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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925

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Natural convection in square enclosure with hot and cold cylinders

at different vertical locations
Yong Gap Park a,1, Hyun Sik Yoon b,2, Man Yeong Ha a,⇑
School of Mechanical Engineering, Pusan National University, Jang Jeon 2-Dong, Geum Jeong Gu, Busan 609-735, Republic of Korea
Global Core Research Center for Ships and Offshore Plants, Pusan National University, Jang Jeon 2-Dong, Geum Jeong Gu, Busan 609-735, Republic of Korea

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This study investigates the natural convection in a square enclosure with hot and cold cylinders, induced
Received 29 May 2012 by the temperature difference between a cold enclosure and the hot and cold circular cylinders contained
Received in revised form 1 August 2012 within it. The immersed boundary method is used to model the two enclosed cylinders, based on the
Accepted 7 August 2012
finite volume method, and two-dimensional natural convection was studied for different Rayleigh num-
Available online 30 August 2012
bers in the range 103 6 Ra 6 106 . Additionally, the study investigates the effect the presence of the hot
and cold cylinders at different locations within the enclosure have on the heat transfer and fluid flow.
The locations of the hot and cold circular cylinders are varied vertically along the centerline at the left
Natural convection
Hot and cold inner cylinders
and right parts of the enclosure, respectively. The existence of local peaks for the Nusselt numbers along
Square enclosure the surfaces of the cylinders and enclosure is determined by the gap between the cylinders and the enclo-
Nusselt number sure and thermal plume governed by the convection, respectively. Detailed analysis results for the distri-
butions of the streamlines, isotherms, and Nusselt numbers are presented in this paper.
Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Kim et al. [12] and Yoon et al. [13] carried out numerical inves-
tigations on the natural convection induced by the temperature
The heat transfer and flow characteristics of the natural convec- difference between a cold outer square enclosure and a hot inner
tion in an enclosure has many industrial and environmental appli- circular cylinder for different Rayleigh numbers varying over the
cations, including heat exchangers, nuclear and chemical reactors, range 103 6 Ra 6 107 . The location of the inner circular cylinder
electronic equipment cooling, and stratified atmosphere boundary (d) was changed vertically along the centerline of the square enclo-
layers. The geometries that arise in engineering applications are sure. The number, size, and formation of the cell strongly depended
more complicated than a simple enclosure filled with a convective on the Rayleigh number and position of the inner circular cylinder
fluid. The geometric configuration of interest is coupled with the within the enclosure. At Ra = 107, the bifurcation of natural convec-
presence of bodies embedded within the enclosure. This study tion from the unsteady to steady state depended on d. They
investigated the effect the presence of the hot and cold cylinders showed that the flow and heat transfer at Ra = 107 became unstea-
at different locations in the enclosure had on the heat transfer dy at d 6 dC;L and d P dC;U , where dC,L = 0.05 and dC,U = 0.18.
and fluid flow. Lee et al. [14] conducted a numerical investigation on the natu-
For several decades, research has been conducted on the effect ral convection within a square enclosure containing a circular cyl-
the presence of a body under different thermal conditions within inder placed at different horizontal and diagonal locations for
an enclosure has on natural convection. In these studies, the ther- different Rayleigh numbers varying in the range 103 6 Ra 6 106 .
mal boundary condition applied to the square enclosure has been Regardless of the Rayleigh number, when the inner cylinder was
either a horizontally imposed temperature difference or a heat flux placed closer to the side wall or corner of the enclosure by a hori-
condition [1–5], or a vertically imposed temperature difference or zontal or diagonal movement, respectively, the two inner eddies
a heat flux condition [6–11]. were separated and located at the upper and lower parts of the
enclosure in the narrow region facing the cylinder movement.
Otherwise, one large circulation was formed in the opposite region.
The natural convection around an array of cylinders is different
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 51 510 2440; fax: +82 51 515 3101. from those around a single cylinder because of the mutual interac-
E-mail addresses: (Y.G. Park), tion of the buoyant plumes generated by the cylinders.
(H.S. Yoon), (M.Y. Ha).
1 Reymond et al. [15] carried out an experimental investigation
Fax: +82 51 515 3101.
Fax: +82 51 581 3718. on the natural convection heat transfer from a pair of vertically

0017-9310/$ - see front matter Ó 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
7912 Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925

Nu local Nusselt number Nu ¼ @n wall
Tc cold temperature
Nuhotcyl local Nusselt number along the hot inner circular cylin- ui dimensionless velocity
der xi dimensionless Cartesian coordinates
Nucoldcyl local Nusselt number along the cold inner circular cylin- fi momentum forcing
der g gravity
Nuen local Nusselt number along the walls  of theR enclosure
 L length of square enclosure
1 W
Nu surface-averaged Nusselt number Nu ¼ W 0 NudS n normal direction to the wall
NuT surface-averaged Nusselt number along the top wall of W surface area of the wall
the enclosure
NuB surface-averaged Nusselt number along the bottom wall Greek symbols
of the enclosure a thermal diffusivity
NuR surface-averaged Nusselt number along the right wall of b thermal expansion coefficient
the enclosure d vertical distance from center of square cylinder to circu-
NuL surface-averaged Nusselt number along the left wall of lar cylinder center
the enclosure di2 Kronecker delta
Nuen surface-averaged Nusselt number along the square q density
enclosure m kinematic viscosity
P dimensionless pressure u angle from the top of circular cylinder
Pr Prandtl number (Pr ¼ ma) h dimensionless temperature
R radius of circular cylinder
Ra Rayleigh number Ra ¼ gbL ðTmah T c Þ Sub/Superscripts
⁄ dimensional value
t dimensionless time
- surface-averaged quantity
T dimensional temperature
Th hot temperature

