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Gulliver travels oxford bookworms stage 4 pdf

Jonathan Swift Retold of Clare West CEFR B1 — B2 Word Count 15,325 ‘Soon I felt something alive that moves along my leg and my body towards my face, and when I looked down, I saw a very small human being, only fifteen centimeters tall... I was so surprised that I gave a great cry». But this is only the first of many surprises Gulliver has on his
trips. Visit a land of giants and a flying island, meet ghosts of the past and horses talking... ISBN 9780194621069 eBook 9780194657235 Buy PaperbackBuy eBook You are reading a free preview Pages 5-8 are not shown in this preview. Slide Share verwendet Cookies, um die Funktionalität und Leistungsfähigkeit der Webseite zu verbessern und
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diagrams support understanding Language and Audio Understanding skills building activities improve reading and listening skills Glossaries teach a hard vocabulary Free editable tests for each book Oxford Bookworms are available for your tablet or computer through the Oxford Learner Library Perfect for use in and out of class the Oxford
Bookworms Library gives you: Choice - Students can choose from more than 270through a wide range of genres – from crime, fantasy and thriller, to classics, games and non-fiction. There is something for everyone! Comfort and consistency - -are written to a carefully designed language program, judged to be “the most consistent of all series in terms
of language control, length and quality of history” by David R. Hill (review of the EELT magazine). Reliable grading and variety of books available means that students practice and improve their English by reading at a comfortable level, with books that really interest them. Support for extra teachers - Free editable tests for each book makes it easy to
use readers with your class, test your students' knowledge and control their understanding. For more ways to use Bookworms in and out of class watch Oxford Big Read step-by-step video tips with downloadable worksheets. G U L I V E R ’S - T R A V E L S Gulliver begins his first trip in 1699 and, after a storm at sea, he finds himself in a country
called Lilliput, where the people are only fifteen centimetres tall. He finally escapes and returns home, but soon leaves on another trip - to Brobdingnag, then to Laputa and Luggnagg, and last, to the even unknown village of the Houyhnhnms . . . As a young man, Gulliver is proud to be human, and proud of his country, England. When he travels
through these strange lands, talking to giants, magicians and horses, he initially laughs at extraordinary ideas and strange opinions. But how the years go, he begins to wonder and ask questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Is there no better way to live?’ OXFORD B O W O R M S L IB R A R Y Classics Gulliver’s Travels Stage 4 (1400 headwords) Series editor: Jennifer Bassett Founder Editor: Tricia Hedge Activity Publisher: Jennifer
Bassett and Alison Baxter JONATHAN SWIFT Gulliver Travel Retold by Clare W est Illustrated by N ick H arris O XFORD U N IV E R S IT Y PRESS OXFORD CONTENTS U N IV E R S IT Y PRESS Great Clarendon Street, Oxford p Pressan oxford university department. continueThe goal of the University of Liputllis is to research, scholarship and
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Oxford University Press only for information. Oxford University Press accepts no responsibility for the content isbn BROBDINGNAG 5 A trip to Brobdingnag 25 6 Gulliver and his master 29 7 At the palace of King 33 8 Other adventures in Brobdingnag 40 9 Gulliver escapes from Brobdingnag 48 LAPUTA, GLUBBDUBDRIB, LUGGNAGG 10 The flying
island of Lapud 52 11 Lubnaо 19 4 791731 A complete recording of this edition of Gulliver’s Travels Bookworms is available on audio CD i s b n 978 о 19 479150 2 Printed in China HOUYHNHNHMS 12 A trip to the village of Count Houyhnhnhnhnms 64 AC KNOWLEDG EMEN TS Maps of: 76 Ursell 74 GLOSSARY ACTIVIT ACTIVIT ACTIVITIES: While
reading 77 For more information on the Oxford Library Bookworms, please visit ACTIVITIES: After reading 80 about UATORINO 84 about BOOKINGS LIBRARY 85 1 I was born in Nottinghamshire and was the third of five children. My father wasn't a rich man, but he was able to send me to the University of Cambridge,
where I studied for three years. When I left college, I continued my studies and became a doctor. But I always wanted to travel, and so I made several trips as a doctor of a ship. When I married my wife Mary, however, I planned to stay home for a while. But after a few years, I found out I didn't make enough money from my patients. I decided to go
back to the sea, and this time I joined a ship sailing to the islands of the South Pacific Ocean. We started our journey from Bristol on May 4, 1699. At first, our journey went well. We sailed through the Atlantic, around the coast of Africa and towards Indiana 1 Gulliver's Travels A trip to Lilliput Ocean. But before reaching the Pacific, a violent storm hit
us and took us to the northwest of Tasmania. The wind drove our ship on a rock, which broke the ship in half. Some of the sailors and I managed to get a boat into the water, and we rode away to search for land. But when we were too tired to spin more, a big wave hit our little boat, and we all fell at sea. I don't know what happened to my comrades,
but I suppose they were drowned. The wind and the waves pushed me as I struggled to keepover the water. I became very tired and soon felt I couldn't swim anymore. Luckily, only then did my feet touchground. I went out of the sea and on a beach, where there wasTnysign of any people or houses. I was so exhausted that I lay down and went to
sleep. When I woke up the next morning, and I tried to get up, I couldn't move. I was lying on my back and all my body, my arms and legs were strongly attached to the ground. My hair, which was long and thick, was tied to the ground. The sun began to grow warm, and I was very uncomfortable. I soon felt something alive moving along my leg and on
my body in my face, and when I looked down, I saw a very small human being, only fifteen centimeters tall. He had a bow and an arrow in his hands, and there were forty more of these little men following him. I was so surprised that I gave a big shout. They all jumped back, very scared, and some get hurt falling from my body. In the meantime, I was
struggling to undo myself, but just as I managed to pull my left arm free from the ropes, I heard a hundred arrows land on my free hand, and more arrows on my face and body. That was very painful, and it made me cry out loud. I sit quietly, see what happens next. When they saw that I was no longer struggling, they quickly built a platform next to
my head, and an official went up there to talk to me. Even if I couldn't understand his language, I realized they would be friendly to me if I didn't try to harm them. I was extremely hungry by now, so I used the sign language to beg the food officer. It seemed to understand me, because immediately the stairs 2 trips of Gulliver A trip to Lilliput were put
against my sides and small men climbed with baskets of food and drink. They were surprised how much I could eat and drink. In a mouth I ate three of their meat dishes and three of their breadsbread. I drank two barrels of wine, and I still had thirst, because it was only half a liter. As they brought me food, I wondered if I could take a handful of small
men and throw me in the their death. But I was afraid they would shoot me again, and anyway I was grateful for their kindness in giving me food and drinking, so I didn't move. After a while, another official went up on the platform and talked to me. From his signs, I knew they'd move me. The king of this country (who was called Lilliput) had
ordered his people to take me to the capital, about a mile away. I made some signs to ask if I could be unfair, but the official politely refused. While I was eating, a platform was prepared to take me. Lilliput people, known as Lilliputians, are very intelligent and intelligent with their hands. For me, five hundred men built a special wooden platform with
twenty-two wheels. 20th century stronger men worked for about three hours to lift me up on the platform, and one thousand five hundred of the king's greatest horses (every eleven and a half a centimeter high) pulled me to the capital. I didn't know anything about this, because they put a sleeping powder in my wine, and I was in a deep sleep. The
King had decided that I would remain in the greatest available Small men climbed with baskets or f fo or d and drink . 4 5 Gulliver Trips A trip to the building of Lilliput, j ust out of the city gates. His door was only one metre wide and half a metre high, so I could only get into my hands and knees. My guards put 90 chains on my left leg so I couldn't
escape. Then they cut the ropes that tied me and managed to reach my feet. As I stood up, I heard screams of amazement around me. I felt pretty unhappy, but at least I could walk for now, in a circle of two meters. I was certainly an interesting sight for the Lilliputians, who had come out of the city in crowds of several thousand to see me. Now I've
had a nice view of the countryside. The fields seemedflowers in a garden, and even My guards put chains on the tallest trees were only two my left leg. metresI was soon visited by the king himself. has a strong and beautiful face, and is very popular among his people. He came with his queen, his sons, his lords and his lords, all dressed in beautiful
gold and silver. to make the conversation easier, I sit on my side so that my face was close to him. I spoke to him in all the languages I knew, but we couldn't understand yet. the king ordered his people to make me a bed, oando seicentiputian beds. it was not very comfortable, but it was better than sleeping on the stone floor. he ordered the crowd of
spectators to return to their homes, so that the work of the country could continue and I would not be annoyed. for a long time he discussed with his gentlemen in private what should be done with me. I was told later by a good friend of mine. clearly, such a great person could be a danger to his little ones. At the end it was decided that, as I had
behaved so well until now, I would be kept alive. food and drink would bring me every day from all the villages, six hundred people would be my servants, three hundred men would have made me a new dress, and six teachers would have taught me their language. and so in about three weeks I began to speak the language of lilliput. the king often
visited me, and every time he came, I asked him to take away my chains. explained that first I must promise not to fight against lilliput or to hurt lilliputians, and that I must be sought weapons. I've accepted both of these things and I've taken two of his officers carefully in my hands. I put them first in a pocket, then I moved them into all the other
pockets, except two that I kept secret. as they searched, they wrote in a notebook details of all the things they found. later I read some of their reports: ‘In the second coat pocket we found two very large pieces ofand inside them were large pieces of metal, 6 7 Gulliver Travels very sharp. In another pocket there was moreengine, at the end of a long
chain. The engine was inside a huge round container, which was made half of silver and half of another metal. This second metal was very strange as we could see through it to some mysterious writings and images. The engine made a continuous loud noise". The officers could not guess what these things were, but they were, of course, my two pocket
knives and my watch. They also found my comb, a bag with several gold and silver coins, my gun and bullets. The King wanted to know what the gun was for. “Take it out”, he ordered me, “and show me how it works”. I took the gun and put a bullet in it. “Do not be afraid,” I warned the King. Then I shot the gun in the air. It was the loudest noise the
Lilliputians had ever heard. Hundreds of them thought they were dead and fell. The king himself was very scared. As I gave my gun to officials to keep, I warned them to be careful with it. They allowed me to keep all the other things, and I was hoping that one day soon I would be free. 2 -- Life in Lilliput I was careful to behave as much as possible, to
convince the King to give me my freedom. The lilliputians soon began to lose their fear of me. They called me the mountain man. Sometimes I lay down and let them dance on my hand, and from time to time children came to play in my hair. I've been able to speak their language well. One day the King invited me to watch the regular entertainments,
which are very enjoyed by him, his family, and his lords and ladies. I was very interested in the rope passage. A very thin rope is fixed at thirty centimeters above the ground. People who want to become the King's most important officials jump and dance on this rope, and those who jump higher without falling get the best job. Sometimesorder his
gentlemen to dance on the rope, to show that they can still do it. This sport is, of course, quite dangerous, and there are casual deaths accordingly. Looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like
it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it looks like it.Strange way to choose officials. There was another interesting entertainment. The King holds a stick in front of him, and sometimes moves him up and down.
