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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association, 2009.

A meta-analysis of feed digestion in dairy cows. 1. The effects

of forage and concentrate factors on total diet digestibility
J. Nousiainen,* M. Rinne,† and P. Huhtanen‡1,2
*Valio Ltd., Farm Services, PO Box 10, FI-00039 Valio, Finland
†MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Animal Production Research, FI-31600, Jokioinen, Finland
‡Cornell University, Department of Animal Science, 269 Morrison Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853-4801

ABSTRACT mentation improved total diet OMDm, but this was

not realized in lactating dairy cows because of linearly
A meta-analysis based on published experiments decreased neutral detergent fiber (NDF) digestibility as
with lactating dairy cows was conducted to study the concentrate intake increased. Increasing the concentrate
effects of dietary forage and concentrate factors on ap- crude protein amount quadratically improved OMDp in
parent total diet digestibility. A data set was collected cows, with the response being mostly due to improved
that included a total of 497 dietary treatment means NDF digestibility. Replacement of starchy concentrates
from 92 studies. The diets were based on grass silage or with fibrous by-products slightly decreased OMDp but
on legume or whole-crop cereal silages partly or com- tended to improve NDF digestibility. The true digest-
pletely substituted for grass silage. The silages were ibility of cell solubles (OM − NDF) estimated by the
supplemented with concentrates given at a flat rate Lucas test both from all data and from the data subsets
within a dietary comparison. For the statistical evalu- was not significantly different from 1.00, suggesting
ation, the data were divided into 5 subsets to quantify that responses in OMDp of dairy cows are mediated
silage (digestibility, 42 diets in 17 studies; fermentation through changes in the concentration and digestibility
characteristics, 108 diets in 39 studies) and concentrate of NDF.
(amount of supplementation, 142 diets in 59 studies; Key words: digestibility, diet composition, dairy cow,
concentration of crude protein, 215 diets in 82 studies; grass silage
carbohydrate composition, 66 diets in 23 studies) fac-
tors on total diet digestibility. The diet digestibility of
dairy cows was determined by total fecal collection or
by using acid-insoluble ash as an internal marker. Diet Diet digestibility is determined by intrinsic properties
organic matter digestibility (OMD) at a maintenance of the inter- and intramolecular structure of plant cell
level of feeding (OMDm) was estimated using sheep in walls, which establish the upper potential for the rate
vivo or corresponding in vitro digestibility values for the and extent of cell wall digestion in ruminants (Mertens,
forage and reported ingredient and chemical composi- 1993). The ultimate extent of fiber digestion cannot
tion values, with tabulated digestibility coefficients for be reached in animals (Huhtanen et al., 2006), but as
the concentrate components of the diet. A mixed model defined by Mertens (1993), a digestibility trial with
regression analysis was used to detect the responses of sheep at a maintenance level of feeding gives the most
different dietary factors on apparent total diet digest- consistent assessment of the intrinsic feed digestibility
ibility. Improved silage OMDm resulting from earlier when eliminating animal influence (selection, intake
harvest was translated into improved production-level level) and associative effects between dietary compo-
OMD in cows (OMDp). The effects of silage fermenta- nents. Consequently, in most current feed evaluation
tion characteristics on OMDp were quantitatively small, systems for dairy cattle, whole-diet digestibility is cal-
although sometimes significant. Concentrate supple- culated from tabulated coefficients of individual dietary
ingredients, which typically are determined with sheep
fed at a maintenance level of feeding (INRA, 1989;
Agricultural and Food Research Council, 1990; Yan et
Received October 24, 2008. al., 2002). Alternatively, maintenance feed values can
Accepted June 25, 2009. be derived from prediction equations by using chemical
Corresponding author:
Current address: Department of Agricultural Research for Northern
feed parameters or in vitro degradation data (Minis-
Sweden, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Umeå, try of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, 1975). When
Sweden. applied to mixed diets of dairy cows, this approach


