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Kitchen Session

Prepare Meat Dishes

• Braised Lamb Shanks
• Rabbit Stew with Lemon Myrtle
• Rolled Pork Belly with Apple and Raisin Stuffing

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Braised Lamb Shanks

• Lamb Shanks 4
• Onion 100g
• Garlic 5g
• Carrots100g
• Turnip 110g
• Leek 50g
• Celery 50g
• Basil 5g
• Thyme 5g
• Parsley 5g
• Olive Oil 20ml
• Tomato paste 20g
• Red wine 80ml
• Beef stock 350ml

1. French the lamb shanks
2. Peel and dice onion. Peel and chop garlic
3. WPRW the carrots and turnips. Wash the leek and celery. Cut into Paysanne
4. Pick and finely slice herbs
5. Heat the oil in a pan. Season and seal lamb shanks. Remove from pan once brown
6. Add the onion and garlic to the pan and sweat for 2 minutes. Add the Paysanne and
sweat. Add the tomato paste and roast. Deglaze with half the wine
7. Add the herbs and return the lamb to the pan. Add stock, bring to the boil and put lid
on. Cook in the oven at 180c for 1.5 hours until tender
8. Add the Herbs, Stock, Tomato sauce, Lamb to pressure cooker. Secure lid. Bring cooker to
high pressure, cook for 45 minutes. Release pressure according to manufactures
instructions. Remove lid
9. Place onto a pre-heated plate and spoon the sauce over. Garnish as
desired Garnishes: Mashed potato, pasta, paysanne vegetables glace style,

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Instructions for Students:
1. Review the recipe card provided to this recipe.
2. Identify and document the following in the spaces provided;
a. Hygiene Requirements
b. Food Safety Practices
c. Safety Requirements
d. Equipment Required
e. Ingredients and Materials (including possible alternatives that may be used to
meet specific dietary requirements)
f. Waste produced
g. Costing per serving (research from the internet)
h. Mise en place Requirements
i. Procedure for preparing the dish
j. Cleaning kitchen and equipment requirements
3. Once complete, the workplan is to be submitted via the application for assessment.

Instructions for Assessors

1. This assessment will be submitted via the application to the LMS.
2. The LMS will send a notification with a link to the artefacts requiring assessment.
3. Follow the link and assess the workplan.
4. Provide feedback in the LMS in the space provided.

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Hygiene Requirements:
1. Strictly follow the company’s hygiene policy and procedures in accordance to the guide
• Personal Hygiene
• Hygiene in Workplace
2. Maintain personal hygiene
• Hair net or hat must be worn
• Hand should be washed prior to every starting food handling
• 7 steps of handwash: Wet-Lather-Scrub-Rinse-Dry-Sanitise-Repeat
• Paper Towel should be used
• Clean and complete uniform (hat, apron, jacket, shoes) must be worn
• Uniform been washed in hot water (>=77°C)
• Cut, abrasions and open sores must be covered up by using brightly coloured water
proof dressing
• Glove must be worn
• Report yourself if any contagious illness (i.e. Flu, coughing etc) which may contaminate
the food and stop handling food
• Do not wear makeup or jewellery in kitchen
• No artificial nail
• No scratching when handling food
• Do not cough or sneeze on the food, if happen, dispose the food.
3. Maintain Hygiene in workplace
• Ensuring the kitchen environment (ie. Table, stove top, floor, wall etc) is clean and sanitised
• Ensuring the handwash sink is close to your workplace
• Ensuring the handwash water is running and hot
• Ensure the soap, paper towel and sanitiser are available near the sink
• Ensure the equipment and tools are clean and without any dirt spot or rust
➢ Scale – clean and sanitise especially the surface
➢ Measuring cup, Bowl, Service Plate, Tong, Spatula – clean and dry
➢ Strainer – clean and dry, complete compartment, no food items left on it
➢ Boning knife, Chef Knife, Peeler – clean and no rust
➢ Cutting board (green, red) – clean and no food items or dust stick on the surface
➢ Stove – Clean and dry, no leaking, sparkling normally function
➢ Pressure cooker, Deep Pan with lid – Clean and no strange colour or crack
➢ Oven – clean from inside out, no rust detectable
➢ Oven Mitts, Dish warmer – clean and no strange smell
• Ensure clean table cloth is ready
• Ensure bin liner is in the garbage bin and the bin is not overflow and closed with lid
• Identify and report any hygiene hazards (ie. Unsatisfactory hygiene practice, vermin or
pest, tap water not running etc)

