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Quality of Healthcare Services for Veterans

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Quality of Healthcare Services for Veterans

The following section will discuss the limitations, use and applications of findings and

recommendations of the research. Health is an important element among human beings.

Research speculates that the burden of medical conditions is more prevalent among people with a

mental health condition than other illnesses. Every person is entitled to quality healthcare

services at any given time. However, in the past years, the military personnel health has

expressed an increasing concern about the quality of care delivered to the veterans and their care

access. Veterans in particular have recorded poor health care services accorded within their

respective health centers. Thus, it is important to analyze how the findings relate to the quality of

healthcare services provided to veterans. Moreover, this section speculates how these findings

can be used and applied in healthcare facilities to treat veterans. Lastly, this section also provides

an insight about various recommendation on how to embed these research findings to enhance

the quality of healthcare services offered within the VA.


United States veterans stand for a unique populace of women and men who have served

the nation, most of them facing extraordinary health issues in their line of work. As a result of

many veterans serving on international missions like combats, veterans connected to health

issues are a potentially disadvantaged and clinically challenging populace (Gordon, 2018). The

mission of the veteran affairs department health care plan is to meet the health concerns of this

populace. However, in the past years, VA has faced increasing issues concerning the quality of

care delivered to the veterans and their care access. In February 2014, a public episode featured a

retired veteran affairs physician who alleged that approximately forty veterans died while

seeking care at the Phoenix VA health care plan.


The death allegations were not proven, but they arose amid more significant complaints

of long waiting periods at VA medical camps, low patient results, and other system concerns in

the VA health care plan. Demand assessment of care in the population served by the VA is

challenging (D'Aoust & Rossiter, 2021). Under the current policy, approximately sixty percent of

the United States veterans qualify for VA care based on service duration, injuries linked to

services, service in designed theatres, and salary. Few of the veterans who qualify are using the

VA health advantages. Many veterans using the VA care have other coverage sources like

private or Medicare insurance and depend on other care sources for the health care necessities.

In response to these issues, the veterans’ accountability, choice, and access Act of 2014

was ordained in August 2014. The regulation attempted to address the access concern by

enlarging the criterion for veterans to obtain care from civilian caregivers (Gordon, 2018).

Furthermore, the law called for independent assessment series of the VA health care plan over a

wide range of topics connected to the health care services delivery to the veterans in VA

operated and owned services and those working under VA contract.

Use and Application of Findings

The research is focused on explaining the irony of basically everyone being allowed to

pursue a private healthcare provider while veterans are restricted to the services of the VA. The

findings rely on a statement about how senior citizens should enjoy a choice of the healthcare

provider. Many people are against the idea of privatization and that this fear of the word is hardly

based on anything.

There are significant points and, precisely, counter-arguments on how veterans should

receive equal treatment chances with other citizens. People need to be enlightened on the logical

fallacies made (United States, 2018). That is precisely why this research is important, as it

provides good facts on the research concerning veterans' equity to healthcare.

The main findings are the many problems that the Veterans Affair faces in its quest to

solve healthcare issues for the veterans. In addition, there are numerous ways to improve this

healthcare system (Green, 2020). In the section concerning better health care quality to veterans,

there are ways in which the VA was such a great system until the late 1990s when VA

participants began to abandon the values that got the VA to where it was.

There are numerous methods to improve the VA, however, it is ultimately against doing

away with the public aspect of the VA entirely, and focusing wholly on ways veterans will

acquire better healthcare services (Rathus & Nevid, 2019). The findings are helpful because they

will help in examining the battle for veterans' healthcare quality and outlining recommendations

on improving healthcare quality to veterans.

Recommendation 1

The preparation for a veteran landscape change, it will be successful by balancing the

short-term capacity need increase with preparations for long-term inpatient numbers decline. VA

has rapidly increased healthcare demand (Ritchie & Llorente, 2019). Despite the continuity in

this trend, VA must be prepared to reduce the patient populace size for the long term. Suppose

they respond to the present demand increases by expanding facilities, staffing, and infrastructure.

In that case, the outcomes will be larger than expected in the coming years when the sick

population begins to decline.

The above recommendation can be successful by expanding and improving data

collection to inform estimates and plan for future VA care demands. The system needs re-

implementation of data collection on the veteran status (Casull, 2019). The primary detailed

information source concerning the veterans is the 2000 census implying that the detailed

information is outdated. The 2010 census never collected the veteran status data, and recent

efforts to examine the veteran populace's reliance on the surveys samples are inaccurate. Monitor

the necessities of the post 9/11 veterans closely. They may consist of various VA health care

utilization patterns than past veteran generations.

Current initiatives have been formed to address the necessities of the more prominent

veterans that were exposed to the combat for prolonged durations during the post wrangles.

