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Name of Employee: May V.

Dela Cruz Date Hired: April 18, 2022

Position: Assistant Sales Manager Appraisal Period: April 18, 2022-May 31, 2022

Direction: Rate employee performance based on the given criteria. Each criterion has corresponding percentage equivalent. The
total score will be added to get the final score multiplied by 80% for Key Results Areas (KRA) and 20% for Core Competencies (CC)
and added to get the overall score. Grading system shall be based on a scale of 1 to 4.

4 - 3.26-4.00 Exceeds Expectations 3 - 2.75-3.25 Meets Expectations

2 - 2.26-2.74 - Needs Improvement 1 - 2.25 and below - Failed to meet expectations

Key Results KPI Target Weight Rating Remarks/Actual Result

Areas (KRA’s)
1- below 80% of target sales
2- 80-90% of target sales
Achievement of
3- 91-99% of target sales
SALES TARGET sales target 4- 100% of target sales

1- 11-12% of total sales

2- 9-10% of total sales
Total Manpower
3- 8% of total sales
STORE Cost 4- below 8% of total sales
PROFITABILITY 1.74% below vs 24% and above sale
Regular vs. Sale
2- 79% - 75% vs 25% sale items
items 3- 89% - 80% vs 20% sale items
4- 100% -90% regular items vs 10% sale
Percentage of 1- 20% of stores not hitting target rank
stores hitting 2- 10% of store not hitting target rank
target rank 3- 100% of store hitting target rank
STORE RANKING 4- Stores exceeding target rank
1-3rd week of the month preceding the
2- 2nd week of the month preceding the
Timely inventory quarter
report 3- 1st week of the month preceding the
INVENTORY 4- end of the quarter
1- 30-39% of stocks quantity
2- 40-49% of stocks quantity
Inventory level
3- 100% of stocks quantity (major
management stores); 50% of quantity (non-major
4- consistent at 100% stocks quantity for
major and non-major stores
1- A -3X, B-2X, C-1X
2- A-5-4X, B-3X, C-2X
ACCOUNTS Number of store
3- A-7X -6X, B, 5-4X, C–3X
MANAGEMENT visits 4- A- 8X, B- 6X, C- 4X
1- below 85%
2- 85-89% fill rate
Fill rate
3- 90-95% fill rate
4- 96-100% fill rate

1- 80-89% of staff were evaluated and

coached atleast once within the year
2- 90-99% of staff were evaluated and
Evaluation and coached atleast once within the year
Staff Coaching 3- 100% of staff were evaluated and
PEOPLE coached atleast once within the year
MANAGEMENT 4- 100% of staff were evaluated and
coached “twice” within the year
1- 11-20% or reports were submitted a
day after the deadline
2- 1-10% of reports were submitted a
On-time DTR day after the deadline
submission 3- 100% of reports were submitted
during the deadline
4- 100% of reports were submitted a day
before the deadline
Number of stores 1- below 75% compliant
compliant with 2- 75% - 79% compliant
STORE VISUAL 3- 80% - 89% compliant
the standard
DISPLAY 4- 90% - 100% compliant
visual display

Total 100%

Grading system shall be based on a scale of 1 to 4.

HRD Form: Performance Evaluation – Assistant Sales Manager
4 - Always demonstrates the behavior 3 - Frequently demonstrates the behavior
2 - Rarely demonstrates the behavior 1 - Did not demonstrate the behavior

Core Competencies (CC’s)= 20% Weight Rating Critical Incident (S.T.A.R. Method)

Set challenging goals for the department
attainable in a specific time frame; 25%
Has the ability to effectively utilize manpower,
materials and funds wisely;
Effectively checks progress of delegated tasks
without micromanaging;
Works in an organized and efficient manner
Exhibits leadership qualities in the roles he/she
plays in the company; 25%
Has the ability to inspire and encourage
subordinates and other employees;
Guides, corrects and develop subordinates;
Demonstrates a high standard of integrity and
properly deals with problems related to work
and employees;
Builds respect and trust among team members
and colleagues at work.
Has the ability to sort out and evaluate data, 25%
facts and situations and draw correct and sound
Exercises good judgment in identifying
appropriate courses of action while dealing with
different work situations/demands;
Uses his/her imagination/creativity to figure out
solutions/actions; does not limit him/herself to
standard/prescribed procedures.
Demonstrates alertness at work and deliver
desired results; 25%
Demonstrates to work conscientiously on
task through completion despite difficulties
and setbacks;
Takes part in group actions; actively
contributes and collaborates with others
rather than compete or be indifferent.
Total 100%
KRA x 80%= Core Competencies x 20% = Total (KRA+CC)=


Strengths of the Employee Weaknesses of the Employee

Is the rate properly suited to the type of work he/she doing? If not, in what work should he/she be better?

HRD Form: Performance Evaluation – Assistant Sales Manager

Areas for Improvement Action/Development Plan Timeframe

Rated by: Understood and acknowledged by Rated Employee:

_______________________ _______________________
Name and Signature / Date Name and Signature / Date

Noted by: Department Head Reviewed by: HR Department Approved by:

________________________ __________________________ ________________________

Name and Signature / Date Name and Signature / Date Vice President

HRD Form: Performance Evaluation – Assistant Sales Manager

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