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Food Safety Practices:
1. Strictly follow the company’s food safety policy and monitoring procedures in accordance
to the guide of HACCP:
• Prepare food safely
• Store Food Safety
• Allergen Management
2. Prepare food safely by following food safety monitoring procedure
• Avoid food in danger zone (5 - 60°C)
• Strictly follow 2-hours and 4-hours rules
➢ 0 to 2 hours – use immediately or refrigerate =< 5°C
➢ 2 to 4 hours – use immediately
➢ After 4 hours – throw away
• Cooling and heating food
➢ Food must be cooled from 60°C to 21°C within 2 hours and from 21 to 5°C within 4 hours
➢ Reheating food by rapidly reaches 60°C and above
➢ Must not reheated more than once
• Avoid food contamination
➢ Use clean colour coded cutting board (Red for lamb shank, Green for vegetables
and herbs)
➢ Cut onion and garlic at the last to avoid smell cross
➢ Wear disposable gloves
➢ Use different spoon for different food items
➢ Personal hygiene especially hand wash
3. Store food in safe and appropriate environment

Ingredients Space Temp Shelve level Container

Beef Stock Cool Room 6 - 8°C Middle Original Packaging
Carrot, Turnip, leek, celery, basil, Cool Room 6 - 8°C Bottom Basket
Lamb Shank Cool Room < 5°C bottom sealed container
Thyme, parsley, olive oil, tomato Dry Store 10 - 20°C Off Ground Original Packaging
paste, red wine
Onion, Garlic Dry Store 10 - 20°C Off Ground Basket
• Separate cooked and uncooked food item
• Double check ingredients expiry date and the ingredient quality
• Do not put opened can or tin in fridge
• Ensure foods are well covered and separated
• No food ingredient should put on the floor
• Obligating FIFO rule
• Ensure storage environment well ventilated and low humidity
4. Handling food for people with allergic
• Avoid cross-contamination
• Double check ingredients
• Start fresh for meals that must be allergen free
• Obligate Store and prepare food safely
• Clean and sanitise work surface, utensil and other food-contact items between
different foods processing
• Prepare food for people with food allergy first

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
• Provide single use items i.e. serviettes, cutlery etc

Safety Requirements:
1. Occupational health and safety policies and procedures must be followed for own
and colleague’s safety:
• Personal Safety
• Workplace and Equipment Safety
2. All must ensure personal safety when in the workplace
• Comply with safe operating procedures by refer to SOP (i.e. the correct way to operate
tools and equipment
• Always read manufacturer’s instructions before using equipment
• Wear suitable PPE (i.e Apron, gloves, non-slip leather shoes etc)
• No alcohol and smoking in kitchen
• Do not run or play in the kitchen
• Use knife in safe and correct way and with right board
• use right knife in right way
• Do not point sharp items ie. Knife to others and self
• Place cutting board on non-slip pad or cloth
• Be aware of hot surface including hot pan
• Do not spill or pour any water into hot oil
• Be aware of boiling steam
• Behave yourself and be serious on work, ensure your fully concentration
3. Double check and identify risk and hazard in workplace
• Ensuring cutting boards are flat, no distortion.
• Ensuring Oven has no frayed cord, clean and work properly
• Ensuring scale has battery and work properly
• Ensuring all knives are in straight, sharp and good condition
• Ensuring kitchen floor is clean and no spill of water or oil
• Ensuring bowls and plates are in good condition, no cracking or discolouring
• Clean immediately if any dirt or spill on floor and table, put a signage if floor wet
4. Report to chef in any hazard or risk (i.e. burning, disobey of rule etc) observed.

Equipment Required:
Scale Measuring cup Peeler
Boning knife, Chef Knife Chopping board (green, red) Bowl
Deep Pan with lid Stove
Tong Spatula
Pressure cooker Oven
Oven Mitts Dish warmer Service Plate

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Ingredients and Materials Required:
Standard Recipe Alternatives for Dietary Requirements
• Lamb Shanks 4 Tomato Paste (GF)
• Onion 100g Beef Stock (GF)
• Garlic 5g Red Wine change to Balsamic 20ml
• Carrots100g
• Turnip 110g
• Leek 50g
• Celery 50g
• Basil 5g
• Thyme 5g
• Parsley 5g
• Olive Oil 20ml
• Tomato paste 20g
• Red wine 80ml
• Beef stock 350ml

