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(Grades 7-10)
 Is a comparison of two quantities, that is, the ratio of a to b is a : b, and the ratio of b to a is
b:a, where a and b are the terms of the ratio.
 Ex: In a class, there are 13 boys and 17 girls. Find the ratio of boys to girls. Ans. 13:17
 This ratio may be written as follows: 13 to 17; 13:17; or 13/17, read as “13 to 17”.

Comparison of Ratios
 If two or more ratios are to be compared, they should be changed into a fraction. Then
reduce these fractions to a common denominator. The ratio which has a greater numerator
will be greater, and the one which has a smaller numerator will be smaller.
 Ex: Which is greater 4:3 or 7:9?
Sol. 4:3 = 4/3 = 12/9, therefore 12/9 > 7/9 or 4/3 > 7/9 or 4:3 > 7:9

 It is a ratio of two different measurements. We often use the word “per” to express a rate.
The word “per” indicates division.
 Ex: Write 96 meters in 4 seconds as a rate, then write it as a unit rate.
Ans.96m/4s = 24m/s

 It is an equality between two ratios. If a, b, c, and d are four numbers such that a/b = c/d,
then a, b, c, and d are terms of proportion. We can say that they are proportion if we
write a/b = c/d. a and d are called the extreme terms and b and c are called means or the
middle terms.
 Ex: 5/10 = 3/6 is a proportion. Thus, 5:10 = 3:6, then (5 x 6) = (10 x 3)

Direct Proportion – two quantities are so related that an increase (or decrease) in one causes a
corresponding increase (or decrease) in the other. For example;
The more the number of items, the bigger the amount.
The more the number of persons, the more food is required.
The faster the speed, the greater the distance.
The greater the length, the bigger the area.

Inverse Proportion – if an increase in the value in one quantity produces a decrease in the other
quantity or if a decrease in one quantity produces an increase in the other quantity. For example:
 The greater the speed, the lesser the time when the distance is constant.
 The shorter the length, the longer the width of a rectangle when the area is constant
 The bigger the number of workers, the lesser the number of working days
 The more the people there are, the more food is needed.

 Means per hundred. It is denoted by the symbol %.
 Ex: “The frame is 75% full”. We can describe the frame in different ways.
The frame is 75/100 or ¾ full. Fractional Representation
The frame is 0.75 full. Decimal Representation
The frame is 75% full. Percent Representation

Conversion of percent to fraction- drop the percent sign and think percent as a fraction in
hundredths or just divide the number by 100 and simplify.
Ex. 5% = 5 hundredths = 5/100 or 1/20

Conversion of fraction to percent- multiply the fraction by 100 then write the percent symbol
Ex. ½ x 100 = 50%

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Conversion of percent to decimal - drop the percent sign and move the decimal point two
places to the left. Ex. 85% = .85 = 0.85

Conversion of decimal to percent - move the decimal point two places to the right and place
the % sign. Ex. 0.65 = 65. = 65%

Finding the Percent of a Number- change first the percent to decimal or fraction and then
Ex. 6 ½ % of 550 = 6 ½ % x 550 = 6.5% x 550 = 0.065 x 550 = 37.75
Thus, 6 ½ % of 550 is 35.75. (Note: 6 ½%=6.5%, so in decimal it is 0.065)


 Can be expressed as the quotient of two integers (i.e. a fraction) with a denominator that is
not zero. Many people are surprised to know that a repeating decimal is a rational number.

Examples of Rational Numbers:

 5 You can express 5 as which is the quotient of the integer 5 and 1.
 See reason above.
 See first reason.
 √ 9 Is rational because you can simplify the square root to 3 which is the quotient of the
integer 3 and 1.
 .11 All repeating decimals are rational. It's a little bit trickery to show why so I will do
that elsewhere.
 .9 is a rational number because it can be expressed as 9/10 (All terminating decimals are
rational numbers)
 .73 is a rational number because it can be expressed as 73/100.
 Cannot be expressed as the quotient of two integers (i.e. a fraction) such that the
denominator is not zero.

Examples of Irrational Numbers:

 √ 7 You cannot simply get the square root (like we did with √9 ) so this number is
irrational. ALL irreducible square roots are irrational.
 If a fraction has a denominator of zero, it is irrational.
 √ 5 is irrational for the same reasons as the first example.
 π Pi is probably the most well-known irrational number out there.

