Blockchain Based Cloud Computing Architecture and Research Challenges

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Received October 23, 2020, accepted November 4, 2020, date of publication November 9, 2020, date of current version November

23, 2020.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3036812

Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture

and Research Challenges
1 Schoolof Information Technology and Engineering, VIT, Vellore 632014, India
2 Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Beirut Arab University, Beirut 11072809, Lebanon
3 Department of Computer Engineering, Sungkyul University, Anyang 430-742, South Korea

Corresponding author: Sangsoon Lim (

This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean Government (MSIT) under
Grant NRF- 2018R1C1B5038818.

ABSTRACT Blockchain technology is a distributed ledger with records of data containing all details of
the transactions carried out and distributed among the nodes present in the network. All the transactions
carried out in the system are confirmed by consensus mechanisms, and the data once stored cannot be
altered. Blockchain technology is the necessary technology behind Bitcoin, which is a popular digital
Cryptocurrency. ‘‘Cloud computing is a practice of using a network of remote servers hosted on the internet
to store, manage, and process data, rather than a local server or a personal computer.’’ It is still facing many
challenges like data security, data management, compliance, reliability. In this article, we have mentioned
some of the significant challenges faced by the cloud and proposed solutions by integrating it with blockchain
technology. We tend to investigate a brief survey on earlier studies focused on blockchain integrating with the
cloud to depict their supremacy. In this survey, we have also developed architecture integrating blockchain
with cloud revealing the communication between blockchain and cloud.

INDEX TERMS Cloud computing, Blockchain technology, data security, decentralization, data manage-

I. INTRODUCTION Blockchain Technology is the future of the industries striv-

Cloud computing is a well-defined technology that emerged ing for security and privacy improvements. Blockchain is
from large-scale, distributed computing technology. Cloud a distributed ledger that records tamper-evident data in the
computing helps to reduce the processing burden on users form of a chain without any central authority. The partici-
[52]. There are many advantages like reducing hardware and pants or the devices in the blockchain technology are called
maintenance costs, availability across the globe, flexibility nodes. Blockchain provides a decentralized network in which
with a highly automated process, and easy scalability. Many all the network nodes have active participation to validate and
major corporations have adopted cloud-like IBM, Google, verify the data. The data going to store in the blockchain will
Amazon, and Microsoft. Many applications are prototypes be encrypted using cryptography. Every block contains an
that have come up like Google App Engine, Google Cloud encrypted hash, timestamp, and hash of the previous block in
Platform, the Amazon Cloud, the Elastic computing platform, the chain through which the block will connect. So, the data
etc. [54]. It provides us the facility of pay-per-use policy and in the blockchain is tamper-evident. Blockchain provides the
flexible IT architecture accessible through the internet from data with security, and participating users will be verified in
portable devices. Even though the cloud has many useful ser- the network, eliminating the data’s privacy concern [70].
vices, the organizations are slow in accepting this due to their To facilitate cloud computing growth, we can overcome
privacy concerns. Security issues and the cloud’s challenges the data’s privacy and security concerns by integrating with
are significant drawbacks of hampering the cloud [44]. blockchain technology. It improves data security, service
availability, and it can manage cloud data. In this article,
section II gives you the introduction to cloud computing con-
The associate editor coordinating the review of this manuscript and cepts. Section III explains blockchain technology, its char-
approving it for publication was Claudio Agostino Ardagna . acteristics, blockchain types, blockchain layers, architecture,

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License. For more information, see
205190 VOLUME 8, 2020
CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

working, and other leading applications. Section IV explains TABLE 1. Comparing the Layers of Cloud Maintained by User and Cloud
Provider in Different Delivery Models.
to us the benefits of integrating cloud with blockchain tech-
nology, with the proposed architecture.


In this Internet era, there are millions of websites hosted by
the web. A stack of servers is needed to maintain the hosted
site, which is very costly. The traffic rate of those servers must
be constant, and they should be monitored and maintained
continuously. There will be a need to hire more people to
organize these servers and keep them. Data centers will store
all the data. So, continuous efforts in maintaining the server
issue, and the employees may divert us from achieving the
business goals. To avoid this hectic maintenance, we are
adopting ‘‘Cloud Computing.’’ ‘‘Cloud computing is a prac-
servers with a unique IP address. Amazon EC2, GoGrid, is the
tice of using a network of remote servers to store, manage
best example of IaaS [41].
and process data from any corner of the world. It is used
Table 1 compares the layers of cloud maintained by the
in place of a local server or a personal computer’’. Cloud
user and the cloud provider in different delivery models.
computing services like storing the data and applications are
In Software as a Service (SaaS), only the data layer will be
delivered to the organization’s devices through the internet
held by the user, and a cloud service provider will maintain
[44]. Cloud computing provides many advantages through the
the other layers. In Platform as a Service (PaaS), the user and
services combining the data centers, resources, and servers
the cloud service provider will hold the data and application
through the internet. These services are based on pay per use
layer and support the other layers. In Infrastructure as Service
regulation. The services are available anywhere globally and
(IaaS), the data layer, application layer, runtime, middleware,
with significantly less cost payment, improving collaboration
operating system layers are maintained by the user. The
among employees. The software present in the cloud will be
remaining layers called virtualization, servers, and the Cloud
updated automatically, which makes the cloud easily man-
Service provider should support storage and Networking.
ageable. The service consumer will also be having control
over the documents in the cloud. It is also having some
limitations [16]. As the cloud data is very flexible, there are A. CLOUD DEPLOYMENT MODELS
some securities, privacy challenges to be taken care of and Public Cloud: Public cloud is the one that can be used by
vulnerable to attacks. When there is a heavy load of users, different customers who need to get together on servers,
there are chances of the cloud having its downtimes. and these are owned and managed by providers. The cloud
Cloud provides many services, and they are classified infrastructure is open to use for the public and can be used
mainly into three delivery models. The first service is Soft- by more than one enterprise when acquired dynamically. The
ware as a Service (SaaS), which is like an application hosted cloud providers host and maintain these clouds. Sometimes,
to customers provided across the internet. The Cloud Ser- the cloud provider hosts the customer to lower customer risk
vice Provider delivers the complete applications or projects and cost for a short-term extension. Microsoft Azure and
as a single platform of the software running in the cloud, Google App Engine are examples. [16]
offering multiple services for many users. Cloud customers Private Cloud: This is majorly built on the demand of
do not have control over the cloud infrastructure. Amazon single clients, providing ownership on data, its security, and it
web services,, Google Mail constitute a sig- is client-dedicated. The infrastructure and applications which
nificant example of SaaS. The second service is Platform as are owned by the customers are deployed in it. It is secure
a Service (PaaS). The cloud service provider allows us to and expensive when compared to a public cloud. Regulations
deploy our application and suites of programming languages on Security, bandwidth limitations are provided in the private
within the platform. The difference between SaaS and PaaS clouds. The clients can optimize the user’s access and can
is that SaaS hosts the whole application in the cloud, where restrict the networks used in the private cloud. Eucalyptus
PaaS provides the platform for the application. Google search System is the best example of a private cloud.
engine is the best example for PaaS. The third service is Hybrid Cloud: This is like merging two or more cloud
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), in which it offers the user deployment models. Hybrid cloud provides help on- demand
to directly access the storage, processing, and other resources and externally provisioned scale. These focus primarily on
over the network. Virtualization is used in IaaS to distribute proprietary data centers but depend on public cloud resources
the physical resources to meet the resources demand from to offer to compute. A very well constructed hybrid cloud
cloud customers. The best virtualization method is to set up can help provide security services, but the difficulty lies in
independent virtual machines separated from the underlying effectively creating and governing such a solution. Amazon
hardware and other VM’s. To provide security, they provide Web Services is a prominent example of a hybrid cloud.

