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Mata Pelajaran : BIGPDL

Tingkat | Jurusan : XI | a:1:{i:0;s:5:"semua";}

Pembuat Soal : TITIN YENI, S.Pd
Satuan Pendidikan : MA AL HUDA

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda

1 Advantages of Gold Coin InvestmentGold has become a precious metal to mankind since it was the
dawn of civilization. The nature of gold is soft and malleable which people can make and easily change
to any forms, even it is done just by a simple technology. The beautiful golden and shiny color does not
easily fade out. The form of gold can be as jewelry, bar, or coin. Now days gold coin, such as gold IRA,
becomes an advantageous Investment. Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain
situations, many people are turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as
currency without limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need. The Gold
values tend to be stable: take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero inflation effect. It is very rare that
the gold price tends to increase. Investment in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more
profitable if it is compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for example
gold 401k which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as an alternative investment,
whether it is for the medium-term investment and long-term investment. Besides that gold coins need
less cost in production and manufacturing so it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of
jewelry. Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as collections. Because
the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness are the point. There might be coins that cost
up to more than a million because of the history variables, ownership, and perhaps an important event
when the coin is launched. From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it cloud be
useful to consider investing gold coin or think about gold IRA transfer. It is really recommended.What
is the benefit of gold’s nature soft and malleable?
A. it is very valuable. C. it has increasing price. E. it is easily changed into
any forms.
B. it has high price. D. it can be used as form of
2 Advantages of Gold Coin InvestmentGold has become a precious metal to mankind since it was the
dawn of civilization. The nature of gold is soft and malleable which people can make and easily change
to any forms, even it is done just by a simple technology. The beautiful golden and shiny color does not
easily fade out. The form of gold can be as jewelry, bar, or coin. Now days gold coin, such as gold IRA,
becomes an advantageous Investment. Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain
situations, many people are turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as
currency without limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need. The Gold
values tend to be stable: take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero inflation effect. It is very rare that
the gold price tends to increase. Investment in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more
profitable if it is compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for example
gold 401k which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as an alternative investment,
whether it is for the medium-term investment and long-term investment. Besides that gold coins need
less cost in production and manufacturing so it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of
jewelry. Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as collections. Because
the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness are the point. There might be coins that cost
up to more than a million because of the history variables, ownership, and perhaps an important event
when the coin is launched. From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it cloud be
useful to consider investing gold coin or think about gold IRA transfer. It is really recommended.What
is IRA gold’s form?
A. Necklace. C. Bar. E. Any forms.
B. Bracelet. D. Coin.
3 Advantages of Gold Coin InvestmentGold has become a precious metal to mankind since it was the
dawn of civilization. The nature of gold is soft and malleable which people can make and easily change
to any forms, even it is done just by a simple technology. The beautiful golden and shiny color does not
easily fade out. The form of gold can be as jewelry, bar, or coin. Now days gold coin, such as gold IRA,
becomes an advantageous Investment. Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain
situations, many people are turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as
currency without limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need. The Gold
values tend to be stable: take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero inflation effect. It is very rare that
the gold price tends to increase. Investment in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more
profitable if it is compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for example
gold 401k which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as an alternative investment,
whether it is for the medium-term investment and long-term investment. Besides that gold coins need
less cost in production and manufacturing so it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of
jewelry. Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as collections. Because
the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness are the point. There might be coins that cost
up to more than a million because of the history variables, ownership, and perhaps an important event
when the coin is launched. From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it cloud be
useful to consider investing gold coin or think about gold IRA transfer. It is really recommended.When
usually people turn to gold as investment?
A. When gold price C. In uncertain condition E. During financial crisis
B. When gold prices high D. When they have more
4 Advantages of Gold Coin InvestmentGold has become a precious metal to mankind since it was the
dawn of civilization. The nature of gold is soft and malleable which people can make and easily change
to any forms, even it is done just by a simple technology. The beautiful golden and shiny color does not
easily fade out. The form of gold can be as jewelry, bar, or coin. Now days gold coin, such as gold IRA,
becomes an advantageous Investment. Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain
situations, many people are turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as
currency without limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need. The Gold
values tend to be stable: take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero inflation effect. It is very rare that
the gold price tends to increase. Investment in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more
profitable if it is compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for example
gold 401k which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as an alternative investment,
whether it is for the medium-term investment and long-term investment. Besides that gold coins need
less cost in production and manufacturing so it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of
jewelry. Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as collections. Because
the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness are the point. There might be coins that cost
up to more than a million because of the history variables, ownership, and perhaps an important event
when the coin is launched. From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it cloud be
useful to consider investing gold coin or think about gold IRA transfer. It is really recommended.Why
gold is considerably secure?
