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Hello and Assalamualaikum to my beloved lecturer and to all my classmates.

We are
from group B of Public Speaking IV session A212 2021/2022. To start our farewell speech, I
would start by thanking everyone that are here and hearing our speech. My name is Nur
Ariena Sofea Binti Mohamad Aznan and I’m a member of Group B. I’m so happy and
grateful today to be able to speak today on our special day. After two years of our journey
together, we are coming to the closing stages of this semester. I would like to first and
foremost to thank my lecturer Madam Aida for teaching, guiding, sharing and loving us for
the whole semester from semester one until the end semester four. Your guidance, teaching
and presence itself means everything to me and the whole class. Thank you for staying and
teaching us from the start until now, you will always be in our heart, mind and memories
madam Aida.

Next, to my fellow groupmates, Adhlin, Nasuha, Vanessa and Sharminey thank you
for being my friends and groupmate from the beginning until now. You gurls also means a lot
to me. The laughter, tears and stress we share together all semesters are precious memories
for me. We work hard together in achieving every task given to us. We conquered every
obstacle and hardships even though we do it online. Our strength is that we are always there
for each other. Even though I’m the oldest in the group, you gurls will always treat me
friendly and respect just as I am your gurls age. I’m very thankful to be able to call you gurls
my friends until the last day I lived. Furthermore, throughout the semester we gain new
knowledge in implementing techniques and ways to be write and gives speech. There are
times when it is hard to understand and implement it, we always do our best to understand it
and finish it. It really help and improved our knowledge and also skilled to be used once we
enter the working industry. I am glad to choose Public Speaking as my co-curriculum class
throughout the semester. Thank you everyone for the great memories and thank you madam
for being a loving and great lecture for us. I hope we could always be in contact with and
always treasure the memories we make. My name is Ariena and thank you everyone.

Hi and Assalamualaikum everyone. I’m Adhlin, group member from group B. First
and foremost, I would like to thank to our amazing lecturer which is Madam Noor Aida who
is always give the best for our class which is Group D. I would like to thank also to my group
members such as Ariena, Nasuha, Vanessa and Sharminey. My group members are consisting
of different races such as Vanessa is Bidayuh mixed Chinese and Sharminey is Indian. They
are such an amazing group member since semester 1. From semester 1, we’re know each
other, and we’re sync together even we’re from different course. We can give cooperation
among each other because all the assessment was related to the group project. So, our
hardworking to completer all the assessment since semester 1 until semester 4 is paid off. Not
only that, but I also got a great result in this course, and I’m satisfied with my efforts. Aside
from that, we’re as a group members have our own chemistry among each other because if
we do not have our own chemistry, we cannot achieve and completing our group project
together. Furthermore, I’ve gained a lot of knowledge from this course which I can learned
more about on how to communicate with others without anxious especially in a group. It’s
totally improved my confidence level as a student in leadership skill or working in a team.
it’s not only in communication but public speaking help me to improve on how to create a
proper speech and give a good speech with a proper knowledge that I’ve learned. In addition,
public speaking was amazing course to learned because I can see my improvement on how to
deal with people through speech, enhancing my communication skills and I have an
achievement in this subject because I got a great result in every semester. Lastly, I would like
to thank again to Madam Noor Aida that always be a great lecturer during the whole semester
and I’m going to missed you Madam because of you are a kindhearted person and such a
hardworking lecturer in this course. Aside from that, thank you for giving a lot of knowledge
about Public Speaking and I will implement all the knowledge whenever in the future. Thank
you for those advice since first met we’re know each other, and it motivates me to be a better
person in the future and as a student in UUM. You’ll be missed and I hope we can see each
other even this is our last semester. Lots of love from me, Adhlin.

A very good day to my respected lecture Madam Noor Aida and fellow classmates. I
am Vannessa, it is sad to say that today is our last class for public speaking course. First of
all, I would like to thank Madam Noor Aida for being a very responsible and supporting
teacher during these 4 semester. Thankyou for all the knowledge, information and skills of
proper public speaking that you had taught me and improving my English as well. I will
always remember all the precious moment with madam during class. Secondly, I would like
to thank my beloved classmates for being very nice and friendly with me. I have learned a
lots of things from you all. You have made my day every Saturday especially during sharing
session because you guys like to share funny and interesting topic. I will miss those little
moments of fun where we were singing together in the class, sharing our life experiences,
sharing movie and a lots that are uncountable precious moments. Lastly, I am very grudge to
leave my group members which is group B. Thankyou to my group members for all the
cooperation, care, understanding and guidance that you have give me during these 4 semester.
A lot of memories and knowledge that I gain from our class which shall remain with me till
my dying day. Thankyou again and I hope to see you again.

Overall, I can conclude that every learning and activity implemented in this Public
Speaking class by amazing and gorgeous lecture Madam Noor Aida, beginning with semester
1 and ending with semester 4, is very informative, inspirational, and entertaining. It has
actually given me a lot of knowledge and experience that has taught me countless things,
particularly how to be a professional and highly confident in speaking in public because I was
a very shy person at first, and this weakness made it difficult for me to interact socially and
communicate with many parties. As an outcome, deciding to join this public speaking club
provides me with a great opportunity to fix this weakness. Further to that, this class has
provided many guidelines that teach me on how to be a group member who is able to provide
good cooperation and commitment to complete all tasks assigned in a given period, as well as
taught me to face and overcome any challenge or problem arise efficiently. I consider myself
fortunate to be part of the greatest group of people who are always willing to help me in any
situation, are excellent at providing ideas, and are always energetic. In shorts I can conclude
Ariena is a very positive leader, and responsible in making sure each member does the
assigned task even a creative person in generating ideas and efficiently managing weebly
related matters. Adhlin is a very smart, highly committed, and very helpful in performing
every task in fact Vanessa is a member who is always open -minded, hard workings, and
cheerful while Sharminey despite being a shy person she is very dedicated, hardworking, and
very helpful in giving ideas. As a result, I am extremely proud of our group for successfully
carrying out their respective roles, facing challenges, and completing all tasks till the end. I
have definitely enjoyed the journey of learning in Public Speaking, which has had a really
positive impact on my life that I intend to apply all of the information and knowledge I have
gained to become a great, confident, and dedicated speaker in the future. Thank you so much
Madam for being such a great lecture for us !

To all my friends, all of you have supported each other during the class activities.
Although there are some challenges to complete the group work, all of you have put great
effort to complete it together. There were many group tasks that we completed together.
Many new and interesting ideas were given by all the members in the group when completing
a task. Everyone of us has participated in the tasks given in class. We were always there to
help each other in doing the group assignments and managed to complete all. It was so nice to
work with all of you. Thank you everyone.

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