One by one, people come to him and jump over the stick or crawl under. They continue to jump and crawl while the King moves the stick. The winner is the one who jumps and crawls for the longest time, and receives a blue ribbon to wear around his life. The second best 9 Gulliver’s Travels Life in Lilliput receives a red ribbon, and the third best gets
a green. Many of Lilliput's gentlemen wear their ribbons proudly at all times. I had certainly never seen entertainment like this in one of the countries I had visited before. A few days after a strange black thing was seen on the beach where I first arrived in Lilliput. When the people realized that he was not alive, they decided that he should belong to
Mount Man, and the King ordered them to take it. I thought I knew it was Wftat. When he arrived, he was pretty dirty because he was pulled along the horse ground. But I was happy to see it was actually my hat. I lost him at sea when I swim away from the ship. I prayed the King so often for my freedom that he and his lords finally agreed that I no
longer need to be a prisoner. However, I had to promise certain things: • help the Lilliputians in war and peace • give two hours notice before a visit to their capital, so that people could stay indoor • to be careful not to trample any Lilliputians or their animals • bring important messages for the King if necessary • to help the King to bring heavy
stones • to stay in Lilliput until the King allowed me to leave. For his part, the King promised that I would receive food and drinks, enough for 1,724 Lilliputians. I've accepted everything at once. My chains were broken, andI was free! The first thing I did was to visit the capital. People were warned, so they wouldn't be inI walked carefully over the
wall of the city, which was less than a meter high, and walked slowly through the two main roads. It is usually a very busy city, with shops and markets full of people, but today the streets were empty. There were people watching me from every window. in the middle of the city is the palace of the king. the king had invited me to enter, so I walked the
surrounding wall in the 10 11 Gulliver’s travels life in lilliput garden palace. but unfortunately the palace itself has walls one meter and a half height around it. I didn't want to hurt these walls trying to climb over them. So I walked carefully out of the city and in the king's park. here I cut some of the biggest trees with my knife, and made two wooden
boxes. When I came back to the palace with my boxes, I was able to stand on a box on one side of the wall and pass to the other box on the other side. I lay on the ground and looked through the windows, right in the king's rooms. You can't imagine a nicer place to live in. rooms and furniture are perfect in every detail. As I looked, I saw the queen,
surrounded by her lords and ladies. He kindly put my hand out the window to kiss me. The queen put her hand out the window to make me kiss. I think I should give you general information about lilliput. most lilliputians are about fifteen centimeters tall. Birds and animals are, of course, much smaller than people, and taller trees are just a little
higher than me. All the crimes here are punished. but if someone is accused of a crime and then it is proved that the accuser is lying, the accuser is immediately killed. The lilliputians believe there are two parts of the law. The criminals must be punished, but the good people must be rewarded. So, if a manprove that he obeyed every law for six years,
receives a gift of money from the King. They also believe that whoever it istruthful and good can serve his king and his country. It is more important to have a good character than to be smart or smart. However, only those who believe in God are allowed to be the king's officials. Many of their laws and customs are very different from ours, but human
nature is the same in every country. The Lilliputians, like us, have learned the bad ways - choosing officials because they are able to dance on a rope is just an example. Now I'll go back to my adventures in Lilliput. About two weeks after my first visit to the capital, I was visited by one of the most important officials of the King. His name was Reldresal,
and he had helped me many times since I got to Lilliput. I started the conversation. “I’m so happy they took my chains away,” I told him. 12 13 Gulliver’s Travels Life in Lilliput “Beh, my friend,” he replied, ‘Let me tell you something. You're free only because the King knows we're in a very dangerous situation. I cried. “What do you mean?” “Lilliput
has enemies at home and abroad,” he explained. Six years ago we had two political groups, the High-Heels and the Low-Heels. Perhaps the High-Heels were most popular in the past, but as you can see, our current King and all his officials wear the lowest heels. The two groups hate each other, and a Alto-Heel will refuse to go, and so his father the
King ordered all the Lilliputians, 'from then on, to break the smallest end of their eggs. People who do that are called SmallEndians. But the Lilliputians feel strongly about this and some Grandi-Endians have fought anger against this law. 11,000 people were killed, because they refused to break eggs at the smallest end. Some of the Big-Endians fled
to join our enemies in Blefuscu. The King ordered the King of Blefuscu to break the desire to defeat Lilliput in a small end or f themwar, and now we hear it isa large number of ships, which will attack us very soon. You see, my friend, how much our King needs your help, to defeat his enemies." I didn't hesitate for a moment. “Please tell the King, I
responded warmly, that I am ready to give my life to save him or his country.” Л High-Heel will refuse to speak to a Basso-Heel. talk to a Basso-Guia. This is Lilliput's problem. Now, we're getting information that Blefuscu people are about to attack us. Did you hear about Blefuscu? It is an island very close to us, almost as big and important as Lilliput.
I've been at war with us for three years, you see. “How did this war begin?” I asked. "Well, you know, of course, that most people used to break their boiled eggs at the end of the greatest. But our King's grandfather once cut a finger while breaking his egg this 14 Lilliput at war 3 Lilliput at war The island of Blefuscu is located about a kilometer north
of Lilliput. I knew that just beyond the narrow sea separating the two countries there were at least fifty warships ready to attack us, with many other smaller ships. But I walked away from that side of the coast so that the people of Blefuscu wouldn't see me. I had a secret plan. From the king's workers I ordered fifty heavy metal hooks, each fixed to a
piece of strong rope. I took off my coat and my shoes, and I went to the sea with the hooks and ropes in my hands. The water was deep in the middle, so I had to swim for a few meters. But I only took half an hour to get to Blefuscu. When the Blefuscans saw me, they were so scared that they jumped out of their ships and swim on the beach. Then I
used a hook for each ship, and I tied all the ropes together at one end. While I was doing this, the enemy fired thousands of arrows against me, which caused me a lot of pain. I was scared.having an arrow in the eyes, but suddenly I remembered I still have an old pair of reading glasses in my pocket, so I put them and put them up and and andMy job.
When I was ready, I started walking in the low water away from blefuscu. As I walked through the waves, I pulled the enemy's warships behind me. When the people of blefuscu realized that all their warships were disappearing, their screams were terrible to hear. 16 As I walked by the waves, I brought the enemy's warships behind me. As I
approached lilliput, I saw the king and all his lords and ladies standing on the beach. They could only see the warships of blefuscu approaching, while swimming and my head was occasionally under water. So, they should have drowned, and that the blefuscan ships were attacking. but when they saw me dared from the sea, they warmly welcomed me
with shouts of amazement and joy. the king himself went down into the water to meet me. 17 Gulliver’s travels lilliput at war ‘All at lilliput are grateful to you!’ he shouted. "for your courage, you'll be one of my gentlemen from now on." “Thank you, sir”, I answered. ‘And now,’ he continued, ‘go back and steal all enemy ships, so that we can defeat
blefuscu forever! We will destroy the Big-Endians, and I will become king of the enemies of lilliput. Now I was beginning to understand how difficult and dangerous political life can be. a few days later I had another chance to help the king. I woke up at midnight with the screams of hundreds of lilliputians outside my house. Fire! Fire! “The Queen’s
rooms in the palace are burning! Come now, Man-Mountain!’ So I pulled my clothes and rushed to the palace. most of the building was on fire. people were climbing stairs on the walls, and throwing water on the flames, but the fire was burning more strongly every minute. At least the queen and her ladies had escaped, but there was no way to save
this beautiful palace. I suddenly had an idea.evening before, I had had had a lot of good wine, and luckily I had not hadwater since then. In three minutes I managed to turn off all the fire, and the beautiful old building was safe. I went home without waiting for the King to thank, because I wasn't sure what he would say. Although I certainly saved the
building, I knew it was a crime, punishable by death, to water anywhere near the palace. Later I heard that the Queen was so angry that she refused to enter one of the damaged rooms again and promised to get revenge on me. all the world!’ But I would not agree with this plan. Sir, I answered: “I will never help to remove the freedom of a brave
nation. Lilliput and Blefuscu should live in peace now.” The King could not persuade me, and unfortunately he never forgot that I refused to do what he wanted. Although I had saved his country from the attack of Blefuscan warships, he preferred to remember my refusal. From this moment on, I heard from my friends that there were secret
conversations in the palace between the King and some of his gentlemen, who were jealous of me. These conversations almost led to my death at the end. About three weeks later, the king of Blefuscu sent his officials to seek peace between the two countries. After the Blefuscans had arranged everything with the Lilliputian officials, they came to see
me. They heard how I prevented the King from destroying all their ships. After thanking me, they invited me to visit their country. However, when I asked the King of Lilliput if I could visit Blefuscu, he accepted, but very cold. I learned later that he and some of his gentlemen considered that I was wrong to have a conversation 18 Gulliver escapes
from Lilliput The coaches drove around the table. at the table, and as I spoke with a group of visitors, the others drove around the table. I spent many hours like this in a very pleasant conversation. TheFlimnap realized that his wife was not in love with me, and she did nothing wrong, but she was still angry withThere were other gentlemen who hated
me, and together they managed to convince the King that I was a danger to Lilliput. I knew they were talking about me in private, but I was seriously alarmed when I found out what they decided. Fortunately, as well as Reldresal, I had another good friend among the King's officials. One night, he secretly visited me to warn me. “You know,” he began,
‘that you had enemies here for a time. Many of the gentlemen are jealous of your great success against Blefuscu, and Flimnap still hates you. They accuse you of crimes against Lilliput, crimes punished by death! I cried: “It’s not fair! I just want to help Lilliput!’ “Listen,” he said. “I have to tell you what I heard, even if my life is in danger if I do. They
accused you of watering in the King's palace, refusing to take all enemy ships, refusing to destroy all Big-Endians, seeing enemy officials in private, and planning to visit Blefuscu to help the enemy against Lilliput. “This is incredible!” I cried. “I must say,” my friend continued, “that our king reminded his lords how much you had helped the country.