A. Because gold has a more C. Because it can be chased E. Because the price
stable value. anytime. increases every year.
B. Because it has high price. D. Because it is precious.
5 Advantages of Gold Coin InvestmentGold has become a precious metal to mankind since it was the
dawn of civilization. The nature of gold is soft and malleable which people can make and easily change
to any forms, even it is done just by a simple technology. The beautiful golden and shiny color does not
easily fade out. The form of gold can be as jewelry, bar, or coin. Now days gold coin, such as gold IRA,
becomes an advantageous Investment. Gold is safe and profitable for investment. In uncertain
situations, many people are turning to gold because gold has a more stable value and regarded as
currency without limitation assets. It is secure and can be cashed out at any time we need. The Gold
values tend to be stable: take a look an IRA gold discussion. It is zero inflation effect. It is very rare that
the gold price tends to increase. Investment in the form of coins, it is famous as gold coin, is more
profitable if it is compared with the investment gold in the form of jewelry. Gold Coin, for example
gold 401k which some people call 401k gold, is very good when used as an alternative investment,
whether it is for the medium-term investment and long-term investment. Besides that gold coins need
less cost in production and manufacturing so it is more lucrative than investing gold in the form of
jewelry. Moreover, some people do not just think gold as an investment, but also as collections. Because
the character is a collection so the uniqueness and rareness are the point. There might be coins that cost
up to more than a million because of the history variables, ownership, and perhaps an important event
when the coin is launched. From the reason above, if we decide to make an investment, it cloud be
useful to consider investing gold coin or think about gold IRA transfer. It is really recommended.What
makes gold coin is more lucrative gold in the form of jewelry?
A. its prices is higher. C. t is good for investment. E. It is profitable.
B. D. It needs less cost in
The price never falls. production and
6 Joseph Lister is famous as the surgeon …..(6) invented antiseptic surgery. Lister was born on April 5,
1827 in Upton in Essex. He was one of 7 children and his father….. (7) a merchant. The Lister family
were Quakers. At the age of 11 Joseph Lister was sent to school in Tottenham. Then in 1844 when he
was 17 Lister went to University College London. Lister excelled at his studied and he passed his
medical degree in 1852. In 1856 Lister…. (8) assistant surgeon at Edinburgh Royal University. Later he
married Agnes Syme. They did not have children. In 1860 Joseph Lister moved to Glasgow …. (9) that
time it was common for injuries to become infected after surgery but Lister thought of an answer. In
1865 Louis Pasteur published his theory that putrefaction is caused by germs. Lister tried treating
injuries with carbolic acid and found that it was effective in preventing infection. In 1867 Joseph Lister
published papers in the medical journal The Lancet, describing his discovery. As a result of the method
invented by Joseph Lister rates of death from infection dropped dramatically. Gradually his methods
were adopted around the world. In 1869 Lister moved back to Edinburgh. In 1877 he moved to London.
However Lister lost his wife in 1892. In 1893 Lister retired from surgery. Meanwhile Joseph Lister had
become very famous. In 1883 he was made a baronet and in 1897 he was …. (10) Baron Lister of Lyme
Regis. In 1895 Lister was made president of the royal Society (a scientific organization). In 1907 aged
80 Lister was given the Freedom of the City of London. However in 1908 Lister moved to Walmer in
Kent. Joseph Lister died on 10 February 1912. He was 84 Lister was buried in Hampstead.
