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Course Outline: CRI 326- Technical English 2

Course Coordinator: Brenda P. Añonuevo

Student Consultation: By appointment
Mobile: 0930-8920005
Phone: (084)655-9591 Local 120
Effectivity Date: June 2020
Mode of Delivery: Distance Education
Time Frame: 54 Hours
Student Workload: Expected Self-Directed Learning
Requisites: None
Credit: 3
Attendance Requirements: A minimum of 100% attendance is required at all
scheduled sessions.

Course Outline Policy

Areas of Concern Details

Contact and Non-contact Hours This 3-unit course self-instructional manual is designed
for distance learning mode of instructional delivery.
The expected number of hours will be 54 including the
supplemented traditional contact and/or social media
platform (if necessary).

Assessment Task Submission Submission of assessment tasks shall be on 3rd, 5th, 7th
and 9th week of the term. The assessment paper shall
be attached with a cover page indicating the title of the
assessment task (if the task is performance), the
name of the course coordinator, date of submission and
name of the student. The document should be emailed
to the course coordinator. It is also expected that you
already paid your tuition and other fees before the
submission of the assessment task.

If the assessment task is done in real time through the

features in the Blackboard Learning Management
System, the schedule shall be arranged ahead of time
by the course coordinator.

Since this course is included in the licensure examination
for criminologists, you will be required to take the
Multiple- Choice Question exam inside the University.
This should be scheduled ahead of time by your course
coordinator. This is non-negotiable for all licensure-
based programs.
Turnitin Submission To ensure honesty and authenticity, all assessment
(if necessary) tasks are required to be submitted through Turnitin
with a maximum similarity index of 30% allowed. This
means that if your paper goes beyond 30%, the
students will either opt to redo her/his paper or explain
in writing addressed to the course coordinator the
reasons for the similarity. In addition, if the paper has
reached more than 30% similarity index, the student
may be called for a disciplinary action in accordance
with the University’s OPM on Intellectual and Academic

Please note that academic dishonesty such as cheating

and commissioning other students or people to
complete the task for you have severe punishments
(reprimand, warning, expulsion).
Penalties for Late The score for an assessment item submitted after the
Assignments/Assessments designated time on the due date, without an approved
extension of time, will be reduced by 5% of the possible
maximum score for that assessment item for each day
or part day that the assessment item is late.

However, if the late submission of assessment paper

has a valid reason, a letter of explanation should be
submitted and approved by the course coordinator. If
necessary, you will also be required to present/attach
Return of Assignments/ Assessment tasks will be returned to you two (2) weeks
Assessments after the submission. This will be returned by email or
via Blackboard portal.

For group assessment tasks, the course coordinator will

require some or few of the students for online or virtual
sessions to ask clarificatory questions to validate the
originality of the assessment task submitted and to
ensure that all the group members are involved.
Assignment Resubmission You should request in writing addressed to the course
coordinator his/her intention to resubmit an assessment
task. The resubmission is premised on the student’s
failure to comply with the similarity index and other
reasonable grounds such as academic literacy

standards or other reasonable circumstances e.g.
illness, accidents financial constraints.
Re-marking of Assessment You should request in writing addressed to the program
Papers and Appeal coordinator your intention to appeal or contest the score
given to an assessment task. The letter should explicitly
explain the reasons/points to contest the grade. The
program coordinator shall communicate with the
students on the approval and disapproval of the

If disapproved by the course coordinator, you can

elevate your case to the program head or the dean with
the original letter of request. The final decision will
come from the dean of the college.
Grading System All culled from BlackBoard sessions and traditional
Course discussions/exercises – 30%
1st formative assessment – 10%
2nd formative assessment – 10%
3rd formative assessment – 10%

All culled from on-campus/onsite sessions (TBA):

Final exam – 40%

Submission of the final grades shall follow the usual

University system and procedures.

Preferred Referencing Style Depends on the discipline; if uncertain or inadequate,

use the general practice of the APA 6th Edition.

Student Communication You are required to create a umindanao email account

which is a requirement to access the BlackBoard
portal. Then, the course coordinator shall enroll the
students to have access to the materials and resources
of the course. All communication formats: chat,
submission of assessment tasks, requests etc. shall be
through the portal and other university recognized

You can also meet the course coordinator in person

through the scheduled face to face sessions to raise
your issues and concerns.

For students who have not created their student email,

please contact the course coordinator or program head.

Contact Details of the Dean Gina Fe G. Israel, EdD
Email: E-mail Ad please
Phone: Number please
Contact Details of the Program Jun Mark A. Asis, MSCrim
Head Email:
Phone: Number please
Students with Special Needs Students with special needs shall communicate with the
course coordinator about the nature of his or her
special needs. Depending on the nature of the need,
the course coordinator with the approval of the program
coordinator may provide alternative assessment tasks
or extension of the deadline of submission of
assessment tasks. However, the alternative
assessment tasks should still be in the service of
achieving the desired course learning outcomes.
Online Tutorial Registration Information please

Help Desk Contact Information please

Library Contact Information please

Course Information – see/download course syllabus in the Black Board LMS

CC’s Voice: Hello there! Good day! Welcome to this course CRI 326: Technical English 2. As
a criminology student and a future law enforcer it is necessary to gain basic
knowledge about technical report writing especially in the field of investigation.

CO As a student of this course you are expected to understand and write the basic
concepts of technical report writing and integrate the concept of police report in
various real life situations.

Let us begin!

Big Picture

Week 1-2: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected to

a. Discuss the fundamentals of report writing.

b. Explain the nature of report writing.
c. Distinguish the importance and purposes of report writing and used the basic
requirements of police report writing (5W’s and 1 H) in writing reports.
d. Classify the different police reports.
e. Categorize the different police reports used in law enforcement
f. Identify the specific types of police reports.

Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. Discuss the fundamentals of report

writing, distinguish the importance and purposes of report writing,
classify different police reports and write reports using actual
formats and the basic requirements of police writing the (5 W’s and
1H) in writing reports.

The following are terms to be remembered as we go through in studying this unit.
Please refer to these definitions as supplement in case you will encounter difficulty in
understanding the basic concepts of technical report writing.

• Report is an objective statement of the findings of the investigator, an official record

of the information that is relevant to an investigation.
• Clarity refers to the clearness of thought, style, or expression of the writer. An
effective writer must use correct English, and must point directly to the written
communication to save readers from reading unnecessary words.
• Accuracy is the conformity to facts and representation of truth with precision and
exactness. In writing a report, all facts and information whether favorable or
unfavorable to the concerned subject should be included, and these facts are verified
by statement of witnesses, and by reference to official records or reliable sources. An
accurate report is a true reflection and representation of the facts to the best of the
writer’s knowledge. A accurate report is also a specific report.
• Completeness refers to having all the necessary normal part, components, and style
of writing in its entirety. In writing a complete report the elements of the crime should
established and the additional facts should prove those elements. Documentation of
the report should base from important statement and letters, findings of other
agencies, and laboratory reports. This should also answer the 5w’s and 1H questions.
• Brevity has something to do with the quality or state of being brief and concise, with
the quality or terseness, and lack or wordiness. Brevity is achieved by omitting
materials or information that is useless, irrelevant and redundant.
• Fairness in writing is having or exhibiting a disposition that is free of favoritism, bias,
impartiality, self-interest, or preference in judgment. A fair writer should always base
his report on facts, and if there are theories should be verified first and be consistent
with facts.
• Specificity is the quality of writing pertaining to being explicitly define and specific
rather than general. A good writer must be precise and specific in writing his or her
report, and should avoid ideas that mislead the readers.
• Perspective refers to the point of view from which the investigator presents the
findings of his report based from gathered evidences. For maintaining the objectivity
of the report, the third person point of view should be used; the writer should refer
himself or herself as the ‘investigator” or “the police officer”.
• Selection of information relates to the gathered data in connection with how the writer
presents these in his report. Selectivity is vital since this will affect the investigator’s
decision on the facts and information that he will include. He should discard irrelevant
details to arrive at a coherent report, and should only report information that are
composed of physical evidence, statement, and complete investigation. An effective
writer should be able to make a distinction between facts and opinions.
• Organization is the process of how a report is put together after the specific details
of facts have been gathered. Organization of the report should follow after the
investigator had conducted and gathered the evidences necessary in the
investigation. The chronological order of narrating events should be used in writing
the report. Basing from a specific and detailed outline, the report shall follow the rules
of writing the stylistics.

Essential Knowledge
The following are basic concept of technical report writing that may be useful for you
to understand this field of expertise. Below are the factors to consider in making a good

1. The Nature of Report Writing, a report is an objective statement of the findings

of the investigator; this is an official record of the information that is relevant to an
investigation. Therefore, a good report plays an important role in the success of
any investigations. But the fact remains that there are many reports that are
haphazardly written, and it results in jeopardizing the whole investigation process.
There is a great demand for every report writer to fully develop his writing skills so
that the best written outputs will be achieved.
1.a Reports are helpful and may influence the career of the investigator, or any
law enforcer. Recognition and promotion are mostly based on the quality of
reports. The personality of an effective report writer is also reflected in the kind of
reports he write. Well written reports show a favorable impression not only on the
competence of the writer but also on his credibility. In contrast, erroneous reports
can damage the writer’s career, as it may also destroy the image of the agency of
the organization he is connected with.

2. Points to consider in Writing Reports, well written reports do not happen

in a snap of a finger, but rather they are products of series of writing activities that
are perfected over constant practice. Good report writers are those who
painstakingly take the effort of writing and revising their work to achieve the best
output. They follow certain points of considerations and rules in writing reports
like: using the best language, avoiding the errors form, and avoiding errors of
2.a The best language in report writing is one that could be easily understood by
the target reader, because not all reader has the time to read twice and decipher
ambiguous reports. A report that contains the best language that includes the
following characteristics: concise, clear, organized, thorough, accurate, and
2.b Faulty report is awkward and ambiguous; and those with grammatical errors
are an additional headache to the reader, because it may present meaning aside
from what it intends to convey.
2.c Report writers are greatly expected to be well-versed in grammar and all its
governing rules to avoid errors in spelling, typological forms, file number, and
report format. The substance of the report is the most important aspect in writing;
this has something to do with the exact content of the report with the completeness
of the 5W’s and 1h.
2.d The accurate content of the report is seriously considered because it can
seriously affect the lives of people like a criminal being set free, or an innocent
person being convicted. In addition, the credibility of the writer will also be
tarnished, along with the reputation of the whole company or agency he is
representing. To avoid this error, the writer must not delay in investigating and
reporting, he must include essential facts, must cover obvious leads, and must
conduct adequate interviews.
3. Strategies in Writing Good report, writing is a process that requires strategies.
Good written outputs are the products of carefully crafted writing activity. A writer
can expect a favorable outcome in his report if the written activity has been
developed from a specific goal, and follows from a time-tested strategy. The
following are suggested strategies that a writer must adhere in writing a report:
a. Check and re-check first whether notes on gathered facts are already
complete and organized.
b. If notes on gathered facts are insufficient, go back into the process of
gathering more facts related to the situation.
c. Make an outline of the report basing from the completely gathered facts.
d. Use the chronological order of writing in presenting facts and ideas in the
written report.
e. The outline of the report should basically answer the complete 5 W’s and
f. Prepare a report that could either be simple, brief, complex, or in
memorandum form, depending on its required format.

