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SARS-CoV-2, bacterial co-infections, and

AMR: the deadly trio in COVID-19?
Jose A Bengoechea* & Connor GG Bamford

t the end of December 2019, Chinese mortality in severe COVID-19 (preprint: of hospital-associated pneumonias are asso-
public health authorities reported a Docherty et al, 2020), although it should be ciated with mechanical ventilation, being
cluster of pneumonia of unknown noted that roughly 50% of the hospitalised this intervention one of the therapeutics
cause in central city of Wuhan in Hubei patients have no reported comorbidity. used in COVID-19 patients admitted in the
province. Shortly after, Chinese scientists Somewhat surprising is the limited refer- ICU. Not surprisingly, bacterial co-infections
identified a hitherto undescribed beta-coro- ence to non-viral co-infections and super- were reported in MERS-CoV patients receiv-
navirus as the likely causative agent. The infections in COVID-19. This knowledge gap ing intensive care (Memish et al, 2020).
disease is now referred to as coronavirus is puzzling considering the extensive clinical Further supporting the need to consider co-
disease 2019 (COVID-19), and the virus is evidence, supported by mechanistic studies infections in COVID-19, initial reports
called severe acute respiratory syndrome in animal models, demonstrating that respi- showed that 50% of the patients who have
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Since 31 ratory viral infections predispose patients to died had secondary bacterial infections
December 2019 and as of 25 May 2020, bacterial co-infections and super-infections. (Zhou et al, 2020), and bacterial and fungal
5,432,512 cases of COVID-19 (in accordance Thus, most fatalities in the 1918 influenza infections have been documented in severe
with the applied case definitions and testing pandemic were indeed due to subsequent COVID-19 patients (Chen et al, 2020).
strategies in the affected countries) have bacterial infection and similar observations However, the recent clinical study assessing
been reported globally, including 345,467 were made during the later three 20th- features of COVID-19 in more than 16,000
deaths. These numbers are very likely a century influenza pandemics: the 1957 hospitalised patients in the United Kingdom
significant under-estimate of the true global H2N2, the 1968–1969 H3N2 and the 2009– (preprint: Docherty et al, 2020) does not
burden of COVID-19. To date, there are no 2010 H1N1 pandemics (Morris et al, 2017). include any reference to secondary infec-
licensed therapies nor vaccines to treat or tions despite being an item included in the
protect against SARS-CoV-2 infection. Like Is there a case to consider ISARIC World Health Organization question-
the 1918 H1N1 influenza pandemic before it, co-infections in COVID-19? naire used by the investigators. This may
COVID-19 exemplifies the devastating reflect the fact that co-infections are largely
impact of an emerging zoonotic pathogen on We strongly believe co-infections play a not considered relevant during any large
a susceptible “naı̈ve” population. significant role during COVID-19. Firstly, infectious epidemic in which the focus is set
In a significant number of infected indi- chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in the sole pathogen driving the outbreak
viduals, SARS-CoV-2 infection leads to a (COPD) is one of comorbidities associated and the identification of comorbidities to
mild upper respiratory tract disease or even with severe COVID-19 (preprint: Docherty identify groups of patients at risk.
asymptomatic “sub-clinical” infection. et al, 2020). COPD patients are colonised by
However, published estimates indicate that bacterial pathogens even at the stable phase What is the impact of co-infections
the hospitalisation rate is higher than 8%, of the disease, making it likely that SARS- during COVID-19?
although it can be as high as 20% in the CoV-2 infection occurs in patients already
most at risk group (median age 72 years colonised with bacteria. Secondly, the very We envision three non-mutually exclusive
(preprint: Docherty et al, 2020)). A signifi- likely possibility exists that severe COVID-19 bacterial/SARS-CoV-2 co-infections scenarios:
cant proportion of hospitalised patients patients could be subsequently or co-inci- 1) secondary SARS-CoV-2 following bacterial
require admission to intensive care units dentally infected by bacteria. The median infection/colonisation; 2) combined viral/
(ICU) with mortality rates reaching up to hospital stage of COVID-19 patients is 7 days bacterial pneumonia; and 3) secondary bacte-
50% for those ventilated patients. A picture but can reach up to 14 days or even longer rial “super-infection” after SARS-CoV-2
is emerging in which male sex, increasing (preprint: Docherty et al, 2020), and the (Fig 1). The underlying mechanisms of these
age and/or comorbidities such as diabetes, risk of a hospital-associated pneumonia scenarios are highly context and time-depen-
pulmonary disease or cardiovascular disease increases significantly the longer the hospi- dent, involving complex interactions between
are associated with higher probability of talisation period. Moreover, more than 90% three distinct entities (virus, host and