assumes that the digestion coefficients are equivalent MATERIALS AND METHODS
between sheep and cattle and are additive, with no
interactions between dietary components. However,
research evidence indicates that these assumptions may Treatment mean data were collected from feeding tri-
not be valid, resulting in biased estimates of nutrient als with lactating dairy cows fed ad libitum either grass
availability for dairy cows fed mixed diets at multiple silage or legume (mainly red clover) or whole-crop si-
levels of maintenance (Agricultural and Food Research lages (barley, wheat, or corn) partly or completely sub-
Council, 1990; Colucci et al., 1990; Yan et al., 2002). stituted for grass silage. The silages were supplemented
Many dietary factors and their interactions affect the with concentrate feeds differing both in amount and
ruminal fermentation, digestibility, and metabolism of composition but offered at a flat rate within a single
the total diet in dairy cows. These include both for- dietary comparison. The minimum prerequisite of an
age (e.g., stage of maturity at harvest, fermentation experiment to be included in the data set was that
characteristics) and concentrate [e.g., amount, concen- diet digestibility, production parameters (silage and
trations of CP and fat, carbohydrate (CHO) composi- total DMI, milk production), adequate silage (plant
tion] feeding factors. These associative effects between species; harvest; concentrations of DM, CP, and NDF;
dietary components are usually negative and related fermentation acids; digestibility), and concentrate char-
to depressions in cell wall digestibility with increased acterization (ingredients and concentrations of CP, fat,
concentrate feeding (Mould et al., 1983). The funda- and NDF) were reported. Diet digestibility in cows was
mental consequence of the negative associative effects determined by the total fecal collection method (n =
is that digestibility of a feed mixture is less than that 176 diets) or by using acid-insoluble ash (AIA), deter-
of the sum of the individual component feeds. There mined as described by Van Keulen and Young (1977),
are also indications of positive associative effects, which as an internal marker (n = 321).
typically result from supplementation of a nutrient The total data included 497 diets in 92 studies (see
that may restrict ruminal digestion and metabolism, the Appendix). In addition to the analysis of the whole
for example, protein (Oldham, 1984). However, positive data set, the data were divided into 5 subsets specifi-
associative responses have not been quantified properly, cally to estimate the effects of silage digestibility (42
and hence are not yet considered in any feed evalua- diets, 17 studies), silage fermentation characteristics
tion system. Quantitatively managing the associative (108 diets, 39 studies), amount of concentrate supple-
effects on digestibility between dietary components mentation (142 diets, 59 studies), concentrate CP con-
would obviously be valuable both when improving the centration (215 diets, 82 studies), and concentrate CHO
existing feed evaluation systems and in practical ration composition (66 diets, 23 studies). Silage digestibility
planning for dairy cows. was influenced by the stage of maturity at harvest,
The objective of the present study was to estimate silage fermentation quality by the type and amount of
the effect of specific dietary factors (silage digestibility additive applications, concentrate CP amount by sub-
and fermentation quality, and amount and composition stituting protein supplements such as rapeseed (canola)
of concentrate supplementation) influencing diet di- feeds, soybean meal, or fishmeal for energy supplements
gestibility in dairy cows by using data from production (typically grain), and concentrate CHO composition by
experiments in dairy cows. The meta-analysis presented substituting fibrous by-products (e.g., sugar beet pulp
herein focuses merely on grass silage-based diets, which and wheat middlings) for cereal grains.
are typically used in Northern Europe. The analysis
uses specific data from dairy cow feeding trials in which Calculations
confounding factors are minimized and only the feeding
factors in question are varied. With this approach, we Diet OM digestibility (OMD) at a maintenance level
aimed to detect quantitatively the mechanisms of inter- of feeding (OMDm) was determined using in vivo or
action of feed digestion in dairy cows. The digestibility in vitro digestibility for the forage component of the
values determined with sheep fed at a maintenance diet. In vivo digestibility was measured in sheep fed
level of intake were used to describe the intrinsic digest- at a maintenance level of feeding using the total fecal
ibility (i.e., digestibility in vivo in optimal conditions; collection method. In vitro digestibility was measured
see Mertens, 1993) of the diet. In a companion paper using rumen fluid (Tilley and Terry, 1963) or pepsin-
(Huhtanen et al., 2009), these data are used to develop cellulase incubations (Nousiainen et al., 2003). Silage
practical models predicting diet digestibility in cows digestibility estimated by the in vitro pepsin-cellulase
fed mixed diets and digestibility discount factors for method was corrected using forage type-specific equa-
feeding-level effects. tions (Huhtanen et al., 2006). Digestibility coefficients

