Territory Conquest ENG

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Greetings! Today we, the Hero Wars Mobile team, want to share our plans for the development
of in-game content with you. Previously we've shared already elaborated and detailed concepts
(such as Dungeon Rework or Global Championship), but this time we want to let you know more
about the process beforehand and show the information about the new game mode, which is in
the active development stage. A lot can still change in this long and complicated process, but
we are already very interested to know what our players think about it!

So, what will the new mode be about? We want to introduce you to a new territory capture
mechanic for guild alliances, where Heroes, Titans, as well as Flying Ships and their Captains
will meet in battle! Sounds interesting, doesn't it? We will tell you about everything in more
details below!

IMPORTANT: this mode is at an early stage of development, many details are

currently not fully approved and may change significantly in the near future. This
file only provides information that will help form an idea of new content, without
additional details.

Are there any playtests planned: Yes, there are. In the future, we will let you know when a
special build will be available for testing.

Estimated introduction date: unknown.

New Mode: Territory Conquest
Territory Conquest is a new co-op mode for several guilds. They will unite in alliances to fight
together for territory. In each battle 2 opposing alliances will fight, there’ll be 3 selected guilds in
each alliance. It is planned that guilds will unite into alliances through matchmaking by the
game, the exact criteria have not yet been determined.

Availability: All leagues. Access to the mode will supposedly depend on the level of the
player's team and the number of players in the guild.

Rewards: Resources for Heroes and Titans are planned as the rewards, as well as new
boosters to simplify their development (similar to EXP Booster, Evolution Booster, etc.).

Improvements: the new mode will add a new combat unit to the game - Flying Ships. There
are no new levels of development for Heroes and Titans in the new game mode planned at the
moment (no new artifacts, ranks or raising the level cap).

Basic information
The battle location is a hex map, where each of the 6 participating guilds has their own
territories. Every hex-shaped sector is a point that can be captured. The main goal of an
alliance of 3 guilds is to capture as many territories as possible. The battle will supposedly last
~3 days (the duration may change), with a defense preparation stage. After the battle and
territory capture result finalization a new alliance will be formed, with new guilds.

Battles: Each sector has up to three teams, consisting of a Flying Ship, a team of Heroes, and
a team of Titans. To capture the point, you need to defeat all the teams and units standing in
position. The first battle is with the Flying Ship, then the Titans, then the Heroes. If the player
fails to defeat any of the 3 units in position, the battle would stop and defeat would be
Each capture attempt requires Fuel. It restores by time, similar to Energy in Campaign. It would
also be possible to purchase Fuel, obtain it with available resources, or restore it with items.

Teams: Each team consists of a Flying Ship, 5 Titans and 5 Heroes.

All teams are assembled before the start of the war and placed at defense positions. The same
teams are used in capturing points. It’s also possible to attack with all teams that are not used
for the defense on a concrete hex point, but it should be assembled for a flying ship beforehand.
Each Ship and Hero can be used only once in one assembled team, but this rule doesn’t apply
to the Titans. Since it’s only 12 of them in the game, Titans can be used in multiple teams with
some possible limitations (like the elements).
New Unit: Flying Ships
Flying Ships appear in the new game mode as a combat unit. They have their own upgrades:
Levels, Stars, Equipment and Special Skills. Flying Ships only be available and required in the
new mode, they do not affect other mechanics – Guild War, Global Championship, Arena,

Number of flying ships on release: ~10 ships, it is planned that they would be released more
often than new Heroes.

General information
Flying Ship consists of several parts: the Hull, where the captain and their crew are located, and
the Modules. There are two types of Modules: Cannons and Shield Generators. Each part has 2
skills: the first one is an auto-attack that depends on Physical attack, the second one - a skill
that depends on Magic attack. Both skills work on a cooldown, there is no energy in battles.

Hulls, Captains and the Crew

All Hulls have basic stats by default, for example, health that does not regenerate within the
battle, one stat that affects auto-attack, and a stat that affects the special skills (the list can be

Hull is the most important part of the ship and the hardest one to break. Fights between the
Flying Ships end when the Hull breaks, even if its other Modules are intact. Hull has the
following features:
• Auto-attack: approximately the same for all the Hulls.
• Active skill: Hull skills are different, they are the hallmark of the ship, and they are
personified by the Captains. The Captains belong to the specific ships.
• Passive skill: Along with the Captains comes the ship Crew, which gives various
abilities - for example, the speed of Fuel regeneration needed to carry out attacks in the
Territory Conquest.

Hulls can vary in rarity, and the rarity determines how many slots will initially be available for
other Module installations, in the form of Cannons or Shield Generators.

All Cannons have basic stats by default, such as health, one stat that affects auto-attack, and a
stat that affects skills. The player will be able to choose other additional stats for Cannons on
their own.
The health of the cannon must be knocked out in order for the Cannon to stop using skills.
Health and the Cannon itself can be restored in battle using a Shield Generator.

Cannons are expendable in combat, relatively easy to break, but they can be rebuilt. Different
Cannons have different auto-attacks and skills.

Shield Generators
All generators have basic stats by default, such as health, one stat that affects auto-attacks, and
a stat that affects skills. The player will be able to choose other additional stats for Cannons on
their own.
The health of the shield must be knocked out so that the generator stops generating shields and
using skills. The health of the generator and the generator itself can be restored in battle using
their skills or the skills of another generator.

Shields absorb damage, but their defense and their stats (physical defense, magic defense) are
different for the Hull and for Modules. Different generators have different auto-attacks and skills
that are aimed at restoring Module health, restoring shields and supporting Modules.

IMPORTANT: the structure of the battles is not finalized, the details are
currently not fully approved and may change substantially in the near

What do you think of the new game mode, heroes? We're waiting for your feedback!

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