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e 5, Stateand explain diferent laws of Illumination, (ode! 4, 8(a) | Sep.-20, (R18), 5a) MET] oR state the laws of Illumination, NoviDec.-18, (R18), Qf) oR State and explain the laws of illumination. (NowsDee.-17, (R13), A4(N | (Mayidune-13, (ROS), a5(a) | * Dec.-20, (R16), Q6(a)) OR Define inverse square law and cosine cube law of illumination. Novibec.-16, (R13), a6(a) OR . State the inverse square law and cosine law. Ans: Lavis of Hlamination Apriltt, Set, Q6(a) ‘Two laws of illumination are, (@ Inverse square law (i) Lambert’s cosine law. Inverse Square Law Inverse square law states that the illumination of a surface is inversely proportional to the square of the distance of the surface from the source of the light. This is true only ifthe source is a point source. Ifa source + of light which emits light equally in all directions be placed at the centre of the hollow sphere, the light will fall uniformly on the inner surface of the sphere ie., very square millimeter of surface will receive the same ‘amount of light. If the sphere be replaced by another sphere of larger radius the same total amount of light is {Bread over a larger area proportional tothe square of theradius, .¢., every square millimeter of sucha surface I therefore diminish as the radius increases and will be inversely proportional to the square of the distance. Mathematically it can be proved as follows, Let us consider surface area A, and surface area A, at distances 7 and r, respectively from the point or source ‘of luminous intensity Zand normal to the rays Lethe solid angle subtended be ‘o” steradians. Luminous Tadiated per steradians = I Total tum aw Figure it) Illumination on the surface of area A> 72 tumens/unit rea Suppose a source of light ‘S” giving an output of ‘F” lumens within thé solid angle “HW” is enclosed by four lines OA, OB, OC, OD. The whole of the light will be falling on the surface ‘A’, placed at right angles to the axis of the beam and at distance of I m from the source, the illumination‘on surface ‘4,’ is ~~ tumen/m? q For example, if a surface ‘4,’ at a distance 2 m from the source is considered, the illumination on it will be 1 decreased by | ofthat of'4,".[A, =44, andsince the total lumens will be the same as before, therefore, the illumination have to decrease + of that of 4,] Similarly, ifthe distance of the surface is increased to 3m away from the source, the illumination will be decreased 1 ‘g that ofits original value I Thus, illumination « —« a? Lambert's Cosine Law For answer refer Unit-III, Q26. EESTI Q26. State and explain cos*@ law. “OR Explain Lambert's cosine law with thi neat sketches vee _— Vesna Scanned with CamScanner Line - v ‘he inverse squne aw suse to Measure "| . only on horizontal surface thy is considered as a point ‘The sourve is considered as re square lav. But, in practice the Point ing not exist. Hence, lot of errors are innate caloulation of illuminance using square jay, AN ‘The Lambert's law ofilluntinance is use 4, ‘nance only on inclined surface Ly as. Prove that 1 candlelsq.ft = x Ans: Consider a sirface of small area “A” ang q the hemisphere shown in following figure. Let it pine my diffuser 60 that the brightness ‘B, due to source Placed ety *O'atall angles is same. \ alg, ‘The projected area along the source is 4 eos Luminous intensity = B. * 4 coq Consider zone of hemisphere between angles @ ang, Ory Circumference of zone = 2c sing Width of zone = Rao ‘Area of zone = 2nR sind at) Solid angle obtained by it =2n sind do ‘Luminous flux passing through this zone = Luminous intensity x Solid angle =B,A cos0 * 2n sind d® ___ Total luminous flux in the hemisphere is given 8) integrating the above equation within the limits zero to "2, Figure ynit-3 (Mumination) at a2 > 49 J 24cm? } 78, sn 2949 [ $8, Acos29] = 104 Lutninousi 7 nA _ CPKo Br 4A", * Ellie =CPxg, 1 oft ang] = Candle or | candle, =n ft- Lambert 'r CUFVeS in tlumination, Model Paper2, O84) Noibs-6 5, cay OR Explain how the determination of horizontal luminous intensity and polar cure Is made. Ans: Polar Curves Generally, the lumirious intensity or te candle power from a source is assumed to be uniformly distbuted over the surface but none of the practical lamp give light uniformly distributed because of its unsymmetrical shape. Fo designing any light installation, it is essential to know how exactly the light is distributed and this information is usually obtained by polar curves. ‘The polar curves are drawn by taking luminous intensities, in various directions