A. who C. which E. who has
B. whom D. whose
7 Joseph Lister is famous as the surgeon …..(6) invented antiseptic surgery. Lister was born on April 5,
1827 in Upton in Essex. He was one of 7 children and his father….. (7) a merchant. The Lister family
were Quakers. At the age of 11 Joseph Lister was sent to school in Tottenham. Then in 1844 when he
was 17 Lister went to University College London. Lister excelled at his studied and he passed his
medical degree in 1852. In 1856 Lister…. (8) assistant surgeon at Edinburgh Royal University. Later he
married Agnes Syme. They did not have children. In 1860 Joseph Lister moved to Glasgow …. (9) that
time it was common for injuries to become infected after surgery but Lister thought of an answer. In
1865 Louis Pasteur published his theory that putrefaction is caused by germs. Lister tried treating
injuries with carbolic acid and found that it was effective in preventing infection. In 1867 Joseph Lister
published papers in the medical journal The Lancet, describing his discovery. As a result of the method
invented by Joseph Lister rates of death from infection dropped dramatically. Gradually his methods
were adopted around the world. In 1869 Lister moved back to Edinburgh. In 1877 he moved to London.
However Lister lost his wife in 1892. In 1893 Lister retired from surgery. Meanwhile Joseph Lister had
become very famous. In 1883 he was made a baronet and in 1897 he was …. (10) Baron Lister of Lyme
Regis. In 1895 Lister was made president of the royal Society (a scientific organization). In 1907 aged
80 Lister was given the Freedom of the City of London. However in 1908 Lister moved to Walmer in
Kent. Joseph Lister died on 10 February 1912. He was 84 Lister was buried in Hampstead.
A. is C. are E. was
B. am D. where
8 Joseph Lister is famous as the surgeon …..(6) invented antiseptic surgery. Lister was born on April 5,
1827 in Upton in Essex. He was one of 7 children and his father….. (7) a merchant. The Lister family
were Quakers. At the age of 11 Joseph Lister was sent to school in Tottenham. Then in 1844 when he
was 17 Lister went to University College London. Lister excelled at his studied and he passed his
medical degree in 1852. In 1856 Lister…. (8) assistant surgeon at Edinburgh Royal University. Later he
married Agnes Syme. They did not have children. In 1860 Joseph Lister moved to Glasgow …. (9) that
time it was common for injuries to become infected after surgery but Lister thought of an answer. In
1865 Louis Pasteur published his theory that putrefaction is caused by germs. Lister tried treating
injuries with carbolic acid and found that it was effective in preventing infection. In 1867 Joseph Lister
published papers in the medical journal The Lancet, describing his discovery. As a result of the method
invented by Joseph Lister rates of death from infection dropped dramatically. Gradually his methods
were adopted around the world. In 1869 Lister moved back to Edinburgh. In 1877 he moved to London.
However Lister lost his wife in 1892. In 1893 Lister retired from surgery. Meanwhile Joseph Lister had
become very famous. In 1883 he was made a baronet and in 1897 he was …. (10) Baron Lister of Lyme
Regis. In 1895 Lister was made president of the royal Society (a scientific organization). In 1907 aged
80 Lister was given the Freedom of the City of London. However in 1908 Lister moved to Walmer in
Kent. Joseph Lister died on 10 February 1912. He was 84 Lister was buried in Hampstead.
A. become C. became E. becometh
B. becomes D. becoming
9 Joseph Lister is famous as the surgeon …..(6) invented antiseptic surgery. Lister was born on April 5,
1827 in Upton in Essex. He was one of 7 children and his father….. (7) a merchant. The Lister family
were Quakers. At the age of 11 Joseph Lister was sent to school in Tottenham. Then in 1844 when he
was 17 Lister went to University College London. Lister excelled at his studied and he passed his
medical degree in 1852. In 1856 Lister…. (8) assistant surgeon at Edinburgh Royal University. Later he
married Agnes Syme. They did not have children. In 1860 Joseph Lister moved to Glasgow …. (9) that
time it was common for injuries to become infected after surgery but Lister thought of an answer. In
1865 Louis Pasteur published his theory that putrefaction is caused by germs. Lister tried treating
injuries with carbolic acid and found that it was effective in preventing infection. In 1867 Joseph Lister
published papers in the medical journal The Lancet, describing his discovery. As a result of the method
invented by Joseph Lister rates of death from infection dropped dramatically. Gradually his methods
were adopted around the world. In 1869 Lister moved back to Edinburgh. In 1877 he moved to London.
