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(PARTIR) eesay quesrions wert SoLuT Bit) SieciaL Reoun “aR 28 oF Onramne' (on Potariry Carr oo Sh Psp aR Q9. Describe the method to obtain unidirectional polarity. larities of battery and dynamo same, i Ans: Lightening in arity, The arrangement jg ¢°°"t ls and is friction tig iy Position of dynamo rotatio figure. Dynamo has a rocker directional pol ind negative terminal ant be continaou sly achieved by Keeping the pol However this is possible only by method of u arm mounted on the shaft with X, ¥ as positive a ‘The movement of armature in clocl cwise direction will cause the X'terminal of the rocker arm to move in forward direction, ‘The arm thus moved in forward direction get in touch with the brush P. On the other hand the terminal also moves in clockwise direction and touches the contact of brush, N. This gives positive and negative polarity of supply as shown. If direction of rotation is now made anti clockwise, X terminal o Fthe rocker arm will move in reverse direction and touches the negative terminal Vand ¥ terminal also moves in reverse directio n and touches the positive terminal P. Once again outside polarity remains unchanged. Thus the unidirectional polarity is achie red Q10. Describe the method of obté ining constant output with suspended dynamo. Ans: . One of the methods to obtain cor stant output is to suspended a dynamo from carriage underframe and driven by meansof belt, from wheel axle pulley. In this m¢ :thod, increase in output makes armature heavy to rotate and drags the armature, futhet causing increase in belt tension. Ths pals the suspended dynamo towards pulley and belts get slack and slip. Usually tensioning of belt depends upon the component o!F weight of the dynamo and position of the tension seréw. Wheel Pulley ' . Adjusting serew ‘ ‘Dynamo Figure: Schematic Arrangement of Suspended Dynama 111. Describe the method o f obtaining constant output with three terminal goneratore Scanned with CamScanner ‘ms. 6...... BL ee nian I b Master IFT 5.2 Sinote Barrery System - DOUBLE Behe. supPLY Wiring Ligntine wy MAKING USE OF 25 Model Papas Q13. Write short notes on single battery system. : * tion systems. These II the axle general SYStems pest among @ js shown in figure. When the ate me Ans: Single battery systems use one set of battery and are ches ‘mostly employed in Europe. The schematic arrangersent of st operated above in speed auto cut-in switch will operate and dyn it alsorcharges the battery through a lamp resistance. Howeyt -onnet the dynamo and the lamp resistance will be short circu! The major drawback of this system is i r. However, this drawback can be overthrown by connectiny t Lights Fans A ytocut in switch 1g the light load. Apart from stem is ile battery system IS TA will be supply’ the a ml ithe speed falls below cut-out value, auto cut-in ?™ he ease bateris wil Be SUPPY the ogg the resistance is invariably attended by,” tthe esr in conjunction with shunt? 2° vat o ssertion and cutting marca 1g an automatic vollage regul: * Lamp resistance * Figure: Single Battery System Scanned with CamScanner Q14, Write short notes on double battery parallel block svstem. ania niT-B (Systems of ‘Train Lighting), igi rt notes on ul ais. Write ans: , when the train is stationary or runs slowly generator contacts P, and P, are open and both batteri fights "On' the schematic diagram for sequence of operation is shown in figure (2). Under this condition, the generator icommeted to battery! through closed contacts “P,” and lighting load is connected to the battery 2 through closed contacts “Q,”. Output of generator is divided between the battery 1 and the lamp load with proportioned lanip resistance “D'. Meanwhile battery 2, to ‘ich amps are connected is maintained in floating condition or slightly discharging by the ation ofthe lamp resistance: When the train isin motion and lighting and other loads are switched of, ic. switches Q, and Q, are open the lamp resistance "De short circuited when both generator contacts P, and P, are closed and both the batteries will then be charged in parallel, ice of operation, ( ae P, Battery Figure (1) Figure (2) ) Q16- List the terminology used in coach wiring and write about inter-vehicular coupler. Ans: Designation of the Wire | Wire Size | Color Scheme for the Core Negative) 63.018 Blue Light positive (+) 91.018 Yellow - Paralleling main (Pm) 91/.018 Red On control (on) _ 441.012 Black _ Off control (off) 44/.0 12 Green Inter-vehicular Coupler Intervehicular coupler acts as a jumper to the five roof wires, making them the main bus wires ‘and acts as an alternative to feed the adjoining coaches when generating equipment on the coach finds itself defective. It also enables switching on or off the lights and fans on each coach simultaneously by remote control from guard’s brake van. Coach wiring Kent coupler socket Coach wiring, To magnetic switch To kent coupler plug Tomain switch Figure Scanned with CamScanner [JNTI UmiuizaTiON oF ELECTRICAL ENERGY [ CANOE Aaa, functions of auto cut-n ang 19, Explain t at th eo \ The dynamos are Self regulating type (ie. the output = ‘Auto cut-in and cut-out switch performs Sone he fF lot shoi Fenn TMO shoul drop at high speeds) and it is ‘11 important alt is maximum when the run time is shorter However in fast trains the output chitactetistic droops, but this can be Compensated by the longer periods of run time, The dynamo has two fields, one is main field and the ‘ther is aid field. The former is connected across the positive and negative brushes and is designed weak in order to achieve Strong armature influence on the pole flux distribution and the tater field is connected in between the positive and