at an angular displacement inthe sphere. Ifthe faminous intensity in a horizontal plane psig the the lamp is plotted against angular positon a cure i#n : horizontal polar curve is obtained. Ifthe luminous intensity & vertical plane is plated avril place i b= ne the mean The polar curves are used 10 determi horizontal candle power (M.H.CP) and mes caged Power (M.S.C.P) and mhep of @ lm? oft from the horizontal place curve by taking and ms.cp of 8 AP sandle power in a horizontal direction inall directions. The ratio of 54-91.C.P "eduction factor. ( z specTRUM t iE JOURNA es jun J Scanned with CamScanner — pr=Px 25 (where ris the radius) a >. (where dis the diameier of filament) iy ‘ ” --Q) AAs total heat dissipated depends on the surface area (rd) and emissivity (e) of the material => Heat dissipated oc nid xe : ~@) Under steady state condition, power input must be equal to heat dissipated “Therefore, from equations (2) and (3), we get, 4pl’ » Px enldxe A = PedoMad | Therefore, the diameter of the filament is drety proportional 191, * PT WARNING: xeroxPotocopyin of tisbokk CRIMINAL at: Anon found guilty is BLE tod LEGAL proceadiogs SD ~ scanned with CamScanner weak ae the advantages of fluorescent wnat th | Be Seer plain mercury discharge lighting? lghting | of Fluorescent Lighting Over Pi Lighting lain Mercury a fi predates ag time of fluorescent lighting ig 1, Staiigred to mercury discharge Tighing errno a ils suddenly i the supply fail I it goes off and rest >. Mmediately when supply comes back but in tent mercury discharge i cannot be restarted immediate off itreaches its minimal value a or of ight changes proportionally with 3 coring where mercury lighting has Phosphor ost of running is much Fess than mercury discharge, isaverage life is more than mercury discharge, tsefficiency is similarto that of mercury discharge lamp irhasa wide application in the field of Street Ligh Hall, Commercial, Domestic ete, ance ttean be used for both high and low voltage applications OR Discuss the principles of street lighting. May/June-13, (ROS), O6(0) oR What are the basic princi Explain. les of light control? Model Paper.t, a7) Basically there are four principles of light ie. reflection, refraction, diffusion and absorption. The above four principles depends on the material of the surface, angle of incident and the medi some fraction of light may be reflected, a fraction of light may berefracted, a fraction of light may be diffused and a fraction flight may be absorbed. Using these four principles, the light canbe controlled in order to mect the required condition. Using reflection and refraction the direction of light can ‘te changed, using diffusion the light can be made to scatter in aldreetions in order to prevent glare, using absorption rays of light may be absorbed to charige the colour of light. Reflection is basically divided into two types. They are as follows, ‘l. Specular reflection 2. Diffused reflection. Specular Reflection In this type of reflection, the light ray coming in one Particular direction, it will be reflected into unique direction, The incoming ray of light is called as incident ray aind the outgoing ray of light is called as reflected "ay. The angle made by the incident ray with respect 10 Ans: being used. Hence based on the above factors,” ek srecrmum ALLIN-ONE JOURNAL FI »mormai (0,) will be equal to angle made by the reflected fay with respect to normal as shown in figure (8) In this type of reflection, no part of the light will be and hence it is also called as perfect reflection or mirror reflection or regular reflection. This type of reflection is, basicaly the result of incident of light on smooth surface like sitvered mitror or highty polished surfaces. Normal Figure (a) Chars teristics of Specular Reflection For answer refer Unit-IIT, Q23. Diffused Reflection In this type of reflection, the ray of light coming from one particular direction will be reflected into many directions as shown in figure (b). This is basically due to the roughnesé or irregularities of the surface which will ‘causes the light to get scattered into number of regular reflections i.e, the incoming ray of light (incident ray) ‘will be broken into number of outgoing (reflected rays) rays. This type of reflection is also called as scattered or irregular reflection. This type of reflection is basically the result of incident of light on rough surfaces like paper, chalk ete. $ Nota 3 Figure (b) Characteristics of Diffused Reflection (The light ray after reflection gets scattered in all directions. * ‘The incident