01 Agile Metrics Report 2021 Age of Product Com v11

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Agile Metrics Survey 2021

Alexander Bergmann & Stefan Wolpers

Copyright: Berlin Product People GmbH, 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Table of Content
INTRODUCTION: THE AGILE METRIC SURVEY 2021.................................................................. 4

PRELIMINARY METRIC ENSEMBLE AND METRIC INDICATORS .................................................. 5

DATA COLLECTION ................................................................................................................. 6

Sample Description .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Individual Level ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Organizational Level .................................................................................................................................................................................. 7

Evaluation of the Measurement Tool .................................................................................................................................................... 10

FIRST RESULTS ...................................................................................................................... 12

CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................................ 16

ADDENDUM: RESULTS FOR ALL QUESTIONS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE .................................... 17

Q 1: What best describes your role on the project? ........................................................................................................................ 17

Q 2: Are you working as an employee, a consultant, or are you freelancing?..................................................................... 18

Q 3: What professional experience do you have? ............................................................................................................................ 19

Q 4: In which country are you (personally) working? .................................................................................................................. 20

Q 5: What is the industry sector of your organization? ................................................................................................................ 22

Q 6: How would you characterize the project? ................................................................................................................................. 23

Q 7: What is the size of the organization you are working for? ................................................................................................ 24

Q 8: How would you assess the agility level of your organization? ......................................................................................... 25

Q 9: How many teams are working on the project? ....................................................................................................................... 26

Q 10: How are the teams distributed geographically? .................................................................................................................. 27

Q 11: Does the project involve outsourced, probably off-shored work? .............................................................................. 28

Q 12: How would you characterize the basic set-up of the teams? ......................................................................................... 29

Q 13: How would you characterize the level of dependencies among the project teams? ........................................... 30

Q 14: Does the project utilize agile software development practices? If so, which? ....................................................... 31

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Q 15: Does the project utilize DevOps practices? ............................................................................................................................ 32

Q 16: Does the project utilize scaling frameworks for Scrum or Agile? ................................................................................ 33

Q 17: Current size of your (product) organization: Product Managers................................................................................. 34

Q 18: Current size of your (product) organization: Business Analysts ................................................................................. 36

Q 19: Current size of your (product) organization: Coaches & Scrum Masters ................................................................. 38

Q 20: Current size of your (product) organization: Production Designers ......................................................................... 39

Q21: Current size of your (product) organization: Engineers ................................................................................................... 41

Q 22: Current size of your (product) organization: QA Engineers .......................................................................................... 43

Q 23: Current size of your (product) organization: Number of DevOps Engineers ......................................................... 44

Questions on Agile Metrics ........................................................................................................................................................................ 46

ABOUT THE AUTHORS ........................................................................................................... 47

Dr. Alexander Bergmann ............................................................................................................................................................................ 47

Stefan Wolpers ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 48

LEGAL ................................................................................................................................... 49

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Introduction: The Agile Metric Survey 2021
If you value agile practices, it is crucial to know if a job offering or a prospective business
partner that claims to be “agile” really keeps its promises. Unfortunately, as agility usually
cannot be observed directly, and certainly not from the outside of an organization, there is no
way of knowing in advance if you will enter an agile environment that serves your own working
needs or if a lot of frustration lies ahead of you.

There are already well-established tools to measure agility at the team level or agile procedures
in DevOps. But up to now, a tool is missing that allows measuring overall organizational agility,
just as any systematic investigation of agile practices in a broader set of organizations.

Therefore, based on our previous research, comprising interviews and group discussions with
practitioners from various disciplines, we decided to take the use of agile metrics as a proxy for
overall organizational agility, and we aimed to:

• Develop a tool to measure the use of agile metrics in a broad set of organizations
• Investigate how organizations use specific agile metrics with different characteristics,
such as size, industry sector, and agility level.

To reach these goals, we employed a five-step procedure where we:

• Constructed a survey that contained both questions regarding the characteristics of an

organization, such as size and sector, and a set of indicators for the use of different agile
• Collected data and evaluated if the instrument worked as expected (in terms of validity
and reliability)
• Refined the instrument
• Collected even more data with the refined instrument
• Identified patterns of metric use in organizations with different characteristics.

In this report, we explain each of these subsequent steps in more detail. Additionally, we
present the first results and conclude with some thoughts about possible application scenarios
of our instrument as well as possible next steps in our research.