However Lister lost his wife in 1892. In 1893 Lister retired from surgery. Meanwhile Joseph Lister had
become very famous. In 1883 he was made a baronet and in 1897 he was …. (10) Baron Lister of Lyme
Regis. In 1895 Lister was made president of the royal Society (a scientific organization). In 1907 aged
80 Lister was given the Freedom of the City of London. However in 1908 Lister moved to Walmer in
Kent. Joseph Lister died on 10 February 1912. He was 84 Lister was buried in Hampstead.
A. in C. at E. for
B. on D. under
10 Joseph Lister is famous as the surgeon …..(6) invented antiseptic surgery. Lister was born on April 5,
1827 in Upton in Essex. He was one of 7 children and his father….. (7) a merchant. The Lister family
were Quakers. At the age of 11 Joseph Lister was sent to school in Tottenham. Then in 1844 when he
was 17 Lister went to University College London. Lister excelled at his studied and he passed his
medical degree in 1852. In 1856 Lister…. (8) assistant surgeon at Edinburgh Royal University. Later he
married Agnes Syme. They did not have children. In 1860 Joseph Lister moved to Glasgow …. (9) that
time it was common for injuries to become infected after surgery but Lister thought of an answer. In
1865 Louis Pasteur published his theory that putrefaction is caused by germs. Lister tried treating
injuries with carbolic acid and found that it was effective in preventing infection. In 1867 Joseph Lister
published papers in the medical journal The Lancet, describing his discovery. As a result of the method
invented by Joseph Lister rates of death from infection dropped dramatically. Gradually his methods
were adopted around the world. In 1869 Lister moved back to Edinburgh. In 1877 he moved to London.
However Lister lost his wife in 1892. In 1893 Lister retired from surgery. Meanwhile Joseph Lister had
become very famous. In 1883 he was made a baronet and in 1897 he was …. (10) Baron Lister of Lyme
Regis. In 1895 Lister was made president of the royal Society (a scientific organization). In 1907 aged
80 Lister was given the Freedom of the City of London. However in 1908 Lister moved to Walmer in
Kent. Joseph Lister died on 10 February 1912. He was 84 Lister was buried in Hampstead.
A. make C. making E. madding
B. makes D. made
11 House Husband’s Heart Risk Most people assume that life in the rat race is bad for your health. But
reversing the traditional gender roles, being a house husband is a stressful business, according to the
latest research by American scientist. By giving up their jobs in order to become houses husbands, men
increase their risk of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82%, according to research based
on 10 year study of 2,500 people in Boston, USA. According to Dr. Elaine Eaker, the key to the
problem is that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assign to them by
society. Men who stays at home tend not to have the same levels of support from friends and family as
women do the same. Jack O’Sullivan, of the father’s Direct, was quoted as saying: “Society expects the
main career should be a women and society is structured around that. Day care is called mother and
toddler groups and some men feel awkward about belonging to those groups. Processor Gary Cooper, a
psychologist at the University of Manchester, said many men tend to underestimate the task of caring
for a family. He said “Most men think being a husband involves putting on a bit of washing, taking the
kids to school and then putting their feet up with a cup of coffee. They are crazy. Most men are not used
to performing a variety of activities simultaneously – the kind of multi–tasking which is second nature
to most women. It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker’s role in one in seven
homes, as increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that
women in high powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more junior
positions.The main idea of the first paragraph is….
A. People living in the rat C. Scientist did some E. The result of the research
race tend to have heart research on the people’s showed that house-
attacks. health living in Boston. husbands tend to have
B. The research on house- D. House-husband have
understandable reason
husbands health involved why they gave up their
2,500 people.