 Integers are like whole numbers, but they also include negative numbers ... but still no
fractions allowed!

 So, integers can be negative {-1, -2,-3, -4, -5, … }, positive {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, … }, or zero {0}
 We can put that all together like this: Integers = { ..., -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... }

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 It can all be put into two rules:
Rule Example
+(+) 3+(+2) = 3 + 2 = 5
Two like signs become a positive sign
−(−) 6−(−3) = 6 + 3 = 9

+(−) 7+(−2) = 7 − 2 = 5
Two unlike signs become a negative sign
−(+) 8−(+2) = 8 − 2 = 6

 They are "like signs" when they are like each other (in other words: the same).
 So, all you have to remember is:
Two like signs become a positive sign
Two unlike signs become a negative sign


 You multiply or divide integers just as you do whole numbers, except you must keep track of
the signs. To multiply or divide signed integers, always multiply or divide the absolute values
and use these rules to determine the sign of the answer.
 When you multiply two integers with the same signs, the result is always positive. Just
multiply the absolute values and make the answer positive.
positive x positive = positive
negative x negative = positive
 When you multiply two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just
multiply the absolute values and make the answer negative.
positive x negative = negative
negative x positive = negative
 When you divide two integers with the same sign, the result is always positive. Just divide
the absolute values and make the answer positive.
positive ÷ positive = positive
negative ÷ negative = positive
 When you divide two integers with different signs, the result is always negative. Just
divide the absolute values and make the answer negative.
positive ÷ negative = negative
negative ÷ positive = negative

 Absolute Value means ... only how far a number is from zero:

"6" is 6 away from zero,

and "-6" is also 6 away from zero.
So the absolute value of 6 is 6,
and the absolute value of -6 is also 6
 More Examples:
The absolute value of -9 is 9 The absolute value of 0 is 0
The absolute value of 3 is 3 The absolute value of -156 is 156
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 So in practice "absolute value" means to remove any negative sign in front of a number, and
to think of all numbers as positive (or zero).To show that you want the absolute value of
something, you put "|" marks either side (they are called "bars" and are found on the right
side of your keyboard), like these examples:
|-5| = 5 |7| = 7


 Do things in Parentheses First. Example:
6 × (5 + 3) = 6× 8 = 48
6 × (5 + 3) = 30 + 3 = 33 (wrong)
 Exponents (Powers, Roots) before Multiply, Divide, Add or Subtract. Example:
5 × 22 = 5× 4 = 20
5×2 2
= 10 2
= 100 (wrong)
 Multiply or Divide before you Add or Subtract. Example:
2+ 5×3 = 2 + 15 = 17
2+5×3 = 7×3 = 21 (wrong)
 Otherwise just go left to right. Example:
30 ÷ 5 × 3 = 6 ×3 = 18
30 ÷ 5 × 3 = 30 ÷ 15 = 2 (wrong)
 How Do I Remember It All...? PEMDAS!
P Parentheses first
E Exponents (Powers and Square Roots, etc.)
MD Multiplication and Division (left-to-right)
AS Addition and Subtraction (left-to-right)


 Exponents are also called Powers or Indices.

The exponent of a number says how many times to use the number in
a multiplication.
In this example: 82 = 8 × 8 = 64
In words: 82 could be called "8 to the second power", "8 to the power 2"
or simply "8 squared"

 Here are the Laws (explanations follow):

Law Example
x1 = x 61 = 6
x =1 70 = 1
x = 1/x 4-1 = ¼
m n
x x =x m+n
x2x3 = x2+3 = x5
m n
x /x = x m-n
x6/x2 = x6-2 = x4
m n
(x ) = x mn
(x2)3 = x2×3 = x6
(xy) = x y n n
(xy)3 = x3y3
(x/y) = x /yn n
(x/y)2 = x2 / y2
x = 1/x n
x-3 = 1/x3
 Scientific Notation (also called Standard Form in Britain) is a special way of writing

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Or this:

 It makes it easy to use big and small values.

 Example: 700
Why is 700 written as 7 × 102 in Scientific Notation?
700 = 7 × 100 and 100 = 102 (see powers of 10)
So 700 = 7 × 102
Both 700 and 7 × 102 have the same value, just shown in different ways.
 Example: 4,900,000,000
1,000,000,000 = 109
So 4,900,000,000 = 4.9 × 109 in Scientific Notation
 The number is written in two parts:
Just the digits (with the decimal point placed after the first digit), followed by × 10 to
a power that puts the decimal point where it should be (i.e. it shows how many places
to move the decimal point).

