Assignment 05 Hsy1511 Student Number 63325837

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Assignment 05

Module code: Hsy1511

Student number:63325837

Id number:9212280529084

1. Explain how the emergence of African History in the 1960s changed perspectives of
Africa in the world. In your response, refer to perspectives of Africa before and after
the 1960s, and how the use of ‘non-traditional’ historical sources contributed to

The goal of the historian is not to gather "facts" about the past, but rather to gain insight
into the ideas and realities that shaped the lives of the men and women of earlier societies.
Some of the beliefs and institutions of the past may seem foreign to us; others may seem all
too familiar. But in either case, when we study the people of the past, we learn something
about the rich diversity of the human experience. The study of history, however, is the study
of people's beliefs and desires, practices and institutions.

African history is the study of the past institutions and cultures of the people who live in
Africa. The economic, political, and social activities of the people who once lived in Africa
are studied in the context of African history. Below you will learn about the importance of
studying African history.

The study of history, like other disciplines, helps some people earn a living (professional
aspect). It serves as a source of employment for people who study the subject at a higher
The study of African history has helped to discover the activities of people in distant times.
Researchers like Dr. Louis Leakey have proved that Africa is the original home of man (Homo
sapiens). The study of African history would lead to further discoveries of hidden facts. It will
highlight Africa's contribution to world civilization.

The study of African history gives individuals the opportunity to better relate their past to
the present. Thus, the various phases of social development can be evaluated to understand
the present situation. The best way to understand the social, economic and political
situation of society is to know how things went in the past. This is the key to finding
solutions to the problems of today.

African history has grappled with the notion and misconception that Africa has made an
insignificant contribution to history, and in order to dispel the idea of white supremacy, for
example, the Hamitic hypothesis was put forth, which held that African 'Hamites' were
'whites' who were similar to Europeans because they and their culture were inherently
superior to black Africans and their culture. Early Arab and European travellers encountered
Africans in a different cultural environment. Africans had distinctive names, music and
dances, political and religious attitudes, and rites of passage. Because these practices did
not conform to the cultural practices of Europeans and Arab writers classified Africans as
primitive, backward, or culturally stagnant.

African history enables the student to develop a critical mind and appreciate the diversity of
human behaviour and motives and to understand politics, economics, and society. In this
regard, history in the African context can increase human tolerance and respect for diverse
opinions. Knowledge of other cultures through an appreciation of history encourages
students of history to critically analyse their own culture and society and to understand and
critique their own assumptions.

The study of African history is beneficial because it helps to gain knowledge of African
traditions, culture, norms, and values and to take pride in and present them. One is able to
perceive and recognize the significance of events from a perspective different from one's
own in order to appreciate the diversity of human beliefs and cultures.

African history enables the student of history to acquire knowledge about his or her own
country and the African continent.
African history has practical uses in international relations and diplomacy. Its study
promotes international understanding and sympathy.
The study of African history enables students of history to acquire the skills and values that our past
can provide. African history students can be inspired by events and deeds of great people that will in
still in them a sense of pride.

A thorough study of the past can tell us much about how we became who we are.

One studies African history to appreciate the use of other sources in recording and reconstructing
African history besides written sources. It enables the student to develop an accurate sense of the
chronology of African history.


All historians write from their own point of view. What they write is largely determined by their own
background - their values, their social and political situation, and their experiences. Historians, for
the most part, look back on a past that they themselves have not experienced, and therefore must
determine how people lived in the past. Because historians are part of the present, their
understanding of the past is influenced by their current circumstances and the current concerns of
the society in which they live.
Thus, it can be argued that historians stand between us and what actually happened in the past.
Consequently, they shape history to a significant degree.
Historians undoubtedly make judgments about the achievements of individuals and societies.
And it is their versions of the past that are generally believed.

Name: Nelly
Student number:63325837
Module code: HSY1511
Assignment number:5
I declare that this assignment is my own original work. Where secondary material has been
used (either from a printed source or from the internet), this has been carefully
and referenced in accordance with departmental requirements. I understand what
is and am aware of the Department’s policy in this regard. I have not allowed anyone else to
copy my work.
Signature.N. Benxa

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