aligned horizontal cylinders for different Rayleigh numbers tion caused by the temperature difference has on the fluid flow
(2  106, 4  106, and 6  106) and for different lengths of cylinder and heat transfer in the enclosure in the presence of the cylinders.
spacing (1.5, 2, and 3 cylinder diameters). Their results showed
that the fluid flow and heat transfer around the lower cylinder
were unaffected by the presence of an unheated lower cylinder, 2. Numerical methodology
and those around the heated upper cylinder were likewise unaf-
fected by the presence of the unheated lower cylinder. However, Fig. 1 shows the computational domain and coordinate system
when both the lower and upper cylinders were heated, the fluid along with the boundary conditions considered in the present
flow and heat transfer around the upper heated cylinder was study. The system consisted of a square enclosure with sides of
strongly affected by the presence of the heated lower cylinder be- length L, within which hot and cold cylinders with radius R
cause a plume rising from the heated lower cylinder interacted
with the heated upper cylinder.
Chae and Chung [16] carried out an experimental investigation
on the natural convection heat transfer for two parallel horizontal
cylinders. They considered various pitch-to-diameter ratios (P/D)
from 1.02 to 9, Prandtl numbers from 2014 to 8334, and Rayleigh
numbers from 7.3  107 to 4.5  1010. They measured the mass
transfer rate from the cylinders and obtained the heat transfer rate
(Nusselt number) based upon the analogy concept. Their results
showed that the Nusselt number ratios of the upper to lower cyl-
inders that increased with P/D, were less than 1 at P/D values of less
than about 1.5 for laminar flows, and were almost 1 at P/D values
very close to 1 for turbulent flows. The Nusselt number ratios of
the upper to lower cylinders also depended on the Prandtl number,
showing a steep variation with P/D at higher Prandtl numbers.
Although many researchers have studied natural convection in
the absence or presence of a body within an enclosure, few studies
have considered natural convection in the presence of a pair of cyl-
inders within an enclosure. In the present study, hot and cold cyl-
inders were placed at different locations within a cold enclosure to
investigate the effect the locations of the hot and cold cylinders
within the enclosure has on the fluid flow and heat transfer be-
cause a plume rising from the hot cylinder interacts with the cold
cylinder and enclosure. We also considered different Rayleigh Fig. 1. Computational domain and coordinate system along with boundary
numbers to investigate the effect the buoyancy-induced convec- conditions.
Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925 7913

(=0.2L) were located at x = 0.25L and x = 0.25L, respectively, and Once the velocity and temperature fields were obtained, we cal-
moved along the vertical centerline from y = 0.25L to y = 0.25L. culated the local and surface-averaged Nusselt numbers, which are
The walls of the square enclosure were kept at a constant low tem- defined as
perature of Tc, and the left hot and right cold cylinders within the
enclosure were kept at constant high temperatures of Th and Tc,
respectively.  Z
@h  1 W
In this study, we assumed that the radiation effects were negli- Nu ¼ ; Nu ¼ Nu dS ð5Þ
gible. The fluid properties were assumed to be constant, except for @n wall W 0

the density in the buoyancy term, which followed the Boussinesq

approximation. The gravitational acceleration acted in the negative
y-direction. The immersed boundary method was used to effi- where n is the normal direction with respect to the walls and W is
ciently handle the hot and cold circular cylinders within the enclo- the surface area of the walls.
sure, as shown in Fig. 1. The governing equations describing the Fig. 2 shows the computational geometry in the x–y plane with
unsteady incompressible viscous flow and thermal fields in the a uniform grid distribution. A grid resolution of 301  301 in the
present study were the continuity, momentum, and energy equa- horizontal (x) and vertical (y) directions was employed in our com-
tions in their non-dimensional forms, which can be defined as putations. The grid independence of the solution was tested with
@ui additional simulations on much finer grids up to 401ðxÞ  401ðyÞ
q¼0 ð1Þ points. The difference in the Nusselt number results obtained using
the coarse and fine grids was less than 0.7%.
@ui @ui @P @ 2 ui For the purpose of code validation, we solved the natural con-
þ uj ¼ þ Pr þ RaPrhdi2 þ fi ð2Þ
@t @xj @xi @xj @xj vection problem, in which a hot cylinder is located at the center
of the cold square enclosure, and compared the surface-averaged
@h @h @2h Nusselt number of the hot cylinder with that obtained by Kim
þ uj ¼ þh ð3Þ
@t @xj @xj @xj et al. [12]. As shown in Table 1, the surface-averaged Nusselt num-
The dimensionless variables in the above equations are defined as bers obtained from the present calculation are in good agreement
with those obtained from the numerical simulation carried out by
t a xi ui L P  L2 T  Tc Kim et al. [12].
t¼ ; xi ¼ ; ui ¼ ; P¼ ; h¼ ð4Þ
L 2 L a qa2 Th  Tc
In the above equations, q, T, and a represent the density, dimen-
sional temperature, and thermal diffusivity, respectively. The super-
script ⁄ in Eq. (4) represents the dimensional variables. xi are
Cartesian coordinates, ui are the corresponding velocity compo-
nents, t is the time, p is the pressure, and h is the temperature.
The above non-dimensionalization results in two dimensionless
parameters: Pr ¼ ma and Ra ¼ gbL ðTmah T c Þ, where m, g, and b are the
kinematic viscosity, gravitational acceleration, and volume expan-
sion coefficient, respectively. In the simulations to be reported
here, the Prandtl number Pr, and r(=R/L) have been taken to be
0.7 (corresponding to air) and 0.2, respectively. The Rayleigh num-
ber, Ra, varies in the range 103–106. The dimensionless vertical
distance d, which represents the position of the two circular cylin-
ders along the vertical centerline, varies in the range 0.25–0.25.
The mass source/sink q in Eq. (1) and momentum forcing fi in
Eqs. (1) and (2) are applied on the body surface or inside the body
to satisfy the no-slip condition and mass conservation in the cell
containing the immersed boundary. In Eq. (3), the heat source/sink
h is applied to satisfy the isothermal boundary condition on the
immersed boundary.
A two-step time-split scheme was used to advance the flow
field. This scheme was based on the previous works of Kim and
Moin [17] and Zang et al. [18]. The temperature field was advanced
in a similar manner by using a second-order Adams–Bashforth Fig. 2. Typical grid distribution for d = 0.
scheme for the advection term and a Crank–Nicolson scheme for
the diffusion term. The central difference scheme with second-
order accuracy based on the finite volume method was used for
the spatial discretization. Additionally, a second-order linear or
Table 1
bilinear interpolation scheme was applied to satisfy the no-slip Comparison of surface-averaged Nusselt numbers obtained from this study with
and isothermal conditions on the immersed boundary. Further those obtained from a previous numerical study.
details on the immersed-boundary method are provided in Kim
Ra Mean Nusselt number at hot wall
et al. [19] and Kim and Choi [20].
For the velocity boundary conditions, no-slip and no- Present study Kim et al. [12] Difference (%)

penetration boundary conditions were imposed at the walls. For 103 5.107 5.093 1.492
the thermal boundary conditions, h = 0 was imposed at the walls 104 5.128 5.108 0.392
105 7.836 7.767 0.888
of the enclosure and cold inner cylinder, whereas h = 1 was used
106 14.462 14.11 2.495
for the wall of the hot inner cylinder.
7914 Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925