Please note that high-resolution graphics are available in the two HTML files attached to this

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Preliminary Metric Ensemble and Metric Indicators
Usually, constructing a valid and reliable measurement tool takes a lot of effort and expertise in
the respective field of research. Luckily, we had a lot of prior experience from previous
interviews and group discussions with agile experts and practitioners. Based on their
perspectives, we came up with a list of eight metrics that appeared to be relevant in the context
of organizational agility, such as Performance Metrics, Quality Metrics, Engineering Metrics,
DevOps Metrics, Team Metrics, Organizational Agility Metrics, Product and Business Metrics,
and Flow Metrics.

Due to both different organizational practices and different individual experiences of our
prospective participants, we couldn’t be sure that these metrics mean the same for each of
them. Therefore, we defined a set of indicators for each of these metrics. For example, Product
& Business Metrics initially comprised indicators such as Realized business value, Return on
Investment, Stakeholder Net Promoter Score, Customer Net Promoter Score, Number of
experiments, Cost per release, Cost of Delay, Cost per story point, Program predictability, and
Forecast accuracy.

We constructed a survey where the participants were to rate on a Likert-type scale (Never,
Rarely, Sometimes, most of the time, always) whether these indicators are relevant in their day-
to-day organizational practices. Additionally, we asked them to provide detailed information
about several characteristics of their organization, such as size, sector, team structure, and
perceived organizational agility level.

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Data Collection
We collected the data in two subsequent phases. In the 1st phase, from 2019-11-17 to 2020-02-
13, we collected 534 data sets. In the second phase, from 2020-07-22 to 21-01-30, we collected
another 629 data sets. Overall, 1,153 people participated in our survey.

The data was collected with an online questionnaire administered via Google Forms. The main
acquisition channel was the Food for Agile Thought newsletter. Additionally, we distributed the
survey link via blog posts and various social media postings. At the beginning of the survey,
there was a standardized instruction where we provided further information on data usage and
anonymity. If the participants proceeded with the survey, they agreed to include their data in
the analysis. There were no incentives for participating in our survey.

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Sample Description

Individual Level

Most of the participants were either Scrum Masters (39.3%) or Agile Coaches (31.6%) at their
organization. Among the other 29% were Product Owners, Executive Managers, Developers,
Technical Leads, and Business Analysts (see Fig. 1 “Participant Role”).

Figure 1: Participant Role

Most of the participants were employed at the respective organization directly (77.9%), and
only a fifth were outside consultants or freelancers. The sample consisted mainly of participants
with more than six years of experience in their respective fields (74.7%). 20.2% of the
participants had a field-specific work experience of two to six years, and only 5.1% of them
worked less than two years in their respective fields. The participants` tenure level was more or
less evenly distributed among the four categories “less than one year” (31%), “one to two
years” (22.2%), “two to four years” (20.1%), and “more than four years” (26.6%).

Organizational Level

The participants’ organizations were located in various countries (see Fig. 2 “Countries of
Participants”) and from a broad set of organizational sectors (see Fig. 3 “Industry Sectors”). A
comparatively large proportion of the organizations is located either in the USA (26.7%) or in
Germany (15.5%).

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Figure 2: Countries of Participants

The largest sectors were software and internet companies (34.5%) as well as companies from
the finance and insurance sector (15.4%).

Figure 3: Industry Sectors

Nearly a quarter of the companies had more than 10.000 employees (25.7%). On the other
hand, 8.4% of the companies had 5.000 to 9.999 employees. Smaller companies with 1.000 to
4.999 employees, 250 to 999 employees, and 50 to 249 employees were evenly distributed with

Agile Metrics Survey 2021 v1.1 • Copyright: Berlin Product People GmbH, 2021, All Rights Reserved Page 8 of 49
18.6%, 18.4%, and 19.9%, respectively. The minor proportion were organizations with 1 to 50
employees (9%).

Overall, the participants reported a wide range of organizational agility levels. 4.9% indicated
that their organization mainly employs traditional techniques, e. g., command & control, and
waterfall. However, 30% reported that their organization is starting to adopt agile practices.
Furthermore, 29.4% stated that their company is making significant progress in adopting agile
practices and another 11.7% indicated that agile practices are already well established in their
organization. Also, 8.2% of the participants’ organizations somehow had problems
implementing agile practices; therefore, the agile transition stalled. (See Fig. 4 “Levels of
Organizational Agility.”)

