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Mame * KARMILA Nim + A-90\9-066 The memos System og he conlral terveos SK stew Sue larara and Spal cock and yeciveral mecvous consist and System Consists OF tue necves andl Stqn- OF Lhe bears and Spinal cord The (reared 15 re organ oF booth emokion memory and Seasory processing und Secves wany O6pecks OF communicakionS dad conteols varrous Syste aud puncttons * . the deecal geaksb: Consist OF frston hen boske and amen Lhe eye, ears god cox + Gokor TWeormation about Lue lady's amuronmen’t ” (Bex aiDU Dipindai dengan CamScanner PTT Tot free fT Nyy tee ire it’ Ti? tT? lie yt tT Tet eee tre ety arr erteantn re STL NS = whak ace tre paher's compas? haswer $ increased rm Lower guadraal pata, blood- Streaked Stosls o¥ smalls volume athe Lack 24 lnours: Mauser owiibing, persistent reckal drschorqe and wialarse. the altea relates Una she 1S ageaid Lo Shond UP. he ped's " Weok and Wiseralle’, Wireee 15 Me Yawn boowers Bahl lower gucdran pata - How long docs Lae gop Une heal eeoblem haswor? 1 month ago whal rs fhe palent’s Mecheal (ristor7? knsarte Genceal nealth + at age 15 daanosed as laying reyooal entenlts CE> Cros Arsease) aglec a Lembhy work up she was hospitalized Several bates She, taentaned on drug and dick a becapy \obil We cesenk Lame. She sow Yhysician Appro kimaky 1 monthago when pabreak Luaoual She mat bc ekperanciy A grare -up oF Cholin's chseas at Lak brme prednisone Qosane wos racccasd ErOM Fo bo 4o mq /dq tnd the yaheat Genan Lakie, ampcittin: te Sr anpkoms nave gsssted and Lhe gatienl ts seen aL veesank bemic tn dev distress: 3iDL Dipindai dengan CamScanner \s Mere amy clevtdbion on Hee at assesm col? 4 boiswees wo, deuisiwon on! Ween - whal rend o¢ canines neeled gor labo Grower's Usine, paces, plod » What. lod of dragnosbie best has he underonc? boswers 660, ches ¢ Ray, veockesing Moi dTsCofy , Bowek, Brepsy Bactum enana- what are her vial scgn37 Accwer t tamecralure 4.35%. Coral) Puls 6.92 jxedules Coprcal) wi ee proabionss 16 Pequler Gleod Kuessuncsy 90/60 © argh) Does doclor osder you inbromuscalar raecbtan ‘eo gareenk'S. 4 Answer 2 Yes Jc decor dic an yabramusctalar tnsecton: Noes duchor ouder gov. to AsPiy InpusIen? hoswers 4€6 the doctor Crclercel be pat on yneuson ow Dipindai dengan CamScanner My. name(s armila, Lam 22 years old and 2 Lee in Benterg: the reason 1 Stody af Panrtler Hosada ts because 1p has beanches,inmy dreams is to become a purse The teasen £ become 4 “hurse_ 1s because nuse are q noble Profesis 90 bo become 4 nuese 6p course £ have fo Study at fancita posada bulukumbs por 4 years fo | becowe 4 Sholar not onty that I also havc to | fake pueses uth mone ¢han one Gear ¢o be able fo hele paticols: * Garis Hijaunya Nyaman dimata Dipindai dengan CamScanner yy Ae We VM an disease 16 nok i eac ious 3: My Yon More drab ce days resis. 4 kus wound will a_Clean 1 _cevery Wik dccssind “Fe the of tebty cases pur arse, |B 1Msert Lnermoueler into your Lacs acme 4 “9. wiete 90000, 46 Pergocm and operalin. ror Your Soy Please ie domn pa bal beds NG es Year counbing your pale. b: ha) Ga ver gore Surgery “¥oe your cw\d 1g: L need fo preagure your herght tk. 1) forehead: 2) neck 3) lip 4) tooll, &) Torguc : Dipindai dengan CamScanner 16. 6) Ltyer 7). feart 8) lungs 9) biceps (0) triceps lr: I) elpow 12) kidney (3). Sfomach 14) thiagh (8) Knee 10.%| whal rs He ponfron of Lis tasferments. 1+ Stefostore. pyedical tasfeament used tq lesfening fo sounds produced wiptn phe body cher! y ta the heart oc lugs. 2: Strecher, '$ a dewtce Ue fo cacry person who mus} [ye plat ard cor'f wove on phir own- It fakes fwo sfeorg freole do causy 4 patica/ a strekcler: 3 Lepleye Hammer , 1s 4 aredical demee used by docfor to test deep fendon | bnce BeRleres * 47 Trollery asa fool for mourn 4oods $) lafusion stand +o pec totravenous Flards Connected fo the fatten} - Dipindai dengan CamScanner 1) You are very fale bow le gov noc 2) oes Your chest burk_uihen you Vor} bleed « 3) row lo you pee/ Why you look So Weal. Dipindai dengan CamScanner

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