3. Results and discussion the fluid flow and heat transfer. Thus, the distributions of the iso-
therms and streamlines for Ra = 104, as shown in Fig. 3(b), are gen-
Fig. 3 shows the distributions of isotherms and streamlines for erally similar to those for Ra = 103, as shown in Fig. 3(a).
four different Rayleigh numbers (103, 104, 105, and 106) when When Ra = 105, a plume rising from the hot cylinder interacts
d = 0. For all Rayleigh numbers considered in this study, the flow with the cold cylinder and cold square enclosure. As a result, con-
and thermal fields eventually reach steady state when d = 0. Be- vection plays an important role in the distributions of the fluid
cause the hot and cold cylinders are located at the left and right flow and heat transfer in the enclosure, in addition to conduction.
sides of the enclosure, respectively, a plume rising from the hot A thermal plume is formed at the top of the hot cylinder and slants
cylinder interacts with the cold cylinder and square enclosure. As to the right because of the greater amount of space on the right
a result, small counterclockwise eddies form at the left side, side of the enclosure. As a result, the sizes of the counterclockwise
whereas large clockwise eddies form at the right side of the eddy and secondary clockwise eddy embedded in the primary
enclosure. clockwise eddy at the upper part of the enclosure become larger
When Ra = 103, the heat transfer in the enclosure is mainly than those at the lower part of the enclosure, as shown in
dominated by the conduction mode. Thus, the isotherms and Fig. 3(c). The thermal gradient at the bottom part of the hot cylin-
streamlines are almost symmetric about the horizontal centerline der and top wall of the enclosure for Ra = 105 is larger than that for
at y = 0, as shown in Fig. 3(a). Because the hot and cold cylinders Ra = 103 and 104 because of the increasing effect of convection
are located at the left and right sides of the enclosure, respectively, with the increasing Rayleigh number.
the isotherm distribution only surrounds the hot cylinder. This When Ra = 106, the strong plume rising from the hot cylinder
gives a larger thermal gradient at the left and right sides of the impinges on the top of the enclosure and slants more toward the
hot cylinder because of the relatively smaller spaces available upper right part of the enclosure, with a strong increase in the ef-
and a smaller thermal gradient at the top and bottom sides of fect of convection on the fluid flow and heat transfer in the enclo-
the hot cylinder because of relatively larger spaces available. As a sure, compared to that when Ra = 105. As a result, the sizes of the
result, counterclockwise and clockwise eddies are formed at the counterclockwise eddy and secondary clockwise eddy embedded
left and right parts of the enclosure, respectively. The size of the in the primary clockwise eddy at the upper part of the enclosure
counterclockwise eddies at the left side of the enclosure is much become much larger than those at the lower part of the enclosure,
smaller than that of the clockwise eddies at the right side of the as shown in Fig. 3(d). The thermal gradient around the hot cylinder
enclosure because of the presence of the hot cylinder at the left and top wall of the enclosure for Ra = 106 becomes larger than
part of the enclosure. Because the gap between the hot cylinder those for Ra = 103, 104, and 105 because of the increasing effect of
and left wall of the enclosure is small, two counterclockwise eddies convection with the increasing Rayleigh number. However, the
formed at the left upper and lower parts of the enclosure. Because thermal gradient along the bottom wall for Ra = 106 is smaller than
the cold cylinder is located at the right part of the enclosure and that for Ra = 103, 104, and 105 because of the increase in the stag-
the distance between the hot cylinder and right wall of the enclo- nant region at the lower part of the enclosure with the increasing
sure is large, the primary clockwise eddy circulates around the cold Rayleigh number.
cylinder and two secondary clockwise eddies embedded in the pri-
mary clockwise eddy are formed between the hot and cold 3.1. Ra = 103 and Ra = 104
When Ra = 104, the conduction is still a dominant heat transfer Fig. 4 shows the distributions of the isotherms and streamlines
mode in the enclosure because of the small effect of convection on when the hot and cold cylinders are located at different vertical

Fig. 3. Isotherms and streamlines at d = 0 for four different Rayleigh numbers: (a) 103, (b) 104, (c) 105, and (d) 106.
Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925 7915

Fig. 4. Isotherms and streamlines for different d values at Ra = 103 and Ra = 104 (contour values range from 0 to 1 with 10 levels).

positions at the lower and upper parts of the enclosure, along with tal center line at y = 0 when Ra = 104, unlike to the symmetric ones
the corresponding negative and positive values of d, respectively, when Ra = 103 .
when Ra = 103 and Ra = 104. Because the heat transfer in the enclo- Fig. 5 shows the distribution of the local Nusselt numbers along
sure is mainly dominated by the conduction mode at Ra = 103, the the surface of the left hot cylinder (Nuhot cyl ), right cold cylinder
distributions of the flow and thermal fields for different values of d (Nucold cyl ) and walls of the enclosure (Nuen) for different vertical
are generally similar to those for d = 0, corresponding to the case positions of the two cylinders when Ra = 103. The distributions of
where two cylinders are located at the horizontal centerline of Nuhot cyl , Nucold cyl , and Nuen depend on the distributions of the iso-
the enclosure, as shown in Fig. 3(a). However, when the two cylin- therms shown in Figs. 3 and 4. When Ra = 103, the heat transfer
ders move downward with d < 0, the size of the two vortices at the in the enclosure is mainly dominated by the conduction mode.
lower part of the enclosure decreases with the decreasing space For all values of d at Ra = 103, the values of Nuhotcyl have two local
between the two cylinders and the bottom wall of the enclosure, high peaks at around / = 90° and / = 270° for the hot cylinder be-
whereas that at the upper part increases with the increasing space cause the distance between the left hot and right cold cylinders
between the two cylinders and the top wall of the enclosure, com- and the distance between the left wall of the enclosure and left
pared to the equal sizes of the vortices at the lower and upper parts hot cylinder are small under the dominant conduction heat trans-
of the enclosure when d = 0. When the two cylinders move upward fer mode, forming denser distributions of isotherms at around /
with d > 0, the variation in the sizes of the lower and upper vortices = 90° and / = 270° for the hot cylinder, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4.
is the opposite to that when d < 0, resulting in a decreasing size of Thus, when Ra = 103, the values of Nuhot cyl at around / = 90° and
the upper vortices and increasing size of the lower vortices. As a re- / = 270° for the hot cylinder do not depend on d but have almost
sult, when d < 0, the value of the thermal gradient around the hot the same values for different values of d. However, the values of
cylinder is high at the bottom side of the cylinder and low at the Nuhot cyl at around / = 0° and / = 180° strongly depend on d because
top side of the cylinder. However, when d > 0, the value of the ther- the space available for heat transfer between the hot cylinder and
mal gradient around the hot cylinder is opposite to that when d < 0, bottom and top walls of the enclosure varies according to d. Thus,
resulting in a high value at the top side of the hot cylinder and low as d decreases at d 6 0, the distance between the hot cylinder and
value at the bottom side of the hot cylinder. Because of the conduc- top wall of the enclosure increases, whereas the distance between
tion dominance in the heat transfer at Ra = 103, the distributions of the hot cylinder and bottom wall of the enclosure decreases,
the thermal and flow fields for d > 0 shown in Fig. 4(b) are symmet- resulting in a significant increase in the value of Nuhot cyl at around
ric to those for d < 0 shown in Fig. 4(a), with respect to the horizon- / = 180° and a slight decrease in Nuhot cyl at around / = 0°. When
tal center line at y = 0. d = 0.25, another high peak for Nuhot cyl at around / = 180° is
When Ra = 104, the effect of convection on the fluid flow and formed, in addition to two local high peaks at around / = 90° and
heat transfer is still small, and as a result, the distributions of the / = 270° where the value of Nuhot cyl at around / = 180° is similar
isotherms and streamlines for Ra = 104 are generally similar to to that at / = 270° However, as d increases at d P 0, the distance
those for Ra = 103. However, because of the slightly increasing ef- between the hot cylinder and top wall of the enclosure decreases,
fect of convection on the fluid flow and heat transfer as the Ray- whereas the distance between the hot cylinder and bottom wall of
leigh number increases to 104 from 103, the distributions of the the enclosure increases, resulting in a slight decrease in the value
flow and thermal fields for d < 0 shown in Fig. 4(c) are not symmet- of Nuhot cyl at around / = 180° and a significant increase in Nuhot cyl
ric to those for d > 0 shown in Fig. 4(d), with respect to the horizon- at around / = 0°. When d = 0.25, another high peak for Nuhot cyl at
7916 Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925