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 10, 2009


were presented as grams per kilogram to produce to NDF was computed as (NDF − iNDF)/NDF. The
regression coefficients with a convenient number of best-fit model was chosen based on the lowest residual
decimals. When silage indigestible NDF (iNDF) con- mean square error (RMSE) and Akaike’s information
centrations were not reported, the estimates were de- criterion (AIC). In the tables, RMSE values are ad-
rived from regression equations based on Finnish data justed for the random study effect. The rationale for
sets (Huhtanen et al., 2006). Digestibility (OMDm) of and further details on using a mixed model analysis
the concentrate component of the diet was estimated to integrate quantitative findings from multiple studies
from ingredient composition, analyzed chemical com- are described by St-Pierre (2001).
position, and tabulated digestibility coefficients (MTT,
2006). If the chemical composition was not reported, RESULTS
default feed table values were used. Concentrate iNDF
concentrations were based on either determined values Data
or values derived from unpublished MTT data sets. For
the most common and quantitatively the most impor- The data displayed a large variation in intake, pro-
tant concentrate ingredients, either one of these values duction, digestibility, and diet composition (Table 1).
was available. For some concentrate ingredients, the The proportion of concentrate was on average 0.41,
values were based on analyzed lignin concentration or ranging from 0 to 0.80. The mean NDFD was high, as
lignin concentration published by NRC (2001) and in is typical for Northern European diets based on grass
the Cornell Net Carbohydrate and Protein System feed silage. The standard deviation of NDFD was almost
libraries (Fox et al. 2003). The concentration of iNDF 2-fold that of OMD at a production level (OMDp).
was estimated as 2.4 times the lignin concentration Metabolic fecal output was on average 96 g/kg of DMI.
(Van Soest et al., 2005). Fecal metabolic OM was cal- When the random effect of trial was taken in account,
culated as fecal OM − fecal NDF, and it was expressed the standard deviation was much smaller (6.9) than the
as grams per kilogram of DMI. Fecal OM output was overall standard deviation (14.6), which probably at
divided into 3 fractions: fecal iNDF, fecal potentially least partly reflected differences in the analytical meth-
digestible NDF (pdNDF), and fecal neutral detergent ods used to divide fecal OM between NDF and NDS.
solubles (NDS; calculated as OM − NDF). By defini-
tion, fecal iNDF per kilogram of DMI was assumed to Silage Maturity
be the same as dietary concentration. Fecal pdNDF
(g/kg of DMI) was calculated as fecal NDF (g/kg of As expected, higher silage digestibility associated
DMI) − iNDF (g/kg of DMI). The Lucas test (regres- with harvesting grass at an earlier stage of maturity
sion of the intake of the digestible dietary entity on the affected the whole-diet OMDp (Table 2). The effect
intake of the respective entity; see Van Soest, 1994) was was strongest on NDFD, but the pdNDF digestibility
performed for CP and NDS. also increased with improved silage digestibility. Silage
iNDF concentration predicted OMDp in cows slightly
better (RMSE = 6.0 g/kg; model not shown) than
Statistical Analysis
silage OMDm. In the silage maturity data subset, the
Data were analyzed using the mixed model procedure true digestibility of the NDS fraction estimated by the
of SAS (Littell et al., 1996). The model was Y = B0 Lucas test was not significantly different from 1.00,
+ B1X1ij + b0 + b1X1ij + B2X2ij + . . . + BnXnij + eij, whereas the respective value for true CP digestibility
where B0, B1X1ij, B2X2ij . . . Xnij are the fixed effects (0.876) was smaller (P < 0.001) than 1.00. Of the 3
and b0, b1, and eij are the random experiment effects fecal components, only iNDF decreased with increased
(intercept and slope), where i = 1 . . . n studies and j silage OMDm, whereas outputs of pdNDF and meta-
= 1 . . . ni values. The subsets were analyzed separately bolic fecal OM (MFOM) per kilogram of DMI (mean
to investigate the effects of single dietary factors on 92.4 g/kg of DMI) were not significantly influenced.
the digestibility of a dietary component when only this
specific factor was variable in the experimental design Silage Fermentation Quality
(e.g., the amount of concentrate feeds, or the forage
maturity at harvest). Diet OMDp decreased (P < 0.05) as the concentra-
To analyze interactions between the dietary factors tion of water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) in silage
on digestibility [such as OMD or NDF digestibility increased (Table 3). The effect can mainly be attributed
(NDFD)], digestibility estimated at a maintenance level to reduced NDF and pdNDF digestibility. The effect
of feeding and the ratio of pdNDF to NDF were used of silage WSC concentration on diet digestibility was
as random factors in the model. The ratio of pdNDF greater than that of total acids (TA), probably because
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 10, 2009

Table 1. Statistical description of the variables used in the data file for prediction of digestibility in dairy cows
fed grass silage-based diets

Item n Mean SD Minimum Maximum

Intake (kg of DM/d)
Forage 497 10.9 1.93 4.6 17.4
Concentrate 497 7.7 2.47 0.0 18.4
Total 497 18.6 2.98 9.9 25.2
Production (kg/d)
Milk 497 26.7 5.06 13.0 45.8
ECM 497 27.4 5.33 12.8 42.1
Digestibility (g/kg)
OM 497 736 38.1 621 830
CP 471 691 41.1 542 782
NDF 388 627 71.8 408 830
pdNDF1 388 754 63.3 506 946
MFOM2 (g/kg of DMI) 388 96 14.6 61 147
Diet composition (g/kg of DM)
CP 497 166 20.0 111 229
NFC 497 293 50.0 80 419
NDF 497 419 47.0 283 559
Indigestible NDF 497 68 22.4 19 148
Crude fat 497 44 10.1 22 112
Starch 497 141 56.3 0 292
Silage WSC3 406 54 40.0 1 175
Silage TA4 451 76 33.7 7 218
OMDm5 (g/kg) 497 774 31.5 658 846
pdNDF = potentially digestible NDF.
MFOM = metabolic fecal OM (calculated as OM – NDF).
WSC = water-soluble carbohydrates.
TA = total acids.
OMDm = OM digestibility determined at a maintenance level of feeding in sheep or using a corresponding in
vitro method.