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CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

Community Cloud: This is mainly built for a specific 5) NO LEGAL LIABILITY FOR VENDORS
community of consumers from different organizations with Even cloud providers host the data with more security; there
shared concerns. It can be owned, managed, and operated by is no liability in a potential breach. There are no legal compli-
one or more companies in the community. This kind of cloud cations involved when the data stored in the cloud from one
is useful in Educations or Banking sectors. Facebook is an country is used elsewhere. The question arises like laws of
example of a community cloud. which country would be applied to the provision and privacy
Cloud computing consists of five major characteristics. of data.
On-demand self-service is the one in which the users can
spontaneously provide network storage capabilities. Broad B. RESEARCH ISSUES IN CLOUD
network access offers service across the network, which 1) RELIABILITY
can be accessed with standard mechanisms to promote dif- Cloud services are available 24/7 to cloud users. A few
ferent kinds of client platforms. Resource pooling provides times, the server stops its services due to maintenance
most of its computing resources to serve many consumers issues or restricted time issue. Nowadays, cloud users expect
to their demand using a multi-tenant model. Measured ser- more services, established standards, and best practices from
vice is when resources are owned, maintained, and opti- the cloud providers. Servers present in the cloud are also
mized by the metering capabilities. Elastic Scalability is similar to resident servers. They also experience server down-
the one that can make changes in IT resources as needed to times, and also they have a high dependency on a cloud
meet changing demand. For example, when an application service provider. When the user chooses a particular server,
needs to create more servers, it can automatically scale with they may be locked in, bringing a potential business risk [2].
demand [70].
Even though the cloud provides many characteristics, there
are also some disadvantages present in the cloud. Some of
them are [7]: There are many regulations to access the storage, use the
data, and require regular reporting and audit trails. In some
cases, there will be special requirements from the customers
regarding the data centers maintained by cloud providers that
Most of the cloud providers ensure the security of the data require compliance requirements.
holding some security mechanisms. But in some cases, leak-
age of data happens. A data leakage issue has come earlier in
ICloud, where most of the celebrities’ data got leaked to the
Cloud services will be provided based upon the Service Level
public. It is felt like keeping the data online in the cloud gives
Agreements that allow several instances of one application
the data access without even knowing by the user. Security
to be copied on multiple servers whenever there is a need
is the main problem making the companies shy away from
depending upon the priority. If that is of lower priority,
using the cloud and its services.
the cloud may shut down or minimize that application. The
main challenge for cloud users is the evaluation of Service
Level Agreements agreed with cloud vendors. Most vendors
Cloud Services are available almost 24/7, but some of the create SLA’s making terms in favor of them while assuring
services are scheduled timeout services. They stop their ser- minimal offers to users like data protection, outages, and price
vices for the time being for periodic maintenance. Some of structures. These things should be dealt with with intensive
the services have been limited to a particular time in a day. care by the cloud users before signing the contract with a
Cloud users will be having limited control over the data in 4) CLOUD DATA MANAGEMENT
the cloud. Most control they have is in IaaS (Infrastructure as Managing data is an important research issue as cloud data
a Service), where they get control over the virtual machines can be massive in an unstructured or semi-structured man-
and customize them according to their needs. ner. Service providers rely on the infrastructure provider to
achieve complete data security since they do not have access
4) NETWORK DEPENDENCY to the data centers’ physical security system. Even in virtual
Cloud service availability is entirely dependent on the inter- machines, the provider can remotely set the security condi-
net. Even though the whole world is ubiquitous in net- tions, not aware of whether it is implemented securely. In
work connection, some countries have no proper network. these situations, the infrastructure provider needs to achieve
Usage of cloud services makes the providers ignoring the terms like Auditability for attesting to the security settings of
parts of the world that don’t have internet. Nowadays, peo- applications, confidentiality for secure data access, and trans-
ple don’t like to use mobile data for an intense applica- fer. Confidentiality can be achieved by using cryptographic
tion running. They prefer Wi-Fi, but it is not available protocols, and remote attestation techniques can achieve audi-
everywhere. bility. But, it is not possible in all situations because VM’s

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CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

