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Name: Jhon Mart Alcibar BEED 2A

Table of Contents
Title Page ........................................................................................................................................1
Table of Contents ...........................................................................................................................2
About Me (Student’s Introduction) ................................................................................................3
Performance Task ...................................................................................................................... 4-5
Holistic Rubric ................................................................................................................................6
Analytic Rubric ............................................................................................................................ 7-8
Affective Assessment Tool ............................................................................................................9
Learning Log Week 1 to Week 13 (Portfolio Making) .........................................................10 – 25
• Week 1 ................................................................................................................... 10
• Week 2 ................................................................................................................... 11
• Week 3 .............................................................................................................. 11-12
• Week 4 ................................................................................................................... 12
• Week 5 ................................................................................................................... 13
• Week 6 .............................................................................................................. 14-16
• Week 7 & 8 ........................................................................................................ 17-19
• Week 9 ................................................................................................................... 20
• Week 10 ............................................................................................................ 20-21
• Week 11 ............................................................................................................ 22-23
• Week 12 ................................................................................................................. 24
• Week 13 ..................................................................................................................25

Reflection .................................................................................................................................... 26

About Me (Student’s Information)

Hello, my name is Jhon Mart Fuego Alcibar, and

I'm a Bachelor of Elementary Education student. I'm
presently concentrating on student learning, and one of
the attributes I need to research is reliability because
reliability goes hand in hand with honesty and the
capacity to work well for the organization. You also have
self-confidence since you believe in yourself. It's as
simple as that, and having that everlasting faith in
yourself will help you achieve your goals. I'm thankful for
everything I've accomplished in my life, and I thank God
for giving me the strength to bear it all. I'm also thankful
for having a supportive family and someone with whom I
can confide. In addition, my wonderful partner is always
there to support and encourage me no matter what
problems I experience in life.

Performance Task

Constructing a Performance Task Scenario Using GRASPS

By: Jhon Mart Alcibar

➢ Your task is to conduct research regarding the Mental Health Issues

experienced by College Students of Cebu Technological University.
➢ Your goal is to conduct a Qualitative study on the Mental Health
Issues experienced by College students and create a conclusion
about the outcome of the study based on the data acquired.
GOAL ➢ The problem or challenge is how would you determine the Mental
health issues of the students, and how would you implement your
research on your respondents.
➢ The obstacle to overcome is to avoid being biased and to prohibit
fake data as well as plagiarism. It is also an obstacle to how you’ll
efficiently manage your time on this performance task.

➢ You are the researcher that will conduct the study.

➢ You have been asked to conduct research regarding the Mental
health Issues experienced by the College Students of Cebu
ROLE Technological University.
➢ Your job is to conduct surveys and interviews regarding your
research and implement a thorough study on the Mental Health
Issues of the College Students of Cebu Technological University.

➢ Your clients are the students, teachers, and school staff as well as
the parents of the students as the study would give them an
awareness of the Mental Health conditions that are experienced by
AUDIENCE their students/children/co-students.
➢ The target audience is the students/people who experience Mental
Health issues.
➢ You need to convince the readers about the importance of Mental
Health and how can Mental Health issues affect those students who
experienced it.

➢ The context you find yourself in is you are conducting a research
SITUATION study regarding the Mental Health issues experienced by the
students of Cebu Technological University.
➢ The challenge involves dealing with time and financial constraints,
biases, and plagiarism.

➢ You will create a research study regarding the Mental Health Issues
of the College students of Cebu Technological University to give
awareness to the parents and teachers as well as to implement
PRODUCT solutions to the Mental health issues experienced by the students.
➢ You need to develop an accurate, reliable, and valid result of the
study so that the research can give legitimate data that could foster a
solution to the problem.

➢ Your performance needs to provide a clear understanding of how

important is Mental health and how can it impact the students.
➢ Your work will be judged by your Research adviser based on the
output and results presented by your study.
➢ Your product must meet the following (quality);
STANDARDS • Accuracy (the data presented by the study must be precise
AND CRITERIA and accurate)
• Originality ( the data is valid and legitimate and no sign of
• Clear and Coherent (the content of the research is clear and
presented coherently)
• Standardized (the research uses a standard writing style and
followed the proper research paper guidelines)
• Neatness (the research study is presented with cleanliness
and appeal)
➢ A successful result will be substantial to the parents/teachers for
them to be aware of the conditions of their children/students.
Furthermore, it will be fundamental for further studies that will be
conducted by future researchers regarding mental health issues.
Also, successful results of the research study may lead to possible
mechanistic solutions to the mental health issues experienced by the

Holistic Rubric

Criteria Score

- The presentation focuses on the task 20
that has been assigned. Subcategories
and characteristics are discovered.

- The presentation fails to address the 10
task at hand. There are no defined
characteristics or subcategories.

- There are no examples or instructional 10
recommendations in the presentation.

Analytic Rubric

Below Expectation Satisfactory Score

There is no obvious The

organization. presentation
Organization Evidence is not is focused
used to back up and includes
claims. clear
(0-2) evidence to
back up its

The content is The content

inaccurate and is accurate
Content overly generalized. but
(0-2) incomplete.