Figure 4: Levels of Organizational Agility

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Evaluation of the Measurement Tool
The data collected allowed for an extensive evaluation of our initial measurement tool. We
applied a set of statistical procedures (e.g., Principal Axis Factoring, Scale, and Item Analysis) to
investigate if our indicators form unidimensional, consistent, and reliable scales for each metric.
Overall, our analysis led to eleven independent factors, each representing a single metric. As a
result, we significantly refined our initial measurement model by creating unidimensional scales
for each metric. Table 1 illustrates these scales.

Metric Example Indicators Proportion of Internal

Variance Consistency
Explained (𝜶)
Performance Iteration goal accomplished 9% .87
Velocity per iteration
Quality (Defect) Number of defects (overall 4% .85
Number of escaped defects
Quality (Time) Support time during an iteration 4% .87
Frequency of production issues
Engineering Number of commits 7% .86
Application performance
DevOps Deployment frequency 5% .88
Lead time
Team Team morale/happiness 5% .78
Team health (Spotify health
Organizational Agility Leadership support score 4% .82
Number of people formally
Flow Work item age 8% .87
Cycle time
Product/Business (NPS) Stakeholder Net Promoter Score 3% .73
Customer Net Promoter Score
Product/Business (Cost) Cost per release 4% .75
Cost per Story Point
Product/Business Program predictability 2% .84
(Prediction) Forecast accuracy

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These eleven scales explain roughly 60 % of the overall variance in the participants’ answers
concerning their organization’s metric use, which is pretty satisfying. By recalculating these
analyses for specific organizational sectors, we expect the proportion of variance explained to
be even higher. Additionally, we computed the internal consistency of each of these scales. The
higher the internal consistency of a scale, the more reliable it measures, where values of > .70
are acceptable, and values above > .80 are satisfying for our purpose. In sum, we expect our
scales to measure quite reliable.

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First Results
After refining our measurement tool, we took a first look into the dataset to explore the metric
use of our participants` organizations. As a result, we found several exciting data patterns we
would like to share and discuss in the following.

First of all, we found differences in the organizations` overall metric use. Figure 5 (“Overall
metric use”) illustrates these differences on a scale from 1 (the metric is never used) to 5 (the
metric is always used). In our sample performance metrics, Defect metrics and Flow metrics
were most commonly used by the organizations, followed by Prediction metrics, Time metrics,
and Team metrics. A third group, containing relatively less relevant metrics, consists of
Engineering, DevOps, Organizational Agility Metrics, NPS, and Cost metrics.

Figure 5: Overall Metric Use

When contrasting agile and non-agile organizations, significant differences in metric use
become transparent. (See Fig. 6 “Metric use by Agility.”)

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Figure 6: Metric Use by Agility Level

We consider these differences an indicator that further investigation and a more detailed
exploration of size and sector-specific metric profiles may be of interest. As you can see in
Figure 7 (“Metric Use by Size”), some metrics become more relevant with the increasing size of
an organization, such as Defect Metrics, Engineering Metrics, and Performance Metrics.

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Figure 7: Metric Use by Size

Additionally, there seem to be sector specific-metric profiles, as Figure 8 (“Metric Use in

different Sectors) illustrates.

Figure 8: Metric Use by Sector

Taking the sector-specific metric profiles and the differences between agile and non-agile
organizations in the overall sample into account, we decided to take a closer look at the largest
subsample, software, and internet companies (n = 188) and to investigate if our approach allows
for a more fine-grained analysis of agile transitions. Figure 9 (“Metric Use by Agility”) illustrates
the metric use of software and internet companies in our sample, depending on the reported
agility level.

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Fig. 9: Metric Use by Agility Level

As you can see, there is a clear difference between organizations that were rated as rather non-
agile (light blue) and those that were rated relatively agile (black) by the participants. In
addition, at least for some metrics, separate “stages” or “phases” of the organizations` agile
transition con be identified (grey).

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With this investigation, we aimed to develop a valid and reliable instrument to measure agile
metrics in different organizations. Based on the data from more than 1,100 participants, we
refined our initial instrument and were able to reveal several exciting patterns in agile metric

Of course, the results presented above only allow for limited insights and detailed analyses,
focusing on sector-specific metric profiles need to follow, as the question “what IS an agile
organization” apparently needs a sector and maybe even size specific answer.