dynamically migrate from one place to another. So, using establish decentralized, democratic governance of the federa-
remote attestation will not remain the right solution. tion, so it must rely on a distributed database to ensure strong
integrity guarantees. The SUNFISH project’s innovative soft-
5) DATA ENCRYPTION ware approach for FaaS is based on blockchain [12].
Data is encrypted to provide security to the data. There are
multiple levels of security supplied like low level, middle, and III. BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY
high level. Consider the Web services APIs used to access the A. EMERGENCE OF BLOCKCHAIN-BITCOIN
cloud through a computer program or with clients written to
The introduction of Bitcoin did the introduction of
those API. We provide SSL encryption for access, which is
Blockchain technology. Bitcoin is a form of digital currency
generally considered a standard. When the object arrives at
introduced by a pseudo name called ‘‘Satoshi Nakamoto’’
the cloud, the data would be decrypted and stored in the cloud.
in 2008. He published a white paper, ‘‘Bitcoin: A Peer to
The data security is being compromised while decrypting the
Peer Electronic Cash System,’’ which presents us with the
data and storing it without prior encryption before storing the
direct online payment from one party to another without using
data into the cloud.
any third party [33]. This electronic cash system mainly over-
comes the problem of double-spending the money, primarily
the digital currency nature that allows being easily duplicated
The internal communication between the systems is very
and spent more than once. This problem is solved by linking
much needed to interchange information and make use of that
each transaction with one another in a tamper-resistant man-
information. The public cloud networks which are designed
ner. The public ledger is being used to connect transactions in
as closed systems are not supposed to communicate with
a tamper-resistant way. With this ledger, a network can verify
each other. Due to the absence of internal communication
the transaction history that the user submits for payment and
amongst the cloud systems, the industry cannot combine their
can confirm that the coin has not already been spent [21].
IT systems in the cloud. Enterprises need to take a step to
In comparing Blockchain with Bitcoin, we can say that
develop a single toolset to integrate multiple applications
blockchain is a technology that many cryptocurrencies like
across existing programs and among multiple cloud providers
Bitcoin are using for secure and anonymous transactions [71]
But blockchain is a transparent mechanism, where Bitcoin
feeds on anonymity. While Bitcoin is used for online trans-
Giving and supporting interoperability and cooperation
actions, blockchain transfers data, rights, etc. So, Blockchain
among their existing and deployed cloud systems is a need for
has a broader approach to use, while Bitcoin is limited
public and private companies these days. Different cloud sys-
to exchanging digital currencies [72]. ‘‘Blockchain can be
tems are federating into goal-oriented federations. In addition
defined as transparent distributed ledgers of digitally signed
to several technical issues, the development and management
transactions that are grouped into blocks.’’ Each block con-
of cloud federations have to deal with serious security issues
tains a hash value produced through cryptography, which
such as the non-disclosure of sensitive data and the imple-
links one block with another, a timestamp, and the transaction
mentation of confidentiality guarantees. The EU SUNFISH
data. Blockchain data cannot be modified by design [35]. It is
project aims to resolve these security issues by implement-
a distributed, open ledger to records transactions among the
ing a decentralized, democratic cloud federation system that
parties efficiently and permanently.
guarantees controlled information by-design.
‘‘The blockchain is an indestructible digital ledger for
SUNFISH’s proposal is Federation-as - a-Service (FaaS),
keeping track of economic transactions that can be pro-
which allows cloud data and resources to be securely cre-
grammed to maintain not only financial transactions but
ated and managed. Domain federations aim to share services
virtually everything that has a value.’’ When we imple-
between members by creating controlled, safe inter-cloud
ment blockchain technology, no government interference is
interactions. Some contracts specify the rules and services
needed, and zero percent of fraud due to consensus validation.
provided. In one scenario, a member provides a service where
By eliminating the involvement of third-party, instant trans-
specific users can only use it, and the service outputs must
actions can be done without paying transaction fees. These
be masked for personal reasons. Given that the data man-
features improve financial efficiency [2]. Despite these many
aged by cloud federations are highly sensitive, FaaS must
advantages, blockchain has some disadvantages, like it is
provide a high level of assurance about member contract
incredibly volatile. There are chances of increasing society’s
compliance. FaaS must also ensure the integrity of contracts
crimes due to anonymous transactions that are untraceable by
such as the fact that they cannot be manipulated and that
the person or node outside the network.
all members involved must be aware of their existence. All
interactions in the cloud must be monitored, and the logs
stored ensure strong integrity. FaaS supports the absence of B. CHARACTERISTICS AND FUNCTIONALITIES
hierarchical governance to increase the adoption of cloud 1) DECENTRALIZATION
federations. There can’t be a leader among the federation; In a traditional centralized network, the nodes have to be vali-
instead, they form a peer network. To do this, FaaS seeks to dated through a trustworthy centralized server. This approach

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CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

brings a problem of delay in communication in the whole TABLE 2. Comparison Between Different Types of Blockchain.
system and increases computations’ costs. The blockchain
consists of peer-to-peer blocks without the need for the
involvement of any third party. It means the blockchain
needs not to rely on a centralized server to store and update
multiple systems. In this distributed network, all the partic-
ipants or nodes actively participate in transactions with a
decentralized server and slash the server [1].

2) PERSISTENCY in the network contains the previous blocks’ hash key and is
All transactions are checked in the blockchain, and hon- linked through them [45]. Hence, tracing the block through
est miners store the transaction data. If the transactions are the hash key is comfortable in the blockchain network.
included in the list, rolling back or erasing the transactions
is difficult [67]. Moreover, these blocks are also validated by
other miners, so they cannot be manipulated. Blockchain is categorized into three major types based on the
users’ availability and accessibility [27].
All transactions in the blockchain will be signed by the sender 1) PUBLIC (PERMISSIONLESS) BLOCKCHAIN
digitally, saving the block with the timestamp, making it easy A public blockchain is a decentralized, open ledger in which
for users to track and verify the transaction information. any node can enter the network and can engage in the process-
4) ANONYMITY ing, storage, and validation of the transaction data through a
In the blockchain, data is secured by using asymmetric consensus mechanism.
encryption techniques. To authenticate the recipient, all pay-
ments are digitally signed. The sender interacts with the
blockchain to support a self-generated email and generates The private blockchain is a limited one, where no one can
a different set of addresses to preserve their identity as a quickly become a part of the network. It is a type of central-
secret. Therefore, a centralized owner will retain the user’s ized blockchain controlled by a central authority for accessi-
real identities; the disclosure of the sender’s identity will be bility. The data read authorization in the private blockchain
minimized [36]. is opened to the public selectively. Private Blockchain is
specific to limited organizations or small industries. Vote
5) AUTONOMOUS counting, Digital Identity, Asset Ownership, Supply chain
As there is no single entity controlling the blockchain net- management are different kinds of use cases of the private
work, we can publish the signed nodes and review them if blockchain.
other nodes accept them in the decentralized network. The
consensus base came by accepting a node by every other node 3) CONSORTIUM BLOCKCHAIN
in the network, ensuring that the data transfer will be done The consortium blockchain is a partially decentralized chain.
safely in the blockchain. The pre-selected node will have the authority to choose the
6) IMMUTABILITY type of service in advance. Remaining nodes may have access
The transaction data is validated before it is accepted into the to the blockchain transactions, but not in the consensus pro-
Block [69]. The blockchain permanently records the transac- cess. Hyperledger and R3CEV are examples of consortium
tions. The data in the blocks cannot tamper. If someone tries blockchain
to alter the data, it would be easily caught because data in the Table 2 compares different blockchain types considering
blocks is linked through the hash key, and change in the data the properties like the read permission of the blockchain,
would invalidate the next blocks. Immutability status, efficiency of the block, Centralization
status, Consensus process, and the mechanism of consensus.
7) TRANSPARENCY Table 3 presents your comparison of different blockchain
Blockchain is a decentralized structure where all participants platforms, namely Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Hyperledger fab-
can publish their records and query the nodes’ data. In this ric. For Bitcoin, its primary purpose is Cryptocurrency, stor-
blockchain technology, the system records and maintains ing the transaction data. It is written in the script, and source
transaction data information in an open distributed ledger code is available from GitHub through which anyone can par-
[38]. This data is open and reliable to all the nodes present ticipate. Its native currency is Bitcoin (BTC) with 10 minutes
in the same network to access the information. of block release timing, 250 bytes (avg) transaction size,
3 TXN/sec transaction rate. In Bitcoin, mining is carried out
8) TRACEABILITY by Proof of Work. For Ethereum, its primary purpose is
The data in the blocks of blockchain is encrypted using hash- to run smart contracts, storing the cryptocurrency transac-
ing algorithms. Each block will have a hash key. Each block tion data, digital assets, and smart contracts. It is written in

