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Course name : Technology and Operations Management

Submission deadline : Friday, 24 June 2022, 9.30 PM


1. Please read the case (uploaded separately in eLOK) carefully and answer
the following questions.
2. Your answers must not exceed 2,000 words (excluding bibliography and
appendices), so make sure that you answer the questions concisely. You
are encouraged to use relevant external sources to support your
3. Any forms of plagiarisms are not tolerated and can lead to failure in this
4. Before submission, your answers must have passed a Turnitin similarity
check with no more than 10% similarity is allowed.
5. Any documents containing your answers must be submitted through a link
provided in our learning management system (eLOK) and SIMASTER.
6. Please upload your PDF and MS Word files. You are free to use your own
format for this assignment. However, please note that you must provide a
title page with clear indication of your name and student number.

1. Identify, analyse, and discuss supply chain strategies applied for
2. What challenges does COVID-19 pose for iPhone’s supply chain?
3. What measures did Apple take to cope with COVID-19? What do you
think of the resilience in iPhone’s supply chain management?
4. How should Apple develop sustainable supply chain operations now
and in the future?

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