Waste Produced:
Excess fat
Peels and cores of vegetables

Costing (per serve): will vary student to research

Standard Recipe Alternatives for Dietary Requirements

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Mise en place Requirements:
Collect all ingredients, utensils and equipment
Ensuring equipment is functioning
French the lamb shanks
Peel and dice onion. Peel and chop garlic
WPRW the carrots and turnips. Wash the leek and celery. Cut into Paysanne
Pick and finely slice herbs
Sealing Lamb
Prepare garnish

Complete mise en place
Heat the oil in a pan. Season and seal lamb shanks. Remove from pan once brown
Add the onion and garlic to the pan and sweat for 2 minutes. Add the Paysanne and sweat. Add the tomato pas
Add the herbs and return the lamb to the pan. Add stock, bring to the boil and put lid on. Cook in the oven at 1
Add the Herbs, Stock, Tomato sauce, Lamb to pressure cooker. Secure lid. Bring cooker to high pressure, cook f
Place onto a pre-heated plate and spoon the sauce over. Garnish as desired
Garnishes: Mashed potato, pasta, paysanne vegetables glace style, rice

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Clean kitchen premises and equipment:
1. Organisation Cleaning and sanitising procedures should be followed:
• clean and mop the floor and wall to ensure there are no dirt, food waste, grease and
pest waste
• clean and sanitise the table with clean cloth to ensure there are no dirt, food waste,
grease and pest waste
• the equipment
➢ Scale - wipe with wet cloth and sanitise, detach the battery if necessary
➢ Measuring cup, Bowl, Tong, Spatula, Strainer, Service Plate – wash with hot water
and detergent, drain it and sanitise it
➢ Peeler, Boning knife, Chef Knife – handwash with detergent, dry it with clean cloth
and sanitise
➢ Chopping board (green, red) – scrub it with detergent and rinse with hot water and dry it
➢ Deep Pan with lid
➢ Stove – turn off, cooling down, scrub it with degreaser, wash it and dry it
➢ Oven, Dish warmer, Pressure cooker – turn off, unplug (if applicable), cooling down,
then wipe with wet cloth and sanitise, ensure each compartment is complete
➢ Oven Mitts – wash with soap and hot water, drain it till dry
➢ Put all the item to its original place with neat and organize
• Clean the sink, clear out all food waste and dirt, rub, rinse with hot water and sanitise
• Clean and sanitise PPE i.e. Apron, groves
• Clean towel and cloth
2. Waste Management should be conducted to ensure a clean kitchen
• Identify and separate rubbish in to general (plastic bag packaging), recyclable
(packaging- plastic container, tin) and compost (Excess fat, Peels and cores of
• Put the lid inside the tin and squeeze
• Tie up garbage bag and take it to the external bin
• Clean the internal bin, wash with hot water, drain and sanitise on the floor
• Close the bin lid
• Any reusable surplus, separate it and store it in accordance to store food safety
procedures, and label it.
3. Ensure Light, water and gas are switch off before leaving the kitchen

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Rabbit Stew with Lemon Myrtle

• Rabbit 1
• Lemon myrtle 2g
• Onions 200g
• Carrots 100g
• Celery 100g
• Garlic 20g
• Potatoes100g
• Butter 40g
• Flour 100g
• Tomato paste 50g
• Red wine 250ml
• Beef stock 500ml
• Thyme 2g

1. Pre-heat the oven to 180°C
2. Clean the rabbit and section into the primal cuts. Remove the shoulder blade and bone leaving only the
shank bone. Remove the hip bone from the legs. Trim the lion and retain a few cutlets bones. Retain the offal
(liver and kidneys)
3. Rub the rabbit with the lemon myrtle
4. Slice the onion and dice the carrots and celery. Chop the garlic. Cut the potatoes into 2 cm dice and store
in water
5. Roast the bones in the oven at 180°C for 20-30 minutes until browned
6. Heat a pan and add the butter
7. Season the rabbit pieces with salt and pepper, cover them with the flour and shake off any excess
8. Seal the rabbit pieces in the butter then add the onions and garlic ad sweat. Add the carrots and celery
and sweat until the vegetables brown slightly
9. Add the tomato paste and deglaze 3 times with the red wine to develop a rich brown colour
10. Add the stock and bones, bring to the boil, then reduce down to a simmer and stew slowly for about
30 minutes. Add the potatoes and stew for another 23-30 minutes until the meat and potatoes are tender
11. Pick the thyme and add to the stew and cook for another 5 minutes to develop flavours
12. Fry off the loin and offal and keep warm. Strain the sauce and add the potatoes to the strained sauce
13. Cut the loin into slices. Arrange the rabbit pieces onto a pre-warmed plate and spoon the sauce and
potatoes over the top and garnish

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Instructions for Students:
4. Review the recipe card provided to this recipe.
5. Identify and document the following in the spaces provided;
a. Hygiene Requirements
b. Food Safety Practices
c. Safety Requirements
d. Equipment Required
e. Ingredients and Materials (including possible alternatives that may be used to
meet specific dietary requirements)
f. Waste produced
g. Costing per serving (research from the internet)
h. Mise en place Requirements
i. Procedure for preparing the dish
j. Cleaning kitchen and equipment requirements
6. Once complete, the workplan is to be submitted via the application for assessment.