12 House Husband’s Heart Risk Most people assume that life in the rat race is bad for your health. But
reversing the traditional gender roles, being a house husband is a stressful business, according to the
latest research by American scientist. By giving up their jobs in order to become houses husbands, men
increase their risk of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82%, according to research based
on 10 year study of 2,500 people in Boston, USA. According to Dr. Elaine Eaker, the key to the
problem is that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assign to them by
society. Men who stays at home tend not to have the same levels of support from friends and family as
women do the same. Jack O’Sullivan, of the father’s Direct, was quoted as saying: “Society expects the
main career should be a women and society is structured around that. Day care is called mother and
toddler groups and some men feel awkward about belonging to those groups. Processor Gary Cooper, a
psychologist at the University of Manchester, said many men tend to underestimate the task of caring
for a family. He said “Most men think being a husband involves putting on a bit of washing, taking the
kids to school and then putting their feet up with a cup of coffee. They are crazy. Most men are not used
to performing a variety of activities simultaneously – the kind of multi–tasking which is second nature
to most women. It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker’s role in one in seven
homes, as increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that
women in high powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more junior
positions.“Some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assigm to them by
society.” (paragraph 2)The statement above is the result of research done by….
A. A psychologist C. Dr. Elaine Eaker E. Professor Gary Cooper
B. Jack O’Sullivan D. An American scientist
13 House Husband’s Heart Risk Most people assume that life in the rat race is bad for your health. But
reversing the traditional gender roles, being a house husband is a stressful business, according to the
latest research by American scientist. By giving up their jobs in order to become houses husbands, men
increase their risk of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82%, according to research based
on 10 year study of 2,500 people in Boston, USA. According to Dr. Elaine Eaker, the key to the
problem is that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assign to them by
society. Men who stays at home tend not to have the same levels of support from friends and family as
women do the same. Jack O’Sullivan, of the father’s Direct, was quoted as saying: “Society expects the
main career should be a women and society is structured around that. Day care is called mother and
toddler groups and some men feel awkward about belonging to those groups. Processor Gary Cooper, a
psychologist at the University of Manchester, said many men tend to underestimate the task of caring
for a family. He said “Most men think being a husband involves putting on a bit of washing, taking the
kids to school and then putting their feet up with a cup of coffee. They are crazy. Most men are not used
to performing a variety of activities simultaneously – the kind of multi–tasking which is second nature
to most women. It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker’s role in one in seven
homes, as increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that
women in high powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more junior
positions.The purpose of the text is….
A. To describe what a house C. To report the result of a E. To inform readers that
husband is. research carried on by Dr. 82% of house husbands
Elaine Eaker. suffer from heart attack.
B. To persuade readers no to D. To explain to readers why
house husbands are
become a house husband. subjects to heart attack.
14 House Husband’s Heart Risk Most people assume that life in the rat race is bad for your health. But
reversing the traditional gender roles, being a house husband is a stressful business, according to the
latest research by American scientist. By giving up their jobs in order to become houses husbands, men
increase their risk of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82%, according to research based
on 10 year study of 2,500 people in Boston, USA. According to Dr. Elaine Eaker, the key to the
problem is that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assign to them by
society. Men who stays at home tend not to have the same levels of support from friends and family as
women do the same. Jack O’Sullivan, of the father’s Direct, was quoted as saying: “Society expects the
main career should be a women and society is structured around that. Day care is called mother and
toddler groups and some men feel awkward about belonging to those groups. Processor Gary Cooper, a
psychologist at the University of Manchester, said many men tend to underestimate the task of caring
for a family. He said “Most men think being a husband involves putting on a bit of washing, taking the
kids to school and then putting their feet up with a cup of coffee. They are crazy. Most men are not used
to performing a variety of activities simultaneously – the kind of multi–tasking which is second nature
to most women. It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker’s role in one in seven
homes, as increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that
women in high powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more junior
positions.Some house husband become stressed because….
A. They are jobless C. Most people do not E. They are not used to
respect them. doing house keeping
B. They earn less than their D. They do not join the
wives daycare groups.
15 House Husband’s Heart Risk Most people assume that life in the rat race is bad for your health. But
reversing the traditional gender roles, being a house husband is a stressful business, according to the
latest research by American scientist. By giving up their jobs in order to become houses husbands, men
increase their risk of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82%, according to research based
on 10 year study of 2,500 people in Boston, USA. According to Dr. Elaine Eaker, the key to the
problem is that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assign to them by
society. Men who stays at home tend not to have the same levels of support from friends and family as
women do the same. Jack O’Sullivan, of the father’s Direct, was quoted as saying: “Society expects the
main career should be a women and society is structured around that. Day care is called mother and
toddler groups and some men feel awkward about belonging to those groups. Processor Gary Cooper, a
psychologist at the University of Manchester, said many men tend to underestimate the task of caring
for a family. He said “Most men think being a husband involves putting on a bit of washing, taking the
kids to school and then putting their feet up with a cup of coffee. They are crazy. Most men are not used
to performing a variety of activities simultaneously – the kind of multi–tasking which is second nature
to most women. It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker’s role in one in seven
homes, as increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that
women in high powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more junior
positions.“They are crazy.”The underlined word above refers to….