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CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

TABLE 3. Comparison of Different Blockchain Platforms. the digital economy, and Third generation Blockchain 3.0 is
called a digital society [14].

Blockchain technology is first introduced to the world
through the digital currency called Bitcoin. Bitcoin is a form
of digital currency introduced by the pseudo name called
Satoshi Nakamoto. Blockchain technology features are more
suitable for digital currencies. Transaction data is stored in
the blocks, encrypted cryptographically, and these blocks are
linked with each other through complex cryptographic mech-
anisms. The data in the blocks is immutable, and it doesn’t
allow updating the data. The presence of an open distributed
ledger in the blockchain helps the digital currencies to avoid
double-spending. Many other digital currencies are emerged
using the blockchain PoW. Digital currencies help to reduce
the transaction fee vastly. Their usage is also anonymous than
credit cards.


Blockchain technology emergence proved that it could be
used beyond simple payments, transactions, and transfers and
includes loans, mortgages, and stocks that involve banks.
Smart contracts came to existence in the second generation
extending the digital currencies and turning into a digital
economy. A smart contract is a self-executing line of code
with terms of an agreement between the buyer and the seller
are met, and it is activated with a transaction. Each of them
will be having a unique address. The smart contracts execute
automatically in every node present in the network based
on meeting the specific code conditions. These create trust
between two parties who do not know each other. It helps
the involving parties to review contract code and predict the
outcome as the code is executed publicly on the network, and
it is verifiable. The data present in the smart contract is stored
in the block of blockchain technology, which is tamper-free
and anti-counterfeiting. Smart contracts are applied to many
scenarios like insurance, business agreements, financial data
recordings, mortgages, food supply chains, etc. Ethereum is
one of the examples of a smart contract.

Solidity or Serpent, and source code is available from GitHub Blockchain has been able to overcome its major problem
through which anyone can participate. Its native currency is called Scaling in the process of evolution. Blockchain 3.0
Ether (ETH), with 12 seconds of block release timing. In expands numerous applications not involving the currency,
Ether, mining is carried out by Proof of Work using the Ethash cash, or financial sector. It brings us smart cities with smart
algorithm. For Hyperledger fabric, its primary purpose is governance; smart resource utilization by smart citizens
creating a blockchain for industries, storing the chain code, bringing us a smart economy. Blockchain’s integration with
and smart contracts. It is written in Go language, and one the Internet of Things is being developed to implement smart
can participate in this by registering for identity to network property transactions and data payment without third party
membership services. involvement. Such incorporation can also set up a market
for power from machine to machine and handle electronic
D. PHASES OR GENERATIONS OF BLOCKCHAIN medical records information.
The emergence of blockchain technology is categorized into Blockchain 3.0 is beneficial in digital identity where
three generations. Blockchain 1.0 is the first generation as unbanked customers can maintain their identities so that
digital currency, Second generation Blockchain 2.0 is called banks can complete their formalities such as Know Your

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CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

Customer and access bank accounts. In this internet era,

many of the transactions are done between unknown people.
Saving data in the block and carrying transactions through
the blockchain network would bring trustworthy customers,
which leads to a decrease in fraud rating [45].

Mining can be defined as adding blocks to the openly dis-
tributed ledger, which is called the blockchain. People who
mine Bitcoin get rewards for more mining. Miners present in
each node mine the blocks and sometimes get paid a reward FIGURE 1. Layers of blockchain.

for mining. TABLE 4. Given Components Present in Each Layer of Blockchain.

A node in the blockchain can be defined as the device belong-
ing to the blockchain network. The type of node is classified
based upon the task done by it. There are different kinds of
nodes. They are:
1. Mining Nodes: Mining nodes always produce blocks for
the blockchain. These nodes just verify whether the block
can be added to the list in the process called mining.
Mining nodes are not responsible for maintaining blocks;
they only create blocks and add them to the chain. Added
blocks are published over the network where full nodes sensus algorithms are involved for verification [45]. Smart
validate them and add them to the blockchain. contracts are used in the contract layer to implement trust.
2. Full or Super Nodes: Full node control maintains and The services and Application layers implement blockchain
sends the copies of blocks to all the network nodes. Their activities. In table 4, we mentioned the components present
job is to validate transactions until the genesis block in each layer of blockchain. In the data layer, we have Data
during publishing. After validation, the data is sent to block, timestamp, Merkle root tree, hashing. In the network
all other nodes in the network to ensure the blockchains layer, peer-to-peer network, verification mechanism, broad
trustworthiness. When are there are more nodes with a protocols are the components. The consensus layer contains
more decentralized network, it would become tough to different consensus algorithms like Proof of Work, Proof
hack it. A Node can be called a Super Node depending of Stake, Byzantine Fault algorithms, etc. In the contract
upon the count of exchange of transactions produced from layer, we have smart contracts, incentive mechanisms, script
a full node. Super Nodes are always active and connect the coding. In the service layer, we have Ethereum, Hyperledger
remaining full nodes and make them appear all over the Fabric, IBM Azure, etc.
3. Light Nodes: Light nodes exhibit similar behavior as full G. HASHING
nodes, but they contain only a portion of the whole block. Hashing can be defined in simple terms as identifying a
They contain only the previous transaction blocker and specific object from a set of similar objects. A large amount
validate the blockchain and inform the network’s remain- of data is converted into a hash key using hash functions.
ing nodes. Light nodes are connected to the parent node, The value obtained by using a hash function is stored in the
i.e., Full node, and are not as powerful. Whenever a full data structure called a hash table. The hash function is always
node is hacked and is holding the corrupted data, the light used to map a data set that falls into a hash table. The value
node can capture and dismiss that blockchain as false and obtained is called hash value or hash code [10].
give the complete node information to a blockchain that
should be maintaining. As these don’t occupy much data H. SMART CONTRACTS
space, they help make the network more decentralized and In 1994, Nick Szabo initiated smart contracts in the form of
travel long distances at a lower cost than full nodes.
automated transaction protocol. The concept of smart con-
tracts introduced earlier than blockchain technology. A smart
F. LAYERS OF BLOCKCHAIN contract can be defined in digital form as a series of com-
Blockchain doesn’t contain any hierarchical structure. Six mitments [69]. The relationship between the parties is being
layers can explain it: data, network, consensus, contract, ser- built by rules that build trust between the parties who do
vice, and application, as shown in figure 1. Data and Network not know each other. In a blockchain, Smart Contracts are
layers gather data and validate it. In the consensus layer, con- defined as a program written in programmable languages that