third brush, Increase in load current increase the armature reaction and results in distortion of main ficid, further which reduces the flux in the leading half of the pole causing voltage reduction between positive brush and third brush In tum this also reduces current in aid field and flux under the poles. Because of this the output voltage of the dynamo is lowered. As a result of reduced dynamo voltage, load current will reduced providing inherent | 2. regulation of dynamo, Generally in summer and winter the charging rate of batteries varies. As compensation, a backup variable resistance known as output adjuster is connected in series with main shunt field. This reduces the voltage across the dynamo, consequently reducing the output current. Most commonly employed output settings are 100%, 90%, 80% and 71 Q18. Write shortnotes on over voltage and overcharge relay. Ans:" This type’of relay has two elements namely full charge element and overcharge element. When battery voltage has reached full charge value, the overcharge element is a operated toreduce the dynamo output approximately to 30% of full value. Moreover, it automatically restores the dynamo output o its fall value when battery voltage-is dropped from overcharge value. However, voltage of inherently regulated dynamo builds up rapidly to’a high value on open circuit and if this is continued without disconnecting dynamo field coils, serious damage is caused to the cut in relay as well as to the dynamo field coils. The function of the over voltage element of the relay is to disconnect the dynamo field coils at certain predetermined dynamo voltage. For better operation of relay mechanical interlock should be srovided, further which prevents resetting of overcharge element Model Paper-3, a11 tthe time of tripping of over voltage element. feature ofboth sho tions. both slow and fast train Services, In slow trains output i ‘Till train picks up speed above 20 kmph ang WY WARMING: Xerox!Photocopying of this book is & CRIMINAL att Anvone found mu "ogy ‘erated is above 28 volts, dynaino sh ene supply aad. Dung tier th of batteries should ee, supply load and qa ot be fed run as motor st Jeary explained as follows, ren speed of 20 kmph is reached ang sensed voltage of28Visatained,shuntegi eet cut-in and cut out” switch is energized enough i up the plunger. This makes connection strip t en positive terminal of dynamo to postive root weg charge line and series col ofthe switch. Simutae «with the plunger rising up, paralleling lin red magnetic light switch is already in on poston, gu, the two banks of batteries, previously jointly supp load, one is disconnected and is put on charge throng, changing resistance R. ‘After train has attained speed above 20 kip, dynany should be connected to supply the loadin parallel wi, cone bank of battery, other bank should remain on charge. Feedback to dynamo should, of course, nt be allowed during this period also. This can be furker clearly explained as follows, {As soonas speed of rain goes below 20 kmph, generated emf. of dynamo becomes less and battery tres to feed the generator. Not only holding power due to shunt cil will be reduced but current through series coil mayeven reverse. This will de-energize flux produced by shunt coil; plunger, therefore, falls down thereby disconnecting the dynamo. Paralleling link, which will also fall down, brings both the banks of batteries in parallel to supply load jointly. : Paralleling : Link 7 Discharge Line Charge Line* Se Series Coil Scanned with CamScannet rr opnon baat g aa —————————».18¢ 5 ‘Model Paper.2, 011 ‘re battery change over twitch is employed to make'use of ch ‘ : sien te i vat est bol he baer banks will share the load. lowe ea a nh eatmeoe ly. Initially, ‘the battery banks has to rin in parallel with dynamo, other bank ofbatery is being charged. In order the ove eve tht ony ne eedoing same amount oF. it becomes necessary to put them on el b In order of iets soviaks up speed and dynamo generates enough voltage so as to ; wait 90" as shown in igure. This takes the tatters a ‘energize the coil of change over switch, bopk tums the dies | and restarts. Disc Mica Insulator ‘Dischaige Line To Battery 1 Figure: Battery Changeover Switch ‘G21. Write short notes on functioning magnetic light switch. Ans: When train guard tums guard control switch, on roof wire connected to it will get energized. Further, this will energize “on coils” of magnetic light switches of all self generating carriages and the plunger of the magnetic light switch rises up. Moreover, __ paralleling link breaks the contact between charge and discharge line. At the same instant connecting strip also rises up, thereby connecting discharge line to negative roof wire through hold on coil of the magnetic light switch. ” OFF OFF Coil Hold ON-* Coil ON Coil Connection Strip o ON “Light — Charge Line Paralleling Link = Figure “On coit” of magnetic light switch gets de-energized as guard only presses the “guard control on switch meri Hold on coil then keeps the plunger of the magnetic light switch up. Prior to this operation dynamo was charging be a i = one directly and through paralleling link of magnetic light switch. After this operation when Para ting Hn ited oo of the batteries i put on charge through resistance R and other battery is running in parallel with dynamo‘ os i ol Wie fund presses his off switch, it energizes momentarily the “roof off” wire. Of coils ofall the magnetic she SOUR A energized, Since these coils are wound in such a way as to produce magnetism in opposite direction (QT sPeCTRUM ALLAN-ONE JOURNAL-FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS Scanned with CamScanner

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