The Presidency (June-2021-May 2022)

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The Presidency

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

June 2021 - May 2022
The Presidency
JUNE - 2021

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

Official Portrait of H.E. the President of the Republic of Uganda
Official Portrait of H.E. the President of the Republic of
1. Official Portrait of H.E. the President of the Republic of Uganda 2

2. The Editorial Team 5

3. President Museveni Reiterates Government Commitment to Improve Salary of Scientists 7

4. President, First Lady Receive a Second Covid-19 Vaccination Jab 9

5. President Museveni Meets the National Task Force on COVID-19 11

6. President Museveni Delivers the State of the Nation Address 12

7. Automobile Manufacturing Project Launched by President Museveni 13

8. President Issues Covid-19 Containment Guidelines 16

9. President Museveni Meets the NRM Caucus 17

10. Vice President, Prime Minister, Ministers named 19

11. President Museveni Implores Ugandans to Get Involved in Modern Commercial Agriculture 20

12. Remarks by the President after the National Budget Speech 21

13. President Museveni Cautions Against Grabbing Indian Property 25

14. Unemployed Graduates Urged to Embrace Hydroponic Science for Food Security 27

15. Uganda, DRC Joint Infrastructure Connectivity Project Launched 28

16. Government to Support the Tourism Sector to Grow 30

17. Message of Condolence to H.E. Kenneth Kaunda 31

18. President Museveni Declares a 42-Day Lockdown to Curb the Spread of COVID-19 33

19. Swearing-in Ceremony of the New cabinet 34

20. President Museveni Presides Over the Swearing-in Ceremony of Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga 36

21. President Museveni and First Lady Host 4th National Prayer Session 38

22. President Museveni Delivers Keynote Address at the Virtual World Health Summit 39

23. ANNEX 1 41
Dear Reader,
It is with immense pleasure that I have the honour to present to
you the inaugural edition of The Presidency, a publication of the
Government Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC), under State House-
Uganda, which is the monthly round-up of the news from the
Office and Residence of the President of the Republic of Uganda.
His Excellency the President of Uganda has been an agile and
pragmatic communicator. He was among the first African leaders
to join social media platforms in 2010. His following has grown to
over two million on Twitter alone, which puts him among the most
followed African brands.
In 2020, the President developed a culture of interacting with
citizens through the social media platforms; mainly Twitter and
Facebook. This, he did through his regular write-ups shared on his
platforms and addressed to Bazzukulu (Luganda for grandchildren).
The President regularly went through the reactions and would
respond to some worthy ones.
The President has also been a regular contributor in our dailies,
writing about the ideals he espouses and the vision he has for
Uganda and Africa. Already an author of several books including
his autobiography, Sowing the Mustard Seed, the President has
written extensively about Pan Africanism, Integration, Peace and
Security, Conflict Resolution among other areas, which makes him
an astute communicator.
It is against this background that we are introducing The
Presidency, a monthly round-up of the events at the Office
and Residence of the President. For the start, the magazine
will only be a digital PDF file shared on the different digital
platforms and uploaded on various Government websites, and
will be one way of telling stories from the Presidency.
In future, we intend to make it two-way, to have the input of the
citizenry, by running a citizen column that will be commenting
on the various activities, projects and programmes undertaken
by the President, and also to have contributions from different
Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government.
I now with pleasure, welcome you, to the First Digital Edition
of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of Communication
& Director Government Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC)
The Editorial Team

Marcella Karekye Duncan Abigaba

Chief Editor Deputy Chief Editor
Editorial Team

Otim Deo Robert Sharp Mugabe

Editor Head of Content Production

Deo Mutumba Gerald Kansiime

Head of Production Head of Logistics
Quote of the Month

“As I said on my inauguration and on a number of other occasions,

at this point in the history of our country, having restored the small
enclave modern economy of 1971 that had been destroyed by Idi Amin
in the 1970s, having greatly expanded it from US$1.3billion in 1986
to now US$40billion, we have a number of points that we need to
concentrate on in order to transform Uganda into a Middle income
country, on the road to becoming a First World country.”

President YK. Museveni, 4th June 2021,

State Of The Nation Address
1st June, 2021
President Museveni Reiterates Government Commitment to
Improve Salary of Scientists

H.E. the President meeting members of the Uganda Medical

Association led by the UMA Vice President Dr. Ataro Stephen
Ayella who called on him at State House Entebbe. He was
accompanied by the UMA Secretary General Dr. Mukuzi Muhereza,
the head of Medical Interns Dr. Nabwire Irene, the Secretary
General of the Federation of Medical Interns Dr. Faith Nabugasho
and the former Director General of Medical Services Prof. Francis
Omaswa among others.
The President reiterated government’s commitment to salary
enhancement for medical practitioners and scientists in general,
saying that the movement government is focused on developing
Uganda using a science-led development strategy.
The President further said that his government will continue to
improve the training and remuneration budget for the scientists so
that the country can be able to train and retain the scientists that
are crucial for the development and sustainability of the country.
He reaffirmed governments position to pay doctors Shs 5million as
their starting salary and also proposed an enhanced pay for intern
doctors. He advised the intern doctors and other health workers to
always take the line of dialogue when advocating for their rights
and assured them that he is always ready to engage in dialogue
with the medical professionals because of the importance of their
profession and service they render to the population.

8 The Presidency
H.E. the President bidding farewell to members of UMA after a meeting at State House

H.E. the President posing with members of UMA after a meeting at State House

June 2021 9
3rd June, 2021
President, First Lady Receive a Second Covid-19 Vaccination Jab

President Yoweri Museveni and the First Lady Janet Kataaha Museveni
took the second COVID-19 vaccination jab on 3rd June, 2021, completing
the recommended dose to minimise effects of the raging COVID-19

“I urge Ugandans to get vaccinated. We

started with the high-risk groups like health
workers, teachers, security and people with
comorbidities. Our target is to cover over
four million people,”

H.E YK. Museveni

According to the World Health organisation for some COVID-19

vaccines, two doses are required. For vaccines that require two
doses, the first dose presents antigens – proteins that stimulate the
production of antibodies – to the immune system for the first time.
Scientists call this priming the immune response. The second dose
acts as a booster, ensuring the immune system develops a memory
response to fight off the virus if it encounters it again.
The President assured Ugandans that vaccines are safe and effective
but urged them to continue wearing masks, washing hands with soap
and water, sanitising, ensuring good ventilation indoors, physically
distancing and avoiding crowds to minimise transmission.

10 The Presidency
H.E. the President receiving the second COVID jab at State Lodge, Nakasero

First Lady receiving a second COVID jab at State Lodge, Nakasero

June 2021 11
3rd June, 2021
President Museveni Meets the National Task Force on COVID-19

President Yoweri Museveni met Office of the Prime Minister,

the national task force on the Ministries of Health, Education,
COVID-19 response ahead of his Trade, Finance, Tourism, Public
national address on 6th June, Service and joint security
during which he addressed the agencies among others.
nation on the current status of The President was among
the pandemic in the country. other things briefed about
The task force consists the ongoing mass COVID-19
of professional scientists, vaccinations around the
representatives from various country and the current
government agencies including pandemic status.

H.E. the President meeting the COVID-19 Task Force ahead

of a COVID national address

12 The Presidency
4th June, 2021
President Museveni Delivers the State of the Nation Address

H.E. the President

addressed Parliament
at Kololo Ceremonial
Grounds during
the State of Nation

Full Speech Pg 40

Deputy Speaker Anitah Among (left) and Speaker Jacob Oulanyah (second left)
receive H.E. the President (second right) and First Lady (right) at Kololo for the State of
the Nation address.

June 2021 13
5th June, 2021
Automobile Manufacturing Project Launched by President Museveni

President Yoweri Museveni launched the proposed automobile

manufacturing project in Kasese and described it as a big thing that
will create a new form of wealth and a different future than what we

“This programme presents a big challenge where you depend on

the brain. You get wealth from brain-power and skills. Europe is
stronger because of this. Don’t think the people of the world depend
on Agriculture. You can fit Uganda in the United States of America 40
times but only 2% of Americans do agriculture. The majority are in
industry and services. Before COVID19, we were getting US$1.5bn from
tourism and only US$ 5million from coffee,” he said.

H.E. the President is received by Mr. Metu Katabazi at the launch of an automobile
manufacturing plant in Kasese District.

14 The Presidency
The President on 6th June, 2021, broke-ground for the new Metu
Africa Bus Industries at Kasese Industrial Park, a future automobile
City of Uganda. The US$50million project is expected to produce
automobiles and machinery, road, city, tourist and school buses.
President Museveni commended local proprietor and investor
Metu Katabazi who did civil Engineering at the University of
Nairobi for being an African of a new type who is working to stop
the importation of second hand vehicles and also create jobs.
“Second hand vehicles are no good. By driving second hand
vehicles you give rich peoples children jobs when yours don’t
have. The whole of Africa imports cars and gives jobs to Japanese,
Indians etc. Why give others jobs and forget yours? Second hand
vehicles are also bad for your health and for the environment.
They have a high fuel consumption,” he said.
The President called on Africans to stop importing already built

June 2021 15
cars, buses etc saying all the money for the work and other
materials for building is lost.
“Fortunately we have high quality steel in Kabale and Butogota.
Even if we import steel but use our own labour and electricity we
shall retain 35% here while 65% goes to buy parts. In future, we
shall also retain the 65% here. When we assemble, all parts are
made abroad. Metu says don’t assemble. He wants to fabricate
not assembly,” he said.
The President commended Katabazi for choosing to invest in
Kasese and was happy that the people of Kasese provided the
Mr. Metu Katabazi said they would invest US$50 million in the
next five years and will hope to build capacity to manufacture
over 100 buses including the 4metre city buses, 4.8 to 18 metre
long buses for rapid transport.

I can foresee a vibrant multiplier effect in

the economy of Uganda. We hope to create
2000 direct jobs and 2000 indirect jobs. With
your support, we want to have the capacity
to become the leading manufacturer of
automobiles here,”

Mr. Metu Katabazi

16 The Presidency
6th June, 2021
President Issues Covid-19 Containment Guidelines

On this day, H.E. the President addressed the nation and issued
directives regarding containment of the COVID-19 virus. Some of
the measures included;
Closing down schools and other institutions of higher learning,
suspending communal prayers, closing down most of the non-
agricultural activities, burials were reduced to ten people, non-
food and auction markets closed down and inter district travel ban
among others.

H.E. the President addressing the nation on new lock down measures to curb the
spread of COVID-19 in the country

June 2021 17
7th June, 2021
President Museveni Meets the NRM Caucus

H.E the President who is also the National Chairman of NRM met
members of the NRM caucus at Kololo ceremonial grounds on 7th
June, 2021. He highly commended members of the Caucus for their
solidarity during the recent election of the Speaker of Parliament
and Deputy Speaker of Parliament.
“You behaved like parties behave. Politics is not what you want as
an individual but it is what you want as a group for the good of the
country,” he said.

H.E the President who is also NRM Party Chairman addressing members of the NRM
Parliamentary Caucus at Kololo Independence Grounds

18 The Presidency
He congratulated NRM members of Parliament upon being elected
to the August house. The MPs were starting the process of expressing
their interest in the Parliamentary committees of parliament.
The President informed the legislators that the idea of moving alone
as a political individual was not a viable one but a distortion.
He reminded members of NRM Caucus of the resolve he and other
patriots took when Amin came to power to resist the regime as its
leader would not understand the main aim of the student group
that was out to unite the people of Uganda and liberate countries
in Africa.

Former NRM Secretary General, Rt. Hon. Kasule Lumumba addresses members of the

June 2021 19
8th June, 2021
Vice President, Prime Minister, Ministers named

H.E. the President constituted his Government by naming the Vice

President, Prime Minister and Leader of Government Business, as
well as Ministers and Ministers of State.

H.E. the Vice President, Jessica Alupo chats with the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Robinah
Nabbanja, during a function at Kololo Independence Grounds.

20 The Presidency
9th June, 2021
President Museveni Implores Ugandans to Get
Involved in Modern Commercial Agriculture

H.E the President presided over the 32nd Heroes Day Anniversary
celebrations at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.
The scientific ceremony was held under the theme ‘Remembering
those great men and women who put the nation first in pursuing
freedom for our mother land Uganda’
The 9th of June is a day to particularly remember the freedom
fighters who were butchered by Bazillio Okello in Kikandwa village
Nakaseke district and included among others Lutamaguzi, Sentongo
as well as all those who contributed to the liberation of the country
before, during and after independence.
The President who first paid tribute and laid wreaths at the graves
of the Heroes at the Heroes Corner in Kololo after a three-gun salute
pointed out that one of the main objectives in the peoples protracted
struggle was to stop extra-judicial killings. He said NRM is very strict
on that and even if mistakes occur, they are followed up.
“During the recent election campaigns there were mistakes. The
opposition made mistakes by being violent, intimidating people
like attacking those wearing yellow clothes and according to the
chairman veterans Hajji Seddunga some people didn’t vote,” he
The President observed that those who encourage the opposition
to take that line are misleaders acting unconstitutionally because
democracy is today rife in Uganda where people can vote as opposed
to the use of violence.

June 2021 21
On the economy, President Museveni urged all Ugandans to get
involved in modern commercial agriculture and encouraged political,
religious and cultural leaders to preach the gospel of wealth creation
at family level as that is the epicenter of poverty.
On the land issue, especially evictions as raised by Hajji Seddunga,
the President pledged to resolve the issue of land evictions.

10th June, 2021

Remarks by the President after the National Budget Speech

On this day, the Minister of State for Planning designate, Hon. Amos
Lugolobi, presented the National Budget for the year 2021/2022,
before Parliament, at Kololo Independence Grounds.
H.E. President described the 2021/2022 budget speech as a ‘wonderful
one’ that has disclosed the reduction of Ugandans still practicing
subsistence agriculture from 68 % in 2013 to 39 % today.
‘According to the budget speech, poverty rates have reduced in
West Nile, Elgon region and other areas. 61 households are in the
money economy. This is great news that means that we are really
moving,” he said.
President Museveni who was accompanied by the First Lady and
Minister designate of Education and Sports Janet Kataaha Museveni
was making his remarks shortly after the reading of the 2021/2022
budget presented on his behalf by Hon. Amos Lugoloobi MP Ntenjeru
County North in Kayunga district at Kololo Independence grounds.
This financial year budget 2021/2022 that was presented under the

22 The Presidency
theme ‘Industrialization for inclusive Growth Employment and Wealth
Creation’ saw most of the key wealth drivers such as agriculture,
industry, services and ICT get most of the financial allocation. Other
areas included infrastructure.
President Yoweri Museveni used the occasion to warn trouble causers
he likened to parasites in the country, to end their activities and join
other Ugandans to concentrate on wealth creation.
“I want to tell the parasites that we are here to crash them. People
are busy producing wealth, you go attacking them! Who are you,”
he asked.
The President told the nation that the isolated cases of criminality

H.E the President chats with the Speaker and Deputy Speaker of Parliament after the
budget speech at Kololo Independence Grounds.

June 2021 23
being witnessed like the attempted assassination of General Katumba,
where his daughter and driver were killed, will certainly come to an
end as Police and other sister security agencies are going to step up
security directives.
He said he has already directed the Minister of Security designate
General Muhoozi to follow up the process of installing digital monitors
to every vehicle and motor cycles to help in speeding up investigations
of crime.
“I don’t want any waste of time in investigations. I have told General
Muhoozi to get on with that process,” he said.
He said another solution in the combat of crime is the strengthening the
forensic capacity of the Police as wrong elements always leave behind
a lead in the scene of crime that can be traced in the investigations.
He urged wanainchi never to tamper with anything they find at the
scene of crime as that can jeopardize investigations.

Hon. Amos Lugolobi, Minister of State for Planning (Designate), going to read the budget
speech on behalf of H.E. the President, at Kololo Independence Grounds

24 The Presidency
“According to Police, one of the criminals dropped his handkerchief
some body picked it before the police arrived. Please respect the
scene of crime and if you still have that item bring it back, it can help
in tracing the criminals,” he said.
President Museveni added that gun printing is another solution in
combating crime, disclosing that police has already finger printed the
guns that were used on the attack of General Katumba. He said the
attack on General Katumba was not an ordinary crime but a definite
motive that will be discovered soon.
He pointed out that the people who use assassinations are from
bankrupt groups who are not sure of themselves.
On the issue of the proposed new cabinet, President Museveni said
he decided to surprise everybody because just like Jesus he decided
to go for the fishermen instead of the elite Pharisees.
On human capital, President Museveni directed the Minister of Health
designate and the Prime Minister designate to absorb all qualified
doctors in the country to health facilities up to sub-county level. On the
lucrative venture of fish maws that are on high demand, the President
said he is going to contact his Chinese counterpart President Xi to
wave off taxes levied on the maws adding that Uganda could earn $
156 billion annually from the trade that will also provide employment
to the youth.

It is bankrupt to kill people. Why should I kill

anybody because we don’t agree,”

President YK. Museveni

June 2021 25
12th June, 2021
President Museveni Cautions Against Grabbing Indian Property

H.E the President warned against grabbing Indian property managed

under the Departed Asian Property Custodian Board (DAPCB) saying
fraudsters will face serious consequences.
“All those parasites... why are they fighting for Indian properties?
Why are they not developing their own property? When returning
Indian properties, we had a big debate in parliament. These are
4,000 properties, there are over one million new properties owned
by Ugandans, why fight over Indian property,” he said.
President Yoweri Museveni was on 12th June, 2021, meeting Uganda-
Indian diaspora and investors led by Ambassador Dr. Mumtaz Kassam,
at State House Entebbe.

H.E. the President posing with members of the Uganda-Indian Diaspora community after
a meeting at State Lodge, Nakasero.

26 The Presidency
The investors who are also landlords and property owners including
Liaquat K. Valiji, Mustafa T. Bharmal, Zaahid A. Bharmal, and Nafisa
F. Bharmal- from the United Kingdom, Canada and India are seeking
to repossess their properties lost after their families were expelled
from Uganda by former President Idi Amin’s regime in 1972.
The Asians, after their expulsion left behind property, which included
businesses, stock and real estate.
The President said that in order not to make it an endless programme,
they put a time limit for them to claim their property. None citizens
were given up to June 1993 while citizens had no time limit
“Our Movement Government has no interest in giving to anybody
property that was owned by our Indian people. You must have
heard that I have been re-elected President. We are going to resolve
this issue,” he said. He directed for written reports by the diaspora
regarding all their property to be presented to his office.
The Indians are seeking to repossess various property scattered
around the country including tea estates, land and buildings but
claim the Departed Asians Property Board and COSASE have made
it impossible for them to progress.

June 2021 27
15th June, 2021
Unemployed Graduates Urged to Embrace Hydroponic
Science for Food Security

H.E. the President wants graduate youth who have been unemployed
for two years after graduation to embrace hydroponic science for
food security and environmental protection.
Hydroponics is a type of horticulture and a subset of hydro culture
which involves growing plants without soil, by using mineral
nutrient solutions in an aqueous solvent.
“I f irst heard about this hydroponic agriculture, growing crops
without soil, from an Arab man from UAE who told me soil has
pollutants and we didn’t need it at all. When I heard this, I was
very happy because it solves so many problems. It solves the
problem of crop diseases, solves problem of sustainability…you grow
continuously and it solves the problem of land shortage,” he said.
The President was on 15th June, 2021, meeting a delegation
f rom Miramar International Foundation that promotes youth
empowerment programmes in smart farming and mechanization
of agriculture, production and distribution of food led by Dominic
Mwenja the Chairman of Miramar International Foundation Kenya,
with his team Nansaba Paula, Kasenene Elizabeth and Francis
Kabiru. They were accompanied by former Minister for Economic
Monitoring Hon. Molly Kamukama at State House Entebbe.

H.E. the President posing with members of Miramar International Foundation after
a meeting at State House, Entebbe. Right is former Minister of State for Economic
28 Monitoring, Hon. Molly Kamukama.
The Presidency
16th June, 2021
Uganda, DRC Joint Infrastructure Connectivity Project Launched

H.E. the President and his counterpart, President Felix Antoine

Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic of Congo commissioned
construction works for the road infrastructure connectivity project
covering the Mpondwe/Kasindi-Beni Road (80km); the Bunagana-
Rutshuru-Goma road (89km and the Beni-Butembo Axis (54km) on
the territory of the Democratic Republic of Congo, on 16th June,
“The people of DR Congo and Uganda are the same people f rom
time immemorial. I thank Tshisekedi for bringing Congo to the East
African Community. You can’t talk of the East African Community
without Congo,” President Museveni said, adding that they had
discussed many things including the road project and the issue
of security in the region in detail.
“I am happy to be here for this project. (President) Tshisekedi came
with an open position because he does not want any suspicions
with his neighbours. We are here to break ground for this project
and ready for more projects,” Museveni said while addressing the
people of Congo at Kasindi.
President Tshisekedi described the ceremony as a reinforcement
of relations between the two countries.
“Today is a great day; a day which will reinforce relations between
both countries. This important day begins with building a road
f rom here inwards is an initiative of President Museveni. I was
delighted when he informed me about this project. When it is
achieved, it will work towards promoting our development and
improving our security. That is why as Congolese, we support this
project,” he said shortly after a bilateral meeting he held with his
counterpart at Mpondwe in Uganda.

June 2021 29
“I thank my elder brother Museveni for the warm welcome and
for the many important discussions we have had. I thank him for
this initiative because it caters for the idea of the integration of
our countries. As brothers, instead of looking to building walls, it’s
better to build bridges. This initiative is what we must continue
doing. It’s a great project. I am at your complete exposure for us
to go and inaugurate the project,” he said.

H.E. the President with DRC counterpart, H.E. Felix Tshisekedi cutting a ribbon to officially
open the Mpondwe-Kasindi bridge.

H.E. the President and his DRC counterpart unveiling the foundation stone, marking the
start of the Uganda-DRC road project.

30 The Presidency
17th June, 2021
Government to Support the Tourism Sector to Grow

H.E. the President has pledged more support to the tourism sector
in the country and noted that jumpstarting the sector needs three
factors including; security, where there is no war and crime, this will
attract tourists, infrastructure like roads and more airports close to
the tourism destinations or sites. This, he asked that the tourism
strategic plan be aligned to the NDP III to tackle the issue of upgrade
and construction of the Kasese/Kisoro/Kidepo and Kihihi airports/
airfields, and thirdly, promoting the conservation of wildlife and the
environment and control of poaching.
“Tourism returns are faster than those of coffee. For instance, coffee
fetched close to US$500m in 2019/20 while tourism fetched US$1.6bn.
The budget cuts are temporary. The tourism sector will be supported
to grow,” he said.
President Museveni recently met with the Chief Executive Officer
of the Uganda Tourism Board Ms. Lily Ajarovawho had prior briefed
him on the state of the sector during the COVID-19 pandemic. The
meeting was also attended by Uganda Tourism Board members
represented by Mrs Suzan Muhwezi (Representing Hoteliers) and
MrElly Kiriya (Representing Tour Operators).
On fears by hotel owners and other service providers in the sector
about business foreclosures over taxes and other fees, the President
promised to communicate on possibility of having the taxes
suspended in the period when business is low.

June 2021 31
18th June, 2021
Message of Condolence to H.E. Kenneth Kaunda
H.E. the President eulogised H.E. Kenneth Kaunda, the first President of the
Republic of Zambia, who passed on, on the same day. We reproduce the
President’s message below;

“I have learnt with shock of the death of our elder, Mzee Kenneth
Although God has blessed him with many years of life, departing
at 97 years, since his brain was still sharp, we could have had more
years of his wisdom.
Nevertheless, Mzee KK, as he was fondly called, made big contribution
in his life. He fought for Zambia’s independence and he made a big
contribution to the freedom struggle of the liberation of the sub-
continent of Southern Africa.
Here, I am referring to the liberation of: Mozambique, Angola,
Zimbabwe, South Africa and Namibia.
In the late 60’s, for instance, I remember he enabled FRELIMO to
open the third front in Tete Province of Mozambique.
This was in addition to the active Fronts of Cabo Delgado and Niassa
which took the fight to the rear of the Portuguese colonialists and
had a decisive impact in the defeat of the Portuguese in 1974.
Lusaka had representation from most of the Liberation movements
in Southern Africa.
He also welcomed Ugandan exiles, when we were fighting the
dictatorship of Idi Amin. Many Ugandans got jobs and education
in Zambia when they ran out of Uganda.
Therefore, in his long life, Mzee Kaunda made his contribution to
the freedom of Africa.
I salute his contribution and I salute his memory.
May His soul rest in eternal peace”

32 The Presidency
H.E. the President greeting Mzee Kenneth Kaunda in Zambia

H.E. the President visiting Mzee Kenneth Kaunda in Zambia

June 2021 33
18th June, 2021
President Museveni Declares a 42-Day Lockdown to
Curb the Spread of COVID-19

H.E. the President addressed the nation declaring a 42-day lock

down to curb the spread of COVID-19.
In his speech, the President closed most of the non-agricultural
activities, private and public transport except cargo trucks among
other measures.

H.E. the President during one of the COVID-19 National Addresses.

34 The Presidency
21st June, 2021
Swearing-in Ceremony of the New cabinet

H.E. the President presided over the swearing-in ceremony of the

new cabinet at Kololo Independence Grounds.
The President defended his choice of the new cabinet describing
the new Ministers as very hard working, loyal and patriotic cadres
who are incorruptible. He urged them to decisively push Uganda
into the middle income nation in this 5-year term.
“The Vice President Hon. Jessica Alupo is a hard worker and listens
to my advice. She caused change in Teso through enterprise
selection especially the growing of fruits and she also works for
unity of the people. The Prime Minister the Rt. Hon. Nabbanja is a
very committed,hardworkingand an active mobiliser. She is anti-
corruption and straight forward. Some of the cadres I notice and I
identify them,” he said.
President Museveni said that this time round he decided to bring
on board the children of the veterans as well as the youth whom he
asked to push the programs of their parents in the development of
their country.
President Museveni congratulated members of the new cabinet
for being sworn-in and the people of Uganda for the successful
elections despite some challenges, pointed out the main strategic
mission of the new cabinet is to resolve the issue of getting out
the 39% of the population from subsistence farming to the money
economy in order to achieve the social economic transformation
of the population in the country.

June 2021 35
H.E. the President posing with First Lady after she took her oath as Minister for
Education and Sports. Right is First daughter, Diana Kamuntu.

Hon. Jessica Alupo taking oath of office as Vice President of the Republic of Uganda

36 The Presidency
24th June, 2021
President Museveni Presides Over the Swearing-in Ceremony of
Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga

H.E. the President presided over the swearing-in ceremony of Rt.

Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, as 1st Deputy Prime Minister, and Minister
for East African Affairs.
The President described the former Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon.
Rebecca Kadaga, as smart and flexible, saying when he proposed
to her that they needed to reorganize, she agreed.
“I want to congratulate my young sister. This time when I made these
proposals, because she was already Speaker of Parliament which is
a high post, although I did not give her all the reasons, I told her I
had strong reasons why I want us to reorganize and proposed this.
She agreed. I want to congratulate her. Blessed are the humble for
the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs (Mathew Chapter 5). Positions are
not the important thing, the important thing is the mission,” the
President said.
“I want to congratulate my young sister Rebecca on being appointed
and swearing in as Deputy Prime Minister. I want to thank her
particularly first of all, for being one of the people who rallied to the
NRM quite early when it had come to Government. She started in
the LC system in the village committees until she came to NRC. She
has been in Parliament almost continuously since that time. She
became Deputy Speaker for a number of years until we elected her
as Speaker for last ten years,” he said, adding that on the party side,
Kadaga is the first Deputy Chairperson after President Museveni
and Hajji Kigongo. She is also a member of CEC.

June 2021 37
H.E. the President posing with Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga after she took her oath as 1st
Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for East African affairs.

Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga taking her oath as 1st Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for
East African Affairs. Looking on is her family.

38 The Presidency
25th June 2021
President Museveni and First Lady Host 4th National Prayer Session

H.E. the President declared Friday June 25, 2021 a public holiday and
also a 4th National PrayerSession for interdenominational prayers
as the country battles a rise in Coronavirus infections.
The President has used powers given to himunder Section 2(2) of
the Public Holidays Act to declare tomorrow a public holidayto
enable the country hold prayers to seek for God’s intervention in
the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.
The prayers will be held virtually at State House Entebbe at mid-
day but the leaders of the various religious denominations will lead
the prayers via zoom.
The Born-Again Christians, Pentecostals and Evangelicalsbasedfrom
Rubaga Miracle Centre Cathedral, the Seventh day Adventist
Uganda Unionbased at Kireka Hill, Catholics based at St. Mary’s
Rubaga Cathedral, the Orthodox based at St, Nicholas Cathedral
Namungoona, while the Protestants based at All Saints Cathedral,
Nakaseroand the Muslims at Ghadafi National Mosque, Old Kampala.
Members of the public attended prayers from their homes through
radios, TVs and social media channels that relayed the prayers live.

June 2021 39
27th June, 2021
President Museveni Delivers Keynote Address at the Virtual
World Health Summit

H.E. the President addressed a virtual World Health Summit from Speke
Resort Hotel, Munyonyo.

The President thanked the leadership and scientists of Makerere

University for quickly mobilizing human and other resources to start
developing a Ugandan COVID-19 vaccine. “We have a long history and
experience in dealing with such major disease outbreaks including
Ebola”, said the President.
“We know that the ultimate solution to COVID-19 lies in vaccinating
all our people. The government, with the help of the African Union
and other partners, will fast track the acquisition of sufficient dozes
of vaccines to cover the entire population alongside efforts to
develop our own vaccine. We are continuing to talk with India, the
USA for the Johnson-Johnson vaccine, China and Cuba”promised
the President
The President said that Government remains committed to funding
research and innovations by our scientists especially those in the
Universities. “We have demonstrated this by earmarking Shs.30billion
every financial year to the Makerere University Research and
Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF). However, I challenge Makerere not to
only publish, but to translate research into products that spur our
Industrial development and catalyze pharmaceutical industrialization
to stop the massive dependence on outside pharmaceuticals. We
want tangible results and our ordinary Ugandans have hope in our
scientists to come up with solutions for different ailments like cancer
and many other diseases” said the President.

“With the therapeutics, one of our products has been

40 The Presidency
tried among some patients and most of them have fully
recovered, while the others are still on treatment.We
target to reach 124 patients before we are sure that
this medicine treats Covid-19 patients. I salute the few
outsiders that helped us. I, therefore, appeal to our
regional scientists to work together and put up a united
front”, said the President.

H.E. the President and First Lady are received by dignitaries upon arriving at Munyonyo
to address the World Health Summit

June 2021 41

Right Honourable Speaker,

His Lordship the Chief Justice
Rt. Hon. Deputy Speaker,
Rt. Hon. Secretary General of the NRM,
Hon. Members of Parliament,
Members of the Diplomatic Corp,
Ladies and Gentlemen.

In fulfillment of the Constitutional requirement under

Article 101 (1) of the Constitution of the Republic of
Uganda, I am here to deliver the State of the Nation
Address, 2021.

Again, I congratulate the Honourable MPs on your

Election on the 14th of January, 2021 and some of the
special interest groups later. Pastor Kayanja told me
that that 14th of January is a special day in the Bible.
It is the day when, in the Book of Leviticus Chapter
23, verse 5, it says: “On the fourteenth day of the first
month evening shall be a Holy Convocation – a feast of
the Lord’s passover’’. The Electoral Commission, in
selecting that date, must have been guided by God.

42 The Presidency
As I said on my inauguration and on a number of
other occasions, at this point in the history of our
country, having restored the small enclave modern
economy of 1971 that had been destroyed by Idi Amin
in the 1970s, having greatly expanded it from
US$1.3billion in 1986 to now US$40billion, we have
a number of points that we need to concentrate on in
order to transform Uganda into a Middle income
country, on the road to becoming a First World

However, before we talk of our medium and long-term

strategic plans, I need to, first, remind the country
about the really interesting and challenging 2020 ─
pronounced as “twenny twenny” by some of the
Bazukulu and some other interesting Ugandans.
“Twenny twenny”, came with locusts, floods, the
rising levels of the Lakes, land-slides, floating islands,
etc. Soon after, corona came in, starting with March,
2020. I am happy to repeat to you what everybody
knows. Uganda did not only manage to cope with
these challenges, but also the economy managed a
modest expansion of 3% for the financial year 2019-
2020 and will manage an expansion of 3.3% for the
financial year 2020-2021. If it had not been for
corona, the economy was projected to grow by 6.3%
and 6.2% in the financial years 2019-2020 and 2020-

June 2021 43
2021, respectively. We defeated the locusts and coped
with all the other problems. In 1964, on the 14th of
May, Lake Victoria set a record when its water level
reached 13.41 metres at Jinja for the first time since
records started being kept in 1904. Indeed, right from
1961, there had been alot of floods. My family being
nomadic at that time, I remember the inconvenience
of the flooded plains of Kashaari that time. The plains
(empita) of Ruyonza, Kakigoonjo, Rweera, Katebe,
Nyakisharara, etc., were all flooded for much of that

However, on the 19th of May, “twenny twenny”, the

Lake achieved a record higher than that of 1964. It
measured 13.49 metres. The Lake, not being satisfied
with that record, on the 14th, 15th and 19th of May,
2021, it reached the highest point ever of 13.50
metres. On the 31st of May, it had slightly reduced to
13.42 metres. This is all in spite of us releasing much
more water at Jinja than ever before. Normally, we
release 800-1200 cubic metres of water per second.
Today, however, we are releasing 2400 cubic metres
per second. In 1964, they could only release a
maximum of 1300 cubic metres per second. Today,
however, because we built new outlets at Jinja, we
can release up to 3000 cubic metres per second.

44 The Presidency
That is how we have been able to cope with this Lake
that has been so high and for so long. In addition to
dealing with the locusts, the rising Lakes levels, the
land-slides, the floods, we had to deal with the deadly
phenomenon of the corona pandemic. On account of
the tough measures we took quite early, we avoided
the sort of catastrophe we saw in other countries.

However, on account of the wide-spread reckless

behavior, we are now entering a new phase with a
wider spectrum of variants of the virus that may be
more dangerous. 49,761 people have been infected
cumulatively to-date (1st June); 46,150 have
recovered. Therefore, many people recover from
corona if they are well-treated and in time. However,
the corona virus is very dangerous because it targets
epithelial cells (which line and create protective
barriers) in many organs of the human being
(including the lungs, heart, blood vessels, kidneys,
liver and digestive tract). This virus can cause the
damage of those organs even if the patient recovers.
Fortunately, as you can see, many Ugandans have
recovered completely and with no damage that is
permanent to their body systems. Nevertheless, the
best is to avoid this disease until one is fully
vaccinated and we maintain the SOPs until the
pandemic in the World is defeated.

June 2021 45
With the vaccination, we, recently, hit a snag when,
on account of the very bad situation that developed in
India, that country stopped the fresh exports of the
vaccine. My advice to the countries that are producing
vaccines now, is to be careful with this point. I had
the same problem with sanitizers here, as I said the
other day. Being big Waragi producers, when the
pandemic started, the only factory that was making
sanitizers in East Africa, was Saraya Manufacturing
(U) Ltd., in Jinja. In the Cabinet, while discussing this
point, somebody suggested that we should stop the
export of the sanitizers because we needed them badly
here in Uganda. As a Christian and a traditional
Munyankore, I could not accept such logic. It is called
okuhemuka (to let down friends, colleagues, partners
─ anybody that trusted in your solidarity) by saying
that because you are in great need, those who
depended on your solidarity, can go to hell. Apart from
the moral issues involved, there is also the issue of
strategy. You should always remember that there is a
tomorrow ─ hariyo nyentsya. If you let me down today
when I am in such a great need as life and death for
my people, just like you also have the same crisis, how
will I ever depend on your partnership in future? It
seriously undermines international partnership.
What I decided in the case of the sanitizers, was to
advise Hon. Jane Aceng, to put aside 40% of the

46 The Presidency
production for Uganda and share the 60% with other
East Africans. I could not kuhuunga (to abandon)
upon fraternal peoples and partners by kuhemuka
upon them (let down anybody), just because I am in
acute need myself. I share the hardships with my
fraternal people or partners.

Nevertheless, the ego-centrism in the World is also

good for us the patriots and Pan-Africanists in Africa.
It makes it much easier to arouse even the most
indifferent who are busy dancing and taking alcohol,
that Africa must take care of itself. I salute our
scientists who have developed the diagnostics, have
been working on the therapeutics and also the
vaccine. Two of our diagnostics are ready for
manufacturing and we are in the process of putting
up the factory to mass manufacture; the therapeutic
has been tried in 53 patients and we need a minimum
of 124. Up to now, results are good. With the vaccine,
we have got to phase 4 out of 9 phases. At this stage,
I need to renew my demand, but this time renew it as
an order that should be implemented. Many years
ago, I proposed that government scientists, must start
with Shs.4million when they join the Public Service.
The top scientists in the Research Institutions should
be earning Shs.15million, like Professors in Public

June 2021 47
This is because we want to retain the large number of
scientists we have trained so that they solve our needs
─ health, nutrition, infrastructure, but also benefit
from the pathogenic economy. Other people in the
World, have been making money from our sicknesses.
We shall earn more money from the pathogenic
economy, than from coffee. Therefore, paying our
scientists well, is not a favour to them. It is, first and
foremost, in the enlightened self-interest of the

All these, are temporary phenomena: locusts, floods,

rising water of the Lakes, land-slides, corona, etc. We
are coping with them; but our real historical task is to
cause social-economic transformation of our society.
This society must go from its pre-capitalist, pre-
industrial way of life, to a middle-class, skilled
working class society. When the French Revolution
took place in 1789, the French society, which I
suspect, was a microcosm of the wider European
societies, was a four-class society: feudalist, capitalist
(bourgeois), working class (proletariat) and peasant.
At that time, the society in Uganda was a three-class
society: feudalists, artisans and peasants. Today, the
European societies are two classes ones: middle-class
(being sustained by profits from businesses) and the
skilled working class ─ the proletariat (good salaries

48 The Presidency
sustain them, plus a welfare system when they are
out of work). No more peasants in Europe. No more
feudalists in Europe. Here, in Africa, so many actors
are engaged in peasant conservation and also some
elements of feudalism.

It is this incomplete metamorphosis of society, that I

have been addressing eversince 1986 when we got a
chance to run the country and even before, when we
were still in the Student Movement. Our appeal is for
everybody to join the money economy and get out of
okukolera ekidda kyoonka, tic me ici keken, Ateso-
akoru lu akoik bon, Lugbara-azi-ngaza aleni.

As you have seen, even modest waking up of sections

of our people from kulambaala, nino-matek,
okwebaka, kugwejegyera, kulaala saana, even using
old methods, generated alot of production. Some of
the increased production, fortunately, has got big
international demand. Coffee falls in this category.
We have gone from 3 million bags to seven million
bags. Fortunately, the global demand is able to take
all the coffee because the global coffee demand is
166.34million, 60kg bags. The global demand for
milk products is 906billion litres, valued at
US$458.1billion. Therefore, our present production of
2.6billion litres of milk, can enter the global market

June 2021 49
provided we solve the problem of cattle diseases (foot
and mouth, CBPP, anthrax, etc.) and, of course, also
offer competitive prices. Therefore, the Banyankore I
once met at Rwakitura clamoring for high milk prices,
need to know more about this global competition for
market with other countries ─ New-Zealand, Holland,

The global demand for maize (corn) and maize

products is 852million metric tonnes, valued at
US$153.4billion. Therefore, our production of 5milion
tonnnes of maize, can be absorbed provided we solve
the problem of quality ─ getting rid of the shameful
aflatoxins ─ caused by people who mishandle food in
harvesting. Why do you mishandle people’s food?
Wait for the maize to dry properly on the kikoonko
(maize stalk); when you harvest it, put it on a canvass
(ntundubaare) or cemented drying ground, etc. The
maize will dry properly and simply and there will be
no aflatoxins. The Iranians came here and they
wanted to buy all our maize. Their annual demand is
9.4million tonnes. They import 7million tonnes. The
problem was ourselves ─ negligence in handling food
we want to sell to people. Are we barogo (witch-
doctors, poisoners) or are we bashakisa (sellers of
food)? Algeria imports 300million tonnes of powder
milk per annum.

50 The Presidency
To produce this milk powder, you need 3billion litres
of milk. Nigeria imports 4.1million tonnes of powdered
milk. With many of Uganda’s products, there is a
global market; but we must solve the issues of safety.
I will not talk of quality, because our agricultural
products are the best quality in the World.

I have been telling the World what you know ─ the

huge surpluses of so many products as a
consequence of the limited waking up of sections of
our people. Yet, this is a mere ndozo (tasting
something before buying). If you take the beef ─ dairy
sector, for instance; the big increase in the milk
production, is in spite of still using the free-range
method (kuseetura), where cattle are sent to the bush
(farm) to graze, when the farm is bush cleared (kukora
omwaanya). In this method, the stocking ─ ratio is
only one and half cattle per acre per annum. Some
years ago, I went to Israel and saw 1,000 fresians,
being managed in one acre.

Recently, I met somebody from UAE, who told me that

their company has a herd of 18,000 heads of cattle in
250 acres. We should systematically shift to zero-
grazing. With 18 million heads of cattle, one third of
which would be milking at any one time, each giving
20 litres, the total production would be 44 billion


June 2021 51
litres of milk in a year. The same for bananas. While
the rural farmers have been producing 5 tonnes of
bananas per hectare per year, Dr. Muranga, at
Nyaruziinga, has got to 53 tonnes per hectare per year
and I hear that in Brazil, they go up to 80tonnes. This
increased production is partly due to irrigation,
fertilizers, etc.

This is why, in my inauguration speech, I emphasized

the question of the market for African products, for
Ugandan products, if the Ugandans wake up
(kuzukuka, kusimuka, Ateso-akwenyun, Acholi-choo,
Lugbara-mi enga). Again, to remind everybody, the
answers are four: the internal market of Uganda
boosted by increased purchasing power when all
homesteads join the money economy by producing for
the stomach but also producing for the pocket; the
East African market through the EAC; the African
market through CFTA; and the Global market,
through the trade access agreements like AGOA, the
Chinese preferential access market, the EU, EBA and
also access to other markets on the merit of the
quality and pricing of our products.


52 The Presidency
Once all the leaders are clear on these points, we shall
more easily be able to implement the guidelines we
have put out for the whole country. Who is to produce
low value crops but on a large scale ─ such as sugar-
cane, cotton, maize, tobacco, etc. and who is to
produce high value products on a small scale such as
coffee, milk, fruits, poultry, piggery, horticulture and
who should do both?

Let all the leaders stop confusing people by sending

contradictory or divergent messages. The NRM
message eversince 1966 has been: all homesteads to
join the money economy using ekibaro (cura, otita,
aimar ─ profitability assessment) to guide their
enterprise selection; prices of products are
determined by the market, not by governments unless
we provide subsidies which we cannot afford and few
have sustainably afforded them in the World;
moreover, our products must be safe for
consumption, good quality and competitive in prices;
and the markets are four: internal, EAC, African and
global. The colonial approach is no longer possible:
“produce the coffee and cotton, etc., we guarantee to
buy them at guaranteed prices”. The World of
production is now for competition and it can be done.


June 2021 53
With this clear vision, I strongly urge our people to
join the 4 sectors: commercial agriculture, industries,
services and ICT. With commercial agriculture, we are
emphasizing the parish-model. At the parish, you are
able to know all the homesteads: Ndangaaro 3,330
homesteads; Rwengaaju 3,196 homesteads; Mawale
(Kawumu) 1,480 homesteads; etc. You will be able to
know who has woken up and who is still asleep. Our
aim is to make all the homesteads, to wake up.

On the side of industries, we shall continue to deal

with the issue of costs of manufacturing in Uganda.
The cost-pushers are three: the cost of money-interest
rates of the exploitative commercial Banks; the cost of
transport (to Mombasa, Dar-es-Salaam, Juba, Kigali,
Congo. Ethiopia, etc.); and the cost of electricity. The
other cost would be the cost of labour. However, that
is still low. It is not a problem, yet. Ugandans should
be informed that with our fraternal States of the EAC,
we are handling the issue of transport costs. By road,
a 20ft container, costs US$1900 and a 40ft, costs
US$3200 to Mombasa and vice-versa. Yet, by rail, it
is US$1400 for a 20ft and US$1900 for a 40ft,
respectively. Hence, in addition to our long-term goal
of building a modern standard gauge railway, we are,
together with Kenya, rehabilitating the metre-gauge
railway for immediate use.


54 The Presidency
The metre gauge railway, is the old railway. When
repaired, its cost of transport will be much lower than
the road transport.

On the cost of money, we are continuing to fund the

UDB ─ so that it can give loans for manufacturing,
agriculture, some services (tourism, medical, etc.) and
ICT (BPOs) at not more than 12% and the more they
lend, the lower the interest rate will become. The cost
of electricity is distorted by mistakes committed by
some of our actors without my knowledge, even when
I was heading the Government. Especially the
mistakes of Bujagaali and Umeme, add 55.3% to the
cost of electricity per unit. Otherwise, the cost of
power from Kiira is US cents 1.19per unit, Nalubaale
– US cents 1.119per unit, Isimba-US cents4.16per
unit, Karuma-US cents 4.97 per unit; but Bujagali US
cents 8.30 per unit. Bujagaali, at one time, was US
cents13.8 per unit. We shall see how to get out of this
mistake. One solution that I have already ordered for
Industrial Parks, is to supply power direct from some
of the Government dams to them. I will not be
deflected from that.


June 2021 55
The services sectors ─ tourism, hotels, banking,
music, sports, professional services, etc., were moving
very well, until corona came in. As I said above, the
answer for corona, apart from the preventive
measures we continue to take, are the vaccines and
the therapeutics. Above, I talked about the kuhemuka
(let down partners) by our partners. We are
continuing to talk with India, the USA for the
Johnson-Johnson vaccine, China and Cuba.

I am sure we shall succeed with some of them. With

the therapeutics, one of our products has been tried
among 53 patients and 43 of them have fully
recovered, while the others are still on treatment. We
target to reach 124 patients before we are sure that
this medicine treats Covid-19 patients. On the side of
the vaccine, we are moving very well only that we were
delayed with the perception that Africa is not
supposed to manufacture vaccines but was only
supposed to buy from others and also work as foot-
soldiers in doing field research for others to develop
and own the vaccines. I salute the few outsiders that
helped us. I am sure God has created space for them
in heaven for their Christian-like actions of sharing
with other children of God.


56 The Presidency
Making a vaccine in a kutembuura (starting a new
garden from the bush), involves 9 or 8 phases if WHO
allows you to skip one phase. Our researchers are
now entering stage 4. I congratulate them. We hope
to get to stage 8 by November, 2021. I can assure
Ugandans that by end of 2021, we shall no longer be
waiting for outsiders to rescue us from ekyorezo (mass
death). By controlling corona, our services will
resurrect. Before the corona, we were earning
US$1.5billion from Tourism alone.

Since some decades ago, I have been urging our

people in the ICT sector to take advantage of the BPO
business in the World. Since many of our children
speak Kampala-Parents English, they can, through
the internet, do jobs for companies in the USA,
Canada, etc., such as call centre services for utilities,
hospitals, auditing accounts from here and be paid.
India is earning US$191billion per year from this
business of BPOs and employing 1.1million young
people. The ICT has been un-serious in relation to this

Therefore, again, the Honourable Members of

Parliament (MPs), the 4 sectors are: Commercial
Agriculture, Industries, Services and ICT. Given the
correct policies of the NRM right from 1986, in spite


June 2021 57
of obstacles erected by those who do not understand
our strategy, the economy has grown from
US$1.3billion to US$40billion ─ that is 31 times
bigger!! This is if you use the foreign exchange
method. If you use the PPP method, it is
US$114billion. By 2026, the economy is estimated to
be US$69billion or US$193billion by the PPP method.
I am, however, not, have I ever been, satisfied by this
level of performance. Some companies in the USA
have annual turnovers of US$ in billions. You can
take examples of the following as indicated in the

SN Name Industry Revenue Employees

USD billions
1. Walmart Retail 560billion 2,200,000
2. Amazon Retail 387billion 1,225,300
3. Apple Inc. Electronics 275billion 137,000
4. CVC Health Healthcare 270billion 290,000
5. ExxonMobil Petroleum 265billion 74,900
6. United Health Healthcare 257billion 325,000
7. Berkshire Conglomerate 255billion 392,500
8. McKesson Healthcare 215billion 70,000
9. Amerisource Pharmaceutical 190billion 21,500
Bergen Industry


58 The Presidency
How and why should a company have a size of
business that is bigger than the economy of a whole
country? The combined GDP of East Africa is
US$440billion. You have seen how some of the
individual companies have business sizes comparable
to the combined economies of the whole of East Africa.
Hence, in the medium term, we must aim at the size
of economy of, at least, US$300billion by the foreign
exchange method.

By 2026, Uganda’s population will be 48million

people. If each person is earning US$3,000, that will
be US$144billion. This will just be people’s incomes,
without including infrastructure. Yet US$3,000 per
person per year, translates to Shs.10.8millions per
person per year and for a household of 5, this would
translate to Shs.54million per year. Some of our
households, using one acre, are already earning
Shs.240million which translates to US$67,000 per
year and divided by 5, comes to US$13,000 per

I, therefore, do not accept the minimalist approach by

the Ministry of Finance where the people of Uganda
generate wealth that is smaller than the businesses of
individual companies in other parts of the World.


June 2021 59
We shall earn more from coffee and its products, from
milk, from fish, especially ennuni (the fish maw). Out
of ennuni alone, Uganda can get around
US$156billion per year, bigger than what Saudi
Arabia earns from oil in a year.

To achieve these aims, we must defeat corruption and

disorientation and we shall defeat them. Corruption
has become a real enemy. It starts in Finance, where
projects are designed with supernumerary elements
(extras); these bloated projects go to Ministries, then
to Committees of Parliament and, then, to the
Auditor-General, where there is collusion all the way.
What the corrupt fraternity did not factor in their
kibaro of corruption and criminality, was the large
number of the young people the NRM has trained over
the years, many of them coming from the middle-
class, where they do not have the pressure of home
poverty. I have been discussing with my children, who
are now senior adults, the timeliness of creating the
DRA (the Descendants’ Resistance Army I) to take
forward the work of the original NRA of their parents.
This fraternity, recently recommended to me one of
their group. When I talked to her about a certain job,
her answer was: “No, Mzee, that is not my “pession”,
as they speak in their exotic accent. These are people
who work for passion, not money. Against resistance,


60 The Presidency
I put one of them, Ms. Irene Kaggwa, to manage
Uganda Communication Commission (UCC). She is
doing a commendable and clean job from the little I
hear of. The young passionists are liberating the
Uganda Airlines. It is easy for the NRM to defeat
corruption. With disorientation, I want to appeal to
the NRM MPs to grasp our strategy of everybody
joining the money economy with ekibaro as we agreed
at Kyenkwaanzi recently.

The target of all these efforts, is to ensure two things:

prosperity of our people by helping them to create
wealth for themselves as well as jobs for themselves
and others and also ensuring security of our country.
To achieve these, we must ensure the social-economic
transformation of our society by phasing out the
peasants and the feudalists and creating a middle-
class and skilled working class society. It is a shame
that we are still struggling with this social
metamorphosis, 232 years from the time of the
French Revolution in 1789 when, as already pointed
out above, France already had a middle-class (the
bourgeoisie) and a working class (the proletariat that
led the anti-feudal revolution), in addition to the
oppressive feudalists and the poor and badly exploited
peasants (serfs). Alot of time was wasted, not only by
the colonialists, the ignorant chiefs, but also some of


June 2021 61
the post-colonial actors ─ politicians, cultural leaders,
religious leaders, etc., that many times divert people’s
attention to wrong positions of superstition,
sectarianism, miracle wealth, etc. Mao Tese Tung in
China, struggled against these parasite groups. That
is why China is now on the verge of becoming a First
World country. Eversince 1986, if you leave out the
other years of struggle, the NRM has been insisting on
four stimuli to cause this socio-economic
transformation. These are: education for all;
everybody joining the money economy, away from the
pre-capitalist practice of primitive self-sufficiency of
okukolera ekidda kyoonka, tic me ici keken, Ateso-
akoru lu aloik bon, Lugbara-azi-ngaza aleni; private
sector-led growth to attract actors that are already
part of the money economy in big numbers; and
infrastructure development so as to facilitate the 3
efforts above, including lowering the costs of doing
business in Uganda so as to enable our economic
actors to make profit in their businesses, thereby
making Uganda more competitive. This vision, helped
Uganda, as has been demonstrated again, in this
speech. However, much more could have been
achieved and can be achieved if all the politicians of
the NRM and the civil servants understand and push
this effort in a united way.


62 The Presidency
Many times, we have had to swim against the current.
Yet, as Mwalimu Nyerere said, Africa “needs to run
while others walk”, if we are to catch up. Some parts
of the world are on the verge of the 4th Industrial
Revolution while many parts of Africa have not
entered the 1st Industrial Revolution. The 4th
Industrial Revolution is the phenomenon of intelligent
machines that can replace man in the work place ─
factories, etc. China and India, benefitted from cheap
labour and lured businesses to the East. That
migration of factories and businesses in search of
cheap labour, forced the other societies to look for
cheap labour that avoids expensive human beings
that were demanding high wages, using Trade Unions
power (the Labour Movement). The answer is
intelligent machines as a consequence of AI (Artificial
Intelligence). This is what is being referred to as the
4th Industrial Revolution. The 1st Industrial
Revolution (Mechanization Revolution) was the use of
steam power operating machines instead of the
manually operated enyoondo (hammer). The 2nd
Industrial Revolution (Technological Revolution) was
the discovery of electricity to operate machines
instead of the steam power. The third Industrial
Revolution was automation (Automation Revolution).
Uganda, under the NRM, will not miss the bus of
history again.


June 2021 63
Finally, security will be maintained in the whole
country. Cattle ─ rustling that has been showing
resurgence in Karamoja, will be defeated. We are
expanding the brigades of 3rd Division and 1st
Division. The criminality around Kampala was
defeated and is being defeated. The only element to
get rid of is the corruption and poor procedures within
the Police. NRM people were reporting intimidation
and harassment by terrorists at the Police Posts.
These good for nothing characters, would tell them
that there is no “political desk”. If you do not have a
desk for terrorism in your Police Post, you will go
home and somebody else will do the job.

The recent shooting of Gen. Katumba by the usual

shallow actors, showed the poor organization of the
Police. The cameras I put in place did their work. As
you saw the killers were running from one area to the
other area. Why didn’t the Camera centre alert all the
patrol cars and even the UAVs to chase and block
these killers? No. These wonderful camera managers,
think that their gadgets are only for storing videos for
forensic analysis as part of the post-mortem of the
operation. Yes, the cameras are for forensic but also
for enduuru (alarm) while the crime is going on.


64 The Presidency
The criminals will be on continuous viewing by all the
camera centres, if these Policemen adopt my
directives and rationality on the use of those cameras.

Henceforth, the Police is directed to stop using mobile

phones and go back to using radios that are open to
all stations so that they act promptly in emergencies
like the one of Gen. Katumba. In addition to the
cameras, our security leaders have been working on
my directive of installing digital monitors on all
vehicles, all bodabodas, all boats on the Lake. They
have taken long to implement this plan. This will
make it easy to know which pikipiki, which car or
which boat was at this point at this time.

The country is secure, is progressing and corruption

and disorientation will be defeated.

The legislative programme of the Government will be

communicated by the Prime Minister when that post
is filled.

I thank everybody.

4th June, 2021 - Kololo Independence Grounds


June 2021 65

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The Presidency
JULY - 2021

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

1  Editor’s Note 4

2  Marking the 59th Anniversary of the Pan African Women  6

3  President Museveni addresses UN Food Summit  7

4  M7 & Ruto launch construction works for mRNA Vaccine Facility 9

5  Commemoration of African Integration Day 11

6  President Museveni swears in new cabinet ministers 12

7  President Museveni flags off Uganda’s Olympic team to Japan  14

8  New Head of Public Service, IGG, Permanent Secretaries & other leaders appointed.  16

9  President Museveni chairs NRM Parliamentary Caucus meeting  19

10  Meeting the Busoga University Steering Committee  21

11  President meets Workers’ Representatives 23

12  Meeting with the Uganda Retirements Benefits Regulation Authority  24

13  President Museveni meets KCCA & METU bus industries  26

14  President passes out counter-terrorism soldiers  28

15  Letters of credence from the new Chinese Ambassador to Uganda  31

16  Letters of credence from the new UN Resident Coordinator to Uganda 33

17  President Museveni swears in new ministers 35

18  National address on COVID-19 pandemic 37

19  The 59th Anniversary of the Pan African Women  38

Editor’s Note

Dear Reader,
I once again have the pleasure to present to you another edition of our
monthly e-magazine, The Presidency, for the month of July.
I acknowledge the immense excitement with which the first edition was
received. I received diverse feedback from friends, supporters of the President
and the general public, who were excited by the idea of a monthly magazine.
The feedback was mainly in form of proposals on how best we can improve
the magazine, to make the information simpler and easier for the reader to
Some of the ideas have been incorporated in this edition, while the rest will
be considered in the subsequent editions. The magazine remains a work-in-
progress tool for our interaction.
As I pointed out in the inaugural edition, the magazine aims at bringing the
presidency including office and residence of the President of the Republic
of Uganda, closer to the public. We look at the major engagements of the
President that are of public interest and bring you the highlights.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the President’s schedule has remained largely
office based between State House, Entebbe and Nakasero State Lodge. As
the Country’s champion in the fight against COVID-19, the President has
avoided field activities in order to prevent public gatherings of his supporters.
However, his desk remains very busy. During the month of July, the President
addressed a couple of international meetings, hosted Kenya’s deputy President,
appointed new civil service leaders among other key engagements.
Lastly, in every edition, we shall provide a link to the President’s major speech
of the month. In this edition, we will share the link to the President’s national
address on COVID-19 of 30th July, 2021.
I now have the pleasure to present to you the second edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of Communication &
Director Government Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC)
Editorial Team

Marcella Karekye Duncan Abigaba

Chief Editor Deputy Chief Editor

Robert Sharp Mugabe Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba

Content Production Manager Head of Logistics Head of Production

Ariho Muhwezi Solomon Male Grace Elizabeth Kabibi

Editor Editor Editor
Quote of the Month

“Here we managed to defeat Amin because we worked

with Mzee Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and some of the
liberation movements were able to fight and defeat the
whites because they fought together”

President YK. Museveni, 30th July 2021,

Marking the 59th Anniversary of the Pan African Women
6th JULY, 2021
President Museveni addresses UN Food Summit

H.E. the President called on the United Nations to consider the issue
of free access to markets and free movement of goods instead of
controls adding that the one who produces more efficiently be
supported to supply to others to promote specialization.
The President had been addressing a virtual UN Food Systems
PreSummit hosted by Malawian President Lazarus McCarthy
Chakwera at the request of the UN Secretary General Antonia
“The issue of food security is very, very important. Man was able
to stabilize his life more than ten thousand years ago when he
learnt how to domesticate animals and also domesticate crops.
That is how people were able to have a stable life. It is a shame to
hear that even today some people in the world don’t have food.
This is not acceptable,” he said.
The summit was held under the theme; “Transforming food
systems is crucial for delivering all the sustainable developments
“Our problem in Uganda is surplus not shortages. We have a lot
of production. Therefore, for us, one of the problems we have is
marketing. Because of trade restrictions, you find that we have
food here but other parts of Africa don’t have food. Yet we cannot
sell because there are blockages,” he said.

July 2021 7
The virtual meeting was attended by among others the Presidents
of Mozambique H.E Filipe Jacinto Nusi, Zimbabwe H.E Emmerson
Mnangagwa, Ghana H.E Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Akufo, Regional
Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM)
Prof. George Kanyama-Phiri, the UN Secretary General Special
Envoy and President AGRA, Dr. Agnes Kalibata and representatives
from various African countries.

President Museveni addressing the virtual summit July 6, 2021

8 The Presidency
6th JULY, 2021
President Museveni and Kenya Deputy President William Ruto
M7 & Ruto works
launch construction launchfor
construction works
mRNA Vaccine for
FacilitymRNA Vaccine
at Matuga Facility
- Wakiso District

H.E President said Africa’s pathogenic economy, which offers

huge economic opportunities, is being taken advantage off by
others and Africa is totally absent.

The President who was accompanied by Kenya’s Deputy President

William Ruto was on 6th July, 2021, laying a foundation stone for
the multibillion Biological Drugs and mRNA Vaccine Manufacturing
Facility at Matuga - Wakiso District. The ceremony was held under
the theme, “Making Africa self-sustaining in Health care, a Giant
“One of the things they were looking for was the green monkey
cells which can grow well for the virus like corona. My people
have been looking for them but they were nowhere even in South
Africa, Morocco, Egypt nothing. They had to go somewhere. Other
people had taken them and multiplied them. We have them
now. It is going to be the first time these cells are being used in
a laboratory in Africa to multiply the virus for the vaccines.
The President welcomed Kenya’s Deputy President William Ruto
whom he described as ‘a very committed East African’ for working
with the Equity Bank to secure funding for the project.
Kenya Deputy President William Ruto said he was representing
East Africans living in Kenya as a demonstration of brotherhood
of East African nations.
Ruto said the investment is significant in three fundamentals
ways including that; Magoola, who is the brain behind this great
multibillion investment, is an East African and a Ugandan.

July 2021 9
President Museveni and Kenya Deputy President William Ruto launch construction
works for mRNA Vaccine Manufacturing Facility at Matuga - Wakiso District

“Ordinarily, investments of this magnitude have white

faces. Ordinarily it is people from Europe and America who
engage in these investments. Congratulations to Magoola.
We are proud of you as an East African that the language
you are speaking of billions of dollars, we are domesticating
it in our continent.

H.E William Ruto

10 The Presidency
7th July, 2021
Commemoration of African Integration Day

H.E. the President called on the United Nations to consider the issue
of free access to markets and free movement of goods instead of
controls adding that the one who produces more efficiently be
supported to supply to others to promote specialization.
The President had been addressing a virtual UN Food Systems
PreSummit hosted by Malawian President Lazarus McCarthy
Chakwera at the request of the UN Secretary General Antonia
“The issue of food security is very, very important. Man was able
to stabilize his life more than ten thousand years ago when he
learnt how to domesticate animals and also domesticate crops.
That is how people were able to have a stable life. It is a shame to
hear that even today some people in the world don’t have food.
This is not acceptable,” he said.
The summit was held under the theme; “Transforming food
systems is crucial for delivering all the sustainable developments
“Our problem in Uganda is surplus not shortages. We have a lot
of production. Therefore, for us, one of the problems we have is
marketing. Because of trade restrictions, you find that we have
food here but other parts of Africa don’t have food. Yet we cannot
sell because there are blockages,” he said.
The virtual meeting was attended by among others the Presidents

July 2021 11
8th July, 2021
President Museveni swears in new cabinet ministers

H.E. the President presided over the swearing ceremony of the 15

ministers who missed out in June. “And terrorists, I am warning
you, don’t run. If we come, surrender! If you try to run, you are
dead. You have been looking for trouble but now you are going
to get it. You have been killing our people, but now you are
going to die. Your only way out is to surrender,” a tough-talking
President Museveni, straight facing cameras said on 8th July, 2021,
announcing a series of measures that are aimed at nipping the
reemerging security threats in Kampala and Karamoja regions.
President Museveni was the Chief Guest at the swearing in
ceremony of the 15 ministers who missed out in June. After
congratulating the ministers upon their swearing in, the President
immediately updated the country on the COVID-19 situation and
also briefed it on the prevailing security situation in Kampala and
Karamoja before announcing that government is going to intensify
the use of technology to deal with urban crime.
“We are going to intensify these technological means like putting
digital monitors in every car and piki piki, if you try to remove
them, we will see you and go after you,” he said.
The President said previously the country was faced with terrorists
such as Kony in the north, ADF in the Rwenzori region who were
attacking people but were defeated after the army developed
capacity to defeat them in forests and mountains.
According to the President, four years ago however, urban terrorism
emerged and started a new way, especially the ADF of planting
bombs and they were still defeated.

12 The Presidency
President Museveni said he is talking with our regional friends
about the ADF group linked to ADF in Congo.
“In Karamoja also, cattle rustlers are making trouble. Cattle rustlers
stop! We are organizing the army and we shall come for you. Stop!
Stop! Stop! he said.
The President said they are going to launch a very serious offensive
in Karamoja and those involved will regret why they are doing
what they are doing.
On the issue of Social Media, President Museveni said security
services should quickly investigate and follow up individuals who
peddle false news on social media.

President Museveni addressing newly sworn-in ministers

at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds

July 2021 13
9th July, 2021
President Museveni flags off Uganda’s Olympic team to Japan

H.E. the President flagged off Uganda’s Olympic and Paralympic

teams to Japan with a caution to stay disciplined and guard
against the Corona virus that is ravaging the world and had already
affected the first contingent of Ugandans who arrived in Japan.
“Don’t waste your chance now with indiscipline. Preserve yourselves
and develop. This corona is really a test. The problem is not the
virus, it is ourselves. People who don’t listen to guidelines carry
around the virus. You people, apart from being careful in life, be
careful about Corona,” President Museveni said shortly before
flagging off the teams at a ceremony held at Kololo Ceremonial
Grounds on 9th July, 2021.
Two members of the Uganda nine-member team tested positive
in June upon arrival in Japan. The team had travelled earlier to
acclimatize in the Japanese city of Izumisano.
The Olympics were postponed for the first time in their history
last year as a result of the pandemic and kicked off on 23rd July,
2021 despite a fresh wave of cases in Japan. “I was told they were
tested many times but allowed to mix with others after Kapchorwa.
You are now in strict quarantine. Don’t mix with anybody. You are
fully vaccinated, but you can be infected with new clans of the
viruses. Watch out,” the President said.
The President who was accompanied by the First Lady and Minister
of Education and Sports Janet Kataaha Museveni congratulated
the team upon their qualification to the games and advised them

14 The Presidency
to stay true to their skills outlining 8 points which he said are
important for any sports person including talent identification,
developing fitness (including good nutrition and training),
discipline (by avoiding alcohol, ‘woman’isation and ‘man’isation),
perseverance and a noble spirit (not envious or mean).
The First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports Janet Kataaha
Museveni said the flagging-off of the national team to the Olympic
Games does not necessarily mean that the COVID-19 pandemic
is no more.
“Our son Joshua Cheptegei broke and set two world records
during this pandemic making us so proud as a country. Therefore,
as you carry our national flag high at the Olympic Games, you are
reflecting the light and voice of hope that is within you and the
society you represent. That voice of hope that says to us, “Do not
give up.” That voice of hope that urges us to maintain a persistent
focus to overcome the limitations around us and within us,” said
the First Lady.

President Museveni hands over the National flag to the National Olympic
Team. Looking on is First Lady, Janet K. Museveni.

July 2021 15
New Head of Public Service, IGG, Permanent
Secretaries & other leaders appointed.
15th July, 2021
President Museveni appoints new Head of Public Service,
IGG, Permanent Secretaries and other leaders.

H.E. the President appointed Mrs. Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye as the new
Head of Public Service, replacing long serving John Mitala, who
becomes Senior Presidential Advisor on Public Service. Nakyobe
was replaced by Jane Barekye, as State House Comptroller. The
former Minister for Lands, Housing and Urban Develeopment,
Mrs. Beti Kamya was appointed the new Inspector General of
Government. The former Deputy IGG, Ms. Mariam Wangadya,
was appointed the new Chairperson of Uganda Human Rights
The President also appointed new Permanent Secretaries as listed
• Head of Public Service and Secretary to Cabinet - Lucy Nakyobe
• Deputy Head of Public Service and Secretary to Cabinet -
Deborah Katuramu
• State House Comptroller - Jane Barekye
• Principal Private Secretary to the President - Dr. Kenneth Omona
• Principal Private Secretary to H.E. The Vice President - Alex
• Office of the Prime Minister - Keith Muhakanizi
• Office of the President - Yunus Kakande
• Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries - David
Kyomukama Kasura (Maj. Gen.)

16 The Presidency
• Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs - Rosette Byengoma
• Ministry of Education and Sports - Kate Lamaro
• Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development - Batebe Irene
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Vincent Bagiire
• Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development -
Ramathan Ggobi
• Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development - Aggrey
• Ministry of Health - Dr. Diana Atwiine
• Ministry of Internal Affairs - Joseph Musanyufu (Lt. Gen)
• Ministry of Information, Communication, Technology National
Guidance - Dr. Amina Zawedde
• Ministry of Justice and Constitutional Affairs - Robert Kasande
• Ministry of Lands, Housing and Urban Development - Dorcas
• Ministry of Local Government - Benjamin Kumumanya
• Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives - Geraldine Ssali
• Ministry of Public Service - Catherine Bitarakwaate
• Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Antiquities - Doreen Katusiime
• Ministry of Water and Environment - Alfred Okidi
• Ministry of Works and Transport - Bageya Waiswa
• Secretary to the Judiciary - Pius Bigirimana
• Health Service Commission - Mary T. Wenene
• Public Service Commission - Dr. Godfrey Mbabazi

July 2021 17
• Judicial Service Commission - Dr. Nassali Lukwago
• Ministry of Science, Technology and innovation - Abolished
and retired
• Ministry of East African Community Affairs - Edith Mwanje
• Ethics and Integrity - Alex O. Okello
• Clerk to Parliament - Hon. Adolf Mwesige
• Inspectorate of Government - Kafeero Rose
• Education Service Commission - Dr. Asuman Lukwago
• John Mitala - Senior Presidential Advisor, Public Service
• Mary Karooro Okurut - Senior Presidential Advisor, Public
• Odrek Rwabwogo - Senior Presidential Advisor, General Duties
• Florence Nakiwala Kiyingi - Senior Presidential Advisor, Gender
and Youth Affairs
• Adonia Ayebare - Special Envoy and Ambassador to the United

18 The Presidency
16th July, 2021
President Museveni chairs NRM Parliamentary Caucus meeting

H.E. the President said Ugandans vote for the NRM party because
it has for many years, been known for providing security to the
Speaking at the party Parliament Caucus meeting held at Kololo
ceremonial Grounds on 16th July, 2021, the President assured the
country that his government would work tirelessly to ensure that
life and property for all continues to be protected.
He underscored efforts by government to install security cameras
around the country which he said helps security agencies to track
criminals. He said this would be followed by the installation of
security trackers in all vehicles and motorcycles.
“One of the people’s needs is security and other one is infrastructure.
Infrastructure has helped us economically, security wise and also
politically. The other need that you as leaders should address is
education of the children of the poor, health and theft of drugs
in the health centres. You have seen how my monitoring unit has
been arresting people stealing drugs from health units. Nurses
and doctors are corrupt. You as Members of Parliament should
take interest in your health centres. Go and check, that is what
you are supposed to do as leaders,” he said.
The President told the MPs that the country will only address
the issue of jobs for the youth through wealth creation. He retold
the story of Nyakana who he introduced to the MPs during their
retreat at the National Leadership Institute, Kyankwanzi in May.

July 2021 19
He reminded them about how Nyakana and the wife were not
employed until they took his advice. Since then Nyakana and his
wife employ 15 people on just an acre of land.
During the meeting, the party held elections to replace the late
Hon Mathias Kasamba as one of Uganda’s representative in the
East African Legislative Assembly (EALA). Hon James Kakooza
emerged victorious with 93 votes, beating former State Minister for
Tourism Hon Godfrey Kiwanda Ssuubi who got 85 votes whereas
Mr Abbas Mutumba got 54 votes.
The meeting also voted four members to the NRM Caucus executive
including Herbert Kinobere as Vice chairperson, Lilian Aber as
General Secretary, Nakut Faith as Treasurer and Brandon Kintu
as Publicity Secretary.

President Museveni and NRM Chief Whip (blue jacket) pose for a photo with
the newly elected NRM caucus Executive at Kololo 17th July, 2021

20 The Presidency
17th July, 2021
Meeting the Busoga University Steering Committee

President Museveni met the committee on Government takeover

of former Busoga University that included former Speaker of
Parliament and Minister for East African Affairs Rt. Hon. Rebecca
Kadaga, Dr. John Chrysostom Muyingo, the Minister of State for
Higher Education, Bishop His Grace Bishop Samuel Stephen
Kaziimba Mugalu and Protestant Bishops. The meeting was also
attended by the First Lady and Minister of Education and Sports
Janet Kataaha Museveni.
Busoga diocese agreed to hand over Busoga University and
its assets to government as a public institution after a series of
meetings that will now see government take over its 15bn shillings
loan, all university land without any encumbrances and the court
case withdrawn without any costs to both parties.
The President had sought assurances that the takeover was on
condition that the land was free in perpetuity and that the debts
were legal.
Busoga University was founded by Busoga Diocese in 1998
with its headquarters in Iganga District. However, in 2017, the
National Council for Higher Education revoked its license following
allegations of having unqualified students and lecturers and
running illegal study centres and unaccredited courses.
“We must solve a few issues. We must get the land free, in
perpetuity. I don’t want to hassle. Give us the land so that it is
government land. We don’t want to buy or rent, because there is
no reason to do that. Secondly, there were some debts which of
course we shall pay if they are legitimate debts,” the President
Prior, President Museveni said the NRM policy was to have a public
university in the original 18 colonial zones of Uganda, adding,

July 2021 21
President Museveni and First Lady, Janet Museveni, posing for a photo with
the steering committee of Busoga University

the issue of a public university started slowly with Mbarara and

it became popular. Mengo zone was covered by Makerere and
Kyambogo, Ankole by Mbarara, Kigezi, Tooro by taking over
Mountains of the Moon, West Nile – by building Muni University,
Acholi by building a new university at Gulu, Lango by building
Lira University, Teso, Bukedi etc.
“In Busoga we are going to build a public university there. We
have started with Namasagali. As we were planning that, the idea
of taking over this private university was started by people there.
I have no problem with that,” he said.
“We want to have a Marines Institute. When we want to train
marine people, they go to Dar es Salaam in Tanzania or Mombasa
in Kenya. I want Namasagali to concentrate on Marines training.
The other campuses, we shall develop courses which we know
are marketable. If we have agreed on land, audited debts and
removed the case, all issues are now settled,” he said.

22 The Presidency
21st July, 2021
President meets Workers’ Representatives

H.E. the President met Workers’ representatives including Peter

Werikhe, Usher Owere, Charles Bakabulindi and COFTU representative
Dr. Sam Lyomoki said while they had agreed with the NSSF that only
workers who are 45 years and have saved for ten years (45 years and
10 years’ savings) be allowed mid-term access of 20 percent of their
savings, they were shocked to learn that the wording had changed
to (45 years or 10 years’ savings). The meeting was also attended
by representatives from the Ministry of Finance led by the Minister
Matia Kasaijja, the MD of NSSF Richard Byarugaba members of
Conflicting information and change in wording regarding the National
Social Security (Amendment) bill forced the President to push a
major decision on the workers’ mid-term access to their savings for
another two weeks.
“Let us give ourselves two weeks and conclusively solve this matter. I
want to be clear with the figures. I am going to do my own research.
Let us meet on August 4th,” the President said.
The President said he wants to do more research on the figures
after the Workers’ representative said Shs 800bn was needed for
the mid-term access while NSSFs Byarugaba said they may need
up to Shs 3trillion shillings.
Prior NSSF MD Byarugaba had said the total fund now stands at Shs
15 trillion and that each worker saves for between 25 – 30 years and
earns 150million shillings. He said if they access their savings now,
they lose up to 30 million shillings in 20 years. He also said the fund
would lose money because it would offer securities at a discount in
a fire-sale.
NSSF is a government agency responsible for the collection,
safekeeping, responsible investment and distribution of retirement
funds from employees in the private sector who are not covered by
the government retirement scheme.

July 2021 23
21st July, 2021
Meeting with the Uganda Retirements Benefits Regulation Authority

H.E. the President vowed to sort out the issue of pension fund
regulation after it emerged that the Ministry of Finance is using
NSSF funds to manage the Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory
Authority (URBRA).
“They set up an authority to regulate private pension schemes
and it is the workers funding it? A regulator comes in because of
private saving schemes. I rejected that idea,” the President said.
He said while the idea of regulation for private schemes is good,
it must not be done with workers’ money.
The Minister of Finance Matia Kasaijja said the President rejected
the idea, but Parliament enacted it into law. “We may have to look
at the law again” he said.
Patrick Ocailap, the Deputy Secretary to the Treasury in the Ministry
of Finance, Planning and Economic Development also informed
him that there are over 120 schemes including the NSSF. He said
the Authority is like Bank of Uganda which supervises other banks.
“The law must start with logic! Why workers’ money? Why can’t
a department of government do it? Bank of Uganda Supervises
money makers but this is workers’ money. I don’t see why we
need a regulator. If private yes, but not NSSF! We shall study it
and perhaps do away with regulation and have a department,”
he said.

24 The Presidency
In 2015, President Museveni rejected proposals by the Ministry of
Finance Planning and Economic development for the Retirement
Benefits Sector Liberations Bill which if passed would put an end
to the monopoly of NSSF. He said splitting the management of
workers’ savings would hamper the enhancement of its value.
“Having one player is advantageous in a way because you have
huge sum of money available for projects.”
The Uganda Retirement Benefits Regulatory Authority (URBRA) is
a government-owned, semi-autonomous agency responsible for
regulating, licensing, supervising, and controlling the retirement
sector in Uganda, the third-largest economy in the East African
URBRA was established by an Act of Parliament of Uganda in 2011.
The agency is under the Uganda Ministry of Finance and Economic
Development but is semi-autonomous, with a governing board
and a management team led by an executive director as the chief
executive officer.
When URBRA was established, it was anticipated that new
retirement benefits managers would be licensed and the sector
would be liberalized and improved, with more choices and new
retirement products introduced.

July 2021 25
21st July, 2021
President Museveni meets KCCA & METU bus industries

H.E. the President met the Executive Director of KCCA and the
Managing Director of METU bus industries to finalise the plan to
roll out buses in Greater Kampala Metropolitan Area (GKMA).
“The idea of producing buses and trains in Kampala is to lessen
the crowds and reduce piki piki. Katabazi says if you give me
concession to operate Kampala Services, I fabricate and operate
here. KCCA doesn’t have to incur costs. He will recover his costs
through operations. This will address the issue of too many small
operations at zero budget for government,” the President said.
The President in a final push to get the project off the ground after
three years of bureaucratic red-tape that threatened to sabotage
it summoned all stakeholders including the Vice President H.E
Jessica Alupo, the Attorney General Kiryowa Kiwanuka, Minister for
General Duties in the Office of the Prime Minister Kasule Lumumba,
the Minister of Finance Matia Kasaija, Minister for Investment
Evelyne Anite, the Minister for Kampala Minsa Kabanda, KCCA
Executive Director Dorothy Kisaaka and the METU Bus Industries
proprietor Metu Katabazi to address the matter.
The Minister of Finance Matia Kasaijja said the project delayed
because they were waiting for KCCA to work on the roads which
are narrow and may inconvenience or cause accidents.
“Projects go hand in hand. We had to work on the roads and widen
them for the buses to open. If roads are too narrow, it may cause
inconveniences and cause accidents. I also wrote to the bank to

26 The Presidency
inform them that the US$12million that was meant for importing
buses should be added on the roads,” the Minister said.
“What I will not accept are contracts that make you import buses.
There is no way somebody can tell me that peripheral roads more
important than factories. How can a planner equate productive
capacity with a road especially manufacture of automobiles,” he
said, adding that in the 60s, the Kabandole bus services where
moving around Kampala and neighbouring areas.

The President waves to Ministers, Heads of Government Agencies and METU

proprietors after a meeting at State House, Entebbe

July 2021 27
23rd July, 2021
President passes out counter-terrorism soldiers

The President presided over the pass-out of 171 counter terrorism

warriors under the Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence who
have been undergoing training in combating terrorism, violent
extremism, cyber threats, politically motivated violence and threats
that transcend borders. The officers are trained in build-up areas
in the air, under very strenuous circumstances using both small
arms and heavy weapons at short and long distances.
A fast-paced, nail-biting military drill by the newly graduated
counter-terrorism officers of the School of Military Intelligence
and Security in Nakasongola was the climax of months of rigorous
mental and physical training, described by President Yoweri
Museveni, the Commander in Chief as ‘Being sure of Yourself’ in
The young warriors dry-practiced 8 action-packed drills during
which they would respond instinctively and without delay to enemy
fire while running, crawling, jumping and shooting at targets set
at 25 metres, 50 metres and 100 metres and neutralising them
in seconds. They also included use of choppers in VIP protection
and terrorism and enemy capture in hostage situations.
“It’s a good beginning for you, don’t lose this chance. One element
about fighting is to be sure of yourself. When you are confident
of yourself, you can handle any combat situation. I congratulate
you upon completing this very difficult course,” he said.

28 The Presidency
The President said in this kind of combat training you need three
things; How to effectively use your weapon; How to use cover to
protect yourself in buildings and trenches and using instinct and
speed with the emphasis on marksmanship and ability to take
President Museveni who had prior broken ground for the
construction of the Military Intelligence and Security school that
is estimated to cost Shs 40bn, commended Major General Abel
Kandiho the in-charge Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI)
for ensuring that the training is done by local trainers from the
UPDF which has built that capacity and pledged to build the
military school to a full professional institution.
Gen. Kandiho said this is the first intake to be trained exclusively
by UPDFs own professionals.
“This course is a careful but deliberate effort to build the army to
focus on the terrorism that is facing the world today. It comes at
a critical time when the country is facing multifaceted threats of
terrorism. We must prepare to effectively deal with this,” he said,
urging government to quickly build a permanent school of military
intelligence and security at SOMI at Mijeera in Nakasongola where
they have over 2.5 Sq miles of land.
The Chief of Defence Forces Gen. Wilson Mbadi said the completion
of the training by the elite force is part of building a professional
army that is modern, effective and efficient to contribute to
regional peace.

July 2021 29
President Museveni gesturing to Chief of Defence Forces ,CMI chief, at the
School of Military Intelligence and Security, Nakasongola

President Museveni commended Major General Abel Kandiho the

in-charge Chieftaincy of Military Intelligence (CMI) for ensuring
that the training is done by local trainers from the UPDF which
has built that capacity and pledged to build the military school
to a full professional institution.

30 The Presidency
27th July, 2021
Letters of credence from the new Chinese Ambassador to

H.E. the President received letters of credence from the new

Chinese Ambassador to Uganda, Zhang Lizhong, at State House
President Yoweri Museveni hailed the excellent relationship
between Uganda and China especially the support extended to
Uganda in various economic fields.
“We have had a very good relationship with China for a very long
time. We are grateful for the support China has given to us; the
stadium, soft loans, and other programs and projects. We are now
looking at the Standard Gauge Railway,” he said.
During a meeting with Ambassador Zhang Lizhong, the President
said that Uganda is looking forward to scientific cooperation with
China in the development of the COVID-19 vaccines.
President Museveni also noted that the economic rise of China
should be an opportunity for more cooperation including business.
Ambassador Zhang Lizhong thanked President Museveni for the
warm message sent to his counterpart President Xi-Jinping and
the people of China upon the centenary celebrations of CPC.
“We appreciate your message and I want to take this opportunity
to convey good wishes and best regards to Your Excellency and
also wish greater progress to your national development and your
string leadership,” Zhang said.

July 2021 31
He said that China will continue to support the economic
transformation and industrialisation of Uganda, and will encourage
more Chinese investors to come and do business in Uganda as
the investment environment and security are very conducive.
He promised to work closely with developing countries on vaccine
research and production also disclosed that the 300,000 COVID-19
vaccines promised early this year by his government would be
in Uganda on Saturday the 31st of July, and pledged to lobby for
more vaccines for Uganda.

New Ambassador of China to Uganda, H.E. Zhang Lizhong, presents his letters
of credence to President Museveni at State House, Entebbe 27th July, 2021

32 The Presidency
27th July, 2021
Letters of credence from the new UN Resident
Coordinator to Uganda

H.E. the President welcomed the new UN Resident coordinator to

Uganda, Ms. Susan Ngongi Namondo, with whom they discussed
issues of mutual interest between Uganda and the United Nations
particularly environmental conservation and refugees.
“One area you can look at is the environment. This part of the
world is very fertile, with a lot of water and nice climate. When
Europeans came, they said we had too much rain and water in
swamps and started planting water-drying species. A culture
some of our people inherited by cultivating in the wetlands. Now
we want to reverse that,” the President said.
The President said in some cases, they may have to pay
compensation for people who were misled by governments to
leave the swamps while those who willingly invaded wetlands
would be chased out.
“These swamps are tributaries of the Nile but with aquatic species.
For those misled by Governments and colonialists, we shall have
to compensate them but those who intentionally invaded swamps
and forests, we shall just chase them but we shall not take them
to prison, but no compensation. Once we bring back full nature,
it is very fertile and can support big part of Africa in terms of food
and raw materials, we want to stop this sacrilege,” he said.
The President also singled out the issue of refugees in relation to
land, relief, alternative energy and education.

July 2021 33
“We have got 1.6million refugees whom you are feeding but they
are really cutting our trees. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres
came and organized fundraising and got money for one or two
roads in refugee areas which is good but work on another form of
energy other than biomass. We can work with our people about
alternative energy like biogas,” he said.
The President said if refugees get relief and the issue of energy,
which is not depending on trees, is solved and provision of water
and education for their children, they will be happy and not cause
any deficit. He also urged the UN to have a policy of pre-fabricated
shelter to avoid use of trees.
Ms. Susan Namondo from Cameroon on her part pledged to work
for the continued support from the UN to Uganda especially in
achieving the country’s SDGs.
“My job here is to work with all colleagues and see how to support
your development plans,” she said.

New UN Resident Coordinator to Uganda, H.E. Susan Ngongi Namondo,

presents her letters of credence to President Museveni at State House, Entebbe

34 The Presidency
28th July, 2021
President Museveni swears in new ministers

H.E. the President cautioned the incoming Cabinet Ministers

that this kisanjja (term) is not for “talking” and emphasized that
resolving the issue of getting the 39% of the population out of
subsistence farming to a money economy in order to achieve the
social economic transformation of the population in the country
is key in this term of office.
The President was today presiding over the swearing-in of the last
batch of Ministers including Hon. Wilson Muruli Mukasa Minister
of Public Service, Hon. Sam Mangusho Cheptoris, Minister of
Water and Environment and Hon. Kyakulaga Fred Bwino Minister
of State for Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries in charge
of Agriculture. The oaths were administered by Ms. Deborah
Katuramu, the Deputy Head of Public Service and Deputy Secretary
to Cabinet.
“This kisanjja (term) is not for talking. I congratulate all the ministers
for being elected. Two went through elections, Cheptoris and
Kyakulaga while for Muruli Mukasa we agreed,” he said.
The President urged cohesion in the new cabinet in order to
implement the programmes of NRM government enthusiastically
adding that corruption must not be entertained.
He also called on them to lay emphasis on the integration of East
Africa Community so that the issue of the market for Ugandan
products can to be resolved.

July 2021 35
This is the last group of Ministers to be sworn in before the
President, the first one having been sworn in on Monday 21st
June 2021 and 8th July, 2021 respectively. President Museveni was
gifted an artistic impression of himself by the son of Hon. Muruli

President Museveni poses for a photo with the newly sworn-in Ministers and
their families. On the President’s right is the Vice President, H.E. Jessica Alupo.

36 The Presidency
30th July, 2021
National address on COVID-19 pandemic

H.E. the President addressed the nation on the COVID-19 situation

in the country.
President Museveni who had last addressed the country on 18th
June, 2021, when he imposed a full country-wide lock down,
addressed the country again on 30th July, 2021, lifting some
antiCOVID-19 measures.
Among other restrictions lifted, the President allowed public
transport at 50%, lifted inter-district movements, allowed shopping
malls and arcades to operate among other many restrictions that
were lifted.

Read Full Speech

President Museveni addresses the Nation during

a previous COVID19 address.

July 2021 37
30th July, 2021
The 59th Anniversary of the Pan African Women

H.E. the President called on all African leaders to unite for

development as well as economic empowerment of the people.
“What we need to address as Pan Africanists is the issue of
prosperity through production. We should also solve the issue of
market because without the market, you will not get rich,” he said,
adding that countries in the world that answered the question of
prosperity are very rich.
The President was speaking at a ceremony to mark the 59th
Anniversary of the Pan African Women at Kololo Ceremonial
Grounds in Kampala.
President Museveni noted that the other areas that should be
addressed by the African leaders are strategic security and
fraternity of the people of Africa.
On the issue of strategic security, the President noted that there
is need to silence the guns and that this can only be done by
African countries working together.
“Here we managed to defeat Amin because we worked with Mzee
Julius Nyerere of Tanzania and some of the liberation movements
were able to fight and defeat the whites because they fought
together,” he said.
On African unity, the President said that the African people
need to unite and work together because Africans are not only
interconnected or linked together, but they are also similar.

38 The Presidency
“Africans are one people who are either similar or linked
linguistically. Africans have four linguistic linkages that can rally
the unification—the Niger-Congo speakers, the Nile-Saharan
speakers, the Afro-Asiatic speakers and the Southern Africa
Khoisan speakers,” he said, urging leaders to embrace the fraternity
advantage as a magic chord to string on the African integration.
He appreciated the role played by the pioneers of the Pan African
Organization in elevating the lives of African Women. He said the
organization was not a welfare association but a political, social
as well as ideological unit to contribute to the liberation of Africa
from colonialism.
The Vice President, H.E Jessica Alupo, saluted the President for
his role in fighting for the rights of women and what they have
achieved under his guidance in Uganda. She said that these women
inspire young girls and later empower them to become leaders.
She said that the main focus should be on financial inclusion of
Ms. Eunice Lipinge, the President of the Pan African Women
organization (PAWO), appreciated the President for his role in
uplifting women citing the recent appointments of the Uganda’ vice
President and Prime Minister among other political appointment.
PAWO presented an award to President Museveni and the First
lady Maama Janet Museveni for their role in fighting for the rights
of women in Uganda and beyond.

July 2021 39

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The Presidency
AUGUST - 2021

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

1  Editor’s Note 4

2  President Museveni meets Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi 7

3  President Clears Workers for Mid-term Access to NSSF Savings 8

4  President Museveni retires 14 Generals, Senior Officers 10

5  President Museveni bids farewell to Swedish Ambassador  13

6  President Museveni receives medallists 15

7  President Museveni meets Acholi sub-region leaders 19

8  President Museveni lays foundation stone at Kiira motors 20

9  President Museveni address the Nation on Security 21

10  President okays Earth & Applied Sciences University in Bunyoro 22

11  President Museveni meets World Bank Country Manager 24

12  President Museveni mourns Lt. Gen. Pecos Kutesa 26

13  State House receives a new Comptroller 27

14  President Museveni meets NRM caucus over Parish Model 30

15  President Museveni inaugurates Presidential CEO Forum 33

16  President fulfils a car pledge for Bishop Wokorach of Nebbi 36

17  President Museveni receives Ex. Nigeria President, H.E. Goodluck Jonathan Ebele 38

18  Adoption of ARIPO Protocol on Registration & Notification of Copyright and Related Rights 40

19  President Museveni, H.E. Kikwete meet ahead of Africa Green Revolution Summit 43

20  President Museveni mourns Maj. Gen. Paul Lokech  46

21  President Museveni meets Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali 47

Editor’s Note

Dear Reader,
I once again have the pleasure to present to you another edition of our monthly
e-magazine, The Presidency, for the month of August.
I have been receiving diverse feedback from friends, supporters of the President
and the public regarding the editions of June and July. The feedback is highly
appreciated and my conviction is that we shall continue to improve until the
magazine becomes a simple but informative tool for the reader.
As I pointed out in the inaugural edition, the magazine aims at bringing the
presidency including office and residence of the President of the Republic of
Uganda, closer to the public. We are driving the Open Government agenda
and we want to make sure every citizen feels they are part of this Government
and Country, by receiving transparent, factual, relevant and timely information
from the Presidency and Government in general.
In the subsequent editions, we shall bring you analyses from the different
Ministries, Departments and Agencies of Government, where the President
has launched various projects, and how those projects intend to benefit the
citizens and the Country.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the President’s schedule remains office-based
between State House, Entebbe and Nakasero State Lodge with exceptions
of launching the Kiira motor vehicle manufacturing plant, addressing ARIPO
Diplomatic Conference at Munyonyo and a few engagements at Kololo
Independence Grounds.
Lastly, in every edition, we run the President’s major speech of the month. In
this edition, we have included the President’s condolence message on the
loss of the late Maj. Gen. (posthumously promoted to Lt. Gen.) Paul Lokech
of 27th August, 2021.
I now have the pleasure to present to you the third edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of Communication &
Director Government Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC)
Editorial Team

Marcella Karekye Duncan Abigaba

Chief Editor Deputy Chief Editor

Robert Sharp Mugabe Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba

Content Production Manager Head of Logistics Head of Production

Bonny Karogo Mushwa Joshua Janet Mutesi

Graphics Editor Editor Editor
Quote of the Month

“Africa has tremendous cultural and technological

potential which can be greatly enhanced through
copyright protection. The globalization of the world
economy has made knowledge a critical element in
attaining socio-economic transformation; but, majority
of African countries have not exploited the benefits that
intellectual property rights offer to its users, despite
considerable improvements to existing knowledge and
options for protecting knowledge.”

President Y.K. Museveni, 27th August 2021

3rd August, 2021
President Museveni meets Kabaka Ronald Muwenda Mutebi

President Yoweri Museveni received the Kabaka of Buganda, His

Royal Highness Ronald Muwenda Mutebi, who paid him a courtesy
call at the State Lodge in Nakasero.
During the meeting, President Museveni and Kabaka Mutebi
discussed development and other matters of mutual interest
between the Kingdom and the Government.
The two leaders later briefly exchanged pleasantries, both
acknowledging that they have taken long without meeting,
before going in for a closed door meeting.
The Kabaka of Baganda was accompanied by a four-man delegation
including Prince David Wasajja and Katikkiro (Prime Minister) of
Buganda, Charles Peter Mayiga.

President Museveni walks with the Kabaka at State Lodge, Nakasero

The Presidency | August 2021 7

4th August, 2021
President Clears Workers for Mid-term Access to NSSF Savings

President Yoweri Museveni granted workers mid-term access to

their savings in the National Social Security fund and directed
the Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development, Betty
Amongi to make changes to the Bill and return it for consent.
“You remember Shakespeare’s play, The Merchant of Venice?
Shylock with his, “my pound of flesh whether you die or what!’’
For the NRM not to be that Shylock and since these people think
this is the solution, let’s go ahead. If it doesn’t work out we shall
see, learn together instead of being like Shylock,” the President
said, before adding, “You go, I wash my hands. I have become
Pontius Pilate.”
Shylock is a fictional character in William Shakespeare’s play;The
Merchant of Venice, a Venetian Jewish moneylender.
While in St. Matthew’s gospel, Pontius Pilate washed his hands
before the multitudes, saying, “I am innocent of the blood of this
just person.” This was to show the crowd he did not want Jesus
dead, but ordered his death because that is what the people
wanted. He was washing his hands of the responsibility.
It has now been agreed that somebody who is 45 years and has
saved for ten years can access up to 20% of their savings. The
commencement date will be set in the statutory instrument;
supervision of the fund is by the Ministry of Finance, while the
NSSF Managing Director is a member of the Board of Directors.
The meeting was attended by Workers’ representatives in
Parliament, Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic
Development, and leaders of Workers’ trade unions; NOTU and

8 The Presidency | August 2021

According to the NSSF Managing Director, Richard Byarugaba, the
fund collects Shs 125 billion a month, Shs 1.5trillion per year and
pays up to Shs 900bn for members qualifying in other benefits.
However, Gender, Labour and Social Development Minister,
Amongi Betty, said they had delved into all the issues and their
conclusion was that, it would not have a substantial impact on
the depletion of the fund because the fund is Shs 15 trillion and
they need between Shs 800bn to 1 trillion to handle mid-term
access at a go.
NSSF is a government agency responsible for collection,
safekeeping, responsible investment and distribution of retirement
funds from employees in the private sector who are not covered
by the government retirement scheme.

President Museveni posing for a photo with representatives of workers after the
meeting at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | August 2021 9

5th August, 2021
President Museveni retires 14 Generals, Senior Officers

President Yoweri Museveni who Gen. Ivan Koreta is today’s most

is also the Commander in Chief senior retiree and one of the
of the Armed Forces described original 28 boys who were taken to
as “success of a miracle” while Mozambique for training and who
bidding farewell to 14 retiring was to return later and infiltrate
General and Senior Officers at a back into Uganda.
colourful ceremony witnessed by “By the time Kampala was
their families and friends. captured, we had a force of
“I am happy to be here to witness 9,000 fighters. Banyankore call it
success of a miracle. I wrote a book okutuubuura (making something
– the Mustard Seed – a small seed small grow big).This is NRM.
which was planted but produced a Ivan was the original seed,” the
big tree. This here is just a sample. President said.
Each individual’s story is a miracle. The President also cited the story
How each became part of the of RO/16504 Brig. Gen Al-Hajji
resistance movement. Everybody Moses Kigongo who started the
has a story to tell,” President Resistance Committees to support
Museveni said. the Popular Resistance Army to
He was today presiding over the popularise the peoples struggle
send-off ceremony of retiring and RO/00170 Brig. Gen. Shaban
General, Senior and Junior officers Moses Lukyamuzi who joined
at State House Entebbe. the struggle and started the first
The President gave a detailed Signal Unit of the NRA.
background to the liberation Another Mwanainchi RO/16506
struggle and how each of the Capt. Nathaniel Mayanja Kitaka
retirees became part of the success who was a laboratory technician
story of the current professional in Kiboga Hospital before joining
UPDF army. the struggle.

