Unit 5 Teacher As A Professional

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Study Guide in Prof.Ed.

102-The Teaching Profession Module 5: Unit 5- Teacher as a Professional

Module No.5

Unit 5- Teacher as a Professional


Teaching like engineering, nursing, accounting ad the like is a profession. A teacher, like
engineer, a nurse, and an accountant, is a professional. What are the distinguishing marks of a
professional teacher? Former Chairperson of the Professional Regulation Commission, Hon.
Hermogenes P. Pobre in his pithy address in a national convention of educators remarked, “The
term professional is one of the most exalted in the English language, denoting as it does, long and
arduous years of preparation, a striving for excellence, a dedication to the public interest, and
commitment to moral and ethical values.”


At the end of the unit, the students must have:

 Discuss on the various laws governing teacher rights, privileges, welfare and
responsibilities and reflect on how they apply in real life;
 Discuss the meaning of the teacher as a professional;
 Explain the professional competencies that a teacher should possess;



A. The Professionalization of Teaching
1. Decree Professionalizing Teaching (PD 1006)
 This policy is declared by late president Ferdinand E. Marcos and it consists 19 sections.
 PD1006 is hereby declared a policy that teacher education shall be given primary concern
and attention by the government and shall be of the highest quality, and strongly oriented to
Philippine conditions and to the needs and aspirations of the Filipino people even as it
seeks enrichment from adoptable ideas and practices of other people.
 Together with the Civil Service Commission and the Department of Education and
culture jointly gave examination for teachers.
 When the examinees pass the teachers examination they will be qualified for registration as
professional teachers and where given the Professional Teacher Certificate.
 The PD 1006 made a teachers’ license a requirement for teaching. After three years of
effectivity of this decree a teacher without license shall not engage in teaching, whether in
the public or private elementary or secondary school.
 But despite of this the quality of Philippine education is declining because the teachers are
poorly trained and the number of students who enrolled in teacher training is not increasing.
 Section 6. Qualification Requirement for Examination Applicants - No applicant shall
be admitted to take the examination unless, on the date of filing of the application, he shall
have complied with the following requirements:
a. Except those who have been engaged in teaching as herein defined for at least five


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.102-The Teaching Profession Module 5: Unit 5- Teacher as a Professional

years in schools in the Philippines not organized exclusively for nationals of a foreign
country at the time of the effectivity of this Decree, the applicant must be a citizen of
the Philippines
b. That he is of good moral character;
c. That he is free from any physical and/or mental defect which will incapacitate him to
render efficient service; and
d. That he possesses the following minimum educational qualifications:
- For teachers in the kindergarten and elementary grades, Bachelor's degree
in Elementary Education (B.S.E.Ed.) or its equivalent;
- For teachers of the secondary schools, Bachelor's degree in Education or its
equivalent with a major and minor, or a Bachelor's degree in Arts or
Sciences with at least eighteen units in professional education; and
- For teachers of secondary vocational and two-year technical courses,
Bachelor's degree in the field of specialization with at least eighteen units in
professional education.
 Section 8. Scope of the examination. The examination shall consist of written tests, the
scope of which shall be determined by the Board, taking into consideration the teaching
plan of the schools legally constituted in the Philippines.
 Section 9. Ratings in the examination. In order that a candidate may be deemed to have
successfully passed the examinations, he must have obtained a general average of at least
70 percent in all subjects, with no rating below 50 percent in any subject.
 Section 10. Report of the results of examination. The examiners shall report the ratings
obtained by each candidate to the Board within 150 days after the last day of the
examination, unless extended by the latter.
2. The Philippine Teachers’ Professionalization Act (RA 7836)
 An act to strengthen the regulation and supervision of the practice of teaching in the
Philippines and prescribing a licensure examination for teachers and for other purposes.
 Just like PD 1006 this law recognized the vital role of teachers in nation building. In this act
they created the board for Professional Teachers they are under the supervision and
administrative control of the Professional Regulation Commission that gives the
Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET).
 When a person passes the LET, he/she will grant a license to teach. And she can use this in
applying whether public or private school.
 SECTION 14. Scope of Examination. — The examinations for the elementary and
secondary school teachers shall be separate. The examination for teachers in the elementary
level shall consist of two (2) parts, namely: professional education and general
education. The examination for teachers in the secondary level shall consist of three (3)
parts, namely: professional education, general education, and field of specialization.
 SECTION 15.  Qualification Requirements of Applicants. — No applicant shall be
admitted to take the examination unless, on the date of filing of the application, he shall
have complied with the following requirements:
(a) A citizen of the Philippines or an alien whose country has reciprocity with the Philippines
in the practice of the teaching profession;
(b) At least eighteen (18) years of age;
(c) In good health and of good reputation with high moral values;
(d) Has not been convicted by final judgment by a court for an offense involving moral
(e) A graduate of a school, college or university recognized by the government and possesses
the minimum educational qualifications, as follows:


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.102-The Teaching Profession Module 5: Unit 5- Teacher as a Professional

-For teachers in preschool, a bachelor’s degree in early childhood education

(BECED) or its equivalent;
- For teachers in the elementary grades, a bachelor’s degree in elementary
education (BSEED) or its equivalent;
- For teachers in the secondary grades, a bachelor’s degree in education or its
equivalent with a major and minor, or a bachelor’s degree in arts and
sciences with at least ten (10) units in professional education; and
- For teachers of vocational and two-year technical courses, a bachelor’s degree
in the field of specialization or its equivalent, with at least eighteen (18) units in
professional education.
 SECTION 16. Report of the Results of the Examination. — The Board shall, within one
hundred twenty (120) days after the examination, report the ratings obtained by each
candidate to the Professional Regulation Commission for approval and appropriate action.
3. Amendments to Certain Sections of R.A. 7836 (RA 9293)
 It is an act amending certain sections of Republic Act 7836 otherwise known as the
“Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994
 Section 15 of RA 7836 amended that for teachers in secondary grades, Bachelor’s Degree
in Education as one of the qualification or its equivalent with a major and minor or a
Bachelor’s Degree in Arts in Sciences with at least (18) units in professional education.
They add (8) units in the professional education as one of the qualification requirements
of the applicant.
 Another section they amend is the Section 26: Registration and Exemption where
professional teachers who have not practiced their profession for the past five years shall
take at least (12) units of education courses consisting of at least 6 units of pedagogy and
6 units of content courses or equivalent.
 Those who have failed the licensure examination for professional teachers, with a rating of
not lower that 5 percentage point of the passing general average rating, shall be eligible as
para-teachers upon issuance by the Board of a Two-Year special permit, renewable for a
non-extendible period of 2 years.
B. Professional Ethics
1. Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
 In everyday life, you are confronted with the challenges to do the right thing. When you are
faced with professional decisions that seem to have ethical implications, there are
conditions and provisions of the Code of Ethics that will guide you to determine the best
 Teachers have the responsibility to push their learners to their full potential and to develop
their personality.
 The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers serves as guide for teachers specifically to
new teachers for them to exhibit proper behavior to the learning community at all times. It
is imperative that you observe and practice this set of ethical and moral principles,
standards, and values.
 As mandated in the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers, you have the responsibility
to interact positively with parents, community members, and other stakeholders of the
school. Contact with parents must be conducted regularly and be kept professional and free
from arguments.
 If you have an issue with parents, community members, or stakeholders it must be
presented during meetings and conferences. Being a teacher, you must recognize that
education is a public service and strive to keep the public informed of the programs,
projects and activities.


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.102-The Teaching Profession Module 5: Unit 5- Teacher as a Professional

 In the school you are expected to collaborate with your school administrators, co-teachers,
and other personnel in order to provide a safe, friendly learning experiences for the
 Being a teacher, you should consider your co-teachers and other personnel in achieving the
goals of education. They must be treated with courtesy, consideration, and mutual respect.
You should also be punctual in the submission of office reports and other tasks to facilitate
the completion of the work by the support personnel.