ray gets. broken into number of reflected rays. ‘The surface will be uniformly illuminated and appears to be bright from all directions. ‘The angle of incident is not equal to angle reflection. ‘This type of reflection is basically the result of roughness of the surface. ; OR ENGINEERING STUDENTS 75/4 Gi) Gi) dv) w- Scanned with CamScanner percentage of life Percentage of norralvoage Figure rorgasfilled lamp, life ¥-¥ ‘OR Whatare the various types of lighting schemes? Explain with relevant diagrams. ans sypesand Design of Lighting Schemes Depending upon the requirements and the way of the Jghtreaches the object, the lighting schemes are classified as, (@) Direct Lighting (0) Indirect Lighting (©) Semi-direct Lighting (© Semi-indirect Lighting (© General Lighting. @).- Direct Lighting For answer refer Unit-IIl, Q18. Indirect Lighting . For answer refer Unit-IIl, Q19. (© Semi-direct Lighting For answer refer Unit-IIl, Q20, Topi Lighting. Semi-indirect Lighting For answer refer Unit-IIl, Q20, Topic: Semi-indirect Lighting. " © General Lighting " "This type of scheme produce equa illumination i directions. This type of lighting scheme sive 5° ei With litle shadows. Sirice quite large amount of. reach objects after reflection from walls and eet" reom decoration should be in light colours and KEP! 0d condition, Also mounting height shou'd Pe Above eye level to avoid glare. ‘Mode! Papor-2, a7(a) o Semi-direct @ a General Requirements Af ed ballad requis feelin” lighting installation must meet the following Must provide adequate illuminati i quate illuminati sad phen pratt stages working plane 2. Employ simple and clean fittings. a 4 Capable of avoiding the glare not only from the lamp but also reflected glare from any polished surfaces. The usual scheme in factories and workshops is 0p is to mount a number of lamps ta sufcent height otha niform listribution of light over the working plane is obtained. Incase a factories where travelling cranes ate employed, the lamps Should be kept above the crane due to which the distribution Of light may not be even. ‘Thus the side lights are provided to Supplement the main lighting since light coloured walls and Ceiling add to the effectiveness of an installation, therefore itis, necessary to get white washing or painting done. In case, where intense illumination is required, portable lights with deep reflectors ae provided at one or more particular points on the machines or bench, Any lighting which is within reach of the operator of a machine, use of low voltage of not ‘more than SOV is recommended because lamps have thicker filament and are therefore more robust than those of normal voltage and danger of shock is also avoided. The supply for such lamps ean be obtained from a special low voltage distribution system running throughout the factory or by means of small transformer for each individual lamp. The light fittings must be cleaned periodically to have sufficient light. Filament lamps and fluorescent tubes are usually employed. Fluorescent tubes are recommended for general purpose industrial lighting whereas filamient lamps for local lighting. Refieetors which are commonly employed for industrial lighting are, @) ©) -© @. G49. Discuss Ans: s “The main objects of street lighting are, ions on the road clearly “To make the traffic and obstructions on the roa * ible in order fo promote safety and convenience. ‘To make the street more attractive. ‘To increase the community value ofthe street. Stapdard Reflector Diffused Fitting Concentrating Reflectors ‘Angle Reflectors. out street lighting. * * a ve sauinWaL FOR ENGINEERING STUDENTS LD Scanned with CamScanner N= —— Preciation red is obtained from the following relations Usilisation “Factor x watta factor waste light factor "Ea where Se oF > tui : =Number of projectors A= Ares of surface tobe illuminated in square mers, £ = Mlumination level required in lumens/n @@ Discuss the flood lighting with suitable diagram, post od Lighting For answer refer Unit-Ill, Q51, . od Lighting Arrangement Schemes * Arringement of projectors in flood lighting schemes is an j we , - following are the most widely used arrangement sehemen so. fp peta! actor which decides the choice of projectors. The ing, ‘ ; i secta 1, Inthis ——, in figure (1), the projector is mounted on the adjacent build ‘Area to be illuminated Figure (1) , 2. In this arrangement, the projector is mounted at some distance from the base of the building. This type of arrangement is as shown in figure. ‘Area tobe iluminated Building _y Projector Figure (2) In this arrangement