But your 20 21 4 Gulliver escapes Lilliput I soon discovered that Flimnap, one of the highest officials of the king, was my secret enemy. He had always despised me, even though he pretended to like me, but now he began to suspect his wife to visit me privately, and he became jealous. Of course his wife visited me, but always with her daughters and
other ladies who came for regular afternoon visits. When visitors arrived at my house, I used to bring coaches and horses inside, and put them carefully on my table. There was a high edge around the table, so no one would fall. I sat in my chair with my face near Gulliver Travel Gulliver flees in front of Lilliput enemies wanted to destroy you, and they
suggested toFire at your house at night. night.You'd die in the fire! I screamed anger. Shut up, nobody has to hear us. Anyway, the King decided not to kill you, and that's when your friend Reldresal started talking. He agreed to go wrong, but he said that a good King should always be generous, as our King is. And he suggested that proper punishment
would be for you to lose sight. You'd still be strong enough to work for us, but you wouldn't be able to help the Big-Endians." I covered my eyes with my hands. I wanted to help these people and their kings. How could they decide to punish me so cruelly? “Your enemies were more disappointed by Reldresal’s plan,” my friend continued. "They said you
were a great Indian in your heart, and reminded the King how much you cost Lilliput in food and drink. Reldresal spoke again, to suggest saving money by giving a little less food every day. This way he'd get sick, and in a few months he would have died. And so they all agreed. In three days Reldresal will be sent to explain your punishment to you. He
will inform you that the King was very kind to you, and that you are lucky to lose only your eyes. You will be tied down, and the very sharp arrows will be shot in the eyes. The king's doctors will make sure that you can no longer see." “This is terrible news!” I said, ‘but thank you for warning me, my dear friend.’ “You only have to decide what to do,” he
replied, “and now I have to leave you, so that n6body suspects to warn you.” When I was alone, I thought about the situation for a long time. Maybe I was wrong, but I couldn't see that the King was kind and generous to order such an inhuman punishment. What am I supposed to do? I could ask for a trial, but I was not sure of the honesty of the
judges. I could attack the capital and kill all the Lilliputians, but when I remembered the past kindness of the King, I didn't want to do it. I finally decided to escape.So... so...Reldresal came to tell me about my punishment, I went north of Lilliput, where our ships were laying. I took off my clothes and put them in one of the biggest warships. I even put
a blanket in. Then I ran into the sea, and I swam to Blefuscu. Pulling Lilliput's warship behind me, keeping my clothes and the dry blanket. When I arrived, the king of Blefuscu sent two guides to show me the way to the capital. I met the King, the Queen and the lords and ladies in their coaches. I explained that I came to visit Blefuscu, as I was invited.
However, I didn't say anything about the punishment that Lilliput was waiting for me. I was warmly welcomed. That night, since there was no building big enough for me, I slept on the ground, covered by my blanket. It wasn't as comfortable as my bed in Lilliput, but I didn't mind. I didn't spend much in Blefuscu. Just three days after my 22 23 Gulliver
trips A trip on the arrival of Brobdingnag, I noticed a boat by the sea, near the beach. It was a real boat, big enough for me. Maybe he was driven by a storm. I swam and tied our ropes. Then, with the help of twenty of the ships of Blefuscu and three thousand sailors, I pulled it on the beach. It was not bad damaged, and it was exciting to be able to
start planning my return trip to England and my home. During this time, the king of Lilliput wrote to ask the king of Blefuscu to send me back, as a prisoner, so that he could receive my punishment. The king of Blefuscu, however, replied that I was too strong to be taken prisoner, and that I would soon return to my country anyway. Secretly he invited
me to stay and help him to Blefuscu, but I no longer believed the promises of the kings or their lords and lords all went down to the beach to greet you. After sailing all day, I havea small island, where I slept that night. On the third day, on September 26, I saw a sail, and was pleased to discover that it was aship, returning to England. The captain took
me and told him my story. At first she thought I was angry, but when I took the animals alive from my pocket to show him she believed me. We finally arrived at home on April 13, 1702, and I saw my dear wife and children again. At first I was happy to be home again. I earned a lot of money showing my lilliputian animals to people, and eventually I
sold them for a high price. But when the days passed, I became restless and wanted to see more than the world. And so, only two months later, I said goodbye to my family and he sailed again. officials, so I kindly refused. Now I was eager to start my journey home, and the King ordered his workers to repair the boat and prepare everything I needed. I
had the meat of one hundred cattle and three hundred sheep to eat during the trip, and I also had some live animals to show to my friends in England. About a month later, I left Blefuscu on 24 September 1701. The King, Queen 24 5 A trip to Brobdingnag j some animais цие to show my friends. I left Bristol on 20 June 1702, in a ship that was sailing
in India. We had a good browsing time until we reach the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa, where we landed to get fresh water. We had to stay there for the winter, however, because the ship needed repairs and the captain was sick. In spring we left Africa and sailed around the 25 trips of Gulliver A journey to the island of Brobdingnag of
Madagascar in the Indian Ocean. But on 19 April the wind began to blow very violently from the west, and we were brought east of the Molucca Islands. On May 2 the wind stopped blowing and the sea was calm. But our captain, who knew well that part of the world, warned us that there would be a stormlater. So we prepared the ship as we could,
and waited. The captain was right. On May 3, the wind began to become stronger. It was a wild and dangerous wind blowing from the southTime. We had to break down our sails while the storm hit our ship. The huge waves crashed on us, and the wind drove our defenseless ship east into the Pacific Ocean. For several days we fought with the wind
and the waves, but in the end the storm died and the sea was again calm. Fortunately, our ship was not seriously damaged, but we had been pushed over two thousand kilometers east. None of us knew exactly where we were, so the captain decided to continue sailing east, where we had never been before. We sailed for two more weeks. Finally, on 16
June 1703, we saw a large island with a small piece of land connected to it. Later I discovered that this country was called Brobdingnag. The captain sent some of his sailors to a boat to land there and bring some fresh water. I went with them because I was interested in seeing a new country. We were happy to be on the ground again, and while men
were looking for a river or lake, I walked for about a kilometer from the beach. When I came back, I saw that the sailors were already on the boat. They were singing as fast as they could to 'Ship! I was about to shout to tell him they forgot me, when suddenly I saw a huge creature walking behind them in the sea. I realized he couldn't catch them,
because they almost got to the ship, but I didn't wait to see the end of that adventure. I ran away from him as quickly as possible, and I didn't stop until I found myself in some fields. The grass was about seven meters high and the corn about thirteen meters high. It took me an hour to cross one field, which had a hedge at least forty meters high. The
trees were much higher than that. Just like I was trying to find a hole in the hedge, so I could get in 26Gulliver’s Travels Gulliver and his master the next field, I saw another giant coming to me. He seemed as tall as a mountain, and every step of his life was about ten meters. In fear and amazementin the grain, and he hoped he wouldn't notice me. He
shouted in a voice like thunder, and seven other giants appeared. They seemed to be his servants. When he gave the order, they started to cut the grain in the field where I was hiding. As they moved toward me, I moved, but eventually I came to a part of the field where the rain had knocked down the grain. There was no place to hide anymore, and I
knew I'd be cut apart by the sharp knives of the giants. I'm lying and ready to die. I couldn't stop thinking about Lilliput. There, I myself was a giant, an important person who had become famous for helping the people of that little country. Here, it was the opposite. I was like a lilliputian in Europe, and I began to understand how a very small creature
feels. Suddenly I noticed that one of the giants was very close to me. While his huge foot rose above my head, I screamed loud as I could. He looked around the ground, and finally saw me. He was staring at me for a moment, then very carefully, he took me with my finger and thumb and looked at me. Now I was 20 feet in the air, and I was desperately
hoping he wouldn't throw me to the ground. I didn't fight, and I kindly spoke to him, even though I knew he didn't understand any of my languages. He took me to the farmer, who soon realized that I was not an animal, but an intelligent being. He put me in my pocket and took me home to show me to his wife. When he saw me, he yelled at me and
made me reproach myself of fear, perhaps thinking I was a bug. But in a while she got used to me, and she was very kind to me. Shortly after our arrival, the whole family sat at dinner table. There was a large piece of meat on a plate about eight meters away. The farmer put me on the table, with small pieces of bread and meat in front of me. I was
very scared to fall off the edge of the table, which was ten metersground. The farmer and his family were happy withI ate food with my little knife and fork. But when I started walking through the table for the farmer, his younger son, a boy of about ten, he took me to the legs. He kept me so high in the air that all my body trembled. Luckily, his father
took me away immediately, and he angered the hard guy on his head. But I remembered how cruel children can be to small animals, and I didn't want the boy to get revenge on me. So I fell on my knees and asked them not to punish the child anymore. They seemed to understand. Only then did I hear a noise behind me. It looked like twelve cars were
working at the same time. I shot my 28 29 6 Gulliver and his master Gulliver Travel Gulliver and his head main and I saw a huge cat, three times larger than one of our cows. The farmer's wife held him in her arms, so he couldn't jump against me. But actually, because I didn't show fear, there was no danger, and the cat seemed a little bit afraid of me.