10 The Presidency | August 2021

Maj. Gertrude Nanyunja Njuba The Minister of Defence and Veteran
kept the records bag and acted Affairs Vincent Bamulangaki
as the first Comptroller while Maj. Ssempijja said the Generals leave
Hajjat Jannat Balunzi Mukwaya behind a tremendous legacy and
who was formerly a magistrate accomplishments achieved under
became the judge. the UPDF and have been cadres
“Don’t look down on people, of astute character.
everybody is useful. The army will “Go with your heads high up
not be strong if you don’t have knowing those who wish Uganda
the support of the people. Don’t well remain indebted to your
bark at people. We are strong service. You have diligently served
because we were attracting all Uganda and exhibited excellence
those people,” he said. in many fields,” the Minister said.
President Museveni thanked The Chief of Defence Forces, Gen.
the retirees for making their Wilson Mbadi commended the
country proud.“Thank you for Generals for serving with discipline,
your contribution. We are proud professionalism, patience, clarity
because you have built a big of purpose and diligently and said
capacity which has never been they have greatly contributed to
there before, a big army of this the fundamental change in the
size,” he said. country.
He called on them to copy the The UPDF retired 14 General
mustard seed by using their off icers and 604 senior and
kasiimo (pension) to multiply and junior officers and men. Other
enable them to live a dignified life. ceremonies for the retirees were
“With kasiimo, go and multiply it. held at various respective service
Don’t squander it. Don’t go to the headquarters, formations and
villages and become destitute and units.
spoil our name. People will fear to
join the army. Multiply it properly
and live a comfortable life,” he said.

The Presidency | August 2021 11

The Generals included Gen. Ivan, Koreta, Lt.Gen. Pecos Onesmus
Kutesa (RIP), Lt. Gen. Jim Besigye Owoyesigire, Maj.Gen. Amb.
Robert Rusoke, Maj. Gen. Fred Mugisha, Maj. Gen. Christopher
Murema Kazoora, Maj. Gen. Moses Wadimba Ssentongo, Maj.
Gen. Innocent George Oula, Brig. Gen. Al-Hajji Moses Kigongo,
Brig. Gen. Jacob Asiimwe, Brig. Gen. Shaban Moses Lukyamuzi,
Brig. Gen. John Kasaija, Brig. Gen. Muhamed Abiriga and Brig.
Gen. Frank Kanyarutokye. Senior Officers included Maj. Gertrude
Nanyunja Njuba, Maj. Hajjat Jannat Mukwaya, Maj. Abdul Nadduli,
Maj. Abby Hafez Mukwaya, Maj. Henry Jjuko Walugembe, Maj.
Stephen Katenta Apuuli Kapimpina, Maj. John Kaddu, Maj. Sula
Sserunjoji, Maj. Fred Ntege and Maj. Ronald Richard Magezi.

President Museveni posing for a photo with Gen. Ivan Koreta during the ceremony to retire
Generals and Senior Officers at State House, Entebbe.

12 The Presidency | August 2021

10th August, 2021
President Museveni bids farewell to Swedish Ambassador

President Yoweri Museveni bid farewell to the outgoing Swedish

Ambassador, H.E Per Lindgarde, who has concluded his five-year
tour of duty in Uganda.
Ambassador Per Lindgarde who paid a courtesy call on President
Museveni at State House Entebbe, thanked him for the wonderful
time he has had in the country.
“It has been a pleasure working in Uganda; we had a wonderful
time here. The weather is so wonderful,” he said, adding that the
historical ties between Sweden and Uganda have given the two
countries the opportunity to enrich their cooperation.
President Museveni commended the bilateral ties and good
working relationship between Uganda and Sweden.
He called on the Ambassador and the Swedish Government in
general, to work together for the benefit of the people in the two
President Museveni and the outgoing Swedish Ambassador also
discussed other areas of co-operation including investing in clean
energy. They also discussed matters of peace, democracy and
good governance, health, water and sanitation.
Lindgärde who previously worked in Nigeria, was in April posted,
as Ambassador to Somalia in Mogadishu. He will take up his new
position in September of 2021.

The Presidency | August 2021 13

He has worked at the Swedish Embassies in Nairobi and Addis
Ababa, as well as a Swedish representative in Geneva. He has also
served as the UN Secretary-General’s Deputy Envoy for Somalia
and has been a special advisor for the Horn of Africa at the Ministry
for Foreign Affairs.
The meeting was also attended by the Foreign Affairs Minister
Hon. Jeje Odongo.

President Museveni chats with Ambassador Lindgarde at State House, Entebbe

14 The Presidency | August 2021

11th August, 2021
President Museveni receives medallists

President Museveni flanked by First Lady and Minister for Education

and Sports, Hon. Janet Museveni, received the Olympic Gold
medallists, at a ceremony held at Kololo Independence Grounds.
The President said there are many factors that had enabled the
athletes to come up. “One of the factors that have enabled the
athletes to come up is peace. This is not a miracle. It is a product
of peace.” said the President.
“I congratulate Cheptegei, Chemutai, and Kiplimo on bringing
us so much pride, happiness, and success at the Olympic Games.
Sports publicises the country. I am happy you ‘twinned’ sports
with tourism. Keitapon!” he said.
“I gave an order in 2013 that anybody who wins Gold at a Continental
level, Commonwealth, or Olympics be paid Shs 5m per month,
Shs3m and Shs1 million for silver and bronze respectively. I am
told they are being paid quarterly. I speak English very well; let
their money be paid, even the arrears”, he directed.
“And for giving us such great talent, the parents of the gold
medallists will be appreciated too. The government will build
houses for them”, added the President.
The President also congratulated the First Lady and Minister for
Education for bringing grandmotherly love to the ministry that
has brought this success.

The Presidency | August 2021 15

President Museveni with First Lady also Minister for Education and Sports
posing for a photo with Uganda’s Olympic Team

16 The Presidency | August 2021

August 12, 2021
President Museveni attends International Youth Day Celebrations

President Yoweri Museveni called on leaders to step up their

efforts of sensitizing the youth to actively engage in economic
production if they are to improve their standards of living.
“You the youth leaders be should be clear, because you if are not,
you are going to kill your own people. Stop being polite to people
who are not working. Stop wasting your time and engage in
production to be able to live purposeful lives,” the President said.
The President was speaking during the commemoration of the
International Youth Day at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds under the
theme; “Transforming Food Systems: Youth Innovation for
Human and Planetary Health”.
Uganda has one of the youngest populations in the world, with 78%
of the country being under the age of 30. According to reports, in
the next 20 years the world’s population is projected to increase
by a further 2 billion.
President Museveni who made a reference to his own personal
journey “working while still young”, urged the youth to engage
in commercial agriculture, adding that Government jobs are so
few and cannot employ all the youth.
The President urged the youth to engage in the four sectors of the
economy including; commercial agriculture, industries, services
and ICT. He noted that the NRM government has been very clear
about wealth creation through these sectors.
Mr. Museveni highlighted deliberate programs such as peace and
security, immunisation, education for all, skills and vocational
training programmes, infrastructure as well as wealth creation
funds,as Government efforts aimed at creating a conducive
environment to empower the youth.

The Presidency | August 2021 17

On the issue of COVID-19 pandemic, the President noted that the
main target of the Government is survival of the people. While
he acknowledged that some businesses have collapsed, the
President noted that the Government through the Ministry of
Finance will put in place measures to ensure a recovery process
for those affected by the pandemic.
He appealed to the youth leaders to support the Parish Model to
consolidate Government efforts of creating wealth and fighting
poverty. He said Government is committed to putting more
funds to fight poverty.
The Gender and Social Development Minister, Hon. Betty
Amongi applauded the Government for creating a favourable
environment for the youth to work. Hon. Amongi noted that
the surge in population was due to deliberate government
programs to improve the health of its people.
The UN Resident Coordinator in Uganda, Ms. Susan Ngongi
Namondo thanked the President for always prioritising the youth,
saying that Uganda is a youthful country. She noted that UN
and other development partners have put in place programmes
aimed at sensitising the people in the fight against poverty in
Uganda. She pledged the UN’s total commitment to working
with Uganda Government and Africa in general, for the common
good of the people.

18 The Presidency | August 2021

13th August, 2021
President Museveni meets Acholi sub-region leaders

President Museveni held a meeting with Acholi sub-region leaders

led by Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo to look into the issues
surrounding the Apaa Land. The meeting resolved to form a
commission of inquiry to look into the matters extensively to
achieve a lasting solution once and for all.
“In the meantime, any planned settlements in Zoka Forest must
be stopped henceforth and those who had already settled there
must exit” the President directed.
Apaa land sits on the border of Amuru and Adjumani districts and is
contested between the two districts and Uganda Wildlife Authority
(UWA). The Government evicted people from the disputed land
following several clashes between the Madi ethnic group from
Adjumani and their Acholi neighbours from Amuru.

President Museveni posing for a photo with Acholi leaders

led by Chief Justice, Alphonse Owiny Dollo

The Presidency | August 2021 19

14th August, 2021
President Museveni lays foundation stone at Kiira motors

President laid a foundation stone at Kiira Motors in Jinja Industrial

and Business park. Kiira Motors is Uganda’s first motor vehicle
manufacturing plant in Uganda.
The President saluted UPDF for building Uganda’s first motor
vehicle plant in Uganda. This plant was established to develop,
make, and sell motor vehicles and components in Africa. In due
course, it will create 100,000 jobs directly and indirectly.
The President said that the plant will provide jobs to the
youth and build our wealth instead of adding wealth to the
current manufacturers by importing second hand cars yet the
manufacturers are already wealthy.
“The amount of money we spend importing vehicles is $550m
per year. We earn over $500m from coffee and it all goes back
when we import other people’s vehicles. We are giving jobs to
the Japanese and other nationalities. We are losing these jobs.
This should end,” the President said.

President Museveni disembarking from a bus manufactured at Kiira Motors

20 The Presidency | August 2021

15th August, 2021
President Museveni address the Nation on Security

President Museveni addressed the nation on important security

matters including discipline of the security forces and human rights.
The President also briefed the nation on Emyooga program and
In his address, the President said that discipline of the army and
respect for human rights is one of the reasons they had engaged
in the liberation struggle.
“Evidence through torture is unreliable. Torture is unnecessary and
wrong. It must not be used again if at all it was being used like I
see some groups claim in the media. Why do you beat a prisoner?
Coerced confessions by criminals are unnecessary if investigators
do their work well,” the President said.
“Nobody should be in the uniform of the army if you don’t respect
the people of Uganda,” he added.

President Museveni addressing the nation on security matters on 15th August, 2021.

The Presidency | August 2021 21

17th August, 2021
President okays Earth & Applied Sciences University in Bunyoro

President Yoweri Museveni okayed the process of operationalisation

of the Earth and Applied Sciences Public University in Bunyoro
sub-region. He said he has passionately championed the policy of
establishing a public university in each of the 18 original regions
of Uganda including Bunyoro.
This was during a meeting, with the Bunyoro Caucus leaders led
by the Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja, at State House
Through their memorandum of understanding on behalf of the
people of Bunyoro read by their chairperson, Hon. Karubanga
Jacob, MP Kibanda South Constituency, they presented the need
for the operationalisation of a public university of Earth and
Applied Sciences in the Bunyoro sub-region, a move they say will
foster and create opportunities for technological and economic
transformation through research and innovation.
President Museveni said his concept is to have zonal universities
in the country and advised that a taskforce should be set up to
guide on the courses that will not only help the students but also
the country.
“Let us not have white elephant courses. Let us have courses that
will help these children and the country to have innovation skills,”
he said.
He noted that children should always be guided to do courses that
will meet the world demand not the ones that will leave them on
streets after school. He gave an example of Mbarara University
which is concentrating on Sciences and creating change.

22 The Presidency | August 2021

The President appealed to the leaders in Bunyoro and the country
at large, to support his integrated efforts of eradicating poverty
and increasing household incomes for economic transformation.
He urged the leaders to go parish by parish to audit the wanainchi on
their efforts to leave subsistence agriculture and join a commercial
He saluted the people of Bunyoro for supporting him and all the
NRM leaders in the recently-concluded elections.
The Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja thanked the
President for the time and strategic developments in the Bunyoro
sub-region. She said that with a public university in the region, it
will support the country’s social economic transformation.
In 2015 Parliament of Uganda passed a resolution urging
government to start public universities in Lango, Teso, Kigezi,
Busoga and Bunyoro among other areas.

President Museveni waves to Bunyoro leaders after a meeting at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | August 2021 23

August 17, 2021
President Museveni meets World Bank Country Manager

President Yoweri Museveni called on the World Bank to support

Uganda’s priorities including industrial transformation and value
addition if they are to help lift the standards of living of the people
of Uganda.
“Support our priorities if you want to help the people. I want money
to build capacity for our people to benefit,” he said.
President Museveni was speaking during a meeting with new
World Bank Group Country Manager, Ms. R. Mukami Kariuki and
her delegation at State House Entebbe.
President Museveni highlighted industrial transformation, value
addition as well as other money earners as areas where the
World Bank can partner with Uganda to improve the economic
development of the country.
The two leaders also discussed cooperation between the World
Bank and Uganda particularly in the areas of innovation, the
impact of COVID -19 on the economy, infrastructure, education
and health.
The World Bank’s Mukami also sought the President’s guidance
on how to maximally utilise the funds meant to respond to the
emergencies in the wake of Covid-19 pandemic.
Ms. Mukami appreciated the working relationship between World
Bank and Government of Uganda.

24 The Presidency | August 2021

Under Mukami’s leadership, the World Bank Group will continue
to work closely with the government of Uganda and other
stakeholders to provide innovative products and services that
respond to its diverse development challenges and contribute to
achieving sustainable economic growth and poverty reduction,
with a specific emphasis on COVID-19 recovery. 
Her appointment comes at a time when the government of Uganda
is confronting both the immediate and longer-term health and
economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis.
The meeting was attended by Finance Minister Hon. Matia Kasaija
and Uganda’s Special Representative to the United Nations based
in New York Amb. Adonia Ayebare among others.

President Museveni meeting with World Bank Country Manager, Ms. R.

Mukami Kariuki. Extreme right is Amb. Adonia Ayebare

The Presidency | August 2021 25

21st August, 2021
President Museveni mourns Lt. Gen. Pecos Kutesa
Read Full Speech

26 The Presidency | August 2021

23rd August, 2021
State House receives a new Comptroller

Ms. Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye handed over the office of State House
Comptroller to her successor Mrs. Jane Barekye, formerly the
Special Presidential Assistant responsible for Economic Affairs.
“I take this opportunity to hand over the office of State House
Comptroller to you and wish you good luck,” Nakyobe said.
The handover ceremony took place on 23rd August 2021 at the
State House Administration Block of Okello House in Kampala
and was attended by all senior management officers.
In her handover statement, Nakyobe commended and thanked
President Museveni for the opportunity he gave her to serve as
the State House Comptroller since May 2010.
“Today as I hand over the office of Comptroller following my
promotion as Head of Public Service and Secretary to Cabinet, I
want to thank the President for the trust and confidence he put
in me for all these years,” Nakyobe said.
Recently, President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni promoted and
appointed Mrs. Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye as the new Head of Public
Service and Secretary to cabinet replacing Mr. John Mitala. He also
appointed Mrs. Jane Barekye as the new State House Comptroller.
Mrs. Nakyobe said that it has been an incredible journey working
with all staff at State House and serving H.E the President in
particular and Uganda in general.
She congratulated the new State House Comptroller, Mrs. Jane
Barekye and advised her to be a leader who listens, who knows
the way and shows the way.

The Presidency | August 2021 27

“Congratulations Mrs. Jane Barekye. I implore you to be a leader
who knows the way, shows the way and goes the way. Trust and
believe in your team and you will achieve all the success,” Mrs.
Nakyobe said.
After her handover report, Nakyobe presided over a ceremony as the
new SHC Barekye took the oath of secrecy that was administered
by the Human Resource Commissioner of State House, Mr. Ronald
Nakyobe commended staff for the support and co-operation
given to her during her tenure for all the years and urged them
to support the new State House comptroller to ensure that she
takes the institution to greater heights.
A hand over report was given to the new State House Comptroller
together with all other necessary office documents by the outgoing
In her statement, Mrs. Jane Barekye thanked the outgoing
Comptroller for the support rendered to her during her tenure
and during the transition period.
“Thank you for allowing me to work with you and I have learnt a
lot from you during your period as State House Comptroller,” she
Mrs. Jane Barekye thanked President Museveni for her appointment
and pledged not to let him down because he has put trust in her.
“I would like to thank God and the appointing authority for trusting
me with this appointment and pledge not to let him down. I call
for team work and pledge to work with all of you as we serve
the Presidency. I will continue with the open-door policy and
encourage all of you to work with me. Let’s guide each other as
we execute this mandate,” she said.
She pledged to work with everybody in their capacities at State
House and asked for guidance whenever it is needed.

28 The Presidency | August 2021

Ms. Jane Barekye, the new State House Comptroller

Ms. Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye, the new Head of Public Service and Secretary to Cabinet

The Presidency | August 2021 29

20th August, 2021
President Museveni meets NRM caucus over Parish Model

President Yoweri Kaguta “I am here again to address you

Museveni appealed to members on the issues of socio-economic
of the 11th Parliament to support transformation of Ugandans. We
Government’s decision to put can give them the money in their
more money in the Parish SACCOs and we just monitor and
Development Model to fast track supervise them. I appeal to you all
economic transformation at the to support the Parish Development
grass roots. Model. All kinds of people are there
“I appeal to this Parliament to in the Parish including the women,
support the Parish Development youth, disabled and old people,”
Model because we are shifting the President said.
from deciding for the people to the The Parish Development Model
people deciding for themselves,” (PDM) initiated by President
President Museveni said. Yoweri Museveni, is a strategy for
The President appealed to the organising and delivering public
NRM Caucus to support his and private sector interventions for
proposal for Government to put wealth creation and employment
Shs 100 million per Parish per year generation at the parish level as
in the Parish Development Model the lowest economic planning
Fund. unit.

The President was addressing President Museveni explained that

the 4th Parliamentary Caucus the model starts with organising
meeting that was convened at the recipients themselves to make
Kololo Independence Grounds in SACCOs where government puts
Kampala, on 20th August, 2021. money and they also contribute.

30 The Presidency | August 2021

He said under this model, the We also started the Youth
people are the ones who decide for Fund, NAADS, Micro-finance,
themselves and not their leaders OWC, and Emyooga which
in Government. we introduced recently at the
The President emphasized that constituency level,” he said.
the Parish Model unlike Emyooga, The President who showed
is mainly for agriculture; crop members some of the success
growing and cattle keeping stories from different people
among others. around the country revealed that
On land f ragmentation, the the latest survey had shown a
President advised the population decrease in the people working
to divide shares (emigabo) from only for the stomach going down
the land and not divide the land from 68% to 39 %.
itself in case the owner passes on. “Operation Wealth Creation has
“In 1995 when so many problems had an impact on this. We could
had happened because of the land actually do much better than
fragmentation, I proposed a 4-acre OWC. OWC succeeded somehow
model. One acre for coffee, second because somebody was looking
acre for fruits, third acre for food after a given geographical
crops and fourth for pasture for location,” he said.
the animals,” he said. The issue of value addition,
Museveni said that the National according to President Museveni,
Resistance Movement Government will be handled at higher level,
even put this in the 1996 manifesto working with the private sector
but leaders did not help their to guide where to put factories
people. for value addition.

“We started many programmes “We should advise our people to

like Entandikwa at the sub-county, select products that are needed
we put money there and it was for the market. It should never
embezzled. be the government to decide
but the people to decide for

The Presidency | August 2021 31

So please support the Parish Development Model and we put
more money there,” he said.
The Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Robinah Nabbanja said that Government
has ensured that the Parish Development Model system has a
technical person and also involve all parish chiefs.
“We have put aside money to train parish chiefs and the technical
persons plus a 7-member committee headed by the Local Council
2 chairperson to head the Parish Model,” she said.
The Minister of Local Government, Hon. Raphael Magyezi said that
Government will focus on improving the community roads in the
parish, including bridges, provision of internet connectivity etc.,
to facilitate the effective implementation of Parish Development
Model system.
The Government Chief Whip Hon. Thomas Tayebwa said that their
aim is to ensure that whatever is done in Parliament is in line and
connection with the NRM manifesto.
The caucus meeting was attended by the Vice President (Rtd) Maj.
Jessica Alupo, Prime Minister Nabbanja, Ministers and independent
NRM-leaning members of Parliament among others.

The President gestures to NRM Members of Parliament during

the party caucus meeting at Kololo Independence Grounds

32 The Presidency | August 2021

24th August, 2021
President Museveni inaugurates Presidential CEO Forum

President Yoweri Museveni President Museveni noted that

inaugurated the Presidential there are two economic actors in
CEO Forum (PFC) with a call the economic history of the world.
to the business community to “Among those economic actors,
adopt import substitution and there are those who import, not
export promotion if the country importing raw materials or inputs
is to realise tangible economic but finished goods. Those people
progress. The ceremony took place I would like to discourage them
at State House, Entebbe. and gradually convert them to
“If you want the country to grow, actors who make things from
you need to look at what business here,” he said.
you are doing. Does it bring blood The President said he was happy
here or does it suck blood and take they have agreed on paying
it out? That is the problem I used to scientists well.
have with KACITA. Their business
“A scientist is not an observer but
was importing. They even reached
an actor in the economy. Science
the extent of importing wigs. The
is the basis of modernisation.
main message is, please minimise
You must go to a higher-level
and eliminate importing,” he said.
technology so that we protect
The Presidential CEO Forum is a ourselves but also make money.
direct and adequate link between Foreigners have been making
the private sector leadership, money out of germs for a long
CEOs’ from corporate institutions time, we should get money from
and Government executives, with the pathogenic economy,” he
the aim of contributing to the said.
National Development Agenda.

The Presidency | August 2021 33

Mr. Museveni appreciated the “I would like to ask the CEOs to
value in having business forums report the corrupt tendencies of
like PCF which he said help Government officers who deal
government in policy formulation. with them,” she said.
He directed that government The Chairperson Presidential CEO
departments such as Prime Forum, Ms. Barbara Mulwana said
Minister’s Office and the Ministry the inauguration of Presidential
of Finance to always consult them CEO Forum marks a significant
before formulating policies. milestone within the private
He said government will in turn sector fraternity to have access
facilitate the business community of championing Government’s
with the necessary infrastructure agenda towards fostering the
such as roads, cheap electricity, socio-economic transformation
and railway line, and reduce the and development of Uganda.
cost of money through Uganda Ms. Mulwana said that the PCF
Development Bank, to lower the will deliver on its vision through
cost of doing business in the three key initiatives that include
country. He said that schools and fostering the social economic
technical colleges should also step transformation agenda in all
in to provide necessary skills that policy conversations that are
are needed to do business. to administer private sector
The Prime Minister Rt. Hon. participation, develop a well-
Robinah Nabbanja urged the profiled and vetted data bank of
CEOs to share the challenges Ugandan CEO’s and compliment
that affect them while doing their Government with practical
business. She said some young interventions on economic
people want to get rich faster than recovery, entrepreneurship
the businesses that employ them. growth and value addition that
will enhance home-engineered

34 The Presidency | August 2021

The team assured the President of their commitment to soldier on
in the war for economic prosperity. They said they are ready to join
hands with the government to fully liberate Uganda on economic
The ceremony was also attended by the Minister of Finance, Planning
and Economic Development, Hon. Matia Kasaija and various CEOs
from the public and private sector

President Museveni posing with members of the

Presidential CEO Forum after the launch, at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | August 2021 35

25th August, 2021
President fulfils a car pledge for Bishop Wokorach of Nebbi

President Yoweri Museveni fulfilled a car pledge he made to the

new Bishop of Nebbi Diocese, the Rev. Fr. Raphael Wokorach, the
4th Bishop of Nebbi Catholic Diocese.
The President pledged a brand new car to the new Bishop during
his consecration on 14th August, 2021 in Nebbi district. The State
Minister in charge of Northern Uganda, Hon. Grace Freedom
Kwiyucwiny, represented President Museveni at the function.
The brand new Mitsubishi Pajero Sport was handed over by the
State Minister in charge of Northern Uganda, Hon. Grace Freedom
Kwiyucwiny on behalf of President Museveni and the ceremony
was witnessed by the State House Under Secretary, Mrs Hope
“On behalf of H.E the President whom I represented during the
consecration, I confirm that State House has delivered the car for
the Bishop and now take the opportunity to hand it over to his
representative,” Minister Kwiyucwiny said amidst chants from the
representatives of the Bishop.
Minister Kwiyucwiny assured the State House Undersecretary
that the car will safely be delivered to Bishop Wokorach who was
absent at the handover ceremony.
Dr Sam Orach, the Executive Secretary at the Uganda Catholic
Medical Bureau on behalf of Bishop Raphael Wokorach of Nebbi
Diocese, received the vehicle.

36 The Presidency | August 2021

“I take this opportunity on behalf of the Bishop and the entire
Diocese to thank H.E the President for fulfilling his pledge,” Dr
Orach said.
Dr Sam Orach said that the vehicle will help the Bishop to facilitate
his movements within and outside the Diocese and promised to
deliver it to the Bishop safely.
Born on January 21, 1961 in Ragem Village in Ewuata, Arua District,
the Bishop joined St Peter and Paul Pokea Minor Seminary, where
he said his beliefs were deepened.

Hon. Grace Freedom Kwiyucwiny hands over the vehicle

documentation to Dr. Sam Orach

The Presidency | August 2021 37

25th August, 2021
President Museveni receives Ex. Nigeria President, H.E.
Goodluck Jonathan Ebele

President Yoweri Museveni received and held a meeting with the

former President of Nigeria Goodluck Ebele Azikiwe Jonathan
who was in the country for a working visit.
President Museveni welcomed the former Nigerian leader to
Uganda and invited him to enjoy the country’s great weather
describing it as God-given.
“The greenery you see here is because of the altitude. Here where
we are 1,000 metres above sea level. This is part of the reason why
Churchill called it, the Pearl of Africa,” he said.
Nigeria’s leader applauded President Museveni for his able
leadership that has seen Uganda transformed to another level
of development. He cited education among other areas that has
increased in the country including Cavendish University.
The two leaders discussed other areas of mutual concern that
included trade and business in the country.
President Goodluck Jonathan paid a curtesy call on President
Museveni ahead of his installation as the Chancellor of Cavendish
University Uganda, on 26th August 2021.
Cavendish University Uganda (CUU) is a one of the leading Private
Universities in Uganda, established in 2008 and is licensed and
accredited by the Uganda National Council for Higher Education.
H.E. Goodluck Jonathan was appointed by Cavendish University
in Uganda as its third Chancellor effective August 27, 2021.
Goodluck Jonathan replaces H.E. Benjamin Mkapa (former
President of the United Republic of Tanzania who was the 2nd
Chancellor (RIP) who also replaced H.E. Dr Kenneth Kaunda former
President of the Republic of Zambia (RIP)

38 The Presidency | August 2021

H.E. Goodluck Jonathan was installed on August 26, 2021, in time
to preside over the conferment of Degrees and award of Diplomas
and Certificates at the University’s 10th Graduation Ceremony that
took place at Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort on the same date.
A distinguished scholar, H.E. Dr Goodluck Jonathan who holds a
Ph.D. in Zoology from the University of Port Harcourt, Nigeria, and
has previously served as Governor of Bayelsa State, Vice President
of the Federal Republic of Nigeria and in 2010 became the 14th
President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

President Museveni poses for a photo with H.E. Goodluck Jonathan and his
entourage after a meeting at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | August 2021 39

AdoptionAugust, 2021
of ARIPO Protocol on Registration &
Notification of Copyright and Related Rights
President Museveni addresses Conference on the Adoption of ARIPO
Protocol on Registration and Notification of Copyright and Related Rights

President Museveni addressed the Conference on the Adoption

of ARIPO Protocol on Registration and Notification of Copyright
and Related Rights at Speke Resort Munyonyo. The President’s
speech is reproduced here;
I welcome all the distinguished representatives, here present,
from the Africa Regional Industrial Property Organisation (ARIPO)
Member States to Uganda. I wish you a wonderful stay in Uganda
as you attend this important Conference on the Adoption of the
ARIPO Protocol on Voluntary Notification of Copyright and
Related Rights. The African Continent is home to some of the
world’s greatest cultures, traditions and original compositions of a
diverse nature. We have a very rich heritage which is manifested in
our music and musical instruments, dances, oral literature, sports,
medicines, pottery, sculptures, paintings, traditional ceremonies
While civilization started in Africa, the biggest problem was
that it was never institutionalised and regulated. It remained an
individual/tribes’ skill. The African Chiefs and Kings, who were the
rulers of the African states before the conquest of Africa by the
imperialists, failed to protect and preserve our rich heritage. They
were consumed with tribal rivalry amongst themselves instead of
consolidating and safeguarding Africa’s unique cultural treasures.
The evils of slave trade and colonialism caused huge disruptions
to Africa’s cultural development. Our social fabric was severely
torn apart causing great loss of confidence in our creations and
innovations. Therefore, both Africa’s art and science were stagnated.
In some areas, it was completely wiped out and replaced by the
European technology, beliefs, systems and practices.

40 The Presidency | August 2021

However, just as the physical conquest of Africa did not manage
to completely wipe away the African race as it was with, for
instance, the Red Indians in America, the total eradication of the
African cultural heritage did not also entirely succeed. A lot of
our treasures like our rich languages, songs, paintings etc. which
depict the complexity of the civilisation which existed in Africa
before colonialism have been preserved.
Africa has tremendous cultural and technological potential which
can be greatly enhanced through copyright protection. The
globalization of the world economy has made knowledge a
critical element in attaining socio-economic transformation; but,
majority of African countries have not exploited the benefits that
intellectual property rights offer to its users, despite considerable
improvements to existing knowledge and options for protecting
Research into traditional medicine is particularly important in
Africa in making good use of our naturally and richly endowed
environment. Countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America use
traditional medicine to help meet some of their primary health
care needs. The age-old cures that kept our forefathers disease-
free must be given enough attention so that we improve on them
and preserve their use. One of our products, Covidex, has been
tried amongsome Covid patients and most of them have fully
Although the economic philosophy behind copyright protection
is to encourage individual effort, there is still limited awareness
of its importance. As a result, the rights’ holders do not profitably
gain from their innovations.

The Presidency | August 2021 41

Therefore, this Conference will help the ARIPO member states
to build a positive attitude towards copyright; appreciate the
benefits of copyright protection and develop stringent enforcement
mechanisms to protect Intellectual Property to aid sustainable
growth of creative industries in Africa.
In conclusion, I urge you to embrace the Protocol on Voluntary
Registration and Notification of Copyright and Related Rights.
I thank you all.

President Museveni interacts with URSB Registrar General,

Mercy Kainobwisho, and her staff during the conference

42 The Presidency | August 2021

27th August, 2021
President Museveni, H.E. Kikwete meet ahead of
Africa Green Revolution Summit

President Yoweri Museveni said Uganda is ready to embrace the

harmonisation of ideas on what is supposed to be done as far as
food security is concerned.
The President was meeting with the former Tanzanian President
H.E. Mrisho Jakaya Kikwete on the transformation of Agriculture in
Africa ahead of the Africa Green Revolution Summit next month.
During the meeting that took place at State House Entebbe,
President Museveni welcomed the former Tanzanian leader and
appreciated the Green Revolution in Africa programme.
President Museveni noted that Uganda has already identified key
hindrances to agriculture such as the quality of seeds, poor agro
practices, irrigation, infrastructure such as roads, post-harvest
handling as well as market in Africa adding that the Government
has already started on working on most of these challenges.
H.E. Jakaya Kikwete is the member of the Board of Directors of
the Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA).
He briefed the President on the forthcoming Africa Green
Revolution (AGRF) 2021 Summit scheduled for September in the
Kenyan Capital, Nairobi. He said that the summit would be a turning
point for the continent’s narrative on food systems transformation
for the good of the people of Africa and beyond.
In a heartfelt note he wrote in the guest book, Kikwete said it was
a pleasure to visit and learn from Museveni’s vast knowledge and
experience in many fields including agriculture which brought
him here today.

The Presidency | August 2021 43

“We thank you for the time you took to see me and my delegation
from AGRA. We have benefitted a lot from your wise counsel.
On behalf of AGRA, I promise Your Excellency and the people of
Uganda, continued cooperation,” he said.
AGRA was founded in 2006 to trigger a uniquely African Green
Revolution –one that would learn from and build on previous
revolutions. It is a farmer-centred, African-led, and partnerships-
driven institution that is transforming Africa’s smallholder farming
from solitary struggle to survive to businesses that thrive.
The meeting was attended by AGRA’S Vice President Ms. Aggie
Konde among others.

Message of appreciation from former President H.E. Jakaya Kikwete in the

guests’ book at State House, Entebbe

44 The Presidency | August 2021

President Museveni chats with former President H.E.Jakaya Kikwete and
AGRA’s Vice President, Ms. Aggie Konde

The Presidency | August 2021 45

27th August, 2021
President Museveni mourns Maj. Gen. Paul Lokech

The late Deputy Inspector General of Police, Maj. Gen. Paul Lokech,
was laid to rest at his ancestral home in Pader District. The
President eulogised the late in a message read by the Minister
for Internal Affairs, Maj. Gen. KahindaOtafiire.
Read Full Condolence Message

The late Maj. Gen. Paul Lokech. The President posthumously

promoted him to the rank of Lieutenant General

46 The Presidency | August 2021

29th August, 2021
President Museveni meets Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali

President Yoweri Museveni met and held a bilateral meeting with

Prime Minister of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Abiy Ahmed Ali who was in Uganda on a one day working visit.
The two leaders discussed various issues and agreed to further
strengthen cooperation in bilateral, regional and international
issues of common interest, at a meeting held at State House,
Ethiopia and Uganda have been cooperating in various peace
processes in the region.
The meeting was attended by the Ethiopian Minister – Head of
Prosperity Party Main Office H.E. Binalf Anduwalem, the State
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia H.E. Redwan Hussain
and H.E. Alemtsehay Meseret, Ambassador Plenipotentiary and
Extraordinary to the Republic of Uganda
The meeting was also attended by Uganda’s Minister of Foreign
Affairs Hon. Gen. JejeOdongo and Uganda’s High Commissioner
to Addis Ababa Rebecca Amuge Otengo.

President Museveni in a tete-a-tete with Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali

The Presidency | August 2021 47


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The Presidency

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

1  Editor’s Note 4

2  President Museveni vows to launch decisive war against Malaria 7

3  President Museveni meets representatives of UNSC 9

4  President Museveni meets West Nile leaders 10

5  President Museveni meets Russia’s Ambassador to Uganda 12

6  Government to fund ULS, substitute outsourced legal work 13

7  President Museveni meets Dubai Expo Co-ordination Committee 15

8  President condoles with Masaka, Lwengo murder victims 17

9  Addresses on the Virtual Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) Presidential Summit 19

10  President Museveni mourns Late Dr. Alhaji Bulaimu Muwanga Kibirige 21

11  President Museveni meets Karamoja leaders 22

12  President meets top commanders in Karamoja 25

13  President Museveni meets Rotary International President 27

14  President Museveni presides over 30 years of URA 29

15  President Museveni marks World Prayer Day 31

16  President receives letters of credence from 8 new envoys 33

17  President Museveni presides over Kyambogo University Graduation 36

18  Museveni receives special message from Kenya’s Uhuru 39

19  President Museveni swears in new Judges, IGG and Deputy IGG 40

20  President Museveni meets leaders of Give Directly 43

21  Orthodox Pope commends President Museveni for support to Church 44

22  President Museveni meets Czech Republic Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister 46

23  President Museveni meets Karamoja leaders 47

24  President Museveni meets NRM Caucus 48

25  President Museveni lectures students of Zambia Command & Staff College 49

26  President Museveni issues statement on military coups in Africa 51

Editor’s Note

Dear Reader,
I once again have the pleasure to present to you another edition of our monthly
e-magazine, The Presidency, for the month of September.
I continue to receive feedback from the readers and we are working hard
to make improvements on every new edition, to make the magazine both
simple and informative for the reader.
The key aim of the magazine is to bring the Presidency including office and
residence of the President of the Republic of Uganda, closer to the public.
We believe Government is accountable to the citizenry and every citizen has
a right to timely, reliable and factual information from the Government.
In the coming editions, we shall be able to bring you analyses from different
Ministries, Departments and Agencies, regarding Government projects,
which the President has launched, visited or commissioned, and how they
will transform our country.
Key highlights from the President’s schedule for the month of September
include; addressing the virtual Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF) attended
by several Heads of State, visiting Karamoja sub-region to assess the security
situation, hosting the President of Rotary International, presiding over the
17th Kyambogo university graduation, receiving credentials of eight new
envoys among others.
Lastly, in this edition, we are publishing the President’s statement on military
coups in Africa, issued on 15th September 2021.
I now have the pleasure to present to you the fourth edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of
Communication & Director Government
Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC)
Editorial Team

Marcella Karekye Duncan Abigaba

Chief Editor Deputy Chief Editor

Robert Sharp Mugabe Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba

Content Production Manager Head of Logistics Head of Production

Samson Koozi Solomon Male Peace Akol

Editor Editor Editor
Quote of the Month

“I am happy with the report from the Ministry of

Karamoja, because these were our first priorities
i.e. water, roads, education, health and agriculture
(quick maturing crops)”

President Y.K. Museveni, 10th September, 2021

1st September, 2021
President Museveni vows to launch decisive war against

State Lodge, Nakasero: The President acknowledged that the

handling of malaria has been a bit
President Yoweri Museveni vowed to
leisurely. “It is true we have been a bit
launch a full war against mosquitoes
leisurely in our handling of malaria.
and malaria saying the focus has been
We have lived with it for centuries and
on curative side and not so much on
it is not as scary as Corona and Ebola
prevention and elimination.
although the costs of treating malaria
“We were used to mainly the curative are high. We have been diverted with
side. Prevention is not emphasised. We a lot of things including minimum
need to study data, what do we gain if recovery and development. Suppose
we shift from curative to prevention or we eliminate malaria; how much can
elimination. we save? Can we develop a vaccine? I
Can we develop vaccines, eliminate am ready to launch a full war against
vectors and promote behaviour change? mosquitoes and malaria,” he said.

If we aim at elimination, we need to President Museveni said diseases are

study how successful countries did it,” not simply biology but natural viruses
he said. and germs propelled by human
The President Museveni was one of the
panellists at a webinar organised by “Like Corona, it goes two metres and
Harvard University to highlight findings not beyond. If you take care, it will not
from a year-long global engagement affect you.
on the theme, “Rethinking Malaria in Diseases are biological agents assisted
the Context of COVID-19”. by human behaviour,” he said. He cited
The President was invited by Harvard the guinea worm which was endemic
University and other partner institutions here but was eliminated through
around the world to take stock of the sensitizing people on drinking clean
global Malaria situation and offer or filtered water.
insights on the most effective and
innovative response to control and
eliminate malaria across the globe.

The Presidency | September 2021 7

The President emphasized that in He emphasised change of behaviour by
the case of Uganda, they are looking sensitisation and in extreme cases, by
at eliminating larvae to have less force as was the case for Corona where
mosquitoes, using bed nets, spraying lockdowns where imposed.
on walls and for a long time now they
According to reports, Uganda has the
have been talking about a vaccine.
3rd highest global burden of malaria
“A multi-pronged approach can help cases (5%) and the 8th highest level of
deal with malaria including the use of deaths (3%).
therapeutics,” he said.
10 countries have been certified “Malaria
He added that community involvement free” in the past 5 years including China
and sensitization is decisive in the fight and Sri Lanka
against malaria and other illness citing
Africa suffers 90% of the malaria burden
tuberculosis, AIDS and COVID-19. He also
and progress has stalled. Today, there
said Uganda is emphasising research
are 220 million cases of malaria and
and is supporting various institutions
435,000 deaths worldwide – this is the
with a lot of potential.
same level of human suffering as was
“There is a lot of knowledge in our the case in 2015.
communities not known to the world.
Other speakers included the Chair, Rose
Our scientists get knowledge and
Gana Fomban Leke, Emeritus Professor
subject it to modern research,” he said.
of Immunology and Parasitology
He called for collaborations between University of Yaounde, Cameroon and
countries in the development of the Co-Chair, Malaria Governance
vaccines to make the research more Working Group, Uganda’s Specioza
efficient. Naigaga Wandira Kazibwe, Senior
Presidential Advisor, Population &
“Our scientists are not only working
Health and Vice President Emeritus,
on a vaccine; they have also got all the
Michelle A. Williams,Dean of the
chemicals they need. African countries
FacultyHarvard T.H. Chan School of
should collaborate in the division of
Public Health.
labour including multiplication of the
viruses and chemicals. Collaboration
will make it more efficient instead of
each country going it alone and wasting
time,” he said.

8 The Presidency | September 2021

2nd September, 2021
President Museveni meets representatives of UNSC

State House, Entebbe:

President Yoweri Museveni held a successful consultative meeting with the five
(5) Ambassadors representing the five permanent representatives of the United
Nations Security Council at State House Entebbe.

The Security Council is the United Nations’ principal crisis-management body

and is empowered to impose binding obligations on the 193 UN member states
to maintain peace. The council’s five permanent and ten elected members meet
regularly to assess threats to international security, including civil wars, natural
disasters, arms proliferation, and terrorism.

The meeting was attended by the Ambassador of Russia H.E Alexander Dmitrievich
Polyakov, the Ambassador of China H.E. Zhang Lizhong, the Ambassador of France
H.E. Jules-Armand Aniambossou, the Ambassador of the United States H.E. Natalie
E. Brown and the British High Commissioner to Uganda H.E. Kate Airey.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Gen. Odongo Jeje Abubakhar and State
Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Okello Oryem also attended.

President Museveni gestures to representatives of the permanent members of UN

Security Council after a meeting at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | September 2021 9

3rd September, 2021
President Museveni meets West Nile leaders

A tripartite meeting involving quarrelling for nothing. If I come and

government technocrats, West Nile build a house in Madi-Okollo legally, can
and Acholi leaders was called by you chase me? You can live anywhere
President Yoweri Museveni for Friday as long as you do it legally. Rather
10, September to decide on the Apaa than raising these temperatures, let
land conflict and would be supported us have one more meeting and resolve
by Satellite images taken in 1984 before this. Facts are here, it is just the public
the war and colonial boundaries to relations that are a problem. Focus on
resolve the issue for good. the facts. Nothing is hidden, everything
is in the open.
“My appeal is don’t be impatient. Don’t
be like a woman who delivered at 8 Colonial maps are there, satellite
months and threw away the baby pictures are here. By end of next week,
instead of waiting for nine months. It let’s have a tripartite meeting here with
caused problems because the baby technocrats from the Lands Ministry,
was not ready. I don’t like the idea of surveyors, satellite pictures before 1984
just implementation without further for both Apaa and Zooka so that we
discussion. Why not have a joint resolve this,” he said.
discussion between West Nile, Acholi
The President said a decision was
and us and we conclude together. Facts
delayed because the country was going
are there. Why not have one more
into an election and getting busy but
tripartite meeting? I don’t want to spoil
that now it is time to settle the matter.
relations,” he said.
He told both the West Nile and Acholi
The President was responding to a
delegation that met him earlier that
presentation by Hon. Ababiku Jesca
there are satellite pictures that will be
(Adjumani District) on behalf of leaders
used like was the case for Zooka Forest.
and elders from the West Nile Region
who wanted the President to make “In 1984, the pictures show that there
a decision on the Apaa land conflict was nobody in Zooka and all those
and protested what they described as areas. Now Zooka has been encroached
delayed implementation of Government on. You don’t have to develop blood
decisions. “These cross-border pleasure.
settlements are not a problem, just

10 The Presidency | September 2021

I never get worried because I am for When one of your relatives is an
the truth, nothing to hide. If there were ambassador or a minister, you don’t
ancient inhabitants of these areas, this sleep in his house, you sleep in yours
will be answered by these pictures. All and he does not solve your problems,”
our eyes will see pictures and dates,” he said.
he said.
The President however disagreed with
Responding to the delegations’ issues the idea of a model farm in each district,
on wealth creation through study and said model farms will be put in each
tours, infrastructure development in zone together with industrial hubs for
the new districts and appointments, jobs and wealth creation.
the President welcomed the idea of
He also pledged to prioritise
empowering communities to create
infrastructure development especially
wealth at the households.
roads at the borders and agreed to the
“What will help our people is household idea of fish farms in the valleys which
incomes. That’s what I want leaders to can employ youth.
understand. If you want people to get
The Minister of State for Education and
out of poverty help them with their own
Sports (Primary Education) Dr Joyce
household income. An English man’s
Kaducu Moriku and the Minister of State
home is his castle. I want all Africans
for Defence and Veteran Affairs (Veteran
in their homes to be like kings, have
Affairs) Hon. Huda Abason Oleru also
money and wealth in their homes.
attended the meeting.

President Museveni posing for a photo with a delegation from West Nile after a
meeting at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | September 2021 11

3rd September, 2021
President Museveni meets Russia’s Ambassador to Uganda

State House, Entebbe: bilateral relations which he is happy to

have been part of.
President Museveni called for stronger
joint economic cooperation with “Russia is ready to help Uganda
Russia and said the two countries are whenever necessary. I am leaving
cooperating well on matters of defence Uganda with tears in my eyes because
and security. Ugandans are a loving people with good
hospitality, ever-smiling with beautiful
The President was meeting Russia’s
hearts,” he said.
Ambassador to Uganda H.E Alexander
Dmitrievich Polyakov who paid a The two countries have a strong and
courtesy call on him at State House, promising bilateral cooperation in
Entebbe. various areas including construction,
information and communication
Ambassador Alexander Dmitrievich
technologies and cybersecurity,
Polyakov was leaving after five years
modern agro- production, medicine,
of a successful tour of duty in Uganda.
pharmaceutics, telecommunications,
“We need to cooperate more especially geologic exploration and power
on the issue of vaccines for humans generation.
and livestock, space technology and
The meeting was attended by Uganda’s
modern agro production technologies
Minister of Foreign Affairs Gen. Odongo
for a vibrant agro-industrial sector.
Jeje Abubakhar, the State Minister
I wish you well in your next endeavours,” Okello Oryem and Ambassador Arthur
the President said. Kafeero from Uganda’s Foreign Affairs
Ambassador Dmitrievich Polyakov said Ministry.
that Russia and Uganda have special

12 The Presidency | September 2021

3rd September, 2021
Government to fund ULS, substitute outsourced legal work

State House, Entebbe: “We have soft money in UDB for

manufacturing and agriculture. It is true
President Yoweri Museveni said he
we were not looking at legal workers
will push funding for lawyers under
as important.
the Uganda Law Society especially if
their services aid local production and They are like traders who go to China
substitute importation. and bring human hair and sell it here
when our women here are equipped
“I have been told 80 percent of legal
with very good hair. The interest rate is
work in Uganda is being outsourced
12% and might go to 8% for agriculture
and they are earning money from the
and manufacturing. Recently, I added
economy of Uganda. If you push that
tourism that adds blood to us and not
case of importation substitution and
taking it from us,” he said.
let the work be done by local lawyers,
then I could push that you qualify for On the issue of funding for legal aid,
UDB, I will push it,” he said. President Museveni said Government
froze money from foreigners who were
The President was meeting leaders
doing things Government didn’t know
of the Uganda Law Society led by
their President, Ms. Pheona Wall, at
State House, Entebbe. The lawyers are The President cited the example of the
seeking tobecome more engaged in the Inter-Religious Council which used to
development of the country through get money from Europeans until they
dialogue and partnerships and to got into an ideological quarrel.
exploit the job opportunities under
“Europeans wanted them to support
the regional integration.
homosexuality and when they said no,
they cut them off. We were able to give
them state funding.

The Presidency | September 2021 13

I can see you have the same problem. He agreed to the request for the
We shall see how to fund you,” he said. legal fraternity to be included in the
Presidential investors’ round table and
President Museveni commended ULS
urged them to exploit opportunities in
for what he described as progress on
the oil and gas sector.
their side because it seems from the
beginning; the legal service in Uganda The President agreed to the request for
was colonial and neo colonial. an annual meeting with the ULS.
“I think that is why your predecessors “I will be happy to come and tell you the
were spending so much time on NRM line. I condemn bail for murder.
externally pushed issues like human People who have killed in Masaka for
rights etc. If you are now talking example, they must pay. For you to
trade, agriculture, industry, regional argue leniency is not in our psychology.
integration, and then I say okay you The old testament of an eye for an eye
have now landed. is the doctrine of African tribes. That
line of mixing up issues that procedure
Just like Jesus came to save us, he saw
is more important than substance. We
that staying in heaven was not going
have not made it a big issue but that
to help us,” he said.
line has been distracting us. Lawyers
The President said they have been have not been helping in stabilisation
looking at lawyers with funny curiosity. of Uganda,” he said.
“I think the economy is helping you Ms. Wall said one of the programmes
understand better. Being 3,000, you crucial to lawyers is how to get down
cannot fit in all the narrow spectrum to the ordinary people and give them
of representing imports. It seems services as a duly established statutory
much of your work is to do with organistion.
criminal issues, abit of civil like land
“ULS has 3,700 members but 90 percent
and then infrastructure. I don’t hear
of them are in the city. We are trying
much about advisory services for
to spread our lawyers out into regional
agriculture, industry, tourism. When
intergration and trying to grow the
Isaac Newton noticed gravity when he
agriculture, exploit oil and gas sectors.
saw an apple falling down and not up
We need lawyers upcountry,” she said.
and realised there was a force. You have
also discovered that there is money Ms. Wall said they have decided
in agriculture, industry, services like to use dialogue and partnerships
tourism etc. I welcome you. You are with Government and they have
waking up,” he said. already signed some MoUs with the
PrivateSector Foundation Uganda and
The President pledged to fulfil the 5bn
with the UIA to create regional trade
for ULS this year or next financial year
advisory hubs.
after consulting the Finance Ministry.

14 The Presidency | September 2021

5th September, 2021
President Museveni meets Dubai Expo Co-ordination Committee

State House, Entebbe: The theme of Expo 2020 Dubai is

“Connecting Minds, Creating the
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
Future”with three (3) sub-themes
directed the Ministry of Trade,
of “Mobility”, “Opportunity” and
Industry and Cooperatives to
regularly provide market data to
enable Government advise the Uganda is participating under the
people on the available opportunities “Opportunity” sub-theme.
for their produce worldwide.
The President singled out sim sim
This was after it emerged that the whose total market size in UAE is
Ministry has data that would guide US$839 million and yet our exports
farmers on the produce and available there are negligible. He also cited
markets. dairy milk whose market size is US$
2.846bn but our exports are only
The President was recently meeting
US$ 374million and bananas whose
officials of the Ministry of Trade,
market size is US$664million but we
Industry and Cooperatives, Ministry
have never attempted that market.
of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Tourism
and the Uganda Expo Coordination “The people of Northern Uganda
Committee ahead of the Dubai Expo grow sim sim. This is a new chance.
in October. It is good that you know how much
your country is losing. Repentance
Uganda will join over 190 countries
is provided for in Christian religion,
and international organizations to
if you repent, there is chance for you
participate in Expo 2020 Dubai from
to go to heaven. That market is easy
1st October 2021 to 31st March 2022
for us, it is near, only 5 hours away,”
in Dubai UAE, twelve months from
he said.
the scheduled date due to COVID 19
pandemic. The Republic of Uganda Other products include mangoes,
is participating at this Expo at the pineapples, beans, cocoa, tilapia,
invitation of the Government of UAE. tea, coffee and fruits and vegetables
among others.

The Presidency | September 2021 15

The President also directed the We are aiming to use the opportunity
Ministry of Finance, Planning and to stregthen bilateral relations. One
Economic Development to provide of the aims for participating is to
Shs 3billion to finish the Uganda attract more investments from UAE
pavilion. to Uganda,” he said.
According to the Minister of State for Amb. Kibedi said before 2018,
Foreign Affairs Hon. Okello Oryem, Uganda was exporting goods
the Dubai Expo organisers will mark worth US$400million but now
the Uganda National day on 3rd exports have grown to US$1.2billion
October which is aimed at promoting and Investments also grown from
Uganda at the expo. Bhaji Kahilfa US$150m to over US$800m while
the tallest building in the world will remittances f rom the 60,000
be decorated with Uganda national Ugandans in UAE now stand at US$
flags. 200million.
Uganda’s Ambassador to the United
Arab Emirates, H.E. Zaake W. Kibedi
said with support from the rulers of
UAE, readiness for the pavilion is at

16 The Presidency | September 2021

7th September, 2021
President condoles with Masaka, Lwengo murder victims

State House, Entebbe: and drink alcohol; lack of electricity

that gives a chance to bad people to
President Yoweri Museveni condoled
hide under cover of darkness and youth
with the families who lost their loved
unemployment that has made them
ones to Bijambiya gangs that have been
susceptible to criminal acts and closure
terrorising residents of Masaka and
of Churches and Mosques which had
Lwengo districts.
a great impact in counseling, guiding
“I invited you here to condole with you. and consoling youth.
We shall get these criminals. Some
“We put curfew to stop illness but
suspects have been arrested because
we can’t stop people from defending
they left all sorts of clues that we are
themselves. Many people died including
following,” the President said. He made
Bishop Kagwa, Ms. Mubanda, Ms.
a contribution of Shs 10 million to each
Ssentongo etc. we have lost about 3000
of the 25 families that were affected.
people although other countries have
Machete-wielding criminals, also known lost more,” the President said.
as Bijambiya, have been terrorising
The President agreed that the lack of
villages, killing people with impunity
electricity in the rural areas is key in
in Masaka and Lwengo districts. Some
fighting crime and said while the rural
of the victims are pregnant, others
electrification is in the process, it will
breastfeeding mothers while others
take some time. He urged Churches and
had small children left in their care.
Mosques to use radios and televisions
The President responded to several to preach to the people as one of the
issues raised by Nkwanzi Mary Gorreth ways in mitigation COVID-19 pandemic.
on behalf of the victims including
“If we open up before people get
curfew which they said gives an
vaccinated, we shall have more issues,”
opportunity to the wrong elements to
he said.
attack families in their homes; closure of
education institutions which they claim
has caused youth to resort to use drugs

The Presidency | September 2021 17

Ms. Nkwanzi Mary Gorreth commended She also thanked the Government for
the President and the NRM Government the many government-aided Primary
for saving the lives of Ugandans from and Secondary schools and for paying
the deadly Covid-19 pandemic. teachers during lockdown.

She also thanked President Museveni The former District Chairman for
for the improved road network Lwengo District Mr. George Mutabazi
in Greater Masaka including the who also briefed the President about the
Masaka-Bukomansimbi, Ssembabule- families that were affected mobilised
Mpigi, Masaka-Bukakata, Yellow the victims.
Knife in Masaka City and the current
construction of Nyendo, Kijabwemi in
Masaka City.

President Museveni poses for a photo with families of the Masaka and Lwengo murder
victims at State House, Entebbe

18 The Presidency | September 2021

7th September, 2021
Addresses on the Virtual Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)
Presidential Summit

State Lodge, Nakasero: The President pointed out that Uganda

is not short of food but instead has food
President Yoweri Museveni said that
surplus that necessitates the need for
the issue of food systems is multi-
a big market.
dimensional and several areas including
improved seeds and agro-practices, “Uganda has enough food, on the
storage and post-harvest handling, contrary we have surplus for produce
improved agricultural mechanisation, like maize, bananas, milk and beef.
good infrastructure like roads and Farmers would only produce more
railway lines as well as electricity need reliably if they had markets,” he said.
to be paid special attention in order to
Various Presidents attended the summit
build resilient food systems.
virtually including President Yoweri
He cited other areas including the use Kaguta, Paul Kagame of Rwanda and
of fertilisers, irrigation, markets, proper Lazarus McCarthy Chakwera of Malawi
management of crop and livestock and Namibia President Hage Gottfried
diseases, pest and vermin as well as Geingob while former President of
soil mapping. Tanzania Jakaya Kikwete, that of Nigeria
Obasanjo and former Prime Minister
The President also mentioned over
of Ethiopia Hailemariam Desalegn
fishing in some lakes like Victoria that
Boshe and Ms. Amina J. Mohammed the
need proper management.
Deputy Secretary-General of the United
The President made his remarks at the Nations and Chair of the United Nations
virtual Africa Green Revolution Forum Sustainable Development Group were
(AGRF) Presidential Summit held in present.
Nairobi ahead of the United Nations
The Presidents’ conversation was a
Summit that took place in New York
discussion culminating in the summit
between the 23rdand 27th September
declaration, a powerful multi-sectoral
statement that would capture the
The AGRF Presidential Summit was moment, progress, and commitments
hosted by President Uhuru Kenyatta made as part of the AGRF 2021 Summit’s
of Kenya and run under the theme, contribution to the UN Food System
‘Pathways to recovery and Resilient Summit.
Food Systems’.

The Presidency | September 2021 19

The Summit discussed the future of He also urged leaders to encourage the
food systems on the continent and youth in their countries to understand
how to boost resilience as well as the value and profitability of agriculture.
competitiveness. The leaders also
President Uhuru Kenyatta further
looked at the pathways and actions
expressed his interest in the school-
to accelerate recovery and resilience
feeding program.
in African food systems and nutrition
security that are key in achieving the “We should ensure that it is nutritious
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) to our children,” he said.
by 2030. He urged leaders and all stake holders
Welcoming his guests to the virtual to use the summit to cement Africans’
summit, President Uhuru Kenyatta of position in the transformation of food
Kenya urged African leaders to work systems in Africa.
together to identify solutions to some of The AGRF 2021 Summit is a defining
the challenges faced by the agricultural moment in highlighting and unlocking
sector that include among others digital the political, policy, and f inancial
agricultural solutions and as well as commitments and innovations
effects of climate change. the continent has made and that it
continues to work towards achieving.

President Museveni attending Virtual Africa Green Revolution Forum (AGRF)

Presidential Summit

20 The Presidency | September 2021

10th September, 2021
President Museveni mourns Late Dr. Alhaji Bulaimu Muwanga Kibirige

Below, we reproduce President Museveni’s condolence message to the family

of the late Dr. Alhaji Bulaimu Muwanga.

I received, with profound sadness, the His numerous investments in

news announcing the death of Dr. Alhaji the services industry, agriculture,
Bulaimu Muwanga Kibirige, which manufacturing etc. have created
occurred on the 10th of September, avenues for employment and revenue
2021. for the Country.

I wish to extend, on behalf of the people His unwavering commitment and

of Uganda, my family, the NRM Partyand hardwork enabled him to ascend to
on my own behalf, heartfelt sympathies great heights of personal success and to
and condolences to the family, relatives create an international business empire
and friends of the Late Alhaji Bulaimu from very humble beginnings.
He leaves behind a great example,
My thoughts are with the family during worth emulating, especially for the
this moment of grief and sorrow. I pray young generation.Persistence and
that Allah grant you the fortitude and dedication to correct principles yield
courage to go through this loss. positive results in the long run.

The Country has lost a great May Dr. Alhaji Bulaimu Muwanga
entrepreneur and innovative business Kibirige’s soul rest in eternal peace.
leader, who profitably took advantage
of Uganda’s vast business opportunities
to create jobs and incomes for our

The Presidency | September 2021 21

10th September, 2021
President Museveni meets Karamoja leaders

State Lodge, Morulinga: They also stage ambushes especially

along Kaabong-Kotido route to steal
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
from their communities.
appealed to leaders in the Karamoja
sub-region to form kraal intelligence The President said that Government will
units as it emerged that criminal restore sanity in the region especially
alliances among clans are using mobile through fighting criminality because
phones to mobilise and raid cattle it has a big capacity than before when
which they then sell to buy guns and they started the disarmament process.
terrorise their communities.
“All these insecurities are easy to solve
He called on them to recruit informers and UPDF will solve them. What will
in kraals who will give information to remain now is crime, which police must
security to respond immediately and come in to resolve,” President Museveni
fast. said.

“What I want is kraal-based intelligence. The President said this while addressing
I need an informer per kraal. Our army leaders from Karamoja sub-region in a
has the capacity to reach anywhere day meeting that took place at Morulinga
or night in one hour. We shall provide State Lodge, Napak District in Karamoja
small phones to the informers to call sub-region.
security contacts,” President Museveni
The meeting was attended by the 26
said amidst approval from the leaders.
MPs from the 9 districts of Karamoja,
The President was in Karamoja sub- all the 9 RDCs, LCV chairpersons and all
region to assess various issues affecting the security heads in the region.
the region especially the re-emerging
President Museveni observed that the
insecurity occasioned by youth criminal
problem in the region is characterised
alliances among Jie, Matheniko, Bokora,
by five issues including; cattle raids,
Pien and Topoth clans who attack their
road ambushes, attacking homes,
own communities, steal cattle and keep
taking cattle on vehicles for sale and
them in kraals before selling them off
because of hunger.
in exchange for guns.
“The main problem is insecurity and

22 The Presidency | September 2021

With raiding cattle, anybody who raids The President commended the Ministry
cows should be seen by our security of Karamoja for the development
drones especially when they are raiding projects in the area and said government
on a big scale,” he said. will do even more.

Gen. Museveni promised to increase “I am happy with the report from the
the capacity of the brigade in the area Ministry of Karamoja, because these
up to a total of 7,000 personnel. were our first priorities i.e. water, roads,
education, health and agriculture (quick
“We are going to increase the capacity
maturing crops),” he said.
of UPDF in the area. I want the police to
come in and tackle crime like stealing He said the security roads in Karamoja
one cow, murder etc. Police must sub-region will be improved to enable
organise themselves to go up to the the army move swiftly and fast when
sub-country level,” he said. a call arises.

President Museveni agreed to The Minister in charge of Karamoja

strengthen the justice system in the affairs, Hon. Dr. Mary Goretti Kitutu
region by adding more State Attorneys highlighted key areas of intervention
as requested by the leaders. by Government and other development
projects in the area that include; water
“I agree that the system of justice is
production, education, infrastructure,
very crucial. When people’s goods are
health etc.
stolen and they don’t recover their
properties or get compensation they “A total of 116 valley tanks have been
get demoralised. We shall have to constructed in Karamoja. In addition,
strengthen the system,” he said. we maintained five valley dams. We
have also done a lot of community
According to the President, the strategy
empowerment as a strategy of fighting
now is stopping the crime immediately.
poverty at household levels,” Minister
On the issue of hunger, the President Kitutu said.
pledged to talk to the Prime Minister
Minister Kitutu commended the
to get food for the people of Karamoja
President and First Lady for their tireless
who are suffering with hunger.
efforts to secure and develop Karamoja
“I will inform the Prime minister to get region and said, that they have and will
food so that our people can survive,” continue to have fruitful discussions
he said. in ensuring that total peace and
development is achieved in Karamoja.

The Presidency | September 2021 23

In a memorandum by the leaders They called on government to initiate a
read by the Chairperson of Karamoja 10 –15-year free education programme
Parliamentary group also Member of for all youth from Primary to Secondary
Parliament for Pian County MP Hon. education to stop their recruitment and
Remigio Achia, while for over 15 years, training into cattle raids.
the region has become an investment
The group also recommended
destination for many Ugandans and
intelligence led operations to curb
foreigners after the removal of over
crime and pave way for disarmament
40,000 illegal guns from the hands of
and quick deployment
civilians by the army, the unattended
to issues in Karamoja have resurrected
the insecurity.

“The cumulative effect of unattended

conflict situations brought the
insecurity to the stage Karamoja is
experiencing now. Some elements in
some communities are taking the law
into their own hands and criminals
interpreting slow response as lack
of Government willingness to deal
decisively with it,” Hon. Remigio said.

President Museveni addressing Karamoja leaders at Morulinga State Lodge

24 The Presidency | September 2021

12th September, 2021
President meets top commanders in Karamoja

Morulinga, Napak District: They just want revenge. This cycle must
be broken peacefully,” the President
President Yoweri Museveni, who is also
the Commander in-Chief of the Uganda
Peoples Defence Forces, summoned the The President said this while speaking
army’s top commanders over a major to commanders of top security organs
assault on revenge cattle raids that have including the UPDF, SFC, Police, ISO
left hundreds dead and thousands of and the Anti stock theft police in a
cattle raided causing panic in a region meeting at Morulinga State Lodge in
that has experienced 15 years of total Napak District.
peace and rapid development.
Following the revenge attacks, a new
The President said the meeting will set of thugs exploited the situation and
decide on the final solution to dealing formed alliances using mobile phones
with the re-emerging cattle raids in across clans raiding kraals and selling
the Karamoja sub-region which were the animals to buy guns and set up
sparked off by an angry warrior-cum- road blocks to rob people.
criminal, Acucu, who was released from
The President urged security agencies
prison after 10 years and returned to
to take time, listen and act.
find his wives married to other men
and all his cattle gone. “Don’t beat or torture them, interrogate
and avoid impatience. Acucu organised
According to reports, Acucu a known
first raids that resulted in counter
criminal roaming between the Jie and
raids. I now direct that a legal or a
Turkana of Kenya was not helped by
patient political actor be identified to
Police and the local leaders to recover
investigate how this injustice started.
his animals. He mobilised criminal
In addition to military intervention, we
gangs, attacked and raided cattle from
must help them heal. Military alone will
the Dodoth resulting in counter raids
bring suppression but not peace. Peace
by the Dodoth that has left over 400
is in people’s hearts,” the President said.
people dead in two years.
He said for Government to be accepted
“The Dodoth rejected peace talks with
among tribes, it must avenge the
the Jie and have vowed to harm them.

The Presidency | September 2021 25

“What we have now is privatised He singled out three wrongs including;
revenge, modern governments revenge 1. Okushagiza (Commit unfairness to
for victims. That is when people can sit somebody, 2. Okukyumura (Commit a
back and trust the Government like wrong against somebody but short of
they have done for the last 15 years. It murder), 3. Enzigu – Vendetta which
is easy to isolate the wrong doers. This must inevitably follow murder of a clan
calls for discipline and high skills in member.
military science,” he said.
‘Treat them firmly but with fairness. The
President Museveni cited cattle as a one who steals someone’s cow must
major point of conflict and called for pay. It needs patient intelligence not
cattle management including using arrogance of colonial and neo-colonial
chips inserted in the animals to trace actors,” he said.
movement and registration.
The meeting discussed various
He cautioned security agencies to strategies that will be tabled at the
be firm with fairness and use patient High Command before implementation.
intelligence to expose the bankruptcy.

The President said justice in the

traditional societies in Karamoja is
very sensitive and if not meticulously
followed, clans will come for you.

President Museveni posing for a photo with top security commanders for Karamoja region

26 The Presidency | September 2021

14th September, 2021
President Museveni meets Rotary International President

State Lodge, Nakasero: Mr. Mehta whose headquarters is

based in Chicago, USA and who has
President Yoweri Museveni commended
held a series of positions internationally
the President of Rotary International,
extended greetings from President
Mr. Shekhar Mehta, for his offer to
Modi of India and all rotarians worldwide
open up an eye hospital in Uganda
to President Museveni.
and to provide free heart surgery to 100
Ugandan children in India. He informed the President of the
activities of Rotary International
“I am very happy to welcome you and
that include providing education,
your delegation to Uganda and I thank
water, sanitation, literacy and skills
you for your offers of opening up an eye
development to the needy among
clinic in Uganda and for 100 children to
go to India for heart surgery and long
distance learning for school children in He said that they are engaged in
Uganda,” he said. providing school-going children, who
have been affected by the global
The President was welcoming the
COVID-19 pandemic, with education
Rotary International President who was
in form of long distance learning,
accompanied by his wife Rashi Mehta
at State House Nakasero. “Children should get the best of
technology for learning,” he noted.
Mr. Mehta who paid a courtesy call
on President Museveni was also Mr. Mehta had earlier visited the August
accompanied by a delegation of House where a motion was passed
Rotarians who included among others in recognition of his organisation’s
the out-going Governor of district 9213 humanitarian services to the needy
of Uganda Mr. John Magezi Ndamira communities in the world.
and the incoming Governor Mr. Mike
He was accompanied by the Minister of
Kennedy Sebalu. Others included
Gender, Labuor and Social Development
Rotarians from Tanzania, Kenya and
Hon. Betty Amongi.

President Museveni thanked the Rotary

International Executive for the offer and
urged them to also consider opening
up a blood bank and dialysis centre.
The Presidency | September 2021 27
President Museveni receives a gift from Rotary International President (14th September, 2021)

President Museveni, First Lady, Minister for Finance, Planning and Economic Development
at URA Commissioner at the celebrations (15th September, 2021)

28 The Presidency | September 2021

15th September, 2021
President Museveni presides over 30 years of URA

Kololo Ceremonial Grounds: the guest speaker was the Bishop of

South Ankore Diocese, the Rt. Reverend
President Yoweri Museveni urged the
Nathan Ahimbisibwe.
management of Uganda Revenue
Authority to eradicate corruption in the President Museveni pointed out that the
tax body and realise enough revenue revenue collected today of Shs.19trillion
to finance the country’s budget. is far below the needed funds to finance
the country’s budget, leading to the
“The performance of the country’s
tendency of borrowing internally and
revenue collection can be gauged by
a universal yardstick, the GDP to tax
ratio. If our GDP is US$ 44 billion and He noted that the leakage is caused
our budget now is 40 trillion. If you by those entrusted with the duty
collect 20% of the GDP you get almost to diligently collect revenue that
enough money to finance the budget,” they divert to their pockets through
the President said. corruption.

The President who was accompanied by Therefore, eradicate Judaism

the First Lady and Minister of Education (corruption),” he said. He thanked all
and Sports, Janet Kataaha Museveni, who wished him a happy birthday today
was this afternoon the Chief Guest at as he made 77 years.
the thanksgiving ceremony organised
The President told the audience the
by the Tax Body, Uganda Revenue
background of Uganda Revenue
Authority (URA) that was celebrating
Authority, noting that from its inception,
her 30 years of existence.
the tax to GDP ratio was 4% that
The function that took place at Kololo gradually moved to 10% after some
Ceremonial Grounds was graced by reorganization of the tax institution
religious leaders, former and current and has now stagnated between 11 and
administrators of the tax body, among 13% due to embezzlement of revenue
others. collections.

The main celebrant at the service was President Museveni noted that the
the National Overseer, Association hemorrhage in tax collection is mainly
of Pentecostal and Evangelicals in rampant at the border points where
Uganda, Bishop Joshua Lwere and goods brought into the country are

The Presidency | September 2021 29

either under or falsely declared due The Chairman Board of Directors
to absence of scanners causing heavy URA, Mr. Juma Kisaame, told the
losses in revenue collection. congregation that the tax body had
matured and is now ready to take on
“The problem with URA is arrogance.
the new journey after the 30 years of
You try to guide them but they don’t
existence, with zeal and dedication for
act. Scanners or X-ray machines
a brighter future.
will eliminate smuggling of goods.
Modern technology simplifies work Mr. Kisaame thanked President
but my people have been avoiding this Museveni and all the stakeholders as
technology for reasons best known to well as tax payers and development
them,’ he said. partners for the support accorded to
them in the last 30 years.
The President was however happy to
learn that after his long struggle, the The Commissioner General of URA
customs officials had finally acquired Mr. John Rujoki Musinguzi thanked
39 scanners that will be used at border President Museveni for establishing
entry points. Uganda Revenue Authority and also
appreciated the support by all taxpayers,
The First Lady and Minister of Education
stake holders as well as the Ministry of
and Sports Mrs. Janet Museveni in her
dedication prayer thanked God for
shepherding URA for the last 30 years, He also thanked all his predecessors for
noting that the tax body stands today developing the institution. He vowed to
as one of the most effective institutions have zero tolerance to corruption. He
in the country. later called all the representatives of the
senior management of the authority to
“Today, we have come to dedicate a
take an oath of allegiance and diligent
fresh URA to you Lord. Help each of
service to the taxpayers, the nation as
us to give to Caesar what belongs to
well as zero tolerance to corruption.
Caesar and to God that belongs to
God so that prosperity will reign in our The Minister of Finance, Planning and
nation,” she prayed. Economic Development Hon. Matia
Kasaija who wished President Museveni
Mrs. Museveni also prayed to the Lord
a happy birthday noted that the
to give the leadership of the nation in
country’s economy is improving despite
general and that of URA in particular
the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
the courage to fight and eradicate
corruption in the country.

30 The Presidency | September 2021

16th September, 2021
President Museveni marks World Prayer Day

State House, Entebbe: or any other diseases, man should be

able to control them as God gave us
President Yoweri Museveni advised
power of thinking, a blessing that no
Christians in Uganda to encourage the
other creature on earth has. He added
masses to work and transform their
that God through his grace made us in
lives through leading by example but
his own image.
not by merely talking.
‘So we are small gods here, we are
‘Christians in Uganda should become
made in the image of God. He gave
examples in working. It is written in the
us the power of thinking; which other
Bible that let your light so shine before
creatures don’t have. In the book of
men that they see your good deeds and
Genesis, it is clear that man was created
praise your father in heaven, so that you
on Saturday after God had created all
influence people by example not just
other creatures. God gave man the
by talking,” he counseled.
mandate of establishing dominion over
The President was virtually addressing all nature,” he said.
Christians that had gathered at Rubaga
Mr. Museveni observed that self-
Miracle Center to mark the World
devaluation by Africans as raised by
Prayer Day under the theme “The Day
Pastor Robert Kayanja, was a departure
of Atonement”. Pastors Robert and
from the path of God.
Jessica Kayanja of Rubaga Miracle
Centre hosted the ceremony with the Commenting on ‘The Atonement’ or
chief intercessor Rabbi Kirt Schneider ‘Repentance Day’ President Museveni
addressing the congregation live from congratulated Christians for observing
Israel. the occasion describing it as a very
important one as the practice is that
President Museveni expressed his
of holiness and righteousness.
gratitude to Pastor Robert Kayanja who
distinguished the difference between ‘You may call it the practice of the Jews
work and a job urging Christians to but this is a practice of holiness and
embrace and implement the mandate righteousness. Anybody who does this
given to them by God, of establishing is a righteous person so I congratulate
dominion over all nature on earth. you and I encourage you,’ he said.

He said in the emergence of any

situation like viruses, droughts, floods
The Presidency | September 2021 31
The President reminded the President Museveni thanked Pastor
congregation that the fear of God is Kayanja and his wife Mrs. Jessica Kayanja
the beginning of wisdom and pointed for continuing to preach the message
out that he bears witness to this as they, of God, adding that the message of
in any struggle, put God first. Jesus was specific and summarised in
the two commandments of loving God
‘It could be why God has blessed us
with all your heart and mind and loving
because we never have any evil other
your neighbor as you love yourself.
than defending ourselves and when we
are not defending ourselves we respect ‘First of all know the importance of God,
everybody’s rights. There is no loss in have God in your life and in all your
listening to the message of Jesus. I can actions. Secondly it helps in overcoming
bear witness. This is what we have been selfishness. If you love your neighbor
doing for the last 60 years,” he said. as you love yourself you overcome all
selfishness, forgiving unconditionally.
Jesus said you should even love your
enemies. Those who listened have
added value to our lives,” he said.

President Museveni virtually addresses Christians on World Prayer Day

32 The Presidency | September 2021

17th September, 2021
President receives letters of credence from 8 new envoys

State House, Entebbe: Amb. Umaru Bukar-Kolo who was

accompanied by his wife Mrs.
Eight newly accredited envoys to
Falmata Yusufari Bukar-Kolo wished
Uganda from Sweden, Nigeria, Ireland,
the President a happy birthday and
Hungary, Angola, Australia, Oman and
briefed the president about the security
Indonesia presented their credential
situation Nigeria which he said has
letters to President Yoweri Museveni at
scored some progress in the fight
separate ceremonies that took place at
against terrorists in his country.
State House in Entebbe.
President Museveni welcomed the new
The new Ambassador of Sweden to
Ambassador to Uganda and pledged
Uganda H.E. Ms. Carina Maria Hakansson
to meet him soon.
flanked by her spouse Mr. Carlos Caula
was the first to present her credentials The new Ambassador of Ireland to
to President Museveni. She hailed the Uganda H.E. Kevin Colgan said he
existing historic and friendly relations was delighted to be back to Uganda
between Sweden and Uganda. after 20 years. Amb. Colgan who was
accompanied by his spouse Catherine
A career diplomat who has served
Colgan commended President
her nation in many countries in the
Museveni for the development that
Great Lakes Region, Amb. Hakansson
has taken place in Uganda especially
commended Uganda for being a
around Muyenga Hill, Kabalagala and
generous host to many refugees in
Tank Hill where his family used to live
and noted that the area had greatly
She pledged to further strengthen changed.
bilateral ties between the 2 countries;
“Muyenga, Kabalagala and Tank Hill
Sweden and Uganda.
where we lived 20 years ago is now
President Museveni warmly welcomed totally changed,” he said.
the new Swedish Ambassador to
President Museveni welcomed the Irish
envoy to Uganda and informed him
The new Ambassador of Nigeria to that it was the Government’s policy
Uganda H.E. Zanna Umaru Bukar-Kolo of allowing Asians to repossess their
also presented his letters of credence property that encouraged Ugandans
to President Yoweri Museveni. to construct their own houses.

The Presidency | September 2021 33

“Most of those houses are owned by President Museveni welcomed the new
Ugandans and factories are mainly envoy who was accompanied by the
owned by foreign investors,” the Australian Honorary Consul in Uganda,
President said. Mr. Patrick Bitature. He told the envoy
that Uganda has unique climate and
The new Ambassador of Hungary to
also informed him that the country acts
Uganda H.E. Zsolt Meszaros presented
firmly in the fight against COVID-19.
his credential letters to President
Museveni and noted that Uganda and The new Oman envoy H.E. Saleh
Hungary have had dynamic relations. Sulaiman Ahmed Al-Harti conveyed
to President Museveni greetings from
The envoy who was accompanied by the
the Omani leadership.
Honorary Consul of Hungary in Uganda,
Mr. Gordon Wavamuno, pledged to The Ambassador whose family has
strengthen further, the economic and very strong roots in Uganda as his wife
social cooperation between the two hails from Ivukula in Iganga district
countries. was extremely delighted to be in the
“Uganda is one of our main development
partners and we are happy to extend Ambassador Al-Harti was accompanied
to the education sector our support. by the Oman Honorary Consul in
20 students have just benefitted from Uganda Mr. Ingah Atamba Kutesa. He
the scholarships Hungary has offered pledged to strengthen the economic
to Uganda,” he said. and social relations between Oman
and Uganda.
The new Ambassador of Angola to
Uganda H.E. Syanga Kivuila Samuel The new Ambassador of Indonesia
Abilio based in Nairobi extended warm to Uganda H.E. Dr. Mohamad Hery
greetings from his President Manuel Saripudin also based in Nairobi
Lourenco to President Museveni and conveyed warm congatulations from
the people of Uganda. the President of Indonesia, H.E. Joko
Widodo, to President Yoweri Museveni
The new Australian envoy to Uganda
upon winning the recent elections.
H.E. Luke Joseph Williams based
in Nairobi appreciated Uganda’s The envoy also pledged to promote
contribution to the stabilisation of the economic and social cooperation
peace in the region and Africa and between the 2 countries Indonesia and
also reported that Australia is doing Uganda.
very well in the control of COVID-19

34 The Presidency | September 2021

He disclosed that Indonesia has already President Yoweri Museveni welcomed
offered 15 scholarships to young all the new envoys to Uganda and
Ugandan students to study in his promised to meet each of them once
country and 18 of them are pursuing the Government hits its target of
Masters degrees. vaccinating 21 million Ugandans against
COVID-19 pandemic.
He further disclosed that trade and
investment that were facilitated by Present at the ceremonies, among
the Late Hon. Kirunda Kivejinja will others, were: the Minister of State for
be pursued especially the feasibility International Affairs Hon. Henry Okello
study done on reviving the railway line Oryem, the Minister of State for Regional
between Kampala and Kasese. Cooperation Hon. John Mulimba and
the Permanent Secretary Ministry of
President Museveni welcomed the new
Foreign Affairs, Mr. Vincent Waiswa
Indonesian envoy to Uganda disclosing
that Uganda will host the non-aligned
movement conference next year 2022
which was very much cherished by the
late Hon. Kirunda Kivejinja.

President Museveni greets Nigeria’s new High Commissioner to Uganda; H.E. Zana Umaru

The Presidency | September 2021 35

17th September, 2021
President Museveni presides over Kyambogo University Graduation

State Lodge, Nakasero: female student was Ms. Nabasinga

Joan Mirembe Bachelor of Information
President Yoweri Museveni urgedthe
Technology and Computing.
management of Kyambogo University
to lay emphasis on the original The best performing student in the
mandate of the University of producing Humanities was Ms. Kutesa Deborah for
graduates in specific professional skills her Bachelor of Interior and Landscape
that include teaching, technical and Design.
technology skills.
President Museveni said in the early
“I appeal to the management of years of the University, Kyambogo used
Kyambogo University not to lose sight to offer courses like teacher education
of that demarcation of the boundaries - institute for grade 3 teachers that was
teaching, technology and technological later upgraded to the 5th level Kampala
skills. I was looking at your booklet, technical Institute for technology and
there are 179 graduates of science technological skills and later school for
with education. They will be teachers teachers in the area of children with
in secondary schools mainly. We need special needs. He added that the three
more of those,” he said. areas were later amalgamated into one,
Kyambogo University.
President Museveni who is the
visitor of Kyambogo University He however, called on the University
was presiding virtually, at the 17th Council and the Senate not to lose sight
graduation ceremony where a total of of the original set up.
9,521 graduates of whom 5,074 males
“We need both technology skills and
and 4,447 females were awarded
technical high level education starting
Certificates, Diplomas, Bachelors and
with science education,” he stressed.
Masters degrees as well as PhDs. 251
students obtained first class degrees The President congratulated graduates
in various Bachelors programmes. upon finishing their respective courses.
He equally congratulated parents
The overall best performing student
for supporting their children and
was Mr. Ruma Daniel Henry Bachelor
commended the academic staff of
of Science (Humanity, Nutrition and
Kyambogo University for shepherding
Dietetics) and the best performing
the graduates through all the courses.

36 The Presidency | September 2021

President Museveni also thanked the Mrs. Janet Museveni hailed the
Ministry of Education and Sports for University for producing degree
supervising Educational Institutions in holders in Education and Food
the country. Science Technology indicating that
the University is now growing in the
Addressing himself specifically to the
area of research especially in Science
graduates, President Museveni strongly
Technology and Engineering.
advised them to take good care of their
health and never to indulge in reckless Mrs. Museveni urged institutions of
behavior that can prematurely end their higher learning to develop programmes
lives. that support national socio-economic
transformation aspirations and
“You are beginning a long journey in life.
industrialisation of the country.
The first thing you should emphasise
is health. Make sure you don’t cause “I commend the University for allocating
yourself a health problem by reckless UGX 1.5 billion towards research capacity
behaviour either alcohol or loose living development. I want our higher
or obesity and get non-communicable education institutions to know that
diseases,” he counseled. Government expects your research to
contribute to innovation, knowledge
The President further counseled them
generation and governments strategy
to continue learning to remain relevant
for industrialisation,” she said.
to new technologies of this very fast-
changing world. She stressed that NRM Government
is committed to improve the quality
“Learn continuously, don’t have the
of human resource and to empower
attitude of “arrivalism”. I have arrived
Ugandans to enable them effectively
I don’t need to know more. Continue
contribute to the development of the
learning, science technology is
advancing so quickly,” he said.
On the Students Loan Scheme, Mrs.
The Minister of Education and Sports,
Museveni encouraged the youth
Mrs. Janet Museveni, thanked President
in Uganda to take advantage of the
Museveni for gracing the virtual
programme and other opportunities to
function, adding that it should be the
acquire the necessary skills, knowledge
norm for Ugandans and Institutions of
and competencies to favourably
learning to get used to because of the
compete in the labour market and
COVID-19 pandemic.
contribute to the development of the
She commended the leadership country.
of Kyambogo University led by the
Chancellor Professor John Sebuwufu
for their commitment and hard work.
The Presidency | September 2021 37
She commended the leadership of Kyambogo University for the infrastructural
development plans like the 4,000 student-seater central lecture block.

“This is a great achievement and I applaud the University for this initiative,”
she said.

Mrs. Museveni thanked the parents and guardians for supporting the students
through their academic journey and encouraged all of them to be ambassadors
of the University.

The Chancellor of the University Professor John Sebuwufu thanked President

Museveni for his guidance in the fight against COVID-19 pandemic.

He said despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the University has
continued to collaborate with National and International Institutions as well
as strengthening the capacity in the areas of research and innovations.

He urged the graduates to be ambassadors of Kyambogo University and to

continue up grading their knowledge.

“Keep on upgrading yourselves, learning does not end,” he advised.

First Lady and Minister for Education and Sports, Hon. Janet Museveni, speaking at the
graduation ceremony

38 The Presidency | September 2021

21stSeptember, 2021
Museveni receives special message from Kenya’s Uhuru

State Lodge, Nakasero:

President Yoweri Museveni received a special message from his Kenyan counterpart
President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The message was delivered to the President by Ambassador Monica Juma who is
also the Kenyan Cabinet Secretary, Ministry of Defense at State House Nakasero.

Ambassador Monica Juma was accompanied by the Uganda Minister of Foreign

Affairs Jeje Odongo.

Other members of the Kenyan delegation included Ambassador Raychelle

Omamo, the Kenyan Cabinet Secretary for Foreign Affairs.Ambassador Monica
Juma conveyed to President Museveni warm greetings from the President and
the people of Kenya to President Museveni and the people of Uganda.

President Museveni poses for a photo Amb. Monica Juma and other officials

The Presidency | September 2021 39

22nd September, 2021
President Museveni swears in new Judges, IGG and Deputy IGG

State House, Entebbe: His accomplices including his wife

Resty Nalunga, Yiga Deo, and Huzailu
President Yoweri Museveni revealed that
Kiwalabye received five, seven, and 25
Government would appeal the court
years’ imprisonment respectively.
decision to give the murderers of Case
Clinic accountant Francis Ekalungar, “These people conspired to kill the
life imprisonment instead of death. accountant. Now, one was given a life
He also emphasised that Uganda has sentence, was the one they killed given
not abolished the death sentence. The life sentence? Was death sentence
President also protested the continued abolished? The Case Clinic case will
decision by the courts to grant bail to be appealed,” he said.
murder suspects saying bail is not a President Museveni was presiding over
constitutional right and must not be the swearing in ceremony of six new
used to provoke the public. judges including Justice Gashirabake
“For somebody to kill a person and Christopher, Justice Chemutai Tom,
you give them bail is provocation. It Justice Tweyanze Lawrence, Justice
is abominable. I would like us to cure Wagona Vincent, Justice Alice
this ideological disagreement. This Komuhangi and Justice Nakacwa
bail, what is the hurry? Who are you Florence, the IGG and deputy IGGs at a
trying to please? Who said bail is a ceremony held at State House Entebbe.
right? It is not in the Constitution. We The ceremony took place this afternoon
are going to work on this. I am going at State House Entebbe and was graced
to summon the NRM caucus and if by the Deputy Chief Justice Hon. Justice
necessary, we put it to a referendum. Richard Buteera, the Acting Principal
With this provocation, people will take Judge Hon. Justice Musa Ssekaana,
the law into their hands,” he said. Attorney General Kiryowa Kiwanuka
Mawa Muzamiru the ring-leader in and other officials from the Ministry
the brutal murder of the Case Clinic of Justice.
accountant, was recently sentenced to
life imprisonment.

40 The Presidency | September 2021

The swearing-in ceremony for the IGG President Yoweri Museveni
Beti Olive Namisango Kamya and her congratulated the young team of
deputies Dr. Patricia Achan Okiria and lawyers upon their appointments and
Ms. Ann Twinomugisha Muhairwe was noted that the 2 categories of officials
conducted by the Head of Public Service sworn in today the Justices, Judges and
and Secretary to the Cabinet, Ms. Lucy the IGG as well as her 2 deputies could
Nakyobe and that of the Justices and do a lot to expedite the growth of the
Judges was conducted by the Chief economy that has already recovered
Registrar Her Worship Sarah Langa Siu. and expanded.

The President urged the judiciary He urged the office of the IGG led by
to address the issue of ideological Hon. Beti Kamya to step up the fight
differences when passing judgement against corruption as the population is
on criminal cases to render justice to already fed up with the corrupt officials.
the victims of these crimes and to avoid
“People are fed up with corruption;
the breaking of the law with impunity.
this is not a difficult job for serious
“However, I am seeing an ideological and honest people. Your offices are
problem between the way you are infiltrated, start by cleaning it up and
trained as lawyers and we the freedom link with the public to collect vital
fighters and then the population. For information. Be patient and connect
somebody to kill a person and you give with local people. Corruption is like
him bail that is provocation. Justice will AIDS; it attacks your defence system.
lose meaning completely,” he said citing CID doesn’t do its work, research people
the case of 43-year-old Akello Christine do not handle whistle blowers etc. Don’t
who was murdered by her husband Alal frustrate them.The victims and their
Denis in Anai Ober Cell, Ober Ward in relatives are reliable allies in the fight
Lira City West. Alal was later killed by against corruption. Link up with them,”
a mob using the same panga he used he said.
to kill his wife. The President also cited
The new IGG Ms. Beti Kamya pledged
the case of Acucu in Karamoja who
to offer motivational and inspirational
returned from jail after 10 years and
leadership and said they will do the very
found his wives married to other men
best to ensure they deliver the mandate
and his cattle stolen. He embarked on
entrusted to them.
a cattle-raiding spree that resulted in
counter attacks leaving hundreds dead. “We shall pay a lot of attention to
prevention and not just running after
cases,” she said.

The Presidency | September 2021 41

The Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera commended Government and President
Museveni for enhancing the Judiciary budget which was increased from 196 billion
for the Financial Year 2020/2021 to 357 billion for the Financial Year 2021/2022.

“This increment will enable us go a long way in bringing justice nearer to the
people of Uganda: our dream, in the medium term, is to bring justice to all the
people of Uganda within a walkable distance,” he said.

Buteera said with the increased financial resources, the Human Resource challenge
is to be addressed systematically each financial year starting this year with the
recruitment plan of 2 Justices of the Supreme Court, 14 Judges of the High Court,
10 Deputy Registrars among others.

Buteera said in a bid to extend services nearer to the people, the Judiciary has
undertaken a number of construction projects meant for housing court premises.

President Museveni poses for a photo with newly sworn in Judges, IGG and Deputy IGGs.

42 The Presidency | September 2021

22nd September, 2021
President Museveni meets leaders of Give Directly

State Lodge, Nakasero: He also urged GiveDirectly to protect

its recipients from fraud or scams
President Yoweri Museveni called on the
targeting them to safeguard donor
Global leadership of the International
NGO, GiveDirectly, to work closely with
the Government of Uganda (GoU) so The President tasked the Rt. Hon.
as to align with Government priorities. Prime Minister to build on the progress
made to align on a path to reopening
The meeting at State Lodge Nakasero
GiveDirectly operations.
was a follow-up from a previous one
held at State House Entebbe in June GiveDirectly’s Global Managing
2021. It was attended bythe Rt. Hon. Director, Joe Huston said he was happy
Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja, the to support Uganda’s journey out of
Minister of Gender, Labor, and Social poverty.
Development, Hon. Betty Amongi, the
“We are grateful to be granted a second
Minister of Local Government, Hon.
audience with Your Excellency and are
Raphael Magyezi, and the State Minister
thrilled to deepen our collaboration to
of Internal Affairs, Hon. David Muhoozi .
support the Government of Uganda
The President outlined three key in assisting Ugandans’ journeys out of
principles for deepening collaboration poverty,” he said.
between the Government and
According to GiveDirectly, they
GiveDirectly including transparently
haveUS$30m available for current
engaging Government to ensure the
and planned projects in Uganda for
Government is aware of its activities and
poverty alleviation, emergency relief,
understand appropriate governance
refugees, disaster preparedness and
f rameworks in place to enable
social protection.
Government oversight of GiveDirectly’s

The Presidency | September 2021 43

24th September, 2021
Orthodox Pope commends President Museveni for support to Church

State Lodge, Nakasero: Father Mukiibi of Metropolis of Burundi

and Rwanda, Reverend Father Kibuuka
The Pope of the Coptic Orthodox
John the Dean of the Cathedral and
Patriarchate of Alexandria, Pope
Rev. Emmanuel Mbaire from Athens
Tawadros II, has sent a special message
Greece who accompanied the body of
to President Yoweri Museveni and the
the late Archbishop Lwanga.
people of Uganda and hailed them
for the support extended to them They extended warm greetings from
following the demise of the late the Orthodox Pope and Patriarch of
Metropolitan Jonah Lwanga , who Alexandria and all Africa, Theodoros II,
served as Archbishop of Kampala and to President Museveni and the people
Exarch of All Uganda in the Uganda of Uganda.
Orthodox Church. Lwanga who was
The Clerics noted that the Orthodox
also the Metropolitan of the Metropolis
Church enjoys cordial relationship
of Kampala and All Uganda, in Central
with the NRM Government and deeply
Africa under the Eastern Orthodox
shares the same ideology.
Church of Alexandria, died early this
month. “We are looking forward for possible
ways of strengthening these relations
The message was delivered by a
further,” they said.
delegation of Orthodox clerics who
paid a courtesy call on the President They commended the President for the
at State House Entebbe. huge support given to their institution
by the Government following the
The delegation was led by His Eminence
death of Archbishop Yona Lwanga who
Metropolitan Makarios Archbishop
succumbed recently to COVID-19 in
of Nairobi in Kenya who is also the
Athens Greece.
care taker of the Orthodox Church in
Uganda. “Your Excellency, we come here with
much love and appreciation to you for
Other members of the delegation
having stood with us in this difficult
included among others His Eminence
days after the loss of our Metropolitan
Metropolitan Jeromos Muzei
Yona Lwanga,” their spokesperson His
Archbishop of Mwanza in Tanzania,
Grace Bishop Silvestros Kizitu of Gulu
His Grace Bishop Silvestros Kizitu of
and Eastern Uganda said.
Gulu and Eastern Uganda, Reverend

44 The Presidency | September 2021

The clerics in their submission further “First of all, I am very sorry for the death
commended the team that was of our brother Yona Lwanga. It was abig
delegated by President Museveni to loss,” he condoled.
organise burial arrangements and
The President pledged to support the
included the Vice President H.E.
church in its development programs.
Jessica Alupo, the ICT Minister Dr. Chris
Baryomunsi and the Attorney General. Later His Eminence Metropolitan
Hon. Kiryowa Kiwanuka. Makarios prayed to God to give
President Museveni more wisdom and
“The team executed their role very well
knowledge to lead the country for the
and we appreciate this as the Orthodox
good of the people.
Church,” they said.
A memorial service for the late Yona
The President acknowledged their
Lwanga will be held on the 17th of
appreciation and conveyed his profound
October 2021 and the Orthodox Pope
condolences to the Orthodox Church
Theodoros II is expected to attend.
especially the family upon the loss of
Archbishop Yona Lwanga.

President Museveni and Vice President Jessica Alupo pose for a photo
with Orthodox Church leaders at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | September 2021 45

24th September, 2021
President Museveni meets Czech Republic Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister

State Lodge, Nakasero: H.E. Martin Tlapa expressed their

gratitude for the warm hospitality
President Museveni said Government
accorded to them the moment they
is ready to cooperate with the
stepped in the country.
Czech Republic in the three fields of
Agriculture, Health and Defense. He told the President that his
Government is interested in promoting
The President was meeting the visiting
trade and investment between the 2
Czech Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister
countries as well as cooperate in the
H.E. Martin Tlapa who called on him at
sectors of Agriculture, Health as well
State Lodge, Nakasero.
as in Defense. He said his Government
The envoy who was in the country on is ready to offer COVID-19 vaccines to
a three-day visit was accompanied by Uganda.
the Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon.
“Thank you for the hospitality of your
Gen. JeJe Odongo. Members of his
people from the moment we stepped in
delegation included the Ambassador
the country. We are ready to cooperate
of the Czech Republic to Uganda, H.E.
in sectors of Agriculture, Health and
Martin Klepetko, and the Junior Deputy
Defense as well as boost business and
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech
economic ties,” he said.
Republic Mr. Marek Svoboda.

The Honorary Consul of the Czech

Republic in Uganda Mr. Stephen
Mpuuga Kaboyo and officials of the
Czech Embassy based in Nairobi were
also present.

46 The Presidency | September 2021

25th September, 2021
President Museveni meets Karamoja leaders

State House, Entebbe: On the issue of famine in Karamoja,

the Minister of State for Disaster
President Yoweri Museveni re-assured
Preparedness, Hon. Esther Anyakun,
the people of Karamoja sub-region of
reported that her Ministry has already
Government’s total commitment to
procured 1.48 tonnes of food relief to be
end cattle rustling and criminality in
transported to the region on Monday
the area.
the 27th September, 2021.
“We are going to stop these cattle
She said that the first beneficiaries
rustlers. We want them to be cattle
will be people from the districts that
keepers not cattle rustlers,” he said.
are badly hit by famine that include
The President who was recently Kaabong, Kotido and Moroto.
in Karamoja to assess the security
The leader of the Karamoja
situation made the assurance at a follow
Parliamentary Group who is also
up meeting with the leadership of
the MP for Pian Upe Constituency in
Karamoja sub-region on the escalating
Nabilatuk district, Hon. Remegio Achia,
insecurity caused by cattle rustlers and
thanked President Museveni for his
timely intervention in eliminating cattle
The districts of Karamoja sub-region rustling in Karamoja sub-region.
include Moroto, Napak, Nabilatuk,
Also present at the meeting was
Amudat, Kaabong, Abim, Nakapiripirit,
the Minister of State for Works Hon.
Karenga and Kotido.
Musa Ecweru, the Minister of State
President Museveni who assured for Minerals Hon. Peter Lokeris and
Karamoja leadership that comprised, the Minister of State for Ethics and
the Minister of Karamoja Affairs Hon. Integrity Hon. Rose Lilly Akello. The
Dr. Mary Gorreti Kitutu and her deputy meeting was also attended by Chief
Hon. Agnes Nandutu, Members of of Defence Forces Gen. Wilson Mbasu
Parliament, LC 5 Chairpersons and Mbadi among others.
Mayors among others, that Government
has put in place a strategic security plan
that will eliminate cattle rustling and
criminality in Karamoja once and for all.

The Presidency | September 2021 47

28th September, 2021
President Museveni meets NRM Caucus

Kololo Ceremonial Grounds:

President Yoweri Museveni who is also the National Chairman of the National
Resistance Movement chaired a meeting of the NRM Parliamentary Caucus
deliberating on matters of national interest.