Instructions for Assessors

5. This assessment will be submitted via the application to the LMS.
6. The LMS will send a notification with a link to the artefacts requiring assessment.
7. Follow the link and assess the workplan.
8. Provide feedback in the LMS in the space provided.

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Hygiene Requirements:
1. Strictly follow the company’s hygiene policy and procedures in accordance to the guide
• Personal Hygiene
• Hygiene in Workplace
2. Maintain personal hygiene
• Hair net or hat must be worn
• Hand should be washed prior to every starting food handling
• 7 steps of handwash: Wet-Lather-Scrub-Rinse-Dry-Sanitise-Repeat
• Paper Towel should be used
• Clean and complete uniform (hat, apron, jacket, shoes) must be worn
• Uniform been washed in hot water (>=77°C)
• Cut, abrasions and open sores must be covered up by using brightly coloured water
proof dressing
• Glove must be worn
• Report yourself if any contagious illness (i.e. Flu, coughing etc) which may contaminate
the food and stop handling food
• Do not wear makeup or jewellery in kitchen
• No artificial nail
• No scratching when handling food
• Do not cough or sneeze on the food, if happen, dispose the food.
3. Maintain Hygiene in workplace
• Ensuring the kitchen environment (ie. Table, stove top, floor, wall etc) is clean and sanitised
• Ensuring the handwash sink is close to your workplace
• Ensuring the handwash water is running and hot
• Ensure the soap, paper towel and sanitiser are available near the sink
• Ensure the equipment and tools are clean and without any dirt spot or rust
➢ Scale – clean and sanitise especially the surface
➢ Spatula, spoon, Measuring cup and jar – clean and dry
➢ Strainer, Peeler – clean and dry, no food items left on it
➢ Oven, dish warmer – clean from inside out, no rust and strange smell
➢ Chef knife, Boning Knife – clean and no rust
➢ Chopping board (Red, Green) – clean and no food items or mould on the surface
➢ Pan, Bowl, Serving plate – Clean and no strange colour or crack
➢ Stove – Clean and dry, no leaking, sparkling normally function
➢ oven mitts – clean and no strange smell
• Ensure clean table cloth is ready
• Ensure bin liner is in the garbage bin and the bin is not overflow and closed with lid
• Identify and report any hygiene hazards (ie. Unsatisfactory hygiene practice, vermin or
pest, tap water not running etc)

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Food Safety Practices:
1. Strictly follow the company’s food safety policy and monitoring procedures in accordance
to the guide of HACCP:
• Prepare food safely
• Store Food Safety
• Allergen Management
2. Prepare food safely by following food safety monitoring procedure
• Avoid food in danger zone (5 - 60°C)
• Strictly follow 2-hours and 4-hours rules
➢ 0 to 2 hours – use immediately or refrigerate =< 5°C
➢ 2 to 4 hours – use immediately
➢ After 4 hours – throw away
• Cooling and heating food
➢ Food must be cooled from 60°C to 21°C within 2 hours and from 21 to 5°C within 4 hours
➢ Reheating food by rapidly reaches 60°C and above
➢ Must not reheated more than once
• Avoid food contamination
➢ Use clean colour coded cutting board (Red for rabbit, Green for vegetables and herbs)
➢ Cut onion and garlic at the last to avoid smell cross
➢ Wear disposable gloves
➢ Use different spoon for different food items
➢ Personal hygiene especially hand wash
3. Store food in safe and appropriate environment
Ingredients Space Temp Shelve level Container
Butter Cool Room 2 - 4°C Top Original Packaging
Beef stock Cool Room 6 - 8°C Middle Original Packaging
Carrot, Celery, Cool Room 6 - 8°C Bottom Basket
Rabbit Cool Room < 5°C bottom sealed container
Lemon myrtle, Flour, tomato Dry Store 10 - 20°C Off Ground Original Packaging
paste, red wine, thyme
Onion, Garlic, Potato Dry Store 10 - 20°C Off Ground Basket
• Separate cooked and uncooked food item
• Double check ingredients expiry date and the ingredient quality
• Do not put opened can or tin in fridge
• Ensure foods are well covered and separated
• No food ingredient should put on the floor
• Obligating FIFO rule
• Ensure storage environment well ventilated and low humidity
4. Handling food for people with allergic
• Avoid cross-contamination
• Double check ingredients
• Start fresh for meals that must be allergen free
• Obligate Store and prepare food safely
• Clean and sanitise work surface, utensil and other food-contact items between
different foods processing
• Prepare food for people with food allergy first
• Provide single use items i.e. serviettes, cutlery etc
Safety Requirements:
1. Occupational health and safety policies and procedures must be followed for own and

