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Nama : ........................................................... Kelas : II (Dua) A

No. Absen : ........................................................... Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 10/03/2022
Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Waktu : 07.30 – 09.00

Petunjuk Pengerjaan :
(1) Untuk soal berbentuk pilihan ganda, berilah tanda silang (x) pada huruf a, b, atau c di depan jawaban
yang paling benar!

1. Rearrange the letters!

a. Rabbit b. Horse c. Apple

2. Complete the sentences!

There is....
a. Rabbit b. Tiger c. Horse

3. Complete the sentences!

I’am (Sedih) ……….. when it’s rainy

b. Sad b. Happy c. Angry

4. Complete the sentences!

There is.......

a. Watermelon b. Orange c. Apple

5. What is it?

a. Mouse b. Hen c. Fish

6. What is it?

a. Bird b. Duck c.Fish

7. Nugi goes to school by….(Sepeda)

a. Bicycle b. Bus c. Motorcycle
8. How many chicken are there?

a. Four b. Five c. Six

9. Purple in indonesian is....

a. Biru b. Hijau c. Ungu

10. Coklat dalam bahasa inggris berarti....

a. Brown b. Black c. Blue

11. Hafiz meets Afifah in the....

a. Garden
b. School
c. Farm

12. Complete the sentences!

Diana likes .............. (menulis)
a. Writing b. Reading c. Cooking

13. He is Dava’s........... (Kakek)

a. Grandfather b. Uncle c. Father

14. Dede drink a .......... (Teh)

a. Coffe b. Milk c. Tea

15. Look at the picture!

This is………
a. Door b. Marker c. Window

16. Alif goes to school by…. (Motor)

a. Motorcycle b. Bus c. Ship

17. Complete the numbers!

One, Two, Three, .....,
a. Four b. Ten c. Two

18. Today is Wednesday, tomorrow is….

a. Thursday b. Sunday c. Wednesday

19. Today is Sunday, yesterday is….

b. Friday b. Saturday c. Wednesday

20. Arrange the letters

a. Pen b. Book c. Bag

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