4. Types of report writers, According to the Philippine National Police investigative

manual, these are three types of report writers:
a. The writers who write without thinking- are those who do not bother gather
facts and information to support the written report. They are those who
are not keen in observing and gathering facts to supplement the written
output. These are also writers who are not conscious of their grammar
error and do not intend to correct what is grammatically wrong. They are
lazy and careless in gathering specific information. As a whole, they are
concern whether their readers will understand the written report or not.
b. The writers who write and think at the same time- these are the writers
who gather information and facts and put them into writing. In addition,
they review and verify their works but they are in a hurry to write, therefore
the gathered informations are not properly documented. These kinds of
writers are also partially conscious of the grammatically of their written
output, and submit their reports with average accuracy.
c. The writers who think first and write afterwards- these writers are those
who gather specific data, facts, and evidences carefully before they write,
and they are very keen in observing and gathering information to back up
their report. They are also very conscious of their grammar and goes on
correcting themselves to improve their written output. Because they are
diligent in collecting facts, their reports are accurate, complete, fair,
concise and specific. These writers are concern about the conciseness
of their report with the purpose in mind that their reader will be able to
understand everything they have presented. Lastly, these are the writers
who present reports that are free from biases, prejudices, subjectivity,
and errors in any form, and thus, they submit reports with 100% accuracy.
5. Qualities of a Good report, a well written report is also a result of carefully
planned and designed writing. Good report writers undergo the process of writing,
editing, and revising their work. For a report to be considered as good, it needs to
possess certain qualities like clarity, accuracy, completeness, brevity, fairness
and specificity.
a. Clarity refers to the clearness of thought, style or expression of the writer.

Unclear: The pump boat capsized because it was overload.

Clear: The pump boat capsized because it was overloaded. Rescuers

confirmed that the pump boat can only hold five people. Witnesses said
that there were ten people when it capsized.

b. Accuracy refers to the conformity to facts and representation of truth with

precision and exactness.

Inaccurate: The child was hit by a speeding motorcycle.

Accurate : The child was hit by a blue Honda Wave motorcycle, which
is approximately travelling an estimated speed of 50 kph.

c. Completeness refers to having all necessary normal part, components

and style of writing entirety.

Incomplete: The missing boy was found.

Complete: The 5- year old boy from Lapu-lapu City who was missing
for seven days was found wandering in A.C. Cortes Avenue by a couple
from Mandaue City.

d. Brevity has something to do with the quality or state of being brief and

Wordy: The victim telephonically contacted the police station right
after the incident happened.

Concise: The victim called the police station after the incident.
e. Fairness refers to exhibiting a disposition that is free of favoritism, bias,
impartiality, self-interest , or preference in judgement.

Biased: If a fireman couldn’t fireproof his own home how can he save
another man’s house?

Unbiased: If a firefighter couldn’t fireproof his or her home, how can he or

she save other people’s house?

f. Specificity is the quality of writing pertaining to being explicitly definite and

specific rather than general.


Unspecific: She died of stab wounds.

Specific: She died of five stab wounds in her chest, and another five stab
wounds in her upper right rib cage.

6. The Basic Requirements of Police Report Writing, In police report writing the
WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, and HOW are the most import questions
that an investigator must take into consideration. These questions basically cover
the essentials of the whole process of police report writing.
WHO?- this question answers all about the persons involve in the investigation,
their complete and correct names, and their exact addresses and contact
WHAT? – this question answers about what offenses are committed, what kind of
evidence was retrieved, what properties are stolen or burglarized, and what are
the possible motives of the crime.
WHERE? – this question answers about the geographical location of the crime
scene, the property, or the evidence that are related to the incident.
WHEN? – this question answers about the exact time and date when the offense
was committed, the properties found, and the suspects apprehended.
WHY? – this question answers about the objects or desire which motivated the
offense or the crime. For crime against persons, the possible object of the attack
might be: revenge, ransom, sexual pleasure, or hatred. For crime against
property, the possible object of the attack might be: to obtain money to sustain
vices, or simply to acquire property.
HOW?- this question answers the general manner in which the crime was

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson

Bajano-Nano, M.C., & Pioquinto, P.V, (2014). Technical Report Writing 2 for Criminology
Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Book Trading, Inc.
Let’s Check

Let us try the following activities to check your understanding in this unit.

Activity 1. Fill in the blank with the correct answer. (One point each)
1. ____________________ are extremely helpful to the relationship of the police and
2. ____________________ is not impressive because it is misleading.
3. The _____________________ of the report is seriously considered because it can affect
the lives of the people and the organization.
4. _________________________ that are both favorable and unfavorable to the suspects
should be included in a report.
5. The report is a true reflection, and _________________ of the facts to the best of the
investigators knowledge.
6. _________________________ of a report refers to establishing facts from answering
the 5W’s and 1H.
7. Omitting materials or information that are useless and irrelevant refers to the
____________ of the report.
8. __________________ refers to the taking of facts as it is and making theories consistent
with facts.
9. The ____________________ can access to police documents and can use reports as
10. Reports serve as a reflection of the investigation or the writer’s _________________.

Activity 2. True or False. In the space provided, write T if the given statement is true and F if
false. (One point each).
1. A sworn statement is an objective statement of the findings of the investigators.
2. A report is an official record of all the information that is relevant to any
3. Reports are directly helpful and may influence the career of a prosecutor.
4. Recognition and promotion are mostly based on the quality of the investigator’s
5. Reports that are well written reflects favorable impression not only on the
competence of the investigator but also to his credibility as a writer.
6. The best language in report writing is characterized by its conciseness, clarity,
organization, thoroughness, accuracy, and adequacy.
7. One of the purposes of a report is to account and justify the exclusive activities of
the police organization only.
8. For the purpose of administrative control, a report is write.
9. In the persecution of mammals, reports are used as legal documents.
10. A report can be used as a basis for research.
Let’s Analyze
Let us try the following activities to know how deep your understanding about the
topics of this unit.

Activity 1. Rewrite the sentences below to make each item free from wordiness.

1. A physical confrontation happened between the police and the group of rallyists.


2. There was a verbal altercation before he hit the victim in the forehead.


3. As of the present time, there is no lead to the whereabouts of the perpetrators.


4. The death of the young woman is as of this time still a mystery.


5. The investigators queried about the constant companion of the suspect.


6. She visually perceived a dead body lying in the sidewalk.


7. She was in the possession of the prohibited drugs when the police apprehended her.


8. Prior to the murder, she heard a loud scream from the other room.


9. Subsequent to his testimony, the principal witness disappeared.


10. He was investigating on the subject of the unidentified body found in the sidewalk.
Activity 2. Underline the appropriate answer from the choices inside the parenthesis
to complete each statement below.

1. A report is an (objective, subjective, conjunctive) statement, which is considered as

official record that is (relevant, redundant, recalcitrant) to an investigation.
2. Well-written reports are products of writing activities that are (constructed, perfected,
abbreviated) over constant practice.
3. Report writers are greatly expected to be (well-groomed, well informed, well-versed) in
grammar and all its governing (sanctions, information, rules).
4. Just like any other (activity, action, presentation) writing is a process that requires
(stamina, structure, strategy).
5. There are writers who write without (considering, reconstructing, thinking).
6. One of the basic (works, affair, addiction) of an investigator is writing (novels, reports,
short stories).
7. (Reports, Lists, Précis) serve as records for planning, directing, and organizing unit’s
duties for police (visibility, service, administrators).
8. A (mediocre, good, average) report writer undergoes the process of writing, and (editing,
copying, exemplifying) their written materials.
9. An accurate report is a true reflection and (classification, representation, acquisition) of
the facts to the best of the writer’s (conscience, knowledge, ability).
10. Brevity is achieved by (omitting, constructing, evaluating) information point of view from
which the investigator presents the findings of his report.

Activity 3. Explain each item extensively:

1. How does the following concept affect the quality of a report?

a. Using the best language


b. Avoidance of errors of form


c. Avoidance of errors of substance


In a Nutshell
In this part you are going to jot down what you have learned in this unit. The said
statement of yours could be in a form of concluding statements, arguments, or perspective
you have drawn from this lesson. The first two items is done for you.

1. Technical Report writing is essential in police work because it serves as the basis for
the movement of Criminal Justice System
2. In writing a report, the writer or the investigator must gather an accurate details
including the informations that answers the 5W’s and 1H questions.

Now it’s your turn!








10. _______________________________________________________________________
Big Picture in Focus: ULOb. Classify different police reports,
categorize the different police reports used in law enforcement;
distinguish the two general types of police reports and identify the
specific types of police reports.

Please proceed immediately to the “Essential Knowledge” part since the first lesson is also
definition of essential terms.

Essential Knowledge
The following are the terms define for you to easily differentiate different types of
report according to its categories, general types and specific types of report.

1. Classes of Reports
a. Technical Reports- these are written reports dealing with technical and specialized
b. Problem Determining Reports- these are written reports identifying the existence
and causes of certain problems. Examples of these are case reports on Causes of
Juvenile Delinquency, Causes of Drug Addiction, and causes of Human Trafficking.
c. Problem Solution Reports- These are written reports identifying the processes and
solution of certain problems. Examples of these are case studies on preventive
measures against juvenile Delinquency, Drug Addiction and Human Trafficking.
d. Fact-Finding Reports- These are written reports on the methods of logical gathering
and presentation of data. Examples of these reports about facts and figures of terrorism,
Drug trafficking, Human Trafficking, etc.
e. Performance Reports- these are written reports referring to information on the status
of the activity or operation within a unit or organization.