Fig. 5. Distributions of local Nusselt numbers along (a) surface of hot inner cylinder ðNuhot cyl Þ, (b) surface of cold inner cylinder ðNucold cyl Þ, and (c) walls of enclosure (Nuen) for
different d values at Ra = 103.

around / = 0° also forms, in addition to two local high peaks at 270° < / < 360° with increasing d at d P 0 because of the decreas-
around / = 90° and / = 270°, where the value of Nuhot cyl at around ing distance between the cylinders and bottom wall of the enclo-
/ = 0° is also similar to that at / = 270°. sure or the decreasing distance between the cylinders and top
Unlike the distribution of Nuhot cyl , the distribution of Nucold cyl has wall of the enclosure. However, the values of Nucold cyl in the region
only one local high peak value at around / = 270°, regardless of the of 270° < / < 360° at d 6 0 and in the region of 180° < / < 270° at
value of d, because the distance between the hot and cold cylinders d P 0:0 do not depend on the variation in d. The values of
is small at around / = 270° under the dominant conduction heat Nucold cyl at around 0° < / < 180° for all the values of d are almost
transfer mode at Ra = 103, and as a result, a relatively denser distri- zero because the left side of the cold cylinder corresponding to
bution of isotherms forms at around / = 270°. The variation in 0° < / < 180° is exposed to the right cold wall of the enclosure.
Nucold cyl according to d is much smaller than that in Nuhot cyl because The distribution of Nuen also depends strongly on the position of
the temperature of the cold cylinder is the same as that of the cold the cylinders in the enclosure in the conduction dominant regime
enclosure. The values of Nucold cyl decrease slightly in the region of of Ra = 103. In the region from point A to point B, along the top wall
180° < / < 270° with decreasing d at d 6 0 or in the region of of the enclosure, as d increases from d = 0.25 to d = 0.25, the
Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925 7917

Fig. 6. Distributions of local Nusselt numbers along (a) surface of hot inner cylinder ðNuhot cyl Þ, (b) surface of cold inner cylinder ðNucold cyl Þ, and (c) walls of enclosure (Nuen) for
different d values at Ra = 104.

distance between the two cylinders and top wall decreases, and as are almost the same because of the small distance between the hot
a result, the values of Nuen increase. In the region from point B to cylinder and left wall of the enclosure. However, the location at
point C along the right wall of the enclosure, the distribution of which Nuen has a high peak value in the region from point D to
Nuen is almost zero because the cold cylinder and right wall of point E along the left wall of the enclosure depends on d and moves
the enclosure have the same cold temperature. In the region from from point D to point E as the hot cylinder moves upward with
point C to point D, along the bottom wall of the enclosure, as d in- increasing d.
creases from d = 0.25 to d = 0.25, the distance between the two Fig. 6 shows the distributions of the local Nusselt numbers
cylinders and bottom wall decreases, and as a result, the values along the surface of the left hot cylinder (Nuhot cyl ), right cold cylin-
of Nuen decrease. This is the opposite to the distribution of Nuen der (Nucold cyl ), and walls of the enclosure (Nuen) for different vertical
in the region from point A to point B along the top wall of the positions of the two cylinders when Ra = 104. When Ra = 104, the
enclosure. In the region from point D to point E along the left wall fluid flow and heat transfer in the enclosure are still governed
of the enclosure, the high peak values of Nuen for different d values mainly by the conduction mode. As a result, the distributions of
7918 Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925

Fig. 7. Isotherms and streamlines for different d values at Ra = 105 (contour values range from 0 to 1 with 10 levels).

the isotherms and streamlines for Ra = 104 are generally similar to variation in the streamlines circulating in the clockwise or counter-
those for Ra = 103, resulting in similar distributions of Nuhot cyl , clockwise direction in the enclosure according to d is generally
Nucold cyl , and Nuen according to / for different values of d . similar to that when Ra = 103 and Ra = 104. However, when
Ra = 105, the centers of the lower counterclockwise and clockwise
3.2. Ra = 105 eddies at the left and middle sides of the enclosure, respectively,
move upward, compared to those when Ra = 103 and Ra = 104, be-
Fig. 7 shows the distributions of the isotherms and streamlines cause of the increasing effect of convection with the increasing
when the hot and cold cylinders are located at different vertical Rayleigh number. On the other hand, the centers of the upper
positions (d values) in the enclosure when Ra = 105. The distribu- counterclockwise and clockwise eddies at the left and middle sides
tion of the isotherms in the enclosure at Ra = 105 is significantly of the enclosure, respectively, move slightly to the right when
different from those at Ra = 103 and Ra = 104 because the buoy- Ra = 105, compared to those when Ra = 103 and Ra = 104, because
ancy-induced convection from the hot cylinder becomes more pre- the ascending plume from the hot cylinder moves to the upper
dominant than conduction with the increasing Rayleigh number. right with the increasing Rayleigh number.
When the two cylinders move downward with d < 0, more space Fig. 8 shows the distributions of the local Nusselt numbers
is secured between the two cylinders and the top wall of the enclo- along the surface of the left hot inner cylinder (Nuhot cyl ), right cold
sure, which enhances the buoyancy-induced convection. Thus, the inner cylinder (Nucold cyl ), and walls of the enclosure (Nuen) for dif-
ascending plume moves upward along the hot cylinder, giving rise ferent vertical positions of the two cylinders when Ra = 105. The
to a stronger thermal gradient at the location where the rising distributions of the local Nusselt numbers for Ra = 105 are different
plume impinges on the top wall of the enclosure. When the two in- from that those for Ra = 103 and 104 because of the increasing ef-
ner cylinders move upward with d > 0, an ascending plume rising fect of convection induced by the ascending plume from the hot
from the top of the hot cylinder disappears because of the space cylinder with the increasing Rayleigh number, in addition to the ef-
constraint between the two cylinders and the top wall of the enclo- fect of the cylinder’s position within the enclosure. For the case of
sure, which becomes smaller with increasing d. When Ra = 105, the natural convection around a single hot single cylinder in the a cold
Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925 7919

