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“Protein for everyone NUTRILITE PROTEIN Amino Acids building the ‘building blocks' Proteins tend to be large molecules made up of several building blocks called amino acids. There are 20 different amino acids which are linked together to form peptides, which are small chains of amino acids. The peptides are then linked together to form polypeptides. One or more polypeptide chains twisted into a 3D shape forms a protein, ‘Our body can make 11 of them from other compounds already in the body. That leaves nine amino acids that we must get from our diet, Those 9 amino acids are called “essential amino acids. Non Essential and Essential Amino Acids The 11 non-essential amino acids are called "non-essential" because our body can build them from chemicals already present in it. They are very important and our body requires them for several functions. The remaining nine essential amino acids are called “essential” because our body cannot manufacture them and we 1 have to get them from foods that contain these amino acids, A Why do we need Protein? The many functions of protein Proteins are very important molecules in our cells. They are involved in virtually all cell functions. There are different kind of protein. Each protein within the body has a specific function as mentioned below - Antibodies - are specialized proteins involved in defending the body from antigens (foreign invaders) CS a ee Contractile Proteins - are responsible for mavement. Examples include actin and myosin. These proteins are involved in muscle contraction and moverent. Enzymes - are proteins that facilitate biochemical reactions. Examples include the enzymes lactase and pepsin. Lactase breaks down the sugar lactose found in mik, Pepsin is a digestive enzyme that works in the stomach to break clown proteins in food. Hormonal Proteins - are messenger proteins that helo to coordinate certain bodily activities. For example, Insulin Although our bodies are good at “recycling” protein, regulates glucose metabolism by controling the blood-sugar concentration ‘ tigi Structural Proteins - are fibrous and stringy and provide support. For example Gollagen and Elastin provide we use up protein constantly, so itis important to support for connective Hssues such as tendons and igen continually replace it. Transport Proteins - are cartier proteins that move molecules from one place to another around the body. Examples include haemoglobin that transports oxygen through the blood. % Protein gives You higher Satiety People who eat more protein tend to be satisfied with less food. Aresearch carried out by “Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology, Department of Medicine, University College London” has established that high protein intake in humans induces the release of anorectic hormone “peptide YY” or “PYY” which in turn leads to satiety. (Pubkesin “Cal Meccan Velaro bate, Spam 206 Page 25.255) @NUT a The Healthy Protein Package Making healthy protein choices is more about the fats that accompany the proteins and the preparation methods, than itis about the actual protein, ‘This means looking for protein sources that are lower in saturated fats, higher in healthier unsaturated fats and prepared in healthy ways. These are commonly referred to as LEAN PROTEINS. Non-vegetarian protein sources tend to contain most of the Essential Amino Acids needed to build new protein in our bodies, They are thus also called COMPLETE PROTEINS, However, proteins from such sources as vegetables, fruits and grains tend to lack one or more essential amino acids and are thus called INCOMPLETE PROTEINS, (Of course, fish and chicken may not always be healthy, Fish sticks or fried chicken are not good protein choices because the cooking methods add unhealthy fats and extra calories. ‘Therefore, deciding the heathy PROTEIN PACKAGE is about balancing the body's need for both ‘complete! and ‘lean' proteins. Given the constraints of food choices and tastes, getting the correct protein package (low on saturated fats, high on all essential amino acids) often means supplementing ‘our daily diet with a heathy protein supplement. a How much protein do we need each day? Our protein needs ciepend on our age, size, and activity level. ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) recommends the following protein intake for different fe stages for Indian population Adults 1.0 g / kg body weight/day Children 1.5 g/kg body weight/day Pregnant/Lactating women 1.75 g/kg body welght/day What about Vegetarians? Proteins from plant sources do not contain all essential amino acids. This means that a diet based on plant protein requires the right combinations of protein sources to get enough of all of the essential amino acids, Supplementation with a good lean protein can help. Do people who exercise need more protein? People who engage in endurance exercise (such as long distance running) or heavy resistance exercise (such as bodybuilding) benefit from additional protein in their diets. Itis estimated that strength-training athletes need to consume 1.5-2.0g/kg body weight/day of protein. The increased protein requirement is because during the initial 10-12 days of training, there is a small increase in protein breakdown. Less body protein is broken down if the amount of protein in the diet is increased at this time, After about 12 days of training, protein balance is restored, and the body is Ikely to start building extra protein into the muscles if strength training continues. (Sous Kort Stato Uoersty, Ont Other conditions requiring increased protein intake. Dietary protein requirement is