2. Categories of Reports, Foronda (2009) enumerated that reports are categorized

according to whether they are Operational, Internal Business or Summary Reports.
a. Operational Reports- these are written reports about police incidents, investigations,
arrests, identification of persons, and other miscellaneous reports for routine
operations of police organization.
b. Internal Business Reports- these are written reports on financial, personnel,
purchase, equipment, property maintenance, and general correspondence which are
important in the agency or organization’s management.
c. Summary Reports- these are reports that are furnished for the necessity of the
solution of crime accident, and other police administrative-related problems,
3. Two General Types of Reports, there are two general types of police reports as stated
by Guevarra, (2008), these are the Basic of Informal reports, and the Investigative
or Formal Reports. These two types are elaborated below:
a. Basic or Informal Report- these are reports that are mostly related with ordinary,
miscellaneous incidents, usually in letter or memorandum form. These are
accomplished by any member of a unit, section, bureau, or division within a
department in accordance with prescribed regulation. Basically, these reports
contain the generic format like the heading, the person or office to whom it is
addressed or submitted, the text or the body, and the name of the writer or the source
of the report.
b. Investigative or Formal Reports- these are reports that cover all the exact and
exhaustive narration of facts. These reports are classified as Initial or Advance,
progress or Follow-up, and Final or Closing Reports.
4. Specific Types of Police Report
a. Spot Report- this is a verbal or written report done within twenty-four hours after an
important incident. This report is written to inform an immediate chief or those in
higher position of particular occurrences in his command responsibility. This report
should be acted upon within 24 hours. In some cases, a spot report may be in the
form of radiographic message if the reporting unit is far from the receiving office. The
following are indicated in a radiographic message: Originating office, Addressee,
Cite numbers, precedence actions, Precedence info, Date-time group, Text written
in capital letters.
b. Special report- this is written by a police unit or office based from a directive or
instruction from higher police officers. This type of report follows the memorandum
format of correspondence. The commander or chief signs this report, or an
authorized person signs if the commander is not around. This report should contain
the ‘rationale’ and the ‘action’. The rationale is the specifications and details related
to the problem, and the action is the expected action or response the receiver or
reader will do after reading the report.
c. Beat Inspection Report/ After Patrol Reports- This is one of the widely practiced
written forms of communication in a station. This is a routine report because the duty
beat supervisor submits this report daily; those assigned on beat inspection do their
routine check on foot, while those on patrol sectors use patrol cars. The Beat
Inspection and After Patrol reports use the memorandum format.
d. Wanted Person Report – Using the notice on wanted person, this report is about
those persons who are by the police. Information of wanted persons are flashed on
local and national television, as well as posted in conspicuous areas as notice to the
public. This report is done in four (4) copies to be submitted to the following: to the
PNP Provincial Director, or to the PNP Chief in Camp Crame if the province is not
under the provincial commander, to the Department concerned which will have the
original copy, and the Rogues’ gallery will have the fourth copy.
e. Arrest Report – this is a report that documents all the events in arresting a suspect
including personal information, jail bookings, information about control and release
of prisoners, and court proceedings. This report is based on information received,
ensuring probable cause for warrant/ warrantless arrest.
f. Crime Report – these are reports written after the conclusion from preliminary
investigation that a crime truly happened. This report also include important factors
like corpus delicti (elements of the crime), suspect descriptions, properties taken,
evidences collected, property damages, victims’ injuries, and suspects’ modus
g. Situation Report –Also known as SITREP, this is similar to patrol report which is
submitted every eight hours but on a need-only basis.
The Importance of SITREP
-Completing the SITREP covers all key aspects of community survival.
- A structured message is easier to carry as a document or to send over
radio or the telephone.
-The SITREP can be copied to organizations with different
responsibilities, to initiate action and ensure that action is coordinated.
SITREPs from various parts of an affected area can be used to detect
variations in general need and so assist in allocating resources most
SITREPS form a record for the future of the actual situation and the
results of action to deal with.
h. Miscellaneous Incident Report also known as MI Report – this is used to
document any incident, situation, or circumstances that are nor crimes, or may not
be designated by a particular title. The purpose of this report is simply to maintain
the integrity of the department’s reporting system.
i. Traffic Accident Report- this report is written by the officer who investigates the
accident. This type of report documents all the facts and information about any
vehicular accident whether it is fatal or non-fatal. This also examines the nature of
the damage of any property, the location of the accident and its causes. Included in
this type of report are statements of witnesses, diagrams, and photographs.
j. Investigation Report- written to investigate a particular case or crime. This is an
internal form of communication that requires the addressee, the officer-on-case, and
the chief of investigation section. The addressee of investigation report is the chief
or head of a police unit, the officer-on-case will write and sign the report, and it will
be noted by the chief investigation section. An investigation report is important in
court proceedings, the prosecutor’s office can use this minor offenses and for
determining whether the accused is guilty or innocent.
5. Classification of investigation Report- there are three (3) classifications of
investigation report namely: the Initial or Advance report, the Progress or Follow-up
report, and the Final report.
a. Initial or Advance Report- this is an advance information on a new or fresh case
an investigator; the data in this report is not yet complete, but it is written and
immediately submitted after the preliminary investigation of the case.
b. Progress report- this is a written narration of facts developed by the investigator
in the course of the follow-up investigation. This is a report on subsequent details
which are very vital to the case but have not been incorporated in the initial report.
This report shall be submitted within three days after the initial report has been
submitted, and consequently a monthly report thereafter .
c. Final report- a complete written narration of facts based from a thorough
investigation of the case. This is a result of evaluation, summation, and analysis
of all facts and circumstances of the case, and the complete accumulate and
collection of data.
6. Parts of an Investigation report- an investigation has the following parts: Authority,
Matters Investigated, Facts of the Case, Discussion, Conclusion and
Recommendations. Each of this part is elaborated as follows:
a. Authority- this part where the investigator cites the authority for making the
report, and he states briefly the date, the place, and the person by whom the
investigation is made.
b. Matters investigated- this part where the investigator writes the purpose of
his report by generally stating what the investigation is all about. Included in
this part are the complaints, and the allegations of committed crimes.
c. Facts of the case- this part is the coherent presentation of all the important
facts supported by evidences involving the whole investigation.
d. Discussion- this is the part indicating all the factual information related to the
investigation. The investigator discusses all the circumstances to give the
reader a clear picture of the whole investigation in order to establish the
conclusion and recommendation of the report.
e. Conclusion- this is the part indicating the summary of the result of the whole
investigation process. The summary should be supported by facts basing
from the order of statement of allegations.
f. Recommendation- this is the last part which is consistent with the conclusion.
This is where the investigator writes his judgment and the practical
suggestions for appropriate actions to be taken, for proper disposition of the
case, for remedy of unsatisfactory situation, and for a recommendation that
a case be closed.
7. Steps in Writing an Investigative Report- in order for an investigator to write a
good and complete report, he needs to follow certain steps, and these steps are
discussed below:
a. Initial Preparation- this is the first step of writing the investigation report where
the investigator determines his purposes and objectives in writing the report.
He the gathers the facts and circumstances related to the case.
b. Final Organization of the collected data- using chronological order, all the
gathered facts, and evidences, related to the case should be sequentially
c. Preparation of the first draft- just like the second step, the first draft should
also follow the chronological order or presentation. The draft should be based
from the outline and should be presented in a clear manner with the use of
appropriate transitions to maintain the coherent flow of ideas.
d. Rewriting and polishing the report- this is the step where the investigator will
recheck, edit, and review the rough draft to check the errors, and goes on
rewriting to improve the whole report.
e. Finalize the report- this is the last step where the investigator prepares the
final report based from the rewritten and corrected draft.

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson

Bajano-Nano, M.C., & Pioquinto, P.V, (2014). Technical Report Writing 2 for Criminology
Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Book Trading, Inc.

Let’s Check
Activity 1. Fill in the Blanks. In the space provided below, write your answer on the given

__________________ 1. Reports that are furnished for the necessity of the solution of
crime accident, and other police administrative-related problems.
__________________ 2. Reports referring to information on the status of an activity or
operation within a unit or organization.
__________________ 3. Refers to the reports about police incidents, investigations, arrest,
identification of persons, and other miscellaneous reports for routine operations of police
__________________ 4. Written reports on the methods of logical gathering and
presentation of data.
__________________ 5. Reports that are mostly related with ordinary, miscellaneous
incidents, usually in letter or memorandum form.
__________________ 6. Written reports on financial, personnel, purchase, equipment,
property maintenance, and general correspondence which are important in the agency or
organization’s management.
__________________ 7. Refers to the written reports dealing with technical and specialized
__________________ 8. Written reports identifying the processes and solutions of certain
__________________ 9. Written reports identifying the existence and causes of certain
__________________ 10. Reports that cover all the exact and exhaustive narration of acts.

Activity 2. Multiple Choice: Select the letter of the best answer.

1. When incident happened, this report must be made within twenty-four hours.
a. Crime report
b. Situation report
c. Spot report
d. Wanted Person report
2. Police officer Tonio arrested a suspect, what should he made to document all the
events in arresting a suspect?
a. Situation report
b. Wanted person report
c. Spot report
d. Arrest report
3. Traffic Officer Serenio responded to a non-fatal vehicular accident. What report
shall he made?
a. Arrest report
b. Traffic Accident report
c. Situation report
d. Accident report
4. PCPL Dela Cruz is an investigator who is investigating a particular case, he shall
write an _________________ that will provide permanent official record of the
pertinent information procured during the course of investigation.
a. Investigation report
b. Arrest report
c. Wanted person report
d. Crime report
5. Kean is a wanted person, in order for the public to know that he is wanted, what
report shall be made by the police?
a. Beat inspection report
b. Situation report
c. Special Report
d. Wanted Person report

In a Nutshell
In this part you are going to jot down what you have learned in this unit. The said
statement of yours could be in a form of concluding statements, arguments, or perspective
you have drawn from this lesson. The first two items is done for you.

1. In Technical Report writing, there are many reports involved therein.

2. Each report has its own purpose that an investigator should familiarize so that he
know what report shall he made.

Now it’s your turn!







10. ___________________________________________________________________

Week 3-4: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected to

a. Examine actual and authentic samples of police reports;

b. Utilize actual report samples and formats for writing exercises;
c. Write reports using actual formats of different police reports.
d. Discuss the meaning and description of a police blotter;
e. Follow the points and procedures, and additional guidelines in writing
blotter entries.
f. Distinguish the procedures in recording and in filling out the Incident
Record Form.

Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. Examine actual and authentic

samples of police reports, Utilize actual report samples and
formats for writing exercises and Write reports using actual
formats of different police reports.
The lesson is a continuation of week 1-2 ULOb, please just refer to the “Essential
Knowledge” of ULOb.

Essential Knowledge

The following are the sample format of the different reports discussed in the
previous lesson.

1. Sample Format of Spot Report in Memorandum Form:

Republic of the Philippines

National Police Commission
Philippine National Police


TO :



1. (Indicate briefly the time, date, and place of occurrence)

2. (Brief facts of the case)

3. (Other facts)

4. Requested/ recommended action from Hqs.

5. Progress Report will follow

Actual Sample of Spot Report in Memorandum Form

Republic of the Philippines

National Police Commission
Philippine National Police
Juan Luna Extn., Mabolo, Cebu City
Tel No.: 231-5411; Email: ro7 cebucpo



Cebu City Police Office
Camp Sotero Cabahug,
Gorrodo Avenue, Cebu City
(Attn: Opns Branch)

SUBJECT : SPOT REPORT re Arrested Suspect for Theft (Snatching) Alarm

DATE : October 19, 2012

1. Please be informed that OOA 04:50 PM of October 19, 2012 at Carmelite Monastery, J.
Luna., Mabolo Cebu City one _______________ 25 years old, single, a resident of
Bonifacio, Barangay Pari-an Cebu City was arrested at the said place, time and date
after the victim was riding a passenger jeepney, suddenly the minor snatched his above
mentioned item/article and handed it to his companion as the second suspect. But one
PO1 Tubalde, Russeline R. a. FTP of LLCPO, witnessed and saw the incident. The said
FTP responded and apprehended the suspect. The item was recovered at the suspect’s
possession. Thus caused of his arrest.

2. Victim was represented by ____________________ 20 years old, single, a resident of

Bonifacio, Brgy. Baliang, Danao City, with contact no. __________________.

3. Recovered from the suspect possession one (1) unisilver necklace 925- worth P750.00.

4. Progress report will follow.

5. For information and request acknowledge receipt.


Police Chief Inspector
2. Sample Format of Special Report in Memorandum Format

Republic of the Philippines

Doña Modesta Singson Gaisano St., Lahug, Cebu City







1. Reference

2. (State significant incident, place of occurrence, specific month, day, year, name and
other personal circumstance of the suspect)

3. (State how the incident occurred, why the incident happened, and result of
consequence of the incident.)

4. (Other information relevant to the incident which may answer another set of 5w’s and

5. (Police action conducted-search, follow-up, pursuit operations, filing of charges, further


6. Other developments regarding the incidents shall be submitted as soon as obtained.

Sample Format of Special Report in Civilian Letter Format

Republic of the Philippines

Doña Modesta Singson Gaisano St., Lahug, Cebu City


November 16, 2006

Cebu Province


This pertains to the (what-significant incident) __________________ that transpired at

(where-place of occurrence) perpetrated by (who –name and other personal
circumstances of the suspect) on (when- month, date and year) at (specific time) in
the (morning, afternoon, evening).

Report revealed that (how the incident occurred and why the incident happened)
resulted in (result or consequence of the incident).

Further investigation disclosed that (other information relevant to the incident, which
may answer another set of 5Ws and 1H, if necessary).

Elements of (unit taking action) are/ have (police action conducted-search/follow-up/

pursuit operations, filing of charges, further investigation, etc.) that resulted in the
(result of police action-seizure, arrest, surrender, confiscation, recovery, issuance of
arrest warrant, etc.)

Other developments regarding the incidents shall be submitted as soon as obtained.

Respectfully yours,


Police Senior Superintendent
Provincial Director
3. Sample of Beat Inspection Report

Republic of the Philippines

Police Station 4
Brgy. Casuntingan, Mandaue City (032) 344-7752


FOR : City Director

Mandaue City Police Office
Mandaue City
(Attn: C, Opns Br and C, CIB)

FROM : Chief, Police Station 4, MCPO

SUBJECT : Beat Inspection Report

DATE : 29 July 2012

1. That on or about 800H 23 July 2012, some personnel of this station composed
of PI JIMMY ETULLE FORTES, SPO4 Marissa Basiga, PO2 Jim Patoc and PO1
Richard Cabillo conducted a patrol under the Maguikay Fly-over.

2. During the said patrol, two (2) motorcycles were apprehended fro violation of RA
4136 however, all were released after having been issued a Temporary
Operators Permit.