At the end of the dinner, a servant came with the one-year-old son of the farmer in his arms. She started crying and screaming, because she wanted to play with me. His mother smiled and put me in my hand. When he took me and put my head in my mouth, I screamed so loud that he dropped me. Luckily, I wasn't hurt, but he showed me how
dangerous Brobdingnag would be. After eating, the farmer, or my master, as I will call it now, returned to his work in the fields. I think you told your wife to take care of me, because she carefully put me on her bed and locked the bedroom door. I was exhausted and slept for two hours. When I woke up, I felt very small and only in such a big room, and
on such a big bed. Suddenly I saw two big rats running towards me throughbed. One came straight to his face, so I pulled out my sword and cut his stomach. The other one ran away right away. I walked up and down the bed, to check my trembling legs, and looked at the dead rat. was as big as a bigand his tail measured two meters. When my
master's wife came to the room some time later, I'll show her how I killed the rat. He was glad you weren't hurt and threw away the dead rat. My master had a daughter who was about nine years old. She was given special responsibility to take care of me, and I owe her my life. During my stay in your country we were always together, and you saved
me from many dangerous situations. I called her Glumdalclitch, which means "little nurse." She was good at sewing, and she managed to make some clothes for me in the thin material available. He also made me a small bed, which was placed on a shelf too high for rats to reach. Perhaps the most useful thing he did is to teach me the language, so
that in a few days I could speak pretty well. Soon all my master's neighbors were talking about the strange creature he found in a field. One of them came to see me, and as I walked towards him across the table, he put his glasses. His eyes behind glasses 30 31 I saw two big rats running to me through the bed. Gulliver's travels The king's palace
looked like the full moon shining in two windows. I thought it was very funny, and I was laughing out loud. Unfortunately, this made him very angry. I heard him whisper to my master all night, and I'm sorry I laughed at him. The next day Glumdalclitch came to me in tears. “You will never guess what happened!” he said sadly. “Our neighbor advised
Father to show you to people for money! The Father will take you to the market tomorrow, where there will be crowds of people ready to pay for fun! I'm ashamed! And maybe you'll hurt yourself! Other people will not be as careful with you as I am!’ “Don’t worry, Glumdalclitch,” I answered. “As I am a stranger here, I do notbe shown to people as a
strange wild animal. I have to do what your father wants.” I was secretly hoping that I wouldday find a way to escape and return to my country. So the day after my master and his daughter took their huge horse. Glumdalclitch brought me in a small box, which had holes to breathe. When we got to the market town, my master hired the biggest room
in the public house, and he put me on the table there. Your daughter stayed close to me to make sure no one hurt me. I was told to speak in their language, pull out my sword, drink from a cup, and do other things to enjoy the crowd. Only 30 people have been allowed to see me at once. The first day everyone wanted to see me, and I was shown by
over three hundred and fifty people. My master's plan has been so successful that he's willing to show me again on the next market day. I didn't expect that at all. I had no way to make the trip and entertainment that I could only walk and talk with difficulty for the next three days. Even when we were at home, the neighbors and friends of all parts of
the country came to look at me, and my master made me work hard to have fun. So I had hardly any rest. My master finally realized that he could make a fortune by showing me to people all over the country. So, about two months after my arrival at Brobdingnag, we left the farm and started our journey to the capital. As before, Glumdalclitch came
with us to take care of me. On the road we stopped in many cities and villages, so that we can be shown to people. In the end, after a journey of almost five thousand kilometers, we arrived at the capital. Now I had to work even harder, as people came to look at me ten times a day. Even though Glumdalclitch tried to make things as comfortable as
possible for me, such an exhausting life was beginning to have aeffect on my health. I was getting thinner and thinner. When my master noticed, he thought I would not live longer. But it was clear he wanted to earn as much from me as he could. While he was 32 33 7 7the palace of the King Gulliver Travel At the king's palace thinking how to do this,
he was asked to take me to the palace. The Queen and her ladies heard about me and wanted to see me. Wheri we arrived in front of the Queen, I fell on my knees and prayed that I could kiss her foot. But she kindly held my hand. I took his finger in both arms and put it very kindly to my lips. She seemed very happy with me, and she finally said:
“You’d like to live here in the building, do you think?”. “Great Queen”, I answered: “I have to do what my master wants, but if I were free, I would like to spend all my life obeying your orders.” He immediately offered me to buy me from my master. He was happy to receive a good price for me, especially as he felt sure I would not have lived more than
a month. I also prayed the Queen to let Glumdalclitch stay with me, because she had always taken such a good care of me. The queen accepted, and Glumdalclitch could not hide her happiness. When my master left the palace alone, the Queen said to me, Why didn't you say goodbye? And why did you look so cold?’ “Madam, I have to tell you,” I said,
“that since he found me, my master used me as a simple way to make money for himself. He made me work so hard that I feel tired and sick. He sold me to you just because he thinks I'll die soon. But I already feel better, now that I belong to such a great and good queen." The Queen was clearly surprised to hear such intelligent words from such a
small creature, and decided to show me creature outside the laws of nature. I was too small to climb trees, dig their fields, kill and eat their animals. They couldn't figure out where I came from, or how I could survive. And when I told them that in my country there were millions like me, I didn't.but they just smiled. However, the King was smarter than
theyAfter talking to Glumdalclitch and questioning me again, he realized that my story must be true. They took care of me. The Queen's workers made a special bedroom for me. It was a wooden box, with windows, a door and two closets. The ceiling could be lifted, so that Glumdalclitch could change my sheets and order my room. 34 35 The king
thought he was a toy for his husband. When the 'TCing saw me, he thought at first I have to be a mechanical toy. However, when he heard my answers to his questions, he realized that I must be alive, and he could not hide his astonishment. To find out what kind of animal I was, he sent three of his smartest professors. After watching me carefully,
she decided that I was a Gulliver’s Travels At the palace of the king The queen became so fond of me that she could not eat without me. My little table and chair have always been placed on the dinner table near the left elbow, and Glumdalclitch stopped near me, in case you need his help. I ate small silver plates, with silver knives and forks. But I
never got used to seeing the queen eat. In a mouthful he ate as much as twelve British farmers could eat in a whole meal. He drank from a big cup like one of our barrels, and his knives were like huge swords. I was very scared of them. Wednesday, which is a day of rest in Brobdingnag, as our Sunday, the King and the Queen have always supper
together, with their children, in the rooms of the King. I was usually invited too. My little chair and my table were at the King's left elbow. He loved to hear me speak about England - our laws, our universities, our great buildings. He listened so kindly that I may have spoken a little too much about my dear country. I'll be fine.kindly, but he couldn't
stop laughing. He turned to one of his gentlemen. "How funny is it," he said, "thatI insect how this should talk about such important issues! He thinks his country is so developed! But I suppose even small creatures like him have a hole in the ground they call home. they support, love, fight and die, like us. but of course the poor little animals are not at
our level.’ I could not believe what I felt. He was laughing at my country, a country famous for its beautiful cities and palaces, its great kings and queens, its brave and honest people. However, there was nothing I could do about it, and I simply had to accept the situation. The worst problem I had at the palace was the queen's dwarf. until my arrival,
he had always been the smallest person in the country (he was about ten meters high) because I was much smaller than him, he was very rude to me and he behaved very badly, especially when nobody was looking. once he took a big bone from the table and leaned it on the plate of the queen. Then he took me in both hands and pushed my legs to the
top of the bone. I couldn't pull myself out, 36 37 the flock pushed my legs to the top of the bone. gulliver trips to the king's palace and had to stay there, feel - and look - extremely stupid. When the queen finally saw me, she couldn't stop laughing, but she was angry with the dwarf at the same time. at brobdingnag there are a large number of flies in
summer, and these terrible insects, as big as an English bird, have not given me peace. The dwarf took a little in his hand, and then left them out suddenly under my nose. He did this to scare me and have fun the queen. I had to hate my knife to cut them apart while they flew around me. Once again, the nano took me and threw me quickly into a bowl
of milk on the table. Luckily I'm a good swimmer, so I managed to keep my head out of the milk. just glumdalclitch saw thatIn danger, he ran across the room to save me. I wasn't hurt, but this time the dwarf wasaway from the palace as punishment. I was very happy. I would now like to describe Brobdingnag. People who draw our European maps
think there is nothing but sea between Japan and America, but they are wrong. Brobdingnag is a very large country, united to the northwest of America, but separated from the rest of America by the high mountains. It is about ten thousand kilometers long and wide from five to eight thousand. The sea around is so rough and there are so many rocks
in the water that no big ships can land on any of the beaches. This means that Brobdingnag people do not normally have visitors from other parts of the world. There are fifty cities and a large number of towns and villages. The capital staricf on both sides of a river, and has more than eighty thousand houses. It covers three hundred and forty square
kilometers. The palace of the King covers about eleven square kilometers: the main rooms are eighty meters high. The kitchen of the building is huge - if I described it, with its large pots on the fire and the food mountains on the tables, maybe you wouldn't believe me. Travelers are often accused of not telling the truth when they return. To prevent
this from happening to me, I am paying attention to describing what I have seen as accurately and carefully as possible. 38 Other adventures at Brobdingnag 8 my long boat. I almost lost my life again when a lady took me to boat. He wasn't careful enough, and he left me. With horror, I felt falling into the air. But instead of crashing i&the ground, I
was caught, by my pants, on a pin in his clothes. I had to stay there without moving a finger until Glumdalclitch came to save me. But the greatest danger to me at Brobdingnag came from a monkey. One day Glumdalclitch left me in his bedroom while visiting some of the ladies. It was a hot day, and his window was open. I was in the box.I used it as a
bedroom, with an open door. Suddenly I heard noise noisean animal jumping out the window, and I immediately hid in the back of my box. The monkey, which appeared to me enormous, soon discovered my hiding place. He took me and kept me close to him like a child. When he heard someone open the bedroom door, he jumped out the window and
ran on the roof. I thought I'd never been in such a big danger. He was running on three legs and keeping me in the fourth. At any time, he could drop me, and we were at least three hundred meters above the ground. I heard a lot of screams in the building. The servants had understood what was happening, and they took the stairs to the roof.
