Oral Communication Different Types of Speech Examples

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Good day everyone. What do you guys think about the relationships today, including
social media? Does relationships get easier? Or harder? Well for my experience the
answer for boys is: it is much easier. Know why? Because it is much easier now to court
or to find a boyfriend or girlfriend. Yeah, it is super easy now. Social media are made to
socialize to people all around the world. Many people say that social networking has
changed dating for the worse. Social networking causes people in relationships to over-
analyze their partner’s online activity. Couples get into quarrels over everything; from
one party reconnecting with an ex, to one not mentioning the relationship at all. As to
the positive effect of social networking, married couples who met online had a courtship
period of 18.5 months, while couples who met offline had this period for 42 months.
While many have credited social networking for finding new relationships, others have
forever cursed it for changing dating for the worse. Are you entertained? Not so much
is it? Well what would be your reaction if I tell you that, a while back, breaking up with
someone via the phone, or email, was considered brutal. But, now, changing one’s
relationship status on the social network has become a common way to end a
relationship. It is funny how people nowadays think about having a relationship, it is
funny that a twelve year old is in a relationship while those twenty-five years old are
single. What’s wrong with our society? Many cases of abortion and teenage pregnancy
that causes young people stress. Many teenager is stressed because they are single,
many posts and tweets looking girlfriends and boyfriends. Why does young people
nowadays are desperate on having a relationship rather than having a better future?
Many questions were asked on how does millennials view relationship, it is funny to
think that younger ones are in a relationship than those older one but it is so sad to
think on what will be the future of these kids if they are prioritizing relationship than
there future.


Firstly, before we can move on to our primary subject of interest, I will discuss
first what informative speech is. Informative speech constitutes the types of speech
that conveys data regarding a specific topic. Its primary target is that assisting the
public in acknowledging the data that convey. In addition to that, it renders an intricate
subject easy to comprehend and it offers distinct ideas and viewpoints. Here’s my
example of informative speech.


Education is a human right and everyone is entitled to one. Problems arise when
people disagree on what is right and wrong with education. Education is a procedure of
learning where knowledge, skills, and habits move from one generation to the other.
Moreover, education is essential for the overall development of a human being.

The first thing that strikes in our minds when we think about education is gaining
knowledge. Education is a tool which provides people with knowledge, skill, technique,
information, enables them to know their rights and duties toward their family, society
as well as the nation. It expands vision and outlook to see the world. It develops the
capabilities to fight against injustice, violence, corruption and many other bad elements
in the society.

Education gives us knowledge of the world around us. It develops in us a

perspective of looking at life. It is the most important element in the evolution of the
nation. Without education, one will not explore new ideas. It means one will not able to
develop the world because without ideas there is no creativity and without creativity,
there is no development of the nation.

Education is an important aspect that plays a huge role in the modern,

industrialized world. People need a good education to be able to survive in this
competitive world. Modern society is based on people who have high living standards
and knowledge which allows them to implement better solutions to their problems.



It’s a pleasant day isn’t it? Why do you think am I here today? Am I here to play? NO, I
am here to say. Prevent early pregnancy start great education. I am here to elaborate
and at the same time convince all of us youngsters to know your limits. Limits to the
things you’re doing in this generation things like: smoking, drinking liquor and most
especially early mating. Old folks nowadays say that, teenager nowadays have no fear
on anything. It’s the truth, the truth that we need to accept. Pregnancy is the condition
of a woman or female that is going to have a baby, it is only for couples that are
married. We speed through time and as time passes kids develop their sense of
curiosity causing them to explore their body and making them go curious about their
physical body. Curiosity is one of the reasons why we encounter early pregnancy. Is it
good? or bad? For me, its bad because , would you rather change diapers and
breastfeed your child? Or go to school, study hard and follow your dreams? Think twice
before you act, decide wisely. Early pregnancy affects our future, many of them don’t
have a degree and under graduates. How does it feel like to be graduating? Don’t you
have a dream? What about your parents who is suffering, working every minute just to
give whatever you want. My dream is to help my parents, my dream is to become a
decent man with a decent job, to make my parents proud. We all have dreams right?
We all have that imaginations in our heads that in which we want to make it true. Let’s
all live the dream guys. Think before you considered things, make a plan for your
future, it is about being wise on our decisions. Let us all make it successful in the
future, before engaging ourselves to the things we want to live for the rest of our lives.
It’s the advice I want to give all of you. One wrong decision and it can ruin your dreams
in just a second. That’s all guys, thank you for listening!



Life is continuous ongoing process that has to end someday. Life is all about adoring
yourself, creating yourself a quote for you that life can be only understood backward
but it must be lived forwards. Life itself is a golden opportunity to live a meaningful life
and support others to do so. It doesn’t matter how many years you live. But it matters
how well you live a quality life.

Life is not about proving anyone wrong. Life is about proving yourself right
Life is not about competing against others. But life is about competing against yourself
To make sure you are better than your previous self, better than you were yesterday
To make sure you are growing every day, developing, learning experiencing
Life is not about being perfect it is about being happy not all the time
But every time you can. Life isn’t about being right. It’s about being kind.
When you have a choice to be right or to be kind, choose kindness, choose love.
Life is not about noticing the negatives.
It’s about creating such huge positives the negatives pale in comparison.
Life is not about you.
It’s about everyone and everything. We are all connected and all sharing challenges and
struggles. Be kind, lift others up, give freely without expecting anything in return and
the world will return happiness and Abundance beyond your wildest dreams.
Life isn’t all about money
You can’t take it with you, so don’t stress about it.
This doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it or shouldn’t have it. You can create unlimited
Abundance and use that to do good for others and yourself and you DO DESERVE IT,
just don’t stress about it.
Money is great, but only when used with positive intentions.
Life isn’t about comparing yourself to others
Let everyone else be exactly as they are while you focus on being the best you
Your life is not defined by circumstances
Your life is not defined by what does or does not happen to you
It is defined by how you react to what happens to you. How you choose to react to the
circumstances and events that arrive in your life.It’s helpful to remember challenges are
just tests. Hard times are test and character builders.Never lose your spirit, because it
is in our greatest challenges that our greatest strength is formed. That is when our
character shines, right after the storm.


In simplest terms, oration is an oral speech given by someone in front of an

audience. The word oration comes from the Latin word oratio, which means speech,
and orare, which means to plead, speak or pray. It is a speech that is usually elaborate
and dignified. The word oratory refers to the art of public speaking.


Sometimes you open yourself up to a person because you feel and believe that
different and maybe this time they won’t break your heart and that your love requited.
So you go out on a limb and open up so much of yourself to this things that you’re
afraid to tell others because of fear being judge or but there’s just something about this
person that allows you tell them you become so comfortable in the presence of that
person that you openly your flaws, you don’t hide it. You just completely lose yourself
in love and thought and concept of being love, of being in a relationship and of being
someone that you can be yourself with. The idea of that person just completely you and
everything about them makes you happy.

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