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TABLE 5. Performance Analysis Comparison Between Bitcoin and TABLE 6. Comparison Between Hyperledger Fabric and Ethereum.

run in a container. The data present in the block will give be

executed within the blockchain, which offers trustworthiness No of Transactions: As Bitcoin takes more time to create
and uniqueness. As the data of smart contracts is present in the a block and transact, the number of transactions are signif-
blockchain, the data is tamper-proof and anti-counterfeiting. icantly less than Ethereum, and also Ethereum has become
The smart contract enables self-execution when a specific popular recently
condition is met on all the nodes present in the network Difficulty: The difficulty in creating the block in Bitcoin
[43]. It also helps the parties predict the outcomes as the takes 25 million Terhash per second, and the creation of
contract execution depends on the code available on a public Ethereum will not be much.
network, and they are verifiable as they are already signed
[45]. Smart contracts can maintain smart asserts and assert 2) COMPARISON BETWEEN HYPERLEDGER FABRIC AND
transactions. They are also useful during loans, mortgages, ETHEREUM
agreements between business individuals. Some research In table 6, the comparison between blockchain platforms
offers the results that smart contracts can have the ability to called Hyperledger fabric and Ethereum is shown. We have
evaluate effectiveness, availability, and scalability. TDD (Test considered parameters called Average throughput, CPU Uti-
Driven Development) and BDD (Behavior Driven Develop- lization, Memory Utilization, Network Utilization, Execution
ment) evaluate smart contracts’ accuracy. Ethereum is the time, and Average latency [62].
best example which is building smart contracts [34].
I. DIGITAL SIGNATURES Various blockchain applications are emerging in our day-
A digital signature can be defined as digitally signed data sent to-day lives. The applications include food supply chain,
from one-to-one or one-to-many, ensuring no data loss. Every Asset management, Insurance claims, smart car, smartphone,
client will have a private key and a public key. If a client wants e-passport, smart appliances, health care management, and
to send any data, they must generate the hash value from personal health record-keeping, and so on.
the transaction data and then use their private key to encrypt
the hash value. This process is called ‘digital signing,’ and 1) BLOCKCHAIN IN FINANCE
the stage is called ‘signing.’ The digitally signed transactions Bank activities are intermediaries in the traditional method
are distributed throughout the network to nodes present. The and system transactions. Such payments are prone to errors
payment information received will be decrypted using the as many intermediary parties maintain the record. This whole
public key of the recipient [20]. The decrypted hash value is process takes time and costs more [69]. This problem is sim-
checked by comparing it with the hash value obtained from plified by introducing blockchain technology that uses a dis-
the sender’s data. This phase is called the verification phase. tributed public ledger in which miners verify the transactions
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA) is used using ‘‘Proof-of-work.’’ The blockchain provides many ser-
for verification in the blockchain [60]. vices to the financial world. Some of them are:
1. 1. Cryptocurrency: Like Bitcoin, many cryptocurrencies
J. PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF BLOCKCHAIN are introduced to the world that uses blockchain technol-
PLATFORMS ogy. There is no need for a trusted third-party like a bank
1) PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS COMPARISON BETWEEN in traditional systems. All payments can be checked and
In table 5, the comparison between the blockchain platforms 2. 2. Global Payments: Global payments are time-
called Bitcoin and Ethereum is shown. We have considered consuming because many intermediaries will verify the
Block size, Block time, number of transactions, and difficulty transactions. Blockchain technology is beneficial in these
creating the block [62]. situations. It reduces the complexity of verifying by intro-
Block Size: the average size of Bitcoin is 1 MB, and the ducing the decentralized public ledger. With the peer-to-
Ethereum block size varies from 2000 bytes to 2800 bytes. peer network’s help, global payments are made faster,
Block Time: The time taken by Bitcoin to create a block verifiable, immutable, and safer.
is 600 seconds to 10 minutes, whereas Ethereum can create 3. 3. Insurance Claims and Processing: Many fraudulent
within 15 seconds claims are coming up in the insurance sector. These

VOLUME 8, 2020 205197

CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

TABLE 7. Comparison Between Different Consensus Algorithms.

defective claims can be avoided in a secure manner using using blockchain, we could have cloud radio over an optical
Blockchain distributed ledger technology. fiber network to adopt an anonymous access identification
mechanism to reduce the cost of operating and connecting
2) BLOCKCHAIN IN HEALTHCARE the network and make a joint agreement between the parties.
Blockchain is useful for personal health databases and infor-
mation sharing centers’, is a smart platform for medical 5) BLOCKCHAIN IN AVIATION SYSTEMS
assistance and an in-depth analysis of the medical challenges. Blockchain will provide digital operator and product provider
The patient’s necessary information, medical history, test alliances to provide secure decentralized travel services and
results, treatment records, drug prescriptions, and diagnostic products. Smart contracts can also work together between
effects are stored in a digital record called The Electronic companies and different units within the company.
Health Record (EHR). Continuous processing of data on
cloud servers helps reduce the risk of medical data failure
and increases the safety and accuracy of medical information.
Smart sensors are used in traditional supply chain systems to
Health data and medical records are helpful for clinicians to
collect information about the supply chain as it is transported.
verify the health status of a person. The health database allows
Shortly, the number of sensors is expected to rise rapidly.
doctors to understand the condition of the patient quickly. The
Blockchain technology would, therefore, help maintain the
medical database is for extensive data analysis and mining for
massive amount of data to be collected and analyzed. The
hospitals and medical research centers. The smart contracts in
information in a distributed network would be robust and
the blockchain can help build a smart medical management
system to form medical contracts and vouchers [45].