Wellcome-Wolfson Institute for Experimental Medicine, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, UK
*Corresponding author. E-mail:
DOI 10.15252/emmm.202012560 | EMBO Mol Med (2020) 12: e12560 | Published online 15 June 2020

ª 2020 The Authors. Published under the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license EMBO Molecular Medicine 12: e12560 | 2020 1 of 4
EMBO Molecular Medicine Jose A Bengoechea

bacteria). While it is clear that the immune dramatically increasing the risk of blood closely related SARS-CoV has established
response to SARS-CoV-2 is very likely not the infections and sepsis. Virus-mediated that multiple viral structural and non-struc-
same in a combined viral/bacterial pneumo- enhancement of bacterial infection is not tural proteins antagonise IFN responses
nia, altogether we postulate that ultimately unprecedented. Rhinovirus and influenza (Versteeg et al, 2007). Reduced levels of
any co-infection scenario will worsen the clin- virus infections increase the invasion of the type I IFNs are associated with increased
ical outcome and the severity of COVID-19. airway epithelium by respiratory pathogens susceptibility to secondary bacterial infec-
SARS-CoV-2 may enhance colonisation (Bosch et al, 2013). tions (Rynda-Apple et al, 2015). It is
and attachment of bacteria to host tissue, Although the emerging evidence is expected that SARS-CoV-2 also deploys
and the combined infections may result in suggestive of dysfunctional local and many proteins, such as the conserved NSP1,
increased tissue destruction and pathophysi- systemic antiviral and inflammatory ORF6 and N, to blunt IFN production and
ology. Airway dysfunction, cytopathology responses during SARS-CoV-2 infection, the signalling.
and tissue destruction induced by SARS- limited understanding of SARS-CoV-2 patho- Bacterial co-infections may even result in
CoV-2 infection or during bacterial co-infec- genesis and its effect on immune signalling dampening of the activation of host defence
tion may facilitate systemic dissemination of precludes us from speculating further (Tay signalling which may result in increasing
the virus and/or bacterial co-pathogens, et al, 2020). However, research on the very susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infection and

A Exuberant
inflammatory response?

innate immunity?


Uncovered bacterial

Influences bacterial Viral

• attachment infection
• growth
• dissemination

Alveolus Influences viral Bacterial Compromised

• survival infection innate immune
• replication host defenses?
• pathology



Tissue damage?

inflammatory response?

Figure 1. The interplay between SARS-CoV-2, bacteria and the host in co-infections.
(A) SARS-CoV-2 virulence factors interact with the lungs and evoke an immune response. These interactions may compromise innate immunity at several levels resulting in
increased bacterial attachment, growth and dissemination. Viral infection may uncover bacterial receptors mediating bacterial attachment. Co-infection may result in an
exuberant inflammatory response. It is also plausible that the type of immune response induced by SARS-CoV-2 may enable bacteria to flourish in the lungs. On the other
hand, bacterial colonisation may predispose to SARS-CoV-2 infection because the innate immune host defences may be down-regulated enabling virus survival, growth and
pathology. (B) Co-infection may exacerbate the tissue damage; and the exuberant inflammatory response may further amplify the lung damage triggered by SARS-CoV-2.

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Jose A Bengoechea EMBO Molecular Medicine