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
colleague’s safety:
• Personal Safety
• Workplace and Equipment Safety
2. All must ensure personal safety when in the workplace
• Comply with safe operating procedures by refer to SOP (i.e. the correct way to operate
tools and equipment
• Always read manufacturer’s instructions before using equipment
• Wear suitable PPE (i.e Apron, gloves, non-slip leather shoes etc)
• No alcohol and smoking in kitchen
• Do not run or play in the kitchen
• Use knife in safe and correct way and with right board
• use right knife in right way
• Do not point sharp items ie. Knife to others and self
• Place cutting board on non-slip pad or cloth
• Be aware of hot surface including hot pan
• Do not spill or pour any water into hot oil
• Be aware of boiling steam
• Behave yourself and be serious on work, ensure your fully concentration
3. Double check and identify risk and hazard in workplace
• Ensuring cutting boards are flat, no distortion.
• Ensuring Oven and dish warmer has no frayed cord, clean and work properly
• Ensuring scale has battery and work properly
• Ensuring all knives are in straight, sharp and good condition
• Ensuring kitchen floor is clean and no spill of water or oil
• Ensuring bowls and plates are in good condition, no cracking or discolouring
• Clean immediately if any dirt or spill on floor and table, put a signage if floor wet
4. Report to chef in any hazard or risk (i.e. burning, disobey of rule etc) observed.

Equipment Required:
Measuring cup and jar Spatula
spoon Strainer Oven Peeler
Chef knife, Boning Knife Chopping board (Red, Green) Bowl
Stove Pan
oven mitts dish warmer Serving plate

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Ingredients and Materials Required:
Standard Recipe Alternatives for Dietary Requirements
• Rabbit 1 Unsalted Butter
• Lemon myrtle 2g Flour (GF)
• Onions 200g Tomato Paste (GF)
• Carrots 100g Beef stock (GF)
• Celery 100g
Potato – sweet
• Garlic 20g
• Potatoes100g
• Butter 40g
• Flour 100g
• Tomato paste 50g
• Red wine 250ml
• Beef stock 500ml
• Thyme 2g

Waste Produced:
Excess fat and
bone Packaging
Peels and core of vegetables

Costing (per serve): will vary student to research

Standard Recipe Alternatives for Dietary Requirements

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Mise en place Requirements:
Collect all ingredients, utensils and equipment
Ensuring equipment is functioning
Pre-heat the oven to 180°C
Clean the rabbit and section into the primal cuts. Remove the shoulder blade and bone leaving only the shank bone. Re
Rub the rabbit with the lemon myrtle
Slice the onion and dice the carrots and celery. Chop the garlic. Cut the potatoes into 2 cm dice and store in water
Roast the bones in the oven at 180°C for 20-30 minutes until browned

Complete mise en place
Heat a pan and add the butter
Season the rabbit pieces with salt and pepper, cover them with the flour and shake off any excess
Seal the rabbit pieces in the butter then add the onions and garlic and sweat. Add the carrots and celery and sweat until the vegetabl
Add the tomato paste and deglaze 3 times with the red wine to develop a rich brown colour
Add the stock and bones, bring to the boil, then reduce down to a simmer and stew slowly for about 30 minutes. Add the potatoes a
Pick the thyme and add to the stew and cook for another 5 minutes to develop flavours
Fry off the loin and offal and keep warm. Strain the sauce and add the potatoes to the strained sauce
Cut the loin into slices. Arrange the rabbit pieces onto a pre-warmed plate and spoon the sauce and potatoes over the top and garnis