The speaker The speaker
appears anxious is confident
with no confidence and
and seems comfortable.
Style uncomfortable. The
The presentation is presentation
too short and not is concise
properly explained. and
(0-2) explained

Total Score

Affective Assessment Tool


Name: Age: ________

Section: Date:_______
Completed by: _________________________________

Instructions: Fill in the column by putting ✓. Choose

what best describes the child.

Characteristics of Not at Just a Often All the

the Child all little time

Fails to finish things

he starts.
Doesn’t seem to
Easily distracted
Acts before thinking
Loses temper easily

Learning Log Week 1 to Week 13 (Portfolio Making)


Week 1

Title / or Topic: Course Description and How to make a

Learning Log

This week, we’ll discuss the course description, as

well as what topics we’ll be discussing in the coming days
and how to prepare for the future lessons. Also, we are
tackling the topic of how to build a learning log, which
our instructor teaches us how to do. Step by step
instructions on how to make an account, but it was
difficult for one of my classmates because she didn’t
know how to do so, which is why I taught her. We’re also
talking about outcome-based education, in which the
focus is on a clearly articulated understanding of what
kids are expected to know and be able to do when they
leave school, that is, what skills and knowledge they’ll

Week 2

Title / or Topic: Authentic Assessment

In week 2, we’ll talk about the first topic, authentic

assessment, which is a type of assessment in which
students are required to complete real-world tasks that
demonstrate meaningful application of fundamental
information and abilities. A task for students to do and a
rubric to evaluate their success in the activity are
frequently included in an authentic assessment. After
viewing many instances of authentic activities and

Week 3

Title / or Topic: Principles of Authentic Assessment

Assessment is a key component of the online

classroom, as I’ve discovered in these classes. It gives
students an indication of how far they’ve progressed in a
course, identifies individual strengths and weaknesses,
and, in the end, determines whether or not they’ve met the
course’s learning objectives. Although each of these traits
has a crucial educational or pedagogical role, it’s also
critical that assessments interest students and prepare
them for future courses, practicums, and even professions.

Assessment is crucial for more than just students. With

the online marketplace getting more congested, it’s more
important than ever for institutions to make sure they’re
giving the courses and experiences that students want.

Week 4

Title / or Topic: Performance-Based Education

In this lesson, we’ll look at how a performance-based

evaluation evaluates a student’s ability to apply the skills
and knowledge they’ve learned in a unit or units of study.
Students are typically challenged to employ higher-order
thinking skills to develop a product or finish a procedure.

Performance-based evaluation is a teaching and

learning technique that focuses on students' ability to
accomplish, or perform, specific abilities as a result of
training. Students demonstrate the capacity to apply or
use knowledge rather than simply understanding the facts
in this framework.

Week 5

Title / or Topic: The difference between Process

Oriented Performance-Based Education and Product
Oriented Performance-Based Education

Process-oriented performance-based assessment differs

from product-oriented performance-based education in
that process-oriented education focuses on task
performance rather than the outcome or product of an
activity. The process-oriented performance-based
evaluation assesses actual task performance. It places less
emphasis on the activity’s output or result, whereas
product-oriented schooling is a type of assessment in
which the assessor looks at and rates the end product
produced rather than the actual performance of making
that thing. The focus is solely on the product, not on the

Week 6

Title / or Topic: Performance Tasks

My task is to conduct research regarding the Mental

Health Issues experienced by College Students of Cebu
Technological University. My goal is to conduct a
Qualitative study on the Mental Health Issues experienced
by College students and create a conclusion about the
outcome of the study based on the data acquired.
The problem or challenge is how would you determine
the Mental health issues of the students, and how would
you implement your research on your respondents.
The obstacle to overcome is to avoid being biased and to
prohibit fake data as well as plagiarism. It is also an
obstacle to how you’ll efficiently manage your time on
this performance task.
I am the researcher that will conduct the study.
I have been asked to conduct research regarding the
Mental health Issues experienced by the College Students
of Cebu Technological University.
My job is to conduct surveys and interviews regarding
your research and implement a thorough study on the
Mental Health Issues of the College Students of Cebu
Technological University.

My clients are the students, teachers, and school staff
as well as the parents of the students as the study would
give them an awareness of the Mental Health conditions
that are experienced by their students/children/co-
My target audience is the students/people who
experience Mental Health issues.
I need to convince the readers about the importance of
Mental Health and how can Mental Health issues affect
those students who experienced it.
The context I find myself in is conducting a research
study regarding the Mental Health issues experienced by
the students of Cebu Technological University.
The challenge involves dealing with time and financial
constraints, biases, and plagiarism.
I will create a research study on the Mental
Health Issues of the College students of Cebu
Technological University to give awareness to the parents
and teachers as well as to implement solutions to the
Mental health issues experienced by the students.
I need to develop an accurate, reliable, and valid result of
the study so that the research can give legitimate data that
could foster a solution to the problem.
My performance needs to provide a clear understanding
of how important is Mental health and how can it impact
the students.