VFA included in the TA had a negative effect on digest- Amount of Concentrate Supplementation
ibility. The positive slope of lactic acid (0.08; model
not shown) was numerically the same as the negative Increasing the amount of concentrate DMI (CDMI)
slope of WSC (−0.08). Although the differences were had no effect on OMDp of the total diet (Table 4).
statistically significant, the magnitude of the responses However, OMD decreased in cows when OMDm was
was small. The effect of the extent silage fermentation included as a second independent variable in the model.
on MFOM output (mean 96.6 g/kg of DMI; SE 1.67) Consistent with this result, OMDp in dairy cows in-
was relatively small, although the slope of the Lucas creased by only 35% (i.e., the slope when using the
equation for TA was significant. random effect of trial in the model) of the expected

Table 2. Effects of silage OM digestibility determined at a maintenance level of feeding1 on apparent diet
digestibility, predicted true digestibility (slope of the Lucas test), and metabolic fecal OM (MFOM) production
in lactating dairy cows

Response in dairy cows n Intercept SE Slope SE P-value RMSE2 AIC3

Digestibility (g/kg)
OM 44 372 42.4 0.515 0.050 <0.001 6.6 379.6
CP 36 461 45.8 0.308 0.053 <0.001 8.8 305.3
NDF 36 115 51.0 0.757 0.060 <0.001 8.2 342.4
pdNDF4 36 634 45.3 0.202 0.057 0.002 12.3 350.7
Lucas test
NDS5 36 −82.8 29.0 0.973 0.056 <0.001 3.5 265.4
CP 36 −29.4 5.0 0.876 0.027 <0.001 0.7 161.3
MFOM (g/kg of DMI) 36 79.6 24.6 0.022 0.037 0.57 2.8 264.1
Determined with sheep at a maintenance level of feeding or with a corresponding in vitro method.
RMSE = residual mean square error.
AIC = Akaike’s information criterion.
pdNDF = potentially digestible NDF (calculated as NDF − indigestible NDF).
NDS = neutral detergent solubles (calculated as OM − NDF).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 10, 2009

Table 3. Effects of silage total acid (TA) and water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentrations (g/kg of DM) on apparent diet digestibility
and metabolic fecal OM (MFOM) output in lactating dairy cows

Response in dairy cows n X1 Intercept SE Slope1 SE P-value RMSE1 AIC2

OM 92 TA 726 5.0 0.03 0.044 0.53 5.9 772.9
OM 92 WSC 734 7.7 −0.08 0.033 0.02 7.3 770.5
CP 92 TA 681 8.1 0.14 0.045 0.004 8.5 825.8
CP 92 WSC 703 9.8 −0.15 0.038 <0.001 9.6 822.1
NDF 80 TA 617 11.3 0.18 0.060 0.005 12.3 764.2
NDF 80 WSC 646 12.6 −0.22 0.055 <0.001 12.8 762.6
pdNDF3 80 TA 721 9.4 0.27 0.080 0.003 14.0 754.9
pdNDF 80 WSC 763 13.5 −0.32 0.079 0.001 12.8 747.0
MFOM4 (g/kg of DMI) 80 TA 91 2.8 0.071 0.031 0.03 4.1 580.6
MFOM (g/kg of DMI) 80 WSC 99 4.1 −0.033 0.020 0.12 6.7 583.6
RMSE = residual mean square error.
AIC = Akaike’s information criterion.
pdNDF = potentially digestible NDF (calculated as NDF − indigestible NDF).
MFOM = metabolic fecal OM (calculated as fecal OM − NDF).

improvements in diet digestibility as concentrate intake g/kg of DMI, and it was not influenced by the level of
increased. Digestibility of both NDF and pdNDF de- concentrate supplementation.
creased (P < 0.001) with increased concentrate supple-
mentation. When the ratio of pdNDF to NDF was Protein Supplementation
used with CDMI in the model to describe the quality
of dietary fiber within the study, the slope of CDMI Increasing dietary CP concentration by replacing
decreased from −10.3 to −7.9. energy supplements (generally cereal grains or fibrous
Increasing the amount of concentrate had no effect by-products) with protein supplements was associated
on CP digestibility, and the differences were related with improved diet digestibility (Table 5). The effect
to changes in dietary CP concentration rather than to tended (P = 0.06) to be quadratic, with predicted
the amount of concentrate. Intake of digestible OM in- maximum digestibility at a dietary CP concentration
creased (P < 0.001) with concentrate supplementation, of 220 g/kg of DM. Although the effect was highly
but the response tended to diminish at high levels of significant, quantitatively the improvements in diet
supplementation, as indicated by a negative quadratic OMDp were rather small. Improvements in the OMDp
term. The Lucas test showed that NDS were completely with increased protein supplementation were related to
digestible when the amount of concentrates was in- increased NDF and CP digestibility. True digestibility
creased. The output of MFOM averaged 91.4 (SE 1.42) of the incremental CP estimated by the Lucas test was