Further investigations may lead to sector-specific agile benchmarks that can guide
organizations` agile transitions. In addition, as we can measure metric use validly and reliably,
relationships between metric use and relevant business outcomes can be explored.

One major limitation of our approach is linked to the data collection procedure. As we wanted
to measure the use of agile metrics in a broad set of organizations, we, in almost all cases, only
surveyed one participant per organization. To allow for sector-specific and more detailed
analyses, it would be fascinating to work together with organizations and assess whether all
employees share a common perspective or significant differences in perceived agility and metric

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Addendum: Results for all Questions of the
Q 1: What best describes your role on the project?

Category n
Agile Coach 364
Business Analyst 11
Developer 23
Executive/Senior Manager 65
Manager 61
other 50
Product Manager 30
Product Owner 79
Scrum Master 453
Technical Lead 17

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Q 2: Are you working as an employee, a consultant, or are you

Category n
Employee 898
Freelancer 63
Outside Consultant 192

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Q 3: What professional experience do you have?

Category n
Intermediate (2-6 years) 233
Junior (< 2 years) 59
Senior (> 6 years) 861

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Q 4: In which country are you (personally) working?

Category n
Argentina 7
Australia 43
Belgium 13
Brazil 37
Canada 50
France 25
Germany 179
India 63
Ireland 12
Italy 17
Multiple countries 13

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Netherlands 47
New Zealand 12
Other 183
Poland 22
Russia 8
South Africa 9
Spain 12
Sweden 16
Switzerland 11
United Kingdom 66
United States 308

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Q 5: What is the industry sector of your organization?

Category n
Agency 8
Consulting/professional service 64
Defense industry 8
Education 8
Energy industry (oil, gas, electricity) 32
Engineering/technology 78
Finance and insurance 177
Government 11
Health industry 72
Manufacturing 26
Media, news 16
other 110
Other industry 29
Real estate 5
Retail 16
Software, internet 398
Telecommunication 45
Transportation (aerospace, automotive etc.) 50

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Q 6: How would you characterize the project?

Category n
Commercial software 495
Contract development for a third party 113
Open-source software 16
other 185
Software that is used internally in the organization 344

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Q 7: What is the size of the organization you are working for?

Category n
1 to 50 104
1000 to 4999 214
250 to 999 212
50 to 249 230
5000 to 9999 97
More than 10000 296

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Q 8: How would you assess the agility level of your organization?

Category n
Adoption in progress 339
Adoption stalled 94
Adoption starting 346
Mainly command & control/waterfall 57
Mature practice throughout organization 135
other 182

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Q 9: How many teams are working on the project?

Category n
1 to 2 teams 280
11 to 25 teams 141
3 to 5 teams 332
6 to 10 teams 240
More than 25 teams 160

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Q 10: How are the teams distributed geographically?

Category n
We work in different buildings but on the same campus 60
We work in different buildings in the same city 47
We work in different cities and time-zones in different countries with overlapping work 402
We work in different cities and time-zones in different countries without overlapping 111
work hours
We work in different cities and time-zones in the same country 68
We work in different cities of the same time-zone 162
We work in the same room or space 156
We work on the same floor of the building 147

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Q 11: Does the project involve outsourced, probably off-shored work?

Category n
No 562
Yes 591

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Q 12: How would you characterize the basic set-up of the teams?

Category n
All component teams 120
All feature teams 143
Component and feature teams 477
Mainly component teams 192
Mainly feature teams 221

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Q 13: How would you characterize the level of dependencies among
the project teams?

Category n
High 390
Low 202
Medium 561

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Q 14: Does the project utilize agile software development practices? If
so, which?

Category n
Extreme Programming 10
Kanban 79
No 43
Other 47
Scrum 974

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Q 15: Does the project utilize DevOps practices?

Category n
CI + Continuous delivery (CD) 232
CI, CD + Continuous deployment 248
Continuous integration (CI) 304
No 333
Other 36

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Q 16: Does the project utilize scaling frameworks for Scrum or Agile?

Category n
LeSS 57
No 648
other 119
SAFe 257
Spotify 72

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Q 17: Current size of your (product) organization: Product Managers
Here: The number of product managers.