According to the NRM Chief Whip Thomas Tayebwa, they discussed matters of
importance and decided on resolutions that will make the country secure.

Following the closed meeting, President Yoweri Museveni guided that the
members of parliament go and consult on various issues before another meeting
in two weeks.

President Museveni and First Lady received by Vice President, Prime Minister,
NRM Secretary General & Government Chief Whip for the NRM Parliamentary Caucus meeting

48 The Presidency | September 2021

30th September, 2021
President Museveni lectures students of Zambia Command & Staff College

State House, Entebbe: Other national institutions like the

Judiciary, Civil Service, etc were built
President Yoweri Museveni said the
including a National Army that most
principle of democracy played a big role
African countries failed to do because
in unifying the people of Uganda who
of sectarianism.
had been divided along religious and
tribal leanings but are now converged The President said Uganda is back
because of the line they took, of fronting on its feet because of the principles
interests other than identity that led to of Patriotism, Pan-Af ricanism,
the creation of a national party. Socio-economic transformation and
Democracy following an era that had
“Democracy without a vision is sterile.
made it a failed state.
It must be democracy to achieve
something,” he said. “The student movement towed
the line of love Uganda, love Africa,
The President was giving an opportunity
Socio-economic transformation and
lecture to military students of the
Democracy as the main principles for
Republic of Zambia Command and
transforming society and achieving the
Staff College who paid a courtesy call
middle income status,” he said.
on him at State House Entebbe. The
delegation of 13 students was led by He briefed the delegation of the
Col. M.K. Mutila. Other members of turbulent political and economic
the delegation included the Defense history of Uganda, which had become
Attaché of Zambia to Tanzania Brig. a failed state adding that their student
Gen. Mutilada. movement diagnosed the challenges
facing the country and counteracted the
The Ugandan delegation included
bad politics of sectarianism practiced
the Defense Attaché to Tanzania and
by the past regimes.
Zambia Major General S. Kashaka and
Ag. CTR Brig. Gen F Twinamatsiko. He told his guests that their student
group adopted the principle of socio-
Mr. Museveni said the next level was
economic transformation with the aim
to build a national political party that
of transforming the society from the
brought people together because of
traditional way of life to modernity and
similar interests.
eventually to middle income status.

The Presidency | September 2021 49

“That is why our movement was saying, “They said we were not realistic, that
you people this time we must undergo we were idealists aiming at things that
social transformation. You must become are not achievable. But the student
modern people. You must go from movement became a committed armed
manual to intellectual labor and to all force and because of the discipline and
elements of social transformation,” he dedication they were able to win the
said. hearts of the people,” he said.

He said that is why universal education, The delegation that commenced its
skill and intellectual development were tour of Uganda on Monday September
introduced to push the programme of 27th, has visited various institutions
socio-economic transformation. and returned to Zambia on Saturday
the 2nd October 2021.
Commenting on some of the concerns
raised by the students on the challenges
of unifying the people of Uganda,
President Museveni said the main
problem was to tame the 2 groups of
people who were opportunists and
obscurantists who were blocking the

President Museveni gestures to students of Zambia Command and Staff College after
a lecture at State House, Entebbe

50 The Presidency | September 2021

28th September, 2021
President Museveni issues statement on military coups in Africa

The Military Coups that have taken place and the progressive groups in the west such
in Mali and Guinea, must be evaluated by as Dr. Shepherd of the USA, Lord Fenner
the African freedom fighters so that we Brockway of UK, Olof Palme of Sweden etc.;
correctly take a principled stand. In a recent and, finally, the freedom fighters opposed
interview with Radio France, I condemned and resisted neo colonialism – freedom in
the Coup in Guinea because that was the name but bondage in practice - that is why
latest. The same condemnation extends to we condemned the killing of Lumumba,
the one in Mali and all the others like the the overthrow of Nkrumah, Modibo Keita
one that was in Madagascar, some time etc..
ago. Why?
In other words, starting with 1912, African
It is because the African resistance, right freedom fighting meant the following:
from 1912 when the ANC was founded
i. Decolonisation-anti-imperialism.
after the humiliating takeover of the
whole continent by the imperialists after ii. Patriotism or Nationalism as opposed
defeating the incapable traditional chiefs, to Sectarianism.
had 5 aims: to expel the imperialists from iii. Pan-Af ricanism in f ighting the
Africa (decolonisation); in order to do that, imperialists but also leading to economic
the freedom fighters had to unite the and political integration after liberation
African Peoples in each territory (colony) (CFTA Continental Free Trade Area and,
by emphasizing Patriotism (the unity of all where possible, Political Federations -
the people as opposed to tribalism - the like Tanzania- the union of Zanzibar and
word being used was “African Nationalism); Tanganyika or the federation of Ghana,
however, patriotism was not enough to Guinea and Mali).
defeat the imperialists - we needed Pan-
iv. Internationally, working with those that
African action to gain more strength
supported the independence of Africa
(hence, the Manchester conference of
and opposing those that support the
1945, the Accra Conference of 1958, the
subjugation of Africa.
OAU conference of 1963 etc.); this Pan-
Africanism, apart from the coordinated v. And, by that very fact, opposing neo-
anti-imperialist actions, also anticipated colonialism in Africa, Asia and Latin
the political and economic integration of America (the war in Vietnam, the killing
either the whole of Africa (Dr. Nkrumah) of Lumumba, the actions in Libya,
or in parts (Nyerere Mwalimu); in the anti- recently, etc.).
imperialist struggles, we were supported by
the socialist countries of the Soviet Union
(1917), China(1949), Cuba (1959) etc.

The Presidency | September 2021 51

Here, in Uganda, this is how we have been They were the following: Mobutu Sese Seko
assessing actors. Idi Amin announced his Kuku Ngbendu Wa Za Banga, Eyadema of
coup d’états at 1500 hours on the 25th of Togo, Afrifa of Ghana, Bokassa of Central
January, 1971. By 1700hours, on the same Africa Republic, Habyarimana of Rwanda,
day, we met at Yona Kanyomozi’s house etc. What proof do we have that they were
in Bugolobi and we resolved to fight Idi agents of foreign interests and against
Amin with arms. Who were we? We were our destiny? When Afrifa overthrew Mzee
part of the East African Student Movement Nkrumah, the latter had either proposed
that included people like Adrew Shija - to or had actually sent a reconnaissance
Tanzania, John Garang- South Sudan, group to the Zambezi valley (Zambia side)
Peter Kinyanjui - Kenya, Mwakasungura to participate in the confrontation against
- Malawi, Charles Kileo - Tanzania, Eriya Ian Smith in Rhodesia (Zimbabwe).
Kategaya - Uganda etc. We believed in the
I remember, that in one of his speeches,
five aims outlined above and we assessed
Afrifa actually cited this as one of the
all political actors accordingly. We did not
reasons of overthrowing Mzee Nkrumah.
fully agree with Mzee Obote. However, we
After that, Ghana withdrew completely
thought that we could work with him on
from the anti-colonial struggle and yet,
the issue of integration of Africa and on
hitherto, she had been the pointsman in
anti-imperialism. With Idi Amin, however,
the anti-colonial struggle.
there was no hope. It was clear that he was
an uninformed tool of some external actors Fortunately, for Africa, we had a few far-
whose interests were inimical to ours. Amin sighted and courageous elders of ours that
and the soldiers that followed him, had, did not desert the frontline of resistance
therefore, no right to interfere with our to colonialism and imperialism. These
destiny march. Guns, our guns bought for were: Mwalimu Nyerere (Tanzania), Mzee
them from China (AK-47s), Czechoslovakia Kaunda (Zambia), Mzee Seretse Khama
(BTR-60- armoured personnel carriers) etc., (Botswana), Abdul Nasser (Egypt), Houari
with our own money, could not intimidate Boumediene (Algeria) and Mzee Sekou
us. We could and we did quickly learn the Toure (Guinea-Conakry). With material
use of these instruments of force and, by supplies (weapons) and training from the
1979, Amin and his misdirected soldiers, socialist camp (the Soviet Union, China,
were in full-flight, running away from the Cuba etc.), they gave training camps and
justice of the Ugandan revolutionaries. rear bases to the African freedom fighters
from Mozambique, Angola, Zimbabwe,
Were we wrong to take up arms against
Namibia, South Africa and GuineaBissau.
Idi Amin? Not at all. This is because Idi
By 1974, the African Armies had defeated
Amin and his fellow golpists in Africa,
the Portuguese armyin Africa (a total of
were almost all of them agents of anti-
almost 200,000 soldiers); by 1980, the
African interests. We were calling them
regime of Ian Smith, that had declared
reactionaries and puppets of foreign
that it would sit on top of the Africans for
interests. Who were they?
another 1000 years, was defeated.

52 The Presidency | September 2021

In 1986,Uganda’s leadership came into The imperialists wanted to extirpate the
our hands and we also made our humble independent-thinking leaders in Africa,
contribution. Eversince 1975, the number like they did with Lumumba, Nkrumah,
of the frontline states had grown from the Modibo Keita, etc.
original 3 (Tanzania, Zambia and Botswana)
The Portuguese invaded Conakry on the
to the then six (adding Mozambique,
22nd of November 1970. Sekou Toure and
Zimbabwe and Angola). Later, Namibia
the Guinean resistance, defeated them.
(1990), joined the frontline states. By 1994,
Hence, Guinea of Sekou Toure, remained
South Africa was liberated. All this was
a reliable rearbase for the PAIGC (Partido
the work of the African freedom fighters,
Africano Independencia of Guinea and
supported by other anti-colonial forces in
Cape-Verde). That is how Guinea-Bissau,
the World.
led by the capable Amilcar Cabral, whom
The question to ask is: “What would have the traitors assassinated on the 20th of
happened if the Afrifa – Amin - Mobutu January 1973, struck one of the biggest
line of collaboration with imperialism blows to Portuguese colonialism, so much
at the expense of African interests, had that the defeated Portuguese Commander
succeeded?” In the article, I have talked there, General Spinola, when he went back
of only the African countries where there to Portugal, led the “golpe” (coup) against
was fighting. There were, however, others the fascist “Professorio Doctorio” Marcello
that were not independent by the time the Caetano. Another strategic defeat had
Afrifas betrayed us in Ghana. These were been inflicted on the Portuguese in Cabo
Sao-Tome and Principe, Equatorial Guinea, Delgado Province when comrade Samora
Djibouti, Seychelles. Swaziland, Lesotho, Machel defeated General Kaulza D’Arriaga’s
Western Sahara etc. “Operation Gordion Knot”, in 1971, where
he had employed 35,000 soldiers in that
Definitely, in the countries where the
f ighting took place, the imperialists
had no intention of accepting African The imperialists tried to overthrow
empowerment, leadership, and democratic Mwalimu Nyerere (the William Chacha
participation. Coup, the planting of bombs by South
African Commandoes landed by sub-
Portugal used to say that their African
marines at, for instance, Selander bridge-
colonies (Mozambique, Angola etc.) were
200meters from where I was staying at
not colonies. That they were “overseas
Sun and Sand hotel), etc.
provinces of Portugal”!! It was a titanic
struggle in which our few elders, led as well. Therefore, when it comes to these new
Therefore, “the struggle between the two Coup d’états in West Africa, we must ask
lines”, as the Chinese used to say, the line of three questions. The questions are: 1. What
independence and the line of flunkeyism, is the ideological stand of these Coup
has been crucial and decisive in Africa. makers?

Do they understand the 5 aims of the

African freedom fighters that caused the
formation of the ANC in 1912?
The Presidency | September 2021 53
2.Whom are they overthrowing in terms of meetings called. It is a peaceful way of
ideology and aims? Who is Alpha Conde, showing one’s unhappiness. It is up to the
who is Keita, ideologically? Are they in the organiser to come and see why I did not
tradition of the African freedom fighters come to the called meeting so that, if he
like Nkrumah, Nyerere, Sekou Toure etc? can, he addresses and cures the grievance.
To declare that peaceful abstaining from a
3.What right do these Coup makers
meeting is rebellion, shows that you may
have when it comes to interfering with
be a fascist.
our destiny? I certainly do not know the
ideological position of the Coup-makers. 4.Who is Alpha Conde, Who is Keita of
There are, however, clues that show that Mali, ideologically? Certainly, the few times
they may not be part of the freedom I interacted with Professor Conde, he
fighters. belongs to the tradition of African freedom
fighters; he told me that he supported
The African Union has made some positive
the federation of West Africa that would
steps in working for the realization of some
utilise the Mandingo, Fulani and other
of our 5 strategic aims. The OAU supported
cross-border communities, to build such
the decolonization of Africa by creating the
a political union, in addition to economic
committee of 9 that Co-ordinated the anti-
integration (ECOWAS, CFTA, COMESA etc.).
colonial armed struggle. This committee
Of course, we do not know much about the
was based in Dar-es-Salaam and was
internal politics of Guinea. Nevertheless,
headed by George Magombe and, later, by
even when you have other differences, it
General Hashim Mbiita (both of Tanzania).
should not eclipse the big aims you share.
Secondly, recently, they accepted and This is what we always believe and do.
launched the CFTA (the Continental Free Examples of this are plenty.
Trade Area)- one of the strategic aims of
5.Finally: “Do the coup-makers have a right
the African freedom fighters, to ensure
to interfere with our destiny?” The answer
our prosperity. It is this African Union that
is a categorical “no”; it is good that the
has outlawed Coups. Who, then, are you
African Union accepted the minimum
to make a Coup against the decision of
position of outlawing these coups. The
the AU? Whose interest are you serving?
freedom fighters, who themselves have
Besides, I was amazed and amused by not harmonised well among themselves,
the arrogance of these people. When but must reject flunkeyism, should have
summoning former Government Ministers no problem with leaders that do not share
etc, one of them said that if anybody their views provided they are elected.
summoned does not come, he/she will
Elections mean one person, one vote, by
be regarded as having declared rebellion!!
secret ballot, at regular intervals. This is
Really!! Especially for the politicians, they
the minimum they all have set and it is a
have a right and even an obligation to
good one. If people who do not share our
say: “No”, to whatever they don’t agree
views win the elections, provided they do
with. Saying “No”, includes not attending
not engage in extra–judicial killings, we

54 The Presidency | September 2021

should accept their leadership and struggle The present chaos in many parts of Africa
against their wrong positions peacefully. is on account of not fully implementing
The position of one person, one vote, by the goals of the elder-freedom fighters.
secret ballot, at regular intervals, is a good That is why some of us cannot give up the
minimum position because it addresses struggle for these strategic goals.
the substance of democracy, which means
In the last 60years, the only actors on the
the continuous and perpetual supremacy
African scene that came through military
of the sovereignty of the people. Nobody
coups that stood with the freedom fighters
has a right to interfere with this.
at some point were: Marian Ngouabi in
Some of us, in the foot-steps of the freedom Congo-Brazzaville; General Obasanjo on
fighter elders, cannot contentedly accept the matter of Angola; Col. Mengistu on
that Africa becomes a Latin America in the issue of Zimbabwe (I think he trained
Africa. The struggle led by the elders was: some freedom fighters from there); and
“for a free and United Africa”; not for “an Col. Houari Boummedione of Algeria
unfree (neo-colonial) and dispersed Africa.” who trained f reedom f ighters f rom
The 5 strategic goals, had, each, a reason: Mozambique and other countries that
Decolonisation to regain the freedom to were still occupied.
decide for ourselves; Patriotism to create
Sometimes, in a number of cases, some
strength in each country by uniting
Western leaders take the side of the African
the people and opposing sectarianism
freedom fighters in some controversial
(Umoja ni nguvu, Agali awamu ge galuma
arguments. I can remember of 1976 when
enyama); Pan-Africanism to create more
H.E Jimmy Carter took our side in the
strength, cater for our prosperity through
matter of Angola when the South African
uniting the Af rican markets for our
Whites (the Boers) had invaded Angola
producers of goods and services through
to put their puppets in power; 1980 when
economic integration and create strategic
Rt. Hon. Margaret Thatcher brokered the
security through political integration;
settlement on Zimbabwe; and 1990-1994
Utilising the support of the Socialist when H.E De Kirk, reached a peaceful
countries as well as the anti-colonial forces settlement on South Africa. All these
in the West to strengthen ourselves after were, however, preceded by the correct
Independence even some of the right-wing and determined actions of the African
actors in the West, started working with freedom fighters. Long live the Sovereignty
the freedom fighters, although quite often of the African people through regular free
they relapse into their wrong attitudes of elections of one person one vote, by secret
arrogance. ballot.

Finally, rejecting all attitudes of neo-

Yoweri K. Museveni Gen.(Rtd)
colonialism; Uganda is strong today and
on the verge of becoming a middle income
country, because we rejected flunkeyism-
we resisted Idi Amin when he was being
dined and wined in some capitals.

The Presidency | September 2021 55


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The Presidency
OCTOBER - 2021

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

1  Note from the Chief Editor 4

2  President Museveni attends the Dubai trade Expo in UAE 7

3  President Museveni, UAE Crown Prince discuss Investment Cooperation 8

4  President woos Arab investors  10

5  President Museveni presides over Uganda National Day at Dubai Expo 2020  11

6  President Museveni meets Ugandans living in United Arab Emirates 13

7  President Museveni departs Dubai 14

8  President Museveni attends inauguration of Ethiopia’s Prime Minister 15

9  President Museveni returns from UAE, Ethiopia 17

10  Probe into school ownership conflict between Catholic and Anglican Churches 18

11  President commends MTN on localisation, business promotion 20

12  President Biden congratulates Uganda ahead of Independence 22

13  World leaders congratulate Uganda on 59th Independence Day 23

14  Speech at the 59th Independence Anniversary Celebrations 28

15  President commissions UPDF’s infantry vehicle ‘Chui’ 33

16  President commends UJCC for uniting followers 34

17  President closes cabinet retreat  35

18  President Museveni meets Pope Theodoros II 37

19  Pope Francis congratulates Uganda on its Independence Month 38

20  President Museveni meets outgoing UN Women Country Representative in Uganda 40

21  President Museveni meets Nordic envoys 41

22  President mourns Hope Kivengyere 43

23  President flags off 282 trucks for COVID-19 surveillance 45

24  President Museveni commissions Port Health Facility 47

25  President Museveni meets France’s Foreign Trade & Economic Attractiveness Minister 48

26  President meets UN Special Representative on D.R. Congo 50

27  President Museveni meets Turkish investors 51

28  President meets Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for African Affairs 52

Editor’s Note
Note from the Chief Editor
Dear Reader,
I have the pleasure to present to you the October edition of our monthly
e-magazine, The Presidency.
In each edition, my team and I try and incorporate feedback that we have
been getting from the readers since the first edition. Our vision is to see the
magazine satisfying everyone’s expectations; both the fast readers and the
in-depth analysts. In this edition, we have extracted a quote or two from each
story, to aid our fast readers. It will be easy for the readers to appreciate the
President’s position on a matter even without in-depth analysis.
The Government Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC) was established to bridge
the gap between the Government and the citizenry. We use different tools and
platforms, including this e-magazine, to facilitate this interaction. Therefore,
this e-magazine serves to bridge the gap between the Presidency and the
public, by bringing you monthly news from the office and residence of the
In the month of October, the President travelled abroad for official duty, first,
to officiate at the Uganda National Day at the ongoing Dubai Expo 2020 and
also to hold discussions with the leaders of the United Arab Emirates. The
President detoured through Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where he attended the
inauguration of Ahmed Abiy, as the Prime Minister of Ethiopia. The President
had cut down on his foreign travel due to COVID-19.
In this edition, we have brought you an analysis of the progress of Uganda
Investment Authority, breaking down the strides they have made in establishing
an industrial park in every corner of Uganda. In next editions, we shall be able
to bring you analyses from different Ministries, Departments and Agencies,
regarding Government projects, which the President has launched, visited
or commissioned, and how they will transform our country.
Lastly, in this edition, we are publishing the President’s powerful speech,
delivered on Independence Day, on 9th October, at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.
I now have the pleasure to present to you the fifth edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of
Communication & Director Government
Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC)

4 The Presidency | October 2021

Editorial Team

Duncan Abigaba Robert Sharp Mugabe

Deputy Chief Editor Content Production Manager

Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba Simon Musoke

Head of Logistics Head of Production Graphics Editor

Desire Amanya Woira Michael Arthur Musinguzi

Editor Editor Editor

The Presidency | October 2021 5

Quote of the Month

In conclusion, I seem to detect a linkage between

Wealth-creation with Patriotism and Pan-
Africanism and idleness with Parasitism, working
for foreign interests and anarchism.

President Y.K. Museveni, 9th October, 2021

2nd October, 2021
President Museveni attends the Dubai trade Expo in UAE

ABU DHABI: H.E Sheikh Shakhboot Nahyan Al-

Nahyan the Minister of State in
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
arrived in Abu Dhabi, United Arab
International cooperation of UAE
Emirates (UAE) for the 2020 Dubai trade
welcomed President Museveni to
UAE and wished him well in all his
On arrival at Abu Dhabi International engagements while in the UAE.
Airport, the President was received
Expo 2020 is a World Expo currently
by H.E Sheikh Shakhboot Nahyan
hosted by Dubai in the United Arab
Al-Nahyan, the Minister of State in
Emirates, originally scheduled for
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
20th October 2020 to 10th April
International Cooperation of UAE.
2021. However, due to the COVID-19
Others present at the Airport to receive pandemic, the Expo was rescheduled
the President were; H.E Abdulla for 1st October 2021 to 31st March 2022.
Alshamsi, the UAE Ambassador to
Over 192 Countries, Uganda inclusive
Uganda, Foreign Affairs minister Hon.
are participating in this year’s World
Gen. Jeje Odongo, Finance minister
Trade Expo taking place for 182 days.
Hon. Matia Kasaijja, Amb. Zaake
Kibedi, Amb. Henry Mayega, Amb.
Arthur Kafeero, and the Chief of
Protocol, Amb. Charles Ssentongo,
among others.

President Museveni
received at Abu Dhabi
International Airport by
Sheikh Shakhboot Nahyan
Al-Nahyan, the Minister
of State in the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs and
International Cooperation
of UAE.

The Presidency | October 2021 7

2nd October, 2021
President Museveni, UAE Crown Prince discuss Investment Cooperation

You are welcome Your Excellency to on security issues”, His Highness Sheikh
Abu Dhabi. Now that you are here, I am Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al
going to benefit from your leadership Nahyan said.
experience and knowledge especially on
security issues”, His Highness Sheikh The Crown Prince commended President
Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al Museveni’s contribution to peace building
Nahyan said. in the region and pledged to work with
him in this effort. “My Government is
willing to work together with Uganda
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni met for a peaceful region,” he said.
and held bilateral discussions with His
On the side of investment, the Crown
Highness Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed
Prince directed his Minister of Foreign
bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince
Affairs and International cooperation,
of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and Deputy
Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed, who was in
Supreme Commander of the United Arab
attendance to lead a delegation of high
Emirates Forces and Ruler of Abu Dhabi.
profile business people to Uganda for
The meeting took place at the Crown investment opportunities.
Prince’s Al Meena Palace in Abu Dhabi,
On his part, President Yoweri Kaguta
United Arab Emirates and was attended
Museveni thanked his counterpart for the
by Uganda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs
warm reception accorded his delegation
Gen. Jeje Odong and Minister for Finance,
and invited him to visit Uganda which
Planning and Economic Development,
invitation the Crown Prince accepted.
Hon. Matia Kasaija.
“I am very happy to meet you and to visit
The Crown Prince welcomed President
UAE and Abu Dhabi,” President Museveni
Museveni to Abu Dhabi, UAE, and added
that the President’s visit was a great
opportunity for him to benefit from his President Museveni briefed the Crown
experience, knowledge of security and Prince about the four major investment
country building. sectors that the UAE can interest
themselves and they include: Production
“You are welcome Your Excellency to
of steel, Fertilisers, Energy and Agro-
Abu Dhabi. Now that you are here, I am
going to benefit from your leadership
experience and knowledge especially

8 The Presidency | October 2021

The President said that Uganda has got President Museveni invited H.H Sheikh
good iron ore but still use the reconciled Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan Al
steel that is not good for strong steel. Nahyan to come and visit Uganda and
the invitation was accepted. The Crown
“When we try to get strong steel, it comes
Prince will be visiting Uganda in January
from very far in China which is expensive
because of the distance. We therefore,
want to develop a steel industry using The meeting was also attended by the
our iron ore,” he said. UAE Ambassador to Uganda Amb.
Abdulla Alshamsi, Uganda’s Ambassador
The President said that with the peace
to UAE, Amb. Zaake Kibedi among others.
in the country, good infrastructure and
the market available, Uganda is a good
destination for investment.

President Museveni briefed the Crown Prince about the four major
investment sectors that the UAE can interest themselves, including
the Production of steel, Fertilisers, Energy and Agro-processing.

The Presidency | October 2021 9

2nd October, 2021
President woos Arab investors

In 2018 Uganda was exporting Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce

products worth US$600million coordinates all business people in
to UAE, however, today, Uganda agriculture, industries, infrastructure
and services in Abu Dhabi.
exports US$1.25billion,”
Amb. Zaake Kibedi. Others groups were from Abu Dhabi
Development Fund, which finances
big projects in infrastructure, and Streit
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has
Group, one of the largest armored
said that Uganda is one of the best
vehicle manufacturers in the world.
destinations for investment in the
world because of the good security, Streit Group is currently constructing
infrastructure, weather and markets a factory for armoured vehicles in
among others. Nakasongola and will start its operations
in November this year.
“You can mobilise the rich people here
to come and invest in Uganda mainly Apart from the market of 45 million
in the sectors of Steel production, Ugandans, the President said there is a
Fertilisers, Energy, and Agro- market for the 1.4 billion Africans where
processing,” said the President. one can sell their products if they chose
to invest in Uganda.
The President was meeting groups of
prospective investors from different According to Uganda’s Ambassador to
organisations at St. Regis Hotel in Abu the UAE, Kibedi Zaake, the Economic
Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. cooperation between Uganda and UAE
has grown over the time.
While meeting a group of investors from
Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce, “In 2018 Uganda was exporting products
President Museveni emphasised the worth US$600million to UAE, however,
need for Hydro energy or Wind energy today Uganda exports US$1.25billion,”
development Amb. Kibedi said.

The First Chairman of the Board of The meeting was attended by the
Directors, Abu Dhabi Chamber of 3rd Deputy Prime minister, Rukia
Commerce, Dr. Ali Saeed bin Harmal, Nakadama, Minister of Finance,
revealed that they have a factory Planning and Economic Development,
already in Uganda that exports fruits, Matia Kasaija, Minister of Foreign Affairs,
vegetables, fish etc., to the United Arab Jeje Odong, Minister for Agriculture,
Emirates. Animal Husbandry and Fisheries,
Frank Tumwebaze and the Minister
for Tourism, Tom Butime among others.

10 The Presidency | October 2021

3rd October, 2021
President Museveni presides over Uganda National Day at Dubai Expo 2020

We are here to talk about profit, The President told his hosts that Uganda
how do you maximize profit? has a highly-educated population
amongst whom are scientists who can
Because you can’t do business
produce knowledge-based services.
when you are making losses.
On the side of the market, President
So, if you want to make profits,
Museveni revealed that Uganda has a
Uganda is the right place at market population of 42m people and
the right time to invest in,” is estimated to be 100m in 30 years.
President Museveni
“Uganda is not the only market we
have. When you produce in Uganda,
DUBAI EXPO2020: you can sell in all African countries, we
have agreements to sell in USA, Europe,
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
and China etc., therefore the market is
presided over celebrations at the
there,” he said.
Uganda National Day at the Dubai Expo
2020 in the United Arab Emirates. President Museveni commended
the UAE government for organising
Arriving at the Expo leadership pavilion,
the Expo event where the world can
President Museveni and his delegation
meet and discuss prosperity. He
were received by H.E Sheikh Nahayan
commended the visionary leadership of
Mubarak Al Nahayan, the Minister of
the forefathers of United Arab Emirates
Tolerance in the United Arab Emirates.
whose contributions have seen UAE
Dubai Expo 2020 is a World Expo growing economically.
currently hosted by Dubai in the
“The UAE is a challenge to Africa
United Arab Emirates, which was
because they have turned a desert into
officially opened on the 1st of October
a center of affluence simply because of
2021 and is to run for 182 day with over
the vision of their leaders. They turned
192 participating countries, Uganda
geography into an advantage,” he said.
President Museveni also commended
Speaking at the Expo, President
the UAE for the seriousness in handling
Museveni said that Uganda is the right
Covid19 pandemic and added that they
place at the right time for any serious
are following his line of every one must
business people looking for profitable
Speaking at the event, H.E Sheikh
“We are here to talk about profit, how
Nahayan Mubarak Al Nahayan, the
do you maximise profit? You can’t do
Minister of Tolerance in the United
business when you are making losses.
Arab Emirates welcomed President
So, if you want to make profits, Uganda
Museveni to UAE and thanked him for
is the right place at the right time to
sparing time to come and attend the
invest in,” President Museveni said.
function in person.

The Presidency | October 2021 11

“Your Excellency, it is an honour to Thereafter, President Museveni went on
be with you today, to celebrate the a guided tour of the Ugandan Pavilion
National Day of Uganda, the Pearl of together with His Highness Sheikh
Africa. We are pleased to have your Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum,
presence here”, Sheikh Nahayan said. the Vice President and Prime Minister
of UAE and Ruler of Dubai.
He commended President Museveni’s
leadership for a remarkable role In the Ugandan Pavilion, Uganda
in peace and economic building of showcased her products ranging from
Uganda. tourism, beverages, tea, bird species,
gorillas, etc.
Sheikh Nahayan Mubarak Al Nahayan
noted that COVID-19 pandemic has President Museveni was also taken
presented many challenges globally on a guided tour of the UAE pavilion
even when mankind has become by the H.E Sheikh Shakhboot Nahyan
resilient. Al-Nahyan, the Minister of State in
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Sheikh Nahayan said that the United
International cooperation of UAE.
Arab Emirates is looking forward to
strengthening the bilateral economic
ties between the two countries and are “Your Excellency, it is an honour
ready to continue investing in Agro-
to be with you today, to cerebrate
processing, Tourism, and ICT among
other sectors.
the National Day of Uganda, the
Pearl of Africa. We are pleased
After the remarks f rom their
to have your presence here”, H.E
Excellencies, the host and guests
were treated to a cultural folklore
Sheikh Nahayan Mubarak
performance by the Crane performers, Al Nahayan, the Minister of
showcasing Uganda’s culture through Tolerance in the United Arab
music and dance. Emirates

President Museveni
together with UAE Minister
for Tolerance H.E Sheikh
Nahayan Mubarak Al
Nahayan, UAE Minister of
State for Foreign Affairs H.E
Sheikh Shakhboot Nahyan
Al-Nahyan and UAE and
Ugandan officials enjoying
a performance by Crane

12 The Presidency | October 2021

4th October, 2021
President Museveni meets Ugandans living in United Arab Emirates

We talked about issues of child which will enable them to run activities
trafficking in cabinet and agreed of the association and monitor their
to put a shelter where girls can
be kept when they get problems He pledged Government financial
support to run their association and
here and also strengthen the
also contributed to their SACCO where
rules governing the movement of members can save and borrow at a low
people,” President Museveni a interest rate.
“We shall assist you with funds. I will put
US$100,000 in your SACCO so that you
President Yoweri Museveni said may borrow and start small business
Government is working on strengthening here. We shall also put US$50,000 in your
laws governing the movement of people association,” President Museveni said.
outside the country.
The Chairperson Nsubuga Abdulbasit
He was responding to concerns by thanked President Museveni for sparing
Ugandans living in the United Arab time off his busy working visit to meet
Emirates about the increasing number them.
of Ugandans being trafficked.
“Thank you Mr. President for this
“We talked about issues of child wonderful meeting. You squeezed us
trafficking in cabinet and agreed to put a in your busy schedule to meet you and
shelter where girls can be kept when they we are very grateful,” Nsubuga said. He
get problems here and also strengthen commended the President for his tireless
the rules governing the movement of efforts in fighting COVID-19 in Uganda.
people,” the President said.
The association reported to the President
President Museveni met and held an increasing number of Ugandans
discussions with the executive leaders trafficked in the UAE and requested for
of Ugandans living and working in support to be able to monitor them and
the United Arab Emirates, under their help them where necessary.
umbrella body, Association of Ugandans
“We have got many girls here who are
living in United Arab Emirates (AUU),
trafficked and they end up on streets
led by the Chairperson Mr. Nsubuga
suffering. We have been helping them
but we need more support,” Nsubuga
The meeting that was attended by the said.
3rd Deputy Premier, Rt. Hon. Rukia
There are over sixty thousand (60,000)
Nakadama, and other Ministers took
Ugandans living and working in the
place at St. Regis Hotel in Abu Dhabi,
United Arab Emirates and they send
United Arab Emirates.
home over usd 200 million every year,
The President advised the leaders to according to the Ambassador of Uganda
invite Ugandans living in the UAE to in UAE, H.E. Zaake Kibedi.
register with the association at a fee,
The Presidency | October 2021 13
4th October, 2021
President Museveni departs Dubai

We talked about issues of child over the celebrations of Uganda National

trafficking in cabinet and agreed Day at the Dubai Expo 2020 in Dubai,
United Arab Emirates.
to put a shelter where girls can
be kept when they get problems The President also met and held bilateral
discussions with the Crown Prince and
here and also strengthen the
leader of Abu Dhabi and also met the
rules governing the movement of leader of Dubai.
people,” President Museveni
At Abu Dhabi International Airport,
President Museveni was seen off by H.E
Sheikh Shakhbout Nahyan Al-Nahyan,
President Yoweri Museveni departed the Minister of State in the Ministry
Dubai for Ethiopian Capital, Addis Ababa, of Foreign Affairs and International
for the swearing in ceremony of Prime Cooperation of UAE in charge of Africa.
Minister Abiy Ahmed for a new five-year
Others at the Airport were; H.E. Abdulla
term in office.
Alshamsi, the UAE Ambassador to
Abiy’s ruling party, Prosperity Party, won Uganda, Foreign Affairs, Minister
a landslide victory in national elections Hon. Gen. Jeje Odongo, and Uganda’s
held in June. Ambassador to UAE, Mr. Zaake Kibedi
among others.
The President left Abu Dhabi after a 3-day
working visit during which he presided

President Museveni seen off at Dubai International Airport by UAE’s Minister of State for
Foreign Affairs, H.E Sheikh Shakhbout Nahyan Al-Nahyan

14 The Presidency | October 2021

5th October, 2021
President Museveni attends inauguration of Ethiopia’s Prime Minister

I have been observing and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed had earlier
participating in African politics in the morning taken the oath of office
for 60 years and politics of identity at Parliament administered by the
especially of tribes and religions Supreme Court Chief Justice, Meaza
have caused many problems to many Ashenafi.
African countries including Uganda.
President Museveni who made the
Uganda just came up after we had
shunned politics of identity and opening remarks for the Heads of States
substituted it with politics of interest and Government said as an observer of
and I would encourage Ethiopians to African politics for the last 60 years,
always remember that,” President he had identified politics of identity
Museveni especially of tribes and religions as
one that greatly affected democratic
ADDIS ABABA: and political progress of many African
countries and hindered the continent’s
President Yoweri Museveni urged
social economic transformation and
African political leaders and the African
people in general to shun the politics
of identity that characterised most of He called upon the people of Ethiopia
the post-independence Africa, noting and the African continent in general
that politics of identity that was mostly to do away with politics of identity and
based on tribes and religions were focus on politics of interest and support
counterproductive, diversionary and leaders based on their political agenda
led to the emergency of many failed as opposed to their tribes or religious
states in post-independence Africa. affiliations.

The President was speaking at Meskel “I have been observing and participating
Square in the Ethiopian capital, Addis- in African politics for 60 years and
Ababa, where he addressed a mammoth politics of identity especially of tribes
rally of Ethiopian people that was also and religions have caused many
attended by many other African leaders problems to many African countries
to mark the inauguration of Ethiopian including Uganda.
Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, for a new
five-year term.

The Presidency | October 2021 15

Uganda just came up after we had especially by ending the war in the
shunned politics of identity and Tigray region which he said had made
substituted it with politics of interest Ethiopia pay a “heavy price”.
and I would encourage Ethiopians
He pledged to work with all peace
to always remember that,” President
loving Ethiopian to bring about peace
Museveni said.
and prosperity for all Ethiopians.
President Museveni commended the
The inauguration ceremony was also
people of Ethiopia for conducting a
attended and addressed by Presidents
credible and democratic election and
of Nigeria, Senegal, Kenya, Somalia,
congratulated Prime Minister Abiy
Djibouti and South Sudan as well
Ahmed for winning the new five-
as delegations from several African
year mandate to serve his people and
countries and representatives of the
international community.
In his remarks, Prime Minister Abiy
Ahmed promised to work and bring
about total peace for all Ethiopians

President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya and Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed chat with President
Museveni in Addis Ababa

16 The Presidency | October 2021

5th October, 2021
President Museveni returns from UAE, Ethiopia

ENTEBBE, VVIP: and the Uganda diaspora in UAE.

Following a three-day busy schedule The Vice President H.E. Jessica Alupo,
in the United Arab Emirates where he the Minister for the Presidency Hon.
presided over the Uganda National Day Milly Babalanda and the Head of Public
at the Dubai Expo2020 and an official Service and Secretary to the Cabinet
visit to Ethiopia’s Capital, Addis Ababa, Ms. Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye, received
for the inauguration of the Prime the President at Entebbe International
Minister, Abiy Ahmed, for a new five- Airport.
year term, President Museveni returned
Also at the airport to receive him
were the service chiefs, the Chief of
During his visit to UAE, the President Defence Forces of the Uganda Peoples
held a series of meetings with the Defence Forces, General Wilson Mbadi,
leaders of UAE including His Highness Assistant Inspector General of Police
Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed bin Sultan (AIGP) Andrew Sorowen and David
Al Nahyan, the Crown Prince of the Ahimbisibwe, Director Human Resource
Emirate of Abudhabi and Deputy in Uganda Prisons representing
Supreme Commander of the United the Inspector General of Police and
Arab Emirates Forces and Ruler of Abu Commissioner General of Prisons,
Dhabi, various prospective investors respectively.

President Museveni is received by the Vice President, H.E. Jessica Alupo, at Entebbe
International Airport

The Presidency | October 2021 17

6th October, 2021
President launches probe into school ownership conflict
between Catholic and Anglican Churches

We want to give the officials a chance The meeting that was chaired by the
to reform. If they fail, they will be Archbishop of Gulu, the Most Reverend
prosecuted. They must provide John Baptist Odama was attended
information. It is a big shame for by over 10 serving Bishops of the 2
denominations. Among them was the
all those in public offices who have
Church of Uganda Bishop of Northern
compelled religious leaders to lament.
Uganda Diocese, the Right Rev. Johnson
Accounting officers in Government
Gakumba. Others in attendance were
and civil servants in the Ministry
the Chief Administrative Officers and
of Education have been implicated.
the District Education Officers.
How can head teachers and DEOs
decide on who is to be in-charge of The Head of the Anti- Corruption Unit
the schools? They came in to serve,” of State House, Col. Edith Nakalema
is leading the probe under the
Col. Edith Nakalema
instructions of President Museveni.
GULU: “We want to give the off icials a
chance to reform. If they fail, they will
President Yoweri Museveni launched
be prosecuted. They must provide
a probe into the ownership and
information. It is a big shame for
management of schools between the
all those in public offices who have
Catholic and Anglican Churches in
compelled religious leaders to lament.
Acholi and Lango sub regions.
Accounting officers in Government
This follows wrangles between officials and civil servants in the Ministry of
of the 2 denominations that emerged Education have been implicated. How
between 2006 and 2017. The dispute can head teachers and DEOs decide on
relates to the founding bodies of the who is to be in-charge of the schools?
schools, each claiming ownership of They came in to serve,” she said, adding
over 100 Primary and Secondary schools that civil servants have failed in their
in Acholi and Lango sub-regions. roles.
A meeting was held at the Comboni Nakalema cited Akwang Primary School
Animation Centre, St. Joseph Cathedral where a family donated land to the
in Gulu District, following fears by Church of Uganda but the DEO decided
stakeholders that the conflicts would that it was a community school and
affect the re-opening of schools in blocked the Church.

18 The Presidency | October 2021

She urged civil servants to do their The Archbishop of Gulu Archdiocese,
work else face Court for negligence of the Most Reverend John Baptist
duty and revealed that DEOs or and Odama, thanked God for protecting
head teachers would be investigated. them. He saluted President Museveni
She assigned a team of CID Officers for supporting the meeting. He was
to remain in the area with instructions optimistic that it would promote
to conclusively conduct investigations peace and unity. He also thanked
into the matter. Col. Nakalema for her efforts towards
finding a lasting solution.
Col. Nakalema gave the heads of the
Education Departments a 5-week Rev. Charles Okello, the northern
ultimatum ending 16th November 2021, Uganda diocesan education co-
to show the status of all the schools ordinator said the issue of founding
being contested in the Acholi and bodies and management of schools
Lango sub regions. had caused a lot of tension which
has affected education. He said some
She called on the religious leaders
schools were changed during coding
to spearhead the drive to educate
while others were taken over during
the communities about the value of
the Northern Uganda conflict of the
education and urged them to strive
Lord’s Resistance Army.
towards solving the misunderstandings
amicably. The Lira District Education Officer
Ms. Frances Offungi attributed the
She assured them that Government
conflict to the misplacement of records
would ensure that the civil servants do
at the Lands offices in Lango sub
their work efficiently. She urged them
region during the insecurity that was
not to allow the politicians to mingle
orchestrated by the LRA.
in Church matters.

Col. Edith Nakalema posing for a photo with religious leaders from Acholi and Lango
sub-regions during the meeting

The Presidency | October 2021 19

6th October, 2021
President commends MTN on localisation, business promotion

Localisation is very important. It The Minister of State for ICT and National
removes nationalism in business Guidance Hon. Kabyanga Godfrey
where all people become partners,” as well as Uganda Communications
President Museveni Executive Director Ms. Irene Kagwa
attended the meeting.

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: MTN Uganda recently announced its

intention to proceed with an initial
The strategy by telecom giant MTN public offer (IPO) and subsequently list
Telecommunications Company of on the Uganda Securities Exchange
getting Ugandans involved as partners (USE).
in its activities has been described as
very important by President Yoweri According to the telecom, this follows
Museveni who said it allows Ugandans the requisite approval by the Capital
and Africans to be partners in all the Markets Authority and Uganda
activities of the company. Securities Exchange for MTN Group
to sell 20% of its shareholding in MTN
“Localisation is very important. It Uganda to the public. MTN Group owns
removes nationalism in business where 96% of MTN Uganda.
all people become partners,” he said
The listing is in line with the Group’s
President Museveni congratulated strategic priority to create shared value,
the leadership of MTN for the strategy partly through ensuring broad-based
including that of the expansion of ownership in its operating subsidiaries.
services to the rural areas as well as in It is also in line with the provisions
business promotion. of MTN Uganda’s NTO license, which
The President was meeting MTN Group require its listing by end of June 2022.
Officials led by the Chairperson of the The Chairperson of MTN, Mr. Mcebisi,
Board, Mr. Mcebisi Hubert Jonas, who informed President Yoweri Museveni
called on him at State House Entebbe. that they have made tremendous
Other members of the group included progress in the localisation strategy
the CEO of the company, Mr. Ralph that will see Ugandans acquire shares
Mupita, and the officials of MTN; Mr. as the company aims at ensuring that
Yolanda Cuba, Mr. Wim Van Helleputte MTN is owned by the people of Uganda.
and Mr. Charles Mbire.

20 The Presidency | October 2021

“The localisation process has started to
ensure that MTN is owned by Ugandans.
The overall new strategy is that as a
company, it is owned by Africans,” he
He further announced that key
positions are currently manned by
Ugandans including that of CEO MTN
in South Sudan.
The localisation process has
He also said that MTN is committed to
stay in Uganda and is set to invest US$
started to ensure that MTN
300 million in the next 3 years. is owned by Ugandans. The
overall new strategy is that
The Chairperson also promised to
as a company, it is owned
contribute vaccines against COVID-19
by Africans”, Mr. Mcebisi
pandemic as well as roll out services to
Hubert Jonas
the people in rural areas.

President Museveni poses for a photo with the MTN delegation and Ministry of ICT
officials after the meeting

The Presidency | October 2021 21

6th October, 2021
President Biden congratulates Uganda ahead of Independence

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Museveni thanked the

Ambassador for the message and also
President Yoweri Museveni received a
commended the Government of the
special message from the President of
United States for the contribution of
the United States of America, Joe Biden,
COVID-19 vaccines sent to Uganda.
congratulating him upon Uganda’s 59th
Independence anniversary celebrated The United States delivered 1,674,270
on 9th October, 2021. doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine
to Uganda on September 20. These
Uganda celebrated her 59th
ccombined with the September 6 delivery
Independence anniversary under
of 647,080 Moderna doses, the United
the theme “Celebrating our 59th
States has donated a total of 2,321,350
Independence Day as we secure our
COVID-19 vaccine doses to Uganda. This
future through national mindset change”.
tranche of 1,674,270 vaccines is part of the
The scientific celebration was held at
500 million Pfizer doses the United States
Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.
delivered to 92 countries worldwide,
The message was delivered to President including Uganda, to fulfill President
Museveni by the USA Ambassador to Joe Biden’s commitment to provide safe
Uganda H.E. Natalie Brown at State and effective vaccines around the world
House Entebbe. and supercharge the global fight against
The President and the US Ambassador the pandemic.
who was accompanied by the Deputy The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs,
Chief of Mission at the United States Hon. Henry Okello Oreym, and the
Embassy in Kampala, Mr. Christopher Permanent Secretary, Mr. Vincent
Krafft, also discussed bilateral and Waiswa Bagiire, among others attended
regional issues. the meeting.

President Museveni chats with US Ambassador, H.E. Natalie Brown and the Deputy Chief
of Mission, Mr. Mr. Christopher Krafft, at State House, Entebbe

22 The Presidency | October 2021

8th October, 2021
World leaders congratulate Uganda on 59th Independence Day

On the occasion of the Anniversary “We also value our long-standing

of the Independence of the Republic partnership in building Uganda’s health
of Uganda, I wish to convey sector, which is vital to efforts to end the
to Your Excellency my sincere COVID-19 pandemic. We look forward to
congratulations and my best wishes working together over the coming year
for your health and happiness to advance democracy, protect human
and the prosperity of the people rights, and promote peace, prosperity
of Uganda” King of Sweden, His and healthy communities,” President
Biden said.
Majesty Carl XVI Gustaf
The Russian President Vladimir Putin in
a message said the Russian-Ugandan
relations have traditionally been
World leaders congratulated President friendly and constructive.
Yoweri Museveni and the people of
“Please accept sincere congratulations
Uganda upon the 59th Independence
on the National Holiday of the Republic
Day that was celebrated on October
of Uganda – the Independence Day.
9, 2021.
The Russian-Ugandan relations
“On behalf of the American people, have traditionally been friendly and
I congratulate Uganda on the constructive. I am confident that they
occasion of the 59th anniversary of will further develop for the benefit
its independence on October 9. The of the peoples of our countries and
United states greatly appreciates the in the interests of strengthening the
generosity of Uganda and its people, regional stability and security on the
as demonstrated most recently by African continent. I wish you a sound
Uganda welcoming of Afghan guests, health and further success. Peace and
for temporary relocation, on their way prosperity be with all the Ugandan
to their new homes,” President Joseph citizens,” President Putin said.
R. Biden, said in a message to President
The King of the Kingdom of Saudi
Arabia, Custodian of the Two Holy
He thanked Uganda for its leadership Mosques, Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al-
in promoting regional security, its Saud, in his message to President
contributions to the United Nations Museveni wished steady progress
peacekeeping, and its cooperation in and prosperity to the government and
countering terrorism. brotherly people of the Republic of

The Presidency | October 2021 23

“It gives us pleasure, on the occasion and health as we continue our efforts
of your country’s Independence, to to overcome the crisis,” Kind Willem-
convey to Your Excellency our sincere Alexander R. said.
congratulations and best wishes for
The President of the Republic of India,
the health and happiness, and we wish
His Excellency Ram Nath Kovind, said
steady progress and prosperity to the
India and Uganda enjoy traditionally
government and the brotherly people of
close and cordial ties, which have
the Republic of Uganda. Please accept,
grown from strength to strength over
Your Excellency, our best wishes and
the years. He said he is confident that
regards,” he said.
mutually focused partnership between
The Crown Prince, Deputy Prime the two countries will continue to grow
Minister/Minister of Defence, under Museveni’s leadership.
Muhammad Bin Salman Bin Abdul Aziz
“On behalf of the government and the
Al-Saud, wished the people of Uganda
people of India, and on my own behalf,
progress and prosperity.
it gives me immense pleasure to convey
“I am pleased, on the occasion of your warm greetings and felicitations to Your
county’s independence, to express to Excellency, the government and the
Your Excellency best congratulations people of Uganda on the occasion of
and honest wishes for your health and your Independence Day. My best wishes
happiness, and I wish further progress for your personal health and well-being,
and prosperity for the government and and for the continued progress and
the brotherly people of the Republic of prosperity of the people of Uganda,”
Uganda,” he said. he said.
The King of the Netherlands, His The President of the Republic of
Majesty King Willem-Alexander R., Cuba, Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermúdez,
in a message to President Museveni congratulated President Museveni on
wished the best for the well-being of the occasion of the 59th Independence
the people of Uganda. Day.
“On the occasion of your National “President, on the occasion of the
Day I extend to Your Excellency my 59th anniversary of the proclamation
congratulations and my best wishes for of the Independence of the Republic
the well-being of the people of Uganda. of Uganda, I extend my cordial
congratulations,” he said in a message.
As we mark this occasion, I must
at the same time acknowledge the The President of the United Arab
unprecedented challenge that the Emirates, Khalifa Bin Zayed Al Nahyan,
ongoing COVID-19 pandemic presents in his message wished President
to us all. I wish you, your government Museveni and the people of Uganda
and your people strength, courage progress and prosperity.

24 The Presidency | October 2021

“It is my pleasure and honour to express brotherhood and distinguished
to Your Excellency the most sincere relations of cooperation that bind
congratulations and best wishes on our two countries, assuring you of my
the occasion of commemorating the keenness to strengthen and upgrade
Independence of the Republic of them for the benefit and interest of our
Uganda, and to Your Excellency good two friendly peoples.”
health and happiness, and to the
The President of the Republic of Italy
government and friendly people of the
Sergio Mattarella said the recurrence
Republic of Uganda further progress
of the National Day celebration offers
and prosperity,” he said.
him the delightful opportunity to bring
The Vice President of the United Arab sincere wishes for the prosperous future
Emirates and Prime Minister, Ruler of the people of Uganda.
of Dubai Mohamed Bin Rashid Al
“Our countries are bound by historical
Maktoum, wished Ugandans progress
ties of friendship and fruitful dialogue
and prosperity.
on issues of common interest, starting
“It is my pleasure and honour to express with the stabilisation of the horn of
to Your Excellency the most sincere Africa and the region of the Great
congratulations and best wishes on Lakes. In sharing together with the
the occasion of commemorating the rest of the international community,
Independence of the Republic of long term and shared responses to the
Uganda,” he said in a message. great global challenges of our time,
Kampala and Rome will find new ways
The Chairman of the Transitional
for deepening and strengthening our
Sovereignty Council of the Republic of
collaborative ties,” he said.
Sudan, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah
Al Burhan Abdel Rahman, wished the The King of Sweden, His Majesty Carl
President and the people of Uganda XVI Gustaf congratulated President
progress and development. Yoweri Museveni and the people of
Uganda on this day.
“I am honored, as your country
celebrates its Independence Day, to “On the occasion of the Anniversary
convey to you, on behalf of myself of the Independence of the Republic
and the Sudanese people, my sincere of Uganda, I wish to convey to Your
congratulations and best wishes for Excellency my sincere congratulations
further progress and development to and my best wishes for your health
your friendly people and to you with and happiness and the prosperity of
good health and happiness,” he said the people of Uganda,” he said in a
in a message to the President, adding, message from the Royal Palace of
“I also take this opportunity to express
my appreciation for the sincere The President of the Republic of

The Presidency | October 2021 25

Nicaragua, H.E. Commander Daniel I am also confident that cooperation
Ortega Saavendra, and the Vice between our two countries can
President of Nicaragua, H.E. Rosario also be further strengthened at
Murillo, in their message congratulated multilateral level through our common
the President, the brave people of membership in the United Nations and
Uganda and to the government of the Commonwealth. We also look forward
Republic of Uganda on their day. to cooperating through the EU-Africa
dialogue to open new avenues of
Allow us to express on behalf of
cooperation between our countries
the people and government of
and regions,” he said, adding, “Above
Reconciliation and National Unity
all, more than one year after the spread
of the Republic of Nicaragua and
of the COVID-19 virus, we are still in
on our behalf, our most sincere
the fight against the pandemic which
congratulations,” they said.
spared no country. It is crucial that
“In celebration of your National the entire international community
Day, this reaffirms the right of the continues to work together to combat
Ugandan people to chart their own this sad reality and join forces for an
destiny in freedom, sovereignty and effective post-pandemic recovery.”
self – determination to continue
The President of the Islamic Republic
strengthening the historical bonds of
of Iran, H.E. Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi,
brotherhood, solidarity and mutual
expressed his sincere congratulations
cooperation that unite us. From our
to President Museveni and the
Nicaragua, always blessed and always
people of Uganda on the occasion of
free, receive our fraternal embrace,
Independence Day.
as well as the love and affection of
all Nicaraguan families for the noble “I hope that, with regard to the available
people of Uganda,” they said in a potentials and based on the political
message. will of the two sides, we will witness
the expansion and strengthening
The President of Malta George Vella
of mutual cooperation in all areas of
said the people of the Republic of Malta
mutual interest for the good of the two
join him in conveying sincere greetings
nations. I wish for your personal health
to President Museveni and the people
and success and for the prosperity of
of Uganda.
the people of the Republic of Uganda,”
“I am certain that the cordial relations he said.
that exist between our two countries
will be further strengthened for the
benefit of our two peoples, especially
since the launch of Malta’s Africa
Strategy (2020-2025) early last year.

26 The Presidency | October 2021

Their Excellences the Captains “In these challenging times, we are
Regent of the Republic of San Marino, once again reminded of each country’s
Francesco Mussoni and Giacomo essential contribution to our global
Simoncini extended their heartfelt wellbeing. As we work together to
congratulations to the President and overcome the COVID-19 pandemic,
the people of Uganda. we must use the recovery to build
more resilient, sustainable and just
“On this auspicious occasion, I would like
societies. We must also take bold action
to convey, on behalf of the government
to address the climate emergency and
of San Marino and in my name, the
advance efforts to achieve sustainable
most sincere wishes of prosperity
Development Goals,” Guterres said,
and success, confirming the essence
adding, “On this Independence Day,
of sincere friendship between the
I count on the Republic of Uganda to
Republic of Uganda and San Marino,”
help strengthen the United Nations
they said in a message.
and build a better and more peaceful
The Secretary-General of the United world for all.”
Nations Antonio Guterrres, extended
Uganda celebrated its 59th
to the people of Uganda his warmest
Independence anniversary at a scientific
congratulations on the occasion of their
ceremony at Kololo Independence
Independence Day.
Grounds on October 9, 2021.

The Presidency | October 2021 27

9th October, 2021
Speech by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President of the Republic of
Uganda, at the 59th Independence Anniversary Celebrations at Kololo
Ceremonial Grounds

Countrymen and Countrywomen, In the former, we managed a growth

rate of 3.4% and in the current one, it is
Today, the 9th of October, 2021, is the
estimated that we shall achieve a rate
59thIndependence day anniversary of
of growth of 3.8%, the Covid19-related
Uganda. In these past two years -2020
shutdowns notwithstanding. By end of
and 2021- the new Uganda, has shown
June, 2022, our GDP will be standing
that it can stand on its feet and defeat
at USD 40.43BN by foreign exchange
any challenge.
method and at USD 117.3BN by the
In these two years, as many of you know, PPP method. All this without including
we dealt successfully with problems of: the contributions of the first oil to be
Locusts’ invasion; the rising levels of pumped out of the ground. First oil
the waters of the Lakes (the floods); to be pumped out of the ground, will
the landslides; the floating islands be achieved by 2025, because all the
that were threatening hydro dams; agreements have been signed.
and the Corona pandemic ─ where we
All these achievements, are in spite of
minimised the deaths, recording a total
the corruption of some public officials,
of 3,150 deaths (as of 5th October, 2021),
including some of the political actors. I
hitherto, in spite of the onslaught of the
congratulate the whistleblowers who,
terrible disease, for now one year and
patriotically, expose these criminals,
seven months.
parasites and traitors to their own
All those challenges notwithstanding people. I, therefore, congratulate the
and in spite of the indiscipline of people of Uganda, the people of Africa
some actors, we successfully held the (our brothers and sisters) and our
2021 General Elections for President, partners in the World, because these
Parliament and Local Governments, on achievements are not by our efforts
time. Additionally, even our economy alone. Our African brothers and sisters
managed some growth in both the and our partners in the World, who
f inancial years 2020-2021 and the buy our products (goods and services),
present financial year of 2021-2022. contribute to this success.

28 The Presidency | October 2021

However, we could have achieved more On account of some unclear reasons,
if it was not for the parasites that want this empire collapsed around 1400 AD
to harvest where they have not sown and the smaller kingdoms that we
(baalya byengedde). When you reflect know, succeeded this united political
deeply on the history of this part of the unit and came with the endless wars
World, you notice the phenomenon of (entaro), raids for cattle (kunyaga) etc.,
the two actors: the producers of wealth fomented by these small kingdoms
(goods and services) and the parasites and their myopic managers; the wealth
– those who want to eat and even creators, were disturbed by these
prosper, without working. Between 800 activities.
AD and 1400 AD, what is now Uganda
God always mercifully helps Africa.
and the surrounding areas of Africa,
Having lost the hieroglyphic writing
experienced stability and progress
of ancient Egypt, our ancestors in the
under the dynasty of the Bachwezi. That
Great Lakes, depended on oral history.
is why the Wanainchi transformed the
However, some natural phenomena
known Bachwezi into Lubaales (small
help us to date events that would,
gods). These are: Mukasa (Mugasha),
otherwise, have been diff icult to
Wamala, Mugyenyi, Ndahura, Kagoro,
determine. Such a phenomenon, by
Isimbwa, Kyomya etc.
divine command, was the eclipse of the
The area was united politically: Buganda, sun (Obwiira - Kabiri) that occurred on
Bunyoro, Ankole, Tooro, Bukiri (Lango), the 17th of April, 1520 AD at Biharwe, Mile
Gani (Acholi),Busoga, as well as the 9 from Mbarara, on Masaka road. When
surrounding areas that were put in the the eclipse occurred, the Munyoro King,
other sister African States by the colonial Olimi, Rwiitamahaanga, as well as his
borders. During this time, the Wealth Army, fled in terror and abandoned the
creators – Cattle-keepers (Abariisa), large herds of cattle he had raided from
crop-famers (Abahiingyi), blacksmiths Rwanda. The Banyankore took these
(Abaheesi), Bark-cloth makers cattle and are known as: “Empeenda
(Abakomagyi), Carpenters (Ababaizi), ya Munoni” (whose translation is not
Clay-workers (Abanogoozi), Bow and clear to me) or Endugahaiguru (easier
Arrow makers (Abatanagyi),Lake and to translate because it means – gift of
water specialists (Abariimbi),Healers heaven). The ruler of Ankole that time
(Abafumu), Surgeons (Abagyeengyi), was Nyabugaro, who was No.4 in the
Fore-tellers or prophets (Abaraguzi), post – Bachwezi dynasty. The ruler in
Funeral service providers (Abahitsi), Buganda was Nakibinge, who was, later
Fishermen (Abajubi) etc., could operate on, killed by the same Olimi, Rwiita-
peacefully, it seems. Mahaanga (translated as destroyer of

The Presidency | October 2021 29

This is just one example of how these These were the actors guarding our
post-Bachwezi rulers were disturbing destiny at that time. On page 18, Lugard
the peace of the wealth creators. writes about more tragicomedy. He
writes as follows:
The Capitals of the Bachwezi that
are known are: Ntutsi and Bigo bya “Next morning, early, I found the whole
Mugyenyi – both in Ssembabule district country under arms for war. Masses
and the archeological items from there of armed men were pouring in every
have been dated by Prof. Sutton as direction and preparing for battle, being
having been used between 900 AD to drawn up on opposite hills, the French
1350 AD. Party (as the Catholics are always
called), having, I think, the French Flag.”
“Whatever a man sows, that is what
he reaps,” the Bible says. The small On page 32, it is written as follows:
kingdoms could not survive when
“The next day, Sunday, February 24th,
the imperialists arrived. Even in the
while Captain Lugard was reading a
colonial times, tribalism encouraged
letter, war drums rang out from the
by the small kingdoms, continued, now
Catholic camp. The two parties were
reinforced by the new divisions “on
arranged for battle!!’’
behalf of God,” fomented by the newly
introduced religions of Catholicism, On page 41, the booklet writes as
Protestantism and Muhammadanism. follows:

It is a tragicomedy, to read what Capt. “As in his negotiations with the Catholic
Lugard wrote about events here in Party, so in those now going on with
Uganda in the 1890s. In a booklet the Mohammedans, Capt. Lugard was
entitled: “British East Africa” on Page much annoyed and obstructed by the
13, Lugard writes as follows: grasping selfishness of the Protestants,
who, while anxious enough for peace
“A warm discussion arose on many
to be concluded, wished to retain
points, but I waived discussion till the
everything for themselves.”
reading was done. Then the chiefs were
for signing, but the king held back and These events were taking place around
giggled and fooled; he demanded time. 1890. The other party being referred
I replied by rapping the table, and, to, are the Protestant Party known
speaking loudly, said he must sign now.” as Ingleza (the English). These new
“On December 26th Mwanga signed religions, starting with Islam, had
the document.’’ started coming to this area since the
Here, Lugard was talking about how he
forced Mwanga to sign some documents
giving away Africa’s sovereignty.

30 The Presidency | October 2021

The Christians, only had started There was rinderpest in 1893 where a lot
arriving in 1877 (Protestants) and 1879 of cattle died in the Ankole-Kigyezi area
(Catholics). By this time, Muteesa1 was and may be in other parts of the World.
still alive and, indeed, he at one time, My great grandfather, Kashaanku,
wondered whether the Protestants and managed to save 7 cows, on account
the Catholics, worshipped the same of their strong immunity.
God. The quarrels between Bishop
By the time he died around 1915, those
Tucker and Father Lourdel amused
cattle had multiplied. My grandfathers,
Muteesa. In the Book by Bishop Tucker
who were never in the Government,
entitled: “Eighteen years in Uganda,
continued to multiply those cattle.
East Africa”, on page 9, he writes as
Our fathers, who were never in the
Government, continued to multiply
“We were not interrupted by them, those cattle. I have continued to
however, until prayers were over and I multiply these cattle along with my
began to read the scripture. I had read children, many of whom are not in the
only the first verse when Muteesa, in Government. It is us (the crop-farmers,
his usual abrupt style, called to a coast the cattle-keepers, the fishermen, the
man present to ask the Frenchmen if manufacturers, the service providers,
they don’t believe in Jesus Christ, why the artisans etc.), that feed the country
they don’t kneel down with us when and provide the other goods needed,
we worship him every Sabbath. Don’t that earn foreign exchange for the
they worship Jesus Christ?” country, that create jobs, that pay taxes
etc. The attitudes of the wealth creators
It is so sad to see brothers and sisters
are, actually, captured in the four NRM
agreeing to be torn apart by external
Principles: Patriotism, Pan-Africanism,
influences in such a manner and after
Social-economic transformation and
such a short time as to act against their
Democracy. Genuine wealth creators,
own interests such as peace, wealth
cannot believe in sectarianism because
creation etc.
their economic activities will have
All these interfere with the Wealth exposed them to the importance of the
creators. It is, therefore, very important market of a united Uganda. They soon
for the NRM to continue to crystalize this also understand the importance of the
focus on the Wealth creators- farmers, wider African market –in other words,
industrialists, crucial service providers the importance of Pan-Africanism.
(e.g. medical) and ICT. Those who seek
Here, in Kampala, I have two testimonies
power and influence -Kings, Priests
─ that of James Mulwana and that of
and Politicians etc. should have the
Burahimu Kibirige-both the late. Neither
sensitivity to ensure that their activities
of them was in politics.
should never interfere with the work of
the Wealth creators.
The Presidency | October 2021 31
However, Mulwana was always (cura, aimar, otita) proper enterprise
fundraising for the NRM because he selection. They all must join the ranks
understood well that it is only that force, of wealth-creators. It will improve our
that could guarantee peace in Uganda politics, incomes for homesteads,
and render her safe for business. It also purchasing power for buying products
had private-sector friendly policies, of goods or services produced by our
like the ban we imposed on the factories, create a wider tax base,
export of used batteries, which was creating more jobs for the youth and
what Mulwana asked me to do for his being able to support the places of
company, so that he gets batteries to Worship and political actors of our
recycle. choice.

One time, I had gone to Hotel Africana In conclusion, I seem to detect a

for a meeting. BurahimuKibirige was linkage between Wealth-creation with
worried. When I inquired from him Patriotism and Pan-Africanism and
what the problem was, he told me. idleness with Parasitism, working for
The problem was, that the Basongora foreign interests and anarchism.
herdsmen in Kasese, had poisoned and
Mao Tse Tung, had detected something
killed lions in Queen Elizabeth National
similar in China; that is why he talked
Park in revenge for Lions eating their
of the unity of the 4 social-classes,
Cattle. Kibirige was worried that,
including the national bourgeoisie and
that act, would damage tourism. As
isolating the comprador bourgeoisie
you know, he built a hotel in Moroto,
(those whose economic interests were
Karamoja. His concerns were national
in service of foreign interests). I think the
and his investments were national
four positive classes in Maotse Tung’s
and, I hear, even Pan-Africanist. He
strategy were: the National bourgeoisie,
understood the usefulness of Uganda
the Workers (the Proletariat), the
and Africa.
Peasants and the Patriotic petty
As we go on, the difference between bourgeoisie (teachers, health workers
Wealth creators and parasites will etc.). The Feudalists and the Comprador
become clearer. The ranks of the bourgeoisie, were the parasitic group.
Wealth-creators are going to be swelled
The wealth creators support peace
by the Parish Development Model and
because they do not want their
the Emyooga programmes. These plans
economic activities to be disturbed
are aimed at converting the remaining
and when they decide to fight, it is for
39%of the homesteads from okukolera
a big reason- like when we decided
ekidda kyonka (subsistence farming), to
to fight Idi Amin- because he had no
commercial farming and other money
capacity to understand Patriotism or
generating enterprises, with ekibaro
Pan-Africanism which are crucial for

32 The Presidency | October 2021

our survival and prosperity. In 1970, I I congratulate the OWC for, in the last
decided to work with the UPC, although 8 years, helping us to reduce abakolera
we did not fully agree on all issues. ekidda kyoonka (subsistence actors)
However, with UPC, there was some from 68%of the households to 39%,
possibility to push for some wealth according to the latest UBOS survey. Let
creation efforts, e.g. restructuring the us use the Parish Development Model
ranches and also some Pan-Africanist or the Emyoga programme to convert
efforts - e.g. the East African Federation. all these into operators in the money
To consolidate peace durably, expand economy with ekibaro. The USA, which
and strengthen the ranks of wealth is a new country, only born long after
creators. Right from the beginning, our own fratricidal actors of 1520 AD in
the NRM emphasized the point of the persons of Olimi Rwiita Mahaanga,
“Protecting life and property.’’ It was Nyabugaro and Nakibinge, is now a
actually point No2. in the 10 points super power. Why? Partly, for the very
programme. Principle No. 3 in the four reasons I have been telling you in this
principles of the NRM, is socioeconomic speech: respecting the wealth creators,
transformation. You cannot transform creating a big market for them through
society, without wealth creation. The integrating the former British Colonies
NRM returned the properties of the into the nucleus of the USA in 1776,
Indians because the country was using ensuring peace etc. The NRM believes
the entrepreneurship of these Indians in reconciliation always. However,
to contribute to the transformation of reconciliation must be around healthy
our society. principles that can create growth and
transformation, not stagnation and
Let everybody embrace wealth creation
sterility. Let us not repeat old mistakes.
and the principles and strategies that
Africa has suffered enough. The future
support it (Patriotism, Pan-Africanism,
is bright if we act right.
Social - economic transformation
and Democracy) and avoid idleness, I congratulate everybody and wish you
dependency and parasitism. a prosperous 60th year of Uganda’s

I thank all of you.

The Presidency | October 2021 33

10th October, 2021
President commissions UPDF’s infantry vehicle ‘Chui’

I am happy that you are towing goes back to Europe through the
this line. Uganda spends over $550 importation of vehicles. This must stop,”
million each year on importing he said.
vehicles from Japan and Europe. The ceremony was held at State
All the money we get from selling House Entebbe where the vehicle
coffee, which is about $500 million, was unveiled and was attended by
goes back to Europe through the the Commander Land Forces, Lt. Gen.
importation of vehicles. This must Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
stop,” President Museveni
UPDF Motorised Infantry (MOI) is a
specialised Brigade under Land
Forces, with infantry fighting vehicles
President Yoweri Museveni (IFVs) as its basic equipment. It forms
commissioned the latest infantry an important element of the army
fighting vehicle code named Chui, in combined arms and an essential
designed and manufactured in Uganda assaulting power of the UPDF.
by the UPDF.
In joint operations, motorised infantry
“I am happy that you are towing this supports infantry but it can also operate
line. Uganda spends over $550 million independently. Motorised infantry‘s
each year on importing vehicles from role is to provide its technical and
Japan and Europe. combat capabilities of its equipment
All the money we get from selling to deliver fire power, shock action,
coffee, which is about $500 million, armour protection, mobility and
manoeuvrability during combat.
The Brigade is headquartered
in Nakasongola District, 120
km north of Kampala city, on
Kampala – Gulu highway.

Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba

salutes President Museveni
who is also Commander-
in-Chief of UPDF ahead of
commissioning of Chui

34 The Presidency | October 2021

13th October, 2021
President commends UJCC for uniting followers

I am very happy that you have come The President was meeting members
together. You must correct the old of the Joint Christian Council led by the
mistakes whose origin was from Co-Chairperson and Executive Secretary
Europe - the 30 years’ war. You have of the Council Rt. Rev. Archmandrite
really followed the foot path of Jesus, Constantine Mbonabingi who paid a
of love your neighbour as you love courtesy call on him at State Lodge,
yourself” President Museveni Nakasero.
Other members of the delegation
STATE LODGE, NAKASERO: President included the Archbishop of Church
Yoweri Museveni commended members of Uganda, His Grace the Most Rev.
of the Uganda Joint Christian Council Dr. Samuel Stephen Kaziimba Mugalu
(UJCC) for uniting as well as nurturing among others.
their followers not only spiritually but
President Museveni thanked them for
also empowering them economically.
involving young people in the work of
“I am very happy that you have come God and also taking care of the welfare
together. You must correct the old of the followers.
mistakes whose origin was from Europe
The Archbishop of Church of Uganda
- the 30 years’ war. You have really
His Grace the Most Rev. Steven Mugalu
followed the foot path of Jesus, of love
appreciated President Museveni for his
your neighbour as you love yourself,”
support to the council.
he said.

President Museveni for a photo with members of Uganda Joint Christian Council at State
Lodge, Nakasero
14th October, 2021
President closes cabinet retreat

KOLOLO CEREMONIAL GROUNDS: of things that are based on scientific

analysis. We don’t want to gamble with
President Yoweri Museveni has strict
people’s lives,” he said
guidelines for members of Cabinet
to follow and implement that will The first guideline is to zero tolerance
expeditiously steer the nation into a to corruption by neither asking nor
middle income country. accepting any bribe from anybody or
even a favor especially from investors.
“After the Corona, I want our economy
to grow very fast to 7 or 8 %, converting The President implored political leaders
Uganda to a middle income country,” as well as Members of Parliament
he said. especially those on committees and
civil servants to shun the vice.
The President who was flanked by the
First Lady and Minister of Education “This culture must stop. It will kill the
and Sports, Janet Kataaha Museveni, future of our country and scare away
was closing a 2-day cabinet retreat investors. If you don’t stop this will slow
held at Kololo ceremonial grounds in down the growth of our economy,” he
Kampala. noted.

The induction retreat was organised by President Museveni advised them to

the new Secretary to Cabinet and Head immediately report to the IGG in case
of Public Service, Mrs. Lucy Nakyobe anybody approaches them with an
Mbonye. inducement as a favor or bribe.

A two minutes silence was observed for He told the retreat that on coming
the two freedom fighters that passed out from the bush many people from
away today, one of them, a mother his home area wanted to give him
to Major General Samuel Waswa of 2,000 heads of cattle in appreciation
Bukomero. for liberating the country. He said he
refused the offer and sent the animals
The President reiterated his call to
to the government farm in Ngoma that
all the people of Uganda to continue
are now donated to the poor.
adhering to his guidelines and those of
the Ministry of Health on how to fight On the issue of justice, the President
COVID-19 as signs now show that the pointed out murder and village theft
methods adopted are working. that can affect the growth of the
economy and asked judiciary to address
“I want to clarify that when we are
that issue firmly.
talking to the public, we are talking
“The Judicial system must come up On civil service, President Museveni
and side with the people,” he stressed. noted that if the service was serious,
it would help the country to stabilise.
On the Parish Development Model
He asked the civil service to guide
President Museveni strongly urged
cultural and religious leaders who at
Ministers to implement the programme
times act outside the constitution. He
as all citizens will be converted into the
urged the civil service to ensure that
money economy and it will be a turning
the constitution is followed.
point for the better.
President Museveni assured the
The President noted that once the
nation of security adding that nobody
Parish Development Model takes root,
will disturb the peace of Uganda
markets will be needed for the products
unconstitutionally. He said those who
and this will urgently call for regional
will try are only wasting their time.
integration. He urged members of the
committee concerned to ensure the President Museveni told Cabinet of the
fast tracking of the programme. need to lower electricity tariffs to US$
cents 5 that will attract many investors
On tax collection, Mr. Museveni noted
who are very willing to come and open
that a lot of mistakes have been made
up factories in Uganda. He disclosed
citing borrowing from foreign countries,
that during his recent visit to United
adding that if the tax collection is at
Arab Emirates many potential investors
20% , no borrowing would be required.
expressed their interest to come and
“Out of the Shs. 45 trillion revenue do business in Uganda.
collected, much of it, the 16 trillion is
He said with these guidelines the
for paying off debts and the problem
economy of Uganda will gallop. Once
with borrowed money is the interest
it gallops we shall then handle the
that accrues. If we collect 20%, there
issue of jobs and the market in Uganda,
will be no need to borrow. We should
regionally and internationally.
minimise borrowing,” he said.

The Presidency | October 2021 37

18th October, 2021
President Museveni meets Pope Theodoros II

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: Archmandritellunga Musunganyi Chariton

the `patriarchal Vicar Diocese of Goma in
President Yoweri Museveni and the First
the DRC.
Lady and Minister of Education and Sports,
Janet Kataaha Museveni, received the Pope Others were Rev. Fr. Emmanuel Mbalire
and Patriarch of Alexandria and All Africa, His a priest from Athens Greece, Rev. Fr. Paul
Beatitude Theodoros II, who paid a courtesy Mutaasa Vicar Metropolis of Kampala and
call on him at State House Entebbe. Hon. Theodore Ssekikubo the Chairperson
Development Commission of Orthodox
The visiting Beatitude is in the country to
condole with the people of Uganda and the
followers of the Orthodox Church in particular The Beatitude Theodoros II told President
upon the death of the late Archbishop Yona Museveni the history of the Orthodox Church
Lwanga and to commemorate 40 days after whose followers are estimated to be over
Lwanga’s death on September 5 in Athens, 350 million worldwide.
The Orthodox Pope who has been to Uganda
His Beatitude was accompanied by a 6 times expressed his love for the country,
delegation of Bishops who included pointing out that the mission of Orthodox
His Eminence Metropolitan Markarios, in Africa starts in Uganda.
the Archbishop of Nairobi in Kenya, His
“One great person who inspired us was
Eminence Innocientios Byakatonda the
our first Bishop Obadia who was the
Archbishop of Burundi and Rwanda, His
grandfather of the late Metropolitan Yona
Grace Neophitos Kongai the Bishop of Nyeri
Lwanga. Uganda is considered the mother
and Mt. Kenya, His Grace Silvestros Kisitu
of Orthodox Mission in Africa and we are
the Bishop of Gulu and Eastern Uganda and
lucky to have a good President who loves
us and protects us,” he said.
He pledged to send through the
Uganda Embassy in Rome 2,000
Covid-19 vaccines and continue
to mobilise more vaccines for
President Museveni thanked
the cleric for coming to
commemorate the death
of Metropolitan Yona with
the people of Uganda and
commended His Beatitude
Theodoros the 2nd for the
President Museveni and First Lady pose for a vaccines.
photo with Pope Theodoros and his delegation at
State House, Entebbe

38 The Presidency | October 2021

19th October, 2021
Pope Francis congratulates Uganda on its Independence Month

upon the country the abundant blessings

I send cordial greetings and good of the Almighty God,” he said.
wishes to Your Excellency and your
The Amir of the State of Qatar Tamim Bin
fellow citizens on the occasion of Hamad Al-Thani said the people of Qatar
Uganda’s Independence Day. With join him in extending to the President and
my prayers that all in the Republic the people of Uganda, on the anniversary
will be sustained in unity and of the country’s Independence Day, their
peace, I invoke upon the country the cordial greetings and felicitations.

abundant blessings of the Almighty “Coupled with our best wishes for Your
God,” Pope Francis Excellency’s good health and well-being
and further development and progress for
the people as well as more enhancement
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: of the friendly relations between our two
World leaders have continued to send in countries,” he said.
their congratulations to President Yoweri H.E Armen Sarkissian, President of the
Museveni and the people of Uganda upon Republic of Armenia congratulated
their Independence Day celebrations, this Ugandans on their day and said he was
month. hopeful that through joint efforts, the
The latest messages to President are from relations between the two countries will
His Holiness Pope Francis, H.E Sheik Tamim develop and strengthen for the benefit of
Bin Hamad Al-Thani, the Amir of the State the two peoples.
of Qatar, H.E Abdullah Bin Hamad Al-Thani, “I wish you good health and success, as well
the Deputy Amir of the State of Qatar, as peace and prosperity for the people of
H.E Pravind Kumar Jugnauth, the Prime Uganda,” he said.
Minister of the Republic of Mauritius and
H.E Paul Biya, the President of the Republic The President of Georgia, Mrs. Salome
of Cameroon. Zourabichvilli congratulated President
Yoweri Museveni and Ugandans on the
Others include Mrs. Salome Zourabichvilli the Independence Day and confirmed her
President of Georgia, H.E Armen Sarkissian, readiness to support the development and
President of the Republic of Armenia and deepening of relations between the two
H.E Mr. Volodymyer Zelensky President of countries.
“Mr. President, please accept the assurances
Pope Francis invoked upon the country the of my high consideration along with the
abundant blessings of Almighty God. wishes for peace, health and prosperity to
“I send cordial greetings and good wishes the friendly people of Uganda,” she said.
to Your Excellency and your fellow citizens The Prime Minister of the Republic of
on the occasion of Uganda’s Independence Mauritius, H.E Pravind Kumar Jugnauth
Day. With my prayers that all in the Republic congratulated President Museveni and the
will be sustained in unity and peace, I invoke people of Uganda on their day.

The Presidency | October 2021 39

“Mauritius and Uganda share cordial relations. We look forward to strengthening further
these bonds and working closely with you on issues of common interest in the years
ahead,” he said.
Other world leaders to congratulate President Museveni and the people of Uganda
on their Independence day include, H.E Khurelsukh Ukhaa, President of Mongolia, H.E
Moon Jae-In, President of the Republic of Korea, H.E Dr. Arif Alvi, President of the Islamic
Republic of Pakistan, H.E Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal, H.E Gotabaya
Rajapaksa, President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, His Majesty Sultan
Haitham Bin Tarik, Sultan of Oman, H.E Wavel Ramkalawan, President of the Republic of
Seychelles, H.E Mr. Aleksandr Lukashenko President of Belarus, H.E Emmerson Dambudzo
Mnangagwa President of the Republic of Zimbabwe, H.E Nicolas Maduro Mors President
of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, H.E Md. Abdul Hamid President of the Peoples
Republic of Bangladesh and H.E Sheik Hasina, Prime Minister of the Government of the
Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, H.E Sheik Nawaf Al Ahmed Al Jaber, the Amir of the State
of Kuwait, H.E Meshal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al Sabah the Deputy Amir and Crown Prince,
H.H Sheik Sabah Khaled Al Hamad Al Sabah the Prime Minister of the State of Kuwait,
H.E Mr. Aleksandar Vućić president of the Republic of Serbia, H.E Mr. Kaïed President of
the Republic of Tunisia, H.E Paula-Mae Weekes, President and Commander-in-chief of
the Armed Forces of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, His Majesty King Abdullah II
Ibn Hussein the King of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and H.E. Rodrigo R. Duterte
the President of the Republic of Philippines.

Coupled with our best wishes for Your

Excellency’s good health and well-being and
further development and progress for the people
as well as more enhancement of the friendly
relations between our two countries

H.E. Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, Amir of the State of Qatar

40 The Presidency | October 2021

20th October, 2021
President Museveni meets outgoing UN Women Country
Representative in Uganda

for Eastern and Southern Africa Regional Office

You know the NRM line is organic Nairobi, Kenya, with effect from 1 September 2021.
structural change of society with President Museveni singled out the issue
emphasis on the substantive. What is of teenage pregnancy which he said can’t
be defeated by legislation alone but through
important is basic education for all
organised changes in society.
which benefits girls more and if they
“In the Banyankore culture, if a girl menstruates
can do business and have an income. two times, she is deemed to be a woman and is
Other interventions to lighten the married off. You can’t tell them otherwise and
burden like access to clean water, you can’t defeat this by legislation. It has to be a
multi-facetted approach starting with education
energy instead of firewood, milling and income generation. If women have no access
technology and food processing; all to land, help them through none agriculture
these emancipate women from the lines including access to SACCOs, training in
skills like knitting, bakery and computer-based
backbreaking drudgery. Our line is programmes,” he said.
a multi-facetted approach, starting Dr. Houinato who is based in Nairobi and
with education and business,” overseeing 28 countries in the region particularly
President Museveni praised the government for the achievements of
women projects in Uganda that include among
others; entrepreneurship as well as those related to
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: violence against women and helping the victims.
President Yoweri Museveni said that while his He commended the firm stand the NRM
government has been symbolically appointing government has taken in the emancipation and
women in high offices, the NRM line is to organise empowerment of women in Uganda economically,
structural change in society by implementing socially and politically.
programs at the base including education and
The The Minister of Foreign Affairs Hon. Jeje
financial inclusion of girls and women which will
Odongo attended the meeting.
organically empower them to reach any level of
development that they desire.
“You know the NRM line is organic structural
change of society with emphasis on the
substantive. What is important is basic education
for all which benefits girls more and if they can do
business and have an income. Other interventions
to lighten the burden like access to clean water,
energy instead of firewood, milling technology
and food processing; all these emancipate women
from the backbreaking drudgery. Our line is a
multi-facetted approach, starting with education
and business,” he said.
The President was speaking during a meeting with
Dr. Maxime Houinato, the outgoing UN Women
Country Representative in Uganda since 2018. Dr. President Museveni bids farewell to Dr. Maxime
Houinato was appointed as the Regional Director Houinato at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | October 2021 41

22nd October, 2021
President Museveni meets Nordic envoys

“We are also developing our own Please tell your countries to sell us the
vaccine. The pandemic has shown reagents in the medium-term and cooperate
us the dangers of dependency. with us in making the vaccines”, he said.
Those with the reagents like beta- He urged the development partners to help
Propiolactone used for vaccines build a pathogenic economy for Uganda
and promote human health and financial
were reluctant to sell. When we went
deeper, we realised that we could
make it here from Ethanol. Please tell “Help us build a pathogenic economy. It is
both for health and money. In this way, the
your countries to sell us the reagents
economy will recover. The only problem will
in the medium term and cooperate be companies with debts owed to banks
with us in making the vaccines,” which are the most vulnerable,” he said.
President Museveni “There is some structural problem. How do
we support these companies? We may have
many companies going bankrupt. If there
are soft loans put in UDB, it will help them
President Yoweri Museveni called for a recover. Farmers are affected by schools and
stronger collaboration with partners in the hotels closing because nobody is buying
development of vaccines and said building their produce, but they will manage,” he said.
a strong pathogenic economy will not only
Responding to concerns by the development
promote human and animal health but will
partners that while the vaccines are coming
also make money and help the economy to
in, the vaccine uptake is slow, the President
recover post COVID-19.
said they aim at vaccinating 21 million people
The President was meeting envoys from by the end of December and pledged to
the Nordic countries led by the Norwegian mobilise the elderly people aged 50+ so that
Ambassador to Uganda, Her Excellency they can quickly get their jabs and ensure
Elin Johansen, the Danish Ambassador to their good health.
Uganda, Nicolaja Hejberg Petersen, that of
He tasked the Ministry of Health to work out
Sweden, Maria Hakansson and the Charge
a written plan for mass sensitisation with
de Affairs of Iceland, Thardis Sigurardottir.
the partners.
The President and his guests discussed
challenges related to COVID-19 and the “Previously, the message was don’t move,
economy, COVID-19 vaccines roll out capacity but now, we must encourage the people
ahead of schools reopening and regional to come to the health centres because the
peace and security. solution is there,” he said.
“We are also developing our own vaccine.
The pandemic has shown us the dangers of
dependency. Those with the reagents like
beta-Propiolactone used for vaccines were
reluctant to sell. When we went deeper, we
realised that we could make it here from
42 The Presidency | October 2021
On the issues of regional peace and security, “Help with wetland and forest reclamations
President Museveni said some of the ADF and recovery of steep gradients. We need
and ISIS rebels have linkages and many money for encroachers to leave peacefully by
have been arrested while transiting. He giving them alternative livelihoods,” he said.
disclosed that Uganda today is hosting over
The Norwegian Ambassador, H.E. Elin
400,000 Congolese refugees who are victims
Johansen who led the delegation expressed
of insecurity in the neighbouring country
their interest of cooperating with Uganda
and that over 700,000 people were displaced
in fighting the COVID pandemic, regional
due to disturbances in Mozambique.
issues and issues of climate change. She
“The Security Council should hold bilateral said that they were keen to know Uganda’s
and multilateral engagements and challenges especially in its efforts to fight
emphasize that Eastern Congo is a breeding against COVID.
ground for these groups in a weak country.
The Iceland Charge de Affairs, Thordis
It is a problem of a vacuum created by
Sigurardottir, informed President Museveni
ideological disorientation,” he said.
that her country provided 236,000 Corona
On the issue of climate change, the vaccines in July 2021.
President urged the development partners
The envoys looked forward to continued
to help deal with micro issues of climate
good relations between their block and
change including preserving wetlands,
forest reserves and ridding steep gradient
mountains of settlements to stop landslides.

President Museveni posing for a photo with Nordic envoys after a meeting at
State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | October 2021 43

22nd October, 2021
President mourns Hope Kivengyere

President Museveni said the late Kivengyere

She created a good rapport between
came up with a lot of initiatives on media
me and the media fraternity by management and many times, arranged
holding these regular meetings. She meetings between him and the media
managed to woo the foreign media fraternity; always imparting to him
and she dedicated herself to building the important role of the media in any
bridges to a better future. She was endeavour.
a great freedom fighter, a patriot
“She created a good rapport between me
and a peacemaker. On behalf of the
and the media fraternity by holding these
Government, my family and on my regular meetings. She managed to woo the
own behalf, please accept my heartfelt foreign media and she dedicated herself
condolences” to building bridges to a better future. She
President Museveni was a great freedom fighter, a patriot and a
peacemaker. On behalf of the Government,
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: my family and on my own behalf, please
accept my heartfelt condolences,” he said.
President Yoweri Museveni paid glowing
tribute to the late Hope Kishande Kivengyere, The President gave a detailed background
his first and longest serving Press Secretary about Hope Kivengyere’s role in the
(1986-2001) who passed on Wednesday from liberation struggle and said she joined the
Nakasero Hospital. struggle to liberate Uganda quite early in
her life as an undergraduate student at
“She was very professional, that is why I
Makerere University during Obote II.
chose her to start my Press Office and be
my Spokesperson. She carried out this duty “She helped some of the undergraduate
with a high sense of professionalism and students who had earlier joined the struggle
an outstanding sense of commitment. She but faced grave danger of being killed by the
was resilient and was never taken aback plundering soldiers. Hope, at that tender age,
whenever she came across any challenges,” had already exhibited bravery. She helped
he said in a message read by the Minister for the young freedom fighters to escape and
Presidency, Hon. Mariam Dhoka Babalanda, hence saved their lives.
at a funeral service at All Saints Cathedral, Eventually, she also went into exile and fully
Nakasero. joined the struggle to liberate her country.
Her political acumen was unmatched,” he

44 The Presidency | October 2021

The President said Hope devoted the prime “It was easy to see a reflection of our
years of her life to the service of Uganda renowned evangelists, Bishop Festo
through her extraordinary career and Kivengyere and his wife, Merabu Kivengyere.
worked tirelessly to serve our country in Their great legacy is timeless. Hope had
the finest traditions of the civil service and a long and untainted career. We were
she served with such distinction. privileged to associate and work with a
person of her caliber and vision. She was
“Hope was very practical. I discovered that
known for her efficiency at work and above
she used to drive herself while on safari,
all, that incredible simplicity which endeared
I think to Gulu. She had gone with the
her to people of all walks of life.
advance team. When my convoy was on
the Gulu highway, one of the guards pointed Her unwavering loyalty and service was
out that he could see Hope’s car parked by exemplary and self-evident. Her devotion
the side of the road. I told the driver to stop to national cause and values will remain
and there was Hope fitting a tyre on the car. etched in our minds,” he said.

The car, I remember, was a Santana. I asked The President said they will always be
why she was changing a tyre herself and grateful for the crucial role Hope played
not the driver. She replied that she did not and pray that her outstanding service will
have a driver, never had one and would be a source of inspiration and motivation
never have one. I asked her why not, and to many leaders.
she replied that she believed she was her
“As we mourn this great daughter of
best driver. She said she knew all about cars
Africa, let us also celebrate her life and
and could fix things herself if anything went
wrong. That was Hope; very practical and
self-reliant,” he narrated. I pray that the Almighty God will comfort
the family at this most difficult time. May
The President said good upbringing matters
the Soul of Hope Kishande Kivengyere Rest
a lot in one’s life and that he could always
in Eternal Peace,” he said.
detect the noble character of Hope’s parents
in her.

“She helped some of the undergraduate students who had earlier joined the
struggle but faced grave danger of being killed by the plundering soldiers. Hope,
at that tender age, had already exhibited bravery. She helped the young freedom
fighters to escape and hence saved their lives. Eventually, she also went into
exile and fully joined the struggle to liberate her country. Her political acumen
was unmatched,” President Museveni

The Presidency | October 2021 45

22nd October, 2021
President flags off 282 trucks for COVID-19 surveillance

from the public and stakeholders targeted

From the 1960s, NRM always at fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The
believed in Africans having capacity fund which is chaired by Mr. Emmanuel
to solve their problems. The doctrine Katongole, received a total contribution
of self- sufficiency is the correct valued at Shs 69.2 billion of this Shs34.2
billion was received in form of goods in kind.
one. We have been able to survive
the COVID-19 effects because we The President commended the COVID-19
have been self- reliant especially National Response Fund committee for
having worked for free and noted that the
in food and industrial products.
committee has shown that they can be
Self- sufficiency is the way to go. The blessed for working without pay.
282 vehicles are from the spirit of
He advised government officials to practice
self- sufficiency. The purchase and the culture of bulk purchases from the
allocation of these vehicles is part of manufacturers, saying this helps in
accountability” fighting the culture of tendering through
middlemen. He revealed that government
President Museveni
spent US$ 22,000 per vehicle as compared
to the showroom price of US$ 50,000 per
President Yoweri Museveni said that NRM He emphasised that the donations that he
government believes that Africans can solve flagged off were strictly for Corona district
their problems and be self-sufficient. surveillance teams and cautioned the health
“From the 1960s, NRM always believed officials that they should be used in a good
in Africans having capacity to solve their way.
problems. The doctrine of self-sufficiency President Museveni, while referring to the
is the correct one. We have been able to national budget, noted that Uganda today
survive the COVID-19 effects because we had allocated Shs 45 trillion to cover its
have been self-reliant especially in food expenses and that out of this, Shs15trillion
and industrial products. Self- sufficiency covers debts.
is the way to go. The 282 vehicles are from
the spirit of self-sufficiency. The purchase The President said the actual budget was
and allocation of these vehicles is part of Shs 30 trillion and told officials present that
accountability,” he said. if we are to increase tax collections from Shs
20trillion to about Shs35 trillion, we could
The President was speaking from Kololo cover our budget without borrowing.
Independence Grounds where he handed
over 282 double cabin pick- up trucks to He paid tribute to Prime Minister Nabbanja,
Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) under Prime Minister emeritus Dr. Ruhakana
the COVID National Response Fund. The Rugunda, the Minister of Health Jane Aceng
vehicles were purchased at US$22,000 each and State Minister for health Margaret
and they were received from donations Muhanga for the job they have done well
since the outbreak of the pandemic.

46 The Presidency | October 2021

The Prime Minister Rt. Hon. Robinah The former Minister in Charge of General
Nabbanja saluted President Museveni for Duties in the Office of the Prime Minister,
sacrificing time to flag off the vehicles. Mary Karoro Okurut, said that we are
celebrating exemplary leadership of
“Because of your visionary leadership,
President Museveni because of the low
Uganda is among the best in the region
death rate attributed to COVID-19 in Uganda.
and the world in managing the COVID-19
pandemic,” she said. The Minister of Health Jane Ruth Aceng said
that it has been a challenge to transport test
She thanked Ugandans and friends for
samples from the 53 land border points.
the vehicles and other facilities they have
donated. She saluted the President for The Chairman of the COVID-19 response
leading the negotiations and succeeding committee, Emmanuel Katongole, said that
in getting the vehicles at a good price. the delivery of the pick-ups demonstrates
that the contributions of the people of
Uganda were put to good use.

President Musveni hands over double cabin pick-ups to District COVID Taskforces
at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds

“Because of your visionary leadership, Uganda is among the best in the region
and the World in managing the COVID-19 pandemic,”
Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja

The Presidency | October 2021 47

23rd October, 2021
President Museveni commissions Port Health Facility

The testing process should commence “The testing process should commence
since the missing items in the facility since the missing items in the facility are
few. We shall complete as we proceed with
are few. We shall complete as we
the tests. I thank Prime Minister Nabbanja
proceed with the tests. I thank Prime for taking the NRM line. If you have got
Minister Nabbanja for taking the the basics, move on. During the protracted
NRM line. If you have got the basics, people’s struggle, NRM had only 27 guns
and we confronted an army that had 60,000
move on. During the protracted
guns,” he said.
people’s struggle, NRM had only 27
President Museveni called on leaders
guns and we confronted an army
to internalise the NRM strategy and
that had 60,000 guns,” President understand the services that must be run
Museveni by the Government. He said that the UPDF
Construction Brigade should construct all
ENTEBBE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT: the government run facilities in order to
President Yoweri Museveni directed the reduce costs. He said that it is a mistake to
Ministry of Health to immediately start bring the private sector in building such a
conducting Covid-19 mandatory tests at facility as the one he was launching.
Entebbe International Airport shortly after he
commissioned the newly built Port Health “This COVID-19 testing centre should be run
Facility. by the government health staff and it should
immediately embark on the task of testing
The facility built by the UPDF Construction the arriving passengers,” he said.
Brigade is expected to ease the
inconvenience of passengers at the main The Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja
gateway into Uganda and will initially attend saluted President Museveni for protecting
to all the arriving passengers. Ugandans against COVID-19 and revealed
that the centre cost Shs 15 billion to complete
and equip.
She said that passengers have been paying
Shs 250,000/= (about US$70) for testing
and that she was pleased to note that the
charges have now been reduced to Shs
100,000/= (about US$30). She said that
arrangements have been made to ensure
that tourists are given a dedicated service
point in order to prevent delays.
The Minister of Health, Dr. Jane Ruth Aceng,
said that the facility has got 8 PCR machines
that can handle 548 samples every 2 hours
Prime Minister, Robinah Nabbanja, with 150 personnel from the Ministry of
conducts President Museveni at the Health and UPDF who have been deployed
Entebbe Airport COVID-19 testing centre to serve.
during its launch

48 The Presidency | October 2021

25th October, 2021
President Museveni meets France’s Foreign Trade and Economic
Attractiveness Minister

I am pleased that President Macron We are aiming at prosperity for our nation
has sent an investment delegation to and prosperity means having income, jobs,
producing goods and services,” he said.
Uganda. This is the correct way to go.
Uganda has land, natural resources President Museveni said this also involves
the marketing of goods and services and
and labour. We have got capital
that if the European companies come and
but not too much. From Europe we produce goods and services, they would
need capital and entrepreneurship. have access to a market of 41 million in
Uganda has about 5,000 industries Uganda alone.
in operation. We are aiming at “There is also a market of 200 million in East
prosperity for our nation and Arica and 1.4 billion people in the African
prosperity means having income, continent,” he said.

jobs, producing goods and services” The President assured the French Foreign
President Museveni Trade Minister and his delegation that
Uganda was endowed with the AGOA
market in the United States of America
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: where we call sell 6,500 products tax-free
including the European market and the
President Yoweri Museveni welcomed tax free market in China for a wide range
President Emmanuel Macron of France of products.
decision to send a trade and investment
delegation to Uganda, describing it as Museveni said while we have all these
the correct way of boosting their bilateral lucrative markets, the target is to create
cooperation. jobs for Ugandans and creating a middle
class where people would have purchasing
The President received and held a meeting power.
with the French Minister delegate for
Foreign Trade and Economic Attractiveness, He was pleased to note that the two
Mr. Frank Riester, who led a delegation countries have got several sectors where
comprising of 12 small, medium and large- they can work together in the production
scale enterprises which have expressed their of goods and services including in agro-
interest in investing in trade, investment, processing, infrastructure, solar and hydro-
construction, ICT and health sectors in electric power production.
Uganda. The French Minister of Foreign Trade and
“I am pleased that President Macron has sent Economic attractiveness, Mr. Frank Riester,
an investment delegation to Uganda. This expressed his sympathy to President
is the correct way to go. Uganda has land, Museveni and Ugandans at large over
natural resources and labour. We have got the recent bomb attack in Komamboga,
capital but not too much. From Europe we Kampala and said his country was ready to
need capital and entrepreneurship. Uganda work with Uganda in eliminating terrorism.
has about 5,000 industries in operation.