3. The said patrol ended at about 1000H of same date with no untoward incident

4. For info.


Police Inspector
Sample format of After Operation Report

Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government




SUBJECT : After Operation Report


I Authority

II Mision

III Period Covered

IV Area of Operations

VI Chronological Events
a. Background
b. Intelligence Build-up
c. Narrative account of operational activities

VII Comments

VIII Assessment.
4. Sample from of Booking Sheet and Arrest Report

Republic of the Philippines

F. Ramos Supermarket Building, Cebu City



Name ___________________________________________ Date: _____________

(Last) (First) (Middle)
Address: ______________________________________ Time Booked:_________
Place of Birth: __________________________________ Date of Birth: _________
Sex: ______________ Marital Status: ________ Occupation: _________________
Weight: ________Height: ________ Age: _______ Education: ________________
Scars and Marks: ____________________________________________________
Other Identifying Characteristics: ________________________________________
Name and Address of Father: __________________________________________
Name and Address of Mother: __________________________________________
Name and Address of Nearest Relative: __________________________________
Offense Charged: ___________________________________________________
Arrested by: ________________________________ Unit: ___________________
Where Arrested: _________________________ Date/ Time Arrested: __________
Booked by: ________________________________ Br/Sec: __________________
Facts known to Arresting officers:________________________________________

Signature of Person Arrested :________________________________

Arresting Officer: __________________________________________

Right Thumb) (Index) (Middle) (Ring) (Little)

Left (Thumb) (Index) (Middle) (Ring) (Little)

Signature of person Fingerprinted:_________________

5. Sample Format of Crime Report

Republic of the Philippines

(The Command)
(Group, District or Unit)

Case Report no. ________________ Date: ____________


NATURE OF CASE :______________________________________________

COMPLAINANT/VICTIM : ______________________________________________

DATE/TIME/ PLACE : _______________________________________________

OF OCCURRENCE :________________________________________________
SUSPECTS : _______________________________________________
: _______________________________________________

EVIDENCES : _______________________________________________
WITNESSES : _______________________________________________



6. Sample Format of Situation Report

(Name of Medical Center)

Situation Report (SITREP)

(Numbered Sequentially) Report No. _________

Date of Report __________________

(Event- Brief Descriptions. e.g., Facility Fire)

I. Background and Current Situation: (Give brief background of the event and situation
update from the last SITREP)

Example: “On November 12, 2001, a structural fire resulted in

damage to the nursing home facility (building 4301) causing the evacuation and relocation
of 52 patients. Patients were evacuated without incident and are temporarily being
provided care and housed in the main building. Most of the damage was resulted from
smoke and water. Investigation completed yesterday has determined that the cause of the
fire was careless use and disposal of smoking materials by a painting contractor working
in the nursing home facility.

II. Operations Status/Update: (Provide overall status by color code: Green, Yellow, red or
Black; followed by narrative providing specifics relating to the response to the event; and if
applicable, information relating to efforts to attain full operational status with an estimated

Example: Facility Status: “Red”

1. Nursing home admission curtailed pending clean up and repair of building

4301. Estimated completion date is November 19, 2001. In the interim new
admission are being referred to our contract facility.
2. VA police have cited contractor employee for smoking in a restricted area.
Regional General Counsel’s Office reviewing whether further actions are
warranted against the individual and or contractor.
3. Estimated damages are $155,000.

III. Point(s) of Contact: (List name, phone, cell phone, fax and pager numbers of individual wo
should be contacted if additional information is desired.

__________________________________________________ _____________________________
(Signature of Medical Center Director or Designee) Date

7. Sample Incident Report Form


To be completed by activity organizers/ walk leaders as soon as practical after the incident. This
report should be kept by the club secretary as a formal club record. In the event of any serious
injury (an injury requiring medical treatment) copies of the incident report must be forwarded to the
Insurance Convener for the State of the member.

Report prepared by: Date prepared:

Contact details: Club name and address:

Date of Incident: Time of Incident:

Type of Event: Day walk, canoe trip, bike ride etc


Type of Incident: injury, missing person, damage to property, theft, fire, etc.

Incident Details:

Actions Taken:

External Involvement: Were authorities or other agencies notified at the time? If so who, by whom,
and how? Did they take a role in managing the incident? If appropriate have the Insurers been notified?

Final Outcome: What was the final outcome of the incident? When was it resolved?

Future Prevention: Can this incident be prevented a future Club activities? If so, how?

Supplementary Information: This section can include a list of attachments, such as a map, witness
statements etc.

Privacy Note
The inclusion of the names of individuals and their contact details in this report must be done in
accordance with relevant privacy laws.
8. Sample Format of Traffic Accident investigation Report

PC/INP Form ____________________________ File NR ………..




(Near/Km Post Nr) (Near intersection/Landmark)

(Hwy/St./Rd) (Dist/Bo) (Mun/City) (Prov)


(Day of week) (Date) (Time)

Vehicle vs. 1. Another vehicle 5. Bicycle 9. Animal-drawn vehicle
2. Pedestrian 6. Scooter 10. Fixed Object
3. Animal 7. Railroad train 11. Non-collision
4. Motorcycle

TYPE OF ACCIDENT: 1. Fatal 2. Non-Fatal 3. Property damage

1. Head-on 4. Sideswipe-same direction Width of road…m/ft…….
2. Rear-end 5. Sideswipe-opposite direction Width of shoulder m/ft…..
3. Angle 6. Others (specify) Number of lanes…………

V. VEHICLE Number of vehicles involved

(Use supplemental TAIR if more than two vehicles)

Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2
Type …………………………………………. ……………………………………………………..
Make and Model …………………………… ……………………………………………………..
Plt. Nr. Decal Nr. ………………………….. …………………………………………………….
Classification & Place of Issue ………….. …………………………………………………….
Driven by ………………………………….. …………………………………………………….
Address …………………………………… ……………………………………………………..
Occupation ……………………………….. ……………………………………………………..
Driver’s Lic. Nr…………………………….. ……………………………………………………..
Nationality ………………………………… …………………………………………………….
Age ………………………………………… …………………………………………………….
Sex and Status …………………………… …………………………………………………….
Driver experience ………………………… ……………………………………………………
Vehicle Owner ……………………………. ……………………………………………………
Address……………………………………. ……………………………………………………
Reg. Cert. Nr. & File Nr………………….. ……………………………………………………
Estimate Damage ……………………….. ……………………………………………………
1 2 (Check Appropriately) 1 2
1. Going straight 10. Backing
2. Turning right 11. Evading Vehicle
3. Turning left 12. Evading pedestrian
4. Making U-turn 13. Evading animal
5. Slowing 14. Evading object
6. Abrupt Stopping 15. Overtaking
7. Stopped 16. Parked
8. Entering parked position 17. Others (specify)
9. Leaving parked position


1. Crossing between intersection 11. Along roadway outside sidewalk
2. Crossing at intersection 12. Along roadway without sidewalk
3. Crossing upon signal 13. Standing in safety zone/island
4. Crossing against signal 14. Getting on vehicle
5. No signal 15. Getting off vehicle
6. Crossing at pedestrian lane 16. Evading other vehicle
7. Crossing without pedestrian lane 17. Pushing cart/wagon
8. Coming from behind moving vehicle 18. Pulling cart/wagon
9. Coming from parked vehicle 19. Vending on road
10. Along roadway on sidewalk 20. Others (specify)


1 2 1 2
1. No defects noted 9. Tail lights out
2. Brakes defective 10. Brake lights defective
3. Headlights glaring 11. Signal lights defective
4. Both headlights insufficient 12. Steering mechanism defective
5. Both headlights out 13. Windshield wipes defective
6. One headlight insufficient 14. Defective tires
7. One headlight out 15. Others (specify)
8. Tail light/s insufficient


1 2 1 2
1. Disregarding traffic signs and signal 9. Wrong side of road
2. Weaving in-and-out of traffic 10. No right of way
3. Exceeding lawful speed 11. Dangerously loaded
4. Unsafe passing between intersections 12. Under the influence of intoxicants
5. Unsafe passing in hill/curve 13. No valid driver’s license
6. Operating defective vehicle 14. No driver’s license
7. Failure to signal 15. Others (specify)
8. Hit-and-run


1. Absolutely normal 5. Had been drinking liquor
2. Physical defects (eyesight..) 6. Was absolutely drunk
3. Sick or ill 7. Others (specify)
4. Apparently sleepy
1 2 1 2
1. Trees, plants, crops, etc. 6. Moving vehicle
2. Building, house, fence, etc. 7. Its own cargo
3. Hillcrest, embankment 8. Rain
4. Signboards 9. Falling objects
5. Parked vehicles 10. Others (Specify)……...


1. Straight road 1. Concrete
2. Curve 2. Asphalt
3. Level road 3. Gravel
4. Dip 4. Sand
5. Hillcrest 5. Earth
6. Upgrade 6. Coral
7. Downgrade


1. No defects noted 1. Dry

2. Lanes marked 2. Wet
3. Defective shoulder 3. Muddy
4. Loose material 4. Dusty
5. Holes, deep ruts 5. Under construction
6. Lines separated 6. Others (Specify)


1. Fair 1. Sunny
2. Cloudy 2. Dim (cloudy)
3. Foggy 3. Dark-moonlight
4. Stormy 4. Dark-artificial light good
5. Rainy 5. Dark-artificial light poor
6. Smoky 6. Darkness
7. Windy


1 2 1 2
1. Front end 7. Front left side
2. Right front 8. Center left side
3. Left front 9. Rear left side
4. Front right side 10. Rear end
5. Center right side 11. Right rear
6. Rear right side 12. Left rear
(Use separate sheet if necessary and indicate File Number)

1. Number each vehicle and show the 3. Show pedestrian or animals by

Direction of travel by arrow.
________________________ _______________________

2. Use solid line to show direction before Show North by Arrow.

______________________________ __________________________

Dotted lines after impact ……………….. 4. Draw out roadway in solid lines

Conforme: Driver vehicle 1 ………………… Vehicle 2 ………………………..


Legend: K-Killed; SI- Serious Injury, SPI-Slight Physical Injury; D-Driver; Pd-Pedestrain; Ps-


1. ……………… …………….. ……………………….. ……. …….. ……………………….

2. ……………… …………….. ……………………….. ……. …….. ……………………….
3. ……………… …………….. ……………………….. ……. …….. ……………………….


1. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
2. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

XX. ACTION TAKEN: …………………………………………………………………………………………

XXI. RECOMMENDATION: …………………………………………………………………………………..

XXII. STATUS OF CASE ……………………………………………………………………………………..

XXIII. REPORTED BY: ……………………………………………………………………………………….


Vehicle 1 Vehicle 2
Insurance Company and Policy Nr. And Sticker nr. ………………………………………………………….
Certificate of Cover nr. …………………………………………………………………………………
Date Issued/ Period Covered …………………………………………………………………………

XXV. ENCLOSURES …………………………………………………………………………………………….

XXVI. INVESTIGATED OR PREPARED BY: …………………………………………………………………

(Office) (Print name and sign)

Republic of the Philippines


Related to : ___________________________ I.S. No. ____________________

I.S. No. ___________________________ Prosecutor ____________________
Prosecutor ___________________________ Date Filed ____________________



1. _______________________________ 1. _____________________________
Address: _______________________ Address: _______________________
2. _______________________________ 2. _____________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
3. _______________________________ 3. _____________________________
_______________________________ _______________________________
CHARGE: 4. _____________________________
PLACE OF COMMISSION 5. ______________________________
Date:______________________ Time_______ (Use back hereof for add, accused)
Name __________________________ Address _________________________
_______________________________ ________________________________
_______________________________ ________________________________

NOTE: 1. Has similar complaint been filed before any other office? (YES OR NO)
2. Is this complaint in the manner of a counter-affidavit? _____(YES or NO)
3. Are all the above information true and correct ___________ (YES OR NO)


Investigation on _______________________ Postpone to __________________

On relation of _________________________

(Signature of complainant or counsel)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of the Interior and Local Government




SUBJECT : Investigation Report on ________________


1. Memo from that Office dated _________________ re-investigation report on the
above subject.
2. Inherent

3. To determine the surrounding circumstances of the killing of the said police officer.
4. To possibly identify the suspects that will led to their apprehension and possible


5. (D/T/P Occurrence and events)

6. Etc.



Chief of Police

Republic of the Philippines

(The Command Group, District or Unit)






1. Reference: (previous related Memo)

2. (Indicate briefly the date/ time and place of occurrence)

3. (Brief facts of the case)

4. (other facts)

5. Requested/ recommended actions from Hqs.

6. Disposition/ Action Taken

7. Final Report will follow.


Republic of the Philippines

(The Command, Group, District or Unit)






1. Reference: (previous related Memo)

2. (Indicate briefly the date/time and place of occurrence

3. Background? Brief facts of the case

4. Sequence of Action

5. Summary of Action

6. Recommendation/ Conclusion

7. Dispositions/ Findings

8. For your information

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson

Bajano-Nano, M.C., & Pioquinto, P.V, (2014). Technical Report Writing 2 for Criminology
Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Book Trading, Inc.

