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Chapter 5

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid

Whoever does good, whether male or female, and is a
believer, We will surely bless them with a good life, and We will
certainly reward them according to the best of their deeds.

Surah Al-Nahl: V 96
Simple, inexpensive and versatile type of antenna
Take different forms, rectangular, circular, square
Classified in two categories, electrically small
i.e. (C < λ/10) & electrically large (C ≈ λ)
Most of its applications are in HF, VHF, UHF bands
Used as probes for field measurements and radio
navigation (less sensitive to noise)
Electrically small antennas have very low Rr, poor
radiators (matching problem)
Rr is proportional to loop diameter & number of turns
Can be modeled as small magnetic dipole
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Loop antenna of C<<λ with radius ‘a’
Current distribution is constant Iφ=Io
Procedure will be same as that for small dipole

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Vector potential A can be calculated as
 e− jkR
A(x,y,z) = 
4 c
Ie (x,y,z)
where Ie(x, y, z) = axIx(x, y, z) + ayIy(x, y, z) + azIz(x, y, z)
Ie (x, y, z) cylindrical coord spherical coord.
The current is in φ direction therefore Ie=Iφcos(φ - φ’)
dl’= adφ
Moreover R = (x − x ')2 + (y − y ')2 + (z − z ')2
R = r 2 + a2 − 2ar sin( )cos( −  ')
where x = rsin(θ)cos(φ), y = rsin(θ)sin(φ), z = rcos(θ)
r2=x2+y2+z2, x’ = acos(φ’), y = asin(φ’), z’ = 0 4
Substituting all the expression in A gives
a e− jk r +a −2ar sin( )cos( − ')
2 2

A = 
4 c
I cos( −  ')
r 2 + a2 − 2ar sin( )cos( −  ')
d '

A = 
4 c
I cos( −  ')f(a)d '

− jk r 2 + a2 − 2ar sin( )cos( − ')

where f(a) =
r 2 + a2 − 2ar sin( )cos( −  ')
Integral can be solved by expanding f(a) by Mac-
laurin series in ‘a’. A results in
k a2Io sin( )  1  − jkr
A = a j 1+  e
4r  jkr  5
Using expressions of chapter 3, fields for all regions
ka2Ioco s( )  1  − jkr
Hr = j 2 1+  e
2r  jkr 
(ka)2 Io sin( )  1 1  − jkr
H = − 1+ − 2
4r  jkr (kr) 
H = Er = E = 0
(ka)2 Io sin( )  1  − jkr
E =  1+  e
4r  jkr 

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Comparison of radiated fields
(Dipole) (Loop)
Iolcos( )  1  − jkr ka2Ioco s( )  1  − jkr
Er =  1+  e Hr = j 1+  e
2 r 2
 jkr  2r 2
 jkr 
kIolsin( )  1 1  − jkr (ka)2 Io sin( )  1 1  − jkr
E = j 1+ − 2
e H = − 1 + − 2
4 r  jkr (kr)  4r  jkr (kr) 
kIolsin( )  1  − jkr (ka)2 Io sin( )  1  − jkr
H = j 1+  e E =  1 +  e
4 r  jkr  4r  jkr 
E = Hr = H = 0 H = Er = E = 0

Duality can be used to write field expressions directly

Magnetic dipole (Iml) can be used to replace the
small loop: Iml = jsωμIo 7
Using duality theorem: use following replacement
E → H, Iol → Iml, η → 1/η
(Dipole) (Loop)
Iolcos( )  1  − jkr Imlco s( )  1  − jkr
Er =  1 +  e Hr = 1 +  e
2 r 2
 jkr  2r  jkr 

kI lsin( )  1 1  − jkr kI lsin( )  1 1  − jkr

E = j o 1 + − 2
e H = j m 1 + − 2
4 r  jkr (kr)  4r  jkr (kr) 
kIolsin( )  1  − jkr kIm lsin( )  1  − jkr
H = j 1 +  e E = − j 1+  e
4 r  jkr  4 r  jkr 
E = Hr = H = 0 H = Er = E = 0

where Iml = jsωμIo

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Field expressions can be simplified as
a2Io e − jkr
Hr 3
co s( )
a2Io e − jkr
H − 3
sin( )
H = Er = E = 0
ka2Io e − jkr
E − j 2
sin( )
Both H-field components are in time phase but in
time quadrature with E-field (reactive fields)
Average power flow is zero (quasi stationary fields)
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS 9
In far zone field expressions can be simplified as
k 2a2Io e − jkr
H sin( )
k 2a2Io e − jkr
E  sin( )
Hr = H = Er = E = 0
Fields form TEM waves

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Power density and total power radiated will be
1 1
 
W = E  H *  = [(a E )  (arHr * +a H *)]
2 2
W = ( −arE H * +a E Hr *)
 (ka)4 | Io |2 sin2 ( )  1 
Wr = 2 1+ j 3
32r  (kr) 
2 
 (ka) 4
 1  3
Pr ad =  W.ds =  0 1 + j (kr)3  sin ( )d d
| Io |
32r 0

  1 
Pr ad = (ka) | Io | 1 + j
4 2
(Inductive power)
12  (kr)  11
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Radiation intensity can be calculated as
r 2
 (ka) 4
E(r, , ) = | Io |2 sin2 ( )
U = r Wr =

2 32

Do = 4πUmax/Prad = 3/2
Max. effective area Aem is
   3 2

A em =  Do =
 4  8

Do and Ae are same as that of inf. dipole antenna

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
a = 0.1λ
a = 0.2λ
a = 0.5λ

Multiple lobes starts to form when a > 0.61λ

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Equating real part of Prad to Io2Rr/2 results in
  
2 
Rr = (k a ) = 20    31171 4 
2 2 2

6   
where C = 2πa and S = πa2
For N turn loop
  2
 
Rr = 20   N  31171 4  N
2 2
Rr →  4
  
Radiation resistance is less than loss resistance RL
Therefore, radiation efficiency is low (use multi-turn)
In multi-turn loop, current is not uniformly distributed
due to skin and proximity effect (inter turn spacing)
Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
Find the radiation resistance of a single-turn and an
eight-turn small circular loop. The radius of the loop
is λ/25, and the medium is free-space.

S = πa2 = π(λ/25)2 = πλ2/625

 2 2 2
Rr = (k a )
Rr (single turn) = 120π(2π/3)(2π 2/625)2 = 0.788 Ω
Rr (8 turns) = 0.788(8)2 = 50.43 Ω

Assoc Prof Dr. Zeeshan Zahid, EE 344, MCS
The End

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