of a reverse proxy server which performs
TLS termination, so that the wildcard private key is only
present on one system.
– A list of all systems sharing a certificate should be
maintained to allow them all to be updated if the
certificate expires or is compromised.
– Limit the scope of a wildcard certificate by issuing it for a
subdomain (such as *, or a for a separate
Transport Layer Protection
• Use an appropriate CA (certificate authority)
• Use CAA Records to Restrict Which CAs can
Issue Certificates
• Always Provide All Needed Certificates
• Consider the use of Extended Validation
Cryptographic Storage
Architectural design
• Where to perform encryption
– Application level
– Database level
– Filesystem level
– Hardware level
• Minimize storage of sensitive information
Cryptographic Storage
• Symmetric – AES128, AES256
• Asymmetric - Curve25519, RSA (2048 bits)
• Never use custom algorithm
• Cipher modes
• Random padding e.g. PKCS#1
• Secure random number generation
• UUIDs and GUIDs
• Defense in depth
Cryptographic Storage
Key Management
• Processes
• Key generation
• Key lifetimes and rotation
• Key storage
• Separation of keys and data
• Encrypting stored keys
– Data Encryption Keys (DEK) for data
– Key Encryption Keys (KEK) for DEK
Password Storage
• Hashing vs encryption
– Password should be hashed not encrypted
• Password storage mechanism
– Salting
– Peppering
• Password hashing algorithms
– Argon2id
– scrypt
– bcrypt
Hashing Algorithms
• MD5
• SHA-1
• SHA-2
– SHA256
– SHA512
MD5 (Message Digest Algorithm)
• Generates 32 characters long string
• Generates a signature for a file
• Signature is matched with the file sent at
receiving end
MDS - Caveat
• MD5 Collision Attack
MD5 Algorithm
Preparing Input
• Input is divided in blocks of 512 bits each
• 64 bits are inserted at the end of last block
which records the length of original input
• Extra padding is used if last block is less than
512 bits
• Each block is divided into 16 words of 32 bits
each which are denoted as M0 – M15
MD5 Algorithm
Helper Functions
• The buffer
Word A: 01 23 45 67
Word B: 89 ab cd ef
Word C: fe dc ba 98
Word D: 76 54 32 10
• The table (K)
– It has 64 elements where Ki = abs(sin(i + 1)) * 232
MD5 Algorithm
Helper Functions
• 4 Auxiliary Functions
F(X, Y, Z) = (X and Y) or (not (X) and Z)
G(X,Y,Z) = (X and Z) or (Y and not(Z))
H(X,Y,Z) = X xor Y xor Z
I(X,Y,Z) = Y xor (X or not(Z))
MD5 Algorithm
Processing the blocks

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