Let’s Check
Activity 1. Think of a scenario and make a spot report out of it.
Activity 2. Applying the concepts of Investigative report writing, write the following:

a. Initial Report
b. Progress Report
c. Final Report

Base the contents of your report from the news story below, for information that are not found
in the news you may supply your own fictional data to complete the report.

BACOLOD CITY- A case of homicide will be filled today against Peter Gallaza, 32, a security
guard who killed his brother-in-law Police Officer 1 Federito Armateo Jr., member of PNP Special
Action Force assigned in Iligan City.

Senior Insp. Eduardo Corpus, Police Chief of San Enrique said they are wait for the result of
the paraffin expected to be out today, before filing of the case.
Police investigation showed that Armateo, armed with two .45 caliber pistols, shouting bad
words against their family and forced his way into the house of Gallaza, by destroying the door at
about 2:30 am Saturday.
Gallaza tried to pacify Armateo, who is under the influence of liquor but he failed until he shot
the victim in his left chest using his .357 revolver.
“Armateo reportedly threatened Gallaza and his family that they will be killed, and he would
“drink their blood’, Corpuz said.
The victim was immediately brought to Don Salvador Benedicto Memorial Hospital in Carlota
City but pronounced dead on arrival by the attending physician.
Recovered from the crime scene were two .45 caliber pistols with live ammunition and a gun
recoil spring while unfortunately the unlicensed .357 revolver was not found after the suspect thrown
it to the rice fields.
Police said Armateo was having personal problem with his wife who is having custody of their
children. Armateo went in Brgy, Sibucao, San Enrique to attend the court hearing in Valladolid
regarding the charges of alarm and scandal filed against him recently.

In a Nutshell
In this part you are going to jot down what you have learned in this unit. The said
statement of yours could be in a form of concluding statements, arguments, or perspective
you have drawn from this lesson. The first two items is done for you.

1. Report writing is vital in every agency or organization.

2. The writer must follow and utilize the proper format in writing a report.

Now it’s your turn!







10. ___________________________________________________________________

Big Picture in Focus: ULOb. Discuss the meaning and

description of a police blotter, follow the points and procedures, and
additional guidelines in writing blotter entries and distinguish the
procedures in recording and in filling out the Incident Record Form.

• Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)- the standard procedures for all police stations
and all offices of the National Operational Support Units.
• Police Blotter- a logbook that contains the daily registry of all crime incident reports, official
summaries of arrests, and other significant events reported in a police station. (PNP Manual
revised 2010)
- Defined as a daily record of events within the territories of a police
unit, it contains daily material concerning events for legal and statistical purposes.
(PNP Circular No.5)
Essential Knowledge
The following are the procedures in making blotter and procedures for recording
incident report in Police blotter.

1. Procedures for Making Blotter Entries

a. All entries in the police blotter shall be handwritten in a clear, concise and simple
manner but must answer as far as practicable, the 5W’s and 1H. Clarity should
not be sacrificed for brevity.
b. Only facts, not opinions, are entered in the blotter.
c. No erasures shall be made on entries. Corrections are made by drawing a
horizontal line over such words or phrases and the actual entry initiated by the
police officer making the correction.
d. A ball pen with blue, black or blue-black ink is used for making the entries.
e. Misinterpretation of the blotter or any attempt to suppress any information is
punishable criminally and administratively.
f. All entries must be legibly written in longhand and consecutively numbered.
g. Every page of the blotter shall be consecutively or chronologically filled in. no line
or space shall be left blank between any two entries.
h. Any development of case reflected in the blotter should be a new entry at the
time and day it was reported. A reference to the previous entry number of the
case, however, should be made.
i. During every shift, the Duty Sergeant, under the supervision of the Duty Officer
or Complaint Desk Officer, shall make the actual entries on the blotter and at the
end of their tour duty, both the Duty Sergeant and Duty Complaint Desk Officer
shall sign the blotter.
2. Units Required and Supply Accountability of Police Blotter
a. A Police blotter should be maintained by a police station.
b. All PNP operating Units or Divisions in the Metropolitan police District, together
with the stations and substations, should maintain a separate blotter.
c. The general Headquarters, Philippine National Police should supply police
blotters to each PNP command reflecting the same as accountable items on their
property books.
d. It is the responsibility of the PNP unit commander to properly maintain, use, safe,
keep and account the police blotter.
e. Police forces shall continue to use the present blotter, provided the forms and
rules should be followed.



3. Incident Reporting and Filling out of Incident record Form (IRF)

a. An entry of record in the Police Blotter shall not be done directly to the Police Blotter
book. The facts and information of a blotter entry shall at first be recorded in the Incident
Record Form, or IRF. Once it is assigned and acknowledge by the Desk Officer and the
Chief of Police, or his representative, the data that were provided by the complainant or
client in the IRF shall entered and recorded in the Police Blotter Book.
b. As soon as a client or complainant enters the police station, and is ascertained that his
purpose is to file a complaint or to request a data in the Police Blotter, the Duty officer
of the Quality Service Lane (QSL) must accord the client with due respect and politely
ask the person the nature of his transaction. The Incident Record Form (IRF) shall be
made available to the client for him to fill out.
c. The QSL Duty Officer shall at all times guide and assist the client in filling out the form.
In the event that the clients is illiterate or incapacitated to fill out the IRF, the QSL Duty
Officer shall do the same for him. The Chief of Police in the station shall make available
space in the police station where this process is done, in the privacy outside the scrutiny
of kibitzers.
d. Whenever the suspect of the complaint involves confidentiality, as in cases involving
protection of women and children, the QSL Duty Officer shall escort the client to the
female Duty Investigator of the Women and Children Protection Desk (WCPD) where
the filling out of the IRF shall be done. While the IRF should be filled out by the
complainant, the female police officer of the WCPD may assist the complainant in doing
so, with the latter providing the facts and details of the case.
e. The first item to be filled out in the IRF is the general information about the reporting
person. It contains name, address, occupation, and other analogous information that this
general information be taken. The object of this is to prevent an attempt of a client to
mislead the police to record an event or crime that did not occur, motivated by a client’s
desire to later get an extract of the Police blotter for purposes of an insurance claim, for
example, or to tarnish the personal record of another person by imputing the commission
of a crime by such person. The inclusion of his home and work addresses in the event
that a formal inquiry or investigation. The inclusion of his home and work addresses in
the event that a formal inquiry or investigation is subsequently ordered by the Chief of
f. The next item in the IRF is the data of the suspect. There are two(2) boxes in this item
which should be indicated with a tick mark before answering the data under suspect.
The first is whether there is no suspect or no crime was committed. This is applicable for
blotter entries where a client wants to put on official record the loss of his Driver’s license,
or Company identification card. Once this is checked, proceed to the next item, which is
the data of the victim. The second box, however, should be indicated if there are
suspects in the incident. The data of the first suspect will be recorded on the IRF and
those of the second and subsequent suspects on a separate sheet of paper which will
the form an integral part of IRF.
g. The data in all items on the IR should be as specific and complete as possible. The
information indicated and brought forth in this item will be a very vital tool of the
Investigator-on-case (IOC), opportunity to indicate, as completely as possible, any
information and distinguishing features of the suspects in the space provided thereon.
h. The third item on the IRF is the general information about the victim. It contains the
name, address, occupation, and other analogous information about the victim. It is
important that this general information be recorded. The object of this is for the
investigator to easily locate the victim/complainant during court trials if the case is filed
in the court.
i. On the second page of the blotter form, the facts of the incidents should be narrated by
the complainant. It contains a narrative requirement that at the end of the narration of
every incident, the Duty Officer who recorded shall be place his/her signature and of the
complainant certifying the correctness of the narration. Likewise, the last line of the paper
should indicate that nothing follows.
j. After the form is authenticated, an Incident Record transaction Receipt, cut form the
lower end of the IRF, is given to the complainant who confirms that the reporting person
had completed a transaction with the police office concerned and reported an incident.
k. For purposes of standardization, all stations should only maintain an official Police blotter
and an official police blotter IRF. As such, it is discouraged, and is henceforth
unauthorized, that logbook, notebook, or any materials be used.
l. Thereafter, it is the duty of the police officer who is in charge of the Police Blotter to lodge
the complaint to the proper investigator who will handle the case. The investigator should
interview the complainant on the nature of his complaint and ensure that all entries
therein are complete to prevent duplication and relieve the complainant from repeating
his narration.
m. Check the necessary documents in support of the complaint, if needed. If there are
documents submitted, the same shall be attached and will form part of the IRF.
n. Make sure that all the information gathered is truthful and exact in its documentation.
o. In the event that the complainant desires to amend or make supplemental of his
complaint, the investigator shall inform the officer-in-charge of the blotter to make the
necessary corrections and state therein that it amends or supplements the previous
report and shall place the signature both of the complainant and the officer-in-charge of
the blotter.
Actual Sample of Incident Record Form (IRF)
4. Procedures for recording Incident Report in the Police Blotter

a. The crime incident report recorded in the IRF, after the transaction with the reporting
person has concluded, shall be transcribed and entered into the police blotter by the
desk officer of the police station. For those police stations equipped with the crime
incident reporting system, popularly known as the e-blotter, the designated crime
registrar will likewise enter the record into the system.
b. Blotter entry reports serve as a permanent record of incidents, events, problems, and so
forth. There are many types of reports, each of which serves different functions. A police
blotter is used to keep people informed of activities within the police jurisdiction. It is also
used to compile statistical information, identify problems in the community, or identify
police training needs. These reports are needed to facilitate investigations, prepare court
case or defend case in court.
c. The narrative written in the IRF shall basically be record that shall be transcribed in the
Police blotter. While it is narrative form, it is prudent, however, to list down some
necessary information in the Police Blotter in itemized or outline form. This shall answer
the necessary requirements of the five W’s and one H.
d. The following questions should be answered as a guide to writing the report:
1. Who was involved?
2. When did it take place?
3. Where did it take place?
4. What happened?
5. Why did it happened?
6. How did it happen?
e. As soon as the incident is transcribed in the police blotter, the desk officer and the
reporting person shall sign the police blotter. It should be indicated under the name and
signature of the reporting person his address, home telephone number, mobile phone
number, and identification card presented. In the event that the reporting person
indicates that he does not want his contact details to be recorded in a public record as
the police blotter, by reason of privacy, the same should not be recorded, as a matter of
respect to the said person’s rights, but indicated in IRF.
f. Any violation of this SOP shall be dealt with administratively as may be warranted by
evidence. All Unit commanders shall be included in the investigation under the principle
of command responsibility. If evidence further warrants, criminal complaints shall also
be filed against those who may have committed acts or omissions contrary to the revised
penal code or any special penal statutes.
Let’s Check
Activity 1. Fill in the Blotter report with the information needed in the table below.



Activity 2. Explain each item.

1. Is the Police blotter, indispensable in PNP Organization? Why?

2. What would be the process in filling out the Incident Record Form and Police blotter if
the case involves a woman or a child?
Activity 3. Fill out the actual Incident Record Form with fictitious details and information

Activity 3. Fill out the actual Incident Record Form with fictional details
and information.
In a Nutshell
In this part you are going to jot down what you have learned in this unit. The said
statement of yours could be in a form of concluding statements, arguments, or perspective
you have drawn from this lesson. The first two items is done for you.