A. men C. doctors E. married women
B. women D. old women
16 “SBY and Budiono won the general election.” The passive is….
A. SBY and Budiono are C. The general election was E. SBY and Budiono are
won by the general won by SBY and won the general election.
election. Budiono.
B. The general election is D. The general election were
won by SBY and won by SBY and
Budiono. Budiono.
17 “Robby will buy John a new cloth.” The passive is….
A. John will be bought by C. A new cloth will be E. A new cloth would be
Robby a new cloth. bought by Robby for buy by John for Robby.
B. John would be bought a D. A new cloth will be
new cloth by Robby. bought by John for
18 “Some students are going to arrange a reunion party at school next month.” The passive is….
A. A reunion party are going C. A reunion party is going E. A reunion party is held go
to arrange by some to arrange by some to be arranged by some
student at school next students at school next students at school next
month. month. month.
B. A reunion party is going D. A reunion party is going
to arrange by some to be arranged by some
student at school next students at school next
month. month.
19 “Neither James nor Jenny has been told yet.” The passive is….
A. James has told Jenny C. Nobody has told James E. ames have told Jenny
already. and Jenny. already.
B. Jenny has told James D. They have told either
already. James or Jenny.
20 “My book was stolen.” The passive is….
A. Someone stole my book. C. Someone have stolen my E. Someone is stolen my
book. book.
B. Someone has stolen my D. Someone was stealing my
book. book.
21 The following dialogue is for number 21 to 25.Pete: “Would you like dinner with me tonight?”Kate:
“Thank you. I’d love to.”From the dialogue above we conclude that….
A. Kate declines the C. Kate loves Pete. E. Pete make a date with
invitation. Kate.
B. D. Pete invites Kate to have
Pete wants to have dinner. dinner together.
22 Pete: “Would you like dinner with me tonight?”Kate: “Thank you. I’d love to.”What the Underline
sentence express?
A. Accepting invitation. C. Greeting. E. Agreeing an appointment.
B. Refusing help. D. Canceling invitation.
23 Pete: “Would you like dinner with me tonight?”Kate: “Thank you. I’d love to.”Is Pete inviting Kate?
A. No, she doesn’t. C. Yes she isn’t. E. Yes, it isn’t.
B. Yes, he is. D. No, they aren’t.
24 Yu’ul: “Would you like a cup of tea?”Ipeh: “Yes, I want it.The dialogue uses expression of….
A. offering help C. offering and accepting E. refusing something
B. accepting and refusing an D. make an appointment
25 Coki: “Would you come with me to Lia’s party?”Citra: “That would be nice. What’s time?”From the
underline sentence, we know that….
A. Citra doubt to go with C. Coki orders Citra to go E. Citra accepts Coki’s
Coki. with him. Invitation.
B. D. Citra asks Coki to go
Coki ask for help to Citra. together.
26 PT. CSL Indosejahtera18 Jl T NyakArief Banda Aceh 231218 of June, 2014Mr. RakibGeneral
ManagerPT. Rahmat ServiceJl. Mayjen Suprapto 3Banda Aceh 23221Dear Mr. Rakib, It is a great honor
for us to extend this invitation to you. We would like to invite you and Ms. Rakib to celebrate our
company’ Anniversary. We are going to have party to mark the tent Anniversary of PT CSL
Indosejahtera. The Party to commemorate this special event will be held on 30 of June, 2014, Monday
evening from 7:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. at Hermes Room Hermes Hotel. We hope that you and Mr. Rakib
would be available to come. We eagerly look forward to seeing you both in our company’s anniversary
party.Yours sincerely,Alex ManuhutuGeneral ManagerSVP (0651)12345567Dress:1. Suit2.
National/Night Dress.Where is the location of PT CSL Indosejahtera?