My work will be judged by your Research adviser
based on the output and results presented by your study.
My product must meet the following (quality);
Accuracy (the data presented by the study must be
precise and accurate)
Originality ( the data is valid and legitimate and no sign
of plagiarism)
Clear and Coherent (the content of the research is clear
and presented coherently)
Standardized (the research uses a standard writing style
and followed the proper research paper guidelines)
Neatness (the research study is presented with
cleanliness and appeal)
A successful result will be substantial to the
parents/teachers for them to be aware of the conditions of
their children/students. Furthermore, it will be
fundamental for further studies that will be conducted by
future researchers regarding mental health issues. Also,
successful results of the research study may lead to
possible mechanistic solutions to the mental health issues
experienced by the students.

Week 7 and Week 8

Topic / or Title: Analytic and Holistic Rubric

Holistic Rubric

Criteria Score

- The presentation focuses on the task 20
that has been assigned. Subcategories
and characteristics are discovered.

- The presentation fails to address the 10
task at hand. There are no defined
characteristics or subcategories.

- There are no examples or instructional 10
recommendations in the presentation.

Analytic Rubric

Below Expectation Satisfactory Score

There is no obvious The

organization. presentation
Organization Evidence is not is focused
used to back up and includes
claims. clear
(0-2) evidence to
back up its

The content is The content

inaccurate and is accurate
Content overly generalized. but
(0-2) incomplete.

The speaker The speaker
appears anxious is confident
with no confidence and
and seems comfortable.
Style uncomfortable. The
The presentation is presentation
too short and not is concise
properly explained. and
(0-2) explained

Total Score

Week 9

Topic / or Title: Affective Assessment

According to my understanding, affective evaluation

teaches students about the relevance and importance of
the subject they are to learn, as well as their ideas about
their abilities to learn. It is considered that the desire and
drive to learn are essential for obtaining a positive
education yet if neither of these exists, there is no
learning. We do not evaluate motivation in terms of
academic accomplishment. We do, however, assess it as
emotive traits. If a student does not want to learn, they
will not learn.

Week 10

Title / or Topic: Development Affective Assessment


Week 10 focuses on Development Affective

Assessment Tools, where we discuss the various rating
scales and checklists on how to do it. A checklist is a type
of job aid used to reduce failure by compensating for
potential limits of human memory and attention. It aids in
the consistency and completion of a task, whereas a rating
scale is a series of categories designed to elicit
information about a quantitative or qualitative feature.
And these are the samples from the internet.

Week 11

Title / or Topic: Affective Assessment Tools ( Rating

Scale )

This week, we discussed effective assessment, and we

were able to choose which one we would create. There
are three assessment tools available, including a checklist,
rating scale, and Likert scale, and we will create one of
them. This is the one for which I created the rating scale.


Name: Age: ________

Section: Date:_______
Completed by: _________________________________

Instructions: Fill in the column by putting ✓. Choose

what best describes the child.

Characteristics of Not at Just a Often All the
the Child all little time

Fails to finish things

he starts.

Doesn’t seem to

Easily distracted

Acts before thinking

Loses temper easily

Week 12

Topic / or Title: Portfolio Assessment

This week we’ve been learning about portfolio

assessment, and I’ve learned that it allows students to
reflect on their true performance, show their weak and
strong domains, observe students’ progress during the
learning process, and encourage students to take
responsibility for their learning. There are three types of
portfolios. One is a documentation portfolio, which is a
collection of work over time that shows growth and
improvement reflecting students’ learning. Another is a
Process Portfolio, which is particularly useful in
documenting students’ overall learning process. Finally, a
Showcase Portfolio displays the best of the students’
outputs and products.

Week 13

Topic / or Title: Portfolio Making

This week, we will create a portfolio that will include

an overview of the semester’s outputs. To begin, you
must begin with the title page, followed by the table of
contents, and be creative. Being creative allows us to
examine and solve challenges more openly and
innovatively. Creativity stimulates the mind. A
civilization that has lost touch with its creative side is
imprisoned, as generations of individuals may be closed-
minded. It broadens our perceptions and can aid in the
removal of preconceptions.


This lesson has taught me new things and exposed me

to new ideas as a student. These lessons inspired me to
develop my ideas and strengthen my foundation for my
chosen course. I'm grateful for the new things I've
learned, and I know that this information has helped me
get closer to my goal of becoming a professional teacher.
In addition, I am happy for having a capable instructor
who provided us with a variety of lessons and shaped our
well-being. I'm also grateful for our Almighty Father's
constant guidance, illumination, and love. I've faced many
hurdles, overcome many adversities, and solved many
problems in these lessons, but no matter how many
challenges I face in the future, I'll be ready. I'll keep going
because I want to achieve my goals and support my loved
ones. These teachings taught me that there are many
things to learn and that no matter what obstacles we face,
we must remain strong, have faith, and persevere My
name is Jhon Mart Fuego Alcibar and I will become a
Professional Teacher.


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