2. Code of Conduct for Public Officials and Employees (RA 6713)

 It is an act establishing a code of conduct and ethical standards for public officials and
employees, to uphold the time-honored principle of public office being a public trust,
granting incentives and rewards for exemplary service, enumerating prohibited acts and
transactions and providing penalties for violations thereof and for other purposes.
 Section 4 of this act contains the Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees.
- Commitment to public interest
- Professionalism
- Justness and sincerity.
- Political neutrality.
- Responsiveness to the public.
- Nationalism and patriotism.
- Commitment to democracy.
- Simple living.
 In Section 5 of this Act, states the Duties of Public Officials and Employees.
- Act promptly on letters and requests.
- Submit annual performance reports.
- Process documents and papers expeditiously.
- Act immediately on the public’s personal transactions.
- Make documents accessible to the public.
C. Teacher Welfare and Privileges
1. The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers (RA 4670)
 As teachers’ efforts are being recognized in building the nation, an act was passed into law
to look after the welfare of the public-school teachers and to promote, improve, and secure
the professional rights of a teacher—known to be the Republic Act (RA) 4670 or Magna
Carta for Public School Teachers.
 A teacher is defined in this act as “all persons engaged in teaching (look into the provision
of the law: in any level of instruction, on full-time basis) basic education in public schools
and all other persons performing supervisory functions in all public schools in basic
education, specifically: department heads, assistant school heads, school heads, district,
division, and regional supervisors, assistant schools division superintendent, schools
division superintendents, assistant regional directors, regional directors and
bureau/service/center directors, but shall not include support personnel such as legal,
medical and dental, planning, property/ supply, financial and human resource employees.”
 The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers aims to improve the social and economic
status of public-school teachers in basic education, their living and working conditions,
employment, and career prospects. This act shall apply to all public-school teachers except
those in the professorial staff of state colleges and universities.


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.102-The Teaching Profession Module 5: Unit 5- Teacher as a Professional

 Section 3. Recruitment and Qualification. Recruitment policy with respect to the selection

and appointment of teachers shall be clearly defined by the Department of
Education: Provided, however, that effective upon the approval of this Act, the following
shall constitute the minimum educational qualifications for teacher-applicants:
- For teachers in the kindergarten and elementary grades, Bachelor's degree in
Elementary Education (B.S.E.ED.);
- For teachers of the secondary schools, Bachelor's degree in Education or its
equivalent with a major and a minor; or a Bachelor's degree in Arts or Science with
at least eighteen professional units in Education.
- For teachers of secondary vocational and two years technical courses, Bachelor's
degree in the field of specialization with at least eighteen professional units in
- For teachers of courses on the collegiate level, other than vocational, master's
degree with a specific area of specialization;
 Provided, further, that in the absence of applicants who possess the minimum educational
qualifications as hereinabove provided, the school superintendent may appoint, under a
temporary status, applicants who do not meet the minimum qualifications: Provided,
further, That should teacher-applicants, whether they possess the minimum educational
qualifications or not, be required to take competitive examinations, preference in making
appointments shall be in the order of their respective ranks in said competitive
examinations: And provided, finally, That the results of the examinations shall be made
public and every applicant shall be furnished with his score and rank in said examinations.

 Section 10. No Discrimination. There shall be no discrimination whatsoever in entrance to

the teaching profession, or during its exercise, or in the termination of services, based on
other than professional consideration.

 Section 11. Married Teachers. Whenever possible, the proper authorities shall take all
steps to enable married couples, both of whom are public school teachers, to be employed
in the same locality.

 Section 12. Academic Freedom. Teachers shall enjoy academic freedom in the discharge

of their professional duties, particularly with regard to teaching and classroom methods.