Table 4. Effects of concentrate DMI (CDMI, kg/d) on apparent diet digestibility, true digestibility of neutral detergent solubles (NDS, g/kg),
and metabolic fecal OM (MFOM) output (g/kg of DMI) in lactating dairy cows

Item X1 X2 n Intercept SE Slope1 SE P-value Slope2 SE P-value RMSE1 AIC2

Digestibility (g/kg)
OM CDMI 142 721 4.9 −0.27 0.35 0.43 7.54 1,321.8
OM CDMI OMDm3 142 119 67.3 −3.2 0.60 <0.001 0.83 0.09 <0.001 5.58 1,208.4
CP CDMI 125 700 6.6 −0.22 0.61 0.72 5.36 1,121.3
NDF CDMI 110 717 10.2 −10.3 0.79 <0.001 11.3 1,091.8
NDF CDMI pdNDF4/NDF 110 −208 121.5 −7.9 0.63 <0.001 1.09 0.14 <0.0001 12.0 1,054.8
pdNDF CDMI 110 842 10.2 −10.3 0.82 <0.001 13.6 1,099.8
Lucas test
dNDS5 (g/kg of DM) NDS 110 −88.4 11.8 0.99 0.024 <0.001 5.12 865.1
MFOM6 (g/kg of DMI) CDMI 110 94.3 3.69 −0.33 0.32 0.30 4.80 855.2
RMSE = residual mean square error.
AIC = Akaike’s information criterion.
OM digestibility determined at a maintenance level of feeding in sheep or with a corresponding in vitro method (g/kg).
pdNDF = potentially digestible NDF (calculated as NDF − indigestible NDF).
dNDS = digestible neutral detergent solubles.
MFOM = metabolic fecal OM (calculated as fecal OM − NDF).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 10, 2009


Table 5. Effects of protein supplementation (energy supplement partly replaced with protein supplements; diet CP concentration as g/kg of
DM) on apparent diet digestibility in lactating dairy cows

Item X1 X2 n Intercept SE Slope1 SE P-value Slope2 SE P-value RMSE1 AIC2

OM CP 224 689 7.2 0.28 0.037 <0.001 4.0 1,817.6
OM Ln CP 224 504 29.8 45.5 5.8 <0.001 4.0 1,805.4
OM CP CP × CP 224 638 27.0 0.93 0.330 0.01 –0.002 0.0010 0.06 3.9 1,826.5
CP CP 220 457 13.6 1.47 0.076 <0.001 6.7 1,932.6
CP Ln CP 220 −492 56.5 233.4 10.9 <0.001 6.4 1,898.8
CP CP CP × CP 220 169 48.2 5.09 0.589 <0.001 –0.011 0.002 <0.001 6.3 1,909.2
NDF CP 182 508 14.3 0.77 0.077 <0.001 9.5 1,698.1
NDF Ln CP 182 20.8 60.8 120.5 11.9 <0.001 9.5 1,687.6
pdNDF3 CP 182 585 17.0 1.15 0.100 <0.001 12.5 1,757.7
pdNDF Ln CP 182 −141 181 179 35.8 <0.001 8.7 1,810.7
Lucas test
dCP4 CP 220 −36.2 1.65 0.92 0.010 <0.001 1.0 1,090.0
RMSE = residual mean square error.
AIC = Akaike’s information criterion.
pdNDF = potentially digestible NDF (calculated as NDF − indigestible NDF).
dCP = digestible CP.

0.92. The mean MFOM output was 95.4 (SE 0.91) g/ output of both iNDF (P = 0.03) and pdNDF (P <
kg of DMI, and it was not significantly influenced by 0.01) increased slightly as the amount of concentrate
dietary CP concentration. NDF increased. The coefficient of the Lucas equation
was not significantly different from 1.00.
Concentrate CHO Composition
Digestibility of OM decreased when starchy ingre-
dients (generally cereal grains) were replaced with The total diet OMDp in dairy cows was determined
fibrous by-products (Table 6). Consequently, concen- either by total fecal collection or by using AIA as an in-
trate starch content was positively related to OMDp. ternal marker in the present data set. The relationship
However, the goodness of fit was better on the basis between OMDp estimates based on total fecal collection
of RMSE and Akaike’s information criterion for con- or AIA in 5 studies including 21 diets was good, as
centrate NDF compared with starch concentration. indicated by a high R2 value (0.82) despite a relatively
Digestibility of CP decreased (P = 0.001), and that of narrow range of data. The mean OMDp values esti-
NDF and pdNDF tended (P = 0.06) to increase with mated by total fecal collection and AIA were 736 versus
an increasing amount of concentrate NDF. Concentrate 731 g/kg, with a mean squared prediction error of 16 g/
carbohydrate composition had no influence on MFOM kg. In 15 studies, the mean residual standard deviation
output (mean 105.0 g/kg of DMI, SE 0.69), but fecal of OMDp was on average 13 g/kg, ranging from 5 to 20