The Presidency | October 2021 49

He expressed their interest in building The meeting was attended among others
capacity with Ugandan enterprises and work by the French Ambassador to Uganda, H.E.
towards the export of goods and services. Jules-Armand Aniambossou, the Minister
of Defence Bamulangaki Ssempijja, the
Minister Frank Riester said that President
Minister of Health Jane Aceng, the State
Macron is interested in investment
Minister of Foreign Affairs John Mulimba
collaboration with Uganda and noted that
and the State Minister for Trade Harriet
their oil company, Total, was committed
Ntabazi, Mr. Quentin Teisseire, the adviser in
to be a socio-economic partner in its oil
charge of Diplomatic Affairs and the Africa
Roadmap and Alexis Du Boisberranger,
“It is very important and good to note that the Junior adviser for exports and strategic
the people affected by the oil project in partnerships and for the Africa roadmap
Uganda were being taken care of by both among others.
the Uganda Government and Total,” he said.
Minister Riester congratulated President “It is very important
Museveni for Uganda’s decision to buy
2 Airbus planes for Uganda Airlines. He
and good to note that
revealed that France was ready to work the people affected by
with Uganda in various sectors including the oil project in Uganda
the production of oxygen for the medical were being taken care
sector, treatment of cancer, agro-processing
of by both the Uganda
and the provision of a fiber optic project in
Kampala City. He also said they are ready Government and Total,”
to work with Uganda in the fight against
Mr. Frank Riester
COVID-19 pandemic.

President Museveni chats with Mr. Frank Riester at State House, Entebbe

50 The Presidency | October 2021

26th October, 2021
President meets UN Special Representative on D.R. Congo


President Yoweri Museveni received and held a meeting with Mrs. Bintou Keita, the Special
Representative of the United Nations Secretary General in the Democratic Republic of
Congo and Head of MONUSCO, at State House, Entebbe.
The President and the U.N. official discussed matters pertaining to the security situation in
the region, one year after a similar meeting in which the envoy had assured the President
of the UN’s new approach to address the peace process in the DR Congo, following conflicts
that had displaced thousands of people in eastern parts of the D.R. Congo
Bintou Keita, who heads the United Nations Organisation Stabilisation Mission in the
Democratic Republic of the Congo (MONUSCO), briefed the President about the situation
in DR Congo among other things.

President Museveni greets Mrs. Bintou Keita, at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | October 2021 51

26th October, 2021
President Museveni meets Turkish investors

I am happy to receive you and I want Uganda and Turkey have a strong
commitment to development cooperation in
you to bring me more investors. I
the sectors of Infrastructure, Manufacturing,
want you to come and tap into the Education, Tourism and Heath.
fruit processing sector and agro-
According to reports, Turkey’s bilateral trade
production,” President Museveni volume with Uganda was 41 million USD in
2019 and the trade volume with Uganda
increased to 63 million USD in 2020; Turkey’s
exports were 54 million USD while their
President Yoweri Museveni urged a Turkish imports were 9 million USD in the same year.
investment delegation to tap into Uganda’s
The Turkish Ambassador to Uganda, H.E
vibrant fruit processing sector and promote
Fikret Kerem Alp, said that bilateral trade
agro-production in the country.
between the two countries has greatly
The President was meeting a Turkish improved, adding, that the construction
delegation of investors that was led by the sector was the driving force of the Turkish
Turkish Ambassador to Uganda H.E. Fikret economy. He said that he has brought the
Kerem Alp at State House, Entebbe. top notch in energy and construction.
“I am happy to receive you and I want you to Amb. Kerem Alp said that they employ 4,000
bring me more investors. I want you to come Ugandans in the ventures that they are
and tap into the fruit processing sector and involved in and expressed interest in the
agro-production,” he said. Turkish construction firms being allocated
The delegation gave him an update of roads more roads.
construction projects that they working on
in Uganda.

President Museveni gestures to the Turkish delegation after a meeting at State House,

52 The Presidency | October 2021

29th October, 2021
President meets Saudi Arabia’s Minister of State for African Affairs

I thank Saudi Arabia for the US $68 “I thank Saudi Arabia for the US $68 million
million donation for humanitarian donation for humanitarian support. I also
support. I also want the Uganda want the Uganda Investment Authority to
Investment Authority to give Saudi give Saudi Arabia all the support it needs to
enable it invest in agro- processing.
Arabia all the support it needs to
enable it invest in agro- processing. We have broad opportunities in mining. You
We have broad opportunities can build a steel industry that will reduce the
in mining. You can build a steel cost of steel in Uganda,” he said, adding that
industry that will reduce the cost currently the country was using recycled
steel which is not strong enough to erect
of steel in Uganda,” President
big structures such as dams.
He urged the Saudi Arabia delegation to
invest in tourism and promised to visit Saudi
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: Arabia soon noting that Arabs are part of
President Yoweri Museveni paid tribute Africa as was the case in countries such as
to King Mohammed Bin Salman of Saudi Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Mauritania most
Arabia for pledging a donation of US $ 68 of which are linked both in North Africa, the
million towards humanitarian support with East African Coast and through religion.
particular reference to the refugees hosted President Museveni commended the
in Uganda. Saudi Arabia government for its donation
The President was speaking during a of US$7million, which was used in the
meeting with the Saudi Arabia Minister construction of the King Fahd Plaza in
of State for African Affairs, Mr. Ahmed Kampala. He said that the facility was built
Abdulaziz Kattan, who was in Uganda for a to work as an endowment to support the
3-day official visit. Islamic University in Uganda.

During the meeting, Uganda and The President thanked King Salman for
Saudi Arabia signed a Memorandum of sending the State Minister for African Affairs
Understanding between the Ministries to visit Uganda.
of Foreign Affairs and an agreement for Briefing his guest on the recent acts of
cooperation. Uganda’s Minister of Foreign terrorism in the country, the President said
Affairs, Jeje Odongo, signed for Uganda that Uganda’s stand on terrorism was very
and the visiting Minister Ahmed Abdulaziz clear, pointing out that a terrorists target
Kattan signed for Saudi Arabia. soft targets.

The Presidency | October 2021 53

“If one fights an army, we recognize him as a The visiting Saudi Arabian Minister of State
fighter, but if a group fights against civilians for African Affairs Mr. Ahmed Abdulaziz
then it is an act of terrorism,” he said. Kattan saluted President Museveni for the
warm reception accorded to his delegation
He commended Saudi Arabia on the
and reaffirmed the cooperation between his
establishment of the Counter-terrorism
country and Uganda. He pledged a donation
of US $ 68 million towards humanitarian aid
The United Nations Counter-Terrorism Centre and said that they want to support Uganda
(UNCCT) was established in September 2011 in dealing with the refugees coming from
to promote international counter-terrorism the neighbouring countries.
cooperation and support Member States in
The Minister thanked the Uganda
the implementation of the Global Counter-
Government for appointing Saudi Air as
Terrorism Strategy through a voluntary
the official airline serving the 2 countries. He
contribution of the Government of Saudi
revealed that Saudi Arabia was the founder
of the Counter- terrorism Centre.

He invited the President to attend the Afro

–Arab Summit.

President Museveni with Minister Ahmed Abdulaziz Kattan during a meeting at State
House, Entebbe

54 The Presidency | October 2021


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The Presidency

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

1  Editor’s Note 4

2  President surprises his Bazzukulu friends with gift hampers 7

3  President Museveni meets Serum Africa Medical Research Institute (SAMRI) 8

4  President Commissions Ultra-modern Children Surgical Hospital 10

5  President Museveni meets Energy Year’s Government Relations Director 12

6  President Museveni meets CEO of Buffet Foundation 13

7  President Museveni celebrates World Science Week 14

8  President Museveni meets German delegation 16

9  President Museveni meets India’s Minister of State for External & Parliamentary Affairs  18

10  Industrial Parks Leading the Export Drive in Uganda (Feature Story)20

11  President Museveni passes out 5,200 PPCs 21

12  H.E. The President’s Statement on Bomb Blasts 23

13  Government, workers reps agree on NSSF supervisory roles 25

14  President Museveni meets UK trade envoy  27

15  President Museveni passes-out 443 tank crew granduands 29

16  Address to the Nation by President Museveni on Crime, Vaccination and Terrorism 31

17  Only 43 months to Uganda’s first oil drop (Feature Story)39

18  Government committed to providing, protecting medical personnel 40

19  Uganda and Tanzania hold bilateral talks 43

20  President Museveni tours Port of Dar es Salaam, Stand Gauge Railway 45

21  President Museveni, President Suluhu address Joint Business Forum  47

22  Museveni pays respects to late Tanzania President Magufuli 49

23  President commissions Museveni Primary School in Chato 50

Editor’s Note
Note from the Chief Editor
Dear Reader,
I have the pleasure to present to you the November edition of our monthly
e-magazine, The Presidency.
In each edition, we try to improve the content and its layout, building on the
feedback that we have been receiving from the readers. The objective of the
magazine remains to bring the office and residence of the President closer
to Ugandans. The President and his Government derive their mandate from
Ugandans. It is therefore, prudent that this information is shared as a form
of accountability.
The primary role of the Government Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC) is to
facilitate interaction between the Government and the citizenry, using different
electronic tools, including this monthly magazine. We have also introduced
a quarterly newsletter that covers the performance of Government for every
three months. The quarter one issue was released in October; https://www., and quarter two
issue will be released in January, 2022.
In the month of November, the President travelled to Tanzania for a state visit.
He was hosted to a state banquet by his host, Her Excellency Samia Suluhu
Hassan, the President of the United Republic of Tanzania. The two Heads of
State addressed a joint Tanzania-Uganda Business Forum. The President
also visited Dar- es-Salaam Port and the Standard Gauge Railway. On the last
day of his visit, the President paid his respects to late President John Pombe
Magufuli and launched Museveni Pre and Primary School in Chato, a school
he built in honour of Tanzania’s contribution towards the end of Idi Amin’s
dictatorial regime in Uganda in 1979.
Lastly, in this edition, we are publishing the President’s address to the nation
on crime, vaccination and terrorism, delivered on 20th November, 2021, at
State House, Nakasero.
I now have the pleasure to present to you the sixth edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of
Communication & Director Government
Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC)

4 The Presidency | November 2021

Editorial Team

Duncan Abigaba Robert Sharp Mugabe

Deputy Chief Editor Content Production Manager

Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba Mbolanyi Caroline

Head of Logistics Head of Production Administrative Assistant

Akena Martin Nimusiima Victor Musinguzi Arthur Didan

Editor Editor Editor

The Presidency | November 2021 5

Quote of the Month

You are lucky because you are entering a very

important organ of the State, the Uganda Police
Force. If you use this chance well, you will not
regret. The future is bright, don’t misuse this

President Museveni at the pass out of Police Constables,

12th November, 2021
1st November, 2021
President surprises his Bazzukulu friends with gift hampers

BWEBAJJA: beckoned them to move close to him.

President Yoweri Museveni surprised He thanked them for being good
his Bazzukulu at Bwebajja, along children and revealed that he had
Entebbe Road by making a planned something for them before giving each
stop and gifting each with a hamper. a gift hamper.
The Bazzukulu have for some time
The excited children said in unison,
occasionally waited at the roadside to
“Thank you so much Jajja. May God
wave and sing for him on his way to
bless you”.
State House, Entebbe.
Jajja Museveni later told them that he
The President who was travelling to
had brought them another friend, their
Entebbe, for his scheduled duties,
grandmother, Maama Janet Museveni,
stopped at Bwebajja and talked to the
the First Lady who is also the Minister
children aged between 2 and 10 years.
of Education and Sports.
The President has a particular
The First Lady was received with wild
history with these children whom he
ululations from the children and the
continuously referred to as Bazukuklu
couple chatted with the children for a
and they in turn called him Jajja.
moment before returning to their car.
In the recent days the bond between
the 2 parties has grown,
with the Bazzukulu always
singing songs for him as
the convoy approaches
Bwebajja trading centre.
On this specific occasion,
President Museveni had a
gift for his unsuspecting
f riends. As the convoy
stopped to their chants,
he disembarked and
moved towards them and

President Museveni and

First Lady chat with
Bazzukulu at Bwebajja

The Presidency | November 2021 7

3rd November, 2021
President Museveni meets Serum Africa Medical Research Institute (SAMRI)

Everything is ready except the 18 SAMRI is committed to ensuring the

reagents that are required in the best and globally accepted standards
manufacturing of the Corona vaccine. of all their products and to work with
We haven’t got some of the reagents. credible partner in the process. They say
The suppliers have delayed us for three
their products are researched & tested
months”, President Museveni.
to ensure the highest quality.
The Minister of Science and Technology,
President Yoweri Museveni said that Dr. Monica Musenero, thanked the
the government is committed to work President for sending the SAMRI group
towards the development of vaccines to her office. She was optimistic that they
against various diseases including would deliver on their commitment.
Prof. Francis Omaswa said that they were
“Everything is ready except the 18 fully committed to see that they fulfill
reagents that are required in the the promise that the President made to
manufacturing of the Corona vaccine. wananchi in the fight against pandemics
We haven’t got some of the reagents. through vaccine development.
The suppliers have delayed us for three
“We aim at manufacturing life-saving
months,” President Museveni said.
immunobiologicals, which are in short
The President was speaking during a supply in Uganda and currently imported
meeting with a delegation from Serum at high prices. We will produce, several
Africa Medical Research Institute (SAMRI) life-saving biologicals at prices affordable
Limited led by the Board Chairman, Prof. to the common man and in sufficient
Francis Omaswa and the CEO Dr. Anand quantities so that the country is self-
Iyer. The meeting was also attended by sufficient for Tetanus Anti-toxin and
the Minister of Science, Technology and anti-snake venom serum, followed by
Innovation, Dr. Monica Musenero. DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus and Pertussis)
group of Vaccines and then later on MMR
During the meeting, government
(Measles, Mumps and Rubella) group of
signed an MOU in vaccine research and
vaccines. We will increase availability,
development with SAMRI. The Minister
affordability and reachability of the
of Science, Technology and Innovation,
needed vaccines to everyone everywhere
Dr. Monica Musenero, signed on behalf
in our society.” he said.
of the Uganda government while Prof.
Francis Omaswa signed for SAMRI.

8 The Presidency | November 2021

Dr. Anand Iyer revealed that they have got the capacity to produce malaria and
veterinary vaccines in addition to those against COVID-19. He said that they would
establish a cold chain storage facility to ensure that the drugs are in good condition,
and added that the facility would serve a wide range of medical needs.

President Museveni poses for a photo with a delegation from Serum Africa Medical
Research Institute (SAMRI)

“We aim at manufacturing life-saving immunobiologicals, which are in short

supply in Uganda and currently imported at high prices. We will produce,
several life-saving biologicals at prices affordable to the common man and
in sufficient quantities so that the country is self-sufficient for Tetanus anti-
toxin and anti-snake venom serum, followed by DTP (Diphtheria, Tetanus
and Pertussis) group of Vaccines and then later on MMR (Measles, Mumps
and Rubella) group of vaccines. We will increase availability, affordability and
reachability of the needed vaccines to everyone everywhere in our society,”

Prof. Francis Omaswa

The Presidency | November 2021 9

5th November, 2021
President Commissions Ultra-modern Children Surgical Hospital

Jesus died 2000 years ago but is remembered today because of his good deeds.
Although Dr. Gino died, he has left behind a testimony of his character and
contribution to humanity. The Italians have done something special for
humanity right at the centre of the equator,”
President Museveni .

NAKIWOGO, ENTEBBE: care. It provides the best environment

for patients’ treatment and recovery.
President Yoweri Museveni paid
glowing tribute to Dr. Gino Strada, President Museveni said the hospital,
an Italian war surgeon, human rights built on 30 acres of land donated by
and peace activist and founder of the UPDF (Special Forces Command)
EMERGENCY, a recognised international has got a number of interesting
non-governmental organisation, for the aspects; including the founder being
ultra-modern children surgical hospital a wonderful Christian with the concept
in Entebbe, saying he has left a special of “caring about your neighbour as you
gift for humanity right at the heart of love yourself”, the core of Christianity;
the equator. the architect as much as possible using
nature and being environmentally
Dr. Strada died in August this year
friendly; and the donor Ms. Paola Coin,
before the official commissioning of the
a rich, smart, small lady from the Italian
hospital that he was looking forward to.
city of Venus known for its story of
“Jesus died 2000 years ago but is Shylock, being a great philanthropist
remembered today because of his good who donated US$8million towards
deeds. Although Dr. Gino died, he has construction of the hospital.
left behind a testimony of his character
“This land was for SFC cattle farm. When
and contribution to humanity. The
I heard of the hospital, I said this was
Italians have done something special
a more lifesaving effort than the cows.
for humanity right at the centre of the
We gave them 30 acres. I am happy
equator,” the President said.
that there is another idea of adding a
The President was commissioning an nurses training centre which can be
ultra-modern EMERGENCY Children’s part of this facility. We must see how
Hospital for children 0-18 years at to take advantage of the dedication by
Nakiwogo in Entebbe Municipality. The our partners from Italy.
facility designed by world renowned
If we can have a nursing training school
architect, Renzo Piano, on a pro-bono
where they can impart both the skills
basis is earth friendly, constructed using
and the passion,” he said.
innovative solutions to minimise energy
consumption, combining architectural The President later presented the
excellence with state-of-the-art medical 50th Uganda independence golden

10 The Presidency | November 2021

medal to the founder Dr. Gino Strada Ms. Rossella Miccio, President of
(posthumously), the donor Ms. EMERGENCY said the hospital is rapidly
Paola Coin, the architect Mr. Renzo becoming a referral point for paediatric
Piano, Rossella Miccio, President elective surgery, in Uganda and
of EMERGENCY and Pietro Parrino, beyond, as we are receiving patients
Director of EMERGENCY Field from around the country and will
Operations Department. The 50th soon open the doors to provide free
Independence Golden medal is given of charge surgical care to children from
to individuals by the President in neighbouring countries.
recognition of their outstanding service
“These first six months of activity clearly
and loyalty to the country.
confirmed that there is a strong need
The Entebbe hospital will become a of paediatric elective surgery in the
referral point for surgery from patients region. A real partnership between
across the continent. It is the second international organisations and
facility in EMERGENCY’s Af rican Ugandan institutions and professionals
Network of Medical Excellence (ANME), can pave the way to strengthen local
after EMERGENCY’s Salam Centre for capacity and to provide continuous
Cardiac Surgery, built in Khartoum, secondary and tertiary quality care,”
Sudan, in 2007, which has treated she said.
patients from over 30 countries.
At full capacity, the hospital will employ
Situated on the banks of Lake Victoria, 385 local people, including 179 medical
EMERGENCY’s Children’s Surgical workers. The facility will be dedicated
Hospital opened its doors on Monday 19 to training local staff that will play
April, but due to COVID-19 restrictions, an integral role improving paediatric
the opening ceremony took place after surgery and medical care in the country.
six months of activities.
The Minister of Health Dr. Ruth Acheng
The facility has admitted 345 patients said the facility cost Shs 117 billion and
since opening, whilst 1,185 patients Uganda Government has facilitated
have been treated as outpatients. 355 it with a 20% contribution and will
surgical operations have taken place continue paying 20% of the running
and the average patient age is five costs for 8 years until it is handed over
years old. to the Ugandan government.

President Museveni
tours the ultra-modern
children surgical hospital
in Entebbe during

The Presidency | November 2021 11

8th November, 2021
President Museveni meets Energy Year’s Government Relations Director

Oil is an infinite resource. It is a special edition exploring

We shall use the oil money on the unlocking of Uganda’s energy
industry potential and was produced
durable capacity including
in partnership with State House and
modernising our railway and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
other infrastructure to improve Development.
transportation” President Ms. Negrea said that the publication
Museveni highlights the opportunities that Uganda
has to offer in the energy sector. She
STATE HOUSE ENTEBBE: added that the magazine analyses the
latest developments and future prospects
President Yoweri Museveni said Uganda’s
of the country’s up-and-coming oil and
oil and gas sector will help government to
gas industry, as well as its linkages with
create jobs and related infrastructure like
the power sector and wider economy.
pipelines, refinery and other downstream
The book also portrays the projects
developments that will add on the
championed by the key players of the
Ugandan energy value chain.
“Oil is an infinite resource. We shall
The Energy Year Uganda 2021 also
use the oil money on durable capacity
features maps showing Uganda’s oil
including modernising our railway
and gas licenses and their status and
and other infrastructure to improve
featuring the ground-breaking East
transportation,” he said.
African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)
The President was meeting the Energy infrastructure.
Year’s Government Relations Director,
Ms. Brindusa Negrea, who presented to
him the first edition of a magazine, “The
Energy Year Uganda 2021.”

President Museveni
greets Ms. Brindusa
Negrea at State
House, Entebbe

12 The Presidency | November 2021

9th November, 2021
President Museveni meets CEO of Buffet Foundation

The work that you see in Uganda The CEO of Howard G. Buffet Foundation,
is due to a correct ideology. We Mr. Buffet a close friend of President
Museveni, was pleased to note that
are patriotic because we believe
President Museveni was showing good
in interests rather than identity. leadership in the region.
The problem in Somalia for
Howard Buffet who said he was here to
example is both tribal and pay a courtesy call on President Museveni
clan based while the leadership said the President’s Ankole cattle caused
in D.R. Congo has had an “chaos” in Texas!
ideological vacuum,” President “People in Texas brag about cattle, they
Museveni were in awe when they saw your cows,”
Buffet who visited President Museveni’s
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: Kisozi ranch in 2019 said.
President Yoweri Museveni said that The CEO of Bridgeway Foundation Ms.
Uganda can work with the Democratic Shannon said that they are very grateful
Republic of Congo to defeat the for Uganda’s efforts in maintaining peace
ADF terrorists wrecking havoc in the and security in the region.
neighbouring country.
The President was meeting a USA
delegation led by Howard G. Buffet,
the CEO of Buffet Foundation, a
philanthropist and conservationist who
is also the son of United States billionaire
investor, Warren Buffett, and Shannon
Sedgewick Davis the CEO of Bridgeway
Foundation, a Philanthropic organisation
dedicated to ending and preventing
mass atrocities around the world at State
House, Entebbe.
While briefing his guests about the
security situation in the region, President
Yoweri Museveni said that the peace and
President Museveni with Howard G
security witnessed in Uganda was due
Buffet and his delegation at State
to good ideology.
House, Entebbe
The Bridgeway Foundation and the
Buffet Foundation are involved in peace
and security in the Great Lakes Region.
Their current focus is the restoration of
security in the D.R. Congo.

The Presidency | November 2021 13

10th November, 2021
President Museveni celebrates World Science Week

Science-led industrial development The celebrations were held under

has been our goal in government. the theme, “The future of science
technology and innovation in Uganda:
With effect from June 2021, I put the
Breaking the silos & leveraging
Ministry of Science and Technology synergies for a skilled and sustainable
under the Office of the President so workforce for national economic
that it can be effectively managed transformation”.
and financed” President Museveni The President revealed that the 1980
Lagos plan of action was initiated by
President Yoweri Museveni said that the in Africa to establish a centre with the
NRM Government has been working aim of eradicating foreign dependency
to promote the policy of science-led on research. He said that such centres
industrial development for faster were expected to coordinate all national
transformation. research ventures.

“Science-led industrial development He said that Uganda established its

has been our goal in government. With facility in 1970 adding that progress was
effect from June 2021, I put the Ministry hampered by the political instability at
of Science and Technology under the the time.
Office of the President so that it can be The President pointed out that the
effectively managed and financed,” he NRM Government established and
said adding that one of the ventures emphasized the study of science at
that he has supported is the financing Mbarara University and emphasized
of Joint Clinical Research Centre (JCRC) that government would not change
in developing a diagnostic test for its position of increasing salaries for
COVID-19 that produces results within scientists in service.
30 minutes.
He commended Professor David
“This is far better than the imported Kaahwa for developing the anti-tick
technology that is used for the same vaccine and disclosed State House has
tests, he said.” made a lot of progress in developing the
The President was speaking at Kololo leather industry in Kawumu that was
Independence Grounds where he was supervised by the former Comptroller,
the Guest of Honour during celebrations Lucy Nakyobe.
to mark the World Science Week for President Museveni reiterated that
Peace and Development. science must be used for import

14 The Presidency | November 2021

substitution and observed that the ventures by Universities such as
processed coffee fetches 15 times the Makerere, IUIU, Kyambogo and Mbarara
value of coffee when it is sold in its raw University of Science and Technology.
form. He also launched 100 science text-books
that were published by Ugandans.
He congratulated the scientists for
using well the funds that government The Minister of Science and Technology
gave out and assured the nation that Dr. Monica Musenero revealed that
government would provide funds the winners of the Uganda science
both directly and through UDB at low winners award above 18 years of age
interest rates. are to receive Ush 30 million and those
below 18 are to receive Ush 10 million.
During the ceremony, the overall
winner of the Uganda science award The Executive Director of UNESCO in
who was recognised by the President Uganda, Prof. Eriabu Lugujo, said that
is a nine year old Ann Tramy Mpagi, Africa cannot develop without science.
a pupil of MST Junior School of P4 He saluted the President for prioritising
along the Kampala –Entebbe road. She science teachers through improved
innovated an e-learning app for the remunerations.
education sector.
The Principle of the College of Veterinary
Later, the President toured an exhibition Medicine of Makerere University Prof.
showing a wide range of innovations David Kabasa revealed that knowledge
including the electric vehicles, efforts developed was being shared with
to develop COVID-19 vaccines, anti- tick communities.
vaccines and silk textiles. It also showed

President Museveni tours an exhibition at Kololo during the World Science Week

The Presidency | November 2021 15

11th November, 2021
President Museveni meets German delegation

I thank you for the donation and thank you for coming back to Christianity.
During COVID19 pandemic people were selfish and wanted to vaccinate their
own people first. It is sad that we don’t cooperate in vaccine development. I am
glad that we are developing our own vaccine but we need help with the reagents
to produce the vaccine” President Museveni

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: Director of Achelis Uganda, Karl-Heinz

Knoop of RIELA, Karsten Sengewald of
President Yoweri Museveni commended
iproplan, Dr. Andre Gerth of BioPlanta
Germany for its donation of 5.5million
GmbH, Dr. Stefan Hagemann of
doses of Johnson and Johnson one-
NanoInfra and Guiliana Stiegelmann
dose COVID19 vaccines and called for
of IKA GmbH/Bellazuri Ltd.
support through sharing reagents
to enable Uganda produce its own The President who is pushing for
vaccines and avoid vaccine dependency stronger partnerships with German
in the future. investors in various sectors of Agriculture,
Health and Pharmaceuticals, Energy
“I thank you for the donation and thank
and Inf rastructure development
you for coming back to Christianity.
singled out various sectors including
During COVID19 pandemic people were
pharmaceuticals using local plants.
selfish and wanted to vaccinate their
own people first. It is sad that we don’t “We know a lot of plants with the
cooperate in vaccine development. I potential for healing. One of the reasons
am glad that we are developing our many people didn’t die of COVID19 is
own vaccine but we need help with because they were using herbs. Some
the reagents to produce the vaccine,” plants have anti-viral and anti-biotic
he said. elements. We can have a factory to
extract active ingredients. This is a very
The President was speaking during a
good area for cooperation,” he said.
meeting with a high-powered investors’
delegation from Germany led by the The President also singled out post-
German Ambassador to Uganda harvest handling equipment and
Matthias Schauer. The delegation technology and solar power for micro-
included Prof. Christoph Lübbert of irrigation for food production.
the University of Leipzig, Axel Kuppe
“We lose a lot of food because of bad
managing partner of C. Woermann
post-harvest handling. Equipment and
GmbH, Manfred Schmid of Frequentis,
technology to help us at sub-county
Hans Georg Hinterberger Managing

16 The Presidency | November 2021

level is very welcome. We have 2,000 Kampala and that the members of the
sub-county administrative units and delegation were keen to partner in
we need that capacity at that level,” developing the mining, infrastructure
he said. and agriculture sectors. Ambassador
Schauer said that the delegation
The President also said solar power
was interested in silos, fire–fighting
especially for micro irrigation can boost
equipment among others.
agriculture and remove fluctuations
caused by climate change. Dr. Amrei Von Braun of the University
of Lapzig informed President Museveni
He also singled out waste management
that they have made progress towards
which has become a health hazard and
overcoming bacteria that is resistant to
yet it is a resource that can be turned
some antibiotics. She revealed that they
into fertiliser and bioenergy. He also
have done a lot of work with Kiruddu
welcomed the medical collaboration
Hospital in overcoming the challenge.
between the University of Leipzig and
Kiruddu and Kawempe Hospitals.
We know a lot of plants with the
The President also called for stronger potential for healing. One of the reasons
partnerships in infrastructure many people didn’t die of COVID19 is
development. because they were using herbs. Some
plants have anti-viral and anti-biotic
The Germany Ambassador to Uganda, elements. We can have a factory to
H.E. Matthias Schauer, informed the extract active ingredients. This is a very
President that the delegation has good area for cooperation” President
toured the Bukasa inland port near

President Museveni poses for a photo with German delegation at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | November 2021 17

11th November, 2021
President Museveni meets India’s Minister of State for External
Affairs & Parliamentary Affairs

Once we resolve the cost, solar power On the issue of climate change,
would be the answer. Africans were President Museveni was happy that
using sun and wind long time ago India was willing to collaborate with
before these dead fuels. The problem Uganda to provide affordable solar
came from out. The world is coming
back to sun and wind” President “Once we resolve the cost, solar power
Museveni would be the answer. Africans were
using sun and wind long time ago
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President before these dead fuels. The problem
Yoweri Museveni said Uganda and India came from out. The world is coming
have agreed to strengthen commercial back to sun and wind,” he said.
diplomacy and boost trade between
The two leaders discussed various
the two countries.
issues including reduction of taxes on
During a meeting with the Minister of Uganda’s products including: milk,
State for External Affairs & Parliamentary Cocoa and Coffee. They also discussed
Affairs Government of India, Hon. Shri the construction of the Mahatma
Muraleedharan, President Museveni Ghandi Convention and Conference
said he would work with the Prime Centre in Entebbe where government
Minister of India, Narendra Modi, has donated 15 acres of land for the
regarding India’s offer of a concessional project. The promise to allocate the
credit facility to promote rural power land was made by government in 2018
transmission and value addition in during PM Narendra Modi’s visit to
agriculture. Uganda. Government has also allocated
“Indians are one of our tribes. I am glad land for the Ghandi Cultural Centre in
that we have that offer from India,” he Jinja. The two leaders also agreed to
said. strengthen collaboration in Defense
training at the National Defense College
President Museveni also said he would
in Jinja.
work with India on the issue of training
at the National Defence College in Jinja. Hon. Shri Muraleedharan who was on
a three-day working visit to Uganda
“We shall work with the Indian side on
brought warm greetings from India’s
the National Defence College where
they normally come to train,” he said.

18 The Presidency | November 2021

President Ram Nath Kovind and PM Mr. Chandru Appar Deputy Secretary
Modi to President Museveni and the (Minister’s office) Ministry of External
people of Uganda. Affairs Government of India; Dr. Prakash
Shelat Under Secretary (East & Southern
He thanked President Museveni for
Africa) Division Ministry of External
his support of the Indian Community
Affairs Government of India; H.E. Ajay
in Uganda and for supporting India
Kumar, High Commissioner of India to
at the UN Security Council and
Uganda; Uganda’s Minister of State for
assured President Museveni that his
Foreign Affairs Hon. Okello Oryem and
government will arrange for a subsidy
Uganda’s High Commissioner to India
in solar energy generation through the
Amb. Grace Akello among others.
New Delhi-based International Solar
The meeting was also attended by Mr.
Puneet R. Kundal Joint Secretary (East
& Southern Africa) Division Ministry of
External Affairs, Government of India;

President Museveni gestures to the Indian delegation after a meeting at State House,

The Presidency | November 2021 19

Feature Story
Industrial Parks Leading the Communications Officer
at Government Citizen
Export Drive in Uganda Interaction Centre
By Mushwa Joshua Potere

“Stop importing what generation term, as a way

you can make”, were of the much of implementing
the resounding words of needed President Yoweri
President Yoweri Kaguta foreign Museveni’s directive
Museveni, while launching exchange. to Uganda Investment
East African Medical Authority, to establish 25
This mixed strategy of
Vitals, Africa’s first surgical industrial and business
import substitution and
and medical gloves parks across the country
export promotion can
manufacturer, located in in five years. The President
clearly be demonstrated
Uganda’s flagship industrial has also directed that local
with the Kiira Motors plant
park, Namanve. governments provide free
currently being constructed
land for industrial parks
Much as it may come as in Jinja Industrial and
development because the
a shock that there hasn’t Business Park by the
Central Government won’t
been a single industry to Uganda People’s Defence
be spending on land for
manufacture surgical gloves Forces, through the National
setting up industrial parks.
in East and Central Africa, Enterprise Corporation.
and other latex products, Upon completion, not This directive has seen
it isn’t too late to pick the only will this indigenous the Minister of State
slack and hit the ground automobile plant reduce for Investment and
running on this particular on the loss of over USD 450 Privatization, Hon Evelyn
race. million annually on used Anite; UIA board Chairman,
imported vehicles but will Morrison Rwakakamba;
Over the years, the
also tap into the annual and Director General
Ugandan Government
10 million vehicle market Robert Mukiza lead a team
has taken significant
demand on the African of political leaders and
steps on its journey to a
continent by 2030. technocrats on a month
stronger economic future
long Investment Land Bank
through industrialization, Uganda is among a few
mobilization. As a result, 6
by reinforcing the notion African countries that have
districts in northern Uganda
that Uganda should introduced Industrial Parks
offered a total of 3,880 acres
produce locally, rather as major drivers of economic
of land freely to Uganda
than import from abroad. diversification and export-
Investment Authority (UIA)
This has been backed by led industrialization.
and 1,270 acres were offered
the president’s constant Uganda’s investment
in Western Uganda for the
reminder especially through promotion agency, the
establishment of industrial
the COVID-19 pandemic Uganda Investment
that the crisis would help Authority, currently operates
to build the manufacturing eight public industrial and In addition to creating
capacity, rather than business parks, namely 4 million jobs annually,
“turning the Ugandan Namanve, Bweyogerere, the establishment of 25
market into a dumping Luzira, Kasese, Mbarara, industrial parks regionally
ground for foreign goods.’ Jinja, Mbale, and Soroti. and equitably throughout
Collectively, 114 industries the country, will help
When Uganda
are already operational in the economy become
manufactures its products
these parks. self-sufficient through
locally, not only does this
industrialization and
reduce on the import bill Plans are underway to
import substitution but
but also helps domestic operationalize 17 other
will also have Ugandan
products to be exported industrial parks across the
products competing on the
all over the world which country in the medium
international markets.
contributes to the

20 The Presidency | November 2021

12th November, 2021
President Museveni passes out 5,200 PPCs

You are lucky because you are the largest number in the history of
entering a very important organ of the school have been undergoing a
Probationer Police Constables course
the State, the Uganda Police Force.
for 12 months and is the 22nd intake
If you use this chance well, you will of police.
not regret. The future is bright,
President Museveni congratulated the
don’t misuse this chance” President officers and assured them that their
Museveni future is bright if they act right.
“You are lucky because you are entering
KABALYE, MASINDI DISTRICT: a very important organ of the State,
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni the Uganda Police Force. If you use
who is also the Commander in Chief this chance well, you will not regret.
of Uganda’s Armed forces has passed The future is bright, don’t misuse this
out 5,200 Probationer Police Constables chance,” he said.
(PPCs) at Kabalye Police Training School The President counselled the young
in Masindi. officers and urged them to avoid
The pass-out ceremony took place at selfishness. “Some of us have been
Kabalye Cell, Karujubu Division, Masindi active in public affairs for a long time,
Municipality, Masindi District in western about 50 years and have seen that
Uganda. when you are loyal to the people of
Uganda and avoid selfishness, you will
On arrival at Kabalye Police Training be rewarded,” he said.
School, President Museveni was
received and briefed by the Minister The President warned the trainees
of Internal Affairs, Hon. Maj. Gen against making shortcuts in life
Kahinda Otafiire, Inspector General through corruption and disobedience
of Police (IGP) Martins Okoth Ochola, and prophesised their failure if they
Commandant PTS, ACP Ziwedde took that route.
Abubakeer among other dignitaries. He emphasised the four sectors of
The President was then taken to wealth creation and creators that they
witness practical demonstrations by the must protect as commercial farmers,
trainees that they acquired during the manufacturers, service providers and
12 months training including practical ICT.
module of public order management, “All these countries which have
skills at arm, dry drills, shooting long developed have been developed by
range of 100 metres, shooting under people who have created wealth. Like
effort among others. countries in Europe, e.g. Britain etc.,
A total of 5,200 constables among whom what made it powerful are scientists
3,783 are male and 1,417 are female, and wealth creators,” he said.

The Presidency | November 2021 21

The President assured the officers that President Museveni revealed that Africa
their main role is to protect and support is not short of natural resources but is
the wealth creators according to the short of wealth creators.
laws of Uganda.
“The police force must be ideologically
“You as police men and women need to clear because this is a historical
know that as people create wealth, they mission for your country to move out
should do it legally and your job is to of backwardness,” he said.
protect and support the wealth creators
The Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Maj.
according to the law by providing to
Gen. Kahinda Otafiire advised the new
them security,” he said.
officers to learn from their predecessors
The President said that if they did their who have done well and shun any bad
role right and well, the country will behaviour.
grow very fast and the more wealth
“I would like to welcome the
created, the more money government
graduands into Uganda Police Force.
gets to pay better emoluments to
I want to besiege you to learn from
public servants.
your predecessors. Learn from their
“Uganda now has surplus of sugar, milk, excellent conduct and disregard their
maize, soap etc., because of the correct shortcomings. You have married the
strategy of the NRM government which Police Force for better, for worse, but
gave protection and freedom to the you must always be for good,” he said.
wealth creators. Your job is to protect
The Inspector General of Police, Martins
peace and wealth creation, according
Okoth Ochola, said that this training
to the law,” he said.
should show the world how organised
institutions can still carry on with their
duties amidst a pandemic.

President Museveni salutes after arriving at Police Training School, Kabalye

22 The Presidency | November 2021

16th November, 2021
H.E. The President’s Statement on Bomb Blasts

“We are working with the neighbours Since the attack on Gen. Katumba, the
to deal with those operating following has been achieved:
from outside. They have exposed
i. Seven (7) have been killed while
themselves when we are more ready resisting arrest;
for urban terrorism. They will perish.
ii. Eighty one (81) have been arrested; and
Rural terrorism was defeated in
2007 in the Semliki National Park” iii. 3 have been killed by the bombs they
President Museveni ” President were carrying.
Museveni The two of today were, therefore, running
away from being arrested. We have been
hunting for them since the Katumba
To the Ugandans, especially the Bazzukulu, incident.
Today at 10:00hours, some pigs (in reality Those killed since the Katumba incident
manipulated and confused Bazzukulu), are:
apparently, blew themselves up, one near
the IGG office and the other near CPS. At 1. Nsubuga Mohammed;
about 10:30hours, the CMI/Police squads 2. Manihaji;
injured and captured the third terrorist
3. Moses Mudasiri (the one of today);
in the area of Katooke, Bwaise with his
bomb. He, later, died but gave us very 4. Master Lubwama;
good information before dying. His name
5. Juma Saidi;
is Musa Mudasiri.
6. Serwadda Juma; and
The bomber of CPS was by the names of
Mansoor Uthman and the one of the IGG 7. Amin Kawawa Mustapha.
office is by the names of Wanjusi Abdallah. The one who blew himself in the bus was
All these are part of the ADF group that Matovu Muzafari.
attacked Gen. Katumba in June.
Unfortunately, 3 people died in today’s
As I told the country before, by attacking incident apart from the 3 suicide bombers.
Gen. Katumba, these terrorists, exposed The injured are 36.
themselves at a time when our security
Apart from hunting the terrorists, the
(anti-crime) infrastructure has improved,
country strategy of vigilance (alertness),
compared to what it was in 2018 when I
is helping to minimise damage. The suicide
made the speech to Parliament.
bombers at both CPS and IGG office were
forced to detonate their bombs at the
checkpoint of Police outside and also
outside of the IGG office.

The Presidency | November 2021 23

Therefore, the public should maintain I am referring to the dead terrorists as
vigilance of checking people at entry manipulated victims of confusion. The
points to bus parks, hotels, churches, real pigs are people like Nsubuga, the so-
mosques, markets, etc. The Police will called Sheikh that confused young people
issue guidelines regarding securing the at Lweza. If blowing oneself up will send
checkpoints because the checkpoints one to Jaanaa, let him blow himself up
are protecting the buildings and the as an example instead of manipulating
occupants. young children.

We are working with the neighbours to Three (3) IED (Improvised Explosive
deal with those operating from outside. Devices) have been recovered including
They have exposed themselves when we the one of today. The terrorists invited us
are more ready for urban terrorism. They and we are coming for them.
will perish. Rural terrorism was defeated
in 2007 in the Semliki National Park. Ssabalwanyi
16th November, 2021

24 The Presidency | November 2021

16th November, 2021
Government, workers reps agree on NSSF supervisory roles

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: This after the workers representatives

protested the annual payment of
Government has agreed with the
Shs 7bn from NSSF to URBRA for
workers representatives that while
supervision of NSSF and yet the Ministry
the Ministry of Finance appoints
of Finance supervises URBRA.
and supervises the regulatory body
of the NSSF, the Ministry of Gender, This was the final contentious issue
Labour and Social development will between the workers representatives,
appoint the board that will constitute the Ministry of Gender, Labour and
workers, employers and government Social Development and the Ministry
representatives. of Finance, Planning and Economic
Development that had delayed the
During a meeting with the
passing of the NSSF bill.
Parliamentary committee on Gender,
Labour and Social Development, The Bill will see contributors aged 45
Workers Representatives, NSSF and above have 20% mid-term access
representatives and off icials f rom to their savings while the people living
the Ministry of Finance, Planning with disabilities will also access up to
and Economic Development led by 50% of their savings if they are 40 years
the Minister Matia Kasaija, and the and above, have saved for ten years and
Prime Minister Robinah Nabanjja, are out of a job or are unemployable.
President Museveni directed that
Mid-term access provides for additional
the contentious Uganda Retirement
benefits and relief to members of
Benefits Regulatory Authority (URBRA)
the Fund before they reach the age
immediately stops taking money from
prescribed by the law. Section 12 of the
the NSSF and instead be restructured
NSSF Act was amended to provide for
and paid by government which created
dual supervision of the Fund. Ministry
of Gender will be in charge of the social
“This is not a negotiation issue; it is security arm of the Fund, which deals
about what can safe guard this money. with the welfare of workers and their
URBRA should be paid by government, savings while Ministry of Finance,
not by workers money. URBRA is Planning and Economic Development
adding costs to workers. If you create an will supervise the investment arm of the
agency, pay it. They should not take any Fund, which deals with the business
other money from NSSF. They should component where savings are invested
remove all these people from workers in assets to generate income.
money,” he said.

The Presidency | November 2021 25

President had initially suggested above who have saved for ten years can
supervision by the Bank of Uganda access 50% of their saving mid-term
and the Ministry of Finance Planning but added that the law must be very
and Economic Development since they clear on who is disabled.
specialise in dealing with finances but
The NSSF MD Richard Byarugaba said
BOU was ruled out technically.
while they have no data on people with
On the issue of whether or not the disabilities so as not to discriminate,
Managing Director of NSSF who is the numbers are not significant and
an Ex-official has a right to vote, the members can be paid.
President agreed that the Managing
According to the workers records, there
Director can be a member but with
are 2,000,000 people saving with NSSF
no vote.
and less that 0.1%, about 20,000 people
“The character can just sit there and are living with disabilities.
talk. He can be a member but doesn’t
The NSSF fund has grown from a paltry
vote. There are things which are
Shs 800bn with less that 500,000 savers
dangerous which can either fail or kill
when the NRM government came
the institution,” he said.
into power in 1986 to a Shs 17trillion
On the issue of mid-term access of fund and over two million savers and
50% for persons with disabilities, the growing making it one of the best on
President agreed with the proposal of the continent.
people with disabilities of 40 years and

President Museveni with Government officials after a meeting to discuss

NSSF bill at State House, Entebbe

26 The Presidency | November 2021

18th November, 2021
President Museveni meets UK trade envoy

We want Uganda Airlines to ferry at He assured them that the Uganda

least 10 tons of goods on every trip Government was fully committed
it makes to London. We want to use towards ensuring high quality agro-
U.K. finances to build silos for the products for export.
agro-Products. We have financed He was pleased to learn that one of the
the Industrial Park in Namanve and investors was interested in establishing
we are interested in financing Kiira a modern hospital in Hoima District
Motors in its vehicle project” Lord in western Uganda. He noted that
Dollar Popat such a facility would save Ugandans
from the burden of travelling abroad
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: for medical tourism. He said that the
medical facility would attract many
President Yoweri Museveni said that
people from Uganda, the region and
Uganda can produce anything as long
Africa at large since the service was
as the people are well-organised and
The President and his guests also
“We can produce any agro-product as
discussed matters pertaining to
long as the people are mobilized. Our
increased electricity generation and
people have the capacity to produce a
lot of coffee and fruits on small pieces
of land. We have sensitised them in The British Prime Minister’s Trade envoy
the production of various high value to Uganda, Lord Dolar Popat expressed
products on small acreages. A small- his sympathy to President Museveni
scale farmer can generate up to Ush 18 and the people of Uganda over the
million (US $ 5,000) per acre of coffee recent bomb explosions in Uganda.
per year,” he said. He said his government is interested in
The President was speaking during a the purchase of various products from
meeting with the visiting British Prime Uganda, including coffee, maize, sugar,
Minister’s Trade Envoy to Uganda, wheat and barley. He revealed that his
Rwanda and Democratic Republic of team would connect Ugandans to the
Congo, Lord Dolar Popat at State House, buyers in the United Kingdom.
Entebbe. “We want Uganda Airlines to ferry at
The President and his guests discussed least 10 tons of goods on every trip it
a wide range of issues with the main makes to London. We want to use U.K.
focus on developing the export of agro- finances to build silos for the agro-
products to Britain. products.

The Presidency | November 2021 27

We have financed the Industrial Park in Namanve and we are interested in
financing Kiira Motors in its vehicle project.” he said.
He assured the President that his government was keen in supporting Uganda
in the industrialisation process.
The British High Commissioner to Uganda, H.E. Kate Airey briefed President
Museveni on the progress of the proposed expansion of electricity generation
and transmission.
One of the investors, Lord Benjamin Mancroft briefed President Museveni on
the 300 beds hospital that he plans to build in Hoima. He said that the project
would cost US $ 150 million and that the construction would commence in
January 2022.

President Museveni poses for a photo with the UK delegation after a

meeting at State House, Entebbe

28 The Presidency | November 2021

19th November, 2021
President Museveni passes-out 443 tank crew granduands

Nobody will disturb the peace of Cameras are eyes, I have heard that
Uganda. Anybody who tries will you can also put noses in the cameras
(install sensors) which can smell the
perish because the army is strong”
bombs and send an alert. The idea that
President Museveni” President they can be on the street is a good one.
Museveni These terrorists, we shall finish them.
They are wasting their time, they will
KABAMBA, MUBENDE: be defeated,” he said.
President Yoweri Museveni has vowed The President was presiding over the
that nobody will disturb peace of pass-out ceremony of 443 tank crew
Uganda and anybody who tries will granduands who had been undergoing
perish. a one year training course at the Karama
Armoured Warfare Training School in
“Nobody will disturb the peace of
Kabamba, Mudende district.
Uganda. Anybody who tries will perish
because the army is strong,” the The ceremony was attended by Lt
President said referring to the recent Gen. Proscovia Nalweyiso the Senior
twin bombings in Kampala that left six Presidential Advisor on Special Duties,
people dead including the 3 terrorists Lt Gen. Wilson Mbadi; Chief of Defence
who blew themselves up. Forces, Maj. Gen. Leopold Kyanda; Chief
of Staff Land Forces, religious leaders
The President said the problem is
among others.
some confused youth who have been
radicalised and some neighbouring “You have shown that you can train
countries who can’t control their other Africans in armour. I congratulate
affairs. He also cited the poor internal you for discovering your real potential
intelligence sector in towns, which has and for embracing the economics.
lagged behind. There is a lot of wastage in training
using live ammunition. It is costly and
“Internally, we have lagged behind
wears out armour. But now you are
about intelligence in towns to discover
enlightened and used simulators and
who is planning and where it is
special ammunition. You have made
professional training affordable,” the
The terror has shifted from the rural President said.
areas to towns where there are bigger
He commended the trainers for
populations and many buildings.
introducing to the trainees the concept
Security in town is intelligence-based.
of combined arms during an operation
We have moved very well so far.
such as ; air force, Field Engineering,
We have got videos of those who had Motorised Infantry fighting vehicles,
the bombs because of the cameras. Intelligence name them (coordinating
Now we need to do more. during an operation) to avoid exposing
them to the dangers of “food without

The Presidency | November 2021 29

The President commended warfare “Give it as my order that nobody
school for following his instructions should cut those trees because they
on inf rastructure development at are indigenous,” he said.
the school by building dormitories,
President Museveni congratulated
classrooms and a pavilion for them to
the graduands upon completing their
congregate and said they will consider
course and urged them to look after
building the electronic range ground.
their health to avoid getting HIV/Aids,
He commended the Karama COVID-19, sexually transmitted diseases,
Armoured Warfare Training School being disciplined, and being patriotic
and the Kabamba Military Academy and the rest will follow.
for preserving the environment and
Lt Gen. Wilson Mbadi, the Chief of
directed the institutions to put down
Defence Forces applauded President
as a General’s order that trees thereon
Museveni for professionalising UPDF
be preserved.
and urged him to continue with capacity
“I want to thank you for preserving building of the UPDF through training.
the environment. That word Karama He congratulated the graduands for
means a place of Mirama, small strong completing the demanding course and
trees with deep roots adapted to save advised them to use the attained skills
the environment,” he said. at the ripe time.
The President said since 1979 the “I want to thank you for preserving
grounds have had emigavu or emiisa,
the environment. That word Karama
and now have pine etc which are
very good nitrogen fixing trees with means a place of mirama, small
hardwood and must be preserved. strong trees with deep roots adapted
to save the environment” President

President Museveni salutes on his arrival at Karama Armoured Warfare

Training School

30 The Presidency | November 2021

20th November, 2021
Address to the Nation by President Museveni on Crime, Vaccination
and Terrorism

Countrymen and Countrywomen, Nevertheless, full vaccination has the

following benefits:
Greetings. Tonight, I have come here
to talk to you about vaccination, crime i. Those infected will not progress to
and terrorism. All these are important to severe disease;
understand because they affect stability ii. Will not die unless they have other
and wealth creation, hence, prosperity of comorbidities;
our people. iii. Since many people will be vaccinated,
In the past, I have talked to you about unity the speed of the spread of the virus will
be slowed down;
(anti-sectarianism), wealth creation in order
to create prosperity and jobs-creation. iv. And the hospital space that has been
Today, I will only talk about vaccination, tied down by the Corona patients, will
crime prevention and counter-terrorism be freed for other medical cases.
because they are now the immediate On account of that, the Government has
problems. been working very hard to get enough
Vaccination will help us to protect ourselves vaccines. As of today, we have received
against Corona and be able to open our 15,541,890 doses of different vaccines. In
economy in January, 2022. addition, by the end of December, 2021,
we shall have got the following additional
Full Vaccination two dozes of many of the
vaccines:- AstraZeneca (1,257,700 doses),
vaccines and one doze of Johnson and
Sinopharm (1,713,600 doses), Sinovac
Johnson according to the scientists give
(600,000 doses), Johnson and Johnson
protection of 66.3% They are, therefore,
(9,950,400 doses), and Pfizer (2,919,150
better than nothing. This is in spite of
doses), totaling to 31,982,740 doses.
some information which shows that even
the fully vaccinated may still contract the These vaccines are enough to vaccinate
disease; however , those infections, they fully all the 21 million Ugandans above the
say, do not progress to severe disease or age of 18years. If there is need for a third
death. booster doze, then it is also available.

The other day, I was talking to our good

friends from United Arab Emirates - UAE.

The Presidency | November 2021 31

They are ready to sell us 40 million dozes. today at 5,158,599 and that of the infected
With booster dozes, we would need only stands at 257,100,256. Today, the Corona
21million. Meanwhile, our scientists are situation in Uganda is as follows:
studying two questions.
i. Those in hospital are 140, occupying
Question number one is: “Is the booster only 140beds, while the total bed
doze necessary?” capacity is 3793.

The second question is: “Can we mix the ii. Those dying per day are 2, as compared
vaccines? Would somebody that got to the ones that were dying in the past
the 2 dozes of AstraZeneca, like myself, months per day who hit the figure of
be helped by taking Sino-pharm as the 54 on the 10th of June, 2021.
booster doze?”. The vaccines are getting
iii. And when you test 100,000 people,
more available globally. Moreover, we are
only 10 are found positive with Corona,
working hard on our own vaccine, which
compared to 1,735 at the height of the
we shall call Nalubale Dawa (ND).
second wave, on the 10th of June, 2021.
Apart from the vaccines, our scientists
Therefore, Ugandans, our firm stand,
like Ogwang, Nambatya and others, have
has not been in vain. Remember, that
been working on anti-virals. The Nambatya
the history of the NRM is the history of
Katenta Apuuli effort, is now at the stage of
freedom-fighters who always speak the
clinical trials; that of Ogwang, has compiled
truth and deal with reality realistically. We
a list of 300 persons whom they affirm, were
never entertain cheap popularity - failing
healed by COVIDex. The Nambatya group
to tell the people the truth because you
are now doing a hospital-based clinical trial,
want to be popular with them, even when
whose results shall be communicated to
it will lead to their ruin. Fortunately and
the public once it is completed.
with God’s guidance and approbation, we
In the meantime, on account of the always succeed and emerge from those
stringent measures we took right from difficult situations, triumphant.
March, 18th, 2020, when the Corona-19
Now that we have enough vaccines,
knocked on the door of Uganda, we have
therefore, the task is to make all adults,
had only two waves-while other countries
above the age of 18 years to come out
have had 3 and some are entering the
and be vaccinated. In the past, because
fourth. The total number of Ugandans
the vaccines were not enough, we were
infected is 127,166, those that have
targeting vaccinating the 4.8 million.
recovered are 97,217 and those that have
died are 3,247. We praise the Lord for these
much smaller numbers compared to what
happened in some of the other countries.
The global number of the dead stands

32 The Presidency | November 2021

These were the following: because they are sure the vaccines will be
there. They should be assisted by the CAOs
i. Those above the age of 50 years who
and Gombolola chiefs to send out these
are 3,348,500.
messages by media and also by couriers
ii. Those below 50 years but with the on bicycles, Piki pikis etc., to the villages. It
comorbidities of diabetes, etc., who are is not necessary for the vaccination teams
estimated to be- 500,000. to go to the villages because that increases
iii. The teachers- 550,000. the costs of the exercise. The teams should
only go to the villages for the few very old
iv. The health workers – 150,000.
people that cannot move at all, identified
v. And the security personnel – 250,000. by LC1s. We need to save money because
These would be the 4.8 million who were we may have to vaccinate the children
our first target. Recently, I advised the also. Hence, such money should not be
Ministry of Health, to add on the following: squandered on uncooperative people that
do not bother to do the minimum that is
i. The bar and hotel workers;
necessary to save their lives and get the
ii. The market workers; whole country out of trouble.

iii. The taxi and bus drivers and conductors; Therefore, now, I direct the RDCs, the
and District Medical Officers, the CAO and the
Gombolola Chiefs, through the radios and
iv. The boda boda operators.
courriers, to ensure that all people of 18
All these efforts of prioritising categories years and above, go to the Health Centre
to be vaccinated, were on account of not 3s and be vaccinated when the vaccines
having enough vaccines. are available. The schools and the whole
Now that we have enough vaccines, the economy will be open in January, 2022,
message is different. It is: all those above whether some people are vaccinated or
the age of 18 years, come forward and be not.
vaccinated. All the Health Centre 3s, will be I would also like to use this occasion, to talk,
having the Vaccines. I command the RDCs again, to the Ugandans about the battle
and the District Medical Officers in each against crime and terrorism.
district, to use the rocal radios to guide
I had last talked about this on the 28th of
the vaccination efforts in the respective
October, 2021. This is 4weeks ago. Both
catchment areas of each Health Centre III
crime and terrorism, are motivated by
i.e in each sub-county.
parasitism-people who want power and
The team of RDC and the District Medical wealth without democracy or working
Officer, is the one to guide on which dates with your own hands. Right from 1965, the
the people of Semuto sub-county, for precursors of the NRM, the student study
example, should go out to be vaccinated groups, were, mainly, from the background

of wealth creators- mainly crop producers

and livestock-rearers.
The Presidency | November 2021 33
Later on, we worked with fishermen By the time of Idi Amin in 1971, our student
and the artisans of Katwe. Although, at movement had crystalized our four
that time, we had not clearly refined our principles of: Patriotism, Pan-Africanism,
ideology and strategy, from the history Social-economic transformation and
examples of the Europeans Countries Democracy and had become ardent
such as France, which though united for supporters of Mwalimu Nyerere because
a long time, had the weakness of having he was the principal champion of
internal fiefdoms (Brettany, Burgundy etc.), these principles. Why patriotism (no
that imposed inter-province taxes, thus sectarianism), Pan-Africanism and Social-
undermining the free-flow of goods within economic transformation? It is on account
France and also of peoples such as the of the prosperity of the African Populations
Germans and the Italians who, although (Patriotism and Pan-Africanism), by uniting
one people, were fragmented into small the markets for wealth creators, strategic
Kingdoms (Germans into 39 and Italy into security (East African Federation) by having
7), we came to know that fragmentation stronger armies and handling security
was weakness, while unity was strength. and sovereignty problems together
That is how countries like Spain, Portugal, (unlike now when ADF is using Eastern
England and Russia, had become more Congo with impunity) and achieving all
powerful than the German and the Italian this by taking advantage of the oneness
peoples. We, therefore, started despising of the African Peoples (the Bantu, the
and even, effectively, walked out of the Cushitic, the Nilotic, the Afro-Asiatic etc.).
existing sectarian political parties of DP, We should create several powerful states
UPC and KY. There was also the good (Indias or Chinas) in Africa to facilitate this
example of the 13 American, former British attainment of that prosperity, strategic
colonies, that had, in 1776, united under security and undugu (fraternity) of the
George Washington to form the nucleus African people. We should not build a Latin
of the, by now, powerful United States. In America in Africa (a Centre of weakness)
those history studies, we noticed the role but several “USAs” or “Chinas” or Indias”,
of the new social class in the Western in Africa. Why democracy? It is because
countries (Europe and the USA), known the African people, should always freely
as the Middle class or the bourgeoisie, decide their destiny.
who, unlike the feudalists, understood
On account of these beliefs, we were able
and valued the importance of integration
to build a strong army, with the massive
(unity), because bigger markets were better
support of the masses, which enabled us
for their growing businesses. This need for
to achieve victory in 1986 and, thereafter,
bigger markets by the respective business
to bring unity and peace in Uganda. That
interests, played decisive roles in the French
is how the economy has been able to
Revolution of 1789 (the bourgeoisies) and
recover and expand from US$1.5bn to
the unification of Germany in 1870-71(the
now US$.41bn. The shortages of 1986, the
Prussian Junkers).

34 The Presidency | November 2021

magendo, the kibaanda, the kusamula, LDUs guarding villages against those that
etc., have been replaced with surpluses attack soft targets (Wanainchi etc.); zonal
(ekyengela-omweeru), of everything forces that always stay in an area (sub-
sugar, bananas, maize, milk, industrial county, county etc.) without ever leaving
products etc. The country is connected that area until the insurgency is defeated;
by tarmac roads from corner to corner mobile forces to hunt for the terrorists
and electricity is about to reach all the in the forests; Air forces; communication
sub-counties. We had 28,000 telephones intelligence to know what the enemy is
in 1986; we now have 28 million (July 2021). saying or doing and where he is located;
While we only had 2.5million children in the and road protection against road mines.
school system, we now have 15million. The
The insurgents had and have no chance.
population of Uganda was only 14million
Hence, peace in rural areas since 2007 in
in 1986. It is now 43 million.
all parts of Uganda.
Inspite of all these positive achievements,
One of the groups, ADF, having been
many of them apparent right from 1986 or
defeated in the rural areas (in the Rwenzori
even from the bush days (e.g discipline of
Mountains - very tough terrain), now
the Army), some parasitic groups, feared
resorted to urban terrorism. Between
this success. These successes, would render
January and July 2001, the ADF exploded
their groups irrelevant. Initially, they were
a total of 30 explosives, killing a total of
working also with some foreigners.
147 people.
Hence, they launched wars: Lakwena, Kony,
Although we were not well-equipped in the
ADF, UPA, FOBA, Itoongwa, Kirimuttu etc.
towns, mainly using human intelligence, we
Between 1986 and 2007, these groups
defeated this urban terrorism campaign.
organised rural insurgency which involved
There was some queiet. However, in 2012,
hiding in forests or mountains, ambushing
the ADF started assassinating individuals.
roads, kidnapping people to be sex-slaves
They assassinated 08 Sheiks by the names
or fight for them, launching surprise attacks
against the Army, planting land mines
1. Sheik Abdul Karim Ssentamu;
given to them by the Government of Sudan 2. Sheik Abubakar Muhamad Kiweewa;
etc. By 2007, the army had developed a 3. Sheik Ibrahim Kirya;
multi-dimensional capacity that could 4. Sheik Mustafa Bahiga;
not permit such groups to operate 5. Sheik Abubakar Madangu Yunus;
anywhere in the rural areas of Uganda or 6. Sheik Rashid Wafula;
even in the neighboring Countries, if the 7. Sheik Ductoor Muwaya; and
Governments of these Countries allow 8. Abdul Ssentuga;
us to operate there (e.g., South Sudan,
They also assassinated Joan Kagezi,
Galamba National Park in Congo etc.).
Maj. Kiggundu and some other people,
This multi-dimensional capacity, included:
assassinated Kawesi, Kirumira, etc.

The Presidency | November 2021 35

There were also other criminal acts A total of 106, have been arrested. I have
like the killing of women in Entebbe, heard some arguments about Sheikh
Zaana, Nansana and the killings by the Kirevu Muhamad, how he was a nice
Kiddawalime group in Nabissojjo. Using person etc.!! I normally, monitor closely,
human intelligence, we arrested some these operations. There is no way, the
and others – e.g. Kiddawalime – were security operatives would have known
killed. However, the investigations were about Kirevu Muhamad if he was not
inconclusive and slow. connected with the Katumba group (trying
to assassinate him), with the Pader group
That is when I made the speech in
during the burial of Gen. Lokech, with the
Parliament on the 18th of June 2018,
bombers of Komamboga, the bus and the
where I outlined the 12 measures to
2 recent bombs. The bomb of CPS and
be undertaken. Those measures, have
that of IGG office were linked to the 3rd
been partially implemented. The ADF
one that was supposed to be exploded
controllers being bankrupt, however, did
by Mozzey Musa Mudassir Mugamba at
not understand the importance of those
Bwaise, on the same day. The bomber at
measures nor did they evaluate the cause
CPS was Mansur and one of the IGG office
of their defeat in their rural insurgency
was Wanjusi. Let the public be patient and
in the Rwenzori Mountains. The UPDF
wait for the Court. You will hear the truth.
that defeated them in 2007 is now much
We now know a lot about these terrorists.
stronger, actually many times stronger,
Of course, some are not yet arrested such
than it was. Their attempts to kill General
as Ubaida bin Bukenya, the Ngabi clan
Katumba on the 1st of June, 2021, landed
member, that has now become an Arab
them in the trap. We were able, using the
on account of his ideological sickness. How
modern technology, to identify some of
can Museveni of the Basiita clan become
them. Once you get some, it is a matter
a Jew or an Anglo-Saxon, because he is
of time before you get all of them.
a Christian? Sheer sickness!! My advice
Since the Katumba attack, the following to all of them – these still hiding here,
ADF operators have been killed: in Kenya, Tanzania, Mozambique or in
1. Nsubuga Mohamad; Congo and South Africa, to surrender and
2. Moses Kalyowa Mohamed alias Mozey; save themselves. Of course, they will be
3. Matovu Adam alias Manihaj;
prosecuted but, if they do not come out,
4. Lubwama Hussein alias Master;
they will all die.
5. Juma Said;
6. Amin Kawaawa Ramathan Mustafa; In the meantime, the public should be
7. Sserwadda Juma; vigilant. Until all of them are arrested, they
8. Muhamad Kirevu alias Abas Kirevu; will continue to pose a short-term danger
9. Atindya Yasin alias Ssenabulya Dan; if we are not vigilant.
10. Byaruhanga Musa Bahemuka;
11. Turikimanya Joshua Mathias; and
12. Bagonza Joseph;
36 The Presidency | November 2021
However, our infrastructure is already Coming to the issue of suicide bombers,
helping. You can now watch or see it reminds me of the tribal chauvinism in
(pictures) how our infrastructure captured Europe where the English used to talk of
the bombers of Tuesday. “Dutch courage” which meant artificial
courage on account of alcohol.
The investigators get a lot of information
from that video. Those cameras can now The NRA-UPDF, has been fighting almost
see the wrong – doers. The scientists are continuously for the last 50 years. We
telling me that we can add a capacity despise that type of courage inducement.
to those cameras that will enable them We regard it as manipulation. We believe
to smell anybody carrying explosives in and we use conscious courage, where
and make alarm so that we go for him!! we know the risks of fighting but accept
You remember, that we are also going them but also educate ourselves about the
to digitally equip all vehicles and all piki counter–measures against the risks. Those
pikis with a device, that somebody cannot who use religion (going to Jana), alcohol,
remove, so that it will be able to tell us drugs (marijuana), witchcraft (Lakwena),
which vehicle was here or there. With the are, essentially, cowards trying to create
eyes, the nose and ears of the State, it will bravery artificially through manipulation.
be impossible for the terrorists to operate We have fought and defeated them in
in the towns of Uganda, just like they are Somalia, Sudan etc. The Israeli army fought
now unable to operate in the rural areas and defeated such groups in the Middle
of Uganda. East. The American army and the Red
army defeated the Japanese Kamikize
In the meantime, use what is on the
(suicide aircraft pilots). It is cowardice,
ground to be more vigilant. Apart from the
desperation and actually criminal. At the
cameras of the country, the government
right time, we shall expose the criminality
establishments, should have their own
of the actors that send these children to
in-house cameras to monitor suspicious
die for no good purpose. Going to Jana is
movements around and act against them
controlled by God. Does God admit wrong
before doing damage. The Police is already
doers? How can killing innocent people,
guiding people on how to expose those
give you a ticket to heaven?
criminals. The issue, however, is to use
intelligence to uproot these elements If suicide – bombing enables people going
out of our society and we now have the to heaven, why do the leaders of these
capacity to do so, both within the country groups the War- lords, not take the lead
and, with neigbours, also outside the by example? They do not want to go to
country. heaven?

The Presidency | November 2021 37

The ADF has exposed itself to us
when we are readier. They are sure
to be defeated. The explosives they
are using are, partly improvised,
such as the use of ammonium
nitrate (NH₄NO₃), calcium nitrate
Ca(NO3)2, etc., ordinary fertilizer.

However, there is what appears to

be C-4 which can only come from
Army stores and the detonators and
the detonation cords which can
only come from mining companies
or from Governments. We shall
investigate all this and go for the
collaborators of ADF. Ugandans,
concentrate on Wealth Creation. The
ADF is properly in our gun-sights at
a time we have built great capacity.
The work will be done.

I thank all of you.



38 The Presidency | November 2021

Feature Story
Communications Officer
Only 43 months to Uganda’s at Government Citizen
first oil drop Interaction Centre
By Arthur Musinguzi

The development of the borrow pits Some of these are

oil and gas resources of including working at the as
the Lake Albert region and inside construction support,
the cross-border pipeline Murchison falls project road network
is ongoing at the USD 4.5 national park. engineers or constructors
billion Tilenga Project. or at the Wanseko – Kirama
While briefing the
piped water supply section
As of today, 400 wells have journalists about the
among others, according to
been drilled in over 31 well progress of the oil
Gloria Sebikari, the Manager
pads across 6 fields; JobiRii, development in Uganda,
Corporate Affairs and
Ngiri, Gunya, Kigogole, Anita Kayongo, the
Public Relations, Petroleum
Nsoga, Kasemene and Corporate Communications
Authority of Uganda.
Wahrindi. Manager for Total Energies
revealed there are now The development of
An Industrial area which
only 43 months left to get the Tilenga oil project
comprises of; the Central
Uganda’s first oil drop. required land acquisition
Processing Facility (CPF)
for the establishment of
operating 24 hours, On several occasions,
production facilities and
operators camp, operations President Yoweri Museveni
support infrastructure
support base, a drilling base has said Uganda’s
like as roads, camps and
and drilling camp, cuttings oil and resource gift
pipelines resulting in the
re-injection facilities/liquid will create significant
involuntary displacement
mud plant, lake water Government revenue
of communities. Sebikari
abstraction system, oil for economic growth,
says the right procedures
production/water injection human development and
were taken and to avoid,
and electrical network, employment. According to
mitigate adverse effects,
Tangi operation support
compensate losses, and
base, have been put in
provide compesation to the
place in strong partnership
Project Affected Persons.
between the Government of
Uganda through UNOC and Out of the 622 project
its development partners, affected persons under the
Total Energies, CNOOC RAP 1 (Central Processing
Uganda Limited with the Facility and associated
Contractor MOTA-ENGIL. infrastructure), 30
people opted for in-
While approaching the
kind compensation. On
base for the Tilenga
the compensation for
project, you can’t help
permanent residents,
but notice the newly
Project Affected Persons
created road network in
had the option to choose
the formerly hard to reach
between cash or in-kind
area. The network involves
compensation (land for
opening new roads and
land/house for house).
up grading existing roads,
which is an outstanding The oil project is expected
development. to have a spillover effect not
Eng Charles Wawire, the
just on Uganda but also the
The temporary project project employs over 90%
rest of East Africa to be at
components include; Ugandans in its ranks.
a different level of durable
construction camps and
development, by the time
support bases on both
the oil is finished.
banks of the Nile, quarries/

The Presidency | November 2021 39

23rd November, 2021
Government committed to providing, protecting medical personnel

All the medical doctors should be The President was meeting a delegation
employed by the government once of Uganda Medical Association led by
their President, Dr. Sam Oledo. The
they complete their studies. The
President and the medical association
Ministry of Health should move discussed a wide range of issues aimed
forward with the programme of at improving health services in Uganda.
employing more health personnel. Mr. Museveni reiterated that the newly
The government is fully committed qualified medical doctors were assured
to personnel protection while they of a salary of Ush 5 million per month
perform their duties. We have the with effect from the 2022 -2023 financial
role of providing personal protection year and said there is no need to create
friction while following up the matter
equipment. It is logical to provide the of an enhanced salary.
essential medical facilities as opposed
President Museveni informed the
to giving out risk allowances”
delegation that today Uganda was
President Museveni enjoying stability because they
are working under the policy of
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: prioritisation. He reminded them that
there was need to create a minimum
President Yoweri Museveni has directed base for stability.
that all medical doctors should be
employed as soon as they qualify and The President said that the NRM
emphasised that government is fully Government would work out a system
committed to providing enhanced where the enhanced salaries would
salaries not only to medical personnel not be compromised by an unfriendly
but to all scientists. income tax policy and that the income
tax policy would be revised so that the
“All the medical doctors should be salaried workers are not disadvantaged.
employed by the government once they
complete their studies. The Ministry President Museveni said that he would
of Health should move forward with push to continue with the medical
the programme of employing more students and scientists being given
health personnel. The government priority of 70% of the scholarships in
is fully committed to personnel public universities and pledged to
protection while they perform their provide a facility of tax-free vehicles
duties. We have the role of providing to medical doctors starting from the
personal protection equipment. It is next financial year.
logical to provide the essential medical
facilities as opposed to giving out risk
allowances,” the President said, making
particular reference to the fight against
the COVID-19 pandemic.

40 The Presidency | November 2021

The President urged the doctors to The President of Uganda Medical
work and ensure that they achieve the Association, Dr. Sam Oledo thanked
goal of preventing diseases noting, that President Museveni for attending to
it was more effective and affordable their requests and for his outstanding
to take disease preventive measures role especially towards eliminating
and avoid the practice of waiting to COVID-19 and terrorism. He thanked the
attend to patients. He said that the President for establishing an effective
government would work with the army ambulance service and observed that
to build institutional houses for the the President has scored big particularly
medical personnel. in the elimination of malaria and the
guinea worm.

President Museveni poses for a photo with Uganda Medical Association

after a meeting at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | November 2021 41

The President commended warfare “Give it as my order that nobody
school for following his instructions should cut those trees because they
on inf rastructure development at are indigenous,” he said.
the school by building dormitories,
President Museveni congratulated
classrooms and a pavilion for them to
the graduands upon completing their
congregate and said they will consider
course and urged them to look after
building the electronic range ground.
their health to avoid getting HIV/Aids,
He commended the Karama COVID-19, Sexually transmitted diseases,
Armoured Warfare Training School being disciplined, and being patriotic
and the Kabamba Military Academy and the rest will follow.
for preserving the environment and
Lt Gen Wilson Mbadi, the Chief of
directed the institutions to put down
Defence Forces applauded President
as a General’s order that trees thereon
Museveni for professionalizing UPDF
be preserved.
and urged him to continue with capacity
“I want to thank you for preserving the building of the UPDF through training.
environment. That word Karama means He congratulated the graduands for
a place of mirama, small strong trees completing the demanding course and
with deep roots adapted to save the advised them to use the attained skills
environment,” he said. at the ripe time.
The President said since 1979 the “I want to thank you for preserving
grounds have had emigavu or emiisa,
the environment. That word Karama
and now have pine etc which are
very good nitrogen fixing trees with means a place of mirama, small
hardwood and must be preserved. strong trees with deep roots adapted
to save the environment” President

President Museveni salutes on his arrival at Karama Armoured Warfare

Training School

42 The Presidency | November 2021

28th November, 2021
Uganda and Tanzania hold bilateral talks

I am happy to tell Tanzanians, he said.

Ugandans and the world that On health matters, their Excellencies
the activities on the pipeline are agreed to work closely on developing a
complete” President Museveni vaccine as a measure to further combat
the spread of the COVID-19 virus and
other pandemic diseases.
DAR-ES-SALAAM, TANZANIA: President Museveni said he was happy
President Yoweri Museveni and his that President Suluhu was willing to
host Tanzania President Samia Suluhu partner with Uganda to exploit the
Hassan agreed on various key strategic Pathogenic economy through joint
projects that will deepen cooperation in production of pharmaceuticals.
trade and development, notable among “There are diseases but there is
which is the East African Crude Oil also money within these diseases.
Pipeline (EACOP) project that will not COVID-19 awakened us all. We must
only see oil flow downstream from the establish Pharmaceutical companies
Albertine region and in future from for vaccines and veterinary drugs. We
Kadam in Karamoja, DR. Congo and should address the issues of viruses but
South Sudan but will also see gas flow also reagents to use for the vaccines.
from the coastal region in Tanzania There is a huge business in the world
upstream, to the continents inlands. of pathogenics but we must work on
“I am happy to tell Tanzanians, both the vaccines and reagents. When
Ugandans and the world that the we had a breakthrough, I contacted Her
activities on the pipeline are complete,” Excellency and we agreed to cooperate.
President Museveni who arrived We started with the AIDS drugs, now
following a much anticipated down we are saying, if we are sick, why not
pour, that cooled the hot Tanzania treat ourselves and get that money for
capital, said at a press conference at our economies,” he said.
State House Dar-es-Salaam. The President said the veterinary
President Museveni said the proposal vaccines would help the communities
to have the pipes made here to benefit of Byaramuro, Bukoba etc, who
the people was abandoned following keep livestock and would boost milk
complaints that it would delay the production.
project. President Museveni who was later
“We decided to leave that to companies hosted to a State Banquet at State
to import pipes out of the continent. House, Dar-es-Salaam, emphasized the
US$ 130bn will be lost but the project will issue of markets to support business
take off. For example US$52million will growth.
be used on transport costs annually”,

The Presidency | November 2021 43

Market is a stimulus for business. The more you sell, the more you produce.
Segmenting African markets is a big mistake. We should use the tool of markets
to support businesses,” he said.
On other joint projects, their Excellencies reaffirmed their commitment to fast-
track the implementation of energy and road transportation networks, specifically,
the ongoing construction of the Omugakorongo – Kigarama – Murongo (km
111)/Kikagati – Mbarara – Kampala (km 392) and Masaka – Mutukula (km 89.5)/
Mutukula –Kyaka and Bugene – Kasulo – Kumunazi (km 157.6).
President Museveni later addressed the Business Forum at State House Dar
es Salaam, toured the Port of Dar es Salaam and the Standard Gauge Railway
(SGR) and jointly addressed the EACOP symposium organised by the Tanzania
and Uganda private sector bodies.

President Museveni and President Samia Suluhu toast during a state banquet held
at State House, Dar-es-Salaam.

44 The Presidency | November 2021

29th November, 2021
President Museveni tours Port of Dar es Salaam, Stand Gauge Railway

Tanzania was well known for “Tanzania was well-known for political
political awareness but I am now awareness but I am now happy that
people have woken up to economic
happy that people have woken up to
awareness through attitude change
economic awareness through attitude which was a big problem in the past.
change which was a big problem The private sector is the biggest driver
in the past. The private sector is of development. I am generally pleased
the biggest driver of development. with all the developments in Tanzania,
but the most important is the attitude
I am generally pleased with all
change”, the President said.
the development in Tanzania but
the most important is the attitude Dar-es-Salaam Port is the Tanzania
principal port with a rated capacity
change” President Museveni of 4.1 million (dwt) dry cargo and 6.0
million (dwt) bulk liquid cargo. It has a
DAR-ES-SALAAM, TANZANIA: total quay length of about 2,600 metres
with eleven deep-water berths. Dar-es-
President Yoweri Museveni directed Salaam port handles about 95% of the
the Minister of East African Affairs as Tanzania international trade and serves
well as the Uganda High commissioner the landlocked countries of Malawi,
to Tanzania to facilitate the setting up Zambia, Democratic Republic of Congo,
of Tanzania Ports Authority offices in Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda. The
Kampala, a move agreed upon by the port is strategically placed to serve as
two heads of state to fast track the a convenient freight linkage not only
transportation of goods and services for to and from East and Central Africa
the new crude oil pipeline and also ease countries but also to middle and far
the cost of doing business between the East, Europe, Australia and America.
two countries.
Later the President toured the Tanzania
The President was touring the Port Standard Gauge Railway and noted
of Dar es Salaam as part of his three- that pipeline and the SGR projects will
day State Visit to Tanzania. President go a long way in pulling in oil from
Museveni and President Samia Suluhu other neighbouring countries including
Hassan agreed during their official visit Uganda, DRC, South Sudan among
that the Kampala office will be vital others.
in clearing equipment for building
the pipeline from the port of Dar-es- President Museveni noted that most
Salaam. of the countries were not any different
from Africa but got rich because of
During the tour, the President stressed being fast and also the attitude towards
the need for attitude change in doing doing business and transformation.
business if the region is to achieve
socioeconomic transformation.

The Presidency | November 2021 45

He said once the region transforms The President who was accompanied
four elements of its economy including by Tanzania’s foreign minister Prof
low cost of transport, low of electricity, Palamagamba Kabudi said he was
low cost of money in banks for happy to be in Tanzania and share ideas,
manufacturing and agriculture as well adding that one of the problems of
as some of the services like tourism Africa was lack of sharing ideas which
and hotel management, low cost of has led the continent to lag behind.
labour among others their economies
He thanked his host President
will grow faster.
Suluhu Hassan for her hospitality
He urged Africans against fragmenting and applauded the long standing
their market citing a contrast between relationship between the two brotherly
the North and South America where countries. The function was attended
one is rich in natural resources but by senior government officials as well
poor due to fragmented market and as the business community.
the other has less resources but is the
world’s biggest economy. He said that
the African people should be their own
tool for marketing their products.
The Tanzania Standard Gauge Railway
(SGR) under construction will link the
country to the neighboring countries
of Rwanda and Uganda, and through
these two, to Burundi and the
Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The new Tanzania SGR, is intended
to replace the old, inefficient metre-
gauge railway system and reduce
road congestion. It is also expected to
decrease freight costs by 40%. Each
freight train is expected to transport
up to 10,000 tonnes, equivalent to
500 lorry-loads. The project is being
implemented in 5 phases: 202km
Phase 1 (Dar es Salaam–Morogoro)
Section, 348km Phase 2 (Morogoro– President Museveni touring
Makutopora) Section, 294km Phase 3 the Tanzania Standard Gauge
(Makutopora–Tabora) Section; 130km Railway
Phase 4 (Tabora-Isaka) Section, and
341km Phase 5 (Isaka–Mwanza) Section.

46 The Presidency | November 2021

28th November, 2021
President Museveni, President Suluhu address Joint Business Forum

It will create jobs during construction and after. Other service providers will also be
able to supply those who work in the oil sector e.g. hotels, transport, food–suppliers
etc. Unlike Japan or Korea or Saudi Arabia who are either do not have oil or only
have oil, East Africa has got everything: agriculture, minerals, forests, oil, gas etc.
Once the environmental concerns are addressed, the sky is the limit” President

DAR-ES-SALAAM, TANZANIA: President Museveni was in Tanzania for

a three-day state visit at the invitation
President Yoweri Museveni said a
of Her Excellency Samia Suluhu Hassan,
federated East Africa would create a
President of the United Republic of
united market for the businesses of
Tanzania. Her Excellency Suluhu Hassan
200 million people, who will be 401
and President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni,
million by 2050, (according to the
addressed a joint business Forum
UN projections), adding, a political
during which they urged the business
federation would also make it easier to
community to embrace the spirit of
handle issues of insecurity such as the
cooperation between the two countries
insecurity in Eastern Congo, Somalia,
and to explore opportunities to enhance
Mozambique, etc., which affects even
bilateral trade and investment. They
the countries that are stable because
further directed the Ministers of the
‘we have not and we cannot build walls
relevant sectors to meet as frequently
between these sister countries’.
to address the Non-Tariff Barriers (NTBs)
The President was addressing the and find solutions to challenges relating
Business Community at the Business to trade.
Forum held at State House Dar-es-
President Museveni said the two levels
Salaam. The Forum was held alongside
of integration; political and economic
the EACOP Symposiums organized
for East Africa as well as economic for
by the Tanzania and Uganda Private
Africa - would create a bloc with which
we can negotiate durable market access
“East Africa is quite homogenous, internationally with the USA, China, EU,
around the language of Swahili on Russia, India, Japan, Indonesia etc.
top of the shared heritage of the
“You remember the world is mpa,
Bantu, Nilotic, Nilo-Hamitic and
nkuwe, give me so that I give you also
Cushitic peoples of this area. It is these
– reciprocity. Why all those efforts? It is
similarities and ancient linkages that
on account of our search for prosperity
should enable East Africa to achieve
( jobs, goods and services, a bigger
maximum unity in the form of both
Government revenue, tax base, more
political (federation) and economic
export earnings, more value-addition,
(common market) integration,” the
better infrastructure, better services
President said.
such as health and education) and

The Presidency | November 2021 47

strategic security (stronger armies that She said Tanzania appreciates Uganda’s
are able to ensure security and defend support towards the realisation of the
us against any and all enemies of East African Crude oil Pipeline project
whatever potential), taking advantage and subsequent social economic
of our similarities, linkages and a development of the two countries.
common history,” he said.
The one day Business Forum was
On the issue of climate change, organised by the government of
President Museveni said the climate Tanzania and aimed at providing
salvation efforts are targeting, correctly, a platform for the private sector
the use of coal for power generation to network, understand industry
and the internal combustion engines opportunities and challenges,
that should be replaced by electric showcase capabilities through sharing
engines. of knowledge and experiences as well
as identify key strategies that can
He said there are safer uses of oil
enable partnerships between the two
including car tyres which are synthetic
and are much stronger than the
rubber ones; chairs and car-seats; While the two day EACOP symposium
polyester for textiles to mix with cotton; was organised by Tanzania and Uganda
medicine; bitumen (asphalt); cosmetics; Private sector bodies and run under
detergents and packages, etc. the theme: “Enhancing Private sector
participation in the oil and gas sector”.
“Here, the environment issue is no
longer green-house gases but waste- It is estimated that during f irst
disposal. Can we not perpetually recycle construction phase of EACOP, Uganda
some of those for re-use?” he asked. and Tanzania will see increase of over
60% in foreign direct investment. The
The President informed Tanzanian,
oil and gas project shall total up to US
Ugandans, all the global citizens, that
US$20b with EACOP investment alone
the East African pipeline business is a
at over US$3.5b.
good, durable business.
The symposium attracted private sector
“It will create jobs during construction
players as well as senior government
and after. Other service providers will
officials eager to tap into oil and gas
also be able to supply those who work
in the oil sector e.g. hotels, transport,
food–suppliers etc. Unlike Japan or Later, President Museveni visited and
Korea or Saudi Arabia who are either toured the Port of Dar-es-Salaam and
do not have oil or only have oil, East the Standard Gauge Railway (SGR) and
Africa has got everything: agriculture, was impressed by the developments
minerals, forests, oil, gas etc. Once the at the Port and SGR that will improve
environmental concerns are addressed, the movement of cargo destined to
the sky is the limit,” he said. Uganda hence reducing the cost of
doing business in the two countries.
President Samia Suluhu Hassan on her
part, expressed gratitude to President
Museveni for spending his precious
time in Tanzania and addressing the
Business Forum and EACOP symposium
in particular.

48 The Presidency | November 2021

29th November, 2021
Museveni pays respects to late Tanzania President Magufuli

CHATO, TANZANIA: President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli

who died in March this year aged 61 was
President Yoweri Museveni concluded
the fifth President of Tanzania. He was
his three-day state visit to the United
buried at his ancestral home of Chato
Republic Of Tanzania with a visit to the
in the North West of the country on
ancestral home of the Late Tanzania
26th March, 2021 nearly 10 days after
President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli,
his death.
where he paid his respects and laid a
wreath on the grave of the former Head Magufuli was born in Chato, north-west
of State. Tanzania, in 1959, studied chemistry and
mathematics at the University of Dar
On his arrival in Chato, President
es Salaam and worked as a chemistry
Museveni was received by President
and mathematics teacher. He was first
Samia Suluhu Hassan and was ushered
elected as a Member of Parliament (MP)
into the home and house of the late
in 1995 and became a cabinet minister
President where he met and consoled
in 2000. He was elected President in
Mrs Janeth Magufuli, the window of the
2015. He was reelected again in 2020
fallen head of state. He also met and
elections and died after serving few
consoled Pombe Magufuli’s mother.
months in the office.

President Museveni signs a condolence book at the burial site of late President
John Pombe Joseph Magufuli

The Presidency | November 2021 49

29th November, 2021
President commissions Museveni Primary School in Chato

President Mkapa allowed me to build the school not because Tanzania never had
money, but it was brotherhood. And therefore, I built Museveni Pre-Primary School
on two things, remembrance and brotherhood. This is the first time in the world to
get anything… be it a school or an institution to be called my name. I don’t want
people’s property to be called after my name other than my wife, and some of my
kids who agreed to use my name” President Museveni

CHATO, TANZANIA: when he constructed Ndutwe Primary

School and later another school around
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
Kagera River named Nyamiyaga
accompanied by his Tanzanian
Primary School after the war against
counterpar t Samia Suluhu
Uganda’s former President Idi Amin
commissioned the newly constructed
Museveni Pre and Primary School
located in Nyabirezi Village, Chato “President Mkapa allowed me to build
district in Tanzania. the school not because Tanzania never
had money, but it was brotherhood. And
During the inauguration ceremony, the
therefore, I built Museveni Pre-Primary
President said he was neither requested
School on two things, remembrance
nor commanded by the late President
and brotherhood. This is the first time
of the United Republic of Tanzania, Dr.
in the world to get anything… be it a
John Pombe Joseph Magufuli to build
school or an institution to be called my
a school in Tanzania but that it was a
name. I don’t want people’s property to
suggestion that was brought forward
be called after my name other than my
by two fallen Heads of state; H.E. John
wife, and some of my kids who agreed
Magufuli and H.E. Benjamin Mkapa
to use my name,” he said.
The President recounted that while
He explained that he requested
these days the important thing is
Tanzania army leaders to look for
business, they reasoned then, that if
patriots of Tanzania People’s Defence
they can use brotherhood, they could
Forces (TPDF) who fought in Uganda to
have a very prosperous part of the world
search in records and identify the places
where they won the war therefore name
President Museveni also revealed that those two schools after those places.
he was previously invited by the late
President Benjamin Mkapa to build
for Tanzania a school in remembrance
of the Amin war which he said he did,

50 The Presidency | November 2021

He later officially handed over the Museveni Pre and Primary School
school to the government of Tanzania. sits on 11.4 Acres of land. It has
an administration block, sixteen
The President of the United Republic
classrooms, two staff rooms, a resource
Of Tanzania H.E Samia Suluhu Hassan
centre, dining hall, kitchen, and two
thanked Museveni for investing over
kindergarten classrooms.
US$1.6 million (About 5.6 billion shs)
in Tanzania, and said, ‘it is not an easy President Museveni was later seen off
feat’. by his Tanzanian counterpart at Geita
Airport where several other senior
“You have invested over US$1.6 million,
government officials from Tanzania
Chato loves you so much. What you
also lined up to see him off.
have done for the people of Chato can
only be related to a saying which goes Also present at the airport were
that: ‘Give a fish to someone and they Uganda’s Deputy High Commissioner
will be healed of hunger for the night to Tanzania Maj. Gen. Godffrey Muhesi
but teach them how to fish and they and the defense attaché Maj. Gen.
will forever be healed for their lives,” Steven Kashaka and Tanzania’s High
she said. Commissioner to Uganda, Liberation
R. Mulamula among others.

President Museveni and President Suluhu cut the ribbon to open Museveni Pre-and
Primary School in Chato, Tanzania

The Presidency | November 2021 51


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The Presidency

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

1  Editor’s Note 4

2  President Museveni hosts talks on South Sudan 7

3  President Museveni hosts International Day of People with Disability 9

4  President Museveni meets CEOs of Private Sector at Kyankwanzi 11

5  President Museveni receives letters of credence from Russian Envoy 14

6  President Museveni meets UNSC over ADF attacks 15

7  President Museveni celebrates anti-corruption Day 16

8  President Museveni launches Sanga Vet. Chem. Ltd 18

9  President Museveni launches East African Medical Vitals 20

10  Appointment of Ambassadors, High Commissioners and Deputy Ambassadors22

11  President Museveni campaigns for NRM candidate in Kayunga 24

12  President Museveni hosts International Diwali celebrations 26

13  President Museveni meets Head of DRC Senate 28

14  President Museveni wishes Ugandans a Merry Christmas 30

15  President Museveni commissions Keihangara Seed Secondary School 31

16  New Year Address by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni 34

Editor’s Note
Note from the Chief Editor

Dear Reader,
I have the pleasure to congratulate you upon successfully finishing 2021 and
wish you a prosperous 2022. I also have the honour to present to you the
December edition of our monthly e-magazine, The Presidency.
The Presidency is an idea we mooted in June last year, to bring to you, the
GCIC follower and a Uganda citizen, the monthly itinerary of His Excellency
the President, as part of open Government initiatives of the Government of
Uganda. We have been consistent since and this is our proud seventh edition.
What GCIC strives for, is to ensure that you as a citizen feels you are part
of Government through citizen-led governance, by putting forward your
suggestions or questions through our platforms; email:,
Whatsapp: 0414670288 or through our social media handles; GCIC Uganda.
You can also use these platforms to share your views on how some of the
media of mass engagement, including this magazine, the quarterly newsletter
and the weekly Citizen Baraza, can be improved.
The month of December is mainly Christmas and end of year festivities and
H.E. the President joined his family at their country home in Rwakitura,
Kiruhura District, to partake in the celebrations. The President had kicked off
the month with diplomatic engagements; hosting South Sudan peace talks
at State Lodge, Nakasero, meeting and briefing representatives of the United
Security Council about Uganda Peoples’ Defence Forces operation against
the Allied Democratic Forces inside the Democratic Republic of Congo, and
later receiving letter of credence from the Russian Ambassador to Kampala
among others.
Lastly, in this edition, we are publishing the President’s end of year address
to the nation on 31st December, 2021, at Rwakitura, Kiruhura District.
I now have the pleasure to present to you the seventh edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of
Communication & Director Government
Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC)

4 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

Editorial Team

Duncan Abigaba Robert Sharp Mugabe

Deputy Chief Editor Content Production Manager

Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba Ariho Muhwezi

Head of Logistics Head of Production Graphics Editor

Peace Akol Otim Deo Elizabeth Kabibi

Editor Editor Editor

The Presidency | December 2021 5

Quote of the Month

We are determined to bring the cost of electricity

down to US$ 5cents for manufacturing. We also
need to bring down the costs of transport. That is
why we are struggling with the railway from Kenya
and Tanzania. We want that to come down. Also
the cost of money for manufacturing, agriculture,
services like tourism, hospitality and professional
services like medical and private schools needs to
come down,”

President Museveni at Meeting with CEOs of Private

Sector at Kyankwanzi, 4th December, 2021
2nd December, 2021
President Museveni hosts talks on South Sudan

If South Sudan wants peace, they must work for free elections. The actors must
concentrate on treating the population well. I am pleased and agree with the
proposal for the South Sudan retreat to be hosted in Uganda. The people of
South Sudan are tired of the war,” President Museveni.

STATE LODGE, NAKASERO: He observed that the sanctions

imposed on the neighbouring country
President Yoweri Museveni said that
were wrong because they create a
the South Sudan Government and
vacuum. He called on the leaders and
all stakeholders must work towards
stakeholders to work towards the lifting
holding elections in order to have
of the sanctions.
sustainable peace.
The President said he would be pleased
“If South Sudan wants peace, they must
to host the retreat, adding that it was
work for free elections. The actors must
necessary to pass the 6 pending laws
concentrate on treating the population
before the end of December. He said
well. I am pleased and agree with the
that the strategic issue is how to build
proposal for the South Sudan retreat
prosperity for the people of South
to be hosted in Uganda. The people of
South Sudan are tired of the war,” he
said. The President said that elections are a
medicine for peace and stability and
The President was meeting a delegation
emphasised that it is wrong to have
representing South Sudan, Kenya,
power based on arms.
Britain, Norway and United States of
America on the revitalised agreement President Museveni disclosed that when
on the resolution of the conflict in the UPDF attacked the terrorists in D.R.
Republic of South Sudan. Congo, early this week the people of
Uganda jubilated because Ugandans
Kenya was represented by the Special
are tired of terrorism.
Envoy to South Sudan, Dr. Kalonzo
Musyoka, while South Sudan was The South Sudan Minister of the
represented by the Minister of the Presidency, Benjamin Marial, expressed
Presidency, Benjamin Mariel. The British his condolences to the President upon
delegation was led by the Ambassador the loss of lives around Kampala during
to Juba, Jonny Baxter, the Norwegian the recent bomb explosions.
Special Envoy to South Sudan, Endre
Stiansen and the USA Charge de Affairs
based in Juba David Renz.

The Presidency | December 2021 7

President Museveni posing for a photo with participants in the South
Sudan talks during a meeting held at State Lodge, Nakasero

He said that his government was addressing the peace process through
defence, elections and the constitutional process. He called on the international
community to lift the embargos imposed on South Sudan.
The Kenyan Special envoy to South Sudan, Kalonzo Musyoka observed that
Uganda and Sudan are the guarantors of the peace process in South Sudan.

8 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

4th December, 2021
President Museveni hosts International Day of People with Disability

Right from the beginning at NRM inception, the population has been able
to grow but why doesn’t the number of people with disabilities reduce?
14.4℅ of the total national population of 43 million people, equivalent to
about 6 million people is not a small number. Why doesn’t the number of
PWDs reduce,” President Museveni .

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: reduce”, he asked.

