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Philippine Politics and Governance

Name: Princes Reeskeith B. Jacobo

Strand&Section: Humss- Sagittarius

Teacher: Ms. Chi Chi Mea Baclig

Activity 1: Make a Narrative Report

Upon seeing and reading the task which is we need to interview five people. When I see the questions, I
find it interesting and amazing that it is all about voting. And the people must be smart in picking their

I’ve analyze and once I’m done analyzing the questions. I look for five person that I’m going to
interview. It is not hard for me to look for five person that I will interview since almost of our neighbor
are all registered voter. I ask them first if it is okay to interview them. And luckily they all said yes.

I send them the questions they need to answer since. It is not hard to interview them because I can
interview them by the use of technology. And lastly, I asked and wished to them to answer all the
questions honestly and whole-heartedly.

Below are the answers from my five interviewers. I interviewed five people that is registered voters in our
beloved barangay.

From Mrs. Lileth Grace Escubio, a 27 years old and an Accounting Technician

1. Are you going to vote this coming election? Why or why not?

Yes. In order exercise my right to vote according to the 1987 constitution of the republic of the
Philippines Article V Section 1.

2. Do you believe that your vote will make a difference? Why or why not?

Yes. My vote would make a difference towards choosing the right candidate so we must vote wisely.

3. How do you choose your leader?

I choose my leader through its capabilities. A good leader for me is a leader abiding justice and has a big
heart over his people.

From Ms. Kristine Deomarie Battung, a 20 years old and a Second Year College Student of
Cagayan State University
1. Are you going to vote this coming election? Why or why not?

Yes, because I'm registered voter and it is my responsibility to make sure that our country is lead by the
right person, who have the ability to lead the country amidst the crisis Philippines is now suffering.
Voting is like my voice to show and participate towards the bright future.

2. Do you believe that your vote will make a difference? Why or why not?

Yes, because you cannot count millions without counting one. My vote as an individual is stronger
when added to other vote for the same person or side. My vote as an individual is relevant because it
represents me and my love for my country.

3. How do you choose your leader?

Frankly speaking, i would prefer a candidate with good and clear reputation.

From Ms. Ma. Luisa Dawaton, a 23 years old and a Forth Year College Student of Cagayan State

1. Are you going to vote this coming election? Why or why not?

Yes, it is my right because I'm at a legal age now and it is my responsibility as a Filipino citizen to vote .
I was also already registered for Commission on Election. I believe that the right to vote is the most
important form of freedom as an individual and the best way to have a voice and be heard is to vote
during the elections.

2. Do you believe that your vote will make a difference? Why or why not?

Yes because it empowers you, the citizen, to respect your country, and The power of the people will
always be stronger than the people in power, as long as we, as a society, use our vote. As cliche as it
sounds, your vote is your voice. Whether you’re a Democrat, Republican, Independent, or none of the
above, I cannot stress how important it is to vote.

3. How do you choose your leader?

By choosing the new kind of leader who stands for something, shows up and changes the world for the

From Mrs. Rhea Jacobo, a 34 years old and a Under College Graduate

1. Are you going to vote this coming election? Why or why not?

Yes, because voting is one of the most important things you can do as a citizen. It represent your
interests in the government.

2. Do you believe that your vote will make a difference? Why or why not?
Yes, I do believe that my vote will make different because no one is indispensable. You can
probably with a better and you can change if it is not the best candidate.

3. How do you choose your leader?

I choose my leader that has a capability to run our country much better. They have a proactive
attitude in everyone and they delegate tasks completely. Most of all, they are approachable and
they have respect each others opinion.

From Mr. John Daniel Rubio, a 29 years old and a Under College Graduate

1. Are you going to vote this coming election?

Yes, because i want a change. It’s my voice to decide what quality of life i want in the future
and i believe that voting is my chance to stand up the issues i cared about. It’s my chance to make
a change.

2.Do you believe that your vote will make a difference??

Yes, because I believe that voting is an opportunity for change and my voice will rise up until
I make a positive impact.

3.How do you choose your leader??

I choose the lesser evil.

After I read all their answers I was impressed by how they answer the questions smoothly and wisely. I

can say that they answer the questions by heart. They just say what they want to say and they do what I

asked them to do.

At the end of my interview, based on all the answers of my five interviewers I’ve realized a lot. You need

to be wiser in choosing your leader. And if we care about our nation and its future in any way, we must

pay attention to the election and vote carefully.

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