1. Police blotter must contain the essential information answering the questions Who,
What, Why, Where, When, How and the Disposition of the case.
2. Violations of laws and ordinances reported and recorded, all calls in which any
member of the PNP is dispatched or takes official action are some of the possible
transactions in police blotter.

Now it’s your turn!








10. ___________________________________________________________________
Week 5-6: Unit Learning Outcomes (ULO): At the end of the unit, you are expected to

a. Identify what are administrative issuances.

b. Identify examples of administrative issuances
c. Distinguish the complaints in criminal cases
d. Discuss the nature of police records, its purposes, functions and
e. Identify the types of police records;
f. Discuss police records management.
Big Picture in Focus: ULOa. Identify what are administrative
issuances, identify examples of administrative issuances and
distinguish the complaints in criminal cases.

The following are the terms of legal forms related to law enforcement.

1. Sworn Statement- also termed as Sworn Declaration. It is document containing facts

related to a legal proceeding. The person who makes the declaration affixes his or her
signature in a separate endorsement paragraph at the end of the document with a
statement that the declaration is made under oath.
2. Affidavits- these are types of verified, formal sworn statement of fact signed by an
affiant or author, and witnessed by a notary public. An affidavit can be used as evidence
in court proceedings. An affidavit is composed of:
a. Commencement- this identifies the affiant
b. Individual Averments- these are separate claims that are numbered as mandated
by law;
c. Statement of Truth- this is a statement verifying that what is stated is true under
d. Attestation- a clause certifying the oath and the date made by the affiant.
e. Signature- this is both the signature of the affiant and the notary public.
Examples of Affidavit.
2.1 Affidavit of Complaint- section 3 of Rule 110 defined complaint as sworn written
statement charging a person with offense, subscribed by the offended party, any
peace officer, or other public law officer charged with the enforcement of the law
violated. An affidavit of complaint contains the following: the name of the accused,
the designation of the offense by the statute, the acts or omissions complained of as
constituting the offense, the name of the general offended party, the approximate
time of the commission of the offense, and the place wherein the offense was
2.2 Affidavit of Desistance- a complainant executed an affidavit of desistance when he
no longer wishes to pursue a case against an accused or defendant in a court case.
The complainant states that he/she didn’t really intend to institute the case and
he/she no longer interested in testifying or prosecuting. This is only a ground for
dismissing the case if only the prosecution can no longer prove the guilt of the
accused beyond reasonable doubt without the testimony of the offended party.
2.3 Affidavit of Arrest- is a statement given under oath and penalty under perjury. This
states about facts and circumstances about the arrest, the information which led to
the arrest and the observation made before and after the arrest. This is filled out by
the arresting officer.
2.4 Affidavit of Witness- is a legal and binding document of written testimony of a
witness as a way for evidence to be presented to the court. It is usually filled out by
a lawyer, and then filed as part of the case. The affidavit has to be in paragraph form,
and each paragraph covers one specific topic. The full name of the person making
the statement has to be included, as does the name of one who affirms the
statement. This kind of affidavit can also be used to record the testimony of an expert
witness in certain cases. The affidavit has to be truthful and just give facts, not
personal feelings or opinions.
3. Inquest Forms- is an informal and summary investigation conducted by a public
prosecutor in criminal case involving persons arrested and detained without the benefit
of warrant of arrest, issued by the court for the purpose of determining whether or not
the said persons should remain under custody and correspondingly be charged in the
4. Complaints in Criminal Cases- it is important that those who will be writing the police
report will be familiar with forms of complaints in criminal cases, its format, and the
standard headings and captions cases, its format, and the standard headings and
captions of cases. The familiarization of all these will help him in reports, and in any court
proceedings. These standard headings and captions are used in the: Supreme Court,
Court of Appeals, and Municipal Courts. The sample forms of complaints included are:
Violation of Municipal Ordinance, Forcible Abduction, Arson, Damage to Property
through reckless imprudence, homicide and murder.

Essential Knowledge

The following are the terms, parts and sample format of the different administrative
1. Memorandum- is an inter-office communication dealing with official matters in the
police organization, its message is written in the fewest possible words. A
memorandum is for application, requiring compliance or dissemination of
information for the offices and members of the organization. In some cases, it is
specifically directed to an individual or groups of individual in a specific
performance or action. Police executives and subordinate officials may issue
memorandums; the former may use it for administrative instructions while the
latter for advisory or informative matters.

Parts of Memorandum
a. Heading- this contains the date, subject, thru channels and addressee.

Letterhead –every police unit or police office has its own letterhead where it
is usually printed in the first page.

Republic of the Philippines

Doña ModestaSingsonGaisano St., Lahug Cebu
Addressee- the words “MEMORANDUM FOR” is used if sends to a superior
office or “MEMORANDUM TO” if sends to a subordinate.

FOR : Regional Chief

PNP Regional Crime laboratory Office 7
Camp Sotero Cabahug
Gorordo Ave., Cebu City


TO : All Chiefs of Police/GD, 703rd MPG COY

Attention Line- this is mainly for faster dissemination, the memorandum may be
addressed to a specific individual or head of a unit, or by the use of an office symbol.


TO : Chief of Police, SRPS

(Attn: PO2 Dennis Camunay, PNP)


TO : Chief of Police, SRPS

(Attn: Crime and Investigation Department)

Subject- this is written two spaces below the sender and two spaces to the right
colon. It contain no more than ten words.




Date- this is placed below the subject indicating when the memorandum is written.




DATE : March 25, 2009

Body- this is the message of the memorandum, it is double-spaced when the

message is less that nine lines.

Complimentary Ending- this is the originator’s name found 5 spaces below the last
paragraph of the body of the message.

Police Deputy Director General

Sample standard Format of a Memorandum


(5 spaces from the last line of the letterhead to the Memorandum line)


(2 spaces)

(1 tab) TO (2 tabs) : (1 tab) DIRECTOR, HRDD

1 Space




DATE : November 16, 2016

(1 space)

(1 tab) 1. Reference/s

(2 spaces between paragraphs)

2. Body

3. Action desired.

(5 spaces from the last line of the last paragraph to the originator’s name)

Police Deputy Director General
Republic of the Philippines
Doña Modesta Singson Gaisano St., Lahug, Cebu City


TO : All Chiefs of Police/ GD, 703rd PMG COY



DATE : March 25, 2009

1. Reference: Memo from TDCPR dated March 20, 2009, subject same as
above. (Attached)

2. This pertains to the symbolic act of the simultaneous switching/turning

off lights from 8:30 P.M to 9:30 P.M. on March 28, 2009 (Saturday). In
this light, the Philippine National Police as the stronghold of peace and
order is committed to provide security during the celebration of the EARTH
HOUR PHILIPPINES 2009, wherein every individual, government offices/
units and business establishments are encouraged to support the Earth

3. Further, submit compliance reports to this office Attn: PCR Branch NLT 30
March 2009 for consolidation and submission to TDPCR, NHQ, PNP.

4. For strict compliance.

Original signed
Police Senior Superintendent
Provincial Director
2. Memorandum Circulars- also termed as MC in government offices, Memorandum
Circulars have subjects that explain or classify rules for subordinates to comply.


Republic of the Philippines

Department of interior and Local Government
Makati City



WHEREAS, under Section 2, Rule IV of the rules implementing Book V of Executive Order No. 292 and other Civil Service laws, it
provides that “No appointment shall be made effective earlier than the date of issuance, except in the case of change of status in view
of having acquired a civil service eligibility x x x”;

WHEREAS, under section 5 thereof, it further directs that “The services rendered by any person who was required to assume the
duties issued by the appointing authority shall not be credited nor recognized by the Commission and shall be the personal
accountability of the person who made him assume office’.

WHEREAS, it has been noted that the previous practice of the erstwhile Philippine Constabulary and Integrated National Police of
Issuing appointments or promotions by and thru special orders has been carried over up to the present;

WHEREAS, such procedure results in conflict with CSC rules and regulations it appearing that more often there is disparity between
the dates of effectivity of the special order and the actual appointment, thereby causing confusion among the PNP appointees and

NOW, THEREFORE, the Commission, in the exercise of its administration and control function over the PNP, HAS RESOLVED,AS
IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, to prohibit the PNP from issuing special orders for appointment and promotion before the attestation
thereof by the CSC and that any special order issued in connection therewith must conform with the effectivity dates such appointments
or promotions.

ADOPTED this _____ day of _________ in the Year Two Thousand One, Makati City

Secretary, DILG and Chairperson, NAPOLCOM


Commissioner Commissioner

Attested by:

Deputy Executive Director

3. Circulars- Generally, these are issuances coming from Department of Interior and
Local Government (DILG) to the PNP, these are administrative instructions that are
directive, advisory, and delegation of authority, and instructions or regulations to be

4. Office Circulars- these are administrative instructions requiring compliance from

personnel or office dealing with subjects like delegation of authority, appointment or
assignment of personnel.
Republic of the Philippines
A. Francisco Gold Condominium 11, EDSA corner Mapagmahal St., Diliman,
Quezon City

OFFICE CIRCULAR March 15, 2013

NO. 2013-___





In support of mitigating the impact of global warning, and in pursuit of the

Department’s efforts towards a more efficient, effective, economical and
paperless delivery of its mandated functions with the aid of the information
technology, the following guidelines are hereby issued in accessing the
above-stated subject:

1. Designate an Action officer to constantly open the following websites, as

well as the websites of other government agencies: - office of the President - Presidential Communication Operation Office - Official Gazette - DILG - COMELEC - Civil Service Commission - Department of Budget & Management Career Executive Service Board - Government Procurement Policy Board - Commission on Audit - Office of Ombudsman

2. Ensure the widest dissemination of all issuances to all stakeholders

within your area of responsibility/ jurisdiction.

For strict compliance.


5. Office Orders- these are administrative instructions that are regularly and mandatory.
This order is mainly for the regulation of administrative matters in the National
Headquarters, Regional, Provincial, and District Offices. These orders usually deal with
suspects like personal conduct requiring compliance.

Republic of the Philippines

Cordova, Cebu

26 May 2012
NO. 2012-05


1. SPO2 Marcelo Tudtud Cometa, PNP Badge No. 113000, hereby designated
as Deputy COP/C, Intel and in addition on his duties and responsibilities is
hereby designated as Municipal Anti Illegal Drugs Specialist Operations Task
Group (MAIDSOTG) effective 26 May 2012. No Trans involved.

2. PO2 Charlie Jao Valmoria, PNP Badge NO. 154738, hereby designated as
Asst. C, Intel/Operative and in addition to his duties and responsibilities is
hereby designated as Municipal Anti Illegal Drugs Special Operations task
Group (MAIDSOTG) effective 26 May 2012. No Trans Involved.

3. PO2 Harrifel Amores Espinosa, PNP Badge No. 159567, hereby designated
as Intel/Operative and in addition to his duties and responsibilities is hereby
designated as Municipal Anti Illegal Drugs Special Operations task Group
(MAIDSOTG) effective 26 May 2012. No Trans Involved.

4. PO1 Noem Labor Rosillosa, PNP Badge No. 193967, hereby designated as
Intel/Operative and in addition to his duties and responsibilities is hereby
designated as Municipal Anti Illegal Drugs Special Operations task Group
(MAIDSOTG) effective 26 May 2012. No Trans Involved.


Police Chief Inspector
1 concerned Chief of Police
1 Bulletin Board
1 file

6. Special Orders- these are directives signed by the Chief Directorial Staff for the
appointment, transfer, promotion, reduction, relief from duty, separation and leave of
absence of personnel.


Republic of the Philippines

National Police Commission
Cebu City Police Office
Camp Sotero Cabahug, Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City

CPPO-A 04 January 2010

NUMBER 01-_____


Following named PNCOs are relieved from the present office of

assignment and reassigned to office/units as indicated effective 31 December 2009, No
Trans involved.