President Yoweri Museveni called for a The President said one leading factor
nationwide campaign to eliminate road for the cause of disability is due to road
recklessness that is one of the leading accidents, which he attributed to mere
causes of disability in Uganda. recklessness on the road.
The President was speaking during He advised Government and the
the national commemoration of the relevant stakeholders to initiate
International Day of People with a national campaign to eliminate
Disability at a virtual ceremony held recklessness on the roads and plan
at State House, Entebbe. for avoiding early disability causes
in schools through counseling. He
According to records from the Police’s
said disability, in the case of elderly
Directorate of Traffic and Road Safety,
people, is a natural phenomenon by
at least 229 people perished in 1,407
ageing but should not be a cause of
road accidents recorded last September
the accumulated numbers of cases of
alone, most of which emanated from
reckless driving that also resulted in
serious and minor injuries to 1,054 The President reaffirmed Government’s
people. commitment to continue supporting
PWDs in the education sector by
President Yoweri Museveni directed
providing special needs in schools
the Ministries of Gender and Health to
through production and support aids
harmonise, investigate and identify the
like wheel chairs, artificial kegs, give
causes of disability during early human
livelihood support to SACCOs and
growth and ageing independently.
grants for income generating projects
“Right from the beginning at NRM and have advocacy through councils
inception, the population has been able in order to sensitize the people on
to grow but why doesn’t the number of supporting PWDs.
people with disabilities reduce? 14.4℅
He also noted that the Ministry of
of the total national population of 43
Gender identified some causes of
million people, equivalent to about 6
disability including stunted growth due
million people is not a small number.
to lack of some hormones in the body
Why doesn’t the number of PWDs
among children, visual and hearing

The Presidency | December 2021 9

impairment that can be detected and is able to host the event since 1992 saying
preventable especially at early growth that the recognition of people with
period. PWDs raises awareness about matters
that affect them at national level.
President Museveni said that since 1986,
the NRM Government has focused on During the celebrations, Daniel Eraju a
mass immunisation against the killer visually-impaired and former student
diseases in children, emphasizing that of Iganga SS testified that ‘disability is
all the cases of disabilities shouldn’t be not inability’. He said that being blind
increasing at all. did not hinder him from pursuing
his studies up to advanced level, and
The Global theme of this year’s
scoring all the 20 points.
celebrations is “Leadership and
Participation of Persons with Disabilities President of the United Nations General
toward an Inclusive, Accessible and Assembly, H.E Mr. Abdulla Shahid,
Sustainable post Covid-19 World” and said the day is aimed at increasing
the adopted national theme is “Not awareness of the situation of persons
All Disabilities Are Visible: A Call for with disabilities and promoting their
a Stronger Post Covid-19 Agenda.”, rights.
which was purposefully selected to
“It reminds us that persons with
draw attention to the many invisible
disabilities must be part of any decision-
disabilities like physical and mental
making process around COVID-19,
disabilities, cerebral, epilepsy among
around the achievement of Sustainable
Development Goals, or around any
The Minister of Gender, Labour and other issue relevant to our societies,”
social Development, Betty Amongi, he said.
commended Government for being

President Museveni gestures to officials who attended the

International Day of PWDs at State House, Entebbe

10 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

4th December, 2021
President Museveni meets CEOs of Private Sector at Kyankwanzi

We are determined to bring Executive Officers of various businesses

the cost of electricity down to in Uganda who were attending a 3-day
retreat hosted by the Presidential CEO
US$ 5cents for manufacturing.
Forum (PCF) at the National Leadership
We also need to bring down Institute in Kyankwanzi.
the costs of transport. That
President Museveni said they have
is why we are struggling with dealt with issue of politics, ideology of
the railway from Kenya and unity versus sectarianism, infrastructure
Tanzania. We want that to come which translates to the issue of costs of
down. Also the cost of money production and the cost of labour which
for manufacturing, agriculture, is still down.
services like tourism, hospitality The President said with the introduction
and professional services like of universal education, the population is
medical and private schools more educated and easier to skill.
needs to come down,” “An educated population will help
President Museveni in consumption – become effective
consumers of production,” he said.

NALI, KYANKWANZI: The President highlighted the

importance of markets and said they
President Yoweri Museveni highlighted struggled with the restoration of the
what he described as the three priority East African Community (EAC), which
sectors including electricity, transport had collapsed to ensure a unified market.
and money that his Government will
focus on to lower the cost of production “The NRM has been at the forefront
and spur business growth. of unification of East Africa, COMESA,
ACFTA and also negotiated with others
“We are determined to bring the cost for the US market through AGOA, EU
of electricity down to US$ 5 cents for through MBA etc. All this we do to create
manufacturing. We also need to bring an atmosphere for the private sector to
down the costs of transport. That is why come in and produce goods and services
we are struggling with the railway from which we need and don’t have to import
Kenya and Tanzania. We want that to but also goods and services which we
come down. Also the cost of money for can export and get foreign currency,
manufacturing, agriculture, services like create jobs for the people and expand
tourism, hospitality and professional tax base to have a richer Government,”
services like medical and private schools he said.
needs to come down,” he said.
The President said he was happy with
The President was addressing Chief

The Presidency | December 2021 11

President Museveni (with red gorgets) posing for a photo
some of the CEOs at NALI, Kyankwanzi

the Prime Minister’s directive to have not be able to know the macro-overall
all Accounting Officers procure local picture. It is good that in addition to
content. micro-economic units, we are aware of
the overall situation,” he said.
“All Accounting Officers are now going
to buy local goods whether they like it or The President said Uganda has the
not, as part of tactical efforts to support potential to develop even faster than the
local businesses,” he said. 2040 vision predicted by the bureaucrats.
President Museveni welcomed the “I don’t think that the business people
CEOs to NALI, describing it as a place for including banks understand the potential
removing cobwebs from people’s heads. of Uganda’s economy. 2040 is a view of
bureaucrats who eat what is ripe. For
“That is why you hear that Uganda is
us we know it is possible to move much
stable because we always sensitise our
faster,” he said.
soldiers to know what is important for
their country here. I am happy to see “A business person is a moderniser after
you here. As business people, each is in a market. They don’t care about tribe,
a given sector at micro-economic level. religion, man or woman; all they want
You come in where you think there is an is a customer.
opportunity for business. But you may

12 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

The NRM rejected that sectarian “All industries and CEOs here want to
approach, what we care about is put Uganda first by implementing BUBU
prosperity. The idea of sectarianism is in its totality. My appeal is to produce
anti-business and anti-prosperity. We quality products in good quantities so
brought politics of interest and are that we are able to compete domestically,
against politics of identity. The interests of regionally and in the international
the people come first including fighting market,” she said.
hunger, lack of transport, poverty,
The Presidential CEO Forum is an
insecurity etc. Ideology brings unity and
indigenous association dealing with
unity brings ideology,” he said.
private sector issues and represents
The President said they saw the the private sector, manufacturers and
importance of infrastructure and industrialists, working closely with
insisted that although many things need Government Ministries and Departments
attention, they would start with roads, to reinforce private sector inclusion in
power, schools, health centres etc. development matters.
“Our roads are now linked border to The book also portrays the projects
border by tarmac roads championed by the key players of the
Ugandan energy value chain.
You have unity, peace and infrastructure,”
he said. The Energy Year Uganda 2021 also
features maps showing Uganda’s oil
The Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Robinah
and gas licenses and their status and
Nabbanja, commended the CEOs for
featuring the ground-breaking East
pushing Buy Uganda Build Uganda
African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)
(BUBU), in its totality and for employing

The NRM has been at the forefront of unification of East

Africa, COMESA, ACFTA and also negotiated with others
for the US market through AGOA, EU through MBA etc. All
this we do to create an atmosphere for the private sector
to come in and produce goods and services which we need
and don’t have to import but also goods and services which
we can export and get foreign currency, create jobs for the
people and expand tax base to have a richer Government,”
President Museveni

The Presidency | December 2021 13

6th December, 2021
President Museveni receives letters of credence from Russian Envoy


President Yoweri Museveni received Affairs, General Jeje Odong, and
credentials of the new Ambassador of other officials, President Museveni
the Russian Federation to Uganda, H.E. emphasized that inter-ministerial
Semivolos Vladlen. Amb. Semivolos was meetings between the two countries
accompanied by the Chargé d’Affaires, should always take place and on
Dr. Evgeny Kalashnikov. schedule to follow up on commitments.

President Museveni told his guest that The Russian Ambassador, Vladlen
the relationship between Africa and Semivolos, told the President that
the Soviet Union started immediately Russia has good bilateral cooperation
after the communist revolution against with Uganda and is willing to foster
socialism way back by 1917. more development partnerships.

“Since that time, Africa has been “By next year, a Russian business
working with the Soviet Union. Uganda association will visit Uganda to establish
has been working with Moscow since areas of investment, especially in coffee
its independence in 1962,” he said. trade, information technology and
security”, he said.
The President was happy to learn that a
Russian business delegation was due to Uganda and Russia maintain a long
visit the country to explore investment history of cooperation in the fields of
opportunities. defence, education, energy, culture,
trade and investment. Uganda’s
“I want that Russian delegation to
bilateral trade with Russia has doubled
come. I will welcome them myself.
over the last ten years, from $30m
Russia is always our friend,” he said.
(sh112b) in 2009 to over $74m (sh270b)
During the meeting that was also by the end of 2018, much of it in mining
attended by the Minister of Foreign and ICT.

President Museveni
receives credentials from
the new Ambassador of
the Russian Federation
to Uganda, H.E.
Semivolos Vladlen at
State House, Entebbe

14 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

7th December, 2021
President Museveni meets UNSC over ADF attacks

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: Kiema Kilonzo (Kenya), H.E. Elin Ostebo

Johansen (Norway), H.E. A Ajay Kumar
President Yoweri Museveni emphasized
(India) and H.E. Kevin Colgan (Ireland).
that Muslims of Uganda are not
The meeting was also attended by
extremists and despise terrorism
Uganda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs,
because they are part of our society.
Gen. Jeje Odong, the Minister of
He said the idea of Islamic extremism Defence and Veterans Affairs, Hon.
was a creation by some opportunistic Vincent Ssempijja Bamulangaki, the
foreign actors who were defeated, Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Wilson
but warned if not handled well, it can Mbasu Mbadi among others.
become a serious problem.
The President said while the ADF claim
The President was meeting with the to be an Islamic armed group, their
Representatives of the United Nations ideology is not attractive and has been
Security Council (UNSC) resident in resented, forcing them to resort to
Uganda at State House, Entebbe, over abductions and killings.
the recent ADF terrorist attacks in
The meeting was aimed at sharing
Kampala and subsequent UPDF raids
views on recent developments in the
on ADF camps in Eastern DR Congo.
region and agree on common way
The Heads of Mission included H.E. forward in line with the principle of
Vladlen Semivolos (Russia), H.E. Zhang association with the “holy trinity” which
Lizhong (China), H.E. Jules-Armand invite action from local, regional and
Aniambossou, (France), H.E. Natalie E. international levels in support of peace
Brown (USA) and H.E. Kate Airey (UK). and security efforts in the region.
Non-permanent members include H.E

gestures to the
representatives of
the UNSC after a
meeting at State
House, Entebbe.

The Presidency | December 2021 15

9th December, 2021
President Museveni celebrates anti-corruption Day

I did this because I knew what people the mandate to elect leaders
was happening in the colonial they trust despite the presence of those
times. I wanted the people to appointed by Government like Sub
have their own voice. I want to County/Gombolola Chiefs.
know why the LC.3 Chairperson “I did this because I knew what was
who is elected by the people happening in the colonial times. I
would have things going wrong wanted the people to have their own
in his area and he just keeps voice. I want to know why the LC.3
quiet,” President Museveni on Chairperson who is elected by the
democratisation. people would have things going wrong
in his area and he just keeps quiet,” the
President said.
At the same event, the President
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
launched the National Lifestyle Audit
urged anti-corruption agencies to
Campaign, as a tool in the war to
inculcate a good work culture among
eliminate corruption in Uganda. The
Ugandans using the sectors of wealth
President, however, cautioned the
creation to eliminate corruption.
Inspector General of Government (IGG),
“The sectors of wealth are there and Ms. Beti Kamya, to be careful while
well-known; agriculture, services, executing the campaign as thieves
manufacturing etc, so that people might be prompted to invest the loot
get the culture of starting small and outside Uganda. He called upon the IGG
growing,” he said. to focus on performance and results-
The President was speaking at Kololo oriented audit of the money meant for
Ceremonial Grounds as Uganda Government projects.
joined the rest of the world to mark “This method of working with the
the International Anti-Corruption victims has worked for the NRA. The
Day held on the theme: “Promoting NRA became very popular with the
Active Citizen Participation in Social people because of this method,” he said
Referring to the Inspectorate of
The President said the National Government report of 2019/2021, The
Resistance Movement f rom the Inspector General of Government,
onset, was very clear about the Betty Kamya, said her office has 5,000
problem of corruption and put in place active cases of corruption reported by
measures to fight it, part of which, whistleblowers valued at about 500
the democratisation process that gave billion shillings including investigations

16 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

President Museveni launches the Lifestyle Audit Campaign at
Kololo Independence Grounds

on locust money (UGX.24B), COVID-19 Uganda which is not commensurate

money (UGX.59B), Innovation Fund with their known income is legitimate,”
for the former Ministry of Science and Kamya said.
Technology (UGX.78B), renovation
The Minister of State for Ethics and
of Entebbe Airport (UGX.17B), SAGE
Integrity, Hon. Akello Rose Lilly, thanked
money involving ghost elderly people
the First Lady, Janet Kataaha Museveni,
(UGX.49.6B), Ministry of Agriculture
who is the Champion of Ambassadors
(UGX. 9B) among others. She said
for integrity for commissioning the
the cases are at different levels of
integrity focal persons and a national
completion between investigation,
steering committee led by Bishop
prosecution and appeals in courts of
Joshua Lwere.
The ceremony was attended by the
Kamya added that the Lifestyle Audit
Vice President, H.E Jessica Alupo,
Campaign, will help catch what she
cabinet ministers, diplomatic corps,
termed as the big fish who are said to
district leaders and invited guests.
be slippery, posing a challenge to those
Others were representatives of anti-
prosecuting them in courts that require
corruption agencies that include
evidence beyond reasonable doubt.
Inspectorate of Government, Office
“We may fail to prove in court that you of the Auditor General, PPDA, State
took money through corrupt means but House Anti Corruption Unit, Financial
through the Lifestyle Audit Method, the Intelligence Authority, Uganda Revenue
onus is on the suspect to prove beyond Authority, Public Prosecutions and
reasonable doubt to the judge that the Security Agencies.
wealth they acquired while in public of

The Presidency | December 2021 17

11th December, 2021
President Museveni launches Sanga Vet. Chem. Ltd

We are going to work well affected by ticks that caused massive

together by accessing low interest animal deaths in Uganda, the most
loans from UDB. Government affected area in Southern Uganda was
cannot fail to fund this vital
venture,” President Museveni. “It is good that the young generation
of the time, including Enos Tumusiime
NAMANVE INDUSTRIAL PARK: and others from the Southern part
of the country, have today woken up
President Yoweri Museveni launched
to come to fight the problem of ticks
the Sanga Vet. Chem. Ltd, a factory
that attack livestock causing common
manufacturing animal health products
diseases,” he said.
located in Namanve Industrial Park.
The area called Sanga from which the
The factory which manufactures a
name of the company and its products
variety of acaricides for spraying,
derive is located 17 miles from Mbarara
drenching and orally administered
City on Masaka road. It was popular for
drugs to animals started operating in
rearing particular types of Ankole cows
August, 2021.
and keeping heritage of the area where
Among the drugs manufactured is many herds perished.
Sangatraz 125 for ticks, mange, mites,
Museveni said Sanga was known
lice, sheep scab; Sangatraz 250, which
for the indeginous brands of cows
kills most animal vectors, Sangasupa
including Ebikaaka, big giant soft
which controls ticks, biting flies and
cows, Enshungye, the big tall cows
houseflies, Sanga Delta that controls
and Enkome type that were stout but
other vectors in addition to tsetse flies.
also a little bit smaller in size.
Other drugs are Sangaphos, Sanga
worm and fluke drench and Banish “The issue at hand is how to approach
which is a wound remedy. the war against the ticks that can be
eliminated now. The factory should
Speaking during the official launch,
solve the problem. It is also good that
President Museveni noted that for
the stakeholders have come together to
many decades, animals especially cattle
have a remedy against ticks,” Museveni,
suffered from many diseases in the
himself an ardent cattle farmer, said.
Southern part of the country cattle
corridor because the caretakers lacked The President assured the investors
special attachment to the animals. that the Government will support the
company in what he called a good war
He said cows suffered a lot from
to protect animals.
trypanosomiasis that originated from
Tanzania by 1918 and they were also “We are going to work well together

18 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

President Museveni inspects some of the animal drugs
manufactured by Sanga Vet. Chem. Ltd

by accessing low interest loans from Mr. Enos Kagyendagura Tumusiime, the
UDB. Government cannot fail to fund Director of Sanga Vet. Chem. Ltd, said it
this vital venture,” he said. is estimated that 70℅ of livestock deaths
are as a result of tick-borne diseases.
The President said that among the
drugs manufactured there is what is “Around 2008, livestock farmers in the
known as co-formulation, which is a country realised that the acaricides
mixture of a number of drugs whose were failing to combat ticks due to
application to animals creates exposure use of counterfeit acaricides and
to all vectors/ticks that with time, dewormers on the market, becoming
become resistant to treatment in use. a menace to livestock,” he said.
He observed that some types of drugs Mr. Tumusiime noted that the acaricides
in co-formulation work under certain manufactured by Sanga Vet. Chem.
circumstances posing a challenge of Ltd have been successfully tested on
requiring further research. the farm. He said that the company
is in partnership with experienced
The Minister for Trade, Industry and
and specialised partners in the
Co-operatives, Mr. Francis Mwebesa
manufacture of animal drugs from
called for more Government financial
Zimbabwe. Currently, the company
support to boost local manufacturing,
employs 60 people and will in future
by enhancing local factories, their
at full production employ 300 people.
products, supply chain and improved
marketing strategy.

The Presidency | December 2021 19

12th December, 2021
President Museveni launches East African Medical Vitals

This is an effort of Stop buying from others what you can

import substitution. Stop make yourself,” he added.
buying from others what The state-of-the-art manufacturing
you can make yourself,” plant located in Namanve Industrial
President Museveni. Park has the capacity to produce over
10,000 pieces per hour and about 95
NAMANVE INDUSTRIAL PARK: million gloves annually, ready to supply
the East Africa and COMESA markets.
President Yoweri Museveni directed
the Ministries of Trade, Industry and of According to the Executive Director
Agriculture to find land to facilitate the East African Medical Vitals, Mr. Ben
growing of rubber which is an essential Kavuya, they import latex - the raw
raw material for production of medical material used in the manufacture of
supplies. surgical gloves and condoms from
Malaysia, adding that in future, the
“The Minister for Industry should be
country needs to tap into the sector
in touch with Agriculture about the
by introducing rubber growing, which
growing of rubber. Because, this is the
he said would have a ready market
linkage - the rubber which is agriculture,
and provide employment to many
links up with the oil industry, the factory
links up with the health sector etc,”
Museveni said. The Minister of State for Investment and
Privatization, Ms. Evelyn Anite, said took
Presidential Museveni was speaking
a swipe at Uganda Development Bank
after the off icial commissioning
(UDB) which she said is not living up to
of the East African Medical Vitals
the task of saving local manufacturers
(EAMV), a local Ugandan company
even after government injecting one
that manufactures high quality
trillion Uganda shillings whose purpose
latex, powder-f ree medical gloves
was to support production, processing
(examination and surgical), vital medical
and manufacturing of essential items
consumables in health facilities.
for the country to be resilient amidst
President Museveni said rubber the supply chain disruptions related to
growing would save a lot of money that the COVID-19 pandemic.
has been going out in importation of
Earlier, President Museveni and
medical supplies and also raw materials.
dignitaries toured the factory and
He congratulated East African Medical
witnessed, first hand, the production
Vitals for the initiative.
and packaging of the medical gloves.
“This is an effort of import substitution.

20 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

He pledged to sort out the issue of making the cost expensive for nothing,”
intermittent power supply to the the President said.
industries and to improve the road
The Minister of State for Trade, Mr.
network in the industrial park.
David Bahati, officials from Uganda
“We have got surplus electricity, more Investment Authority (UIA), Ministry
electricity than the consumers. The of Health, National Drug Authority
only thing we are struggling to do is to (NDA), National Medical Stores (NMS)
make it cheap by cutting out UMEME. and the business community attended
UMEME should be out because they are the ceremony.

President Museveni interacts with the

Management of EAMV factory in Namanve

The Presidency | December 2021 21

12th December, 2021
President Museveni appoints Ambassadors, High
Commissioners and Deputy Ambassadors

President Museveni appointed the following as Ambassadors,

High Commissioners and Deputy Ambassadors to the
respective brotherly and friendly countries as listed here

1. Burundi - Maj. Gen. Matayo Kyaligonza;

2. Rome - Amb. Elizabeth Napeeyok

3. Washington DC - Ms. Robbie Kakonge;

4. Copenhagen - Ms. Margaret Bakyira;

5. Dar-es-Salaam - Col. (Rtd) Fred Mwesigye;

6. Khartoum - Dr. YahayaRashid Ssemudu;

7. Paris - Ms. Amule Doreen;

8. Kigali - Maj. Gen. (Rtd) Robert Rusoke;

9. New York - Amb. AdoniaAyebare (Special Envoy);

10. Algiers - Amb. AlintumaNsambu;

11. New Delhi - Amb. Joyce K. Kikafuunda;

12. Canberra - Amb. Dorothy Hyuha;

13. London - Amb. NimishaMadhvani;

14. Berlin - Amb. Mubiru Stephen;

15. Ankara - Ms. NusuraTiperu;

16. Kuala-Lumper - Ms. Betty Bigombe;

17. Brussels - Amb. Miriam Blaak;

18. Moscow - Mr. Moses Kizige;

19. Abu Dhabi - Amb. ZaakeKibedi;

20. Mogadishu - Prof. Sam Turyamuhika;

22 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

21. Abuja - Amb. Nelson Ocheger;

22. Addis Ababa - Amb. Rebecca Otengo;

23. Ottawa - Amb. Ruth Aceng;

24. Cairo - Amb. Sam MaleSebulime;

25. Kinshasa - Hajji. FaridKaliisa;

26. Juba - Amb. Brig. Ronnie Balya;

27. Doha - Amb. Stephen Chebrot;

28. Tehran - KisambiraTezikuba Mohammed;

29. Riyadh - Amb. Isaac Sebulime;

30. Nairobi - Amb. Dr. Hassan Galiwango;

31. Beijing - Amb. Oliver Wonekha

32. Geneva - Amb. Mercel R. Tibaleka

33. Tokyo - Ms. TophasByagiraKaahwa;

34. Pretoria - Mr. Amoru Paul;

35. Luanda - Col. (Rtd) Julius Kihaanda;

36. Guanzhou - Ms. Nsababeera Judith;

37. Havana - Ms. MusaaziNabbaka Elizabeth.

Deputy Ambassadors:

1. Cairo - Lt. Gen. Charles Angina;

2. Abuja - Mr. Nnam Alfred;

3. Mogadishu - Maj. Gen (Rtd) Mugisha Nathan;

4. New Delhi - Ms. Margaret Kyogyire.

The Presidency | December 2021 23

14th December, 2021
President Museveni campaigns for NRM candidate in Kayunga

We are going to work on this that the problems of Kayunga like roads
road from Kayunga Town are well known by the NRM party and
Council to Galiraya. Those will be solved in a phased manner.
who say we have delayed, don’t “We are going to work on this road
know what they’re talking from Kayunga Town Council to Galiraya.
about. If we have done Isimba Those who say we have delayed, don’t
Dam, Kangulumira and Katosi know what they’re talking about. If we
roads and others, how shall we have done Isimba Dam, Kangulumira
fail to tarmac Galiraya road?” and Katosi roads and others, how
President Museveni. shall we fail to tarmac Galiraya
road?” the President asked, adding
that “therefore, to go from the party
KAYUNGA: because of individuals is a big mistake
President Yoweri Museveni who is also and confusion. Because you’ll not get
the national chairman of the ruling a solution. When you support NRM, it
National Resistance Movement (NRM) is easier for you to get what you want.
party called upon the people of Kayunga Keep the unity, you’ll not lose,” he said.
to unite and support NRM which has The NRM Secretary General, Richard
the cure for Uganda’s problems. Todwong, called for reconciliation
The President was meeting NRM leaders ahead of the election.
at Kayonza Church of Uganda primary “We love you, our Chairman and our
school play ground, Bbaale County President, that every time we listen to
in Kayunga district while canvassing you, you speak wisdom to us, you speak
support for Mr. Andrew Muwonge, the unity, you speak reconciliation. Kayunga
NRM candidate in the Kayunga LC5 is 90% NRM, but because of the division
by-election race. among leaders, we end up confusing
“Even me who started NRM, I have no our votes on the ground. Dear leaders
powers without you. My power comes of the party, let us reconcile, let us love
from you,” the President said after our party. If you love the yellow you’re
reports that the people of Kayunga had wearing, check your heart and reconcile
been divided by differences allegedly with one another,” Tadwong said.
created by some local leaders. The Minister of State for Planning who
President Museveni who later met more is also the MP for Ntenjeru North, Amos
NRM leaders at Busaana Town Council Lugoloobi, spoke highly about the
playground in Ntenjeru County said achievements the district has realised
from the NRM Government.

24 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

President Museveni hands over the NRM flag to Mr. Andrew
Muwonge, the flag bearer in Kayunga by-election

One such is Isimba Power Station and NRM supporters.

Kayunga Regional Referral Hospital
On his part, NRM candidate Mr. Andrew
which he said have changed the face
Muwonge vowed to fight corruption
of Kayunga. Lugoloobi said electricity
and land grabbing in Kayunga district.
distribution is now at 70% in the district.
At the same function, the President
“We need someone to coordinate
launched the hand over exercise of
with at the district level and it would
land titles to over 1,000 residents in
be better if you sent us Andrew
Kayunga district.
Muwonge of NRM” “Lugoloobi told

The Presidency | December 2021 25

15th December, 2021
President Museveni hosts International Diwali celebrations

light over darkness among Indian

Thank you so much for your
community faiths in India; Hindus, Sikhs,
contribution to the economic Jain’s, Muslims and some Buddhists
development of the country. and has been hosted in Uganda for the
Bring more business people for last six years.
investments here. Encourage
Speaking to the celebrants, President
more people to come for tourism
Museveni congratulated the Indian
also,” President Museveni.
community on the day of Diwali saying
that it was worth being marked among
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: the Indian race as a unifying factor in
President Yoweri Museveni commended
the Indian community in Uganda On Indians expulsion from Uganda, he
for its contribution to the economic noted that by historical authority he,
development of the country and Mr. Museveni, had a mandate to reject
appealed to them to encourage more the mistakes of former Head of State,
people to exploit the vast investment Idi Amin, for the expulsion of Indians
opportunities here. from Uganda in 1972.
“Thank you so much for your “There was no legitimate reason to expel
contribution to the economic the Indians. Idi Amin’s act was rubbish.
development of the country. Bring Those people did not understand the
more business people for investments theoretical and practical mistake made
here. Encourage more people to come that had an element of chauvinism,”
for tourism also,” he said. he said.
The President was speaking during the Responding to the Indians plea to be
International Diwali Celebrations, he included among the local tribes in
hosted for the Indian Association and Uganda, the President said that the
Indian Community in Uganda at State Indians already have a tribe popularly
House, Entebbe. known as the Bahindi.
The celebrations were also attended by “Actually, sociologically speaking, the
the Minister of Finance, Planning and Indians already have a well-known
Economic Development, Matia Kasaija, tribe like the known groups Bazungu,
the new Uganda High Commisioner to Bahalabu, Chinese except that it should
UK, Nimisha Madhvani, Mehta and his be considered constitutionally. The
wife among others. Indians are already part of Uganda
society,” he said.
Diwali is an Indian festival that
symbolises the spiritual victory of

26 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

President Museveni poses for a photo with the Indian
Community in Uganda at State House, Entebbe

He commended the Indian community The Chairman of the Indian Association

for their tremendous contribution in Uganda Mohana Rao said that the
towards national economic umbrella organisation of the Indians
development and prosperity. of origin living in Uganda sensitises
all Indians to rally together with
“They are working hard for the
the Government authorities about
prosperity of the country,” he said.
COVID-19 precautions, abiding by the
He said that Government will give its laws and enabling environment that
support come 2022 when the Indian the Government created to contain
community will be commemorating 100 the pandemic for businesses to revive.
years since they arrived in the country.
“We are mobilising Indians in Uganda
The Indian High Commissioner to to get vaccinated. Make sure that the
Uganda Shri Ajay Kumar reminded SOPs are followed in their areas of
the Indian community of the symbolic location,” he said.
day, saying that it should never pass
He commended the NRM government
unnoticed for its significance that will
for the conducive, progressive and all
bring the next Indians generations in
inclusive economic atmosphere that
diversity together. He wished Ugandans
exists in the country at the same time
a Merry Christmas and a happy new
reminding Indians to live peacefully,
year, 2022.
prosperously and profitably.

The Presidency | December 2021 27

21st December, 2021
President Museveni meets Head of DRC Senate

Big marketing strategy for locally-manufactured products has made a state

like the USA grow stronger and popular. The building blocks of regional
cooperation was an initiative of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and Patrice
Lumumba, which should be fully supported,” President Museveni.

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: regional cooperation was an initiative

of Mwalimu Julius Nyerere and Patrice
President Yoweri Museveni said
Lumumba, which should be fully
that there is need for regional mass
supported”, he said.
mobilisation to create big and
sustainable market for local products The President was holding a zoom
in the region and drive social economic meeting from State House, Entebbe,
transformation. with the President of the Senate of the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC),
“Big marketing strategy for locally-
H.E. Modeste Bahati Lukwembo, who
manufactured products has made
was at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
a state like the USA grow stronger
in Kampala.
and popular. The building blocks of

President Museveni gestures during a meeting with H.E.

Modeste Bahati Lukwembo, President of the DRC Senate

28 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

H.E. Lukwembo who was in the country cooperation and the integration for the
on a three-day working visit discussed East African Community.
bilateral matters between the two
“I am happy with the way you are
countries and agreed to strengthen
handling issues of regional cooperation
cooperation between Uganda and the
and integration for EAC for oneness,”
he said.
President Museveni advised the Congo
Earlier, H.E. Lukwembo, paid an
Government to lay a good strategy for
official visit to the Nshaara Industrial
mobilisation of its people in order to
Park in Western Uganda where he
win the Government popular support
commissioned the Zhong Wu Beef
for economic transformation.
Abattoir Imports and Exports Company
H.E. Lukwembo, speaking in Kiswahili, under the Sino- Uganda Economic
commended President Museveni’s Development Special Zone.
approach of handling regional politics,

“I am happy with the way you are

handling issues of regional cooperation
and integration for EAC for oneness,”

H.E. Modeste Bahati Lukwembo

The Presidency | December 2021 29

23rd December, 2021
President Museveni wishes Ugandans a Merry Christmas


Countrymen, Countrywomen and all the Bazukulu,

Warm salutations and a Merry Christmas to you all.
Christmas is a time when all believers in the Christian faith
celebrate the birth of the Saviour, our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is the genesis of man’s salvation and redemption from
death, which is the consequence of sin.
As you celebrate this year’s Christmas, I encourage you to
welcome into your hearts the message of love, compassion
and care for one another, generosity, holiness and faithful
worship to God.
The merry-making which is always associated with the
festive season should not detract you from focusing on
the spiritual significance of Christmas. As a Country,
God is helping us to emerge from the scourge of the
deadly Coronavirus disease. I urge you to embrace the
countrywide vaccination campaign and to continue
observing the Standard Operating Procedures to curb
the spread of the virus.
May this Christmas renew your faith in God; bring healing
and divine joy to your families.
The First Lady, Mama Janet, joins me in wishing you a
Merry Christmas.


30 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

28th December, 2021
President Museveni commissions Keihangara Seed Secondary School

I came here to use the reagents, a library, an ICT block and

opportunity of commissioning a three unit teachers’ houses among
the school as a symbol to remind others.
Ugandans that Government Under this programme, the Ministry
is moving on the front line for of Education and Sports, takes the
mass education as opposed to supervisory role while the Ministry
elite education during colonial of Local Government handles the
and past Governments. I procurement part of construction.
want cheaper and affordable Speaking during the official opening
education for everybody. This is ceremony, the President who was
the NRM concept of education accompanied by the First Lady and
for all,” President Museveni. Minister for Education and Sports, Hon.
Janet Kataaha Museveni, said having
IBANDA DISTRICT: access to education means that the
schools must be near where people live
President Yoweri Museveni
with a concept of a secondary school
commissioned Keihangara Seed
per sub-county and technical college
Secondary School, the first of its kind in
at constituency level.
the country, in Ibanda District under the
funding of World Bank and Government He added that there had been a
of Uganda. distortion in the education system
saying that the challenge has been that
‘I came here to use the opportunity of
out of 10.9million children at primary
commissioning the school as a symbol
school level, only about two million join
to remind Ugandans that Government
higher level of education, wondering
is moving on the front line for mass
why the rest don’t progress. He however
education as opposed to elite education
said most of the children drop out of
during colonial and past Governments. I
school because education is sold as a
want cheaper and affordable education
for everybody. This is the NRM concept
of education for all,” he said. The President emphasised that the
Government builds classrooms
The full package of the Uganda Inter-
laboratories, libraries for textbooks, ICT
Government Fiscal Transfers (UGIFT)
laboratories and other facilities without
Seed Secondary School provides for
the support of the parents so that the
a multipurpose hall, three units of
children study free.
classroom blocks, an administration
block, a fully equipped two unit Science He warned Ugandans who paralyse
block with science kits and chemical Government development programmes

The Presidency | December 2021 31

President Museveni and First Lady commission Keihangara Seed
Secondary School in Ibanda District

for personal gain that they will be got the coordinator of the programme, to
and punished. prioritise the provision of these critical
services to the schools,” she said.
The Minister of Education and Sports,
Janet Museveni, assured the country She reminded Ugandans that as the
that the Ministry is committed to country prepares to reopen education
implementing the policy of construction institutions on January 10th, 2022;
of a Government school in every sub people should not forget to thank God
county. for the seed secondary schools that are
being commissioned.
”A new mapping exercise will be
conducted to establish the extent of She also reminded people to observe
the gap of the administrative units that Ministry of Health regulations against
do not have a Government Secondary Covid-19 pandemic respecting SOPs.
school in every Sub county,” she said.
The Minister of State for Sports, Hamson
Hon. Janet Museveni said it was a pity Denis Obua, who was accompanied
that some of the seed schools being by North West Ankole Bishop, Amos
constructed lack critical amenities such Magezi, Rev. Fr. Dido Nshekanimanya
as electricity and water given their hard from the Archdiocese of Mbarara, Head
to reach locations. Teacher Charles Natukwasa took the
two principals on a tour around the
“I appeal to the Ministry of Finance,
structures said the construction process
Planning and Economic Development,
matched the standards.

32 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

“The structures are fully equipped construction and equipping the schools
and are befitting of an education with 418 laboratories.
institution,” he said.
The Ministry is also committed
The Director Basic Education in the to complete the construction of
Ministry of Education and Sports incomplete structures in 21 Technical
Ismail Mulindwa said Government has Schools and Polytechnics.
been in collaboration with the World
Bank in implementing Uganda Inter-
Government Fiscal Transfers (UGIFT) Ibanda District Chairman, Happy
program since Financial year 2018-19. Herbert Mayanja, commended the
church community for donating the
He said that the Ministry is committed
piece of land on which the newly built
to constructing, equipping and staffing
magnificent modern education facility
259 Seed Secondary Schools in three
has been constructed and expanded
phases over the period of five years,
to accommodate science subjects and
comprising 117 schools in phase 1,
laboratories that are fully-fledged and
115 schools in phase two and 27 in
phase three. This also includes the

The Presidency | December 2021 33

31st December, 2021
New Year Address by H.E. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

Countrymen and country women, Cases Cumulative

Greetings. deaths
Congratulations for finishing the year 2021. USA 52,543,602 812,577
The two years - 2020 and 2021 - have been
UK 12,338,680 148,021
years of trials and tribulations, but also
years of great victories and triumph. ITALY 5,756,412 136,955

The trials and tribulations were on account FRANCE 9,070,254 120,605

of the following: GERMANY 7,066,412 111,219
(i) The locusts; RUSSIA 10,458,271 307,022
(ii) The floods and rising levels of the CHINA - -
waters of the Lakes (Nalubaale,
Kyooga, Mwitanzigye – also known In Uganda, after almost the two years of
as Victoria, Kyooga and Albert); battle with corona, the total number of
the infected is 139,079; those that have
(iii) The land-slides in the Mountain recovered, the number is 98,379;and those
areas; that have died, the number is 3,291. We
(iv) The floating islands, that were cannot jubilate over this, but we can also
threatening the hydro-dams; not fail to see the much smaller number of
deaths here as compared to some of the
(v) And the corona virus ─its pandemic.
other countries. This was on account of
Uganda, under the NRM, has overcome the tough and timely measures, that we
almost completely, the four of these. The undertook that minimised the infection
only exception that we are still struggling levels as well as the death-levels. Yet, the
with, is the corona pandemic. Globally, 3,291 we lost, were very useful people. They
the corona pandemic has infected included the prominent persons such as
281,808,207million people, 5,411,759 million Mzee Kivejinja, Mzee Paul Etyang, Manzi
people have died and 252,735,264 million Tumubweine, Bishop Kaggwa, etc. May the
people have recovered. In some of the Almighty God bless them in eternal peace.
countries, the death rates have been quite
The tough measures we took, were in
high, as shown below:
order to buy time, so that we find better
solutions. We think now, we have found
some solutions.
The following are the solutions, in addition
to some of the preventive measures we
have been taking.

34 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

(i) Vaccinating the 22 million Ugandans (iii) Those who get suspicious signs of
above the age of 18 years of age, starting runny nose, headache, tiredness ─ which
with the 4.8 million most vulnerable could be mild to severe, sneezing, scratchy/
persons (3.3million above the age of 50 sore throat, muscle aches, quickly report
years, 550,000 teachers, 150,000 health to the nearest health facility, so that
workers, 250,000 security personnel and you get treatment. Using some drugs
500,000 below 50 years of age but with co- that boost immunity, control fever (anti-
morbidities e.g. diabetes, blood pressure, inflammatory drugs and anti-pyretic like
etc). panadol), control inflammation, some that
have anti-viral capacity and some anti-
Up to today, total doses administered are
biotics, the patients recover.
11,377,067 and out of this, 3,756,248 million
people have been vaccinated fully either Early diagnosis and treatment is crucial.
with 2 dozes of the various vaccine types or Late diagnosis and treatment, may
the one vaccine of Johnson and Johnson. suppress the virus; however, the virus will
Of the 22million people, 45% (9,979,206) have damaged your internal organs such
of the target population, have received at as lungs, heart, pancreas, brain and nerves.
least one shot of the vaccine and 17% have The virus will go, but the patient may not
been fully vaccinated. survive, because the internal organs, would
have been irreparably damaged.
As of today, we have received a total of
20,658,940 million vaccine types that (iv) Ugandan scientists and the
need two dozes to cover one person community, the latter through their
and 12,037,500millions of the single doze ancient knowledge of the environment,
Johnson and Johnson. This means that have discovered substances that seem
we have already used 21,086,318and what to cure corona and other viral diseases. I
we have but have not used, have the have interviewed many patients, that have
capacity to vaccinate 8,503,631millions been cured. Dr. Ogwang, is now trying
of people or to cover 6.1million people out the medicine in a clinical setting. We
due for second dose. We are expecting shall know the results of this clinical trial
another 7,319,610millions double doze by May, 2022. This would be a path finder,
vaccines, able to vaccinate 3,659,805million in terms of medical care.
people and another 3,691,200 Johnson
On account of those factors, we now intend
and Johnson able to vaccinate a similar
to fully re-open the economy as well as
number. Therefore, all the Ugandans above
educational and social activities in some
18 years old, go out and be vaccinated.
staggered manner.
(ii) In order to ensure safety against
We shall, therefore, take the following
corona, the scientists have now
measures as indicated below:
recommended a booster doze for those
above the age of 50 years. These are (1) The transport sector, which has been
3.3millions. Therefore, the 50 years old operating at 50%, will be opened fully,
plus persons, that have already received but with the necessary SOPs such as the
2 dozes, come out, again, for the booster wearing of masks, full vaccination by both
doze. the crew of PSV and the travelers, etc.

The Presidency | December 2021 35

(2) The cinema halls and sports events I need, however, to add that you should be
to be allowed to operate with SOPs. answerable also for the safety of your life.
If, for instance, you are among the elderly,
(3) Pre-primary, Primary and Secondary
why do you travel? Why not stay at home?
schools will be opened for learners, starting
Why do you have to go to the bars, even
with the 10thof January, 2021. The Ministry
if they open? Even Church and Mosque
of Education and Sports and the Ministry
attendances. I have never been convinced
of Health, to work out applicable SOPs and
that God is only in Churches or Mosques.
communicate them.
Pray at home. Ruhanga ari omumyanya
(4) The Performing Arts, Concerts, Bars yoona, - God is Omni-present, Omni-scient
and Discotheques, will be opened two and Omnipotent.
weeks after the opening of the schools
Although we are opening the economy and
and with SOPs directed by the Ministry of
the social activities, as pointed out above,
you should be alerted that the new Corona
(5) Curfew will be lifted for everybody variant, the Omicron, is spreading very fast.
at the time of opening for the performing The new corona cases per day are now on
arts but not for bodabodas. The bodabodas average 1,250 instead of 69 per day when
will continue to observe the curfew hours we had controlled the virus in the month
of 1900hours to 0530hours (Shaaha emwe of October, 2021.
y’ekiro to shaaha ikumi n’ emwe z’ekiro).
Previously, we had some days when there
Some of these measures will be reversed, were no reported corona deaths, such
if Covid-19 high dependence and intensive as on the 11th and 12th December, 2021,
care units bed occupancy, exceeds 50% and etc. However, recently, I have started
if the daily rate of hospitalisation for severely seeing reports of deaths caused by Corona
and critically ill patients, is sustained at 30 per day, such as 6 deaths on the 27th
per day for 5 days in two or more Covid-19 December, 2021. Therefore, as I said above,
Treatment Units. The Intensive Care Unit be responsible for your life. Here, in the
(ICU) beds in Government hospitals are 187 State House group, on account of laxity, we
and HDU (High Dependency Unit) beds are had recently so many cases. In the inner
475. The total corona virus beds are 3,100. circle of my workers, not less than 5 were
The Ministries of Education and Sports, found positive with corona on the 27th of
Health and Transport and Works, will give December, 2021. That is why we had to
detailed plans for their opening of the postpone the meeting of the Secretary
respective sectors. To take one example, Generals of the Political Parties. Maama
when all the learners were made to Janet and myself had to have yet another
travel on the same day, there was a lot of corona test. Fortunately, we were negative.
congestion in the bus-parks and car-parks. Why? Possibly, because our workers, while
It may be wiser to start with S1 to S3 for they may be lax while away from our
some days and the rest later. The Ministry presence, in our presence, they observe
will give detailed guidance and so will the SOPs - masks, sanitisers, etc. Banyankore
other Ministries for the other sectors. have a practice of children running to grab
adults so as to hug them in greeting. It
is called kutangyirira. Since the corona

36 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

outbreak, I stopped our grandchildren Mukulu, now in Luzira. However, in June,
from doing this. Jajjas, although you are this year, characteristic to their shallow
vaccinated fully, even with a booster, let miscalculation, on the orders of their
the Bazukulu keep a safe distance from leaders who had made parts of Eastern
you, when they come back from school. Congo an area of their control, tried to
Do not greet them inside rooms. Greet assassinate General Katumba Wamala.
them, at a safe distance, outside in the Katumba survived, but his daughter and
compound, with the wind blowing from driver were killed. This was the ADF’s
you to them and not the other way. Inside greatest mistake. They did not know, that
the house, do not mix. I hope the house since my 2018 twelve (12) points anti-crime
has a ceiling so that air from the other plan, we had partially up-graded our anti-
room, does not flow into other rooms. If it crime infrastructure. With patient analysis,
is difficult to manage, take Jajja to where the Police identified some of the criminals.
he or she can be alone with one helper. We started arresting them and those who
A combination of vaccination, possibly tried to fight during arrest, were killed.
Covidex, the other anti-corona drugs (such
Up to now, inside Uganda, a total of 12 of
as Azithromycin, Amoxicillin, etc.), the SOPs
these criminals have been killed and a
and good nutrition (e.g. vitamins such as
total of 113 have been arrested and many
Vitamin C which works best with Zinc),
of them are in the Courts of Law. As we
will enable us sustain our victory against
were hunting them and arresting them,
this disease.
in their foolishness, they sent a group to
The other calamities that afflicted us, Pader, to plant a bomb during the burial
starting last year (2020), were defeated or of Lt. General Lokech, apparently, because
tamed. The locusts were defeated totally, he had devotedly hunted them after the
without causing any damage. The floating attack on Katumba. More of them, thus
islands, were removed by the engineers exposing themselves, were arrested and
from the Ministry of Works and UPDF. some were killed. In a rush, they started
People running away from the landslides trying to plant bombs in Kampala. With
and the rising waters of the lakes, were the Police hotly in pursuit, they planted a
given relief and are being resettled. bomb at Komamboga among Pork eaters,
another one in the bus and the two, on
Then we had the problem of crime and
the 16th of November, 2021, one at the CPS
terrorism and in fact both combined.
and another one at Parliament Avenue. A
Bijambiya operators, killed 26 people in
total of 05 Ugandans were killed in these
the Masaka area. 21 suspects connected to
bombs without counting the 3 bombers
those Bijambiyas, have been arrested and
who were blown up by their own bombs.
are now in the Courts of Law. Other isolated
crimes, were quickly dealt with. These On account of the partially improved anti-
include the killing of the NRM Chairman crime infrastructure, the Police knows
of Ntoroko and the killings in the Mbarara almost everybody that is involved in these
area. All suspects, have been arrested and crimes ─whether inside Uganda ─ on the
are in the Courts of Law. The ADF terrorists run or in hiding ─ or abroad.
had kept quiet since the arrest of Jamil
Their headquarters, definitely, has been
in Eastern Congo for more than 20 years.

The Presidency | December 2021 37

It is a syndicate of crime succored by the into 3 groups: “Bafransa” (Frenchmen
absence of Government authority, in some – Catholics), “Ba-ingleza” (Englishmen –
parts of Congo. These terrorists, have been Protestants) and “the Mohammedans”
making money in Eastern Congo and (the Moslems). Vicious armed wars, were
using it to finance terrorism in Eastern fought among these groups for much of
Congo by routinely massacring Congolese, the 1890s. Read the Books of Bishop Tucker,
orchestrating terrorism within Uganda Captain Lugard, Colonel Colville and others
and funding terrorism as far afield as and see the tragedy that was being played
Mozambique. It is pathetic to listen to out among our people by these confused
the sick talk of these disoriented young actors claiming to be working for God.
people, claiming to be fighting Bakafiiri Of course, the original mistake was the
(us Ugandans), in order to make Uganda failure of our own people ─ Mwanga, Apollo
a country governed by “Sharia law”. At Kaggwa, Ntare, Mbaguta, Kabareega,
the right time, we shall publicise this etc., who failed to unite and chase these
information so that Ugandans can see the confused actors. Anyway, this unhealthy
tragedy of Africa. We had, of course, met, rivalry, unprincipled conflicts, went on up
before, such sick-minded confused people to the time of Independence and beyond.
in Somalia and on the border with Sudan It is the NRM, thatcame to challenge
(Kaaya, etc.) and shown those groups how them. Earlier actors, like IK Musaazi, tried
the people they call Bakafiiri can defend unsuccessfully, to unite Ugandans.
the land of their ancestors, Africa. I am We are glad that Ugandans listened to
Yoweri Museveni, son of Amosi Kaguta, our message and rallied to the standard
grandson of Kabuguma Ka Nyinachweende of the NRM for the last 43 years ─ 1978
Rubaraza, etc., etc., of the Basiita clan, (during the anti-Amin war) up to today
of the Bagahe cluster of clans and part around the principles of: patriotism (love
of what is now Uganda is a land of my Uganda, mwoyogwa Uganda), love Africa
ancestry and no foreigner or foreign agent, (mwoyogwa Africa ─ Pan-Africanism),
will ever take this land from the indigenous social-economic transformation (building
people of Uganda. Yes, since the 1840s, a first world society away from the pre-
foreign religions, starting with Islam, capitalist society we inherited in 1986) and
started coming to our area ─ this part of democracy (Government by the people,
the Great Lakes. The Protestants came for the people and of the people). The
in 1877 and the Roman Catholics in 1879. economy has grown, the infrastructure has
Immediately, those foreigners and their expanded, the population has increased,
agents, started those unhealthy rivalries. more people are educated, the children are
Instead of faithfully preaching the core dying less, people are living longer, some
and good messages of those religions, families are richer, everybody has got a
such as “Love God with all your might and telephone or more in his pocket, etc. It is
Love your neighbour as you love yourself” this unity, partial prosperity and general
(in the Book of Mathew 22:39) and: “how progress, that these confused parasites
can you say you Love God whom you have are fighting. Such groups, working for or
never seen, but you hate your neighbor?” with foreigners, or taking advantage of
(In the Book of 1 John 4:20), by 1890, these some situations, are sowing mayhem in
confused actors, had divided Ugandans different parts of Africa: Mali, Niger, Burkina
Faso, Nigeria, Central Africa, Chad, DRC,
Mozambique, Somalia, etc.
38 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi
This is the context into which the criminal colonies (Mozambique, Guinea-Bissau,
acts of the ADF terrorists find themselves Angola, Sao Tome and Principe, Zimbabwe-
in Eastern Congo and their acts in Uganda. Rhodesia as they were calling it, Namibia
What these traitors forget, is that the and South Africa); the different chapters
African Revolution, led by new actors of the Patriots and Pan-Africanists in some
(Patriots) and not the traditional chiefs of the Independent African countries; the
that failed to guarantee our independence socialist countries (USSR, China, Cuba, etc.);
from the imperialists, has been in motion and the progressive forces in the West
since 1912, when the ANC was founded (e.g. Sweden, Norway, Finland, etc., as well
in the town of Bloemfontein of South as some individuals such as Lord Fenner
Africa. By the 1950s and 1960s, the African Brockway, Sir Dingle Foot, etc). Even people
Resistance had created additional chapters like Margaret Thatcher played a positive
to the first one of ANC in South Africa. role, towards the end as did President
We should, of course, not forget the Afro- Jimmy Carter in the Angola crisis of 1976.
American chapter, led by people like Du
This shows that once the different chapters
Bois and Marcus Garvey,who started the
of the African Patriots co-operate and co-
idea of the Pan-African Movement. By the
ordinate, there is no force that can defeat
1950s and 1960s, the different chapters of
us on the African continent. Therefore, all
the African Resistance were being led by
and sundry, should know, that once the
people like Nkrumah, Nyerere, Kaunda,
chapters of the African Resistance co-
Kenyatta, SekouToure, Modibo Keita, Ben-
ordinate, there is no security or defence
Bella, Gamal Abdul Nasser, etc. The Pan-
problem they cannot solve. The recent
African Movement, being part of the global
co-ordination between the Government
anti-colonial movement, caused the clever
of DRC and Uganda is such an example.
imperialists to peacefully withdraw from
Starting on the 30th of November, the
Africa by granting Independence to 36
UPDF launched a devastating attack on
African States by 1963 when the newly
the long established camps of the ADF
independent African countries met in
terrorists. Many of these terrorists were
Addis Ababa to form the Organization
killed. Then, after repairing the Busuunga-
of African Unity (OAU). The un-clever
Semliki bridge road, the UPDF advanced
imperialists such as the Portuguese,
to the Semliki bridge camp. Out of the
Ian Smith and the South African Boers,
Semliki camp, the UPDF advanced in the
thought that they could block the march
forest to the terrorists’ KambiYaJua, which
of African freedom. The various chapters of
they occupied after light resistance. In
African Patriots, moved the OAU to declare
all these operations, UPDF did not lose a
that if the remaining Imperialists did not
single soldier by enemy action. The two
go peacefully, they would be defeated
soldiers who died,Pte. Lugingi Nicholas
and Pte. Kapulyaka Mustafa by names,
The arrogant imperialists, thought that this died on account of self-inflicted accidental
was mere African hot air. By 1993, all the self-injury. One, on account of an RPG that
imperialists in Africa, had been defeated was loaded and corked and the other one,
by the coordinated actions of the African from MGLs (Multiple Grenade Launchers)
freedom fighters in the respective African fired while in the middle of trees. They
had not been thoroughly briefed.

The Presidency | December 2021 39

The terrorists are now fleeing and killing tailoring, weaving, etc., managed by my
villagers. That will not save them. If the Moslem daughter, Faridah Mayanja, are
Congolese Government allows us, we shall not loans but grants. Where is riba there?
hit them even if they go up to Kisangani I will check on my Kisozi programmes of
or Buta or beyond. Their only choice is to Nalwanga. I am sure Moslem families
surrender so that the peoples of Congo there benefitted from those grants of
and Uganda have peace and they also seedlings, goats, may be not pigs, heifers,
get rehabilitated and learn how to earn etc. The problem is that some of the
an honest living in the four sectors of spiritual, cultural and political leaders,
commercial agriculture, small industries, do not advise their followers to listen to
services and ICT, instead of being parasites the NRM message of wealth creation and
on the population. social-economic transformation. I have
not heard many political, spiritual, cultural
Similarly, the numerous security problems
leaders, etc., supporting my policy of free
in other parts of Africa, can be resolved
education for the children of the poor. I
by the different chapters of the African
am always shouting but I do not hear many
Patriots co-operating. The respective
taking up this struggle. Is free education
chapters of African Patriots have developed
great capacity ─ much more than the
situation in 1974 when the African Armies The economy of Uganda grew last year
of Mozambique, Angola and Guinea-Bissau, at the rate of 3.4% and at the rate of 3.8%
defeated the Portuguese imperialists. this financial year, the corona restrictions
notwithstanding. The greatest point to
I have heard some voices among the
remember is to end the phenomenon
Moslems, claiming that the Moslems
of the Abakolera ekidda kyoonka
are neglected and that they cannot
(subsistence production ─ only working
borrow money because of riba (profits-
for the stomach). Since the 1960s, we
interest) which is haram (ekihagaro)
have been fighting this phenomenon. By
among the Moslems. The first point is
2013, a whole 68% of the homesteads of
certainly not true. Who built the Islamic
Uganda were Abakoleraekiddakyoonka
University in Uganda? Who liberalised
(tic me ice keken). I must salute the OWC
trade (taking the Government out of
officers that, on my orders, intervened in
trading) and the hotel business where
distributing inputs of coffee, tea, fruits, etc.
many Moslem businessmen benefitted?
UBOS has now said that the homesteads
How did the successful Moslems come
of the Bakolera ekidda kyoonka, are now
up? It is on account of the peace and
only 39%. This is the first time in all human
policies brought by the NRM. The story of
history, when the majority of Ugandans,
Riba, is only half of the story. Yes, Islamic
have joined the money economy. I decided
banking has been legalized but not yet
to remove the OWC from the distribution
operationalised. However, many of the
of seedlings, this success notwithstanding.
pro-poor Government programmes are
not loans but grants (Government okuwa
obuwi). OWC distribution of free seedlings, No. 1, some of the commanders had
my Nakyoobe’s skilling programmes gone into the business of having beds for
and grants for capital for shoe-making, seedlings ─ they had become businessmen
on personal basis in an effort in which they
were supposed to be neutral.

40 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi

No. 2, it was becoming unwise for our were going for the National Task Force
soldiers to be involved in the distribution on Corona meeting at a nearby primary
of items of Government support to school and saw a large number of cars at a
the Wanainchi. Arguments about home. It was a marriage something. Since
favouritism were becoming ubiquitous. our campaign of 1966, the former nomads,
“Begabilabokka”, was becoming a frequent had joined the money economy and all the
complaint in public meetings. cars we saw were theirs. However, they
will be much richer if they abandon the
No. 3, the soldiers would, sometimes,
free-range method (okuseetura) to zero-
take the seedlings, damp them at the
grazing. With zero-grazing, using planted
Gombolola Sub-county and leave them
grass that is cut and fed to the cattle in the
there, not bothering whether they will be
shed, one acre will support eight Friesian
planted in gardens or left to dry-up and
cattle per year. Hence, a square mile, will
be lost.
support 640 x 8 = 5,120 cattle. With the
In order to remove these areas of present free-range, you need 3 acres per
misunderstandings, we decided to put adult cow, in a year. Therefore, a square
the total responsibility in the hands of the mile will only support 200 cattle well. This
stakeholders ─ the beneficiaries through is wastage. It is under-utilization of the
the Parish Development Model (PDM). land and stunting our economic growth.
The Government money will be sent to
their SACCOs and they will buy seedlings
or whatever they want to buy, provided it Bananas are another example of the need
is on the list of the recommended crops to modernise in order to stop the under-
that are high value and have a market utilisation of the land we have. The average
within Uganda, within the Region, within yield per hectare of bananas is between 5
Africa and the World. We have opted for and 10tonnes per year in the villages. Dr.
the owner ─ controlled formula, instead Muranga, however, at Nyaruziinga, she
of the programme being controlled by harvests 53tonnes per hectare. They say
Public Servants (whether soldiers or that in Brazil, they have gone to 80 tonnes
not). This PDM is for the former 68% of per hectare. This need for modernization
the homesteads (the 29% bazukufu and in production methods: good seedlings,
the 39% still asleep). With 32% of the spacing, water retention methods, wind
population that were already in the money breaks, irrigation, fertilizer use, is not only
economy by 2013, we urge them to be more for cattle and bananas, but for all the crops:
industrial in agriculture, mining, etc. and coffee, tea, fruits, Irish potatoes, cassava,
also do more value addition. vegetables, etc.
Take we the cattle-keepers, who semi- Finally, on the wider economy, we intend
modernized by adopting the dairy industry to help businesses by lowering costs of
where milk was commercialized instead production by dealing with the 3 cost
of okukolera ekidda kyoonka as we had pushers. The three cost pushers are:
done for centuries and adopting the transport (rail and water); electricity; and
exotic breeds of Friesians, etc. This has money for industries, agriculture and some
helped and changed the area completely. services (e.g. tourism, education ─ private
The other day, Maama Janet and myself, schools, some of the professional services
such as private doctors, engineers, etc).

The Presidency | December 2021 41

We are determined to build the Standard addressed. Kij’omanyi, kinyaga bitono (the
Gauge Railway from Malaba to Kampala- enemy you are prepared for, loots little).
Kasese-Gulu and Nimule. We are already
The corona lockdown has affected some
repairing the old railway line for short-
sectors of the economy badly. Such sectors
term and medium-term use. We are
are: entertainment, hospitality, tourism,
encouraging private investment in water
the private schools, etc.
transport on the Lakes in addition to the
expanding fleet of Government vessels With the opening of the economy, the
such as MV Sigulu, MV Buvuma, Albert two sources of support for such sectors
Nile 1, Kyoga 2, MV Obongi, MV Laropi, MV are the Parish Development Model in case
Bisina, MV Masindi, etc. In future, much of some of the actors want to go back to the
the transport for cargo should be by rail villages and to use their land commercially
and water. or emyooga. The 18 myooga, cover most
of the activities of the Ugandans that are
On the side of electricity, we are
non-agricultural. Let all Ugandans agree
transmitting electricity directly to the
with my proposal to put more money in
industrial parks without going through
the PDM and emyooga. The categories
any middlemen. This will cut 37.5% from
not covered by emyooga, such as the bar
the cost. The cost of production of the
operators, will be addressed separately.
electricity for the dams is low as follows:
Ministry of Finance will work on that group.
Nalubaale - 1.19US cents
I cannot end this address without
Kiira - 1.19US cents highlighting for the Ugandans the little
comedy that was played out recently when
Karuma - 4.97US cents
we had by-elections in different parts
Isimba - 4.16US cents of Uganda for some Local Government
It is only Bujagaali that was distorted positions on the 16th of December, 2021.
to US cents 8.3per Kwh. By by-passing Was it comedy or tragedy? The positions
the middlemen, we shall give cheaper for by-elections in the whole country were
electricity to the factories. 827. They included One LCV Chairperson,
LCIII Chairpersons, Municipality Councillors,
The high interest rates of the Commercial District Councillors and LC 3 and Town
Banks is on account of two actors: the Council Coucillors.
Commercial Banks wanting high profits
and not caring about the Wanainchi and The NRM won 392 of them unopposed.
Government (Finance) giving high priced With where the NRM had to compete
treasury bills to the world in order to borrow with other Parties, plus the unopposed,
from the public. We have discussed this the NRM won as shown here below as
distortion. We should minimise borrowing compared to the other Parties:
by the Government. We, each year, pay Ug. (i) NRM - 678
Shs. 15.16trillion as debt repayment and Shs.
(ii) Independents - 103
4.9trillion of this is interest ─ i.e. money that
was never used in our country. We now (iii)
DP - 7
know where the problem of high interest
UPC - 7
rates is coming from. It will, gradually, be
(v) NUP - 13
(vi) FDC - 19
42 The Presidency | December 2021 ariho muhwezi
The NRM’s direct share was 82%. However, these guidelines so that the Public is also
many of the Independents were also NRM informed and can knowledgeably audit the
on account of their internal wrangles. actions of the security forces and inform
Therefore, the pro-NRM sentiment, won us, if there are departures. Moreover, these
a total of 94%. guidelines are in line with the Standing
Orders of the Police Forces, both here and
The others won as follows:
in many countries.
(i) NUP - 2%
The third element of tragic-comedy were
(ii) DP - 1% the protestations by NUP that Muwonge
(iii) UPC - 1% of NRM had won by cheating. I did not
know that NRM actors had enough energy
(iv) FDC - 2% to cheat because most of the time they
The tragic-comedy in the affair had 3 are asleep and allow the opposition to
elements. Element no. 1, for NUP and their intimidate people, cheat, etc. Why only
media supporters, including the foreign cheat in Kayunga? Why not in the few
ones, there was no Uganda but Kayunga. other areas where NUP won? Kayunga,
Kayunga, Kayunga, Kayunga!! Buganda and the whole of Uganda
are, politically, NRM territory. Why? It
The second element was our young
is because the NRM has done more for
people in the persons of Nakwedde,
those areas than anybody else, the internal
Zaake, etc., putting it in their heads that
weaknesses within NRM, notwithstanding.
they would not allow the old man with a
We are handling the internal weaknesses,
hat, Ssabalwanyi, to peacefully drive from
including corruption. The opportunistic
Kampala and address the NRM leaders
opposition will be wiped out. Those
at Kayonza Church of Uganda Primary
concerned with ballot stuffing, etc., why
School in Bbale and at Busaana Sub-
do they never support my plan for only
county play-ground. Of course the Police
electronic voting with thumb-prints? It
could not allow that. Hence, there were
is the opposition and their collaborators,
some skirmishes. This is exactly what NUP
that always avoid voting electronically.
did in the General Elections in some areas
We should amend the law to stop all non-
and what they were planning to do in the
electronic voting. That is what democrats
whole country if we had not deployed a
should be demanding.
considerable portion of the UPDF to crush
that conspiracy. The idea is to create fear so I salute all of you and wish you a Happy
that the massive supporters of the NRM do and Prosperous 2022.
not come out to vote. You remember Arua
where they even stoned my car and Bobi
Wine was driving a grader (tingatinga)
into my convoy. This is self-deception. It
cannot work in Uganda. I have given, in
writing, guidelines to the Armed Forces
to firmly and professionally ensure law
and order and discipline in our society. I
hereby direct our Media Unit to publicize

The Presidency | December 2021 43


TEL: 0414670558
WHATSAPP: 0414670288
The Presidency
January, 2022

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News


President gets President Museveni

COVID-19 booster 07 leads NRM/A 16
dose celebrations

President Museveni President Museveni

hails Pan-African commissions
Payments and 08 National Defence 17
Settlement Systems College

President Museveni President Museveni

meets Britain’s 10 mourns Governor 18
Minister for Africa Tumusiime Mutebile

President President Museveni

Museveni launches 12 meets Congolese 19
#ExploreUganda Defence Delegation

Address by H.E.
President Yoweri Kaguta
commissions ultra- Museveni at the
modern Helicopter 9th Ministerial 21
MRO facility Level Meeting of
the African Union
President Museveni Committee of 10 On
commissions Hoima 15 the Reform of UN
roads Security Council
Editor’s Note

Dear Reader,
This is to present to you the January edition of our monthly e-magazine, The
Presidency. The objective of the magazine once again, is to bring the office and
residence of the President closer to the citizens and even to the international
community actors, for purposes of open, transparent and accountable governance.

In every edition, we try to incorporate the feedback we receive from the readers
and also, to make the magazine appealing to all our audiences, balancing both text
and pictorial. We also provide information that is both educative and informative.

As is the practice, we bring you His Excellency’s major speech of the month. In this
edition, we have annexed the President’s address to the 9th Ministerial level meeting
of the African Union Committee of 10 on the reform of the UN Security Council,
delivered on the 20th January, 2022, at the Commonwealth Resort, Munyonyo. The
committee of 10 includes; Senegal, Uganda, Algeria, Kenya and Zambia. Others are;
Congo, Libya, Namibia and Equatorial Guinea.

The President spent most of the month of January at his country home of Rwakitura
in Kiruhura District and at his ranch in Kisozi, Gomba District, holding small meetings
and tending to his cattle. Later, while commissioning a road in Hoima, the President
attributed this long rest to the honest and hardworking Prime Minister Robinah
Nabbanja, who is now steering most the Government work. Other engagements
of the President included; commissioning of the Helicopter Maintenance, Repair
and Overhaul facility in Nakasongola, National Defence College in Buikwe, etc.

We encourage the citizens to give us their feedback and suggestions about the
magazine through our platforms; email:, Whatsapp: 0414670288
or through our social media handles; GCICUganda. We also encourage the citizens
who have benefited from the different interventions, programmes and projects
commissioned by the President to send us their experiences in form of articles.
We shall publish them.

I now have the pleasure to present to you the eighth edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of
Communication & Director Government
Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC)

4 The Presidency | January 2022

Editorial Team

Duncan Abigaba Robert Sharp Mugabe

Deputy Chief Editor Content Production Manager

Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba

HR & Administration Head of Production

Otim Deo Ariho Muhwezi

Communications Officer Production Officer

The Presidency | January 2022 5

Quote of the Month

The problem of Africa as summarised by the African

Union was that Africans were producing what they
did not consume and consuming what they didn’t
produce. You find Africans producing cotton but
some of them are going naked without clothes”

President Y.K. Museveni

Nakasongola Airforce Base, 22nd January, 2022
My doctors, Dr Diana Atwiine and Dr “I really appeal to everybody to do the
Magooba, an army officer, have just given me needful. If you belong to this group of
a boost er dose. According to my statement 50+, get a booster dose. If 18 and above
during the New Year speech, I told you that get vaccinated fully. Dr. Atwiine brought
efforts we are going to rely on to open the another clan of doses and said clan mixing
economy were; full vaccination for people is good. Now, Atwiine has said that for
aged 18 years and above who are about the booster to work well, get another
22million, but also booster doses for the
clan. I was vaccinated two times with
3.3million people above the age of 50 years,
AstraZeneca, now I have got a Pfizer
a constituency where I very rightly fit. I am
booster dose. That, when you do that,
now 50+27 – 77 years. We said that this
you get more mobilisation of immunity
group should get a booster dose. But also, the
and resistance against the virus for the
ones below 50 but with problems like diabetes,
body. Please get the two vaccines if you
blood pressure, cancers, etc, those ones should
are 18 years and then the ones above 50
get a booster dose,” President Museveni
years or below 50 but with co morbidities
get a booster”, he said.
President Yoweri Museveni received his The President said he has got reports that
booster dose against the COVID-19. even with new Omicron virus; people who
have been vaccinated two times quickly
“My doctors, Dr Diana Atwiine and Dr overcome it.
Magooba, an army officer, have just given
me a booster dose. According to my
statement during the New Year speech,
I told you that efforts we are going to
rely on to open the economy were; full
vaccination for people aged 18 years and
above who are about 22million, but also
booster doses for the 3.3million people
above the age of 50 years, a constituency
where I very rightly fit. I am now 50+27 – 77
years. We said that this group should get
a booster dose. But also, the ones below
50 but with problems like diabetes, blood
pressure, cancers, etc, those ones should President Museveni receives a Pfizer
get a booster dose,” he said shortly after booster dose at Rwakitura, Kiruhura
his vaccination. District

The President appealed to Ugandans to

get fully vaccinated to beat the virus and
reopen the economy fully.

The Presidency | January 2022 7

The President got his including people aged 50 (COVID-19 mRNA vaccines)
Pfizer booster dose almost years and above and those are preferred and can
ten months after his first with co-morbidities can be mixed. A three-dose
COVID-19 dose to improve take a booster dose. course of AstraZeneca’s
immunity, following the (AZN.L) COVID-19 vaccine
According to research, three
outbreak of the fast- is effective against the
COVID-19 vaccines are now
spreading Omicron variant. rapidly-spreading Omicron
authorized or approved for
Research has shown that corona virus variant.
use to prevent COVID-19.
after the first two doses,
Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna
the priority/special groups

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI HAILS that facilitates instant cross-border
PAN-AFRICAN PAYMENTS payments in local currencies between
AND SETTLEMENT SYSTEMS countries, as a welcome development.

“I would like to commend you and your

I would like to commend you and your
team for successfully piloting the PAPSS
team for successfully piloting the PAPSS
in the six countries that make up the West
in the six countries that make up the West
African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) despite
African Monetary Zone (WAMZ) despite
its multi-currency and bi-lingual makeup.
its multi-currency and bi-lingual makeup.
I look forward to that time when traders
I look forward to that time when traders
from the remaining parts of Africa will take from the remaining parts of Africa will
advantage of the platform to ease cross- take advantage of the platform to ease
border transactions, reduce the dependency cross-border transactions, reduce the
on hard currencies for these transactions and dependency on hard currencies for these
bring about a significant boost in intra-Africa transactions and bring about a significant
trade,” he said. boost in intra-Africa trade,” he said.

In a statement read for him by the Minister

ACCRA, GHANA: President Yoweri Museveni of Finance, Planning and Economic
hailed the partnership between the African Development, Hon. Matia Kasaijja, the
Export-Import Bank (Afreximbank) and President apologised for his absence at
the Secretariat of African Continental the launch and delegated the Minister.
Free Trade Area (AfCFTA), in line with the
“This is an event that I would have liked
decisions of the 12th and 13th Extraordinary
to attend in person, but I am unable to do
Sessions of the Assembly of Heads of State
so due to prior domestic commitments.
and Government of the African Union, to
launch the Pan-African Payments and
Settlement Systems (PAPSS), a platform

8 The Presidency | January 2022

I have, however, delegated the Hon. Matia Godwin Emefiele, the Governor of the
Kasaija, Minister for Finance, Planning andCentral Bank of Nigeria (CBN), said the
Economic Development, to represent me Pan-African Payment and Settlement
at the launch. System (PAPSS) will simplify cross-border
transactions and reduce third currencies
The President was invited by H.E. Wamkele
for intra-African trade. The third currencies
Mene, the Secretary-General, Af rican
include dollars, pounds and euros for cross-
Continental Free Trade Area Secretariat
border transactions in Africa.
and Prof. Benedict Orama, President
and Chairman of the Board of Directors PAPPS will also provide alternative
of the African Export-Import Bank, to to current high-cost and lengthy
attend the commercial launch of the Pan- correspondent banking relationships
African Payment and Settlement System to facilitate trade and other economic
(PAPSS) that took place at the Kempinski activities among African countries through
Hotel, Gold Coast City in Accra, Ghana, on a simple, low-cost and risk-controlled
Thursday, 13th January 2022. payment clearing and settlement system.

The ceremony was held under the theme The benefits of PAPPS for cross-border
“Connecting Payments, Accelerating payments include cost reduction; reduction
Africa’s Trade”. in duration and time variability; decreasing
liquidity requirements of commercial
Ghana’s Vice President Mahamudu
banks; decreasing liquidity requirements
Bawumia said Africa’s new cross-border
of central banks for settlement as well
payment system will save the continent
as its own payments; and strengthening
billions of dollars in annual transaction
Central Banks’ oversight of cross-border
costs and bolster shipments in the world’s
payment systems.
largest free-trade zone.

The Presidency | January 2022 9

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI MEETS “There is a lot of misinformation; our whole
BRITAIN’S MINISTER FOR struggle for last 60 years has been about
human rights. But you get misinformation
from some of the groups who want to
There is a lot of misinformation; our whole promote anarchy and when you try to
struggle for last 60 years has been about stop them, they say you have violated their
human rights. But you get misinformation human rights.
from some of the groups who want to promote
I can assure you that we are very seasoned
anarchy and when you try to stop them, they
people,” he said.
say you have violated their human rights.
I can assure you that we are very seasoned The President was meeting Britain’s
people,” President Museveni Minister for Africa, Ford Vicky at State
House, Entebbe. The two leaders discussed
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri various issues including trade, investment,
Museveni strongly defended Uganda’s human rights, regional peace and security,
human rights record and said for the last among other things.
60 years, their struggle has been about
promoting and defending human rights.

President Museveni gestures to Ms. Vicky Ford during a meeting held at State House, Entebbe

10 The Presidency | January 2022

“Our army would not be in Somalia for On the issue of economic empowerment,
more than 13 years, a Muslim society and President Museveni said the challenge
yet majority of our people are not Muslims here is to deal with issue prosperity and
and they have been there peacefully. If how do you create wealth for our people
we didn’t know how to observe human by producing goods and services which
rights, that is an acid test of how disciplined they must sell.
we are. Yes, groups make mistakes and
“If you don’t sell, it will not become wealth,
we punish them. The problem would be
you will not get prosperity out of it”, he said.
impunity. We don’t have impunity here.
We have got full accountability,” he said. He said Ugandans are now waking up
and realizing that the Uganda market is
The President, however, acknowledged
not enough, and they now need the East
that they are still dealing with a pre-
African Market.
capitalist society, some of whom still have
traditional ideas like beating people. “That is why we say patriotism first, love
Uganda. Uganda is more important
“This one we are fighting it. This is part of
than tribes. We add Pan-Africanism and
the old system of police and society.
internationalism. For us what is more
On the issue of civil society organisations, important is interests,” he said.
President Museveni said the only idea
Minister Ford Vicky said she would want
about civil society is the issue of substance
to see what her government can do to
which they are discussing.
make our partnership and friendship even
“Our understanding of civil society is people stronger as we come out of COVID-19.
who are not making a living out of activism
but are concerned about the rights of the
people. But if you have foreign funding You have been such a wise person with
groups claiming to be fighting, when they some of the regional issues. I thank
are just paid like foreign agents, sometimes you for the leadership on South Sudan.
even paid by foreign governments who I want to hear your views about the
come to influence our future, it is a very
difficult situation in Ethiopia and
serious issue. Is an agent of a foreign
Government a civil society activist? That
Somalia”, Minister Ford said.
one, we are not convinced,” he said.
The President said he discussed with the
Ms. Ford said her government is very keen
Norwegian Ambassador and agreed that
to increase investment and trade between
the sovereignty of the country should give
our countries to build stronger economies
a no objection to all after deciding whether
and increase trade and investment to grow
it is a socio-economic issue or it is political
the economy.
She said the United Kingdom Government
“I don’t see why especially somebody who
through its department of Health has
wants democracy would want external
donated to Uganda one million extra doses
manipulation. The issue is not empowering
of the COVID-19 AstraZeneca vaccines that
women to grow vegetables, but if we
will be arriving in the country shortly.
should allow foreigners who oppose our
government, politically to determine our
destiny,” he said.

The Presidency | January 2022 11

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI “Uganda is a very nice place but needed a
LAUNCHES #ExploreUganda group to inform the world and UTB group
are determined to talk about Uganda,”
Uganda is a very nice place but needed a said President Museveni.
group to inform the world and UTB group are
The Chief Executive Officer of UTB, Ms.
determined to talk about Uganda.” President
Museveni Lilly Ajarova said that the newly-developed
destination brand was meant to harmonise
the message about marketing Uganda
while working with different stakeholders,
President Museveni launched the newly-
and to harness the 5A’s of tourism;
developed destination brand campaign by
attraction, accessibility, accommodation,
the Uganda Tourism Board called Explore
amenities and awareness.
Uganda – the Pearl of Africa.

The new destination brand acknowledges

that given the depth and breadth of In his address, the Minister for Tourism,
Uganda’s tourism assets, the best way to Wildlife and Antiquities, Hon. Col. Tom
experience The Pearl of Africa is not to Butime, thanked the President for
rush it by just visiting but rather, allowing successfully guiding the sector through
more time to explore all the ‘Pearls’ it has the COVID-19 pandemic.
to offer. “Your Excellency, we thank you for safely
In his address, the President said that guiding the tourism sector through the
Uganda was very unique because of three pandemic and look forward to welcoming
factors; terrain, culture. He urged Uganda visitors to Uganda now. We want to
Tourism Board to emphasise to tourists increase the contribution of the sector
how Uganda was able to overcome health towards employment, GDP, income and
challenges including Ebola and AIDS. foreign exchange,” said the Minister.

Logo of the recently launched

destination brand – Explore
Uganda – the Pearl of Africa

12 The Presidency | January 2022

MRO FACILITY find Africans producing cotton but some
of them are going naked without clothes,”
The problem of Africa as summarised by he said. The President compared this to
the African Union was that Africans were the Defence Service which he said uses
producing what they did not consume and equipment which is not made here, just
consuming what they didn’t produce. You find like in almost 100 percent of the African
Africans producing cotton but some of them countries and added that the facility to
are going naked without clothes” President maintain, repair, overhaul and in the future
Museveni upgrade will go a long way in saving costs.

The President said the commissioning of the

NAKASONGOLA AIRFORCE BASE: plant is among the modest steps taken to
President Yoweri Museveni who is also
the Commander-in-Chief of the UPDF
commissioned a helicopter maintenance,
repair and overhaul plant at the Nakasongola
Air Force Base, that will also in the future
upgrade chopper ware.

The MRO plant, the first of its kind in Sub-

Saharan Africa, is a joint venture by the
UPDF’s commercial arm, the National
Enterprise Corporation-NEC and Pro-heli
International, a Russian Company and will be
developed into a hub not only for the entire
East African Region including UN Missions President Museveni unveils the stone
which use Russian helicopters but also for
marking start of operations at the
the entire continent.
Helicopter MRO facility in Nakasongola
Speaking shortly after the off icial
commissioning, Gen. Museveni hailed the solve what he termed as ‘irrationality’ which
Ministry of Defence for the initiative which is very costly.
he said is an example of vertical integration
of the economy promised in the NRM’s “You’re talking of saving money. You’re using
10-Point Programme. imported helicopters which you don’t make
or even maintain and repair. This is very
Point Number 5 of the programme was serious,” Museveni said.
to build an independent, integrated, and
self-sustaining national economy, a point The Helicopter Maintenance, Repair and
he said is being fulfilled although some of Overhaul - MRO plant will help Uganda save
the people didn’t get it. about 3.5 million US dollars that have been
spent on transportation and overhauling
“The problem of Africa as summarised by one helicopter outside Uganda.
the African Union was that Africans were
producing what they did not consume and Maj. Gen. Sabiiti Muzeyi, the General
consuming what they didn’t produce. You Manager, Luwero Industries, a subsidiary of

The Presidency | January 2022 13

National Enterprise Corporation (NEC), said Mr. Valari Copcin, the Chief Executive Officer,
the facility with state-of-the-art equipment Pro-heli International Services, said the
is now fully operational. facility will handle major repairs, service and
overhaul of Mi-18, Mi-9 and Mi-24 helicopters.
“The UPDAF attached its technical personnel
to the facility (in the field of Mechanics- “This facility being commissioned today is
Engine and Airf rame; Avionics-Radio/ able to do major repairs, service and overhaul
Radar, Instruments and Electrical System, of Mi-17 (Mi-8) and Mi-24 helicopters. This
Armament-Electrical and Mechanical in turn saves the country loss of money
Systems, Ground Support Equipment and in transportation and general turnaround
in Quality Control and Quality Assurance). time,” he said.
The first batch of 15 is already deployed at
According to the Commander UPDF
the facility and carrying out the overhaul
Airforce, Lt. Gen. Charles Lutaaya, Aircraft
of the first Mi-24 under the supervision of
maintenance is generally expensive but
expatriates but in the long run, we shall
with the commissioning of the MRO facility,
do all this work by ourselves. I thank the
there will be on time repair of components
Commander of Air force for all the support
and reduced wastage to enhance air
he has given to this project,” he said.
force combat readiness and employment
Gen. Sabiiti said the Ministry will make huge capabilities.
savings on costs of handling and freight.
“Assets will no longer be grounded for long
“A huge saving will be made on the costs periods due to lack of spares and technical
currently incurred by the Ministry of Defence/ expertise input as this can be now sourced
UPDF on clearing, handling and freight of from the MRO expertise,” Lutaaya said.
the helicopters to repair stations abroad
The Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Wilson
which is not less than USD $1,200,000 one
Mbasu Mbadi, said the facility will bring in
way, for each helicopter. For example, the
more revenue into the economy as aircrafts
helicopter currently being worked on in
from the region will be serviced here.
the hanger here was recently ferried to the
Nakasongola facility just on a low loader at “I want therefore to thank your Excellency on
a cost of just USD 520 equivalent,” he said. behalf of the UPDF for continuously guiding
us to help us build a formidable force in the
region,” Gen. Mbadi said.

The function was attended by among others;

the Minister of State for Defence and Veteran
Affairs, Hon. Huda Abason Oleru, Lt Gen.
Proscovia Nalweyiso, the General Manager
Uganda Air cargo - Lt General Nakibus
Lakara, the Chief of Military Intelligence –Maj.
Gen. Abel Kandiho, the Deputy Managing
Director, National Enterprise Corporation -
NEC Maj. General (Rtd) Innocent Oula, among
other dignitaries.
President Museveni (left) and other
dignitaries being conducted around the MRO
facility by Maj. Gen. Sabiiti Muzeyi (right)

14 The Presidency | January 2022

I came here in a by-election. NRM people were
confused but Nabbanja was strong. I studied Both roads cut through the Kingfisher
her and discovered that she is hardworking, and Tilenga oil projects.
patriotic, honest and straight forward. I am Speaking at the event, President Museveni
now relaxed like any other old man while she said that the roads were part of the
leads” President Museveni Government’s 10-year rolling road sector
development programme aimed at
HOIMA: President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni improving road access to socio-economic
commissioned the Hoima-Butiaba- facilities. In his address, the President
Wanseko road and the Kigumba-Bulima also praised the Prime Minister, Rt. Hon.
road in Hoima district, roads that are Robinah Nabbanja, who is also Woman
critical in the ongoing oil development District Representative for Kakumiro
and production activities. District, for being honest and patriotic.

Hoima-Butiaba-Wanseko road. Photo credit: URA

President Museveni with Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Nabbanja (right) and
UNRA Executive Director, Allen Kagina at the commissioning of the roads

The Presidency | January 2022 15

On this day in 1986, the economy was
$1.5b and the population was 15m.
We shall have grown economically
to $44b by July with a population
of 44.2m & GDP per capita of $980
(short of the middle-income status)
which we would, by the way,
have achieved had it not been for President Museveni (extreme right) poses
COVID-19” President Museveni with a team of medallists from Soroti
Regional Referral Hospital
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni led
The Minister for Presidency, Hon. Milly
celebrations to mark the 36th anniversary
Babalanda, thanked the President for the
of the NRM/A victory day at Kololo
commitment and sacrifices he endured
ceremonial grounds. The anniversary
to liberate this country.
celebrated under the theme “Celebrating
the 36th NRM/A Victory Day: A Call to duty “Your Excellency, today, Ugandans are
for all Compatriots to contribute towards coming together to celebrate the events of
Uganda’s Socio-economic Transformation 26th January, 1986, when the determined
Journey”, was also graced by a delegation and brave fighters of NRA under your
from the Government of the Democratic able leadership captured Kampala and
Republic of Congo, led by Minister for entrenched peace and stability in the
Defence, Dr. Gilbert Kabanda. country,” said the Minister.

In his address, President Museveni During the celebrations, President

recounted the progress Uganda has Museveni awarded 50 distinguished
achieved since 1986, announcing that the Ugandans with different national medals
country’s GDP shall be $44 billion by July, and honours. The medals and honours
2022. were; 50th Independence medal (29),
Nalubale medal (01), Luwero medal (04)
“On this day in 1986, the economy was
and the Special Service Police medal (16).
$1.5b and the population was 15m. We
Notable among the receivers of the medals
shall have grown economically to $44b by
was the the Soroti Regional Referral
July with a population of 44.2m & GDP per
Hospital team led by Dr. Joseph Epodoi,
capita of $980 (short of the middle-income
who successfully separated conjoined
status) which we would, by the way, have
twins at Soroti RRH, who received the
achieved had it not been for COVID-19,”
50th Independence medal.
said President Museveni

16 The Presidency | January 2022


I congratulate the army on this National “I congratulate the army on this National
Defence College, which is the apex, the Defence College, which is the apex, the
culmination of military learning. But as culmination of military learning. But as
Gen. Mbadi said, it is also good for civilians Gen. Mbadi said, it is also good for civilians
to come here and learn about the strategic to come here and learn about the strategic
defence and security of the country. How the defence and security of the country. How
non-defence sectors contribute to the defence the non-defence sectors contribute to
of the country” President Museveni
the defence of the country,” President
Museveni said.
BUIKWE: President Museveni
commissioned the National Defence The Minister for Defence and Veteran
College in Buikwe District, which is the Affairs, Hon. Vincent Ssempijja thanked
apex of security and defence studies in the the President for his visionary leadership
world. At the same event, the President that has transformed the army.
inaugurated the governing council of the “Your Excellency, we thank you for your
college and the pioneer 18 participants stewardship and visionary leadership of
of the college who include; former SFC the country and the UPDF in particular,”
Commander, Brig. Peter Chandia; former the Minister said.
Defence spokesperson, Brig. Flavia
On his part, the Chief of Defence Forces,
Byekwaso; former Head of Anti-Corruption
Gen. Wilson Mbadi, said the college
Unit, Col. Edith Nakalema, among others.
will save money the country has been
The President said that the college will spending on training abroad.
later enrol civilian participants to teach
“We are happy to commission the
them how non-defence sectors contribute
college with the motto: Leadership with
to the defence capacity of the country.
Knowledge,” Gen. Mbadi

The two-year standard

National Defence College
Course has been condensed
into 48 weeks and the pioneer
participants will graduate
with a post graduate diploma
at the end of the course.

President Museveni unveils

the plaque commissioning the
National Defence Colle-Uganda

The Presidency | January 2022 17

“I am here to salute the contribution of
Mutebile as a person,” said President
I am here to salute the contribution of
Mutebile as a person,” President Museveni In his eulogy, the Minister for Finance,
Planning and Economic Department,
KOLOLO CEREMONIAL GROUNDS: Hon. Matia Kasaija, said that Mutebile had
President Museveni paid his last respects died when they were working hard to see
to the fallen Governor of Bank of Uganda, the country’s economy flourish after the
Prof. Emmanuel Tumusiime Mutebile, at COVID-19 pandemic.
Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, in a
In a service celebrated by the Archbishop message read by the Governor, Central
of Uganda, the Most Reverend Stephen Bank of Kenya, praised Mutebile for
Kaziimba Mugalu, President Museveni holding Uganda’s economy together when
saluted Prof. Mutebile for his contribution the world was battling the pandemic.
to the growth of the economy of Uganda. The service was attended by Chief Justice
The President said that Mutebile had of Uganda, former prime ministers;
reformed the economy by floating the Ruhakana Rugunda and Amama Mbabazi,
currency and through the privatisation and the Governor, Central Bank of South
reforms. Sudan, among other dignitaries.

President Museveni signs the condolence board at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds

18 The Presidency | January 2022

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI “We should really work together and finish
MEETS CONGOLESE DEFENCE this problem. This was phase one. We are
DELEGATION now ready for phase two. It is very easy for
us to destroy those groups,” Museveni said.
We should really work together and finish this
problem. This was phase one. We are now The Uganda Peoples Defence Forces
ready for phase two. It is very easy for us to - UPDF and The Armed Forces of the
destroy those groups” President Museveni Democratic Republic of the Congo –
FARDC, the state institution responsible for
STATE LODGE, NAKASERO: President defending the Democratic Republic of the
Yoweri Museveni assured the people of Congo, launched joint operations against
Uganda and the Democratic republic ADF in Eastern Congo on November 30th
of Congo of total peace after the two 2021, with bombardment on four major
countries launched joint operations to terrorist camps.
flush out the Allied Democratic Forces
Since, the two forces have captured several
from Eastern Congo.
camps including the famous Kambi Ya
The President was addressing a delegation Yua and secured major routes in Eastern
of security chiefs from the Democratic Congo to enable ground battle teams to
Republic of Congo (DRC) led by their pursue ADF rebels who have fled to the
Minister in charge of National Defence, thick forests.
Dr. Gilbert Kabanda Kurhenga, at State
Lodge, Nakasero.

President Museveni (centre) posing for a photo with Congolese National Defence Minister,
Dr. Gilbert Kabanda (left) and the Ugandan Minister for Defence, Hon. Vincent Ssempijja
during a meeting at State Lodge, Nakasero.
The Presidency | January 2022 19
To avoid back and forth attacks between The Minister in charge of National Defence
the rebels and the joint forces, President of DRC, Dr. Gilbert Kabanda Kurhenga,
Museveni advised the Government of DRC thanked President Museveni for his role
to intensify regional and local security in ensuring peace in the region.
mechanisms to avoid further insurgencies
At the same meeting, Ugandan Minister
especially in areas already secured by the
for Defence and Veteran Affairs, Vincent
joint forces.
Bamulangaki Ssempijja and his DRC
“Our experience here is that, once you counterpart signed the bilateral general
attack concentrations of the terrorists and agreement on defence cooperation that
they see that you have the capacity, they will ensure joint operations between the
can’t challenge you army to army, they now armies of both countries.
go to pure terrorism. They break into small
The meeting was attended by among
groups and they go to attack villagers,”
others; Col. Alimasi Gwenda Nkoyo Cesar,
Museveni said.
Capt. Desire Mugula, Sgt Ilunga Ferdinand,
Museveni made mention of five elements Amb.Massala Jean Pierre, Mr Nicholas
needed to strengthen security which Kashando, Mrs Dorah Bahole, Namuhirwa
include using mobile forces, zonal forces, Zagabe and Mugeamboa Mandey Didier.
local defence units per village, strategic
The Ugandan delegation included among
forces (air forces, artillery) and to lesser
others; Minister Vincent Sempijja, Chief
extent, Special Forces.
of Defence Forces, Gen. Wilson Mbasu
He said these will later prevent pockets Mbadi, and Maj. Gen. Richard Prit Olum,
of terrorism where rebels return to who serves as Uganda’s military attaché
attack villagers and kill people ending up to Kinshasa.
discrediting Government.

“That’s why for us, we add the third force.

These are called local defence units per
village where there is a threat, and they
don’t have to be many. When the other
people come to kill villagers, they will be Send your feedback &
there to repulse them,” he said. suggestions about this
magazine through our
The Chief of Defence Forces, Gen. Wilson
Mbasu Mbadi, briefed the President about
the progress of the on-going Operation email
Shuja, aimed at pacifying Eastern Congo,
the on-going road construction projects
on the Kasindi - Beni - Butembo and Whatsapp
Bunagana – Rutshuru, to facilitate easy 0414670288
movement of troops and other strategic Social Media
decisions made between the forces of the GCICUganda
two countries.

20 The Presidency | January 2022




Honourable Ministers, Indeed, a consensus diluted. The UN Security

was reached at Ezulwini Council should have been
in Swaziland (Kingdom and must be reformed. This
Ladies and Gentlemen, of Eswatini), where the is not a favour by anybody
I welcome you, the Foreign brother African countries but a right of all peoples
Ministers of the brother on the Committee agreed that inhabit the planet
African countries of the as follows: earth. The international
Committee of 10 for the arrangement that was
1. To promote Africa to be
reform of the UN Security arrived at in 1945, after
fully represented in all
Council to your brother the devastating inter-
UN organs, specifically
country, Uganda. In order to imperialist second World
the United Nations
inform your brother people War caused by the greed
Security Council;
of Uganda who may be of the imperialist countries
2. To have two permanent that were vying for colonial
listening or watching this
seats with two veto possessions, fighting as to
function, the committee
rights and two more who should own us (the
of 10 is comprised of the
non-permanent seats on Africans and the Asians),
following brother African
the UN Security Council, having exterminated or
countries: Senegal, Uganda,
as Africa’s legitimate enslaved the Indigenous
Algeria, Kenya, Zambia,
right and aspiration to peoples of the Americas
Sierra Leone, Congo, Libya,
correct the historical and Australia and New-
Namibia and Equatorial
injustices endured by Zealand, was temporary
the continent; because many of us were
In March, 2005, the African not in position to make
3. That the African Union
Union (AU) appointed our own decisions. The
(AU) shall be responsible
members of the Committee Asians and the Africans
for the selection of
of Ten Heads of State and were in colonial bondage,
African representatives
Government (C-10) with although we had been
to the UN Security
the mandate to advocate used to fight and die in
and canvass for the African those other people’s wars
Common Position on These were very good of the Imperialists ─ the
the reform of the United principles and there is no first and the second World
Nations Security Council useful reason as to why Wars. In the two World
(UNSC). they should be altered or Wars, more than 3.5million

The Presidency | January 2022 21

Af ricans and 6.5million present five (USA, China, Nyerere, Zambia under
Asians (Indians, etc.), were Russian, Britain, France) Mzee Kaunda, Botswana
used in f ighting those that monopolise that body. under Mzee Khama, Algeria
wars, which were not their under Bounedienne, Egypt
There are only a few factors
wars. Yet, no thought was under Nasser and Guinea-
that are delaying that
given to how they would Conakry under Seku-Toure,
process. Two of them are on
participate in international were able to support the
our side, the Africans that,
decision-making. Was the anti-colonial armed struggle
have decided to maintain
assumption that we would that defeated Portuguese
weakness in Africa even
never be free? colonialism in Mozambique,
after the decolonisation of
Angola, Guinnea-Bissau
If that was the assumption, our continent that started
and Sao Tome, the Ian
then the assumers were with the Independence of
Smith regime in Zimbabwe
wrong. By both peaceful the Sudan in 1955. Here
(Rhodesia as they were
and violent methods, in Uganda, we have been
calling it), Namibia and
the countries of Asia and battling against those
racist South Africa, working
Africa, are now free. Even internal weaknesses by
with the African Liberation
the indigenous peoples of relying on the 4 principles
Movements of those
the Americas, Australia, of: patriotism (down with
countries. This means, that
New- Zealand that sectarianism and loving
the potential is there if we
survived extermination,
act right and together. The
are also beginning to assert
problem of Idi Amin and
themselves as we have seen The attack on Libya, for
such other problems, were
in countries like Bolivia, etc. instance, is definitely behind
It is, therefore, a circus to the chaos in Mali, Niger, Chad, similarly solved by the
Burkina Faso, Nigeria, etc. African actors. The present
waste time, year after year,
Congo has been in successive chaos in some Af rican
debating the obvious. We
demand our right of having problems in the last 60 years. countries, can be solved
if the different chapters
permanent seats, not the
are able to act together.
seasonal ones allotted to
There is no adversary that
us by the present unfair Uganda), Pan-Africanism
we cannot defeat on the
system, on the UN Security (loving East Africa, loving
African continent if we act
Council. Every reasonable Af rica and working for
together. By strengthening
man, as the lawyers say, I do their integration), social-
ourselves here in Africa, the
not want to bother myself economic transformation
outsiders will more easily
talking of fair-minded and democracy. With these
accept not to interfere with
man, should see that the principles, we have been
our rights.
1.4billion Africans that will able to create a chapter
be 2.5billion in the next of some capacity. Similar We must be in that Security
29 years and billions of chapters exist and have Council to ensure that it is
Asians, the former colonised existed in Af rica since not used negatively against
peoples, cannot be kept out independence. That is how, Africa and that it is, instead,
of that UN Security Council for instance, countries like used positively for Africa
on terms similar to the Tanzania under Mwalimu and the rest of the World.

22 The Presidency | January 2022

When has the UN system West Africa. Then, for the Why ? We want
been misused to commit next four years’ cycle, we reconciliation and forget
aggression against Africa? would have one country past mistakes. Why do
I can, straight away, quote from Central Africa and you continue to punish a
two cases: the murder one country from Southern student of imperialism and
of Patrice Lumumba in Africa. Then, in the next aggression when you have
1961 and the attack on four years’ cycle, we would never punished the teacher
Libya. How much chaos have a country from Eastern - the actual imperialist
have these two mistakes Africa and another turn countries as per (1900)?
caused in Africa? Who is for a different country The position of Germany
answerable for these two from North Africa. These and Japan was a question:
mistakes? countries, would go to that “Why should UK, France,
Security Council as our Portugal, Belgium, etc.
The attack on Libya, for
delegates. They should only have colonies and we do
instance, is def initely
take the positions given to not have, yet we are now
behind the chaos in Mali,
them by the African Union, powerful countries?” It
Niger, Chad, Burkina Faso,
not their own individual was also the shallowness
Nigeria, etc. Congo has been
positions. If we had such and refusal of our Chiefs
in successive problems in
arrangements, mistakes like to change that created the
the last 60 years.
what happened in Libya, internal weaknesses that
The membership of African would not have happened. lured the wicked.
countries on a permanent Trying to use the size of the
It is, therefore, high time
basis would stop these economy, etc., is not correct.
we forget all the mistakes
mistakes. How and who
Germany’s economy is of the past and have a new
should be the members
now bigger than either the dispensation of equality and
of this body? It is already
economy of UK or France. security.
known that Africa should
What should we do now?
have two members of
Should we remove those
the Security Council on a
countries f rom the UN
permanent basis, elected
Security Council or what?
may be every four years
by the African Union on a Finally, it is time to bring to
rotational regional basis. the high table the defeated
This would mean that for belligerents of the 2nd
four years, we would have World War - Germany and
one country for North Japan.
Africa and one country for

The Presidency | January 2022 23


TEL: 0414670558
WHATSAPP: 0414670288
The Presidency
February, 2022

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News


President Museveni President Museveni

presides over the 07 Visits Dakar, Senegal 23
Final Investment
Decision into the oil
President Museveni
meets US 29
President Museveni
writes about UK- 09
Africa Trade
President Museveni
meets State 31
President Museveni Secretary and
addresses 31st 14 Deputy Minister
Summit of the Africa of International
Peer Review Forum Development of the
Kingdom of Norway
President Museveni
Commissions 17
Uganda’s First Sugar
President Museveni
Refinery 33
attends Peace,
Security and
President Museveni Cooperation Summit
arrives in Republic of 19
in Kinshasa, DRC
Congo for a working
Dear Reader,
T his is to present to you the February
edition of our monthly e-magazine, The
Presidency. The magazine highlights the
major engagements of His Excellency the
President for the month of February, and its
purpose is to keep you informed as a major
stakeholder, on the activities in the office and
residence of the President.