Table 6. Effects of concentrate carbohydrate composition on apparent diet digestibility in lactating dairy

Response in dairy cows X1 n Intercept SE Slope1 SE P-value RMSE1 AIC2

Digestibility (g/kg)
OM CNDF3 66 769 11.2 −0.091 0.031 0.007 3.5 575.5
OM CSta4 66 729 11.1 0.053 0.019 0.011 7.6 594.3
CP CNDF 66 711 11.6 −0.077 0.019 0.001 8.3 596.1
NDF CNDF 38 604 29.0 0.178 0.084 0.055 8.4 381.3
pdNDF5 CNDF 38 736 24.4 0.135 0.063 0.055 8.4 366.4
Lucas test
Digestible NDS6 NDS 38 −128 15.1 1.034 0.029 <0.001 5.3 291.7
RMSE = residual mean square error.
AIC = Akaike’s information criterion.
CNDF = concentrate NDF concentration (g/kg of DM).
CSta = concentrate starch concentration (g/kg of DM).
pdNDF = potentially digestible NDF (calculated as NDF − indigestible NDF).
NDS = neutral detergent solubles (calculated as OM − NDF).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 10, 2009


g/kg. The mean value is similar to that in sheep studies with increased silage digestibility can be attributed
using total fecal collection (Huhtanen et al., 2006) and to increased dietary CP concentration and a dilution
was below the 20 g/kg suggested by Van Soest (1994) of metabolic and endogenous fecal nitrogen. The true
as being the standard deviation of digestibility determi- CP digestibility estimated by the Lucas test (0.88) was
nation in carefully conducted experiments. markedly lower than the corresponding value (0.97)
Digestibility of dairy cow diets is influenced by in- estimated from our silage digestibility data from sheep
trinsic digestion characteristics of the diet and extrinsic (Huhtanen et al., 2006). This difference may be related
factors that influence the extent to which the intrinsic to greater hindgut fermentation of early-harvested
digestion potential is achieved. Digestibility of pdNDF compared with late-harvested grass silages and an as-
in the present data set (0.754) was lower than that sociated increase in metabolic fecal nitrogen.
(0.85) in sheep fed grass silages alone at a maintenance The effects of the extent of silage fermentation on
level of feeding (Huhtanen et al., 2006). Metabolic fecal diet OMDp were almost completely associated with
output in the sheep data (Huhtanen et al., 2006) was the reduced NDFD of restrictively fermented silages
similar to the values in the present study (100 vs. 96 g/ because the changes in MFOM output were marginal
kg of DM). Because the digestibility of iNDF is zero by (Table 3). The effect of silage fermentation on NDFD
definition, most of the differences in diet digestibility was significant, but quantitatively the responses were
between sheep fed at a maintenance level and dairy cows small, and significant effects have seldom been reported
fed at a production level can be attributed to pdNDF in single studies (Keady and Murphy, 1996; Heikkilä
digestibility, at least when the diets are based mainly et al., 1998). Reduced NDFD can be attributed partly
on grass silage and small grain-based concentrates. to an increased DMI of restrictively fermented silages
(Huhtanen et al., 2007) and an associated increase in
Effects of Silage Digestibility
rumen passage rate, but it does not account for all the
and Fermentation Quality
response. Indirect evidence from intraruminal infusion
The response of silage digestibility on OMDp in cows studies suggests that sugars depress NDFD (Rooke et
was 0.52 units per 1 unit in silage OMDm as deter- al., 1987; Khalili and Huhtanen, 1991), whereas lactic
mined with sheep at a maintenance level of feed intake. acid had no effect on fiber digestion (Jaakkola and
Because the mean proportion of forage in the diet of Huhtanen, 1992). The effects of silage fermentation
lactating dairy cows was on average 0.60, the effect of on digestibility can partly counteract the effects of
silage digestibility on OMDp of the mixed diet was com- silage additives. Muck and Kung (1999) reported that
parable with that observed in sheep fed at maintenance. inoculation improved the digestibility of silage DM in
This is in agreement with the results of Gordon et al. approximately one-third of the studies. Gordon (1989)
(1995) and Rinne et al. (2002), who reported a close reported a higher digestibility for inoculated silage in
correspondence between silage OMDm as determined dairy cows compared with untreated and formic acid-
with sheep fed at maintenance and whole-diet OMDp in treated silage, although no marked differences were
cattle fed mixed diets at multiple levels of maintenance. observed in silage fermentation parameters.
The improved apparent OMDp in dairy cows can be at- The evidence from the present meta-analysis sug-
tributed to the reduced NDF concentration of the diet gests that increased silage WSC concentration slightly
and improved NDFD, whereas the MFOM output was depresses OMD because of reduced pdNDF digestion,
not related to silage digestibility. but this evidently has only a minor contribution to the
Improved total diet NDFD with improved silage di- energy intake of dairy cows compared with the adverse
gestibility is mainly derived from the reduced iNDF effects of silage fermentation acids on silage DMI (Huh-
concentration. However, increased pdNDF digestibility tanen et al., 2007). Different slopes for CP digestibility
with improved silage digestibility suggests a faster rate against TA and WSC concentrations could be related
of pdNDF digestion in silages harvested at early rather to rumen microbial protein synthesis. Fermentation of
than late stages of maturity. A faster digestion rate of WCS in the silo to lactic acid and VFA has been as-
NDF in early-harvested grasses has been demonstrated sociated with a reduced efficiency of microbial protein
using in situ (Cone et al., 1999; Rinne et al., 2002), synthesis (Harrison et al. 2003), which will increase fe-
rumen evacuation (Bosch and Bruining, 1995; Rinne cal CP excretion.
et al., 2002), and in vitro gas production techniques
(Cone et al., 1999). A longer rumen residence time of Effects of the Amount of Concentrate
early-harvested silages compared with late-harvested Supplementation
silages (Bosch and Bruining, 1995; Rinne et al., 2002)
could also contribute to improved pdNDF digestibility The lack of expected improvements in diet OMDp
of early-harvested grasses. Improved CP digestibility with increased concentrate feeding in dairy cows clearly
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 10, 2009