Data provenance means data processing management, Blockchain integration with the Internet of Things will help
addressing data status, and source. The provenance of data make smart home appliance operations efficient and safe.
is carried out in managing scientific data, data storage, and
data assets. Blockchain technology and smart contracts can 8) BLOCKCHAIN IN SMART PROPERTY
be used to enforce data provenance and to check the asset’s In the distributed ledger technology, all properties such as
integrity and ownership. It also helps with the traceability of home, property, cars, and smart devices can be represented.
the product and can also have a multi-stakeholder traceability Blockchain keeps track of all devices and their operations.
chain. It is also useful for applications such as forensics and The records can be shared with legit persons whenever we
accountability. want and can establish contacts between multiple parties [20].
1. Hard money lending: Hard money lending is very
4) BLOCKCHAIN IN 5G NETWORK common nowadays. The borrower needs to have a property
In 5G networks, Heterogeneous devices and applications to keep it as collateral to lend the money. Borrowers can
need to be coordinated to improve energy efficiency, net- do fraud using illicit assets as collateral or by borrowers if
work capacity, and resource accessibility. We could build a they are using dishonest policies as part of the agreement.
business model combining blockchain and smart contracts The property can be checked before it is taken as collateral
to collaborate industrial automation processes and related by using Blockchain technology, and smart contracts can
manufacturing equipment to achieve efficient operations. agree. It improves trust, brings transparency and security even
In the traditional approach, there is a need for a network among strangers.
slice broker for resource allocation facilities [8]. However, 2. Cars and Phones: Using authentication keys,

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CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

Blockchain technology suggests building blocks containing
data and is linked to the chain. Blocks are linked together
through each block containing the previous block header
[27]. If some data is changed in the previous block, the hash
key will change, and hence the mismatch of the hash key
will happen in the chain of blocks. It prevents the data
from tampering. When a user wants to send some transac-
tion data to others, that transaction will be represented as
a block. The block must be broadcast to all other nodes on
FIGURE 2. The general architecture of a blockchain. the network to add the blockchain block. Miners of the node
need to approve the transaction. The miners get the authority
to approve a block by solving computationally challenging
personal devices are protected, and cars are accessible only problems when the block is created. The block is added
to owners using smart keys. Using cryptography, this can be to the blockchain after authentication, which completes the
kept safe. But if the authentication key is stolen or copied, or transaction. The next step is to decide which user published
transferred, there are chances of failure. Using a blockchain the next block. The collection of validated blocks is combined
ledger to replace and replicate lost credentials would into a chain that forms a blockchain network [69].
fix this.
9) BLOCKCHAIN IN OTHER INDUSTRIES When a block is needed to be added into the blockchain, that
Blockchain has numerous applications such as Energy Cyber- block needs to be verified as a valid one by all the nodes
Physical System, Vehicular Cyber-Physical System in the in the network. Consensus algorithms are a kind of protocol
Internet of Things, on the Internet of Battle-field Things that maintains the nodes involved in the blockchain network
IoBT), Cyber Security, Smart Appliances, Asset Manage- to reach a transaction order decision and filter invalid trans-
ment, Cloud Storage, Intellectual Property, Food Safety, actions. More than one transaction is competing with each
Blockchain Notary, Fundraising and transparency, wireless other to get published to obtain the reward of the transaction.
networks and Virtualization, Real estate, Identity manage- To solve the decision problem, consensus algorithms came
ment like Academic records, Blockchain Music, Birth, Mar- into existence. It is also difficult for the miners to reach a con-
riage and Death Certificates, Passports, Personal Identity and sensus because, without a central authority, the blockchain
Privacy, Voting, etc. Because the blockchain is a decentral- network is distributed [69].
ized, stable, open, and scalable network, it will supply future
energy internet growth. 1) PROOF-OF-WORK
The user power is directly proportional to the system’s total
10) BLOCKCHAIN ARCHITECTURE computational power in this proof-of-work consensus model.
Blockchain would be like a sequence of blocks that hold the The main target of the consensus models is to remove the
entire data belonging to a network in an open public ledger. fraudulent nodes, including honest nodes. In the decentral-
There are a block header and a block body in each block. ized network, to record all transactions, one of the nodes must
As shown in figure 2, there are six main components in the be chosen. One-way is a random selection to pick the node,
block header [24]. They are: but it is vulnerable to attack. Therefore, if a user or node
1. Block version: This allows us to follow the set of block decides to record transactions, they must show that their
validation rules. network is not vulnerable to attacks.
2. Merkle tree root hash: The data is encrypted with hash- In this, the user needs to face the challenge of solving a
ing algorithms when a transaction occurs, and then it is computationally difficult problem to get the incentive when a
transmitted to each node. Because it could contain thou- node is added to the blockchain. That network node will use
sands of transaction records in the block of each node, a block header and a nonce to measure a cryptographic hash
the Merkle tree function was used by the blockchain to function SHA-256. To get different hash values, the miners
produce a final hash value and Merkle tree root. are likely to change the nonce. The miners will calculate the
3. Timestamp: Produces timestamp with the current time value that is equal to or less than the value of a consen-
as seconds for every block sus. When a miner hits the target value, the miner block is
4. Difficulty target: threshold of a valid hash block. transmitted to all other nodes in the network, and all other
5. Nonce: A 4-byte field that usually begins at zero and nodes need to confirm the validity of the hash value to each
increases with each hash calculation other. If the new block is approved, it will be connected to its
6. Parent block hash: The value of 256-bit hash points to blockchain by the other miners. Sometimes valid blocks can
the previous block. be generated in parallel when the target value is found almost