A. Medan. C. Banda Aceh. E. Bandarlampung.
B. Lampung. D. Tanjungpinang.
27 PT. CSL Indosejahtera18 Jl T NyakArief Banda Aceh 231218 of June, 2014Mr. RakibGeneral
ManagerPT. Rahmat ServiceJl. Mayjen Suprapto 3Banda Aceh 23221Dear Mr. Rakib, It is a great honor
for us to extend this invitation to you. We would like to invite you and Ms. Rakib to celebrate our
company’ Anniversary. We are going to have party to mark the tent Anniversary of PT CSL
Indosejahtera. The Party to commemorate this special event will be held on 30 of June, 2014, Monday
evening from 7:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. at Hermes Room Hermes Hotel. We hope that you and Mr. Rakib
would be available to come. We eagerly look forward to seeing you both in our company’s anniversary
party.Yours sincerely,Alex ManuhutuGeneral ManagerSVP (0651)12345567Dress:1. Suit2.
National/Night Dress.When will the party be held?
A. 29th of June. C. 1st of July. E. 3rd of July.
B. 30th of June. D. 2nd of July.
28 PT. CSL Indosejahtera18 Jl T NyakArief Banda Aceh 231218 of June, 2014Mr. RakibGeneral
ManagerPT. Rahmat ServiceJl. Mayjen Suprapto 3Banda Aceh 23221Dear Mr. Rakib, It is a great honor
for us to extend this invitation to you. We would like to invite you and Ms. Rakib to celebrate our
company’ Anniversary. We are going to have party to mark the tent Anniversary of PT CSL
Indosejahtera. The Party to commemorate this special event will be held on 30 of June, 2014, Monday
evening from 7:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. at Hermes Room Hermes Hotel. We hope that you and Mr. Rakib
would be available to come. We eagerly look forward to seeing you both in our company’s anniversary
party.Yours sincerely,Alex ManuhutuGeneral ManagerSVP (0651)12345567Dress:1. Suit2.
National/Night Dress.How old is PT CSL Indosejahtera when the party is held?
A. 9 years old C. 11 years old E. 13 years old
B. 10 years old D. 12 years old
29 The following text is for number 26 to 30.PT. CSL Indosejahtera18 Jl T NyakArief Banda Aceh 231218
of June, 2014Mr. RakibGeneral ManagerPT. Rahmat ServiceJl. Mayjen Suprapto 3Banda Aceh
23221Dear Mr. Rakib, It is a great honor for us to extend this invitation to you. We would like to invite
you and Ms. Rakib to celebrate our company’ Anniversary. We are going to have party to mark the tent
Anniversary of PT CSL Indosejahtera. The Party to commemorate this special event will be held on 30
of June, 2014, Monday evening from 7:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. at Hermes Room Hermes Hotel. We hope
that you and Mr. Rakib would be available to come. We eagerly look forward to seeing you both in our
company’s anniversary party.Yours sincerely,Alex ManuhutuGeneral ManagerSVP
(0651)12345567Dress:1. Suit2. National/Night Dress.What is the position of Alex Manuhutu?
A. General Manager. C. Production Manager. E. Accounting Manager.
B. Sales Manager. D. Consume Manager.
30 PT. CSL Indosejahtera18 Jl T NyakArief Banda Aceh 231218 of June, 2014Mr. RakibGeneral
ManagerPT. Rahmat ServiceJl. Mayjen Suprapto 3Banda Aceh 23221Dear Mr. Rakib, It is a great honor
for us to extend this invitation to you. We would like to invite you and Ms. Rakib to celebrate our
company’ Anniversary. We are going to have party to mark the tent Anniversary of PT CSL
Indosejahtera. The Party to commemorate this special event will be held on 30 of June, 2014, Monday
evening from 7:00 p.m. till 11:00 p.m. at Hermes Room Hermes Hotel. We hope that you and Mr. Rakib
would be available to come. We eagerly look forward to seeing you both in our company’s anniversary
party.Yours sincerely,Alex ManuhutuGeneral ManagerSVP (0651)12345567Dress:1. Suit2.
National/Night Dress.What kind of letter is it?
A. Announcement. C. Complaint letter. E. Obligation letter.
B. Invitation letter. D. Offering letter.

B. Soal Essai

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