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Clean kitchen premises and equipment:
1. Organisation Cleaning and sanitising procedures should be followed:
• clean and mop the floor and wall to ensure there are no dirt, food waste, grease and
pest waste
• clean and sanitise the table with clean cloth to ensure there are no dirt, food waste,
grease and pest waste
• the equipment
➢ Scale - wipe with wet cloth and sanitise, detach the battery if necessary
➢ Measuring cup and jar, Spatula, spoon, Strainer, Bowl, serving plate, Pan – wash with
hot water and detergent, drain it and sanitise it
➢ Oven and dish warmer – turn off, unplug (if applicable), cooling down, then wipe with
wet cloth and sanitise, ensure each compartment is complete
➢ Chef knife, Boning Knife, Peeler – handwash with detergent, dry it with clean cloth
and sanitise
➢ Chopping board (Red, Green) – scrub it with detergent and rinse with hot water and dry it
➢ Stove – turn off, cooling down, scrub it with degreaser, wash it and dry it
➢ oven mitts – wash with soap and hot water, drain it till dry
➢ Put all the item to its original place with neat and organize
• Clean the sink, clear out all food waste and dirt, rub, rinse with hot water and sanitise
• Clean and sanitise PPE i.e. Apron, groves
• Clean towel and cloth
2. Waste Management should be conducted to ensure a clean kitchen
• Identify and separate rubbish in to general (plastic bag packaging), recyclable
(packaging- plastic container, tin) and compost (Excess fat and bone, Peels and core of
• Put the lid inside the tin and squeeze
• Tie up garbage bag and take it to the external bin
• Clean the internal bin, wash with hot water, drain and sanitise on the floor
• Close the bin lid
• Any reusable surplus, separate it and store it in accordance to store food safety
procedures, and label it.
3. Ensure Light, water and gas are switch off before leaving the kitchen

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Rolled Pork Belly with Apple and Raisin Stuffing

• Apple, peeled, cored, chopped ½
• Raisins, chopped ¼ cup
• Fennel, stalks finely chopped, bulb sliced lengthways 2 bulbs
• Sweet paprika 1 tsp
• Garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 (12g)
• Olive oil ¼ cup
• Boneless pork belly, skin scored 1kg
• Brown sugar 1 tbsp
• Carrots, halved lengthways 6
• Plain flour 1tbsp
• Chicken style liquid stock 1.5 cups


1. Preheat oven to 225°C. To make the stuffing, combine apple, raisins, fennel stalks, paprika, garlic and 1 tbs
oil. Season

2. Place pork belly on the bench. Use a sharp knife to remove one third of the pork skin from the short side of
the belly.

3. Turn the belly over and place the stuffing along the skinless end. Roll pork belly tightly and tie with kitchen
string. Pat the skin dry and rub with salt. Place on a wire rack set in a roasting pan filled with 1cm water. Roast
for 30 minutes or until the fat turns golden. Reduce oven to 150°C and roast for a further 1 hour.

4. Combine fennel bulb and carrot in a bowl with sugar and remaining 2 tbs oil, then season and toss to
combine. Add to the rack and roast, topping up water if necessary, for 1 hour. Increase heat to 225°C and roast
for a final 10 minutes or until pork is tender and skin is puffed and golden. Transfer pork and vegetables to a
platter and rest for 10 minutes.

5. Skim excess fat from pan juices and place pan over medium-high heat. Add flour and cook, scraping pan, for
2 minutes, then add stock and cook for 2-3 minutes until thickened. Season gravy, strain and serve with sliced
pork and vegetables.

Instructions for Students:

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
7. Review the recipe card provided to this recipe.
8. Identify and document the following in the spaces provided;
a. Hygiene Requirements
b. Food Safety Practices
c. Safety Requirements
d. Equipment Required
e. Ingredients and Materials (including possible alternatives that may be used to
meet specific dietary requirements)
f. Waste produced
g. Costing per serving (research from the internet)
h. Mise en place Requirements
i. Procedure for preparing the dish
j. Cleaning kitchen and equipment requirements
9. Once complete, the workplan is to be submitted via the application for assessment.

Instructions for Assessors

9. This assessment will be submitted via the application to the LMS.
10. The LMS will send a notification with a link to the artefacts requiring assessment.
11. Follow the link and assess the workplan.
12. Provide feedback in the LMS in the space provided.