 Section 13. Teaching Hours. Any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction shall not
be required to render more than six hours of actual classroom teaching a day, which shall
be so scheduled as to give him time for the preparation and correction of exercises and
other work incidental to his normal teaching duties: Provided, however, That where the
exigencies of the service so require, any teacher may be required to render more than six
hours but not exceeding eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day upon payment of
additional compensation at the same rate as his regular remuneration plus at least twenty-
five per cent of his basic pay.
D. Teachers’ Rights, Duties and Responsibilities
1. The Education Act of 1982(BP 232)
 Section 1. Title - This Act shall be known as the "Education Act of 1982."
 Section 2. Coverage - This Act shall apply to and govern both formal and non-formal
systems in public and private schools in all levels of the entire educational system.
 Section 3. Declaration of Basic Policy - It is the policy of the State to established and
maintain a complete, adequate and integrated system of education relevant to the goals of


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.102-The Teaching Profession Module 5: Unit 5- Teacher as a Professional

national development. Toward this end, the government shall ensure, within the context of
a free and democratic system, maximum contribution of the educational system to the
attainment of the following national developmental goals:
- To achieve and maintain an accelerating rate of economic development and social
- To ensure the maximum participation of all the people in the attainment and
enjoyment of the benefits of such growth; and
- To achieve and strengthen national unity and consciousness and preserve, develop
and promote desirable cultural, moral and spiritual values in a changing world.
E. Teacher as Person in Authority (CA 578)

[ Commonwealth Act No. 578, June 08, 1940]

Be it enacted by the National Assembly of the Philippines:

SECTION 1. Article 152 of RA 3815, known as the Revised Penal Code, is amended to read as

"ART. 152. Persons in authority - Who shall be deemed as such. - In applying the provisions of the
preceding and other articles of this Code, any persons directly vested with jurisdiction, whether as
in individual or as a member of some court or governmental corporation, board or commission,
shall be deemed a person in authority.

"In applying the provisions of articles one hundred forty-eight and one hundred fifty-one of this
Code, teachers, professors, and persons charged with the supervision of public or duly recognized
private schools, colleges, and universities, shall be deemed persons in authority."
SECTION 2. This Act shall take effect on its approval.

Enacted, without Executive approval, June 8, 1940.


Make a comparison between PD 1006 and RA 7836 by:
1. Definition of Teacher
2. Teachers Examination
a. Scope of Examination
b. Qualification Requirements for Examinees
c. Rating
d. Report of Result
3. National Board for Teachers
4. Causes of Revocation of License
Use the provided template.


Study Guide in Prof.Ed.102-The Teaching Profession Module 5: Unit 5- Teacher as a Professional

Challenge yourself by reacting in the following situation:
1.  Any teacher engaged in actual classroom instruction shall not be required to render more
than 6 hours of actual classroom teaching per day with all the classroom teaching
preparation, checking of given exercises and other related work to their normal teaching
duties. Provided however, that where the exigencies of the service so require, any teacher
may be required to render more than 6 hours but not exceeding 8 hours of actual teaching
hours a day. But sometimes, teachers are consuming almost 12 hours in school because of
many paper works. Given a chance, would you do the same?
2. There shall be no discrimination whatsoever in the entrance to the teaching profession,
and/or during in exercising its duties or even in the termination of tenure in service. Do you
believe so?
3. For instance, as a teacher you submitted yourself in the evaluation and hiring process of
your Schools Division by following what was stipulated in DO 7, s. 2015. In the RQA, you
were ranked number 1. It so happened the appointing authority selected and appointed the
teacher next in rank to you. Did the appointing authority violate your rights as a teacher?


Take a picture of anything in your surrounding that for you symbolizes a TEACHER.
Explain the picture in not more that 100 words.


 BilbaoPurita et.al.Copyright 2018.The Teaching Profession, Fourth Edition.LORIMAR

Publishing, Inc.
 BilbaoPurita et.al.Copyright 2015.The Teaching Profession, Third Edition.LORIMAR
Publishing, Inc.
 https://lovelymindinteaching.wordpress.com/2015/10/11/chapter-4-the-professionalization-


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