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The Villages of Skelton, Shipton, Overton, Newton-on-Ouse, Linton-on-Ouse & Beningbrough

The Revd Trevor Gant, 6 Lumley Road, York, YO30 6DB Tel: 01904 654784 (evenings)
The Revd Catherine Toase, 07777 672400,

CHURCH WARDENS: Online version at

Skelton Shipton Newton
Carolyn Evans 01904 470125 Church Warden Vacancy Church Warden Vacancy
Ian Holbrook 01904 470674 July/August 2022

Sunday 3rd July Proper 9 (St. Thomas)
U SE IT OR LOSE IT – This is a term often used by
companies about employees’ holidays and as
we approach the holiday season I’m sure people are
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion desperate to use their allowance. It is also sometimes
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship applied to department budgets, and again people
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion will be rushing to use their allowance before it is
taken from them. So can the same be applied to the
Sunday 10th July Proper 10 church?
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion Although as Anglicans we like our church
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion buildings, and almost every village has one. Peter’s
Newton 11:00am Morning Prayer first letter tells us we are to be ‘like living stones, let
yourselves be built into a spiritual house, to be a
Sunday 17th July Proper 11 holy priesthood, to offer spiritual sacrifices
Skelton 9:30am Morning Prayer acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.’ (1 Peter 2:5)
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion It is the people who believe in Jesus Christ who
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion make up the church. The cornerstone, the most
important stone on which the rest is built is Jesus
Sunday 24th July Proper 12 Christ.
Skelton 9:30am Family Worship There are places round the world where
Shipton 10:00am Family Communion church buildings are being pulled down and so the
Linton 11:00am Messy Church church meets in the open – this is not a case of use it
or lose it this is a case of use it and you will lose it.
Sunday 31st July Proper 13 (St. Ignatius)
We have the luxury of church buildings in
Newton 10:00am Benefice Communion
which to meet should we choose, and, although it is
Sunday 7th August Proper 14 unlikely that we will lose them altogether, unless
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion people gather to worship and be the living stones, it
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship ceases to be church. Jesus says “where two or three
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion gather in my name, I am there among them”
(Matthew 18:20) but a church building where no
Sunday 14th August Proper 15 one (or few people) gathers to worship becomes
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion economically unviable.
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship God never has a holiday and we can never be
Newton 11:00am Morning Prayer lost to him. The people of God, the living stones will
always be here but the church does have a budget to
Sunday 21st August Proper 16 work within and if that is lost then the church
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion building may be too.
Shipton 10:00am Songs of Praise There used to be a poster outside many
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion churches that read, ‘CH CH: What is missing? U R!’ I
hope you don’t lose your holiday entitlement this
Sunday 28th August Proper 17 (St. Augustine) summer and have a lovely break but I also hope and
Skelton 9:30am Family Worship pray you return to your church because there may
Linton 11:00am Messy Church come a point of USE IT OR LOSE IT.
God bless you all, (and see you soon) Rev Trev
Sunday 4th September Proper 18 (St. Birinus) NOTICES FOR THE NEWSLETTER
Skelton 9:30am Family Communion should be received by the 15th of August for the September issue.
Shipton 10:00am Family Worship All notices emailed to:
Newton 11:00am Holy Communion FOR ADVERTISING QUERIES please contact