Glumdalclitch cried and hundreds of people looked from the garden. Meanwhile, the monkey was quietly sitting on the top of the roof. He took food from his mouth and tried to push him into his mouth. He still seemed to think I was his baby. I think it was a funny 40 41 Other adventures in Brobdingnag Because I was so small, I had several dangerous
accidents during my stay at the palace. One day Glumdalclitch put me down on the grass in the garden of the palace, while she went for a walk with some of the queen's ladies. A little white dog that belonged to one of the gardeners appeared, and seemed very interested in me. He took me to his mouth and took me to his master. Fortunately, he was
well trained and didn't try to bite me, so I wasn't hurt. One day the Queen said to me: ‘It would be good for your health to do some rowing or sailing. What do you think? Do you want me to organize it for you?’ “Madam”, I answered: “I’d like to spin or sail a little every day. But where can we find a small boat?’ “Let me go,” he replied and asked his
workers. He ordered her to make a small boat with sails. They also made a wooden container, about one hundred meters long, 17 meters wide andThree meters. This container was full of water, and I wasplace in my boat on the water. Every day, I lined up or sailed there, while the queen and her ladies looked. There was no wind, of course, but the
ladies blew hard to move the gulliver adventures to extra brobdingnag view to the crowd below, but I was in terrible fear of the monkey still seemed to think I was his baby. At the end, several servants went up on the roof, and as they approached, the monkey put me down and fled. I was saved and brought to the ground. I had to stay in bed for two
weeks later, before I felt good enough to meet people again. The monkey was captured and killed. When I saw the king, he asked me about this experience. “How did you feel,” he said, “when the monkey kept you on the roof?” Sir, I responded bravely: “I was afraid, it’s true. but the next time an animal like that attacks me, I will not hesitate. I will
draw out my sword like this” - and I showed him what I would do - and give the creature such a wound that will never approach me again! But while I waved my little sword in the air, the king and his lords laughed loudly. I wanted to prove my courage, but I failed, because to them I was just an unimportant creature. I realized that this often happens
in the land, when we laugh at someone of family, fortune or intelligence, who pretends to be as important as our great leaders. in the next few weeks, I began to make some very interesting conversations with the king. He was a smart and understanding person. “Tell me more about your country,” he said. “I would like to hear your laws, your political
life and your habits. Tell me everything. there may be something we can copy useful here at Brobdingnag.’ “Lord, I will be happy”, I have responded proudly. "Our king 42 43 fell. Gulliver travel other adventures at brobdingnag controls our three great countries, Scotland,and England. We grow much of ourfood, and our time is neither too hot nor too
old. There are two groups of men who do our laws. is called the house of the lords - they are men of the oldest and largest families in the country. the other is called the chamber of the municipalities - these are the most honest, intelligent and sensitive men in the country, and are freely chosen by the people. we have judges to decide punishments for
criminals, and we have a great army, which cannot be defeated by anyone else in the ‘And why,’ he continued, ‘Are they so often at war? or you like to fight, or you have very difficult neighbors! Why do you need an army? You wouldn't fear any other country if you were peaceful people. and in the world”. When I was talking, the king made notes. for
several days I have continued my explanation, and I have also described British history in the last hundred years. Then the king asked me a lot of questions. were some of them. “How do you teach and train young people of good family? If the last son of an old family dies, how do you make new lords to the Lord's room? Are these gentlemen really the
most suitable people to do the laws of the country? and in the room of the communes, are these men really so honest and smart? Do the rich people never make their way to this parliament? you say that legislators do not receive any payment, but are you sure they never accept bribes?’ then asked questions about our courts. Why is your evidence so
long and expensive? how much do your lawyers and judges really know about the laws? how do they decide carefully between right and wrong? In the last hundred years you've done nothing but robbing, fighting and killing! your recent history shows the very worst effects of cruelty, jealousy, dishonestness and madness!’ 44 45 while I was speaking,
the king was making notes. Gulliver trips other adventures at brobdingnag I tried to answer the king as I could, but didn't thinkour system was good. No, myfriend, he said kindly but seriously, ‘I'm sorry for you. You showed me your country has nothing to offer us. Perhaps once, in the past, your political life has been properly organized, but now it is
clear that there is laziness and selfishness in every part of the system. Your politicians can be corrupt, your soldiers are not really brave, your judges and lawyers are neither reasonable nor honest, and your legislators themselves know little and do less. I sincerely hope that you, who have spent most of your life traveling, have a better character than
most English. But from what you told me, I'm afraid your compatriots are the worst insect nation I've ever crawled to the ground." I am very sorry to have to report these words of the King, and I only do so because of my love for truth. I have to tell you exactly what happened, even though I disagree. I had to listen patiently while he was giving his
extraordinary views of my dear country. But we must remember that this King lives in a country almost completely separated from the rest of the world. Because he does not know the systems or habits of other countries, he has a certain restraint of thought, that we Europeans do not, of course. You'll find it hard to believe what happened later.
“Lord,” I said, “I would like to give you something to thank you for your kindness to me since I arrived at the palace. Three or four hundred years ago, we Europeans discovered how to make a special powder. Wiien turns on the fire, burns and explodes immediately, with a louder noise than the thunder. You can use it to shoot heavy metal balls from
big guns. It can destroy larger ships, can kill an entire army, can cut the bodies of men in half, can destroy the stronger walls. It's called gunpowder, and it's easy and cheap to you how grateful I am to you, I am offering to explain how to do it - then youI was very surprised by the King’s answer. “N or!” he shouted in horror. Don't tell me! I
don't want to know how to kill people like that. I'd rather give half of my far country than know the secret of this dust. How can a little creature like you have such inhuman and cruel ideas? Never talk to me about this!’ How strange that such an excellent king has no chance to offer it! No European king would hesitate for a moment. But he had some
weird ideas. He believed, very simply, that every problem can be solved by honest and sensitive people, and that the political life of a country should not have secrets and must be open for everyone to see and understand. Of course, we know that this is impossible, so perhaps your opinion of us is not worth considering. 46 Gulliver escapes
Brobdingnag 9 Gulliver escapes Brobdingnag I was still hoping to return to England one day. But the ship I arrived at Brobdingnag was the first one to approach the coast. So I couldn't see how I could run. I started thinking more and more about my family and my home. I've been in Brobdingnag for about two years now. When the King and the Queen
traveled south, Glumdalclitch and I went with them. I really wanted to be close to the sea again, that I hadn't seen or even drooling for so long. While Glumdalclitch was sick, I asked a young servant to take me down to the beach for some fresh air. The boy brought me into my travel box, and he put me down on the beach, while he looked for bird eggs
in the rocks. I looked sadly at the sea, but I stayed in my box, and after a while I fell asleep. I woke up suddenly when my box was raised in the air. I can only assume that a large bird took possession of the ring on the top of the box withhis pharaohs, and flew away with it. through the windows I could see the sky and the clouds passing, and I heard
the noise of the wings of the bird. I wasso fast that I felt enough breathless. There was a strong accident, while the box fell into the sea. Maybe the bird had been attacked by others, and so he had to drop what he was carrying. 48 I can only assume that a large bird has taken possession of the ring on the top of the box with its turbulence. 49 Gulliver’s
Travels Gulliver escapes from Brobdingnag Luckily, the box had been well made, and not much sea water entered. But I don't think any traveller has ever been in a situation worse than I was then. I was wondering how long I'd survive without food or drinking in the middle of the ocean. I felt sure I never saw the poor Glumdalclitch again, and I knew
how sad it would be to lose me. It's been several hours, and then I heard a strange noise over my head. People were staring at the ring. Then my box was dragged by the water. Was it a ship that was carrying me on? “Help! Help!’ I screamed loud as I could. I was happy to hear the English voices answer. “Who is there?” they shouted. ‘I’m English!’ I
screamed desperately. "Please help me get out of here! Just put your finger in the ring above the box and lift it from the water! Soon!’ There were great laughs. “He’s crazy!” I heard a man say. "The men could not lift that huge box!" said another. We decided to get him behind the ship. Then we realized there was a man in the stylus! Why were you
locked in there? Was it a punishment for a terrible crime? But tell me everything later. Now you have to sleep and then eat.” When I told him about my story, a few hours later, he found it hard to believe. But after a while he started accepting that what I told him must be true. There were other laughs. In fact, because I've been with the giants for so
long, I forgot my compatriots were as small as me.What the sailors could do was cut a hole in the top of my box, and help me out. I was exhausted and unable to walk away. They're the onesMe to their captain. “Welcome to my ship”, he said kindly. “You're lucky we found you. My men saw that huge box on the water, and 50 But why do you cry so
loud?’ he asked. “We can feel you perfectly well if you speak normally.” “See,” I explained, “for two years I had to cry to make me understand by the giants. I was like a man on the street trying to talk to another man on top of a very tall building. And another thing: your sailors all seem very small to me, because I am accustomed to looking at people
twenty meters high”. He's shaken his head. "Well, what a story! I think you should write a book about it when you arrive home.’ I stayed on the ship for several months, as we slowly sailed home in England. Finally, we arrived in Bristol on 3 June 1706. When I got home, my wife made me promise to never go back to the sea again, and I thought my
adventures were over. The flying island or f Laputa 10 The flying island of Laputa I was only home for about ten days when my friend asked me to join him on a trip to the East Indias. I still wanted to see the world more, and while he was offering me double my usual pay, I managed to convince my wife to let me go. The trip took eight months, and
after stopping for a short time in Malaysia, we arrived in the Gulf of Tongking. T the duty to stay here for some business, 'my friend the captain told me. But you can take the ship and some sailors. Go see what you can buy and sell in the islands around here.’ It seemed interesting, so I accepted. Unfortunately, we sailed straight into a terrible storm,
which pushed us many miles east. Then, with a very unfortunate probability, we were seen and chased by two pirate ships. Our ship was not fast enough to escape, and the pirates thereThey decided to keep sailors to help sail the ship, but they didn't need me. I guess I was lucky they didn't kill me. Instead,He left me alone in a small boat in the middle
of the ocean, with enough food for a few days, while sailing away. I'm sure the pirates thought I'd die. However, I saw land a few hours later, and I managed to sail the boat to it. As I walked out of the boat and walked on the beach, I noticed that even if the sun was very hot, the air suddenly seemed cooler. At first, I thought a cloud would pass over
the sun. But when I looked up, I saw, at my great astonishment, a great island in the sky, between me and the sun. He was moving toward me, and there were people running on it. I swooped my arms and yelled as loud as possible. Help! Help! I cried. 52 Our ship was not fast enough to escape, and the pirates captured us. Gulliver travels The flying