In every edition, we try to improve the format

and presentation of the magazine to make
your reading as comfortable as possible.
Starting with the January edition, we have
changed the colours and font of the magazine.

As is the practice, we ought to bring you His Excellency’s major speech of the
month. However, this month, the President wanted his Tarehe Sita speech of
2021 reshared. We have therefore, annexed the President’s address to the
nation on the occasion of marking the 40th Tarehe Sita Day at General Military
Headquarters, Mbuya, on 6th February, 2021.

The month of February had very significant developments for Uganda, starting
with the unveiling of the Final Investment Decision (FID) by Total Energies
Chairman and Chief Executive, Patrick Pouyanne, on behalf of Total Energies and
joint venture partners. This was witnessed by the President at Kololo. The Final
Investment Decision will inject USD 10 billion into the Lake Albert Development
Project; Tilenga, King Fisher and East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project,
creating jobs among other benefits. The President also addressed the 31st
Summit of the Africa Peer Review Forum.

Lastly, we encourage the citizens to give us their feedback and suggestions

about the magazine and our other services through our platforms; email:, Whatsapp: 0414670288 or through our social media handles;
GCICUganda. We also encourage the citizens who have benefited from the
different interventions, programmes and projects commissioned by the President
to send us their experiences in form of articles. We shall publish them.

I now have the pleasure to present to you the ninth edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of
Communication & Director Government Citizen
Interaction Centre (GCIC)

4 The Presidency | February 2022

Editorial Team

Duncan Abigaba Robert Sharp Mugabe

Deputy Chief Editor Content Production Manager

Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba Peace Akol

Head of Logistics Head of Production Editor

Simon Musoke Magezi F. Kiriinjju Janet Mutesi

Graphical Editor Editor Editor

The Presidency | February 2022 5

Quote of the Month

When this oil project came, I was very happy to see

that it goes through Tanzania so that our Tanzanian
brothers and sisters also benefit something, given
their great contribution through Mwalimu Julius
Nyerere (RIP), to Uganda. Mwalimu Nyerere
supported Uganda and Africa as a whole. It is good
that his people will benefit from this pipeline.”

President Museveni presiding over the Final Investment Decision into the
oil projects, 1st February, 2022
This project is a very important one for this He later took it upon himself to train Ugandans
region. You hear that for the next few years, in petroleum and geology after Shell BP, a
Mr. Pouyanne (Total Energies Chief Executive) British petroleum company, showed interest
and CNOOC people are going to put in US$10 in exploring Uganda’s oil at a time when no
billion in this effort. This money will boost our Ugandan had knowledge about exploration.
economy,” President Museveni. “This was the decision I took because I did not
see how I could allow Uganda to be involved
KOLOLO CEREMONIAL GROUNDS: President in something like this with ignorant people on
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni is optimistic that my side,” the President said, before introducing
Uganda’s oil and gas project will go a long historicals in Uganda’s oil exploration journey
way in boosting the country’s economy. that included among others; Ernest Rubondo,
Executive Director - Petroleum Authority of
This is after the French energy
Uganda and former Permanent
conglomerate Total Energies and
secretaries - Ministry of Energy
the China National Offshore Oil

and Mineral Development,
Corporation - CNOOC reached a
Mr Fred Kabagambe Kaliisa
deal with Uganda and Tanzania
and Robert Kasande, who he
to invest more than US$10
Close to sponsored to train in oil studies.
billion in developing crude oil
160,000 jobs These together with oil
production between the two
are expected
East African countries. exploration companies like
to be created
Heritage and Tullow Oil later
“This project is a very important during the
succeeded in their discovery
one for this region. You hear project’s
in 2006 but production has
that for the next few years, development
been repeatedly delayed by
Mr. Pouyanne (Total Energies
disagreements between the

Chief Executive) and CNOOC
Government and oil firms.
people are going to put in US$10
billion in this effort. This money Government geologists estimate
will boost our economy,” the that the country’s gross reserves
President said. stand at 6.5 billion barrels (1 =159
litres), while recoverable oil is seen at 1.4 billion
According to the President, whereas Uganda
discovered crude oil reserves in 2006, oil
exploration efforts in Uganda date back as far The final investment decision was announced
as 1920 by the British after seepage of oil was by Total Energies Chairman and Chief
discovered at a place called Kibiro near Lake Executive, Patrick Pouyanne, in the presence
Albert. But their efforts to trace the origin of of other joint venture partners.
the seepage failed after 36 years of searching
“In the name of the joint venture partners and
between 1920 and 1956. He resurrected the
in the name of Total Energies, I declare the
search for oil after taking power in 1986.
final investment decision for the Lake Albert
“When I came into the Government in 1986, Development Project; Tilenga, King Fisher
I read the file where a British Commissioner and East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)
of Geological Survey in 1956, wrote and said Project”, said Total Energies Chief Executive,
- it seems the oil was there but it evaporated Patrick Pouyanne, at a ceremony also attended
and went away and closed the file. I wish that by a delegation from the United Republic of
file could be found and put in the museum,” Tanzania, led by the Vice President, Philip
he said. Isdor Mpango.
The Presidency | February 2022 7
President Museveni (white shirt) with Ugandan, Tanzanian and Total Energies officials at the
announcement of FID at Kololo

H.E. Mpango said with the implementation The agreement between the Government
of this shared project, the two countries are of Uganda and Total Energies will cover the
set to increase their foreign direct investment development of oil fields, processing facilities
flows in addition to the trade between the two and a pipeline network in Uganda, plus an
countries that more than tripled to over USD export pipeline through Tanzania to carry
260m in 2020 compared to the average for landlocked Uganda’s crude to a port on the
the past 5 years. Indian Ocean.
“With this project, the two countries are Out of the $10 billion, $3.5 billion will be spent
projected to realise their record level of foreign constructing a heated pipeline linking oil fields
direct investment flows to the tune of $3.5 in western Uganda to the Indian Ocean port of
billion over the period 2022 to 2025, which is an Tanga in Tanzania. At 897 miles, the pipeline
increase of over 60% compared to the current will be one of the world’s longest.
levels of foreign direct investment flows,” Mr.
“This milestone puts us on the path to first
Mpango said.
oil in 2025”, Minister of Energy and Mineral
He reiterated commitment f rom the Development, Ruth Nankabirwa Ssentamu,
Government of Tanzania to support the project said in a speech ahead of the signing adding
and urged the people of the two countries that close to 160,000 jobs are expected to be
to take ownership of the project by ensuring created during the project’s development.
security and safety of oil infrastructure.
At the same ceremony, a Memorandum of
President Museveni thanked the President of Understanding on Renewable Energy between
the United Republic of Tanzania, H.E. Samia the Governmentof Uganda and Total Energies
Suluhu Hassan, and his predecessor, H.E. John EP Uganda was signed. Hon. Ruth Nankabirwa
Pombe Magufuli (RIP), for accepting to be part signed the MoU with Philippe Groueix, General
of the project and buying 15% of the shares. Manager of Total Energies EP Uganda.
“When this oil project came, I was very happy The ceremony in Kampala, marked by fanfare,
to see that it goes through Tanzania so that was also attended by the Vice President of
our Tanzanian brothers and sisters also benefit Uganda Maj (Rtd) Jessica Alupo, Ministers and
something, given their great contribution stakeholders in the oil and gas from Tanzania
through Mwalimu Julius Nyerere (RIP), to and Uganda.
Uganda. Mwalimu Nyerere supported Uganda
and Africa as a whole. It is good that his people
will benefit from this pipeline,” President
Museveni said.

8 The Presidency | February 2022


A UK-Africa trade deal could be

fair wind for African economic
unity,” Yoweri K. Museveni.

In Uganda, schools recently reopened to

face-to-face teaching for the first time in
24 months. Buying time through various
forms of lockdown, the vaccines we need
to safely reopen have begun to arrive in global economy such as Britain, which
recent months and we are on our way back post-EU departure has revealed new-
to the mend and to the growth that has found determination to build positive trade
been constricted by the pandemic. relations back in Africa.
Amongst others, credit is due to the The inheritance of colonialism has meant
African Union (AU) securing the doses for our countries do not trade as they should.
equitable distribution across the continent. In the past, it has caused us to look
It means today twenty percent of Uganda’s outwards alone. Our infrastructure is
46 million population – the majority of geared toward extraction of commodities
adults – have at least one dose. Though and export, whilst our intra-continental
the battle before us remains uphill, these trade is the least developed in the world.
achievements reveal both how Africa can
Moreover, given the position of each
succeed through collective effort, and
country or even regional bloc, the power
how prospects for our 1.3 billion citizens
differentials made any decent trade terms
and our continent’s place in the world are
impossible. Taken together, they are a
failure of our potential; shackling our
As we meet virtually for the UK-Africa common prosperity across the continent
summit, the United Kingdom too is alive – a rising tide that could lift all nations
to the promise of African unity. Since the more than any single one could through
inaugural event two years ago, the UK has their own bilateral. In hindsight, former
become the first non-African nation to sign deals may look short-sighted. But when
a Memorandum of Understanding with unfavourable terms are the only terms on
the African Continental Free Trade Area offer, there is little other choice.
(AfCFTA). For the AU, it offers our continent
Now there is another way: an economic
– a $3 trillion market – more bargaining
new deal for Africa founded on unity
power with a developed country in the

The Presidency | February 2022 9

vested in AfCFTA. Countries will still try to development and electric vehicle
pick off trading partners to gain favourable production, Africa is proving itself the final
agreements. Preferential access for a few frontier for industrialisation. Any trade
agricultural goods to the markets of rich negotiations must consider how FDI into
economies may be threatened. In response, Africa will create additional jobs.
Africa nations must reject the short-term
Third, collective pressure should be
incentives and speak in one collective
brought to bear on western countries to
voice. Only then can it avoid the iniquitous
reconsider their blanket ban on fossil fuel
terms that have stifled the continent’s
investment in Africa. Ruling out funds for
development and industrialisation.
gas and carbon capture while encouraging
A UK-Africa Free Trade Deal could light the it in Europe smacks of double-standards.
path for others to follow. And once there It forces poverty on Africans whilst doing
is this first precedent, reversion to the old nothing to increase access to power, reduce
will become increasingly difficult. Already, electricity costs, or wean dependence from
the current United States administration heavy fuels such as diesel.
has now shown interest in negotiation with
Fourth, restrictions on visas for Africans
Africa as one – a stark change in direction
studying and seeking to do business in
from its predecessor.
the West must be on the table. When
But we should not simply wait for global citizens – particularly from Europe – are
powers or blocs to come with their own effectively free to roam and trade as they
agendas; Africa must proactively set out please in Africa, it is unacceptable that
its “red lines” for negotiations. African nations accept the highest hurdles
of entry into other countries both for goods
The first must be reciprocity. Attempts to
and people. Europe increasingly negotiates
cajole African nations into lopsided bilateral
for entry rights to non-EU countries for
trading terms must be rejected, like the
their citizens collectively. So should Africa
EU’s economic partnership agreements
for their own.
that required African countries to open
to Europe, but not the other way around. Protecting Africa’s citizens against Covid
These are not partnerships, but supply without easy access to vaccines and
contracts: Africa as a raw commodities medical supplies has come at enormous
producer, a role she has sadly played since social and economic cost. While the
1885, without the market access required beginnings of African unity predate the
to provide incentive to develop beyond. pandemic by decades, its potential power
has only been forged in this crisis. A UK-
Second must be job creation. Boosting
Africa trade deal would speed our recovery,
employment across the continent
chart the course for others to follow, and
requires not only the lowering of tariffs
be fair wind for consolidating African
on African raw commodities for export,
economic unity.
but also for processing and manufacturing.
From animal feeds to cement and steel, The writer is President of Uganda.
from mobile phones to mRNA vaccine

10 The Presidency | February 2022

4 2022

HIGH COURT, KAMPALA: President that they legislate policies in favor of

Yoweri Kaguta Museveni launched the people.
the New Law Year 2022 at a colourful
“Myself I represent the f reedom
ceremony held at the High Court
fighters, and the Army, I also represent
Grounds in Kampala.
the population (Wanainch). Somehow,
Speaking at the function, President I also represent the private sector
Museveni congratulated the Judiciary (manufacturing and services).
and Law Society in general upon
These are the groups I came from to
completing the outgoing year and for
come to Government,” he said.
the great work done.
President Museveni re-echoed the
“I would like to use this
need for Judiciary to look
occasion to congratulate
into the issue of bailing
the Judiciary on the

out criminals with offenses
beginning of the New Law
like rape, def ilement,
year. I want to thank you
murder etc, saying this is a
for the great work you have The other thing
provocation to the people.
done for all the years in I must warn
spite of some challenges”, you against is “I have been complaining
attacking the about the issue of bail. This
President Museveni said.
bail is a provocation and
“ Transforming the
you would not want people

Judiciary”, President
to kill themselves over it,”
Museveni said, is a very
President Museveni said.
good theme for this New
Year, adding that Judiciary The President explained the
needs to transform so that the people crucial elements that the Judiciary
get the judicial services and eventually must look at keenly including;
justice. protection of life with no extrajudicial
killing, protection of people’s property
“In this transformation, you should
and thirdly no raping women and
not only transform the administration
but also you should reflect on the
what? What is the substance of this “Protect our women. Anybody who
judicial service? The judicial service rapes a woman or defiles a girl must
you are rendering must be for people,” die,” he said.
Museveni said. President Museveni added
The President said the primary task of embezzlement of Government money
organically bringing together these and corruption, as another vice which
constituencies (the people) is primarily the Judiciary must fight.
with parliament, who must make sure The President also spoke against

The Presidency | February 2022 11

provocations from the sections of the The Chief Justice of Uganda, Hon.
public saying this must stop. Justice Alfonso Owiny Dollo, revealed
that in 2021, the Judiciary embarked on
“The Chief Justice was talking about
a grand agenda to transform the judicial
attacking the Judiciary. The other thing
landscape in Uganda by providing a
I must warn you against is attacking
meaningful access of justice to the
the army. The soldiers are people. So,
people of Uganda in fulfillment of their
for you to attack them and think things
aspirations and desire.
will remain the same, you are lying,”
the President warned. “This mission can only be realised when
there is equitable visible presence of
President Museveni pledged
a functional judiciary within reach of
Government commitment to increase
our people throughout the country,”
the budget for the Judiciary to enable
Justice Owiny Dollo said.
it transform better.

President Museveni is received by the Chief Justice, Deputy Chief Justice and Ag. Minister for
Justice and Constitutional Affairs, Hon. Muruli Mukasa, at High Court Square in Kampala

12 The Presidency | February 2022

He also said, the Judiciary must be true The Attorney General of Uganda, Hon.
to its duty to do justice to all manner Kiryowa Kiwanuka commended the
of persons and lays emphasis on the Judiciary for a great job done even
principles of integrity, impartiality, and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
zero tolerance to any vice that negates
He warned lawyers who fail to account
the requisite principles of justice.
for their client’s money and those
The Chief Justice revealed that the involved in corruption in and outside
Judiciary has dedicated energies to the judiciary.
fighting delays in rendering justice,
“Some of you are involved in land fraud
notoriously known as case backlog
transactions, corruption and even
through bringing courts nearer to
failing to account for your client’s funds.
the people, advancing ICT and other
Please stop this unethical conduct,”
technologies at all stages, enhancing
Kiwanuka said.
human resource capacity in terms
of numbers, skills, motivation and The President of Uganda Law Society,
commitment among others. Ms Phiona Nabasa Gladys Wall,
commended the President for the
The acting Minister of Justice and
financial support rendered to them
Constitutional Affairs who is also the
in building the Law Society House.
Minister of Public Service, Hon. Muruuli
Mukasa, commended the President Ms Wall spoke against the recent
for always standing by and with the security brutality towards some
Judiciary which has seen this arm of opposition politicians who were
government transform over the years. allegedly beaten and tortured in the
hands of the security forces. She called
“We need more financial support and
upon security officers to always respect
resources so that more judicial officers
court orders.
are recruited,” the Minister said.
“Thank you for setting the record
He appealed to the President to
straight about torture when you spoke
approve the structure of the judiciary
against the vice during your recent
to take care of the non-judicial staff in
address. Unfortunately, security is not
the office of DPP, IGG etc, because they
listening. They are continuing to torture
too play a very important role.
people. They should respect the human
rights of the citizens of Uganda,” Ms
Phiona Wall said.

The Presidency | February 2022 13

During this period, Uganda is the second
His Excellency, Matamela Cyril Ramaphosa,
African Union (AU) Member State, after
Chairperson of the Forum;
Kenya, to have completed a second
Your Excellencies, Heads of State and governance review under this mechanism
Government; in 2018. The National Programme of Action
The APRM Focal Points; (NPOA) was developed that has mobilised
The APR Panel of Eminent Persons; and guided actions of government and
other stakeholders towards improving good
Distinguished Ladies and Gentlemen.
governance. This Programme of Action
has been integrated in the Third National
Development Plan (NDPIII) 2020/21 – 2024/25
At this 31st Summit of the African Peer
and budgeting framework to ensure its
Review (APR) Forum, Uganda presents
implementation and monitoring.
its “Second Annual Progress Report on
the Implementation of the National Your Excellencies, Uganda remains
Programme of Action for the period July committed to the African Peer Review
2019 – June 2021”. This is in line with the Mechanism (APRM) process.
APRM objectives and processes. As we near
Your Excellencies, allow me to provide some
to mark the 20th anniversary next year, I
highlights on Uganda’s Second Annual
wish to congratulate all the 41 Members
Progress Report on the Implementation of
Countries that have now assented to Africa’s
the National Programme of Action for the
home-grown governance initiative.
period July 2019 – June 2021. This report
documents the progress made towards
implementing the findings of the Country
Review Report 2018, identifies areas of
notable achievements, best practices
and highlights some of the remaining
governance challenges.

Below are highlights of some of the areas

where Uganda has registered progress
during the period under review presented
as per thematic area.

Thematic Area 1: Democracy and Political


• Uganda has continued to consolidate

and deepen constitutional democracy.
President Museveni virtually addresses For example, the Country conducted
peaceful general elections, the COVID-19
the 31st APRM Forum from State House,
Pandemic notwithstanding;
• Independence of the Judiciary has been
strengthened with the enactment of the
Administration Judiciary Bill in 2020;

14 The Presidency | February 2022

• Promoting Pan-Africanism. Strengthening • There have been improvements in
relations with our neighbours including infrastructure provision in terms of the
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) total paved roads network as a percentage
- joint efforts to eliminate the Allied of total national roads that has more than
Democratic Forces (ADF); bilateral doubled from 8% (1,000km) in 1986 to
relations with Rwanda, Kenya, Tanzania 21.1% (5,419 km) as of February 2021; rail
and South Sudan. rehabilitation and power generation and
Recommendations to accelerate Progress
Recommendations to accelerate Progress
• Strengthen enforcement of laws and
implement the National Anti-corruption • Deepen investments in the productive
Strategy (NACS), 2019/20 – 2023/24 to sectors for jobs and wealth creation:
effectively curb corruption. Commercial agriculture; Industrialisation;
Services; and Information and
• Prioritise establishment of a Constitutional
Communications Technology (ICT);
Review Commission.Government needs
to fast track formation of Constitutional • Increase capitalisation of the Uganda
Review Commission to consider various Development Bank (UDB) to enable
constitutional reforms. investors in the productive sectors access
long term and low-interest loans;
Thematic Area 2: Economic Governance
and Management • Government should continue pursuing
the ongoing efforts in rolling out the
• Maintained macroeconomic stability,
Parish Development Model (PDM) to
despite of the COVID-19 threat on the
further support the 39% homesteads in
operations of the national economy,
subsistence farming to commercialise
particularly on the disruptions of various
and create wealth for themselves and
value chains. We have registered big
raise household incomes.
progress in terms of new innovations in
areas of import substitution and export Thematic Area 3: Corporate Governance
diversification during this period. Gold
• Uganda global ranking in the ease of
exports alone have exceeded USD 1bn
doing business has improved from 135th
annually. Coffee exports have increased
to 116th out of 190 countries; the ease of
by 1.32 million 60kgs of coffee between
doing business index for Uganda also
2018 and 2020;
improved to 60 from 56.94 in FY 2018/19;
• Uganda has made significant progress in
• Uganda has made impressive
the Oil sector including the construction
advancements in online services provision
of the Crude Oil Pipeline, the Oil refinery
with Uganda’s online index now standing
and the airport, the final investment
at 58 percent above the African average
decision has been reached;
of 34 percent;
• Introduction of the Parish Development
• Amendment of several laws to aid
Model for ensuring balanced development
corporate governance.
across the Country through inclusive
growth and hence, “no one is left behind”; Recommendations to accelerate Progress

• Government established Small and • Further address the bottlenecks to

Medium Enterprises (SMEs) recovery investment and doing business. For
fund to help enterprises affected by the instance, high cost of credit,electricity
COVID-19 containment measures; and transport;

The Presidency | February 2022 15

• Strengthen enforcement and protection care services. While there are several
of patent rights and industrial designs to achievements in health such as, reducing
earn the confidence of potential investors. the Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000
live births) from 506 in FY1986/87 to 336;
Thematic Area 4: Socio-economic
Life expectancy increasing to 63 years
from 43 years in 1995, expanding health
• Provision of equal opportunities amongst care access is important in the human
women, youth, elderly and the disabled. capital development agenda;
We now have more representation of
• Address the critical and systemic barriers
women in Parliament. The older persons
to youth employment. For instance,
are also represented in the 11th Parliament
further building demanddriven skills
as a Special Interest Group;
interventions for young people so that
• Progress on creating productive training is responsive and relevant to
employment and decent work for all, market needs.
particularly young people and women;
Your Excellencies, Uganda continues to
• Expansion of the scope and coverage progress well in the implementation of the
of social protection services to improve Program of Action (POA). While there is
the resilience and productive capacity of mixed progress due to the global COVID
vulnerable persons; 19 challenges, the Country continued to
• Increased electricity access and utilization innovate and build resilient systems in the
now standing at 28 percent while unit implementation of the Program of Action
cost for ordinary consumers stood at 8.3 (POA).
US cents from 13.8 US cents. Uganda’s The details of the progress on implementation
installed generation capacity was 1,252.4 can be found in the copies of Uganda’s
MW, an increase from 984 MW in 2018 Second Annual Progress Report that has
and 150MW in FY1986/87. In light of this, been distributed to you.
electricity generation is no longer a
I pledge my government’s commitment to
problem. However, the challenge remains
ensure that issues identified in this report
transmission, distribution and cost to
are addressed within our existing legal
further increase access and utilisation.
framework and available resources. We are
There have also been achievements
also keen to learn the best practices from
in expanding the National Backbone
member Countries.
Infrastructure (NBI) that stands at 3,918
Km after the connection of an additional Finally, I would like to appreciate the Forum
524 km by June, 2021; for accepting to consider review of Countries
along the Strategic Bottlenecks hindering
• Enhanced support to various research
effective socio-economic transformation
and innovation projects that has led to
of the African Continent. Africa needs to
overall proportion of adopted prototypes
eliminate these bottlenecks.
to increase from 11 percent between
FY2018/19 to 77.8 percent over the same I thank you.
period. President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni

Recommendations to accelerate Progress

• Government should continue with the

Universal Health Coverage (UHC) agenda
of increasing access to quality health

16 The Presidency | February 2022

KINYARA, MASINDI: President Yoweri The President is optimistic that once
Kaguta Museveni said Uganda has been production increases, Uganda’s refined
losing US$50Million through importing sugar will have a ready market both locally
refined sugar that is used in factories for and throughout East Africa whose demand
production of soft drinks and medicines for industrial sugar is 150,000 metric tons.
among other uses and described Uganda’s
“I will negotiate with these East African
first Sugar Industrial plant at Kinyara Sugar
countries to buy our industrial sugar. And
Ltd as a step in the right direction.
for us here we are going to put a tax as

President Museveni gestures to the proprietors of Kinyara refined sugar

factory during its commissioning
Sample of Kinyara refined sugar displayed during commissioning

The Presidency | February 2022 17

soon as possible on the imported industrial delivery. Relatedly, in addition to the 12,000
sugar,” Museveni said. directly and indirectly employed persons,
the refinery will provide an additional 150
President Museveni was commissioning
a US$15 million Kinyara Industrial White
Sugar Refinery plant in Masindi District. The Minister of Trade, Industry and
Cooperatives, Hon. Francis Mwebesa,
The ref inery, the f irst in East Af rica
says his Ministry has licensed six other
constructed by Kinyara Sugar Ltd in
companies to produce refined industrial
Bujenje County, Masindi District, will
sugar and are at different stages of
produce 60,000 metric tons of industrial
implementation. They include Sugar
white sugar annually, consuming about
Corporation of Uganda, GM Sugar Ltd,
70,000 metric tons of mill brown sugar
Mayuge Sugar Industries, Kamuli Sugar
as raw material.
Ltd and Uganda Group of Industries Ltd.
However, this is still below the local
He however, decried the
demand for industrial sugar
unpredictability of the National
which ranges from 78,000
Sugar Policy of 2010 and the

metric tons to 90,000 metric
National Sugar Act of 2020
tons annually, according
which he said don’t bring
to the Minister of Trade,
I will negotiate enforcement of zoning, leaving
Industry and Cooperatives
with these farmers unsupported.
Francis Mwebesa.
East African
countries “To address this, my Ministry
Pre s i d e n t M u s eve n i
to buy our is drafting legislations to deal
assured Ugandans of the
industrial with registration of sugar
market for their surplus
sugar cane farmers and millers. This
sugar amounting to
will ensure the sector is well
220,000 metric tons out of

regulated,” Minister Mwebesa
the 600,000 metric tons
produced annually yet local
consumption remains at The Board Chairman Kinyara
380,000 metric tons. Sugar Limited, Jaswant Singh Rai,
thanked the President for the vision and
“Our East African brothers can buy this
the guidance towards the tremendous
sugar because the deficit they have is
progress of the Ugandan sugar industry.
much bigger than this surplus. So, I am
He said the expansion and addition of
working with them, talking with H.E.
the new production line of refined sugar
Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya, H.E. Samia
will not only increase production but also
Suluhu Hassan of Tanzania and now with
employment opportunities at the factory
Rwanda to solve this issue,” President
whose number of employees has increased
Museveni said.
from 4,000 to 12,000.
Consumers of industrial white sugar such
The function was attended by among
as beverage manufacturers, bakeries,
others; Members of Parliament from the
confectionaries, pharmaceuticals, etc,
region, Masindi District leaders, sugar cane
will be able to obtain white sugar due
out growers and religious leaders.
to the reduced time between order and

18 The Presidency | February 2022

OYO-OLLOMBO, REPUBLIC OF CONGO: President Museveni and his delegation
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni arrived at Oyo-Ollombo International Airport.
in the Central town of Oyo-Ollombo in the
The two leaders later held a bilateral
Cuvette Region in the Republic of Congo,
meeting at the President Sassou Nguesso’s
on a working visit at the invitation of his
official residence in Oyo-Ollombo ahead
counter-part, Republic of Congo President,
of their formal delegations meeting the
H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso.
following day.
H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso received

President Denis Sassou Nguesso (blue suit) receives President Yoweri Museveni
at Oyo-Ollombo International Airport

The Presidency | February 2022 19


The four Heads of State were delighted by the “The four Heads of State were delighted
success already realised by the Ugandan and by the success already realised by the
Congolese armed forces. While congratulating Ugandan and Congolese armed forces.
one more time, the salutary initiative taken by While congratulating one more time, the
their peers from Uganda and the Democratic salutary initiative taken by their peers from
Republic of Congo, the President of the Uganda and the Democratic Republic
Togolese Republic and the President of the of Congo, the President of the Togolese
Republic of Congo reiterated their full support Republic and the President of the Republic
to the military joint operations engaged by the of Congo reiterated their full support to
two countries”, the Communiqué. the military joint operations engaged by
the two countries”, the communiqué said.
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni joined Heads of The Heads of State saluted and
State including President Felix Antoine encouraged the joint approach taken by
Tshisekedi Tshilombo of the Democratic the Uganda and Rwandese Governments
Republic of Congo, President Faure for the effective opening of their common
Essozimna Gnassingbe of the Republic of boundaries.
Togo and President Denis Sassou-Nguesso On the situation in the Central African
of the Republic of Congo, the host, at Republic, the four Heads of State saluted
a mini-summit on Regional Peace and Angola, assuring the Presidency of the
Security in Oyo, Congo Brazzaville. International Conference on the Great
According to a final communiqué of the Lakes Region and mediation efforts of H.E
Oyo Mini-Summit on Peace and Security Joao Manuel Goncalves Lourenco.
in Africa, the four Heads of State were They also talked with interest about
essentially focused on the evolution of holding of the 10th Summit of the Heads of
the political and security situation in the State and Government of the Framework
Great Lakes Region, Central Africa and Agreement for peace, security and
Western Africa. cooperation for the Republic of Congo and
The Heads of State also referred to joint the region scheduled on 24th February,
operations carried out by Uganda and 2022.
the DRC’s armies in the Eastern part of The four Heads of State reiterated their
the latter, in order to eradicate rebels total support to the Economic Community
belonging to Allied Democratic Forces of West Africa (ECOWAS) in the framework
(ADF), Muslum Tabliq Movement (MTM) of measures taken towards Mali, Guinea
and the other negative forces which are and Burkina Faso.
threatening peace and stability in both

20 The Presidency | February 2022

Heads of State: H.E. Yoweri Museveni (Uganda),
H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso (Republic of Congo), H.E.
Faure Gnassingbe (Togo) and H.E. Felix Tshisekedi
(DRC) during a mini summit in Oyo, Congo

The Presidency | February 2022 21

If you add value through making Congo is endowed with tropical rain
powdered milk, you can have a bigger forests and vast uncultivated arable land
market,” President Museveni accounting for around a third of its total
OYO, REPUBLIC OF CONGO: President Later in the day, President Yoweri Museveni
Yoweri Museveni said they are looking and his host President Dennis Sassou
to boost trade cooperation through Nguesso were joined by President Felix
strong regional cooperation with Congo Tshisekedi of the Democratic Republic
Brazzaville. of Congo and President Faure Essozimna
The President was speaking during a Gnassingbé Eyadéma of Togo for a mini
hectic tour of various projects in Oyo summit on peace and security.
where he was on a working tour at the
invitation of
H.E. Denis Sassou Nguesso, the President
of Republic of Congo.
President Museveni visited a bio-milk
processing unit, a large cattle ranch at
Ranchikila and an ostrich farm at Olenga.
The ranch has over 1,900 cattle and
employs over 200 people. The President
also visited the Bon Beeuf abattoir, which
adds value to the meat products.
President Museveni told his host that with
value addition on milk, they can have a
bigger market for their produce.
“If you add value through making
powdered milk, you can have a bigger
market,” President Museveni said.
Later, the two Heads of State held a
bilateral meeting where they discussed
various trade opportunities between the
two countries.
Congo Brazzavile is the fourth largest President Museveni tours the ostrich
Sub-Saharan oil producer, with an output farm at Olenga, Republic of Congo
of 360,000 barrels-per-day from reserve
estimates of around 1.6 billion barrels
according to reports. It produces around
240 million cubic feet of gas daily from
reserves estimated at 111 billion cubic feet.

22 The Presidency | February 2022


PRESIDENT MUSEVENI VISITS the continent as well as the economic

DAKAR, SENEGAL development of the African countries.

President Museveni was received on arrival

at Leopold Sedar Senghor Military Airbase
DAKAR, SENEGAL: President Yoweri in the Capital, Dakar, by his host President
Museveni arrived in the Senegalese Capital, Macky Sall.
Dakar, on a two-day working visit at the
Others at the Military Base to receive
invitation of his counterpart, President
President Museveni included the Minister
Macky Sall.
of Foreign Affairs, Ms. Aissata Tall Sall,
The President was received by his host the Minister of Defence, Sidiki Kaba, the
President Sall discussed a wide range Minister of Internal Affairs, Mr. Antoine
of continental issues of mutual interest Felix Diome and the Governor of Dakar,
between the two countries of Uganda Alhsane Sall.
and Senegal.
After their meetings, President Yoweri
President Sall who is the current Museveni was seen off by President of
Chairperson of the African Union also the Republic of Senegal Sonore Macky
discussed with his guest, President Sall at the Léopold Sédar Senghor Military
Museveni, the security situation on Airport, Dakar.

President Museveni (left) is received by H.E. Macky Sall, the President of Senegal at
Leopold Sedar Senghor Military Airbase, Dakar

The Presidency | February 2022 23


KOLOLO CEREMONIAL GROUNDS, great with everything (rivers, forests, etc).

KAMPALA: President Yoweri Museveni led Therefore, the problem of Africa has just
Ugandans as chief mourner to celebrate been governance. “How are we managed
the life of His Highness Emorimor Papa politically?” Is the question, he said.
Iteso, Augustine Kadugala Osuban
The NRM, the President said, is a group
Lemukol, who died on February 5, 2022,
of people that came because of what
from Mulago Hospital.
was going on at that time to change the
This was during an off icial requiem destiny of Uganda and Africa.
mass held for the Emorimor at Kololo
“We came here after a bit of study as a
Independence Grounds in Kampala.
student movement which made us to
Speaking during the ceremony, embark on a serious long journey of trying
President Museveni saluted the role of to change the destiny of Uganda and
Teso Cultural Institution in also to change the destiny of
particular and other cultural Africa,” Museveni said.
institutions in Uganda for
promoting unity and culture
that has contributed to the
We are
“ He pointed out the three
points they singled out
as their focus including;
development of Uganda. here to prosperity, strategic security
The President, however, and brotherhood.
the life well
appealed to the cultural lived by the “How can the people of
leaders to desist from forming Emorimor Uganda and Africa become
alternative governments in Papa Iteso prosperous in a modern way,
their communities, noting
through production of goods

that they should instead play
and services and marketing
their role of adding value to
them? We realised that to
achieve number one and two,
“I am here to say goodbye to Mzee Osuban we must emphasise the brotherhood of
but most importantly, to bear testimony to African people,” he said.
his contribution which others can emulate.
He said that Uganda is on a long journey of
Do not form alternative government; your
development and whatever Government
role is to add value to Uganda which is
does is deliberate and well-thought out.
coming up,” President Museveni said.
“If you are going to help us in the three
He said that the problem of Africa has
areas, we are going to work with you.
never been anything else but, rather, poor
When we restored the cultural institutions,
our analysis was, if they are used properly
“Yesterday, I was coming from Dakar, they can play a contributory role,” he said.
Senegal. It took us seven hours and
seven minutes. This is Africa. It’s huge,

24 The Presidency | February 2022

The President saluted the cultural you have come here physically to honor
institutions for promoting culture and our leader. Thank you,” Alupo said.
She added, “Papa Emorimor lived up to our
“These cultural institutions can help us expectations. He lived the aspiration of his
connect with our other people in different title. He united his people. He visited all his
countries. This is why we restored these people from all these countries around like
cultural institutions,” he said. South Sudan, Ethiopia and Kenya,” Alupo,
herself hailing from Katakwi in Teso, said.
The President commended the late
Emorimor Osuban for uniting the people She appealed to cultural leaders to
of Teso in Uganda and others living in reciprocate on the affirmative support to
countries like Kenya, South Sudan and promote the Government’s socio-economic
Ethiopia. transformation programme.

“He played his roles very well. He united The Minister for Gender, Labor and Social
his people the Iteso, not only the Iteso of Development, Hon. Betty Amongi, thanked
Uganda but also the ones in Pallisa, Bukedi, Government for according Emorimor an
Tororo, and even in Kenya, Ethiopia, etc,” official burial.
the President said.
“Thank you for commiserating with the
On the issue of development, President people of Teso. We are paying tribute to
Museveni saluted the late Emorimor a person with a rich understanding of
for working towards developing his leadership, a custodian and promoter of
community in particular and Uganda in unity and the culture of the people of Teso,”
general. Amongi said.

“I have never heard that Mzee Osuban Amongi said that the late Emorimor
was meddling in these issues of politics, embraced the principle of inclusiveness
legislation, etc. I express my condolence and unity of his people.
to family, the Iteso community and all
“I call upon people especially the cultural
Ugandans and wish him eternal rest in the
leaders to emulate this noble role,” she
afterlife”, the President condoled.
He called for a policy to purchase new
The Prime Minister of Teso Cultural
vehicles for cultural leaders every five years
Institution, Mr. Omare Augustine Okurut,
instead of depending on donations.
thanked President Museveni and his
The Vice President, Rtd. Major Jesca Alupo, Government for the support, both moral
thanked the President for attending the and financial, given to the late Emorimor
official funeral in person and commended during the time he was sick in hospital
him for restoring the cultural institutions until he breathed his last.
which have played a big development role.
“We are here to celebrate the life well-lived
“You deliberately revived the cultural by the Emorimor Papa Iteso. Thank you,
institutions and ensured that matters of Your Excellency, for the support during the
cultural institutions are enshrined in the time he was in hospital and also according
Constitution. Your being here confirms him an official burial,” Omare said.
that you are a man of your word because

The Presidency | February 2022 25

Born on the August 12, 1934, to the late Emorimor is a traditional cultural office
Isirairi Okalebo, the late Emorimor Papa which has been in existence amongst the
Iteso Lemukol was a retired professional Iteso from time immemorial. The main
Agricultural Specialist with vast experience responsibility of Emorimor is to nurture
in Agronomy, Agricultural policy and all Iteso to ensure that the value system
Agricultural institutions. they observe is protected and promoted.
The holder of the revered portfolio ensures
In 1998, Lemukol was elected unopposed
that unity and harmony prevail amongst
by over 2,000 delegates from Teso- Uganda
the Iteso and their neighbours.
and Teso Kenya during a delegates
conference held in Soroti, to become
Emorimor Papa Iteso, a position he has
held till death.

President Museveni pays his last respects to the late Emorimor at Kololo Independence Grounds

26 The Presidency | February 2022

I am very happy to meet you and Jonah Lwanga who passed away in
definitely we shall support you,” September 2021.
President Museveni.
Metropolitan Jeronymos was introduced
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President by His Eminence Metropolitan Tillyrides
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni reiterated Andreas Makarios, the Archbishop of
his commitment to support the Nairobi and Representative of the Patriarch
developmental and humanitarian efforts of Alexandria who urged the President to
of the Orthodox Church in Uganda. support him as he graciously supported
his predecessor, the late Metropolitan
The President was meeting a 22-member
Yonah Lwanga.
delegation of Uganda Orthodox Church at
State House, Entebbe, where he welcomed “Your Excellency, today, I have the joy
His Eminence Metropolitan Jeronymos on behalf of our Pope and Patriarch, to
Muzeeyi, the new Archbishop of the present to you the new Metropolitan of
Metropolis of Kampala. Kampala and all Uganda, His Eminence
Jeronymos Muzeeyi. He is an outstanding
Metropolitan Muzeeyi was recently
theologian and an accomplished Canonist
appointed to replace the late Metropolitan

President Museveni bids farewell to the Orthodox delegation led by Metropolitan

Jeronymos Muzeeyi, after a meeting at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | February 2022 27

of the Church. I am confident that with The President promised to mobilise more
your support and that of the Orthodox resources from his Orthodox friends in
f raternity of Uganda, His Eminence countries like Russia and Egypt, to boost
Jeronymos has the potential to steer the on-going projects like the construction
his church to greater spiritual heights,” of the Uganda Orthodox Cathedral at
Metropolitan Makarios said. Lubya Hill, in Rubaga Division in Kampala.
In May 2019, President Museveni donated
Makarios expressed gratitude for the
Uganda shillings 300 million towards the
reception and assistance accorded to him
same project.
when he was sent as the caretaker of the
Archdiocese of Kampala following the He also asked the Orthodox Church to
repose of his co-celebrant Metropolitan identify Orthodox founded education
Jonah Lwanga and the generous institutions like primary schools, secondary
hospitality during the visit of the Pope and technical institutions especially in
and Patriarch of Alexandria and all Africa, areas where Government has no school so
Theodore II, which “made us feel at home that they can be supported as requested
and greatly cemented further relations of by the head of development commission
the State and the Orthodox Church here and head of the laity in Uganda Orthodox
in Uganda. On behalf of the Pope and Church, Hon. Theodore Ssekikubo.
Patriarch, accept our heartfelt gratitude,”
“If the school is in an area where there is
he said.
no Government school, we shall take it
On his part, the new Archbishop of the over to become a Government school but
Metropolis of Kampala, His Eminence Church founded as a foundation body. We
Metropolitan Jeronymos Muzeeyi, thanked normally have that formula,” President
the President for his support to the Museveni said.
Orthodox Church and its previous leaders
The Government policy is to have one
and pledged to work with his Government.
Government primary school per parish,
“As we assume the leadership of Uganda one secondary school per sub-county and
Orthodox Church, we commit to support a technical school per constituency.
and work with you and your Government to
The meeting was also attended by His
improve the quality of life of all Ugandans
Eminence Metropolitan Innocentios
and to support you in all your development
Byakatonda, the Archbishop of Burundi
programs for the betterment of our
and Rwanda, His Grace Bishop Silvestros
Uganda as a country. We shall continue
Kisitu of the new Diocese of Jinja and His
to pray for your good health and long
Grace Bishop Nektarios Kabuye, the new
life so that as a country, we continue to
Bishop of Gulu among others.
reap the fruits of your good leadership,”
Jeronymos Muzeeyi said. His Eminence Metropolitan Jeronymos
Muzeeyi was born on March 18, 1962 in
President Museveni welcomed the new
Bulopa, Kamuli District, Uganda into
Bishop and pledged full support.
an Orthodox family of Mr. Augustinos
“I am very happy to meet you and definitely Kakombe and Mrs Agnes Biribawa. He is
we shall support you,” President Museveni the first born among the four children of
said. the couple.

28 The Presidency | February 2022


We said 22million people should either have USA now are about 45million there. The
gotten 2 doses of the other vaccines or one of American Government works with us in
Johnson and Johnson. Then, a booster for those many areas. We share the same position
of my constituency of 50 years and above. In against terrorism because of our own
my constituency, there are about 3.5million, experience here. We are a frontline state
plus security personnel, teachers, health against organic terrorism. I am very happy
workers, boda bodas, bar maids/workers etc. that they have made this contribution,”
This comes to over six million people for the the President said.
booster. Let the people know,”
H.E. Natalie Brown said they aim to increase
President Museveni
vaccination efforts globally to at least have
70 percent of the countries’ populations
vaccinated by end of December this year
Yoweri Museveni called on the Ministry
of Health to provide informed sensitisation “The initial effort, there are 11 countries
messages to the public and encourage in sub-Saharan Africa where the United
mass vaccination in the fight against States of America is focusing its attention
COVID-19 and a fully reopened economy. including Uganda. The initiative of global
Vax goal is to have 70 percent vaccinated
“We said 22million people should either
by end of September. We have launched
have gotten 2 doses of the other vaccines
this in eleven countries in sub-Saharan
or one of Johnson and Johnson. Then, a
Africa including Uganda were we have
booster for those of my constituency of
50 years and above. In my constituency, donated over 12million vaccine doses in
there are about 3.5million, plus security addition to support in terms of oxygen,
personnel, teachers, health workers, boda outfitting emergency centres and funding
bodas, bar maids/workers etc. This comes public health fellows,” she said.
to over six million people for the booster. Amb. Brown said Uganda was chosen
Let the people know,” the President said. following its very successful vaccination
The President also said the message about awareness campaign.
children aged 12 years and above (about “After the Delta variant, working together,
6million) who are eligible for vaccination we re-invigorated efforts to get people
should be emphasised. vaccinated and raise awareness. This made
The President was speaking at a meeting quite a difference and that is why Uganda
with the USA Ambassador to Uganda was chosen for this initiative. The success
H.E. Natalie Brown during which she of that effort made us realise that if we
announced a USA financial support of US$ intensify what we are doing, we can reach
27million to Uganda’s vaccination efforts. that target by September. We have a total
of US$ 27million and we are already in
“I thank the USA Government for this
discussions with the Ministry of Health to
contribution. The USA is a friendly country.
see what is needed in terms of logistics
Our relatives (the Black people) in the

The Presidency | February 2022 29

and all it takes to get shots into the arms So far 13.5million have got the first dose
of Ugandans so that people can go back and while 7.4million are fully vaccinated.
to activities and engagements that we
“We still have over 8.7million people who
enjoyed before the pandemic that has
are not yet vaccinated and 6.1million who
affected us all,” she said.
are partially vaccinated. We welcome the
The State Minister for Health in charge support from the American Government
of General Duties, Hon. Anifa Kawooya which is our biggest vaccine donor and
Bangirana, said in 2021 the Ministry set a urge them to align their funding with
target of having 22 million Ugandans fully Government’s vaccination plan of 2022 for
vaccinated against COVID19. a successful exercise,” she said.

President Museveni (left) posing for a photo

with US Ambassador to Uganda, H.E.
Natalie Brown after a meeting at State
House, Entebbe

30 The Presidency | February 2022

If you can help us with the European market; STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri
remove the distortion that was introduced by Museveni called on the European Union
the European Union when they introduced to open up its market to Africa’s food
European Agriculture Policy where you products and improve farmers’ incomes for
maintain artificial farmers in Europe with sustained food security on the continent.
subsidies. Here, we don’t need subsidies. I
am a farmer, I have never got any subsidies “If you can help us with the European
from anybody and I produce food cheaply for market; remove the distortion that was
Ugandans. You wonder why the Europeans introduced by the European Union when
could not get cheap food from here instead of they introduced European Agriculture
having that distortion,” President Museveni Policy where you maintain artif icial
farmers in Europe with subsidies. Here,
we don’t need subsidies.

President Museveni bids farewell to H.E. Bjorg Sandkjaer, the State Secretary and Deputy Minister
of International Development of the Kingdom of Norway after a meeting at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | February 2022 31

I am a farmer, I have never got any Our chicken when it goes to Kenya, it is
subsidies from anybody and I produce cheaper and better so our people under-
food cheaply for Ugandans. You wonder sell the Kenyans. In order to have eggs,
why the Europeans could not get cheap you need maize for chicken feed. Uganda
food from here instead of having that produces maize cheaply. Kenya farmers are
distortion,” the President said. now crying and using non-tariff barriers”,
the President said.
The President was meeting H.E. Bjorg
Sandkjaer, the State Secretary and Deputy The President said with two rainy seasons
Minister of International Development a year, even without irrigation, Uganda
from the Kingdom of Norway at State grows food twice a year which is quite
House Entebbe. The two leaders discussed unique.
various issues pertaining to food security,
“Even a culture like my group, there is
income generation and social economic
obugyegashe, a small harvest in June. You
transformation among other things.
plant in March and harvest in June with
Minister Sandkjaer hailed Uganda’s efforts
the rain only, without irrigation. Then the
to ensure that people have food and said
big harvest is the one of August. We plant
Uganda is doing this very well.
in September Nyakanga (a month that you
“It would be fantastic if that distortion must not see seeds in the house. They must
was removed. In 1955 when I was in grade have been planted by September) and
three at school, I was educated that the harvest is in January. That is why January
biggest producer of wheat and beef in the in our language biruru (the month when
world was Argentina. By 1900 Argentina people are making alarms to chase birds
was the 10th richest country in the world, from eating the millet,” he said, adding
but now it is in a very bad situation. The that with a bit of mobilisation, people have
main reason was the EU market. When been waking up to commercial agriculture.
Argentina, Australia and New Zealand “Ugandans like sleeping. They have been
had their products blocked from the EU producing food for eating but since some
Market, that is how Argentina declined. time now, we have been waking them
Australia maneuvered and diversified,” up to produce food for eating and for the
he said. pocket. This is the big war,” he said.

The President said Europe and Africa President Museveni said in terms of food
would greatly benefit if the market is production, especially if we add irrigation
opened up. even now, Uganda has surplus of maize,
milk, sugar, etc.
“If you are to link Europe and Africa on
issue of food, you will be well off. Africa “We are one of the biggest producers of
would be well off and Europe would get bananas in the world, have surplus milk,
cheap food. In Uganda, we do things everything is surplus, including beef and
easily. Right now, we are in a little war sugar. The problem is the market,” he said.
with Kenya; the war of eggs and chicken.

32 The Presidency | February 2022

If we cooperate, there is no security President Museveni, who was also the
problem we cannot defeat. I am telling outgoing Chairman of the Summit, said
you this because I know it,” this has led to mishandling of security
President Museveni issues causing suffering and displacements

“We are very rich in refugees. We (Uganda)

KINSHASA, DRC: President Yoweri
have got 1.7 million refugees. These
Museveni said that the Regional Oversight
refugees are not coming from the moon
Mechanism of the Peace, Security, and
but from the Great Lakes Region, caused
Cooperation Framework has not worked
by insecurity and attacks by criminal
well to deal with the growing security
groups,” President Museveni said.
threats in the Great Lakes Region.
According to the President however, the
“I want to inform you that the mechanism
groups causing insecurity in the Great
has not worked well for 4 reasons,”
Lakes Region can all be defeated from
President Museveni said, identifying
what he has observed in the 60 years.
the four (4) reasons as being; the
imported pseudo-ideology of exclusion “This problem of insecurity in Africa which
and sectarianism, handling of security is becoming bigger and bigger can be
in the region, lack of cooperation, poor defeated. Our elders like Mwalimu Nyerere
infrastructure and lack of social economic (Tanzania), Kenneth Kaunda (Zambia) and
transformation among others. others with friendly fighters from Angola,
Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe,
The President was addressing the 10th
defeated bigger problems. We were able
Heads of State Summit of the Regional
to defeat the Whites in Southern Africa
Oversight Mechanism of the Addis Ababa
and Namibia. How can we fail to defeat
Framework Agreement in the Democratic
these reluctant groups? That means there
Republic of Congo’s Capital, Kinshasa.
is something that is missing which our
President Museveni who took pride in
elders did and we are not doing,” the
being among one of the most indigenous
President said, adding that there is now
groups in the Great Lakes, termed as
more capacity than Tanzania, Botswana
“ideological bankruptcy” the thinking that
and Zambia had in 1974 when the African
the groups causing insecurity in the region
armies defeated the Portuguese Army in
don’t belong here.
“In the Great Lakes, we know the people
The President saluted President Felix
who live there since time immemorial.
Tshisekedi of the DRC for cooperating to
The ones who live in the grasslands, in
eliminate the rebels of Allied Democratic
the mountains and forest regions, but
Forces - ADF
some have been promoting a pseudo
ideology of exclusion. This is what caused “I can tell you, if we cooperate, there is
big problems in Rwanda and Burundi and no security problem we cannot defeat in
other parts. Africa. I am telling you this because I know
it,” President Museveni stressed.

The Presidency | February 2022 33

At the same summit, Uganda’s President In attendance were among others;
Museveni handed over Chairmanship Republic of Congo Brazzaville President
of the Mechanism to the Democratic Denis Sassou-Nguesso, Ali Bongo Odimba
Republic of Congo’s Felix Tshisekedi (Gabon)
President of Angola Jose Eduardos Santos,
Tshisekedi saluted President Museveni that of South Africa Cyril Ramaphosa,
and that of Rwanda Paul Kagame for the Évariste Ndayishimiye of Burundi and
successful reopening of Katuna-Gatuna Jean-Pierre Lacroix - UN Under secretary
border for the smooth flow of business on Peace operations.
in the region.
The Regional Oversight Mechanism of
The two-day meeting at State House the Peace, Security, and Cooperation
Kinshasa, attracted Heads of State and Framework is a structure formed with a
representatives from the 13 countries determination to end the cycles of conflict
under the Great Lakes Region including and violence that had characterised
Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Africa’s Great Lakes region.
Congo, Congo Brazzaville, Ethiopia, Gabon,
South Africa, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique,
Rwanda, Zambia, Tanzania, and Uganda.

Heads of State and Government pose for a photo during the Peace, Security and
Cooperation Summit in Kinshasa, DRC

34 The Presidency | February 2022

Protect our women. President
Anybody who rapes a Museveni at the
woman or defiles a girl Launch of New
must die,” Law Year 2022

TEL: 0414670558
WHATSAPP: 0414670288
The Presidency
March, 2022

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

Jacob L’Okori Oulanyah

President Museveni President Museveni

meets UTB, Private 07 commissions the 26
Tour Operators Presidential Advisory
Committee on
President Museveni Exports and Industrial
meets Russian Development
Ambassador to
President Museveni
President Museveni meets Sudan’s 30
meets a delegation of 14 Transitional Council
Turkish investors Leader

President Museveni Uganda bids to host

meets Chinese 15 the African Medicines 32
investors Agency

Government supports President Museveni

silkworm farming in 20 commissions 38
Uganda. E-Learning Centre at
Feature by Fred Nangoli Teso College – Aloet
Dear Reader,
This is to present to you the March edition
of our monthly e-magazine, The Presidency.
The e-magazine is one of our Open
Government initiatives at the GCIC, to bring
the Government closer to the citizens. The
monthly e-publication highlights the major
engagements of His Excellency the President for the month.

In every edition, we try as much as possible to include the feedback received

from readers of the previous edition, and to make your reading very comfortable.

As is the practice, we bring you His Excellency’s major speech of the month.
In this edition, we have annexed the President’s address to the nation on the
occasion of marking the International Women’s Day, delivered on 8th March,
2022, at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds.

The month of March was very busy for His Excellency the President. He increased
his upcountry engagements with launch of cattle compensation programme
for Northern Uganda, in Soroti. He launched the Alumni Public Library and
E-learning Centre at Teso College, Aloet, in Soroti, and addressed the newly
accredited Ambassadors and Heads of Missions at National Leadership Institute,
Kyankwanzi. On a more important note, the Asian Business Leadership Forum
(ABLF), Asia’s most influential leadership platform honoured President Yoweri
Museveni with a Statesman Award in recognition of his achievements and
contributions to the economic, political and cultural developments in Uganda.
We congratulate His Excellency the President.

Lastly, we encourage the citizens to give us their feedback and suggestions

about the e-magazine and our other services through our platforms; email:, Whatsapp: 0414670288 or through our social media handles;
GCICUganda. We also encourage the citizens who have benefited from the
different interventions, programmes and projects commissioned by the President
to send us their experiences in form of articles. We shall publish them. In this
edition, we have published an article on the progress of silkworm farming in
Uganda, by Fred Nangoli, an Information Officer at State House.

I now have the pleasure to present to you the tenth edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of Communication & Director
Government Citizen Interaction Centre (GCIC)

The Presidency | March 2022 5

Editorial Team

Duncan Abigaba Robert Sharp Mugabe

Deputy Chief Editor Content Production Manager

Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba Elizabeth Kabibi

Head of Logistics Head of Production Editor

Bonny Karogo Michael Woira Ikoliet Suzan

Graphical Editor Editor Editor

6 The Presidency | March 2022

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI Talk properly; look for MAR
MEETS UTB, PRIVATE TOUR people who can add value
OPERATORS on what you’re doing.

President Yoweri Museveni told officials Civy Tumusiime of Acacia Safaris, the Board
from the Ministry of Tourism, Wildlife and Chair of the Association of Tour Operators
Antiquities, the Uganda Tourism Board and urged the President to intervene among
Tourism Sector Stakeholders who met him at the communities living in the National
State House, Entebbe. Parks including fishermen, pastoralists and
agriculturalists who are in constant conflict
The President was meeting the officials
with wildlife.
over several contentious issues including
Government handling of investment in Tumusiime called for an aggressive marketing
marketing tourism, which markets to focus strategy and proper coordination and
on, marketing initiatives, the Pearl of Africa strengthening of the private sector.
Tourism Expo brand and the Dubai expo,
She later requested the President to meet
skilling and capacity building and conservation
and address the private sector players in the
initiatives, and agreed to a request by tour
industry with over 3,800 hotels, 600 tour
operators to visit one of the National Parks
operators and over 700 tour guides, most of
as part of Government efforts to promote
whom are young people, a request he granted
with a visit to one of the parks post COVID-19.
The private tour operators also want inclusion
The President also directed that the
on the board of Uganda Airlines, Uganda
stakeholders meet and come up with an
Tourism Board, Uganda Investment Authority,
agreed position in three weeks’ time ahead
Export Promotions Board and the Petroleum
of another meeting.
Authority of Uganda among others.

“The Ministry should work with the private

tour operators and harmonise. You all have
good ideas, look at all of them, and involve
all stakeholders. If they want to be included
on the boards, there is no problem with that,”
the President said.

The meeting was attended by among

others; State Minister for Tourism, Wildlife
and Antiquities; Martin Mugarra Bahinduka,
the Permanent Secretary; Doreen Katusiime,
Chairman of UTB; Daudi Migereko, UTB CEO;
Lilly Ajarova and the leaders of the Uganda
Hotel Owners Association (UHOA) and of the
Association of Uganda Tour Operators (AUTO).

Tourism is Uganda’s biggest export,

contributing US$1.6billion to Uganda’s GDP
President Museveni poses for a photo with
and accounts for over 660,000 jobs as of 2019.
UTB and Private Tour Operators after a
The sector was however seriously affected
meeting at State House, Entebbe
by the COVID-19 pandemic with the airport
closure and lockdown.

The Presidency | March 2022 7


STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: Ambassador Vladlen Semivolos

was accompanied by Dr. Evgeny
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
Kalashnikov, the Ideology Head of
held a bilateral meeting with the
Mission of the Russian Federation,
Ambassador of the Russian Federation,
Uganda’s Minister of Foreign Affairs,
H.E. Vladlen Semivolos, during which
Gen Abubaker Jeje Odongo and
they discussed matters of mutual
Ambassador Arthur Kafeero.
interest between the two countries.

President Museveni meeting H.E. Vladlen Semivolos at State House, Entebbe

8 The Presidency | March 2022


“I tell my colleagues that; can’t a poor man engineers,” he noted.

guard his house? The problem is a failure of
He also advised the prisons service to build
analysis. We had problems from all over the
place but we defended Uganda by ourselves.” primary and secondary schools as well as
President Museveni medical facilities for the biological children
of the prisons officers where they can
The President and Commander in Chief study free of charge and the Government
of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces pays salaries of the teachers, and also
(UPDF), Gen. Yoweri Museveni, urged the receive medical attention.
management of Uganda Prisons and
He pointed out that this will offset
Police Forces to emulate the UPDF in the
challenges faced by security officers of
bid to secure the welfare and the future of
paying school fees for their children as
the security personnel using cost-effective
well as medical care yet their salaries are
Gen. Museveni made the remarks at Kololo
H.E. Museveni, however, commended
ceremonial grounds while officiating at
the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the
the pass out ceremony of 2,018 prisons
Prisons service for reinforcing the force
warders and wardresses that comprised
with more human resource. He noted that
554 females and 1,464 males who have
the problem in many African countries
been undergoing an eleven months
has been conceptual pointing out that
training course at the Prisons Academy
NRA/UPDF overcame that challenge by
and Training School.
prioritising ideology. He added that with a
H.E. Museveni was responding to a small economy, UPDF managed to defend
call by the Commissioner General of the country from retrogressive forces and
Prisons, Dr. Johnson Byabasaija, for more has never called the United Nations (UN)
accommodation for both staff and inmates to defend Uganda.
in prisons, among other concerns.

The President noted that during a visit

to Luzira prison last year, he had seen I tell my colleagues that;
some good structures constructed by the
can’t a poor man guard
prisons construction unit and called on
them to utilise the same unit for putting
his house? The problem is
up facilities across the country for the staff a failure of analysis. We
and inmates. had problems from all over
“If you can build houses, why can’t you the place but we defended
build more prisons? Let’s stop the issue Uganda by ourselves.
of crying for houses and buildings. The
only demand should be for construction
materials and may be recruiting more

The Presidency | March 2022 9

Gen. Museveni expressed his gratitude The Minister of Internal Affairs, Hon. Maj.
and satisfaction with the exemplary Gen. Kahinda Otafiire, welcomed the
standard exhibited by the graduands graduands into the prisons service noting
whom he equally praised for being very that prisons today are a correctional center
smart in the parade. He congratulated the and not a place for punishment.
leadership of the prisons service and the
“I want you to treat these inmates as
commandant of the Prisons Academy and
human beings and concentrate on
Training School, Assistant Commissioner
behavioural change and lay emphasis
of Prisons Brenda Sana, for churning out
on skills that can help prisoners after their
good products.
term of incarceration,” he pointed out.
He further called on the prisons and
Hon. Otafiire also called for the increase
police services to emulate the concept
in the budget for ICT use in the hearing of
he used for the UPDF, a formidable force
cases to lessen the burden of transporting
today that was built from zero to now an
inmates to court.
international force that has contributed
to the restoration of peace and stability The Commissioner General of Prisons, Dr.
in several countries in Africa. Johnson Byabashaija, thanked President
Museveni, for giving the green light for
“I appeal to you to learn my technique;
increasing the human resource in the
how I built an army that defeated many
prisons service.
retrogressive forces and is now an
international army that has contributed He raised concern over the congestion of
to the restoration of peace and stability inmates in prisons noting that it increases
in African countries. Listen to the success the risk of the spread of various diseases
story and use it. I am telling you what I did and also strains the logistics of the prisons
in person,” he counseled. service.

10 The Presidency | March 2022

Dr. Byabashaija assured the President that “They will handle inmates professionally
the growing of the cotton project to meet while placing human rights at the center
the target of one million bales is ongoing of whatever they do. I can comfortably
and will be achieved as more land is under say they are ready for the task ahead of
acquisition in several parts of the country. them,” she said.

“With your help, Your Excellency, I am sure She congratulated graduands upon
we shall meet the target of one million successfully completing their course and
bales of cotton,” he stressed. encouraged them to be disciplined.

Addressing the graduands, he urged them The best warders and wardresses during
to be disciplined. He also assured the the eleven months training course received
President that the officers of the prisons gifts for their excellent performance. They
services are very loyal and will always included Aryong Marshal Jude who was
support Government’s efforts to elevate the overall best student while the best
Uganda into a middle income country. student in academics in the male category
was Wolwenje Fred. Chemutai Flomena
He urged graduands to be disciplined and
led in the female category.
to be ambassadors of the Prisons Service.
The best male student in parade was
The Commandant of the Prisons Academy
Nyanga Eric Disi while the best female
and Training School, the first female
student was Christine Gassi.
Commandant ever at the academy,
Assistant Commissioner of Prisons
Brenda Sana, expressed optimism that
the graduands will ably handle inmates With your help, Your
professionally in whichever prisons they
Excellency, I am sure
will be posted to in the country, and will
churn out well rehabilitated prisoners we shall meet the target
upon release. of one million bales of

Dr. Johnson Byabashaija

Commissioner General of

The Presidency | March 2022 11

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: The Minister of Finance Planning and
Economic Development Hon. Matia Kasaija
The Asian Business Leadership Forum
and the Government Chief Whip, Hon.
(ABLF), Asia’s most influential leadership
Thomas Tayebwa, picked the award on
platform honoured President Yoweri
behalf of the President.
Museveni with a Statesman Award in
recognition of his achievements and “It was so gratifying to see our Head of
contributions to the economic, political State being chosen by the Asian Business
and cultural developments in Uganda. Leaders Forum in United Arab Emirates,
to be the first statesman outside Asia
“It is with great happiness that I write to
to receive this prestigious award. The
you with the news that the ABLF Executive
kind comments towards his precious
Council and Grand Jury would like to
contribution on the transformation of
honour you with the ABLF Statesperson
Africa by business leaders at the event
Award - the highest award category
made me feel proud as a Ugandan,” Hon.
of the platform in recognition of your
Thomas Tayebwa, the Government Chief
incredible achievements and contributions
Whip who received the award alongside
to the economic, political and cultural
the Minister of Finance, Planning and
development of Uganda,” said Ms. Malini N.
Economic Development, Matia Kasaija, on
Menon, Co-Founder and President, ABLF
behalf of President Museveni said during
and Permanent Member, ABLF Executive
the ceremony at the on-going Dubai Expo.
Council in a letter to President Museveni.
According to Hon. Tayebwa, the business
The ABLF Awards is the recognition
community at the expo was eager to exploit
platform of the ABLF Series that has
business and investment opportunities in
promoted the values of integrity,
Uganda due to the country’s stability and
excellence, commitment and innovation
visionary leadership. “Uganda now is their
in leadership. In 2022, the Awards, themed
number one choice of FID in Africa, thanks
“Resilience Rising: The Great Reset,” aim to
to the stable leadership of H.E. Yoweri
recognise the spirit of resilience, a defining
Kaguta Museveni,” he said.
narrative in the post-pandemic world,
across all the distinctive ABLF Award The President was awarded alongside
categories. Asian global leaders including former UN
Secretary General. H.E. Ban Ki Moon, H.E.
“Your Excellency, your commitment to
Mahinda Rajapaksa, H.E. Lyonpo Loknath
the cause of Pan-African unity, focus on
Sharma, among other leaders who were
healthcare and education, and vision
honoured by H.H. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak
for sustainable development has put
Al Nahayan. The Guest of Honour was H.H.
Uganda on the path of growth for the
Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum,
past several decades. The prestigious ABLF
Chief Executive Officer of Emirates Group.
Statesperson Award is in recognition of
your achievements,” Ms. Malini N. Menon

12 The Presidency | March 2022

Hon. Matia Kasaija (holding award) and Hon. Thomas Tayebwa (extreme right) at the awards
ceremony in United Arab Emirates

Established in 2007, leadership series titled The ABLF awards are always
the ABLF has always ‘ABLF Talks’ that aligned held under the patronage
engaged with luminaries closely with the vision of the and in the presence of H.H.
in the field of business, UAE leadership, continued Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak
politics, academia and to engage with global Al Nahayan, the Minister for
social change through leaders bringing them Tolerance and Coexistence
its various initiatives that together in conversations and in association with the
aim to foster intra-Asia and collaborations, thus UAE Ministry of Economy.
ties. During the past two showcasing the nation
years of the pandemic, as a symbol of hope
the ABLF, through its and resilience in these
groundbreaking monthly uncertain times.

The Presidency | March 2022 13

“Uganda will be hosting the Uganda-Turkey The President said other priority minerals
Investment Summit in Kampala this May and include industrial steel, phosphates,
we request the President to be the official guest” copper, tin, pharmaceuticals and agro-
Hon. Evelyn Anite processing.

“We have got high grade iron-ore and we

need an integrated steel industry. We are
President Yoweri Museveni said Uganda now importing steel from China which is
has great potential in mineral exploration very expensive. We have some steel mills
and development and only needs investors using recycled steel which is low quality.
they can partner with to refine and add But we need strong steel for railways,
value for export. dams, etc,” he said.
“We are very interested in mineral The President was meeting Turkish
development. On the gold, we have our investors introduced by the Turkish
own but also because of the security Ambassador to Uganda, H.E. Fikret
exports have gone up in the region. We Kerem Alp, and included the Dog-Yap
have removed all taxes on refined minerals. Insaat Tur.Energi Ur, a subsidiary of the
If we can refine gold here, our people Doganlar Yatirim Holding company led by
can benefit through making jewelry,” the the Vice President and Chairman of the
President said. DEIL Business Council, Dogan Ali Dogan.

President Museveni posing for a photo with the Turkish delegation after the meeting at State
House, Entebbe

14 The Presidency | March 2022

The Company deals in retail, energy, interested in agro-industrial business
construction and furniture and is already including fruit and vegetable processing,
involved in the construction of Uganda’s cold stores, training centres and agro-
national industrial and business parks and industrial schools.
agro-industrial business parks.
Uganda’s exports to Turkey increased by
The company has already signed a letter 30% in the first 9 months of 2021, according
of intent with Government to explore to Amb. Fikret Kerem Alp.
investment opportunities in Uganda with
The Minister of State for Finance in
an estimated value of US$125,000,000.
charge of Investment and Privatisation,
“Turkish companies can partner with us Hon. Evelyne Anite, said Uganda will be
and process 100% and link with industries. hosting the Uganda-Turkey Investment
The areas for investment opportunities are Summit in Kampala this May and request
endless,” the President said. the President to be the official guest.

Turkish Ambassador to Uganda Fikret

Kerem Alp said Turkish investors are


“Power should go directly from generation bigger industrial park than MMP Industrial
to the consumer, especially the industrial Park in Buwampa, Buikwe district.
consumer. We should amend the law. I will talk
MMP Industrial Park and Kapeeka
to the Speaker,” President Museveni
Industrial Park are on a pilot trial for
direct power consumption pending
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: the amendment of the law to allow all
President Yoweri Museveni said he will industrial parks to access direct power
engage the Speaker of Parliament to affordably.
fast-track the amendment of the UMEME The meeting was attended by Ms.
Act and ensure that electricity goes Zhang Zhichum; CEO Tang Group, Wang
directly from generation to the industrial Wentong; General Manager Tian Tang
consumer to spur economic growth Group, Li Wenchao; Deputy General
through industrialisation. Manager Mbale Industrial Park, Ming Qian
“Power should go directly from generation Sun, an investor and Yang Li, an Investor.
to the consumer, especially the industrial During the meeting, a power investor, Mr.
consumer. We should amend the law. I will Ming Qian Sun of Zhurong Hydropower
talk to the Speaker,” the President said Consumption Park also presented a
during a meeting with Chinese investors proposal for a Power Purchase Agreement
from the Mbale Industrial Park who guaranteeing 300MW of power supply at
protested their omission from the direct a tariff of US$ 3.5cents and 15 acres of land
power consumption despite having a close to Karuma Hydro Power Plant.

The Presidency | March 2022 15

President Museveni gifts a Chinese investor a copy of his autobiography; Sowing
the Mustard Seed, during the meeting at State House, Entebbe

Uganda at a voltage higher first year and subsequently

than 33kV. We will build grow it to US$20 million in
our own substation which the second year.
Zhurong Hydropower is will be transferred to the
The meeting was also
interested in bulk power ownership of UETCL, thus
attended by the Minister
purchase, potentially being significantly reducing the
of State for Finance in
the largest power off-taker upfront investment needed
charge of Privatisation,
in Uganda. from the public sector to
Hon. Evelyne Anite,
“Once we reach full facilitate the project,” Ming
Minister of State for Mineral
capacity, power bills paid by Qian Sun said.
Development, Hon. Peter
us alone will equate to 2% of Ming Qian Sun said they are Lokeris, and the Minister
the Government spending. also interested in investing of State for Energy Hon.
We connect directly to in a Crypto-currency Sidronius Okaasai Opolot.
Karuma substation at industrial park with an
142kV, no other off taker in initial US$15million in the

16 The Presidency | March 2022


“Yes, the soldiers may be getting small salaries where he also revealed his intentions of
but let their children study free in Government setting up an Armed Forces University
army schools. Because the Government to continue offering free education with
can build army schools, have teachers and specialised courses.
pay them. Maybe the parents can only buy
“We shall go for the basic courses;
uniforms and books. Why should the soldiers
medicine, science, chemistry, biology,
have to bear the burden of educational costs
mathematics and languages. We can
for their biological children?” President
educate these children for free as long as
they are doing those courses. So that the
KOLOLO CEREMONIAL GROUNDS: children of the veterans, whether living or
dead, can be supported to have something
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who
for their families,” he stressed.
is also the Commander in Chief (C-i-C) of
the Armed forces reminded the Ministry On free healthcare, the President said,
of Defence and Veteran Affairs and the “there’s no reason why soldiers should be
UPDF of his advice to improve the welfare going to private clinics.”
of soldiers and their families, including
About thanksgiving, Museveni whose
providing free education for the children
message rotated around the book of
of the soldiers until they finish secondary
Genesis- “to establish dominion over
level. He says this has been his wish since
nature,” urged Ugandans to use God-given
talents to get good results as has been
“Yes, the soldiers may be getting small exhibited by the Uganda Peoples Defence
salaries but let their children study free Forces since they took over power in the
in Government army schools. Because many battles they have fought and won.
the Government can build army schools,
He gave an example of the ongoing
have teachers and pay them. Maybe the
operation in the Democratic Republic of
parents can only buy uniforms and books.
Congo to flush out the ADF rebels that
Why should the soldiers have to bear
started in November last year, which he
the burden of educational costs for their
said has gone very well.
biological children?” the President said.
“It’s now almost 5 months, total success,
He said this was earlier sabotaged by
we have demolished the terrorists in that
acts of indiscipline where soldiers would
area and we have lost only three soldiers
bring their relatives to flood army schools
in all this time. And that was because of
that were set up in different parts of the
the good training of the soldiers involved
and the good commands given to them,”
The President was speaking at the 11th Museveni said, quoting a Luganda saying;
Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs - “Lubaale mbeera nga n’embiro kwotadde,”
MODVA/UPDF thanksgiving breakfast at loosely translated as “pray as you work.”
Kololo Independence Grounds in Kampala,

The Presidency | March 2022 17

President Museveni reads the prayer book during the UPDF thanksgiving breakfast at Kololo

Gen. Museveni also concurred with the some of them are caused by the ongoing
day’s preacher Bishop Joshua Lwere to conflicts in Europe, specifically the tensions
meet religious leaders about the emerging between Russia and Ukraine. He gave an
sentiment of tribalism in the country and example of wheat whose prices are likely
the need for National dialogue. to go up because Russia and Ukraine are
the biggest producers.
“We want this spirit of nationalism and
patriotism to be built. And if you can allow The Minister of Defence and Veteran
us as religious leaders that we can join Affairs, Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja,
together to diffuse that spirit. And we think acknowledged the protection, wisdom and
that a national dialogue will be a very good courage given to the 27 men who launched
idea and we can spearhead it as you have the liberation struggle on 6th February,
always suggested, we still hope and pray 1981, paying tribute to the militant veterans
that you consider it,” Bishop Lwere said, who he said are the special stakeholders
prompting a positive response from the for this year’s prayer breakfast.
“We recognise the commanders of
“I will be very happy to meet them missions, we recognise the widows of
(religious leaders) and we will discuss it,” the revolution, we recognise the children
Museveni assured. of the fallen soldiers, we recognise the
soldiers with disability, we recognise the
President Museveni also commented on
spouses of soldiers, we recognise the
the rising prices of commodities, saying

18 The Presidency | March 2022

serving officers, staff and men of UPDF The thanksgiving breakfast was attended
and the children of our soldiers,” Minister by the top leadership of the Ministry of
Sempijja said, adding that those who want Defense and Veteran Affairs and the
to understand the great contribution of Uganda Peoples Defense Forces who
the veterans should think about where included Ministers; Hon. Huda Abason
Uganda was before 1986 and where it is Oleru, the Minister of State for Defence
now. and Veteran Affairs (Veteran Affairs); the
State Minister of Defence (General Duties)
This was earlier re-echoed by the
Jacob Oboth-Oboth and the Deputy Chief
Permanent Secretary Ministry of
of Defence Forces Lt. Gen Peter Elweru.
Defense and Veteran Affairs, Mrs. Rosette
Byengoma, whose speech rotated around Others were; Hon Milly Babirye Babalanda,
the day’s theme: “I shall not die, but I shall the Minister for Presidency; Hon. Lt. Col
live and recount the deeds of the Lord” (Rtd) Bright Kanyontore Rwamirama, the
Psalms 118:17. Minister for Animal Industry; the Minister
of State, Gender, Labour and Social
“Permit me Your Excellency, on behalf of
Development in charge of Elderly, Dominic
this great congregation, to pay enormous
Gidudu Mafabi; Members of Parliament
tribute to your statesmanship and wise
and the veterans.
leadership and also giving special status
to our veterans by domiciling them under The 41st UPDF Tarehe Sita Anniversary and
this Ministry of Défense where we’re able Defence Forces Week activities were held
to continue taking charge of their welfare in Bugisu and Sebei subregions of Eastern
and that of their families,” Mrs Byengoma Uganda in February this year.

Some of the veterans pray during the thanksgiving breakfast at Kololo

The Presidency | March 2022 19

By Fred Nangoli

At a distance, they look like butter as the worms give rise put in will be a total waste,”
tiny strips of white thread. to cocoons, the much needed he reveals stressing that no
But up close, you see some raw materials for the beautiful silk materials can be realised
forward movements as silk garments, desired by once the cocoons develop
the silkworms measuring millions of people across the into butterflies.
about 35cm nibble at green globe.
According to Biiya, putting
mulberry leaves. The silkworm
In the adjacent room, another silkworms in a two-story
looks nothing like silk. Where
young man, Oscar Biiyi 25 wooden structure, feeding
the fabric is light, lustrous and
is busy harvesting cocoons them with mulberry leaves,
delicate, the caterpillar is fat
and placing them in baskets. and weaving cocoons around
and grayish. A few metres
His face is beaming with the worms takes some time.
away from a writhing mass
excitement as he counts “But the end product of all
of these worms, you can
the benefit of a successful these efforts is a master piece
hear them joyfully devouring
harvest. of textile,” Wekhola chips in
leaves in what sounds like a
as he joins Biiyi in harvesting
light rainfall on an old tinned “The process of breeding
roof. silkworms from the beginning
to and after the cocoon is Despite their small size,
Michael Wekhola, a 23-year
woven and harvested is very silkworms have played a
old silkworm specialist in
interesting and spectacular,” significant role in shaping
Namasumbi in Mukono
he says with another wide cultures across the world
district has been attending
smile. as silk, which is possibly the
to these caterpillars for close
most beautiful; most delicate
to three years now and has “We have to ensure that we
and most lustrous material
watched them feed countless harvest most of these cocoons
ever discovered by mankind
times every day. It is from today because any slight
continues to rule the garment
these worms that he has delay means that the cocoons
industry as the “queen of
been getting his bread and will turn into butterflies and
all the long efforts we have
20 The Presidency | March 2022
Sheen, light weight, soft touch It is also one of the countries returns all year round.
and high durability makes efforts in implementing textile
He says in a move to enhance
silk the most elegant textile. and industrial policies for
commercial production of
In Mukono, like many other export promotion and import
silk across the country, the
areas in Uganda, silk farming substitution.
organisation has established
is increasingly becoming a
And indeed with support from over 627 acres of mulberry
central source of income for
the Government of Uganda, plantations and productions
hundreds of families. One such
TRIDI has also assembled at 25 stations spread across
organisation that is taking
two silk making factories in 18 districts in the different
a leading role in promoting
Sheema and Kween districts regions of Uganda. He says
and engaging hundreds of
and will soon be producing silkworm rearing in particular
households into silk farming
and unveiling its f irst silk is going on in Sheema,
is the Tropical Institute of
fabrics onto the local and Mukono, Kamuli, Pallisa,
Development Innovations
international market once Iganga and Kayunga and
(TRIDI) based in Namasumbi
installation of the machines cocoons from these areas are
in Mukono. The innovation
is complete. being collected in one central
firm which has kick started
area in preparation for mass
silkworm farming activities in Dr. Clet Wandui Masiga,
silk production when the
over 18 districts in Uganda is the Principal Investigator at
newly installed machines in
currently employing over 900 TRIDI says sericulture or silk
Sheema and Kween become
Ugandans in the silk industry farming is an eco-friendly
as mulberry cultivators, leaf agro based labour intensive
harvesters, silk worm rearing, and commercially attractive Masiga recently displayed
reeling, twisting and weaving economic activity falling TRIDI’s innovations at the
among others. under cottage and small scale just concluded Science
sectors. He says sericulture is and Innovation show at
The project is one of the
a long chain industry from Kololo where he attracted
Presidential initiatives to
mulberry cultivation to fabric the attention of President
transform Uganda f rom
making and is also the only Museveni who raised a
subsistence economy to an
cash crop which provides number of questions on the
industrialised nation.
f requent and attractive progress of the silk project.
The President also noted
that he was impressed with
the direction the country’s
Science, Technology and
Innovation portfolio was
taking adding that he would
do everything in his power to
ensure the sector is funded.

“I am determined to make
sure scientists working for
the Government are well paid
and all positive efforts and
innovations of our scientists
will be funded either by
the Government directly or
Michael Wekhola (L) and Clet Masiga (R) harvesting through Uganda Development
silkworm cocoons at Namasumbi in Mukono recently
The Presidency | March 2022 21
Bank,” the President stressed
as he interacted with the

But while industrialisation

is one of the key areas that
the National Resistance
Movement (NRM) Government
is focusing on to transform
Uganda’s economy and push
the country into the middle-
income status, one wonders
what Government has done
for TRIDI and its ongoing silk

Masiga says during the

2017/2018 f inancial year,
Government set up an
innovation fund and TRIDI Clet Masiga displays samples of the silkworm
was among the 17 innovators ready to start making cocoons
that were selected to benefit
from the fund. That financial creating employment
year, TRIDI received sh1.5billion opportunities for people in
By scanning the places we had established in.
from Government which was
environment with We demonstrated that more
used to set up experimental
technology, we were also jobs would be created as the
fields in Sheema district where
able to identify which kind project expanded to many
they also set up mulberry
of production models would other parts of the country,
plantations to feed the
be used to produce the best not forgetting those who will
mulberry needed for feeding be working in the processing
“We identified Sheema as the silk worms plants,” he explains further.
a very conducive area for
silkworm farming while using According to Masiga, the
the GPS technologies that innovation f irm used this
During the 2019/2020 financial
we employed in mapping second batch of funds to place
year, the silk innovators
out areas which are suitable an order for the purchase of
received their second batch
for mulberry production and two silk processing machines
of financial support of sh5bn
silkworm farming across from Hangzhou City in China.
from the Government through
the country. That is how we They made a down payment of
the Ministry of Science,
identified Sheema in the first 30% of the funds towards the
Technology and Innovation.
place before identifying other machines. And indeed during
“These funds came after
areas later on,” reveals Masiga the financial year 2020/2021,
Government had evaluated
who is also participating in the innovation firm received
our progress on the ground.
the feeding and harvesting of another batch of Shs.10billion
We proved that this was an
ready cocoons at their farm in shillings from Government
income generating activity
Namasumbi today. which was used to pay for
which was increasingly

22 The Presidency | March 2022

the remaining balances to India at 20% while the other 5% days. White eggs are infertile
machine manufacturers is shared by all the other silk and black eggs are fertile.
in China. On completing producing countries including Once laid, eggs typically
payment, he says the Uganda.” hatch in about 2 weeks,
machines were shipped and but the incubation period
Today, he says they need a
delivered to TRIDI. One set of is temperature dependent.
minimum of 50,000 acres of
the machines was installed Freshly-hatched caterpillars
land under mulberry to be
in Sheema District while the (larvae), also called silkworms,
able to feed the silkworm and
second one was installed in look like small black strings.
produce enough silk yarn. He
Kween. Once hatched, silkworm larvae
revealed that already they
normally eat only mulberry
Today, Masiga says they have have received requests from
leaves. The caterpillars molt
received a total of 21billion global brands like Marks &
4 times passing through 5
shillings f rom the NRM Spencer of UK, Pierre Cardin
larval instars (an instar is the
Government which has greatly from France to supply them
stage between molts) over a
boosted their efforts to set up with about 200 tons of silk
period of 23 to 28 days. After
several investments in the silk yarn every month.
the 4th molt, the caterpillar
industry including setting up
According to Masiga, more begins to secrete a single,
the two factories in Sheema
than a million jobs will also continuous silk fiber through
and Kween districts besides
be created as TRIDI continues its salivary gland. The strand
expanding their activities in
to extend silk farming to many of silk produced by a silkworm
18 of the targeted 50 districts
other districts of Uganda in is usually about 1.5kms long.
they have identified.
her bid to meet the high
Presently Masiga says using
Presently TRIDI is carrying demand. But to accomplish
the bivoltine cocoons, one
out silkworm farming in 24 this investment, he says
kilogram of silk yarn is
of the 50 targeted districts it requires approximately
equivalent to 6kgs of cocoons.
in Uganda. These include Shs.700bn saying out of that
He says from just one acre
among others Mukono, investment, they will have
of mulberry per year, they
Nakaseke, Kayunga, Luwero, an output of at least US$100
are able to harvest 1,080kgs
Kamuli, Iganga, Pallisa, million annually.
of cocoons from six cycles of
Busia, Bukedea, Bulambuli,
“Our projection is US$300m silkworm rearing which will
Lira, Otuke, Amorater, Padel,
which will bring us to almost result in 180kgs of silk yarn
Agago, Nakasongola and
one trillion shillings through produced per year using the
the export of silk yarn every current innovations. He says
Masiga says Government year. And if we go into making this will earn them up to sh33.7
has decided to invest in silk the final clothes of which million from every single acre
because its value is 20 times equipment we have already of mulberry annually.
more than cotton disclosing secured, we will be making
that the global demand of about sh3 trillion per year,” he
silk fabrics is far more than explains. The writer is an Information
its supply. Officer at State House
Silkworm eggs are lemon
“Globally, China produces 75% yellow when laid, but turn
of the world’s silk followed by white or black within a few

The Presidency | March 2022 23


“In 1966, Uganda had a population of only - Director Corporate Services; Dr. Swidiq
7,000,000 cows. In 1986 when NRM came, Mugerwa - Director Livestock Research;
it had only 3,000,000 cattle. Today, it has Mr. Abasi Kigozi - Senior Research Officer
approximately 16,000,000 cows. So, really the Livestock; and Mr. Hussein Kato Walusimbi
- Senior Research Officer Livestock.
issue is not on the size (number) of cattle and
not the rate of body built. Those cows, you can The former Prime Minister who is now the
take them for Olympics and they win medals President’s Special Envoy to South Sudan
because they spend a lot of time walking. And and Ethiopia and Chairman African Global
if other cows are walking like these ones, they Security Foundation, Amama Mbabazi and
can’t put on that weight” President Museveni Ambassador Dr. Rashid Yahya Ssemuddu
in charge of seven countries including
Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Kuwait, Qatar,
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: Bahrain, Oman and Yemen also attended
the meeting.
President Yoweri Museveni urged National
Agricultural Research Organisation (NARO) The President urged NARO to promote
to sensitise farmers against nomadic breeding cows for both beef and milk.
farming and instead adopt zero grazing “In 1950s, we had a Chief in Rukungiri area
to let the cows gain weight necessary for who was against nomadic pastoralism. The
modernising beef production for trade. chief accused us of being local because we
He said nomadic farming makes cows use were seen roaming in the bush with cows.
a lot of energy, which can affect the rate He advised us to have few cows, build
of buildup of its flesh. them a shed and feed them obuhaturo
(banana peelings). The chief’s cattle were
“In 1966, Uganda had a population of only
very fat,” he said.
7,000,000 cows. In 1986 when NRM came,
it had only 3,000,000 cattle. Today, it has He advised NARO to solve the issue of
approximately 16,000,000 cows. So, really pasture through sensitising agriculturalists
the issue is not on the size (number) of to adopt the idea of planting grass, clearing
cattle and not the rate of body built. Those bushes and liberate the grass from the
cows, you can take them for Olympics and shadow.
they win medals because they spend a On the issue of ant-tick vaccine, the
lot of time walking. And if other cows are President pledged to support NARO in
walking like these ones, they can’t put on the development of vaccines.
that weight,” the President said.
Dr. Ambrose Agona, Director General
The President was meeting technocrats NARO said in order to contribute to public
f rom NARO over modernising beef sector’s capacity to conduct research, there
research, production and improving is need to establish and operationalise a
trade. The meeting was attended by state of the art beef and science research
Dr. Nassan Mutembeya Tandekwire, Dr. centre of excellence at NARO’s research
Ambrose Agona - Director General; Dr. institute at Maruzi.
Yona Baguma - Deputy Director Research
coordination, Professor Justus Rutaisire

24 The Presidency | March 2022

He said NARO needs funding of US$ Dr. Ambrose Agona said they developed
300 million in order to enhance national four novel anti-tick vaccines and are
capacity to undertake beef production. constructing a UGX 20 billion state of
The project needs a systematic the art vaccine research and production
production system including the National complex at Nakyesasa.
Beef Research Centre, National Halal
He urged the President to support funding
Laboratory, Forage/ Feed production
under the Beef Research and Agribusiness
centres, a National Beef Breeder and
Project (BRAP) from the Government of
conservation centre, commercial cow-
Qatar, which is part of the special Emir
calf farms, Commercial Goat Stocker
Fund for investment in specific countries
Farms, Commercial Beef Feedlot Farms,
in Africa.
5 Commercial Goat Feedlot Farms,
Commercial Abattoirs, meat processing He said the funding would finance the
centres and Community Agro-Resources establishment of a fully-fledged research
centers. centre of excellence at Maruzi.

President Museveni posing for a photo with NARO officials at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | March 2022 25

Mr. Odrek Rwabwogo (standing) speaks during the meeting at State House, Entebbe



STATE LODGE, NAKASERO: The President was commissioning the

Presidential Advisory Committee on
President Yoweri Museveni said there
Exports and Industrial Development
is a need to sort out the business roles
(PACEID) intended to generate the
between the Uganda National Chamber
necessary consensus across key
of Commerce and Industry (UNCCI) and
Government institutions, the private
KACITA, a business support association
sector, exporters, producers, lawmakers,
in Uganda in order to promote trade and
technical staff and all categories of leaders
on deliberate actions to make exports a
“KACITA is a business group. They buy key growth weapon.
from others and bring here. Ours is to
“I will also support and boost the Uganda
do production ourselves, do import
Air Cargo Corporation to transport our
substitution and export promotion for
exports in the region and beyond,” the
tangible economic transformation,” he
President said.

26 The Presidency | March 2022

Uganda Air Cargo is Africa’s biggest The Presidential Advisor for Special Duties,
C-130 operator and second to none on Odrek Rwabwogo said, while Government’s
the African continent and offers reliable, strategic initiatives including Plan for
high quality cargo service to regional and the Modernisation of Agriculture (PMA),
international partners. OWC, NAADS etc, have led to increased
agricultural and industrial production,
The President commended what he
its presence in regional and international
described as volunteers and patriotic
markets shares is still limited.
Ugandans who agreed to come in and
fill the gaps, a responsibility “The establishment of the
which should have been done PACEID does not create a
by the Ministry of Trade.

“It’s good that the

I will also
new institution but is using
administrative interventions
to revitalise institutions
stakeholders are getting
support already in existence which
engaged. Once something is
and boost may be underperforming for
built by stakeholders, you are
the Uganda various reasons,” he added.
surer,” he said. Using a local Air Cargo
saying, the President said Corporation Rwabwogo said the
if the owner of a cow does to transport committee will act as a Think
not know what to do about our exports Tank to advise the President
in the region
his cow, the vet wastes his on strategic and systematic
and beyond
time. “We now have both interventions aimed at
the vets and the owners,” accelerating exports growth
the President said referring
to the newly-commissioned
committee that is focused on doubling
” and industrial development
for national transformation.

The meeting was attended by the Minister

Uganda’s total exports from the current
of Agriculture, Animal Industry and
USD$6.6298bn to US$12bn by 2026.
Fisheries Frank Tumwebaze and Minister of
The Committee has stakeholders from State for Trade, Industry and Cooperatives,
the private sector dealing in beef, cement, David Bahati, among others.
grains and pulses, flowers and plants,
fish, coffee, steel, animal feeds, tourism,
bananas, poultry, sugar etc. It also includes
members of the public sector technical
support team.

The Presidency | March 2022 27

KOLOLO CEREMONIAL GROUNDS: He assured the NRM Parliamentary caucus
that the operation in Congo is moving on
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who
is also the National Chairman of the
National Resistance Movement (NRM) The President used the same occasion to
briefed the party caucus about the caution Members of Parliament against
ongoing Operation Shujaa which is being interfering in the work of fighting crime
implemented following a Memorandum of saying the people mandated to fight crime
Understanding between the Governments constitutionally are the security forces
of Uganda and the DRC to conduct joint who later brief the Ministries concerned.
operations for the eradication of ADF and
“The anti-crime warriors for the country are
other foreign armed groups in the eastern
well-known, supervised by DPC, RPC, and
part of DRC.
RDC in a district. Let them do their work.
During the meeting held at In case it is judged necessary
Kololo Ceremonial Grounds, by the Central Government to
the President said they did
not come to Parliament
before the operation not

The anti-crime
dispatch people to reassure
the population, it should be
for a limited period so that
because they did not know warriors for they do not distract the
that it was necessary, but the country are anti-crime fighters, but also
that Security in Africa is a well known, with a briefing from those
big problem because many supervised responsible for f ighting
people do not know what by DPC, RPC, crime,” he said.
and RDC in a
to do and the situation is
district. President Museveni said
complicated by foreigners
that Uganda is one of the
who cause endless suffering

few countries in Africa that
of the African people.
is peaceful and added that
“We did not come to under the NRM, Uganda has
Parliament because that never needed security support
operation had to be agreed upon by the of UN etc.
Governments of Congo and Uganda. That’s
“The NRM has been able to achieve
why we decided to first dialogue with our
this through patriotism of UPDF/NRA.
Congolese brothers,” he said. The President
We have tried to spread to the other
said insecurity in Africa is caused by bad
security agencies like the police etc. We
politics and armies.
have achieved peace with a low budget.
“Our army is built on the four principles Handling crime is a technical matter
of Patriotism, Pan-Af ricanism, Social and all actors must follow protocol if the
economic transformation and Democracy,” country is to win the war against crime,”
he said. he said.

28 The Presidency | March 2022

The President commended Parliament for “We have processed 9 bills out of the 16
the great work done especially in handling presented to the house. I thank you all
the Oil Bill. members for making sure assignments are
handled on time. We have surpassed the
“I am very happy with the work being
legislation performance,” Hon. Tayebwa
done by Parliament and the NRM caucus.
Because, as the Bible says, we shall know
them by their fruits. One in particular Hon. Tayebwa commended the President
was the one of the Oil Bill. It was needed for always guiding the caucus and
urgently for the pipeline to move very promised that Parliament will handle the
well. You behaved and supported it and Electricity Bill within two weeks.
we moved,” he said.
“I want to congratulate you on the launch
The President also urged the caucus to of Parish Development Model but we need
handle the issue of the Electricity Bill very to sensitise the population and I request
quickly to enable industrialisation so that the caucus to sit another time specifically
our country grows. for this. We also promise you to expedite
the Electricity Bill in two weeks,” Tayebwa
The NRM Parliamentary Caucus
Chairperson and the Government Chief
Whip, Hon. Thomas Tayebwa, said they The caucus agreed to convene at its
have made a lot of strides with 9 bills earliest to discuss the issues of the
processed out of the 16 presented in the rising commodity prices and the Parish
House. Development Model. The caucus also
tasked the Security Ministry to officially
brief Parliament about the operation in

President is received by Government and Party officials at Kololo ahead of the NRM Caucus meeting

The Presidency | March 2022 29


STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman Al – Burhan, the

Chairman of the Transitional Sovereignty
President Yoweri Museveni said fair
Council of the Republic of the Sudan.
elections where political actors rely on
numbers and not tribes forces them to Gen. Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman Al-Burhan
form alliances to get the numbers and was in Uganda on a one-day official visit
helps bring unity. He said during civil wars, at the invitation of President Yoweri
tribal wars sometimes occur. Museveni. He was accompanied by a high-
level delegation of Ministers and other
“What is important is to have fair elections.
Senior Government Officials.
Elections force people to unite to get
numbers. Holding elections disciplines On the bilateral relationship, President
politicians; they are forced to make Museveni said the best thing is for the
alliances to win elections since there is no Joint Permanent Commission to meet and
tribe which has got more than 40 percent agree on what to do to improve trade be
to win elections. It is also important to between the two countries.
have a neutral interim Government,” the
“We can export tea, coffee etc. We now
President said.
have a direct airline that can promote
President Yoweri Museveni was holding trade,” he said.
bilateral talks with His Excellency General

President Museveni and Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman Al-Burhan in a tete-a-tete at

State House, Entebbe

30 The Presidency | March 2022

They agreed to reactivate the meetings prospects and way forward using a chain
of the Joint Ministerial Commission and of bilateral and multilateral relationships.
Joint Political Consultative Committee You are very respected by the people of
and directed the Ministers responsible for Sudan and appreciated for the leadership
Foreign Affairs to convene the 7th Session of your people. You have managed to lead
of the Joint Ministerial Commission; and your country and develop it,” he said.
the 5th Session of the Joint Political
Gen. Al – Burhan extended an invitation
Consultations Committee, as soon as
to the Ministry of Defence of Uganda
possible, with the view to taking stock of,
to cooperate with their counterparts in
and exploring, new areas of cooperation
between the two countries and ensure
the implementation of all outstanding The two Heads of State discussed current
Decisions, Agreements and MoUs. situation in Sudan. They also exchanged
views on the security situation in the Great
On the regional issues, particularly the
Lakes Region and underscored the need
relationship between Ethiopia and Sudan,
to maintain peace, security and stability,
President Museveni said if there is peace in
inclusive and sustainable development
Africa, the problem of fighting over water
and socio- economic transformation of
would be solved saying the continent is
the region and Africa.
gifted with large water sources including
the Congo River. Each second, the Congo They reviewed the state of bilateral
River pours 1,200,000 cubic feet (34,000 relations and observed that although a
cubic meters) of water into the Atlantic number of Agreements and Memoranda
Ocean compared to Ethiopia’s Blue Nile of Understanding had previously been
waters which flow at an annual 3.85 billion concluded between the two countries,
cubic meters from Lake Tana that can their implementation had not been
be exploited. He said they had proposed satisfactory largely due to the COVID-19
an IGAD summit to handle these issues pandemic.
including South Sudan. Gen. Abdel Fattah Abdelrahman Al –
President Museveni congratulated H.E. Burhan, expressed his gratitude and
Gen. Al – Burhan, for his efforts towards appreciation to President Museveni,
ensuring peace and stability in the region the Government and the peoples of
and working towards a broad-based and the Republic of Uganda for the warm
inclusive governance architecture in the hospitality accorded to him and his
Sudan. delegation during the visit. He invited
President Museveni to visit the Sudan in
Gen. Al - Burhan congratulated President
the near future and the invitation was
Museveni upon his successful re-election
gladly accepted.
as the President of the Republic of Uganda,
and commended him for his outstanding The meeting was also attended by the
leadership on matters of peace, security Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs;
and stability in the region, and the socio- Hon. Vincent Bamulangaki Ssempijja, Hon.
economic transformation of Uganda. John Mulimba; Uganda’s Minister of State
for Foreign Affairs in-Charge of Regional
“We wanted to update you on the current
Cooperation and other Government
situation in Sudan and consult with you on

The Presidency | March 2022 31


“For us, we are moving on with what we call Management Services, Mr. Stepples
the pathogenic economy. The issue is whether Muchimba; Protocol, Dr. Margaret; Health,
Africa will move with us. We started long time Humanitarian Affairs and Mrs. Hiliana
ago with AIDS drugs. Why should foreigners Wassihun Meseret; Health, Humanitarian
make money out of our sicknesses and not us” Affairs.
President Museveni
On 1st November, 2021, the Republic of
Uganda became the 26th African Union
(AU) member state to sign the Treaty for
President Yoweri Museveni said that the establishment of the African Medicines
Uganda is aggressively investing in the Agency (AMA) at the AU Commission in
pathogenic economy and is building on Addis Ababa
its experience in manufacturing AIDS
Uganda is among the eight Af rican
drugs for the last ten years through the
countries including Rwanda, Tanzania,
Quality Chemicals Industry, adding that
Zimbabwe, Algeria, Egypt, Tunisia and
the industry has grown to produce other
Morocco bidding to host the Agency. The
drugs including anti malaria, antibiotics
new agency will provide a streamlined
and anti-tuberculosis drugs among others.
regulatory authority that would improve
“For us, we are moving on with what we quality medicines access, and combat
call the pathogenic economy. The issue substandard imports according to reports.
is whether Africa will move with us. We
AMA will also guide the regulation of
started long time ago with AIDS drugs.
medicines, and facilitate access to quality
Why should foreigners make money out
medicines on the continent.
of our sicknesses and not us,” he said.
The AMA Treaty was adopted by Heads
The President was addressing a team
of States and Government during their
of nine African Union members on a
32nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly
verification mission of countries bidding
on 11th February, 2019 in Addis Ababa,
to host the African Medicine Agency (AMA)
Ethiopia. The African Medicines Agency
Headquarters at a meeting held at State
aspires to enhance capacity of State
House, Entebbe.
Parties and AU recognised Regional
The African Union Assessment team Economic Communities (RECs) to regulate
was led by Prof. Aggrey John Douglas medical products in order to improve
Ambali from the AU Development Agency access to quality, safe and efficacious
(AUDA-NEPAD), Mr. Samory Badona medical products on the continent. AMA
Monteiro; Office of Legal Counsel, Mr. Marie shall build on the efforts of the African
Madeleine Goungoulou; Management of Medicines Regulatory Harmonisation
Information Services, Mr. Michael PAYE (AMRH) Initiative (2009), which is led by the
Gonqoi; Finance Directorate, Mr.Mahamat Africa Union Development Agency - the
Zene Moussa; Safety and Security Services, New Partnership for Africa’s Development
Mr. Ewnetu Ferede Yitbarek; Facilities (AUDA-NEPAD). The AMRH Initiative

32 The Presidency | March 2022

provides guidance to AU recognised human resource. Uganda is now at stage
Regional Economic Communities (RECs) six in two of the vaccine developments.
and Regional Health Organisations (RHOs), We are moving and we shall continue
to facilitate harmonisation of regulatory moving,” he said.
requirements and practice among the
President Museveni called for Africa
national medicines authorities (NMRAs)
to work in a more collaborative way to
of the AU Member States. AMA will be the
produce a vaccine.
second specialised health agency of the
African Union after the Africa Centre for “We are already in advanced stages in what
Disease Control and Prevention (Africa we are doing. For example, the Uganda
CDC). Virus Institute was actually the one which
worked on the vaccine for Ebola. We would
The President said Uganda has invested
want our brothers to work with us. If one
heavily in the medical industry with several
produces this reagent, others can produce
more infrastructure coming up, given its
a different one. There are also special mice
history with HIV/AIDS, Ebola, Marburg and
which are used in experiments which
now CORONA pandemic.
need to be worked on. We can work in a
“We have dealt with all these epidemics collaborative way depending on who can
and now our people have the capacity. do what best. East Africa should work as
They are highly educated and qualified a team because it’s a big effort,” he said.

