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To Determine the Reaction of Simply Supported Beam

External Loaded.
1. To determine the Reactions Forces acting on a Simply Supported Beam.
2. To calculate the Mean Percentage Error by comparing the experimental values
with the theoretical reaction forces.

1. Simply supported beam apparatus
2. Meter rod
3. Hangers
4. Weights (different sizes)
5. Two spring balances
6. Spirit level

Condition of equilibrium for vertical parallel forces acting on a body is:

Sum of all the forces acting should be zero.

It should satisfy the principle of moments.


Surface on which simply supported beam is

to be placed should be in level. To check
the level, place the spirit level on the table.
If the bubble comes in between then the
surface is level otherwise make the surface
1. Now adjust the apparatus as shown in
the experimental setup.

2. Find the complete distance between the two spring balances. It is represented by
L. It will remain same throughout the experiment.
3. Find the weights of the hangers which are hanged on the Plank.
4. Now add different weights on the hangers and sum up the individual weights
with the weights of hangers respectively. These weights are represented by W1,
W2 and W3 respectively.
5. Measure the distance of each hanger from support A to the respective hanger.
Distances are represented by L1, L2 and L3 respectively.
6. Notice the values on spring balances at support A and support B. These values
are represented by Ra and Rb respectively.
7. Now change the weights in the hangers and the distance between the hangers.
8. Repeat the process and take five readings.
These are the experimental reactions.
 To find the theoretical reactions on both supports apply the following formula:
Rb=W1L1+ W2L2+ W3L3L
Ra= W1+W2+W3-Rb
In experimental and theoretical values there is only a minute change.
 Calculate the mean % error for both experimental and theoretical values for
both reactions.

Loads Lengths Reaction

(lbs.) (Inches)
W 1 W2 W 3 L
1 L2 L 3 L R(a) e R(b) e R(a) o R(b) o %Error %Error
R(a) R(b)
1.25 1.75 0.75 7.4 14.4 20.8 24.1 1.5 2 1.68 2.07 10% 3.3%
2.25 1.75 2.75 5.3 13.1 17.6 24.1 3.1 3.5 3.3 3.45 6% 1.4%
2.25 2.25 3.25 3.5 14.6 20.2 24.1 3.5 4.5 3.34 4.41 4.7% 2%
3.25 2.25 3.25 4.4 12.1 19.2 24.1 4.3 4.2 4.44 4.31 3% 2.5%
2.25 2.25 2.25 3.6 8.8 16.2 24.1 4 2.5 4.08 2.67 2% 6.3%

Observation and Calculation:

Total Length L = 24.1 inches

Mean %age Error in R = 3.30%a

Mean %age Error in R = 1.88%

 Ra×L=w1l1+w2l2+w3l3
 Ra+Rb=w1+w2+w3
Possible errors:
The difference between the theoretical value and experimental value of R(a) and
R(b) is due to some error during the experiment that may be;
i. Parallax error
ii. Human error
iii. Poor calibration of spring balance
iv. Zero error of spring balance.

Defects of Beams:
After passage of time, the structure of the beam becomes weak and crakes become
to appear. This is because of the water seeping into the structure of the beam and due
to temperature effects.
Sometimes, during the formation of beams, due to heat effects, the structure of beam
becomes weak.
The unexpected overloading also causes deficiency in beam structure.
The raw materials in irregular amount or defective raw materials also make the beam
Chemical effects and corrosive environments make the structure of the beam
Cracks are formed in due to many reasons but when these cracks are very deep, it is
unsafe to use that beam structure.
Crazing also called as pattern cracking or map cracking, is the formation of closely
spaced shallow cracks in an uneven manner. Crazing occurs due to rapid hardening
of top surface due to high temperatures or if the mix contains excess water content
or due to insufficient curing.
Blistering is the formation of hollow bumps of different sizes on concrete surface
due to entrapped air under the finished concrete surface. It may cause due to
excessive vibration of concrete mix or presence of excess entrapped air in mix or
due to improper finishing.

When a concrete slab is distorted into curved shape by upward or downward
movement of edges or corners, it is called curling. It occurs mainly due to the
differences in moisture content or temperature between slab surface (top) and slab
base (bottom).

For errors:
 More precise measurements should be taken.
 More accurate device should be used.
 Human error and zero error should be taken care of.

For defects:
 The beams should be produced under optimum conditions such as environment
and temperature.
 Overloading should be avoided.
 To prevent cracking, use low water – cement ratio and maximize the coarse
aggregate in concrete mix, admixtures containing calcium chloride must be
avoided. Surface should be prevented against rapid evaporation of moisture
content. Loads must be applied on the surface only after gaining its maximum
 Pattern cracking can be avoided by proper curing, by dampening the sub-grade
to resist absorption of water from concrete, by providing protection to the
surface from rapid temperature changes.
 Blistering can be prevented by using good proportion of ingredients in concrete
mix, by covering the top surface which reduces evaporation and using appropriate
techniques for placing and finishing.
 To prevent curling, use low shrink concrete mix, provide control joints, provide
heavy reinforcement at edges, or provide edges with great thickness.

