Summative Assessment

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In summation, here are the most important lessons I've learnt from the three formative

assessments. First and foremost, we have all faced the challenge of transition at some point in our lives.
Modification can happen in a variety of aspects, and it is also handled with in a variety of ways. Change,
I've realized, may be the most meaningful of all things. I used to believe that change occurred when we
moved to a new state or when someone close to us died. Yes, those are difficult to change, but change
does not have to be precipitated by a devastating situation. We don't need to criticize drug users
because others are changing for the sake of their families and future opportunities. Think the positive
aspects of life; drugs are not an excuse to ruin one's life. They got into drugs, but it doesn't mean they
shouldn't continue to live. Because Everyone makes errors, and drug users still have the option of
quitting or starting a new life. Everyone deserves to have a happy life.

The second formative assessment taught me, the environment refers to the natural environment and
situations in which humans encounter ourselves. Regrettably, the environment is presently in grave
danger. Human actions are virtually solely to blame for this predicament. These are human behaviors
have unquestionably had a bad effect on the environment. Importantly, this disaster puts the lives of all
living beings on Earth at jeopardy. Consequently, environmental preservation is critical. For starters, the
world's climate will remain stable. Pollution and environmental devastation have contributed to the
cause of global warming. Many people and animals have died because of the disaster. In conclusion,
environmental preservation will contribute to the mitigation of global warming. The people's health
would improve. Pollution and deforestation have wreaked havoc on the health of many individuals.
Environmental people's health will undoubtedly benefit from conservation. Above all, environmental
protection is crucial will minimize the occurrence of a wide range of disorders.

Finally, formative assessment number three, many legitimate Filipinos do not exercise their voting rights
because they assume that our country's political system would remain unchanged regardless matter
who wins or how he or she casts his or her vote. They no longer believe in the country's long-term
prospects ability to be led by more capable individuals. Moreover, even though we are all familiar with
our country's voting method is a mess, many Filipinos of voting age do not vote, owing to a lack of
enthusiasm. Because many politicians’ take advantage of their supporters, and politicians are aware of
these people will do anything for money, therefore vote buying in low-income areas is common. they
routinely buy votes in elections in these places since most poor People are not instructed or taught
about their rights under the Constitution, such as the ability they have the right to vote, and they don't
care who is in charge if they stand to gain something from it, such as money from those who buy votes.

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