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Hygiene Requirements:
1. Strictly follow the company’s hygiene policy and procedures in accordance to the guide
• Personal Hygiene
• Hygiene in Workplace
2. Maintain personal hygiene
• Hair net or hat must be worn
• Hand should be washed prior to every starting food handling
• 7 steps of handwash: Wet-Lather-Scrub-Rinse-Dry-Sanitise-Repeat
• Paper Towel should be used
• Clean and complete uniform (hat, apron, jacket, shoes) must be worn
• Uniform been washed in hot water (>=77°C)
• Cut, abrasions and open sores must be covered up by using brightly coloured water
proof dressing
• Glove must be worn
• Report yourself if any contagious illness (i.e. Flu, coughing etc) which may contaminate
the food and stop handling food
• Do not wear makeup or jewellery in kitchen
• No artificial nail
• No scratching when handling food
• Do not cough or sneeze on the food, if happen, dispose the food.
3. Maintain Hygiene in workplace
• Ensuring the kitchen environment (ie. Table, stove top, floor, wall etc) is clean and sanitised
• Ensuring the handwash sink is close to your workplace
• Ensuring the handwash water is running and hot
• Ensure the soap, paper towel and sanitiser are available near the sink
• Ensure the equipment and tools are clean and without any dirt spot or rust
➢ Measuring cup and spoon – clean and dry
➢ Scale – clean and sanitise especially the surface
➢ Bowl, Serving Plate, sauce pot, Wire rack set, Roasting pan – Clean and no
strange colour or crack
➢ Chef Knife, Serrated knife, Peeler – clean and no rust
➢ Chopping board (Red, brown and green) – clean and no food items or dust stick
on the surface
➢ Oven – clean from inside out, no rust detectable
➢ Stove top – Clean and dry, no leaking, sparkling normally function
➢ String, Baking paper – clean and no strange spot
➢ Thermometer – Clean and dry, good functioning and calibrated
• Ensure clean table cloth is ready
• Ensure bin liner is in the garbage bin and the bin is not overflow and closed with lid
• Identify and report any hygiene hazards (ie. Unsatisfactory hygiene practice, vermin or
pest, tap water not running etc)

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Food Safety Practices:
1. Strictly follow the company’s food safety policy and monitoring procedures in accordance
to the guide of HACCP:
• Prepare food safely
• Store Food Safety
• Allergen Management
2. Prepare food safely by following food safety monitoring procedure
• Avoid food in danger zone (5 - 60°C)
• Strictly follow 2-hours and 4-hours rules
➢ 0 to 2 hours – use immediately or refrigerate =< 5°C
➢ 2 to 4 hours – use immediately
➢ After 4 hours – throw away
• Cooling and heating food
➢ Food must be cooled from 60°C to 21°C within 2 hours and from 21 to 5°C within 4 hours
➢ Reheating food by rapidly reaches 60°C and above
➢ Must not reheated more than once
• Avoid food contamination
➢ Use clean colour coded cutting board (Red for raw pork belly, Green for vege and
fruits, brown for cooked pork belly)
➢ Cut onion and garlic at the last to avoid smell
➢ Wear disposable gloves
➢ Use different spoon for different food items
➢ Personal hygiene especially hand wash
3. Store food in safe and appropriate environment
Ingredients Space Temp Shelve level Container
Chicken stock Cool Room 6 - 8°C Middle sealed container
Apple, Fennel, carrot Cool Room 6 - 8°C Bottom Basket
Pork Belly Cool Room < 5°C bottom sealed container
Raisin, Sweet paprika, Olive Dry Store 10 - 20°C Off Ground Original Packaging
oil, Brown sugar, flour
Garlic, Dry Store 10 - 20°C Off Ground Basket
• Separate cooked and uncooked food item
• Double check ingredients expiry date and the ingredient quality
• Do not put opened can or tin in fridge
• Ensure foods are well covered and separated
• No food ingredient should put on the floor
• Obligating FIFO rule
• Ensure storage environment well ventilated and low humidity
4. Handling food for people with allergic
• Avoid cross-contamination
• Double check ingredients
• Start fresh for meals that must be allergen free
• Obligate Store and prepare food safely
• Clean and sanitise work surface, utensil and other food-contact items between
different foods processing
• Prepare food for people with food allergy first
• Provide single use items i.e. serviettes, cutlery etc

Safety Requirements:

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
1. Occupational health and safety policies and procedures must be followed for own
and colleague’s safety:
• Personal Safety
• Workplace and Equipment Safety
2. All must ensure personal safety when in the workplace
• Comply with safe operating procedures by refer to SOP (i.e. the correct way to operate
tools and equipment
• Always read manufacturer’s instructions before using equipment
• Wear suitable PPE (i.e Apron, gloves, non-slip leather shoes etc)
• No alcohol and smoking in kitchen
• Do not run or play in the kitchen
• Use knife in safe and correct way and with right board
• use right knife in right way
• Do not point sharp items ie. Knife to others and self
• Place cutting board on non-slip pad or cloth
• Be aware of hot surface including hot pan
• Do not spill or pour any water into hot oil
• Be aware of boiling steam
• Behave yourself and be serious on work, ensure your fully concentration
3. Double check and identify risk and hazard in workplace
• Ensuring cutting boards are flat, no distortion.
• Ensuring Oven has no frayed cord, clean and work properly
• Ensuring scale has battery and work properly
• Ensuring all knives are in straight, sharp and good condition
• Ensuring kitchen floor is clean and no spill of water or oil
• Ensuring bowls and plates are in good condition, no cracking or discolouring
• Clean immediately if any dirt or spill on floor and table, put a signage if floor wet
4. Report to chef in any hazard or risk (i.e. burning, disobey of rule etc) observed.

Equipment Required:
Measuring cup and spoon Scale
Peeler Bowl
Chef Knife, Serrated knife
Chopping board (Red, brown and green) Oven
Stove top String
Wire rack set Roasting pan
Serving Plate, sauce pot Baking paper thermometer

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Ingredients and Materials Required:
Standard Recipe Alternatives for Dietary Requirements
• Apple, peeled, cored, chopped ½ Gluten free flour
• Raisins, chopped ¼ cup Chicken stock (GF)
• Fennel, stalks finely chopped, bulb sliced
lengthways 2 bulbs
• Sweet paprika 1 tsp
• Garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 (12g)
• Olive oil ¼ cup
• Boneless pork belly, skin scored 1kg
• Brown sugar 1 tbsp
• Carrots, halved lengthways 6 (3 carrots)
• Plain flour 1tbsp
• Chicken style liquid stock 1.5 cups

Waste Produced:
Excess fat and Pork skin
Peels and cores of vegetables and fruits

Costing (per serve): will vary student to research

Standard Recipe Alternatives for Dietary Requirements

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Mise en place Requirements:
Collect all ingredients, utensils and equipment
Ensuring equipment is functioning
Preheat oven to 225°C. To make the stuffing, combine apple, raisins, fennel stalks, paprika, garlic and 1 tbs oil. Season
Place pork belly on the bench. Use a sharp knife to remove one third of the pork skin from the short side of the belly.
Turn the belly over and place the stuffing along the skinless end. Roll pork belly tightly and tie with kitchen string. Pat t
Prepare garnish

Complete mise en place
Place pork belly on a wire rack set in a roasting pan filled with 1cm water. Roast for 30 minutes or until the fat turns gold
Combine fennel bulb and carrot in a bowl with sugar and remaining 2 tbs oil, then season and toss to combine. Add to th
Skim excess fat from pan juices and place pan over medium-high heat. Add flour and cook, scraping pan, for 2 minutes, t

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019
Clean kitchen premises and equipment:
• Organisation Cleaning and sanitising procedures should be followed:
• clean and mop the floor and wall to ensure there are no dirt, food waste, grease and
pest waste
• clean and sanitise the table with clean cloth to ensure there are no dirt, food waste,
grease and pest waste
• the equipment
➢ All utensil and small tools including Roasting pan Wire rack set, pot bowl
thermometer etc – wash with hot water and detergent, drain it and sanitise
➢ Scale - wipe with wet cloth and sanitise, detach the battery if necessary
➢ Chef Knife, Serrated knife, Peeler – handwash with detergent, dry it with clean
cloth and sanitise
➢ Chopping board (Red, brown and green) – scrub it with detergent and rinse with
hot water and dry it
➢ Oven – turn off, unplug (if applicable), cooling down, then wipe with wet cloth
and sanitise, ensure each compartment is complete
➢ Stove top – turn off, cooling down, scrub it with degreaser, wash it and dry it
➢ Put all the item to its original place with neat and organize
• Clean the sink, clear out all food waste and dirt, rub, rinse with hot water and sanitise
• Clean and sanitise PPE i.e. Apron, groves
• Clean towel and cloth
• Waste Management should be conducted to ensure a clean kitchen
• Identify and separate rubbish in to general (plastic bag packaging), recyclable (packaging-
plastic container, tin) and compost (Excess fat and Pork skin, Peels and cores of
vegetables and fruits)
• Put the lid inside the tin and squeeze
• Tie up garbage bag and take it to the external bin
• Clean the internal bin, wash with hot water, drain and sanitise on the floor
• Close the bin lid
• Any reusable surplus, separate it and store it in accordance to store food safety
procedures, and label it.
• Ensure Light, water and gas are switch off before leaving the kitchen

Name: Training Kitchen Session 5 Version: V2.0 Last Reviewed: Nov 2019

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