Fig. 8. Distributions of local Nusselt numbers along (a) surface of hot inner cylinder ðNuhot cyl ), (b) surface of cold inner cylinder ðNucold cyl Þ, and (c) walls of enclosure (Nuen) for
different d values at Ra = 105.

environment, without a cold cylinder and cold enclosure, the dis- = 115–124° or / = 217–225°, depending on d, and then increases
tribution of the local Nusselt numbers with / is characterized by again with decreasing / from / = 115–124° or increasing / from
a maximum at / = 180° and a monotonic decay with decreasing / = 217–225° until it reaches high peak values at around / = 75°
/ from 180° to 0° or increasing / from 180° to 360° because of or / = 270°. At around / = 270°, the dependency of the local high
boundary layer development, which begins at / = 180° and con- peak of Nuhot cyl on the distance between the left wall of the enclo-
cludes at around / = 0° (or / = 360°) with the formation of a plume sure and the hot cylinder is very strong because of the small dis-
ascending from the cylinder. However, for the case of the present tance, whereas its dependency on the Rayleigh number is very
natural convection around a hot cylinder located in a cold enclo- weak, resulting in similar high peak values of Nuhot cyl at around
sure in the presence of a cold cylinder, the ascending plume that / = 270° for different Rayleigh numbers of Ra = 103, 104, and 105.
begins at around / = 180° for the hot cylinder interacts with both When Ra = 103 and 104, another local high peak appears at around
the right cold cylinder and the cold enclosure. As a result, Nuhot cyl / = 90° because of the small distance between the left hot and right
has a local high peak at around / = 180°, decreases with decreasing cold cylinders in the dominant conduction heat transfer regime.
or increasing / from / = 180°, reaches local low peaks at around / However, if the Rayleigh number increases to 105, the local high
7920 Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925

peak of Nuhot cyl moves to / = 75° from / = 90° when Ra = 103 and between the cylinders and bottom wall of the enclosure becomes
104 because of the increasing effect of the ascending plume along more dominant than the convection effect induced by the ascend-
the hot cylinder with the increasing Rayleigh number, in addition ing plume. As a result, the distribution of Nuen for Ra = 105 is
to the gap effect between the hot and cold cylinders. The distribu- similar to that for Ra = 104. However, when d P 0:1 for Ra = 105,
tion of Nuhot cyl at 75° < / < 270° for Ra = 105 is similar to that for the stagnant region between the hot cylinder and bottom wall of
Ra = 103 and 104, resulting in increasing values of Nuhot cyl with the enclosure increases as a result of the increasing effect of con-
decreasing d at d 6 0 because of the decreasing distance between vection with the increasing Rayleigh number, as shown in the dis-
the hot cylinder and bottom wall of the enclosure, along with a tributions of the isotherms in Figs. 4 and 7. Thus, the values of Nuen
small variation in Nuhot cyl with increasing d at d P 0 because of along the bottom wall of the enclosure at d = 0.1 and d = 0 for
the increasing stagnant region with the increasing distance be- Ra = 105 are lower than those for Ra = 104 and those at d P 0:1
tween the hot cylinder and bottom wall of the enclosure. The val- for Ra = 105 are almost zero.
ues of Nuhot cyl at d 6 0 for Ra = 105 keep decreasing as / decreases When we move from point D to point E along the left wall of the
from / = 75° to 0° or increases from / = 270° to 360°. As d increases enclosure, the effect of the gap between the hot cylinder and left
at d 6 0 for Ra = 105, the values of Nuhot cyl decrease slightly in the wall of the enclosure on the distribution of Nuen along the left wall
region 0° < / < 75° and show a small variation in the region of the enclosure becomes dominant because of the small distance
270° < / < 360° because the effects of the ascending plume from between the hot cylinder and left wall of the enclosure. Thus, the
the hot cylinder on Nuhot cyl in these regions are stronger than the distribution of Nuen along the left wall of the enclosure for
effect of the gap between the hot cylinder and top wall of the Ra = 105 is similar to that for Ra = 103 and 104; the peak values of
enclosure, as shown in the distribution of the isotherms in Fig. 7. Nuen at the left wall of the enclosure for different values of d for
When d = 0.1 for Ra = 105, the effect of the ascending plume from Ra = 105 are almost the same as those for Ra = 103 and 104, and
the hot cylinder on Nuhot cyl is still strong, resulting in a decreasing the location at which Nuen at the left wall of the enclosure has a
Nuhot cyl with decreasing / from / = 75° to / = 0° or increasing / peak value moves upward from point D to point E along the left
from / = 270° to / = 360°. However, when d = 0.2 or 0.25 for wall of the enclosure as d increases. However, when d 6 0 at
Ra = 105, the ascending plume from the hot cylinder disappears Ra = 105, we can observe another peak for Nuen at the upper part
and the effect of the gap between the cylinders and the top wall of the left wall of the enclosure because of the presence of the
of the enclosure becomes much stronger, resulting in a significant ascending plume from the hot cylinder, unlike the monotonic de-
increase in the value of Nuhot cyl with decreasing / from / = 42–51° cay of Nuen from the high peak to the very low value at point E
to / = 0° or increasing / from / = 317–327° to / = 360°. when Ra = 103 and 104 .
The distribution of Nucold cyl according to / for different values of
d at Ra = 105 is generally similar to that at Ra = 103 and 104, except 3.3. Ra = 106
for the fact that the variation in Nucold cyl according to d at Ra = 105 is
slightly larger than that at Ra = 103 and 104 because of the increas- Fig. 9 shows the distributions of the isotherms and streamlines
ing effect of convection. when the hot and cold cylinders are located at different vertical
The distributions of Nuen along the enclosure wall for different positions (d values) in the enclosure when Ra = 106. When the Ray-
values of d at Ra = 105 are different from those at Ra = 103 and leigh number increases to Ra = 106, the magnitude of the velocity
104 because of increasing convection effect with increasing Ray- circulating in the enclosure increases and the isotherms are dis-
leigh number. When we move from point A to point B along the torted more as a result of the stronger convection effects. As a re-
top wall of the enclosure at Ra = 104, the values of Nuen increase sult, the thickness of the thermal boundary formed at the hot inner
with the decreasing distance between the cylinders and top wall cylinder and the enclosure wall becomes thinner, giving a larger
of the enclosure as the cylinders move upward with increasing d. thermal gradient. The distributions of the isotherms and stream-
However, when the Rayleigh number increases to 105, the values lines at Ra = 106 are significantly different from those at Ra = 105
of Nuen at the top wall of the enclosure at d 6 0 for Ra = 105 are because of the greater increase in the effect of convection with
higher than those for Ra = 104 because of increasing convection in- the increasing Rayleigh number. When d 6 0:1 for Ra = 106, a single
duced by the ascending plume from the hot cylinder and increase ascending plume is formed around the hot cylinder. However,
with increasing d at d 6 0, similar to that at Ra = 104. When d = 0.1 when d = 0.2 and 0.25 for Ra = 106, two ascending plumes and
at Ra = 105, the peak value of Nuen at the top wall of the enclosure is one descending plume are formed between the hot cylinder and
slightly smaller than that at d = 0.0 because of the combined effects top wall of the enclosure, as shown in Figs. 9(e) and (f), because
of convection induced by the ascending plume from the hot of the decreasing space between the two cylinders and top wall
cylinder and the distance between the cylinders and top wall of of the enclosure with increasing d. When Ra = 106, the isothermal
the enclosure. However, as d increases to 0.2 and 0.25 at lines extend more to the upper right corner because of stronger
Ra = 105, the effect of the distance between the cylinders and top convection at all d values, compared to those at the lower Rayleigh
wall of the enclosure becomes greater than the effect of convec- numbers of 103, 104, and 105. At d ¼ 0:2 for Ra = 106, the lower
tion, resulting in higher values of Nuen compared to those at counterclockwise and clockwise vortices at the left and middle of
d 6 0:1, which result in variations in Nuen along the top wall of the enclosure, are each separated into two vortices. However, the
the enclosure at d = 0.2 and 0.25 for Ra = 105 that are similar to divided lower eddies at the left of the enclosure merge again into
those for Ra = 104 . a single eddy at d = 0.25 for Ra = 106 .
When we move from point B to point C along the right wall of Fig. 10 shows the distributions of the local Nusselt numbers
the enclosure at Ra = 105, the values of Nuen along the right wall along the surfaces of the left hot inner cylinder (Nuhot cyl ), right cold
of the enclosure are very small because the hot cylinder is located inner cylinder (Nucold cyl ), and walls of the enclosure (Nuen) for dif-
at the left part of the enclosure, similar to those when Ra = 104. ferent vertical positions of the two cylinders at Ra = 106. As the
However, the values of Nuen at the upper part of the right wall of Rayleigh number increases to 106, the effect of convection becomes
the enclosure at Ra = 105 are slightly higher than those at much larger than that at the lower Rayleigh numbers of Ra = 103,
Ra = 104 because of the convection effect induced by the ascending 104, and 105. When Ra = 105, the hot cylinder has a stagnation
plume from the hot cylinder. point at around / = 180°, and isotherms are separated from the
When d = 0.2 and d = 0.25 in the region from point C to point hot cylinder at around / = 0°. However, if the Rayleigh number in-
D along the bottom wall of the enclosure, the effect of the gap creases to 106 from 105, the lower stagnation point moves to
Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925 7921