Close monitoring of the new veteran generation's health needs will ensure that the authority

responds appropriately and rapidly to their necessities. Collect appropriate data on the health care

utilized by the veterans. Little is known concerning the health care needs and use of veterans that

get partial or complete care outside the VA (Ritchie & Llorente, 2019). Data on the veterans' care

and their unmet care needs will permit the VA to identify how well they can serve the emerging

group needs. These data will also help the VA properly plan for the future modifications in VA

rules eligibility or enrolling trends.

Recommendation 2

The improvement of quality and care access, it will be successful by taking important

actions to enhance VA care access. VA’s capabilities and resources adjustments will require

adhering to veterans' near-term health services demand. Various initiative options ensure

veterans enjoy continuous care access (Lamanna et al., 2020). The policies with the highest

possible effects are: increase the VA physician’s numbers to enlarge the patient’s number that

can seek service in a timely way. Formalize independent nursing care by offering independent

practice bodies to all advanced nurses in the VA. Enlarge the virtual care access to elevate the

clinical care access when distance separates the provider and the patient.

The options are never mutually exclusive, and all have different potentiality barriers in

their implementation. For instance, the main obstacle in formalizing the independent practices of

nursing is political (main stakeholder opposition), the barriers of hiring a physician are

concerning administrative as well as price challenges in association to the hiring procedures, and

the main impediment to extending virtue access of caring is price (Ritsema et al., 2021). It

decreases variability in the quality and access of ensuring all veterans are in place at a higher

rate. Although most VA facilities get very high-performance levels on paramount quality and

access measures, there is also a higher deal of variation in the whole system in plans used to

achieve higher performance.

The best, continuous performance increased effort is required in identifying unwarranted

identity, variation, and developing good practice in improving performance and embedding the

procedures in routine utilization all over the VA system. It implements and sets best-sensitive

geographic standards of care access. Congress and VA must compare the size fits, driving

approach distances with other means with much sensitivity to differences among clinical

populations, veteran subgroups, private facilities, and geographical regions. They should focus

on the significance of time used in driving, transportation, availability, and traffic required

services as primary considerations in the geographical access in the assessment of care.

Recommendation 3

Making strategic utilization of bought care, it defines the strategy for accepted care. VA

and policymakers must articulate the best approach and set an objective for purchased care must

be utilized and how it fits in VA's broader mission of health care. The plan must also make

benchmarks for success in adopting bought care reforms. It must give a good foundation for

bought care procedures as well as authorities moving forward while maintaining their flexibility

of meeting demanded surges and providing veteran-centered care. It streamlines the management

of the recently bought care system. As congress and VA job to a consolidated approach to

purchasing care, reviewing a structure of a bought care management to ensure responsibilities

such as referrals and contracts are in place to the appropriate stages in an agency.

Candidates for higher streaming and oversight include the evaluation process of third-

party administrators who operate VA's bought caregiver network and more-similar policy of

billing, reporting needs, and episodes of care. VA must also adopt a cost-effective, coherent

strategy for giver reimbursement. Policymakers shall require ensuring any maintained changes of

appropriate flexibility at the local state. It monitors the timeliness and quality of care bought

outside VA. VA is a quality-of-care improvement and measurement leader, but it has limited

visibility in the timeliness and quality of care given to veterans from other entities. VA must

need routine reporting of quality measures in ensuring that the timeliness and quality of care that

veterans get from non-VA givers is much better than care given by VA.


Casull, B. H. (2019). Earthquake: How the ever-shifting healthcare model victimizes

Americans. Atlantic Publishing Group.

D'Aoust, R. F., & Rossiter, A. G. (2021). Caring for veterans and their families: A guide for

nurses and healthcare professionals. Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Gordon, S. (2018). Wounds of war: How the VA delivers health, healing, and hope to the

nation's veterans. Cornell University Press.

Green, M. (2020). Understanding health insurance: A guide to billing and reimbursement -

2020. Cengage Learning.

Lamanna, M. A., Riedmann, A., & Stewart, S. D. (2020). Marriages, families, and

relationships: Making choices in a diverse society. Cengage Learning.

Ritchie, E. C., & Llorente, M. D. (2019). Veteran psychiatry in the US: Optimizing clinical

outcomes. Springer.

Rathus, S. A., & Nevid, J. S. (2019). Psychology and the challenges of life: Adjustment and

growth. John Wiley & Sons.

Ritsema, T. S., Brown, D. L., & Vetrosky, D. T. (2021). Ballweg's physician assistant: A guide

to clinical practice - E-book. Elsevier Health Sciences.

United States. (2018). The Constitution of the United States of America: Analysis and

interpretation : 2018 supplement : Analysis of cases decided by the Supreme Court of

the United States to June 28, 2018.

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