President Museveni posing for a photo with the African Union team after a meeting at
State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | March 2022 33

“We want these 39% of the people who are Leadership Institute in Kyankwanzi District
still working for the stomach to get out and while closing a week-long orientation
also work for the pockets. They must get out. retreat of Uganda’s Ambassadors and High
Everybody must work for the benefit of his Commissioners.
In February 2022, Government of Uganda
NALI, KYANKWANZI: launched the Parish Development Model
(PDM) in Kibuku district to lift the 39% of
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni said
Uganda’s population from the subsistence
that the Government is now focusing
to money economy.
on getting all Ugandans out of poverty
through the Parish Development Model. Areas of focus include agriculture,
livestock, poultry and fish farming among
“We want these 39% of the people who are
others. Government intends to inject
still working for the stomach to get out and
Uganda shillings 100 million per Parish
also work for the pockets. They must get
to implement the model which will focus
out. Everybody must work for the benefit
on production, storage, processing and
of his family,” President Museveni said.
marketing. It will also include infrastructure
The President was speaking at the National and economic services, financial inclusion,

President Museveni on arrival at NALI, Kyankwanzi for the meeting

34 The Presidency | March 2022

social services, mindset change and parish the NRM,” which are; patriotism, pan-
based management information system, africanism, socio-economic transformation
governance and administration. and democracy,” he said.

Museveni said after solving this internal On strategic security, President Museveni
problem and paying scientists better, the gave an example of Uganda’s deployment
Government will then consider effectively in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
supporting its foreign missions. which he said was done in the spirit of
Pan Africanism to bring about peace in
“Then if there’s some money remaining
the region.
we can see how to support other sectors
including Foreign Affairs. It is not that we “Africa cannot be secure if we cannot work
don’t want, but we can’t do everything together. We in the NRM, we have always
at a go. That’s the issue,” the President emphasised the oneness of Africa,” he said.
Hon. Jeje Odongo informed the President
This was after the Minister for Foreign that Uganda was in February elected to
Affairs, Gen. Abubakar Jeje Odongo, the African Union Peace and Security
informed the President that the Ministry Council for a two-year term.
continues to face severe funding
“Our election was a recognition of our Pan
constraints, which makes it difficult to
African credentials and also the important
deliver on its mandate. Gen. Odongo
contribution that Uganda has played and
said for example the country is now
continues to play in regional peace and
unable to attend meetings of the Joint
stability,” Gen. Jeje Odongo said.
Permanent Commissions with their
African counterparts which provide a The Director NALI, Brig. Gen. Charles
unique forum to among other things Kisembo, said the retreat enhanced the
negotiate for a greater market access for synergies and cohesion required for
our goods and services. “significant effect as they pursue political,
commercial and economic diplomacy.”
“The Ministry of foreign Affairs is
contributing in a tangible way to the According to the Permanent Secretary
economic development of our country. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Vincent Bagiire,
It is my humble view that it deserves the Ambassadors and High Commissioners
reclassification,” Gen. Odongo said. were equipped with knowledge in
different areas that include; ideology
The President reminded the Ambassadors
and leadership philosophy, civil military
about the story of the National Resistance
relations, the harnessing of resources for
Movement which he said “is a mission-
empowerment and prosperity, logic as
oriented story,” anchored on three points
a tool for understanding reality, tourism
of; creating prosperity for the people of
opportunities in the country, commercial
Uganda, creating strategic security and
and economic diplomacy, the NRM
fraternity among the African people.
Manifesto, National Development Plan III,
“There’s no way Uganda can be alright investment opportunities in the country,
if the rest of Africa is not alright. The digital and cyber diplomacy and the role of
work of the Ambassadors should be part foreign service in maintenance of stability
and parcel of the four (4) principles of in the face of terrorism.

The Presidency | March 2022 35

SOROTI CITY: The President reminded the people of the
three regions to concentrate on intensive
President Yoweri Museveni launched the
farming with enterprises that have high
livestock compensation payments for
returns and leave extensive agriculture
claimants and beneficiaries from Acholi,
to farmers with huge chunks of land. He
Lango and Teso sub-regions with a strong
reminded the people of the region to grow
call on them to use the money for wealth
on one acre of land fruits then coffee for
creation at house-hold levels by engaging
those who can grow the crop, then on the
in modern commercial and calculated
third acre grow pasture for zero grazing
and on the 4th acre food crops like cassava.
“If you get compensated, use the funds
President Museveni particularly advised
for modern commercial calculated
the people of Teso and Lango sub-regions
agriculture. The only way to get out of
to use the edges of swamps to open up
poverty is through modern agriculture,”
ponds for fish farming instead of growing
he emphasised.
rice that destroys the water bodies.
The ceremony took place at Soroti
On the issue of cattle rustlers f rom
University where Government, political,
Karamoja sub-region, President Museveni
religious and cultural leaders from the
assured the people affected by the vice to
three regions gathered to witness the
remain calm as the Government is soon
launching of the program.
going to resolve that problem.
A total of 25,000 claimants in the first
He however, expressed his sympathies
group from the 29 districts in the three
and condolences to families who lost their
regions will receive their payments as each
loved ones to the rustlers.
district will have funds for its beneficiaries.
“I am very sorry about the people who
President Museveni attributed the delay
have died because of these avoidable
of the compensation exercise to dishonest
problems,” he said.
people who were giving false information
to the verification and validation teams The Vice President Hon Jessica Alupo
about the animals lost. extended her sincere heartfelt condolences
to the people of Acholi sub-region upon
He however, assured the remaining
the loss of the Right Hon. Jacob Oulanyah
benef iciaries that they will be paid
gradually in the subsequent financial “He was a national leader to us all the
years. people of Uganda,” she said.

President Museveni strongly encouraged The Minister of Justice and Constitutional

the beneficiaries of the compensation to Affairs, Hon. Muruli Mukasa, thanked
properly utilise the money for eradication President Museveni and all the
of poverty. He stressed the importance of stakeholders for making the exercise a
following the NRM counsel of embracing success.
modern commercial and calculated
agriculture according to the 4-acre model.

36 The Presidency | March 2022

The Deputy Attorney General, Jackson Kafuuzi thanked the Vice President, Hon.
Karugaba Kafuuzi, said an Inter-Ministerial Jessica Alupo, as well as the Speaker of
Verification Committee was constituted Parliament, the Rt. Hon. Anita Among,
to verify, evaluate and confirm claims of and other stakeholders for supporting
genuine livestock claimants/beneficiaries the programme.
from the affected sub-regions.
The Minister of State for Teso Affairs, Hon.
He said the Committee, in conjunction Kenneth Obote Ongalo, described the day
with the Local Government authorities, as a big one for the people of the three
conducted a verification exercise in 2016 sub-regions as the long awaited exercise
and a report was submitted to the Office of compensation was finally kick started
of the President. by President Museveni.

“The report submitted had claimants/ He thanked President Museveni for

beneficiaries from the three sub-regions supporting the people of Teso when they
including; Acholi sub-region 16,946, Lango lost their Cultural Leader Papa Emorimor
sub-region 42,042 and Teso sub-region Augustine Osuban.
33,664, totaling to 92,652 beneficiaries,”
The LC 1 Chairperson of University
he said.
Cell, Charles Oluka, thanked President
In the FY 2021/2022, MOJCA budgeted Museveni for the University and reported
for and received UGX Shs 50billion in that his area was peaceful as manifested
respect of compensation for the war debt by the development activities now taking
claimants from the sub-regions of Acholi, place.
Lango and Teso. The Sub-regions comprise
President Museveni later handed out
of 29 districts.
dummy cheques to the first beneficiaries;
A total number of the submissions from one from each of the three sub-regions of
the districts received to date by the Acholi, Lango and Teso.
Ministry stands at over 25,000 claimants/

President Museveni hands over a dummy cheque to one of the beneficiaries at

the ceremony

The Presidency | March 2022 37


“Let us plan, prioritise and resolve the issue denominational lines and later taken
of constructing simple and cost effective over by the Government, played a big
schools that will cover everybody instead of role in producing resourceful persons
building storied flats that are very expensive” as was seen by the alumni present at
President Museveni the function.
TESO COLLEGE, SOROTI CITY: “Modern education was initially
President Yoweri Museveni called spearheaded by churches supported
for the construction of simple, cost by colonial Governments like Buddo,
effective structures at the institutions Kisubi, Mwiri and Nyakasura were all
of learning that will leave room for the church founded. In the East there was
expansion and accommodate more St. Peters Tororo, Ngora High School
students. and others,” he said.
“Let us plan, prioritise and resolve The President further gave an account
the issue of constructing simple and of the old schools that were founded
cost effective schools that will cover by Government and were very few like
everybody instead of building storied Teso College Aloet, Sir Samuel Baker,
flats that are very expensive,” he said. Ntare and Butobere.
The President made his remarks while He pointed out the NRM strategy of
officiating at the commissioning of the constructing a secondary school at
Alumni Library and E-Learning Centre every sub-county and added that the
at Teso College - Aloet West Wing near old schools that played a big role in the
Soroti City. education sector had to be refurbished.
The Alumni of Teso College Aloet, the “Along the way we saw that old schools
school that was founded in 1954, pooled needed attention one of them was
resources and constructed the state of Masaba SSS,” he said.
the art facility at the cost of over UGX
President Museveni said following the
700 million.
fund raising drive organised by the
President Museveni launched the management of Masaba SSS, he noted
construction of the Alumni Library on that the rehabilitation exercise would
the 26th July 2015 and commissioned not go far and proposed to develop
the structure on 26th March, 2022. a programme that would see the old
schools in the country rehabilitated
The President who thanked the
and expanded at the cost of UGX 500
Alumni of Teso College Aloet for
million that was required at Masaba
their initiative observed that the
old schools though founded along

38 The Presidency | March 2022

Let us plan,
prioritise and
resolve the issue of
constructing simple
and cost effective
schools that will
cover everybody
instead of building
storied flats that
are very expensive

Students of Teso College-Aloet cheer President Museveni during his visit to the school

The Presidency | March 2022 39

He however, attributed the delay of President and congratulated the Rt.
the rehabilitation of the old schools to Hon. Anita Among for her election as
poor planning by the Commissioners in the new Speaker of Parliament.
the Education ministry who preferred
The First Lady also extended her
to build expensive storied structures.
condolences to the family, Members of
He therefore, called on all concerned Parliament and to all people of Uganda
to plan for simple structures that can upon the demise of the Speaker of
be spread all over the country and are Parliament Jacob Oulanyah.
“We join the people of Uganda in
The President later pledged to provide mourning the late Oulanyah,” she said.
computers to the Alumni library of Teso
The President of Teso College Aloet
College Aloet.
Alumni, Professor Godfrey Akileng,
Awards were given to some of the thanked President Museveni for
Alumni of Teso College Aloet for their honoring their invitation adding that
distinguished service to the nation the Alumni was founded in 2014 and has
and among them the recipients was since supported the college in various
the Principal Private Secretary to the areas including the construction of the
President, Dr. Kenneth Omona. Alumni library.
The Vice President Hon. Jessica Alupo He said the College has produced
pointed out that it was during her time prominent people now serving in the
of stewardship in the Education and Government that include the Rt. Hon.
Sports Ministry that President Museveni Deputy Prime Minister; Moses Ali, the
mooted the idea of refurbishing old PPS to the President; Dr. Kenneth
schools in the country and Teso College Omona, Medical Doctors, Military
Aloet was one of the beneficiaries. personnel, the former Commissioner
General Uganda Revenue Authority;
She appreciated Mrs. Janet Museveni for
Besweri Akabwai, Professor Pius
continuing with the project of building
Okong, the Secretary to the treasury
the human resource by constructing
Mr. Ocailap among many others.
more schools in the country.
The Head Teacher of the School West
The Minister of Education and Sports
Wing Mr. Opasso Julius thanked
Mrs. Janet Museveni in her message
President Museveni for supporting
presented by the State Minister for
Teso College Aloet and conveyed his
Sports, Hon Dennis Obua, thanked
appreciation to the Alumni of teso
the President for the construction of
College Aloet for the great support
117 seed secondary schools spread
they continue to offer to the College.
throughout the country and of which
seven are in Teso sub-region. Present was the newly elected Speaker
of Parliament the Rt. Hon. Anita Among.
She also thanked President Museveni
for appointing the daughter of the
soil, Rtd. Maj. Jessica Alupo, as the Vice

40 The Presidency | March 2022

KYENJOJO DISTRICT: The Presidential Industrial Hubs managed
under State House are set to revolutionise
The Tooro Presidential Industrial Hub will
youth empowerment and drive to promote
train youth in different skills including
social transformation of the Ugandan
bakery, block making and stone cutting,
society from a predominant peasant and
shoe making, tailoring and knitting,
low-income economy to a competitive
coffee and maize processing, welding,
middle-income economy.
hair dressing and others through common
user facilities to empower them to join She however warned leaders against
the money economy, the State House any form of corruption in selecting the
Comptroller Jane Barekye said. beneficiaries that may fail this program.
Ms Barekye was meeting district leaders Eng. Kamugisha Raymond, the Head of
from Rwenzori sub-region on Saturday the Presidential Industrial Hubs applauded
at Kijwiga Village, Kyenjojo District, said President Museveni for initiative aimed at
that the programme intends to assist the empowering youth into money economy.
youth who have not had a chance to go
Eng. Kamugisha said that training will be
to school but can get skills which will
conducted in the local languages so that
help them earn some money and join the
everyone is able to understand.
money economy.
“There will be no use of English in order
The Tooro Presidential Industrial Hub,
not to leave anybody behind since the
one of the 21 Presidential Industrial
programme is targeting the youth who
Hubs around the country, is one of the
have not had a chance to go to school,”
President’s initiatives to skill Ugandan
he said.
youth and can accommodate up to 300
students per semester. He said that the youth who will be studying
from the Presidential Industrial Hubs will
The leaders at the meeting included
also have a chance to go through exercises
RDCs, LCV Chairpersons and District NRM
and drills (Kyakamukyaka) to keep them
Chairmen, from the districts of Kabarole,
fit and healthy and will be assisted by the
Kyenjojo, Kyegegwa, Kasese, Bundibugyo,
Kamwenge and Kitagwenda.
John Nyakahuma, the Chief Administrative
The meeting was held to explain to the
officer (CAO) of Kyenjojo District, hailed
leaders the benefits and the guidelines of
Government for giving a chance to
the regional Presidential Industrial Hubs as
uneducated youth to get skills that enable
they prepare to officially commission them
them to fight poverty in their villages.
and start using them to skill the youth.
Gilbert Rubaihayo, Chairman LCV Kyenjojo
“No student will pay any school fees,
District, thanked the President for fulfilling
Government will cater for the welfare of the
his pledge of setting up skills training
students and therefore they’re required to
industrial hubs for the needy people and
only report at the industrial hub after going
trusting the local leaders to be part of the
through all other necessary processes and
they will be fed and taught at the industrial
hub for six months and graduate with
certificates,” she said.

The Presidency | March 2022 41


“There are bad roads inside Congo which

The President and his guests discussed
the Government of Uganda is working
various issues on strengthening Uganda’s
on. It would be good if your Government
supported this” President Museveni cooperation with France.

Using his local situation as an example,

the President said people from his home
President Yoweri Museveni said that for the area are cattle keepers, produce milk, beef
last 600 years Africa has developed many and matooke.
linkages with Europe through sharing
“They don’t buy their products because
various things including governance,
they have similar goods but instead their
democracy, multi-party politics and even
products are bought by the people in
speak the same language like English
Kampala and they too buy goods from
and differ on some issues like gay rights
Kampala such as clothes etc,” he said.
because “we still think it’s not a normal
way” of life. He said promoting one’s identity over
interests hinders wealth creation as there
He however, said the weakness in Europe
would be lack of markets for their products.
is its deficiency in following up ideas of
accumulating wealth through socio- The President said Uganda has surplus
economic transformation. production of maize, sugar, etc, which
are consumed by other countries thus
“They don’t have spectacles to see
creating wealth through exportation.
opportunities and utilise them effectively,”
he said. Regarding the security situation, the
President said Uganda has played a big
He cited an example of opportunities in
role in fighting terrorists in the region
Uganda which aren’t seen by the Europeans
and is also promoting regional trade by
but Chinese who are awake come and
building roads in other countries like the
immediately identify the opportunities in
Democratic Republic of Congo.
infrastructure development, trade, mineral
development, etc. President said Uganda is investing in
maintaining peace and promoting trade
He noted that there is under-utilisation of
and has built hard surface roads to the
resources in Africa because of sectarianism
borders of DR Congo, South Sudan, etc.
and promoting identity instead of interests
of the people. “There are bad roads inside Congo which
the Government of Uganda is working
The President was presenting a lecture
on. It would be good if your Government
of opportunity to a delegation from
supported this,” he said.
France led by Mr. Remy Rioux, the Chief
Executive Officer of the Agence Française On Environmental conservation, President
de Développement Group of France and Museveni urged the French Government
Mr. Hatem Chakroun, Directeur-French to support Uganda’s conservation efforts
Agency of Development in Uganda at by training farmers against farming in
State House, Entebbe. swamps.

42 The Presidency | March 2022

Mr. Hatem Chakroun, Directeur-French Other leaders of the delegation included
Agency of Development appreciated H.E Jules-Armand Aniambossou; the
the President for the good lecture and Ambassador of France to Uganda, Mr.
called for strengthening of the bilateral Tristan Mouline; Chief of Staff, French
relationship between Uganda and France. Agency of Development, Mrs Cynthia
Fleury; Professor of the “Humanities and
He said France is working on the problem
Health” Chair at the Conservatoire National
of environment degradation practiced by
des Arts et Metiers, Mrs Helene Ngarnim;
rice farmers in the valley of the Senegal
the Regional Director for East Africa-
River which has led to soil exhaustion and
French Agency of Development, Mr. Hatem
said Uganda has a similar problem which
Chakroun Directeur; French Agency of
can be handled.
Development, Mr Jeremy Pellet; Director
Mr. Hatem said they are on a regional General-Expertise France, Mrs Anais
mission and asked the President for Rieu Communication Officer; Expertise
guidance on regional integration in the France, Mr Jean-Francois HASPERUE; First
Great Lakes regions. Counsellor, Uganda’s Minister of Energy
In response, the President cited blocks and Mineral Development; Hon. Ruth
like the Common Market for Eastern and Nankabirwa and Andrew Mwenda; the
Southern Africa (COMESA), Southern Executive Director of The Independent
African Development Community (SADC), news magazine.
Economic Community of West African
States (ECOWAS) and EAC that are key.
He also cited Continental Free Trade Area

President Museveni speaks to the French delegation at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | March 2022 43


“I have been involved in these efforts for

almost 60 years and this is really very
pleasant that DRC has finally reconnected
formally. What we call DRC now was part
of Great Lakes. We were connected before
colonialism. But when colonialism came
we got disconnected. It is good we are
assembling. In 1960, towards the end, even
Zambia and Somalia had applied to join
the Community,” Museveni said.

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Museveni addresses the 19th

Extraordinary Summit of the EAC Heads of
East African Heads of State officially
State Summit
admitted the Democratic Republic
of Congo (DRC) into the East African
Community effectively making it the latest wealth, create more opportunities for
and largest member of the trading block. investment and services across without
hindrance, and for easy movement of
During the EAC Heads of State 19th
goods and services in the EAC.
Extra-Ordinary Summit held virtually,
the summit considered the report of the “Today, EAC Heads of State by show
Council of Ministers on the negotiations of hands adopted the agenda and
between the East African Community unanimously seconded the programme
(EAC) and the Democratic Republic of of integrating DRC in the EAC region,”
the Congo (DRC) on admission of DRC he said.
into the EAC.
President Yoweri Museveni described the
EAC Heads of State officially admitted the joining of EAC by DRC as a big event of
Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) great significance.
into the East African Community.
“I have been involved in these efforts for
Kenya’s President Uhuru Kenyatta, Chair almost 60 years and this is really very
of the Summit of EAC Heads of States pleasant that DRC has finally reconnected
announced the admission of DRC to the formally. What we call DRC now was part
East African Community during the 19th of Great Lakes. We were connected before
Extra-Ordinary Summit of EAC Heads of colonialism. But when colonialism came
State. we got disconnected. It is good we are
assembling. In 1960, towards the end, even
President Uhuru Kenyatta said DRC was
Zambia and Somalia had applied to join
first assessed by a council of the EAC
the Community,” Museveni said.
ministers who concluded that the DRC is
eligible to join the EAC, adding, that the Museveni said DRC’s coming is very crucial
aim of regional integration blocks is to and that, “it is good it has happened when
strengthen our relationship, expand our I am alive.”
markets for goods and services, create

44 The Presidency | March 2022

“This means this part of the world is South Sudan also welcomed the DRC to
connected to coast. For people looking the community and said they look forward
for prosperity, this is good contribution. to consolidating peace and security.
Prosperity means we produce and sell.
Hon. Bernaba Marial Benjamin, the
The more buyers you have, the better. On Minister of Presidential Affairs of South
behalf of the people of Uganda, I welcome Sudan, who represented President Salva
H.E. Tshisekedi and DRC in joining us,” he Kiir Mayardit.
congratulated DRC and revealed that
The President said they now need to work they are looking forward to consolidating
on issue of peace in Eastern DRC. peace in South Sudan and he promised to
continue working with the EAC.
“That area has been disturbed for a long
time by different groups. If we work “The Republic of South Sudan openly
together, that problem can be resolved. welcomes DRC into the region. The
I thank President Uhuru for chairing admission of DRC strengthens the bloc,”
the Summit and thank everybody for Hon. Barnaba Marial said.
supporting the reassembling of the African
The First Deputy Prime Minister of Uganda
people,” he said.
and Minister for East African Community
President Museveni urged all the Heads Affairs, Rt. Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, said the
of State of the EAC to work on the issue Democratic Republic of Congo will be
of peace collectively. expected to sign the deed of Accession to
the Treaty with H.E Uhuru Muigai Kenyatta,
Rwanda’s President , H.E. Paul Kagame
Chair of the Summit by the I4th April
also congratulated DRC on joining the
2022. Thereafter, the DRC will handle
block and pledged to always play its role
internal processes leading to deposit of
in the EAC.
instruments of ratification.
The President of Tanzania, H.E. Samia
Dr. Peter Mutuku Mathuki, the Secretary
Suluhu Hassan, welcomed DRC to the
General of EAC on behalf of other Heads
EAC and urged the new entrant to take
of State of EAC first consoled H.E. Yoweri
advantage of broader market for goods
Kaguta Museveni, and Uganda for the
and services, security, peace and trade.
demise of a National Speaker, Rt. Hon.
“The United Republic of Tanzania heartily Jacob Oulanyah.
welcomes DRC into the bloc. KAZI
He read the meeting resolutions and
IENDELEE!” H.E Samia Suluhu- President,
thanked the Excellencies for the profound
United Republic of Tanzania said.
support to the integration process.
The Vice President of Burundi, H.E Prosper
Trade in Eastern Africa is set for a boost
Bazombanza who represented President
after officially welcoming the Democratic
H.E. Evariste Ndayishimiye, thanked the
Republic of Congo (DRC), into the East
Almighty God who okayed the great event
Africa Community (EAC).
to take place today.
The DRC is the largest and most populous
He welcomed DRC on board and said they
country to join the EAC, bringing a market
are now convinced that the integration
of 90 million people and immediately
agenda will be achieved and promised
upgrading the region’s GDP from $193
to contribute to peace, stability and
billion to $240 billion, according to reports.
development of the EAC.

The Presidency | March 2022 45


“Elections are good medicine for politics Amb. Cherif Oualid relayed greetings
if it is free and everybody participates, it from President Abdelmadjid Tebboune
disciplines leaders. Leaders learn how to of the Democratic Republic of Algeria
be careful with the people. If not careful, and also delivered condolence message
they can’t elect you” Museveni said. to the President and the people of
Uganda upon the death of the Speaker
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanyah.
President Yoweri Museveni received “The security situation in Algeria is
credentials f rom 8 new envoys much better now, our next battle is
including; the Republic of Cuba, economic recovery,” he said.
People’s Democratic Republic of
While meeting the new South Korean
Algeria, Republic of South Korea, the
Ambassador to Uganda, H.E. Park
State of Libya, the Republic of Colombia,
Sung-Soo, President Museveni called
the Republic of Sierra Leone, the State
for unity between South and North
of Israel and the Kingdom of Thailand.
Korea, saying a united Korea can be a
During his meeting with the new very strong power centre. He welcomed
Cuban envoy to Uganda, Mrs. Tania the Ambassador to Uganda.
Pérez Xiqués, the President said he
Amb. Park Sung-Soo relayed warm
is looking forward to strengthening
greetings from the President of the
the bilateral relationship between
Republic of South Korea, H.E. Moon
their two countries. H.E. Amb. Xiqués
Jae-in, to President Museveni and the
relayed greetings f rom President
people of Uganda. He also briefed the
Miguel Díaz-Canel of Cuba to President
President about the situation in South
Museveni and also briefed him about
the situation in Cuba. She said her
country is recovering well from the President Museveni later met the new
COVID-19 pandemic. Ambassador of the State of Libya to
Uganda H.E. Ibrahim Ahmed Sultan,
President Museveni also welcomed the
with whom they discussed the situation
new Algerian Ambassador to Uganda,
in Libya.
H.E. Cherif Oualid, with whom they
discussed various issues including President Museveni said elections are
the situation in Western Sahara, good medicine for politics if it is free
regional security and the economic and everybody participates.
“It disciplines leaders. Leaders learn
how to be careful with the people. If
not careful, they can’t elect you,” he
said. He called on the leaders to ensure
that all parties participate without any

46 The Presidency | March 2022

Amb. Ibrahim Ahmed Sultan delivered The President called for the
greetings from the Chairman of the implementation of a two-state solution
Presidential Council of the State of and also called on the African Union
Libya, H.E. Mohamed al-Menf i to to let Israel be an observer at the
President Museveni and thanked him African Union. He also called for Israel
for being a great friend of the people to establish an Embassy in Kampala.
of Libya.
The President met the new Thailand
“Libya has suffered a lot for many years. Ambassador to Uganda Mrs. Sasirit
We got to know our true friends like Tangulrat who relayed greetings from
Uganda who opened their doors and the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of
welcomed us,” he said. Thailand, General Prayuth Chan-o-cha
(Ret), to President Museveni.
In a meeting with the new Ambassador
of Colombia to Uganda H.E. Monica She congratulated President Museveni
De Greiff Lindo, President Museveni upon his recent election victory and
welcomed her to Uganda and commended Uganda’s efforts in the
encouraged her to exploit the rich fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
natural resources that the two countries
She said despite her country’s economy
compete with to promote their mutual
being affected by the COVID 19
pandemic, it is recovering gradually
Amb. De Greiff relayed greetings with support from the export sector.
from the President of the Republic of She said her country was now open
Colombia H.E. Iván Duque Márquez, for business without any COVID-19
to President Museveni and said she restrictions.
looked forward to working with him
The meeting was attended by among
in Uganda.
others; Hon. John Mulimba; Minister
President Museveni also met the new of State for Foreign Affairs in charge of
Sierra Leone High Commissioner Regional Coorporation, Vincent Waiswa
to Uganda, H.E. Isatu A. Bundu, a Bagiire; the Permanent Secretary
daughter to current Speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador
Sierra Leone Parliament and former Julius Kivuna; Head for Regional Peace
commonwealth observer in the 1980 and Security Department, Ministry of
elections in Uganda. Foreign Affairs, Mrs Joyce Onek; Head
of the Department of International
Ms Bundu relayed greetings from the
Economic Cooperation.
President of the Republic of Sierra
Leone, H.E. Julius Maada Wonie Bio.
Later, the President met the new Israel
Envoy to Uganda H.E. Micheal Lotem,
who briefed him about the situation
in Israel. He also delivered greetings
from the Prime Minister of the State of
Israel, H.E. Naftali Bennett to President

The Presidency | March 2022 47

8th MARCH, 2022
Your Excellency the Vice President; Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow” stresses the
Your Lordship the Chief Justice; fact that what we achieved in gender equality
The Right Honorable Prime Minister; and women’s empowerment is the basis for
Rt. Honorable Deputy Prime Ministers; securing sustainable development and hence
Hon. Ministers; a sustainable future. Sustainable development
Honorable Members of Parliament; refers to the ability to meet the needs of the
Your Excellencies the Ambassadors and High present generation without compromising
Commissioners; the ability of the future generation to meet
Your Royal Highnesses the Cultural and Traditional their own needs.
Religious Leaders; This, therefore, enables us to use the
Development Partners; experience of the past and present to guide
Ladies and Gentlemen. the goals for the future. At the center of
sustainable development is the need to ably
I salute all Ugandans on this occasion to address climate change and environmental
commemorate the International Women’s Day. degradation, the effects of which have come
Since 1991 when this day was gazetted as a in the form of draught, floods, and other
national day and a public holiday, the National natural disasters that affect the productivity
Resistance Movement (NRM) Government has and livelihoods of communities.
been able to demonstrate its commitment to
Our focus now is to take advantage of the
achieve women’s social, economic and political
gains in women’s empowerment to strengthen
emancipation. This has been achieved through
the efforts for tackling and mitigating the
a supportive legal and policy framework as
impact of climate change and environmental
well as programmes that provide women and
all community members with the required
services for improved livelihoods and well- The National Resistance Movement (NRM)
being. Government placed the emancipation of
women at the forefront of its agenda and the
On this day, we remember all women of
benefits of the supportive policies and laws
Uganda for their contribution to national
are evident today. One of the key milestones
development in different ways. The majority
of this Government was the promulgation
of women till the land to sustain their families
of the 1995 Constitution which ushered in
or work as labourers in commercial agriculture
provisions for women’s increased participation
and in the informal sector. Women are
in political leadership and recognition of their
providing care for the sick in health units
roles in social economic development.
and at home, they are selling produce in the
markets, teaching the young ones, serving in Some of the recognisable indicators of the
the Armed Forces and many other professional progress in the status of women are in the
fields. Today, we recognise all of them for following areas:
their contribution towards our achievement
Education and literacy:
as a country.
Presently, most of our children are in school.
I am, therefore, pleased that the theme
More girls than before are attending schooling.
selected for commemorating this year’s
For example, girl’s enrollment in Primary school
International Women’s Day: “Gender Equality
was at 24.6 % in 2001 and rose to the current

48 The Presidency | March 2022

49.9%. Uganda has attained 30 km of the main drinking global target set for 30%
gender parity in Primary water source. representation of women in
Education. Literacy rates of the national legislature. It is
Increased power generation
females have improved from also a significant increase
and expansion of electricity:
70% in 2012 to 71% in 2020. The from 18% in 1996.
Literacy rate for females now Access to grid electricity
In addition to political
stands at 72% (UBOS 2019/20), among Uganda’s households
participation, we have
an improvement from 68% in has increased from 14% in
prioritised the participation
2002. This is still lower than 2012/13 to 24% in 2020. The
of women in our development
literacy rate for men at 81%. national electricity access rate
agenda that will guarantee
comprising both grid and off-
Skilling Uganda in Business, a sustainable future for our
grid connections, stands at
Technical, Vocational country. Our Vision 2040
57% (UBOS 2020). The target
Education and Training is a transformed society
is to ensure that 60% of the
(BTVET): Reforms in this from a peasant to a modern
population have access to
sub-sector have contributed and prosperous country,
electricity by 2025.
to increased enrolment of where men and women are
females in this area, from Infrastructure: accorded opportunity to
28.5% in 2007 to 34.6% in participate as equal partners
Government’s increased
2016 (MoES Factsheet). These in development. It will be
investment in infrastructure
efforts will lead to increased paramount for us to reduce
has facilitated production,
participation of women in gender inequalities as a
trade including movement
the Manufacturing and ICT prerequisite for accelerating
of goods, value addition
Sectors. and sustaining socio-
and access to services.
economic transformation.
Health: These investments
Uganda, under the NRM
include construction and
Health services have improved Government, will continue
maintenance of national,
and the maternal mortality to treat women and
district and community
rate has progressively men as equal partners in
roads. There has been an
declined to 336 deaths per development right f rom
increase in ICT infrastructure
100,000 live births from 438 household to national level.
development and uptake of
in 2011. 73% of births are
services by the population. These areas of progress for
delivered in a health facility,
As of 2020, 74 percent of women set a firm foundation
an increase from 57% in 2011.
households owned a mobile for ensuring a sustainable
Nine in every ten persons
phone and 84% are connected future, hence Government’s
(91%) can access health care
to internet services which is priority programmes and
within a 5 km radius. This is a
used for social networking. inter ventions provide
good indication of progress
opportunities for women
in the provision of health Political Participation:
to consolidate the gains so
services to the population.
In Cabinet, women Ministers far achieved. The areas of
Access to clean water and are currently 36 percent. In Government’s focus are the
sanitation: the Parliamentary Elections, following:
175 Women were elected as
Nationally, there is an increase Economic growth:
Members of Parliament. Of
in the households using
these, 146 are District/City A growing GDP is vital for
improved water sources
Women Representatives, sustainable development.
which stands at 80% and
13 are representatives of Uganda’s GDP now at 6.5%
83% of households using
Special Interest Groups and per annum is projected to
pit latrines. Overall, 79% of
16 are directly elected. This increase with good prospects
households have access to
gives us a percentage of of transforming Uganda into
improved source of drinking
34% which is still above the a modern, industrial and
water and 96% are within

The Presidency | March 2022 49

prosperous nation. The role important mechanism Expanding markets for
of women is critical here, as adopted by the NRM goods and products: The
producers, traders, marketers government to achieve this. NRM government has
and promoters of value put attention on wealth
Conserving biodiversity:
addition. creation at household
Expanding the forest cover and community levels as
Overall, poverty levels have
through forestation and a prerequisite for overall
remained the same since last
re-afforestation of timber national transformation. To
year but the overall population
and fruit trees is one of the this end, the Wealth Creation
in poverty is slightly low at
aspects of conserving bio Model and now the PDM are
20.3%, a decrease from 21.4%
diversity. Women are key geared towards enhancing
in 2017.
players in this area because of household income. The
Most importantly, the Parish their indigenous knowledge national coverage of these
Development Model which I and constant relationship programmes is ultimately
launched last week is a game with the environment as they meant to ensure that every
changer because it focuses on play their day to day roles of Ugandan is on board.
family enterprises for poverty production.
The progress notwithstanding,
eradication and is available to
Water conservation: there are some challenges
all parishes in Uganda. Under
that we still have to tackle
the specialised pillars of the Women are the primary
within the current situation
programme, duplication will users of water because
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
be avoided and available of their caring roles that
I commend Ugandans
resources will be utilised involve fetching and using
for their cooperation with
efficiently. Mobilisation of water for cooking, washing
Government to implement
SACCOs is already ongoing and cleaning. Whereas
the measures that were put
and this will facilitate Government has embarked
in place to contain the spread
organised production and on increasing water coverage,
of COVID-19. The measures led
marketing. our scientists must develop
to success in controlling the
and disseminate appropriate
Modernising agriculture; spread of the virus, morbidity
technologies for conserving
was reduced to manageable
The Agriculture sector is the water.
levels by the health care
the largest employer with
Industrialisation: system and mortality rates
females at 73.1 % and males
The NRM Government has remained relatively low as
at 63.0 %. The predominant
identified the necessity to compared to other counties
rain fed agriculture is not
involve the private sector in around the world.
sustainable especially in
areas prone to drought. expanding non-traditional Having persevered through
Government has introduced exports, focusing on the worst periods of the
irrigation systems to support expanding external markets pandemic, I now call on
food production and security. and providing incentives for Ugandans to intensify their
The Government will provide most efficient small firms livelihood activities in order
direct support to 68% of the to grow. We have also to revitalise the economy
population to get out of focused on reducing the and move towards our
subsistence farming. Our costs of production such as goal for social economic
focus is to get every woman electricity and allocating transformation. This will only
and man out of poverty more credit (working capital) be achieved when all of us
through commercialisation to manufacturing. Our aim continue to observe the SOPs
of agriculture, value is to satisfy the local market and to take the COVID 19
addition, marketing and while expanding the exports, vaccines which are available
industrialisation. Partnerships to ensure, “not working for throughout the country.
through SACCOs are an the stomach alone.”

50 The Presidency | March 2022

Last month, on 26th February, I launched the
Parish Development Model as the “vehicle”
that will deliver social economic transformation
The 2020 Mastercard
to all communities in Uganda. As with all other
Index of Women Government initiatives, women who constitute
Entrepreneurs (MIWE) 51% of the population are at the center of the
ranked Uganda as one of 7 pillars of the PDM which include support
the top three economies to Emyooga and support to Production,
having the most women storage, Processing and Marketing. 100 million
business enterprises shillings will be available in each of the 10,
owners at 39.6%. Most of 475 parishes across the Country. 30 percent
these businesses are still of this has been earmarked for women. This
translates into Ush.30 million per parish per
micro in nature.
year for women. This means that there will
be money for women enterprises revolving
in the parishes annually.

This year 2022, Uganda will mark 60 years The PDM is, therefore, an opportunity for
of Independence. As we reach yet another women, youth and other interest groups to
milestone, it is necessary for us to reflect on consolidate the gains so far achieved under
the progress and achievements made for the Uganda Women Entrepreneurship
women over the last 60 years. We have had to Programme (UWEP); the Youth Livelihood
struggle against cultural bottlenecks, poverty, Programme (YLP) and Operation Wealth
illiteracy and negative perceptions to bring the Creation (OWC).
women to the level where they are right now.
I now call upon the women to embrace the
In achieving all this, Government has worked services that Government is providing as active
with other stakeholders including Civil Society, participants under the PDM so as to be able
Faith-Based Organisations, Traditional and to obtain its benefits.
Cultural Institutions, the Academia, the Private
I wish to also take this opportunity to
Sector etc. In addition, the partnership we have
emphasise the importance of appreciating
at regional level through the various Regional
the critical role that men play in the process
Economic Communities (RECs) under the
of attaining gender equality and women’s
African region as well as at the United Nations
empowerment. Experience from our journey
and other global forums has supported the
as the NRM Government shows us that it is
national efforts.
only through working together as men and
I applaud this unity and commend the spirit of women, girls and boys, young and old that
partnership that you have exhibited through we reach greater heights.
the collaboration on women’s empowerment.
Looking forward to the future, I would like to
In this respect my Government appreciates the
reiterate the Government’s commitment to
partnership with our Development Partners,
fulfilling the promises that it has made to the
the UN Agencies and other well-intentioned
people of Uganda. These include; better access
to education, better infrastructure, improved
The NRM Government has put in place health services, clean water and sanitation
programmes which provide avenues for facilities for all, as well as the means to create
women, the youth, Persons with Disability, wealth within each household.
older persons and other marginalized groups
I wish all of you and your families joyful
to liberate themselves from poverty and
celebrations as we remember the
engage meaningfully on social economic
achievements attained for the women of
Uganda and look forward to a sustainable
future of prosperity.
State House
Government Citizen Interaction Centre
SRK House, Plot 67a, Lugogo Bypass

Tel: 0414670558
Whatsapp: 0414670288
April, 2022
Dear Reader,
Dear Reader,

This is to present to you the April edition of

our monthly e-magazine, The Presidency.
The monthly e-publication highlights the
major engagements of His Excellency the
President for the month, and is one of
our Open Government initiatives to bring
Government closer to the citizens.

As is the practice, we bring you His Excellency’s

major speech of the month. In this edition,
we have annexed the President’s condolence
message at the burial of the late Rt. Hon.
Jacob L. Oulanyah, the former Speaker of the 11th Parliament. The message read
by the Vice President; H.E. Jessica Alupo, narrated the President’s first attempt
to enlist Northern Uganda, into the fight against Idi Amin in 1973, and how the
late Rt. Hon. Jacob L. Oulanyah had succeeded in uniting the entire Northern

April, 2022, has been the busiest month for the President since we started
production of this e-magazine. Among the key highlights, the President hosted
two Heads of State; President Filipe Nyusi of Mozambique and President Paul
Kagame of Rwanda, hosted two international delegations; UN Population
Fund and EU Human Rights Envoy, delivered an opportunity lecture to three
delegations; Tanzania National Defence College, Burundi National Defence
Senior Command and Staff College and Command and Staff College, Duluti,
among other activities.

Lastly, we encourage the citizens to give us their feedback and suggestions

about the e-magazine and our other services through our platforms; email:, Whatsapp: 0414670288 or through our social media handles;
GCICUganda. We also encourage the citizens who have benefited from the
different interventions, programmes and projects commissioned by the President
to send us their experiences in form of articles. We shall publish them. I now
have the pleasure to present to you the eleventh edition of The Presidency.

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant In-Charge of
Communication & Director Government Citizen
Interaction Centre (GCIC)

4 The Presidency | April 2022

Editorial Team

Duncan Abigaba Robert Sharp Mugabe

Deputy Chief Editor Content Production Manager

Gerald Kansiime Deo Mutumba Peace Akol

Head of Logistics Head of Production Editor

Simon Musoke Magezi F. Kiriinjju Janet Mutesi

Graphical Editor Editor Editor

The Presidency | April 2022 5

Quote of the Month

To be prosperous
in a modern way,
you must produce a
good (coffee, maize)
or a service (hotel,
transport) which you
sell and get money
and develop yourself

President Museveni
“Where I come from, they are cattle “You cannot deal with security threats unless
keepers. They produce milk, beef and you also deal with the economy. The economy
matooke. They cannot sell their products must be strong,” he said.
to themselves since they produce similar The President was giving an opportunity
items. This presents the first wealth lecture to a delegation from the Command
creation principle of patriotism. This gives and Staff College, Duluti, Arusha, Tanzania.
them room to sell their products to the The team comprised of 48 participants
people in Kampala and other parts of the among them; 11 Senior Directing Staff (DS)
Country. Then the money they get they and 34 students. The participants are from
use it to buy other items they need like 09 different countries including Tanzania,
Burundi, Kenya, Bangladesh, Kingdom of
clothes from Kampala and other regions
Eswatini, Egypt, Malawi, Mozambique and
in Uganda.”
President Museveni.
The President gave the delegation a brief
history of Uganda’s liberation story and urged
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri
them to borrow a leaf.
Museveni said that in order for the region to
deal with emerging security threats, it must “We took a holistic picture and you must have
strengthen its economies and empower its known that Uganda had become a failed state
people. just like Somalia and other failed states. And

President Museveni poses for a photo with a delegation from Command and Staff College, Duluti,
Arusha, Tanzania, at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | April 2022 7

the security situation was very bad. That is why He said the third principle is socio-economic
there were so many refugees from Uganda. transformation.

By 1986, we had more than half a million “Here Africans are tasked to run away from
Ugandans as refugees in South Sudan and in staying in grass-thatched houses, stop using
Congo. However, the situation was reversed”, muscle power. This is done through sensitising
he said. them on how to change to modern agro-
production,” he said.
The President cautioned against
the issue of promoting identity On the principle of Democracy,

including that of religion, tribe the President said this allows all
and gender as opposed to political parties to get involved
interests. in free and fair elections and by
so doing, a political leader will
The f ragmentation was on It is important to
serve the people and there will
the question of emphasising ensure that people
live a prosperous life be unity and prosperity for all
identity of tribe, religion and
in a modern way. In since they look for votes from
gender instead of interests.
order to do that, you all people irrespective of their
President Museveni said it is need money. And identity such.
important to ensure that people to get money, you
need to engage in the The team leader and College
live a prosperous life in a modern
production of goods Commandant Brig. Gen. SD
way by having enough food,
and services. If you Ghuliku said their tour is under
clothing, good houses, good
don’t get money the theme; “Regional blocs,
education, good health, etc. through production, combined combat readiness
“In order to do that, you need the alternative is to handle emerging security
to beg money from
money. And to get money, threats” and they selected
other people
you need to engage in the Uganda as their case study.
production of goods and

Brig. Gen. SD Ghuliku said the
services. If you don’t get
wisdom imparted in them will
money through production, the
go a long way in their military
alternative is to beg money from
career and after retirement.
other people,” he said.
Brig. Ghuliku said they are indebted to the East
President Museveni said Uganda had a big
Africa Community (EAC) and other regional
problem of subsistence farming where people
blocs where each one from the group belong,
would produce for ‘eating’ and forget about
to safeguard the peace and security of own
production for the ‘pocket’ money.
people and be at the forefront in the military
“Where I come from, they are cattle keepers. cooperation and integration of their countries
They produce milk, beef and matooke. They as they will be directed by their leaders so as to
cannot sell their products to themselves since be able to mitigate or eradicate the emerging
they produce similar items. This presents the security threats within their communities.
first wealth creation principle of patriotism.
The delegation later presented gifts to
This gives them room to sell their products to
President Museveni as a sign of appreciation
the people in Kampala and other parts of the
for the warm welcome to Uganda.
Country. Then the money they get they use it
to buy other items they need like clothes from
Kampala and other regions in Uganda,” he said.

The President said with surplus production

comes the principle of Pan-Africanism where
surplus goods are sold to other countries.

8 The Presidency | April 2022

Our political movement started in the 1960s “And this is the problem disturbing Sudan
as a student movement. Our line was non- and Yemen. I advise them to borrow a leaf
sectarianism. We don’t accept politics of from Uganda,” the President said.
identity. We emphasised interest because
our interests are similar. A Christian and The President said that sectarianism is a
a Moslem, a pagan all have hunger, all fall political problem which can be handled.
sick, all have thirst, if it’s cold, all feel cold. So “You fight it by rejecting it. Yes, there some
this business of identity of religion, of tribe or people who oppose but we have defeated
gender is useless,” them with logic, through reasoning
President Museveni. showing that their ideology is a pseudo
(false) ideology,” he added.
Museveni received a special gift from the “In case I have malaria and the doctor says
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, presented by the I have been “bewitched”, this is a false
Ambassador, H.E. Jamal Al-Madani, who led diagnosis. So, if you do a wrong diagnosis
a delegation to State House, Entebbe. The I cannot get cured. Therefore, if somebody
gift was in recognition of the President’s says prosperity comes from identity, it’s
efforts in strengthening bilateral relations wrong.”
between the two countries. H.E. Museveni The President mentioned that he has been
and the delegation held bilateral in the struggle for more than 60 years with
discussions on various issues. enough experience and so promised to
During their discussions, President invite the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia to
Museveni narrated to the group, facts on discuss important issues on development.
Uganda’s journey to success. He asked the Ambassador to inform the
Prince about his invitation.
“Our political movement started in the
1960s as a student movement. Our line In response, H.E. Al-Madani thanked the
was non-sectarianism. We don’t accept president for hosting his delegation.
politics of identity. We emphasised He presented to the President a letter from
interest because our interests are similar. the Government of Saudi Arabia to Uganda
A Christian and a Moslem, a pagan all indicating that they officially submitted
have hunger, all fall sick, all have thirst, if their candidacy to host Expo 2030 in the
it’s cold, all feel cold. So this business of city of Riyadh under the theme “The Era
identity of religion, of tribe or gender is of Change: Leading the Planet towards a
useless,” President Museveni said. foresighted tomorrow”. He requested for
H.E. Museveni said that in 1989 when Gen. Uganda’s support. The President promised
Omar al- Bashir, the former President to study the request and see how to handle
of Sudan came into Government, he it.
warned him not to accept sectarianism The Saudi Ambassador revealed to the
and advised him to focus on the interests President a planned visit of a special envoy
of all people of Sudan, but he refused. from the King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin

The Presidency | April 2022 9

Abdulaziz Al Saud, on May 23rd, 2022. The Joint Technical Committee to review this
President approved it. agreement which is expiring in December
this year as well as tackle the issues
The Ambassador described the terrible
surrounding migrant workers to Saudi
state in Yemen, about terrorist attacks both
in civil and economic areas and appreciated
Uganda’s support to combatting the vice. The Ambassador revealed that there are
150,000 Ugandan workers in Saudi Arabia
He said Uganda and Saudi Arabia had
that resulted into transferring one billion
signed four agreements. Two were
U.S dollars to Uganda last year.
concluded during the visit of the Minister
of State for Africa State Affairs in October In conclusion, he reported to President
2021 and witnessed by H.E. the President. Museveni the seven pending agreements
with Uganda due to bureaucracy.
He said the Bilateral Services Agreement
(BASA) was initiated on October 22nd, 2015 In response, President Museveni instructed
and plans are underway for final signing. Uganda’s Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, H.E
Beatrice Pachunega, to resolve the issue
H.E. Al-Madani said Saudi Airlines
in two weeks’ time.
commenced flights to Uganda on February
1st, 2022, while Uganda Airlines has been Other dignitaries who attended the
granted rights to fly to Riyadh and Tushd meeting included members of the
whereas the Ugandan authorities are in diplomatic staff at the Saudi Arabia
the process of granting Flynas, a second embassy namely; Mrs. Najah Sadik K.
Saudi Airline, rights to fly to Uganda. Altunessi, Mr.Khashram Abdullah H.Alsheri,
Mr.Wyman Exam A.Halwany and Mr.Hamza
He quoted the Memorandum of
Abdul Malik Loire.
Understanding (MOU) on Recruitment
and Employment of Ugandan migrant The delegation also expressed deepest
workers of December 27th, 2017, which condolences to the Government and people
amended the 2015 agreement. of Uganda for the loss of the Speaker of
Parliament, Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanya, and
He said during the last visit of the Minister
wished the soul of the departed eternal
of Gender, Labour and Social Development,
Hon. Betty Amongi, to Riyadh in January
this year, the two sides agreed to form a

President Museveni meets the Saudi Arabia Embassy Delegation at State House, Entebbe

10 The Presidency | April 2022


KOLOLO CEREMONIAL GROUNDS: for Oulanyah at Kololo Ceremonial

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni Grounds, led by the Archbishop of
assured the family of the late Speaker the Church of Uganda, The Most Rev.
of Parliament, Rt. Hon Jacob Oulanyah, Stephen Kazimba Mugalu.
that Government would support them
The President commended the late
to continue the work that the late
Omoro County MP for having used
Speaker had started.
his talents well while on earth and
“We shall support you so that you promised to support Jacob Oulanyah
continue the good work of Oulanyah,” Education Trust Fund that has been
Museveni said. set up to educate the former Speaker’s
children and others who depended on
The President was speaking to
mourners at a state funeral service

President Museveni lays a wreath at the casket containing remains of former

Speaker, Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanyah

The Presidency | April 2022 11

“Government will contribute to that as it seems he had created in the short
Fund so that the family continues,” the time he was there. I need to salute
President said. Oulanyah and commend him as an
example to you people,” he noted.
Earlier, the Speaker of Parliament, Rt.
Hon. Anita Annet Among, informed The President blasted opportunists
the President that during a special who think Oulanyah was speaker
session to honour the works of the of Northern Uganda alone and not
late Speaker, Parliament resolved to the whole Uganda despite the
contribute 554 million shillings to overwhelming support given to him
the Oulanyah Education Fund and by the National Resistance Movement
designated March 24th of every year (NRM) party.
to have a Jacob Oulanyah Memorial
“Oulanyah was not a Speaker of the
North. He was a Speaker of

“Your Excellency, Sir, we Uganda. NRM supported
want to promise you, I and him because he was a good
my Deputy Speaker, we cadre. We supported him
know you had a lot of hopes Oulanyah was because of his Patriotism
in the 11th Parliament. We not a Speaker and Pan Africanism not
will not disappoint you. We of the North. He because of clans,” he said.
will work and finish the was a Speaker
of Uganda. NRM H.E. Museveni called upon
mission that Rt. Hon. Jacob
supported him Ugandans to take good
Oulanyah has left behind,” because he was a care of themselves because
Speaker Among said. good cadre. We “health is wealth but also a
According to President supported him weapon of struggle”.
because of his
Museveni, among the many Patriotism and He described Oulanyah’s
good things Oulanyah did Pan Africanism death as a big loss to the
was to unite the people of not because of
nation saying he was a
Northern Uganda which clans
rising star and the country
had been messed up by

was going to benefit a lot
bad politics that prevailed
from him.
in the region since 1966,
created by leaders “I extend condolences to
themselves despite efforts by the NRM the family of the late Jacob Oulanyah
to unite Ugandans. and to all Ugandans.”

He said this led to depopulating West The Chief Justice Alfonse Owiny-Dollo
Nile region where about 500,000 appealed to Ugandans to disclose to
people fled to Congo and South Sudan. the right people whenever they fall sick
so that they are helped where possible.
“However, recently when Oulanyah
became NRM Vice Chairperson, in “If my brother had been more open
a very short time, he seems to have with his malady, maybe, maybe, we
deepened this unity in the North which would not be gathered here today. It is
we had tried but not achieved as much very human to be sick. Once we know
we have these ailments, the right thing

12 The Presidency | April 2022

to do is submit ourselves to the people became critical.
who treat us,” he said.
“Though overwhelmed and grieved, I
He thanked President Museveni for request that you join us, not to mourn
swiftly swinging into action to try and but to celebrate a man whose life was
save the life of the fallen Speaker. dedicated to his family, community,
party, country and his God”, said
The Minister of Health, Hon. Jane Ruth
Andrew Ojok, Oulanyah’s son.
Aceng, revealed that the immediate
cause of death of the former Speaker The service was attended by the Vice
was multiple organ failure. President, H.E Rtd Maj. Jessica Alupo,
Prime Minister, Rt. Hon. Robinah
“The heart, lungs, liver and kidney all
Nabbanja, senior Government officials
failed,” she said, adding that there were
and the top leadership of the NRM
also other contributory conditions
party, Members of Parliament and
which included lymphatic system
invited Guests from within and outside
the country.
The Minister for the Presidency, Hon.
Rt. Hon. Jacob L’Okori Oulanyah, the
Milly Babalanda, urged the new
56-year-old former Speaker of the 11th
Speaker, Rt. Hon. Among, to uphold the
Parliament, died in the United States
legacy which Oulanyah left. Babalanda
on March 20, 2022.
said that when Oulanyah crossed from
UPC to NRM, he did not look behind He was also Omoro County MP, between
and did it with one heart. 2001-2006 and 2011 till his death. He
was laid to rest at his ancestral home
Oulanyah’s children, on behalf of the
at Lalogi village in Omoro district on
family, appreciated the President and
April 8th,2022 which was observed as
Mama Janet Museveni for supporting
a public holiday countrywide.
their father not only in his political
aspirations but also when his health

The Presidency | April 2022 13

If we can handle the problem of react,” Museveni elaborated. He revealed
terrorists, then this one is simpler. We that in part of the tradition, a wrongdoer is
know what we are doing. We were able beaten. The President accused the British
to build an army with villagers because to be the second source of torture because
we have the techniques of building our while they were here, they demonstrated
people from traditional to semi-modern torture through their colonial system.
society. And to know how serious we are,
“This act also existed in Europe. They
our army has been in Somalia for ten
were caning children and giving corporal
years now and still has good relations
punishments in schools and it was
with the public yet the Somalis are
introduced here by the British,” he said.
Moslems and our army is composed of
Christians,” The President told his host of a local
President Museveni. proverb “Akabwa akabbi kasasula
mugongo” meaning that a stealing dog
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE; President Yoweri
pays with its back. “If you find a dog
Museveni hosted and held discussions
stealing your food, you beat it. Therefore,
with the European Union (EU) Special
beating thieves, wrongdoers, is traditional
Envoy for Human Rights, H.E. Gilmore, at
culture. Note that these soldiers and police
State House, Nakasero. The issue of torture
men are from that society,” he added.
was the centerpiece of the discussions.
He gave two reasons for the traditional
During the meeting, President Museveni
source of torture namely; to make the
told his guest that the problem with
culprit confess and to punish the culprit
Western Europe and the United States
for committing crime. Here, he said that
is their superficial approach of handling
the perpetrators of torture are the judges,
the arrestors, the investigators and the
“You know me I am an old-time freedom prosecutors.
fighter. There is very little I don’t know here
Thirdly, the President said that the
in Africa and other parts of the world,” he
unresponsive judicial system which
is copied from the Western world is
He recounted that torture has four sources responsible for torture. He gave an
including; the traditional source where example of many European countries
many parts of Africa are pre-capitalist which abolished a death sentence but
and they do not understand the liberal our people here cannot agree with it. He
values of society which were part of the elaborated that when one suspected to
1789 French Revolution in Europe. have killed or raped someone, and is given
court bail and is seen walking, that’s a
“We have got a traditional society to which
provocation to the people.
we are introducing ideas of democracy
which they accept because it helps them to “The suspect is automatically attacked
deal with extreme pressure from the rulers. by the mob and killed claiming that the
If the rulers are very bad, then they can judicial system is useless. It is better they

14 The Presidency | April 2022

H.E. Gilmore (second left) during the meeting at State House, Entebbe

take the law in their own hands. We that Government has embarked on
also don’t agree with your practices like mechanisms to curb torture including;
abortion, and homosexuality.” political methods - where they sensitise,
educate and introduce the “policeman of
The President said the fourth source is
the mind” to deal with the mind before
using traditional justice where one applies
emphasising the “policeman of the body”-
the Law of Moses - the law of revenge.
that is accountability, meaning punishing
“For them, it’s an eye for an eye. If you kill the one who made a mistake.
my brother, I must kill you, or if I don’t kill
The other is administrative method
you, I will kill the one near you.”
where the culprit is punished after being
“This is called “okuhoora” in one of our sensitised and educated. He cited an
traditional languages. If your group doesn’t example on the November 18th and 20th,
want to be attacked, it must approach 2020, just before the General Elections
the King and it’s asked to pay a number when there were riots in Kampala and a
of cows to the family of the deceased,” he few other places.
“They were suppressed by the police,
The President then assured his guest but also some elements of the army

The Presidency | April 2022 15

and commandos who entered the riots. cooperation they have received from
We noticed some mistakes and I called the Government of Uganda and the
conferences of police officers, the army willingness of Uganda’s ministers and
and the commandos and sensitised them officials to enable them discuss important
and they must have captured the concept.” issues on human rights.

He relayed another method of restorative He said visiting the country is part of the
justice by compensating the wronged regular visits he undertakes to countries
persons and also reconciliation of the in all parts of the world to discuss with
wronged with the one who Governments and civil society

wronged them. issues of human rights.

The President added that He said that they were in the

once the offender refuses United States the previous
to change, he is executed For them, week and will be in Egypt the
like some soldiers who were it’s an eye following week.
for an eye. If
executed for killing people.
you kill my He was impressed on
“If we can handle the brother, I the techniques President
problem of terrorists, then must kill you, Museveni had applied to
or if I don’t
this one is simpler. We know eliminate torture more so in
kill you, I will
what we are doing. We were kill the one the prisons and detention
able to build an army with near you. centres.
villagers because we have

The EU Representative
the techniques of building
applauded the President
our people from traditional
for introducing Universal
to semi-modern society. And
Primary Education (UPE),
to know how serious we are,
Universal Secondary Education (USE) and,
our army has been in Somalia for ten years
most importantly, accepting pregnant girls
now and still has good relations with the
and those with kids to go back to school
public yet the Somalis are Moslems and
after COVID- 19 lockdown.
our army is composed of Christians,” the
President said. Other dignitaries in attendance were the
Minister of State for Foreign Affairs; Hon.
In reply, H.E Gilmore first extended his
Okello Oryem, the EU Head of Delegation;
sympathy and that of the EU to the
Amb. Pacific Atillio, Ms Greenhill Eva Main
President and people of Uganda for the
Catherina, Mr. Gilbert Cathal, Ms. Merrifield
untimely death of the Rt. Hon. Jacob
Anna Magdalena and Mr. Fred Moses
L’Okori Oulanyah, the former Speaker
of Parliament, who was Member of
Parliament (MP) representing Omoro
County in Omoro district and the National
Resistance Movement (NRM) Vice
Chairman for Northern Uganda.

H.E. Gilmore expressed appreciation to

the President for the answers and the

16 The Presidency | April 2022

In 1969, people were working for the
resident representative in Uganda, Dr.
stomach. For instance, in Ntungamo,
Mary Otieno, at State House, Entebbe.
no one was earning cash except four
The President and his guests discussed
Indians, two Arabs in the trading center
Uganda’s demography.
and one individual who was selling mad
fish. We discovered the problem and Speaking to the delegation, the President
worked on changing the mindset through assured them that Uganda has a different
sensitisation and now people are working concept from them concerning what
for both the stomach and money,” needs to be done when handling under-
President Museveni. developed countries. He explained that
UNFPA and other donors emphasise
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President consumption, spending especially on
Museveni hosted a delegation of United social services. “They have adequate
Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) from budgets for health, education whereas
Eastern and Southern Africa led by Dr. we, the Batembuzi, (people who go to
Bannet Ndyanabangi, the UNFPA Regional unchartered territories and clear them),
Director for Eastern and Southern Africa, the Pioneers, our system here is to clear
who was accompanied by the UNFPA the bush. The Baganda call it “ettale”

President Museveni posing for a photo with the UNFPA delegation at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | April 2022 17

and you start making a garden that is Planning, informed the delegation that
“okutembula”. In case you dig on a piece since the early 1990s, Uganda put in place
of land which was cultivated before called policies and programmes to address the
“ekisambu”, it’s called “okutabira”. Put population situation in the country and, as
more emphasis on production so that a result, Uganda has experienced progress
tomorrow you have more potential of the in its demography.
economy converted to wealth which can
The Minister cited some few examples;
again help you to sustainably support
Uganda’s population has grown from 16.7
social services,” he said.
million in 1991 to 42.8 million in 2021 and
The President told the delegation that its projected to reach 103 million by 2050;
because of their approach to health, Low Mortality rate, for instance, infantry
education, before generating their own mortality declined from 122 deaths to 1000
money enough to do whatever they want live births in 1991 to 43 deaths.
to do in the end; they end up with the
“We are experiencing a slow growth
donors. He said it’s the reason he doesn’t
fertility rate which was over 7 children for
accept their mechanism.
a long time. It declined from 7.4% children
He asked them to bear in mind that when per woman in 1991 to 5.4% in 2016 and we
the Uganda Government spends on want to push it further down.
construction of roads, electricity, railways,
Life expectancy has risen from 43 years
Uganda Development Bank (UDB), it’s
in 1991 to 63 years in 2014 which is a great
because they want to lower the cost of
stride. HIV/ AIDS prevalence has declined
doing business to attract more businesses
from 18.4% in 1990 to only 5.4% in 2020 and
so that the economy is widened and
literacy rate increased from 54% in 1990
employs more people, and in the end get
to 72% in 2016,” Lugoloobi said.
more money to support health sustainably.
He said despite this progress, there have
“In 1969, people were working for the
been some challenges like the high
stomach. For instance, in Ntungamo,
dependency burden, the population
no one was earning cash except four
age structure that’s not favourable for
Indians, two Arabs in the trading center
development, the issue of skills that
and one individual who was selling mad
has not been given enough support in
fish. We discovered the problem and
addressing this problem, etc.
worked on changing the mindset through
sensitisation and now people are working In response, President Museveni asked
for both the stomach and money,” he said. the Minister to do more sensitisation with
other leaders through the media and
He advised the donors to stop wasting
going to the ground and illustrate to the
time and focus on Wealth Creation
people what’s supposed to be done.
because it’s the bone marrow of prosperity,
by practicing commercial agriculture, The Minister said the planned national
artisanal skills, industrial skills, production, census will be in 2023 using electronic
and services like hotels, transport, tourism, devices which will enable real time
innovation and technology. transmission of data from the field. He
elaborated that UNFPA will provide the
In the same meeting, Hon. Amos
technical assistance especially in the use
Lugoloobi, the Minister of State for

18 The Presidency | April 2022

of digital technology. The census will cost empowerment which are recognised
10% of the budget. worldwide and his edifying lecture which
he confirmed to utilise.
Regarding the United Nations Commission
on Population and Development on Dr. Ndyanabangi told the President, his
April 23, 2022, the Minister will be mission to Uganda is to support Dr. Otieno
leading the Uganda delegation to New to see the progress of their partnership,
York to participate in 56th session of see how to enhance the partnership and,
the Commission in Population and also seek permission from the President to
Development. The theme for the session is allow UNFPA to focus on averting mobility
“Population in Sustainable Development in and mortality especially of young women
Particular Sustaining Increasing Economic and girls and improve the quality of life
Growth”. and the well-being of Ugandans and Great
Lakes region.
During the session, Uganda will present a
national effort on the progress made in the In reply, President Museveni advised them
implementation of the Uganda National to focus on Wealth Creation because you
Conference on Population Development can’t improve a girl’s welfare when her
commitments. The Ugandan delegation parents are poor.
is expected to meet with the UNFPA
He said they believe that people who
Executive Director, Dr. Natalia Kanem.
are healthy are able to work, improve
During the meeting, Dr. Ndyanabangi, themselves, be productive, improve their
thanked the President for granting them families, improve themselves and their
audience and extended warm greetings communities, and are able to contribute
from Dr. Natalia. to the development of the nation.

He commended the President for the Other dignitaries present in the meeting
impressive achievements which were were: Amb. Beatrice Pachunega, Dr.
outlined by the Minister which focus on Jotham Musinguzi, Dr. Chris Ndatira
Socioeconomic Transformation and his Mukiza, and Mr. Daniel Alemu.
efforts in gender equality and women

The Presidency | April 2022 19

In Uganda, if you start using “By 1962 when we got independence, there
sectarianism, you cannot get enough were three political parties; one political
support in the country to win an election party was for the Catholics, another for the
simply because there is no religion which Protestants, and another for the Baganda.
can go beyond 40% of the population of
“In Uganda, if you start using sectarianism,
the country, and there is no tribe which
you cannot get enough support in the
can go beyond 17% of the population of the
country to win an election simply because
there is no religion which can go beyond
President Museveni.
40% of the population of the country, and
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri there is no tribe which can go beyond 17%
Museveni who is also the Commander- of the population of the country,” he noted.
in-Chief (C-I-C) of the Uganda People’s The President said the first challenge
Defence Forces (UPDF), delivered a was failing to get enough support and
lecture of opportunity to the delegation therefore, in 1962, two groups had to form
from Burundi National Defence Senior a coalition called “Omukago” (alliance).
Command and Staff College at State He revealed this was between the party
House, Entebbe. of the Protestants, the Uganda People’s
The regional trip of the Burundi National Congress (UPC) of Milton Obote, and the
Defence Senior Command and Staff party of the Baganda - Kabaka Yekka.
College was themed; “Conf ronting They formed the alliance in order to get
Emerging Threats to National security numbers but that alliance was short lived
and National Development”. because it was based on opportunism and
it collapsed by 1964.
H.E. Gen. Museveni told the delegation
that talking about the emerging security H.E. the President further said that the
threats will not be enough without talking second danger of sectarianism is that
about the old ones when we are still forming national institutions like the army
dealing with them. He suggested that is not easy.
these are talked about. “If you start talking about tribes then you
He gave an example of Uganda being good will have either the army to be divided
in dealing with security threats because because of the tribes or to have one of the
it had become a failed state in the past. tribes dominating the army and excluding
the others.”
He added, “Uganda had become a failed
state because of the wrong ideology where He said, “When that happens, the danger
leaders were using sectarianism for power. is that if there is no threat from outside,
maybe you may survive with your small
“They wanted power, but they couldn’t
tribe dominating the army but if you get
bring good reasons why they wanted an external challenge to fight a big war you
power so they started using sectarianism will not manage. You will collapse. That’s
of religion, tribes, and gender,” he said.
what happened with Idi Amin.”

20 The Presidency | April 2022

President Museveni poses for a photo with a delegation from Burundi National Defence Senior
Command and Staff College, at State House, Entebbe

He explained that Idi Amin had built a of sectarianism is diverting people from
small army of 20,000 soldiers mainly from their own interests from knowing what’s
his home area and they were the ones crucial for them.
keeping him in power for eight years.
“In modern society, you need prosperity
“However, when he provoked a war with of the people in a modern way. It means
Tanzania in 1978 and the Tanzania army that you produce a good or a service and
supported us (the anti-Amin group), he sell it and then use the money to solve
could not mobilise enough man power your problems like building a better house,
because he had a narrow base and we supporting your family and so on,” he said.
came with a force of 54,000 comprising
He stressed that by so doing, you sell your
44,000 Tanzanians and 11,000 Ugandans.
goods and services to people not from
And Amin couldn’t manage us,” he said.
your region who produce similar goods.
He gave another example of Somalia.
He cited an example of the Masai in Kenya
Somalis are very good fighters but the
are cattle keepers. They produce milk and
problem is that they organise based on
beef so they cannot sell their products to
clans. So, even when we train their soldiers
themselves since they have similar goods
when they get back they go to their clan
and so their market is other people of other
tribes in Kenya. The President said by such
The President said that the third problem exchanges, it brings about unity hence

The Presidency | April 2022 21

Patriotism which is the first principle of both old and emerging threats.
prosperity and peace.
Matthew Gureme, the Chief of Training
He said surplus goods are then sold to and Recruitment at Burundi National
other Africans resulting in Pan-Africanism Defence Senior Command and Staff
which is a second principle of prosperity College informed Gen. Museveni that he
and securing peace. lectured a delegation of 45 students on
Course number 6/2021/ 2022.
He said that the third principle is
socioeconomic transformation where He gave details that the delegation was
people stop using firewood for cooking comprised of 26 students from four
and instead use electricity, they stop countries; 20 students are Burundi, 2 from
using candles for lighting and instead the Kenya National Defence Force, 2 from
use electricity bulbs; people stop carrying Tanzania People’s Defence Forces and the
babies at the back and instead use baby other 2 from UPDF.
carriers, stop fetching water in jerricans
He added that also in the delegation
and instead use water pipes, name them.
are 19 members of the faculty from four
He said the final principle is democracy countries; 16 from Burundi, 1 directive staff
where all people from different parties from Kenya Navy, 1 from the Tanzania, and
are accepted to participate in free and 1 from Uganda People’s Defence Air Force.
fair elections.
He told the President that they came into
After the President’s lecture, the the country on the 3rd of April 2022 and
commandant of the college, Brig. Gen. had so far visited the Ministry of Defence
Cassien Ntacebera, on behalf of the and UPDF headquarters, the Ministry of
delegation gave gifts to him as a token Foreign Affairs headquarters, the Joint
of appreciation for offering them such an Clinic Research Centre, Quality Chemical
edifying lecture. Industries, Uganda Industrial Research
Centre, National Enterprise Cooperation
He told the President that they will
(NEC) and the Ministry of Agriculture
abandon sectarianism and also deal with
Animal Industry and Fisheries.

22 The Presidency | April 2022

“If you want prosperity in Africa, the way The East African Community is a regional
forward is markets, to be able to negotiate for integration of now seven member states
bigger markets in Africa and in East Africa. If namely; Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda,
I am a business man or business woman and I Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya and the new
produce a product or service, how many people entrant, the Democratic Republic of
will buy from me,” President Museveni Congo.
NAIROBI, KENYA: President Yoweri President Museveni said that prosperity,
Museveni said that to realise meaning security and market go hand in hand with
full integration of East Africa Community, integration.
there is need to prioritise prosperity,
markets and security. “If you want prosperity in Africa, the way
forward is markets, to be able to negotiate
The President was speaking at the signing for bigger markets in Africa and in East
of the accession treaty by the Democratic Africa. If I am a business man or business
Republic of Congo to the East African woman and I produce a product or service,
Community, which took place at State how many people will buy from me,” he
House, Nairobi. said.

Heads of State of the East African Community unveil the new map of the
community in Nairobi, Kenya

The Presidency | April 2022 23

Mr. Museveni reiterated the need for He welcomed President Tshisekedi and
strategic security calling on member states the people of DRC to the East African
for a united effort in ensuring security in community customs union and the East
the region. African community common market
which are the signature pillars of the union
“If there is terrorism in Somalia, it affects
and the foundation on which the political,
Kenya. If there is a problem in Uganda, it
social, trade, investment and economic
affects Kenya, yet we don’t work together
interests stand.
to solve it. The problems are Pan African,
they are global yet we act parochially,” He pledged full cooperation with the new
he said. entrant to realise the mission of the East
African Community.
President Museveni supported President
Uhuru’s suggestion to have Swahili as a President Felix Tshisekedi on his part
common language for East Africa saying thanked Heads of member states for
that this will go a long way in uniting the expediting the vetting and negotiation
people of the region who already share a since he applied to join the community
lot of similarities in language and culture. and promised to fulfill all the requirements
of the accession.
President Uhuru Kenyatta, the current chair
of the East African community welcomed President Paul Kagame of Rwanda
DRC to the East African community and welcomed the signing of the accession
thanked the Heads of State of member treaty for DRC saying that for long there
countries for their commitment, guidance has been a lot of talking but it’s now time
and support to realise the vision of the to work.
“We have made many speeches but now
“To get to this commitment, it has taken we must get down to work to put in action
strong leadership and commitment to the statements we have made,” he said
the ideals of the East African Community
The East African Heads of State also
mission agenda and a clear understanding
unveiled the new map of the East African
on the shared benefits that come from
community showing the seven member
working together,” he said.
Relatedly he paid glowing tribute to
“DRC shares borders with Tanzania,
President Museveni for the zeal with which
Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and South
he galvanised support for the DRC to join
Sudan. Her accession to the East African
the East African community.
Community which has been hitherto been
President Uhuru said that the region has on bilateral level will now be cemented
already started realising the promise of with the hope of maximising exploitation
the East African Community, evident in of both natural and human resources in
the free movement of people, goods and the region,” President Tshisekedi said.
services across the region. He said that
Among those who attended were
this will lead to harnessing of business
Members of Parliament, EALA members,
opportunities, strengthen economic
members of the diplomatic corp, and
muscle in the region and improve
Government officials.
competitiveness of each member state
for the benefit of all.

24 The Presidency | April 2022

In accordance with the Constitution of the into the army because many are educated
Republic of Uganda and the laws that govern and have acquired knowledge on how to
the armed forces of Uganda, it is my pleasure, use modern weapons very quickly.
having seen the reports of the Commandant
The group comprises 168 degree holders,
and the demonstrations which were shown
318 diploma holders and 1, 277 with
to me and the parade, to pass out the 6,237
certificates in various disciplines. The
recruits who were presented to me”
rest have Uganda Advanced Certificate
President Museveni
of Education (UACE) and below.
NAKASEKE: President Museveni, who is The President encouraged the new recruits
also the Commander in Chief (C-I-C) of the to maintain discipline and ensure good
Uganda People’s Defence Forces (UPDF) health at all times.
said that the country is safe and stable
“You should, therefore, not endanger your
save for a few pockets of insecurity that
health with risky behaviour like alcohol.
are being handled.
Once you keep your health and follow the
“The security situation in the country is regulations of the army and you train, the
good. There are a few little things which future is very bright for you,” the President
are easy to deal with, like the cattle rustling noted.
in Karamoja, that will be dealt with. Then
Earlier, the President commissioned water
for the ADF in Congo, your colleagues are
works to serve Kaweweta Recruits Training
dealing with that,” the President said.
School, Fort Samora Machel Special Forces
Gen. Museveni was speaking at the pass School and Oliver Reginald Tambo School
out of the 4th intake of 6,237 Local Defence of Leadership and Pan-African Centre of
Personnel who underwent a 6 months Excellence all in the same vicinity.
basic military training at Oliver Tambo
He also commissioned the new road
Military Training School in Kaweweta,
network connecting all the institutions
Nakaseke District.
at Kaweweta. A total of 10 out of the 17kms
“In accordance with the Constitution of have already been tarmacked.
the Republic of Uganda and the laws that
The President sounded a stern warning
govern the armed forces of Uganda, it is
to all those encroaching on the army land
my pleasure, having seen the reports of
to vacate immediately after reports that
the Commandant and the demonstrations
officials at the training institute are finding
which were shown to me and the parade,
challenges of widening the training
to pass out the 6,237 recruits who were
ground due to encroachment.
presented to me,” Museveni said.
According to the Chief of Defence Forces
He congratulated the new soldiers for
(CDF), Gen. Wilson Mbasu Mbadi, the
persevering through the 6 months training
recruits should brace themselves for more
to finish the course, and noted that these
training in the specialised units where they
will serve as Local Defence personnel for
will be deployed for better results.
a short time and will later be integrated

The Presidency | April 2022 25

President Museveni commissions the road network connecting Kaweweta Recruits Training
School, Fort Samora Machel Special Forces School and Oliver Reginald Tambo School of
Leadership and Pan-African Centre of Excellence

“To the formations and the units that are ideological subjects that were mentally
taking these brand new soldiers, make and physically demanding”, Brig. Gen.
sure you continue to skill them and mission Ruhesi said.
train them to enable them to become
He noted that the recruits received
more proficient,” Gen. Mbadi said, adding
packages on different topics that include;
that in all specialised formations, they have
attitude change for socio-economic
revamped the training schools.
transformation, patriotism for socio-
The Camp Commandant, Brig. Gen. John economic transformation, retirement
Bosco Ruhesi, said the objective of the sensitisation, gender equity in the UPDF,
course was to train selected patriotic young the importance of ideological training and
Ugandan men and women and prepare the role of UPDF in the security of Uganda.
them into combat worthy, disciplined,
The recruits demonstrated to the President
robust and progressive members of the
skills in self defence, short- and long-range
defence forces and this has been well
shooting among others. They also swore
the oath of allegiance to serve and defend
the sovereignty of Uganda.

“The course covered both military and

26 The Presidency | April 2022


I am happy because we as NRM that different people have different talents

discovered long time ago that unity is and abilities which are useful only when
strength. We have always preached they come together.
against disunity. I want to thank you for
“The eight years I spent fighting Amin, I
reaching this unity,”
was actually helped by Muslims like Abbas
President Museveni
Kibazo of Kibuli, Zubair Bakali, among
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri others. So uniting with all groups including
Kaguta Museveni said that the National Muslims helped us win because unity is
Resistance Movement (NRM) has since power,” the President emphasised.
time immemorial preached unity among Responding to the Muslim leaders
the people because it discovered that unity appreciation for the appointments of
is strength. The President said this while Muslims in key Government positions,
commending the Muslim community and the President said, “for us, we are looking
leaders for uniting. for good people from wherever they are
“I am happy because we as NRM discovered found”.
long time ago that unity is strength. We He promised to support upcoming
have always preached against disunity. I activities of Muslims that include, the
want to thank you for reaching this unity,” Annual General Assembly (AGM) where
the President said. they will elect new leaders and collecting
He made the remarks while meeting ideas from around the country for their
Muslim leaders from all sects of Old Constitutional review process.
Kampala, Kibuli and Nakasero who called President Museveni asked the Muslims
on him at State House, Entebbe. to actualise the idea of constructing a
The delegation headed by the Mufti seminary that will help to train Muslim
of Uganda, Sheikh Shaban Ramathan leaders here in Uganda.
Mubajje was at State House to brief the Mufti Mubajje thanked the President
President about an agreement reached for sparing time to meet them and
among the factions and uniting as one commended him for his tireless efforts
body. to unite all Muslims in Uganda that has
According to Sheikh Mubajje, they signed in the end yielded good results.
a Unity Agreement among Uganda Muslim “Thank you, Your Excellency for your efforts
Supreme Council (UMSC), the Kibuli group of uniting all Muslims in Uganda. Thank
and the Nakasero group to unite as one you also for trying to unite the region and
body at a function held at Gaddafi National Africa.”
Mosque in Kampala.

President Museveni commended the

He revealed the genesis of their conflicts
Muslim groups for this action and noted

The Presidency | April 2022 27

that started when a Muslim property at of new leaders.
William Street was sold to local business
“I want, once again, to thank you for
man, Drake Lubega, until President
appointing our people in key Government
Museveni intervened and rescued the
positions in the recent deployments and
property back to Muslims.
appointments. I want to assure you that
The Mufti added, “We have sat down on this time Muslims are happy and content”,
both sides to forge a way of uniting and he assured the President.
talking to each other. We now confirm
The delegation that met and confirmed
that we have reconciled and that’s why
this development to the President
we are here all together to inform you of
included Sheikh Obeid Kamulegeya,
this development.”
Sheikh Muhammed Yunusu Kamoga,
“We signed a document agreeing to unite. Sheikh Muhamood Kibaate, Sheikh Kasule
We even left Old Kampala together. We are Ndilangwa and Sheikh Hamid Umar
now all together as the Uganda Muslim Kateregga.
Community,” Sheikh Mubajje said.
Others were Hajji Ramanthan Mugalu,
He revealed that as they plan a Hajji Faruk Kamulegeya and Masaba
Constitutional review, at the same time Muhamood.
they are organising for the upcoming
general assembly that will lead to elections

President Museveni poses for a photo with Muslim leaders after a meeting
at State House, Entebbe

28 The Presidency | April 2022


It’s a good idea you are proposing and we Bishop of Kitgum Diocese discussed the
shall support you. The site is strategically development of Janan Luwum site at
well-placed because it is near South Mucwini in Kitgum district.
Sudan, so you can have people as far as
South Sudan coming,” The Church of Uganda is planning to build
St. Janan Luwum Memorial Stadium in
President Museveni.
memory of the late Janan Luwum, the 3rd
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Archbishop of Uganda who was killed by
Museveni met with Church of Uganda the former President of Uganda; Idi Amin
leaders led by the Archbishop of the Dada.
Church of Uganda, the Most Reverend Speaking to the delegation, President
Dr. Samuel Kazimba Mugalu. Museveni welcomed the idea of the
The meeting that was attended by the memorial stadium saying it will promote

President Museveni meeting Church leaders at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | April 2022 29

religion and tourism in the area. Hon. Okello Oryem, who is coordinating
the Committee to realise the Janan
“It’s a good idea you are proposing and we
Luwum Memorial Stadium revealed that
shall support you. The site is strategically
the project will cost a total of 78.69 billion.
well placed because it is near South Sudan,
so you can have people as far as South Hon. Okello Oryem revealed that they are
Sudan coming”, President Museveni said. aiming to start the project immediately
so that by the 50th commemoration, it
Mr. Museveni advised the Church to expand
is ready.
the idea and integrate the sports sector
so that the site can also make “We are here to inform you

money through events like that the leadership of Kitgum
sports competitions, music Diocese is ready to start. Land
concerts, political gatherings is there. The committee is
etc. Let us capture being formed to kick start
the whole the works. We are ready to
“Let us integrate the idea of
spectrum. Fine- go. Our aim is to start the
sports in your project. I am tune the concept project immediately,” Hon.
looking at Namboole as a and then we
Oryem said. He added that
key study because we use it are good to
go. Ministry by 16th February, 2027 they
for big events at a fee. I was
of Finance will expect to have completed
thinking that if we could have
coordinate the this project.
it even for all kinds of sports,
it can generate income for The Archbishop of Uganda,

you,” Mr. Museveni said. the Most Reverend Dr.
Stephen Kazimba Mugalu,
Faith-based tourism, the
thanked the President for
President said; for example,
encouraging the church to
the Tomb of the late Janan Luwum, the
start the project of Janan Luwum Memorial
Statue, etc, will capture believers but also
Stadium which will help promote faith-
it will capture all other events e.g. church
based tourism.
gatherings, sports, cultural and political
gatherings. The meeting was attended by, the Minister
of Energy and Mineral Development; Hon.
“Let us capture the whole spectrum. Fine-
Ruth Nankabirwa, Minister of Finance; Hon.
tune the concept and then we are good
Matia Kasaija, the Permanent Secretary
to go. Ministry of Finance will coordinate
Ministry of Finance; Mr. Ramathan Ggoobi,
the finances,” President Museveni assured
the Bishop of Kitgum Diocese; Rev. Wilson
Kitara, among others.
The Minister of Finance, Planning and
Economic Development, Hon. Matia
Kasaija assured the church delegation that
Government will budget for the Luwum
Memorial Stadium in the 2023/2024
Financial Year.

The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs,

30 The Presidency | April 2022

“I congratulate you for going through concluded presidential elections.
the Corona pandemic. Thank you for
“I salute you for your contribution. Thank
doing your part of enforcement. Many
countries like U.S.A lost many people, you for f ighting the locusts and for
over one million, but because of our stopping the insecurity that was posed
correct line and guidance, we only lost by some wrong elements during elections
about 3,000 people,” with the aim of making the country
ungovernable,” he said.
Gen. Museveni said.
The President briefed the High Command
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President about the progress of the Operation
Museveni who is also the Commander in Shujaa in Congo and assured them that
Chief (CIC) of the Uganda Peoples Defence the operation is moving well and soon
Forces (UPDF) met with the country’s ADF will be no more.
Security High Command during which
they discussed the country’s successful “The operation in Congo has gone very
handling of several pandemics including well and we are now in phase three of
COVID 19, Locusts, Operation Shujaa and sweeping all the camps of the enemy.
the security situation in the Karamoja We have only lost 3 soldiers and two of
region. them died from an accident caused by
themselves,” he said.
He commended the UPDF for their efforts
in enforcing COVID-19 Standard Operating Mr. Museveni said that this was all because
Procedures (SOPs) when the pandemic of the good planning and strategies of the
was at its peak. Uganda Peoples Defence Forces (UPDF).

“I congratulate you for going through the Operation Shujaa is being implemented
Corona pandemic. Thank you for doing following a Memorandum of
your part of enforcement. Many countries Understanding between the Government
like U.S.A lost many people, over one of Uganda and the DRC to conduct joint
million, but because of our correct line operations for the eradication of ADF and
and guidance, we only lost about 3,000 other foreign-armed groups in the eastern
people,” Gen. Museveni said. part of DRC.

The President added that if it weren’t for On the issue of cattle rustling in Karamoja,
the indiscipline of some opposition groups President Museveni said that there should
during campaigns that led to the second be no cow stolen from anyone and that
wave of the virus, Uganda would have lost Government is going to work on the
very few people. security roads in the region to facilitate
the swift security operations.
President Museveni also hailed the UPDF
for fighting the locusts and more recently “The cattle rustlers are not a big problem.
detecting elements that wanted to make Nobody should be stealing cows. I want
Uganda ungovernable during the recently us to make a law criminalising cattle-
rustling,” he said.

The Presidency | April 2022 31

During the same meeting, President The officers commissioned include; O/CDT
Museveni commissioned 5 junior officers Agaba Junior who has been studying in
at the ranks of Lieutenant and Second Jamaica for one year, 2LT. Edgar Koojo who
Lieutenant who have been undergoing has been studying from Sandhurst school,
Basic Military Training Cadet Courses in United Kingdom for one year.
Kenya, United Kingdom, and Jamaica
Others were Lt. Andrew Mwebembezi, Lt.
Alfred Blac Mulabi and Lt. Allan Akampulira
“I Gen. Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, President who were all on a three year course in
of the Republic Uganda and Commander Kenya.
in Chief of the Armed Forces, by the virtue
The meeting was attended by the Minister
of the authority entrusted to me by the
of Defence; Hon. Vincent Bamulangaki
constitution of the Republic of Uganda and
Ssempijja, State Minister for Defence;
the law governing the Defence Forces of
Hon. Jacob Oboth Oboth, the CDF Gen.
Uganda, do hereby commission you to be
Wilson Mbadi, the Coordinator Operation
officers of Uganda People’s Defence Forces
Wealth creation; Gen. Salim Saleh, Senior
at the ranks of Lieutenant and Second
Presidential Advisor on Peace and Security;
Lieutenant. May God help you,” President
Lt. Gen. Proscovia Nalweyiso and officers
Museveni said during the commissioning.
of the High Command among others.

Officers of UPDF salute President Museveni during the meeting at State House, Entebbe

32 The Presidency | April 2022


If Oulanyah had not died, we would If there is a sentiment that one of the
not have elections in that area until children of Oulanyah stands in for him
2026. So, I think the decent thing to do and for us, I think it is really decent. It is
is to support his son to complete the decent to say let the boy go. If he is given
father’s term,” a chance and he doesn’t perform we shall
President Museveni. see,” he said.


Yoweri Kaguta Museveni who is also the President Museveni commended the
National Chairman of National Resistance 4 aspirants for putting the party first
Movement (NRM) commended leaders before self and agreeing to step aside for
f rom Omoro district for mediating a smooth process.
between the aspirants and also thanked
“I am happy to hear from you
the aspirants for listening to

yourselves. You can come and
their leaders on the need for
compete with the boy in 2026
a smooth transition for the
if he doesn’t perform. I am
NRM seat for Omoro County.
If Oulanyah very glad to hear this, thank
The Omoro County had not died, you,” the President said.
Constituency Parliamentary we would not
The President was meeting
seat fell vacant following the have elections
in that area leaders from Omoro District
death of the former Member
until 2026. So, I over the Omoro County
of Parliament and former
think the decent constituency by-elections
Speaker of Parliament,
thing to do is to due on 26th May 2022, at his
the Rt. Hon. Jacob L’Okori support his son country home in Rwakitura.
Oulanyah. to complete the
father’s term The meeting was organised
“If Oulanyah had not died,
by the NRM Secretary General,

we would not have elections
Hon. Richard Todwong, and
in that area until 2026. So,
was attended by the Omoro
I think the decent thing to
District Executive Committee,
do is to support his son to
the aspirants, cultural leaders, religious
complete the father’s term,” he said.
leaders and opinion leaders.
President Museveni said that it is a matter
During the meeting, all the 5 aspirants
of decency but also avoiding wastage of
were given an opportunity to present their
time, adding that if Ojok Andrew Oulanyah
candidature to the leaders who attended.
does not perform in the remaining 3 years,
They included Ojok Andrew Oulanyah (son
then they could come back and compete
to the late Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanyah), Okello
with him in the next elections.
Douglas Peter (current LCV Chairperson),
“People get tired of endless elections. Olal Obong, Acellam Ben, and Okello

The Presidency | April 2022 33

President Museveni addresses Omoro District leaders
during a meeting at Rwakitura, Kiruhura

Francis. “We should not allow destruction of forests

for industrial parks. Please don’t talk about
In the meeting, all the five NRM aspirants
interfering with forests. Where shall we
for Omoro County agreed to step down
get rain if we cut down forests?” he asked.
for Ojok Andrew Oulanyah, for continuity
of his father’s term in the August House. In a Memorandum of Understanding read
to the President by the Woman MP Omoro
Responding to their concerns as Omoro
district, Hon. Catherine Lamwaka, leaders
district leaders, like the road that connects
in Omoro commended President Museveni
Acholi from Omoro to Moroto in Karamoja,
for the support he gave to Jacob Oulanyah
President Museveni assured them that
before, during and after his death.
Government will tarmac the road. He says
that Government has done so many roads “We want to thank you for your support for
and so it can’t fail to tarmac this one. Omoro district. Thank you for the support
you gave to Oulanyah during his time
“The road I know it, and we shall work on
while alive and for the decent send off.
it. We have worked on so many of them
Thank you for always standing with us as
so this one we can’t fail,” he said.
Omoro district,” Hon. Lamwaka said.
President Museveni who promised to
The meeting was also attended by Rwot
support the Oulanyah foundation, and the
Ochan, Jimmy Lumala, Bishop Godfrey
completion of Omoro district headquarters,
Loum, RDC Onyuk Andrew, NRM Electoral
cautioned leaders against going for forests
Commission Chairman; Tanga Odoi among
in the name of constructing an industrial

34 The Presidency | April 2022


I welcome you to Uganda. To get a endless coups. The political governance

good picture of Uganda, I need to was collapsing but also the economy and
inform you that Uganda had become social services had collapsed,” Museveni
a failed state. It had collapsed. This said.
was because of the endless coups. The
political governance was collapsing but Museveni said that after analysing this
also the economy and social services whole chaos as freedom fighters, they
had collapsed,” formed two missions; one of building
prosperity and secondly building strategic
Museveni said.
RWAKITURA, KIRUHURA DISTRICT: “When we analysed the reasons for
President Yoweri Museveni has all these conflicts, we came up with
emphasised that as freedom fighters, two missions that would be assisted
promoting prosperity for the people and with 4 principles. Our group soon after
building strategic security are at the heart independence detached itself and formed
of their mission for Uganda the students’ movement,
and Africa.

which eventually rescued
The President, who is also the Uganda. That student
Commander in Chief (CIC) of movement identified two
the UPDF, was delivering a To be missions; how do we build
lecture of opportunity to the prosperous prosperity on the African
Tanzanian National Defence in a modern continent but also how do we
College Officers who were way, you must build strategic security that
produce a covers all situations,” he said.
on a tour of duty in Uganda.
good (coffee,
The opportunity lecture maize) or a The President said people
took place at the President’s service (hotel, would talk about sectarian
country home in Rwakitura, transport) politics of religion, tribe etc.,
Kiruhura District. which you sell
which could not solve the
and get money
Pr e s i d e n t Museveni and develop problem of prosperity and
welcomed them to Uganda yourself strategic security.
and gave them a brief history

“For us we asked that if
of Uganda which he said Uganda is to prosper in a
had collapsed completely modern way, what will it
politically and economically, need and what will families
until it was rescued by the freedom do to have prosperity? To be prosperous
fighters in 1986. in a modern way, you must produce a
“I welcome you to Uganda. To get a good good (coffee, maize) or a service (hotel,
picture of Uganda, I need to inform you transport) which you sell and get money
that Uganda had become a failed state. and develop yourself,” he said.
It had collapsed. This was because of the

The Presidency | April 2022 35

Stressing his point, the President said that “Part of the problem of Uganda, about 8
when you have a producer and a consumer years ago, was the 68% of Ugandans who
then you will need infrastructure like were still doing subsistence farming. But
roads, electricity, etc., to enable products we have woken them up and now they
reach the consumer. are producing a bit and have discovered
that the internal market is not enough,”
“For example, here in Kiruhura, people
he said.
produce milk, beef, grow some bananas
etc., so they will need to transport them to Mr. Museveni emphasised that Uganda and
Kampala. That is where the infrastructure Africa must change from the traditional
will be needed to take the products to ways of creating wealth to modern ways
Kampala. I am prosperous not because of using machine power and science.
of my tribe or religion but because of the
“USA is one of the richest countries in the
market of Uganda,” he said.
world because if its market, that’s why we
To achieve our prosperity, the President need an African market for our prosperity.
said, that, NRM Government set out four This will enable our people to move away
principles of Patriotism, Pan-Africanism, from traditional way of doing things to
Socio-economic transformation and modern ways,” he added.