island or f Laputa When the island was about a hundred meters above my head, they left a seat on a chain. I sat on it, and I was pulled to the island. I discovered the flying island of me sitting in the seat, and I was pulled to the island. Laputans are certainly strange people. Their heads are always turning right or left: one of their eyes turns inward, the
other upwards. Their main interests are music and mathematics. They spend so much time thinking about mathematical problems that do not notice what is happening around them. In fact, the rich Laputans employ a servant whose task is to follow his master everywhere. The servant warns him if he is about to enter a hole, and reminds him to
answer if someone talks to him. I was taken to see the King, but I had to wait for at least an hour while he struggled with a difficult mathematical question. However, when he had finished, he spoke to me kindly and ordered his servants to show me in a room. For dinner they gave me three types of meat - a square of beef, a triangle ofand a circle of
lamb. The bread was also cut into mathematical forms. In the evening a teacher arrived to help me learnand in a few days I was able to make conversation with the people of the island. laputa is a circle of land, about eight kilometers away, covered by houses and other buildings. is moved by a simple machine that uses magnets to pull the island closer
to the ground or push it higher in the sky. the island always moves slowly. can fly only over the country called "alnibarbi, which belongs to the king of laputa. It is difficult to talk to laputans, since they have little interest in anything except music and mathematics. But they are very concerned about the future of the earth, the sun and the stars, and
often discuss it. I heard a 54 55 laputa. gulliver trips the flying island or f laputa conversation on this just before leaving the can. "How are you, my friend?" a man asked another. "Even if you can expect," the answer came. “And how is the sun, you think?” “I thought this morning it looked rather feverish. I fear that it will be too hot and will be
destroyed one day, if it continues so». “I know, it’s very worrying. and the earth? are only thirty years until the next falling star arrives like this, and the earth was almost destroyed by the latest surprisingly intelligent ideas they were working on. One day, they told me, they would find answers to all these problems, and then their country would be the
most wonderful place in the world. Meanwhile, I noticed that people seemed hungry and unhappy. their clothes were old and full of holes, their houses were badly built and falling. there were no vegetables or corn growing in the fields. When I visited the math school, I couldn't understand why students seemed so unhappy. “What is the problem,
young man?” I asked one of them. "You're very sick." “Yes, sir,” he replied. “See, we just ate our lessons for today, and it made us feel pretty bad.” ‘Eaten them?’ I repeated in surprise.“Oh, this is the way we learn here, sir,” he replied. “Our professors write mathematical questions and paper answers, then we eat the newspaper. After that we should
only have bread and water for three days, while the information moves up to the head. But it's terrible, sir, don't eat much for three days. And we often feel bad. Excuse me, sir! And she passed me out of the room. This highly developed teaching system did not seem to work well. One!’ ‘This is right. We know that the next falling star is almost certain
to approach too much in the sun, and to catch fire! And when the earth passes through that fire, it will be destroyed immediately!’ “Only thirty years! There is not much to wait, is there?’ And the two men trembled their heads sadly. After several months on the island, I asked if I could visit the country below us. The king accepted, and ordered his
officers to put me down on Balnibarbi, and show me around the capital, Lagado. The most interesting place I saw was the university, which was full of very intelligent men, with very smart ideas. Everyone was working hard to find better, faster, cheaper, easier to do and do things. They had ideas to build houses from the roof downward, transforming
rocks into soft material, running upstream rivers, and saving the sun in bottles. I can't remember half of the 56 Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg 11 Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg Although the Laputans were kind to me, I didn't want to spend much time in their country. Therefore I decided to travel from Balnibarbi to the island of Luggnagg, from there to
Japan, and then to the house of England. But before going to Luggnagg, an official I had met in Lagado persuaded me to visit the small island of Glubbdubdrib. 58 ‘You will find it a very interesting place,’ he told me. “Glubbdubdrib means that the layer of wizards. Allimportant people are good at magic, you see. Theis the best magician of all of them.
But I must warn you, he has very strange servants - they're all ghosts! Using magic can order the ghost of any dead man to be his servant for twenty-four hours, and the ghost must obey." It seemed incredible, but it was true. When we arrived on the island, we were invited to the President’s Palace. His servants seemed strange to me, there was a
smell of death on them. When the President no longer needed it, he was holding a hand and simply disappeared. I visited the President every day during my stay, and soon I got used to seeing ghosts. One day the president said, “Gulliver, would you like to call a ghost? It could be anyone from the beginning of the world to the present day. You could
ask questions about their lives. And you can be sure they will tell the truth - ghosts always do.’ “It’s very kind of you, sir”, I answered and I thought hard for a moment. "First, I would like to see Alexander the Great, please." The President stressed the window. There in a large field was the ghost of Alexander, with his huge army. This famous king lived
long ago in Macedonia in northern Greece. His kingdom covered many countries, from Greece to Egypt, from Persia to parts of India. But he died very young, when he was only thirty-three, and no one knew 59 Gulliver Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg travels because. The president called him in the room. "Great King," I said to him: "Just tell me one
thing. Have you been murdered or have you died of course? "No one killed me. I drank too much and died of fever." So, in these few words, I learned one of the secrets of history! I went to the President. And now, let's see Julius Caesar and Brutus? The two Romans took the place of Alexander. Brutus, of course, had killed Julius Caesar in Rome on
March 15, 44BC - one of the most famous murders in history. It isdie by the hand of a“Great Caesar”, I said: “How do you feel about your killer, Brutus?” "Don't call him that," Caesar replied. “He is a brave and good man, the best of Rome, and he did the right thing for Rome by killing me. In death, as in life, he was always my friend». I can't
remember how many other ghosts I called to appear. I was very interested in their answers to my questions, which often seemed to offer a different view of history from what I was taught at school. However, it was soon time to leave Glubbdubdrib, and sail to Luggnagg, a much larger island south-east of Japan. The Luggnuggiani are kind and
generous people, and I stayed here for three months. I've made a lot of friends between them. One day, one of them asked me: Have you ever seen one of our Struldbrugs? Great Caesar, I said, ‘How do you feel about your killer, Brutus?’ 60 61 Gulliver Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg ‘I don’t think so,’ I answered. What is it? “Well, a Struldbrug is a
human being who will never die, but will live forever. If a child Luggnuggiano is born with a round spot above the left eye, which never disappears, it is a Struldbrug. We have more than a thousand in the country". “How wonderful!” I cried. It's exciting! How lucky are you in Luggnagg, where a child has the opportunity to live forever! And how lucky
are the Struldbrugs! Disease, disaster and death can never touch them! And imagine how much we can learn from them! I expect them to be among the most important people in the country. They lived in history and know so much, that they are sure to pass to the rest of us. If I had the chance, I would spend my whole life listening to the intelligent
conversation of these extraordinary people, here in Luggnagg!’ “Well, of course”, answered my friend Luggnuggiano with a smile, “we will be glad if you stay longer with us. But I would like to know how you would plan yoursyou were a Struldbrug.’ “It’s easy”, I answered. “First hard work, and earn a lot of money. In about two hundred years I would
be the richest man of Luggnagg. I'd be studying too, so I knew more than anything that the smartest professors. I would also write everything that is important that has happened over the years, so that the students in history come to me for help. I would teach the young people what I had learned. But most of my time I would spend with other
Struldbrugs, my friends. Together we could help to destroy the crime in the world, and start building a new and better life for all". I had just finished describing the happiness of life without end, when I realized that my friend's shoulders were shaking and laughter tears were running down his face. “I really have to explain,” he said. “See, you made a
very understandable mistake. If someone lives forever, he is young, healthy and strong even forever. And that doesn't happen. Our Struldbrugs have a terrible life. After living for about eighty years, they become sick and miserable. They don't have friends and can't remember much about the past. At that age the law considers them dead, so their
children inherit their homes and their money. Then sometimes they have to ask to eat enough food. They lose their teeth and hair, forget the names of their families, and the only thing they want is to die. But it is impossible!’ I realized how stupid I was and I felt very sorry for the poor Struldbrugs. I finally left Luggnagg on a boat sailing in Japan.
From there I found a ship coming back to England. My trip to Laputa, Balnibarbi, Glubbdubdrib and Luggnagg took me away from home for five and a half years. 62 A trip to Houyhnhnhnms 12 A trip to Houyhnhnms was not long before starting my next trip, on September 7, 1710, as captain of myThis time. the owner of the shipI sailed to the Indian
Ocean to do business for him, but I was very unfortunate. On the road, I had to employ some new sailors from Barbados, but they were bad men. I've heard them whisper to other sailors several times, but I didn't suspect what they were planning. One morning, while we were sailing around the Cape of Good Hope, they attacked me and tied me. They
told me that they would take 64 control of the ship and become pirates. I couldn't do anything. They left me alone on the beach of a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean. As the ship sailed, I realized I had no idea where I was. I found a road away from the beach, and walked very quietly and carefully, in case I was attacked. Several strange
animals were lying in a field, and some were sitting in a tree. Their heads and their chests were covered in hair, and they also had beards. Sometimes they walked on two, and sometimes on four legs, and they could climb on the trees. They were certainly the ugliest animals I'd ever seen on all my trips. When I met one of these creatures on the road,
his face showed great surprise and raised a foot up in the air. I didn't know if he would attack me or not, but I hit him hard on the side of my sword. He screamed so loud that all other animals ran to help him. There were about forty of them around me. I kept them away by blowing my sword into the air, but their wild cries scared me, and the horrible
smell of their bodies made me feel bad. Suddenly they all ran away. I noticed a horse was coming along the road, so I should have the animals afraid of him. The horse stopped when he saw me, and he seemed very surprised. He approached several times in a very intelligent, kind way, and I almost wondered if he spoke inlanguage. When another
horse approached, the two horses walked and went down together, as they approached each other. They seemed like two important people. important.a difficult problem. I looked at this with 65 Gulliver trips A trip to the country or to the amazement of Houyhnhnhnhnms, and decided that if animals in this country seemed so reasonable, humans must
be the most intelligent in the world. The two horses then approached me, looking at my face and clothes with great interest. They talked to each other again, and then the first horse made clear signs for me to follow him. He took me to a long, low building. Inside there were several large airy rooms, without furniture. Other horses were sitting or lying
comfortably on the floor, on clean blankets. But where was the landlord? These horses were his servants? I started wondering if you were freaking out. Then I realized that the house didn't belong to a human being, but to the horse that brought me here. In this country, horses, not people, were in control. I started learning some of their language.