indicates negative associative effects in digestion. In- (i.e., the depression in ruminal and total NDFD was
deed, increased concentrate feeding depressed total diet entirely associated with forage fiber).
OMDp in dairy cows by 3.2 g/kg of DM when the higher Both in situ and rumen evacuation studies suggest
intrinsic digestibility (OMDm) was taken into account that reduced rumen pH, which inhibits cellulolytic
in the model. The present data agrees with the results microbes and depresses the rate of NDF digestion, is
of Tyrrell and Moe (1975) and Colucci et al. (1989), the main mechanism of observed negative associative
who reported that the effects of increased concentrate effects of concentrate feeding on diet digestibility in
feeding on digestibility diminished as the feeding level dairy cows. Although the rumen retention time of for-
increased. However, in their studies the diet digest- age particles seemed to decrease as CDMI increased
ibility improved with increased concentrate feeding, (Colucci et al., 1990; Huhtanen and Jaakkola, 1993;
probably because the digestibility of forages was lower Stensig and Robinson, 1997), increased rumen reten-
than in our data set and the possibility for improved tion time was insufficient to compensate for the reduced
digestibility within increased concentrate feeding was digestion rate of pdNDF. Van Soest (1994) suggested
greater. In agreement with this, Aston et al. (1994b) that concentrate fiber contributes more to digestibility
reported decreasing total diet OMDp with high-quality depression than forage fiber when concentrate is added
grass silages in response to incremental concentrate to forage diets. This may be related to the faster pas-
supplementation, but with low-quality grass or lucerne sage rate of concentrate fiber typically present in small
silages, total diet OMDp increased in a curvilinear man- particles compared with forage fiber.
ner. However, total diet NDFD was depressed with an
increasing concentrate allowance irrespective of forage Effects of Protein Supplementation
quality (Aston et al., 1994b).
The true digestibility of NDS was complete (0.99) The present meta-analysis demonstrated a positive ef-
and MFOM output (g/kg of DMI) was not influenced fect of supplementary protein feeding on diet digestibil-
by increased concentrate feeding. Because dietary iNDF ity in dairy cows (Table 5). Quantitatively, the responses
concentration decreased as CDMI increased, depression were not large; therefore, significant protein effects on
in pdNDF digestibility accounted for most of the nega- digestibility have seldom been reported in single stud-
tive associative effects on digestibility with increased ies. The response was smaller (0.28 g/kg of OMD per
concentrate feeding. Reduced NDFD resulted mainly 1 g/kg of DM increase in diet CP concentration) than
from depression in pdNDF digestibility and partly from the corresponding response of 0.70 in a meta-analysis
reduced potential NDF digestibility (0.0025 g/kg of reported by Oldham (1984). The smaller effect in the
CDMI); that is, a major part of the depression can be present analysis may be related to the use of rapeseed
attributed to extrinsic factors. (canola) feeds, which contain more iNDF than soybean
Decreased pdNDF digestibility can result from re- meal (Shingfield et al., 2003), as a protein supplement
duced digestion rate, reduced ruminal residence time, in a large number of studies. Oldham (1984) reported
or both. The evidence from in situ studies suggests that a slightly greater response to protein supplementation
digestion rate of forage NDF is reduced with increased in DM digestibility in cows fed corn (Zea mays) silage
concentrate feeding. Lindberg (1981) studied the effects compared with grass silage-based diets.
of oats fed proportionately at 0, 0.30, and 0.70 of diet Several mechanisms may be associated with im-
DM on in situ digestion kinetics of forages. He found proved OMDp in response to the replacement of energy
that an increased proportion of oats was associated supplements with protein supplements: overcoming a
with a decrease in both the rate and potential extent of deficiency of RDP (1), a higher intrinsic rate and po-
NDF digestion. Similar effects were reported by Huh- tential extent of fiber digestion of protein supplements
tanen and Jaakkola (1994), who incubated 6 grasses in (2), a buffering rumen pH and better rumen conditions
the rumen of cattle fed grass silage or barn-dried hay for fiber digestion because of a reduced dietary starch
with proportionally 0.25, 0.50, or 0.75 concentrates of concentration (3), and stimulation of cellulolytic bac-
diet DM. teria by AA and peptides derived from supplementary
The rumen evacuation-derived NDF digestion rate protein (4).
decreased with increased concentrate proportion in The effect of protein supplementation on OMD was
the diet (Huhtanen and Jaakkola, 1993; Stensig and curvilinear, decreasing from 0.41 to 0.21 g/kg per 1
Robinson, 1997). Reduced digestion rate was associ- g/kg of DM when dietary CP concentration increased
ated with a lower rumen pH and decreases in particle- from 130 to 180 g/kg of DM, respectively. This implies
associated enzyme activities. Stensig and Robinson that at least part of the response could be related to
(1997) supplemented an alfalfa or timothy silage diet overcoming the limited supply of rumen-degradable
with fiber-free concentrates at medium and high levels nitrogen for rumen microbes. Soybean meal has some-
Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 10, 2009