President Museveni chats with a delegation from National Defence

College of Tanzania at Rwakitura, Kiruhura

36 The Presidency | April 2022

The sectors to drive socio-economic handled our visit was excellent. We need
transformation include commercial regionalism to expand the market where
agriculture with a calculation (Kibalo), to sell our products. Your Excellency, you
industries (both big and small), services are a very important leader in Africa and
and ICT. we need to treasure you. From outside we
see this and appreciate it,” he said.
“The market is needed within the country
(when there is political unity), in the region The team later gave gifts to President
(with integration), on the continent and Museveni and First Lady Maama Janet
internationally. This Pan-Af ricanism Museveni as a sign of remembrance for
is important for prosperity but also for this historical lecture.
strategic security,” he said.
The delegation f rom the National
Responding to their question and Defence College of Tanzania that visited
concerns of the conflicts in the Great Uganda had participants from Tanzania,
Lakes region, President Museveni said that Bangladesh, Rwanda and Malawi.
these conflicts are mainly sectarianism
and manipulation from foreigners in the
world. “It is both internal sectarianism and
external manipulation,” he said.

On the issue of East African Integration,

President Museveni revealed that it is
moving well and that the EAC market
is growing after Democratic Republic of
Congo joining the Community recently.

The Head of the delegation, Brig. Gen.

Nkangaa Juma Sipe, thanked the President
for accepting their visit and allowing to
deliver a lecture of opportunity to his

“On behalf of the College Commandant,

and on my own behalf, I want to sincerely
thank you for accepting our visit. You gave
us a very special treatment while here.
Thank you for your wonderful time and
lecture,” he said.

Brig. Gen. Nkangaa Sipe commended

the UPDF for coordinating their visit and
said that the continent needs regionalism
to expand the market where to sell our

“We thank the entire UPDF team for

coordinating this visit and how they

The Presidency | April 2022 37

The tractors, I will give you three and held on June 3rd, 2022 and other issues
one lorry. Please, now focus more on concerning the Diocese.
mobilising your people to move from
subsistence farming to modern ways of The Uganda Episcopal Conference selected
creating wealth,” Fort Portal Diocese to spearhead the
preparations for this year’s Martyrs Day.
the President said.
Fort portal Diocese last led the celebrations
RWAKITURA, KIRUHURA: President 25 years ago.
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni met and held According to Bishop Muhiirwa, the
discussions with leaders from Kabarole Diocese came up with a working budget
led by the Minister of Tourism, Wildlife of approximately UGX 1 billion to prepare
and Antiquities, Hon. Col. Tom Butime, for the celebrations.
and the Bishop of Fort Portal Diocese, Rt.
“As a custom, the celebration of this
Rev. Robert Muhiirwa.
noble event is preceded by numerous
The meeting took place at the President’s preparations with spiritual and material
country home in Rwakitura, Kiruhura mobilisation. Due to the uncertainty of
District. the COVID-19 pandemic, we received the
President Museveni and the delegation communication about leading the Martyrs
from Kabarole discussed the upcoming Day celebrations late, so, Your Excellency,
Uganda Martyrs day celebrations to be we need your support,” Bishop Muhiirwa

President Museveni addresses the Fort Portal Diocese delegation at Rwakitura, Kiruhura

38 The Presidency | April 2022

said. The other pertinent issue, he said, you have opened, people are coming in
was the cathedral’s roof, which requires big numbers. It is faith- based tourism that
renovation. He added that the roof of will need to support,” Hon. Butime said.
the cathedral has in the last two years
Hon. Butime revealed that these places
developed serious leakages that it can no
have the potential to compete with
longer be used during rainy season.
places like Vatican and Mecca if they are
“Whereas the entire community was supported and promoted well.
mobilised to support this campaign, the
Bishop Muhiirwa took this opportunity
UGX 2 billion required to renovate the roof
to invite President Museveni be the
cannot be raised easily moreover, with the
Chief Guest for this year’s Martyrs Day
current effects of the pandemic,” Bishop
celebration at Namugongo, which
Muhiirwa appealed.
invitation the President accepted.
Speaking to the delegation and
The Bishop commended the President
responding to their concerns, President
and the Government for the tremendous
Museveni pledged UGX 1 billion towards
programmes aimed at helping Ugandans
preparations for Martyrs Day and roofing
improve their household incomes, like
of the cathedral.
the Emyooga Programme and Parish
“I am going to give you UGX 1 billion for Development Model (PDM).
the two; the cathedral roof and Martyrs
“Mr. President, the Emyooga programme
day preparations,” he said.
that has been running as well as the Parish
Addressing their concern of enabling them Development Model that was launched
grow more tea and coffee in the area, this year in February, are so much crucial
President Museveni promised to buy for to halt and reverse the trend of poverty
them three tractors and one truck so that and to help Uganda become united,
they can mobilise people to enter into the and a democratic society, committed
money economy. to making the basic needs affordable,”
Bishop Muhiirwa said.
“The tractors, I will give you three and one
lorry. Please, now focus more on mobilising He added, “as a Diocese, we are fully in
your people to move from subsistence support of all these programmes. I wish
farming to modern ways of creating to use this opportunity to thank you
wealth,” the President said. for your leadership as you continue to
transform Uganda from a low-income
Hon. Col. Butime, revealed that
country to middle-income status. Fort
Namugongo Catholic and Protestant
Portal Diocese has been keenly following
shrines are big tourist sites that need
and participating in your development
support and promotion to be able to attract
plans,” Bishop Muhiirwa told the President.
both local, regional and international
tourists. The meeting was attended by Hon. Frank
Tumwebaze; the Minister of Agriculture,
“Thank you for accepting to host us here
Animal Industry and Fisheries, the MP Fort
at your country home in Rwakitura. As the
Portal West Division; Hon. Alex Ruhunda
Minister of tourism, Namugongo church,
and Monsignor Isaiah Mayombo among
is a big project for tourism. The last two
years we have not been there. Now that

The Presidency | April 2022 39


2. To WELCOME the participation, in an

observer status, of a representative of
the United Nations Secretary General,
the Chairperson of the African Union
Commission, Secretary General of the
ICGLR, the Secretary General of the East
African Community, as and when called
COMMUNIQUE upon to participate by the DRC.

3. To also WELCOME bilateral interlocutors

THE SECOND HEADS OF STATE such the United States and France in an
REPUBLIC OF CONGO 4. That a Secretariat be formed to OVERSEE
the implementation of the agreements
The Second Regional Heads of State arrived at the meeting. The Secretariat
Conclave on the Democratic Republic will be administered by the Special Envoy
of Congo convened in Nairobi, Kenya on in the Office of the President of the DRC,
21stApril, 2022. The Conclave, hosted by and the Special Envoy in the Office of the
His Excellency Uhuru Kenyatta, President President of Kenya (the Principal Secretary
of the Republic of Kenya, was attended by of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kenya is
His Excellency Félix Antoine TSHISEKEDI designated to play this role ad interim) with
Tshilombo, President of the Democratic the participation of representatives from
Republic of Congo; His Excellency Évariste the Executive Offices of the other Heads
NDAYISHIMIYE, President of the Republic of of State of the East African Community.
Burundi; His Excellency Yoweri MUSEVENI,
5. FURTHER, the leaders committed to
President of the Republic of Uganda, and
progress the work of the meeting along
His Excellency Paul KAGAME, President of
two tracks;
the Republic of Rwanda represented by
the Rwandan Foreign Minister. a) The Political Track – The meeting
agreed that a political process be
The leaders took note of the situation
commenced under the leadership of
in eastern DRC and of neighbouring
President Uhuru KENYATTA of Kenya to
countries. After fruitful discussions, held
facilitate consultations to be undertaken
in a frank and cordial environment, and
between the DRC and local armed groups
in order to promote peace, stability and
in the DRC.
development in the eastern DRC and the
greater East African Region, the leaders FURTHER to the outcome of the first
also agreed as follows: Heads of State Conclave, the meeting
recalled that a consultative dialogue
1. To INVITE the other leaders of the East
between the President of the DRC and
African Community to join the conclave
the representatives of local armed groups
and to engage them in future sittings.

40 The Presidency | April 2022

in the DRC is to take place at the earliest by the region.
possible time.
c) THAT the establishment of the regional
CONSEQUENTLY, the meeting was force to fight the negative forces should
informed that the President of the DRC commence immediately under the
will chair such a consultative meeting leadership of the DRC.
on Friday, 22ndApril, 2022. President
8. The leaders RESOLVED to meet within
Uhuru KENYATTA graciously agreed to
one month to evaluate progress on the
host and provide logistical support for
implementation of work.
the consultations in Nairobi. The meeting
further AGREED that the President of 9. The leaders THANKED President Uhuru
the DRC would subsequently inform KENYATTA for his convening and hosting
his colleagues of the outcome of the of the second Conclave.
consultations at the next sitting. 10. ADOPTED on 21stApril, 2022, Nairobi,
b) The Military/Security Enforcement Kenya
Track - Pursuant to an AGREEMENT
following the first Heads of State Conclave
to accelerate the establishment of a
regional force to help contain and, where
necessary, fight the negative forces,
the meeting DIRECTED the urgent
deployment of such a force.

6. Towards this end, the meeting directed

that planning for such a force commence
with immediate effect with the full
consultation of relevant authorities in the

7. To FACILITATE the implementation

of the political and military/ security
enforcement tracks the leaders also
directed the following;

a) THAT all armed groups in the DRC

participate unconditionally in the political
process to resolve their grievances. That
failure to do so, all Congolese Armed
groups would be considered as negative
forces and handled militarily by the region.

b) THAT all foreign armed groups

in the DRC must disarm and return
unconditionally and immediately to their
respective countries of origin. That failure
President Museveni is received by
to do so these groups would be considered
President Uhuru Kenyatta of Kenya at
as negative forces and handled militarily
State House, Nairobi

The Presidency | April 2022 41

Mzee Mwai Kibaki was a Kenyatta, President of the Republic of
transformational leader and a true Kenya and all Kenyans, upon the loss of a
Pan-Africanist. While at the helm Great Statesman,” he said in a condolence
of Kenya’s leadership, he played a message.
fundamental role in achieving socio-
economic transformation and prosperity President Museveni described Mzee
for Kenyan people. He was active in Mwai Kibaki as a transformational leader
deepening the roots of African unity and and a true Pan-Africanist who played
cooperation for peace, development and a fundamental role in achieving socio-
security. As he rests from his earthly economic transformation and prosperity
responsibilities, let the young generation for the Kenyan people.
study his exemplary deeds and emulate “Mzee Mwai Kibaki was a transformational
this Great Son of Africa,” leader and a true Pan-Africanist. While at
President Museveni. the helm of Kenya’s leadership, he played
a fundamental role in achieving socio-
KAMPALA: President Yoweri Museveni
economic transformation and prosperity
condoled with the people of Kenya upon
for Kenyan people. He was active in
the passing of former President Emilio
deepening the roots of African unity and
Mwai Kibaki.
cooperation for peace, development and
“This afternoon, I have received sad news, security.
announcing the death of H.E. Hon. Emilio
As he rests from his earthly responsibilities,
Mwai Kibaki, the third President of the
let the young generation study his
Republic of Kenya. This is a sorrowful
exemplary deeds and emulate this Great
moment for the people of Kenya, the
Son of Africa,” he said.
East African Community and the African
Continent. President Museveni said Mzee Kibaki
will be remembered for his faithful and
I extend, on behalf of the people of
excellent service to his motherland and
Uganda, heartfelt sympathies to the
family of the late President, H.E. Uhuru

42 The Presidency | April 2022

Many countries in Africa have got security The dinner was hosted by President
problems because of the structure of their Museveni and First Lady Janet Museveni
armies. People like Muhoozi joined the in honor of Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba’s
army not because of a job but because of his 48th birthday celebrations that took place
passion. That’s why Muhoozi has made some at State House Entebbe.
contribution to the building of the UPDF,”
President Museveni Earlier on arrival at State House Entebbe,
President Paul Kagame who was on a
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri private visit to Uganda was received by
Kaguta Museveni together with the First President Yoweri Museveni, First Lady
Lady and Minister of Education and Sports, Janet Kataaha Museveni and the first
Hon. Janet Museveni, and the President of son who is also the Commander of Land
Rwanda, H.E. Gen. Paul Kagame, graced Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba.
a dinner in honour of Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Later the two Heads of State went for a
Kainerugaba. bilateral meeting where they discussed

L-R: President Paul Kagame, Lt. Gen. Kainerugaba, First Lady Janet Museveni and
President Museveni during the dinner at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | April 2022 43

regional security and stability in a meeting “I want to thank Maama for looking after
that was also attended by the Security the children when they were in exile. When
Minister, Hon. Jim Muhwezi, First Lady he finished University, I told him that he
Janet Museveni and Commander of Land should first join the army because it will
Forces, Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba. build his character,” he said.

At the dinner reception, it was fanfare The President emphasised that part of
and celebrations with great performances the problems we experience in Africa are
from traditional performers from Rwanda structural and the effect of weak armies.
and Uganda.
“Many countries in Africa have got security
Speaking at the dinner, President Museveni problems because of the structure of their
who welcomed his Rwandan counterpart armies. People like Muhoozi joined the
to Uganda after a long time gave a brief army not because of a job but because of
history of their relationship with President his passion. That’s why Muhoozi has made
Kagame and the people of Rwanda since some contribution to the building of the
the times of NRA. UPDF,” Gen. Museveni said.

“We are very happy that you came. Thank Uganda, President Museveni said, had
you for responding positively to Muhoozi’s become a failed state but was restored
invitation and you came. President by the NRA/NRM Government through
Kagame is an old friend since way back in the four principles of Patriotism,
1979. Kagame was among the group with Pan-Af ricanism, Socio-economic
whom I attacked Kabamba. When you Transformation and Democracy.
hear about the 27 guns we started with,
“Ugandans saw something new in the
there was Fred Rwigyema, Paul Kagame
NRM but would have achieved more if we
and others. That time Muhoozi was only
had more committed cadres, with passion
5 years old,” President Museveni narrated.
about development of their country.
Mr. Museveni congratulated Gen. Muhoozi
Finally, there is something positive about
on his 48th birthday and revealed that his
his tweets, because he tweets about his
birth was a gift to the freedom fighters
passion, on this and that. But the problem
during their early days of the struggle.
is that you should not externalise your
“I want to congratulate you on your 48 passion. Work on the issues of the tweets
years. Thank you, friends, of Muhoozi for and the surroundings of the tweets,” he
organising all these events. Muhoozi was a counseled
gift for us in our young days of the struggle
Speaking to a cheering audience,
because on 24th April 1974 is when he was
President Paul Kagame congratulated
born,” President Museveni said.
Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba for clocking
President Museveni saluted the First Lady 48 years and commended him for all the
for looking after their children who have achievements registered during this period
turned out to be very responsible citizens of time. He added that they have a lot of
since the time they were in exile. He added expectations in him.
that he advised Muhoozi to join the army
“48 years means he has been here for
immediately after university so that he can
some time but also means he is still very
build his character with the army.
young. The question is how has he lived

44 The Presidency | April 2022

his time and how he intends to use his “I want to thank God because he has been
remaining time? There is no doubt, that great to us as a family. In June this year, I
many more years that are ahead, he will will be 74 years, and today my first-born
use them even better. son is 48. We are both here alive with my
husband to witness. There is a reason to
I want also to say to Gen. Muhoozi that
thank God,” she said.
there are a lot of expectations that you
continue that path you have taken. Thank The First lady spoke highly about her
you for inviting me to be here for your son as a God-fearing person, honest and
birthday,” President Paul Kagame said. humble.

President Paul Kagame said, he was here “From his love for God, that’s how he
to celebrate with Muhoozi’s parents and is honest and humble. I want to say to
friends but also happy to be here again Muhoozi today at 48, God will never leave
after 4-5 years. us nor forsake us. Please strive in all u do
to love God with all your heart and serve
“I had not been coming to Uganda and
Him because he has used you, and served
the expectation I talked about earlier is
your country with dedication. I want to
based on the history we share together.
wish you a very happy birthday. I wish you
There have been difficulties between our
many, many more years,” Maama Janet
two countries, but I was convinced that
Museveni said.
these were going to be temporary. The
ties that bind us together are strong and Lt. Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba thanked God
big,” he said. for giving him life this far and commended
his parents, for raising him and his siblings
President Kagame said that when he
and providing for them in everything.
received Gen. Muhoozi in Rwanda recently,
he knew that the President of Uganda was “I want to thank God for letting me live
behind his visit and the message. up to 48 years and taking me through all
has taken me through. I want to thank my
“When we talked, the conversation was
parents, President Museveni and Maama
for peace for our countries. I am convinced
Janet for raising us the way they did and
that great generals are not only those who
educating us and mentoring us. All the
fight and win battles but also those who
good fruits are because of them. They did
fight and win peace,” he said.
this under difficult circumstances,” Gen.
On a lighter note, President Kagame Muhoozi said.
offered to edit Muhoozi’s twitter account.
In a special way, Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba
“Gen. Muhoozi, I want to offer a service saluted President Paul Kagame for gracing
to you. I want to start editing your twitter the function physically and personally.
account,” he said.
“I want to thank in a very special way Your
The First Lady and Minister of Education Excellency Paul Kagame for honoring my
and Sports, Hon. Janet Kataaha Museveni, invitation to come and grace this occasion.
praised and thanked God for His provision We know it is the beginning of many more
and protection of their family that has good things to come. President Kagame is
enabled them see their son clocking 48 a very open and honest man. He is honest
years while still alive. and straight forward,” he said.

The Presidency | April 2022 45

Gen. Muhoozi added that that he thinks to discuss solutions. He is a peacemaker.
that an honest interaction with President He is a patriot. He is a Pan-Africanist.
Kagame is what has helped Uganda He is a diplomat. He is a hard-working,
and Rwanda negotiate a path back to dependable, loyal and consistent
friendship. commander,” Maj. Gen. Kyanda said.

The Joint Chief of Staff for UPDF, Maj. Gen. Present at the function were; the Vice
Leopold Kyanda, who spoke on behalf President of Uganda; H.E. Jesca Alupo,
of friends of Muhoozi, described Gen. Speaker of Parliament; Rt. Hon. Anita
Muhoozi as a diligent listener, humble, Among, Prime Minister of Uganda; Hon.
respectful and a Pan-Africanist. Robinah Nabbanja, NRM National Vice
Chairman; Alhaji Moses Kigogo, the
“He is a humble man and respects
Kyabazinga of Busoga; William Wilberforce
both his seniors and subordinates. He
Gabula Nadiope, the NRM Secretary
introduced a leadership conference,
General; Hon. Richard Todwong, Service
which brings together all commanders
Chiefs, Ministers and MPs among others.

46 The Presidency | April 2022



His Excellency Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, This is President Nyusi’s return visit
President of the Republic of Mozambique, following President Yoweri Museveni’s
arrived in Uganda on a three-day state three-day visit to Mozambique in May 2018,
visit at the invitation of his counterpart, during which he visited the legendary
President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. Montepuez Barracks where he led 28
FRONASA youth in training in 1976.
Mr Nyusi, accompanied by the First Lady
of Mozambique, Dr. Isaura Nyusi, touched Museveni’s trip to Mozambique was partly
down at Entebbe International Airport on to thank the Mozambique Liberation Front
Wednesday 27th April, 2022 at 11am. (FRELIMO) for their role in the liberation
movements across the continent.
At the Airport VVIP terminal, President
Filipe Jacinto Nyusi was received by Hon. President Nyusi is the current leader of
Odongo Jeje Abubakhar, Minister of FRELIMO, the party that has governed
Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uganda, Mozambique since its independence from
H.E. Verónica Nataniel Macamo, the Portugal in 1975.
Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
President Filipe Nyusi and his wife Isaura
of Mozambique, among other officials of
Nyusi will visit several places of mutual
the visiting delegation.
interest before returning home.
H.E. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi and First Lady
Isaura Nyusi later proceeded to State
House Entebbe where they were received
by President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni
and First Lady Janet Museveni in the
company of Ministers and other officials
from Uganda and the visiting delegation
from Mozambique.

On Ugandan side were ministers; Ruth

Nankabirwa of Energy and Mineral
Development, Vincent Bamulangaki
Ssempijja of Defence and Veteran Affairs,
Jeje Odongo Abubaker of Foreign Affairs,
Col (Rtd) Charles Engola of Employment
and Industrial Relations (State), Mrs. Lucy
Nakyobe Mbonye; Head of Public Service,
among others.

The visiting President H.E. Filipe Jacinto

Nyusi of Mozambique was treated by a 21-
gun salute and later, the two President’s President Museveni welcomes President
together with their delegations proceeded Filipe Jacinto Nyusi at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | April 2022 47


I had an idea which I proposed to His for families but also for their country,”
Excellency which was to start a wealth Museveni said, adding that, “It was to
creation association of veterans or their show Uganda’s gratitude to the people of
children, so that they produce wealth Mozambique for their role in the liberation
for families but also for their country. It of Uganda.”
was to show Uganda’s gratitude to the
people of Mozambique for their role in the According to President Yoweri Museveni,
liberation of Uganda,” 28 of the soldiers who formed the Front for
National Salvation, which later became the
President Museveni.
National Resistance Army before it became
STATE HOUSE ENTEBBE: President Yoweri the Uganda People’s Defence Force, were
Kaguta Museveni and his Mozambican trained at Montepuez, the second largest
counterpart, President Filipe Jacinto city in the province of Cabo Delgado, in
Nyusi, held discussions on strengthening Mozambique.
historical ties, political, economic, social
President Museveni however, noted that
and cultural co-operation between the
since 2018, little has been done partly due
two countries.
to the insecurity in the area.
The two Heads of State reiterated their
“I advised that why don’t you add a force
commitments made in May 2018 in Maputo,
to guard the activities, then we also
Mozambique, to strengthen further
contribute to the security in the area,”
the existing ties and review new areas
President Museveni said.
of cooperation particularly, in the fields
of; Defence and Security, Immigration, The President also offered to train
Agriculture, Energy, Petroleum and Mineral Mozambique nationals (Scientists) in
Development, Works and Transport, wildlife conservation and protection to also
Trade and Investment, Tourism, Youth reap from the huge benefits of tourism
and Culture, Labour and Employment, like Uganda.
Environment, Education and Sports,
among others.

While addressing the media, President

Museveni referred to his earlier visit to
Mozambique in 2018, where he visited
their old base in Montepuez, and met the
war veterans whom together with the
Government of Mozambique, have been

“I had an idea which I proposed to His

Excellency which was to start a wealth
creation association of veterans or their President Museveni and President Nyusi
children, so that they produce wealth in a tete-a-tete at State House, Entebbe

48 The Presidency | April 2022

“Before COVID19, we were getting 1.6 His Excellency President Filipe Jacinto
billion dollars each year from tourism Nyusi and First Lady H.E. Dr. Isaura Gonçalo
and we were getting 1.5 million visitors. Ferrão Nyusi and other Senior Government
Tourism in Uganda has recovered, it had Officials of the Republic of Mozambique
collapsed during President Idi Amin’s time who were in Uganda on a three-day
because animals had been poached but State Visit, were received at State House,
when we took over power, we stabilised Entebbe with full ceremonial honors by
everything. For us we are ready as Uganda their hosts His Excellency President Yoweri
Government to train any Mozambican Kaguta Museveni and First Lady Janet
who you will send here for wildlife course Museveni.
especially university graduates who should
According to the Joint communique,
be scientists,” President Museveni said.
the two Heads of State reaffirmed the
He said these will be conservationists and
importance of the Joint Permanent
others protection forces to contribute to
Commission (JPC) as a framework for
the security in the parks.
deepening bilateral relations between
On his part, President Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, the two countries and reiterated their
of the Republic of Mozambique, expressed directive to their respective Ministries of
gratitude to President Museveni, for Foreign Affairs to convene the next Session
accepting to support them in maintaining of the JPC in Kampala in 2022, on dates to
security and stability in Mozambique. be mutually agreed through the normal
diplomatic channels.
“We took some time discussing security
matters given that ever since 1982, there They also directed their respective
are a lot of security issues to settle in there Ministers to work on a mechanism to
and to also support the war veterans,” Mr facilitate the waiving of visas for Diplomatic
Nyusi said, adding that a meeting with and Service passport holders.
the war veterans was held and shared
Mr. Museveni expressed his gratitude to
experiences on how to support them.
His Excellency President Filipe Jacinto
He also revealed that his coming to Uganda Nyusi for honoring his invitation and for
was to establish how Uganda can invest in the fruitful discussions they held. He
agriculture, citrus production and animal later hosted the visiting delegation to a
rearing in Mozambique given that Uganda luncheon.
has a lot of experience in that field.
During his stay, H.E. Filipe Jacinto Nyusi
President Museveni revealed that in visited and toured Luweero Industries
May, a team led by Lt. Gen. Ivan Koreta, Limited and Kawumu Presidential
who is among the 28 soldiers who were Demonstration Farm.
trained at Montepuez under the Front for
Mozambique and Uganda have enjoyed
National Salvation, which later became
good relations of friendship and solidarity
the National Resistance Army, before it
since the national liberation struggle
became the Uganda People’s Defence
stemming from the 1970s during the days
Forces, will lead a delegation of Ugandan
of FRELIMO, as the country fought for
agricultural scientists and Defence
officials, to establish how best Uganda
can support Mozambique.

The Presidency | April 2022 49

NAKASEKE DISTRICT: The President of the welcomed by among others; Gen Salim
Republic of Mozambique, His Excellency Saleh who is the Chairman Operation
Filipe Jacinto Nyusi, called upon the people Wealth Creation and Special Presidential
of Nakaseke to make good use of Kapeeka Advisor on Defence and Security, the
Industrial Park to empower themselves Minister of Foreign Affairs; Gen Jeje Odongo
and develop their country. Abubaker, the Minister for Security; Gen
Jim Muhwezi, the State Minister for Internal
“One advantage is that this land which
Affairs; Gen. David Muhoozi, the Minister
was in the past the birth of liberation
for Energy and Mineral Development;
is now the birth of development, so, it’s
Ruth Nankabirwa, the Minister of State
important to say that we will empower
for Defence and Veteran Affairs; Hon. Huda
our people for development. This is a place
Abason Oleru, and the Minister of State for
where employment is generated and by
Luwero Triangle; Hon. Alice Kaboyo.
doing so, we can empower ourselves and
develop,” President Filipe said. Speaking at the function, Gen. Salim Saleh
who is among the ‘veterans of the armed
President Filipe was speaking to the
struggles that have been on the continent
gathering at Kapeeka Industrial Park, also
expressed gratitude to H.E. Nyusi, for
known as Liao Shen Industrial Park in
finding time to visit Namunkekeera Rural
Nakaseke District, after a guided tour of
Industrial Centre.
the different projects and their production
chains. Good Will Uganda Ceramic Gen. Saleh recalled the time he and 27
Company Ltd that manufactures tiles was other soldiers were training in Montepuez
among those President Filipe toured. between 1976 and 1978 where they used to
read only two books that were in the library
Mr Filipe noted that Mozambique will
titled, “The Long March” by Chairman Mao
send a team of experts to acquire more
Zedong and the other about “How Europe
knowledge on setting up Industrial parks
Underdeveloped Africa”, a 1972 book
which they have also started back home.
written by Walter Rodney that describes
“Our visit was not in vain. We are happy how Africa was deliberately exploited and
to see industrial parks such as these in underdeveloped by European colonial
Uganda. We did not bring our businessmen regimes.
this time but we will certainly do so and
“So since that time, me and my colleagues
build up economic firms so that we can
have been obsessed with this idea of how
do things such as these as an example.
Europe underdeveloped Africa. That’s
One of the companies investing in these
why we are lucky to have the Chinese
projects will, starting from this year
here. We don’t know whether they will
operate in Mozambique,” he said, adding
develop us or under-develop us like the
that this will also contribute to the well-
Europeans underdeveloped us but so far
being of veterans in Mozambique through
so good. Because they have turned soil
engaging in productive work.
into products, they have created jobs,” Gen
At Kapeeka Industrial Park, H.E. Filipe was Saleh said, adding that, “we hope that the

50 The Presidency | April 2022

Chinese will not under-develop us.” Secretary, Ms. Hope Nyakairu and were
taken around on a guided tour of the
The ceremony was also attended by
different projects undertaken at the farm
the Commissioner General of Prisons;
that included among others fish farming,
Canon Johnson Byabashaija, the Deputy
poultry, coffee plantation, banana farming
Inspector General of Police; Maj. Gen.
and rabbit farming (Cuniculture)
Geoffrey Tumusiime Katsigazi, the Chief
Political Commissar (CPC) of the UPDF; Kawumu Presidential Demonstration
Maj. Gen. Henry Matsiko and the veterans Farm located in Luwero district was
from Luwero Triangle. commissioned in November 2016 by H.E.
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, with the primary
Before heading to Kapeeka Industrial
objective of promoting the 4-acre farming
Park, Mozambique President, Filipe Nyusi
model and teaching farmers to adopt good
and delegates earlier visited Kawumu
farming innovativeness to create wealth.
Presidential Demonstration farm and
were received by the State House Under-

State House Under Secretary, Ms. Hope Nyakairu, shows President Nyusi, pineapples
grown at the Presidential farm in Kawumu

The Presidency | April 2022 51


I commend the Government of Uganda premature babies are catered for and
for respecting the health of the women Kangaroo style (where mothers put their
and children and other unprivileged premature babies in the chest for better
persons through providing them with the growth and protection).
improved health services. We have learnt
a lot from the visit and will definitely She was further led to a ‘Wall of Hope’
borrow a leaf for sustainable health displaying pictures of babies who were
development,” born premature and now are living
examples including quadruplets.
Dr. Isaura Ferrao Nyusi.
MULAGO HOSPITAL, KAMPALA: H.E. Dr. During the tour, Dr. Evelyn Nabunya,
Isaura Ferrao Nyusi, the First Lady of informed Mrs. Nyusi that the hospital offers
Mozambique, visited Mulago Specialised different specialised services including;
Women and Neonatal Hospital (MSWNH) Antenatal Clinic, Benign Gynaecology, Uro-
and commended the Government of gynaecology, Gyn-oncolgy, Physiotherapy,
Uganda for its efforts in improving the Radiology, Fluoroscopy, Mamography,
health of women and children. Ultrasound, Family planning, Kangaroo
follow-up clinic, Cervical Cancer Screening,
“I commend the Government of Uganda Immunisation, Postnatal Clinic, Neonatal
for respecting the health of the women Intensive Care Unit, Kangaroo Mother Care,
and children and other unprivileged Operation theatres, Intensive Care Unit,
persons through providing them with the High Dependence Unit, Labour Suites,
improved health services. We have learnt a among others.
lot from the visit and will definitely borrow
a leaf for sustainable health development,” Earlier, Dr. Isaura Ferrao Nyusi held a
she said. bilateral meeting with the First Lady and
Minister of Education and Sports, Hon.
Mrs. Nyusi is the patron of the Model Janet Kataaha Museveni, at State House
Maternity and Wards certification in Entebbe, during which they discussed
Mozambique, an initiative of the Ministry various issues in the sectors of education,
of Health of Mozambique. health and environmental conservation.
Dr. Isaura Ferrao Nyusi who was received She appreciated President Museveni
by the Minister of Health Hon. Dr. Jane and his wife Janet Kataaha Museveni
Ruth Aceng and Dr. Evelyn Nabunya - for the opportunity to visit the hospital
Executive Director, Mulago Women and Kalangala Islands and for warmly
Hospital and her medical staff was guided welcoming them in Uganda.
on a tour of the Radiology Department, Hon. Jane Ruth Jane Aceng, the Minister
Laboratory and Diagnostic area and the of Health said they are honoured that
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. during their short visit to Uganda, H.E
While at Intensive Care Unit for premature Dr. Isaura Ferrao Nyusi, chose to visit the
babies, Mrs. Nyusi was shown how the health sector and appreciated her for that

52 The Presidency | April 2022

She said that the maternal mortality of Mwebesa; Director General Ministry of
Uganda is still high at 336 per 100,000 live Health, Dr. Charles Olaro; represented
births, but it has come down from a hike of Chairperson Board Mulago Specialised
cover 500 per 100,000. She said their vision Women and Neonatal Hospital and Dr.
is to bring it to a target of sustainable Evelyn Nabunya- Executive Director
development goals. She revealed this year, Mulago Women Hospital. The delegation
they set a target of 120 per 100,000. from Mozambique included; Hon. Josefina
Mpelo; Minister for Combatants, among
Present at the guided tour were; Hon.
Grace Freedom Kwiyucwiny; Minister
of State Northern Uganda, Dr. Henry G.

H.E. Dr. Isaura Ferrao Nyusi (left) visits the Wall of Hope at Mulago Specialised
Women and Neonatal Hospital

The Presidency | April 2022 53


First of all, I congratulate our Muslim religious leaders to expose and fight
people for approaching the end of bad politicians who have made it a habit
fasting. Fasting is a good discipline, to fight Government’s developmental
it’s a good practice and people need to programmes.
know that we don’t live to eat but we
eat to live,” “Religious leaders, please help me to
expose bad politicians because they are
President Museveni.
causing problems to all of us,” he said.
The President was hosting Muslims for
Yoweri Museveni said bad politicians who
the annual Iftar dinner at State House,
sabotage Government programmes aimed
Entebbe. The Mufti of Uganda, His
at empowering Ugandans are partly to
Eminence Sheikh Shaban Ramathan
blame for the rising prices of commodities.
Mubajje, led the Muslims to the dinner.
“The problem is our people who do not
Addressing Muslims at the dinner and
listen; they are always sabotaging our
those at home via live television and radio,
programmes. When political leaders fight
President Museveni who congratulated
Government programs, it’s the people who
Muslims of Uganda and around the
suffer,” the President said.
world for completing the holy month
President Museveni appealed to the of Ramadan, said that fasting is good

Muslims led by Sheikh Shaban Ramathan Mubajje pray

during Iftar dinner at State House, Entebbe

54 The Presidency | April 2022

discipline which should be emulated even fulfill this pillar of fasting, I want you to
by non-Muslims. create unity amongst yourselves. When
we have unity in the community, we shall
“First of all, I congratulate our Muslim
have development,” she said.
people for approaching the end of fasting.
Fasting is a good discipline, it’s a good She appealed to the Muslim community to
practice and people need to know that we embrace the wealth creation programmes.
don’t live to eat but we eat to live,” he said.
“I congratulate the Muslims of Uganda
The President encouraged Muslims and and of the world for completing the holy
Ugandans in general to work hard for both month of Ramadan,” Among said.
the stomach and pocket and appealed to
The Third Deputy Prime Minister, Hon.
the people to follow the NRM teachings
Hajati Rukia Nakadama, thanked the
of wealth creation in their homesteads.
President and First Lady for always hosting
“Even in the Bible, St. Paul said that if you Muslims for the annual Iftar dinner at State
don’t work, you do not also eat. I want House. She commended them for their
to inform you that this time, we are very generosity.
serious about people who are not working
“I want to congratulate you for ending the
for the pocket,” he said.
month of Ramadan that we have gone
The President revealed that because of through and pray to the almighty Allah to
the Government’s efforts, many families accept our fasting. On behalf of the people
have now started waking up, taking down of Uganda and the Muslim community,
the percentage of those working for the we thank you Mr. President for this Iftar
stomach only from 68% to now 39%. dinner. We are grateful to you and Maama
for the Ramadan charity,” she said.
“If 5 million families with land were to
create only 5 jobs, we shall be creating Mufti Mubajje said that fasting is a pillar
almost 50 million jobs. All these families of Islam and that the benefits of fasting
must get involved in producing for the include, helping the believer to take self-
stomach and pocket,” he said. control and also have spiritual purification.

President Museveni commended the Mufti Mubajje, thanked the President for
Muslims for uniting, adding that he is holding this country together during the
always for the unity of all people in Uganda Corona pandemic and also his effort in
and Africa. uniting all Muslims in Uganda.

The President promised to fulfill the “As you did to fight HIV in Uganda, you
pledges made to Muslims when he also fought COVID-19. May Allah continue
recently met with a delegation of Muslims to guide you so that Uganda is stable
led by the Mufti of Uganda. and peaceful. On behalf of the Muslims
in Uganda, we thank you for intervening
The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Anita
in creating unity among Muslims. It is a
Annet Among, commended President
good gesture to the Muslim community. I
Museveni for uniting the country and
encourage Muslims to maintain this unity,”
its people. She appealed to Muslims to
Sheikh Shaban Mubajje said
emulate the President on unity.

“Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, as you

The Presidency | April 2022 55


Countrymen and Country Women, of identity was pseudo-ideology - a false

diagnosis of the problems our societies
I, again, convey the condolence of all
faced. Abroad, we had been exposed
the Ugandans, the NRM fraternity, the
to the phenomena of the class politics
Government and my own family, to the
of Europe such as the phenomenon of
family of the Late Rt. Hon. Jacob Oulanyah,
the great French Revolution that saw
the former Speaker of Parliament and
capitalism triumph over feudalism for
Vice-Chairman for the NRM for Northern
the first time but also the unification of
Germany (1871) and Italy (1860) from the
As I said at Kololo, the coming up of people smaller kingdoms of the Germanic and
like the Rt. Hon, Oulanyah to high-level of Latin Peoples, (respectively). Locally, we
leadership of the country, number 3 in the could see that hunger, thirst, poverty, lack
constitutional hierarchy of the country, is a of roads, lack of schools, diseases etc. were
direct result of the historic road- junction common to all and affecting everybody.
(masanganzira) Uganda experienced in
You do not have Catholic, Protestant or
Moslem Malaria or female or male Malaria.
Prior to 1965, Uganda’s political Parties You do not have Banyankore, Baganda
had been based on the politics of identity. or Acholi Malaria. Malaria is Malaria
Identity of religion and also identity of regardless of religion, tribes or gender. If
tribes and gender-chauvinism (looking the needs of these people are similar, why,
down or marginalising women). Hence, then, do you divide them? Why do you
you had DP as a Party for Catholics, UPC not unite them so that they can, together,
a Party for Protestants and KY a Party tackle their common problems – common
for Baganda Protestants. Although a needs?
Protestant, I had been a Member of DP on
After thorough analysis, we came up with
account of another strand of sectarianism
the four NRM principles that you are now
in the Ankole area of that time.
familiar with: Patriotism (mwoyo gwa
The marginalisation of women could be Uganda, love the whole of Uganda because
seen by the fact that in the Parliament of you need it for your prosperity, uzalendo);
91 Members of Parliament (including the Pan-Africanism (mwoyo gwa Africa, love
9 Specially Elected), I can only remember the whole of Africa, because you need it
two women – Florence Lubega and an for your prosperity and security); Socio-
Indian Lady, Visram. economic transformation; and Democracy.
On account of exposure to World historical By the time we formed Fronasa in
events through the studies in Schools but 1971 to fight Idi Amin, these were our
also examining the phenomena in our guiding principles. We did not look at
villages, by 1965, some youth elements people’s identity but at their capability
in those sectarian political parties, had and contribution. We did not look at
started seeing that the logic of politics

56 The Presidency | April 2022

tribes, religions or whether one was a Amin as follows:
woman or man. What is your ideology
1. Labeja and Obwona in Gulu;
(political beliefs); your capability and
your contribution? That is how Kategaya 2. Some 2 thieves in Kampala that had
and myself came here in Omoro in 1973, nothing to do with us;
January and linked up with Jacob Okello
who used to work with UDC. 3. Kasolo and Abwoli Malibo in Fort
Jacob Okello linked us to 82 Acholi ex-
soldiers and police that were around a 4. Ntale and Nkoko in Jinja;
village to the right of Awere bridge as 5. Namirundu and Masaba in Mbale;
you face East, led by a former Uganda
Army Sergeant Lino Okuya. I have been 6. The Kyambogo Mathematics
in touch with his family. This group had Teacher, Karuhanga (Omuharabu
been introduced to Eriya Kategaya by because of his brown colour) in
Engineer Akena Pajok of UEB who had also Mbarara;
linked us with the Atiak group of Maama
7. Bitwaari, Karambuzi and Kangire in
Kinyera, my late Deputy Resident District
Commissioner. Kabale.

The guns we had infiltrated into the Most of these were our members except
country before the mistake of September, the thieves in Kampala. Kategaya, Jacob
17th, 1972 disrupted us, had been dispersed Okello and myself, also had a narrow
to different parts of Uganda. 20 of them escape when our Renault car knocked a
had been brought by Akena Pajok to Atiak. sheep at Palenga Primary School and had
Hence, in our meeting with Lino Okuya its radiator damaged. It is that sheep that
in the village near Awere bridge, we had saved Kategaya because he did not arrive
arranged for those guns to be transferred back at his Bat Valley Flats Residence
from Atiak to the Awere area to arm the when Amin’s operatives came with torches
82 ex-serviceman. looking for his car which at that time,
about 22:00 hours (10 p.m.), was safely
Unfortunately, Lino Okuya, against my
parked behind the Teachers’ house at
express advice, revealed our plan to one
Palenga, damaged by the sheep and at
Latigo, a former Obote’s General Service
that very hour our party was departing
(Intelligence) person, who had been
Gulu in a hired mini-bus for Kampala.
briefly with us in Dar-es-salaam and,
apparently, had come back. That is how It is that ideology of the four principles:
Obwona and Labeja of Atiak and Awere Patriotism, Pan-Af ricanism, Social-
respectively, were arrested with the guns economic transformation and Democracy,
while transferring them. Also arrested that we introduced to the whole of
with them was David Kangire, a former Uganda when we won the civil war in 1986.
Butobere Secondary School Student that Ekitetekatekyirwe, embwa ekahuunga
we had attached to the Acholi group. omukaro. “Surprise caused a dog to run
away from the spitted and dried meat,
Labeja and Obwona were part of the group
thinking somebody had thrown a stone
of 12 that were publicly executed by Idi
at it.” However, after running away for

The Presidency | April 2022 57

a short distance, the dog stopped and 1980 (UPC revenging on the West Nilers
started getting the scent of the delicious on account of Amin’s mistakes) and 1985
meat and came back to enjoy the mukaro (Okello Lutwa and Bazilio against Obote).
(the spitted and dried meat). Similarly, The NRM had healed the bad feelings
visionary young people in the North, with created in 1966 by the conflict between
time, started noticing the attractiveness Obote and Mutesa.
of the correct principles of the NRM and
We have, therefore, lost a great asset.
joining. In return, the NRM also noticed the
Get us a good replacement. We shall
talents of these young people – starting
stand with Oulanyah’s children and
with the Deputy Speaker Betty Okwir,
continue to support the development
Beatrice Lagada, Salim Bachou etc. Jacob
and transformation of Northern Uganda,
Oulanyah, was one of them.
just as we do for the rest of the country.
On the Military/Police side, people like
The outpouring of grief by all Ugandans
Otema, Oketta, Odwe; Akullo, Lokech etc.,
towards Oulanyah’s death, shows that the
came up. Since the NRM is always after
NRM strategy of uniting all Ugandans has
qualities and Oulanyah had a bunch of
succeeded. If you are good, the Ugandans
them, such as a sharp analytical brain,
will appreciate you.
dedication, oratory, etc., NRM supported
him for the position of Deputy Speaker in May his Soul rest in Eternal Peace.
the years 2011 to 2021. Yoweri K. Museveni
Last year, 2021, the NRM forwarded his PRESIDENT AND CHAIRMAN NRM
name to the Parliament as a sole candidate
for Speakership having ruled out the
other contenders. In the vote, NRM gave
Oulanyah 310 votes against Maama Kadaga
who had stood as an Independent. Maama
Kadaga got 197 votes. In the same way,
many other young and old cadres are
coming up backed by progressive forces
of the NRM.

Oulanyah, in Parliament, was strictly

following the Constitution and avoiding
non-legal actions. The new Speaker and
Deputy Speaker have seen Oulanyah’s
example although a brief one.

The people of Omoro, give us another

good NRM.

I salute Oulanyah, using the lessons he had

learnt from the NRM of non-sectarianism,
as Vice Chairperson NRM, united the
peoples of Lango, Acholi and West Nile
who had been wrongly polarised in 1971
(Amin against the Acholis and Langis), in

58 The Presidency | April 2022

The marginalisation of
women could be seen by the President
fact that in the Parliament of Museveni
91 Members of Parliament,”

TEL: 0414670558
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The Presidency
May, 2022

Your Monthly Round-Up of State House News

MUSEVENI DECORATES LIBERATION WAR HEROINE WHO HOUSED FIGHTERS����������������������������������������������������������������������������7

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI MEETS MEMBERS OF THE PARLIAMENTARY COMMISSION��������������������������������������������������������������������9

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI PASSES OUT 2610 LOCAL DEFENSE PERSONNEL����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 11

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI GRACES ‘LIGHT UP LUWERO FOR JESUS MISSION’ CEREMONY��������������������������������������������������������� 13

TALKS WITH A DELEGATION FROM THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY�������������������������������������������������������������� 15

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI, UKS MINISTER FOR ARMED FORCES DISCUSS SECURITY���������������������������������������������������������������������� 17

PRESIDENT SULUHU CONCLUDES TWO-DAY STATE VISIT TO UGANDA�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19

MUSEVENI RECEIVES SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM ANGOLA’S LOURENÇO����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 20

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI MEETS PROSPECTIVE AUTOMOBILE INVESTOR������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21

DELEGATION OF INDIAN INVESTORS, ADVOCATES FOR SMART INVESTMENTS���������������������������������������������������������������������������22


PRESIDENT MUSEVENI GRACES THE UGANDA – TURKEY INVESTMENT SUMMIT�������������������������������������������������������������������������25

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI, TURKISH TRADE MINISTER DISCUSS INVESTMENTS�������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI COMMISSIONS KIRYANDONGO CREST SUGAR FACTORY���������������������������������������������������������������������� 28



PRESIDENT MUSEVENI PASSES OUT 33 CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS OFFICERS���������������������������������������������������������������������������33

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI MEETS RUSSIA’S ORTHODOX NEW AFRICA EXARCHATE����������������������������������������������������������������������� 36

PRESIDENT MUSEVENI MEETS KENYAN OPPOSITION LEADER RAILA ODINGA��������������������������������������������������������������������������� 37

Dear Reader,
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monthly e-magazine, The feedback and suggestions
Presidency. The monthly about the e-magazine
e-publication highlights the and our other services
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the month, and is one of our Whatsapp: 0414670288 or
Open Government initiatives through our social media
to bring Government closer to handles; GCICUganda. We
the citizens. also encourage the citizens
who have benefited from
In the month of
the different interventions,
May the President
programmes and projects
hosted a few investors
commissioned by the
reiterating his strategy
President to send us their
towards socioeconomic
experiences in form of
transformation. He also
articles. We shall publish
passed out law enforcement
them. I now have the pleasure
personnel and spoke to both
to present to you the twelfth
groups about the linkage of
edition of The Presidency.
security and the economic

Marcella Karekye
Special Presidential Assistant
In-Charge of Communication
& Director Government Citizen
Interaction Centre (GCIC)

4 The Presidency | May 2022

Enhancing monitoring
of service delivery in
a digitally connected

The Government Citizen

Interaction Centre (GCIC)
operates under State House as
a key contact centre between
Government and citizens to
enhance the monitoring of
service delivery. We provide
a channel for feedback and
suggestions from citizens
Duncan Abigaba in a bid to promote open
Deputy Chief Editor governance.
Through GCIC, citizens interact
with Government through
multiple channels including.
Simon Kyeyune The data generated through
Sharp Mugabe these interactions is analyzed
to inform policy decisions,
guide in the formulation of
policy interventions.
Government Citizen Interaction Centre,
P.O.Box 25497 Kampala.
SRK House, Plot 67A Lugogo By-Pass,


The Presidency | May 2022 5

When we came to government,
Uganda was generating 60
megawatts and selling 30 to
Kenya. I proposed to have more
power dams, but parliament
that time blocked it. This was a
betrayal of that Parliament.”

President Museveni
At Kijaguzo we met Maama Anna who at Kijaguzo they were given assistance
handed us to Senkaali (we nick named in terms of housing, feeding, and doing
‘Lt. Col.’ Senkaali. They played a big role reconnaissance for them and directing
in directing us hidden paths while we them to hidden routes among others. He
trekked at night dodging police officers in appreciated them for their tremendous
the town,” contribution and commended the
President Museveni. residents of Kijaguzo for contributing
towards the liberation struggle.
NAKASEKE: Maama Anna Maria
Mukaluyinda Nakampi of Kijaguzo On his arrival, the President was first taken
Parish, Semuto in Nakaseke district was around St. Mary’s Catholic Parish-Kijaguzo
awarded with a Luwero triangle medal in next to the residence of Maama Maria
appreciation of support and contribution Mukaluyinda Nakampi where they held a
to the NRA liberation struggle by President private meeting with the celebrant.
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni. In 1981 the church housed (yamubudamya)
Speaking shortly after the Thanksgiving H.E Yoweri Kaguta Museveni and his
Mass to celebrate the life and works of mother Ms Esteri Kokundeka Nganzi, Hajji
Maama Maria Nakampi at St. Mary’s Moses Kigongo, Salim Saleh, Tumwine and
Catholic Parish-Kijaguzo in Nakaseke other combatants.
district, President Museveni congratulated Maama Anna Maria Mukaluyinda Nakampi
the celebrant for making 80 years and also gifted the President with a shield, an arrow
thanked the Almighty God for giving her and his portrait in remembrance of the
the gift of a long life. liberation struggle while in Kijaguzo Parish.
Museveni, who was accompanied by President Museveni pledged a bus for
the First Daughter Natasha Museveni St. Denis S.S Kijaguzo and also pledged
Karugire, gave a brief history of the to tarmac more roads he also gave three
struggle in the jungles of Luwero, said SACCOs Shs. 20m each and urged the
Nakampi and her connections played an people to embrace the Parish Development
important role in housing, feeding and Model which will improve the standard of
doing reconnaissance for the then NRA living for households.
combatants enabling them to trek at night
to avoid police. Museveni cautioned Ugandans against
destroying swamps and wetlands which
“At Kijaguzo we met Maama Anna who he said, help in keeping water and sieving/
handed us to Senkaali (we nick named filtering the water. He instructed the
‘Lt. Col.’ Senkaali. They played a big role Sub county chiefs, Parish Chiefs, Chief
in directing us hidden paths while we Accounting Officers (CAO) and Resident
trekked at night dodging police officers District Commissioners (RDC) to guide the
in the town,” he said. people and protect the wetlands.
President Museveni also said that while On the issue of land wrangles in Buganda

The Presidency | May 2022 7

and the Church land, the President Celebration Mass was conducted by
pledged to ensure that it is settled. Msgr. Francis Xavier Mpanga the Diocese
Administrator Kasana Luweero Diocese
In her written speech Mzee Maria
accompanied by Rev. Fr. Achilles K.
Mukaluyinda Nakampi urged Christians
Ssemakula, Rev. Fr. Francis Kasule and
to serve God well when given a chance
for He knows the right time to reward you.
Present at the event were; Hon. Alice
She said you can’t escape God’s plan and
Kaboyo Minister of State for Luwero
she advised people to be obedient to God’s
triangle, Hon Lutamaguzi Ssemakula
Paul MP Nakaseke South Constituency,
“Serving God is greater than all riches on Hon. Sarah Najjuma Woman MP Nakaseke
the earth and I am a witness,” she said. district, Cpt. Kakooza Yahaya, RDC
Nakaseke district, Muyambi Joseph Deputy
RDC Nakaseke district among others.

Maama Anna Maria Mukaluyinda Nakampi gifts President Museveni with a shield
and a spear in remembrance of the liberation struggle while in Kijaguzo Parish

8 The Presidency | May 2022


When you have a leadership role you are the President said adding, “When we won
a trustee, so you should know that the in 2006, I came back and met the cabinet.
country does not belong to members of This time, I was ready for a showdown. I
Parliament. It belongs to the people and told them that I beg you, we must put
other workers of the country,” more money in two areas of roads and
President Museveni electricity. Cabinet agreed and called the
caucus and they agreed. That’s how you
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President can see all these roads constructed and
Museveni met with the Parliamentary we got out of that problem caused by the
Commission led by the Speaker of misuse of Parliament. I am very glad that
Parliament, the Rt. Hon. Anita Annette this Parliament has moved well. I want to
Among and the Deputy Speaker Hon. congratulate you,” he said.
Thomas Tayebwa at State Lodge Nakasero.
On the issue of the Parliamentary
Addressing the Parliamentary budget, President Museveni appealed to
Commissioners, the President counseled Parliament not to misuse the committees
that the country does not belong to leaders of Parliament and said that committees
but to the people of Uganda. should be funded but with small numbers.
“When you have a leadership role you are He lauded Parliament’s decision of allowing
a trustee, so you should know that the to give the Constituency Development
country does not belong to members of Fund to the Parish Development Model
Parliament. It belongs to the people and to run it, saying it’s a wise decision.
other workers of the country,” President
Museveni said. “I am glad you have brought back the
constituency development money back
President Yoweri Museveni also said to Parish Development Model,” he said.
that when all the arms of government
(Executive, Parliament, and Judiciary) work On the issue of increasing salaries for the
together, they yield good results for the Parliamentary staff, the President said that
country. they can wait for now, but that does not
mean that they are not thought about.
Using the crisis of load-shedding in 2005
as an example, the President said that “Also the armed forces, teachers, medical
electricity shortage was caused by the workers are all getting low salaries. So be
Parliament at the time, which blocked careful with these budgets. The bases of
major projects of dams construction. the state are the armed forces, teachers
and health workers. We should always
“When we came to government, Uganda look into their welfare first before others,”
was generating 60 megawatts and selling he said.
30 to Kenya. I proposed to have more power
dams, but parliament that time blocked The President commended the 11th
it. This was a betrayal of that Parliament,” Parliament for a good start and handling
of government business in a mature way.

The Presidency | May 2022 9

This way, he said, complements the NRA/ “We have also passed 64 resolutions out of
NRM line of liberating Ugandans from 78 and presented 31 committee reports,”
poverty. she said.

“I want to thank Parliament; you have Rt. Hon. Among revealed that they have
started well. I thank the entire leadership had 83 plenary sittings. According to the
of Parliament for the good way you have Speaker, the commission has decided to
started and working well as a government; take the constituency fund to be run under
the executive, legislature and judiciary,” the Parish Development Model. She added
Mr Museveni said. that there is a need for Parliament to build
its own space for MPs offices instead of
He appealed to Parliament to complement
the historical mission of NRA/NRM to
liberate the people from poverty. ‘We spend over Shs 20 billion for rent per
year for MPs. We should instead use the
“In the past, people used Parliament
money to build our own accommodation
to set up parallel authorities to fight
and save the government this money,”
government programmes. I have seen
Among said.
that this Parliament is not involved in
those mistakes,” he said. The meeting was attended by the Prime
Minister of Uganda, Rt. Hon. Robinah
He supported the commission’s proposal of
Nabbanja, the Minister of Finance, Hon.
building their own offices for the Members
Matia Kasaijja, Clerk to Parliament, Hon.
of Parliament instead of renting which is
Adolf Mwesigye and Parliamentary
Commissioners among others.
The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Anita
Annet Among commended President
Museveni for the support he has always
given to Parliament and its leadership.

“We wish to extend our sincere thanks for

your continued support. Thanks for the
support for our late Speaker. Your personal
interest in the leadership of parliament
has not been in vain and we shall never
disappoint you. We shall work together to
ensure good governance,” Among said.

The Speaker outlined some of the

achievements registered by this parliament
in the last 11 months that include passing
of 12 bills out of the 20 presented.

Rt. Hon. Among said they had passed

12 bills including; the NSSF Bill, Oil bill,
President Museveni addressing the Speaker of
Income tax Bill, Finance Management Bill,
Parliament and members of the Parliamentary
Succession Bill, Market Bill, Mining and
Commission on Budget during a meeting at State
Minerals bill, Electricity bill, etc.
House Nakasero

10 The Presidency | May 2022

We had removed the 5th division for training training security wing here; it’s good for
and they took advantage of that. But now we the army and it’s also good for security,”
have brought it back. It will help make the he said.
rustlers lose appetite for the gun,”
The President said with the big number
President Museveni
of trainers, the school now
needs a guard force. “Once you have got
President Yoweri Museveni has vowed
a big number of people here, those who
to make the cattle rustlers in Karamoja
disturb security will not come. We need
‘lose appetite’ for the gun by building
a guard force to contribute to security
and equipping a stronger guard force at
of this area. It will also contribute to the
Labwordong in Agago district.
economy of the area. These people are
Speaking shortly after passing out 2610 here, government buys food for them,
Local Defence they get salary and go to shop for other
essentials here. The community benefits,”
Personnel intake 06/21-22 that had been
he said.
undergoing training at the Labwordwong
Training School in Agago district, President The President commended the army
Museveni said the cattle rustling that has leadership for setting up the training
re-emerged in the region will stop. school and pledged to support the facility
in the construction of new classrooms,
“We had removed the 5th division for
instructors’ houses and improving
training and they took advantage of that.
the shooting range. According to the
But now we have brought it back. It will
Labwordong Training School Commandant
help make the rustlers lose appetite for
Lt. Col. George Stephen Eyoku, the 2657
the gun,” he said.
trainees including 516 females were
President Museveni who is also the voluntarily mobilised by the national
Commander-in-Chief of the UPDF had recruitment team of the UPDF in October
earlier, despite a heavy downpour, 2021 for 24 weeks. 47 trainers however
witnessed field craft and shooting range failed to finish the course.
demonstrations by the new recruits before
“Our objective is to train young energetic
inspecting a guard of honour and a match
Ugandans with values, norms and
past by the new recruits.
ideological orientation of the national
“I am very happy to come here in army. The development of character
Labwordong. I was here long time ago mentally and physically is key. They are
when fight Karimojong. I thank you for trained to serve their country diligently.
remembering to turn it into training wing. The Army wants a fit you rather than a
I am also happy that the leaders here and sick you,” he said.
elders gave land to army to train. We shall
The Deputy Chief of Defence Forces Lt Gen
compensate you for the land don’t worry.
Peter Elwelu commended the training
We need to use the land for training. The
school instructors for a job well done and

The Presidency | May 2022 11

welcomed the trainees to UPDF. it from that angle otherwise you will be
disappointed. If you are to stay in the
“You are welcome to the UPDF family. Here
the army is not a job, it’s about service UPDF, do your work and do it well. It is not
to our people. It is important to look at about pay but service,” he said.

President Museveni inspecting a guard of honor and matching past by the new recruits

12 The Presidency | May 2022


Luwero has a special place in the nation supporters have become disgruntled,
and in my heart. We all know that the angry and often have a wrong perception
Luwero triangle was the place that that we just use them and drop them
nurtured the revolutionary movement which is not true,” Museveni said.
that ushered in freedom and liberty to
Uganda,” He asked to be pardoned by God and the
residents of Luwero triangle and move
Janet Museveni
forward together in developing the region.
On the issue of environmental degradation,
LUWERO: Speaking during the closing
Museveni warned the residents against
ceremony of the ‘Light up Luwero for
occupying wetlands and directed the
Jesus Mission’ where he was chief guest
Resident District Commissioners (RDCs),
President Museveni said, “We started
Chief Administrative Officers (CAO), and
the war from here. The people of Luwero
other leaders to follow-up and preserve
received us and embraced the revolution.
the environment or else their jobs will be
They sacrificed their lives, food, security
at stake.
and others to liberate this nation. They
gave us the wisdom and grace to work On their arrival at New Hope Academy
with them through to accomplish this playground at Kasana Kiwoko, Nakaseke
mission. With undeniable support and district, Museveni, accompanied by First
blessings, we succeeded to win the war Lady Janet, were welcomed by Patience
and started laying the foundation for the Rwabwogo and her husband Odrek, the
long-term transformation of the country,” Minister of State for Luwero- Rwenzori
he said. Triangle Alice Kaboyo, the Director of New
Hope Uganda Pastor Jonnes Twebaze
Museveni who was in Luwero at the
Bakimi, General overseer of Born-Again
invitation of his daughter Pastor Patience
Pentecostal Churches Bishop Joshua
Rwabwogo of the Covenant Nations
Lwere among others. They planted three
Church Luzira, said during the struggle
trees as a sign of peace and later held
many fighters died of AIDS and other
repentance prayers for Luwero triangle
causes and the leaders who took over
led by Bishop Lwere assisted by Pastor
from them where negligent.
Patience Rwabwogo and other religious
“The leaders who took over stopped the leaders.
good ground work and the connectivity
Religious leaders f rom Luweero,
we had in this area. Some of our support
Nakasongola, Nakaseke led by Bishop
did not reach you as planned. There
Lwere and on behalf of residents of Luwero
was relaxation, negligence and lack of
triangle accepted the President’s plea
dividends on the part of the team of
and also asked for pardon from him,
leaders we trusted with the resources to
the government of Uganda and God for
develop this area. Also, the leaders you
holding grudges against the government,
elected because you had the power, let us
disobeying God, being negligent, lazy,
down. As a result, many of our grassroot
and deterring their area from developing.

The Presidency | May 2022 13

For her part, Janet Museveni said she was who had lost their lives as a result of the
overjoyed to be in Luwero. war. The war also created many orphans
as children were left alone without the
“When my daughter invited us to be
protection of their parents,” she said.
present, I knew that it was an appointment
I couldn’t miss. This is because Luwero She added that since the war ended,
has a special place in the nation and in the journey has not been an easy one
my heart. We all know that the Luwero for Luwero to come out of the spiritual,
triangle was the place that nurtured the emotional and physical trauma of those
revolutionary movement that ushered in years.
freedom and liberty to Uganda,” she said.
“Even when development has surged
Museveni said the bush war that was through the rest of the country, it has
fought here brought freedom to Uganda, been a slow and painful journey here. That
but it also brought a lot of pain to the is why I am very thankful to God because
people of the land who paid a very high he always has his appointed time. I believe
price. “There was a lot of bloodshed during this is his appointed time to visit Luwero
the years of war and when it finally came in a special way. It is only God who can
to an end, Luwero was like the valley of bring the spiritual healing and restoration
dry bones spoken of in Ezekiel chapter 37. to the hearts and minds of people so that
When I came to Luwero in 1986 after the they can move on with their lives. We as
war, my heart was broken by the many people can partner with God through
skulls and bones that littered the land. The repentance, a spirit of brokenness and
bones were so many that they were piled forgiveness towards others,” she said.
up in different areas as memorials to those

President Museveni flanked by First Lady Janet Museveni speaks in Luwero

14 The Presidency | May 2022


STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri said, adding, that the reason Uganda is
Kaguta Museveni met with a delegation going for nuclear energy is because the
from the International Atomic Energy hydropower sources are not sufficient.
Agency, led by the Director, Division of
Ms. Aline Des Cloizeaux, the Director,
Nuclear Power for Africa, Ms. Aline Des
Division of Nuclear Power for Africa,
Cloizeaux who was accompanied by
handed over to the President a mission
Mikhail Chudakov the Deputy Director
report on the Integrated Nuclear
General and Head of the Department of
Infrastructure Review (INIR), phase one.
Nuclear Energy and Mehmet Ceyhan from
the same Agency. Ms. Aline Des Cloizeaux thanked President
Museveni for finding time
During the meeting, the
under his busy schedule to
President pointed out that

meet them and discuss the
Uganda and Africa in general
Mission report for phase one.
is interested in nuclear power
(electricity) and not nuclear “Thank you for welcoming
For us, we
weapons. us to present the report of
want that
power for phase one despite your busy
“For us, we want that power
electricity, for schedule. We commend
for electricity, for agriculture
agriculture Uganda’s cooperation
and not for nuclear weapons,” and not for throughout the first phase,”
he said. nuclear Ms. Aline said
The meeting which was
Ms. Aline said that the
attended by the State President
Museveni International Atomic Energy
Minister for Energy Hon.
Agency (IAEA) has come up

Okasai Sidronius Opolot
with recommendations, for
took place, Monday 09th
Uganda to start building and
May 20122 at State House
production of nuclear power.
“The first phase, we have
According to a brief to the
concluded that Uganda is
President, Uganda has so far trained 22
ready for the plant. We in the agency,
people at the level of Master’s degree in
we are ready for all the support through
Nuclear Science.
training etc. so that the project becomes
President Museveni said that the country reality,” she said.
would soon start a school that will train the
Ms. Aline commended Uganda’s
lower cadres in the field of atomic energy
commitment to building and producing
and thereafter embark on building the
nuclear power. Their mission, she said, is
first ever Atomic Energy plant in Uganda.
to help and enable the member countries
“I am glad that you are satisfied, that we to have a safe and secure plant.
are doing what is required,” Mr. Museveni

The Presidency | May 2022 15

The Minister of State for Energy, Hon. host the 2000 MW nuclear power plant
Okasai Sidronius Opolot said that capacity.
through the technical cooperation with
Cabinet in April 2015 approved the Nuclear
the International Atomic Energy Agency,
Power Roadmap Development strategy
Uganda adopted the IAEA milestone
2014-2016 to guide the development of
phased approach for the development of
the nuclear infrastructure in Uganda. The
national infrastructure for nuclear power.
strategy established the Nuclear Energy
“This approach considers three phases; Program Implementing Organisation
Phase one: understanding commitments, (NEPIO), which makes use of the existing
obligations and resource requirements expertise within government Ministries,
before embarking on nuclear power Departments and Agencies.
project, Phase two: building specialised
The meeting was attended by; Mr.
nuclear institutions and preparatory work
Mehmet Ceyhan, INIR Team Leader,
towards construction, and Phase three:
Hon. Dr. Emmanuel Otala, Chairperson
managing construction and preparing
Environment and Natural Resources
for commissioning and operation,” Hon.
Committee of Parliament, Ms. Irene
Bateeta, PS Ministry of Energy and
Hon. Okasai revealed that the Nuclear Mineral development, Dr. Akisophel Kisolo,
Power Plant (NPP) site has already been Chairman, Atomic Energy Council among
identified including acquisition of land to others.

President Museveni receives a mission report on the Integrated Nuclear Infrastructure Review
(INIR) from the Director, Division of Nuclear Power for Africa, Ms. Aline Des Cloizeaux

16 The Presidency | May 2022


Our question to our people was, do you STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President
like prosperity or not? The answer was Yoweri Kaguta Museveni met Mr. James
yes. Where will you get prosperity from? Stephen Heappey the United Kingdom
Through begging or through producing of Parliamentary Under Secretary of State
a good or service and selling it? Yes, we (Minister for the Armed Forces). Minister
must produce and sell, but who will buy Heappey is responsible for armed forces
what you are selling? Tribes do not trade activity including operations, operational
within themselves but between themselves
legal matters, force generation and
and among others for prosperity,”
international defence engagement.
President Museveni.

President Museveni poses for a photo with the UK Minister for the Armed Forces and
Ugandan and UK Government officials

The Presidency | May 2022 17

During the meeting, President Museveni buy what you are selling? Tribes do not
said that the security challenges in Africa trade within themselves but between
are first and foremost ideological because, themselves and among others for
‘you cannot have an army without a good prosperity,” he said.
or bad cause’ but you must have a cause.
Using his own experience, President
The President who gave an in-depth Museveni said as a cattle keeper who
background of ancient armies including produces milk and beef, his tribemates
the British Imperial army said the problem do not buy from him because they have
with some places is having armies without the same products, but his prosperity is
a cause. from the people in Kampala who buy his
“The problem we have with some of these
places is that these armies have no cause. “I am from the cattle tribe; I produce milk
Here we had to struggle to crystalise and and beef. My tribe don’t buy from me
distil core principles around which we because they have similar products. Those
could build institutions including the who buy my products are in Kampala. My
army. That’s how we came up with idea prosperity is based on their pockets. When
of patriotism. You must have a cause! In somebody preaches tribalism, I tell them
Somalia, the causes which are there are to go to hell. Its inter-dependency within
wrong, they are clan-based loyalties. In Uganda. Even Uganda is not enough, that’s
Uganda we had the same problem of why we say Pan-Africanism,” he said.
sectarianism but we had to defeat them
Minister James Stephen Heappey was
by logic,” Museveni said.
happy to visit Uganda and said he looked
President Museveni said complementarity forward to supporting partners with
in trade between groups rather than within security challenges in the region.
groups is where prosperity comes from.
“My first visit, I looked out the window, the
“Our question to our people was, do you lake was still, calm and beautiful. The hills
like prosperity or not? The answer was rolling and green and the sun was shining
yes. Where will you get prosperity from? I was jealous to not call this place home,
Through begging or through producing its beautiful!” he said.
of a good or service and selling it? Yes,
we must produce and sell, but who will

18 The Presidency | May 2022

I have had a fruitful visit to Uganda and and positive visit.
I believe this will smoothen the way we
“I have had a fruitful visit to Uganda and I
do business and what we should do,”
believe this will smoothen the way we do
H.E Samia Suluhu Hassan
business and what we should do,” she said.

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President of the President Museveni on his part thanked
United Republic of Tanzania H.E Samia President Suluhu for accepting his
Suluhu Hassan concluded her two-day invitation to come to Uganda. He
state visit to Uganda with a tour of the took her through Uganda’s economic
Roofings Limited Factory in Namanve transformation, a process he said has seen
Industrial Park. majority Ugandans from predominantly
peasant to money economy.
President Suluhu had earlier addressed
a business meeting organised by the At State House Entebbe to see off President
Private Sector Foundation at Serena Hotel Suluhu was Lucia Isanga Nakadama, the
in Kampala. third Deputy Prime Minister and Minister
without Portfolio and the State Minister
President Suluhu thanked President for Foreign Affairs Okello Oryem among
Museveni for hosting her and her others.
delegation saying that she had a fruitful

President Museveni seeing off President Samia Suluhu Hassan after her
two-day state visit to Uganda

The Presidency | May 2022 19


It is good that the Extraordinary “It is good that this meeting is being
Summit on Terrorism and organised to discuss both terrorism
Unconstitutional Change of Regime and unconstitutional changes in Africa.
in Africa is being organised to discuss Therefore, we support the meeting,” he
both terrorism and unconstitutional said.
changes in Africa. Therefore, we
In a meeting that took place at State
support the meeting,”
House Entebbe, President Museveni
President Museveni
and the visiting envoy discussed other
regional issues concerning security and
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri
Museveni received a special message from
Angola’s President João Manuel Gonçalves The meeting was attended by Uganda’s
Lourenço which was delivered by his Defense Minister Vincent Bamulangaki
special envoy Amb. Leovigido da Costa Sembijja and Hon. John Mulimba, Minister
Silva. of State for Foreign Affairs in charge of
Regional Affairs.
President João Manuel Gonçalves
Lourenço, who is also the Chairperson The Angolan envoy was accompanied by
of the International Conference on the Mr. Esteveao Conselheiro Jal, Mr. Damingos
Great Lakes Region (ICGLR), briefed Mazala, Head of Office Angola Liaison
the President about the Extraordinary Office in Kampala, among others.
Summit on Terrorism and Unconstitutional
Changes of Government, scheduled to take
place in May 2022 in Malabo, Equatorial

The African Union, in its 35th Ordinary

Session held in February 2022 in
Addis Ababa, decided to convene an
Extraordinary Summit on Terrorism and
Unconstitutional Change of Regime
in Africa on 28th May 2022 in Malabo
with the objective of evaluating the two
phenomena and finding formulas to help
address solutions on the basis of which
their resurgence can be halted. The AU
Peace and Security Council will reflect
on the phenomenon of unconstitutional
changes of government in Africa with the President Museveni meeting Amb Leovigido
aim of proffering enduring solutions to da Costa Silva
the problem.

20 The Presidency | May 2022

Our skilled youthful Ugandan employees investors and assured them of the
are going to make cars affordable so government’s support to see that the
that many people manage to buy them to industry takes off.
replace used cars,”
Mr Qingshan presented two samples of
Mr Liu Qingshan Chairman Automobile
what they have already assembled adding
Group (U) Co. Ltd
that with the total investment of 70 million
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri US dollars, the company already spent 12
Museveni met and held a discussion with million US dollars in the first stage.
China-based Automobile investors who Auto Mobile Group (UMG) is an Auto
have already established operations at research and development manufacturer
the Namanve Industrial Park in Uganda. with more than 20 years of experience
UAG whose official name is Automobile of overseas marketing development
Group (U) Co. Ltd and the authorised and investment in China. Their products
Manufacturer and dealer of FAW and JMC include saloon cars, Buses, Vans, pickups,
is interested in setting up a car assembling Suvs, Truck series among others.
plant in Namanve. The meeting was attended by Uganda’s
During the meeting that took place at State State Minister of Finance for Investment
House Entebbe, the group’s chairman Mr and Privatisation Hon. Evelyn Anite among
Liu Qingshan, appreciated the President others.
for sparing time to meet them as well as
the investment atmosphere that allows
the company to thrive.

He said that they are ready to assemble

cars in Uganda.

Mr. Lui Qingshan who is also one of

the surviving founding members of
the Chinese Automobile Industry noted
that with the company’s experience and
availabille capital, the project will lead
to the development of the Automobile
industry in Uganda.

“Our Ugandan youth took only 2 weeks to

train and they’re already doing a good job.
They are going to make the cars affordable
so that many people manage to buy them
President Museveni poses for a photo
to replace used cars,” he said.
with China-based Automobile investors
President Museveni welcomed the

The Presidency | May 2022 21

We want to make in Uganda, make for build industrial clusters in Uganda.
Uganda and export for Uganda,”
The President directed the Minister Evelyn
Mr. Nilesh Jetpariya Director Keravit Group Anite to offer all the support required
for Keravit Team to do their business in
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri
Uganda in a cost effective manner and to
Kaguta Museveni met and held talks with
set up the manufacturing in cognisance
a group of India based-entrepreneurs
with the environmental protection laws
and discussed investment plans that will
in Uganda.
position Uganda as a gateway to Africa
through investments in environmentally- He was happy to know that the sectors
friendly Industrial Parks. being targeted are zero waste and some
even use the pollutants like plastic as one
of the raw materials for the manufacturing
He expressed his support to investments which will end up reducing the pollution
in Uganda that do not only boost the local in Uganda.
economy but also strongly protect the
Honourable Evelyn Anite, State Minister
environment and minimises waste.
for Investment and Privatisation said
During the meeting that took place at the investment which is to be done in
State House Entebbe, the India delegation various phases namely; Ceramic tiles, Poly
led by the Director of the companies packs (packaging), Paper mill, wooden
Keravit Group, Mr Mr. Nilesh Jetpariya, ply and wall clocks. The plan is to bring 15
informed the President that the group companies from India to set up production
comprised experts in using by-products facilities here and to create employment
of oil and clay among other materials. for the locals especially women in many
cases to support the local economy.
The India entrepreneurs that met the
president included; the Director Keravit Earlier, President Museveni met a group
Group and Senior Vice Chairman Capexil of investors under their company Simi
under Ministry of Commerce, Government Mobile Uganda Ltd who briefed him about
of India and Mr. Vishal Acharya, Founder their operations and progress registered
& Director, Rising Venture Services, since they started their work in Uganda
supported by the team of Directors of in 2019. The President directed that their
Spike Holdings Uganda Ltd. They informed operational issues be addressed for
President Museveni that their target is to smooth running of the company.
come and establish their industry as a base
The meeting was also attended by Nusura
in Uganda with a mission of supplying the
Tiperu Uganda’s Ambassador to Ankara
entire Africa.
among others.
“We want to make in Uganda, make for
Uganda and export for Uganda,” Mr Nilesh
said. The multi-sectorial investment has
potential to the tune of USD 60 million to

22 The Presidency | May 2022

A delegation of Indian investors alongside Ugandan Government
officials in a meeting with President Museveni

President Museveni poses for a photo with a delegation from Burundi National
Defence Senior Command and Staff College, at State House, Entebbe

The Presidency | May 2022 23


You are most welcome to Uganda. We On education, it was agreed that Uganda
are very happy to receive President shall identify a sister school in the Republic
Suluhu here and she has come with a of Uganda to partner with the school in the
very powerful delegation. Thank you United Republic of Tanzania, Nyabirenzi,
for accepting my invitation,” Chato.
President Museveni
Speaking shortly after the bilateral
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: Uganda and meeting, President Yoweri Kaguta
Tanzania agreed on exploitation of Museveni welcomed H.E Samia Suluhu
the pathogenic economy, specifically Hassan to Uganda and her powerful
collaboration on the development of delegation. The President was happy that
vaccines between the two countries. They President Suluhu accepted her invitation
also agreed that the United Republic of to visit Uganda.
Tanzania will buy Anti-Retroviral (ARVs) “You are most welcome to Uganda.
Drugs from Uganda. We are very happy to receive President
This was revealed by President Yoweri Suluhu here and she has come with a
Kaguta Museveni and his counterpart very powerful delegation. Thank you
President Samia Suluhu Hassan shortly for accepting my invitation,” President
after a bilateral meeting they held at State Museveni said.
House, Entebbe. Earlier at Entebbe International Airport
TThe President of the United Republic VVIP terminal, the Tanzanian President
of Tanzania H.E Samia Suluhu Hassan was received by Hon. Rukia Nakadama
was in Uganda for a two-day State visit at Isanga, the Third Deputy Prime Minister
the invitation of President Yoweri Kaguta and Minister without portfolio together
Museveni. with the State Minister of Foreign affairs,
Hon. Okello Oryem.
In a communique that was issued shortly
after the meeting, their Excellencies were
further briefed on the joint cooperation
on security for the East African Crude Oil
Pipe Line.

It was also agreed that Tanzania shall

charge 10 Dollars per 100 Kilometers per
truck from Mutukula to Dar-es-salaam
starting Financial Year 2022/2023 effective
1st July 2022. It was further agreed that
Uganda shall supply 10,000 tonnes to cover
the sugar gap in the United Republic of
Tanzania. President Museveni poses for a photo with
Tanzania’s President Samia Suluhu Hassan.

24 The Presidency | May 2022

“When NRM took power in 1986, it identified 4 “When NRM took power in 1986,
principles namely; Patriotism, Pan Africanism, it identif ied 4 principles, namely;
Socioeconomic Transformation and Democracy Patriotism, Pan Africanism, Socioeonomic
as the main channel of ensuring progress in transformation, and Democracy as the
Uganda. While practicing patriotism, one must main channel of ensuring progress in
love Uganda. While we progress with work we Uganda. While practicing patriotism, one
must think about the whole of Africa,” must love Uganda. While we progress with
President Museveni work we must think about the whole of
Africa,” he said.
Commonwealth Resort, Munyonyo:
The Investment summit was organised
Speaking during the official opening of
under the President’s guidance as part
the two-day Uganda - Turkey Investment,
of efforts to boost economic ventures
Trade and Tourism summit 2022 at the
between Uganda and Turkey. President
Commonwealth Resort in Munyonyo,
Erdogan of Turkey was represented by the
President Museveni said that the NRM
Deputy Minister of Trade of Turkey Mr. Riza
identified four principles that would
Tuna Turagay. A delegation of 94 investors
enable Uganda to prosper and improve
from Turkey attended the summit held
the welfare of Ugandans.

President Museveni poses for a photo with Turkish and Ugandan government
officials during the Uganda - Turkey Investment Summit

The Presidency | May 2022 25

under the theme: Accelerating Investment, that the Government has made a lot of
Trade, Industry and Tourism between progress in building roads, providing
Uganda and Turkey in a post-Covid era. electricity, railway and telephone services.

President Museveni toured an exhibition The local investors led by the Maganjo
that was staged by both Uganda and Grain Millers pledged to do good work
Turkey, with the main focus on agro- with the investors from Turkey.
processing, industries and the service
The Deputy Minister of Trade of Turkey
sector. The President observed that
Mr. Riza Turagay said that his country has
business has been slow partly because
specialised in the production of textiles
of the traditional set up where families
and industrial products. He said that they
have been practicing subsistence agro-
are currently enjoying a trade volume of
production. He said that subsistence
US $ 70 million with Uganda. He said that
has been a big challenge for Africa’s
they generate a total of US $ 225 billion
per annum from its global exports.
He noted that Uganda has began
He informed President Museveni that they
to transform production since the
value Uganda’s potential adding that this
Government has encouraged families living
was the reason for them to have over 90
in rural areas to engage in commercial
companies represented at the event. He
described Uganda as the rising star in
He was pleased to note that the national Africa.
literacy rate has increased to 77%. He
The State Minister for Investment Evelyne
assured the investors of masking profits
Anite saluted President Museveni for
when they invest in Uganda.
maintaining peace and security in the
President Museveni said that one needs country. She further thanked him for
to produce goods and services in order to initiating the summit.
do business and that the Government has
She introduced Uganda’s former Vice
gone a long way in providing infrastructure,
President Edward Sekandi and saluted
which is crucial in promoting agro-
him for transforming from politics and
engaging in investment. She introduced
He urged the investors to engage in a range of Turkey investors who gave
value addition with particular reference testimony over their successful ventures
to agro-processing which he described in Uganda.
as profitable. He also informed them
She said that 25 industrial parks have
about the abundant opportunities in the
already been marked, noting that Turkey
processing of iron ore, phosphates, gold,
would utilise one of them in Nakasongola.
copper and lithium. He also assured them
of the huge market for their goods in The Board Chairman of Uganda Investment
Africa and the United States of America Authority, Morisson Rwakakamba revealed
where Uganda enjoys tax and quota free that the Turkey Industrial Park would be
business facilities. launched on Friday, 13th May 2022.

He reiterated that the production of goods The Uganda Ambassador to Turkey,

and services is very easy because of the Stephen Mubiru said that Turkey extended
abundant resources available. He said 300 scholarships to Uganda recently.

26 The Presidency | May 2022

For us we don’t insist on ownership of investing in Uganda adding that the
factories, what is important is investing concerned Ministries should speed up
here. I don’t care if they are owned by the process of signing a memorandum
Turkey or they are ours. These companies of understanding concerning economic
create value for the locally produced transformation, protecting and promoting
products, they use our electricity, water investment among others.
and create employment,”
President Museveni.
Minister Turagay said that his country is
interested in investing in Uganda given
COMMONWEALTH RESORT, MUNYONYO: its potential, adding, that Turkey has
President Yoweri Museveni met and held specialised in the production of textiles
talks with the Deputy Minister of Trade and industrial products.
of Turkey Mr. Riza Tuna Turagay with
He said that they are currently enjoying
whom they discussed a range of business
a trade volume of US $ 70 million with
opportunities between the two countries
Uganda and that they generate a total of
at the sidelines of the Uganda-Turkey
US $ 225 billion per annum from its global
Investment, Trade and Tourism summit
in Munyonyo Commonwealth Resort.
Over 90 Turkish companies were present
President Museveni informed the visiting
at the summit.
Turkish Trade Minister that Ugandans
are waking up and engaging in agro The President later met a number of
production, the reason he wants more Turkey-based entrepreneurs especially
factories for value addition. who expressed interest in coming to
Uganda to invest in the construction
“For us we don’t insist on ownership of
industry and technology among others.
factories, what is important is investing
here. I don’t care if they are owned by The meeting was attended by the Turkish
Turkey or they are ours. These companies Ambassador to Uganda, H.E Karem Alp,
create value for the locally-produced Minister of State for Foreign Affairs,
products, they use our electricity, water Okello Oryem, that of Investment and
and create employment,” he said. Privatisation, Hon. Evelyn Anite among
The President appreciated the Turkey
government for expressing interest in

The Presidency | May 2022 27

Sarrai Group proprietors are focused
and employs about 5000 people and
on innovation in investment. They gave
projecting to employ up to 8000 workers
me an idea that the surplus power can
as the production increases in future. The
be utilised at the cost of three cents and
sugar product is branded ‘Kiryandongo
pump water from water reservoirs for
Crest sugar’ for sweet satisfaction.
irrigation at night and be switched off
in the morning. I am going to take it up. Speaking at the Commissioning ceremony,
Irrigation idea is a wonderful idea for the President assured Ugandans that there
agro production,” is a lot of surplus electric power yet to
President Museveni. be consumed in many strategic areas of
investment particularly industrialisation.
The added that the current surplus power
Yoweri Kaguta Museveni commissioned a
including solar power can be enhanced
new Sugar Factory, the Kiryandongo Crest
and be used for pumping water for
Sugar. The factory, located in Kimogora ,
irrigation for agro-production when the
Kakwonkwo Parish, Mutunda sub County,
rains are not sustainable.
Kibanda North constituency, Kiryandongo
district seats on 13,000 acres of land and “Sarrai Group proprietors are focused on
started a sugar cane plantation in 2018. innovation in investment. They gave me an
It currently has maximum processed idea that the surplus power can be utilised
sugar capacity of 4000 tonnes per day at the cost of three cents and pump water

President Museveni commissions $ 60 million dollar sugar factory in Kiryandongo district

28 The Presidency | May 2022

from water reservoirs for irrigation at night continue uniting the people of greater
and be switched off in the morning. I am Bunyoro being the area that hosts many
going to take it up. Irrigation idea is a tribes.
wonderful idea for agro production,” the
He thanked the people of Kiryandongo
President said.
for supporting development. “This sugar
Speaking at the inauguration ceremony factory will promote further development
attended by cabinet Ministers; Hon. Matia in the area. I congratulate the people of
Kasaija, the Minister of Finance, Planning the area and the entire Uganda upon this
and Economic Development, Hon. David milestone,” he said.
Bahati, the Minister of State for Trade, Hon.
The Minister of Trade, Industry and
Jennifer Namuyangu Minister of State
Cooperatives, Francis Mwebesa,
in-charge of Bunyoro Affairs, area MPs,
commended the President’s initiative for
the Prime Minister of Bunyoro Kingdom
marketing local sugar as a good to other
Andrew Kirungi Byakutaga Omucwezi
countries including Tanzania and Turkey.
among others, the President assured the
nation that the government will continue Mwebesa said commissioning another
supporting industrialisation policy of the sugar factory was another important
country. historic event for the country appealing
to the investors to work closely with the
“We want to support industries
local people and district administration
because they develop other fields like
to protect and promote the investment.
road infrastructure,” he said adding,
“Government programmes like Parish The Chairman of Kiryandongo Sugar
Development Model, Emyoga…the Factory Sarbjit Singh Rai commended
money injected in them originates from government support towards the
investors’ taxes and revenue paid to the establishment of factory adding to number
government.” of factories existing in the country.

President Museveni observed that “The management of the factory thank the
development is like a chain link. “Industries government for supporting the investment
provide employment to the citizens who and making it a reality promoting
then access cash for family economic industrialisation of the country. The total
empowerment; transport system enables amount of monies into the investment is
government to collect taxes through fuel US $ 60 million dollars,” he said.
consumption. The core of development Chairman Sarbjit Singh further informed
has also arrived here in Kiryandongo and the President that the company has
to the grassroot Mutunda area,” he said. trained about 150 local farmers as about
The President also told them that the best practiced techniques to achieve
the government will coordinate the higher yield of sugar canes growing.
programme of connecting electricity to Bunyoro Kingdom, government officials
area, build a seed school, and a health together with the entire population in
centre for the increasing population to the area observed that the factory has
access services. been built in an area which used to be
He tasked the Prime Minister of Bunyoro a forest into a commercial project with
Kingdom Andrew Kirungi Byakutaga to infrastructure development.

The Presidency | May 2022 29

I extend the condolences of the people of is now President. I congratulate him and
Uganda and my own, on the death of H.E wish him success. May the Almighty God
Khalifa, President of UAE. Our relations rest the soul of H.E Khalifa in eternal
with the UAE have been growing and will peace,” he said.
continue to grow.”
President Museveni said that Uganda’s
President Museveni. relations with UAE has been growing over
NAKASERO, KAMPALA: President Yoweri the years adding that they will continue
Kaguta Museveni paid his respects and to grow for the benefit of their people.
sent condolences to the people of United He appreciated the relationship that exist
Arab Emirates upon the demise of their between Uganda and UAE and noted that
former leader, President Khalifa bin Zayed UAE is in the right and able hands of the
Al Nahyan. former Crown Prince who is now President.
President Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed al- He congratulated and wished him success.
Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates, died The signing was witnessed by the UAE
on May 13th, 2022 at the age of 73. He was Ambassador to Uganda H.E Abdalla
President of the UAE since 2004. As well Hassan Obaid Hassan Alshamsi and the
as being president of the UAE, Sheikh State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Hon.
Khalifa was also the ruler of Abu Dhabi, Okello Oryem and the embassy staff
the oil-rich capital of the seven emirates among others.
which comprise the United Arab Emirates.

Sheikh Khalifa took over as the UAE’s

second president in November 2004,
succeeding his father as the 16th ruler of
Abu Dhabi.

Speaking shortly after signing the

condolence book at the UAE Embassy
in Kampala this afternoon, President
Museveni expressed his sympathy
describing the loss of Khalifa as sad and

“I extend the condolences of the people

of Uganda and my own, on the death of
H.E Khalifa, President of UAE. Our relations
with the UAE have been growing and will
continue to grow. It is sad that the late
President died when he still had capacity
to contribute to his country at the age of President Museveni signs the official
73. Nevertheless, the UAE is in the capable condolence book and pays his last respects to
hands of the former Crown Prince who the late President Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

30 The Presidency | May 2022


As cadres, you should be strict in enlightening The President urged political commissars
the masses on factors that can bring about in the Uganda security forces to prioritise
sustainable prosperity and instill in them sesitisation of the development and
the need to become a modern society based adoption of science and technology as
on science and technology. Anybody talking prima for social change in society.
against this strategy should be treated as an
enemy of the people,” “Wherever you are, insist on the
development and adoption of science
President Museveni.
and technology for social change,” he said.
President Yoweri Museveni delivered a 128 officers attended the ideological
moving opportunity lecture to 282 Political course at the National Leadership Institute
Commissars drawn from the joint security Kyankwanzi in Kiboga district while 154
forces that comprise UPDF, Police and participants attended a similar training
Prisons at Kololo Ceremonial Grounds. at Oliver Tambo Leadership School in
Kaweweta in Nakaseke district.

President Yoweri Museveni poses for a photo with some of the Army Officers
next to a dummy Oliver Tambo Magazine that he had just launched.

The Presidency | May 2022 31

President Museveni who thanked technology. Anybody talking against this
the leadership of the 2 institutions for strategy should be treated as an enemy
maintaining the effort of ideological of the people,” he said.
training described ideology as very
The President told political commissars
crucial and can provide solutions to social
that the 3 God-given characteristics to
the human being of a superior brain, the
He said that the ideology of NRM is based 2 legs and the hands should be used to
on the 4 principles of Patriotism, Pan tame nature to create wealth.
Africanism, Social and Economic change
The Commandant of Oliver Tambo
as well as Democracy that are all tailored
Leadership School Col. Justus Rukundo
to achieve sustainable prosperity that
gave an overview of the training and
emanates from goods and services that
courses run at the institute and disclosed
must have a market.
that the participants were extremely
On Pan Africanism, the President said once impressed by what they saw at Kawumu
Ugandans wake up and produce more, the Presidential Demonstration Farm that
national market will not be enough, there clearly manifests that modern agriculture
will be need to have a bigger market that is a reality and can be achieved in a bid to
will absorb all the products otherwise help wanainchi to get out of poverty.
there will be a glut, citing sugar whose
The Director of NALI Brigadier Charles
surplus will soon be 320,000 tons.
Kisembo also gave a brief history and
“As cadres, you should be strict in overview on what is being done at NALI
enlightening the masses on factors that adding that the training will enhance the
can bring about sustainable prosperity performance of the participants at their
and instill in them the need to become duty stations.
a modern society based on science and

32 The Presidency | May 2022

“But if you are just there flat – lukewarm, among others.
ndi mukozi wa government without
“Talk the language of honesty. I don’t want
conviction, you are a mukozi of nothing.
Just parasite! It is my duty to pass you to produce my wealth and then somebody
out and commission you. Go and start steals it, robes or embezzles the money if
working. Don’t let your country down” working on my farm. In order to defend
prosperity of your people you must know
President Museveni.
this package. For people to be alright this
STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri formular must not be interfered with by
Museveni passed out 33 probational police ideological confusion or political confusion
constables all in their mid- 20s under the of crime. To kill me because you want to
Criminal Investigations Department from steal what I have sweated for!”
who have been undergoing training in
President Yoweri Museveni said the
Criminal law and Investigations at Kasenyi
development of science and technological
Training School.
is the primer for social economic
During the pass out ceremony, President development for Uganda.
Yoweri Museveni took the chance to
“If you look at gun, the bullet…it has got
counsel the young political and public
three parts; once you fire – projectile, the
servants whom he urged to know the
cartridge propellant, there is a detonator
story of what the people lack and need
and a needle that pricks bottom of bullet to
for social economic transformation and
fly. That pin is called a primer – the initiator
of whole process. The beginner! The
“When we say, I want to be a political primer of social change is development
leader in Uganda or a public servant for of science and technology and that is
the people of Uganda, you must know what has made societies change. Once
this story; the story of what your people these changes happen, they affect the
lack and need. And when you are a police way people produce wealth and live. That
officer, you should protect this. In order to is how NRM comes in and says we have
be prosperous, we must produce goods lagged behind for a long time! We need
and services; In order for goods and prosperity and also security,” he said.
services be produced we must sustainably
Mr. Museveni said modern prosperity
talk the language of patriotism, talk the
comes from producing goods and services
language of Pan-Africanism, the language
sustainably and sell it.
of socioeconomic transformation and
democracy,” he said. “In order to support prosperity, you
discover that there is complementarity.
The Deputy SFC Commander Brig. Charity
Most of the time, the buyers of what they
Bainababo said the police constables were
produce are from another tribe. In the
taken through; Criminal Investigations
1950s while growing up, the people who
induction, Crime detection and
bought our products in Ntungamo were
prosecution, and Ideological orientation,
Walusimbi Mpanga and Bukenya in who

The Presidency | May 2022 33

bought our cows in bulk. Also a white “Patriotism, love Uganda! Even if you love
man in Ishaka buying cows and taking Uganda, Uganda may not be enough to
them to Kilembe mines and enabled me support our prosperity. Once people wake
to go to school. The people who bought up and produce goods and services on
our cows were not banyankore, the ones big scale, the internal market will not be
who helped get money to pay school fees enough. When people started producing
are the Baganda and the white man. If like sugar cane, we had 380,000 tonnes
you talk of prosperity, confront those who now Uganda produces 700,000 tonnes
promote tribes. That creates a problem with a surplus of 380,000 tonnes. Problem
for the people who push sectarianism,” is where do we sell this sugar?
he said.
But patriotism not enough and internal
President Museveni warned against market not enough! That is why as NRM we
what he described as obscurantism, by say think about Africa! Think about Pan-
people who claim tribe is important, Africanism which will give you a bigger
blood is thicker than water. “This is an market. Either we do this or stagnate,” he
obscurantist line for our prosperity. We said.
should not talk about tribes. Down with
The President urged leaders to sensitise the
sectarianism, long live patriotism,” he said,
people to go from old science to modern
instead emphasising the principles of
new science through formal and informal
patriotism, Pan Africanism, Socioeconomic
and also doing business in new ways not
Transformation and Democracy

President Museveni poses for a photo with probationary police constables that had been
undergoing training in Criminal law and Investigations.

34 The Presidency | May 2022

only working for the stomach but for the my duty to pass you out and commission
pocket as well. you. Go and start working. Don’t let your
country down,” he said.
The President said the police must deal
with crime and the vanguard are the CID The trainees gained f rom the vast
who must detect and get the uniform experience of one of Uganda’s four
people to arrest. surviving Police pioneer investigators SP
Pauline Maniraguha Bangirana
“When we were fighting Amin, we had
no supervisor. We were young people N0.74921 PPC Najjemba Christine, a
like you. We would go to Tanzania and graduate of Bachelor’s Degree in Science
Nyerere would give me assignments. We and Qualitative Economics said Afande
came through borders, come here do work Pauline Bangirana took them through
and go back. Why were we doing this crime investigations, collecting and
risky work but doing it devotedly? It was presenting evidence.
because of this conviction. No way our
“I am ready to do my work as a patriotic
people can be alright if we don’t do these
Ugandan and criminal investigator,” she
things. Apart from the law, you need a
policeman with a mind! In your own mind,
you need to be convinced that this is very N0. 74117 PPC Namulondo Joanita said
crucial for you and your sisters and brothers doing good for the force is doing good for
that you defend this line and not tolerate the country.
anybody to do these things. But if you are “This is not just for us but for our country.
just there flat – lukewarm, ndi mukozi wa When you do good for your country, it
government without conviction, you are trickles down to the grassroots,” she said.
a mukozi of nothing. Just parasite! It is

The Presidency | May 2022 35

I follow Christ, so anyone who says he or she is Metropolitan Leonid of Klin and his team
a Christian, I support them,” briefed President Museveni about their
President Museveni. religion and their development projects
on the continent.
STATE HOUSE: President Yoweri Kaguta
Museveni met Russia’s Orthodox Church’s “The Orthodox Church of Russia made
New Africa Exarchate Metropolitan Leonid a decision to come into Africa to spread
Gorbachev of Klin who was in Africa on the gospel and improve relations with the
his maiden visit. continent,” the Metropolitan Leonid said
adding. “We have come with good goals,
The President welcomed the Orthodox bringing peace and development to the
Church of Russia and promised to support continent.”
them in preaching the word of God saying
he follows Christ and works with anyone On December 29, 2021, the Holy Synod of
who is a Christian. the Russian Orthodox Church at its session
made the decision to form a Patriarchate
“Me, I follow Christ, so anyone who says Exarchate of Africa. Metropolitan Leond
he or she is a Christian, I support them,” (Gorbachev) was appointed as Patriarchal
he said. He quoted the story of the good Exarch with the title “of Klin”.
Samaritan in the bible as the principle of
setting up their Church in Uganda and On 7 January 2022, in the Cathedral of
said they will be known by their deeds. Christ the Saviour in Moscow, Patriarch
He urged them to promote education Kirill of Moscow and All Russia elevated
and health alongside their religion for him to the rank of Metropolitan.
socioeconomic transformation of the

President Museveni meets with The head of the Patriarchal Exarchate of the Russian
Orthodox Church in Africa, Metropolitan Leonid (Gorbachev)

36 The Presidency | May 2022

STATE HOUSE, ENTEBBE: President Yoweri Raila Odinga last visited Uganda in
Kaguta Museveni met Kenya’s opposition September 2019 and paid President
leader and Presidential aspirant Raila Museveni a courtesy call during which they
Amolo Odinga at State House Entebbe. discussed socio-economic and political
developments in their respective countries.
The two leaders held a closed-door meeting
and later revealed they had a pleasant
discussion on regional issues concerning
strengthening the relationships between
the two countries.

President Museveni holding talks with Kenyan Opposition Leader Raila Odinga

The Presidency | May 2022 37


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