subsequent pathology. For example, respira- found in COVID-19 patients (Tay et al, 2020), consequences in those hospital settings with
tory pathogens including Klebsiella pneumo- can aggravate tissue damage during infection, already a high prevalence of multidrug-resis-
niae limit the activation of NF-jB-governed making them potential attractive targets to tant strains. It is evident that as SARS-CoV-2
responses, which are also part of the host treat severe COVID-19. However, it should be is transmitting in hospitals, also multidrug-
antiviral programme (Bengoechea & Sa noted that these cytokines and derived signal- resistant bacteria are, leading to an increase
Pessoa, 2019). Additionally, type I and III ling pathways play a crucial role in host in the mortality due to the limited arsenal of
IFNs produced following bacterial infection defence against bacterial respiratory patho- antibiotics to treat hospital-acquired infec-
may facilitate SARS-CoV-2 infection because gens. Perhaps not surprisingly, clinical stud- tions. The treatment of patients after
the ACE2 receptor used by the virus is an ies have reported that although IL1 blockers surgery, transplant or chemotherapy could
IFN-stimulated gene (Hoffmann et al, 2020), are not associated with an increased risk of be significantly compromised. In addition to
although whether IFN-mediated ACE2 up- secondary infections, fatal infections occur the direct impact in the healthcare setting,
regulation results in enhanced virus entry more frequently during their treatment the transmission of AMR to the environment
and infection is still unknown. (Buckley & Abbate, 2018). Collectively, this should not be forgotten. For example, the
Another angle to consider is whether evidence highlights the need to consider the increased levels of antimicrobials released in
SARS-CoV-2 infection may perturb gut impact of any intervention targeting wastewater from hospitals will affect levels
homeostasis, favouring bacterial respiratory inflammatory responses on secondary infec- of antimicrobials in the environment,
infection. It is well established the important tions, necessitating through analysis on affecting the level of resistance in both
role of the gut–lung axis to control bacterial timing and dosing of administration of these animals (both wildlife and feed animals)
pneumonia (Dumas et al, 2018). Intrigu- drugs. Additional careful considerations and in farming and natural systems. Alto-
ingly, gastrointestinal symptoms are rela- should also be taken for recombinant cyto- gether, we believe that antibiotic steward-
tively common in COVID-19 patients kine therapy, such as treatment with type I or ship principles should not be relaxed even in
(preprint: Docherty et al, 2020), and SARS- III IFNs, which could promote bacterial these challenging times. The need for antibi-
CoV-2 has been shown to infect gut entero- super-infection and associated pathology. otic treatment should be rapidly evaluated
cytes in vitro and elicit an immune response and stopped if not necessary. We do not
(Lamers et al, 2020). Therefore, we suggest COVID-19 and AMR advocate its prophylactic use. Ideally, if
that it is very likely that the gut microbiota antibiotics are needed, the microbiology
is perturbed in severe COVID-19 patients One dimension we feel has not received the laboratory should inform which ones are the
which at the very least will affect disease necessary attention is the impact of most suitable based on the microorganism
outcomes including predisposition to COVID-19 on antimicrobial resistance and the resistance pattern.
secondary bacterial infections of the lung. (AMR). Globally, the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic One final aspect to consider is the
is superimposed on the ongoing pandemic of enhanced use of hand sanitisers and antibac-
COVID-19 therapies and multidrug-resistant bacteria. In the United terial soaps as measures of protection against
bacterial co-infections Kingdom, according to the National Institute SARS-CoV-2. While we do not argue against
for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guid- this practice, we stress that it is important to
The lack of efficacious licensed therapies to ance to treat severe pneumonia—irrespec- note that some of them may content addi-
treat severe COVID-19 patients by targeting tive of cause—patients will receive the tional chemicals that do not add much in
SARS-CoV-2 has led clinical colleagues to broad-spectrum antibiotics doxycycline or terms of protection but instead may fuel
consider and trial drugs based on modulating amoxicillin as an alternative. In most Euro- bacterial antimicrobial resistance. Bacteria
the immune response, such as anti-inflamma- pean countries, 15–50% of bacterial isolates exploit efflux pumps to develop resistance
tories to reduce the inflammation, and the are resistant to at least one antimicrobial against disinfectants, and these same efflux
use of biologics targeting some of the cytoki- group, and combined resistance to several pumps contribute to AMR. In any case, it is
nes reported to be up-regulated in patients antimicrobial groups is frequent, making it essential that the public adhere to the manu-
such as IL1b, IL-6 and TNFa (Tay et al, likely that the empirical broad antibiotic facturer’s instructions for proper use to avoid
2020). By no means do we question these treatment will have limited effect on hospi- the selection of bacteria with increased toler-
early decisions but want to raise a cautionary tal-acquired infections. In this scenario, ance/resistance to antimicrobials.
tale because these immunomodulatory inter- nearly all severe COVID-19 patients are
ventions may also increase the risk of poten- treated with antibiotics, which may have Future directions
tially fatal secondary bacterial respiratory limited efficacy. Worryingly, there is also
infections. For example, there is a significant clinical evidence suggesting that this inade- In this quickly evolving field, there is still an
increase of bacterial pneumonia in COPD quate broad-spectrum empiric antibiotic use urgent need to identify and characterise bacte-
patients treated with glucocorticoids (Calver- could be associated with higher mortality, at rial co-infections during COVID-19. ARDS is
ley et al, 2007). Clinical evidence indicates least in the case of sepsis (Rhee et al, 2020). one of the well-established features of COVID-
that high doses of glucocorticoids increase Unfortunately, as the pandemic contin- 19 pathophysiology, and it is recognised the
the risk of secondary bacterial infections in ues, we anticipate a significant increase in increasing risk of nosocomial pneumonia
patients with acute respiratory distress AMR through the heavy use of antibiotics in during the course of ARDS. Moreover, patho-
syndrome (ARDS) (Bernard et al, 1987). COVID-19 patients. Even in a normal scenar- logical analysis of post-mortem biopsies of
Dysregulated production and signalling of io, ICUs are epicentres for AMR develop- lung from patients who died of severe COVID-
cytokines of the IL1 family, such as those ment. This may have devastating 19 revealed histopathologic findings

ª 2020 The Authors EMBO Molecular Medicine 12: e12560 | 2020 3 of 4

EMBO Molecular Medicine Jose A Bengoechea

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