GENERAL NOTICES Royal Memories of 60 years ago: This booklet of 24 Skelton
pensioners’ memories of the death of George VI and the coronation
Benefice Co-ordinator: Could you spare a few hours a of Elizabeth II, printed for the Jubilee in 2012, is being reprinted for
month to co-ordinate the paperwork for baptisms and this year’s celebration. Buy it for £2 at Skelton Post Office from
weddings in the Benefice? We would love to hear from you if 20th May.
you could help us. Please contact any of the Churchwardens Skelton Walking Group: Our next village walk will take place on
– contact details on front of the Newsletter. Saturday July 2nd. Meet at the village green at 9.30am for a 5 mile
Confirmation/Discussion Group: Confirmation classes are walk from Skackleton. Good views of the Howardian hills. Bring a
starting again in September. This will double as a discussion picnic lunch. For more information telephone 470962
Music for the Jubilee Friends of St. Giles’ are holding a concert of
group for anyone wishing to further explore the Christian
music by English composers on Friday 1st July at 7.30pm in St.
Faith. Please register your interest with Revd Catherine Giles’ Church. Listen to our beautiful organ and solo voices. Tickets
Toase, 07777 672400, £5, includes glass of wine and canapés. Contact Marion 470676/Jill
Venue TBC 470555
Christian Aid 2022 This year £346 was donated by Skelton,
and Newton & Shipton worked together, raising £385.85.
This all goes towards providing drought resistant seeds
and running water in the drought ridden areas of Zimbabwe.
Thank you to all those who contributed and all those who SHIPTON WITH OVERTON NEWS
helped with the collection. Yoga for improved health & wellbeing Wednesdays, 9.30-
. 11.30am at Shipton Community Centre. All abilities welcome. Come
& experience the benefits for your physical & mental health. Taster
class is £8. Phone: 07515 577377 or 01904 704226. Email:
Facebook: St Giles Church, Skelton, York Shipton Parish Council Meetings are now held in person and will
be in the main hall of the primary school on Station Lane until
Skelton Parish Council Next meeting 7.30pm, 28th July 2022, in further notice at 7:30pm on the second Wednesday of the
the Village Hall. Following meeting TBC. For more information month. Members of the public are welcome. The agenda is
see or email: . published online (the new Parish Council website will soon be up
St. Giles Opening: Daily between 10:00am and 4:00pm. and running!) & on the Parish Council notice board (at the bus stop
Skelton Gardening Club, In June, July and August there are no opposite the pub) at least 3 days before a meeting. Next
meetings held in the village hall. It's our Summer break when we meeting will be held 8th June. To contact the Parish Council please
have several organised trips to gardens of note. We resume our email <> or telephone 07814
meetings in the village hall on Thursday September 15th at 550125 the Clerk as a first point of contact. Please do not visit the
7.30pm. when members old, new and visitors will be warmly homes of either the Clerk or the Councillors without prior
welcomed. For details contact Janet on 628388 or email: arrangement. Shipton Space Café & Cinema is pleased to announce standard
Mandy’s Community Café 10:30am—1:30pm on the 1st Friday of open times again. Our group organisers take care to wipe
each month in the Village Hall. Join us for soup, cakes, touchpoints after each event and provide increased ventilation
refreshments and a chat. Family, friends and neighbours all through the hall to comply with the latest Government
welcome. recommendations. If you want to join the Cinema & Café email
Skelton Social Running Group A casual running group meets on group, ring John 07906 890 465 or 01904 470187. Or scan the QR
Tuesday nights, 6.30pm at the green on St. Catherine’s Close. We code below. CINEMA is on every 1st Friday. Doors open at 7pm
usually run 5km (3 miles) in a small group. Everyone welcome & if for 7:30 Bring warm clothes and your drinks. If you intend to come,
enough people we can split into different groups for different please text Branwen on 07986 244599 CAFÉ at Shipton
distances & speeds. Contact us via the Skelton Community Share community hall is every Tuesday from 2pm-4:30
Facebook group. Table service. Tea/Coffee cakes and scones.
Mobile Library in Skelton. The Mobile Library visits Skelton every Chat and friendship to take away. See you soon.
two weeks. Borrow books, update your library card or York Card,
return books from any other York library, & request books to be Shipton By Beningbrough Playground Club Congratulations to
brought to Skelton. The library stops in Fairfields Drive from the winners of the Shipton By Beningbrough Playground June
2:40pm to 3:10pm and Brecksfield from 3:15pm to 3:50pm. 2022 100 Club draw, drawn by Karen at Tesco Clifton Moor on
Alternate Mondays. Contact 01904 552655, email Saturday 4th June- 1st Prize £53.13 Jackie Igoe (Ticket 84), 2nd or go to Prize £26.56 Simon Laycock (Ticket 82), 3rd Prize £26.56 Phil
Skelton WI: 7:30pm, 14th July, Liz Lonsdale will demonstrate Folk Harrison (Ticket 50). The 2022 playground 100 Club currently has
Art Made Simple and we will have the chance to make an item 85 members, if you would like details of how to join, at a cost of
ourselves. Visitors are always very welcome - please ring 470605 £32.50 per year, please contact me by email
for further information. on In 2022 we are including one extra
Gentle Yoga Class Every Thursday, 1:30-3:00pm, Skelton Village bonus draw in December, so there will be 1st, 2nd, 3rd and a
Hall. Gentle yoga practice, working towards strength, flexibility & Christmas bonus draw in Dec 22. The money raised from the
relaxation in a friendly environment. Mixed abilities, all ages & Shipton Playground 100 club goes towards the maintenance
beginners welcome. Contact Nestor on 07503 157361 running costs and new equipment for our playground. Thanks
or again everyone, the next draw will be in July 2022.

