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College of Business Management and Entrepreneurship

Mgt 102: human Resource Management

Recruitment and selection process is a searching for and obtaining a
pool of potential candidates with the desired knowledge, skills and experience
to allow an organization to select the most appropriate people to fill job
vacancies against defined position descriptions and specifications.
Recruitment and selection process are tracking applicants and
applications and Reviewing resumes. Applicant tracking systems (ATS) are
becoming extremely helpful to Employers, and this technology aids in the
management of job vacancies and applications for every open position.
Definition of Recruitment
According to the definition provided in the Business,
“Recruitment is the process of finding and hiring the best-qualified candidate
(from within or outside of an organization) for a job opening, in a timely and
cost effective manner. The recruitment process includes analyzing the
requirements of a job, attracting employees to that job, screening and selecting
applicants, hiring, and integrating the new employee to the organization”
Types of Recruitment
 Internal Recruitment
 External Recruitment
Internal Recruitment
According to Myrna L. Gusdorf, the recruitment process starts with
the most common method which is job posting. The traditional method to
announce a job opening was to post notice of the job on the HR bulletin board
whereas organizations now mostly post jobs electronically through
organization-wide intranets or send e-mails to all employees about the job
vacancy. Publish employment newsletters and distribute the announcement
flyers are also a way of doing job posting. Employee Referrals are also a process
to obtain candidate for internal recruitment.
External Recruitment
In external recruitment, the applicant pools can be generated in
number of ways which depends on the organization’s policies, size and
hiring budget. The organization also can go for private employment agencies
who take all the responsibilities of generating a pool of candidates for
recruitment according to the organization’s needs. The agencies generate
the applicant pool and do the preliminary interviews, thereby screening out
unqualified Candidates and then send actually qualified candidates to the
organization and that is also by using job criteria provided by the
organization itself. However, the private employment agencies Can be costly
thus not every organization can bear the cost.
Purpose of recruitment process
The recruitment process is sensitive to the external and internal
changes, and it can be used as the best indicator for the future HR trends. By
careful analysis of Recruitment Measures, the HR Management team can
predict the trends in the job market simply
 Find the best talents for the vacancies
 Manage the recruitment sources
 Manage the vacancies in the organization
 Run the internal recruitment process
 Building the strong HR Marketing platform
 Co-operation with local and international universities
 Provide feedback about the trends in the job market
After recruitment process is carried, the next important process is
the selection Process. Selection is the process of putting right men on right
job. It is a procedure of matching Organizational requirements with the
skills and qualifications of people Recruitment is considered to be a positive
process as it motivates more of candidates to apply for the job. It creates a
pool of applicants.
Steps involved in selection process
1. Commit to hiring the best talent possible - every time.
2. Do not rush the employee selection process.
3. Partner With Stakeholders.
4. Use a Job Benchmark with a valid pre-employment personality
5. Use Structured Interviews.
Essentials and Prerequisites for Selection:
1. Picking individuals possessing relevant qualifications.
2. Matching job requirements with the profile of the candidates.
3. Using multiple tools and techniques to find the most suitable
candidate suitable Of achieving success on the job.
Employees with right skills will do a better job for any company and
for the owner. Employees without these requisite skills or who are abrasive
would not perform effectively and the company performance will suffer to a
great extent. So there is a time to screen out undesirables and to choose
the better and perfect candidate that can effectively contribute to
company success.
It is important because it is costly to recruit and hire employees so
cost-benefit ratio have to be considered while hiring of employees in
order to avoid any unnecessary wastage of money and the valuable
resources .The total cost of hiring a manager could easily be 10 times as
high as once one add search fees, interviewing time, reference checking,
and travel and moving expenses.
1. “Ghosting” is a phenomenon in which job candidates schedule an
interview but fail to show up, or they get hired but don't report to
work – without so much as a phone call. It may be hard to
rationalize such bad behavior, but human resource professionals
say it could be candidates' way of paying employers back for their
indifference during the recession. Jobs were so scarce that
companies often received hundreds of applications for a single
job, but many failed to acknowledge the time candidates took to
2. It may not be a problem in your business – yet – but automation
and artificial intelligence have undermined the human element in
recruitment procedures in businesses of all sizes. You may have
even heard predictions that AI will replace people over the next 10
years – a dangerous conundrum for a small-business owner.
3. College has become unaffordable for a large swath of the
workforce, so many young people are choosing to fill their
education gap with online courses and certificate programs. Still,
this tactic doesn't add up to the four-year college degree that
many employers require.
4. Painfully slow decision-making is one of the self-inflicted
problems in the recruitment and selection process. Job-seekers
are showing little patience for employers who expect them to
endure multiple rounds of interviews over the course of several
weeks. And in a tight labor market, they don’t have to bide their
time. An employer who prolongs the vetting process risks missing
out on tapping into the best of a shrinking talent pool.
5. Many small-business owners rely on gut instinct and references
to make hiring decisions. While these are good places to start,
turnover continues to be a vexing and costly problem for
employers. Labor experts say that whenever a business must
replace a salaried employee, it costs the business six months or
more of that salary to train a replacement. For an employee
making $40,000 a year, this adds up to $20,000 or more.
6. Business owners have long complained about employee retention
problems. But they’ve only recently discovered that gaps in their
onboarding procedures might be contributing to their woes. In
some ways, onboarding gaps are even more unforgivable than
breakdowns in training protocols for the simple reason that
onboarding should, for the most part, be perfunctory. To add to
the irony, onboarding isn’t expensive – ranging from as low as
$100 to an average of about $400, Human Resources Today says.
1. Acknowledge all applicants by email to defuse these challenges in the
recruitment process. Setting up an automated email system isn't
difficult, but it does take time. Taking the long view, it could be time
well spent. “A few candidates recounting a bad recruitment experience
can damage an employer’s reputation and deter future applicants,”
Entrepreneur says.
2. Resist the urge to respond to calls for speed at all costs, and be
skeptical of inflated claims of efficiency. Instead, find a way to combine
the best features of automation while keeping the irreplaceable
advantages of human relations alive and well in your workplace.
3. In a tight labor market in which many positions are going unfilled,
employers may find it in their best interest to relax position
requirements or offer tuition assistance programs (remember those?) for
upper-level positions in which a degree is non-negotiable.
4. If your recruitment and selection process has slowed to a snail’s pace,
it’s time to shrink the amount of time it’s taking you to recruit and hire
new employees. Consider conducting multiple interviews in one day,
and consult with your colleagues about a candidate's qualifications
immediately after the person leaves an interview. In most cases, there’s
no reason your recruitment process should take more than a few days.
5. Add an assessment test to your recruitment and selection process. And
not to worry: There’s little reason to fear that a test will prolong the
process because if you pick the right test, it should actually expedite it.
Find out where your process is vulnerable or may have gaps. Are
employees deficient in key skills? Do they have difficulty getting along
with your team? In these cases, find a skills-based or personality-
focused assessment test to fortify your hiring decisions.