times increased diet digestibility more than isonitrog- containing 40 or 60% of cereal grain-based concentrates
enous urea supplementation (Poos et al., 1979; Smith were used.
et al., 1980), suggesting that the form of nitrogen also Substituting cereal grains for fibrous by-products can
may influence ruminal fiber digestion. produce positive associative effects in terms of improved
The concentration of iNDF increased (P < 0.001) forage digestibility and negative associative effects in
with increased protein supplementation when the terms of increased passage rate and decreased digest-
mixed model including the random study effect was ibility of concentrate fiber. Ipharraguerre and Clark
used, precluding the notion that digestibility responses (2003) suggested that positive associative effects with
were attributed to improved intrinsic digestibility of soyhulls are to be expected with diets with high con-
the diet. Improved pdNDF digestibility can be related centrations of NFC and containing course forage, which
to increased digestion rate as dietary CP concentration alter the mat formation in the rumen and which in turn
is increased and, as a result, fecal output of pdNDF is influence passage rate. Negative associative effects, on
decreased. The faster digestion rate could be attributed the other hand, are to be expected when soyhulls are
to reduced dietary starch concentration and associated used to replace forage in the diet.
improvements in rumen environment for fiber-degrading
bacteria, differences in intrinsic NDF digestion rates CONCLUSIONS
between protein and energy supplements, and possible
stimulatory effects of preformed AA and peptides on The results of the present meta-analysis demonstrat-
rumen cellulolytic bacteria. ed that diet digestibility could be predicted accurately
from values estimated with sheep fed at a maintenance
Effects of Concentrate CHO Composition level when different forage or concentrate factors of
the diet were manipulated. Fecal output of metabolic
Replacing starchy supplements with fibrous supple- matter was on average 96 g/kg of DMI and it was not
ments has often improved NDFD in single studies influenced by any of the forage or concentrate feeding
(Mayne and Gordon, 1984; Huhtanen, 1988; Sutton factors investigated. Consequently, most of the variation
et al., 1993). This effect has often been attributed to in diet digestibility in cows fed grass silage-based diets
improved rumen cellulolytic activity associated with was related to dietary NDF concentration and NDFD.
reduced starch content of the diet. A trend toward im- Improved forage intrinsic digestibility was almost to-
proved NDF and pdNDF digestibility with an elevated tally realized in dairy cows fed at a production level of
concentrate NDF concentration (Table 6) supports this intake. Restricting silage fermentation decreased NDFD
hypothesis. However, in a ruminal in situ digestion in cows, although the effect was quantitatively small.
study (Huhtanen, 1988), no difference in forage diges- Increased concentrate feeding had significant negative
tion kinetics was observed between barley and sugar associate effects on whole-diet digestibility mediated
beet pulp supplements. through decreased digestion of potentially digestible
Even though forage and total NDFD may be im- fiber. Increased concentrate protein feeding improved
proved when starchy supplements are replaced with whole-diet digestibility in cows in a curvilinear manner
fibrous supplements, the overall effects on diet OMDp because of positive effects on the ruminal environment
are likely to be small or even negative, as indicated by for fiber digestion, but the magnitude of the effect was
the present meta-analysis (Table 6) and single studies not very large.
(e.g., Aston et al., 1994a; Doherty and Mayne, 1996).
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Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 92 No. 10, 2009

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