Fig. 9. Isotherms and streamlines for different d values at Ra = 106 (contour values range from 0 to 1 with 10 levels).

around / = 158–168°, depending on d, as a result of the interaction cylinders or from / = 235–238° to / = 280° because of the interac-
of the ascending plume with the cold cylinder and cold enclosure, tion between the hot cylinder and left wall of the enclosure, show-
and the ascending plume is separated from the hot cylinder at ing a small variation in the values of Nuhot cyl in this region
around / = 10–12° because the isotherms are slanted to the right according to d. For a similar reason, when d P 0 at Ra = 106,
and extended to the upper right corner as a result of strong convec- Nuhot cyl increases from / = 91–94° to / = 70–76° or from / = 235°
tion. As a result, when Ra = 106, Nuhot cyl has a local high peak at to / = 280°, showing a small variation in the values of Nuhot cyl
around / = 158–168°, depending on d . according to d .
When d 6 0 at Ra = 106, as / decreases or increases along the When 0:25 6 d 6 0:1, Nuhot cyl decreases again from / = 71–73°
right or left side of the hot cylinder from / = 158–168° (lower stag- to /=10–12° (corresponding to the separation point of the ascend-
nation point), Nuhot cyl decreases from / = 158–168° to / = 90–93° ing plume from the hot cylinder) as a result of the further develop-
or to / = 235–238°, depending on d, because of the increasing ther- ment of the thermal boundary layer of the ascending thermal
mal boundary layer thickness as the plume moves upward along plume along the right side of the hot cylinder, showing a small var-
the hot cylinder surface. Similarly, when d P 0 at Ra = 106, as / de- iation in the values of Nuhot cyl according to d because of the strong
creases or increases from / = 168° (lower stagnation point), Nuhot cyl effect of convection on Nuhot cyl , followed by a small increase in
decreases from / = 168° to / = 91–94° or to / = 235° because of the Nuhot cyl from / = 10–12° to / = 0°. However, when d = 0.2 or 0.25
increasing thermal boundary layer thickness. Because the effect of at Ra = 106, two ascending plumes and one descending plume exist
convection on Nuhot cyl is stronger than the effect of the cylinder po- on the top of the hot cylinder, as shown in Fig. 9. As a result, when
sition in the enclosure at Ra = 106, in the region from / = 90–94° to d = 0.2 or 0.25, Nuhot cyl decreases from / = 76° to / = 35–44° (corre-
/ = 235–238°, depending on d, the value of Nuhot cyl for Ra = 106 is sponding to the separation point of the ascending plume from the
much higher than that for Ra = 105 at 0:25 6 d 6 0:2, and the var- hot cylinder), followed by a large increase in Nuhot cyl as a result of
iation in the peak value of Nuhot cyl for Ra = 106, according to d, is the strong effect of the distance between the hot cylinder and top
smaller than that for Ra = 105. wall of the enclosure, especially at d = 0.25.
When d 6 0 at Ra = 106, Nuhot cyl increases from / = 90–93° to / When 0:25 6 d 6 0:1, Nuhot cyl decreases from / = 280° to /
= 71–73° because of the interaction between the hot and cold = 317–323° owing to further development of the thermal boundary
7922 Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925

Fig. 10. Distributions of local Nusselt numbers along (a) surface of hot inner cylinder ðNuhot cyl Þ, (b) surface of cold inner cylinder ðNucold cyl Þ, and (c) walls of enclosure (Nuen) for
different d values at Ra = 106.