enhanced by such conditions as infections, immobilization, surgery, burns, and other injures. Frequent intestinal infection by living in polluted atmosphere, chronic amoebiasis, indigestion due to irregular eating schedules, and living in intestinal worm infested areas also increase the need for protein, Protein at different life-stages 1. Young children During chilthood, chikiren tend to vary their {oad intake (spontaneously) to coincide with their growth pattems. Children’s food needs vary widely, dopending on their growth and their level of physical activity. Like energy needs, a child's total protein, vitamin and mineral requirements increase with age. Ideally, children should be accumulating stores of protein in preparation for the rapid growth spurt experienced during adolescence. BNUTRILITE 2. Teenagers The growth spurt as children move into adolescence needs plenty of energy and nutrients For girls, this generally occurs around 10 to 11 years of age, while for boys it occurs later, at around 12 to 18 years. Protein rich foods that are high in eneray Fe should be preferred as they do not lead to wy 3. Young adults Moving away from home, starting work and the changing lifestyle that accompanies the late teens and early 20s can cause dietary changes that are not always conducive to good health. The need for performance enhancement and building over all endurance resus in higher protein intake requirement, Also this is the time to establish healthy eating habits that will be canted on into later life Zs excess weight build-up. 4, Pregnant & lactating women pregnant woman should concentrate on increasing her nutrient intake, rather than her calorie intake, particularly in the first and second trimesters, Breast feeding mothers 5. Menopausal women Thinning of the bones is common in postmenopausal women because of hormone- related changes. Phytoestrogens, which occur naturally in protein rich sources like Soy have beneficial impact on bone health and also negate other post menopausal symptoms. we also need about 75 per cent more 4 protein than normal. 6. Older people Many people eat less as they get older; this can make it harder to ensure our let has ‘enough variety to inclu all the protein we need. Protein supplementation can help balance Nutrient intake and maintain muscle mass. tis also important for good bone and heart health ©) 4 soy & Health Soybeans have a high protein content. In most legumes, protein accounts for 20% to 30% of the weight. In whole soybeans, protein accounts for 40% of the weight. Soy foods are a source of high quality lean protein. In addition, consumption of soy protein provides health benefits that may help prevent certain chronic diseases. The amount of protein varies in soy products, with the following products generally containing these percentages: soy flour, 50%; soy concentrate 70%; and soy isolate, 90%. Evaluating Protein Quality Different methods of estimating protein quality have been used at cifferent tes. However the following three are the most common and accepted: ‘The amino acid profile of soybeans compares well with the human requirements.’ ‘The World Health Organisation has established that when consumed at the recommended level of protein intake, soy protein contains sufficient amounts ofall essential amino acids for human needs.? Biological Value (BV): It is a measure of the ‘amount of protein retained by the body, Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER)! is the measure of growth following intake of a certain protein, 2 FhonoLAU ee Caton tan sr Geen 0, BNUTRILITE PDGAAS system as determined by the WHO, now supersedes both PER and BV methods and is accopted as the official method by USFDA. Isolated Soy Protein (or Soy Protein Isolate) scores the maximum 1 (one) point on this system, PDCAAS of Selected Food Proteins Isolated Soy Protein Casein (rom Mik} Egg White Meat Peas Kidney Beans Lentil Whole Wheat From Protein Quality Evaluation, Report of Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation, FAO/WHO, 1989. Highlights of Soy Protein 1. Soy Protein is the only protein classified as a complete protein, 2. Foods containing soy protein are known te provide the potential benefits of dietary factors in preventing chronic disease. 8. Soy is high in Calcium and unlike mik does not contain ‘casein’ proteins that result in calcium loss in bones, 4. Soy dees not have cholesterol? “Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 gms of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. U.S.F.D.A. {Soe FON Tak Paper ens goutoson NUTRILITE a a, NUTRILITE® PROTEIN- Usage The Protein for everyone NUTRILITE* PROTEIN contains all the essential amino acids and naturally ocourring calcium, lron and soy isoflavones. NUTRILITE® PROTEIN ‘Addl, Sprinkle, Blend - Create tasty, healthy recipes with NUTRILITE® PROTEIN Given its neutral taste, NUTRILITE” Benefits of soy isoflavones = PROTEIN can be mixed with variety of food items like cereals, breads, cakes, biscuits, vegetables, salads, vegetable juices, soups, milk, fruit juices etc. Bone Health _@ Protects against bone loss. Supports good bone weight & mineral levels in the bone. Heart Health _@ Supports good heart health. @ Supports healthy cholesterol level, @ Supports heathy LDL level (low density lipoproteins) .@ Diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that include 25 gms of soy protein a day may reduce the risk of heart disease. - US.F.D.A* Women's Health .