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CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

simultaneously by multiple miners. Branches of blocks that only. Each server will have an essential Unique Node List
are called competing forks will be formed in these cases. (UNL). The database will ask the nodes present in the UNL
In this PoW protocol, the longer the chain is, it would be to determine whether to publish a transaction in the ledger and
considered an authenticate one. In PoW, miners have to use a if it obtained an agreement of more than 80%, the transaction
lot of computation power to do many computer calculations would be packed into the ledger. So long as the number
[24]. This process wastes too much of its resources. Some of nodes in UNL is less than 20 percent, the ledger will
side applications are designed from the PoW protocol, such authenticate node.
as Prime Coin, which searches for prime number chains used
in mathematical research. 6) TENDERMINT
Tendermint is similar to the algorithm of PBFT consensus.
2) PROOF-OF-STAKE If a new block is added in a round to broadcast an uncon-
Proof-of-Stake is PoW’s best alternative without a waste of firmed block, a proposer would be selected. This method
resources. It is known that miners with more blocks are less is divided into three stages: Prevote, Precommit, and Com-
likely to attack the PoS protocol network. And, with more mit. Validators determine in the prevote process whether to
coins, the miner will be given the ability to produce the next broadcast the forecast for the proposed frame. The Precommit
one. This selection is unfair as the wealthiest miner in the phase sends precommit to the block if the node receives more
network would begin to dominate the others. Most solutions than two-thirds of prevotes on the proposed block. The node
are suggested using a miner’s number of blocks compared to receives more than two-thirds of precommitments; it joins
the network number. One of the solutions is the Peer coin that the process of the commit. The node validates the block in
favors selection based on the age of the coin. The probability the commit phase and transmits a commit doe to the block.
of mining the next block is a larger or older set of coins in peer If the node receives more than two- thirds of commitments,
coin. Another example is Blackcoin, which predicts the next the block will be accepted.
block generator using randomization. It selects the equation
in conjunction with the stake size, that gives the lowest hash 7) COMPARISON OF CONSENSUS ALGORITHMS
value. Many blockchains are planning to move from PoW to In the study of comparison between different consensus algo-
PoS gradually [9]. rithms, it showed that there are different advantages and
disadvantages [2]. These were explained in table 7 using
PBFT is like a set of principles that can withstand Byzantine
flaws. As PBFT handles up to one-third of Byzantine replicas, a: NODE IDENTITY MANAGEMENT
Hyperledger Fabrics uses PBFT as its consensus algorithm. In PBFT, each user’s identity is required to select a primary
A new block is decided in each round, and a primary node user for each round, while in each round, Tendermint knows
is chosen according to specific rules responsible for ordering all validators to select a proposer. The nodes freely join the
the transaction. The PBFT process can be divided into three network in the remaining algorithms.
phases, such as prepared, prepared, and committed. The node
enters the next phase in every phase when two-thirds of all b: ENERGY-SAVING
nodes receive votes. Here, PBFT requires every node in the PoW consumes more energy as the miners continuously make
network to be familiar. Antshares must implement delegated calculations to reach the target value. In contrast, PoS and
byzantine fault tolerance (dPBFT) based on the PBFT proto- DPoS do not consume much energy as the target value’s
col in which some professional nodes are supposed to vote to search space is minimal. The energy is much saved by the
record the transactions. rest of the algorithms, as there is no mining concept.


PoS and DPoS differ in that PoS is democratic, and DPoS is a In general, the node’s threshold to gain control of the network
democratic representative. The network stakeholders elect the is considered to be 51 percent of the hash power. Because of a
delegate to publish the blocks and validate them. The block selfish mining strategy in PoW, by having only 25 percent of
could be checked easily if there are fewer nodes to verify the hashing power, miners can gain more revenue. In ripple,
the transactions, which leads to early confirmation of the if the faulty nodes in a UNL are less than 20 percent, consis-
transaction. Delegates can adjust the parameters such as block tency is retained, and up to one- third of faulty nodes can be
size and block interval. DPoS is used mainly by Bitshares. managed by PBFT and Tendermint.
Through this comparison, we can understand that these
5) RIPPLE mechanisms are implied to improve either decentraliza-
In Ripple, we use sub-networks that are collectively trusted tion or efficiency. There are some advantages to each algo-
within the extensive network. Nodes can be divided into two rithm that brings us to Proof of Work, highly scalable in
types in this network. One is a Consensus Process Partic- comparison [2]. Proof of Stake decreases the power consump-
ipating Server and the other is the client to transfer funds tion compared to Proof of Work, with faster processing of

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CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

Stake decreases the power consumption compared to Proof of TABLE 8. String Searching in Various Digital Libraries Along With Tracking
Work, with faster processing of transactions, and require
less hardware. In PBFT, energy utilization is significantly
reduced compared to others due to the absence of hashing
energy to enter the next block. Among all the algorithms,
DPoS provides better distribution of rewards with real-time
voting security and minimizes costs for blockchain network
support. Ripple is more decentralized than other networks and
uses less energy while enabling the instant verification of the
for policy advancement as it is a critical issue that needs
N. CHALLENGES IN BLOCKCHAIN immediate resolution [14].
There is no doubt that Blockchain is a promising emerging
technology, yet it faces some challenges. These challenges IV. INTEGRATION OF CLOUD AND BLOCKCHAIN
sometimes limit the usage of blockchain. There are many A. BLOCKCHAIN SUPPORT FOR CLOUD COMPUTING
problems, such as consensus processes, data management, Blockchain integration with cloud computing brings us
storage, chain systems, legislation, governance, etc. [20]. into the next era of data security and service availability.
Some of the main challenges are: Blockchain overcomes most of the research issues of the
1) SCALABILITY cloud with its characteristics.
There are several transactions increasing day by day in the
blockchain, making more data to be stored. All the nodes
have to store all the transactions for validation. Because of the In public clouds, internal communication is not allowed, and
block size restriction and the time taken to create a new block, it makes many industries back off from using the cloud.
blockchain can only process seven transactions per second. When cloud integrated with blockchain, consider the different
The blocks’ actual capacity is deficient, and many small clouds as nodes. Inter-node communication is possible in the
transactions could be delayed as miners prefer transactions blockchain. All the nodes present in the same network share
with a higher transaction fee. The problem of scalability is, the data among themselves so that every node contains a copy
therefore, high [9]. of transactions. It brings us transparency into the network.
They update every next transaction into the ledger, which
2) PRIVACY LEAKAGE publishes to all other nodes. In this way, companies can add
In the blockchain, users’ transactions are considered safe as any number of networks and can preserve the accessibility of
they are made with created addresses instead of real identities. the data, which brings authenticity into the network
In the event of data leakage, users may produce multiple
addresses. However, the blockchain cannot guarantee trans- 2) DATA ENCRYPTION
actional privacy since the value of transactions is publicly We all know the data is decrypted before storing it in the
visible for each public key. The anonymity of the payment cloud, which questions the data integrity. In the blockchain
must be strengthened in the blockchain [29] network, all the block data is turned into a hash code using
cryptographic algorithms, and it generates a hash key for
3) REGULATIONS AND LAWS each block. Let us consider a scenario in which blockchain
The introduction of blockchain has brought many societal is used to preserve task scheduling in the cloud. To ensure
changes, including in legal and law systems. Blockchain timeliness and permanent data integrity, the control system
triggered a series of legal issues by lagging legal supervision that collects data from the task scheduling produces hash
in the early stages of development. Proper laws and regu- code and records it in the blockchain network immediately.
lations can only be strengthened after a quick understand- Because the blockchain has the facility for block discovery
ing of the blockchain characteristics. Through strengthening consensus mechanisms, block data integrity is maintained.
regulatory measures, most countries started to implement Each node in the network contains a copy of each transaction
blockchain [69]. that provides us with the availability and persistence that
helps the network withstand potential fault points and attacks.
4) GOVERNANCE While cloud-collected data is reliable, the blockchain nodes
Blockchain has vast implementation possibilities in terms of maximize data availability and data validity by projecting it
government and infrastructure and can be expected to trans- as an on-demand service with no downtime.
form government functions and roles. It also helps make less
complex government organizational structures, the security 3) SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENTS
of government data, and transparency of governance and ser- These agreements in the cloud are favorable to the service
vice processes. Since the blockchain is a distributed network provider or customer without equal justice. To solve this
without a third party’s need, it provides broader possibilities issue, we can make use of blockchain smart contracts. A smart

