Summer Holiday Homework-Class VII

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The Oberai School of Integrated Studies

Holiday Projects 2022-23

Class VII
Dear Students,


This Summer Break you will have some fun while doing your Holiday Homework.

You must be wonderingaboutthese images! These pictures are of the characters of the comics you are
going to read. These images will help you get introduced to the Characters before you start the holiday

Here is what you have to do:


You would be required to read any ONE of the Asterix and Obelix comics from the list provided below.

Asterix the Gaul Asterix at the Olympic Asterix and the Banquet
Asterix in Spain Games Asterix in Corsica
Asterix in Britain Asterix and the Laurel Asterix in Belgium
Asterix and Cleopatra Wreath Asterix and the Great Divide
Asterix and the Goths Asterix and the Soothsayer Asterix and the Black Gold
Asterix the Gladiator Asterix and the Golden Sickle Asterix and Son
Asterix the Legionary Asterix and the Great Asterix versus Caesar
Asterix in Switzerland Crossing Asterix and the Magic
Asterix and the Big Fight Asterix and the Cauldron Carpet
Asterix and the Roman Agent Asterix and the Chieftain's The First Asterix Frieze
The Mansions of the Gods Shield Adventure Games - Asterix
Asterix and Caesar's Gift to the Rescue
Asterix and the Normans Adventure Games -
The Twelve Tasks of Asterix Operation Britain
Obelix and Co.

Take a thick interleafed practical file. Divide this practical file into sections as per the subjects mentioned
below. Follow the instructions given under each subject heading.

a. English

(i) Write a letter to your best friend, describing any ONE character (100 words) you liked the most while
reading the comic.

(ii) Create your own comic strip by giving a different ending to the comic that you read. (Maximum two A4
sheets to be used for this)

b. Geography

 Take a print out of this map of Europe

 Mark the countries, seas and oceans of Europe
 Marks the areas where you can find the Visigoths, Gauls, Franks and the Vandals

c. Biology

 Make a list of common herbs used in Indian cooking

 Write the medicinal values of each of the herbs you have chosen
 Stick pictures of each of herb you have chosen
d. Physics

 The mechanism on which the catapult functions.

 Stick a picture of the catapult.

e. Chemistry

 Explain what a catalyst is with an example

f. History

 Graphically describe the Roman Feudal Society

 Describe and stick a picture of the Colosseum and of a
 Describe the significance of the Laurel wreath?Also,
draw a laurel wreath.
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[PartA] Makeananimatedpowerpointpresentationonthetopic CIRCLE

[Part B] Solve the given worksheet in your HW notebook.

Computer (MS-office), HW notebook.

General Guidelines for Students:

[part A]
Instructions / (i) Thepowerpointpresentationshouldnotexceedfive. slides.
Guidelines: (ii) Ineachslidethereshouldbeanimations.
[Part B]
(i) SolveallthequestionsinyourHWnotebook.
DATE OF SUBMISSION: - 7th July 2022


Worksheet [ Part A] 10 mark

Power point presentation [ Part B] 10 Mark


Class 7
Summer Homework Worksheet 2022-23
= the following.
20 4

b) =
20 4

c) =
20 20

Question 2
Solve the following.
a) 16 ÷2= and62× =

b) 18 ÷ = and19×2=

5 3
c) 27 ÷3= and45× =

Question 3

Fill in the blanks.

b) 61.23
cm kg
=m =g

c) ×1000=6.3
d) 78mm= km

Question 4
State true or false.

(a) 17+15=15+(–17)

(b) 64–(+64)=0

(c) [(–17)+8]+20=[8+(–17)]+20

(d) (–54)+0=0

Question 5
Fill in the boxes with appropriate answers.

Base Exponent Expanded form Value

a) 54
b) 23
c) 65
d) 73

Question 6
Thereare120seats inthebalcony ofatheatre.If thisI s
th of

the total seats, what is the total number of seats in the theatre?

Question 7

In a class of 50 students, of the total play football, 3/5 of the total

play cricket, and the remaining play basketball. Find the number
of students who play:
a) Basketball
b) Football
c) Cricket

Question 8
Samson carries a bag weighing 5.5 kg. How many grams is it?

Question 9
Shaloo purchased three books at Rs 37.60 each and five pens at Rs5.15 each.
She gave the shopkeeper a five hundred rupee note.How much money did she get
back from the shopkeeper?

Question 10

The sum of two integers is-123.If one of them is 325, what is

the other number?

Question 11
(a) Write the following in ascending order:

(i) 0.4, 0.7, 0.3,0.9

(ii) 0.3, 0.21, 0.6, 0.41

(b) Write the following in descending order:


(ii) 0.6, 0.44, 0.5, 0.09

Question 12

of 27
(b) 4

of 50

(c) 2

of 35

Question 13

Write the integers between the two given integers wherever possible.

(a) 2 and -5

(b) -60 and -56

(c) 9 and10
(d) 18 and -17
Question 14
The sum of two rational numbersis7 .3 If one of the numbers is
316find the other number.

Question 15

(a) 0.03 X0.05

(b) 4.96 ÷0.004

(c) 0.01X4X0.5

(d) 20.74+0.674+0.09

Question 16
Using laws of indices simplify the following.


(b) 45 ÷42


Question 17
Express in Exponential form.