A long sturdy piece of squared timber or metal used support the roof or floor of a
building. A beam is a structural element that primarily resists loads applied
laterally to the beam’s axis. Its mode of deflection is primarily by bending.

Types Of Beams:
Some types of beam based on its geometry are given below:
1. Straight Beam
It is simple straight beam which can be
used for a number of purposes like
acting as supporting pillars in
buildings, acting as the holders of tube
lights, in beam balances and as a
rotating axle.
2. Curved Beam
A straight beam when bended at some
angle, is called a curved beam. It finds
its usage mostly in building structures.

3. Tapered Beam
A beam when tapered in the form
of gradient (increasing or
decreasing changes in dimensions
at regular intervals) then it is called
a tapered beam. It finds its uses in
infrastructure and many
mechanical machineries such as in
factories and mills

Based on the Shape of Cross Section

 I-Beam – Beam with ‘I’ cross section

 T-Beam – Beam with ‘T’ cross section

 C-Beam – Beam with ‘C’ cross section

Types based on Equilibrium Conditions
Two types of beams based on their equilibrium conditions are given below:
1. Statically Determinate Beam
A beam is called determinate beam if it can be analyzed by the basic equilibrium
condition. The support reaction can be found by using basic equilibrium condition.
These conditions are Summation of all horizontal forces is zero. Summation of all
vertical forces is zero. Summation of all moments is zero. Example: Simply
supported beam, Cantilever beam etc.

2. Statically Indeterminate Beam

If the beam cannot be analysis by using basic equilibrium condition, known as
statically indeterminate beam. The end reaction finds out by using basic
equilibrium condition with combination of other conditions like strain energy
method, virtual work method etc.
Example: Continuous beam, fixed beam

Classification on the base of Supports
1. Simply Supported Beam
A simply supported beam is a type of beam that has pinned support at one end and
roller support at the other end. Depending on the load applied, it undergoes
shearing and bending. It is the one of the simplest structural elements in existence.

2. Fixed Beam
The fixed end moments are reaction moments developed in a beam member under
certain load conditions with both ends fixed. A fully fixed beam will have lesser
moments and deflection at midspan than a comparable simply supported beam.

3. Cantilever Beam

If a beam is fixed at one end while the other end is free, it is called cantilever

4. Continuously Supported Beam

If more than two supports are provided to beam, it is called continuously supported

5. Overhanging Beam
An overhanging beam is a beam that has one or both end portions extending
beyond its supports. It may have any number of supports. If viewed in a different
perspective, it appears as if it has features of simply supported beam and
cantilever beam.

 Torque:
A torque is a moment of force that tends to rotate a body (usually a shaft).It acts in
the plane that is perpendicular to longitudinal axis of shaft. It causes twisting of
shafts. Torque when combined with shear stress generates stress called torsional
stress which rotates it through angle. It plays the same role in circular motion as
force plays in linear motion as it generates angular acceleration in body. It is due to
torque that power is transmitted through gears, belt and pulleys, and chain sprocket

 Stress:

It can be defined as internal resisting force produced due to load applied per unit
area on a solid body. It is represented by ϭ.
Ϭ= F/A
It is a tensor quantity. Its unit is N/m .

It mostly deals with solids. It is always perpendicular to force applied to a body.

Stress can be positive or negative. If negative, then it is called compression and if
positive then it is called tension.
Stress is the internal resistance, or counter force, of a material to the distorting
effects of external force or load. The total resistance developed is equal to the load.
As in case of spring, the force applied on it is resisted by stress caused by spring
constant K. It causes deformation in a body such as elastic, plastic and ultimate
fracture. In deformations it can change length (for solids), volume (for liquids), and
shape of a body (mostly when applied to those materials which are malleable and
ductile). Stress also exists in the form of heat whenever temperature gradients are
present in material which produce expansions and subject material to stress. The
concept of stress and its analysis is mostly used in material science and
engineering. It is explained by Hooke’s Law that stress is directly proportional to
strain under elastic limit of a body. Stress is measured by different testing
machines like Charpy Testing Machine etc.

 Applications:
 I-beams are also used to construct frames for trolley ways, elevators, trailer, and
truck beds, etc.
 H-shaped beams have thicker walls and flanges and are used to construct
mezzanines, platforms and bridges, and common building constructions.

 The beams transfer load from the super structure to the columns and to the sub-
soil foundation.

 Comments:
 Check for the zero error in spring balances.
 Do not add too much weight in the hangers.
 Point A and B should be marked from tips.
 Compare the experimental and theoretical values.
 Weight of wooden beam should be neglected.
 There is almost a small variation after changing the weights and there position.
 This small error can also be converted to percentage which gives the percentage


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