the projector is mounted very close to the base of the building as shown in figure (3), Area to be illuminated /_, Projector Figure (3) Scanned with CamScanner “ng of hall 30 m x 13 m with a cel anche coetilant of utlization ang of 8 fo be provided with a gener required, thelr spacing mous ran't cePreelation factor of 1.4, deter 430 tul yore be " eorascont t a8 40 lumone/watt for 60 watt tube, seen tits Pe epll 300 x13mx5m qihuminatio? required = 120 lux Cpeiient of utilization, UF = 05 ation factor, DF = 14 ‘nous efficiency ~ 40 lumens/watt to beiluminated, 20 wat ioe 4-30 13 = 390m? = 120lux “Tal umes required = A x = 390 120 46,800 lumens jumens required, AXEXDF O° UF 46800x1.4 . 468001 = 131040 lumens . 131040 tol wattage required = ao — 3276 watts . Total wattage required . ten Total wating rected __ Number of bes “Wattage of each tube = 218 go 95e41 80 ‘Wecan arrange 45 tubes by taking 9 in a row arranged in 5 rows along the bre belong the length ofthe room willbe 3.33 m G0 + '9) and along the breadth the spacing, wil ‘The arrangement is as shown in below figure. adth of the room. The spacing between the Il be 2.6 m (13 + 5). Bm 77m spherieal distribution should be placed ven distance from its vertical line 58. Determine the height at which a Tight source hi ving unifo! over a floor is order that the intensity oF horizontal illumination at may be greatest. , R . Medel Paper, Q7(0) ght ‘ip scters bv thn ground. Let. tinsel ‘of horizontal ilfumination may Tine LB as shown in figure. . , Consider a li 2 by ‘light source ‘L’ placed at aheit at at point ‘4” stich meters fom he Vertes! LAN-ONE ‘JOURNAL FOR'ENGINEERING STUDENTS © ss eee ETO scanned with CamsScanner UEP? - TIS 2 Cd 8 bP I 4 ‘ a5 bina Higho GN fis SABIE 2 yng ih ” oe wey 8 L ae . he D> year or0Td, ‘The ight source should be at height ot, Mlumination at point “4” ata distance of ‘a’ meters from — 1 the vertical line ZB is given by, 57. ‘Alamp of 250 candle powers mounted F P of 2.5 meters from the centre of a table B= SP cs Find the maximum and minimum ij . i (Mode! Paper-2, Q7(b) From, A*LAB, we have, || Anes c P=t-2, CTI) | 6.20, 9, ag, Given that, 4 jven AL? = AB + BE? TBE Size of table = 6 m x 3m =P+h Output = 250 c.p AL= Vi? +d? Height, r= 2.5 m ae t AL Pasa? 2:5 mts. Illumination at point 4, . Sia ‘ Figure CPxh re i aye laximum illumination occurs directly under he Maximum illumination = as I Differentiating £, with respect to ‘h’, we get, > 250 dE, “d h | iF oa a Wa - 5); dh 44 Notas > Bil = cp| +a? ~ h3/2) (H +a?)!? x2 Minimum illumination occurs atthe comer, : Wad y Length of the diagonal = /6?+3? = 6.7 mts ydu _udv “Length ofthe half diggona =, $2 wd (*) ide ae =3as ’ ~~ ST ° aly y Distance between lamp and comer Re VAS 4355 Wey For maximum illumination at point 4, ~ oof erate yt nie e ie : ne +d?y? Bhi pace Way Scanned with CamScanner en nthe plan og een of 1 reer and 30 eter wah: Poles Is 100 meters. Determine the Illumination between May-0, Set, G86) we given that, Number of lamps = 2 candle power of lamp 1, C.P, = 300 candle power of lamp 2, C.P, = 800 Height of lamp 1 from the ground, 4, = 10 meters Height of lamp 2 from the ground, h, = 30 meters ‘ge distance between the poles, d= 100 meters itumination between the mid-point ofthe poles onthe ground, ‘According t given data, ‘he arrangement can be represented as shown in figure, fe $0 mis he Figure ( Let, point Mf be the mid-point between the two lamps. __ No¥ illumination at point M i.e., midway between thet two lamps is the sum of illumination due to lamps, L, and L, and. isgiven as: Ey=E,+E, : ~~) Mumination at Point ‘MP Due to Lamp L, tr sel coat ®, i 7 é . nee From the a” 4CM . : AM=AC HCW : “ AM = (107+ (507 S AMs 100 + 2500 SAM = 2600 5 4AM= 2600 S AM =50.95 mis | ~ e959, = 4C _ 10 AM 50.99 Wim 7 096 : a Scanned with CamScanner UTILIZATION OF ELECTRICAL ENERGY [Jnty, “Mt due to lamp 1, Mumination at point * Gop *(0:196) 0226 lux, Mumination at Point ‘M’ Due to Lamp (L,) Now, the illumination due to lamp (L,) at mid-point ‘Mis given by, we From the A BDM, we get, BM = BD + Dag > BM = (309 + (50) > BM = 900 + 2500 => BM =3400 => => BM = 3400 [BM = 58.309) . eo Boe Iso 8 9. Bat = 38309 = 0.5145 Illumination at point ‘47 due to lamp L, is, cP, g Fas Gyr * 0080, hy 800 800 = Go? “(05145 = soy * 0.1362 ' = 0.121 lux From equation (1), we have, EAE, +E, * = 0.0226 ¥ 0.121 = 0.1436 lux Therefore, the total illumi The front of a building distance of 10 m from the wal ize of projectors required. Scanned with CamScanner

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