 In this example, 5326.6 is written as 5.3266 × 103, because 5326.6 = 5.3266 × 1000 =
5.3266 × 103


1. Find the least common denominator (LCD) of all fractions appearing within the
complex fraction.
2. Multiply both the numerator and the denominator of the complex fraction by the
LCD of the complex fraction from step 1.
3. Simplify whenever possible.

 Let's see Method 1 at work on the following problems:

Solution: The least common denominator
for the ENTIRE problem is 8. Multiply the
top and the bottom by 8.

Solution: The mixed number should be

2 changed to an improper fraction before
. starting Method 1. Remember that the
unseen denominator for 9 is 1. The least
common denominator for the ENTIRE
problem is 3. Multiply the top and the
bottom by 3.


 Using Cartesian Coordinates you mark a point on a graph by how far along and how far
up it is:

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The point (12, 5) is 12 units along, and 5
units up.
 X and Y Axis
The left-right (horizontal) direction is commonly called X.

The up-down (vertical) direction is commonly called Y.

Put them together on a graph ...

... and you are ready to go

Where they cross over is the "0" point, you measure everything
from there.
The X Axis runs horizontally through zero
The Y Axis runs vertically through zero
 Axis: The reference line from which distances are measured. The plural of Axis is Axes, and
is pronounced ax-eez.
 Example:

 Point (6, 4) is 6 units across (in the x direction), and 4 units up (in the y direction). So (6,
4) means: Go along 6 and then go up 4 then "plot the dot".

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Perimeter = a + b + c
Perimeter = a + b + c

Square Circle
Perimeter = 4 × a Circumference = 2πr
a = length of side r = radius

Perimeter = 2 × (w + h)
w = width
h = height


Area = ½ × b × h
Area = a2
b = base
a = length of side
h = vertical height

Rectangle Parallelogram
Area = w × h Area = b × h
w = width b = base
h = height h = vertical height

Trapezoid (US) Circle

Trapezium (UK) Area = π × r2
Area = ½(a+b) × h Circumference = 2 × π × r
h = vertical height r = radius

 An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase that can contain ordinary numbers,
variables (like x or y) and operators (like add, subtract, multiply, and divide). Here are some
algebraic expressions:

a+1 3x
a-b x-a/b
 In the above expression the "/" means divide. The "3x" means multiply the variable x by 3.
Many English phrases translate directly into algebraic expressions, as shown in the following
table (where x stands for "a number"):
English expression Algebraic expression
A number plus eight x+8
four less than a number x-4
half of a number x/2

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XI. Rational Function
 It is a function which has a denominator not equal to 0.
 Denominator and Numerator are polynomials.
 Examples:
6 x +2
a.) f ( x )=
b.) f ( x )=
2 x −7
 Questions:
6 x +2 a rational function?
What must be the excluded value of x to make f ( x )=
What must be the excluded value of x to make f ( x )= a rational function?
2 x −7
Evaluating a Rational Function
 Example: Evaluate the given function using x= 4.

6 x+ 2
f ( x )=
6 x+ 2
 Solution: f ( x )=
6 ( 4 ) +2
f ( 4) =
24 +2
¿ 13

Proper Rational Function

 It is a Rational function which has a numerator less than its denominator.

Improper Rational
 It is a Rational function which has a denominator less than its numerator.

Simplifying Rational Expressions

4 1
 Examples: =
8 2
=2 x
3 x +9 3 ( x+ 3 )
= =3
x +3 ( x+ 3 )
x 2−6 x +9 ( x−3 ) ( x−3)
= = x−3
x−3 ( x−3)

Addition and Subtraction of Rational Expressions

 Examples:

3 2 3 3 3+9 12
+ Solution : + = = =4 ( x−1 )
2 x−2 x−1 3 x−3 x−1 3 ( x−1 ) 3 ( x−1 )

Multiplication and Division of Rational Expressions

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 Examples:

2 x−1 2 4 x−2
1.) X =
2 x +1 3 3 x +3

4 x 2−1 2 x−1 ( 2 x −1 ) (2 x +1) 2 2(2 x+1) 2 x+1

2.) ÷ = X = =
2 2 2 2 x−1 2(2 x −1) 2 x−1

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Rational Equations and Inequalities
 Examples:
3 x−2 x
Solve for x: =
4 3