Their word Houyhnm means a horse, and the word itself sounds a lot like the noise a horse does. I found it very difficult to say this word, and so I decided to shorten it and call them Houys. Their servants were the horrible animals I had seen before. They did all the hard work, and lived in dirty rooms in another building, where they were tied to the
walls. To my horror, these ugly animals, called Yahoos, had human faces that seemed very similar to mine. I didn't want anyone to think I was a Yahoo, so I tried to clarify that my habits were very different from theirs. At least I was allowed to sleep in a separate room from them. At first I thought I would die of hunger, as I could not eat the dirty meat
of Yahoos or the grass and corn of Houys. But soon I learned to cook small cakes made of corn, which I ate with hot milk. Sometimes I took a bird, and I cooked it, or chose leaves of plantseat with my bread. 66 67 To my horror, these ugly animals, called Yahoos, had human faces that looked a lot like mine. My.Travel A trip to Houyhnhnms' country My
master Houy was very interested in me, and as soon as I could speak the language, he asked me to explain where I came from. "r 'Beh, master,' I have been inghed, 'I have come from a country across the world. And you can’t believe this, but in my country all the important people seem Yahoos.’ “How is it possible?” he kindly asked. 'Your Houys
certainly wouldn't allow smart creatures like Yahoos to control the country.' "It could seem strange," I accepted, "but you see, I was surprised to find that in this country the Houys are sensitive and intelligent creatures. And if I'm lucky enough to go home, I'll tell my friends all this. But I'm afraid they'll accuse me of lying." My master seemed very
concerned. "What is he lying?" he asked. In their language there is no word that means lying, and my master has had great difficulty understanding me. I tried to explain. “Oh,” he replied, still uncertain. But why does anyone say a lie? There is no reason to do that. We use language in this country to understand each other, and to give and receive
information. If you do not tell the truth, how can people understand each other?’ I started seeing how different Houy life was from what I was used to. “But tell me,” he continued, ‘of your country.’ I was happy to describe the recent English history to him, especially some of our most successful wars. “But why does a country attack another?” he asked.
“There are many reasons,” I answered. "A king or his lords may want more land. Or there may be a difference of opinion between two countries: For example, if uniforms should be black, white, red or gray. Sometimes we fight because the enemy is too strong, sometimes because it is not strong enough. Sometimes our neighbors want the things we
have, or they have the things we want, so let's fight to the not take ourGive us theirs. We often attack our best friend if we want some of his land. There is always a war somewhere. For this reason, being a soldier is one of the best jobs you can have.’ A soldier, he repeated my master. “I’m not quite sure what it is.” “A soldier is a Yahoo who
works for his king and his country. His orders are to kill as many people as possible,” I answered. “People who never hurt him?” asked Houy. “That’s right,” I said, happy that it finally seemed to understand. “The soldiers killed thousands of people in recent history.” He snapped his head, and he seemed sad. “I think you should be – what is your word?
Oh yeah, lie to me. How could you kill so many more Yahoo? And why would you want?’ I smiled as I said proudly, sir, you don't know much about the European war. With our cannons and bullets and 68 69 Gulliver’s Travels A trip to the country or to the Houyhnhnms gunpowder we can destroy a thousand ships, a hundred cities and twenty thousand
men. You see, “Be quiet!” he ordered. “I’ve heard enough. I know Yahoos are bad, but I didn’t realize that they could possibly do terrible things.’ After these conversations, I began to wonder if the Houy were right. Why do we humans fight wars so often and say lies? Peace and truth have begun to seem more important than making war or making
money. I became more and more accustomed to the ideas and the way of living the Houys. As the Houys did, I hated Yahoos for their dirty habits and unpleasant character. When I was a year old, I walked and approached like the Houy. I felt such a strong love for them that I planned to spend the rest of my life among them, and try to become more
like them. It is a great sadness for me, even today, that this was not possible. One day myHouy told me: "Can you explain something to me? Why are Yahoo so violently fond of those shining stones in the fields? They dig for days to getout of the earth, and jealously hide them from other Yahoos.’ “I expect them to find pieces of gold or silver,” I said.
Because it didn’t seem to understand, I added, “We use them as money, to pay for things, you see.” "That's strange." “We share everything here. He doesn't need Houy. What do you call him? Maybe you can imagine how I felt. I knew I could be happy forever with these sensitive and kind creatures, who never lied or stolen, in a country that had no
illness, no crime, no war. But this perfect happiness did not last long. “I’m sorry,” my master said one day. ‘My friends and I 70 knew I could be happy forever with these sensitive and kind creatures. 71 Gulliver Trips A trip to the country or to the Houyhnhnms have decided that you cannot stay here longer. You see, you are neither one of us, nor a
Yahoo.’ No! I cried desperately. Don't send me away! How can I go back to England to live with those terrible Yahoo!’ “I’m afraid you should”, he replied gently. After several days of travelling east, I arrived in Australia, and from there I managed to find a ship that went back to Europe. I didn't like the trip. The sailors all laughed at me because I
walked and hide like a horse. They seemed just like the terrible Yahoos, and at first I couldn't let them touch me or approach me. Their ugly faces and the unpleasant smell made me feel very bad. And when I came home to England, after I was gone for five years, my wife and children were happy to see me, because they thought I was dead. But for my
horror they seemed and drooling like Yahoos too, and I told them to stay away from me. Even now, five years later, I'm not letting my kids get close to me, even though sometimes you allow my wife to sit down while I eat. Now I try to accept mybut the proud ones, who are so full of their self-importance well, they had better not approach me. How sad
peoplelearn from the houys! I was hoping maybe human beings would change their ways after reading the stories of my life with the houys. but they accuse me of lying in my book. and now I realize that people are still lying, stealing and fighting, just like they always did, and they probably always will. I won't say. clearly there is no hope for human
beings. I was stupid to think I could bring truth and reason into their lives and thoughts. humans are all yahoos, and yahoos will stay. It will help you to make a boat.’ And so, two months later, even if I was very sad to leave, I said goodbye to my dear master and his family, and I threw away from the land of houys. I knew I would never find happiness
elsewhere. I sang, far from the land of houy. glossary stupor great surprise attack (v) to start fighting or hurt someone crawling (v) to move slowly on the hands and knees creature a living animal or person entertainment a show that people watch and enjoy history study of the huge huge wizard very large past that can do wonderful things, strange
happen magnet a piece of iron that can pull other pieces of metal to it master a man who owns an animal, or who pays someone to work for work. What do you know now about gulliver andTravel? Choose words to complete this passage (a word for each gap.) Read chapters from 1 to 3. Choose the best word-demand for these questions, and then
answer them. Did Gulliver arrive at Lilliput? Gulliver visits some places very_. In a country called Lilliput, humans are m uch
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Visit an island _________ and go to a land where _______ can speak. And during his travels he begins his opinions on the
human being and on what they live. 2 How do you think Gulliver will be changed from his travels? Choose Y (yes) or N (no) for each of these ideas. 2 . . . . . was the first experience of Gulliver of the Lilliputians? 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . was the strange black thing found on the beach? 7 . . . . was the difference between the Big-
Endians and the Small-Endians? 8 . . . . . . . . . Gulliver helped Lilliput in war with Blefuscu? 9 . . . . . . . . Gulliver protected his eyes from the arrows of Blefuscans? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 . . . . . . . . . . Gulliver put out fire in the palace? Y/N 2 will still be proud of being human. Y/N 3 hates human beings and their ideas. Y/N 4 many of his views will
beY/N 5 hopes to be able to live forever in one of the countries he visited. Y/N 6 will live happily with his family and friends. Y/N 7 will try to convince people at home to live in a different Before reading chapter 4 {Gulliver escapes from Lilliput,) can you guess the answers to these questions? 1 What punishment does the King decide for Gulliver? 2 Any
of Gulliver's friends warn him of danger? 3 Fa il Gulliver GulliverSome Lilliputians during his escape? 4 How do you escape, and what country do you go to? 5 Where is the next, and what brings with him? Go. Y/N 76 77 a c tiv itie s During reading a text, reading chapters 5 and 6. Are these phrases true (T) or false (F)? Rewrite false sentences with
correct information. Read chapters 10 and 11. Who said that and who or what were they talking about? 1 The sailors landed on Brobdingnag to search for gold. 2 Gulliver hid in the grain when the giants appeared. 1 ‘Go see what you can buy and sell in the islands around here.’ 3 The giants were about forty meters tall. 2 The land was almost
destroyed by the last! 4 The farmer soon realized that Gulliver was a bug. 3 ‘T h at’s is not much to look forward, is it?’ 5 In the farmer's house Gulliver was attacked by rats. 4 “It made us feel rather sick.” 6 Glumdalclitch took great care of Gulliver. 5 ‘Y ou’ will find it a very interesting place.’ 7 The peasant brought Gulliver to the whole country to
show him 6 ‘You can ask him questions about their lives.’ 7 “I drank too much and died of fever.” 8 "In death, as in life, he was always my friend." Read chapters 7 and 8, and answer these questions. 1 Why was the farmer happy to sell Gulliver to the Queen? 2 What did you think Gulliver was at first? 3 What did the Queen's dwarf do in Gulliver? 9 ‘I
expect them to be among the most important people in the country’. 10 “You see, you have made a very understandable mistake.” Read Chapter 12 and answer these questions. 4 Why was it unusual for foreigners to visit Brobdingnag? 5 Why was Gulliver able to go boating or sailing? 6 What was the biggest danger to Gulliver in Brobdingnag? The hat
7 W wanted Gulliver to tell him something? 8 Why did the king refuse the offer of Gulliver’s gunpowder? Before reading chapter 9 (Gulliver runs from Brob-What do you doIs that gonna happen? Circle Y (yes) or N (no) for each of these ideas. 1 Glumdalclitch helps Gulliver escape. Y/N 2 Gulliver uses gunpowder to escape. Y/N 3 A huge bird or an
animal takes Gulliver away. Y/N 78 1 Why do Gulliver sailors attack him and leave him on a small island? 2 Who had control of this island? 3 Who were the servants in the Houy country? 4 What did Gulliver eat on the island? 5 Why did Gulliver have to explain to his master Houy what ‘the deception’ meant? 6 W hat made Gulliver's master Houy think
of money? 7 Why was Gulliver so happy in the land of Houy? 8 Why did the Houy ask Gulliver to leave their country? 9 How did Gulliver feel about his family when he came home? Did the 10 W hat make Gulliver understand five years later? 79 a c tiv itie s: ACTIVITIES After reading 2 Here's a conversation between two of the Houy people who are
talking about Gulliver. The first Houy is Gulliver's master. Complete the second side of Houy of the conversation. H These people think of Gulliver. Who are they? Choose from the names below (you won't need all of them). Where was Gulliver, and what was going on at the time? Glumdalclitch / the king or f Brobdingnag / the captain of the ship /
Gulliver w ife / Flimnap / the king or f Lilliput / R eldresal 1' Tell us to stay away from him! I've never heard of such an ouy 1: W hat do we do about the animal similar to Yahoo? You know, what's called Gulliver. H ouy 2: - Yes, he speaks quite well. Sometimes he can't explain things clearly, but it's very interesting to listen. - What? You might think he
would have wanted to see his family after all this time! I can’t understand what is with him.” After reading H 1: In my house, in a separate room far from Yahoos. He refuses to eat or sleep with them, see.