6. Immediately after a new employee is formally introduced to your

company, ask him to rate the experience and suggest ways to
strengthen it. And then follow the advice. You might ask new employees
if they:

 Understand their job duties. Were given an employee handbook or at

least contact information for your de facto HR representative.  Feel
comfortable in your workplace and meeting their new co-workers. Would
recommend your business to other candidates – a worthy goal that
could save you time, effort and even the consequences of a “bad hire.”

Candidate’s selection criteria must be improvised and modified at
every stage of selection process.
• It is better if the job related aspects is clearly mentioned in the
• The interview method must consist of more of situational exercises like
overcoming stress, risk taking ability, maintaining interpersonal relations
• Active employee referrals must be rewarded.
• Aptitude tests must be used as a major selection tool FOR SELECTING
fresh candidates.
• Recruiting yield pyramid can be used so as to calculate the number of
applicants to be generated to hire the required number of new employees.
• In order to generate more responses quicker and for a longer time at less
cost, Web being a cost-effective way to publicize openings must be used as
prime sources for recruiting.
• The criteria for promotion should be specified at the time of interview
which can avoid future grievance.
• The right person will make contribution to your company productivity
and profitability that far exceed salary cost. But the wrong person can cost
you plenty
• Make sure you selection process are fair open and transparent
• Recruiting by word of mouth can lead to discrimination, so take a more
structured approach whenever possible.

Edward E. Lawler Iii; John W. Boudreau. Stanford Business Books,
Essential of human resource management and industrial relations,
subbarao Mumbai, Himalaya publishing house, 1996
K. Aswathappa (1997) , “Human Resources and Personnel Management”
Tata McGraw- Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi- 110 001.
Organizational Success through Effective Human Resources
Management Ronald R. Sims. Quorum Books, 2002
Reinventing Human Resources Management: Challenges and New
Directions ,Ronald J. Burke; Cary L. Cooper. Routledge, 2005
Understanding Human Resource Management ,Ken N. Kamoche. Open
University Press, 2001

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