3 x−2 x 3 x −2 x
= 12
3 4 (=
12 )()
3 ( 3 x −2 )=4 x
9x – 6 = 4x
9x – 4x = 6
5x = 6

2 x +4 x
Solve for x: =
2 1

2 x +4 x x +4 x
= 2
1 2
>( ) 2
1 ( )
x+4 ¿ 2x
x – 2x ¿−4
-x ¿ -4
x ¿4
XII. Rational Exponents and Radicals

Index Radical Symbol Radicand

Principal Square Root

 It is the positive square root of a number.
1 1
2 Example: 2
√ n=a √ 2025=2025 =45
1 1
3 3 Example: 3 3
√ n=a √ 64=64 =4
Simplification of Radical Expression

Properties of Exponents are used to simplify radical expressions.

 Examples:
2 1 1 2−1 1
2x −
=2 x 2 4
=2 x 4
=2 x 4
1 2 1 2
(−3 x )( 2 x )=−6 x
3 3
3 3
=−6 x

Factoring Expressions with Rational Exponents

 Example:
3 1 1 2
2 x 4 −2 x 4 =2 x 4 (x 4 −1)
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Adding, Subtracting and Multiplying Radical Expressions
 Examples:
1) 3 √ 3+ 2 √ 3=5 √3
2) 2 √ 5−√ 5=√ 5
3) 6 √ 2 x 3 √ 2=18 √ 4=18 x 2 = 36
4) √ 8 x √ 18=√ 4 x 2 x √ 9 x 2=2 √ 2 x 3 √ 2=6 √ 4=6 x 2=12
Rationalizing denominators and numerators of Radical Expressions
 Examples:
1 1 1 √3 = √ 3 = √3
a) Solution: = ×
√3 √3 √3 √3 √ 9 3
2 2 2−√ 2 2(2−√ 2) 2(2− √2)
b) Solution: × = = =2(2−√ 2)
2+ √ 2 2+ √ 2 2−√ 2 4−2 2

Problems involving Radical expressions

 Examples
Solve for x:
a) √3 x=8 Soution : √3 x =8
( √3 x) =8 3
x = 512

b) √3 x−3=2 Solution: √3 x−3=2

( √3 x−3) =23
x = 11

Imaginary Numbers is represented by the symbol i.

i= √−1
 Example:

a) √−36= √36 ×(−1)=√ 36 x √−1=6 i

Powers of i
i1 = i i 3 = -i
2 4
i = -1 i =1

XIII. Quadratic Equations and Functions

Review of Factorization

Steps in factoring Quadratic Polynomials

1) List the factors of the constant term.
2) Choose two factors which have a sum of the numerical coefficient of the linear term.
3) Write in the form (x + a) (x + b), where a and b are the chosen factors.

x2 + 4x – 5 Solution: Possible Factors of -5
1st and 2nd Step: -1 x 5
-5 x 1
3rd: (x – 1) (x + 5)
Try this!
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x2 – 5x + 6

Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring

x + 7x + 12 = (x + 4) (x + 3)
x+4=0 x+3=0
x =-4 x = -3

Solving Quadratic Equations by Square Root method

Find for the value of x:
1) 12 x 2=48
12 x 48
12 12
√ x =√4
x= ± 2

2) ( x−3 )2=81
√ ( x−3 )2=√ 81
XIV. Arithmetic Sequence and Series

Arithmetic Sequence
 It is a sequence in which each term after the first is obtained by adding the same fixed
number called the common difference to the preceding term.
 The nth term of an arithmetic sequence is given by an = a1 + a (n-1) d where a1 is the
first term and d is the common difference.
 Arithmetic means are the terms between any two terms of an arithmetic sequence.
 Arithmetic series is the indicated sum of the terms of an arithmetic sequence.
 The sum of the first terms of an arithmetic sequence with first term a1 and nth term an is
Sn = n/2 [ 2a1 + (n – 1) d or Sn = n/2 [ a1 + a2 ]

Geometric Sequence and Series

 A geometric sequence is a sequence in which each term after the first is obtained by
multiplying the same fixed number called the common ratio by the preceding term.
 The nth term of a geometric sequence is given by an = a1r n – 1 where a1 is the first term
and r is the common ratio.
 The sum of a geometric sequence is called a geometric series
 The sum of the first n terms is given by
Sn = a1 ( 1 – r n )/ 1 – r or Sn = a1 – ran / 1 – r

Infinite Geometric Series

If -1 < r < 1, then the infinite geometric series has a sum given by Sn = a1 / 1 – r

Harmonic Sequence
The sequence formed by the reciprocals of the terms of an arithmetic sequence is called a
harmonic sequence.
To determine the nth term of a harmonic sequence, we write the corresponding arithmetic
sequence, find the nth term of the arithmetic sequence and take its reciprocal.
The terms between any two terms of a harmonic sequence are called harmonic means.