layer of the ascending thermal plume along the left side of the hot effect of convection, as shown in Fig. 9. As a result, the distribution
cylinder, increases from / = 317–323° to / = 331–335° because the of Nucold cyl according to / for different values of d at Ra = 106 is
flow is accelerated in this region by isotherms slanted toward the significantly different from that at Ra = 105 because of the strong
upper right part, and decreases again from / = 331–335° to / effect of the convection on the distributions of the isotherms and
= 360° because the isotherms are separated from the hot cylinder on Nucold cyl around the cold cylinder, as shown in Fig. 8(b) and
with the increasing boundary layer thickness. However, when Fig. 10(b), respectively. When d 6 0 for Ra = 106, the value of
d = 0.2 or 0.25, the effect of the distance between the hot cylinder Nucold cyl has a high peak at around / = 260° and decreases with
and top wall of the enclosure becomes much larger, and as a result, increasing / from / = 260° to / = 305–317° and with decreasing
Nuhot cyl decreases from / = 280° to / = 326–347°, which is followed / from / = 260° to / = 180°, similar to the variation in Nucold cyl in
by a large increase in Nuhot cyl , especially at d = 0.25. the range from / = 180° to / = 318°/325° for Ra = 105. Nucold cyl
When Ra = 106, the isotherms slanting toward the right are ex- increases as / increases from / = 305–317° to / = 360° at d 6 0
tended significantly to the upper right corner because of the strong for Ra = 106 because the ascending plume from the hot cylinder
Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925 7923

is slanted more toward the upper right part of the enclosure as a increasing Rayleigh number, except for that at d = 0.25, which gives
result of stronger effect of convection, compared with the almost almost the same distribution and value of Nuen for Ra = 106 as for
constant small value of Nucold cyl in the range from / = 318–325° Ra = 105 because of the dominant effect of the gap between the cyl-
to / = 360° at d 6 0 for Ra = 105. Because the isotherms are slanted inders and top wall of the enclosure. When Ra = 106, at d = 0 or 0.1,
more toward the upper right part of the enclosure with the Nuen only has one high peak at the position where the ascending
increasing Rayleigh number, Nucold cyl in the region of / = 180– plume impinges on the top wall of the enclosure, whereas at
360° at d 6 0 for Ra = 106 increases with increasing d from d = 0.2 and 0.25, it has two high peaks because of the presence of
d = 0.25 to d = 0, compared with Nucold cyl in the region from / two ascending plumes from the top part of the hot cylinder, as
= 260–265° to / = 318–325° at Ra = 105, which does not depend shown in Fig. 9. When we move from point B and C along the right
on the variation in d owing to the distribution of the isotherms wall of the enclosure at d P 0, the values of Nuen for Ra = 106 are
shown in Fig. 7. Nucold cyl in the region from / = 120° to / = 180° higher than those for Ra = 105, which are almost zero, and decrease
at d 6 0 for Ra = 106 is almost zero because the cold cylinder is ex- with increasing d because the decreasing gap distance between the
posed to the cold enclosure in this region, similar to Nucold cyl in the cold cylinder and top wall of the enclosure blocks the movement of
region from / = 60° to / = 180° at d 6 0 for Ra = 105. Nucold cyl at isotherms through this gap. When we move from point C and D
d 6 0 for Ra = 106 decreases with increasing / from / = 0° to / along the bottom wall of the enclosure at d P 0, the values of Nuen
= 120° and with increasing d from d = 0.25 to d = 0.0, for a reason for Ra = 106 are almost zero because of the increasing stagnant re-
similar to that for the region from / = 305–317° to / = 360° at gion between the cylinders and bottom wall of the enclosure with
d 6 0 for Ra = 106, compared with the small value of Nucold cyl , which increasing d, similar to that for Ra = 105.
is independent of the variation in d, in the region from / = 0° to / When we move from point D and E along the left wall of the
= 60° at d 6 0 for Ra = 105 . enclosure at d P 0, the effect of the gap distance between the
When d P 0 for Ra = 105, Nucold cyl has a peak at / = 260°, de- hot cylinder and left wall of the enclosure becomes stronger. As a
creases with increasing or decreasing / from / = 260°, and be- result, the distribution of Nuen for Ra = 106 is generally similar to
comes almost zero from / = 60 to / = 120. The variation in that for Ra = 105, except for slightly decreasing peak values of Nuen
Nucold cyl according to d at d P 0 for Ra = 105 is small, except for for Ra = 106 with increasing d, compared to the almost constant
the top part of the cold cylinder at around / = 360°. When d P 0 peak values of Nuen for Ra = 105. We can also observe a slight differ-
for Ra = 106, Nucold cyl has a peak at / = 258–261° and decreases with ence in Nuen at around the top part of the left wall of the enclosure
decreasing / from / = 258–261° to / = 120° or increasing / from / between Ra = 105 and Ra = 106.
= 258–261° to / = 287–305°, with a small variation in Nucold cyl
according to d, similar to that for Ra = 105. However, when d P 0 3.4. Surface-averaged Nusselt number
for Ra = 106, Nucold cyl decreases with increasing / from / = 0° to /
= 120° and decreases with increasing d from d = 0 to d = 0.25 be- Fig. 11 shows the surface-averaged Nusselt numbers at the top
cause the smaller gap between the cold cylinder and top wall of wall (NuT ), bottom wall (NuB ), right wall (NuR ), and left wall (NuL )
the enclosure with increasing d blocks the movement of the of the enclosure as a function of d for different Rayleigh numbers.
ascending plume through this gap. In the region from / = 287– NuT generally increases with an increasing Rayleigh number, as
305° to / = 360° at d P 0 for Ra = 106, Nucold cyl has a large variation shown in Fig. 11(a), because of the increasing effect of convection.
according to d because of the strong interaction between the cold When Ra = 103 or 104, conduction is the dominant heat transfer
cylinder and ascending plume from the hot cylinder. As a result, mode, and the distribution of the isotherms strongly depends on
Nucold cyl at d P 0 for Ra = 106 increases in the region from / the locations of the cylinders in the enclosure, resulting in small
= 287–305° to / = 313–351°, which is followed by a decrease in differences in the values of NuT according to d between Ra = 103
Nucold cyl in the region from / = 313–351° to / = 360°. and 104. When Ra = 103 or 104, NuT increases gradually as d in-
When we move from point A and B along the top wall of the creases from 0.25 to 0.1, whereas it increases very rapidly as
enclosure at d 6 0, the distributions of Nuen along the top wall of d increases from 0.1 to 0.25 because of the much stronger effect
the enclosure for Ra = 106 are similar to those for Ra = 105 for dif- of the distance between the cylinders and top wall of the enclo-
ferent d values. However, the values of Nuen along the top wall of sure. As the Rayleigh number increases to 105, the values of NuT be-
the enclosure at d 6 0 for Ra = 106 are higher than those for come higher than those for Ra = 103 and 104 as a result of the
Ra = 105 because of increasing convection with the increasing Ray- increasing effect of convection. When Ra = 105, the values of NuT
leigh number. When we move from point B and C along the right increase gradually as d increases from - 0.25 to 0, similar to that
wall of the enclosure at d 6 0, the distribution of Nuen for for Ra = 103 and 104. However, as d increases from 0 to 0.1, the va-
Ra = 106 is also similar to that for Ra = 105, except the values of lue of NuT decreases because the space between the hot cylinder
Nuen on the right wall of the enclosure at d 6 0 for Ra = 106 are and top wall of the enclosure for the movement of the ascending
higher than those for Ra = 105. When we move from point C and plume from the hot cylinder is not secured. As a result, the ascend-
D along the bottom wall of the enclosure, the values of Nuen along ing plume from the hot cylinder, which exists at d 6 0 and im-
the bottom wall of the enclosure at d = 0, 0.1, and 0.2 for pinges on the top wall of the enclosure, disappears. As d
Ra = 106 are lower than those for Ra = 105 because of the increasing increases from 0.1 to 0.25 for Ra = 105, the value of NuT increases
stagnant region between the cylinders and bottom wall of the again because of the increasing effect of the gap distance between
enclosure with the increasing Rayleigh number, which is especially the cylinders and top wall of the enclosure. The values of NuT at
close to a zero value for Nuen at d = 0 and 0.1. However, the distri- d = 0.2 and 0.25 for Ra = 105 are similar to those for Ra = 103 and
bution of Nuen at d = 0.25 for Ra = 106 is similar to that for Ra = 105 104 because of the strong effect of the gap distance between the
because of the stronger effect of the gap between the cylinders and cylinders and top wall of the enclosure. As the Rayleigh number in-
bottom wall of the enclosure compared to the convection effect. creases to 106, the value of NuT becomes much higher than those
When the cylinders move upward, the distribution of Nuen for for Ra = 103, 104, and 105 because of the much larger effect of con-
Ra = 106 is different from that for Ra = 105, especially at the top vection. As d increases from 0.25 to 0.1 at Ra = 106, the value of
and left walls of the enclosure. When we move from point A and NuT increases gradually. However, as d increases from 0.1 to 0.2
B along the top wall of the enclosure at d P 0, the values of Nuen at Ra = 106, the value of NuT decreases slightly because of the pres-
for different values of d at Ra = 106 are higher than those at ence of two ascending plumes and a descending plume between
Ra = 105 because of the strong effect of the convection with the the top wall of the enclosure and the hot cylinder. As d increases
7924 Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925

