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BEIRA, 2022


BEIRA, 2022
In this current work, will be take in consideration the causes, consequences of climate change
concerning to Beira city. Therefore, Beira city was one of the uncountable victims of climate
change more precisely of cyclones that have terrified the population that live in Beira and also,
the downfall of the economy of the district. However, this research will bring what the three
cyclones, mainly the respective cyclones: Idai, Eloise and Chalane. It will be brought the
situation that Beira city have been through since the cyclones that had brought suffering to the
people of Beira.

Key words: Cyclone Idai, Chalane and Eloise; Downfall of economy.

1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................................. 5
2 Objectives .................................................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 General objectives ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Specifics Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Problematization ................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Justification ............................................................................................................................................ 5
3 Methodology: Bibliographic Research ................................................................................................... 5
4 Concept of Climate Change .....................................................................................................................6
5 Causes of climate change ......................................................................................................................... 6
6 Consequences of climate change (ONU 2010) ........................................................................................6
7 Climate change concerning to Beira-Geographic location ................................................................... 6
7.1 Cyclone Idai ........................................................................................................................................... 7
7.3 Cyclone Eloise ........................................................................................................................................ 8
8 Classification of Cyclone Idai .................................................................................................................. 9
9 Present Situation of Beira city .................................................................................................................9
9.1 Consequences Cyclone Idai ................................................................................................................ 10
10 Images of the damage caused by the cyclones ................................................................................... 10
11 Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................12
12 Recommendations ................................................................................................................................ 12
13 Bibliographic References ..................................................................................................................... 13
1 Introduction
In the present work, is content related to climate change in the city of Beira will be addressed,
where it will focus on the main changes that have occurred in recent years, its impacts on the
population residing in the city of Beira until the impacts on the country's economy and not only,
leaving behind the concept of climate change and its causes and consequences.

2 Objectives

2.1 General objectives

 Do a research about the effects of climate change in Beira.

2.2 Specifics Objectives

 Know the climate situation in Beira.
 Study the main effects of climate change related to Beira.

2.3 Problematization
 What are the effects of climate changes that have affected the city of Beira in recent years?

2.4 Justification
The Climate changes have caused destruction to the people of Beira bringing poverty, crimes,
deaths, hunger and a great downfall in the province’s economy.

3 Methodology: Bibliographic Research

For the realization of this work, the scientific research used was based in the method
bibliographic research, which was based on careful and systematic reading that was accompanied
by notes, analysis and interpretation of articles related to climate change in the city of Beira, in
order to serve the bibliography of this work study.


4 Concept of Climate Change

Climate change is the alterations in the state of the Earth's climate that persist over a long period
of time. This phenomenon, which has been observed throughout Earth's history, may have a
natural or anthropic origin. Currently, these changes have occurred in an intense way due to the
action of human kind. (LEGNAIOLI, Stella, 2009)

5 Causes of climate change

According to the United Nations (2010), it reveals that the main causes of climate change can be
the following:
 Power generation
 Product manufacturing
 Forest deforestation
 Use of transport
 Food production
 Energy in buildings
 Excessive consumption

6 Consequences of climate change (ONU 2010)

The climate changes that the planet has been going through, because of anthropic actions, can
generate several impacts in society, that will be more serious in countries with less capacity to
adapt to the changes that will occur (underdeveloped countries). This are the main consequences:

 Global warming;
 Loss of ice cover at the poles;
 Rise of the average level of sea waters;
 Increased frequency of extreme weather phenomena, such as droughts and rains;
 Changes in the availability of water resources;
 Desertification;
 Changes in ecosystems and loss of biodiversity;
 Risk of feeding and supplying food systems
 Impacts on the health and well-being of the human population.

7 Climate change concerning to Beira-Geographic location

Beira, capital of Sofala province, is located about 1190 km north of Maputo, in the center of the
Indian Ocean coast. It is a port city on the Mozambican channel. The municipality has an area of
​ ​ 633 km², and an average altitude of 14 meters above sea level and is located at coordinates

19° 50' south and 34° 51' east. It borders on the north and west with the district of Dondo, on the
east with the Indian Ocean and on the south with the district of Buzi.
The city rises in a marshy region, next to the mouth of the Pungue River, and on stretches of
sand dunes along the coast of the Indian Ocean. The natural vegetation is characterized by
lowlands and coastline with mangroves. (WIKIPEDIA).
However, three of the other natural disasters that have affected the city of Beira in recent times
should be highlighted, namely: cyclone Idai, Chalane Eloise.
With regard to climate change, the city of Beira in recent years has been affected by tropical
cyclones that have directly had extremely negative impacts on the population and not only, on
the country's economy as well.

7.1 Cyclone Idai

On March 14, 2019, the city was surprised by strong winds, heavy rains and strong gusts, which
is how the tropical cyclone Idai was characterized, this one that hit the city of the border and
beyond. By the way, Cyclone Idai is considered one of the most devastating cyclones that hit our
country and particularly the city on the edge, so this tropical cyclone left thousands of families
out in the open without shelter, leaving more than 90% of the city on the coast completely
destroyed. , according to the authors' report, several fields of production were totally lost.
Overwhelming situation that terrified the population, winds and rains that destroyed public and
individual infrastructures leaving the population without communication, without energy and
with the destruction of the compromised water supply system, which caused most of the
population to be without drinking water, it was a fact, the city was definitely incommunicable.

Figure 1. LUSA. 2019.

