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Semester 4 / 2020





MATRICULATION NO : 000220020514001

IDENTITYCARD NO : 000220-02-0514

TELEPHONE NO : +6016-2012193






verbal communication is one of the ways that is always used by anyone. This is because, verbal
communication is very important where through this communication can help facilitate and
speed up the information process. In addition, the use of oral communication can facilitate the
advertising process. Meanwhile,non-verbal communication is also a process where we will use
visual cues between humans to send, convey and also receive information without using any

Reflection on the process; the planning stage of the video, during the recording of the video
and after the video has been recorded. Reflect on the challenges and what you did to
overcome these challenges.


i) Video is an important media material nowadays. In addition, through this video recording can
show and explain to the public about something important information. This is because now the
media has become the most important platform for the public. Therefore, through the assignment
of OUMH 1303 which is English For Oral Communication I have made a video recording to tell
more clearly about the information related to the beauty product of my product which is Nur
Beauty Skin Care. In addition, in the video I have played my role as a presenter and at the same
time I am also the founder of my own beauty product, Nur Beauty Skin Care. In fact, before
starting this video recording activity, I have made a plan in advance by formulating strategies
and methods for speaking as well as technological tools that will be used to record video either
via mobile phones, laptops, video recorders and so on. Meanwhile, this planning method is very
important before doing video recording activities. This is to ensure that the video to be recorded
can be produced perfectly. Meanwhile, while doing the recording activity, I will make sure that
every piece of information I convey is well understood. As I made the video recording,
presented each information using facial reactions to emphasize the information presented.
Meanwhile, while making this video, I have told in detail and clearly about my beauty product
information which is Nur Beauty Skin Care to attract people out there to try my beauty products.
Next, after I finished making the video, I checked the video to make sure the information I
presented was easy to understand. In fact, there are also challenges that I have to face while
carrying out this video recording activity. Among them is that I need to prepare myself in terms
of the information that will be presented, then I also need to make sure that every background
when making a video recording is good. In the meantime, I should also make sure that the
settings for the video display are in good condition. This is because, the function of video
arrangement is so that the video display for recording can be recorded clearly. In addition,
through the challenges I face, I have also found a way to overcome these challenges, among
them is to make preparations in advance before starting a video recording session for example,
by preparing physically and mentally. Next, provide sources of information and materials to
ensure that every piece of information can be conveyed easily.
The timeline of completing the visual aids accompanying the recording of the video. How
long did you plan and record etc? How important is creativity and innovation in this task?
Why do you say so?


ii) Through this English Assignment For Communication (OUMH1303), I have been planning to
produce this video recording for some time. This is because, through the process of producing
video recordings, time is an important factor and needs to be emphasized because if we want to
make video recordings to convey information, it takes a long time to ensure that each
information can be conveyed clearly and in more detail so that it can be well understood. In
addition, in the video recording process creativity also plays an important role This is because
through creativity it can actually stimulate the thought process to create and realize new ideas
like me who use this creativity process to produce my beauty product Nur Beauty Skin Care
based on organic and safe ingredients and suitable for all skin types. In addition, innovation is
also an important factor when doing this video recording process because this innovation process
is a way or idea of thinking to produce a new product and also offer the best service. For
example, like me who used this innovation process for the platform to produce my beauty
product, Nur Beauty Skin Care.
Reflection of how things could have been done in a better way. What might be the
advantages/disadvantages of recording this video? During the process of the video, there
might be some instances where you realised you could have done it in an easier way.
Describe this situation.


iii) Through the video recording for the English For Oral Communication (OUMH1303)
assignment there is also an advantage when doing this video recording. Among them is that
while doing this video recording I can share in more detail about my beauty product Nur Beauty
Skin Care. This video also has to some extent already helped me to train and increase my self-
confidence to communicate in english better. In the meantime, while doing this video recording
there are also disvantange.Among the disvantage is that I can not introduce my product. directly
or face to face with each other. In addition, while doing this recording it is quite difficult for me
to tell in more detail about my product, because because I have to communicate in english.
Actually in a situation like this, there are also easier way to introduce my products namely by
speaking the malay language.This because through the process of communicating using the
malay language it can be easy for me to make the communication process more easily.
Show the video to ONE person and inquire if the speech is informative/persuasive. If he/she
believe the video is neither, ask for other suggestions that might help improve the speech or
the speaker. Share this person’s thoughts in your reflective essay.


iv) In fact, after finishing making the video recording, I had time to show my video recording to
someone because I wanted to asked his opinion about the video recording that I had produced.
After he saw my video, he stated that the video recording I produced this needs to be more
creative which from this aspect of presentation must be more thorough and the use of the
language needs to be improved so that every information presented will be more interesting to
people out there to know in more detail about Nur Beauty Skin Care products and it can evokes a
sense of interest to continue trying this Beauty Products from Nur Beauty Skin Care.
Your personal thoughts of completing this task (the video presentation). How do you feel
about it? If you feel the video recording is not advisable, what would be a better
alternative? Explain your rationale.


V) Based on this English For Oral Communication (OUMH1303) assignment, my feelings while
doing video recording for this subject, I can feel with the existence of video recording activities
like this where it uses English to communicate actually it can help myself to further improve
skills want to communicate in English more smoothly in the future. In addition, with video
recording activities like this it has already helped to introduce my beauty product Nur Beauty
Skin Care to people out there to try the product. In addition, through this video it has also taught
me a lot on how to further increase my creativity to introduce or promote this Nur Beauty Skin
Care product to people out there in the future. In the meantime, in my opinion if the activity as
this video recording is not recommended then I will use alternatives or other ways to introduce
this Nur Beauty Skin Care product to people out there, where I will use the flyers, display this
Nur Beauty Skin Care product on billboards and at the same time use social media such as
Facebook and also Instagram to introduce this Nur Beauty Skin Care product to the people out

The conclusion here through the Video recording activities found in the English For Oral
Communication (OUMH1303) assignment has actually brought benefits. For example, having a
video like this can help me to introduce this Nur Beauty Skin Care product to people out there
more easily. It is clear here that, with the presence of video recordings like this can further
improve communication skills in English to be smoother.

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