A Massive Thank you from Julie and Ray to all that attended the BENINGBROUGH NEWS (continued)
jubilee party in South garth on Saturday 4th June, we would like to Friends of All Saints will be on Wednesday 20th July at 7 p.m. in
thank all those that helped make the day special and mark the church. Matthew Constantine, Cultural Heritage Curator of the
occasion, we would also like to say a very big thank you for all of Yorkshire National Trust, will be giving a talk entitled ‘Ringing the
the donations to St Leonard’s hospice we raised a whopping £210. Changes: All Saints Church and the Story of Beningbrough
Thanks again and hope you all enjoyed yourselves. Hall’. This event is free to members of the Friends or £4 at the door
Thank you from St. Catherine’s Care home to everyone who to include a glass of wine. Do come and join us for this final talk of
attended the grand opening of the new specialist dementia care the current programme. A huge thank you to the sixty people who
home. See page 6 (online only) for the full press release. are already members of the Friends and the many others who have
supported the events. We look forward to seeing you all in
NEWTON, LINTON & September!
Flower Festival Advance Notice: The Friends of All Saints are
BENINGBROUGH NEWS delighted to announce a Flower Festival at All Saints Church from
Linton on Ouse Parish Council: Contact 23rd to 25th September in aid of the church building fund. They for details of the next meeting. would be most grateful to anyone offering to grow flowers which will
Craft and Chat We meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday in each bloom at that time. All offers of help, please, to Marion Blacker on
month except August. Cost is £3.00 per session from 1pm. Bring 07808367455 or at The Festival
your own crafts. Enjoy a cuppa with like minded people. Coffee will be opened by Lady Downe, a member of the Dawnay family,
mornings have restarted in the village hall Linton Coffee Mornings formerly of Beningbrough Hall.
in the VH Every 3rd Saturday of the month from 10am. Join us for a Newsletter distribution in Newton & Linton: Due to less
bacon/sausage sandwich. Good company! A warm welcome advertising and a need to reduce printing costs, the household
awaits! Thank you very much Maureen Stringer 01347 848268 distribution of the Newsletter has started to be cut back. The
Newton on Ouse Parish Hall 100 Club Ring Bill for details on Newsletter is available online at:
01347 844001. parish-and-community-newsletter and on notice boards at: All
Linton History Group: For more information please contact Saints Church and the Village Hall, Linton on Ouse Paper copies
Maureen on 01347 848268 or check website will be available at All Saints Church, Newton and the Village Store . and Post Office in Linton.
Book of Remembrance: If you would like an entry for a deceased All Saints Shelf Indulgence Café: 10:30am on Saturday,
loved one in the church’s new Book of Remembrance, please 9th July: Indulge in a coffee or choose from a selection of teas and
complete the form on the church website: infusions with an included freshly-baked scone. Forward-buy a and pay the small fee required to coffee for a new resident or friend! Take home ‘off the shelf’ freshly
cover calligraphy charges into the specified account. The book will -baked cakes, scones or sweeties from our selection. Browse our
be on permanent display in the church. shelves of books for sale at bargain prices. Everyone welcome.
North Yorkshire Dance Academy Classes have resumed at There will be no Café in August due to holidays but we look forward
Linton Village Hall every Tuesday and are available for all ages and to welcoming you back at 10:30am on Saturday, 10th September.
abilities from tots to adults to enjoy. For further details contact Organist Matthew Lazenby is giving a pipe organ concert at
Diane Sugden on 07810 483 546, or email: Sherburn in Elmet Church on Friday 22nd July, 7:30pm. Tickets or see our Facebook page £10 and light refreshments are included. For tickets contact Angie
@northyorkshiredanceacademy. Wilton 01977 682122, or
New Church Website: Please note the change to a new website Tickets available on the door as well.
for All Saints available at Requests for
Friends Membership, Remembrance Book entries or baptism/ Adverts:
marriage enquiries can all be made through the new site. Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter
Line dancing in the Newton Parish hall Wednesdays at 7:00pm- when contacting advertisers
9:00pm. £5 per person. Contact: 07941 459862 Dave Stamp.
Church opening hours: A reminder that the church is currently
open from 11am to 3pm daily, although these times are subject to
change in line with Covid restrictions. Advertising space available.
Foodbank Collection: Items for the York Foodbank can be left
inside at the rear of the church during any of the daily opening
Help support the parish newsletter.
hours of 11am to 3pm. Groceries of all kinds are welcome, but no Please contact:
home-baked or other fresh food please. We will ensure the items
reach the Foodbank as soon as possible. Thank you for helping
those in need.
Newton-on-Ouse Allotments Association has vacant plots on its Would you like a helping hand to keep your
site on Back Lane. Options, showing annual rental rates, are: half garden beautiful?
plot £20, or quarter plot £10, with a one-off set-up fee of £10 in
both instances. If you are interested in taking on a plot please  weeding  garden tidying  lawn edging
contact John Barnes-Tee:
Messy Church: Stories! Food! Crafts! Fun! Everyone is welcome, Call Alex on:
Every fourth Sunday of the month, at Linton Village Hall 11:00am. Tel: 01347 848060 GARDEN BEAUTIFUL
Beningbrough Hall and All Saints: The next meeting of the Mob: 07905 102702 garden maintenance