7.2 Cyclone Chalane
Tropical Storm Chalane, occurred on December 30, 2020, after tropical cyclone Idai, which
damage can be said this did not give much in relation to Idai because the population of the city of
Beira, was already more aware and informed about the cyclone and had already taken the
necessary precautions regarding the experience he had with the later cyclone (Idai). Therefore,
this cyclone, compared to the previous one, was less destructive than the Idai, this to say, its
nature was lighter. But in a particular way, in cyclone Chalane was not registered strong rains
and strong wind, fortunately this one was not very impactful because it was not felt very

Figure 2. 360 Mozambique. 2020.

7.3 Cyclone Eloise

Tropical Storm Eloise occurred on January 23, 2021, after Tropical Cyclone Chalane, near the
city of Beira. It brought with it strong winds and torrential rains affecting the provinces of Sofala,
Manica and Zambezia (The same provinces affected by tropical cyclone Idai in 2019). The
Cyclone also caused flooding and widespread destruction of infrastructures. Cyclone Eloise
caused the destruction of certain infrastructures undergoing rehabilitation, setting back the
rehabilitation process of the city of Beira. Compared to the previous cyclones, Cyclone Eloise
had a lower death rate than previous cyclones.

Figure 3. BBC NEWS. 2021.

8 Classification of Cyclone Idai

Given the information we have. We had seen how impactful were the cyclones and how the
cyclones have acted in the city of Beira.
Firstly, we will start with cyclone Idai
given the information we have got with the people who have lived the tragedies all the people
say that cyclone Idai was the worst one but why?
The majority of the population of Beira can say that they will not forget that day and especially
that night of pure horror in which they only had to pray... for those who believe in the Great Lord
and the hours that seemed so slow to pass that finally dawned.
Cyclone Idai was one of the most visible climate changes here in the city of Beira starting on a
Thursday 15th of March and realizing that most of the population did not have a certain notion of
what a cyclone at the predicted speed was capable of doing to them with the warnings that
already happened on the streets of the city.
On the same day at 17/18 o’clock such winds began to be present here in the city that was
already deserted on the streets with only a few stubborn citizens circulating.
There were difficult times that many families still have sequels created by the cyclone that, when
the second cyclone (Chalane) came, the preparation was so strong because they already knew
what could happen.
From what we could see the other cyclones were not impactful as Idai for the people because
they were aware of what does a cyclone were capable of.

9 Present Situation of Beira city

Beira is on its way to be rehabilitated, but one of the questions we have been pondering about is
if Beira would handle other, possible, cyclones in its present moment.
From the field of vision of our studies Beira would not handle other, possible, cyclones in the
present moment, because:
 Beira has not recovered from the previous cyclones
 All the infrastructures are being rehabilitated including schools, government properties
and private properties.
 The 5 years program to rebuild the city would be at stake.

9.1 Consequences Cyclone Idai
The consequences of cyclone Idai

 Destroyed city
 Fallen trees
 Destroyed stores consequently vandalized
 Damaged power poles causing most of the city to live a long time without energy
 houses were destroyed by trees and wind
 Bodies were found such that there were deaths in the hospital by the long power outage.

10 Images of the damage caused by the cyclones

Here are some of our photos that represent the damages done by the cyclones in general. The
photos are from Beira Sports Pavilion and University Zambeze.


11 Conclusion
However, climate changes in Beira, it can be said that, Climate changes are alterations in the
state of the Earth's climate that persist for a long period of time. This phenomenon, which has
been observed throughout Earth's history, may have a natural or anthropic origin. Currently,
these changes have occurred intensely due to human action (LEGNAIOLI, Stella, 2009),
however, with regard to these climate changes in the city of Beira, they have had devastating
impacts in recent years, mainly with the passage of 3 tropical cyclones. (Idai, Chalene and Eloise)
sequentially, which directly affected the families at that point in the country, bringing setbacks in
the socio-economic development of the district, leading to the aggravation of poverty rate within
families, located in Beira.

12 Recommendations
What are countermeasures that government of Beira should for this kind disasters?

As countermeasures for the next cyclones, the citizens and the government should:

 Replace precarious buildings with masonry constructions.

 Have system of food storage, store goods, fuel, and arrange a water supply in case of an
 Board up the windows.
 Construction of reinforced shelter for the poor.
 Educating citizens in Individual Home Preparation.
 Implement an Emergency Notification System.

13 Bibliographic References
LEGNAIOLI, Stella. Mudanças climáticas, eCycle. 2009.
climaticas/, 19th, May, 2022.

DOS SANTOS, Halivania Sardinhas. Mudanças climáticas, Biologia net, 2021. 19th, May, 2022.

LUSA, mjp. Moçambique: Ciclone Idai isola cidade da Beira, DW Notícias, 2019.
47947155. 19th, May, 2022.

LUSA, mjp. Ciclone Idai: Eminente ameaça de fome em Moçambique, DW Notícias, 2019.
mo%C3%A7ambique/a-48779138. 19th, May, 2022.

LUSA, mjp. Moçambique: Sobe para quatro número de mortos após tempestade Chalane, DW
Notícias, 2020.
n%C3%BAmero-de-mortos-ap%C3%B3s-tempestade-chalane/a-56103834. 19th, May, 2022.

LUSA, mjp. Moçambique: Ciclone Eloise deixa rasto de destruição e mortes, DW Notícias, 2021.
destrui%C3%A7%C3%A3o-e-mortes/a-56322640. 19th, May, 2022.

Beira (Mozambique):Geography. WIKIPEDIA, 2022. 19th, May, 2022.


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