@ Supports women's health related to menopause. Per Serving wo 2 3 a ® 3 a g = 3 2 B 136 kcal m i NUTRILITE® PROTEIN is made from the best grade of Non GMO Soy protein Soy protein used in NUTRILITE? PROTEIN is processed under strict Identity Preservation ((P) program called ‘The Gold Standard IP Program’, Under this program, several steps are followed to ensure the best quality from seed to finished product @ Non-GMO seed is used for plantation of @ Allharvesting equipments used are exclusively for soybean, Non GMO cultivation to prevent any contamination. & Only Non GMO cultivation is done at the farms All transport vehicles used in the farm are exclusively which aro in exclusive areas to prevent for Non GMO produce to prevent any contamination. contamination from GMO. All farming wg Allprocessing equipments, machineries, silos etc. for ‘equipments used! are exclusively for Non GMO processing & storage are exclusively for Non GMO. ccutvation. _& Periodic testing of finished product batches are done to validate the IP process effectiveness. _@ Independent aucits are done by third party for conformanes to IP program process. NUTRILITE® PROTEIN IS PURE & SAFE NUT R LLIT E Non GMO source prevents any kind of allrge reaction or ay long term side PROTEIN sffects- hence absolutely pure and sale, Morecver there is no added gluten or yeast in NUTRILITE® PROTEIN. Sf 0775 we potas 34800 0098 The Protein for everyone Beresee to msec a a # advantages of NUTRILITE® PROTEIN 1, NUTRILITE* PROTEIN is a natural source of protein, Best of Nature 2. Soy Protein is the only plant protein classified as a complete protein 3. Soy Protein in NUTRILITE* PROTEIN is equal in protein quality to mi, meat and egg protein. 4, Soy does not have cholesterol.” 5. Soy Protein Isolate is a concentrated form of protein, which contains no cholesterol. * 6. Soy Protein is high in fiber along with vitamins and minerals & Phytonutrients (Soy Isoflavones) that work together to create numerous health benefits 7. Soy Protein is one of the best substitutes for meat protein, because it has all the ‘essential amino acids. 8. NUTRILITE* PROTEIN contains naturally occurring soy isoflavones which are good for bone & heart heath, 9, NUTRILITE* PROTEIN has naturally occurring ron {Img/serve) ancl Calcium. (7omg/sorve} 10. NUTRILITE* PROTEIN is unflavoured and is neutral tasting hence can be mixed with multiple food items. *antcan eye Nona Scr, NA, 90 ESAS 200 ae | i Best of Nature + Best of Sci a. Best of Science 11, NUTRILITE* PROTEIN has a high protein content of 80% and provides atleast 8g of protein per 10g serving, 12, NUTRILITE PROTEIN is a combination of high quality protein isolated from soy and milk. 18. NUTRILITE* PROTEIN is processed under strict IP process to ensure Non Genetically Modified Origin (Non-GIMO) soybean is used, Non GMO source prevents any kind of allergic reaction or any long term side effects, 14, Soy Protein isolate is propared through water extraction & minimum heat on soy flakes. This preserves the form of the protein while helping to remove anti-nutrtional components such as oxylate & phytate, 15, Soy Protein Isolate in NUTRILITE® PROTEIN is 90% protein as compared to Soy Protein Concentrate which is only 70% protein. 16. Milk Protein in NUTRILITE* PROTEIN provides high quality Methionine. 17. NUTRILITE* PROTEIN contains adequate amount of methionine unlike other plant proteins made entirely ‘rom soybeans, 18. NUTRILITE PROTEIN isa low fat (0.99/sorve}, low cholesterol protein source. 19. NUTRILITE PROTEIN is low calorie protein supplement. Each serve provides only 36kcal. 20. NUTRILITE” PROTEIN is lower in fat and cholesterol than regular servings of meat, cheese, eggs and whole rik. 21, NUTRILITE* PROTEIN quality standards are some of the highest inthe Industry as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) guidelines are folowed to produce NUTRILITE” PROTEIN. 22, NUTRILITE* PROTEIN with a Protein Digestbilty Corrected Amino Acid Score (PDOAAS) of 1.0 meets the Worlds Heath Organisation (WHO) standards forthe highest attainable protein quaity 23, NUTRILITE* PROTEIN provides consistency of protein quantity and qualty in every scoop. 24. NUTRILITE* PROTEIN has an excellent cispersibilty making it easier to mix in beverages. 25. NUTRILITE* PROTEIN is stable even under high temperatures and retains all its nutrtional value when cooked with other food. + nnn Sect fr Neon Sence. J Nar SOYER6542005, 2028 26, NUTRILITE* PROTEIN is a foundation supplement for adolescents, men, women and the elderly. 27. NUTRILITE* comes from NUTRILITE* Le. the ‘world's No.1 seling vitamins & dietary supplements brand 28, NUTRILITE* PROTEIN is a “complete protein” which provides balanced amounts of essential and non-essential amino acids vital for maintenance and rebuilding of cells and tissues. 29. USFDA has approved a health claim for soy proteins which states “diets low in saturated fat and cholesterol that includes 25g of soy protein a day reduce the risk of heart disease”.* 30. Replacement of animal protein in the diet with soy protein may reduce cholesterol formation * sous Cuomantr rman Lins nanny ‘Stops ere 3 Rota Vain AS, arte 2012" FO Tk Ppa: pas gobs a Recipes with NUTRILITE® PROTEIN a More Recipes with NUTRILITE® PROTEIN BNUTRILITE Papaya Kheer Honey Rolled Diamonds Preparation Time 30 minutes: Preperation’ Tine a mines B rosroc Seok Time: 30 minutes oaking Tene } oon + Take a wok aed ut fron flame when anes person Sexes wom athe a Decree « Gaur bread slat nthe kr and Ingredients: Ingredien Wee PROTEN 2: put the bread crumbs in the wok, + NUTRIUTE* PROTEIN rsc000 bretnoa 1 MTSE FES « Festus reroe ton + Papaya 209 + Pressure cook pepeya albng with coconut milk for § minutes. After preeaure cooking 2 Ove oil Tia lane. + Coccnat ike

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