Fig. 11. Surface-averaged Nusselt numbers as function of d for four different Rayleigh numbers at each wall: (a) top wall ðNuT Þ, (b) bottom wall ðNuB Þ, (c) right wall ðNuR Þ, and
(d) left wall ðNuL Þ.

from 0.2 to 0.25 at Ra = 106, the value of NuT increases again be- of the enclosure blocks the movement of isotherms through this
cause of the strong effect of the gap distance between the cylinders gap.
and top wall of the enclosure. Unlike to the distributions of NuT , NuB , and NuR , the distribution
NuB generally decreases as a result of the increasing stagnant re- of NuL does not depend very much on the Rayleigh number but
gion between the cylinders and bottom wall of the enclosure with strongly depends on the distance between the hot cylinder and left
increasing d. NuB decreases rapidly as d increases from 0.25 to 0.1 wall of the enclosure, resulting in small differences in the values of
because of the strong effect of the distance between the cylinders NuL for different Rayleigh numbers. When Ra = 103, 104, or 105, the
and bottom wall of the enclosure, followed by a gradual decrease
as d increases from 0.1 to 0.25. The value of NuB for Ra = 104 is al-
most the same as that for Ra = 103 because of the dominant heat
transfer mode of conduction. As the Rayleigh number increases
to 105 and 106, the values of NuB become lower than those for
Ra = 103 and 104 because of the increasing stagnant region caused
by the increasing convection with increasing Rayleigh number. In
particular, the values of NuB for Ra = 106 are almost zero in the re-
gion 0:1 6 d 6 0:25 .
When Ra = 103 and 104, the values of NuR are almost zero be-
cause the cold cylinder is located close to the right wall of the cold
enclosure under the dominant conduction heat transfer mode. As
the Rayleigh number increases to 105, the values of NuR are slightly
higher than those for Ra = 103 and 104 but are still very low. If the
Rayleigh number increases further to 106, the values of NuR are
much higher than those for Ra = 103, 104, and 105 because an
ascending plume from the hot cylinder moves to the upper right
part of the enclosure as a result of the strong effect of convection,
as shown in Fig. 9, and transfers heat to the right wall of the enclo-
sure. As d increases at Ra = 106, the value of NuR decreases because Fig. 12. Surface-averaged Nusselt numbers of enclosure ðNuen Þ as function of d for
the decreasing gap distance between the cold cylinder and top wall different Rayleigh numbers.
Y.G. Park et al. / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 55 (2012) 7911–7925 7925

value of NuL has a maximum at d = 0 and decreases slightly with between the cold cylinder and top wall of the enclosure. The distri-
increasing or decreasing d. When Ra = 106, the value of NuL at bution of NuL strongly depended on the small distance between the
d < 0 is slightly higher than that at d > 0 because of the greater hot cylinder and left wall of the enclosure, resulting in a small var-
amount of secure space between the cylinders and top wall of iation according to the Rayleigh number and cylinder position d.
the enclosure for the movement of the ascending plume from the When Ra = 103 or 104, the profiles of Nuen as a function of d showed
hot cylinder. As a result, the values of NuL at d < 0 for Ra = 106 almost symmetric shapes with respect to d = 0. However, when
are slightly higher than those for Ra 6 105 , whereas those at d > 0 Ra = 105 or 106, this symmetry of Nuen was broken because of the
for Ra = 106 are slightly lower than those for Ra 6 105 . increasing effect of convection with the increasing Rayleigh
Fig. 12 shows the surface-averaged Nusselt numbers of the number.
enclosure (Nuen ) as a function of d for different Rayleigh numbers.
Nuen represents the surface-averaged sum of NuT , NuB , NuR , and Acknowledgement
NuL , as shown in Fig. 11(a)–(d). When Ra = 103 or 104, Nuen has a
parabolic profile with a minimum value at d = 0. The value of This research was supported by the Leading Foreign Research
Nuen at Ra = 104 is slightly higher than that at Ra = 103. However, Institute Recruitment Program through the National Research
when Ra = 105 or 106, the symmetry of Nuen is broken because of Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education,
the increasing effect of convection with the increasing Rayleigh Science and Technology (MEST) (No. K20703001798-11E0100-
number. Nuen increases with the increasing Rayleigh number as a 00310) and this work was supported by the Korean Research Foun-
result of the increasing effect of convection. dation (KRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MEST) (Nos.
20110027445 and 20100025618).
4. Conclusions
The present study investigated the effects the presence of left
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