Category n
0.0 70
1-5 452
6-10 216
11-15 93
16-25 79
25-50 76

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51-100 52
101-250 46
More than 250 69

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Q 18: Current size of your (product) organization: Business Analysts
Here: The number of business analysts.

Category n
0.0 259
1-5 345
6-10 165
11-15 74
16-25 70
25-50 76
51-100 50

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101-250 37
More than 250 77

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Q 19: Current size of your (product) organization: Coaches & Scrum
Here: The number of Scrum Masters or agile coaches.

Category n
0.0 52
1-5 569
6-10 182
11-15 95
16-25 61
25-50 73
51-100 37
101-250 41
More than 250 43

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Q 20: Current size of your (product) organization: Production

Here: The number of product designers, UX/UI]

Category n
0.0 138
1-5 525
6-10 178
11-15 81
16-25 62
25-50 45
51-100 37

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101-250 31
More than 250 56

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Q21: Current size of your (product) organization: Engineers
Here: The number of engineers.

Category n
0.0 34
1-5 84
6-10 163
11-15 109
16-25 135
25-50 148

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51-100 148
101-250 124
More than 250 208

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Q 22: Current size of your (product) organization: QA Engineers
Here: The number of QA engineers.

Category n
0.0 164
1-5 296
6-10 194
11-15 95
16-25 100
25-50 69
51-100 74
101-250 64
More than 250 97

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Q 23: Current size of your (product) organization: Number of DevOps
Here: The number of DevOps engineers.

Category n
0.0 204
1-5 370
6-10 187
11-15 102
16-25 69
25-50 62
51-100 57

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101-250 38
More than 250 64

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Questions on Agile Metrics
For all following questions, we kindly ask you to refer directly the attached HTML-file for details:
1. Is the achievement of agile metrics relevant to an individual’s remuneration in your
2. Product/Business Metrics: Which of the following product/business metrics are you
tracking? (Matrix)
3. Team Metrics: Which of the following team metrics are you tracking?
4. Organizational Agility Metrics: Which of the following agility metrics at an organizational
level are you tracking?
5. Flow Metrics: Which of the following flow metrics are you tracking?
6. Performance Metrics: Which of the following performance metrics are you tracking?
7. Engineering Metrics: Which of the following engineering metrics are you tracking?
8. Quality Metrics: Which of the following quality metrics are you tracking?
9. DevOps Metrics: Which of the following DevOps metrics are you tracking?

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About the Authors
Dr. Alexander Bergmann

Alex is science education researcher at the University of Leipzig (Germany) and co-founder of
Empiriks, a consulting company with strong expertise in measurement, statistics & evaluation.
As research coach he supports projects from a variety of research areas, such as health sciences,
economics and communication sciences. His own research focusses on development of data
literacy and motivational aspects of science learning and teaching. He has a strong interest in
agile learning and teaching in higher education.
Read more about Alex at empiriks.de, and connect with him privately via email.

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Stefan Wolpers

Stefan is a Professional Scrum Trainer with Scrum.org.

He specializes in coaching agile practices for change, such as agile software development with
Scrum, LeSS, Kanban, and Lean Startup, as well as product management.

He also serves as one of the XSCALE Alliance stewards and coaches organizations in business
agility. Additionally, he is a licensed facilitator of the Agile Fluency™ Team Diagnostic.

He has served in senior leadership positions several times throughout his career. His agile
coaching expertise focuses on scaling product delivery organizations of fast-growing, venture-
capital funded startups and transitioning existing product teams in established enterprise

Stefan is also curating the popular ‘Food for Agile Thought’ newsletter for the global Agile
community with 33,000-plus subscribers. He blogs about his experiences on Age-of-
Product.com and hosts the most significant global Slack community of agile practitioners with
more than 10,000 members.

His ebooks on agile topics have been downloaded more than 75,000 times. Lastly, Stefan is the
organizer of the Agile Camp Berlin, a Barcamp for 200-plus agile practitioners.

Read more about Stefan at Scrum.org, and connect with him via LinkedIn, or Twitter, or
privately via email.

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Agile Metrics Survey 2021

By Dr. Alexander Bergmann and Stefan Wolpers. Published and distributed by Berlin Product
People GmbH. First published in November 2021.

“Age of Product,” its associated logos and images are trademarks of Berlin Product People
GmbH. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2021 by Berlin Product People GmbH

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Berlin Product People GmbH
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Managing Director: Stefan Wolpers
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