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ For his habitsvery different from theirs, he 2 2ideas! I can't believe what he tells me. He keeps telling me
it's not a Yahoo at all. It's true. They rob and kill themselves and destroy themselves like that? It must be a terrible country to live in!’ H ouy 2 : # 1: I know he does, but looks aren't the most important thing, do they? I have to say, he's smarter than 3. ‘I’m sure my wife is going to the house of M an-M ountain of my Yahoos. But this is the problem, isn't
it? Even today. This week is the third time! You think I haven’t noticed anything, but I know what’s going on!’ ouy H ouy 2: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Oh, poor
Gulliver! Me neither. So, what do we do with him? Can't anyone come up and save him? Oh, he's going to H ouy 2: I know! Someone has to help him!’ Go back to his country, do you mean? But it sounds like a 5 ‘Well, I've sailed all over the world and I've never seen the small people like the ones he talks about. He must be angry or lying! Where did
you get those little animals from? Perhaps he is telling the truth, after all.’ 80 very unpleasant place! ♪ Yeah, maybe you're right. At least he'll be back with his people. H is certainly unhappy if he stays here, because he will never really be accepted, right? 81 a c tiv itie s: a c tiv itie s After reading 3 Here is a reportage of Gulliver's first adventure. Put
the parts of phrases in the right order, and use these links After reading 5 Here are some titles for the two newspaper reports. What are the best with each relationship? words to make a paragraph of four sentences. _ At TRAVELLER RETURS 1 henot to hurt him in any way. 2 He returned home, bringing small cows and sheep 3 was no longer
welcome in the land. 4 M r Gulliver has just returned from an exciting journey, 5 gave him his freedom 6 to prove that his strange stories about Lilliput are true. 7 He brought it to the island of Lilliput, 8 L to you r,________, M r Gulliver was warned by a friend 9 10 people, he says, it is only fifteen centimeters tall. Listening to this, M r Gulliver escaped
from island 11 At first these tiny Lilliputians held M r Gulliver in chains, 4 Complete this next relationship with the words of history. 6 Do you agree (A) or disagree (D) with these ideas from history? Why, or why not? 1 "It is more important to have a good character than to be intelligent or intelligent." 2 Why does anyone say a lie? There is no reason
to do so.” 3 "Every problem can be solved by honest and sensitive people." 4 "The candidates must be punished, but good persons must be rewarded." 5 Why do you need an army? You wouldn't be afraid of any other country if you were peaceful people." 6 "The political life of a country must not have secrets and must be open to all to see and
understand." M r Gulliver is back once again from h is ______ . This 7 ‘Clearly, there is no hope for human beings.’ time, he tells us, he was in Brobdingnag, a land or f _____, 8 ‘Umans are all Yahoos, and Yahoos will stay.’ where people were twenty meters high. He did a
s______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The king and the queen became s o
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What people or creatures in history would you like to meet? What would you like to meet? Explain why. • A
Lilliputian • One• A Brobdingnaggian • A Houyhnhnhnm • A A A• A Yahoo _____ Luckily, survived this situation and or er_ situations, and h a s
_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 82 83 O X FO R D B O K W O R M S LIBRARY Classics • Crim e & M ystery • Factfiles • Fantasy & H orror About THE AUTHOR
Human Interest • Flay scripts • Thriller & Adventure True Stories • W orld Stories Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 in Dublin, Ireland, and was adapted to the language or x f or r d b or k w In the following pages, an overview is provided. educated there, although both of his parents were English. When he was twenty-two, he moved to England to
work as secretary to Sir William Temple. This gave him the opportunity to meet important people in society and the English government, and he became very involved in the political life of the times. He returned to Ireland to become a priest, but continued to spend a lot of time in England, visiting his many friends. All Stage 1 titles are available as
audio recordings, as well as over eighty other titles from Starter to Stage 6. All beginners and many Stages titles from 1 to 4 are particularly recommended for younger students. Each Bookworm is illustrated, and Starters and Factfiles have color illustrations. During his life, Swift published a large number of works, most of which were attacks on
political and religious ideas. His writing made him many enemies in the church and government, but he made his readers laugh at well-known people, and look with a fresh eye of ideas and fashionable beliefs. In 1713 Swift became Dean of the Cathedral of St Patrick in Dublin, and most of his remaining years were spent in that city. He continued with
his political writing, and also worked hard to make life better for theHe gave away a third of the moneyearned to the poor, and spent another third to start a new hospital, St Patrick’s. His death in 1745 The o x f o r d o o o o k o r m s l i b r a r y also offers a wide support. Each book contains an introduction to history, notes about the author, a glossary
and activity. Other resources include tests and worksheets, and answers for these and for books activities. There is a tip about running a class library, using audio recordings, and the many ways to use Oxford Bookworms in reading programs. Resource materials are available on the website <>. The O xford B ookw orm s
Collection is a series for advanced students. It consists of volumes of stories of famous authors, both classic and modern. The texts are not abbreviated or adapted in any way, but carefully selected to be accessible to the advanced student. He has saddened the Irish people. Swift’s most famous book, Gulliver’s Travels, was published in 1726. It was a
great success at the moment and was read by You can find details and a full list of titles in the O xford B ookw orm s Library all, from politicians to children. It is still appreciated by Catalogue and O xford English Language Teaching Catalogs, and on the website < / bookworms>. readers of all the ages of today, both for his acute attack
on ideas and costumes of the eighteenth century, and for the fun and fantastic adventures of his hero. 84 85 TH E O XFORD BOO KW ORM S LIBRARY GR A D IN G E SAMPLE AND XAGE T A ... - STARTER • 250 HEADWORDS present simple can - present continuous - imperative! You can't, you have to go to (future) simple gerunds... your phone is
playing, but where is it? Sally comes out of bed and looks in her purse. No phone. Look under the bed. No phone. Then look behind the door. There's his phone. Sally.on his phone and he answers. Sally’s Phone STAGE I • 4 0 0 HEADWORDS ... simple past - coordination with and, but, or subordination with b efores, after, w hen, because, so ... I knew
him in Persia. He was a famous builder and I worked with him. I've been your friend for a while, but not for long. When he came to Paris, I came after him I wanted to see him. He was a very clever and very dangerous man. The Phantom of the Work STAGE 2 • 7 0 0 0 HEADWORDS ... perfect present - will be (future) - (d on ’t) must, should not, could
the comparison of adjectives - simple the f clauses - continuous past questions - ask/tell + endless... As I wrote these words in my journal, I decided what O f course, it was m ost im portant that no one should see C olin, M ary, or D ickon enter the secret garden. So Colin gave orders to the gardeners that everyone has to keep away from that side of
the garden in the future. : N ow Hyde couldn't show his face back to the world. If he did, every honest man in London would be proud to report it to the police. D r Jekyll and M r Hyde STAGE 5 • I8 00 HEADWORDS ... continuous future - perfect passive future (modals, continuous forms) would have conditional clauses - modal + perfect infinite... If he
said Estella's name, I would have hit him. I was so angry with him, and so depressed for my future, that I couldn't eat breakfast. Instead, I went straight to the old house. STAGE 6 • 2 5 0 0 0 HEADWORDS ... passive (infiniti, gerunds) - clauses of advanced modal meanings of concession, condition to be made. I have to tryI'll try to get off the wall when
I got up on the floor, I was confident. It was like you were out. The window is high above the ground, but I havethat the prodigy side of me really existed. And when I try. I will take some gold with me - if I escape, I started playing, I was so caught up as beautiful I looked that maybe it will be useful later. Dracula I didn't worry about how I would play.
The Jo y Luck Club 86 87 BOOKS •CLASSICS •STAGE 4 Persuasion JA N E AUSTEN Retold by Clare West Nineteen Anne Elliot refuses a marriage offer from Federico Wentworth, persuaded to do so by Lady Russell, a friend of her dead mother. Wentworth is a sailor, without money and a uncertain future, says Lady Russell - only one nobody,
certainly not worthy of the daughter of a baronet. Eight years later, Wentworth returns, a successful, rich captain looking for a wife. Anne is not yet married, but Captain Wentworth clearly prefers the company of the two Musgrove girls . . . . . The love and marriage story of Jane Austen is told with humor and a strong understanding of human
behavior. •CRIME &c MYSTERY •STAGE 4 A Morbido Gusto per Ossa ELLIS PETERS Retold by John Escott Murder in the 12th century is no different from today's murder. There is still a dead body, although this time with an arrow through the heart instead of a bullet. There is still a need to bury the dead, to comfort the living and to capture the
killer. When Brother Cadfael comes to a village on the Welsh hills, he finds himself doing all three of these things. And there's nothing simple about this death. The murdered man's daughter needs Cadfael's help in more ways than one. There are questions about the arrow. And the burial is the weirdest thing of all. . . Gulliver’s Travels ‘Soon I heard
something alive that moves along my leg and my body in the face, and when I looked down, I saw a very sm all hum a being, only fifteen centimeters t a l . . . . I was ~*N. so surprised that I gave a great shout.’ But this is only the first of many surprises thatHe's on his trips. Visit a land of giants and aisland, meets ghosts of the past and horses that
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