Name Rel Fm Reasg to

SPO4 Alfredo mayol Jr. PS2 TAC
PO2 Alvin Itona TAC PS2
PO2 Rene Remedios PS8 TAC
PO1 Aldrin Pelayo TAC PS8
PO1 Emani Bureros PS1 PS10
PO1 Chona Amoren PS10 PS1


Police Senior Superintendent (MMPSM) DSC
City Director, Cebu CPO

7. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)- is about instructions to be followed on a

routinary basis concerning regular procedures, the chief of the director directs this.

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Interior and Local Government
Camp Crame, Quezon City

Standard Operating Procedure

Number 2012-007


a. Revised PNP Criminal Investigation Manual; and
b. Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure
a. This SOP sets forth the guidelines in the chain of custody of seized/recovered evidence and
the presentation of the same to the prosecutor’s office or court when so required.
This SOP applies to all properties seized/recovered during police operations of
surrendered in relation to a crime/complaint and provides the procedures to be
observed by all PNP units as well as the reports/documents to be prepared in
relation thereto.
The following terms are defined for a better understanding of this SOP
a. Complaint- an accusation in writing charging a person for the commission of an offense.
b. Crime Scene- a venue or place where the alleged crime has been committed.
c. Chain of Custody- refers to the chronological documentation or paper trail, showing the
seizures, custody, control, transfer, analysis and disposition of evidence, physical or
d. Crime Scene Investigation (CSI)- is a comprehensive inquiry of a crime by conducting
systematic procedure of various investigative methodologies which involves recovery of
physical and testimonial evidence for the purpose of identifying the witnesses, and
arresting of perpetrator(s) for prosecution.
e. Documentation- for purposes pf this SOP shall mean to include the conditions under
which the evidence handlers, duration of evidence custody, security conditions while
handling or storing the evidence and the manner in which evidence is transferred to
subsequent custodians each time such a transfer occurs.
f. Evidence- is the means sanctioned by the Rules of Court, of ascertaining in a judicial
proceeding the truth respecting a matter of fact. These include but are not limited to
documentary testimonial electronic and object evidence, gathered in the course of the
g. Evidence Custodian- refers to a police personnel who is charged with the duty of
receiving, recording and safekeeping of all seized/recovered evidence pending its proper
h. Forensic Evidence- refers to the physical evidence that is taken from the scene of the
crime and analyzed using scientific methods to aid the investigators in solving a case. It
also refers to evidence which may be addressed to the scenes of the court with the use of
forensic sciences to elucidate a case.
i. Investigator-On-Case(IOC)/ Duty Investigator- Shall refer to any PNP personnel who is
duty designated or assigned to conduct the inquiry of the crime by following a systematic
set of procedures and methodologies for the purpose of identifying witnesses, recovering
evidence and arresting and prosecuting the perpetrators. The IOC shall assume full
responsibility over the crime scene during the conduct of CSI.
The following procedures and guidelines shall be strictly observed:
a. All evidence recovered in the crime scene must be properly documented,
photographed and properly turned over to the evidence custodian (Annex “A”). The
detailed receipt showing the inventory of the evidence must be properly acknowledged
and signed by the evidence custodian (Annex “D”). In case of motor vehicles, there
must be technical Inspection and Inventory Report to be incorporated in the records
(Annex “C”).
b. The investigator-on-case/duty investigator must exhaust all efforts to determine the
relevance and materiality of the evidence recovered. During the preparation of the
case, the picture(s) of the evidence must be incorporated in the case folder. All angles/
sides of the seized/recovered evidence must be photographed.
c. Personal properties seized/recovered which were not used as evidence must be
returned to the person from whom the property/ properties was/were taken with proper
documentation. If the property is to be used as evidence, the prosecutor must be
properly apprised on the disposition of the property.
d. The investigator-on-case/duty investigator must prepare a letter request in standard
form (Annex “E”) for the release of the personal property seized/recovered as evidence
addresses to the prosecutor to be signed by the owner. The investigator must also
move and manifest his acquiesce for the release of the seized evidence in favor of the
owner from whom the property was taken. He must state among others, that the
photographs of the property will be presented as evidence when same is directed to
be presented in court.
e. Upon approval of the prosecutor/judge of the motion for the release of property, the
evidence custodian must without delay release the property/evidence ordered to be
released. The owner must acknowledge in writing the receipt of the property/evidence
as ordered by the prosecutor/judge under the condition that when the court in the future
shall demand its production, he/she shall comply without delay. Further he/she must
state that he/she does not have any complaint on the status of the property being
returned. If there be any said complaint must be placed in writing on the space provided
for in the acknowledgment receipt prepared (Annex “F”).
f. If the evidence sought to be released contain vital informations such as computer
records call logs, messages and other electronic records wherein the preservation of
the original records are needed during the prosecution of the case, the owner should
be properly apprised on the necessity of the subject evidence to remain under the
control and custody of the evidence custodian or the prosecutor/court and;
g. The turnover of the evidence must be witnessed by any party accompanying the
owner. Photograph the turnover of the property incorporate the photo and the receipt
in the records of the case.
See Annex “H” on the Chain of Custody of Seized/Recovered Property/ Evidence.
Any violation of this SOP shall be dealt with administratively. All Unit Commanders
shall be investigated under the principle of Command Responsibility. If evidence warrants,
criminal complaints shall also be filed against those who may have committed acts or
omissions in violation of the Revised penal Code or any special laws.
Any issuance, memoranda rules and regulations issued by the PNP inconsistent
herewith are deemed repealed or amended accordingly.
This SOP shall take effect fifteen (15) days from filing a copy thereof at the University of
the Philippines law Center in consonance with Sections 3 and 4 Chapter 2 Book VII of
Executive Order No. 292 otherwise known as “The Revised Administrative Code of 1987”.


Police Director General
Chief PNP


Violation of Municipal Ordinance


THE UNDERSIGNED _____________ accuses __________ of the

violation of Ordinance No. _______________, Series of ____________ of the
Municipality of ___________ committed as follows:
That on or about the _________ day of ________, in the Municipality of
_______________ did then and there willfully and unlawfully caused the
unloading and storage of two three hundred (300) cans of kerosene gas in his
store bodega situated at ___________ street, Municipality of __________,
against the specific prohibition of Ordinance No. _______ of the Municipality,
which authorizes only the storage of gas up to not more than ten (10) cans, for
reasons of fire prevention and public safety.

Municipality of ___________________.
Date ______________________

Chief of Police


_____________________ ________________________
_____________________ ________________________
Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson

Bajano-Nano, M.C., & Pioquinto, P.V, (2014). Technical Report Writing 2 for
Criminology Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Book Trading, Inc.

Let’s Check
Activity 1. Fill in the Blanks. In the space provided below, write your answer on the given
_________________ 1. These are orders, instructions, or directives written by a person
in authority to his/her subordinates.
_________________ 2. An inter-office communication dealing with official matters in the
police organization.
_________________ 3. This part of the memorandum contains the office origin, address,
file reference, identifying initials, data, subject, thru channels and addressee.
_________________4. This is also known as the office symbol which is written on the
first margin two spaces below the letterhead.
_________________5. These are the initials of the person encoding, and the one
dictating the memorandum.
_________________6. The receiver of the memorandum who is either a superior or a
_________________7. This is addressed to a specific individual or head of a unit or by
use of an office symbol.
_________________8. This is the message of the memorandum, it is double-spaced
when the message is less than nine lines.
_________________9. These are the authority line, signature, list of enclosures, and list
of copy furnished found below the last paragraph of the body.
_________________10. This is authorized signatory of the sender of the message.

Activity 2. Writing your own Memorandum. Below are jumbled parts of memorandum,
arrange them in its proper place and order. For each part, supply the appropriate text/ body in
your own words. Observe proper spacing.
a. Body
b. Addressee
c. Letterhead
d. Attention line
e. Date
f. Complimentary ending
g. Subject

In a Nutshell
In this part you are going to jot down what you have learned in this unit. The said
statement of yours could be in a form of concluding statements, arguments, or perspective
you have drawn from this lesson. The first item is done for you.
1. Legal forms are prototypes of any documents or forms used in legal transaction of
judicial proceedings, these contain important matters conveyed in technical
terminologies and presented in a suitable and systematic order in accordance with
the circumstances of any case.
Now it’s your turn!







9. ___________________________________________________________________
10. ___________________________________________________________________
Big Picture in Focus: ULOb. Discuss the nature of police records,
its purposes, functions and importance, Identify the
types of police records and discuss police records


1. Records- refers to the verified, confirmed, evaluated, and analyzed reports. These are
the end products of the investigation, and the submission of reports done by the

Essential Knowledge

The following are the procedures in making blotter and procedures for recording
incident report in Police blotter.

1. Purposes, Functions, and Importance of Police Records

Purposes • It serves to determine police
• It serves to determine the size of
the police force.
• It aids in handling various
• It serves as a guide for present
and future prevention of crimes.
• It helps in determining and
establishing responsibility on a
particular person.
• It helps in the apprehension of
• It helps in the apprehension of
• It helps the police and other law
enforcement agencies in
solving crimes.
• It gives data in statistics of
police crimes.
Functions • It functions as an instrument to
measure the efficiency of the
police organization
• It represents the crime in a
particular community.
• It aids in the assignment and
promotion of any personnel in
the organization.
• It helps in the identification of
any individuals in the
• It provides ready information for
public consumption.
• It aids prosecutors in court
• It coordinates in various
custodial events.
• It gives basis for the integration
or expansion of the police
Importance • It bridge the communication
within the department
• It connects the different units in
the attainment of objectives
• It identifies the supervision and
the performance of personnel
• It serves to measure the
proficiency and
accomplishment of police.
• It gives an overview of the
actual crime picture of a
• It aids to improve the efficiency
of traffic enforcement
• It aids to evaluate and control
public services
• It helps in effective employment
of personnel
• It provides keeping and
information retrieval services to
all departments.

2. Types of Police Records- the records management personnel is expected to familiarize

himself with different types of police records. The types of police records are: Case records,
Arrest and Booking records, identification Records, Administrative Records, Miscellaneous

a. Case Reports-these are records consisting of complaints or assignment sheets which