VOLUME 8, 2020 205201

CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

TABLE 9. Track of Article Types in Various Libraries on Selected String.

contract in blockchain helps to build trust between the par-

ties who do not know each other. In a blockchain, Smart
Contracts are defined as a program written in programmable
languages that run in a container. The smart contract allows
self-execution when a specific condition is met on all nodes FIGURE 3. Year-wise analysis of articles being published in digital
present in the blockchain network. It also helps the parties libraries.

predict the outcomes as the contract execution depends on the

code available on a public network, and they are verifiable as
they are already signed.


The data stored in the cloud is in a very unstructured manner.
The data stored in the blockchain is a very structured manner.
The data can be traced using the hash key generated for every
block. Each block contains the previous block’s hash key, and
it’s key to keep track of the network. The data in the block
is validated and can be accessed by the nodes present in the
Cloud supports elasticity and can handle the fluctuations
in computational loads when required. Using a Distributed
ledger, this can be easily handled by managing a large number FIGURE 4. Benefits that Blockchain providing to cloud.

of events that cause a variety of smart contracts, ensuring

service quality. Blockchain also ensures the user’s anonymity, that Blockchain is providing cloud services are depicted
and the user’s record can be safely removed from the system in Figure 4. As we already know that blockchain can be
to prevent third party access to the user’s information. The deployed in public, private, and community modes and pro-
integration of the cloud with blockchain will also ensure that vide decentralization, we have provided a comparative study
many businesses have confidence, and it would become an on blockchain and cloud services based on different security
on-demand service. requirements. One of the significant gaps in cloud services
is Data Security. By this analysis, we could conclude that
B. ANALYTICAL SURVEY ON BLOCKCHAIN CLOUD the data in the cloud would be more secure by adopting the
Based on Blockchain’s supporting cloud computing, we can Blockchain platform. In table 10, we provided this compar-
find different articles. To the best of our knowledge, we have ative analysis of Blockchain and Cloud-based on different
conducted a literature survey for the first time on Blockchain- security requirements.
Cloud. Table 8 shows the track of articles available in Many Blockchain-Cloud applications can be applied in our
different digital libraries along with our search string. daily activities, making our data more safe and secure. Vari-
Table 9 shows the track of different article types published ous industries can use the services of Blockchain-Cloud. This
in various libraries on selected literature. Below these tables, integration can provide us with more storage flexibility, and
we have provided a bar graph depicting a year-wise analysis at the same time, it keeps the validated data. Authorization
of the numbers of articles that have been published in differ- to the network will be monitored, and also it increases the
ent digital libraries. From all these analyses, we can conclude network resilience. In figure 5, we provided a mind map with
that there is exquisite research for merging blockchain with different types of Blockchain Cloud Applications.
cloud computing. In figure 6, we depicted the flow of blockchain with cloud
In figure 3, we provided you with a graph depicting the data as follows. Whenever there is a necessity to improve
year-wise analysis of articles published in digital libraries. cloud data security, we can add blockchain services. The
Blockchain provides many essential benefits to cloud com- data that needs to be stored in the blockchain is divided
puting like data transparency, Authorization, and also pro- into small chunks and then encrypted using hashing algo-
vide cost-effective solutions. Some of the main benefits rithms. Before adding the data to the chain, it is verified and

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CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

TABLE 10. Comparative Analysis of Blockchain and Cloud-Based on the


FIGURE 6. Flowchart providing process of Blockchain with cloud data.

FIGURE 5. Mind map depiction of the different types of Blockchain Cloud


validated by a consensus mechanism. Based on the require-

ment, the provider can use a Permissioned or Permissionless
blockchain or public or private blockchain.
FIGURE 7. The architecture of cloud integrated with Blockchain.


In figure 7, we have shown the architecture of the integration is stored in blockchain protection cloud storage. Blockchain
of cloud computing with blockchain technology. The user incorporation of the cloud provides data protection, trans-
interacts with the server with the help of the application parency and also improves services.
layer. Suppose, when a user requests a transaction through
the application layer, the transactions’ details are stored by V. CONCLUSION
creating a block for each transaction. To add the block into Cloud computing is a well-known technology as it has existed
the blockchain network, the blockchain network’s data would for many years. But people are still struggling to overcome
be verified by blockchain network validating nodes. The some challenges of cloud computing like data security, data
validation will be done based on consensus. Once the block management, interoperability, etc. Blockchain technology is
is considered legitimate, all other network nodes would be an emerging technology well known for its security and
connected to the network and data sent. All blockchain data authenticity, which are the main characteristics that are mak-

VOLUME 8, 2020 205203

CH. V. N. U. B. Murthy et al.: Blockchain Based Cloud Computing: Architecture and Research Challenges

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