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The Binomial Theorem
 A binomial expression consists of two terms connected by a positive or negative sign. If n
is a positive integer then ( a + b ) n is the nth power of the binomial expression ( a + b ).
 For real numbers a and b, if n is a positive integer, then the general binomial expansion
( a + b )n is

( a + b )n = an + n/1 (an-1) + n(n-1)/(1)(2) (an-2b2) + n(n-1)(n-2)/(1)(2)(3) (an-3b3 + ……..+ n/1

(ab n-1
+ bn

 The term having a factor br is the (r + 1)st term and can be written as

n(n-1)(n-2)…….(n-r+1)/r! (an-rbr)

Fibonacci Sequence
 The Fibonacci sequence (1,2,2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,89,144….) occurs throughout the worlds of
nature, art, music and mathematics! Each term in the series is produced by adding together
the two previous terms so that 1+1=2, 1+2=3, 2+3=5 and so on.
 The Fibonacci sequence takes its name from a famous 13 th century European mathematician
Leonardo Pisano also called as Fibonacci. The ratio between successive Fibonacci
numbers approximates an important constant called “the golden number” or sometimes
phi o, which is approximately 1.618034.

Polynomial Function
 A polynomial function is a set of ordered pairs (x,y) where y = anxn + an-1xn-1 + … a1x +
a0. The numerical coefficients of the variable, that is, an , an-1…, a1 , a0 are elements of the
set of real numbers and the exponents n, n-1,… 1,0 are non-negative integers.
 Note that a polynomial function is a function whose definition or rule associating x and y is a
Linear - 1st degree ( 1 )
Quadratic - 2nd degree ( 2 )
Cubic - 3rd degree ( 3 )
Quartic - 4th degree ( 4 )
Quantic th
- 5 degree ( 5 )

To evaluate a polynomial for a given value of the variables,

 Replace the variable with the given value and perform the indicated operations or,
 Express the polynomial in nested form by;
 Arranging the terms of the polynomial in descending order
 Grouping variables together, then
 Factoring out x.

 The Division algorithm states that if P(x) and Q(x) are two distinct polynomials and D(x)
≠ 0, then there exist unique polynomials Q(x) and R(x) such that P(x)= D(x) * Q(x) + R(x),
where D(x) is the divisor, Q(x) is the quotient and R(x) is the remainder, which is
either R(x) = 0 or of degree less than of D(x).

Steps in Synthetic Division.

 Write the polynomial in descending order, filling in the missing terms, if there are any, by
 Write only the numerical coefficients of the polynomial, making it the first row.
 Divide this row by the synthetic divisor, the value of x if the divisor is set to 0.
 Bring down the first number in the row.
 Multiply this number by the divisor, and write the product under the next number in the first
row. Add the number in that column.
 Repeat the process until the last sum is obtained.

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The Remainder Theorem
 If r is a number and the polynomial P(x) is divided by (x-r), then the remainder is P(r), where
P(r) is the value of the polynomial P(x) when x = r.

The Factor Theorem

 (x-r) is a factor of the polynomial P(x) if and only if P(x) = 0.

Exponential and Logarithmic Function

 Equations of the form y = kbx for any positive real numbers b and for all real numbers x are
called exponentials.
 An exponential function is defined by f(x) = bx for all real numbers x and any positive
number b where b ≠ 1.
 The domain of an exponential function is A or the set of real numbers.
 The range of an exponential function is the set of all positive numbers.
 Exponential equations are equations that involve exponential functions.
 The basis for the solution of exponential equation is the fact that the exponential function is
one-to-one function.
 Using the word “logarithm” in place of an “exponent” we may write y = kbx as x =
logby which is read as x is the logarithm of b that produces y.
 The logarithmic function x = logby is the function inverse of y = kbx where b > 0, b ≠ 1.

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