Please mention the Parish & Community Newsletter when contacting advertisers

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Everyone is Welcome
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the month.
At the Linton Hall—

Page 5—Digital / online version only

Press Release from All touch points had a subtle approach to dementia
awareness too, so as guests filtered in and explored different
St. Catherine’s Care Home: areas, it was an opportunity to highlight how different
aspects can help those living with dementia. Tours of the
North East based Wellburn Care homes are a family run care
sensory garden were particularly popular, and watching the
home provider and we have 14 homes across the region.
kids take part in the treasure hunt was a highlight for us, as
One of those is St Catherine’s Care home, located in
each item on the lists introduced different aspects of
Shipton, York.
dementia, such as memory, smell, sounds in a very child
Saturday 11th June, marked a hugely important
friendly way. To see how they interacted, took interest and
chapter in St Catherine’s history, as we welcomed guests to
learn as they went, was a lovely moment.
celebrate with us, the grand opening of our new look home,
Our staff played their part too, helping to show guests
which has been transformed into a specialist dementia care
around, explain our story and introduce them to the concept
home. The complete transformation is the result of more than
of St Catherine’s. Special guests included the Sheriff of York,
two years hard work and in excess of £1.5m invested , and
Suzie Mercer who officially cut the ribbon to officially
required a deep dive into the world of specialist dementia
announce St Catherine’s open, and Care England’s Chief
care, with months of research, development, planning and
Executive, Professor Martin Green OBE.
design, before a single brick was laid. The result is a
Of the day and our St Catherine’s project, including
beautifully modern dementia specialist care home, with state
The Manor, Martin Green said “This is a ground breaking
of the art facilities including ‘The Manor’, which is a separate
project, developed specifically to offer support services for
facility for younger residents living with young onset
people with early onset dementia, and the partnership with
dementia, that we hope will help St Catherine’s become a
Dementia Forward will ensure that St Catherine’s is going to
regional, as well as local centre of excellence - offering
transform the lives of people with early onset dementia. I
unrivalled support to those living with dementia, whilst
have no doubt that St Catherine’s is a State of the art facility
furthering understanding and raising awareness of the
that will become a regional, as well as local centre of
excellence to support people living with dementia, and I was
The Grand open day attracted hundreds of guests,
honoured to be at the grand open day, to pay tribute to the
proving a hugely popular day, with a real carnival
fantastic work done by Wellburn and I want to commend
atmosphere. Some of the highlights included live music, food
Rachel and her team for the care and support they offer and
and drink stalls, an animal corner and a kids treasure hunt.
for the expertise in Dementia care which has been
developed over many years.”
Wellburn’s Chairman Rachel Beckett added “It’s been
a long journey to get here, but standing here, with such a
fantastic turn out, amongst so many friends and guests from
our local community, I just feel a huge amount of pride.
We’ve had such incredible support from so many people
throughout the journey, and all of my staff have been
exceptional. The opening marks a new, exciting chapter in
the history of St Catherine’s, Wellburn Care homes and
dementia care in the region. The future looks bright and
we’re looking forward to getting on with what we do best,

Page 6—Digital / online version only

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