are considered as document source for analyzing crimes. These are the foundation
record of any police department, and written by the desk officer who makes the
complaint or assignment sheet. Case records are classified as Investigative reports,
technical reports, wanted person report, daily record of events.
Procedures for Filing Case Reports:
1. Felony reports, serious accident reports (including all investigation report), and
case report are filed periodically.
2. Minor disturbances like drunkenness and disorderly conduct does not require
extensive reporting.
3. Case reports will be filed according to case number, regardless of the type of
complaint, persons involved, or date of incidents.
4. Case numbers should appear on the daily bulletin or other control summary to
provide supervisory personnel with means of ensuring prompt submission of reports.
b. Arrest and Booking Records- the completion of the arrest report is the responsibility of
arresting officer, as this report is a requirement for preparing arrest and booking records.
The arrest record is written in three (3) copies together with the booking sheet. These
copies are to be forwarded to: Central record unit )original copy), Fiscal or Clerk of Court
(second copy), and Fiscal or Clerk of Court with the complaint or other supporting
document (third copy)
Procedures for Filing Arrest Reports
1. Upon receiving the arrest notification, the dispatcher issue a case report
number and arrest number, he will then mark the dispatch form to show that an
arrest has been done.
2. The Report-review Officer reviews the dispatch information and data by
identifying and matching incoming cases and reports.
3. The Booking and detention officers will maintain an alphabetical jail population
or census files with all jail copies of arrest/booking reports and other necessary
forms and notices.
4. The booking and detention officers will maintain a local-count-date suspense
file containing copies of the report-control index cards.
5. For control purposes, the court liaison personnel will also maintain a
department-wide-court-appearance chart.
6. The detention officer should release on proper authority and obtain the
signature to whom the prisoner is released.
c. Identification Records- these are records of fingerprint identification which is done in two
(2) copies. The first copy is filed in the central record of the police station, and the second
copy is forwarded to the headquarters of the National Bureau of Investigation. Identification
record is classified as follows: Personal records, Correspondence Files, Memoranda,
Orders, Policy Files and Assignment Record.
d. Miscellaneous Records- these are records that are not necessarily related to any
complaints. Below are the examples of these records:
1. Records from the Immigration Commission
2. Records of City, Municipal, and Barangay Officials
3. Records of Organizations like Unions, Cooperatives, Social Groups and
Religious Sectors.
4. Records of army camps and centers
5. Records of Ordinance and laws
6. Records of Private Security Agencies
3. Police Records Management- police records pertain to all written materials such as books,
papers, maps, photographs, documentaries, that in ways are written or received by any law
enforcement agency that serve its legal purposes (Agsalda, 2007). It is essential that agency
should have a clear knowledge on how to manage records properly. Examples of police
records that should be managed properly are: Agreements, Documents, all forms of Police
reports, Police Blotters, Logbooks, Transcripts, Arrest Book, Press Release, and Traffic
records. The Police Records Administrative Management Operations is responsible with the
creation, protection, retrieval, preservation, and retention of records and information.
4. Supervision of Reports- the records supervisory personnel needs to adhere to the following
standards: Assure good reports, set up good recording standards so that all will know what is
expected of them, set up a system of spot-checking to ensure that corrections are being made
to assure uniformity, protect the reputation of the department and its offices.
Furthermore, the supervisory personnel may use the Ticker system which is a 3x5
index card showing basic data, dates, etc. and to whom it was assigned. The card is filed
behind the officer’s name in the card index box. This system also assures a regular check on
each pending case. He may also utilize the Assignment record which shows the cases
assigned to each officer, and should include record of reports submitted. All reports should be
read and signed by the supervisory official, and that no report can be filed until approved by
the supervisor.
5. Duties of Record Element Personnel- the records personnel who are assigned in
identification have certain task in the completion of arrest, booking and filing. Below are the
specific duties of these personnel:
a. They are responsible in issuing a central booking number of request.
b. They complete the Central Booking Register with all the required information.
c. They identify prior departmental arrest and conduct a wanted check for all names
or aliases used by the arrestee after the completion and approval of the register
d. They notify immediately the appropriate detention officer if a “stop order”, ‘wanted
card” of “detainee” for another agency is found of the subject.
e. They prepare a new criminal history record for every arrested person with no prior
record on file by noting current case information. In instances where a criminal
history record is already on file should be updated.
f. They notify the communication center for every cancellation of wanted or missing
persons message, also with the apprehension of such person, or the receipt of
wanted messages concerning suspected persons to be in or near the jurisdiction.
g. They maintain personal identification files like: Photographic file, crime scene
photographic file, wanted and missing person’s file and warrant file.
6. The Decimal System of Reports- the decimal system of reporting is the basic numbering
systems which entire major files is identified with. There are three basic numbering system,
they are follows:
a. Case Reports Number- this is the control number assigned by the dispatchers for
all police reports like traffic accidents, crimes, and non-criminal situations. Case
report numbers are important because of the following reasons: it aids in the
speedy and official recording of cases, it lessens discrepancies in the original
request; time of occurrence and notification of the police ; it helps ensure the exact
matches of sequence of case numbers with the order of cases brought to the
police; and it helps the external audit control in avoiding unreported, lost or misfiled
b. Arrest report number- this is the number issued to arrested and booked persons
who committed criminal offenses or traffic violations. However this is not issued to
persons who commit minor offenses, or those who just go to the station to post
bond. Case report number is also termed as central booking number issued by the
dispatcher, or arrest and personal identification unit through the dispatchers. After
the duty officer write the arrest report, he will assign the arrest number as well as
the case number of the rep[ort. A new arrest number will be assigned to a person
each time he is arrested.
c. Identification Numbers- this is the number issued by those assigned in the arrest
and personal identification service detail. This number is given once to an arrested
person when he is fingerprinted and photographed.
7. Standard Police Record Procedures and Filing System- proper filing of records is very
important because it helps in the preservation of documents, and more specifically on the
preservation of criminal records which will be used for future references. Below are the
standard police record procedures and filing system:
a. Permanent written record shall be made of each crime immediately upon receipt
of the complaint.
b. Proper control shall be made upon the receipt of a complaint to ensure that it is
promptly recorded and accurately tabulated.
c. Investigative report shall be rendered in each case showing the details of the
offense as alleged by the complainant and as disclosed by the police
investigation, effective follow up system shall be adopted to ensure that all reports
are promptly submitted in all cases.
d. All reports shall be checked to see that the crime classification conforms to the
classification of the offense.
e. The offense or complaint report on crime cleared by arrest shall be noted as
f. Arrest records shall be complete, and special care is being taken to show the final
disposition of all charges.
g. All records shall be centralized.
h. Records and statistical reports shall be closely supervised by the Station
i. Periodic inspection shall be made to see the rules and regulations of the local
agency relative to records creation and maintenance are strictly complied with.
j. Statistical records shall conform in all aspects to the uniform crime reporting
standards and regulations.
8. Philippine National Police Uniform Crime Periodic Reporting- to promote consistency in
the recording of crime incidence, these guidelines prescribe a uniform procedure for the
Philippine National Police in reporting and collecting crime data including cases reported to
other law enforcement agencies involved in the Criminal Justice System. Further, these data
shall be the working basis for policies and programs on various anti-criminality measures.
For the past years, generating statistical crime date on various crimes committed
in the regions/provinces has been growing concern of the Philippine National Police (PNP). To
address this issue, two (2) mechanisms were in place such as: The National Crime Reporting
System (NCRS), which is concerned more with the details of the crime, to wit; victim’s data,
offender’s data, among others, while crime statistics gathered through the Police Regional office
Periodic Report (PROPER) is mainly concerned simply with WHAT HAPPENED, WHERE, TO
WHOM, WGY and the results of investigation.
The PNP, as the premier law enforcement agency, needs an accurate statistical
crime data for both administrative and operational decisions. The data gathered from the
regions/provinces play an important role to the PNP’s overall assessment of crime trends and for
determining the pattern of crime activity in the country. If the problem on gathering/generating the
crime situation is not properly addressed, the PNP cannot present an accurate situation of the
The following procedures shall prescribe the guidelines in the conduct of Crime
Reporting for purposes of obtaining an accurate data for interpretation.

1. The adoption of consistent and accurate crime recording standard shall require the
unconditional commitment of the Chiefs of Police, Provincial/District/City and the
Regional Directors. The IDM Officers shall continuously ensure that the crime
recording is clearly articulated of such system are understood.
2. All line units should seek to gather, collate and record all crime-related incidents
so as to establish an accurate and timely picture of what is happening locally.
3. The police blotter shall serve as the main source of crime data fro submission and
shall be the basis for preparing and accomplishing the Unit Periodic Report and
NCRS Form 1.
4. Crime date from other stakeholders and law enforcement agencies shall be
recorded into the police blotter.
5. It is envisioned that all future incidents and crime recording systems should be fully
integrated or at least linked to facilitate tracking and audit between the systems.
6. The Chief of Police must ensure that crime data are gathered from sources such
as: Barangay, NBI, PDEA, BFAR, DENR, DSWD, BUCUS, BI and other agencies
with law enforcement functions in the locality.
7. Unit commanders shall appoint a crime register who shall be responsible
consolidating and maintaining crime data files of each unit to ensure consistency
and continuity.
8. The Chief of Police is primarily responsible for the maintenance of accurate crime
data. Accuracy and integrity of crime recording process must be ensured by the
chief of Investigation Section and Crime registrar.

1. Recording
a. Incident Reports
As a general rule, all crime incidents, whether reported by the victims,
witnesses or third parties must be recorded in the police blotter, even under the
following circumstances:
a.1 when the offender is ill and is unlikely to recover or is too senile or too
mentally disturbed for proceedings to take place.
a.2 When the complainant or an essential witness is dead and the proceedings
cannot be pursued.
a.3 When the victim or an essential witness refuses, or is permanently unable
to stand as a witness; and
a.4 The victim or complaint or witness are minor

2. Counting Mechanism
The following rules shall apply in the counting of crime incidents:

a. Murder cases (Art. 248, RPC) shall include those that were consummated only.
Infanticide (Art. 255, RPC) and Parricide (Art. 246, PRC) cases shall be
counted as murder case. Killings perpetrated by insurgents and/or terrorists
must be included. Attempted and Frustrated cases of murder, infanticide and
parricide are counted as physical injury cases if indeed the victim(s) was
injured. Otherwise, these cases shall be counted as non-index crimes.
b. Homicide- (Art. 249, RPC). Similarly, only consummated homicide cases are to
be counted. Attempted and Frustrated homicide cases which result to injuries
to the victim(s) are counted as physical injury cases. Otherwise, these cases
shall be counted as non-index crimes.
c. Serious and Less Serious Physical Injuries- (Art. 263, 264 and 265, RPC). In
addition to actual physical injury cases, incidents perpetrated by/or involving
insurgents/terrorists which resulted to the wounding of the victim(s) must also
be counted.
d. Robbery- (Art. 293, RPC). Only consummated robbery cases and robbery in
band are to be counted.
e. Carnapping- (RA 6539) – Only consummated carnapping cases are to be
f. Cattle Rustling (PD 533)- Only consummated cases shall be recorded.
g. Theft (Art 308, RPC)- Only consummated theft cases are to be counted.
h. Rape (Art. 335, RPC and RA 8353). Only consummated and statutory rapes
shall be included.
i. Suicide shall not be counted as crime.
j. For compound and complex crimes, only the most serious offense should be
counted. (Principal crime rule)
k. The reported incident shall be counted as a crime after validation by the
investigation officer that there is such an incident constituting a crime.
l. Infractions involving violations of provincial/city/municipal and barangay
ordinances shall not be counted.
m. Violations of the Revised Penal Code and Special Laws which are to be settled
at the Barangay (Under PD 1508 as amended by local government code of
1991 and Supreme Court administrative circular no. 14-93) shall be recorded
n. Crime incident/s under RA 9344 or the Juvenile Justice Act where absolute
confidentially of the parties and the documents are provided shall be recorded.
Data from local DSWD office shall be collated.
o. For purposes of generating separate statistics of all offenses arising from
violations of traffic rules and regulations, the traffic investigation section/division
shall assume responsibility in recording all traffic offenses and submit the same
to the crime registrar for data integration in the crime statistics.

3. Crime registrar (CR)

To ensure that a consistent crime recording standard is maintained within
the PNP, each unit shall appoint a crime registrar. The registrar shall ensure the
proper accomplishment of NCRS form-1 in accordance to NAPOLCOM resolution

4. What to Report/ Submit

All PNP units must submit their Unit Crime periodic Report (UCPER) with
corresponding analysis, interpretation and complete attachment as required in the
original PROPER. The said report shall be accomplished by the reporting unit as
stated below to be submitted on the dates indicated in these guidelines.

Self-Help: You can also refer to the sources below to help you further
understand the lesson

Bajano-Nano, M.C., & Pioquinto, P.V, (2014). Technical Report Writing 2 for
Criminology Students. Quezon City, Philippines: Wiseman’s Book Trading, Inc.

Let’s Check
Activity 1. Discuss the following concepts in your own words.

1. Police Records
2. Police Records Management
3. Case Report Numbers
4. Arrest Report Numbers
5. Identification Number

Activity 2. Explain the importance and relevance of the Philippine National Police Uniform
Crime Periodic reporting to the present crime situation of our country.


In a Nutshell
In this part you are going to jot down what you have learned in this unit. The said
statement of yours could be in a form of concluding statements, arguments, or perspective
you have drawn from this lesson. The first item is done for you.

1. Police records are the primary means of communication among the members of the
police departments’ function, as well as the units of the PNP organization’s
accomplishment of police task and main mission.
Now it’s your turn!







9. _______________________________________________________________________
10. _______________________________________________________________________

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