(a) (-2p3)4

(b) (8x3)0

(c) [(4)-2]3
Question 18

Multiple Choice questions

(a) Tasneemboughta suitforRs.560and solditforRs.500.


(i) Profit (-60)

(ii) Profit60
(iii) Loss (-60)
(iv) Noneofthese

(b) Whenaproperfractionismultipliedbyaproperfraction
theproductisalways eitherofthefraction

(i) greaterthan
(ii) equalto
(iii) smallerthan
(iv) none ofthese
Important instructions:

 Each work will be done in the respective subject notebook.

 Work should be original, neat and handwritten.
 Students are allowed to research and use ideas from various sources.
 Model should be made only using waste material. DO NOT USE THERMOCOL.


Activity: - Measuring distance

Q1. Can a pencil of length 350 mm fit inside a pencil box of length 45 cm?

Q2. Help Mathew to find the length of the pencil.

Activity: How long does it take?

Q3. Calculate the time how long it takes you to do the following:

 Write your name

 Read a page of the book.
 Count to 200.
 How could you have made your measurements more accurate?

Q4. Draw any 2 apparatus used during old days for measuring time. Also, ask your grandparents or
elders about their functioning and write in your notebook.


Activity 1: - Lifting of latent fingerprints from glass, table, door, etc.

Note: Lift at least 4 latent prints from different surfaces.

NOTE: - The latent print will be identified by using the black powder and brush. Use the cello tape to
lift the latent prints. Paste them in the notebook with the initials of the person whose prints you have

Activity 2: - Use the link given below and follow the steps. 

Link: -

Do the activity using blotting paper or tissue paper and also write the steps for the procedure in your
notebook. Also, click the picture of the chromatography flower art and paste along with the


Activity: Investigating changes in pulse rate.

Aim: - To find out why and how does the pulse rate change during different activities.

Procedure: - Note the readings for 3 days.

Step 1: Note your normal pulse rate.

Step 2: Climb the stairs or walk around 50- 60 steps. Note the pulse rate.

Step 3: Run fast for 2 minutes and then note the pulse rate.

Step 4: Represent the readings in the tabular form for three days. Also, find the mean of it.

Step 5: Investigate about why the pulse rate changes.


हृदयस्येमांवार्त्ाांकथयान्यहंकम् ?

िवममममिवएकप्राणााः एकप्राणााः तकंकुयााम् ?


शनाः शनाः ममजीवनेआगच्छ

शनाः शनाः ममहृदयंचोरय
त्वर्त्ाः प्रेमकतिमेशुभ्रे! तप्रयिमे !
त्वांतवनासुहृदे !
त्वांतवनासुतप्रये ! - 2

िवममममिवएकप्राणााः एकप्राणााः तकंकुयााम् ?


शनाः शनाः ममजीवनेआगच्छ

शनाः शनाः ममहृदयंचोरय

त्वर्त्ाः प्रेमकतिमेशुभ्रे! तप्रयिमे !

शये Sहंतकलखखद्ये Sहंत्वांतवनासुरमे !
प्राप्यसवांगिंमेत्वांतवनासुतप्रये !

िवममममिवएकप्राणााः एकप्राणााः तकंकुयााम् ?


शनाः शनाः ममजीवनेआगच्छ

शनाः शनाः ममहृदयंचोरय
त्वर्त्ाः प्रेमकतिमेशुभ्रे! तप्रयिमे !

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xhrdksMail ds ek/;e mks@theoasisdoon.orgij 6 tqykbZ ls 8 tqykbZ
rdHkstus dk d”VdjsaA
dSjksds dk iz;ksxdjldrsgSA

Topic:France’s famous personalities

During the summer, I want you to do a little research on France.

Select a famous French personality. Choose someone that you find interesting and whom you would like to
share about with the class.

Once you have researched your selected personality, create a poster (A4 size) on that person. You can
draw, paint, paste pictures, anything you want. Andgive a bit of information on that person (facts,
achievement,etc) in your own words (in English – not French unless you want to!).

You will show your work in class after the holiday and the best ones will be showcased in the 3rd language
“Painting is just another way of keeping a diary.”

-Pablo Picasso

 Choose any two topics for your creation.

 The third topic is optional (Digital art, 3d work or photography) if you
do that will enhance on your performance.
 Topic-
1 Self-portrait with any loud expression
2. Dream place
3. landscape
 Materials and Techniques-
1. Choose either warm or cool colour for your first painting.
2. Create the second painting with any convenient material ormedium (Charcoal pencils,
Water colour, and Acrylic or Pencils colours).
3. For self- portrait, usecamera to click your own picture and use it for your drawing.
4. Do not choose any google images like; any cartoon character or any celebrity for
making art work.
5. You are free to choose the third topic for digital painting using any software.
6. Mention your Name, Topic, Medium and Technique at thebelow right corner of
7. Use your class drawing file for holiday homework.
8. This holiday homework is a part of your internal assessment; therefore, it will be
 Deadline- Submit your holiday homework invisual art google
classroom as well as in school latest by 8 July 2022.

“Enjoy every mark or brush stroke on your paper


With the help of search engine like and books, research on the topic “Ethics
and Safety measures in Computing” covering the following points:

 Advantages and disadvantages of Internet.

 Internet ethics
 Cyber threats
 Cyber security/protection
Create a formatted PowerPoint presentation with collected text, pictures and videos from
the internet on the mentioned topic.

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